Hidden Agenda (1990) Movie Script
- And how did it happen?
- Beat me up.
They made me stand against the wall,
like this with me arms outstretched...
and my legs stretched out behind me.
Kept me like this for ages,
for over 30 hours or somethin' like that.
And if I tried to relax
or lower me arms, they hit me.
And then they gave me
the crab treatment.
Were you arrested on Section 12?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Good.
Do you have any idea why?
Sort of like most of me mates
were accused of belongin' to the IRA.
Which he wasn't.
That's why they let him go.
Could you demonstrate
this crab treatment to us?
One of them grabbed me...
you know, with me arms back here...
while his mate punched me
in the stomach.
He just punched me and punched me.
And the other one
kept askin' me questions...
askin' more questions,
and they punched me again.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Jim, why don't you tell them
what happened to you?
I was arrested the week before Michael
and taken to Castlereagh.
And then they threw me
into a cell for about four hours.
They took me out...
brought me up to what
they call an interview room.
And two cops were sittin' there with me.
One of the cops asked me my name.
I never told him my name...
'cause if they didn't know my name,
they wouldn't have arrested me.
At once, as soon as I told him,
all four cops came rushin' in the room...
took me off the chair,
lifted me by the arms and legs...
and held me over a table.
And one of them put a towel
round my face.
He was holding it
at the back of my neck here...
and another one poured water
over my nose and mouth.
It was goin' up my nose
and into my throat...
I was gettin' the drowning feeling.
Get the bastard!
I don't believe it.
- Tribal rites.
- It's frightening.
Can I take you onto the question
of the treatment of prisoners...
the question of interrogation techniques
referred to in the press release.
It suggests that these allegations
of ill-treatment have reduced since 1978.
Can I ask you to comment?
Do you have a view...
as to whether these forms of
ill-treatment that you found are fair?
What evidence do you have for them?
Not to be too dramatic,
but these are all...
statements of alleged maltreatment that
we have collected over our time here.
And that one?
"Punching, slapping,
kicking the plaintiff.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff to lie
on the floor of an interview room.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff...
"to remove his coat and shoes
in the interview room.
"Punching the plaintiff
in the abdominal area.
"Banging the plaintiff's head off
the wall of the interview room.
"Standing on the plaintiff's
shoulders, stomach, ankles and chest.
"Squeezing the plaintiff's neck.
Squeezing the plaintiff's testicles.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff...
- "...to be spreadled..."
- Spread-eagled.
"Between three members
of the Royal Ulster Constabulary...
"while one kicked him with his heel
in the area of the abdomen and raped..."
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
These are unconfirmed
allegations, right?
Allegations for which
there is no outside evidence.
These are allegations
from a group of people.
A great deal of this evidence
is corroborated.
Is it a war situation or not?
If it's a war situation,
to solve that war situation...
you have to negotiate, and so to accept
that there are two sides...
putting around a table to negotiate...
and that, the British
government doesn't accept.
Does your report deal with
the shoot-to-kill policy...
operatin' here in the six counties?
Allegations of a shoot-to-kill policy
carried out by the RUC...
the UDR, and the British Army
does form part of our report, yes.
- Do you have any figures?
- Yes, in...
the period of 1969 to 1980...
the evidence shows
that at least 130 people...
were killed by the security forces,
and half of those deaths...
were of civilians
that had no connection...
with paramilitary activities at all.
Given the fact that there is a state of
armed insurrection in Northern Ireland...
do you not concede
the government has every right...
to take whatever measures
it deems necessary to...
stem this insurrection?
Britain is recognized the world over
as a democratic state.
We will present our report
based on the documented evidence.
And hopefully,
the British government will respond.
I'm sure they will.
Thank you. That's all we have time for.
We're flying out tomorrow. Thank you.
- I'm Teresa Doyle. Republican News.
- Excuse me?
Republican News.
You know the shoot-to-kill?
It happens all the time.
I could show you a photograph.
- Of what?
- Of an execution.
You have that with you?
It's not the sort of thing you carry around
the streets of Belfast in your handbag.
But I could get it to you.
I'm sorry.
Our investigation's concluded.
- So you're not interested?
- No, we're not here to be used.
Maybe that's all you're here for.
- Is that the tape from yesterday?
- Yeah.
I'm glad we're leaving tomorrow.
Belfast reminds me of Chile.
There's no comparison.
How can you say that?
That's the way it feels:
Killings, torture, intrigue.
A reality check: What happened
in Chile can't happen here.
- Let's eat.
- Yeah.
- You got any money?
- Yes, I do.
So good night. See you tomorrow.
Tough day.
Good night.
Can you believe
he turned around and waved?
- Do you know him?
- I don't know. I thought I did.
- No messages.
- Okay, thanks.
- I listened to your tape.
- Have you come to a decision?
I don't know.
We must talk.
They saw us together.
- How do you know?
- After I left you, I was followed.
That means you're under surveillance.
I really don't think that this is something
that I should get involved in...
but I'll tell you what I can do.
I can turn the tape over
to whatever authorities you deem...
No! That would be crazy.
We must meet.
- Where?
- Near Dungannon. Now.
It's less than an hour's drive away.
Look, I've got a plane to catch.
This won't take long.
Mr. Sullivan?
- Where's Harris?
- He's down the road, waiting on you.
I am here to take you to him.
You can leave your car here.
We'll go in mine.
- My car's okay here?
- It's quite safe there.
By the way, my name's Frank Molloy.
- Did you bring the tape?
- Yeah.
800 years: That's how long
we've been fightin' for independence.
famine, burnin'...
hangin', shootin', transportation:
We've had it all.
Who's Harris?
It's better he tells you himself.
There's a car behind us.
Is it following us?
We'll soon find out.
There's something wrong here.
Get down! Get down!
- Ms. Ingrid Jessner?
- Yes.
I'm afraid we've got some
rather serious news for you.
- May we come in?
- What is it?
It's about Mr. Sullivan.
He's been involved in a
rather serious incident.
They were killed
in a car crash early this morning...
which involved a police
checkpoint outside Dungannon.
The men, who were driving
a yellow Ford Cortina...
were signaled by police to stop.
Ignoring the warning, the car accelerated
and drove directly at the officers.
Police opened fire on the vehicle
as it attempted to escape.
The car then went out of control
and careered off the road.
Upon arrival at the crash scene,
police found the occupants were dead.
Names of the two men
have not yet been released.
Can you identify the body
as that of Paul Sullivan?
Come on. Let's go.
Ms. Jessner,
where have you just come from?
Can you move away?
It's said the man in the car
with Mr. Sullivan was a terrorist suspect.
Is that true?
- What are you suggesting?
- Who was with Mr. Sullivan?
- I have no idea.
- Police say he was a terrorist suspect.
Did the car go through
a police roadcheck?
They say they opened fire
after the car went through a checkpoint?
Where were they going this morning?
Did you know?
As journalists, you must appreciate
that I can't talk about this right now.
The driver of the car
in which the shooting occurred...
has been named as Frank Molloy.
Police said the car failed to stop...
at a roadblock outside Dungannon
around 6:15 this morning.
An RUC statement said
the driver accelerated...
toward their officers,
who opened fire on the fleeing car...
causing it to swerve off the road.
Also in the car was Paul Sullivan,
an American lawyer and a leading figure...
in the International League
for Civil Liberties.
What's puzzling observers...
is why Mr. Sullivan should have
driven out of Belfast...
in the early hours of the morning
to meet a man...
who the police say
is a terrorist suspect.
This is Ivan Little,
Ulster Television, Dungannon.
With me in the studio to discuss...
the political implications
of today's shooting...
is Mr. Alec Nevin...
who is a Conservative Party spokesman
on Northern Ireland.
Mr. Nevin, earlier, we saw
pictures of Americans...
demonstrating outside
the British embassy in Washington.
Let's make a distinction.
What we saw was a demonstration...
by supporters of the IRA...
Could I finish my question?
The people who give comfort
and weapons...
to the men of violence.
John Ware, Labour MP.
A particularly embarrassing thing,
I would think...
was, of course, the death of
this civil-liberties spokesman...
It's quite clear that people
will be asking the question:
Does this mean the investigation
has hit on a raw nerve...
has revealed some of the things
that have been perpetrated...
by security forces due to
their presence in Northern Ireland?
Is Ms. Jessner coming
down to talk to us today?
- No. She's resting.
- How is she?
All right.
Have you been told any more
about what happened...
on the morning of the shooting?
The only thing that we know is that
Mr. Sullivan has been murdered...
by a member of the security forces...
near Dungannon in a car, a rented car...
with a man called Mr. Molloy.
Did Mr. Sullivan have
Republican sympathies?
- No.
- Was he a member of Noraid?
- Not at all.
- What kind of a man was he, Mr. Sullivan?
The only thing I can say is he was
a very good lawyer and a great fighter...
for the civil rights all over the world
and a marvelous friend.
The British government have
just appointed...
Deputy Chief Constable Kerrigan...
to head up the investigation
on the shooting.
What's your reaction to that?
I've heard that Kerrigan is
a fine investigator of the CID...
but we would have preferred that...
it would have been an independent,
international inquiry.
So you don't have
any confidence in the inquiry?
I've got a certain amount
of skepticism about that.
You said that you were skeptical. Why?
Why will the Kerrigan inquiry
not discover the truth?
Because you had a lot of inquiries
in the 13 past years...
and it didn't change anything.
Excuse me, sir. I'm Sgt. Hughes,
your liaison for your stay.
This is Chief Superintendent Maxwell.
How do you do?
The car's just outside the front.
- Can I take your bag?
- Thank you.
- This Jessner woman...
- Sullivan's girlfriend.
What time is it now?
4:00. Late in the day.
What about this Mrs. Molloy?
She lives in Fort William.
How far is it to Fort William, Sergeant?
Fort William's just over here
on the right, sir, about a mile away.
It might be a good idea
if you spoke to them both together.
Let them feed off each other.
Your ID, Sarge?
Might as well leave
the cases in the car.
- We'll be going to the hotel after.
- Sure they'll be safe here?
I hope so, sir.
Just in here, sir.
- We're a bit pushed for space, sir.
- Not bad.
I want a large wall map of Northern Ireland
and a blackboard.
- Blackboard?
- Those big black things you write on.
Yes, sir.
- I'll tell Mr. Brodie you're here, sir.
- Thank you, Sergeant. That's kind of you.
- I've seen Jack Cunningham lately.
- What's he doing nowadays?
- He runs his own security business.
- He must be rolling in it.
He's earned it.
Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kerrigan.
Chief Superintendent Maxwell.
- Good flight?
- Bit cramped.
Yeah, always is.
This is not what you're used to,
I suppose.
It's the best we can do
for one of Britain's top policemen.
It's perfectly adequate.
- Anything else you need?
- Thank you. I'll ask.
Detective Sgt. Hughes
will be your liaison officer.
He will organize
all your internal appointments.
- Yes, secretarial staff...
- She'll be arriving tomorrow.
Excuse me.
- Have you read the CID interim report?
- Yes.
Now, as I understand it...
your terms of reference in the inquiry
are to reexamine the evidence and...
Or if necessary,
reinvestigate the circumstances...
which led to the shooting
of Paul Sullivan and Frank Molloy.
I'm sure that your expertise
will be appreciated.
However, I should warn you
that you may encounter some prejudice.
- From members of your force?
- Possibly. But don't let that deter you.
It won't.
See, you have to bear in mind
the situation here in Northern Ireland.
We operate under enormous pressure.
For the last 12 years,
the Royal Ulster Constabulary...
have fought to maintain the peace
against the terrorists.
140 people have given their lives.
3,500 have been injured.
And 155 medals for outstanding
feats of gallantry.
Naturally, when outsiders
from the mainland...
- come here to the province to tell us...
- I do understand.
But rest assured, no obstacle
will be placed in your path.
- You'll receive my full cooperation.
- Thank you.
About accommodation, we have a couple
of safe houses where RUC personnel...
I think it would be better if we
were to stay in a small hotel somewhere.
Can I ask why?
I don't want to socialize with officers
I might have to question.
Best keep it on a strictly
professional basis.
- Could I just say one thing, so...
- Also, I'll need a car...
without a driver.
You realize that I can't
guarantee your safety?
Just let me say one thing,
so there can be no misunderstanding.
When you have completed your inquiry,
you will deliver your report to me first.
- I understood it was to go to the DPP first.
- No, it comes to me first.
I will forward it
to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
That is the constitutional position.
We might as well keep that
on a professional basis, too.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Henri and I will stay with you
for as long as you need us.
- I'm okay.
- You sure?
I think you can do more
back home than you can do here.
No, it isn't Ingrid. Who is calling?
Can you wait a second?
It's Paul's mother.
All right?
How are you? Are you all right?
Is there somebody there?
Is somebody with you?
That's good.
I'm all right.
I have some friends here, and it's...
What's the crack on this
Insp. Stephens of CID?
Stephens? Decent enough man.
Is he handling the shooting?
Yes. If he was one of my detectives,
he'd be back in uniform.
Three hours after the shooting,
the RUC issued a statement.
It was fabricated.
- Maybe they had a reason?
- No resistance was offered.
The weapon found in the car
clearly didn't belong there.
Forensic showed that
the shot that killed the Yank...
was fired at two meters.
The trajectory was wrong.
The officer that did the shooting
claims he shot at 25 feet.
None of this was in the interim report.
What if there were witnesses,
and it comes out at the inquest?
You know as well as I
how long these things take.
I know of two cases:
One seven years ago, the other was five.
- There's still no inquest in either of them.
- This one's different.
There's a lot of dead bodies
in Northern Ireland, Peter.
Jack, you haven't been followin' the news.
