Hi-Fear (2022) Movie Script
(gentle upbeat music)
- Hey, Barry, I'm kind of busy
right now.
- [Barry] What's your greatest
- I don't have time for your
I'm running late as it is.
- [Barry] No, I'm serious.
Your greatest fear.
Think about it Nat, could be
a lot of money in this for us.
- For you, you mean.
- [Barry] Listen, I just got off
the phone
with a new client.
He needs four stories in splash
pages by the end of today.
I told him you're just the
right girl for the job.
- Hold on, who is this guy?
- [Barry] Who cares?
He already put up half of cash.
Four stories and four drawings,
all based on your greatest
You gotta deliver it all in
person by five o'clock today.
- That's not enough time.
- [Barry] Do you want the gig or
There's plenty of artists I
could call.
- Okay.
Okay, I'm in.
But on one condition,
I want my name on the cover as
Full credit, not some pseudonym.
- [Barry] That wasn't part of
the deal.
- It is if you want me.
And you know I'll deliver.
- All right, Nat, you got
yourself a deal.
Better get busy.
And make it scary.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(car engine revving)
(gentle music)
(car engine revving)
- I can't guys, no, this isn't
We gotta go.
Now that we're here, I just.
- Dude, you're not gonna
back out on us again.
You need to grow some balls.
- We saved two months for this
You're doing it.
- Look, guys, I've heard horror
about guys dicks falling off
when they go to a whorehouse.
This is crazy.
- I'm not taking no for an
answer on this.
You already agreed to it.
- Yeah, but I didn't
think we'd actually do it.
- Dude, what do you think this
the average Joe's gems
of fucking whorehouses?
This is the Mercedes-Benz
of brothels, all right.
We're talking high quality stuff
- We're talking the Hope Diamond
of pussy.
- And you two dorks know this
- We asked around bro.
Look, let's just look around in
If it looks like a
penicillin oral to hell,
we'll just leave.
(eerie music)
(door knocking)
(door hinge creaking)
(gentle music)
Lillian, I love what
you've done to the place.
- Come on in, says a spider to
the flies.
Jez will be right with you.
- [Brad] Jez?
- Jezebel.
- That ain't cliche or anything.
(gentle music)
- I'll tell you one thing,
the girls here are gorgeous.
They are, I'll give you that.
But I don't feel right
about this, guys, I mean.
- Jason, you have got to stop
being so scared of pussy man.
Listen, trust me on this.
You do not wanna lose it to
some girl at the bar, all right.
The women here, they know
exactly what they're doing
and they get checked
out regularly, probably.
- These girls are incredible.
They are clean, discreet and
Plus, plus, they know what
they're doing.
Ooh, they will blow the socks
off your motherfucking feet.
- Really?
- I am proud to say I am a
regular here.
I've even got my own special
girl, Candy.
- Nice.
- Get the frequent flyer
discount and everything.
- I'm outta here.
- My, aren't we anxious?
- It's our boy Jason's birthday,
and I think it's about time
for him to become a man.
(gentle upbeat music)
- Oh a virgin.
We'll take really good care of
What about you two?
Shall I get three rooms ready?
- My fiance would shit a
brick, Godzilla size brick.
And then she would tear
this motherfucker down
and then light it on fire.
See the in the long night
Watch the sunrise on dropping
Just remember darling all the
You belong to me
- You're in good hands.
Just relax and enjoy it.
They will.
- They?
(dramatic music)
I'm Jason.
Who are you?
- I'm Tina and she is Madison.
- Nice to meet you.
(dramatic music)
- Have fun, darlings.
(insects chirping)
(gentle upbeat music)
(both moaning)
(gentle music)
(sings in foreign language)
(both moaning)
- Are you ready to join it,
(Jason screaming)
- Holy shit dude, I think that
was Jason.
- Sounds like somebody finally
got their cherry popped.
(man yelling indistinctly)
(woman laughing)
- It's the wrong kinda fucked.
- What was that?
- Shh, we're going to take
very good care of you.
- What the...
- What are you doing?
This is a bit much for me.
- You talk too much, kid.
(Jason screaming)
- [Jason] Help me.
Help me, help.
Help me, help.
Help me.
Help me.
- Jason.
- Jason, you okay dude.
- [Brad] Jason.
(Madison moaning)
- Help me.
- I would love to help you, my
But you see, you are helping me.
Have you any idea how difficult
it is
to find an actual virgin in this
- What the fuck.
- The name is Crowley, Aleister
Allow me to thank you in
Your sacrifice will bring
about a new world for us all.
A new creed.
The rebirth of the golden dawn.
(dramatic music)
(Jason screaming)
Yes, yes, give him head.
Will you shut him up?
(eerie music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(whores laughing)
(eerie music)
(whores laughing)
(woman yelling)
(demonic speaking)
(demonic laughing)
(creepy music)
(door opens)
(door opens)
(creepy music)
- Oh my, what the fuck?
(dramatic music)
(sings in foreign language)
(both moaning)
(victim screaming)
- Dude you said these
bitches were checked out.
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(speaks in foreign language)
- Heart of the pure.
And of the unpure.
Let it begin.
- Dude, we need to get outta
here like right fucking now.
- Man, Jason, man, he's
getting all fucked up in there.
- And so will we, now go.
Dude, what about this guy?
- Oh man, I don't know, look
at him, he's all fucked up.
- Holy shit, holy shit, holy
Eric, do something, help me.
- I don't know what to do.
- Anything but that, hurry.
Just grab anything.
Just dude hand it, hand it, hand
give it, grab it, grab it.
(dramatic music)
- Leaving us so soon.
- Oh fuck.
- Behold, the culmination
of the third eon.
The rebirth of Horus,
bringing us divinity and the
final eon.
Bow before the true beast.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(both screaming)
- Holy shit, that was
the most fucked up dream.
- Glad you're awake, we're here.
(Jason screaming)
- Dude, what in the full on
- Bastard's always gonna be a
(eerie music)
- Hi, Barry, it's Nat returning
your call.
Sorry, I had my phone turned
I got your message about the
first story.
That's great news.
I'm so glad you liked it.
I'll send the next one over
Within the hour?
Oh, sure.
(dramatic music)
- I found you.
(dramatic music)
I found you.
Sorry, I scared you, you left
- Thank you.
- No worries.
Are you okay?
- Just need a little rest,
that's all.
- Well, I should get back to
Take care, Miss. Chase.
I'll see you next Friday.
(dramatic music)
(wind gushing)
(bells ringing)
(birds chirping)
(bells ringing)
(dramatic music)
(snake hissing)
(gentle music)
(snake hissing)
(gentle music)
- [Phyllis] Hey, Hadda.
- Hey Phyllis.
- You got the stuff for me.
- [Phyllis] I do, you know I do.
- [Hadda] The regular.
- [Phyllis] Maybe, might have
a little surprise for you
- You're always the best,
- Yeah.
- Have the best stuff around.
- Well, I brought something else
that you might be
interested in, I don't know.
What do you think about
trying some of this?
- You know, I'll always try
- And I heard the best place to
put it
is like right in the side
of your boob, you know,
so it gets in your bloodstream
a little bit faster.
So if that's something you wanna
Hey, that's a freebie on me.
- Same time next week.
- Yes, have fun shooting that
Let me know how it goes.
I hope I see you again.
- I will absolutely be back.
- All right.
(gentle music)
(Hadda screaming)
(dramatic music)
(snake hissing)
(dramatic music)
(Phyllis moaning)
- [Phyllis] Help.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(snake rattle)
(snake rattle)
(snake rattle)
(music pulsates)
- Cleanliness is obviously
not next to godliness.
(gentle music)
What is this?
(gentle music)
- Jezebel, whore.
Why are you denying it?
Just tell me the truth, Lucy.
- Oh, sure.
You're imagining things.
You're just paranoid.
I mean, what do you want me to
- All right, so how do you
explain theses?
You know, I don't let you
wear this kind of stuff.
This is the attire of a whore, a
- All right Marshall
you've got the evidence
now choke on it.
- Choke on it, yourself.
Do you have any idea what
this is gonna do to my career,
what it's gonna do to my
personal life?
What are the people at church
gonna think of me now, Lucy?
I'm gonna give you a joke
and it's all your fault.
- Marshall, our marriage
has been deteriorating
for a long time now.
We've just, we've fallen away
from each other emotionally,
it happens.
Let's just learn to deal
with this like two adults.
- Let's just deal with it,
yeah, let's just deal with it.
I will not have this in my
You heathen bitch.
I can't allow you to destroy me
(Lucy crying)
(Lucy crying)
Ruined my life.
I hate you.
You whore, Jezebel.
(Lucy crying)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, it's me.
Marshall knows, he found out.
I guess we left some evidence
in the backseat of the car.
I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
But I mean, we knew he was
gonna find out eventually.
We weren't very careful anymore.
We got too careless.
And I'm just so scared.
(gentle music)
I'm so scared.
He's just got that temper,
I've talked to you about.
[Lucy] What if he tries
to kill me?
I know, okay, okay.
Okay, I'm sorry.
You're right.
(gentle music)
[Lucy] You're right.
Yeah, I'm in, let's do this.
- [Marshall Voiceover] Whore.
- [Lucy] I just can't wait until
it's over
- [Lucy] Then we can be together
forever, baby.
[man speaks indistinctly]
All right, bye.
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- You've given me the kiss of
Judas, Lucy.
(dramatic music)
"Wife, submit to your
husband that says the Lord."
