Hide and Seek (2005) Movie Script

( drumroll )
( rousing orchestral
fanfare playing )
( fanfare ends )
( suspenseful music playing )
( child squealing in distance )
( quiet, haunting theme playing )
( birds chirping, wings flapping )
( laughing )
( both laughing )
( screams )
Ready to go faster?
All right. No, no, no!
You're gonna slide off.
You all right?
- Are you sliding?
- Yes.
No, if you're sliding,
I'm going to stop.
- No, no, no.
- You okay? Okay.
( both laughing )
GI RL ( giggling ):
( screaming )
( pills rattle in bottle )
( sighs )
That's funny.
I could've sworn
I saw a little girl
by the name
of Emily come in here.
( singsongy ):
Come out, come out,
wherever you are...
Could she be hiding
in the closet?
( playful gasp )
I wonder where she could be.
Maybe my eyes
have deceived me.
I'm invisible, Mommy.
Well, if you're invisible...
( laughs )
...then how could I... do this?!
( both laughing )
( screams )
Did you know where I was?
Not a clue.
You want Alex?
What is it?
I love you more
than anything else in the world.
You know that, don't you?
I love you, too.
( kisses )
( whispering ):
Good night, sweetheart.
Make the face.
( giggling ):
( both laughing )
- Now, go to sleep.
- Okay.
( light switch clicks )
Good night.
( footsteps departing )
You coming to bed?
In a little while.
Something you want to talk about?
( sighs )
Some things are beyond therapy, David.
( faucet dripping )
( sighing slowly )
( cheering )
( soft click )
( faucet dripping slowly )
( dripping continues )
( dripping continues )
( dripping continues )
( indistinct conversation )
( sighs )
I should've seen it coming.
All the signs were there.
The ones closest to you
are the hardest to judge.
No, but I...
I could've prevented it.
David, it's not your fault.
How long have
we known each other?
Trust me when I tell you this.
As difficult
as it may seem, you're...
you're gonna have to try
and start over.
We're gonna move.
The country.
That's not exactly what
I meant by ""starting over.''
What about Emily?
This is a traumatic time for her.
I think it's important she stays
here and works through this.
No, here, she's
flooded with memories.
I need to expose her
to a new environment,
new things to do...
She'd be losing another person
she depends on.
It's only an hour away.
And... you're always welcome
to come and see her.
And right now, I need to do
what's right for Emily.
I need to be
a full-time dad.
I have a surprise for you.
( simple, sweet "Mockingbird'"
melody playing )
When I was your age,
my mom gave me one just like that.
And whenever I was feeling sad,
I would open the lid,
and all my sorrows went away.
Do you like it?
( melody continues )
Give me a hug.
( melody ends )
You're going to like it there.
All right, let's go.
( engine starting )
( haunting melody begins )
dd CHI LD ( vocalizing )
( bird cawing )
dd ( vocalizing continues )
dd ( vocalizing ends )
( orchestra continues theme )
( theme fades into wind whistling )
( tires crackle over gravel )
Come on.
Let's take a look.
Right on time.
Dr. Callaway...
Mr. Haskins.
This is Sheriff Hafferty.
He routinely checks
on the houses up here
to make sure things
run smoothly.
I see. Well, this is
my daughter, Emily.
This is Sheriff Hafferty.
How are you?
This is Mr. Haskins.
He found us the house.
Well, hello there, Emily.
Think your dad did a good job
picking the house?
She's still deciding.
Well, she sure is pretty.
Thank you.
As I mentioned,
Woodland Estates
is mainly
a summer community.
May be a little quiet
up here till then.
Hope that's not a problem.
- Not at all.
- Great.
Let me show you
around the back.
You ever spent
much time in the country?
Not much.
I used to camp
when I was little,
but I was always scared
of the woods.
( chuckles )
Nothing to be scared of
in these woods.
Picked a nice spot.
Biggest house on the lake.
Sheriff, if you'd like
to do the honors;
let Dr. Callaway
into his new home.
Figure out which key...
Did you see where
my daughter went?
You okay?
Come on.
Let's go back.
Come on.
( urging ):
Come on.
Mr. Haskins, Sheriff...
we'll take it from here.
( owl hooting )
Spaghetti and meatballs
is your favorite dish.
You're not hungry?
I'd like to go to bed now.
I'll come up
and kiss you good night.
