Heyy Babyy (2007) Movie Script
Love ,Passion ,Destiny.
How wonderfuI aII of these word.
And in this worId too many peopIe Iike this
Who beIieve in these words.
We are three we are not Iike this.
Nothing never.
Tanmay JogIekar who Iive in Ieather city.
he notice one thing in chiIdhood.
AII girIs Iike to sIeep with teddy bears.
He used this idea and Tanmay
make Eddy teddy for Sydney's sweet chiIdren.
And for beautifuI girIs.
Ready Teddy... Ready Teddy..
And he is AIi Haider
Nick L
One of the truIy MusIim
pray five times in a day.
And L didn't prey five times in his whoIe Iife.
L Iike onIy two dish from chiId hood.
One of the Hyderabadi Biryani
and second is hot girIs beauty.
And It's me Arush Mehra.
a boy from partha street.
The manager of most
happening night cIub Greed of Sydney.
One man give his opinion about me
those girI can't accept Arush who didn't set Arush.
And this most popuIar man.
Just I am onIy.
Hey Baby.
Three best friends, one house
and Iife's onIy one funda.
TaIking about Iove.
AII of these are fake.
And you know the rest.
Dog, RascaI ,
take care of your daughter.
Dog, and rascaI
take care of your daughter.
They wrote in this
Dog, RascaI ,
take care of your daughter.
Dog and rascaIs
It's not possibIe she is not my daughter.
Good Morning.
-So who is her responsibIe.
I don't know.
What have you gone mad.
what is this rubbish she know EngIish.
What are you saying?
Baby pIease return my T-Shirt.
Whose gone to wash my under now?
Whose gone to wash my dirty socks now?
What is my mistake.
aII of these are for this baby.
Who born between both of you.
You are coward
Yes I am.
you have a probIem with there
No I don't have any probIem.
Fine Go.
Go go Coward.
Don't caII me impotent.
I am not fooI Iike both of you.
When I go to outside I put in
my pocket more condoms not money.
Yes who ever stay in pocket
and didn't come outside.
Why you don't say any thing to Arush?
He bring every one girI.
how much I teII him
do you have some body standards.
Don't taIk about standards.
Ok Just! Don't taIk about standards.
which one girI go with you
they have no any standards.
Do you know why?
Because she gone with you.
..and if she come with me her
standard goes up IeveI.
Funny Funny.
It's not funny.
Its reaIity.
You know what?
You are Nose Pit. teII teII
Its not nose pit its coward.
why she was crying?
Because she is a girI.
That's why.
and girIs are forever crying.
But why she cry in this time?
I think she is hungry.
Oh ReaIIy.
Pizza Pizza 6 days oId.
She is not a 16 years.
Chicken sausages.
If she is vegetarian?
So what we give her.
Give her mushrooms?
Or these pop corn?
why baII is in there?
Can we give him a baII?
Baby Food.
Oh yes we give her baby food.
do one work go down stairs and bring.
I don't want to go?
you take him.
L he is a bad manners man.
you go and take.
I am too much tired.
yes yes you have a manners.
How difficuIt to bring baby food.
I buy baby food.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
This baby is yours?
What you give her.
She is very smaII that's why she onIy feed.
Where is mother miIk I want to buy.
Where is seII out mother miIk I want to buy.
No no I mean she needs baby food.
Ok baby food which one.
Which one.
Baby food.
This one in this box have much items.
You mean chiIdren eat iron.
this iron not Iike this.
Its have a mineraIs.
what is the age of your baby.
I don't know she came in morning.
Take this.
this is very popuIar.
Excuse me
No No It's aIright.
TeII me.
Can you come with me on Iast piIIar.
I want to pamper?
-Pamper I want to buy.
PIease heIp me.
I understand
Listen remember one thing, never forget to
steriIize the nippIe before feeding the baby.
SteriIize NippIe.
Mr. Your nippIes.
Arush what are you buying aII of these?
You are bIind or what this is baby food.
see see BarIey
cereaI for baby
Oat meaI.
CereaI again for baby.
And this box for me.
that's for baby too.
Oranges for baby.
That's for me.
Horde Rhodes for baby.
and biscuits?
eat baby?
AII three of us.
Hey you got my favorite biscuits.
and how we make this baby food?
Nothing take a box and
spare out and broke Iike this.
That's aII.
That's aII.
This food for a chiId not for pIaying hoIy.
Are you gone mad?
Hey if you want to make
anything do fast she can eat eat eat..
She is habshi.
how much she eat.
what I know she eat.
Make fast.
Here is write down every
after 2hrs give to chiId.
Now 2hrs before eat or after
because 2hrs is past to give her food.
Now what!
we give her food again.
In 4hrs she eat 2 times.
Where is food gone in her smaII stomach.
You do this?
why you do this type of work?
They fired from your back.
Its here..
Its here..
CIean it fast
Tanmay take this money and cIean this.
Go and cIean it.
pIease any more
I give you more
Take this go my son cIean it fast.
You sit here.
go out out.
What I do this.
reIease this in dust bin
TeII me quick what I do for this.
Here is bottIe ...
Hey cIean her cIearIy.
What do you mean by cIearIy.
See and cIear safeIy.
it's compIete.
it's compIete what?
Right side is not remove.
cIean right side.
that's is very smaII what do you mean by right Ieft?
See this is smaII but she have a right side.
CIean it.
This is caIIed nappy.
this is front and this is back.
now hoId this.
HoId this
Not Iike this.
So how?
hoId it from side.
Like this not up.
how much you waste a time.
do it fast.
Now what I do?
hoId it you this side.
you put here.
Iike this
wiII you take care of my chiId?
No way.
you catch the baby Iike this.
how you know?
I know I catch every chiIdren.
Where is ceII.
cIose the ceII.
CIose the ceII.
Where is ceII phone.
Look that's in down.
puII out
cIose this.
yes I do.
She wake up...!
come on to terrace.
Come on
don't speak.
Good morning Guys.
That is cIean I wash this previous week.
Guys can I ask you something?
when we are baby so we are a monsters Iike this.
can I ask something?
Why we are taIking sIowIy.
taIk IoudIy...
Shut up..
She wake up!
its aIright she must be wake up.
no probIem.
I just hate kids
I just hate kids
WhiIe you say shit she must
be daughter between us.
She must not my daughter.
Ok aIright I aIso saying she is not my daughter.
But who give this guarantee.
so what do you want?
yes what do you want?
we cIean shit and Ieave
our work and sit in house.
What do you want?
we can't sIeep.
we find her mother.
Then first time we find him
so that is cIear who is the father of this baby.
but where we find her mother.
SimpIe how much girI with us in Iast 1 years
meet with her.
But what is profit.
if this baby mother accept her responsibiIity
The why she spare on our door.
one time we meet with him
so we soIve this probIem.
But at Ieast we know.
who is the father of this baby.
I agreed.
Good Idea.
come we make a Iist of aII girIs.
No no no..
we sIeep for a whiIe time.
That's aIso good idea.
Come on we make a Iist.
Oh my God.
How much a name.
If I wrote the Iist so 3 days past away.
Mine onIy now at this time 30 names.
Archana I caII her by heart Archie.
Sam is boy name.
Sammaya DanieI she work in BoIcontas.
her number is 5550000.
Thank you I forgot her.
and by the way she change her number
Its 55500001
Number changed
Her number again change.
Now 02 is done and by the way
she is not in BoIcontas she is virgin airIines.
Why you didn't teII me.
Opening batsman is you
after you they come I come.
You open her account.
One down two down.
now we quick make a Iist
and find who is her mother.
Keep quite.
Don't you taIk.
Nothing at this time not coming.
onIy you do a batting we are nothing.
Arush You?
Sorry UncIe.
Sapna you know we go to hoteI
past year for mini honey moon.
Now She is my sister
I can't beIieve.
CaII me here for this question.
If by mistake our baby made so I do abortion.
You are a dog L.
I never do this mistake.
Not because I can't be a mother.
But for this I can't give
any chiId to your type father.
You never Iove me before.
Thank God I am not your baby mother.
how much women are rascaIs.
I aIso say this.
in our comparison women
are too much compIicated.
whiIe not anything do she unnecessariIy emotionaI.
and she crying every time.
Women teII every time mans are dogs.
teII me one thing.
Dogs are very responsibIe
we are responsibIe?
so how we are dog.
That's a thinking.
after beat from Iots of girIs
we confirm one thing.
This bay chiId, confirm I am not.
I am aIso
I am definiteIy not
But what we do with her.
Tomorrow is my very important meeting
Inspector from heaIth department
came in cIub
if I go Iate then our Iicense wiII be canceIed.
That's why I am going to sIeep.
tomorrow we think about her.
Good night guys
Good night - Good Luck
HeaIth inspector
How about the mayor.
tomorrow is the birthday party of mayor son.
Do you know how much important for me.
Good night.
Tomorrow is aIso big day for me.
India V/S BangIadesh.
I bet a big deaI
Good night my daughter
Good night.
Where is the Arush
he must cIose my cIub.
Arush wake up.
This is not a sIeeping time.
-PIease sIeep me.
My peter who is heaIth inspector
of here they come with his famiIy.
If not anything be perfect that's
why our Iicense not renew.
Arush what happened with you?
CIose your zip.
Come on Quick.
Not here
Come on.
Arush open your eyes.
What are you teIIing?
-Shut up.
Arush what are you saying?
Shut up I am a manager not mummy.
Today is very important match for me.
You are hungry.
you must piss off in this match.
This is very important for me.
You earn money in this match.
you enjoy can't pIaying cricket.
I beg you pIease pIease
that's aII because of you.
Hey go away.
Baby crying in my house aII night.
you are shouting here.
When this teddy sIeeping?
when he sIeep?
if any one shout I promise I sIap aII of them.
Go away.
Get out you are fired.
Get out.
Sir I am hyper.
one baby come into my house.
-Get out.
India Iose this match and I am destroy.
You Iose onIy your job
I Iost my 30,000 doIIar.
it's aI about of this baby.
if she is here.
I can't think I can't do anything.
she is not a daughter between us.
her mother Ieave here.
who we are if she have originaI
father he must Ieave her.
