Heyday! (2006) Movie Script
There also, of course,
has been no significant resistance
to any of the allied efforts
of the past 72 hours.
There are signs of growing
confidence on all sides
as mile by mile, hour by hour,
the collective allied strength continues
its offensive from the
east with new resilience.
While on another front,
the USO is doing its bit
by bringing a little of the
sights and sounds of home
so dearly missed, providing
moral, welfare, and recreation
type services to our
uniformed military personnel.
Proudly serving those
who serve our country.
Once again, some of Hollywood's
best known personalities
answered the call,
leaving the film capital
to support the trips by
giving their time and effort.
Many of them stopping down
in Gander, Newfoundland
for refueling and no
doubt a change of socks.
Gander, the gateway to the world at war.
Strategically poised at
the rim of the Atlantic,
which has played its own so very
crucial role in supporting
the Allied cause.
She's still dressing, big eyes.
Oh I'd like to see that.
No I wouldn't.
Go to Gander.
I left a half bottle
of hair color for ya.
Why would I want to look more like you.
Fine, keep the mouse.
Good morning sly eyes.
God you look great.
Greater than ever.
Oh hi, how are ya feeling?
Nice to see you up.
Off again?
Oh yes, I still haven't made
a million American dollars.
Teach him while you're at it.
Oh I'll have a job for
him by noon tomorrow.
You just get better now.
So long, my dear.
And you.
That's it, I'm off.
Yeah well.
So long, Rona.
So long, Rona.
I brought Mom a bottle of wine.
You're joking,
I've never had wine.
Neither has Mom, she spent last night
between the stove and the wood box.
Oh, where am I staying?
With me.
With you?
Am I allowed?
Are you allowed?
Of course, this is
Laurie you're talking to.
You're starting to get all worked up
with all we Gander girls
right at your fingertips.
Well I'll be watching that,
we'll have to sew your ears
and lips together and
cut off everything else.
No no, as soon as I get you work,
I'll send you over to the men's.
Hi Gerald.
Oh hi.
Oh this is gonna be good, yes sir.
Now get that in there, cute buns.
Look at poor Gerald.
Hasn't missed a weekend since you
went to Gander, in case you come in.
I know, and when I get here
he doesn't even open his mouth.
Oh he's pretty much
a dreamer, Gerald is.
Let's get you started.
This is a real waiter's jacket.
Ah thank you so much.
Ah thanks.
Nah you go ahead, it's not a great time.
I gotta help out, you know?
I was wondering when that was coming.
Later on though.
Thanks for the jacket anyway.
You know where I am,
building 22 American side.
Here's a um, a couple of
more snaps of the crowd.
Ah great, thanks.
Anyway who knows how much
longer we'll be around.
I do know one thing, when
all this is over I'm either
gonna end up wearing a
tiara or feeding pigs.
I guess I'll see ya.
You take care of your mom.
Hey Gerald.
Gander's not the way
you think it is, anyway.
It's not the same picture
you've got in your head.
Who says?
Everybody but you.
What was all that about?
I thought I saw Laurie give you a hug.
That right?
What was that about?
The hugging business.
She just likes doing that.
That's Laurie Dwyer.
I know.
She's from next door.
Have we ever hugged that family?
I thought she was gonna eat ya.
No, Pop.
Your feet were off the ground.
No they weren't.
I could be wrong.
Could be.
Why don't you do what I tell you?
Gander's not going anywhere, Mom.
I'm never gonna believe you again.
How about a little radio.
It's only next door, for heaven's sake.
Hello Mr. And Mrs. America,
this is Bob Olypaker for Lana Turner Hope.
What's Lana wearing?
The same fuzzy old white angora
sweater she was wearing last week.
It's got a smell by now,
wouldn't you think, Mom?
She's pretty in anything.
She'd be prettier in nothing.
Now you stop that dirty mouth.
And Miss Betty Hutton in
the Les Brown and his band
of renown, coming to you
from your armed forces radio
service command center here
in beautiful downtown Gander.
The American side of the base
is the only place to be
if you're a civilian.
You get it all.
Cigarettes and movies
might as well be free,
they're that cheap.
And I don't think they eat
the whole chicken, you know?
Just the legs, they throw the rest out.
Just like us.
Seems like that, anyway.
Hardly ever seen American soldiers
not chewing on a chicken leg.
Plenty of crabs there I'll bet.
Where's that?
Gander, where you're going.
Oh, yeah.
You wouldn't have to
look far to get them.
What's that?
Gander's not on the coast, you know?
Crabs can be in land, crabs
can be anywhere they want.
I don't like crabs anyway.
Crabs don't care.
But the only thing that'll
keep 'em down is blue ointment.
I'll remember that, if I ever eat crabs.
What does this need, you suppose?
Couple of cans of soup.
Do you want me
to wake you for supper?
We'll see,
I might not want any.
Who the hell invited you guys over here?
What's that?
Chugging along.
Chugging along?
It was ages ago.
Frank I'm sorry I had to
come here, but I've been shot.
Not ages ago.
Yes it was.
That's how slow things go in this house.
I don't have your strength, Frank.
I suppose so.
I was talking about Chugging Along.
Frank you're not listening
to me, I can't stay.
Who put that together?
A songwriter.
Bye Frank.
What'd he do for work?
That's it.
He wasn't a New Foundlander then.
No, Pop.
Don't I even get a goodbye kiss?
It's the breathing thing.
What is?
Your mom's breathing,
the way it comes and goes.
Just like breathing.
Goodbye, Frank.
'Til we meet again.
Not like she was, thought.
In Algiers maybe.
What are you shaking your head for?
Did we ever have an earthquake, Pop?
Early 30s.
That would've shook you up.
I was having a cup of tea.
I bet it went all over ya.
Never lost a drop.
Couldn't have been
much of an earthquake.
I never said it was.
I think they're might
be a spy there as well.
It'd be the perfect spot for
a spy, wouldn't you think?
I think so.
They seek 'em here, they seek 'em there.
The Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in Heaven or is he in Hell,
that damned elusive Pimpernel.
Well they won't find him in Gander.
They're you go, what's it matter?
It's not like we think it is anyway.
Who says?
Well we know better.
Know why?
Why, because we're both big liars.
Now why would you have said that
it was like Hollywood if it wasn't.
'Cause that's just how I
wanted it to be, that's all.
Well then, that's how it is.
It ain't real, Mom.
Neither is this, real.
Is he alright?
I think he swallowed the radio.
He's fine, just leave him alone.
Oh yeah, wouldn't lay a finger on him.
I'd light up.
You had enough?
What've you got?
16, three is 19, two is 21.
And you are done.
Ah jeez, I'm gonna burn this board.
Look at your crib.
Her breathing will become
blocked, so I'll probably
be using a tube now and
again to clear her throat.
That's all I can do for now.
That'll have to do, I suppose.
Did you see what that ignorant man did?
They figure it's best until, you know.
Well you call him in here,
I'll tell him what's best.
I'll go see if he's still
there, I think he's gone.
There's no need of that.
What the hell's this, now?
They wasted no time.
The lodge boys will sleep tonight.
They delivered a charity
basket to the Flemings.
I don't like that kind of thing.