( owl hoots outside )
( music box plays
"Mockingbird'"softly )
Oh, that's funny.
I could have sworn
I saw a little girl
by the name of Emily
come in here.
I wonder...
where she's hiding.
Could she be...
could she be...
under the bed?!
Could she be...
Let's see, where
could she be hiding?
Could she be
hiding in the... closet!
( cat screeching )
( music box continues playing )
since it's the first night
in a new house,
I thought it would be a good
time to start a new diary.
Each day you
can write down
your feelings
and thoughts,
and then, one day,
you can look back
and see
how much they've changed.
I love you more than anything
else in the world, sweetheart.
You know that.
That's what Mommy said.
Before she killed herself.
she meant what she said.
And so do I.
You want me to put this
over here?
All right.
Good night.
( whispering ):
Good night, Alex.
( door creaking )
( plastic rustling )
( rustling )
( bird screeching )
( rustling )
( leaves crunching )
( music playing faintly
through headphones )
( music playing faintly )
( music playing faintly )
Emily? Emily!
Oh, there you are.
Come on, sweetheart.
We're going into town.
We have some errands to do.
Hi... Hi, there.
I-I'm Laura.
I live next door.
Oh, I'm David.
How are you?
Uh, here.
These are for you.
Oh, thank you very much.
My husband and I made
the preserves ourselves.
Oh, well...
I didn't even realize
anyone else lived up here.
Well, it does get pretty quiet
in the off season.
Oh, this is my
daughter, Emily.
Emily, say hello to Laura.
She's our neighbor.
Isn't she adorable?
You going to say hi?
Well, she gets a little shy
around new faces.
I understand.
It's going to be a real treat
having both of you here.
Oh, you're on your way out.
I won't keep you.
Um, if you need anything,
don't hesitate to stop by.
Same here.
And thank you
for all the preserves.
The peach and apricot preserves.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you.
I'm gonna put this inside.
( wheels clacking )
( whistle blows )
Amy, don't swing so high.
I'm going
to tell your mom.
Would you listen to me?
( geese squawking )
( swing squeaking )
I have, uh,
a daughter the same age.
She's in the car.
I'm Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Young.
David Callaway.
- How are you?
- Good.
Nice to meet you.
Are you visiting?
Just moved up
from the city.
Oh, usually it's
the other way around.
I know.
She your kid?
Oh, no. No.
She's my sister's kid.
I'm the honorary baby-sitter.
Amy, be careful.
( shrieks )
- Amy.
- She all right?
are you all right?
( laughing )
That's very funny.
Oh, my God, you're
going to make me nuts,
you know that?
Is your daughter
this crazy?
Where's Alex?
I don't like her anymore.
Did I just hear
what I think I heard?
Are you mad, Daddy?
No, I'm not mad at all, honey.
I think it's great.
You do?
Because I have a new friend.
A new friend? Okay.
Let me guess.
Is it, um...
Uh, is it, uh, Patty?
Is it...
He's not a doll.
Not a doll.
Okay, well,
if he's not a doll,
then who is he?
He doesn't want me
to talk about him.
Doesn't want you
to talk about him?
( whispers ):
Well, what if I promise
to keep it a secret,
could you tell me then?
So, what's his name?
He told me to call him Charlie.
Charlie? Oh, that's
an interesting name.
When did you meet Charlie?
When we went to town?
It was before that.
Before that. Huh.
Is he... here right now?
I think he's sleeping.
Well, in that case,
we better not wake him, hmm?
It's not unusual
for a traumatized child
to create imaginary friends.
I know, I just wish
she'd confide in me
instead of using fantasy.
Trauma causes pain.
Eventually the mind
will find a way to release it.
No kidding.
Don't forget: I'm the one
who taught you that stuff.
As a matter of fact, you did, yes.
Just have fun with her, David.
Play with her.
That's what she needs.
( chain rattling )
( raindrops pattering )
These are beginner rods.
( sports broadcast plays indistinctly )
Let's see... two rods,
$41 .50 each...
( clerk mumbling )
Plus bait and tackle...
You parked in a handicap zone.
Oh, I didn't even realize.
Could you give me a break?
I didn't realize.
Enjoy your day.
Eh, so much for
small town
hospitality, honey.
- Shut the door.
- We broke the law.
I know we broke the law.
Shut the door.
The Loch Ness Monster.
You know what that is?
It's in Scotland.