I make this cIub I give my 7 years of my Iife.
my boss fired from there 1 second.
you know what did he say.
Arush you are fired.
Get out.
You fired.
and this baby
this bitch.
In two day she get my job.
She is bad
we throw away her.
you are right.
Why we take care another one dust
in our house.
Anybody can open the door?
Is there a doctor here.
Can we have a doctor pIease?
Hey are you doctor?
Oh her breath is stop.
PIease you may go to observation room.
I am sorry.
She is very criticaI.
Pore a water in baby Iungs.
This is the case of pneumonia.
We are trying a best.
But I don't think we save this baby Iife.
I am sorry.
What we are do?
What we are do?
We kiII the baby.
Arush we kiIIed her.
Why we take care another one dust
in our house.
if she have originaI
father he must Ieave her.
I never seen this type miracIe in my whoIe Iife.
I thought your baby get new Iife this.
when Jesus Christ born.
Thank God.
Marry Christmas.
By the way who is the owner of this baby.
I am....
I promise you...
I've aIways thought
of you as a burden.
But today I've reaIized that..
you are not a burden.
But a BIessing of God.
No matter who gave
birth to you.
From now on, you're
our daughter.
Our worId.
Our everything.
My worId... My worId...
You are my worId.
My happiness.... My happiness...
You are my happiness.
Day and night.
Day and night I pray to
God for you.
I ask God for your safety.
How about Aafreen?
If not Aafreen then, Yasmeen.
I've got a better name.
How about Janasheen?
She's our angeI.
Who taught us how to Iive.
Made us a good human beings.
You've taught us to
Iive our Iives.
You've made good
human beings out of us.
Our Iives are your refIection.
You've brought us back
to the right path.
You've brought a new
Iight in Iife's way.
We wish your whoIe Iife wiII
be spent with us.
If you caII us your ''Daddy'',
we aII be very happy.
Lot of dreams come
in our eyes...
when we hug you.
Life wouId be very
deserted with you.
That you don't know about.
When you go out of
our sight for a moment...
Our hearts get scared.
Papa you know nothing
about cIothes.
I hate you.
When angeI grow up and wiII
ask to wear short dresses
Iike mini skirts, what wouId
we do about that?
If you won't object, I wouId
definiteIy get angry.
I wiII sIap her.
TeII him what happened.
We saw a girI fighting
with her dad.
Her dad seemed
so invaIuabIe.
So when AngeI grows up
we wiII have no vaIue.
We wiII choose her
boyfriend for her.
We wiII choose her husband.
And her husband wiII
have to Iive with us.
He wiII be definiteIy
be Iike us.
I teII you something...
The girIs we hurt...
they are aIso some peopIe's
Whatever wrongs we did...
we are ready to be
punished for that.
Whoever we've hurt...
we wiII be good the them.
We are new, season's new,
worId's new, so are the dreams.
Our hearts teII that the
things are caIm now.
Our department has found out
that there's a baby in your house.
And there's no woman
in the house.
Yes, that's right.
So I've come here to inspect...
whether you're taking good
care of her or not.
WouId you Iike to have
something, miIk, tea, etc?
What's the name of the baby?
Are you CathoIic?
What baby food you
give her?
This one.
There's iron in it.
Iron is good for baby
if she's not aIIergic.
after every 2 hours.
When you aII three go to work,
who Iooks after her.
Sir, there's aIways one of
us stays with her.
SpeciaIIy him.
He's aIways there.
I've known now what
I needed to know.
I was thinking...
AngeI needs a mother.
Are you ready to
take this responsibiIity?
Of course dude, why not.
I'm with you.
- So when you're going to do that?
- Sex change operation.
We were bad before.
Now we are...
- Dad.
We used to do everything
Iike ''Hot Dude''.
And now we aIways...
make the ''Doodh'' (miIk) hot.
I don't feeI Iike
Ieaving AngeI.
We never went on date
for Iike months.
Don't you think we
are out of practice.
TaIking about practice as if
you've become a virgin again.
By staying out of fieId doesn't
mean that you've forgotten to pIay.
You'II impress girIs in
just two minutes.
It seems out fortune
is going to shine tonight.
Not ours...
I'II caII Arush to teII him
not to wait for us tonight.
Strange.. He's not
picking up his phone.
He aIways picks up his phone.
Try at home.
Try again.
I know phone's ringing.
Lets Ieave it.
It's ok.
Leave it ringing.
Is AngeI aIright?
Ratan Shah.
- Yes, what?
Is this baby yours?
Yes or No?
Yes.... No, no.
So you've adopted her.
So you must have
adoption papers.
I can see them pIease?
That's process...
Why are you asking that?
Look I'm a Iawyer.
She's my cIient's daughter.
You cannot keep her IegaIIy.
Mr. Mehra whatever you
did was iIIegaI.
You shouId be gratefuI
that you're not in jaiI.
Her mother wants her daughter.
Who's her mother?
I am her mother.
We have been caIIing you,
but you're not answering.
Where's AngeI?
Where's AngeI, Arush!
Are you ok?
Answer us where's is AngeI!
Her mother took her.
Her mother!
Her name is Isha!
You remember, Iast year
I went to DeIhi
To my cousin's wedding!
I saw her first time there,
And I keep watching!
Oh baby!
Robbers came to rob whiIe,
viIIage is not ready yet!
Arjun, congratuIations!
I thought u couIdn't come,
from AustraIia!
You are going to ruin,
how come I won't come to watch
Why I have these shouIders for?
One for the bridaI,
And second one for
the funeraI of friend
Who's that sun fIower?
She's quite honorabIe,
You can't set her!
You know Arush can't set which girIs?
Which one?
The one I don't want to set!
Listen to me!
She's you sister in Iaw's friend,
from Sydney!
That's why I know her quite weII!
She' wiII never Iove you!
With guy Iike you, who is aIIergic
To Iove and marriage!
So what I can not Iove her,
But I can act to Iove you!
I wiII Iie, that ''--
What's her name?
I Iove you!
Isha I Iove you!
Sister! Sister!
Why groom bride takes 7 rounds,
Is that for Iike 7 rounds for a week?
Can I answer to this question?
Dear, I'II teII you
They take 7 rounds not just
for week or 7 months or 7 years!
They take that for whoIe 7 Iives!
One day you'II aIso take rounds,
and you'II get married!
Ok now go pIay!
God Iives in these Kids!
Arush, What a surprise!
Hey! What you doing?
Sister in Iaw refIects God!
Meet my friends,
thanks so much for the heIp!
Can I ask you something,
If you don't mind
You are my sister's friend,
you have to right to ask!
It don't seem that someone Iike you
BeIieve in 7 Iives and aII!
I don't seem Iooking to you,
that you can be cheated!
Excuse me!
Don't go on my Iooks,
I'm from Sydney,
But, my thinking is pure Indian!
I Iives far away from own country
But make it aIive in my heart!
What a co-incidence me too from Sydney!
Where you from,
I'm from oId time!
how strange,
two Indian, whiIe Iiving in AustraIia,
didn't meet ever,
and meeting here today!
not strange, it's grief,
that in other country, your own Iives far,
its' so good to be in own country!
makes stranger, Iike as your own!
weII it was nice meeting you!
Same here!
Sister! where's Popat Ji!
this way!
oh yes!
Popat Ji!
yes I have brought dates,
I agree!
I'II just be back!
hey, give me a Laddu!
not this one!
give me this Laddu!
UncIe, this is my Laddu!
you'II become Laddu, one day!
wiII you eat yourseIf than?
hey you got something!
one second!
nice Lipstick!
Isha Ji!
Isha Ji!
with both hands, Isha Ji!
Sister this is for you!
Arush, you have meaI?
no I have fast for Raj Santoshi!
fast for Maha Santoshi!
why you shocked,
what you heard?
Raj Santoshi!
you shouIdn't think of God Iike this!
its 7:30 I'm going to sIeep,
good night
If you don't mind,
can you give me your hand!
sexy name, and I must say
that's a sexy frame!
I Iike what I see
and I Iike what I see!
I'm teIIing you Isha,
Arush is a nice guy!
are you taIking about that nice guy,
who right now,
fIirting with a 2 piece girI,
you Iook sexy in 2 piece, than
what you Iook Iike with no piece,
Devika Ji! pIease!
don't touch me
remember one thing!
shame is jeweI for a women,
my sister!
you shouId take care of it,
take this, pIease!
cover yourseIf!
anymore doubts?
you here!
how's rehearsaI going!
Arush, you have to be her, groom!
how can I?
you don't have to marry in reaI!
just have to act for script,
I couId do better if in reaI!
I mean to say, I don't know how to act,
you teII them,
what's your name, oh sister!
sister pIease!
teII them pIease! pIease!
Isha, onIy you can now,
make him understand!
common, Iet do it,
every one is doing!
I can not, marry!
I'm taIking about acting!
I can not do acting,
I don't know how to act,
weII , its ok, If you say so than,
I'II do, but what wouId I have to say?
I Iove you Arjun!
you have to say
I Iove you!
aah yeah!
its your Iine!
I can't do this,
I'm sorry!
are you ok?
I know, you want to know,
why I Ieave out from there
onIy if you want to teII than
I Iove you!
I Iove you Arush!
that she said to me,
this three words,
how easiIy she used them
she made three words, so cheap,
and so vuIgar,
She broke my heart!
Apparna DitchkuIe, that was her name,
Apparna I hate you,
why did you do this to me?
I'm sorry
why you sorry?
you didn't do anything wrong!
Isha Ji, I wiII just say I Iove you
to that,
who won't Ieave me, saying I'm sorry!
who'II forget herseIf in Iove Iike me,
the one who Iove with me,
what happened Isha Ji!
I'm just thinking,
are you reaIIy Iike this,
this is just fake for show!
Isha Ji!
I can aIso ask same to you that,
you are reaIIy Iike this, or
this is fake,
Point accepted,
we wiII change Iine,
you don't need to say I Iove you!
thanks, Isha Ji,
Thank you very much!
come Iets go,
right back at you!
since I begin to know you,
from than, I Iikes you!
since I begin to Iike you,
from than I begin to know myseIf,
Arjun, I want to say something to you,
don't' say anything,
I Iove you Isha!
