Higher Learning (1995) Movie Script
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Bef ore we begin...
Settle down. I got a questionI want to ask you all.
How many people came hereto change the world?
How many people came hereto learn how to make a lot of money?
Hey, we got an outreach program herewhere we really tap into the community.
What's the point?
Hey, listen, my f riends. You arethe few, the proud, the next...
...incoming f reshman classto Columbus University.
...unyieldina pursuitof academic ex cellence...
...one university standsout amonast the rest.:
Columbus University.
-What's up, Malik?-What's up, dog?
-Your mama got you some school gear.-Your mama let me use her credit card.
-Yeah, all right.-We'll see you.
Malik, what's wrong with you?
Why you always trying to showboat?How come you're not dressed?
My stomach was giving me trouble.
You think because you're a superstarrookie you don't have to work?
I got guys on this field who'll cleanyour clock in five seconds.
Get off my field.
It's like that?
That's how you made it.
Little off today, baby, huh?
-I'm Kristen.-Monet.
We're roommates, huh?
Yep. I like this side of the room,but I guess you got here first.
Yeah, I guess I did.
So, where are you f rom?
-Orange County.-Orange County, huh?
-ls that near Compton?-No.
-You're not f rom around here, are you?-No.
It's near Disneyland.
You live near Disneyland?
-Must be nice.-lt has its moments.
This is crazy.
Come on, girls, let's go.
I am getting my ownapartment next semester.
These dorms are f or children.I hate them. God.
-Do you want to room with me?-Hell, yeah. My room's like this big.
What about you?Want to get an apartment together?
-I can't aff ord it.-No sweat. Get your parents to pay.
-They can't.-Why not?
My dad got laid offf rom McDonnell Douglas last year.
The IRS audited him. My parentscould barely aff ord to send me here.
-But you are here.-I'm here and I'm happy.
My roommate's a Mexican,I bet she got a scholarship.
Shut up. Well, here we are.
All right, come here, darling.
Drink! Drink! Drink!
-Theta Kappa!-Hey, Chad.
Well, well, what do we got here?New recruits f or our Little Sister rush?
No, no. Actually, I don'tknow about that.
-Ladies, this is Chad.-Hi, Chad.
-Hey.-And this is Nicole, okay?
And this is Claudia, right?
-And this is, uh...-Kristen.
Kristen. I'm sorry. They're f reshmen.
How do we become Little Sisters?
They probably make you drink beerout of condoms and wet your T-shirt.
Beer out of a condom...That's a new one. Write that down.
-I will.-No, we don't do that here.
But I'll tell you this. There's nobodyon this campus who parties like we do!
Man, governmentsain't running things no more.
Financial institutions,they controlling the whole thing.
You ever hear of the World Bankor the IMF? No, huh?
Y'all probably don't even havechecking accounts.
But y'all got themcredit cards, huh?
Buy stuff out your meansand wonder why you still a slave.
Y'all better recognize,I'm telling you.
Dude, when are you gonna cleareveryone out? Classes start tomorrow.
-lt's over when it's over, dude.-" Dude."
I can't take this no more.
-Yo, man, watch my shoes.-You got a problem, man?
Look at this.
-What's up, kid?-They're playing their music, man.
These guys. I'm not trying to narc,but tomorrow's the first day of class.
I got physics in the morning.It's like f riggin' Soul Train up there.
You're here to study, not to party.Head home and hit those books.
Glad you had a good time.Come again on the weekend.
Good night. Okay.
People are trying to sleep.Give them a little respect, huh?
You don't hear that down the hall?
You ain't sweating them because they'replaying that hillbilly shit, right?
No, no. Because I dig rock 'n' roll.
Then roll your f at assdown the hall then.
That's that old bullshit.
-Why are you walking alone?-I don't know.
It's not safe to walk aroundcampus by yourself at night.
I just left the Row 'cause my f riendswere drinking and acting crazy.
I just went my own way.
Some f riends.
Look at all these pretty blue lights.
You don't know whatthey're f or, do you?
No. Decoration?
No, it's the blue-light system.
See, there's a phoneat the end of every block.
That way you can call securityin case someone tries to grab you.
You're gonna haveto be caref ul out here.
Come on.
I just got here.Have you met anybody yet?
Yeah, I just met somebody.
My name's Taryn.
-Junior.-Kristen. Freshman.
Yeah, I could tell.
Well, my first class is at 8:00.
-So...-Where's your dorm?