Have an apple, as long as you know
it won't taste like you paid for it.
I didn't know it was
diptheria, you know.
Well it had to be, didn't it?
That's what the bread
poultice and the painting
of her throat and the
sulfur was all about.
Oh, so now you know all about it.
Well I didn't hear that.
It was mentioned.
I'm just saying, I
didn't know what it was.
You and
Get down here.
Oh you bet, Mr. Fleming.
Come on, girls.
You been treated alright?
You let me know when you're not.
Okay, Mr. Fleming.
Now, I got something for both of ya.
I tried to reserve at
Syro's and I was too late.
But I think this is better, don't you?
Say there, Tyrone.
Hey, Bob.
So you finally got into town, did ya?
My mom was sick.
Ah, hey kid I'm sorry.
Say took care of Landis on the last tour,
thought I was gonna lose her
to the entire 123rd at one point.
Oh yes sir, you talk
about your desert rats.
I bet she was something, wasn't she?
Hey kid, tell ya what, see if you can
scare me up a whisky
sour at some point, okay?
And listen, none of your screech,
I might need my legs in the morning.
Oh you bet.
It's all here for you, Mom.
Everything that you and I
have ever seen at the nickel.
Of course.
Morning, Miss Stark.
Oh and I'll bet I know who this is.
The young and handsome, Terry Fleming.
Thank you.
Morning, Richard.
We are so very happy that you're here.
We've been waiting for you.
Haven't we, Richard?
Oh yes, where are the balloons?
How's the boil, Richard?
That is none of your beeswax.
Well no matter how the day goes,
there are three good people
well worth knowing right here.
Woo hoo, sweet cheeks,
look at you, very nice.
Let's have a look.
You could be 25 in that jacket.
Oh this is my buddy Fiona, Terry.
You get your hands on
books, you bring them to me.
When I'm not working, I read.
Here, take this.
Now I can spend the rest
of my shift looking for it.
That's how I get through this.
That way I don't have to see or hear
anything in this terrible place.
Today I served everything but a white ape.
If I shut my eyes, I
don't know where I am.
I sure know where I am.
This is Gander, sweetheart.
Who are you calling sweetheart?
Fi wants me to go and
be a nurse like her.
Does this look like a nurses
body to you, sly eyes?
Geez Louise.
The Brit's back.
Yeah, I know.
Morning, darling.
Oh morning, darling.
Just come from Preswick?
Alright, how did you know that.
No one knew that.
She knows a lot.
Yes, you wouldn't think a hostess
needed to know as much, would you?
Where am I going next, pray?
Well I will let you know.
Next time you see him and me together,
you have a look and see
if we match up, okay?
Sly eyes, I need to know because
I'm kinda juggling guys right now.
Oh and now say hello to Mr. America.
Hello, sweetheart.
Hello, sweetheart.
Sergeant Dave Sterling of Utah.
Mr. Terry Fleming of my hometown.
Now don't you two cuties eat each other.
How old are you kid?
As old as I gotta be.
You're the one she
keeps talking about, huh?
I guess so.
Look it's Terry Fleming,
as handsome as ever.
Hi Mr. Fleming.
We'll get your bunk ready.
They're getting your bunk ready?
I don't like to talk
about that kind of stuff.
You sure must have something.
You'd have to ask them.
I hope I don't have to
fight you for Laurie, Beau.
The name's Terry.
You're not Beau Jest?
I could've sworn.
I know.
Yes sir, Tyrone Power.
Hey Ma?
For sure there might be a spy there.
Yeah, could be.
Too bad you're sick, you'd
have some ideas about that.
I love your mustache.
Don't be surprised if they call you
to help out, knowing you like a mystery.
Damn right.
There's some strange stuff going on.
We got to have a our
wits about us, don't we?
Them too.
Stick with me kid,
you'll be wearing diamonds.
What do you think?
Comes from Utah.
Toast this for me will you, my son.
Yeah from Utah, you said.
Well imagine me in
Utah, Utah, you kidding.
The thing is when I'm with
the Brit, you know the pinky
shoots out and I've gotta
jam the knees together.
You'd have to be posh.
I can do posh.
No you can't.
So the Yank, what comes
more perfect than him?
Don't ask me.
Well between the Brit and the Yank,
what do you think, Brit first?
You saw him.
Yeah but the thing is the Yank,
the Yank comes from Utah, has a ranch.
You know how I've always loved horses.
When did you ever even see a horse?
Never you mind.
Hey you got a little
something coming in there?
I don't know, I never noticed.
It's very nice, look out girls.
Now do you boys need anything?
Hi kid, I think it got one for ya.
I knew I heard it somewhere.
How're you feeling, Mom?
Never better.
Isn't this great?
It's perfect.
Did you see Ginger Rogers?
Your father has good hands.
I always look at the hands first.
I had a friend at school
with good hands, in fact.
I remember miners faces, back
in England when I was young.
I couldn't get enough of being with them.
To me they seemed like great
heroic masters of the deep
earth, empowered with all
things innocent and manly,
hiding nothing, nothing
to hide, like your father.
All the Flemings could lift a leg.
I'm pretty sure that Fleming is devilish.
Now that's real.
Look at that.
Look at how they are.
Do you think I'll ever have
something like that, sly eyes?
Why not?
I know I haven't had that yet,
I haven't even been this close to it.
You could.
Damn right.
Mean time, how old do I look today?
We'd be the same age in Shangri La.
Where the hell is that?
Around Carboneer?
No, it's way east.
Nobody gets old there, and you don't die.
How far in do I gotta book in.
Alright, who are we going to talk about?
Don't start.
Oh look at Alice, Captain Paul's wife.
Now that flush on her cheek is recent.
I'd say she's had it within the hour.
Who else do you want to know about?
Mr. Fleming?
How about Stark, Kay Stark.
Oh I forgot, she's your friend.
She's yours too.
Oh yeah, in that case I'll
just tell you a little bit.
I don't want to know.
Oh, then where did I
get the idea that you do?
Anyway, everyone's got
a friend don't they?
What have I got, I've got boils.
Yes sir?
What sort of Brandy is this?
It isn't, sir.
No it isn't, is it, it's gruel.
Do you know me?
Yes, I believe you are Monroe Gillette.
That's Gillette, Monroe Gillette.
And you continue to stare at me.
Are we by some sadly warped
familial happenstance, related?
No sir.
Then why are we spending
so much time together?
Oh, Mr. Neal, how have you been?
Your usual room isn't available.
Well make it available.
Tell me I'm not in hell.
If I had to spend two minutes with him
or wiping a tiger's bum, I'd be wiping.
Just watch, I won't see
home again, I just know it.
I'm gonna be thrown in a sack,
let loose in Mexico some place
and sold to a big fat
smelly man as a play thing.
I'll be in the bar.
Ter, we could use a bit of wood.
What the hell are you doing?
Open it.
No, and stop throwing
rocks at the house.
What are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm having a pee.
You are not.
Then what are you asking for?
What's that?
What you've got on.
This is what I'll be wearing in Gander.
Looks funny.
No it doesn't.
You look like a waiter.
'Cause that's what I am.
You trying to grow a mustache?
Looks like it.
I'm not.
It's coming in funny.