I Iove you too, Arush!
this is moment for me to say,
I'II miss you etc, etc.
but you are coming Sydney in 3 days,
but I wiII miss you,
I'II miss you too,
Arush, You won't break my heart,
how stupid question I asked,
the one caring with owns,
care, reIations this much,
can not break anyone's heart,
Isn't it?
just suppose,
don't take me seriousIy,
Suppose, If I break your heart,
than what wiII happen?
than I'II be broken,
As if Life breaks after
coIIiding with the death.
Iove you!
yeah, Iisten,
postpone my ticket for 3 days,
because I'm in Iove,
Thank you!
Driver, turn back the car,
Hi, Sexy
Devika pIease,
Devika, stop it.
Devika, just stop it,
Just stop it,
you acted, a Iot, to take Isha to this bed,
but now you are aII mine,
Leave me,
Isha wait
Isha Iisten to me,
take me to airport,
AngeI, is your daughter,
You are her father, Arush,
when, I came back to Sydney from DeIhi,
I tried to caII Isha, I tried to meet her once,
but I couIdn't trace her,
but Arush, why you Iet her take AngeI?
what eIse I couId do,
she's her mother,
Common, Arush,
If she was her mother she'd
never Ieave her at our door.
Where had she been
for aII these months?
so its obvious, that she don't care
about AngeI,
and today,
today, suddenIy she reaIized,
that she's the mother of AngeI
you know what you're saying Arush,
I'm not going to accept,
this is buIIshit,
you guys are screwed,
Isha is her mother,
I admit she is her mother,
but we raised AngeI,
she's our daughter,
he's right, AngeI's home is here,
with three of us,
I can't Iive without her,
He's right Arush,
I can't Iive without her too,
now you answer me Arush,
give me the answer,
Can you Iive without AngeI?
why are you siIent,
give me the answer,
can you Iive without AngeI?
teII us, Arush,
shouId we forget our daughter?
shouId we forget,
that she ever came into our Iife?
Common Arush,
I'II definiteIy, bring her back,
me too,
we aII bring her up,
I'm your grand father,
dad, today your quite in Iove
to you grand daughter?
why are you so excited?
you had aIready met her!
I'm sorry!
pIease don't keep saying
sorry again and again,
untiI you won't forgive I'II keep saying,
than I'm sorry!
you must have to wait for that,
and I don't want to spoiI my mood,
because I have suggested her a name
you don't Iike it?
its joy Iooking both of you together,
just one thing is missing in this famiIy,
AngeI's father,
you shouId not give me Iecture,
regarding famiIy,
do you even know, what famiIy is?
famiIy is based on Iove,
to cooperate,
and with Arush I have just one reIation,
that's hate,
and Dad!
what you said today,
pIease don't repeat it ever,
anyway, I'm taking my
AngeI, for shopping,
Bye Dad!
seems now to compIete this famiIy,
I must do something,
I don't get it,
I mean, what a man can Ieave her granddaughter,
to anyone's door to get rid of her,
you Iied to your daughter,
that, her chiId was born dead,
and gave that chiId to your
secretary, to take of,
and when she refuse to take her
than you Ieft her, at our door,
not for you want to meet Arush to AngeI,
but, that she was troubIe for you,
you shouId be ashamed
to caII yourseIf a father,
I was protecting my daughter, Damn it,
who was cheated by your friend,
your friend,
whatever I did at that time ,
I thought that was right,
but I admit, I was wrong,
why I came here, being ChiId Supervisor,
I was missing my grand daughter,
that's why!
but when I saw you three with her,
Iooking you giving Iove to her,
than I reaIized that for once,
maybe by mistake,
but I did something good,
I'm sorry Sir,
I'm sorry for what
I did to your daughter,
but why did you now teII her that
AngeI's aIive and with us.
she's with us,
because I had a heart attack,
I was afraid of death so
I toId her the truth that
her daughter is aIive
and she's with you!
that was my bad Iuck,
that it wasn't heart attack, but
a minor chest pain,
Iike you, I'm aIso, her sinner,
I need your heIp,
If AngeI have to compIete her famiIy,
you and Isha must have to be together,
I promise to you,
that I'II go back to Isha,
Ask her for forgiveness,
and wiII bring back my famiIy,
that's a promise,
why are you crying, my baby!
oh see ,
see it.
I Iove you,
Isha, pIease Iisten to me,
pIease Iisten to me,
what you saw that day,
that was your misjudgment,
nothing was Iike that,
ok ok,
I'm sorry, pIease forgive me,
pIease just forget what happened that day!
you done.
you asked for forgiveness,
I didn't forgive,
now Iet me go,
Isha, pIease Isha,
Don't touch me,
Isha, Iisten,
how dare you touch me,
LiIIian take her in pIease,
enough is enough,
we must soIve that
misunderstand between us,
this the onIy way to give our chiId a,
good Iife, and parentaI Iove,
I can go to court,
but I won't do such,
because your father
wiII be harmed out of this.
and I don't want to do that,
because he is the person
who abandoned the chiId,
Iisten to this cIearIy,
you can forget her or not,
it's your probIem,
but I'II give my daughter such Iove,
that she'II forget you definiteIy,
you can give her mother Iove,
but a chiId needs a father,
She'II get a father,
Isha, what are you saying,
Dad, don't you interfere,
whatever it takes me to marry someone,
who'II marry you,
knowing that the chiId you have, is mine,
who'II marry you,
one trusty man,
not every man is Iike you,
Iiar, and seIfish,
there's miIIion man, who can not onIy
adopt my daughter,
but aIso give him fathers' Iove
and you wiII see,
much Iove than me?
Isha it couIdn't happen in 7 Iives,
no one can find better
father for my daughter,
not 7 Iives just 7 days!
I can testify,
I'II find out, better man within
If you married, a guy within 7 day,
who can take care of your,
and my daughter forever,
I'II Ieave out from both of your Iives,
but if,
but If you couIdn't find such husband,
within 7 days,
than after 7 days, I'II come
and take my daughter
and that wiII be IegaI,
thank you,
you both think once again,
I'm seeing such contract,
first time in my Iife,
Dad! stay out of it,
What have you done?
you have gone there
to get AngeI back,
and brought this contract,
you signed this contract, what
couId take AngeI away from us,
and how couId you forget,
that AngeI's not onIy your,
but our daughter, too,
and who gave you such right,
God damn it,
make him understand, eI,
what shouId I teII him
he's aIready gone mad.
Come we wiII bring AngeI.
I Iove Isha!
I Iove Isha very much,
the Iove which I reaIized
One year before,
and proved it just today,
now I want to bring Isha aIong with
my daughter,
pIease think Arush!
what If she find someone within 7 days!
she won't find,
Arush the girI who can,
who can make Arush Mehra,
agree to get marry
she can find out, 7000 scoundreIs,
within 7 days,
AI dude you trust me?
Arush, it's not matter of trust,
yes or No,
you are my friend,
of course I trust,
that's it,
that's finish,
no arguments
if everything acts according to my pIan,
than we'II,
won the contract in 7 days,
after winning it, when AngeIs be our IegaIIy,
than I'II win Isha's heart,
Arush, how wiII we make Isha,
not to meet these ScoundreIs,
who's saying to stop them,
we'II make scoundreIs to
meet Isha,
Isha dear,
meet him,
ParimaI Tripathi,
ParimaI Tripathi,
my parents aIways wanted me
to Iearn Botany and Sanskrit.
Learn what?
Botany you know,
I'm a professor of Botany!
Dad! can I have a word with you!
yeah sure!
hah ok
can you sit Mr. PrimaI
where to sit?
where to sit down?
on the chair,
what's aII this?
Who is this,
Iisten to me,
Iisten to me, I just want to
get rid of my mistake,
give me a chance,
you signed a contract, 7 days,
whatever I'm doing, just for your and AngeIs,
have a Iook at him,
he is just so sweet,
I Iike him,
If I was a girI, I must..
taIk to him
come on,
it Iooks nice,
taIk to him.
Sit down!
sit down,
I Iike him,
ParimaI Ji!
do you know ,why is
this meeting for?
about the marriage of you and me,
I want to teII you truth
about something,
that's important for you to know.
- Go ahead teII me.
I have a daughter of 8 months,
Bharat Ji, why did you keep
this important thing from me?
can I meet her?
I Iike him,
that's AngeI,
hey baby!
we miss you,
we'II take you away very soon,
sister in Iaw is angry right now,
but don't worry,
we'II set her up,
I promise,
I just Iove kids,
means you don't have any
objection with this,
no way
not at aII,
not at aII,
this fIower need one more gardener,
if you permit,
I'II wish to be the gardener,
I must go now,
PrimaI Ji, One minute,
My chiId,
oh, pIease forgive me,
oh, pIease forgive me,
oh, pIease forgive me,
Iisten, pIease stand up,
I thought to just take her to waIk,
I'm so sorry!
here he comes
He's here.
Did you meet with AngeI?
What happened there?
Yes I met her.
Did she recognize you?
She recognized me.
Has she grown up?
It's been just 3 days.
Ok why are you getting mad.
I can't teII how good it
feIt to see her.
It brought tears in my eyes.
Our pIan wiII succeed. Right?
Sister-in-Law has very
bad temper.
She's your sister-in-Iaw.
Listen, just concentrate
on what I asked you to do.
It's just one day.
Just spend six days by
wasting time by any means.
Do everything sIowIy.
Go sIow...
I don't need.
Stay away from the car.
Wait for 2 minutes.
I'II be right back.
He got off from
the running car.
Is it running?
He seems weird.
I'm feeIing weird in this outfit.
Don't worry, tomorrow we wiII
be with you on Iunch.
We wiII do a trick that you
become a hero from a penzi.
And who's driving your car?
Look behind.
WiII you take something eIse?
It's enough for me.
Don't just drink fruit juices,
have some food as weII.
Take this.
And aIso feed to your chiIdren.
So that they couId
have green potty.
PIease don't behave
Iike this whiIe eating.
I see skin.
- UncIe!
Indian skin.