This is a good spot, huh?
( grunts softly )
Honey, what are you doing?
( inhales quietly )
You think that's a good idea?
Emily, we have bait.
All right.
Did you have
a nice time today?
It was okay.
Just okay?
Well, then, what could we
have done to make it better?
What if Charlie was there?
Would he have made it better?
He's a lot of fun.
Fun like how?
Fun like Mommy.
It's a little stuffy in here.
( pounding on frame )
( straining )
It's stuck.
It's okay, Daddy.
It just...
( squeaking, wind whistling )
( slow, regular breathing )
CROWD ( fading in ):
...three, two, one...
Happy New Year!
( slam echoing )
( distorted cheering )
( distorted cheering )
( steady breathing )
( soft click )
( faucet dripping )
( steady breathing )
( dripping continues )
( door creaks )
( light switch clicks )
( dripping continues )
Emily, why would you do this?
I didn't do it.
What do you mean,
you didn't do it?
There's nobody here but us.
It wasn't me.
This is your writing,
and these are your crayons, honey.
It's all right.Just tell me.
You don't have to lie to me.
I'm not lying.
Okay, well,
if you didn't do it,
then who did?
It was Charlie.
She thinks I'm responsible
She thinks I'm responsible
for Alison's death.
KATHERI NE: It's Charlie
that holds you responsible.
Use him, David.
Use him to get through to her.
He's the key.
I-I have to go, I...
I think I found her
a real friend.
Really? That's great.
Call me if you need me, okay?
- Bye.
- Okay, bye.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, Amy.
Glad you came.
Em... we have guests.
This is Elizabeth.
Hi, Emily.
Emily, this is Amy.
has a mind of its own.
( chuckling ):
Oh, God...
Thank you.
So, is that your wife?
She passed away.
I'm sorry.
No matter how many times I say it,
it still sounds so strange.
Must be hard on Emily.
Have you ever been married?
Actually, I just got divorced.
I'm living with my sister
and her husband till I can
figure out my next move.
Best way to get over the past
is to start something new.
That's why we're here.
( rhythmic thudding in distance )
AMY ( sing-song ):
...baby, wrap it up
in toilet paper,
put it in the incubator.
What shall it be?
Oh! By the way,
this is Penelope.
You're gonna like it here.
It's a lot of fun.
Well, it's not always fun,
but there are lots
of fun things to do.
( whispers ):
She's beautiful.
What's her name?
Well, you don't talk much,
do you?
You shouldn't be here.
Why not?
You could get hurt.
( door thudding )
- Oh, my God.
- Okay.
So, um... so,
you have my number.
I'll talk to you soon.
I guess I should go.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye, Emily.
So... what'd you
think of Amy?
Did you like her?
I don't need any more friends.
( bird cawing in distance )
Good, good.
Hey. Sorry.
I didn't mean to intrude.
Oh, uh...
I'm Steven.
Laura's husband from next door.
Oh, yeah. Hi.
It's David, right?
Yes, it's David.
Just wanted to say hi.
Nice to...
nice to meet you, Steven.
Figured, you know...
gonna be neighbors,
you might as well be neighborly, right?
Uh... well, you're gonna have
to excuse us, Steven.
We have a busy day
ahead of us.
Honey, come on.
let's go.
Listen, you need anything,
just give a shout, will you?
Okay. Thank you.
See you around.
You're very lucky to have
such a beautiful daughter.
Thank you.
( door opens )
You remember
what I told you
about not talking
to strangers?
He's not a stranger.
What do you mean?
He's our neighbor.
As far as I'm concerned,
he's a stranger, honey.
Don't walk away
when I'm talking to you.
I'm telling you something.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
Weren't you finished?
No, I wasn't finished.
What I'm saying is,
it's very important
for you to listen
when I tell you something.
( clicking )
( thump )
( child laughing )
( kettle whistling )
( splashing, sizzling )
( whistling subsides )
What are you doing,
What's so funny?
Is Charlie here?
He just left.
Where'd he go?
Did you open that?
I thought you did.
( latch squeaking )
I want to talk to Charlie.
What would you like
to talk about?
I'd like to talk to him
about all sorts of things.
Like what?
Like, uh... well,
what makes him happy...
what makes him sad...
So, what do you say?
You think you can introduce us?
I don't think that's going to work.
Why's that?
He doesn't like you very much.
Oh, why doesn't he
like me very much?