Why the hell do you think I'm here?
- A prominent American was involved.
- Brodie was hoping you'd do a snow job.
Not a chance.
Next to the Pope,
you're about to become...
the most unpopular man
in Northern Ireland.
What you have to understand is
Special Branch control the whole thing.
Why do you think I got out?
As soon as my time was up,
I just grabbed my pension and ran.
These three policemen involved
in the shooting...
- Cowboys, not policemen.
- Tell me about them.
Members of an antiterrorist squad,
operating undercover.
SSU, Special Support Unit...
code-named Echo 4 Alpha.
- Answerable to whom?
- Don't ask.
I have to know.
I'm not saying
we shouldn't use them against the IRA...
but the fact is, they're out of control.
They're off the wire, trigger-happy.
They go where they want,
do what they want.
They shoot first, no questions asked.
The other side don't play
by the rules either.
We're not the IRA.
Goin' back to these three policemen...
If they were involved,
then it's a covert operation.
- What about Special Branch?
- They are Special Branch.
- Sanctioned by them?
- Or Ml5 or Ml6.
Take your pick.
We all piss in the same pot.
If the British public knew
half of what goes on...
in Northern Ireland,
they wouldn't sleep in their beds.
- I don't know what the answer is.
- Good night, Jack. Thanks.
Do yourself a favor, Peter.
I know it goes against the grain,
but toe the line.
Give them what they want,
and get back to England.
- We'll see.
- You're a pillock!
Mind how you go.
Nobody gives a shit
what happens in Northern Ireland.
- What's wrong?
- I found this on the seat of my car.
"The next bullet is for you
if you don't get out of Ireland.
"Our day will come".
It's a 9-millimeter.
Walther PPK pistol.
That's a weapon favored by the cowboys
we talked about earlier.
- Echo 4 Alpha?
- Yeah.
So where are you taking me?
It's one of ours, Peter.
Excuse me. Hi.
Good afternoon, Ms. Jessner.
- Any further news yet?
- No, none.
- What are your plans now?
- I have none...
and I don't want to say anything.
Please, now, thank you.
- Ms. Jessner.
- Mr. Kerrigan.
- Thank you for seeing me.
- Of course.
Did you get in touch with Mrs. Molloy?
Yes. She's expecting us.
How are your skills as a navigator?
This is Paradox.
Subjects leaving location.
Tabs on now, please.
Paul was murdered, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Why would the police want to kill him?
- I don't know, but they did.
- What proof do you have?
- None.
But I do know what goes on here.
Torture, paid informants,
roadside executions, death squads.
Mr. Kerrigan, when I was
going through Paul's things...
I found something
I think might be important.
It's an empty cassette box.
Paul was meticulous,
and I can't find that tape.
- Did you ask about it?
- I told the police.
- And what did they say?
- They would look into it and call me back.
- And did they?
- No.
What was on the tape?
I don't know, but he was listening
to it the night before.
This is it.
I also found this list of names.
- Is this his writing?
- Yes.
This is a pretty formidable group.
Lord Randall, Alec Nevin,
Sir Gerald Binning...
Why did he write these six names?
- I don't know.
- Had he met them?
No, not that I know of.
Have you shown this to anyone else?
No. Why, what do you think it is?
What do you think?
Could be people targeted, hit list.
- I'm not saying it is, but...
- Paul was not involved with terrorists.
Perhaps innocently.
- Maybe he was being used.
- He was too smart to be manipulated.
He was a good lawyer.
He thought like one.
Then why did he write down
these six names?
And why did he leave the hotel
at 5:00 in the morning, leaving you?
What was he doing
driving around Dungannon...
with a fringe member of the IRA?
He must have been mixed up in something.
Mrs. Molloy, is this Frank's father?
- That's his father.
- Who's that?
Them's his friends, lifelong friends.
They just can't believe it either.
Those were taken on holiday.
It was the last holiday we had.
Have you a religion, Mr. Kerrigan?
In the heel of the hunt,
we'll all be answerable to God.
I curse the bloody day
we ever came back here.
Why did you?
No choice. He was workin'
for the Ministry of Defense in London.
Some bright spark
sent him on this course.
Then he was transferred over here.
What kind of work did he do?
It came under the army...
to do with education
and publishing things.
To tell you the truth,
he never talked much about it...
but he wasn't happy.
That's why he left?
Under a cloud.
Said he couldn't stomach it anymore.
Can I take a look at these?
- Who's that?
- That's Grace's weddin'.
- It's your daughter?
- That was a beautiful day.
She looks wonderful.
Mrs. Molloy...
Did your husband ever mention
Paul to you?
They must have known each other, though,
don't you think?
They must've.
But I never heard Frank mention him.
You were telling us earlier...
that the house was searched.
Yes. Two days after.
Do you know who authorized it?
Was it the police?
The big knock authorized it.
1:00 in the mornin', you either
open up, or your door goes in.
Did they question you?
Asked me if I knew Capt. Harris.
Capt. Harris?
Frank's old boss.
Worked in a unit at Lisburn.
- And what did you tell them?
- Told them the truth.
The last time I saw Capt. Harris...
was at the weddin'.
Did they find anything?
They took away some papers
and all his cassette tapes.
- Tapes?
- The lot.
Capt. Harris,
if he was at the wedding...
he might be in one of these photographs.
You've just been looking at it.
- This one?
- That's him, next to the groom.
I know him.
- You met him?
- No, I know his face.
He was talking to Paul
at the Orange Parade.
- Here are the documents you asked for.
- Thank you, Chief.
Could you initial there, Mr. Maxwell?
And you'll have to sign
the secured-documents book as well.
And how did you get involved
in civil liberties?
I was in Chile.
I was doing some research...
for a TV documentary
called The Disappeared.
It was about the victims of Pinochet
after the coup.
- Paul was there working for the League.
- When was that?
There was a technical adviser
working with us...
a young Chilean journalist.
He disappeared one day
and I went to the League and Paul...
to see if they could find out
what happened to him.
- And did they?
- No.
It was a year before we found out
he'd been executed.
What happened to the film?
- Never got made.
- Too controversial?
Too honest, I think.
It was about how Mr. Kissinger,
the CIA, and the Pentagon...
had made Chile safe for democracy.
So I quit TV and joined the League.
Got to know Paul better.
How about you? You have a wife?
- Kids?
- Three.
Two at university, one away at school.
- See them much?
- Not as often as I'd like.
May I have your attention, please?
Telephone call for Mr. Kerrigan.
- Would a Mr. Kerrigan please...
- Excuse me.
Thank you.
It's Tom. I got that stuff on Harris,
what there is of it.
Go ahead.
The first name's James John.
Born Gateshead, 1942.
Religion, Protestant. Joined the
army, 1960, as a private soldier.
Promoted to the rank
of lieutenant in '64.
Doesn't say which mob. 1971...
he attended a course...
at the United States Army
Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg.
A year later, 1972...
he was seconded to the
Psychological Warfare Unit...
known as PSYOPS.
- The same place Molloy went to.
- Right.
In 1973, he was sent to Northern Ireland
as a senior captain.
That's it, apart from a list of postings
at various regiments.
- Nothing else?
- Dead end.
And since '73?
- Classified.
- They told you that?
With great emphasis.
The shutters came down.
If there is a connection
between Paul's death and Harris...
There has to be.
Then I need to know more
about the background.
Why not start with where he is?
According to the colonel
I spoke to in Lisburn...
Harris is away on leave
and can't be traced.
There was a hint
he may be suffering from stress.
Do you believe that?
Mr. Kerrigan...
How far are you willing to go with this?
and it's still a big if...
but if Harris is, in any way,
connected with this shooting...
I don't care whose toes I tread on.
He becomes part of the investigation,
no more, no less.
- Okay?
- Okay.
What it boils down to, Sergeant,
is that you're in deep trouble.
You're in a shit storm,
and it's blowing around your ears.
We're not just talking about
disciplinary charges.
It goes beyond that.
You could be facing a murder charge.
This man Sullivan was
no run-of-the-mill Paddy...
you could just blow away.
He was an American lawyer
with an international reputation.
Now, there is no way
this will be brushed under the carpet.
How old are you?
- How long have you been on the force?
- Twelve years.
Two years ago, you shot dead
a Republican in the Falls.
- It was either him or me, sir.
- I'm not criticizing you, Sergeant.
You should have been given
a commendation.
- I was.
- I'm on your side.
But if you go down for this...
how long do you think you'd last
in the Crumlin Road Prison?
- You searched the bodies?
- Yes, sir.
- Took away all personal effects?
- Yes, sir.
Find anything interesting on Sullivan?
Usual stuff: Wallet, money, ID card.
What about the tape he was carrying?
There was no tape, sir.
- Are you getting all this?
- Yes, sir.
- Read out that last bit.
- From where?
From me asking about the tape.
"What about the tape he was carrying?"
"There was no tape, sir".
Do you want me to leave it at that?
It's up to you. You've already lied once
in your statement to the CID.
- I'm bound by the Official Secrets Act.
- Not anymore, you're not.
All constraints are lifted.
You can wipe the slate clean
and tell me everything that happened...
and you might get off with a reprimand,
or you bury yourself deeper.
So what's it gonna be?
After the shooting...
we returned to the barracks
for the debriefing.
We were told...
by a senior officer what to say.
Superintendent Fraser.
He instructed you to lie to the CID?
Yes, sir.
He said it was to protect
our source of information.
Do you know what that source was?
No, sir. We were only told to intercept.
Were you ordered to shoot on sight?
Not in so many words.
What does that mean?
We were told that the two men in the car
were armed and dangerous...
and we mustn't take
any chances with them.
How did you interpret that?
I got the feeling that we were
being given clear signals...
to bring them back dead or alive,
and there'd be no questions asked.
Now, tell me about the tape.
We took it from the American.
Go on.
When we got back to the barracks...
Mr. Fraser was there to meet us.
And there was someone else
along with him.
- A police officer?
- More like Special Branch.
- What was his name?
- I don't know.
But he seemed to be in charge.
Can you describe him?
thinning on top...
age, about 40.
So what happened?
The first thing the tall man asked about
was the tape.
- Which he took with him?
- Yes, sir.
- Have you any idea what was on the tape?
- Not a clue, sir.
We'll just run through it again.
Then you can sign it.
Do you have his statement?
Here. Now.
The senior officer that did the debriefing,
Superintendent Fraser, yeah...
I want to see him today.
What do you think?
I think it's time
I had a word with Mr. Brodie...
after I've interviewed Fraser.
There's something else I want you to do.
Before he left the hotel,
Sullivan wrote a list of names.
I want you to check them.
The connection is obvious.
Famous punters, what have you.
I want something more specific.
- Has Brodie seen this?
- No. We'll keep it in the family.
538, please.
Here's your key,
and there's a message for you as well.
- Hiya. Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Kevin.
- Here you are.
Look, I was really sorry
to hear about Mr. Sullivan.
Do you smoke?
- Here.
- Yes. Thanks.
- So is it just you and Kevin?
- Yeah.
His dad's doing 12 years in the Kesh.
What for?
Possession of arms and IRA membership.
He was doing a punishment for the IRA
on some local gangsters...
who were robbin' their own community,
and he got caught by the RUC.
Just like him.
He never did have much luck.
So you said in your note
that you might have some information.
I'm just delivering a message.
Harris wants to meet you
and the policeman Kerrigan.
- When?
- Tomorrow night.
Look, after what's happened,
can you trust Kerrigan?
- Yeah, I trust him. I think he's different.
- Anyway, Harris wants him there.
You're to meet at a Republican club
off Falls Road. I have the address.
Will Kerrigan be safe
in a Republican club?
He'll be safe as long
as you're with him.
I'll get you that photograph
I told you about.
This is it.
He's an officer in the SAS.
He led a killer squad across the border.
That's where this photograph was taken.
Is there anything
in Sgt. Kennedy's statement...
you disagree with, Superintendent?
No, sir.
He says that you instructed
him to lie to the CID...
about the shooting of Paul Sullivan
and Frank Molloy. Is this true?
It was to protect
our source of information.
- Can you tell me what that source was?
- That's classified information.
- On whose orders?
- On the orders of Mr. Brodie.
When your men returned to the barracks,
they were given a debriefing.
Were they given a cover-up story?
Certain evidence was withheld, yes.
A dress rehearsal, so they could
decide what to tell the CID?
- Yes, sir.
- By you?
Yes, sir, but I was acting under orders.
This Englishman...
tall, thinning hair, about 40...
who took the tape, who is he?
- Don't know, sir.
- Have you seen him before?
Once, with Mr. Brodie.
Here, in this building.
- Did he show you his authority?
- No, sir.
He just walked in and took the tape?
I received a phone call from Mr. Brodie.
He told you to give it to him?
Yes, sir.
- Would you mind if I smoke, sir?
- Yes, I do.
Move! Move it!
Get out of here!
- Police!
- Get out of my house!
- There's nobody in there! Just get out!
- Get inside, get in there.
What do you want? My baby's in there.
Don't let them go in there!
I'm arresting you under
the Emergency Provisions Act.
- Get your clothes on now!
- What are they doing?
My baby's in the other room.
Okay, that's too bad.
Get your clothes on!
- No! What are you arresting me for?
- Get your clothes on.
- I'm arresting you under Section 11!
- I haven't done anything!
- We'll see about that!
- Will you, now? I'm going nowhere!
Tell him to get out of there!
My baby's in there!
- Get your clothes on now!
- I'm putting no clothes on!
Get off!
- You bitch!
- Get off!
- Get off me!
- Just calm down!
I'm going nowhere
until I've seen a solicitor!
- Just calm down! Open the door, Sam.
- What about my baby next door?