Nothing to say, huh?
Okay hot pants, go ahead
and put these on for me.
- What?
- That's what I thought.
You don't even wanna
love me anymore, do you?
It's like you said, this
relationship really is over.
It's hopeless, I don't know
why I even bother.
(dramatic music)
(woman choking)
You wanna make a fool outta me?
You look stupid in everything.
You're an idiot.
You brought this all on
You've got nobody else
to blame but yourself.
Die bitch.
"So sayeth the Lord, wife
submit to your husband."
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Oh, sorry, honey.
Bitch, you can't say you
didn't deserve that one.
(gentle music)
(door bell ringing)
(dramatic music)
(door bell ringing)
(door knocking)
(door hinge creaking)
Deacon Grantham.
- Hey.
I know it's a little later than
I got off of my shift a little
late, so,
but I brought those notes
for your sermon next week
on marriage in the Lord's eyes.
- It just totally slipped my
that you were coming tonight.
I got so much going on tonight,
I just totally forgot about it.
It's fine, you can come on in.
Come on in, make yourself home.
Come let's go in here.
(dramatic music)
Have a seat right here.
Have a seat right here.
- All right.
- So I got some really
great ideas, you know,
of marriage and divorce
and all that stuff.
Man, I'm a little parched.
Mind if I go grab a beer?
- No, wait a minute, come here,
come here,
wait, wait, whoa, whoa.
It's just I'm so scatter brain,
I just remembered I grabbed the
last one.
That's the last beer in there.
There's no more beers,
I drank the last one.
Here, you can have it if you
want it.
- I wouldn't want to take your
last beer.
- It's perfectly fine.
To be honest, I'm feeling a
little queasy,
I don't even even know why I
grabbed it.
I didn't even want it when I
opened it.
It's all yours.
- All right, well, that's
mighty cool of you.
If you can't drink at for your
who can you drink at?
- Too true, yeah.
- All right bud, all right.
- Okay.
(gentle music)
- Are you sure you're okay?
(telephone ringing)
It's your phone in there?
You think Lucy will pick it up?
Why don't you wait right there,
I'll go get it, it could be
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
(bag rustling)
Oh my God.
(bag rustling)
(dramatic music)
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's okay.
You got me, you got me.
You have to understand though,
she was cheating on me.
She would've ruined me.
I didn't know what else to do.
The Bible, Deacon you know this,
the Bible looks down
upon things like that.
In the Old Testament's time,
she would've been stoned to
(gentle music)
- Relax, put your hands down.
- I lost it, I lost it, I
didn't know what else to do.
I'm sorry, but I'm not
sorry, she deserved it.
(gentle music)
I'm sorry, I really am, but
I didn't have any other,
I had no other option.
- Pastor, do you know
how much I make a year?
- How much?
- Not a whole hell of a lot.
After taxes and insurance
and all that money my ex ran off
well it doesn't really amount to
- I'm sorry to hear that, I
truly am.
- Does old Lucy have a
life insurance policy?
- You know, she does.
Haven't thought about it until
you brought it up just now,
but yeah.
- How much?
- A million dollars.
- Say you split that million
with me.
I help you dispose of the body
and you don't get caught.
We go our separate ways.
- I don't understand,
why would you do this?
- Well, I got a lot of debts,
you know,
I'm sunk in my house, my husband
ran off with all that money
and I don't make shit.
So I gotta do something.
I'm not gonna get an
amazing raise anytime soon.
We got a deal?
(gentle upbeat music)
- Yes.
You have a deal, my friend.
- Excellent.
(gentle upbeat music)
- This is working out perfectly.
I can't believe it.
It's almost like it's.
- God's will?
- Exactly.
It's a miracle, a true miracle.
- Yeah, sure is.
(gentle upbeat music)
I thought we'd just bring her
out here, set her on fire,
let her burn until there's
nothing left but ashes.
Nobody ever be able to
identify her that way.
- I don't know, pretty dry
out here this time of year.
- [Grantham] You start a fire,
the whole woods is going up?
- [Pastor] Eh, I guess you got a
Don't wanna do that.
Last thing we need is Smokey
the bear after our asses
on top of everything else.
Tell you what though, my parents
they've got land down here.
There's an old well,
it goes down for miles.
What do you say we take old
Lucy for swim down there.
By the time everybody finds her,
there won't be anything left.
Nobody will ever know it's even
Just bones and little bit of
dust maybe.
(gentle upbeat music)
- As long as you get the
insurance pay out on it.
That's all I really give a shit
(dramatic music)
- Dead weight.
Why don't you make yourself
useful, give me a hand.
Oh God.
Lucy, maybe we should have
done the Jane Fonda aerobics,
like you wanted.
All right.
Oh god.
(dramatic music)
Jesus, maybe this wasn't
such a good idea after all.
- Can you make it?
- Sure.
- Christ, couldn't you get
who knows what they're doing?
- Hey, I know what I'm doing.
- You sure about that?
- Oh Jesus Christ.
- Why don't you take this?
Why don't I grab the body?
- Yeah, why don't we do that,
Go on and pick her up there,
Show me how it's done.
Woman power and all that crap.
(dramatic music)
What matter, She Hulk,
getting too heavy for you?
(dramatic music)
Well, here we are.
I think we're far enough out
I think this is good.
We're far enough out here.
- Are you sure?
- [Pastor] Yeah I used
to come out here hiking
when I was a kid, all the time.
Nobody ever comes out here this
- I don't know about that.
I guess I'll take a look
around the perimeter,
make sure we're alone.
- Yeah, why don't you go do
(dramatic music)
Let's get you a path here
So you can go take a pill.
(dramatic music)
Come on.
(dramatic music)
- What the hell?
- Fucker.
(Marshall screaming)
(dramatic music)
- Oh, you're back.
Ooh, ooh, careful.
Oh, don't take it too fast.
(dramatic music)
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- What am I gonna do, should I
just leave?
- No, absolutely not.
It'll be just fine.
We're gonna beat him at his own
and we'll be set for life.
All right, I'm in.
You always make me feel better.
- Shew.
- Did it work?
- It worked.
He went down.
Just easy as pie.
Come on.
Come on, all right.
Ooh, steady on your feet.
Oh, you okay?
- My head hurts.
My throat's really sore.
- No kidding.
Fucker, strangled the
fuck outta you, didn't he?
- Yeah, he did.
Is he gone?
- He's gone, down the well.
- Uh.
- Thank you.
And you can collect the life
But I think our plan worked.
The drug I gave you,
that you put in your tea,
knocked you out pretty good.
I was kind of freaked out
when I saw you all wrapped in
plastic, but it's all over.
- Thank God.
- It's okay.
- All right, let's try
to get the fuck outta here.
(dramatic music)
- [Grantham] Come on.
(gentle upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle upbeat music)
(all laughing)
(Daddy laughing)
(dramatic music)
(Marshall screaming)
- Oh fuck, oh geez.
Oh God, oh fuck.
- Oh God.
- Oh my God.
- Oh fuck, oh shit, oh God.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- Oh God.
Let go, I'm sorry.
- Oh God, okay.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh God.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay, okay.
(Lucy crying)
- Okay, it's okay.
Oh just, you gotta keep it
you gotta keep it together
- Okay.
- What you're gonna do
is you're gonna have to go back
to the car
and you have to get a tire
iron or fucking something,
anything, I don't give a shit.
- [Lucy] Okay.
- And go and get it so I can
get this trap off my leg.
- Okay.
- Please.
- I'll be right back.
- Oh fuck it hurts.
- Don't go anywhere.
- Oh God fuck.
Oh God, oh God I'm gonna die.
(dramatic music)
What the fuck was that?
(dramatic music)
Lucy, was that you?
(rocks knocking)
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Our fuck.
Our fuck.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- "And Jesus roared, Lazarus
come out."
(dramatic music)
(Grantham moaning)
(dramatic music)
(woman crying)
You're not going anywhere.
And the devil was an angel.
(all laughing)
(snake hissing)
(fire raging)
- [Reporter] A flaming wildfire
that shut down a stretch
of a major Interstate near the
Appalachian mountain border
exploded in size as crews on
scrambled to prevent flames
from reaching rural communities.
The blaze and Red River National
was burning out of control
after chewing through 69 square
of timber and brush since
Firefighters working in a rugged
were contending with hot
temperatures and gusty winds.
Authorities announced Friday
that a 44 mile section of
Interstate 64,
North of Cravenburg would remain
until further notice.
In one section, the remains
of three charred bodies
have been discovered in what
is currently being investigated
as a possible murder/suicide
No one is sure what started the
but a full investigation is
This is an ongoing story y'all
so stay tuned for further
details as we get them.
(fire raging)
(gentle upbeat music)
(cellphone ringing)
- What's the matter, last one
wasn't scary enough for you?
- [Voice Of Fear] It was good,
but it's not what I want.
- Who is this?
- [Voice Of Fear] You
have two more stories,
two more chances.
- Did Barry put you up to this?
- [Voice Of Fears] I don't
want just anyone's fears,
Natalie, I want your
fears, your greatest fear.
- How did you know my name?
(wind gushing)
(gentle music)
(pipe banging)
(gentle upbeat music)
- Can you cut that out man,
it is really annoying.
(dramatic music)
Oh motherfucker.
Hey, get back here.
(dramatic music)
- [Chud Voiceover] I have
no home, but I still hope.
Some nights I get to sleep, but
it's only to wake up and be back
in this living fucking hell.