Anyway, how's your mom?
She can't sleep, some idiot
keeps throwing rocks at the house.
You want my books?
Well you've got nothing to do.
I don't want to read your books.
I just don't want a
dummy for a neighbor.
Is that your idea of funny?
Up to you, I'm just
next door, I'll throw a rock.
Jesus, Gerald.
What the hell are you doing?
You know what I think?
Nobody knows what you think.
I think you got her in there.
I just thought of that.
We're quarantined for god's sake.
Yeah, you could've painted that sign.
It's probably not even
spelled right either.
Go home, Gerald.
What's that you got on?
It's none of your business, just go home.
Are you trying to grow a mustache?
Do you know how foolish you look?
Do you know how foolish you look?
This is a woman, she's
full of her own, man size.
Water has
driven them these many months.
Our advances has seriously
reduced their strength in the air
and their capacity to
wage war on the ground.
We men over the globe will,
if nothing else, pull the strength.
Now let us eat, the blessing.
Couldn't call on you, if we
had an open artery I suppose.
And I suggest that you
watch me closely because
you're gonna have to do
it yourself eventually.
Still okay?
Hello, Terry.
Why do I get the feeling that
you're looking for something.
Beyond dirty ashtrays and glasses, I mean.
Nope, not really.
I thought perhaps it might be
something I could help you with.
Well that depends.
How do I know that what you might know
perhaps is what I might know, perhaps.
Let's say I know what
you're looking for.
And how would you know that?
If I guessed, he could guess.
Hmm, yeah, I guess.
Where have you been?
For cripe's sake, keep an eye will ya?
I'm drawing 'em like flies.
I could use a turnip from the cellar.
Sure, Pop.
One minute out of your sight,
and my dignity goes right out the window.
Well I can't be everywhere.
Oh god, if only you had shoulders.
Well I suppose we can sit here
and talk about families all night.
Oh if you don't mind, let's not.
Do you suppose we shall
ever see the moon again?
I've seen it, many times.
And perhaps someone has to
have someone to see it with.
We had a few bottles
of Chateau Le Fit 37.
Where the hell is it?
Bottom row, far side.
You're a funny one.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
Something funny about you.
You're not sure which face to use.
It's all over the god damn map.
Anyone looking for you
wouldn't know where to look.
But I don't think it would take
too long to figure you out.
You don't want to be a someone,
you want to be anyone,
as long as it's not you.
What's going on?
You know what I just saw, Ma?
I saw in Miss Stark's room
when I brought her tea, a man in her tub.
You're joking?
Was she in there with him?
No, I didn't see her.
Just some nice music playing
a couple candles on the go.
What else are we hearing?
The other one's hiding out somewhere.
Yeah, could be.
One thing's for sure,
he's no ordinary spy.
And who knows, maybe whoever this is,
he's not spying anymore.
Could be hiding from
his own people as well.
Yeah well it's a great place to hide.
That's sort of what I was thinking, Ma.
Keep dragging his business to the last
day of the war, and never go home again.
Could end up his days
fishing off the grand banks.
Let's hope we catch him before that.
Oh we'll get him, Ma.
Damn tootin'.
Those are my friends.
You can have a look if you want.
Your friends don't have a good idea of me.
Notice how they never get too close.
You know why that is?
They can smell the rot.
But you gotta have another layer.
It's god damn cold out there.
Your friends don't know.
They don't know dead.
I mean where are the bodies?
What the hell's this gotta do with me?
Why are you telling me?
Well there should at
least be a body around.
I mean like here, or there.
Should be one or two empty tunic sleeves.
Should be a little blood for the guests
to step in on their way
to the whiskey sours
and the cotta gretan, shouldn't there?
Who let you in?
I don't want you talking
to me anymore, okay?
I don't even know you.
You can have these if you want.
I got lots.
Just go away, go away.
Go away!
Grab a hold of that, will you?
Don't let the end go on the floor.
The greatest president
this country has ever known.
Certainly no debate necessary
with the prime minister.
We count on him a very
staunch friend and ally
during those very wary and strategic days.
The president's body will be transported
from Georgia to Washington DC.
Later from the capital to New York.
Our fallen leader's body
will travel via the railroad.
10 hours before the funeral in New York,
the funeral train will roll through.
Philadelphia's 30th Street station.
We now resume our memorial dedication
to Major Glenn Miller at this time as his
Glenn Miller American Air Force Orchestra,
directed by Sergeant Ray
McKinley, with Johnny Desmond
takes us on a journey through
Major Miller's later hits.
What's that one I'm trying to remember?
Hey gorgeous, you've been missed.
I should think so.
They still haven't found, you know who.
Well, maybe he's gone.
Maybe there wasn't one after all?
Oh there's a spy
alright, he's been seen.
I might've seen him too.
You be careful now.
The thing is, I've
been doing pretty well
in the way of tips, and there's not really
much to spend it on, so generally.
Aww Jesus, Pop!
Try to breathe.
Slower, slow down.
Slow down.
That's it.
Slow breaths, good.
Come on down.
It's gonna happen, you know?
You know it is, in this
house, it's gonna happen.
You want to be somewhere else.
You don't care where,
just far enough you
don't even hear about it.
But you can't do that.
You can't sleep it
away, no one can fix it.
Can't be fixed.
Hey what are you doing?
Get away from him.
Come on.
Thank god I found you.
It was not attractive up against a hut
like a two dollar upright dolly.
Oh god.
How are you supposed
to remember the romance?
You don't have to do that, you know.
Well you could've come,
you're supposed to keep me on track.
I was on shift.
Here, put these away.
Except for the corned beef.
She might be able to keep the hash down.
Good idea.
It'll be nice and soft for her.
Hey you're a smart
one, what's an enigma?
It means no one really
knows ya, something like that.
When I first got here
this major called me that.
Said I was like a secret.
You know I think that's because he didn't
want anyone to know that he knew me.
He said I was like a secret passage.
Don't think that one got by me, boy.
Just slow down, okay?
Slow down what?
Just slow down on everything.
It's like the Chicago
World's Fair in here.
It's pretty classy, eh?
Yes sir.
Your mother says your head's a treasure,
full of all sorts of stuff.
That's right, that's why
I spend so much time on the toilet.
You and here were strung
with the same strings,
I know that.
And ['ll tell you something
else, it don't bother me
a bit I don't understand either one of ya.
We'll be alright.
Still it's been a time, hasn't it?
I'd of thought you'd have
jumped out of your skin by now.
You know, I used to think that every time
you came through this
door it was someone else.
Mind you, different is okay.
Sometimes at work, you
know, I never told you this
I don't supposed but sometimes at work
I just like to lean my head
back on the lunch room wall.
Only when it's lunch time, you understand.
Well I should hope so.
And just uh, drift off
a bit to the machines.
Sometimes when I listen hard
enough, I can hear music
like way down deep in there,
I've never heard before, mind.
Not sleeping and such, just
um, leaving it all for a bit.
Then coming back and putting in
the rest of the shift no problem at all.
That's something, Pop.
Isn't it?
I should take you one
one of my trips sometime.
Oh no, no, no, I'm not that strange.
Just listening to a bit of music
in the machines is as far as I go.