Open that door. We're going downtown.
- I'm going nowhere!
- Hold her!
- Has Brodie's office returned my call yet?
- No.
Try again now.
Mr. Kerrigan's secretary.
Did you set up that appointment
with Mr. Brodie yet?
Why not?
I've been trying since 12:00 yesterday.
Excuse me. He can't meet you today.
- He has an official engagement.
- Playing games.
Find out when he's leaving.
Is Mr. Brodie there now?
What time's his appointment? Thank you.
He's there until 2:30.
Two statements:
Fraser's and Sgt. Kennedy's.
- I'd like to see them.
- They'll be in my report.
- And now you want to question me?
- Interview you.
- Make an appointment.
- All right. When?
- At my convenience.
- Will you get off your fuckin' high horse?
I don't ask your cooperation!
I demand it!
- What is it you want?
- Everything, chapter and verse.
- That might not be possible.
- Why not?
Give me your question,
and please try to hurry.
I've got another funeral to attend.
Both Superintendent Fraser and
Sgt. Kennedy admit there was a cover-up.
- Fraser says you ordered it.
- Classified.
Then the buck stops here?
- It's classified.
- I can't accept that.
Then put that in your report, too.
Next question.
- He says...
- Who says?
Fraser says
it was in order to protect the source.
- That's acceptable.
- Not to me, it isn't.
That's because
you have been meddling in things...
Meddling? I am conducting
an investigation, for Christ's Sake!
Cover-up stories are used
to protect informants...
whose lives might be endangered.
The last thing I want to do
is to probe into sensitive areas.
But these civil-liberties people
are organized.
They're sending over a lawyer
from the States for the inquest.
They'll make mincemeat out of you.
They'll ask questions.
I've got a couple questions of my own.
There was no roadblock.
No witnesses were questioned,
no resistance offered.
The weapon found in the car
had no fingerprints.
Forensic showed
the shot that killed Sullivan...
was fired at a distance of two meters
after the car had crashed.
The officers involved
were acting on the assumption...
that both men were armed and dangerous.
Prove it.
What was Sullivan doing in Dungannon
at 5:00 in the morning with Molloy?
Was there a warrant out for them?
- No, there wasn't.
- Then you've no case.
There's no law against
two men deciding to go out for a drive.
When that comes out in court,
your cover story will be blown...
because neither Kennedy nor Fraser
are prepared to carry the can.
- That's for the DPP to decide.
- Will he have a choice?
When that lawyer gets him at the inquest,
he'll squeeze him like toothpaste.
Do you think I give a shit
about a smart-arsed American lawyer?
I would, if I were you!
Yes. The RUC do run covert operations,
but so do the IRA!
If you want to bring home the bacon,
you first of all have to kill the pig.
Now, if you will excuse me...
three of our young men
are being buried this morning.
Blown up by a land mine.
I have more questions.
Two of them were married
with young children.
I want that tape.
What tape?
The tape they found on Sullivan's body
and brought back to Gough Barracks.
This Fraser again?
And Kennedy.
It's in both their statements.
- I don't have the tape.
- But you know who does.
- Classified information.
- "Classified" bullshit!
What the fuck are you people runnin'
here? Your own private shooting war?
Checks and balances, Mr. Kerrigan.
Between the jigs and the reels,
we are winning.
And innocent lives are being saved
as a result!
The source you wish to protect
is Army Intelligence.
Am I right?
- What did you say?
- I'll say it again quickly.
Molloy and Sullivan
were killed for that tape...
and Army Intelligence, Ml5, Ml6,
call it what you want, are involved...
and I want to know why, Mr. Brodie.
- Then take it up with them.
- You ordered it.
My participation was limited
to policing the operation.
- That will sound wonderful in court.
- What court?
There will be accounting.
Charges will be made.
- By you?
- I'll recommend it in my report.
Which I shall take
to the DPP for him to decide.
- It won't work.
- What won't?
Not at my expense, it won't.
My God, you're catchin' the Irish disease.
You're gettin' paranoid.
If necessary,
I'm prepared to resign over this...
and start telling tales out of school.
I don't think you will.
You're a career officer like me.
- I mean it.
- You'd resign the force and go public?
If I have to.
Listen, we're both professionals.
We observe certain rules.
Then understand.
Without access to that tape...
it is impossible for me
to evaluate the evidence.
I'm afraid I can't help you there.
I have neither seen nor heard that tape.
And frankly, I don't want the burden.
Now, if you will excuse me.
Who's Harris?
I've never heard of him.
Ms. McKechnie, will you show Mr. Kerrigan
out of my office, please?
I wonder what Harris'
connection with the Provos is?
- Why do you think he has one?
- Why else meet in an IRA club?
- It's a Republican club.
- Same difference.
Not every Republican supports the IRA.
Let's hope you're right.
I could be putting my head in a noose.
I don't think you have to worry.
You can count on the IRA
to be predictable.
Yes. They shoot policemen.
Did you lock the door?
- Are you lookin' for someone?
- Teresa Doyle.
- You have to be signed in by a member.
- Pardon?
- You have to be signed in by a member.
- That's why I'm waiting for her to come.
It's okay, Danny. I know these people.
I take full responsibility for them.
Welcome to
the James Connolly Republican Club.
I'm Liam Philbin, Sinn Fein rep
for this area and club secretary.
Ingrid Jessner.
Hello. Peter Kerrigan.
- Got here okay, then?
- Yeah, fine, thanks.
Would you like to buy a football ticket?
Football ticket.
Never misses a trick.
- Fifty pence.
- Four.
Thank you.
Congratulations. You've just contributed
to a fund for Republican prisoners.
Thank you very much.
- Here's a present.
- Down to you.
- Shall we go in?
- Sure. Is Teresa here?
- No, Teresa got lifted on Monday.
- Lifted? What for?
Harassment. Happens all the time.
- Is she all right?
- She's okay.
- And the baby?
- They're being looked after.
"In the Maidstone and the Maze
"I thought about my land
throughout these days
"Why my country was divided
"Why I was now in jail
"Imprisoned without crime
or without trial
"And now I love my country
I am not a bitter man
"I've seen cruelty and injustice
at first hand
"And then one fateful mornin'
I shook bold freedom's hand
"For right or wrong,
I tried to free my land
"And you dare call me a terrorist
while you look down your gun
"When I think of all the deeds
that you have done
"You have plundered many nations,
divided many lands
"You have terrorized their people
You've ruled with an iron hand
"And you've brought
this reign of terror to my land
"And you dare call me a terrorist
while you look down your gun
"When I think of all the deeds
that you have done
"You have plundered many nations,
divided many lands
"You have terrorized their people
You've ruled with an iron hand
"And you've brought
this reign of terror to my land
"You've brought
this reign of terror to my land"
Thank you.
Jimmy here's gonna do the next one.
On the wall,
you see a picture of James Connolly...
one of our greatest-ever Irish leaders.
Connolly said, many years ago,
that England has no more moral right...
to administer Irish affairs...
than it has to administer the affairs
of America or Japan.
No more moral right to police us
than it has a moral right to shoot us.
That is the answer: British withdrawal.
That's the answer...
but innocent people have been killed.
Yes, innocent people have been killed
and are being killed.
But if you look at all the colonies,
for instance, America.
George Washington was called
a terrorist in his time.
Jomo Kenyatta was a terrorist.
Archbishop Makarios was a terrorist.
Unfortunately, colonies appear
to have to fight for their freedom.
It is never granted willingly.
They must struggle for it.
Do you know why Paul
was with Mr. Molloy that morning?
Yes. Molloy was taking him
to meet Harris, in fact.
- Where?
- At a safe house.
That you provided?
- Yes. Our interests coincided.
- In what way?
Let's just say that our enemies
became his enemies.
Where is he, Liam?
He's out the back here, waitin' for you.
If you like, we'll go now and see him.
- Yes.
- Good, then. Come on.
"Gloucester's crumbling
pushed us westward
"To liberate all the Irish
Some of us that came to fight
"From Tipperary mountainside"
Here's your visitors now.
- Thank you, Liam.
- Okay. I'll leave you to it.
Thank you.
- Harris?
- Yes.
- How much has Liam told you?
- Only that Molloy brought you here...
and that you were sheltered by the IRA.
- And you find that reprehensible?
- For Molloy? No.
No. He has his loyalties.
But for you, an officer serving
in the British Army, yes.
I am terribly sorry about what happened.
I really didn't think
they'd go that far.
Why did you want to see Paul?
- I gave him a tape. Didn't you know that?
- Not till later.
Coming here could cost me my life.
Mine, too, but unlike you,
I don't have the IRA to protect me.
I gave the IRA nothing.
I was an Army Intelligence officer
co-opted to work with Ml6...
and Ml5 when they took over.
Our cover name was
"Information Policy Unit".
Our official function was
to liaise with the press...
and prepare public relations programs.
And unofficial?
We had our own printing press.
We'd forge documents
attributed to Republican sources.
We'd provide material for the media:
Newspapers, magazines, television.
- Black propaganda?
- Yes.
What kind of material?
Whatever we thought was necessary.
We'd invent stories,
leak truths, leak lies...
leak half-truths.
Accountable to the politicians.
Let us get one thing straight, Kerrigan.
We were accountable to no one.
The Prime Minister, Parliament, the courts,
the great British public...
It made no difference.
They were all there to be manipulated.
- And that didn't bother you?
- Not against the IRA, it didn't.
But during the election of '74...
our work became increasingly political.
Ml5 were running things.
Our long-term objectives were abandoned.
The new emphasis was on
assassination teams, bounty hunters.
But the PSYOPS unit
continued to operate?
Yes, but with fresh targets.
During the '70s, the Conservative Party
was demoralized and divided.
They saw their party leader,
Edward Heath...
cave in against the miners' strike
of '74 and were searching for...
a new leader from the hard right.
We circulated stories
about his private life.
Heath was dumped.
And replaced by Thatcher.
Yeah, but that wasn't enough.
There was concern
amongst business and the military...
that Labour were heading for
a third term in office.
The moderates would be replaced
by the left-wingers...
who, in turn, would be opposed
to NATO and nuclear weapons.
Remember, inflation was running rife,
industry was crippled by strikes.
What is this leading up to?
Treason, Mr. Kerrigan.
Pressure came from the CIA
to get rid of the Labour government.
They fed information to Ml5
that Prime Minister Wilson...
was a KGB agent.
It was a joint CIA-Ml5 operation...
supported by others in Whitehall.
Yeah, the whole bag
of dirty tricks was used:
Smears, break-ins, burglaries,
phone-tapping, blackmail, disinformation.
- If what you say is true...
- It all landed on my desk.
- And you believed it?
- I did when it was used by Alec Nevin...
the future Prime Minister's
closest political ally...
the principal architect
of her victory over Edward Heath.
You're saying that Thatcher
was involved in this?
No, but she was the main beneficiary.
The files and documents I got from Ml5
I turned into articles and essays...
for selected journalists...
and speeches for Alec Nevin.
- Why should I believe you?
- Because it's all on the tape.
Why else do you think
they tried to get rid of me?
If this comes out,
with Nevin's explicit connections...
to the Prime Minister,
the spotlight falls on Number 10.
- That's why his name is on the list.
- What list?
Paul made a list of six names.
- Do you have them with you?
- I took them.
Then I suggest you study that list
very carefully.
- Why?
- Because they are the prime movers...
Nevin's ideological counterparts
in business, industry, the military.
Together they form the nucleus.
Their priority was to
wreck Labour's chances
of winning another general election...
and if necessary,
were prepared to go even further.
You want wrapping up in a blanket.
Paul knew this. He heard the tape.
He had the tape.
- That's why they murdered him.
- I think you're insane.
I can prove it.
- Why would he lie?
- I don't know: Guilt, pressure...
acute paranoia.
- I'm as sane as you are.
- And I believe him.
It couldn't happen.
It did.
Why didn't you resign?
I was a career officer.
One hoped
that the situation would change.
But I also saw what happened
to people in a similar position.
Good men ruined.
So you went along with it?
I asked questions about it.
At first, they were very understanding.
They said I was suffering from stress,
mental fatigue, physical exhaustion.
That I needed a break
from Northern Ireland.
So they sent me to the mainland...
as an instructor
to the School of Intelligence.
In late '77, I was posted back here.
- How did they find out about this tape?
- Because I behaved stupidly.
Instead of keeping my head down,
I had a row about it all.
I was put under close surveillance.
Mail was opened, phones were tapped.
They searched my room
and found a backup copy of the tape...
stitched in the lining of my beret.
So I took the original tape and ran.
Still running.
You say you have this tape?
It's all there: Names, dates.
I bugged their meetings.
I wanted Sullivan to publicize it.
Being an American citizen
and a civil rights lawyer...
I thought he was beyond reach.
You were wrong.
I'm afraid media exposure
is the only protection I have.
Do you have it with you?
I have certain demands.
What demands?
When I deliver the tape,
I want to be taken into protective custody.
And I want you, Ms. Jessner,
to make it public.
- Agreed.
- I can't do that.
Why not?
Because he's not under my authority.
He's military personnel.
You were brought here
to investigate Paul Sullivan's death.
He was murdered because of that tape.
- Where is it?
- Do I have your agreement?
The IRA found me a safe house.
They're hoping I'll come
to a prearranged meeting...
and denounce British imperialism.
- When can we have it?
- You'll have to come to Dublin.
- When?
- Day after tomorrow.
- O'Connell Bridge, 11:00 a.m.
- We'll be there.
One last thing.
Nevin has a man working for him.
His name is McKee,
a former member of the SAS.
- Look out for him.
- What's he look like?
Big man, tall, bland face,
thinning hair.