This is not me, it's what I've
The sidewalks are cold,
but not as cold as the
people that just walk by,
not looking or caring.
To them, we could all
probably just be dead.
They are the judge and jury.
The streets, our executioner.
(dramatic music)
I'm scared, can you believe it?
Please believe it.
I don't.
But I need someone to.
I know I'll die out here.
I'm not worried about that part.
I'm more worried about
what'll happen to my body
after my soul has left it.
But not scared.
The streets can be cruel,
the streets can be tough.
But for better or worse, the
streets are always watching.
- I have to save you.
- Oh shit there he is.
- Good old KKK.
- KKK?
- Yeah, Kray Kray Karl,
the guy's a fucking nut.
- Guy's fucking dangerous.
You're gonna wanna stay clear of
- Get real Spliff.
He's harmless.
I've been around him constantly.
- Harmless my ass.
I've heard so much about this
- [Homeless] Like what?
- Shit man, where do I begin?
There's so many theories
on what made KKK, KKK.
He to be one of the biggest
drug dealers in the city.
He controlled everything around
And then one day a rival drug
put like a lethal dose
of LSD in his drink.
He drank that in wet nuts,
ended up killing half
the people at some party.
(dramatic music)
The ones who survived were so
that they never testify.
So the police like can't
even pin anything on him.
And that's how he got the name
Krazy Killer Karl.
- That's bullshit.
That's not what I heard at all.
I heard one day he got the
bright idea
he was gonna rob a dice game.
He almost got away with it,
but they caught up with
him at his mom's house,
raped and killed her right in
front of him in retaliation.
And it was so much that he just
So now he wanders the streets
trying to write the wrongs of
that night.
And that's why he is always
fighting the air and shit,
he's trying to fight them
(dramatic music)
Yo, that's deep.
- Fighting the demons yo.
- That's fucking stupid,
that's what that is.
He's just some poor schmuck like
stuck on the streets, trying
to make a way from himself.
- No, that motherfucker is a
You know, he is the one
who killed Niles, right?
- Shut the fuck up.
- What?
You know, he was the last
one to be seen with him.
I heard he killed a bunch of us.
Just nobody cares because
it's people like us.
If you ask me, he's working for
the police to get rid of us.
- Where are you getting
this shit from, man?
- Where am I getting it from?
Three of us dead in two
weeks, that doesn't worry you?
Everyone thinks that fool's
but I'm just saying, watch
your fucking back out here.
- He ain't no cop, I
heard he killed a pig.
- My fucking hero.
(all laughing)
- [Chud Voiceover] They don't
trust us.
We don't trust us.
We wanna believe we're better.
Better than the ones that judge.
We're not.
(dramatic music)
- Yo, he's coming this way.
- I have to save you.
- Save this you fucking
- [Chud Voiceover] It can never
get worse.
I repeat that constantly.
But constantly, constantly
I'm reminded that it can.
(upbeat music)
- Everything copacetic?
- Totally.
I'm homeless, drunk and horny.
What more could I ask for?
- I could help you with one
of those things, you know.
- Really, you could get me a
- You have a home.
- Just like Niles did.
- What, you're letting
that KKK story get to you?
- What if it's true?
What if one way or another
the stories are true?
What if KKK is killing us?
(upbeat music)
- Well, I have to salute you
because you, my friend,
are officially flagged.
(both laughing)
- Thank you.
- Don't thank me.
I'll be right back.
(upbeat music)
(singing indistinctly)
(upbeat music)
(police sirens blaring)
- God, I had a fucking piss.
(dog barking)
(police sirens blaring)
(dramatic music)
Oh, Karl, what's up?
(dramatic music)
- I must save you.
- No saving needed, my friend.
We're all drinking over on
Fifth, if you wanna come by.
I got a handle of a.
- I must save you.
- Karl, what the fuck
are you talking about?
- I must save you.
- Fuck are you doing, man?
Get the fuck away from me.
(dramatic music)
I deserve this.
- No, you don't.
I have to save you.
- There is no saving me.
- [Chud Voiceover] This is it.
I've been waiting,
waiting longer than most.
Shorter than the ones
who never had to be here.
I always knew it would come,
always knew it wouldn't be how I
but I didn't think it'd be like
Strangely, my thoughts turned to
What brought him to this place?
What brought his punishment to
- I have to save you.
- [Chud Voiceover] No, this is
not how it ends, not from me.
- [Karl] I have to save you.
(dramatic music)
- [Operator] 911, what's your
- Hello, help please.
He's chasing me, I think
he's gonna kill me.
- [Operator] Where are you
calling from?
- I don't know.
(dramatic music)
(Chud screaming)
(gentle upbeat music)
The body snatchers
The hobbies matter
All I gotta do is sit
and write the part rapper
Take a nice and can't be
I come back with the girls
I'll rob you when I'm faster
Bitches don't know
Bitches don't hurt me
Don't wonder why this girl
I don't want no herpes though
That old party without herpes
Don't open my notebook
It's just full of concerning
I never trust a cop
I never trusted a God
I never trust a smile when
it seems like a facade
- What are we gonna.
Hell no, you just hit a little
white girl,
we gotta get the fuck outta here
- Holy shit.
(car engine revving)
- Oh.
Oh fuck.
(gentle music)
- That church,
that God,
they can't save you.
Only I can.
- Please,
I don't need saving.
- That's where you're wrong.
At one point or another,
we all need saving.
(gentle music)
I'm going to save you.
I couldn't save the others,
but I'm going to save you.
(gentle music)
(car engines revving)
(gentle music)
(car engines revving)
(gentle music)
(wind gushing)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(gentle music)
- [Chud Voiceover] I have no
home, but I still have hope.
Some nights I get to sleep.
This is not me, it's what I've
And what have I become?
What have.
- You should have let him save
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
(car alarm blaring)
- Hey Barry, it's Nat.
Where are you?
Just call me back when you get
- [Voice Of Fear] I am waiting.
- What do you want?
(eerie music)
- [Voice Of Fear] You know what
I want?
- I already,
you've got your stories.
- [Voice Of Fear] What is it,
What really scares you?
(eerie music)
- All right, I'll do it.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] Not just any
(dramatic music)
Something really terrifying.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I want you to scare yourself to
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(birds chirping)
(cellphone ringing)
- Hey Mike, are you at
the rental house yet?
The camera package should be
ready to go.
John's waiting for you guys.
I ended up going with
the Zeit lenses on this.
Yeah, we just rolled in.
When, are you getting, what's
(birds chirping)
(both laughing)
Looks like we're the first ones
Wanna pick out a bedroom?
We got dibs.
- I'm actually,
I'm kind of tired from the
- You're tired?
- Yeah.
- You slept the entire way up.
Come on, you see outside, it's
Let's go for a walk.
- I'd like that.
(Laura laughing)
- Laura hold on.
Move into the light.
- Taylor God.
- Can't help it, the camera
loves you.
- But do you love me?
- Shh, don't ruin the shot.
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
- Do you hear that sound?
I heard it when we first got
- It's probably someone
doing yard work or something.
So much for the peace and quiet
out here.
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
- I've never heard
anything like it before.
- Shh, don't be weird.
Stay still.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(camera shutter clicking)
Yeah, hold that pose.
I'm really liking this.
(dramatic music)
I'm gonna make you a famous
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- I saw something there.
- I don't see anything.
- It was there, I saw it.
- You saw someone in the woods.
- No, it wasn't a person it
was, it's hard to explain.
It was like, I don't know.
- It wasn't Bigfoot, was it?
- Taylor, no I'm serious please.
- Come on.
You know what I think,
I think all this fresh mountain
is just driving us a little
- Yeah, maybe.
(birds chirping)
- Now let's pick out our master
- Hold on.
Wait, there's someone here I
Look at this.
- Oh, isn't this a nice
- Hi.
- I was beginning to think I
had the place all to myself.
I could use some help.
So when did you two get here?
- A few hours ago?
- Yeah.
- Beat the traffic.
I'm Taylor, by the way, I'm the
- Oh, Alexis, key makeup and
Are you with the camera
department too?
- Oh no, I'm just here
with Taylor, I'm Laura.
- You'll probably wanna go
back to L.A. after a few days.
Movie sets aren't nearly as
or glamorous as people think.
- It's okay, I'm just gonna
work on my dissertation.
- Oh, you're still in school?
How'd you guys meet?
- We're throwing a party or?
- Oh, you know these mountain
they have one bar up here
and last calls at 10.
I like to wine at the end of
the day, don't you, Taylor?
- Speaking of, should we go get
cleaned up
before everyone else gets here?
- Yeah, sure.
- Save some hot water for me.
- So my roommate had an extra
and she dragged me to the
And then Taylor was on stage
and I was in the front row.
- You kept getting in my shot.
- Yeah.
And then you hunted me down
And that's the story.
- Say when.
- No, I'm good.
- Okay.
- [Taylor] Thanks for making
- Yeah.
- [Taylor] What'd you
say was in the sauce?
- Well, some old family recipe.
I usually make it spicier,
but I figure it was hot enough
- I didn't notice.
- Are you kidding?
It had to be like 85 when I got
It's like, isn't it
supposed to get colder,
the higher you go?
It's like November.
- You were probably standing
too close to the stove.
- Or maybe it was hot flashes.
I'm just kidding.
- It's getting pretty late.
I wonder when the others
are gonna show up.
- Maybe they found about a gig.
- Mike was on the five the
last time I spoke to him.