I couldn't afford a ticket
to wherever the hell it is you go.
Boy do you look funny upside down.
Who gave you that bear?
I did.
It's gonna be okay, you know?
What is?
I guess I didn't tell you everything.
You being such a smarty I figured you knew
without me telling and turning you off me.
Can't help that now.
There's this woman, she uh
makes the rounds every so often.
She's good, clean, she's quiet about it.
Do you know yet?
Yeah I do.
I told you, you knew.
I knew you knew.
It's gotta be done.
It's because the surgeon
doesn't want it when you go to Utah?
You've got a mouth on you.
Is that it?
It is, isn't it?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to look all sucky face?
That's not me, you should know that.
You've got it all wrong anyway.
You're telling me.
You're really important to me, you know?
You don't know how much.
The most important of anything.
I love you all to pieces.
You better not be talking
about the real stuff.
I came in here to tell you something.
It's completely gone.
Something to do with the mail.
Does that ever happen to you?
Oh I suppose not.
Ah well.
Oh wait a minute, there's a good chance
we're gonna get a new machine in.
That'll make three.
We'll be on the par with
the mainlanders as far as output goes.
That'll be something, won't it?
I don't know.
That'll be the day you
don't know something.
You look a sight,
I should drop you in
with your mom's sheets.
What the hell do you want?
I was about to throw a rock.
I want an answer.
What kind of an answer?
A yes or no answer.
Do you want my books
before I bring them back?
Yes or no?
Look, we're busy in
here if you don't mind.
And no more rocks.
Laurie called, she's not
coming in this weekend,
in case you were wondering.
I know.
No you don't.
Yes I do.
Because I just told you.
No more rocks, okay?
Are you nuts?
No more than you.
Well now you can't leave.
Yes I can.
You're exposed.
No I'm not, I had it.
Had what?
Scarlet fever.
This is diptheria.
Probably had that too.
I've had it all.
You could spread it all over.
I don't care, I hates everyone here.
Anyway that's not why I'm here.
You can tell her she won't see me again.
She was in her right mind
I might keep after her, but not now.
I've got a life too.
Might be a good thing.
I'm a little behind on the news.
You're gonna have to give me
something to work with here.
Oh it's news you want?
I got tons of these.
What do you think, Ma?
It's nothing.
Oh maybe.
Who else?
Who else?
Is there anyone new?
You go on back there now, go on.
Be sure to keep your eye on things.
Mom, there's nothing there.
I don't want to hear that.
I haven't been hearing
very much from you.
What do you mean?
You must have something
I can help you with by now.
Uh no.
Could be.
Let me leave you with this.
The tricky part could be,
does he know you're looking for him?
I'm not thinking about that now.
Oh well that's different if
you're not thinking about that now.
That's just not important anymore.
I don't know who it could be, Mom.
Here's another one of those things.
Go be with your father now.
Maybe there's more than one, you know?
I saw the.
There's no more.
What'd you say, Mom?
Now we may need you more
than ever to crank up our spine
for the last big push to teach our boys
how to shove on and never
falter, and how to die.
Are you joking?
Okay, don't.
This is nothing.
Had one like it last week.
You hear that?
Those sounds.
Laughing and crying and singing.
It could be these folk, some place else.
You notice now there's no crying.
Only the laughing, the singing.
You see?
That's not so bad now, is it?
I've missed our tea times.
Yeah, I know.
Terry, I guess you've noticed
I don't have many friends.
I like the privacy, but I don't enjoy it
when I know I'm being talked about.
That right?
Now that's not something you would've
heard in your busy rounds, I'm quite sure.
Otherwise you would've told me.
Or I think you would have.
I don't suspect anyone
in particular, of course.
It might be almost anyone.
The head waiter or one
of the kitchen staff.
Even Miss Laurie Dwyer, although
I know it wouldn't be her.
She being such a great friend of yours.
I don't want you to be afraid.
Of what?
And I'm suddenly very tired.
God look at this, another one.
Where are these things coming from.
Who have I been with, with boils.
I ain't got but a minute here boy,
I just wanted to set things right.
See the thing is, I can't give a whole lot
to Laurie right now, or to anyone.
Well, I doubt I could spend a
whole lot of time with anyone
day and night, I don't
know how anyone does it.
I never needed someone else
to help me through anything.
That sounds bad, I know, but
it's like basic training.
No one picks you up and carries you over
"cause you'd never know what you're worth.
Ah shit, now it sounds bad too.
I'm trying to explain myself here, Beau,
because it's important
and I want you to know.
They wouldn't understand her in Utah,
and I wouldn't want her to
be humiliated like that.
I know you wouldn't.
I got a lot to do before I head out
and so I won't be able to tell her.
But you would though, wouldn't you Beau?
Hey, you've been my buddy,
I won't be forgettin' ya.
So long, Beau Jest.
So what do you have to say, Pop?
First fly of the year.
A spy?
I guess I'll know that much.
Who is it?
Like right here?
I have no idea.
Oh look, they've got someone.
I might've served him eggs.
Goodbye, I hope.
Well at least I can drop the posh now.
That was killin' me.
Oh wait, they have someone else.
Oh my god.
I always thought she
was a hard looking woman.
On the final days and hours,
the Western Allies raced the Russians
to be the first in Berlin
not to win the rally.
As Russians reached the capital
on April 21st, the German
command agrees to the
surrender of all armed forces.
All hostilities on land, sea,
or in the air to cease at 0800 hours.
British double summertime
on Saturday the fifth of May, 1945.
The decision of the Allied
powers will be final,
if any doubt or dispute
arrives as to the meaning
or interpretation of
these surrender terms.
It has been a long road to victory,
the biggest conflict in history
has lasted almost six years.
It's hard to believe I'm
finished getting into trouble.
Okay, I'm gonna lift one
with the big shots and then who knows.
Next you'll blink and
even this will be gone.
And chicken bones, and empties,
and corks, and colored paper.
No one will know who
was here and who wasn't.
And the whole goddamn world
will turn back into bus drivers
and clerks, and some
will go back to nothing.
You'll have to walk and talk normal again.
You people from small towns will get
it all said in a day or two.
There are only so many
jokes and those that
weren't here will get
tired of hearing them.
Even you're a veteran.
So now I'm ready for Utah.
Dave's gone.
Dave's gone.
I heard you.
You think I don't know that?
I saw him go.
You saw him go.
You see too much.
You see things that never
happened, that's what you see.
They got me again.
Anytime they wanted, they got me.
He should've let you know,
that's what friends do.
Where'd you get that?
You gotta know someone a long, long time,
and I known cakes of soap
longer than I've known him.
Are you kidding?
Gerald's gone too.
Gerald's given up.
When a Gerald gives up on you,
you better start counting
the rings in your tree.
I guess.
We'll see you back home then.
That speck.
You think that's where I
belong, in that pothole?
Taking that same goddamn turn in the road
til I look like everybody else?
Is that me?
That's not me, it never was.
Why do you think I did all that I did?
She was there one minute.
Tyrone, got a couple of brand new jokes.
Ah heck, they're not that good.
It's over.
Go up and see her.
Go up.
Are we still gonna live here, Pop?
It's the only house we got.
She won't be here.
It's the one place you'd find her.