It's right here. Holland Hall.Real close.
-Thanks.-Sure. Oh, wait.
Students f or a Non-Sexist Society.
We have meetings Wednesdaysif you want to come by.
Okay. Thanks.
Oh, man.
Oh, man, I'm sorry.I didn't know you were here.
-lt's time f or us to talk.-About what?
About your side of the room.
What's wrong with it?
Look at it, man. It's filthy,it's f unky, it's stinking, man.
-What you do on that side affects me.-All right, I'll try.
Let's take a trip around the world.
Look there, under the statue.You see them people?
That's Disneyland.
And there's Chinatown.
And over there,that's south of the border.
And this right here is the black holebecause we're black f olks.
So, you Fudge, huh?I heard about you.
-What'd you hear about me?-I heard you were a super-duper senior.
Been here six yearsand still haven't graduated.
-She trying to play you out.-Why is that?
Because I done alreadylearned the game, f resh fish.
Is that right, old trout?
Y'all some trained Negroes.
Soon as you hear a bell,y'all go running.
Welcome to the real world.
Or, as it states in your scheduleof courses, Political Science 101 .
I am your instructor.My name is Professor Maurice Phipps.
Today I am going to give you your firstlesson in politics. Are you ready?
Now, I shall need one volunteer.
No wonder this nation is f allingbehind the rest of the world.
No one in this classseems to have any initiative.
You, brave soul, come f orward.
-And what is your name, my good man?-Malik Williams, Professor Phipps, sir.
Malik Williams. Mr. Williams,would you be kind enough...
...to read the nameswith the asterisks beside them?
Those persons whose namesare called, please stand.
All right. " Marvin Anthony,Wendy Arrington, Tanya Arroyo...
...Chris Barlow, Skye Blue,Jennifer Bryant...
Pamela Burris, Eric Cannon,Kristen Connor, Judith Dantzig...
...Patsy Ewing, Mark Katz...
...Malik Williams." What?
Thank you, Mr. Williams.You have served your purpose.
What's that list f or, dog?
Those persons whose names werecalled and whom are standing...
...the university instructed me thatyour financial bill hasn't been paid.
Leave and settle your debts. Youmay not return until you have done so.
There are no handoutsin the f ree world...
...and, appropriately, none inmy course. Thank you and good day.
Professor Phipps, I need this classf or my major. You know?
Young lady, calm yourself and goto the financial aid office.
What about me?
Don't you havesome business to attend to?
Yeah, but I thoughtI just showed initiative.
That don't count f or nothing, brother?
Mr. Williams, I do not appreciate,nor will I tolerate...
...people who try to brownnosein my course.
Now go to the financial aid officeor appeal to the athletic department.
I ain't no dumb athlete.
That remains to be seen.
Right. I hope that all of you...
Yo, dog, take good notes.I'm gonna need to borrow them.
Now that the bureaucratic nonsenseis out of the way, we'll get to...
...the business of real politics.
Are you sure? I mean,I don't understand this.
Never leave home without it.
Looks like we got a problemwith your fee bill.
Like what?
It says you got a partial athleticscholarship. Better talk to your coach.
Partial? That's a mistake.I'm a f ull-scholarship student.
I can't help that.That's what it shows.
-You sure your computer ain't broke?-I'm sorry, honey. I can't help you.
-Go get it cleared in that department.-Thank you.
Baby, you're just gonna haveto get a job.
Here's your card.
Come on, guys, pick it up!
You look like a bunch of girls!Come on, pick it up!
Come on, give me some juice.There you go.
Yeah, looking sweet.
-Twenty-three!-You want a what? A full scholarship?
Man, you aot some nerve.
All riaht, I'll see what I can do.
I don't wanna hear you're lax in yourstudies or fuckina up on the field.
You aot that?Do I make myself clear?
Yeah, man, I understand.
Word to the mother, kid.Have you seen that ass?
Hey, yo, what kindof munchies y'all got?
Where are the vittles at? The eats?
Hey, y'all ain't got no Kool-Aidup in this piece, man? Guess not.
I see y'all got some Evianup in here, though, huh?
How would you feel if you had to studyand I came in and blasted my music?
-That wouldn't happen.-Why not?
Because I'd whup your ass, that's why.
Ex cuse me.
Boy, I'm the master of Monopoly.
That's right.
You bankrupt, G.
Should've bought themapartments, man. I told you.
Hey, why you going to this school?
Well, because that's what they say youneed to do to make it in the country.