- Or maybe he's drunk off his at
a bar
like that gaffer on that
one show, you remember?
His girlfriend was like
freaking out and she's all like,
"Where's Keith?"
And we're all like, well
why are you asking us?
We thought he was at home with
- Wait, did do you guys,
you worked together before.
- Did we?
That's right.
I knew you looked familiar.
God, that must have been years
I can't believe I forgot.
- Anyway, why don't we carpool
Be like just me and my kit.
Unless you're planning on
- Oh no, I have work to do.
In fact, I think I'm gonna
turn in a little bit early.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
(insects chirping)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(keboard keys clacking)
(birds chirping)
- Fuck.
Fucking first timers.
I knew I should not have taken
this gig.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
- Alexis and I were the only
that showed up at the location.
- That's so weird, I wonder what
Where'd they go?
- How the fuck should I know?
We were texting, leaving
trying to get a hold of
Nothing, radio silence.
It's like someone pulled the
goddamn plug on the shoot
and did not have the balls to
tell us.
- Sorry Taylor.
- Did you hear anything?
- No.
Honey it's sweltering in here.
- Hey Mike, missed you today.
Where the fuck are you?
Why did you not come?
God dammit.
- Well, this thing's useless.
Are you getting a signal?
- My phone's upstairs.
- Could you give it a try?
- Yeah, sure.
(dramatic music)
- Is the AC working?
'Cause it doesn't seem like it.
(dramatic music)
- Will you calm down.
(dramatic music)
- Jesus.
(dramatic music)
- Any luck?
- Nope, nothing.
- This is bullshit.
I don't know about you
two, but I'm ready to bail.
- There's no way I'm driving
three hours
back to L.A. tonight.
I'm fucking exhausted.
- Same, I didn't get any sleep.
I mean it didn't even get
dark until after midnight.
- Okay, I think that we
should all get some rest.
I'll drive into town and
try to get a landline
or a signal or something.
- Really okay?
Be careful.
- I'll be right back.
(dramatic music)
- No wifi, no cell service.
Not even a frigging TV.
Really are in the boonies.
I've done makeup on over 30
shows and I've seen some shit,
but nothing like this.
Hey, you want a makeover?
We've got the time.
- No, thank you.
(keboard keys clacking)
- What are you writing anyway?
- My dissertation.
- Right.
Taylor told me you're a science
- Environmental science.
- Oh.
Gonna save the world, huh?
Well good luck with that.
- What else did Taylor tell you
about me?
'Cause he didn't mention you.
- Let me give you some
free advice, sweetie.
Don't get too attached.
He's not the nesting type.
We were together for about
a year before he moved on
and well, sooner or later
he'll get bored with you too.
(birds chirping)
- Fuck.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- [Taylor] I can't believe
you're bringing that up right
- [Alexis] You could have at
least called.
- It was a year ago, okay.
- It was a year.
- Just get over it.
Move on.
Oh my God.
Are you okay?
How are you feeling?
Easy, easy.
You passed out.
We found you in the woods.
You must have fainted.
I don't know.
- I went for a walk
then I saw it.
Taylor, I saw it.
- It's okay, you're okay.
- It was just like before.
I heard the sound, that sound
and then I saw it.
The same thing I saw yesterday.
It was like a circle of light.
And only now I could see it more
and then I could feel it too.
I could feel the heat coming
from it.
- Yeah, you must have
hallucinated and passed out.
It's gotta be 90 degrees
- No.
- Thank God I got back when I
did it.
- It was not a hallucination.
- Maybe they don't have
cell towers around here.
But what I don't get
is why the convenience store was
I mean, it's Tuesday
afternoon, they should be open.
Alexis is right though,
it's fucking hot in here.
- So let's take a few things
- Well that wasn't
exactly what I meant, but.
It's so fucked up.
It's after 9:00 p.m. and
it's still bright as day.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Are you feeling okay?
- Yeah. I know it sounds
weird, but I feel better now
than I did this morning.
- Well I'm happy for you,
but I'm exhausted.
(dramatic music)
Are you sure you wanna do this?
- There's no phone, no internet,
we're running out of food.
And we're not just cut
off from the movie Taylor,
we're cut off from the world.
- I understand, but I don't
it's safe to drive right now
Where's your car anyway?
- It's just up the road.
And I can't sleep here.
How can anybody with all this
Every day it gets hotter and
And if I stay here one
more hour, I'm gonna melt.
- You're being dramatic.
- Have you looked at yourself,
How much sleep did you get last
This is fucked up and you know
Are you sure you don't wanna
come with me?
(dramatic music)
- I tried to convince her to
but that's how she is, stubborn.
Maybe she's right.
What's this?
- [Laura] Breakfast.
That's all we have.
- You're not having anything?
- I'm not hungry.
It's better now.
- What's better?
- Now that she's gone?
- I'm sorry I didn't mention it
Alexis and I, it was a long time
- I know.
- If you want to talk about it.
- Not really.
(keboard keys clacking)
(birds chirping)
(keboard keys clacking)
(dramatic music)
- Laura, Laura.
Laura, please.
Please help me.
Please Laura.
Please help me.
(Alexis crying)
(dramatic music)
(Alexis crying)
Oh, I can't go home.
It was so bright, I couldn't
even see the road anymore.
And I wanted to stop but I
I had to keep going.
I felt like if I could
just stay on the road,
I could get away.
Is there any wine left?
- Yeah.
- So I kept driving
until, as far as I could
and the road ended
so I had to.
- What do you mean ended?
- It ended Taylor, there was
It was the end of everything.
Oh, thank you.
- There is no end, only
(dramatic music)
- And the heat, the heat was
I felt like I was burning alive
and I was just sitting there.
And then I don't know how
but the car flamed up,
it just, it was literally in
And then I had to get out
of there, I had to get away.
And there was ash, there
was ash in the sky,
it was coming down like rain.
And that light that burned
your eyes, it was everywhere.
And I couldn't see where I was
There's nowhere to go but back
Taylor, what is happening,
what are we gonna do?
(Alexis crying)
(dramatic music)
- Fuck is wrong with this thing?
What are you looking at?
(dramatic music)
How do you know if you're dead
(gentle music)
There's only one way to find
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
I have been in the dark
(gentle upbeat music)
- Laura.
I didn't know you were awake.
- Couldn't sleep.
- Me neither.
- It feels like I haven't slept
in days.
I don't even know what day it is
Have you seen Alexis?
I've been thinking about this
and I think we've been
making a big mistake.
We keep going down the
mountain to look for help,
but we should be going up.
- Up?
- Yeah, I mean we can't stay
here, Laura.
The fire or whatever it is,
it's getting closer every day.
Can't you feel it?
It's an oven out here.
But if we get to higher ground,
it'll be cooler at the top, it
has to be.
It's our only chance.
I'm gonna start packing.
- Alexis, we have to go.
(door knocking)
Open up.
(door knocking)
I've got a plan.
(door knocking)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- She's dead, she killed
herself, Laura.
We have to go now before it's
too late.
- If that's what you want.
- What the hell is that supposed
to mean?
We can't stay here.
- Why not?
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing's wrong with me.
- You're crazy.
This place is driving us all
- I need to stay, this is good
for me.
- How could this be good for
How could this be good for
Do you wanna die too?
- Please understand, Taylor,
- No, we're leaving.
(dramatic music)
Time to go now.
- Right.
It is time.
- Please Laura, stop with
the games, we have to leave.
- You should go.
They don't want you anyway.
- What the fuck are you talking
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Come on, we have to go.
(dramatic music)
(seatbelt alarm beeping)
(dramatic music)
(gravel crunching)
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] Natalie.
- Stop it.
- [Voice Of Fear] Not until
you give me what I asked for.
- I gave you the stories,
what more do you want?
- [Voice Of Fear] You know what
I want?
I asked you to show me your
greatest fear.
- I'm not listening to you.
- [Voice Of Fear] Show me your
Your greatest fear.
(dramatic music)
Your greatest fear, Natalie.
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] It's you.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- [Reporter] Authorities are
still searching for illustrator
and writer, Natalie Chase,
creator of bestselling
comic book, "Hi-Fear."
Reports have surfaced of Chase
suffering from hypochondria
and undergoing anti-aging
But according to her
publisher, Barry Novak,
Chase is in perfect health at
the time of her disappearance.
"Hi-Fear" continues to
rack up record sales
for Nightfall Comics,
who recently announced
the movie deal is now in the
We can only imagine how
scary that's going to be.
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] What's
your greatest fear.
(Voice Of Fear laughing)
(dramatic music)
(gentle organ music)
- Just like my mother
used to play an organ.
Jesus spoke to me and told me
that I had to raise a
quarter of a million dollars
or else my life was gonna end.
To demonstrate, we have a
timer here, with this dynamite.
If you don't start calling
in and making your donations,
who knows it could blow up
and that could be the
end of Cove Ministries.
And we all don't want
that, nobody wants that.
I don't believe so.
Well, again, just give what you
The big message here is
that you have to help me.
Jesus wants to call me home.
I want to go home, but
I'm not ready quite yet.
Your donations, they can
make a difference here.
Give what you can.
Kids at home, if you got a
piggy bank laying around there,
go ahead and grab that
crack that thing open.
You don't need those old
devil worship and music tapes.
You don't need the video
games with all the violence
and all that horrible stuff.
Send your money to me, keep me
(fire raging)
(dramatic music)
(gentle upbeat music)
- Hey, Barry, I'm kind of busy
right now.