Come on boys.
There also, of course,
has been no significant resistance
to any of the allied efforts
of the past 72 hours.
There are signs of growing
confidence on all sides
as mile by mile, hour by hour,
the collective allied strength continues
its offensive from the
east with new resilience.
While on another front,
the USO is doing its bit
by bringing a little of the
sights and sounds of home
so dearly missed, providing
moral, welfare, and recreation
type services to our
uniformed military personnel.
Proudly serving those
who serve our country.
Once again, some of Hollywood's
best known personalities
answered the call,
leaving the film capital
to support the trips by
giving their time and effort.
Many of them stopping down
in Gander, Newfoundland
for refueling and no
doubt a change of socks.
Gander, the gateway to the world at war.
Strategically poised at
the rim of the Atlantic,
which has played its own so very
crucial role in supporting
the Allied cause.
She's still dressing, big eyes.
Oh I'd like to see that.
No I wouldn't.
Go to Gander.
I left a half bottle
of hair color for ya.
Why would I want to look more like you.
Fine, keep the mouse.
Good morning sly eyes.
God you look great.
Greater than ever.
Oh hi, how are ya feeling?
Nice to see you up.
Off again?
Oh yes, I still haven't made
a million American dollars.
Teach him while you're at it.
Oh I'll have a job for
him by noon tomorrow.
You just get better now.
So long, my dear.
And you.
That's it, I'm off.
Yeah well.
So long, Rona.
So long, Rona.
I brought Mom a bottle of wine.
You're joking,
I've never had wine.
Neither has Mom, she spent last night
between the stove and the wood box.
Oh, where am I staying?
With me.
With you?
Am I allowed?
Are you allowed?
Of course, this is
Laurie you're talking to.
You're starting to get all worked up
with all we Gander girls
right at your fingertips.
Well I'll be watching that,
we'll have to sew your ears
and lips together and
cut off everything else.
No no, as soon as I get you work,
I'll send you over to the men's.
Hi Gerald.
Oh hi.
Oh this is gonna be good, yes sir.
Now get that in there, cute buns.
Look at poor Gerald.
Hasn't missed a weekend since you
went to Gander, in case you come in.
I know, and when I get here
he doesn't even open his mouth.
Oh he's pretty much
a dreamer, Gerald is.
Let's get you started.
This is a real waiter's jacket.
Ah thank you so much.
Ah thanks.
Nah you go ahead, it's not a great time.
I gotta help out, you know?
I was wondering when that was coming.
Later on though.
Thanks for the jacket anyway.
You know where I am,
building 22 American side.
Here's a um, a couple of
more snaps of the crowd.
Ah great, thanks.
Anyway who knows how much
longer we'll be around.
I do know one thing, when
all this is over I'm either
gonna end up wearing a
tiara or feeding pigs.
I guess I'll see ya.
You take care of your mom.
Hey Gerald.
Gander's not the way
you think it is, anyway.
It's not the same picture
you've got in your head.
Who says?
Everybody but you.
What was all that about?
I thought I saw Laurie give you a hug.
That right?
What was that about?
The hugging business.
She just likes doing that.
That's Laurie Dwyer.
I know.
She's from next door.
Have we ever hugged that family?
I thought she was gonna eat ya.
No, Pop.
Your feet were off the ground.
No they weren't.
I could be wrong.
Could be.
Why don't you do what I tell you?
Gander's not going anywhere, Mom.
I'm never gonna believe you again.
How about a little radio.
It's only next door, for heaven's sake.
Hello Mr. And Mrs. America,
this is Bob Olypaker for Lana Turner Hope.
What's Lana wearing?
The same fuzzy old white angora
sweater she was wearing last week.
It's got a smell by now,
wouldn't you think, Mom?
She's pretty in anything.
She'd be prettier in nothing.
Now you stop that dirty mouth.
And Miss Betty Hutton in
the Les Brown and his band
of renown, coming to you
from your armed forces radio
service command center here
in beautiful downtown Gander.
The American side of the base
is the only place to be
if you're a civilian.
You get it all.
Cigarettes and movies
might as well be free,
they're that cheap.
And I don't think they eat
the whole chicken, you know?
Just the legs, they throw the rest out.
Just like us.
Seems like that, anyway.
Hardly ever seen American soldiers
not chewing on a chicken leg.
Plenty of crabs there I'll bet.
Where's that?
Gander, where you're going.
Oh, yeah.
You wouldn't have to
look far to get them.
What's that?
Gander's not on the coast, you know?
Crabs can be in land, crabs
can be anywhere they want.
I don't like crabs anyway.
Crabs don't care.
But the only thing that'll
keep 'em down is blue ointment.
I'll remember that, if I ever eat crabs.
What does this need, you suppose?
Couple of cans of soup.
Do you want me
to wake you for supper?
We'll see,
I might not want any.
Who the hell invited you guys over here?
What's that?
Chugging along.
Chugging along?
It was ages ago.
Frank I'm sorry I had to
come here, but I've been shot.
Not ages ago.
Yes it was.
That's how slow things go in this house.
I don't have your strength, Frank.
I suppose so.
I was talking about Chugging Along.
Frank you're not listening
to me, I can't stay.
Who put that together?
A songwriter.
Bye Frank.
What'd he do for work?
That's it.
He wasn't a New Foundlander then.
No, Pop.
Don't I even get a goodbye kiss?
It's the breathing thing.
What is?
Your mom's breathing,
the way it comes and goes.
Just like breathing.
Goodbye, Frank.
'Til we meet again.
Not like she was, thought.
In Algiers maybe.
What are you shaking your head for?
Did we ever have an earthquake, Pop?
Early 30s.
That would've shook you up.
I was having a cup of tea.
I bet it went all over ya.
Never lost a drop.
Couldn't have been
much of an earthquake.
I never said it was.
I think they're might
be a spy there as well.
It'd be the perfect spot for
a spy, wouldn't you think?
I think so.
They seek 'em here, they seek 'em there.
The Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in Heaven or is he in Hell,
that damned elusive Pimpernel.
Well they won't find him in Gander.
They're you go, what's it matter?
It's not like we think it is anyway.
Who says?
Well we know better.
Know why?
Why, because we're both big liars.
Now why would you have said that
it was like Hollywood if it wasn't.
'Cause that's just how I
wanted it to be, that's all.
Well then, that's how it is.
It ain't real, Mom.
Neither is this, real.
Is he alright?
I think he swallowed the radio.
He's fine, just leave him alone.
Oh yeah, wouldn't lay a finger on him.
I'd light up.
You had enough?
What've you got?
16, three is 19, two is 21.
And you are done.
Ah jeez, I'm gonna burn this board.
Look at your crib.
Her breathing will become
blocked, so I'll probably
be using a tube now and
again to clear her throat.
That's all I can do for now.
That'll have to do, I suppose.
Did you see what that ignorant man did?
They figure it's best until, you know.
Well you call him in here,
I'll tell him what's best.
I'll go see if he's still
there, I think he's gone.
There's no need of that.
What the hell's this, now?
They wasted no time.
The lodge boys will sleep tonight.
They delivered a charity
basket to the Flemings.
I don't like that kind of thing.
Have an apple, as long as you know
it won't taste like you paid for it.