Does it have something
to do with Mommy?
What does he tell you?
( thunder rumbling )
( jazz playing faintly
through headphones )
EMI LY ( voice-over, whispering ):
...three, one thousand,
four, one thousand,
five, one thousand,
six, one thousand,
seven, one thousand,
eight, one thousand,
nine, one thousand,
ten, one thousand.
Ready or not, here I come.
( very faint,
indistinct whispering )
( thunder rumbling )
( singsongy ):
( creaking )
Come out, come out
wherever you are.
( squeak )
( gentle clinking )
( soft squeaking )
( soft squeaking )
( very faint whispering )
( whispering grows louder )
( sudden click )
Is that you?
( Emily screams )
( screaming )
( screaming continues )
Where are you?
What happened?
Why are you down here?
Emily, talk to me.
He was hiding.
Who was hiding?
In the dark.
( loud clank )
Can I go to bed now?
( bird screeching in distance )
( doorbell rings )
Do you have a minute?
Yeah. Oh, sure.
Come on in.
Thank you. Thank you.
I wanted to apologize
for my husband.
He said he had a...
awkward moment
with you and Emily.
That's all right.
Don't worry about it.
He's harmless, really.
He wouldn't hurt a fly.
That's fine.
It's just that...
we lost a child recently-
a girl...
and in some ways,
Emily reminds us of her.
I see.
He was just... reaching out. Hmm?
There is nothing worse
in this world than losing a child.
( engine stops )
( music playing softly )
( sizzling )
Here, taste this.
I think it may be too salty.
Oh. Okay.
( slurps )
- Not bad.
- Really?
- Not bad.
- Oh, good.
Really good.
Wow! You look so pretty.
You didn't have to get
all dressed up for me.
Honey, would you go upstairs
and change
into something else, please?
Don't you like it?
Not for dinner, no.
Why not?
You know why.
She looks so pretty.
Let's just eat.
I think you look
really beautiful.
Did Daddy tell you
that my mommy died?
Yes, he did.
And I'm very sorry.
Did he tell you
how she died?
Honey, I don't think Elizabeth
really wants to hear
how that happened,
She killed herself
in our bathtub.
- Emily...
- Slit her wrists with a razor.
( firmly ):
That's enough.
Emily, I brought you something.
Your dad asked me to bring over
some of Amy's books.
These were some
of my favorites
when I was your age.
Oh, that's great.
Give you a chance to see
what the other kids are reading
before you get started.
You gonna say thanks?
( book thuds )
Emily... Emily, stop it.
That's enough.
Do you like her, Daddy?
- Stop this.
- Charlie says you do.
- Go to your room.
- He says you like her
- as much as Mommy.
- Go to your room. To your room.
If you're going to behave
this way, go to your room.
Let's hope you don't
wind up like her.
( sighing gently )
I'm sorry.
Who's Charlie?
Oh, he's her imaginary friend.
Her only friend.
( door slams )
I always wanted her to have
a better childhood than I had.
Now look.
Drive safely.
( water running )
( purring )
( wind whistles )
( indistinct conversation fading in )
Attention, please!
( thud echoing )
Maybe after
a few more martinis...
( woman laughing )
( sudden shriek )
( water dripping )
( dripping continues )
( door creaks )
( dripping continues )
( light switch clicks )
( chain rattling )
( yells )
( gasping )
Charlie did it.
You do believe me,
don't you, Daddy?
Why are you looking at me
like that?
( panting )
( rattling )
Mr. Callaway.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
Thought you might
be needing these.
( rattling )
Those are the keys
for the, uh,
different rooms in the house.
I forgot to give them
to you earlier.
I apologize.
It's a little late to be
delivering keys, isn't it?
Well, I thought I could slip
them under the door.
Wife and I are going
to Canada first thing
in the morning.
We've got a little cabin
tucked away in the woods.
Good place to clear the mind.
Everything all right?
Well, enjoy.
What's for breakfast?
Honey, why would Charlie
do such a horrible thing?
Is it because of Elizabeth?
Charlie needs to understand
something, honey.
Elizabeth is not trying
to take Mommy's place.
Does he understand that?
Honey, I can't help you
if you don't talk to me.
Why doesn't he like Elizabeth?
Because she likes you.
He doesn't want you to be happy.
you know this has nothing
to do with Charlie.
You do know that.
It's about you, honey.