He's quite ruthless,
capable of anything.
Am I wrong, Mr. Kerrigan,
or is it illegal to kill people...
and try to steal a country?
Don't assume it happened
just because Harris said it did.
Paul's dead! Molloy's dead!
That happened.
Save your outrage
till we've heard the tape.
- Good evening, love.
- Good evening, sir.
Thank you.
- Have you seen Mr. Maxwell?
- He's in the bar, sir.
- How'd it go?
- It was interesting.
Did you see Harris?
Yes. He didn't have the tape.
You've had a call from Ml5.
The spook department?
- Who?
- Sir Robert Neil.
He wants to meet you for lunch tomorrow.
He's sending his car at 12:00.
- Time for a drink?
- No. I've had enough.
You two okay?
- Yes, thank you, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Fine.
- Mind how you go.
- See you in the morning.
- Good morning, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Good morning.
- Come in, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Sir Robert.
Marvelous day. This way.
Do you know Alec Nevin?
No, I don't believe we've met.
I'm delighted to meet you.
I've heard a great deal about you.
How do you do?
- Sherry?
- No, thank you.
You've got your coffee, have you?
So, Mr. Kerrigan,
how has your inquiry progressed?
Sullivan and Molloy were killed
because of a tape.
What tape?
According to a Capt. Harris...
- You've met him?
- Last night.
Go on.
- Your name surfaced, Mr. Nevin.
- Really?
He claims that he possesses a tape
which will prove that you and others...
conspired to destabilize
the last Labour government.
He says he gave a copy of this tape
to Paul Sullivan...
hoping he would publicize it,
and that's why Sullivan was killed.
- You've not heard the tape then?
- Not yet, but I will.
- You're seeing Harris again?
- I can't tell you.
Although he was strictly Army,
Harris worked for me.
Yes, I know.
- He was rather good at what he did.
- He was a traitorous bastard.
When I arrived just now...
there was a man who greeted me
at the car: Tall, thinning hair.
- What about him?
- I might want to question him.
After the tape was taken
from Sullivan's body...
the police gave it to someone
answering his description.
I have four witnesses to identify him.
Did he give the tape to you?
- Are you interrogating me?
- Are you obstructing me?
If you let me listen to that tape,
I can eliminate Harris from my inquiry.
You have no choice, Alec.
Do you remember the
disorders of the 1970s...
Mr. Kerrigan?
The kind of chaos we faced...
strikes, riots...
miners bringing down
a Conservative government...
inflation going through the roof,
our European creditors...
queuing up to pounce on us?
How Europe enjoyed our discomfiture.
Instead of just letting it happen...
a few of us got together
to do something about it.
So there was a conspiracy.
- My dear chap, politics is a conspiracy.
- The point is, our paths converge.
- In what way?
- We both serve the state.
No, I defend the state.
You subvert it.
All right, let's be frank
with one another.
Illegal methods were used in an attempt
to bring down the Labour government.
But that's all in the past.
Do you think by scrutinizing
mistakes made...
you'll help restore
respect for law and order?
Don't play hide and seek
with reality, Mr. Kerrigan.
If you want to see the release of that
tape, and its contents made public...
go right ahead.
But first, consider the consequences.
Every agitator, every intellectual...
every bleeding-heart liberal
with his rhetoric about civil rights...
will seize on it.
Now, you say you defend the state.
So do I.
But Parliament and its institutions
are the state.
And anything that threatens
the government...
the rule of law,
the credibility of Parliament...
is a threat to the state.
Leave well alone, Mr. Kerrigan.
Let the historians discover it
in 50 years' time.
- Our duty is to protect Number 10.
- It wouldn't be published anyway.
Strictly speaking,
it's none of your concern.
It's an intelligence matter,
outside your jurisdiction.
- I don't accept that.
- Accept this...
What Alec and the others did
eight years ago was terribly wrong.
It wasn't just terribly wrong.
It was criminal.
It was wrong for the right reasons.
These were, and still are,
honorable men.
- They broke the law.
- We've agreed on that.
But tell me,
as a professional policeman...
don't you find that hardened criminals
often benefit from the restraints...
imposed on the police by the courts?
Absolutely, yes.
And when, to secure a conviction,
the police remove those constraints...
when, for example,
they illegally tap a phone...
to apprehend political terrorists
whose aim is to overthrow democracy...
is this ever justified?
It depends on the circumstances.
Let's be more specific.
In 1974,
the IRA blew up a Birmingham pub.
21 young people were killed.
162 were injured.
The police, your colleagues,
arrested six Irishmen.
They were subjected to
what is euphemistically referred to...
as "in-depth interrogation".
They kicked the hell out of
the murdering swine.
- And obtained a confession.
- Which held up in court.
Was that justified?
If they did that,
then they were out of order.
Tell that to the people of Birmingham.
The point I'm trying to make...
I understand the point
you're trying to make, Sir Robert.
That to maintain the system, the abuse
of power is sometimes necessary.
It allows us to enjoy the freedom
of living in a free society.
A price the public are prepared to pay.
That's a dangerous concept.
But a realistic one.
You're forgetting one thing.
What's to stop Harris
from making copies of the tape?
Nothing at all, except without Harris,
there's no authenticity, no documentation.
Everyone would think it was an IRA fake.
And my investigation?
I have a solution
that is both effective and acceptable.
You have the culprits
that did the shooting.
Nail them.
It really is a gorgeous day.
You know, Ireland would be a lovely place
if it wasn't for the Irish.
Was Ms. Jessner with you
when you met Harris?
I wonder why Harris chose Paul Sullivan.
Did you know, before she met him,
she lived with a Communist?
- No, I didn't.
- It was all rather sad.
A Chilean. She had an abortion.
There is something I want to show you.
Not very pleasant, I'm afraid.
Liam Philbin.
Served seven years in H-Block.
Suspected of murdering two policemen.
That's you making a contribution
to IRA funds...
unintentionally, of course.
These make my stomach turn.
Alec wanted to turn them over
to his newspaper friends.
I persuaded him not to.
Apart from the damage
it could do to your career...
I'm a family man myself, Mr. Kerrigan.
I know the harm this sort of thing
can do to a happy marriage.
Take them.
Who keeps the negatives?
Alec keeps them.
Fuck you.
First, they threw the book at me.
Not in the national interest.
Violation of security.
this infantile,
laughable comic-book stuff.
Don't underestimate it, Peter.
I've been a policeman for 26 years.
I've never met anything like this.
If you go to Dublin,
see him, get the tape.
Neil would argue
it was used for intelligence...
and that it couldn't be admitted
in court as evidence.
So what are we left with?
The shooting.
Which is flameproof.
We have the statements...
Which we can make stick...
provided we make
no references to the tape.
Concession offered by Neil.
What does that make me?
I came here as the cop
that couldn't be bought.
- Nobody bought you.
- I've been manipulated from day one...
put through the hoop.
What happens if I choose
to take this to the limit...
to the powers that be?
What support would I get?
Too risky.
You blow the whistle,
when the shouting stopped...
they reach an accommodation...
you're finished.
You know, Tom, I think I am naive.
I've always believed...
that given half a chance,
the system would work.
Look, we've got the men
who did the shooting.
- Everything I've stood for...
- Our job's done.
That's unacceptable.
I walk away from this,
it's a lifetime wasted.
They want this thing buried...
and if necessary,
they will bury you alongside it.
- But there was a conspiracy.
- What proof have we got?
- Neil admitted it.
- He'll deny it.
That conversation never took place.
Turn your back on this, Peter.
What about Ingrid Jessner?
What about her?
Not your problem.
This is all politics.
We have the men that did the shooting.
Are you willing to settle for that?
What else is there?
And if I persist?
Then you're on a hiding to nothing.
What about you?
- I'm a career policeman.
- So was I.
I'm sorry, Peter.
I'm not prepared to risk my future,
not in this.
Thanks, Tom.
You've just proved my point.
Listen, if a Mr. Kerrigan calls,
will you tell him I've left?
- Yes, certainly.
- Thanks.
Ms. Jessner?
I'm Mr. Kerrigan's secretary.
He asked me to give you that.
Any message?
- When's his flight?
- Mid-afternoon, I expect.
Echo 1 to Control.
- Go ahead, Echo 1.
- We're on the Dublin Road.
Are the others in place?
Signing off now, Control.
Give it another minute,
then overtake her quite quickly.
I want to get ahead of her.
Come in, Echo 2.
Echo 2.
- Is everything all right, Echo 2?
- Yes, she's about 200 yards in front of me.
In a little while you'll see
a petrol station on your left.
You pull in,
and I'll take up the follow.
Echo 2...
she's making for the bridge.
I'm having trouble
gettin' through this lot.
Bang your fucking horn, man!
- Where's Kerrigan?
- I don't know.
- That's no answer.
- I know, I don't know where he is.
Let's walk.
- You'll see that it's published?
- I'll try.
Don't let me down.
Trust me.
I do.
Where to, love?
- I have to hire a car.
- You want a car-hire place?
- Yeah.
- Which one in particular do you want?
- Any one in particular?
- No. It doesn't matter. You decide.
Do you want an expensive car
or a cheap car?
It doesn't matter. I don't care.
Look, I've had Americans before.
I just want to know what type car...
Just go.
It doesn't matter! Just go!
Okay. There's a friend of mine
over at one place.
- Fine.
- I'll bring you there, will I?
Fine. Great.
What you will hear on this tape
is a conversation...
which took place at the home
of Mr. Alec Nevin.
Its purpose was to establish
a Conservative government...
with a right-wing leadership.
I had shown support...
and therefore was invited
to attend the meeting.
I wore a recording device
activated by voice.
Letting people off the leash a bit,
in that direction...
the military and our friends
in the intelligence community...
is really enhancing the case
for quite dramatic...
constitutional resolution
of this crisis...
Don't underestimate the flexibility...
We need to pressure the Palace into
giving legitimacy to what we need to do.
Indeed. You underestimate,
we all underestimate...
the flexibility of this constitution
of ours. We can do almost anything.
What are his weaknesses?
What can we have circulated?
And what rumors can we make stick?
We all know about Heath.
We all know what we think about him.
We should look to 5 to...
assist in this matter.
Can you try
Ms. Jessner's room again, please?
Have you paged her?
No. No message. Thanks.
- I don't suppose we'll be needing this?
- What's that?
It's the dossier you asked me to prepare
on those six names.
- Shall I take the luggage down now, sir?
- Please do.
It isn't your fault.
They must have followed her.
I'll pick up the rest
of this stuff later.
- You know about Harris?
- I heard on the radio.
They kneecapped him,
then they blew half his head away.
Typical IRA execution.
- What about Ingrid Jessner?
- What about her?
- You know, if this thing leaks out...
- It won't.
A crime has been committed.
- What crime is that?
- I'm not just talkin' about Harris.
Everything is covered
by the Official Secrets Act.
- God, you people live in the Dark Ages.
- And what about you? Listen...
You and I are cut from the same cloth.
I am what I have to be, but you?
You're no better.
Like me, you observe rule Number 1.
Keep your balls intact.
Have a good flight.
And don't forget to send me that report.
We need to get
some agent provocateurs into these...
strikes that are taking place,
local government strikes...
to cause a lot of
unpleasantness and disruption.
We need that to run through
until the election and give it a shot.
The question is,
can we rely upon democracy?
- Just my opinion, but...
- With a little push here and there.
Well, I agree with the little push.
I agree that is the point, in a way,
why we're here, isn't it?
If there's a run on the pound, that's fine.
If there's a lot of stuff circulating about...
Wilson and Moscow,
which we all know to be the case...
I think Wilson's somebody
we should home in very much on.
A lot of stuff should be
circulated about Wilson.
Ms. Jessner.
She hasn't seen us.
Wait here.
What are you doing here?
- Where were you?
- Did you get my note?
- Why did you change your mind?
- There are reasons.
- Tell me.
- I don't have to. I'm sorry.
What about Mr. Nevin?
What about Harris?
Harris is dead.
They're blaming the IRA.
- But it was them!
- Please.
- I saw it happen!
- Please, keep your voice down.
- I told you not to go.
- You told me a lot of things...
- Did you speak to Harris?
- Yes.
- Did you tell them we were meeting?
- Of course not. You were followed!
But you did talk to them. Why?
- Did he give you the tape?
- You're not gonna...
- Are you going to do anything about this?
- There's nothing I can do.
They've committed murder and treason.
At 11:00 this morning,
a man was assassinated...
by orders of British Intelligence,
and you can do nothing!
I wish I could.
This is a final call for flight BTH-9
to London, Heathrow.
You have connections I don't have.
Your reputation brought you here.
People will listen to you.
With you as my witness?
A civil-liberties group member...
accusing the British government
of torture and shoot-to-kill?
"I don't care whose toes I tread on".
That's what you said, and I believed it.
- Look, I have to go.
- Go.
- I'm a policeman.
- Yes, you are.
The men responsible for Paul's death
will be charged.
To know and do nothing.
- You can't win against these people.
- To just close your eyes.
Forget it. Go home.
That's how fascism starts.
What do you think
of your fine British law now?
This has nothing to do with law.
- What is it then?
- It's politics.
To enforce the rules
of a police state is politics.
Good guys like you cover it up
so bad guys are safe.
You're a puppet, and the men
pulling the strings know it.
Did he give you the tape?
- No.
- What are you gonna do?
Tell people, newspapers.
- They won't print it.
- We'll see.
Go back to America.
Get out of Belfast.
You're in danger here.
Ingrid, it's finished.
Not for them, it isn't.
Not for Nevin and the others.
They're not going to disappear.
They're still in place.
You have a plane to catch, Mr. Kerrigan.
What? Yes.