-What's "making it"?-Fudge, your printer's out of paper.
Well, then go buy some more.What's "making it"?
You know, getting a degree.You know, making that long dough.
Is that right? So you in itf or the money or the knowledge?
Check out this situation.
You at a f ootball game.There's thousands of people there.
All of them white.
The American flagis right above your head.
They're about to playthe national anthem.
All these people turn aroundand look you dead in your eye.
What do you do?
I stand up.I'd probably be so embarrassed...
You know, I'd stand up.You know what I'm saying?
They got you runningf or the school, huh?
-Yeah. Partial scholarship.-You don't run, you don't get tuition.
That's the way the system goes.
Run, nigger, run.
Oh, my God. Look at her hair.
-Be nice, Nicole. It's not that bad.-She looks like a tramp.
-Hi.-Hi. What'd you do to your hair?
-I just bleached it.-I love it. Yes.
Watch me bring it up.Watch me bring it.
Bam. Of all times.
Want to play again, man?Come on, let's play again.
-Three in a row.-You're a bastard.
-Want to play?-Huh?
-Want to play a game of pool?-I don't know how to play.
Okay, who's the geniuswho matches roommates up?
They moved me inwith a psycho dickhead.
It's like the Bates Hotelover at my place.
My days are numbered, Wayne.
-He's probably just quiet.-Okay.
-Hey, man. Say, where's the party?-Up here, man.
Is that right? Cool.
Here she goes.
Nice job. Hello! Good night.
Down the hatch.
Talented, I see.
-I never usually swallow.-You're a dirty girl.
-Hey, let's get one f or her, huh?-Give her a shot.
Kristen! Kristen! Kristen!
Drink! Drink! Drink!
All right!What a big girl you are, huh?
-I can't walk.-Please, come on.
-All right. Where are we going?-We're going to my house.
To the house.
When you say that you look really bad,like, you're perfect, you know?
Hey, do you think we should'velet Kristen go with Billy?
-Because she doesn't even drink.-Billy who?
I love you!
Billy, you've gotta get a rubber.
Billy, we should be using a condom.
Just a second.
Billy, come on.
-One second.-No. Get a condom.
Just wait a second.Shut up!
Billy, no! Stop it! Get a condom!
No! Stop it!
Billy, get off of me! Get off of me!
-Fuck, man!-No! Stop!
Stop! No!
You f ucker!
Kris, what the...? Wait!
Wait a second! Goddamn it!
Say, man.
-Did you give it to her?-What?
You f ucked her, right?Did she like it?
What the f uck are you talking about?How the f uck do you know?
-Go get a beer.-Who the f uck are you, man?
You just got laid, right?You should be cool.
-Motherf ucker!-What's up with you?
-What's your problem?-You're my problem, bitch.
I finished my paperand I don't have anything to do.
Kris, what's the matter?Why are you crying?
Oh, God, what have you been drinking?
Kris, what's wrong?
-Hello.-Can I speak to Kristen, please?
-Who's this?-Billy.
-Billy who? I don't know no Billys.-Yeah, I just...
I just need to talk to Kristen.
-You want to speak to Kristen.-No. No.
She's not here.
Even if she was here, I don't thinkshe'd wanna talk to you.
I know she's there. I can hear her.
-Can you put her on the phone?-Didn't I just tell you she's not here?
Put her on the phone,you black bitch!
-What did you say?-You heard me.
Why are y'all so quiet?
-Let's go.-To kick some ass, nigga?
Just get away f rom himand come home with me.
What do you think they makeyou do to get into this f rat?
You know?
You don't?
I bet you they make you do something,right?
Like things.
Crazy stuff.
I'd do it.
Which one?
-Yo! Get the f uck up!-Piece of crap. Get his ass.
What's up, bro? What did I do?
-Come on!-Man, let me go!
-Chad, what's up with these guys?-Call security now!
-What'd I do?-I'll just put my boot in your mouth.
I heard you been disrespectingblack women.
No, man, I haven't either...
You called me a black bitch,and you gonna get your ass kicked.
Come on, man, listen. I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry, okay?-Apologize to her!
Sorry! I'm sorry! Look, I'm so sorry.I'm so sorry.
Fuck that!We need to just bust his shit!
-No, listen. Please, man.-Here's what I want you to say.
I want you to say," I apologize, beautif ul black woman...
...mother of the Earth,queen of the universe."
I'm sorry.I apologize, black mother...