And that's okay.
Charlie doesn't exist.
You shouldn't say that.
Why not?
You're going to make him mad.
Oh, well, so what?
I'll get him mad.
Let him come out
and yell at me. Good.
I want to see him.
Where is he?
You want to see him?
Who's that supposed to be?
Charlie and Mommy.
She would have liked him.
No, trust me, honey.
Mommy wouldn't like Charlie.
That's not what he says.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What does he say?
What does he say?
What does Charlie say?
Talk to me.
What does he say?
He says he would
have satisfied her.
Who told you to say that?
Charlie did.
No, who...
who told you that?
Charlie did.
There is no Charlie.
Who said it?
Charlie did!
He did not. Who said it?
( singsongy ):
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
( giggling )
( laughing )
Hey, sweetheart.
I'm so happy you came.
It's so good to see you.
Want to show me the house?
Hey, David.
How are you?
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Glad you could come.
Do you like it here?
I'm having a lot of fun.
You are?
Tell me about
your friend Charlie.
He doesn't like me
to talk about him.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind
if you told me.
( music box playing
"Mockingbird'"quietly )
Tell me, what do you
guys do together?
Play games.
What kind of games?
Hide and seek.
That's our favorite.
Sounds like Charlie's
a lot of fun.
( music box continues playing )
So what do you guys talk about?
I don't know.
Bunch of things.
Sometimes he even
talks about you.
And what does he say?
You can tell me.
He's afraid you're
going to get in the way.
In the...
In the way of what?
Our game.
What game is that?
Upsetting Daddy.
Isn't she pretty?
KATHERI NE: David, I'd like
to bring Emily back with me.
At least for a little while,
so she can be evaluated.
I'm just worried bringing her back
will make her worse.
She's not well.
I know that.
And she's not your patient.
I know that, too.
She thinks it's a game.
She's using Charlie
to get to you.
I know things
haven't gone
as well as we hoped, but...
do you really think
bringing her back to New York
is going to make
that much of a difference?
It's worth a try.
All right, look.
I'll give it two more weeks,
and if there's no improvement,
I'll bring her back.
( Emily humming "Mockingbird'")
( water running )
( door creaks softly )
What are you doing, Daddy?
What were you looking at?
No, I was just getting
ready to tuck you in.
Good night.
Yeah, sweetheart?
Can you close the door?
You don't want the light?
I don't need it anymore.
( shoe drops on floor )
( inaudible )
Hello. David.
I thought I'd return the favor.
Oh, thank you.
( inhales )
Mmm! Apple!
My favorite!
You can make yourself at home.
I'll be back in a second.
Thank you.
( floorboard creaking )
You must think
we're pretty crazy
keeping all these toys around.
It's, um...
It's hard to find the right
place for them, you know?
( sobbing ):
I'm sorry.
No, you have nothing
to be sorry about.
It's just, I...
I've had no one to talk to.
You know that
I am a psychologist.
I've dealt with many people
in similar
and if you
and your husband
would like to talk about this,
it might help.
He's... been having...
a tough time
this past couple of weeks.
In-In... wh-what sense?
You have no idea
how painful it can be.
How painful
he can make it.
I'm sorry.
I've already said too much.
Please, I can...
Listen to me.
Please, I can help you.
No, he'll be back any moment.
You just talk to me.
I can help you.
You have to go.
( hail pattering loudly )
( doorbell chimes )
( music plays faintly
over headphones )
( floorboard creaking )
( knocking )
Emily, are you in here?
Didn't you hear me calling?
Daddy's not here.
Well, actually, it was you
that I came to see.
Would you mind
if we talked for a moment?
I brought you some daisies.
I wasn't sure which one
was your favorite color,
so I just...
got all kinds.
Emily, I'm really sorry
about what happened
the other night.
I want you to know
that I'm not trying
to come between
you and your dad.
Do you think maybe
we could start over?
We could be friends?
Do you like games?
I love games.
Would you like to play one?
I'm already playing.
What game are you playing?
Hide and seek.
Don't you need another person
to play that game?
He's hiding.
Who's hiding?
Charlie's hiding.
Where's he hiding?
You stay here.
( singsongy ):
Come out, come out,
wherever you are...
- ( fierce growl )
- ( screams )
( gasps )
( playful yet sinister music playing )
( cartoon music builds dramatically )
( explosion on TV)
( turns TVoff)
( knocks twice )
What are you doing?