- Beat me up.
They made me stand against the wall,
like this with me arms outstretched...
and my legs stretched out behind me.
Kept me like this for ages,
for over 30 hours or somethin' like that.
And if I tried to relax
or lower me arms, they hit me.
And then they gave me
the crab treatment.
Were you arrested on Section 12?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Good.
Do you have any idea why?
Sort of like most of me mates
were accused of belongin' to the IRA.
Which he wasn't.
That's why they let him go.
Could you demonstrate
this crab treatment to us?
One of them grabbed me...
you know, with me arms back here...
while his mate punched me
in the stomach.
He just punched me and punched me.
And the other one
kept askin' me questions...
askin' more questions,
and they punched me again.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
Jim, why don't you tell them
what happened to you?
I was arrested the week before Michael
and taken to Castlereagh.
And then they threw me
into a cell for about four hours.
They took me out...
brought me up to what
they call an interview room.
And two cops were sittin' there with me.
One of the cops asked me my name.
I never told him my name...
'cause if they didn't know my name,
they wouldn't have arrested me.
At once, as soon as I told him,
all four cops came rushin' in the room...
took me off the chair,
lifted me by the arms and legs...
and held me over a table.
And one of them put a towel
round my face.
He was holding it
at the back of my neck here...
and another one poured water
over my nose and mouth.
It was goin' up my nose
and into my throat...
I was gettin' the drowning feeling.
Get the bastard!
I don't believe it.
- Tribal rites.
- It's frightening.
Can I take you onto the question
of the treatment of prisoners...
the question of interrogation techniques
referred to in the press release.
It suggests that these allegations
of ill-treatment have reduced since 1978.
Can I ask you to comment?
Do you have a view...
as to whether these forms of
ill-treatment that you found are fair?
What evidence do you have for them?
Not to be too dramatic,
but these are all...
statements of alleged maltreatment that
we have collected over our time here.
And that one?
"Punching, slapping,
kicking the plaintiff.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff to lie
on the floor of an interview room.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff...
"to remove his coat and shoes
in the interview room.
"Punching the plaintiff
in the abdominal area.
"Banging the plaintiff's head off
the wall of the interview room.
"Standing on the plaintiff's
shoulders, stomach, ankles and chest.
"Squeezing the plaintiff's neck.
Squeezing the plaintiff's testicles.
"Causing, requiring,
permitting the plaintiff...
- "...to be spreadled..."
- Spread-eagled.
"Between three members
of the Royal Ulster Constabulary...
"while one kicked him with his heel
in the area of the abdomen and raped..."
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
These are unconfirmed
allegations, right?
Allegations for which
there is no outside evidence.
These are allegations
from a group of people.
A great deal of this evidence
is corroborated.
Is it a war situation or not?
If it's a war situation,
to solve that war situation...
you have to negotiate, and so to accept
that there are two sides...
putting around a table to negotiate...
and that, the British
government doesn't accept.
Does your report deal with
the shoot-to-kill policy...
operatin' here in the six counties?
Allegations of a shoot-to-kill policy
carried out by the RUC...
the UDR, and the British Army
does form part of our report, yes.
- Do you have any figures?
- Yes, in...
the period of 1969 to 1980...
the evidence shows
that at least 130 people...
were killed by the security forces,
and half of those deaths...
were of civilians
that had no connection...
with paramilitary activities at all.
Given the fact that there is a state of
armed insurrection in Northern Ireland...
do you not concede
the government has every right...
to take whatever measures
it deems necessary to...
stem this insurrection?
Britain is recognized the world over
as a democratic state.
We will present our report
based on the documented evidence.
And hopefully,
the British government will respond.
I'm sure they will.
Thank you. That's all we have time for.
We're flying out tomorrow. Thank you.
- I'm Teresa Doyle. Republican News.
- Excuse me?
Republican News.
You know the shoot-to-kill?
It happens all the time.
I could show you a photograph.
- Of what?
- Of an execution.
You have that with you?
It's not the sort of thing you carry around
the streets of Belfast in your handbag.
But I could get it to you.
I'm sorry.
Our investigation's concluded.
- So you're not interested?
- No, we're not here to be used.
Maybe that's all you're here for.
- Is that the tape from yesterday?
- Yeah.
I'm glad we're leaving tomorrow.
Belfast reminds me of Chile.
There's no comparison.
How can you say that?
That's the way it feels:
Killings, torture, intrigue.
A reality check: What happened
in Chile can't happen here.
- Let's eat.
- Yeah.
- You got any money?
- Yes, I do.
So good night. See you tomorrow.
Tough day.
Good night.
Can you believe
he turned around and waved?
- Do you know him?
- I don't know. I thought I did.
- No messages.
- Okay, thanks.
- I listened to your tape.
- Have you come to a decision?
I don't know.
We must talk.
They saw us together.
- How do you know?
- After I left you, I was followed.
That means you're under surveillance.
I really don't think that this is something
that I should get involved in...
but I'll tell you what I can do.
I can turn the tape over
to whatever authorities you deem...
No! That would be crazy.
We must meet.
- Where?
- Near Dungannon. Now.
It's less than an hour's drive away.
Look, I've got a plane to catch.
This won't take long.
Mr. Sullivan?
- Where's Harris?
- He's down the road, waiting on you.
I am here to take you to him.
You can leave your car here.
We'll go in mine.
- My car's okay here?
- It's quite safe there.
By the way, my name's Frank Molloy.
- Did you bring the tape?
- Yeah.
800 years: That's how long
we've been fightin' for independence.
famine, burnin'...
hangin', shootin', transportation:
We've had it all.
Who's Harris?
It's better he tells you himself.
There's a car behind us.
Is it following us?
We'll soon find out.
There's something wrong here.
Get down! Get down!
- Ms. Ingrid Jessner?
- Yes.
I'm afraid we've got some
rather serious news for you.
- May we come in?
- What is it?
It's about Mr. Sullivan.
He's been involved in a
rather serious incident.
They were killed
in a car crash early this morning...
which involved a police
checkpoint outside Dungannon.
The men, who were driving
a yellow Ford Cortina...
were signaled by police to stop.
Ignoring the warning, the car accelerated
and drove directly at the officers.
Police opened fire on the vehicle
as it attempted to escape.
The car then went out of control
and careered off the road.
Upon arrival at the crash scene,
police found the occupants were dead.
Names of the two men
have not yet been released.
Can you identify the body
as that of Paul Sullivan?
Come on. Let's go.
Ms. Jessner,
where have you just come from?
Can you move away?
It's said the man in the car
with Mr. Sullivan was a terrorist suspect.
Is that true?
- What are you suggesting?
- Who was with Mr. Sullivan?
- I have no idea.
- Police say he was a terrorist suspect.
Did the car go through
a police roadcheck?
They say they opened fire
after the car went through a checkpoint?
Where were they going this morning?
Did you know?
As journalists, you must appreciate
that I can't talk about this right now.
The driver of the car
in which the shooting occurred...
has been named as Frank Molloy.
Police said the car failed to stop...
at a roadblock outside Dungannon
around 6:15 this morning.
An RUC statement said
the driver accelerated...
toward their officers,
who opened fire on the fleeing car...
causing it to swerve off the road.
Also in the car was Paul Sullivan,
an American lawyer and a leading figure...
in the International League
for Civil Liberties.
What's puzzling observers...
is why Mr. Sullivan should have
driven out of Belfast...
in the early hours of the morning
to meet a man...
who the police say
is a terrorist suspect.
This is Ivan Little,
Ulster Television, Dungannon.
With me in the studio to discuss...
the political implications
of today's shooting...
is Mr. Alec Nevin...
who is a Conservative Party spokesman
on Northern Ireland.
Mr. Nevin, earlier, we saw
pictures of Americans...
demonstrating outside
the British embassy in Washington.
Let's make a distinction.
What we saw was a demonstration...
by supporters of the IRA...
Could I finish my question?
The people who give comfort
and weapons...
to the men of violence.
John Ware, Labour MP.
A particularly embarrassing thing,
I would think...
was, of course, the death of
this civil-liberties spokesman...
It's quite clear that people
will be asking the question:
Does this mean the investigation
has hit on a raw nerve...
has revealed some of the things
that have been perpetrated...
by security forces due to
their presence in Northern Ireland?
Is Ms. Jessner coming
down to talk to us today?
- No. She's resting.
- How is she?
All right.
Have you been told any more
about what happened...
on the morning of the shooting?
The only thing that we know is that
Mr. Sullivan has been murdered...
by a member of the security forces...
near Dungannon in a car, a rented car...
with a man called Mr. Molloy.
Did Mr. Sullivan have
Republican sympathies?
- No.
- Was he a member of Noraid?
- Not at all.
- What kind of a man was he, Mr. Sullivan?
The only thing I can say is he was
a very good lawyer and a great fighter...
for the civil rights all over the world
and a marvelous friend.
The British government have
just appointed...
Deputy Chief Constable Kerrigan...
to head up the investigation
on the shooting.
What's your reaction to that?
I've heard that Kerrigan is
a fine investigator of the CID...
but we would have preferred that...
it would have been an independent,
international inquiry.
So you don't have
any confidence in the inquiry?
I've got a certain amount
of skepticism about that.
You said that you were skeptical. Why?
Why will the Kerrigan inquiry
not discover the truth?
Because you had a lot of inquiries
in the 13 past years...
and it didn't change anything.
Excuse me, sir. I'm Sgt. Hughes,
your liaison for your stay.
This is Chief Superintendent Maxwell.
How do you do?
The car's just outside the front.
- Can I take your bag?
- Thank you.
- This Jessner woman...
- Sullivan's girlfriend.
What time is it now?
4:00. Late in the day.
What about this Mrs. Molloy?
She lives in Fort William.
How far is it to Fort William, Sergeant?
Fort William's just over here
on the right, sir, about a mile away.
It might be a good idea
if you spoke to them both together.
Let them feed off each other.
Your ID, Sarge?
Might as well leave
the cases in the car.
- We'll be going to the hotel after.
- Sure they'll be safe here?
I hope so, sir.
Just in here, sir.
- We're a bit pushed for space, sir.
- Not bad.
I want a large wall map of Northern Ireland
and a blackboard.
- Blackboard?
- Those big black things you write on.
Yes, sir.
- I'll tell Mr. Brodie you're here, sir.
- Thank you, Sergeant. That's kind of you.
- I've seen Jack Cunningham lately.
- What's he doing nowadays?
- He runs his own security business.
- He must be rolling in it.
He's earned it.
Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kerrigan.
Chief Superintendent Maxwell.
- Good flight?
- Bit cramped.
Yeah, always is.
This is not what you're used to,
I suppose.
It's the best we can do
for one of Britain's top policemen.
It's perfectly adequate.
- Anything else you need?
- Thank you. I'll ask.
Detective Sgt. Hughes
will be your liaison officer.
He will organize
all your internal appointments.
- Yes, secretarial staff...
- She'll be arriving tomorrow.
Excuse me.
- Have you read the CID interim report?
- Yes.
Now, as I understand it...
your terms of reference in the inquiry
are to reexamine the evidence and...
Or if necessary,
reinvestigate the circumstances...
which led to the shooting
of Paul Sullivan and Frank Molloy.
I'm sure that your expertise
will be appreciated.
However, I should warn you
that you may encounter some prejudice.
- From members of your force?
- Possibly. But don't let that deter you.
It won't.
See, you have to bear in mind
the situation here in Northern Ireland.
We operate under enormous pressure.
For the last 12 years,
the Royal Ulster Constabulary...
have fought to maintain the peace
against the terrorists.
140 people have given their lives.
3,500 have been injured.
And 155 medals for outstanding
feats of gallantry.
Naturally, when outsiders
from the mainland...
- come here to the province to tell us...
- I do understand.
But rest assured, no obstacle
will be placed in your path.
- You'll receive my full cooperation.
- Thank you.
About accommodation, we have a couple
of safe houses where RUC personnel...
I think it would be better if we
were to stay in a small hotel somewhere.
Can I ask why?
I don't want to socialize with officers
I might have to question.
Best keep it on a strictly
professional basis.
- Could I just say one thing, so...
- Also, I'll need a car...
without a driver.
You realize that I can't
guarantee your safety?
Just let me say one thing,
so there can be no misunderstanding.
When you have completed your inquiry,
you will deliver your report to me first.
- I understood it was to go to the DPP first.
- No, it comes to me first.
I will forward it
to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
That is the constitutional position.
We might as well keep that
on a professional basis, too.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Henri and I will stay with you
for as long as you need us.
- I'm okay.
- You sure?
I think you can do more
back home than you can do here.
No, it isn't Ingrid. Who is calling?
Can you wait a second?
It's Paul's mother.
All right?
How are you? Are you all right?
Is there somebody there?
Is somebody with you?
That's good.
I'm all right.
I have some friends here, and it's...
What's the crack on this
Insp. Stephens of CID?
Stephens? Decent enough man.
Is he handling the shooting?
Yes. If he was one of my detectives,
he'd be back in uniform.
Three hours after the shooting,
the RUC issued a statement.
It was fabricated.
- Maybe they had a reason?
- No resistance was offered.
The weapon found in the car
clearly didn't belong there.
Forensic showed that
the shot that killed the Yank...
was fired at two meters.
The trajectory was wrong.
The officer that did the shooting
claims he shot at 25 feet.
None of this was in the interim report.
What if there were witnesses,
and it comes out at the inquest?
You know as well as I
how long these things take.
I know of two cases:
One seven years ago, the other was five.
- There's still no inquest in either of them.
- This one's different.
There's a lot of dead bodies
in Northern Ireland, Peter.
Jack, you haven't been followin' the news.