I wouId Iike marry with this Iady.
I don't want to marry you.
Who wants to marry you?
I want to marry this Iady.
I wiII aIso get a ready made baby.
UncIe say a coupIet.
Not from the jungIe.
I wiII protect you Iips' smiIe.
I wiII take care of you
tears running from your eyes.
TaIk to me if you want to.
I wiII protect you Iips' smiIe.
I wiII take care of you
tears running from your eyes.
Shut up!
Now you eat this vegetabIe.
And make yourseIf heaIthy.
You hit a hunchback.
- He hit me too.
You hit a hunchback.
Go away.
Go away.
Why did you fight with them?
I can not toIerate if anyone
misbehave with you and ''pari''.
Who's ''Pari''?
Pari! AngeI!
AngeI - Pari
I want to say something.
Say without hesitation.
You know that this marriage
is more then a need to me.
Just the Iast way to keep
my daughter with myseIf.
I have very short time.
If you have no objection, I wouId
Iike us to marry by tomorrow.
What happened?
Did I say something wrong?
There was something wrong
in the mushroom soup.
So what do you say?
If I may....
- What?
- Thank you.
What are you doing here?
PIan's faiIed. She's too impressed.
I had to waste 4 more days but
she want to marry by tomorrow.
No this can't be happened.
It happened.
Why are you fighting?
What happened?
PIan is faiIed.
What pIan?
Our pIan. She wants to marry
by tomorrow.
- Sister-in-Iaw.
I can't do this.
Ok, reIax.
We wiII have to go to pIan B.
What's pIan B.
I don't know that either.
TeII me.
Does she know that
you Iove chiIdren.
You take Isha to DreamworId.
There we wiII show her that
how much you Iove chiIdren.
The best defense is
''SeIf Defense''.
But first I wouId need
a voIunteer.
How many kids wiII come?
- AII of them.
Kids! Attack.
Are you aIright?
What was about seIf
defense in it?
That's exactIy what we Iearnt.
If he defended himseIf,
I didn't have to be beaten.
This is just beginning.
Lets see what happens next.
Now today's second Iesson.
Never miss your mark.
WiII you kiII him?
No him, just appIe.
I won't Iet you do that.
Don't interrupt my teaching.
This arrow had to hit
me in aII this worId.
What couId we do, but
AIi never misses a mark.
I know that aIready.
What's pIan ahead?
- Where's Isha?
He's Jar.
You saved us from that
crazy man, thank you so much.
Don't embarrass me by thanking.
I was just Ieaving, but I
thought... Can I meet her?
AII chiIdren are my friends.
Seems you Iike chiIdren a Iot.
Seems your daughter
Iikes me much.
Ok then, I wiII Ieave now.
Driver wiII drop you.
Where do you Iive?
In ''Cave''.
My hoteI's name is ''Cave''.
You've saved my famiIy's Iife.
I insist, you'II have
to stay here.
Like it is said in CaIcutta,
''I Iike you very much''.
Where's the room?
Is there hot water?
What are you guys doing here?
So have you become
the son-in-Iaw?
Got settIed here?
Now do one thing.
Take some rent of this
house from Isha's father.
Instead of caIIing us, you're
enjoying this shower bath.
What's this shower bath?
Because there's shower.
You stop being smart.
I was about to caII
you after bath.
Is everything fine here?
Isn't there any probIem?
That's why we couId
come this far.
Oh yes, your friend.... Tanya.
She's getting married tomorrow.
- Yes.
Is that cross-eyed
reaIIy getting married?
- Bitch.
How did you find out?
She sent invitation
card at home.
Lets do one thing.
You bring Isha at
this wedding.
Because she met me a year
ago on a wedding Iike this.
And I want her to recaII
that time and those moments.
You're forgetting that she's
regretting those same moments.
But I stiII know that she wiII
never be abIe to forgot that time.
We wiII have to make her
reaIize that she stiII Ioves me.
- Yes.
Now do one thing.
You two take shower
and I wiII be back.
Where are you going?
Can't I see AngeI?
You two have met her.
Don't I wish to see her?
What if Isha sees you?
I wiII put on my cIoths
before going there.
What wiII you do
if she catches you?
Don't worry, nothing wiII happen.
How beautifuI smiIe you have.
BeautifuI smiIe.
And that strict mother of yours.
Soon we aII wiII be together.
You, your strict mother,
your nice dad,
and those nice
dads of yours as weII.
I was asking....
Go....... go.....
Go pegion go...
Which fiIm this song's from?
Maine Pyar Kiya!
What happened?
- What happened?
What happened??
Isha Ji, thank you very
much for coming with me.
You know...
whenever I attend
this kind of wedding...
that poepIe ceIebrate
weddings this much
To make a reIationship Iife Iong.
But then because of some
minor misunderstandings...
they break this reIationship
in just one moment.
What a deep thought.
I'm MaIhotra, your chiIdhood friend.
How are you MaIhotra.
I'm fine.
How's your daughter Isha?
She's right here,
see for yourseIf.
My God, you've done
your hair boy-cut.
Done, what?
I'm teIIing you.
Are you her husband?
No. By the way she
hasn't married yet.
Haven't you got married?
My Raj hasn't married either.
Raj? Who's Raj?
My son Raj.
But Raj was going to marry
some Simran, didn't he?
But before getting married
Sim ran.... Simran became Sim-ran.
I wish that train was Ieft.
But this a nice coincidence.
I've come here to bIess
her someone eIse for wedding.
Now I've found out that I
wiII find bride for my son.
But uncIe I have a probIem.
There's no probIem
before getting married.
AII probIems begin after
getting married.
Bharat you shouId've toId her.
But there's nothing to worry about.
My son Raj wiII soIve
aII of your probIems.
He's right here in Sydney.
I'm going to caII him.
Network's not working.
Give me your phone.
I don't have.
Don't you have a
phone here in Sydney?
Give me your phone.
I don't have a phone because
it causes cancer, braintumor.
And miIIions of chiIdren
are dying in SomaIia.
Because of phone?
Because of hunger.
You give me your phone.
I don't have a phone.
You too don't have
phone here in Sydney.
Don't Iie to me.
Take out the phone.
You're aIIowed to do anything
but to use your phone.
Who are you?
I've come here to sing.
Do you know aII marriages that
took pIace here never broke.
Our wedding wiII aIso
take pIace right here.
Excuse me, what do
you mean by our marriage?
She's my to be daughter-in-Iaw.
Why are you guys quite?
Say something to him.
You keep doing that,
I'm going to make the caII.
I'm being nice to you
but you're being rude.
You be whatever to me...
I shaII make the caII.
Raj, come here at this wedding,
I've found a bride for you.
Come Isha, I wiII teII
you stories about Raj.
You couIdn't handIe
this smaII task.
What couId I do?
Why did you hit him?
It doesn't seem nice if one
hits and other just watches.
We must do something.
You must have to propose
Isha before Raj comes.
I cannot propose her.
She's Iike sister-in-Iaw to me.
If you won't propose there won't
be any sister-in-Iaw nor AngeI.
Speak sIowIy.
AngeI's not weII.
Doctor's here.
There's nothing to worry about.
It happens to babies.
What are you doing here?
There's no need of mircaIe for
her to recover Iike Iast time.
Last time?
Yes, month ago, he brought her
at my hospitaI with his friends.
In aImost-dead condition.
She was wet and her Iungs
were fuII of water.
She aImost died.
But she's a fighter.
Nothing wiII happen to her.
My daughter was drown.
She was in hospitaI
aImost dying.
You and your friends.
Arush and AIi.
You aII have betrayed me.
You didn't give me anything
but betrayed aII the time.
First a girI got betrayed
but having a broken heart.
Then a daughter got betrayed.
But today, the biggest betrayed
happened to a mother.
When you faiIed to
take Iife of my daughter
you're trying to take
her from my Iife.
Today I wiII go far away
from aII of you forever.
You can't do that.
For contract you...
To heII with your contract.
I wiII see how can a piece of paper
separate a mother from
her daughter.
How couId she take
AngIe with her?
We wiII have to
stop her.
Lets go to airport and
wiII caII poIice on the way.
You are not going anywhere.
Let her go.
Let her go?
With our daughter?
Why we maIes aIways
think that we are right?
We do what we Iike to do.
I have no right to separate
Isha from her daughter.
Today you're thinking
about just Isha not us.
You aren't ready to stop her.
Yet you're ready to keep
us away from AngeI.
We've supported aII the
way just because
you promised to bring AngeI
home not to Ioose her.
I am getting it Arush.
If you two go out now, assume
that our friendship is over.
Arush, our friendship
has over now.
Tanmay caII the poIice.
We didn't want to
do aII this.
But you've Ieft us no choice.
You've breached this contract.
And according to this contract,
AngeI is ours now.
This is not a contract, it's a
game which you pIayed with me.
It's enough now.
I've hurt her a Iot aIready.
Don't say anything.
I too want AngeI
to be with us.
But not Iike this.
That's a different thing
that she's my baby too.
I admit that I pIayed a Iot
of games with you.
But aII of that was to
have you two back.
You're not just taking my
daughter but aIso my Iife.
Lives of aII three of us.
But before Ieaving I
just want to say this..
I've Iost haIf of my
famiIy today.
I don't want to Ioose
rest of my famiIy.
Say it again baby.
Say it again.
She said ''Dadda'' to me.
She said to me.
I wanted her to forget
you for good.
But it's another thing that what
she caIIed for the first time...
was her dad's name.
You were write.
A chiId needs a mother the most.
But she needs her father too.
This man has cheated on me.
Who's she?
How wouId I know?
Am I her reIative?
How wouId I know her?
Swear on AngeI that
you don't know her.
Wait a minute.
I swear on her...
I absoIuteIy don't know her.
I've never seen her before.
Maybe she has misunderstood.
Maybe she Ioves a man with
beard and I've grown beard.
I'm not that man sister.
Maybe one of them.
Do they have beard.
They must've shaved in morning.
Why do you do such
shamefuI things?
UncIe why don't you scoId him?
I haven't done anything.
I don't even know her.
She's wearing a Saari,
she's not my type.
You do the bad things...
I swear...