What are you drawing, honey?
( rattling )
( wind whooshing )
What happened?
( firmly ):
what happened?
( doorbell rings )
( screen door squeaks )
Oh, hello, Sheriff.
( soles scraping on mat )
Mind if I come in
for a minute?
( screen door closes )
( door closes )
Afraid I have some bad news.
There's been an accident.
I found Elizabeth Young's car
crashed on the side of the road.
Is she okay?
I don't know.
She wasn't inside.
I spoke to her niece Amy.
She told me
she came up here to see you.
You seen her?
No, I haven't seen her.
Would you mind...
I had a glass of water?
Sure, uh...
Just want, uh,
- water, uh...?
- Yeah.
At first, I thought
she might have crashed
on the way up.
But taking a second look.
I seen the tire tracks
leading down the hill.
So, she must have
at least stopped by.
Well, maybe she
forgot something,
or turned around, or
I don't know,
but, uh...
Maybe, uh...
Maybe Emily's seen her.
No, that couldn't be.
Emily was here upstairs.
Could you call her?
Sure. I...
I can call her, yeah.
I can ask her.
Come on down.
Come on.
Hello, Emily.
Emily, you know
Elizabeth Young?
You seen her come by
in the last few hours?
If I stepped away for a minute,
you sure there's nothing
you'd want to tell your daddy?
I'm sure.
Good girl.
You can go on up to your room
and play.
Cute kid.
Thank you.
If you hear anything,
you'll give me a call?
I will, Sheriff.
I will, and you can do the same.
I want to check
around the neighborhood.
You and Emily gonna be here?
We'll be here.
Just making sure.
Thanks for the water.
You're welcome.
( panting )
- ( sobbing )
- Emily,
where is she?
Where is Elizabeth?
( dinging )
( sobbing )
( sniffling )
( screaming )
Oh, God.
What did you do?
What did you do?
- I didn't do anything!
- Who did it?
- Who did it, then?
- Charlie.
- Don't say Charlie.
- I'm telling you...
( Emily sobbing )
What is going on?
Who is Charlie?
Where is he?
Just, please, help me understand
what's happening here.
I can't. I can't.
Help me!
( whispers ):
I can't.
( panting )
Did you have a part in this?
Did you have a part
in this?!
He made me help him.
He made me...
( sniffles )
He made me.
This is him? Is this Charlie?
I can't tell you.
Who is this?!
Please, I can't.
I'm sorry.
( panting )
You stay right here.
- Don't move.
- Oh, please don't leave me.
Do not move.
You stay right here.
You can't stop him, Daddy!
( panting )
( rattling )
( clunking )
( door clatters )
( doorknob rattling )
( clanking, rattling )
( rattling )
( door creaking )
Emily, what's happening?
I don't want to play
with Charlie anymore.
Emily, where's your father?
Daddy can't save me now.
( door opening )
Emily, sweetie, are you there?
- Are you okay?
- ( footsteps approaching )
( panting )
( water dripping )
He just left.
( wind whistling )
Where is he?
He's hiding!
Where are you?!
Where are you?!
( dog barking in distance )
You. What are you doing here?
I heard some noises.
I saw you come out
of the woods with a shovel.
Everything all right?
Emily all right?
You stay away.
I want to see her.
You stay away.
I'm gonna call the cops.
I want to see her now.
You sick fuck.
- I want to see her.
- Uh, stay away.
( grunts )
( David panting )
( panting )
( screaming )
( screaming )
( panting )
( lively cartoon music plays on TV)
( coughs )
( panting )
Honey... stay upstairs.
Stay upstairs.
( lively music continues on TV)
( wind whistling )
You stay away!
You stay away!
You get out of here!
( David panting )
It's okay, sweetheart.
Charlie's gone.
- He'll come back.
- No.
( sobbing ):
I know he will.
No, he's gone.
He's gone.
Please don't make me
see Charlie, Daddy.
Please don't make me
see Charlie.
I'm so sorry
I didn't believe you.
I'm so sorry, honey.
Please don't
leave me again.
Please don't leave me again.
Not again.
( creaking in distance )
( wind howling )
( cartoon music continues )
( creaking )
Please don't make me see Charlie.
( porch light squeaking in wind )
( squeaking continues )
( wood creaking )
( wind whistling )
( squeaking continues )
( wind whistling )
Is Charlie here right now?