I didn't know it was
diptheria, you know.
Well it had to be, didn't it?
That's what the bread
poultice and the painting
of her throat and the
sulfur was all about.
Oh, so now you know all about it.
Well I didn't hear that.
It was mentioned.
I'm just saying, I
didn't know what it was.
You and
Get down here.
Oh you bet, Mr. Fleming.
Come on, girls.
You been treated alright?
You let me know when you're not.
Okay, Mr. Fleming.
Now, I got something for both of ya.
I tried to reserve at
Syro's and I was too late.
But I think this is better, don't you?
Say there, Tyrone.
Hey, Bob.
So you finally got into town, did ya?
My mom was sick.
Ah, hey kid I'm sorry.
Say took care of Landis on the last tour,
thought I was gonna lose her
to the entire 123rd at one point.
Oh yes sir, you talk
about your desert rats.
I bet she was something, wasn't she?
Hey kid, tell ya what, see if you can
scare me up a whisky
sour at some point, okay?
And listen, none of your screech,
I might need my legs in the morning.
Oh you bet.
It's all here for you, Mom.
Everything that you and I
have ever seen at the nickel.
Of course.
Morning, Miss Stark.
Oh and I'll bet I know who this is.
The young and handsome, Terry Fleming.
Thank you.
Morning, Richard.
We are so very happy that you're here.
We've been waiting for you.
Haven't we, Richard?
Oh yes, where are the balloons?
How's the boil, Richard?
That is none of your beeswax.
Well no matter how the day goes,
there are three good people
well worth knowing right here.
Woo hoo, sweet cheeks,
look at you, very nice.
Let's have a look.
You could be 25 in that jacket.
Oh this is my buddy Fiona, Terry.
You get your hands on
books, you bring them to me.
When I'm not working, I read.
Here, take this.
Now I can spend the rest
of my shift looking for it.
That's how I get through this.
That way I don't have to see or hear
anything in this terrible place.
Today I served everything but a white ape.
If I shut my eyes, I
don't know where I am.
I sure know where I am.
This is Gander, sweetheart.
Who are you calling sweetheart?
Fi wants me to go and
be a nurse like her.
Does this look like a nurses
body to you, sly eyes?
Geez Louise.
The Brit's back.
Yeah, I know.
Morning, darling.
Oh morning, darling.
Just come from Preswick?
Alright, how did you know that.
No one knew that.
She knows a lot.
Yes, you wouldn't think a hostess
needed to know as much, would you?
Where am I going next, pray?
Well I will let you know.
Next time you see him and me together,
you have a look and see
if we match up, okay?
Sly eyes, I need to know because
I'm kinda juggling guys right now.
Oh and now say hello to Mr. America.
Hello, sweetheart.
Hello, sweetheart.
Sergeant Dave Sterling of Utah.
Mr. Terry Fleming of my hometown.
Now don't you two cuties eat each other.
How old are you kid?
As old as I gotta be.
You're the one she
keeps talking about, huh?
I guess so.
Look it's Terry Fleming,
as handsome as ever.
Hi Mr. Fleming.
We'll get your bunk ready.
They're getting your bunk ready?
I don't like to talk
about that kind of stuff.
You sure must have something.
You'd have to ask them.
I hope I don't have to
fight you for Laurie, Beau.
The name's Terry.
You're not Beau Jest?
I could've sworn.
I know.
Yes sir, Tyrone Power.
Hey Ma?
For sure there might be a spy there.
Yeah, could be.
Too bad you're sick, you'd
have some ideas about that.
I love your mustache.
Don't be surprised if they call you
to help out, knowing you like a mystery.
Damn right.
There's some strange stuff going on.
We got to have a our
wits about us, don't we?
Them too.
Stick with me kid,
you'll be wearing diamonds.
What do you think?
Comes from Utah.
Toast this for me will you, my son.
Yeah from Utah, you said.
Well imagine me in
Utah, Utah, you kidding.
The thing is when I'm with
the Brit, you know the pinky
shoots out and I've gotta
jam the knees together.
You'd have to be posh.
I can do posh.
No you can't.
So the Yank, what comes
more perfect than him?
Don't ask me.
Well between the Brit and the Yank,
what do you think, Brit first?
You saw him.
Yeah but the thing is the Yank,
the Yank comes from Utah, has a ranch.
You know how I've always loved horses.
When did you ever even see a horse?
Never you mind.
Hey you got a little
something coming in there?
I don't know, I never noticed.
It's very nice, look out girls.
Now do you boys need anything?
Hi kid, I think it got one for ya.
I knew I heard it somewhere.
How're you feeling, Mom?
Never better.
Isn't this great?
It's perfect.
Did you see Ginger Rogers?
Your father has good hands.
I always look at the hands first.
I had a friend at school
with good hands, in fact.
I remember miners faces, back
in England when I was young.
I couldn't get enough of being with them.
To me they seemed like great
heroic masters of the deep
earth, empowered with all
things innocent and manly,
hiding nothing, nothing
to hide, like your father.
All the Flemings could lift a leg.
I'm pretty sure that Fleming is devilish.
Now that's real.
Look at that.
Look at how they are.
Do you think I'll ever have
something like that, sly eyes?
Why not?
I know I haven't had that yet,
I haven't even been this close to it.
You could.
Damn right.
Mean time, how old do I look today?
We'd be the same age in Shangri La.
Where the hell is that?
Around Carboneer?
No, it's way east.
Nobody gets old there, and you don't die.
How far in do I gotta book in.
Alright, who are we going to talk about?
Don't start.
Oh look at Alice, Captain Paul's wife.
Now that flush on her cheek is recent.
I'd say she's had it within the hour.
Who else do you want to know about?
Mr. Fleming?
How about Stark, Kay Stark.
Oh I forgot, she's your friend.
She's yours too.
Oh yeah, in that case I'll
just tell you a little bit.
I don't want to know.
Oh, then where did I
get the idea that you do?
Anyway, everyone's got
a friend don't they?
What have I got, I've got boils.
Yes sir?
What sort of Brandy is this?
It isn't, sir.
No it isn't, is it, it's gruel.
Do you know me?
Yes, I believe you are Monroe Gillette.
That's Gillette, Monroe Gillette.
And you continue to stare at me.
Are we by some sadly warped
familial happenstance, related?
No sir.
Then why are we spending
so much time together?
Oh, Mr. Neal, how have you been?
Your usual room isn't available.
Well make it available.
Tell me I'm not in hell.
If I had to spend two minutes with him
or wiping a tiger's bum, I'd be wiping.
Just watch, I won't see
home again, I just know it.
I'm gonna be thrown in a sack,
let loose in Mexico some place
and sold to a big fat
smelly man as a play thing.
I'll be in the bar.
Ter, we could use a bit of wood.
What the hell are you doing?
Open it.
No, and stop throwing
rocks at the house.
What are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm having a pee.
You are not.
Then what are you asking for?
What's that?
What you've got on.
This is what I'll be wearing in Gander.
Looks funny.
No it doesn't.
You look like a waiter.
'Cause that's what I am.
You trying to grow a mustache?
Looks like it.
I'm not.
It's coming in funny.
Anyway, how's your mom?