Why the hell do you think I'm here?
- A prominent American was involved.
- Brodie was hoping you'd do a snow job.
Not a chance.
Next to the Pope,
you're about to become...
the most unpopular man
in Northern Ireland.
What you have to understand is
Special Branch control the whole thing.
Why do you think I got out?
As soon as my time was up,
I just grabbed my pension and ran.
These three policemen involved
in the shooting...
- Cowboys, not policemen.
- Tell me about them.
Members of an antiterrorist squad,
operating undercover.
SSU, Special Support Unit...
code-named Echo 4 Alpha.
- Answerable to whom?
- Don't ask.
I have to know.
I'm not saying
we shouldn't use them against the IRA...
but the fact is, they're out of control.
They're off the wire, trigger-happy.
They go where they want,
do what they want.
They shoot first, no questions asked.
The other side don't play
by the rules either.
We're not the IRA.
Goin' back to these three policemen...
If they were involved,
then it's a covert operation.
- What about Special Branch?
- They are Special Branch.
- Sanctioned by them?
- Or Ml5 or Ml6.
Take your pick.
We all piss in the same pot.
If the British public knew
half of what goes on...
in Northern Ireland,
they wouldn't sleep in their beds.
- I don't know what the answer is.
- Good night, Jack. Thanks.
Do yourself a favor, Peter.
I know it goes against the grain,
but toe the line.
Give them what they want,
and get back to England.
- We'll see.
- You're a pillock!
Mind how you go.
Nobody gives a shit
what happens in Northern Ireland.
- What's wrong?
- I found this on the seat of my car.
"The next bullet is for you
if you don't get out of Ireland.
"Our day will come".
It's a 9-millimeter.
Walther PPK pistol.
That's a weapon favored by the cowboys
we talked about earlier.
- Echo 4 Alpha?
- Yeah.
So where are you taking me?
It's one of ours, Peter.
Excuse me. Hi.
Good afternoon, Ms. Jessner.
- Any further news yet?
- No, none.
- What are your plans now?
- I have none...
and I don't want to say anything.
Please, now, thank you.
- Ms. Jessner.
- Mr. Kerrigan.
- Thank you for seeing me.
- Of course.
Did you get in touch with Mrs. Molloy?
Yes. She's expecting us.
How are your skills as a navigator?
This is Paradox.
Subjects leaving location.
Tabs on now, please.
Paul was murdered, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Why would the police want to kill him?
- I don't know, but they did.
- What proof do you have?
- None.
But I do know what goes on here.
Torture, paid informants,
roadside executions, death squads.
Mr. Kerrigan, when I was
going through Paul's things...
I found something
I think might be important.
It's an empty cassette box.
Paul was meticulous,
and I can't find that tape.
- Did you ask about it?
- I told the police.
- And what did they say?
- They would look into it and call me back.
- And did they?
- No.
What was on the tape?
I don't know, but he was listening
to it the night before.
This is it.
I also found this list of names.
- Is this his writing?
- Yes.
This is a pretty formidable group.
Lord Randall, Alec Nevin,
Sir Gerald Binning...
Why did he write these six names?
- I don't know.
- Had he met them?
No, not that I know of.
Have you shown this to anyone else?
No. Why, what do you think it is?
What do you think?
Could be people targeted, hit list.
- I'm not saying it is, but...
- Paul was not involved with terrorists.
Perhaps innocently.
- Maybe he was being used.
- He was too smart to be manipulated.
He was a good lawyer.
He thought like one.
Then why did he write down
these six names?
And why did he leave the hotel
at 5:00 in the morning, leaving you?
What was he doing
driving around Dungannon...
with a fringe member of the IRA?
He must have been mixed up in something.
Mrs. Molloy, is this Frank's father?
- That's his father.
- Who's that?
Them's his friends, lifelong friends.
They just can't believe it either.
Those were taken on holiday.
It was the last holiday we had.
Have you a religion, Mr. Kerrigan?
In the heel of the hunt,
we'll all be answerable to God.
I curse the bloody day
we ever came back here.
Why did you?
No choice. He was workin'
for the Ministry of Defense in London.
Some bright spark
sent him on this course.
Then he was transferred over here.
What kind of work did he do?
It came under the army...
to do with education
and publishing things.
To tell you the truth,
he never talked much about it...
but he wasn't happy.
That's why he left?
Under a cloud.
Said he couldn't stomach it anymore.
Can I take a look at these?
- Who's that?
- That's Grace's weddin'.
- It's your daughter?
- That was a beautiful day.
She looks wonderful.
Mrs. Molloy...
Did your husband ever mention
Paul to you?
They must have known each other, though,
don't you think?
They must've.
But I never heard Frank mention him.
You were telling us earlier...
that the house was searched.
Yes. Two days after.
Do you know who authorized it?
Was it the police?
The big knock authorized it.
1:00 in the mornin', you either
open up, or your door goes in.
Did they question you?
Asked me if I knew Capt. Harris.
Capt. Harris?
Frank's old boss.
Worked in a unit at Lisburn.
- And what did you tell them?
- Told them the truth.
The last time I saw Capt. Harris...
was at the weddin'.
Did they find anything?
They took away some papers
and all his cassette tapes.
- Tapes?
- The lot.
Capt. Harris,
if he was at the wedding...
he might be in one of these photographs.
You've just been looking at it.
- This one?
- That's him, next to the groom.
I know him.
- You met him?
- No, I know his face.
He was talking to Paul
at the Orange Parade.
- Here are the documents you asked for.
- Thank you, Chief.
Could you initial there, Mr. Maxwell?
And you'll have to sign
the secured-documents book as well.
And how did you get involved
in civil liberties?
I was in Chile.
I was doing some research...
for a TV documentary
called The Disappeared.
It was about the victims of Pinochet
after the coup.
- Paul was there working for the League.
- When was that?
There was a technical adviser
working with us...
a young Chilean journalist.
He disappeared one day
and I went to the League and Paul...
to see if they could find out
what happened to him.
- And did they?
- No.
It was a year before we found out
he'd been executed.
What happened to the film?
- Never got made.
- Too controversial?
Too honest, I think.
It was about how Mr. Kissinger,
the CIA, and the Pentagon...
had made Chile safe for democracy.
So I quit TV and joined the League.
Got to know Paul better.
How about you? You have a wife?
- Kids?
- Three.
Two at university, one away at school.
- See them much?
- Not as often as I'd like.
May I have your attention, please?
Telephone call for Mr. Kerrigan.
- Would a Mr. Kerrigan please...
- Excuse me.
Thank you.
It's Tom. I got that stuff on Harris,
what there is of it.
Go ahead.
The first name's James John.
Born Gateshead, 1942.
Religion, Protestant. Joined the
army, 1960, as a private soldier.
Promoted to the rank
of lieutenant in '64.
Doesn't say which mob. 1971...
he attended a course...
at the United States Army
Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg.
A year later, 1972...
he was seconded to the
Psychological Warfare Unit...
known as PSYOPS.
- The same place Molloy went to.
- Right.
In 1973, he was sent to Northern Ireland
as a senior captain.
That's it, apart from a list of postings
at various regiments.
- Nothing else?
- Dead end.
And since '73?
- Classified.
- They told you that?
With great emphasis.
The shutters came down.
If there is a connection
between Paul's death and Harris...
There has to be.
Then I need to know more
about the background.
Why not start with where he is?
According to the colonel
I spoke to in Lisburn...
Harris is away on leave
and can't be traced.
There was a hint
he may be suffering from stress.
Do you believe that?
Mr. Kerrigan...
How far are you willing to go with this?
and it's still a big if...
but if Harris is, in any way,
connected with this shooting...
I don't care whose toes I tread on.
He becomes part of the investigation,
no more, no less.
- Okay?
- Okay.
What it boils down to, Sergeant,
is that you're in deep trouble.
You're in a shit storm,
and it's blowing around your ears.
We're not just talking about
disciplinary charges.
It goes beyond that.
You could be facing a murder charge.
This man Sullivan was
no run-of-the-mill Paddy...
you could just blow away.
He was an American lawyer
with an international reputation.
Now, there is no way
this will be brushed under the carpet.
How old are you?
- How long have you been on the force?
- Twelve years.
Two years ago, you shot dead
a Republican in the Falls.
- It was either him or me, sir.
- I'm not criticizing you, Sergeant.
You should have been given
a commendation.
- I was.
- I'm on your side.
But if you go down for this...
how long do you think you'd last
in the Crumlin Road Prison?
- You searched the bodies?
- Yes, sir.
- Took away all personal effects?
- Yes, sir.
Find anything interesting on Sullivan?
Usual stuff: Wallet, money, ID card.
What about the tape he was carrying?
There was no tape, sir.
- Are you getting all this?
- Yes, sir.
- Read out that last bit.
- From where?
From me asking about the tape.
"What about the tape he was carrying?"
"There was no tape, sir".
Do you want me to leave it at that?
It's up to you. You've already lied once
in your statement to the CID.
- I'm bound by the Official Secrets Act.
- Not anymore, you're not.
All constraints are lifted.
You can wipe the slate clean
and tell me everything that happened...
and you might get off with a reprimand,
or you bury yourself deeper.
So what's it gonna be?
After the shooting...
we returned to the barracks
for the debriefing.
We were told...
by a senior officer what to say.
Superintendent Fraser.
He instructed you to lie to the CID?
Yes, sir.
He said it was to protect
our source of information.
Do you know what that source was?
No, sir. We were only told to intercept.
Were you ordered to shoot on sight?
Not in so many words.
What does that mean?
We were told that the two men in the car
were armed and dangerous...
and we mustn't take
any chances with them.
How did you interpret that?
I got the feeling that we were
being given clear signals...
to bring them back dead or alive,
and there'd be no questions asked.
Now, tell me about the tape.
We took it from the American.
Go on.
When we got back to the barracks...
Mr. Fraser was there to meet us.
And there was someone else
along with him.
- A police officer?
- More like Special Branch.
- What was his name?
- I don't know.
But he seemed to be in charge.
Can you describe him?
thinning on top...
age, about 40.
So what happened?
The first thing the tall man asked about
was the tape.
- Which he took with him?
- Yes, sir.
- Have you any idea what was on the tape?
- Not a clue, sir.
We'll just run through it again.
Then you can sign it.
Do you have his statement?
Here. Now.
The senior officer that did the debriefing,
Superintendent Fraser, yeah...
I want to see him today.
What do you think?
I think it's time
I had a word with Mr. Brodie...
after I've interviewed Fraser.
There's something else I want you to do.
Before he left the hotel,
Sullivan wrote a list of names.
I want you to check them.
The connection is obvious.
Famous punters, what have you.
I want something more specific.
- Has Brodie seen this?
- No. We'll keep it in the family.
538, please.
Here's your key,
and there's a message for you as well.
- Hiya. Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Kevin.
- Here you are.
Look, I was really sorry
to hear about Mr. Sullivan.
Do you smoke?
- Here.
- Yes. Thanks.
- So is it just you and Kevin?
- Yeah.
His dad's doing 12 years in the Kesh.
What for?
Possession of arms and IRA membership.
He was doing a punishment for the IRA
on some local gangsters...
who were robbin' their own community,
and he got caught by the RUC.
Just like him.
He never did have much luck.
So you said in your note
that you might have some information.
I'm just delivering a message.
Harris wants to meet you
and the policeman Kerrigan.
- When?
- Tomorrow night.
Look, after what's happened,
can you trust Kerrigan?
- Yeah, I trust him. I think he's different.
- Anyway, Harris wants him there.
You're to meet at a Republican club
off Falls Road. I have the address.
Will Kerrigan be safe
in a Republican club?
He'll be safe as long
as you're with him.
I'll get you that photograph
I told you about.
This is it.
He's an officer in the SAS.
He led a killer squad across the border.
That's where this photograph was taken.
Is there anything
in Sgt. Kennedy's statement...
you disagree with, Superintendent?
No, sir.
He says that you instructed
him to lie to the CID...
about the shooting of Paul Sullivan
and Frank Molloy. Is this true?
It was to protect
our source of information.
- Can you tell me what that source was?
- That's classified information.
- On whose orders?
- On the orders of Mr. Brodie.
When your men returned to the barracks,
they were given a debriefing.
Were they given a cover-up story?
Certain evidence was withheld, yes.
A dress rehearsal, so they could
decide what to tell the CID?
- Yes, sir.
- By you?
Yes, sir, but I was acting under orders.
This Englishman...
tall, thinning hair, about 40...
who took the tape, who is he?
- Don't know, sir.
- Have you seen him before?
Once, with Mr. Brodie.
Here, in this building.
- Did he show you his authority?
- No, sir.
He just walked in and took the tape?
I received a phone call from Mr. Brodie.
He told you to give it to him?
Yes, sir.
- Would you mind if I smoke, sir?
- Yes, I do.
Move! Move it!
Get out of here!
- Police!
- Get out of my house!
- There's nobody in there! Just get out!
- Get inside, get in there.
What do you want? My baby's in there.
Don't let them go in there!
I'm arresting you under
the Emergency Provisions Act.
- Get your clothes on now!
- What are they doing?
My baby's in the other room.
Okay, that's too bad.
Get your clothes on!
- No! What are you arresting me for?
- Get your clothes on.
- I'm arresting you under Section 11!
- I haven't done anything!
- We'll see about that!
- Will you, now? I'm going nowhere!
Tell him to get out of there!
My baby's in there!
- Get your clothes on now!
- I'm putting no clothes on!
Get off!
- You bitch!
- Get off!
- Get off me!
- Just calm down!
I'm going nowhere
until I've seen a solicitor!
- Just calm down! Open the door, Sam.
- What about my baby next door?