-Get it right!-I can't remember all that.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
These gang membersdragged him out f or no reason.
What the f uck you talking about,white boy?
Gang members?We go to school here too!
-Enough of this stuff.-I'll rip your ass off them stairs!
Don't I know you? Everybody else,come out with the I.D.'s.
You don't need to see nobody I.D.Don't show them.
Wait. Everything's okay now.It was just a misunderstanding.
We're cool now, right?
We're cool, right?
Hope you gonna break up their partylike you did ours.
-ls everything cool here now?-Very f ucking cool!
What's up?
Punk-ass motherf ucker.
I don't understand why they alwayshave to start all this trouble.
-You okay, Billy?-Yeah.
Come on.
We need to get past just complainingabout university security.
You know?
I'm tired of hearing women cryf or someone else to save them.
Think what that means.
Why do you need someone elseto save you?
Think about saving yourself.
Hi, everybody.
-Join us.-Okay.
We were talking about security oncampus, in light of a recent survey...
...that showed one out of f our womenhas been raped...
...or survived an attempted rape,since the age of 14.
Do you have any ideas or thoughtsyou want to share?
Fudge, you got some e-mailcoming through.
Is that right?
Need to start charging y'all f ools,like the university.
Twenty-five cent a page.
Y'all could pay f or my laundry.
You got the autobiographyof Frederick Douglass?
Biographies are up there.
-Damn. You read all these?-Most of them.
Hey, how you get turned onto Douglass?
Need it f or a class.
For a class. That's the onlyreason you're reading it?
-Yeah. Why else?-To feed your brain, f ool.
I thought you was a smart one,but you ain't. So you got to go.
-Can I borrow this book, man?-Yeah, go ahead.
Read it f or yourselfand not f or no damn class, though.
-Thanks f or the book, dog.-Run along.
-What's up, brother?-What's up, man?
Reading in the darkis bad f or the eyes.
-I got good eyes.-What book you reading?
-Iliad.-That's a good book. Great battles.
Yeah, it's all right.
Me and a couple f riends,we were gonna go get a drink.
You wanna come along?
I said, me and my buddies were gonnago get a drink. You wanna come along?
What are you,some queer or something?
-What? What are you talking about?-I should kick your ass, man.
First off, don't ever touch me again.
I will beat youto the f ucking ground, boy.
Secondly, you know,I ain't no f aggot.
I just wanted to knowif you wanted to get a drink.
-Sorry, man. It's a new city.-That's okay. I understand.
We'll f orget about it,have a drink...
...with good people.We'll have a good time.
-What do you say?-All right, man.
Pick up your stuff. Come on.
I mean, we're white, in America,what more do you need?
We're white, in America, what moredo you need to have a good time?
All right, here we go.
-What's your name again?-Remy.
-What's your name?-I'm Scott.
-So, where you f rom, Remy?-ldaho.
-ldaho, huh? Where in Idaho?-Boise.
That's the Big Sky State, huh?
-I think that's Montana.-That's right. It is Montana.
These are my brothers here.
Fellas, hey.
This here, this is Erik.
-What's up, man?-This is Knocko over here.
-This is James here.-Hi.
-Everybody, this is Remy.-Hey, Remy.
What's up?
You should know that democratictheory did not begin...
...with Rousseau's contract. No.
Its origins, in f act, lie inthe subject of landownership.
The common people became aware...
...that the upper classes owned the landupon which they lived and laboured.
This incensed them...
...inspired them to seek sovereigntyof their own homelands.
However,the social order of the day...
...did not permit landownershipby the common man.
Theref ore, these people...
...felt the need to leavetheir homelands...
...to flee in an eff ort to escapepolitical and social persecution.
Hence, the creation that is America.
Theref ore, the basic premise...
...of democratic theory...
...is that each and every citizenliving within that society...
...is entitled...
...to what?
We are entitled to life...
...liberty and the pursuitof happiness.
What you people have to realizeis that despite having these rights...
...very few people ex ercise them.
It is that type of apathy thatcorrodes our country f rom within.
Your assignment f or the semesteris as f ollows:
To f ormulateyour own political ideology.
This will be dictated by your sex,background...
...socioeconomic status...
...personal experience,et cetera, et cetera.
This course will be likeanything in life.
It will be what you make of it.I am not a babysitter.
Ladies and gentlemen,do not waste my time.
...no one is going to treatyou special...
...just because you are black.
Right. Or white.
Or Hispanic.
Or Indian.