( whistling )
I think he's sleeping.
( wind whistling )
( elevator bell echoes )
( dance music playing )
MAN ( in distance ):
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
( sultry laughter )
( passionate sighs, moaning )
( laughs )
( moaning )
( muffled shouts )
( screams )
( porch light squeaking in wind )
Can you see now, Daddy?
( squeaking continues in distance )
It's okay.
( sniffling quietly )
Daddy's gone now.
( cartoon music plays softly )
( insistent knocking on door )
Dr. Callaway?
( knocking continues )
Anybody home?
( indistinct radio communication )
( woman screams on TV,
cartoon music plays )
( door opens )
( footsteps approaching )
( footsteps ascending stairs )
( scratching on paper )
Emily? Hey...
where's your dad?
Neighbor called.
Said there was a problem.
Everything all right?
( sniffles )
What you drawing there?
( sniffles )
You. Dying.
( light switch clicks )
( stairs creaking )
( loud creaking )
( light footsteps running in distance )
( rattling )
Dr. Callaway?
( door creaking )
( clicking switches )
( sighs )
( panting )
( body squeaking on floor )
( body dragging )
( door creaking )
( creaking )
( sniffling )
( sniffles )
( spoon clatters on floor )
( panting )
I can't help but sense
a certain tension between us.
What's the matter?
Don't you want to play anymore?
Don't you want to have fun?
( sniffles )
You want your daddy back?
Is that it?
You like him more than me,
don't you?
( quietly ):
Oh, oh, liar.
( quietly ):
I'm not.
( chanting ):
Liar, liar...
You're a big fat liar.
You killed Mommy.
( wind whistling )
One, one thousand...
Two, one thousand...
Three, one thousand...
Four, one thousand...
Five, one thousand...
( quiet, slow footsteps )
( quiet, slow footsteps )
( soft rattling )
( wind whistling faintly )
( gasps )
( panting )
Oh, God, David, you scared me.
( gasps )
( groaning )
( grunting )
( screaming )
That's funny.
I could've sworn
I saw a little girl
by the name of Emily
come in here.
I wonder...
where she could be.
Could she be hiding
under the bed?
( chuckles ):
Could she be hiding
under this bed?
( chuckles )
Could she be...
hiding in the closet?
( panting )
( screams )
d Papa's gonna buy you d
d A mockingbird d
d And if that mockingbird
don't... sing d
d Papa's going to buy you
a diamond ring d
d And if that diamond ring
turns brass d
d Papa's going to buy you a...
looking glass d
d And if that looking glass
gets broke d
d Papa's going to buy you...
a billy goat. d
( panting )
( singing )
( rattling door )
( banging )
( panting )
( gasps )
Emily, open up for Daddy.
( loud banging on door )
( panting )
( window frame creaking )
( grunting )
Mommy misses you.
( Emily sobbing )
( panting )
( gasps )
( panting )
( panting )
DAVI D ( distant ):
( panting )
Emily... your daddy's
looking for you.
( water splashing )
( David humming )
d Papa's gonna buy you... d
( water splashing )
( playing "Mockingbird'")
( rattling )
( music box continues to play )
( panting )
( music continues )
( panting )
( Katherine gasps )
( panting ):
No, it's-it's me. It's David.
Where is Emily?
Katherine, I...
- Emily!
- It's all right.
I just want to explain
to you what it is...
- Stay right there.
- You were right.
- Emily!
- You were right.
I never should've
brought her up here.
It was a mistake.
I mean, Emily's not
the person who's... not well.
It's me.
And you said it...
""Trauma causes pain,''
and you were right.
We're going to get you
some help, okay?
I'm sorry.
( grunts )
( groaning )
( screams )
( gagging )
( Katherine gagging )
( coughing, gasping )
There you are.
( whimpering ):
Don't hurt her.
She's my friend.
I thought I was your friend.
Please, Charlie.
( David humming )
( sobbing )
( cocks gun )
Hide and seek.
- ( two gunshots )
- ( Emily screams )
( sobbing )
( "Mockingbird'"continues playing )
It's okay. It's okay.
You're safe now.
Time for school, sweetheart.
Have you got your homework?
Did you brush your teeth?
( laughs )
( haunting melody begins )
dd CHI LD ( vocalizing )
dd CHI LD ( singing )
dd ( singing ends )
( orchestra continues theme )