Open that door. We're going downtown.
- I'm going nowhere!
- Hold her!
- Has Brodie's office returned my call yet?
- No.
Try again now.
Mr. Kerrigan's secretary.
Did you set up that appointment
with Mr. Brodie yet?
Why not?
I've been trying since 12:00 yesterday.
Excuse me. He can't meet you today.
- He has an official engagement.
- Playing games.
Find out when he's leaving.
Is Mr. Brodie there now?
What time's his appointment? Thank you.
He's there until 2:30.
Two statements:
Fraser's and Sgt. Kennedy's.
- I'd like to see them.
- They'll be in my report.
- And now you want to question me?
- Interview you.
- Make an appointment.
- All right. When?
- At my convenience.
- Will you get off your fuckin' high horse?
I don't ask your cooperation!
I demand it!
- What is it you want?
- Everything, chapter and verse.
- That might not be possible.
- Why not?
Give me your question,
and please try to hurry.
I've got another funeral to attend.
Both Superintendent Fraser and
Sgt. Kennedy admit there was a cover-up.
- Fraser says you ordered it.
- Classified.
Then the buck stops here?
- It's classified.
- I can't accept that.
Then put that in your report, too.
Next question.
- He says...
- Who says?
Fraser says
it was in order to protect the source.
- That's acceptable.
- Not to me, it isn't.
That's because
you have been meddling in things...
Meddling? I am conducting
an investigation, for Christ's Sake!
Cover-up stories are used
to protect informants...
whose lives might be endangered.
The last thing I want to do
is to probe into sensitive areas.
But these civil-liberties people
are organized.
They're sending over a lawyer
from the States for the inquest.
They'll make mincemeat out of you.
They'll ask questions.
I've got a couple questions of my own.
There was no roadblock.
No witnesses were questioned,
no resistance offered.
The weapon found in the car
had no fingerprints.
Forensic showed
the shot that killed Sullivan...
was fired at a distance of two meters
after the car had crashed.
The officers involved
were acting on the assumption...
that both men were armed and dangerous.
Prove it.
What was Sullivan doing in Dungannon
at 5:00 in the morning with Molloy?
Was there a warrant out for them?
- No, there wasn't.
- Then you've no case.
There's no law against
two men deciding to go out for a drive.
When that comes out in court,
your cover story will be blown...
because neither Kennedy nor Fraser
are prepared to carry the can.
- That's for the DPP to decide.
- Will he have a choice?
When that lawyer gets him at the inquest,
he'll squeeze him like toothpaste.
Do you think I give a shit
about a smart-arsed American lawyer?
I would, if I were you!
Yes. The RUC do run covert operations,
but so do the IRA!
If you want to bring home the bacon,
you first of all have to kill the pig.
Now, if you will excuse me...
three of our young men
are being buried this morning.
Blown up by a land mine.
I have more questions.
Two of them were married
with young children.
I want that tape.
What tape?
The tape they found on Sullivan's body
and brought back to Gough Barracks.
This Fraser again?
And Kennedy.
It's in both their statements.
- I don't have the tape.
- But you know who does.
- Classified information.
- "Classified" bullshit!
What the fuck are you people runnin'
here? Your own private shooting war?
Checks and balances, Mr. Kerrigan.
Between the jigs and the reels,
we are winning.
And innocent lives are being saved
as a result!
The source you wish to protect
is Army Intelligence.
Am I right?
- What did you say?
- I'll say it again quickly.
Molloy and Sullivan
were killed for that tape...
and Army Intelligence, Ml5, Ml6,
call it what you want, are involved...
and I want to know why, Mr. Brodie.
- Then take it up with them.
- You ordered it.
My participation was limited
to policing the operation.
- That will sound wonderful in court.
- What court?
There will be accounting.
Charges will be made.
- By you?
- I'll recommend it in my report.
Which I shall take
to the DPP for him to decide.
- It won't work.
- What won't?
Not at my expense, it won't.
My God, you're catchin' the Irish disease.
You're gettin' paranoid.
If necessary,
I'm prepared to resign over this...
and start telling tales out of school.
I don't think you will.
You're a career officer like me.
- I mean it.
- You'd resign the force and go public?
If I have to.
Listen, we're both professionals.
We observe certain rules.
Then understand.
Without access to that tape...
it is impossible for me
to evaluate the evidence.
I'm afraid I can't help you there.
I have neither seen nor heard that tape.
And frankly, I don't want the burden.
Now, if you will excuse me.
Who's Harris?
I've never heard of him.
Ms. McKechnie, will you show Mr. Kerrigan
out of my office, please?
I wonder what Harris'
connection with the Provos is?
- Why do you think he has one?
- Why else meet in an IRA club?
- It's a Republican club.
- Same difference.
Not every Republican supports the IRA.
Let's hope you're right.
I could be putting my head in a noose.
I don't think you have to worry.
You can count on the IRA
to be predictable.
Yes. They shoot policemen.
Did you lock the door?
- Are you lookin' for someone?
- Teresa Doyle.
- You have to be signed in by a member.
- Pardon?
- You have to be signed in by a member.
- That's why I'm waiting for her to come.
It's okay, Danny. I know these people.
I take full responsibility for them.
Welcome to
the James Connolly Republican Club.
I'm Liam Philbin, Sinn Fein rep
for this area and club secretary.
Ingrid Jessner.
Hello. Peter Kerrigan.
- Got here okay, then?
- Yeah, fine, thanks.
Would you like to buy a football ticket?
Football ticket.
Never misses a trick.
- Fifty pence.
- Four.
Thank you.
Congratulations. You've just contributed
to a fund for Republican prisoners.
Thank you very much.
- Here's a present.
- Down to you.
- Shall we go in?
- Sure. Is Teresa here?
- No, Teresa got lifted on Monday.
- Lifted? What for?
Harassment. Happens all the time.
- Is she all right?
- She's okay.
- And the baby?
- They're being looked after.
"In the Maidstone and the Maze
"I thought about my land
throughout these days
"Why my country was divided
"Why I was now in jail
"Imprisoned without crime
or without trial
"And now I love my country
I am not a bitter man
"I've seen cruelty and injustice
at first hand
"And then one fateful mornin'
I shook bold freedom's hand
"For right or wrong,
I tried to free my land
"And you dare call me a terrorist
while you look down your gun
"When I think of all the deeds
that you have done
"You have plundered many nations,
divided many lands
"You have terrorized their people
You've ruled with an iron hand
"And you've brought
this reign of terror to my land
"And you dare call me a terrorist
while you look down your gun
"When I think of all the deeds
that you have done
"You have plundered many nations,
divided many lands
"You have terrorized their people
You've ruled with an iron hand
"And you've brought
this reign of terror to my land
"You've brought
this reign of terror to my land"
Thank you.
Jimmy here's gonna do the next one.
On the wall,
you see a picture of James Connolly...
one of our greatest-ever Irish leaders.
Connolly said, many years ago,
that England has no more moral right...
to administer Irish affairs...
than it has to administer the affairs
of America or Japan.
No more moral right to police us
than it has a moral right to shoot us.
That is the answer: British withdrawal.
That's the answer...
but innocent people have been killed.
Yes, innocent people have been killed
and are being killed.
But if you look at all the colonies,
for instance, America.
George Washington was called
a terrorist in his time.
Jomo Kenyatta was a terrorist.
Archbishop Makarios was a terrorist.
Unfortunately, colonies appear
to have to fight for their freedom.
It is never granted willingly.
They must struggle for it.
Do you know why Paul
was with Mr. Molloy that morning?
Yes. Molloy was taking him
to meet Harris, in fact.
- Where?
- At a safe house.
That you provided?
- Yes. Our interests coincided.
- In what way?
Let's just say that our enemies
became his enemies.
Where is he, Liam?
He's out the back here, waitin' for you.
If you like, we'll go now and see him.
- Yes.
- Good, then. Come on.
"Gloucester's crumbling
pushed us westward
"To liberate all the Irish
Some of us that came to fight
"From Tipperary mountainside"
Here's your visitors now.
- Thank you, Liam.
- Okay. I'll leave you to it.
Thank you.
- Harris?
- Yes.
- How much has Liam told you?
- Only that Molloy brought you here...
and that you were sheltered by the IRA.
- And you find that reprehensible?
- For Molloy? No.
No. He has his loyalties.
But for you, an officer serving
in the British Army, yes.
I am terribly sorry about what happened.
I really didn't think
they'd go that far.
Why did you want to see Paul?
- I gave him a tape. Didn't you know that?
- Not till later.
Coming here could cost me my life.
Mine, too, but unlike you,
I don't have the IRA to protect me.
I gave the IRA nothing.
I was an Army Intelligence officer
co-opted to work with Ml6...
and Ml5 when they took over.
Our cover name was
"Information Policy Unit".
Our official function was
to liaise with the press...
and prepare public relations programs.
And unofficial?
We had our own printing press.
We'd forge documents
attributed to Republican sources.
We'd provide material for the media:
Newspapers, magazines, television.
- Black propaganda?
- Yes.
What kind of material?
Whatever we thought was necessary.
We'd invent stories,
leak truths, leak lies...
leak half-truths.
Accountable to the politicians.
Let us get one thing straight, Kerrigan.
We were accountable to no one.
The Prime Minister, Parliament, the courts,
the great British public...
It made no difference.
They were all there to be manipulated.
- And that didn't bother you?
- Not against the IRA, it didn't.
But during the election of '74...
our work became increasingly political.
Ml5 were running things.
Our long-term objectives were abandoned.
The new emphasis was on
assassination teams, bounty hunters.
But the PSYOPS unit
continued to operate?
Yes, but with fresh targets.
During the '70s, the Conservative Party
was demoralized and divided.
They saw their party leader,
Edward Heath...
cave in against the miners' strike
of '74 and were searching for...
a new leader from the hard right.
We circulated stories
about his private life.
Heath was dumped.
And replaced by Thatcher.
Yeah, but that wasn't enough.
There was concern
amongst business and the military...
that Labour were heading for
a third term in office.
The moderates would be replaced
by the left-wingers...
who, in turn, would be opposed
to NATO and nuclear weapons.
Remember, inflation was running rife,
industry was crippled by strikes.
What is this leading up to?
Treason, Mr. Kerrigan.
Pressure came from the CIA
to get rid of the Labour government.
They fed information to Ml5
that Prime Minister Wilson...
was a KGB agent.
It was a joint CIA-Ml5 operation...
supported by others in Whitehall.
Yeah, the whole bag
of dirty tricks was used:
Smears, break-ins, burglaries,
phone-tapping, blackmail, disinformation.
- If what you say is true...
- It all landed on my desk.
- And you believed it?
- I did when it was used by Alec Nevin...
the future Prime Minister's
closest political ally...
the principal architect
of her victory over Edward Heath.
You're saying that Thatcher
was involved in this?
No, but she was the main beneficiary.
The files and documents I got from Ml5
I turned into articles and essays...
for selected journalists...
and speeches for Alec Nevin.
- Why should I believe you?
- Because it's all on the tape.
Why else do you think
they tried to get rid of me?
If this comes out,
with Nevin's explicit connections...
to the Prime Minister,
the spotlight falls on Number 10.
- That's why his name is on the list.
- What list?
Paul made a list of six names.
- Do you have them with you?
- I took them.
Then I suggest you study that list
very carefully.
- Why?
- Because they are the prime movers...
Nevin's ideological counterparts
in business, industry, the military.
Together they form the nucleus.
Their priority was to
wreck Labour's chances
of winning another general election...
and if necessary,
were prepared to go even further.
You want wrapping up in a blanket.
Paul knew this. He heard the tape.
He had the tape.
- That's why they murdered him.
- I think you're insane.
I can prove it.
- Why would he lie?
- I don't know: Guilt, pressure...
acute paranoia.
- I'm as sane as you are.
- And I believe him.
It couldn't happen.
It did.
Why didn't you resign?
I was a career officer.
One hoped
that the situation would change.
But I also saw what happened
to people in a similar position.
Good men ruined.
So you went along with it?
I asked questions about it.
At first, they were very understanding.
They said I was suffering from stress,
mental fatigue, physical exhaustion.
That I needed a break
from Northern Ireland.
So they sent me to the mainland...
as an instructor
to the School of Intelligence.
In late '77, I was posted back here.
- How did they find out about this tape?
- Because I behaved stupidly.
Instead of keeping my head down,
I had a row about it all.
I was put under close surveillance.
Mail was opened, phones were tapped.
They searched my room
and found a backup copy of the tape...
stitched in the lining of my beret.
So I took the original tape and ran.
Still running.
You say you have this tape?
It's all there: Names, dates.
I bugged their meetings.
I wanted Sullivan to publicize it.
Being an American citizen
and a civil rights lawyer...
I thought he was beyond reach.
You were wrong.
I'm afraid media exposure
is the only protection I have.
Do you have it with you?
I have certain demands.
What demands?
When I deliver the tape,
I want to be taken into protective custody.
And I want you, Ms. Jessner,
to make it public.
- Agreed.
- I can't do that.
Why not?
Because he's not under my authority.
He's military personnel.
You were brought here
to investigate Paul Sullivan's death.
He was murdered because of that tape.
- Where is it?
- Do I have your agreement?
The IRA found me a safe house.
They're hoping I'll come
to a prearranged meeting...
and denounce British imperialism.
- When can we have it?
- You'll have to come to Dublin.
- When?
- Day after tomorrow.
- O'Connell Bridge, 11:00 a.m.
- We'll be there.
One last thing.
Nevin has a man working for him.
His name is McKee,
a former member of the SAS.
- Look out for him.
- What's he look like?
Big man, tall, bland face,
thinning hair.
He's quite ruthless,
capable of anything.