- [Barry] What's your greatest
- I don't have time for your
I'm running late as it is.
- [Barry] No, I'm serious.
Your greatest fear.
Think about it Nat, could be
a lot of money in this for us.
- For you, you mean.
- [Barry] Listen, I just got off
the phone
with a new client.
He needs four stories in splash
pages by the end of today.
I told him you're just the
right girl for the job.
- Hold on, who is this guy?
- [Barry] Who cares?
He already put up half of cash.
Four stories and four drawings,
all based on your greatest
You gotta deliver it all in
person by five o'clock today.
- That's not enough time.
- [Barry] Do you want the gig or
There's plenty of artists I
could call.
- Okay.
Okay, I'm in.
But on one condition,
I want my name on the cover as
Full credit, not some pseudonym.
- [Barry] That wasn't part of
the deal.
- It is if you want me.
And you know I'll deliver.
- All right, Nat, you got
yourself a deal.
Better get busy.
And make it scary.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(car engine revving)
(gentle music)
(car engine revving)
- I can't guys, no, this isn't
We gotta go.
Now that we're here, I just.
- Dude, you're not gonna
back out on us again.
You need to grow some balls.
- We saved two months for this
You're doing it.
- Look, guys, I've heard horror
about guys dicks falling off
when they go to a whorehouse.
This is crazy.
- I'm not taking no for an
answer on this.
You already agreed to it.
- Yeah, but I didn't
think we'd actually do it.
- Dude, what do you think this
the average Joe's gems
of fucking whorehouses?
This is the Mercedes-Benz
of brothels, all right.
We're talking high quality stuff
- We're talking the Hope Diamond
of pussy.
- And you two dorks know this
- We asked around bro.
Look, let's just look around in
If it looks like a
penicillin oral to hell,
we'll just leave.
(eerie music)
(door knocking)
(door hinge creaking)
(gentle music)
Lillian, I love what
you've done to the place.
- Come on in, says a spider to
the flies.
Jez will be right with you.
- [Brad] Jez?
- Jezebel.
- That ain't cliche or anything.
(gentle music)
- I'll tell you one thing,
the girls here are gorgeous.
They are, I'll give you that.
But I don't feel right
about this, guys, I mean.
- Jason, you have got to stop
being so scared of pussy man.
Listen, trust me on this.
You do not wanna lose it to
some girl at the bar, all right.
The women here, they know
exactly what they're doing
and they get checked
out regularly, probably.
- These girls are incredible.
They are clean, discreet and
Plus, plus, they know what
they're doing.
Ooh, they will blow the socks
off your motherfucking feet.
- Really?
- I am proud to say I am a
regular here.
I've even got my own special
girl, Candy.
- Nice.
- Get the frequent flyer
discount and everything.
- I'm outta here.
- My, aren't we anxious?
- It's our boy Jason's birthday,
and I think it's about time
for him to become a man.
(gentle upbeat music)
- Oh a virgin.
We'll take really good care of
What about you two?
Shall I get three rooms ready?
- My fiance would shit a
brick, Godzilla size brick.
And then she would tear
this motherfucker down
and then light it on fire.
See the in the long night
Watch the sunrise on dropping
Just remember darling all the
You belong to me
- You're in good hands.
Just relax and enjoy it.
They will.
- They?
(dramatic music)
I'm Jason.
Who are you?
- I'm Tina and she is Madison.
- Nice to meet you.
(dramatic music)
- Have fun, darlings.
(insects chirping)
(gentle upbeat music)
(both moaning)
(gentle music)
(sings in foreign language)
(both moaning)
- Are you ready to join it,
(Jason screaming)
- Holy shit dude, I think that
was Jason.
- Sounds like somebody finally
got their cherry popped.
(man yelling indistinctly)
(woman laughing)
- It's the wrong kinda fucked.
- What was that?
- Shh, we're going to take
very good care of you.
- What the...
- What are you doing?
This is a bit much for me.
- You talk too much, kid.
(Jason screaming)
- [Jason] Help me.
Help me, help.
Help me, help.
Help me.
Help me.
- Jason.
- Jason, you okay dude.
- [Brad] Jason.
(Madison moaning)
- Help me.
- I would love to help you, my
But you see, you are helping me.
Have you any idea how difficult
it is
to find an actual virgin in this
- What the fuck.
- The name is Crowley, Aleister
Allow me to thank you in
Your sacrifice will bring
about a new world for us all.
A new creed.
The rebirth of the golden dawn.
(dramatic music)
(Jason screaming)
Yes, yes, give him head.
Will you shut him up?
(eerie music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(whores laughing)
(eerie music)
(whores laughing)
(woman yelling)
(demonic speaking)
(demonic laughing)
(creepy music)
(door opens)
(door opens)
(creepy music)
- Oh my, what the fuck?
(dramatic music)
(sings in foreign language)
(both moaning)
(victim screaming)
- Dude you said these
bitches were checked out.
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(victim screaming)
(eerie music)
(speaks in foreign language)
- Heart of the pure.
And of the unpure.
Let it begin.
- Dude, we need to get outta
here like right fucking now.
- Man, Jason, man, he's
getting all fucked up in there.
- And so will we, now go.
Dude, what about this guy?
- Oh man, I don't know, look
at him, he's all fucked up.
- Holy shit, holy shit, holy
Eric, do something, help me.
- I don't know what to do.
- Anything but that, hurry.
Just grab anything.
Just dude hand it, hand it, hand
give it, grab it, grab it.
(dramatic music)
- Leaving us so soon.
- Oh fuck.
- Behold, the culmination
of the third eon.
The rebirth of Horus,
bringing us divinity and the
final eon.
Bow before the true beast.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(both screaming)
- Holy shit, that was
the most fucked up dream.
- Glad you're awake, we're here.
(Jason screaming)
- Dude, what in the full on
- Bastard's always gonna be a
(eerie music)
- Hi, Barry, it's Nat returning
your call.
Sorry, I had my phone turned
I got your message about the
first story.
That's great news.
I'm so glad you liked it.
I'll send the next one over
Within the hour?
Oh, sure.
(dramatic music)
- I found you.
(dramatic music)
I found you.
Sorry, I scared you, you left
- Thank you.
- No worries.
Are you okay?
- Just need a little rest,
that's all.
- Well, I should get back to
Take care, Miss. Chase.
I'll see you next Friday.
(dramatic music)
(wind gushing)
(bells ringing)
(birds chirping)
(bells ringing)
(dramatic music)
(snake hissing)
(gentle music)
(snake hissing)
(gentle music)
- [Phyllis] Hey, Hadda.
- Hey Phyllis.
- You got the stuff for me.
- [Phyllis] I do, you know I do.
- [Hadda] The regular.
- [Phyllis] Maybe, might have
a little surprise for you
- You're always the best,
- Yeah.
- Have the best stuff around.
- Well, I brought something else
that you might be
interested in, I don't know.
What do you think about
trying some of this?
- You know, I'll always try
- And I heard the best place to
put it
is like right in the side
of your boob, you know,
so it gets in your bloodstream
a little bit faster.
So if that's something you wanna
Hey, that's a freebie on me.
- Same time next week.
- Yes, have fun shooting that
Let me know how it goes.
I hope I see you again.
- I will absolutely be back.
- All right.
(gentle music)
(Hadda screaming)
(dramatic music)
(snake hissing)
(dramatic music)
(Phyllis moaning)
- [Phyllis] Help.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(snake rattle)
(snake rattle)
(snake rattle)
(music pulsates)
- Cleanliness is obviously
not next to godliness.
(gentle music)
What is this?
(gentle music)
- Jezebel, whore.
Why are you denying it?
Just tell me the truth, Lucy.
- Oh, sure.
You're imagining things.
You're just paranoid.
I mean, what do you want me to
- All right, so how do you
explain theses?
You know, I don't let you
wear this kind of stuff.
This is the attire of a whore, a
- All right Marshall
you've got the evidence
now choke on it.
- Choke on it, yourself.
Do you have any idea what
this is gonna do to my career,
what it's gonna do to my
personal life?
What are the people at church
gonna think of me now, Lucy?
I'm gonna give you a joke
and it's all your fault.
- Marshall, our marriage
has been deteriorating
for a long time now.
We've just, we've fallen away
from each other emotionally,
it happens.
Let's just learn to deal
with this like two adults.
- Let's just deal with it,
yeah, let's just deal with it.
I will not have this in my
You heathen bitch.
I can't allow you to destroy me
(Lucy crying)
(Lucy crying)
Ruined my life.
I hate you.
You whore, Jezebel.
(Lucy crying)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, it's me.
Marshall knows, he found out.
I guess we left some evidence
in the backseat of the car.
I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
But I mean, we knew he was
gonna find out eventually.
We weren't very careful anymore.
We got too careless.
And I'm just so scared.
(gentle music)
I'm so scared.
He's just got that temper,
I've talked to you about.
[Lucy] What if he tries
to kill me?
I know, okay, okay.
Okay, I'm sorry.
You're right.
(gentle music)
[Lucy] You're right.
Yeah, I'm in, let's do this.
- [Marshall Voiceover] Whore.
- [Lucy] I just can't wait until
it's over
- [Lucy] Then we can be together
forever, baby.
[man speaks indistinctly]
All right, bye.
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- You've given me the kiss of
Judas, Lucy.
(dramatic music)
"Wife, submit to your
husband that says the Lord."
Nothing to say, huh?
Okay hot pants, go ahead
and put these on for me.
- What?
- That's what I thought.