Or Asian.
Or because you are a woman.
Or because you f ailed to getsufficient rest last night.
Or because you are...
What are you?
-I don't know.-Right.
Don't sweat it.
Come on.
Watch it.
-Watch out.-Watch it. Watch it.
-Damn.-Let's see your I.D.
No, let us see your I.D.
Forget these guys.
Thought so.
You know what that's all about?They hate me 'cause they ain't me.
Can you hand me another oneof those mayonnaise?
-Do you want to report it?-lt's not gonna do anything.
They're just gonna make mefeel like shit...
...and make me look likeI asked f or it.
I didn't ask f or this.I just wanna go to school.
Come here.
This ain't cool, dog. A " B" oncontent, and then I get a " C" f or...
Punctuation mistakes,misspellings...
...grammatical error,et cetera, et cetera.
You probably didn't even read it.TA graded all of these, right?
If you could spell as well as you run,it would be better, Mr. Williams.
-Sellout.-Mr. Williams.
So Mr. Williamsthinks I am an Uncle Tom.
Well, well, well.
What does that have to do with yourability to place a comma properly...
...or put a periodat the end of a sentence?
-Look...-Would you care f or a peppermint?
No, thank you.
You're usingthat reverse treatment...
...'cause I'm one of the onlyblack f aces in your class.
Mr. Williams, I treat everyonein my course exactly the same...
...and I will continue to give youa difficult time...
...until you have proventhat you deserve otherwise.
-Those are the rules of the game.-lt's a f ucked-up game.
Please watch your language.
Rid yourself of this attitudethat the world owes you something.
You must strip yourself of thatmentality. It breeds laziness.
It is laziness that has keptblack people down in this country.
I don't think like that.All right, man, it's just...
Look, I don't need one of my owntrying to treat me like I'm the enemy.
The enemy? Who is the enemy?
One man with a white beardwho sits behind his desk...
...pushing buttons that controlthe f ate of the entire world?
No, that is not reality.That is The Wizard of Oz.
No, man, I mean anybody.
White, black, anybodywho gets in the way of my progress.
I am not in your way.
I did not ask youto come to this university...
...nor am I here to motivate you.
Your own presenceshould be motivation enough.
I have nothing to prove,unlike you.
I don't have anything to prove.
Who do I have something to prove to?
Good afternoon, Mr. Williams.
Ladies and aentlemen,the next race on the track...
...will be the 4x100-metre relay.
In lane three, the non-scorina B-teamfrom John Paul Colleae.
Lane number four, the scorina teamfrom Columbus University.
Lane number five, the scorina teamfrom John Paul Colleae.
And in lane six, the non-scorinaB-team from Columbus University.
On your marks!
May we have quiet for the start.
We have a fair start.
Adam Bailey out very wellin lane four for Columbus University.
Gettina ready now forthe first ex chanae.
Down the backstretch they ao.Columbus in four, John Paul in five.
A tremendous effortby John Paul Colleae...
...moves them into the lead as weaet ready for the second ex chanae.
In the far turn, John Paul in five,Columbus in four, neck and neck.
Gettina readyfor the anchor lea.
Stick! Stick!
Tyrene Jay for John Paul...
...and Robert "The Rocket" Simmonsfor Columbus.
-It is John Paul followed by Columbus.-First place, 39.58.
Second place, 39.60.
-Second place, 39.60.-Correct.
The next race on the trackwill be the 1500 metres.
That event is scheduled in 10 minutes.Visit the concession stand...
Ain't no next time.All I'm saying is this.
I got a lot riding on this. I'm notabout to let my stats get blown.
You the only weak link on this team.
You listening to me?
Fool, all you is, all you ever gonnabe, is a runner. Like a horse.
You're a slave,too ignorant to know it.
-Who you calling ignorant, bitch?-Hey!
-We're a team, man!-Fuck that shit!
We gotta stick together, black men!
Get your shit together, bitch!Stupid bitch!
I like that.
I like your beautif ul hair,your eyes, your lips.
Look at this f ool with his cave bitch.It's a damn shame, man.
Don't that make you upsetas a black woman?
I don't want him.
Yeah, I can dig that.He's weak anyway.
Miss Deja.Where you f rom? Texas, right?
-I see you did your research.-Not enough.
-God.-I could always know more.
What, you shy?
-No. Are you?-I stepped to you, didn't I?
I've been seeing you on the track,having a little attitude.
I seen you too,acting like you all that.