She can't sleep, some idiot
keeps throwing rocks at the house.
You want my books?
Well you've got nothing to do.
I don't want to read your books.
I just don't want a
dummy for a neighbor.
Is that your idea of funny?
Up to you, I'm just
next door, I'll throw a rock.
Jesus, Gerald.
What the hell are you doing?
You know what I think?
Nobody knows what you think.
I think you got her in there.
I just thought of that.
We're quarantined for god's sake.
Yeah, you could've painted that sign.
It's probably not even
spelled right either.
Go home, Gerald.
What's that you got on?
It's none of your business, just go home.
Are you trying to grow a mustache?
Do you know how foolish you look?
Do you know how foolish you look?
This is a woman, she's
full of her own, man size.
Water has
driven them these many months.
Our advances has seriously
reduced their strength in the air
and their capacity to
wage war on the ground.
We men over the globe will,
if nothing else, pull the strength.
Now let us eat, the blessing.
Couldn't call on you, if we
had an open artery I suppose.
And I suggest that you
watch me closely because
you're gonna have to do
it yourself eventually.
Still okay?
Hello, Terry.
Why do I get the feeling that
you're looking for something.
Beyond dirty ashtrays and glasses, I mean.
Nope, not really.
I thought perhaps it might be
something I could help you with.
Well that depends.
How do I know that what you might know
perhaps is what I might know, perhaps.
Let's say I know what
you're looking for.
And how would you know that?
If I guessed, he could guess.
Hmm, yeah, I guess.
Where have you been?
For cripe's sake, keep an eye will ya?
I'm drawing 'em like flies.
I could use a turnip from the cellar.
Sure, Pop.
One minute out of your sight,
and my dignity goes right out the window.
Well I can't be everywhere.
Oh god, if only you had shoulders.
Well I suppose we can sit here
and talk about families all night.
Oh if you don't mind, let's not.
Do you suppose we shall
ever see the moon again?
I've seen it, many times.
And perhaps someone has to
have someone to see it with.
We had a few bottles
of Chateau Le Fit 37.
Where the hell is it?
Bottom row, far side.
You're a funny one.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
Something funny about you.
You're not sure which face to use.
It's all over the god damn map.
Anyone looking for you
wouldn't know where to look.
But I don't think it would take
too long to figure you out.
You don't want to be a someone,
you want to be anyone,
as long as it's not you.
What's going on?
You know what I just saw, Ma?
I saw in Miss Stark's room
when I brought her tea, a man in her tub.
You're joking?
Was she in there with him?
No, I didn't see her.
Just some nice music playing
a couple candles on the go.
What else are we hearing?
The other one's hiding out somewhere.
Yeah, could be.
One thing's for sure,
he's no ordinary spy.
And who knows, maybe whoever this is,
he's not spying anymore.
Could be hiding from
his own people as well.
Yeah well it's a great place to hide.
That's sort of what I was thinking, Ma.
Keep dragging his business to the last
day of the war, and never go home again.
Could end up his days
fishing off the grand banks.
Let's hope we catch him before that.
Oh we'll get him, Ma.
Damn tootin'.
Those are my friends.
You can have a look if you want.
Your friends don't have a good idea of me.
Notice how they never get too close.
You know why that is?
They can smell the rot.
But you gotta have another layer.
It's god damn cold out there.
Your friends don't know.
They don't know dead.
I mean where are the bodies?
What the hell's this gotta do with me?
Why are you telling me?
Well there should at
least be a body around.
I mean like here, or there.
Should be one or two empty tunic sleeves.
Should be a little blood for the guests
to step in on their way
to the whiskey sours
and the cotta gretan, shouldn't there?
Who let you in?
I don't want you talking
to me anymore, okay?
I don't even know you.
You can have these if you want.
I got lots.
Just go away, go away.
Go away!
Grab a hold of that, will you?
Don't let the end go on the floor.
The greatest president
this country has ever known.
Certainly no debate necessary
with the prime minister.
We count on him a very
staunch friend and ally
during those very wary and strategic days.
The president's body will be transported
from Georgia to Washington DC.
Later from the capital to New York.
Our fallen leader's body
will travel via the railroad.
10 hours before the funeral in New York,
the funeral train will roll through.
Philadelphia's 30th Street station.
We now resume our memorial dedication
to Major Glenn Miller at this time as his
Glenn Miller American Air Force Orchestra,
directed by Sergeant Ray
McKinley, with Johnny Desmond
takes us on a journey through
Major Miller's later hits.
What's that one I'm trying to remember?
Hey gorgeous, you've been missed.
I should think so.
They still haven't found, you know who.
Well, maybe he's gone.
Maybe there wasn't one after all?
Oh there's a spy
alright, he's been seen.
I might've seen him too.
You be careful now.
The thing is, I've
been doing pretty well
in the way of tips, and there's not really
much to spend it on, so generally.
Aww Jesus, Pop!
Try to breathe.
Slower, slow down.
Slow down.
That's it.
Slow breaths, good.
Come on down.
It's gonna happen, you know?
You know it is, in this
house, it's gonna happen.
You want to be somewhere else.
You don't care where,
just far enough you
don't even hear about it.
But you can't do that.
You can't sleep it
away, no one can fix it.
Can't be fixed.
Hey what are you doing?
Get away from him.
Come on.
Thank god I found you.
It was not attractive up against a hut
like a two dollar upright dolly.
Oh god.
How are you supposed
to remember the romance?
You don't have to do that, you know.
Well you could've come,
you're supposed to keep me on track.
I was on shift.
Here, put these away.
Except for the corned beef.
She might be able to keep the hash down.
Good idea.
It'll be nice and soft for her.
Hey you're a smart
one, what's an enigma?
It means no one really
knows ya, something like that.
When I first got here
this major called me that.
Said I was like a secret.
You know I think that's because he didn't
want anyone to know that he knew me.
He said I was like a secret passage.
Don't think that one got by me, boy.
Just slow down, okay?
Slow down what?
Just slow down on everything.
It's like the Chicago
World's Fair in here.
It's pretty classy, eh?
Yes sir.
Your mother says your head's a treasure,
full of all sorts of stuff.
That's right, that's why
I spend so much time on the toilet.
You and here were strung
with the same strings,
I know that.
And ['ll tell you something
else, it don't bother me
a bit I don't understand either one of ya.
We'll be alright.
Still it's been a time, hasn't it?
I'd of thought you'd have
jumped out of your skin by now.
You know, I used to think that every time
you came through this
door it was someone else.
Mind you, different is okay.
Sometimes at work, you
know, I never told you this
I don't supposed but sometimes at work
I just like to lean my head
back on the lunch room wall.
Only when it's lunch time, you understand.
Well I should hope so.
And just uh, drift off
a bit to the machines.
Sometimes when I listen hard
enough, I can hear music
like way down deep in there,
I've never heard before, mind.
Not sleeping and such, just
um, leaving it all for a bit.
Then coming back and putting in
the rest of the shift no problem at all.
That's something, Pop.
Isn't it?
I should take you one
one of my trips sometime.
Oh no, no, no, I'm not that strange.
Just listening to a bit of music
in the machines is as far as I go.
I couldn't afford a ticket
to wherever the hell it is you go.