You don't even wanna
love me anymore, do you?
It's like you said, this
relationship really is over.
It's hopeless, I don't know
why I even bother.
(dramatic music)
(woman choking)
You wanna make a fool outta me?
You look stupid in everything.
You're an idiot.
You brought this all on
You've got nobody else
to blame but yourself.
Die bitch.
"So sayeth the Lord, wife
submit to your husband."
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Oh, sorry, honey.
Bitch, you can't say you
didn't deserve that one.
(gentle music)
(door bell ringing)
(dramatic music)
(door bell ringing)
(door knocking)
(door hinge creaking)
Deacon Grantham.
- Hey.
I know it's a little later than
I got off of my shift a little
late, so,
but I brought those notes
for your sermon next week
on marriage in the Lord's eyes.
- It just totally slipped my
that you were coming tonight.
I got so much going on tonight,
I just totally forgot about it.
It's fine, you can come on in.
Come on in, make yourself home.
Come let's go in here.
(dramatic music)
Have a seat right here.
Have a seat right here.
- All right.
- So I got some really
great ideas, you know,
of marriage and divorce
and all that stuff.
Man, I'm a little parched.
Mind if I go grab a beer?
- No, wait a minute, come here,
come here,
wait, wait, whoa, whoa.
It's just I'm so scatter brain,
I just remembered I grabbed the
last one.
That's the last beer in there.
There's no more beers,
I drank the last one.
Here, you can have it if you
want it.
- I wouldn't want to take your
last beer.
- It's perfectly fine.
To be honest, I'm feeling a
little queasy,
I don't even even know why I
grabbed it.
I didn't even want it when I
opened it.
It's all yours.
- All right, well, that's
mighty cool of you.
If you can't drink at for your
who can you drink at?
- Too true, yeah.
- All right bud, all right.
- Okay.
(gentle music)
- Are you sure you're okay?
(telephone ringing)
It's your phone in there?
You think Lucy will pick it up?
Why don't you wait right there,
I'll go get it, it could be
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
(bag rustling)
Oh my God.
(bag rustling)
(dramatic music)
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's okay.
You got me, you got me.
You have to understand though,
she was cheating on me.
She would've ruined me.
I didn't know what else to do.
The Bible, Deacon you know this,
the Bible looks down
upon things like that.
In the Old Testament's time,
she would've been stoned to
(gentle music)
- Relax, put your hands down.
- I lost it, I lost it, I
didn't know what else to do.
I'm sorry, but I'm not
sorry, she deserved it.
(gentle music)
I'm sorry, I really am, but
I didn't have any other,
I had no other option.
- Pastor, do you know
how much I make a year?
- How much?
- Not a whole hell of a lot.
After taxes and insurance
and all that money my ex ran off
well it doesn't really amount to
- I'm sorry to hear that, I
truly am.
- Does old Lucy have a
life insurance policy?
- You know, she does.
Haven't thought about it until
you brought it up just now,
but yeah.
- How much?
- A million dollars.
- Say you split that million
with me.
I help you dispose of the body
and you don't get caught.
We go our separate ways.
- I don't understand,
why would you do this?
- Well, I got a lot of debts,
you know,
I'm sunk in my house, my husband
ran off with all that money
and I don't make shit.
So I gotta do something.
I'm not gonna get an
amazing raise anytime soon.
We got a deal?
(gentle upbeat music)
- Yes.
You have a deal, my friend.
- Excellent.
(gentle upbeat music)
- This is working out perfectly.
I can't believe it.
It's almost like it's.
- God's will?
- Exactly.
It's a miracle, a true miracle.
- Yeah, sure is.
(gentle upbeat music)
I thought we'd just bring her
out here, set her on fire,
let her burn until there's
nothing left but ashes.
Nobody ever be able to
identify her that way.
- I don't know, pretty dry
out here this time of year.
- [Grantham] You start a fire,
the whole woods is going up?
- [Pastor] Eh, I guess you got a
Don't wanna do that.
Last thing we need is Smokey
the bear after our asses
on top of everything else.
Tell you what though, my parents
they've got land down here.
There's an old well,
it goes down for miles.
What do you say we take old
Lucy for swim down there.
By the time everybody finds her,
there won't be anything left.
Nobody will ever know it's even
Just bones and little bit of
dust maybe.
(gentle upbeat music)
- As long as you get the
insurance pay out on it.
That's all I really give a shit
(dramatic music)
- Dead weight.
Why don't you make yourself
useful, give me a hand.
Oh God.
Lucy, maybe we should have
done the Jane Fonda aerobics,
like you wanted.
All right.
Oh god.
(dramatic music)
Jesus, maybe this wasn't
such a good idea after all.
- Can you make it?
- Sure.
- Christ, couldn't you get
who knows what they're doing?
- Hey, I know what I'm doing.
- You sure about that?
- Oh Jesus Christ.
- Why don't you take this?
Why don't I grab the body?
- Yeah, why don't we do that,
Go on and pick her up there,
Show me how it's done.
Woman power and all that crap.
(dramatic music)
What matter, She Hulk,
getting too heavy for you?
(dramatic music)
Well, here we are.
I think we're far enough out
I think this is good.
We're far enough out here.
- Are you sure?
- [Pastor] Yeah I used
to come out here hiking
when I was a kid, all the time.
Nobody ever comes out here this
- I don't know about that.
I guess I'll take a look
around the perimeter,
make sure we're alone.
- Yeah, why don't you go do
(dramatic music)
Let's get you a path here
So you can go take a pill.
(dramatic music)
Come on.
(dramatic music)
- What the hell?
- Fucker.
(Marshall screaming)
(dramatic music)
- Oh, you're back.
Ooh, ooh, careful.
Oh, don't take it too fast.
(dramatic music)
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- What am I gonna do, should I
just leave?
- No, absolutely not.
It'll be just fine.
We're gonna beat him at his own
and we'll be set for life.
All right, I'm in.
You always make me feel better.
- Shew.
- Did it work?
- It worked.
He went down.
Just easy as pie.
Come on.
Come on, all right.
Ooh, steady on your feet.
Oh, you okay?
- My head hurts.
My throat's really sore.
- No kidding.
Fucker, strangled the
fuck outta you, didn't he?
- Yeah, he did.
Is he gone?
- He's gone, down the well.
- Uh.
- Thank you.
And you can collect the life
But I think our plan worked.
The drug I gave you,
that you put in your tea,
knocked you out pretty good.
I was kind of freaked out
when I saw you all wrapped in
plastic, but it's all over.
- Thank God.
- It's okay.
- All right, let's try
to get the fuck outta here.
(dramatic music)
- [Grantham] Come on.
(gentle upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle upbeat music)
(all laughing)
(Daddy laughing)
(dramatic music)
(Marshall screaming)
- Oh fuck, oh geez.
Oh God, oh fuck.
- Oh God.
- Oh my God.
- Oh fuck, oh shit, oh God.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- Oh God.
Let go, I'm sorry.
- Oh God, okay.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh God.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay, okay.
(Lucy crying)
- Okay, it's okay.
Oh just, you gotta keep it
you gotta keep it together
- Okay.
- What you're gonna do
is you're gonna have to go back
to the car
and you have to get a tire
iron or fucking something,
anything, I don't give a shit.
- [Lucy] Okay.
- And go and get it so I can
get this trap off my leg.
- Okay.
- Please.
- I'll be right back.
- Oh fuck it hurts.
- Don't go anywhere.
- Oh God fuck.
Oh God, oh God I'm gonna die.
(dramatic music)
What the fuck was that?
(dramatic music)
Lucy, was that you?
(rocks knocking)
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
(dramatic music)
(rocks knocking)
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck.
Our fuck.
Our fuck.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- "And Jesus roared, Lazarus
come out."
(dramatic music)
(Grantham moaning)
(dramatic music)
(woman crying)
You're not going anywhere.
And the devil was an angel.
(all laughing)
(snake hissing)
(fire raging)
- [Reporter] A flaming wildfire
that shut down a stretch
of a major Interstate near the
Appalachian mountain border
exploded in size as crews on
scrambled to prevent flames
from reaching rural communities.
The blaze and Red River National
was burning out of control
after chewing through 69 square
of timber and brush since
Firefighters working in a rugged
were contending with hot
temperatures and gusty winds.
Authorities announced Friday
that a 44 mile section of
Interstate 64,
North of Cravenburg would remain
until further notice.
In one section, the remains
of three charred bodies
have been discovered in what
is currently being investigated
as a possible murder/suicide
No one is sure what started the
but a full investigation is
This is an ongoing story y'all
so stay tuned for further
details as we get them.
(fire raging)
(gentle upbeat music)
(cellphone ringing)
- What's the matter, last one
wasn't scary enough for you?
- [Voice Of Fear] It was good,
but it's not what I want.
- Who is this?
- [Voice Of Fear] You
have two more stories,
two more chances.
- Did Barry put you up to this?
- [Voice Of Fears] I don't
want just anyone's fears,
Natalie, I want your
fears, your greatest fear.
- How did you know my name?
(wind gushing)
(gentle music)
(pipe banging)
(gentle upbeat music)
- Can you cut that out man,
it is really annoying.
(dramatic music)
Oh motherfucker.
Hey, get back here.
(dramatic music)
- [Chud Voiceover] I have
no home, but I still hope.
Some nights I get to sleep, but
it's only to wake up and be back
in this living fucking hell.
This is not me, it's what I've
The sidewalks are cold,
but not as cold as the
people that just walk by,
not looking or caring.