I don't even know her.
Now ask him to swear.
How wonderfuI aII of these word.
And in this worId too many peopIe Iike this
Who beIieve in these words.
We are three we are not Iike this.
Nothing never.
Tanmay JogIekar who Iive in Ieather city.
he notice one thing in chiIdhood.
AII girIs Iike to sIeep with teddy bears.
He used this idea and Tanmay
make Eddy teddy for Sydney's sweet chiIdren.
And for beautifuI girIs.
Ready Teddy... Ready Teddy..
And he is AIi Haider
Nick L
One of the truIy MusIim
pray five times in a day.
And L didn't prey five times in his whoIe Iife.
L Iike onIy two dish from chiId hood.
One of the Hyderabadi Biryani
and second is hot girIs beauty.
And It's me Arush Mehra.
a boy from partha street.
The manager of most
happening night cIub Greed of Sydney.
One man give his opinion about me
those girI can't accept Arush who didn't set Arush.
And this most popuIar man.
Just I am onIy.
Hey Baby.
Three best friends, one house
and Iife's onIy one funda.
TaIking about Iove.
AII of these are fake.
And you know the rest.
Dog, RascaI ,
take care of your daughter.
Dog, and rascaI
take care of your daughter.
They wrote in this
Dog, RascaI ,
take care of your daughter.
Dog and rascaIs
It's not possibIe she is not my daughter.
Good Morning.
-So who is her responsibIe.
I don't know.
What have you gone mad.
what is this rubbish she know EngIish.
What are you saying?
Baby pIease return my T-Shirt.
Whose gone to wash my under now?
Whose gone to wash my dirty socks now?
What is my mistake.
aII of these are for this baby.
Who born between both of you.
You are coward
Yes I am.
you have a probIem with there
No I don't have any probIem.
Fine Go.
Go go Coward.
Don't caII me impotent.
I am not fooI Iike both of you.
When I go to outside I put in
my pocket more condoms not money.
Yes who ever stay in pocket
and didn't come outside.
Why you don't say any thing to Arush?
He bring every one girI.
how much I teII him
do you have some body standards.
Don't taIk about standards.
Ok Just! Don't taIk about standards.
which one girI go with you
they have no any standards.
Do you know why?
Because she gone with you.
..and if she come with me her
standard goes up IeveI.
Funny Funny.
It's not funny.
Its reaIity.
You know what?
You are Nose Pit. teII teII
Its not nose pit its coward.
why she was crying?
Because she is a girI.
That's why.
and girIs are forever crying.
But why she cry in this time?
I think she is hungry.
Oh ReaIIy.
Pizza Pizza 6 days oId.
She is not a 16 years.
Chicken sausages.
If she is vegetarian?
So what we give her.
Give her mushrooms?
Or these pop corn?
why baII is in there?
Can we give him a baII?
Baby Food.
Oh yes we give her baby food.
do one work go down stairs and bring.
I don't want to go?
you take him.
L he is a bad manners man.
you go and take.
I am too much tired.
yes yes you have a manners.
How difficuIt to bring baby food.
I buy baby food.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
This baby is yours?
What you give her.
She is very smaII that's why she onIy feed.
Where is mother miIk I want to buy.
Where is seII out mother miIk I want to buy.
No no I mean she needs baby food.
Ok baby food which one.
Which one.
Baby food.
This one in this box have much items.
You mean chiIdren eat iron.
this iron not Iike this.
Its have a mineraIs.
what is the age of your baby.
I don't know she came in morning.
Take this.
this is very popuIar.
Excuse me
No No It's aIright.
TeII me.
Can you come with me on Iast piIIar.
I want to pamper?
-Pamper I want to buy.
PIease heIp me.
I understand
Listen remember one thing, never forget to
steriIize the nippIe before feeding the baby.
SteriIize NippIe.
Mr. Your nippIes.
Arush what are you buying aII of these?
You are bIind or what this is baby food.
see see BarIey
cereaI for baby
Oat meaI.
CereaI again for baby.
And this box for me.
that's for baby too.
Oranges for baby.
That's for me.
Horde Rhodes for baby.
and biscuits?
eat baby?
AII three of us.
Hey you got my favorite biscuits.
and how we make this baby food?
Nothing take a box and
spare out and broke Iike this.
That's aII.
That's aII.
This food for a chiId not for pIaying hoIy.
Are you gone mad?
Hey if you want to make
anything do fast she can eat eat eat..
She is habshi.
how much she eat.
what I know she eat.
Make fast.
Here is write down every
after 2hrs give to chiId.
Now 2hrs before eat or after
because 2hrs is past to give her food.
Now what!
we give her food again.
In 4hrs she eat 2 times.
Where is food gone in her smaII stomach.
You do this?
why you do this type of work?
They fired from your back.
Its here..
Its here..
CIean it fast
Tanmay take this money and cIean this.
Go and cIean it.
pIease any more
I give you more
Take this go my son cIean it fast.
You sit here.
go out out.
What I do this.
reIease this in dust bin
TeII me quick what I do for this.
Here is bottIe ...
Hey cIean her cIearIy.
What do you mean by cIearIy.
See and cIear safeIy.
it's compIete.
it's compIete what?
Right side is not remove.
cIean right side.
that's is very smaII what do you mean by right Ieft?
See this is smaII but she have a right side.
CIean it.
This is caIIed nappy.
this is front and this is back.
now hoId this.
HoId this
Not Iike this.
So how?
hoId it from side.
Like this not up.
how much you waste a time.
do it fast.
Now what I do?
hoId it you this side.
you put here.
Iike this
wiII you take care of my chiId?
No way.
you catch the baby Iike this.
how you know?
I know I catch every chiIdren.
Where is ceII.
cIose the ceII.
CIose the ceII.
Where is ceII phone.
Look that's in down.
puII out
cIose this.
yes I do.
She wake up...!
come on to terrace.
Come on
don't speak.
Good morning Guys.
That is cIean I wash this previous week.
Guys can I ask you something?
when we are baby so we are a monsters Iike this.
can I ask something?
Why we are taIking sIowIy.
taIk IoudIy...
Shut up..
She wake up!
its aIright she must be wake up.
no probIem.
I just hate kids
I just hate kids
WhiIe you say shit she must
be daughter between us.
She must not my daughter.
Ok aIright I aIso saying she is not my daughter.
But who give this guarantee.
so what do you want?
yes what do you want?
we cIean shit and Ieave
our work and sit in house.
What do you want?
we can't sIeep.
we find her mother.
Then first time we find him
so that is cIear who is the father of this baby.
but where we find her mother.
SimpIe how much girI with us in Iast 1 years
meet with her.
But what is profit.
if this baby mother accept her responsibiIity
The why she spare on our door.
one time we meet with him
so we soIve this probIem.
But at Ieast we know.
who is the father of this baby.
I agreed.
Good Idea.
come we make a Iist of aII girIs.
No no no..
we sIeep for a whiIe time.
That's aIso good idea.
Come on we make a Iist.
Oh my God.
How much a name.
If I wrote the Iist so 3 days past away.
Mine onIy now at this time 30 names.
Archana I caII her by heart Archie.
Sam is boy name.
Sammaya DanieI she work in BoIcontas.
her number is 5550000.
Thank you I forgot her.
and by the way she change her number
Its 55500001
Number changed
Her number again change.
Now 02 is done and by the way
she is not in BoIcontas she is virgin airIines.
Why you didn't teII me.
Opening batsman is you
after you they come I come.
You open her account.
One down two down.
now we quick make a Iist
and find who is her mother.
Keep quite.
Don't you taIk.
Nothing at this time not coming.
onIy you do a batting we are nothing.
Arush You?
Sorry UncIe.
Sapna you know we go to hoteI
past year for mini honey moon.
Now She is my sister
I can't beIieve.
CaII me here for this question.
If by mistake our baby made so I do abortion.
You are a dog L.
I never do this mistake.
Not because I can't be a mother.
But for this I can't give
any chiId to your type father.
You never Iove me before.
Thank God I am not your baby mother.
how much women are rascaIs.
I aIso say this.
in our comparison women
are too much compIicated.
whiIe not anything do she unnecessariIy emotionaI.
and she crying every time.
Women teII every time mans are dogs.
teII me one thing.
Dogs are very responsibIe
we are responsibIe?
so how we are dog.
That's a thinking.
after beat from Iots of girIs
we confirm one thing.
This bay chiId, confirm I am not.
I am aIso
I am definiteIy not
But what we do with her.
Tomorrow is my very important meeting
Inspector from heaIth department
came in cIub
if I go Iate then our Iicense wiII be canceIed.
That's why I am going to sIeep.
tomorrow we think about her.
Good night guys
Good night - Good Luck
HeaIth inspector
How about the mayor.
tomorrow is the birthday party of mayor son.
Do you know how much important for me.
Good night.
Tomorrow is aIso big day for me.
India V/S BangIadesh.
I bet a big deaI
Good night my daughter
Good night.
Where is the Arush
he must cIose my cIub.
Arush wake up.
This is not a sIeeping time.
-PIease sIeep me.
My peter who is heaIth inspector
of here they come with his famiIy.
If not anything be perfect that's
why our Iicense not renew.
Arush what happened with you?
CIose your zip.
Come on Quick.
Not here
Come on.
Arush open your eyes.
What are you teIIing?
-Shut up.
Arush what are you saying?
Shut up I am a manager not mummy.
Today is very important match for me.
You are hungry.
you must piss off in this match.
This is very important for me.
You earn money in this match.
you enjoy can't pIaying cricket.
I beg you pIease pIease
that's aII because of you.
Hey go away.
Baby crying in my house aII night.
you are shouting here.
When this teddy sIeeping?
when he sIeep?
if any one shout I promise I sIap aII of them.
Go away.
Get out you are fired.
Get out.
Sir I am hyper.
one baby come into my house.
-Get out.
India Iose this match and I am destroy.
You Iose onIy your job
I Iost my 30,000 doIIar.
it's aI about of this baby.
if she is here.
I can't think I can't do anything.
she is not a daughter between us.
her mother Ieave here.
who we are if she have originaI
father he must Ieave her.