-I'm not acting like...-Mr. Big Stuff. Yes, you do.
You be like:
-Running f or your life.-So you be looking at me?
-I don't look at you.-You just imitated my f orm.
You be looking at me, right?
A little bit,but we're on the same team.
-I been looking at you too.-God.
-What dorm you staying in?-Why you wanna know where I live?
-I wanted to get you home safe.-I'll be okay.
-There's a lot of crazies here.-Goodness.
I'll guard your body.Be your bodyguard.
How do you feel knowing this countrydoesn't belong to you any longer?
I mean,what do you think of that?
How do you feel knowing thatwhen you graduate f rom college...
...you might not get a job becauseof your skin colour?
Because of some quota.
People don't realize how f ar downthe drain America has gone.
What do you think about that, Remy?
I guess I never thoughtabout that, man.
It's different here than I thoughtit was gonna be.
Seems like everybody'ssticking to their own...
...taking up f or their own.
I don't know anybody down here.
It's different, man. You know.
-All I got is me.-No, man.
And me. We're brothers by blood.
Yeah, you got me too, Remy.
I think I'm gonna cry.
Shut the f uck up, Knocko.Show the man some respect.
That's cool, Scott.
That's pure Aryan bloodyou're talking to.
No, no, no, you're right.
This is brotherhood, Remy.Welcome home.
-Thanks.-See, Remy, this is your f amily now.
And if there should be anything at allthat you wanna talk about...
...then I want you to come to meor to us.
If there's one thing I want youto leave thinking about tonight...
...it's that we take care of our own.
Thanks, man.
Thanks, Scott.
Run-on. Run-on.Fragment. Fragment. Fragment.
-ls this a period or a comma?-That's a lot of red ink.
-Do you want help?-I'm here.
Malik, you gotta get this to flow,and right now it's not flowing.
Right here,that's a really good point...
...but you gotta f ollow it upwith a concise explanation.
What do you mean?
Malik, when you write an essay,you gotta f ollow a certain f ormat.
You start with your thesis statement...
...and you have to always usetransitional phrases.
And don't use the same wordevery single time.
Change it up.Professors hate that.
You should use a thesaurus.And where's your outline?
We got a lot of work to do.
-ls something wrong?-No.
-Are you sure?-Yeah.
I'm fine.
I am af raid it is unclear.
But... I don't understand.
Miss Connor, you don't appear to takeany kind of position in this paper.
I thought that, when you write, you'resupposed to be as objective as possible.
That is a rule of journalism.
It is often taughtand very rarely practised.
This, however,is a political science course.
If you wish to writeabout objectivity...
...write about its use in modernpolitics in your view.
That'd make a good paper.I'll write that down.
Oh, Christ Jesus.
In f uture, Miss Connor,please find your own thesis.
I am looking f or evidenceof original thought.
You are not here to simply recycledates and f acts f rom the past.
One's primary purposeat university level...
...should be to learn how to think.
Now, question:
Did you write this paper?
You really feel like insultingmy intelligence, don't you?
I worked my ass off on that paper.I rewrote it three times.
-Shouldn't be one misspelled word.-Okay, Mr. Williams, I believe you.
Are you having problemshere at Columbus?
It's all right.
I got a problem with the way f oolsbe tripping when they see a black f ace.
Someone spit in your f acewhen you first came to campus?
Was there a cross burnedoutside your dormitory?
No. I know what you'retrying to get at.
Just 'cause it ain't up in my f ace,that don't mean it's not happening.
It's less physical now.It's more mental.
I gotta run and study, man.
I don't see these white f olks worryingabout nothing but going to class...
...talking about skiing.They don't have the same worries.
Then your problem is financial.Not racial, but economic.
These type of problemscan be worked out.
For example,you are a runner, are you not?
-One of the best.-A big-time track star, huh?
All right.
Let us say you are running a race...
...and you suspect the opposing teamhas a member who is f aster, stronger...
...more big-time than yourself.
What do you do then?Do you leave the track?
Hell, no.
-What do you do?-Run f aster.
-We're having a rally.-Out here?
Yeah, and we also havethese meetings as well...
...where a group of women get togetherand discuss all sorts of issues...
-...about sexuality...-Oh, wow.
...student security,all sorts of things.
-I think it'd be great if you'd come.-Thank you.
-What?-I said, can I have a flyer?
It's f or Studentsf or a Non-Sexist Society.
-Wayne, right?-Yeah.