To them, we could all
probably just be dead.
They are the judge and jury.
The streets, our executioner.
(dramatic music)
I'm scared, can you believe it?
Please believe it.
I don't.
But I need someone to.
I know I'll die out here.
I'm not worried about that part.
I'm more worried about
what'll happen to my body
after my soul has left it.
But not scared.
The streets can be cruel,
the streets can be tough.
But for better or worse, the
streets are always watching.
- I have to save you.
- Oh shit there he is.
- Good old KKK.
- KKK?
- Yeah, Kray Kray Karl,
the guy's a fucking nut.
- Guy's fucking dangerous.
You're gonna wanna stay clear of
- Get real Spliff.
He's harmless.
I've been around him constantly.
- Harmless my ass.
I've heard so much about this
- [Homeless] Like what?
- Shit man, where do I begin?
There's so many theories
on what made KKK, KKK.
He to be one of the biggest
drug dealers in the city.
He controlled everything around
And then one day a rival drug
put like a lethal dose
of LSD in his drink.
He drank that in wet nuts,
ended up killing half
the people at some party.
(dramatic music)
The ones who survived were so
that they never testify.
So the police like can't
even pin anything on him.
And that's how he got the name
Krazy Killer Karl.
- That's bullshit.
That's not what I heard at all.
I heard one day he got the
bright idea
he was gonna rob a dice game.
He almost got away with it,
but they caught up with
him at his mom's house,
raped and killed her right in
front of him in retaliation.
And it was so much that he just
So now he wanders the streets
trying to write the wrongs of
that night.
And that's why he is always
fighting the air and shit,
he's trying to fight them
(dramatic music)
Yo, that's deep.
- Fighting the demons yo.
- That's fucking stupid,
that's what that is.
He's just some poor schmuck like
stuck on the streets, trying
to make a way from himself.
- No, that motherfucker is a
You know, he is the one
who killed Niles, right?
- Shut the fuck up.
- What?
You know, he was the last
one to be seen with him.
I heard he killed a bunch of us.
Just nobody cares because
it's people like us.
If you ask me, he's working for
the police to get rid of us.
- Where are you getting
this shit from, man?
- Where am I getting it from?
Three of us dead in two
weeks, that doesn't worry you?
Everyone thinks that fool's
but I'm just saying, watch
your fucking back out here.
- He ain't no cop, I
heard he killed a pig.
- My fucking hero.
(all laughing)
- [Chud Voiceover] They don't
trust us.
We don't trust us.
We wanna believe we're better.
Better than the ones that judge.
We're not.
(dramatic music)
- Yo, he's coming this way.
- I have to save you.
- Save this you fucking
- [Chud Voiceover] It can never
get worse.
I repeat that constantly.
But constantly, constantly
I'm reminded that it can.
(upbeat music)
- Everything copacetic?
- Totally.
I'm homeless, drunk and horny.
What more could I ask for?
- I could help you with one
of those things, you know.
- Really, you could get me a
- You have a home.
- Just like Niles did.
- What, you're letting
that KKK story get to you?
- What if it's true?
What if one way or another
the stories are true?
What if KKK is killing us?
(upbeat music)
- Well, I have to salute you
because you, my friend,
are officially flagged.
(both laughing)
- Thank you.
- Don't thank me.
I'll be right back.
(upbeat music)
(singing indistinctly)
(upbeat music)
(police sirens blaring)
- God, I had a fucking piss.
(dog barking)
(police sirens blaring)
(dramatic music)
Oh, Karl, what's up?
(dramatic music)
- I must save you.
- No saving needed, my friend.
We're all drinking over on
Fifth, if you wanna come by.
I got a handle of a.
- I must save you.
- Karl, what the fuck
are you talking about?
- I must save you.
- Fuck are you doing, man?
Get the fuck away from me.
(dramatic music)
I deserve this.
- No, you don't.
I have to save you.
- There is no saving me.
- [Chud Voiceover] This is it.
I've been waiting,
waiting longer than most.
Shorter than the ones
who never had to be here.
I always knew it would come,
always knew it wouldn't be how I
but I didn't think it'd be like
Strangely, my thoughts turned to
What brought him to this place?
What brought his punishment to
- I have to save you.
- [Chud Voiceover] No, this is
not how it ends, not from me.
- [Karl] I have to save you.
(dramatic music)
- [Operator] 911, what's your
- Hello, help please.
He's chasing me, I think
he's gonna kill me.
- [Operator] Where are you
calling from?
- I don't know.
(dramatic music)
(Chud screaming)
(gentle upbeat music)
The body snatchers
The hobbies matter
All I gotta do is sit
and write the part rapper
Take a nice and can't be
I come back with the girls
I'll rob you when I'm faster
Bitches don't know
Bitches don't hurt me
Don't wonder why this girl
I don't want no herpes though
That old party without herpes
Don't open my notebook
It's just full of concerning
I never trust a cop
I never trusted a God
I never trust a smile when
it seems like a facade
- What are we gonna.
Hell no, you just hit a little
white girl,
we gotta get the fuck outta here
- Holy shit.
(car engine revving)
- Oh.
Oh fuck.
(gentle music)
- That church,
that God,
they can't save you.
Only I can.
- Please,
I don't need saving.
- That's where you're wrong.
At one point or another,
we all need saving.
(gentle music)
I'm going to save you.
I couldn't save the others,
but I'm going to save you.
(gentle music)
(car engines revving)
(gentle music)
(car engines revving)
(gentle music)
(wind gushing)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(gentle music)
- [Chud Voiceover] I have no
home, but I still have hope.
Some nights I get to sleep.
This is not me, it's what I've
And what have I become?
What have.
- You should have let him save
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
(car alarm blaring)
- Hey Barry, it's Nat.
Where are you?
Just call me back when you get
- [Voice Of Fear] I am waiting.
- What do you want?
(eerie music)
- [Voice Of Fear] You know what
I want?
- I already,
you've got your stories.
- [Voice Of Fear] What is it,
What really scares you?
(eerie music)
- All right, I'll do it.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] Not just any
(dramatic music)
Something really terrifying.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I want you to scare yourself to
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(birds chirping)
(cellphone ringing)
- Hey Mike, are you at
the rental house yet?
The camera package should be
ready to go.
John's waiting for you guys.
I ended up going with
the Zeit lenses on this.
Yeah, we just rolled in.
When, are you getting, what's
(birds chirping)
(both laughing)
Looks like we're the first ones
Wanna pick out a bedroom?
We got dibs.
- I'm actually,
I'm kind of tired from the
- You're tired?
- Yeah.
- You slept the entire way up.
Come on, you see outside, it's
Let's go for a walk.
- I'd like that.
(Laura laughing)
- Laura hold on.
Move into the light.
- Taylor God.
- Can't help it, the camera
loves you.
- But do you love me?
- Shh, don't ruin the shot.
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
(birds chirping)
- Do you hear that sound?
I heard it when we first got
- It's probably someone
doing yard work or something.
So much for the peace and quiet
out here.
(birds chirping)
(camera shutter clicking)
- I've never heard
anything like it before.
- Shh, don't be weird.
Stay still.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(camera shutter clicking)
Yeah, hold that pose.
I'm really liking this.
(dramatic music)
I'm gonna make you a famous
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- I saw something there.
- I don't see anything.
- It was there, I saw it.
- You saw someone in the woods.
- No, it wasn't a person it
was, it's hard to explain.
It was like, I don't know.
- It wasn't Bigfoot, was it?
- Taylor, no I'm serious please.
- Come on.
You know what I think,
I think all this fresh mountain
is just driving us a little
- Yeah, maybe.
(birds chirping)
- Now let's pick out our master
- Hold on.
Wait, there's someone here I
Look at this.
- Oh, isn't this a nice
- Hi.
- I was beginning to think I
had the place all to myself.
I could use some help.
So when did you two get here?
- A few hours ago?
- Yeah.
- Beat the traffic.
I'm Taylor, by the way, I'm the
- Oh, Alexis, key makeup and
Are you with the camera
department too?
- Oh no, I'm just here
with Taylor, I'm Laura.
- You'll probably wanna go
back to L.A. after a few days.
Movie sets aren't nearly as
or glamorous as people think.
- It's okay, I'm just gonna
work on my dissertation.
- Oh, you're still in school?
How'd you guys meet?
- We're throwing a party or?
- Oh, you know these mountain
they have one bar up here
and last calls at 10.
I like to wine at the end of
the day, don't you, Taylor?
- Speaking of, should we go get
cleaned up
before everyone else gets here?
- Yeah, sure.
- Save some hot water for me.
- So my roommate had an extra
and she dragged me to the
And then Taylor was on stage
and I was in the front row.
- You kept getting in my shot.
- Yeah.
And then you hunted me down
And that's the story.
- Say when.
- No, I'm good.
- Okay.
- [Taylor] Thanks for making
- Yeah.
- [Taylor] What'd you
say was in the sauce?
- Well, some old family recipe.
I usually make it spicier,
but I figure it was hot enough
- I didn't notice.
- Are you kidding?
It had to be like 85 when I got
It's like, isn't it
supposed to get colder,
the higher you go?
It's like November.
- You were probably standing
too close to the stove.
- Or maybe it was hot flashes.
I'm just kidding.
- It's getting pretty late.
I wonder when the others
are gonna show up.
- Maybe they found about a gig.
- Mike was on the five the
last time I spoke to him.