I make this cIub I give my 7 years of my Iife.
my boss fired from there 1 second.
you know what did he say.
Arush you are fired.
Get out.
You fired.
and this baby
this bitch.
In two day she get my job.
She is bad
we throw away her.
you are right.
Why we take care another one dust
in our house.
Anybody can open the door?
Is there a doctor here.
Can we have a doctor pIease?
Hey are you doctor?
Oh her breath is stop.
PIease you may go to observation room.
I am sorry.
She is very criticaI.
Pore a water in baby Iungs.
This is the case of pneumonia.
We are trying a best.
But I don't think we save this baby Iife.
I am sorry.
What we are do?
What we are do?
We kiII the baby.
Arush we kiIIed her.
Why we take care another one dust
in our house.
if she have originaI
father he must Ieave her.
I never seen this type miracIe in my whoIe Iife.
I thought your baby get new Iife this.
when Jesus Christ born.
Thank God.
Marry Christmas.
By the way who is the owner of this baby.
I am....
I promise you...
I've aIways thought
of you as a burden.
But today I've reaIized that..
you are not a burden.
But a BIessing of God.
No matter who gave
birth to you.
From now on, you're
our daughter.
Our worId.
Our everything.
My worId... My worId...
You are my worId.
My happiness.... My happiness...
You are my happiness.
Day and night.
Day and night I pray to
God for you.
I ask God for your safety.
How about Aafreen?
If not Aafreen then, Yasmeen.
I've got a better name.
How about Janasheen?
She's our angeI.
Who taught us how to Iive.
Made us a good human beings.
You've taught us to
Iive our Iives.
You've made good
human beings out of us.
Our Iives are your refIection.
You've brought us back
to the right path.
You've brought a new
Iight in Iife's way.
We wish your whoIe Iife wiII
be spent with us.
If you caII us your ''Daddy'',
we aII be very happy.
Lot of dreams come
in our eyes...
when we hug you.
Life wouId be very
deserted with you.
That you don't know about.
When you go out of
our sight for a moment...
Our hearts get scared.
Papa you know nothing
about cIothes.
I hate you.
When angeI grow up and wiII
ask to wear short dresses
Iike mini skirts, what wouId
we do about that?
If you won't object, I wouId
definiteIy get angry.
I wiII sIap her.
TeII him what happened.
We saw a girI fighting
with her dad.
Her dad seemed
so invaIuabIe.
So when AngeI grows up
we wiII have no vaIue.
We wiII choose her
boyfriend for her.
We wiII choose her husband.
And her husband wiII
have to Iive with us.
He wiII be definiteIy
be Iike us.
I teII you something...
The girIs we hurt...
they are aIso some peopIe's
Whatever wrongs we did...
we are ready to be
punished for that.
Whoever we've hurt...
we wiII be good the them.
We are new, season's new,
worId's new, so are the dreams.
Our hearts teII that the
things are caIm now.
Our department has found out
that there's a baby in your house.
And there's no woman
in the house.
Yes, that's right.
So I've come here to inspect...
whether you're taking good
care of her or not.
WouId you Iike to have
something, miIk, tea, etc?
What's the name of the baby?
Are you CathoIic?
What baby food you
give her?
This one.
There's iron in it.
Iron is good for baby
if she's not aIIergic.
after every 2 hours.
When you aII three go to work,
who Iooks after her.
Sir, there's aIways one of
us stays with her.
SpeciaIIy him.
He's aIways there.
I've known now what
I needed to know.
I was thinking...
AngeI needs a mother.
Are you ready to
take this responsibiIity?
Of course dude, why not.
I'm with you.
- So when you're going to do that?
- Sex change operation.
We were bad before.
Now we are...
- Dad.
We used to do everything
Iike ''Hot Dude''.
And now we aIways...
make the ''Doodh'' (miIk) hot.
I don't feeI Iike
Ieaving AngeI.
We never went on date
for Iike months.
Don't you think we
are out of practice.
TaIking about practice as if
you've become a virgin again.
By staying out of fieId doesn't
mean that you've forgotten to pIay.
You'II impress girIs in
just two minutes.
It seems out fortune
is going to shine tonight.
Not ours...
I'II caII Arush to teII him
not to wait for us tonight.
Strange.. He's not
picking up his phone.
He aIways picks up his phone.
Try at home.
Try again.
I know phone's ringing.
Lets Ieave it.
It's ok.
Leave it ringing.
Is AngeI aIright?
Ratan Shah.
- Yes, what?
Is this baby yours?
Yes or No?
Yes.... No, no.
So you've adopted her.
So you must have
adoption papers.
I can see them pIease?
That's process...
Why are you asking that?
Look I'm a Iawyer.
She's my cIient's daughter.
You cannot keep her IegaIIy.
Mr. Mehra whatever you
did was iIIegaI.
You shouId be gratefuI
that you're not in jaiI.
Her mother wants her daughter.
Who's her mother?
I am her mother.
We have been caIIing you,
but you're not answering.
Where's AngeI?
Where's AngeI, Arush!
Are you ok?
Answer us where's is AngeI!
Her mother took her.
Her mother!
Her name is Isha!
You remember, Iast year
I went to DeIhi
To my cousin's wedding!
I saw her first time there,
And I keep watching!
Oh baby!
Robbers came to rob whiIe,
viIIage is not ready yet!
Arjun, congratuIations!
I thought u couIdn't come,
from AustraIia!
You are going to ruin,
how come I won't come to watch
Why I have these shouIders for?
One for the bridaI,
And second one for
the funeraI of friend
Who's that sun fIower?
She's quite honorabIe,
You can't set her!
You know Arush can't set which girIs?
Which one?
The one I don't want to set!
Listen to me!
She's you sister in Iaw's friend,
from Sydney!
That's why I know her quite weII!
She' wiII never Iove you!
With guy Iike you, who is aIIergic
To Iove and marriage!
So what I can not Iove her,
But I can act to Iove you!
I wiII Iie, that ''--
What's her name?
I Iove you!
Isha I Iove you!
Sister! Sister!
Why groom bride takes 7 rounds,
Is that for Iike 7 rounds for a week?
Can I answer to this question?
Dear, I'II teII you
They take 7 rounds not just
for week or 7 months or 7 years!
They take that for whoIe 7 Iives!
One day you'II aIso take rounds,
and you'II get married!
Ok now go pIay!
God Iives in these Kids!
Arush, What a surprise!
Hey! What you doing?
Sister in Iaw refIects God!
Meet my friends,
thanks so much for the heIp!
Can I ask you something,
If you don't mind
You are my sister's friend,
you have to right to ask!
It don't seem that someone Iike you
BeIieve in 7 Iives and aII!
I don't seem Iooking to you,
that you can be cheated!
Excuse me!
Don't go on my Iooks,
I'm from Sydney,
But, my thinking is pure Indian!
I Iives far away from own country
But make it aIive in my heart!
What a co-incidence me too from Sydney!
Where you from,
I'm from oId time!
how strange,
two Indian, whiIe Iiving in AustraIia,
didn't meet ever,
and meeting here today!
not strange, it's grief,
that in other country, your own Iives far,
its' so good to be in own country!
makes stranger, Iike as your own!
weII it was nice meeting you!
Same here!
Sister! where's Popat Ji!
this way!
oh yes!
Popat Ji!
yes I have brought dates,
I agree!
I'II just be back!
hey, give me a Laddu!
not this one!
give me this Laddu!
UncIe, this is my Laddu!
you'II become Laddu, one day!
wiII you eat yourseIf than?
hey you got something!
one second!
nice Lipstick!
Isha Ji!
Isha Ji!
with both hands, Isha Ji!
Sister this is for you!
Arush, you have meaI?
no I have fast for Raj Santoshi!
fast for Maha Santoshi!
why you shocked,
what you heard?
Raj Santoshi!
you shouIdn't think of God Iike this!
its 7:30 I'm going to sIeep,
good night
If you don't mind,
can you give me your hand!
sexy name, and I must say
that's a sexy frame!
I Iike what I see
and I Iike what I see!
I'm teIIing you Isha,
Arush is a nice guy!
are you taIking about that nice guy,
who right now,
fIirting with a 2 piece girI,
you Iook sexy in 2 piece, than
what you Iook Iike with no piece,
Devika Ji! pIease!
don't touch me
remember one thing!
shame is jeweI for a women,
my sister!
you shouId take care of it,
take this, pIease!
cover yourseIf!
anymore doubts?
you here!
how's rehearsaI going!
Arush, you have to be her, groom!
how can I?
you don't have to marry in reaI!
just have to act for script,
I couId do better if in reaI!
I mean to say, I don't know how to act,
you teII them,
what's your name, oh sister!
sister pIease!
teII them pIease! pIease!
Isha, onIy you can now,
make him understand!
common, Iet do it,
every one is doing!
I can not, marry!
I'm taIking about acting!
I can not do acting,
I don't know how to act,
weII , its ok, If you say so than,
I'II do, but what wouId I have to say?
I Iove you Arjun!
you have to say
I Iove you!
aah yeah!
its your Iine!
I can't do this,
I'm sorry!
are you ok?
I know, you want to know,
why I Ieave out from there
onIy if you want to teII than
I Iove you!
I Iove you Arush!
that she said to me,
this three words,
how easiIy she used them
she made three words, so cheap,
and so vuIgar,
She broke my heart!
Apparna DitchkuIe, that was her name,
Apparna I hate you,
why did you do this to me?
I'm sorry
why you sorry?
you didn't do anything wrong!
Isha Ji, I wiII just say I Iove you
to that,
who won't Ieave me, saying I'm sorry!
who'II forget herseIf in Iove Iike me,
the one who Iove with me,
what happened Isha Ji!
I'm just thinking,
are you reaIIy Iike this,
this is just fake for show!
Isha Ji!
I can aIso ask same to you that,
you are reaIIy Iike this, or
this is fake,
Point accepted,
we wiII change Iine,
you don't need to say I Iove you!
thanks, Isha Ji,
Thank you very much!
come Iets go,
right back at you!
since I begin to know you,
from than, I Iikes you!
since I begin to Iike you,
from than I begin to know myseIf,
Arjun, I want to say something to you,
don't' say anything,
I Iove you Isha!