Boy do you look funny upside down.
Who gave you that bear?
I did.
It's gonna be okay, you know?
What is?
I guess I didn't tell you everything.
You being such a smarty I figured you knew
without me telling and turning you off me.
Can't help that now.
There's this woman, she uh
makes the rounds every so often.
She's good, clean, she's quiet about it.
Do you know yet?
Yeah I do.
I told you, you knew.
I knew you knew.
It's gotta be done.
It's because the surgeon
doesn't want it when you go to Utah?
You've got a mouth on you.
Is that it?
It is, isn't it?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to look all sucky face?
That's not me, you should know that.
You've got it all wrong anyway.
You're telling me.
You're really important to me, you know?
You don't know how much.
The most important of anything.
I love you all to pieces.
You better not be talking
about the real stuff.
I came in here to tell you something.
It's completely gone.
Something to do with the mail.
Does that ever happen to you?
Oh I suppose not.
Ah well.
Oh wait a minute, there's a good chance
we're gonna get a new machine in.
That'll make three.
We'll be on the par with
the mainlanders as far as output goes.
That'll be something, won't it?
I don't know.
That'll be the day you
don't know something.
You look a sight,
I should drop you in
with your mom's sheets.
What the hell do you want?
I was about to throw a rock.
I want an answer.
What kind of an answer?
A yes or no answer.
Do you want my books
before I bring them back?
Yes or no?
Look, we're busy in
here if you don't mind.
And no more rocks.
Laurie called, she's not
coming in this weekend,
in case you were wondering.
I know.
No you don't.
Yes I do.
Because I just told you.
No more rocks, okay?
Are you nuts?
No more than you.
Well now you can't leave.
Yes I can.
You're exposed.
No I'm not, I had it.
Had what?
Scarlet fever.
This is diptheria.
Probably had that too.
I've had it all.
You could spread it all over.
I don't care, I hates everyone here.
Anyway that's not why I'm here.
You can tell her she won't see me again.
She was in her right mind
I might keep after her, but not now.
I've got a life too.
Might be a good thing.
I'm a little behind on the news.
You're gonna have to give me
something to work with here.
Oh it's news you want?
I got tons of these.
What do you think, Ma?
It's nothing.
Oh maybe.
Who else?
Who else?
Is there anyone new?
You go on back there now, go on.
Be sure to keep your eye on things.
Mom, there's nothing there.
I don't want to hear that.
I haven't been hearing
very much from you.
What do you mean?
You must have something
I can help you with by now.
Uh no.
Could be.
Let me leave you with this.
The tricky part could be,
does he know you're looking for him?
I'm not thinking about that now.
Oh well that's different if
you're not thinking about that now.
That's just not important anymore.
I don't know who it could be, Mom.
Here's another one of those things.
Go be with your father now.
Maybe there's more than one, you know?
I saw the.
There's no more.
What'd you say, Mom?
Now we may need you more
than ever to crank up our spine
for the last big push to teach our boys
how to shove on and never
falter, and how to die.
Are you joking?
Okay, don't.
This is nothing.
Had one like it last week.
You hear that?
Those sounds.
Laughing and crying and singing.
It could be these folk, some place else.
You notice now there's no crying.
Only the laughing, the singing.
You see?
That's not so bad now, is it?
I've missed our tea times.
Yeah, I know.
Terry, I guess you've noticed
I don't have many friends.
I like the privacy, but I don't enjoy it
when I know I'm being talked about.
That right?
Now that's not something you would've
heard in your busy rounds, I'm quite sure.
Otherwise you would've told me.
Or I think you would have.
I don't suspect anyone
in particular, of course.
It might be almost anyone.
The head waiter or one
of the kitchen staff.
Even Miss Laurie Dwyer, although
I know it wouldn't be her.
She being such a great friend of yours.
I don't want you to be afraid.
Of what?
And I'm suddenly very tired.
God look at this, another one.
Where are these things coming from.
Who have I been with, with boils.
I ain't got but a minute here boy,
I just wanted to set things right.
See the thing is, I can't give a whole lot
to Laurie right now, or to anyone.
Well, I doubt I could spend a
whole lot of time with anyone
day and night, I don't
know how anyone does it.
I never needed someone else
to help me through anything.
That sounds bad, I know, but
it's like basic training.
No one picks you up and carries you over
"cause you'd never know what you're worth.
Ah shit, now it sounds bad too.
I'm trying to explain myself here, Beau,
because it's important
and I want you to know.
They wouldn't understand her in Utah,
and I wouldn't want her to
be humiliated like that.
I know you wouldn't.
I got a lot to do before I head out
and so I won't be able to tell her.
But you would though, wouldn't you Beau?
Hey, you've been my buddy,
I won't be forgettin' ya.
So long, Beau Jest.
So what do you have to say, Pop?
First fly of the year.
A spy?
I guess I'll know that much.
Who is it?
Like right here?
I have no idea.
Oh look, they've got someone.
I might've served him eggs.
Goodbye, I hope.
Well at least I can drop the posh now.
That was killin' me.
Oh wait, they have someone else.
Oh my god.
I always thought she
was a hard looking woman.
On the final days and hours,
the Western Allies raced the Russians
to be the first in Berlin
not to win the rally.
As Russians reached the capital
on April 21st, the German
command agrees to the
surrender of all armed forces.
All hostilities on land, sea,
or in the air to cease at 0800 hours.
British double summertime
on Saturday the fifth of May, 1945.
The decision of the Allied
powers will be final,
if any doubt or dispute
arrives as to the meaning
or interpretation of
these surrender terms.
It has been a long road to victory,
the biggest conflict in history
has lasted almost six years.
It's hard to believe I'm
finished getting into trouble.
Okay, I'm gonna lift one
with the big shots and then who knows.
Next you'll blink and
even this will be gone.
And chicken bones, and empties,
and corks, and colored paper.
No one will know who
was here and who wasn't.
And the whole goddamn world
will turn back into bus drivers
and clerks, and some
will go back to nothing.
You'll have to walk and talk normal again.
You people from small towns will get
it all said in a day or two.
There are only so many
jokes and those that
weren't here will get
tired of hearing them.
Even you're a veteran.
So now I'm ready for Utah.
Dave's gone.
Dave's gone.
I heard you.
You think I don't know that?
I saw him go.
You saw him go.
You see too much.
You see things that never
happened, that's what you see.
They got me again.
Anytime they wanted, they got me.
He should've let you know,
that's what friends do.
Where'd you get that?
You gotta know someone a long, long time,
and I known cakes of soap
longer than I've known him.
Are you kidding?
Gerald's gone too.
Gerald's given up.
When a Gerald gives up on you,
you better start counting
the rings in your tree.
I guess.
We'll see you back home then.
That speck.
You think that's where I
belong, in that pothole?
Taking that same goddamn turn in the road
til I look like everybody else?
Is that me?
That's not me, it never was.
Why do you think I did all that I did?
She was there one minute.
Tyrone, got a couple of brand new jokes.
Ah heck, they're not that good.
It's over.
Go up and see her.
Go up.
Are we still gonna live here, Pop?
It's the only house we got.
She won't be here.
It's the one place you'd find her.
Come on boys.