Am I wrong, Mr. Kerrigan,
or is it illegal to kill people...
and try to steal a country?
Don't assume it happened
just because Harris said it did.
Paul's dead! Molloy's dead!
That happened.
Save your outrage
till we've heard the tape.
- Good evening, love.
- Good evening, sir.
Thank you.
- Have you seen Mr. Maxwell?
- He's in the bar, sir.
- How'd it go?
- It was interesting.
Did you see Harris?
Yes. He didn't have the tape.
You've had a call from Ml5.
The spook department?
- Who?
- Sir Robert Neil.
He wants to meet you for lunch tomorrow.
He's sending his car at 12:00.
- Time for a drink?
- No. I've had enough.
You two okay?
- Yes, thank you, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Fine.
- Mind how you go.
- See you in the morning.
- Good morning, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Good morning.
- Come in, Mr. Kerrigan.
- Sir Robert.
Marvelous day. This way.
Do you know Alec Nevin?
No, I don't believe we've met.
I'm delighted to meet you.
I've heard a great deal about you.
How do you do?
- Sherry?
- No, thank you.
You've got your coffee, have you?
So, Mr. Kerrigan,
how has your inquiry progressed?
Sullivan and Molloy were killed
because of a tape.
What tape?
According to a Capt. Harris...
- You've met him?
- Last night.
Go on.
- Your name surfaced, Mr. Nevin.
- Really?
He claims that he possesses a tape
which will prove that you and others...
conspired to destabilize
the last Labour government.
He says he gave a copy of this tape
to Paul Sullivan...
hoping he would publicize it,
and that's why Sullivan was killed.
- You've not heard the tape then?
- Not yet, but I will.
- You're seeing Harris again?
- I can't tell you.
Although he was strictly Army,
Harris worked for me.
Yes, I know.
- He was rather good at what he did.
- He was a traitorous bastard.
When I arrived just now...
there was a man who greeted me
at the car: Tall, thinning hair.
- What about him?
- I might want to question him.
After the tape was taken
from Sullivan's body...
the police gave it to someone
answering his description.
I have four witnesses to identify him.
Did he give the tape to you?
- Are you interrogating me?
- Are you obstructing me?
If you let me listen to that tape,
I can eliminate Harris from my inquiry.
You have no choice, Alec.
Do you remember the
disorders of the 1970s...
Mr. Kerrigan?
The kind of chaos we faced...
strikes, riots...
miners bringing down
a Conservative government...
inflation going through the roof,
our European creditors...
queuing up to pounce on us?
How Europe enjoyed our discomfiture.
Instead of just letting it happen...
a few of us got together
to do something about it.
So there was a conspiracy.
- My dear chap, politics is a conspiracy.
- The point is, our paths converge.
- In what way?
- We both serve the state.
No, I defend the state.
You subvert it.
All right, let's be frank
with one another.
Illegal methods were used in an attempt
to bring down the Labour government.
But that's all in the past.
Do you think by scrutinizing
mistakes made...
you'll help restore
respect for law and order?
Don't play hide and seek
with reality, Mr. Kerrigan.
If you want to see the release of that
tape, and its contents made public...
go right ahead.
But first, consider the consequences.
Every agitator, every intellectual...
every bleeding-heart liberal
with his rhetoric about civil rights...
will seize on it.
Now, you say you defend the state.
So do I.
But Parliament and its institutions
are the state.
And anything that threatens
the government...
the rule of law,
the credibility of Parliament...
is a threat to the state.
Leave well alone, Mr. Kerrigan.
Let the historians discover it
in 50 years' time.
- Our duty is to protect Number 10.
- It wouldn't be published anyway.
Strictly speaking,
it's none of your concern.
It's an intelligence matter,
outside your jurisdiction.
- I don't accept that.
- Accept this...
What Alec and the others did
eight years ago was terribly wrong.
It wasn't just terribly wrong.
It was criminal.
It was wrong for the right reasons.
These were, and still are,
honorable men.
- They broke the law.
- We've agreed on that.
But tell me,
as a professional policeman...
don't you find that hardened criminals
often benefit from the restraints...
imposed on the police by the courts?
Absolutely, yes.
And when, to secure a conviction,
the police remove those constraints...
when, for example,
they illegally tap a phone...
to apprehend political terrorists
whose aim is to overthrow democracy...
is this ever justified?
It depends on the circumstances.
Let's be more specific.
In 1974,
the IRA blew up a Birmingham pub.
21 young people were killed.
162 were injured.
The police, your colleagues,
arrested six Irishmen.
They were subjected to
what is euphemistically referred to...
as "in-depth interrogation".
They kicked the hell out of
the murdering swine.
- And obtained a confession.
- Which held up in court.
Was that justified?
If they did that,
then they were out of order.
Tell that to the people of Birmingham.
The point I'm trying to make...
I understand the point
you're trying to make, Sir Robert.
That to maintain the system, the abuse
of power is sometimes necessary.
It allows us to enjoy the freedom
of living in a free society.
A price the public are prepared to pay.
That's a dangerous concept.
But a realistic one.
You're forgetting one thing.
What's to stop Harris
from making copies of the tape?
Nothing at all, except without Harris,
there's no authenticity, no documentation.
Everyone would think it was an IRA fake.
And my investigation?
I have a solution
that is both effective and acceptable.
You have the culprits
that did the shooting.
Nail them.
It really is a gorgeous day.
You know, Ireland would be a lovely place
if it wasn't for the Irish.
Was Ms. Jessner with you
when you met Harris?
I wonder why Harris chose Paul Sullivan.
Did you know, before she met him,
she lived with a Communist?
- No, I didn't.
- It was all rather sad.
A Chilean. She had an abortion.
There is something I want to show you.
Not very pleasant, I'm afraid.
Liam Philbin.
Served seven years in H-Block.
Suspected of murdering two policemen.
That's you making a contribution
to IRA funds...
unintentionally, of course.
These make my stomach turn.
Alec wanted to turn them over
to his newspaper friends.
I persuaded him not to.
Apart from the damage
it could do to your career...
I'm a family man myself, Mr. Kerrigan.
I know the harm this sort of thing
can do to a happy marriage.
Take them.
Who keeps the negatives?
Alec keeps them.
Fuck you.
First, they threw the book at me.
Not in the national interest.
Violation of security.
this infantile,
laughable comic-book stuff.
Don't underestimate it, Peter.
I've been a policeman for 26 years.
I've never met anything like this.
If you go to Dublin,
see him, get the tape.
Neil would argue
it was used for intelligence...
and that it couldn't be admitted
in court as evidence.
So what are we left with?
The shooting.
Which is flameproof.
We have the statements...
Which we can make stick...
provided we make
no references to the tape.
Concession offered by Neil.
What does that make me?
I came here as the cop
that couldn't be bought.
- Nobody bought you.
- I've been manipulated from day one...
put through the hoop.
What happens if I choose
to take this to the limit...
to the powers that be?
What support would I get?
Too risky.
You blow the whistle,
when the shouting stopped...
they reach an accommodation...
you're finished.
You know, Tom, I think I am naive.
I've always believed...
that given half a chance,
the system would work.
Look, we've got the men
who did the shooting.
- Everything I've stood for...
- Our job's done.
That's unacceptable.
I walk away from this,
it's a lifetime wasted.
They want this thing buried...
and if necessary,
they will bury you alongside it.
- But there was a conspiracy.
- What proof have we got?
- Neil admitted it.
- He'll deny it.
That conversation never took place.
Turn your back on this, Peter.
What about Ingrid Jessner?
What about her?
Not your problem.
This is all politics.
We have the men that did the shooting.
Are you willing to settle for that?
What else is there?
And if I persist?
Then you're on a hiding to nothing.
What about you?
- I'm a career policeman.
- So was I.
I'm sorry, Peter.
I'm not prepared to risk my future,
not in this.
Thanks, Tom.
You've just proved my point.
Listen, if a Mr. Kerrigan calls,
will you tell him I've left?
- Yes, certainly.
- Thanks.
Ms. Jessner?
I'm Mr. Kerrigan's secretary.
He asked me to give you that.
Any message?
- When's his flight?
- Mid-afternoon, I expect.
Echo 1 to Control.
- Go ahead, Echo 1.
- We're on the Dublin Road.
Are the others in place?
Signing off now, Control.
Give it another minute,
then overtake her quite quickly.
I want to get ahead of her.
Come in, Echo 2.
Echo 2.
- Is everything all right, Echo 2?
- Yes, she's about 200 yards in front of me.
In a little while you'll see
a petrol station on your left.
You pull in,
and I'll take up the follow.
Echo 2...
she's making for the bridge.
I'm having trouble
gettin' through this lot.
Bang your fucking horn, man!
- Where's Kerrigan?
- I don't know.
- That's no answer.
- I know, I don't know where he is.
Let's walk.
- You'll see that it's published?
- I'll try.
Don't let me down.
Trust me.
I do.
Where to, love?
- I have to hire a car.
- You want a car-hire place?
- Yeah.
- Which one in particular do you want?
- Any one in particular?
- No. It doesn't matter. You decide.
Do you want an expensive car
or a cheap car?
It doesn't matter. I don't care.
Look, I've had Americans before.
I just want to know what type car...
Just go.
It doesn't matter! Just go!
Okay. There's a friend of mine
over at one place.
- Fine.
- I'll bring you there, will I?
Fine. Great.
What you will hear on this tape
is a conversation...
which took place at the home
of Mr. Alec Nevin.
Its purpose was to establish
a Conservative government...
with a right-wing leadership.
I had shown support...
and therefore was invited
to attend the meeting.
I wore a recording device
activated by voice.
Letting people off the leash a bit,
in that direction...
the military and our friends
in the intelligence community...
is really enhancing the case
for quite dramatic...
constitutional resolution
of this crisis...
Don't underestimate the flexibility...
We need to pressure the Palace into
giving legitimacy to what we need to do.
Indeed. You underestimate,
we all underestimate...
the flexibility of this constitution
of ours. We can do almost anything.
What are his weaknesses?
What can we have circulated?
And what rumors can we make stick?
We all know about Heath.
We all know what we think about him.
We should look to 5 to...
assist in this matter.
Can you try
Ms. Jessner's room again, please?
Have you paged her?
No. No message. Thanks.
- I don't suppose we'll be needing this?
- What's that?
It's the dossier you asked me to prepare
on those six names.
- Shall I take the luggage down now, sir?
- Please do.
It isn't your fault.
They must have followed her.
I'll pick up the rest
of this stuff later.
- You know about Harris?
- I heard on the radio.
They kneecapped him,
then they blew half his head away.
Typical IRA execution.
- What about Ingrid Jessner?
- What about her?
- You know, if this thing leaks out...
- It won't.
A crime has been committed.
- What crime is that?
- I'm not just talkin' about Harris.
Everything is covered
by the Official Secrets Act.
- God, you people live in the Dark Ages.
- And what about you? Listen...
You and I are cut from the same cloth.
I am what I have to be, but you?
You're no better.
Like me, you observe rule Number 1.
Keep your balls intact.
Have a good flight.
And don't forget to send me that report.
We need to get
some agent provocateurs into these...
strikes that are taking place,
local government strikes...
to cause a lot of
unpleasantness and disruption.
We need that to run through
until the election and give it a shot.
The question is,
can we rely upon democracy?
- Just my opinion, but...
- With a little push here and there.
Well, I agree with the little push.
I agree that is the point, in a way,
why we're here, isn't it?
If there's a run on the pound, that's fine.
If there's a lot of stuff circulating about...
Wilson and Moscow,
which we all know to be the case...
I think Wilson's somebody
we should home in very much on.
A lot of stuff should be
circulated about Wilson.
Ms. Jessner.
She hasn't seen us.
Wait here.
What are you doing here?
- Where were you?
- Did you get my note?
- Why did you change your mind?
- There are reasons.
- Tell me.
- I don't have to. I'm sorry.
What about Mr. Nevin?
What about Harris?
Harris is dead.
They're blaming the IRA.
- But it was them!
- Please.
- I saw it happen!
- Please, keep your voice down.
- I told you not to go.
- You told me a lot of things...
- Did you speak to Harris?
- Yes.
- Did you tell them we were meeting?
- Of course not. You were followed!
But you did talk to them. Why?
- Did he give you the tape?
- You're not gonna...
- Are you going to do anything about this?
- There's nothing I can do.
They've committed murder and treason.
At 11:00 this morning,
a man was assassinated...
by orders of British Intelligence,
and you can do nothing!
I wish I could.
This is a final call for flight BTH-9
to London, Heathrow.
You have connections I don't have.
Your reputation brought you here.
People will listen to you.
With you as my witness?
A civil-liberties group member...
accusing the British government
of torture and shoot-to-kill?
"I don't care whose toes I tread on".
That's what you said, and I believed it.
- Look, I have to go.
- Go.
- I'm a policeman.
- Yes, you are.
The men responsible for Paul's death
will be charged.
To know and do nothing.
- You can't win against these people.
- To just close your eyes.
Forget it. Go home.
That's how fascism starts.
What do you think
of your fine British law now?
This has nothing to do with law.
- What is it then?
- It's politics.
To enforce the rules
of a police state is politics.
Good guys like you cover it up
so bad guys are safe.
You're a puppet, and the men
pulling the strings know it.
Did he give you the tape?
- No.
- What are you gonna do?
Tell people, newspapers.
- They won't print it.
- We'll see.
Go back to America.
Get out of Belfast.
You're in danger here.
Ingrid, it's finished.
Not for them, it isn't.
Not for Nevin and the others.
They're not going to disappear.
They're still in place.
You have a plane to catch, Mr. Kerrigan.
What? Yes.