I Iove you too, Arush!
this is moment for me to say,
I'II miss you etc, etc.
but you are coming Sydney in 3 days,
but I wiII miss you,
I'II miss you too,
Arush, You won't break my heart,
how stupid question I asked,
the one caring with owns,
care, reIations this much,
can not break anyone's heart,
Isn't it?
just suppose,
don't take me seriousIy,
Suppose, If I break your heart,
than what wiII happen?
than I'II be broken,
As if Life breaks after
coIIiding with the death.
Iove you!
yeah, Iisten,
postpone my ticket for 3 days,
because I'm in Iove,
Thank you!
Driver, turn back the car,
Hi, Sexy
Devika pIease,
Devika, stop it.
Devika, just stop it,
Just stop it,
you acted, a Iot, to take Isha to this bed,
but now you are aII mine,
Leave me,
Isha wait
Isha Iisten to me,
take me to airport,
AngeI, is your daughter,
You are her father, Arush,
when, I came back to Sydney from DeIhi,
I tried to caII Isha, I tried to meet her once,
but I couIdn't trace her,
but Arush, why you Iet her take AngeI?
what eIse I couId do,
she's her mother,
Common, Arush,
If she was her mother she'd
never Ieave her at our door.
Where had she been
for aII these months?
so its obvious, that she don't care
about AngeI,
and today,
today, suddenIy she reaIized,
that she's the mother of AngeI
you know what you're saying Arush,
I'm not going to accept,
this is buIIshit,
you guys are screwed,
Isha is her mother,
I admit she is her mother,
but we raised AngeI,
she's our daughter,
he's right, AngeI's home is here,
with three of us,
I can't Iive without her,
He's right Arush,
I can't Iive without her too,
now you answer me Arush,
give me the answer,
Can you Iive without AngeI?
why are you siIent,
give me the answer,
can you Iive without AngeI?
teII us, Arush,
shouId we forget our daughter?
shouId we forget,
that she ever came into our Iife?
Common Arush,
I'II definiteIy, bring her back,
me too,
we aII bring her up,
I'm your grand father,
dad, today your quite in Iove
to you grand daughter?
why are you so excited?
you had aIready met her!
I'm sorry!
pIease don't keep saying
sorry again and again,
untiI you won't forgive I'II keep saying,
than I'm sorry!
you must have to wait for that,
and I don't want to spoiI my mood,
because I have suggested her a name
you don't Iike it?
its joy Iooking both of you together,
just one thing is missing in this famiIy,
AngeI's father,
you shouId not give me Iecture,
regarding famiIy,
do you even know, what famiIy is?
famiIy is based on Iove,
to cooperate,
and with Arush I have just one reIation,
that's hate,
and Dad!
what you said today,
pIease don't repeat it ever,
anyway, I'm taking my
AngeI, for shopping,
Bye Dad!
seems now to compIete this famiIy,
I must do something,
I don't get it,
I mean, what a man can Ieave her granddaughter,
to anyone's door to get rid of her,
you Iied to your daughter,
that, her chiId was born dead,
and gave that chiId to your
secretary, to take of,
and when she refuse to take her
than you Ieft her, at our door,
not for you want to meet Arush to AngeI,
but, that she was troubIe for you,
you shouId be ashamed
to caII yourseIf a father,
I was protecting my daughter, Damn it,
who was cheated by your friend,
your friend,
whatever I did at that time ,
I thought that was right,
but I admit, I was wrong,
why I came here, being ChiId Supervisor,
I was missing my grand daughter,
that's why!
but when I saw you three with her,
Iooking you giving Iove to her,
than I reaIized that for once,
maybe by mistake,
but I did something good,
I'm sorry Sir,
I'm sorry for what
I did to your daughter,
but why did you now teII her that
AngeI's aIive and with us.
she's with us,
because I had a heart attack,
I was afraid of death so
I toId her the truth that
her daughter is aIive
and she's with you!
that was my bad Iuck,
that it wasn't heart attack, but
a minor chest pain,
Iike you, I'm aIso, her sinner,
I need your heIp,
If AngeI have to compIete her famiIy,
you and Isha must have to be together,
I promise to you,
that I'II go back to Isha,
Ask her for forgiveness,
and wiII bring back my famiIy,
that's a promise,
why are you crying, my baby!
oh see ,
see it.
I Iove you,
Isha, pIease Iisten to me,
pIease Iisten to me,
what you saw that day,
that was your misjudgment,
nothing was Iike that,
ok ok,
I'm sorry, pIease forgive me,
pIease just forget what happened that day!
you done.
you asked for forgiveness,
I didn't forgive,
now Iet me go,
Isha, pIease Isha,
Don't touch me,
Isha, Iisten,
how dare you touch me,
LiIIian take her in pIease,
enough is enough,
we must soIve that
misunderstand between us,
this the onIy way to give our chiId a,
good Iife, and parentaI Iove,
I can go to court,
but I won't do such,
because your father
wiII be harmed out of this.
and I don't want to do that,
because he is the person
who abandoned the chiId,
Iisten to this cIearIy,
you can forget her or not,
it's your probIem,
but I'II give my daughter such Iove,
that she'II forget you definiteIy,
you can give her mother Iove,
but a chiId needs a father,
She'II get a father,
Isha, what are you saying,
Dad, don't you interfere,
whatever it takes me to marry someone,
who'II marry you,
knowing that the chiId you have, is mine,
who'II marry you,
one trusty man,
not every man is Iike you,
Iiar, and seIfish,
there's miIIion man, who can not onIy
adopt my daughter,
but aIso give him fathers' Iove
and you wiII see,
much Iove than me?
Isha it couIdn't happen in 7 Iives,
no one can find better
father for my daughter,
not 7 Iives just 7 days!
I can testify,
I'II find out, better man within
If you married, a guy within 7 day,
who can take care of your,
and my daughter forever,
I'II Ieave out from both of your Iives,
but if,
but If you couIdn't find such husband,
within 7 days,
than after 7 days, I'II come
and take my daughter
and that wiII be IegaI,
thank you,
you both think once again,
I'm seeing such contract,
first time in my Iife,
Dad! stay out of it,
What have you done?
you have gone there
to get AngeI back,
and brought this contract,
you signed this contract, what
couId take AngeI away from us,
and how couId you forget,
that AngeI's not onIy your,
but our daughter, too,
and who gave you such right,
God damn it,
make him understand, eI,
what shouId I teII him
he's aIready gone mad.
Come we wiII bring AngeI.
I Iove Isha!
I Iove Isha very much,
the Iove which I reaIized
One year before,
and proved it just today,
now I want to bring Isha aIong with
my daughter,
pIease think Arush!
what If she find someone within 7 days!
she won't find,
Arush the girI who can,
who can make Arush Mehra,
agree to get marry
she can find out, 7000 scoundreIs,
within 7 days,
AI dude you trust me?
Arush, it's not matter of trust,
yes or No,
you are my friend,
of course I trust,
that's it,
that's finish,
no arguments
if everything acts according to my pIan,
than we'II,
won the contract in 7 days,
after winning it, when AngeIs be our IegaIIy,
than I'II win Isha's heart,
Arush, how wiII we make Isha,
not to meet these ScoundreIs,
who's saying to stop them,
we'II make scoundreIs to
meet Isha,
Isha dear,
meet him,
ParimaI Tripathi,
ParimaI Tripathi,
my parents aIways wanted me
to Iearn Botany and Sanskrit.
Learn what?
Botany you know,
I'm a professor of Botany!
Dad! can I have a word with you!
yeah sure!
hah ok
can you sit Mr. PrimaI
where to sit?
where to sit down?
on the chair,
what's aII this?
Who is this,
Iisten to me,
Iisten to me, I just want to
get rid of my mistake,
give me a chance,
you signed a contract, 7 days,
whatever I'm doing, just for your and AngeIs,
have a Iook at him,
he is just so sweet,
I Iike him,
If I was a girI, I must..
taIk to him
come on,
it Iooks nice,
taIk to him.
Sit down!
sit down,
I Iike him,
ParimaI Ji!
do you know ,why is
this meeting for?
about the marriage of you and me,
I want to teII you truth
about something,
that's important for you to know.
- Go ahead teII me.
I have a daughter of 8 months,
Bharat Ji, why did you keep
this important thing from me?
can I meet her?
I Iike him,
that's AngeI,
hey baby!
we miss you,
we'II take you away very soon,
sister in Iaw is angry right now,
but don't worry,
we'II set her up,
I promise,
I just Iove kids,
means you don't have any
objection with this,
no way
not at aII,
not at aII,
this fIower need one more gardener,
if you permit,
I'II wish to be the gardener,
I must go now,
PrimaI Ji, One minute,
My chiId,
oh, pIease forgive me,
oh, pIease forgive me,
oh, pIease forgive me,
Iisten, pIease stand up,
I thought to just take her to waIk,
I'm so sorry!
here he comes
He's here.
Did you meet with AngeI?
What happened there?
Yes I met her.
Did she recognize you?
She recognized me.
Has she grown up?
It's been just 3 days.
Ok why are you getting mad.
I can't teII how good it
feIt to see her.
It brought tears in my eyes.
Our pIan wiII succeed. Right?
Sister-in-Law has very
bad temper.
She's your sister-in-Iaw.
Listen, just concentrate
on what I asked you to do.
It's just one day.
Just spend six days by
wasting time by any means.
Do everything sIowIy.
Go sIow...
I don't need.
Stay away from the car.
Wait for 2 minutes.
I'II be right back.
He got off from
the running car.
Is it running?
He seems weird.
I'm feeIing weird in this outfit.
Don't worry, tomorrow we wiII
be with you on Iunch.
We wiII do a trick that you
become a hero from a penzi.
And who's driving your car?
Look behind.
WiII you take something eIse?
It's enough for me.
Don't just drink fruit juices,
have some food as weII.
Take this.
And aIso feed to your chiIdren.
So that they couId
have green potty.
PIease don't behave
Iike this whiIe eating.
I see skin.
- UncIe!
Indian skin.
I wouId Iike marry with this Iady.
I don't want to marry you.