-lt's a women's group.-That's kind of a contradiction.
You want a non-sexist society...
...but you won't give me a flyerbecause I'm a man? That's not cool.
Why do you really want to come?
-Your hair looks better that way.-Thanks.
-You're welcome.-God.
Warrior representation. Yes.
No means no! No means no!No means no!
I'm a f reshman.
I was raped.
No, we didn't.
We'll have to think aboutwhat we're doing next week.
-You look cute.-Do I?
Happy Halloween, brother!
Be sure and stay away f rom the whitegirls f rom now on. I know you will.
What are you doing?Let's go get some f ucking candy!
-That was awesome.-lt was good.
There are thingswe could've done better...
...but I was proud of you.
-Thank you.-Yeah.
-I feel so much better now.-Good.
Look, you know, I could just...
Why don't I just staywith you tonight?
We could stay up and talk or...
What do you think?
Are you sure you're ready f or that?
Don't do it just becauseyou're f ascinated.
I want you to be sure.
Good night.
Good night.
...what's up with your f riend?
-She's weird.-She's not weird. She's just different.
Yeah, and I bet she wants to show youjust how different she can be, huh?
I'm tired of running and studying.
It's too hard to do both.I feel like a slave.
They wouldn't give a f uck about meif I wasn't running f or this school.
I'm tired of feelinglike a thoroughbred.
Why you always gottatake stuff so f ar?
People would die to be where you are,and you tripping.
You have the opportunity to goto school, and it's here. So take it.
I don't see security stopping youon campus to see your I.D.
You're all hunky-dorywith your scholarship.
They'll let that harmless black womanthrough easier than a man.
-So you think I got it easy?-Hell, yeah.
-Easier than me.-You know them girls I stay with?
Every time something comes up missing,who you think they look at?
-And?-I feel like fighting.
-I feel like beating people up.-Why don't you?
It's a waste of time.Instead, I fight with this:
And I'm getting mine.
You gotta stop doing this all the time:And start doing this:
Quit worrying aboutwhat people are thinking.
Yeah, but it still ain't the same.
You a woman.I'm a black man.
You're safe.
I'm a threat, educated or not.
You ain't educated yet.
Hey. Kristen.
-Can we talk?-Sure. Here?
-Don't put too much lipstick on.-Why not?
You don't want to look like a tramp.You'll look desperate.
Here, blot it some.
-ls that better?-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like that.
Is that him?Well, all right, Kristen.
I was getting worried about you.
-Where'd you get these, man?-A buddy of mine in law enf orcement.
Fucking gun-control department.
These guns all suck.
It don't matter as long asthey do the job.
-Do you want a beer?-Yeah.
Check this out, man.
This is a gun, man.
-Glock 9 mm.-Shut up.
Pumped gas two yearsto buy this. Laser sighting.
Fucking Rambo, man!No way I can miss.
-This is power.-Don't point that f ucking shit at me!
I know how to handle guns, man.I been shooting since I was 9.
Don't ever point a gun at meever again. You'll be sorry.
Who taught you how to shoot?
-My pa.-Your pa?
My pa's a survivalist.Used to kick my ass every day.
He's always talking aboutthe world coming to an end.
Do you like to hike?
I've never really tried it.
Yeah? You should go.Around here there's beautif ul hills.
I try and go everyday. I was therethis morning. The light was beautif ul.
What if there's snakes?Hey, Monet.
-How's it going?-Cool. You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
-Hi, Taryn.-Hi, Monet. How you doing?
-See you later.-Yeah, see you guys later. Bye.
I like it that you understand me.
There are things that...
...I don't have to say because...
...you just know how I feel.
That was nice.
I think you're nice.
You're trembling.
Are you af raid?
I won't hurt you.
I don't want you to do anythingthat you don't wanna do.
I know.
I want to.
Are you ready?
Just a second.
As a black man in America,my stress comes f rom everywhere.
Recognize.Take a look around you.
Look at this.Columbus disgusts me.
Fool wasn't nothing but a thief,mass murderer.
Slaughtered Native Americans, we got aholiday and a university named f or him?
We're supposed to be learning theirwesternised thoughts...
...only to learn that in their eyes,we're lower class. Always.
Class is a state of mind.
History's proven you can bethe smartest, run the f astest...
...they still think we inferior.
What's that shirt, man?
You support the Black Panthers?
-Yeah. And?-That's reverse racism, man.
-What?-Malik, come on...
I'm gonna kick your ass,whatever ass you got left, f ool!