- Or maybe he's drunk off his at
a bar
like that gaffer on that
one show, you remember?
His girlfriend was like
freaking out and she's all like,
"Where's Keith?"
And we're all like, well
why are you asking us?
We thought he was at home with
- Wait, did do you guys,
you worked together before.
- Did we?
That's right.
I knew you looked familiar.
God, that must have been years
I can't believe I forgot.
- Anyway, why don't we carpool
Be like just me and my kit.
Unless you're planning on
- Oh no, I have work to do.
In fact, I think I'm gonna
turn in a little bit early.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
(insects chirping)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(keboard keys clacking)
(birds chirping)
- Fuck.
Fucking first timers.
I knew I should not have taken
this gig.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
- Alexis and I were the only
that showed up at the location.
- That's so weird, I wonder what
Where'd they go?
- How the fuck should I know?
We were texting, leaving
trying to get a hold of
Nothing, radio silence.
It's like someone pulled the
goddamn plug on the shoot
and did not have the balls to
tell us.
- Sorry Taylor.
- Did you hear anything?
- No.
Honey it's sweltering in here.
- Hey Mike, missed you today.
Where the fuck are you?
Why did you not come?
God dammit.
- Well, this thing's useless.
Are you getting a signal?
- My phone's upstairs.
- Could you give it a try?
- Yeah, sure.
(dramatic music)
- Is the AC working?
'Cause it doesn't seem like it.
(dramatic music)
- Will you calm down.
(dramatic music)
- Jesus.
(dramatic music)
- Any luck?
- Nope, nothing.
- This is bullshit.
I don't know about you
two, but I'm ready to bail.
- There's no way I'm driving
three hours
back to L.A. tonight.
I'm fucking exhausted.
- Same, I didn't get any sleep.
I mean it didn't even get
dark until after midnight.
- Okay, I think that we
should all get some rest.
I'll drive into town and
try to get a landline
or a signal or something.
- Really okay?
Be careful.
- I'll be right back.
(dramatic music)
- No wifi, no cell service.
Not even a frigging TV.
Really are in the boonies.
I've done makeup on over 30
shows and I've seen some shit,
but nothing like this.
Hey, you want a makeover?
We've got the time.
- No, thank you.
(keboard keys clacking)
- What are you writing anyway?
- My dissertation.
- Right.
Taylor told me you're a science
- Environmental science.
- Oh.
Gonna save the world, huh?
Well good luck with that.
- What else did Taylor tell you
about me?
'Cause he didn't mention you.
- Let me give you some
free advice, sweetie.
Don't get too attached.
He's not the nesting type.
We were together for about
a year before he moved on
and well, sooner or later
he'll get bored with you too.
(birds chirping)
- Fuck.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- [Taylor] I can't believe
you're bringing that up right
- [Alexis] You could have at
least called.
- It was a year ago, okay.
- It was a year.
- Just get over it.
Move on.
Oh my God.
Are you okay?
How are you feeling?
Easy, easy.
You passed out.
We found you in the woods.
You must have fainted.
I don't know.
- I went for a walk
then I saw it.
Taylor, I saw it.
- It's okay, you're okay.
- It was just like before.
I heard the sound, that sound
and then I saw it.
The same thing I saw yesterday.
It was like a circle of light.
And only now I could see it more
and then I could feel it too.
I could feel the heat coming
from it.
- Yeah, you must have
hallucinated and passed out.
It's gotta be 90 degrees
- No.
- Thank God I got back when I
did it.
- It was not a hallucination.
- Maybe they don't have
cell towers around here.
But what I don't get
is why the convenience store was
I mean, it's Tuesday
afternoon, they should be open.
Alexis is right though,
it's fucking hot in here.
- So let's take a few things
- Well that wasn't
exactly what I meant, but.
It's so fucked up.
It's after 9:00 p.m. and
it's still bright as day.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Are you feeling okay?
- Yeah. I know it sounds
weird, but I feel better now
than I did this morning.
- Well I'm happy for you,
but I'm exhausted.
(dramatic music)
Are you sure you wanna do this?
- There's no phone, no internet,
we're running out of food.
And we're not just cut
off from the movie Taylor,
we're cut off from the world.
- I understand, but I don't
it's safe to drive right now
Where's your car anyway?
- It's just up the road.
And I can't sleep here.
How can anybody with all this
Every day it gets hotter and
And if I stay here one
more hour, I'm gonna melt.
- You're being dramatic.
- Have you looked at yourself,
How much sleep did you get last
This is fucked up and you know
Are you sure you don't wanna
come with me?
(dramatic music)
- I tried to convince her to
but that's how she is, stubborn.
Maybe she's right.
What's this?
- [Laura] Breakfast.
That's all we have.
- You're not having anything?
- I'm not hungry.
It's better now.
- What's better?
- Now that she's gone?
- I'm sorry I didn't mention it
Alexis and I, it was a long time
- I know.
- If you want to talk about it.
- Not really.
(keboard keys clacking)
(birds chirping)
(keboard keys clacking)
(dramatic music)
- Laura, Laura.
Laura, please.
Please help me.
Please Laura.
Please help me.
(Alexis crying)
(dramatic music)
(Alexis crying)
Oh, I can't go home.
It was so bright, I couldn't
even see the road anymore.
And I wanted to stop but I
I had to keep going.
I felt like if I could
just stay on the road,
I could get away.
Is there any wine left?
- Yeah.
- So I kept driving
until, as far as I could
and the road ended
so I had to.
- What do you mean ended?
- It ended Taylor, there was
It was the end of everything.
Oh, thank you.
- There is no end, only
(dramatic music)
- And the heat, the heat was
I felt like I was burning alive
and I was just sitting there.
And then I don't know how
but the car flamed up,
it just, it was literally in
And then I had to get out
of there, I had to get away.
And there was ash, there
was ash in the sky,
it was coming down like rain.
And that light that burned
your eyes, it was everywhere.
And I couldn't see where I was
There's nowhere to go but back
Taylor, what is happening,
what are we gonna do?
(Alexis crying)
(dramatic music)
- Fuck is wrong with this thing?
What are you looking at?
(dramatic music)
How do you know if you're dead
(gentle music)
There's only one way to find
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh, oh
Ooh, ooh, oh
(gentle upbeat music)
I have been in the dark
(gentle upbeat music)
- Laura.
I didn't know you were awake.
- Couldn't sleep.
- Me neither.
- It feels like I haven't slept
in days.
I don't even know what day it is
Have you seen Alexis?
I've been thinking about this
and I think we've been
making a big mistake.
We keep going down the
mountain to look for help,
but we should be going up.
- Up?
- Yeah, I mean we can't stay
here, Laura.
The fire or whatever it is,
it's getting closer every day.
Can't you feel it?
It's an oven out here.
But if we get to higher ground,
it'll be cooler at the top, it
has to be.
It's our only chance.
I'm gonna start packing.
- Alexis, we have to go.
(door knocking)
Open up.
(door knocking)
I've got a plan.
(door knocking)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- She's dead, she killed
herself, Laura.
We have to go now before it's
too late.
- If that's what you want.
- What the hell is that supposed
to mean?
We can't stay here.
- Why not?
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing's wrong with me.
- You're crazy.
This place is driving us all
- I need to stay, this is good
for me.
- How could this be good for
How could this be good for
Do you wanna die too?
- Please understand, Taylor,
- No, we're leaving.
(dramatic music)
Time to go now.
- Right.
It is time.
- Please Laura, stop with
the games, we have to leave.
- You should go.
They don't want you anyway.
- What the fuck are you talking
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Come on, we have to go.
(dramatic music)
(seatbelt alarm beeping)
(dramatic music)
(gravel crunching)
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] Natalie.
- Stop it.
- [Voice Of Fear] Not until
you give me what I asked for.
- I gave you the stories,
what more do you want?
- [Voice Of Fear] You know what
I want?
I asked you to show me your
greatest fear.
- I'm not listening to you.
- [Voice Of Fear] Show me your
Your greatest fear.
(dramatic music)
Your greatest fear, Natalie.
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] It's you.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- [Reporter] Authorities are
still searching for illustrator
and writer, Natalie Chase,
creator of bestselling
comic book, "Hi-Fear."
Reports have surfaced of Chase
suffering from hypochondria
and undergoing anti-aging
But according to her
publisher, Barry Novak,
Chase is in perfect health at
the time of her disappearance.
"Hi-Fear" continues to
rack up record sales
for Nightfall Comics,
who recently announced
the movie deal is now in the
We can only imagine how
scary that's going to be.
(dramatic music)
- [Voice Of Fear] What's
your greatest fear.
(Voice Of Fear laughing)
(dramatic music)
(gentle organ music)
- Just like my mother
used to play an organ.
Jesus spoke to me and told me
that I had to raise a
quarter of a million dollars
or else my life was gonna end.
To demonstrate, we have a
timer here, with this dynamite.
If you don't start calling
in and making your donations,
who knows it could blow up
and that could be the
end of Cove Ministries.
And we all don't want
that, nobody wants that.
I don't believe so.
Well, again, just give what you
The big message here is
that you have to help me.
Jesus wants to call me home.
I want to go home, but
I'm not ready quite yet.
Your donations, they can
make a difference here.
Give what you can.
Kids at home, if you got a
piggy bank laying around there,
go ahead and grab that
crack that thing open.
You don't need those old
devil worship and music tapes.
You don't need the video
games with all the violence
and all that horrible stuff.
Send your money to me, keep me
(fire raging)
(dramatic music)