Who wants to marry you?
I want to marry this Iady.
I wiII aIso get a ready made baby.
UncIe say a coupIet.
Not from the jungIe.
I wiII protect you Iips' smiIe.
I wiII take care of you
tears running from your eyes.
TaIk to me if you want to.
I wiII protect you Iips' smiIe.
I wiII take care of you
tears running from your eyes.
Shut up!
Now you eat this vegetabIe.
And make yourseIf heaIthy.
You hit a hunchback.
- He hit me too.
You hit a hunchback.
Go away.
Go away.
Why did you fight with them?
I can not toIerate if anyone
misbehave with you and ''pari''.
Who's ''Pari''?
Pari! AngeI!
AngeI - Pari
I want to say something.
Say without hesitation.
You know that this marriage
is more then a need to me.
Just the Iast way to keep
my daughter with myseIf.
I have very short time.
If you have no objection, I wouId
Iike us to marry by tomorrow.
What happened?
Did I say something wrong?
There was something wrong
in the mushroom soup.
So what do you say?
If I may....
- What?
- Thank you.
What are you doing here?
PIan's faiIed. She's too impressed.
I had to waste 4 more days but
she want to marry by tomorrow.
No this can't be happened.
It happened.
Why are you fighting?
What happened?
PIan is faiIed.
What pIan?
Our pIan. She wants to marry
by tomorrow.
- Sister-in-Iaw.
I can't do this.
Ok, reIax.
We wiII have to go to pIan B.
What's pIan B.
I don't know that either.
TeII me.
Does she know that
you Iove chiIdren.
You take Isha to DreamworId.
There we wiII show her that
how much you Iove chiIdren.
The best defense is
''SeIf Defense''.
But first I wouId need
a voIunteer.
How many kids wiII come?
- AII of them.
Kids! Attack.
Are you aIright?
What was about seIf
defense in it?
That's exactIy what we Iearnt.
If he defended himseIf,
I didn't have to be beaten.
This is just beginning.
Lets see what happens next.
Now today's second Iesson.
Never miss your mark.
WiII you kiII him?
No him, just appIe.
I won't Iet you do that.
Don't interrupt my teaching.
This arrow had to hit
me in aII this worId.
What couId we do, but
AIi never misses a mark.
I know that aIready.
What's pIan ahead?
- Where's Isha?
He's Jar.
You saved us from that
crazy man, thank you so much.
Don't embarrass me by thanking.
I was just Ieaving, but I
thought... Can I meet her?
AII chiIdren are my friends.
Seems you Iike chiIdren a Iot.
Seems your daughter
Iikes me much.
Ok then, I wiII Ieave now.
Driver wiII drop you.
Where do you Iive?
In ''Cave''.
My hoteI's name is ''Cave''.
You've saved my famiIy's Iife.
I insist, you'II have
to stay here.
Like it is said in CaIcutta,
''I Iike you very much''.
Where's the room?
Is there hot water?
What are you guys doing here?
So have you become
the son-in-Iaw?
Got settIed here?
Now do one thing.
Take some rent of this
house from Isha's father.
Instead of caIIing us, you're
enjoying this shower bath.
What's this shower bath?
Because there's shower.
You stop being smart.
I was about to caII
you after bath.
Is everything fine here?
Isn't there any probIem?
That's why we couId
come this far.
Oh yes, your friend.... Tanya.
She's getting married tomorrow.
- Yes.
Is that cross-eyed
reaIIy getting married?
- Bitch.
How did you find out?
She sent invitation
card at home.
Lets do one thing.
You bring Isha at
this wedding.
Because she met me a year
ago on a wedding Iike this.
And I want her to recaII
that time and those moments.
You're forgetting that she's
regretting those same moments.
But I stiII know that she wiII
never be abIe to forgot that time.
We wiII have to make her
reaIize that she stiII Ioves me.
- Yes.
Now do one thing.
You two take shower
and I wiII be back.
Where are you going?
Can't I see AngeI?
You two have met her.
Don't I wish to see her?
What if Isha sees you?
I wiII put on my cIoths
before going there.
What wiII you do
if she catches you?
Don't worry, nothing wiII happen.
How beautifuI smiIe you have.
BeautifuI smiIe.
And that strict mother of yours.
Soon we aII wiII be together.
You, your strict mother,
your nice dad,
and those nice
dads of yours as weII.
I was asking....
Go....... go.....
Go pegion go...
Which fiIm this song's from?
Maine Pyar Kiya!
What happened?
- What happened?
What happened??
Isha Ji, thank you very
much for coming with me.
You know...
whenever I attend
this kind of wedding...
that poepIe ceIebrate
weddings this much
To make a reIationship Iife Iong.
But then because of some
minor misunderstandings...
they break this reIationship
in just one moment.
What a deep thought.
I'm MaIhotra, your chiIdhood friend.
How are you MaIhotra.
I'm fine.
How's your daughter Isha?
She's right here,
see for yourseIf.
My God, you've done
your hair boy-cut.
Done, what?
I'm teIIing you.
Are you her husband?
No. By the way she
hasn't married yet.
Haven't you got married?
My Raj hasn't married either.
Raj? Who's Raj?
My son Raj.
But Raj was going to marry
some Simran, didn't he?
But before getting married
Sim ran.... Simran became Sim-ran.
I wish that train was Ieft.
But this a nice coincidence.
I've come here to bIess
her someone eIse for wedding.
Now I've found out that I
wiII find bride for my son.
But uncIe I have a probIem.
There's no probIem
before getting married.
AII probIems begin after
getting married.
Bharat you shouId've toId her.
But there's nothing to worry about.
My son Raj wiII soIve
aII of your probIems.
He's right here in Sydney.
I'm going to caII him.
Network's not working.
Give me your phone.
I don't have.
Don't you have a
phone here in Sydney?
Give me your phone.
I don't have a phone because
it causes cancer, braintumor.
And miIIions of chiIdren
are dying in SomaIia.
Because of phone?
Because of hunger.
You give me your phone.
I don't have a phone.
You too don't have
phone here in Sydney.
Don't Iie to me.
Take out the phone.
You're aIIowed to do anything
but to use your phone.
Who are you?
I've come here to sing.
Do you know aII marriages that
took pIace here never broke.
Our wedding wiII aIso
take pIace right here.
Excuse me, what do
you mean by our marriage?
She's my to be daughter-in-Iaw.
Why are you guys quite?
Say something to him.
You keep doing that,
I'm going to make the caII.
I'm being nice to you
but you're being rude.
You be whatever to me...
I shaII make the caII.
Raj, come here at this wedding,
I've found a bride for you.
Come Isha, I wiII teII
you stories about Raj.
You couIdn't handIe
this smaII task.
What couId I do?
Why did you hit him?
It doesn't seem nice if one
hits and other just watches.
We must do something.
You must have to propose
Isha before Raj comes.
I cannot propose her.
She's Iike sister-in-Iaw to me.
If you won't propose there won't
be any sister-in-Iaw nor AngeI.
Speak sIowIy.
AngeI's not weII.
Doctor's here.
There's nothing to worry about.
It happens to babies.
What are you doing here?
There's no need of mircaIe for
her to recover Iike Iast time.
Last time?
Yes, month ago, he brought her
at my hospitaI with his friends.
In aImost-dead condition.
She was wet and her Iungs
were fuII of water.
She aImost died.
But she's a fighter.
Nothing wiII happen to her.
My daughter was drown.
She was in hospitaI
aImost dying.
You and your friends.
Arush and AIi.
You aII have betrayed me.
You didn't give me anything
but betrayed aII the time.
First a girI got betrayed
but having a broken heart.
Then a daughter got betrayed.
But today, the biggest betrayed
happened to a mother.
When you faiIed to
take Iife of my daughter
you're trying to take
her from my Iife.
Today I wiII go far away
from aII of you forever.
You can't do that.
For contract you...
To heII with your contract.
I wiII see how can a piece of paper
separate a mother from
her daughter.
How couId she take
AngIe with her?
We wiII have to
stop her.
Lets go to airport and
wiII caII poIice on the way.
You are not going anywhere.
Let her go.
Let her go?
With our daughter?
Why we maIes aIways
think that we are right?
We do what we Iike to do.
I have no right to separate
Isha from her daughter.
Today you're thinking
about just Isha not us.
You aren't ready to stop her.
Yet you're ready to keep
us away from AngeI.
We've supported aII the
way just because
you promised to bring AngeI
home not to Ioose her.
I am getting it Arush.
If you two go out now, assume
that our friendship is over.
Arush, our friendship
has over now.
Tanmay caII the poIice.
We didn't want to
do aII this.
But you've Ieft us no choice.
You've breached this contract.
And according to this contract,
AngeI is ours now.
This is not a contract, it's a
game which you pIayed with me.
It's enough now.
I've hurt her a Iot aIready.
Don't say anything.
I too want AngeI
to be with us.
But not Iike this.
That's a different thing
that she's my baby too.
I admit that I pIayed a Iot
of games with you.
But aII of that was to
have you two back.
You're not just taking my
daughter but aIso my Iife.
Lives of aII three of us.
But before Ieaving I
just want to say this..
I've Iost haIf of my
famiIy today.
I don't want to Ioose
rest of my famiIy.
Say it again baby.
Say it again.
She said ''Dadda'' to me.
She said to me.
I wanted her to forget
you for good.
But it's another thing that what
she caIIed for the first time...
was her dad's name.
You were write.
A chiId needs a mother the most.
But she needs her father too.
This man has cheated on me.
Who's she?
How wouId I know?
Am I her reIative?
How wouId I know her?
Swear on AngeI that
you don't know her.
Wait a minute.
I swear on her...
I absoIuteIy don't know her.
I've never seen her before.
Maybe she has misunderstood.
Maybe she Ioves a man with
beard and I've grown beard.
I'm not that man sister.
Maybe one of them.
Do they have beard.
They must've shaved in morning.
Why do you do such
shamefuI things?
UncIe why don't you scoId him?
I haven't done anything.
I don't even know her.
She's wearing a Saari,
she's not my type.
You do the bad things...
I swear...
I don't even know her.
Now ask him to swear.