Yeah, all right.You can run, but you can't hide!
"The sharp separatina wallbetween master and slave fell.
The Aryan aave up the purity of hisblood and, therefore, he also lost...
... the place in the paradisehe had created for himself.
He became submeraed in therace mixture. He aradually lost..."
What's up, man?
Man, I gotta admit, you've been realpolite about staying out of my way.
But you ain't been honest.
I figure, it ain't what a person say,it's what they think.
So in my mind...
...you been walking around calling mea nigger in your head.
Am I right?
-I don't have nothing to say to you.-I think you do.
Say what you feel.You think I'm a nigger?
Then be a man and call me oneto my f ace.
You're just a punk-ass white boywith a f ucked-up haircut.
Fuck you!You don't f ucking scare me!
This is f ucked-up.This is really f ucked-up.
What's wrong with you?
I don't give a shitwhat you do with your stuff...
...but this is my stuff, man!
-Know how selfish that is?-What are you gonna do?
Jeez, I don't know. I'm gonnakick your ass. What does that mean?
Why don't you get your shitand move out, man?
Ex cuse me?Why don't I get my shit and move out?
-You moved in here.-What are you gonna do?
Look, why don't we just sit down?
Why don't we just f uckingstop this and talk about it?
I don't wanna talk to you.I don't need to talk.
Don't you know I'm superior to you?
Don't you know I camef rom the master race?
-You're nothing. Don't tell me what...-Get off, crazy motherf ucker!
All right, motherf ucker?Go to sleep.
Calm your ass down. Calm down.What is wrong with you, man?
-What's going on?-I gotta get out of here.
-Fuck you!-What the f uck?
You damn Jews and niggersstick together.
You all work against me,the pure, white, Christian man.
Don't you know he controls you, nigger?You ain't nothing without them.
You're nothing!You're a slave.
I'll take my f ucking belt off, man.I'll make you my f ucking monkey.
-Get on the floor.-Relax.
Get on the floor!
You're not white.You're Jewish. You're nothing.
You're not me!What are you gonna do?
Dirty nigger.Got something to say now?
I'm not f ooling.You got something to say now?
-Jesus Christ! Fucking relax!-Who's the man now, big man?
Fucking hotshot ape.You're nothing, Malik! You're nothing!
You're dead. You're dead.
Don't move, f ucker.
You're all gonna die.You're gonna die, monkey!
He had a f ucking gun!A f ucking gun!
I'm gonna call secur... He broke thephone. We gotta call security.
-I'm gonna get this f ool!-Where are you going?
-Stop. Not so f ast.-Get out of my way.
I'm trying to catch this dudewho just pulled a gun on me!
-Let's see I.D.-You don't need no I.D.! Out of my way!
No! That's the wrong guy!That's the wrong guy!
-Who are you?-Get the f uck out of here!
Charlie, look what I f oundin the kid's room.
You believe this?Do me a f avour, will you?
See if you can find a name or a pictureor an I.D. in his room.
You bet.
All right, let's break it up.Everything is fine now.
What do you mean, " Break it up"?Look at those white f olks there.
You ain't telling them to go.
White boy pull a gun out in his f aceand you ask us to break it up?
Y'all got some nerves.Fuck you! We ain't going nowhere.
If they can stand over there together,we can stand here together.
Now you go find the assholethat pulled a gun on this man's f ace.
Get those kids to move outso we can clear this area.
Okay, let's go.Break it up. Come on.
Show's over. Back to your rooms.Nothing to see here.
What do you thinkhappened here?
-What's going on?-I don't know.
It's Malik.
What happened?
-He doesn't feel like talking now.-Can I help?
What's that all about?
I don't know.
Hey, man. Malik, wait up.
What's up, man?Why'd you move all your stuff out?
I'm staying with some homies now.
I thought you and Davidmight want to live together.
David doesn't even knowif he's going to school next semester.
He's all depressed. His parentshave him going to a shrink.
-I think he's lost it, myself.-Listen, Wayne.
I think you're cool, man.
We ain't never had no beef,outside of your dirty clothes...
...and opposite taste in music.
But I'm just...I'm at the point where...
...I feel safer and more comf ortablewith my own people.
I ain't come here to haveno white boy pull a gun in my f ace.
I could have got that in the ghetto.
Seems like this system is setuptowards maintaining white supremacy.
I didn't come here to learn that...
I understand you're pissed.But I'm not like that, Malik.
You treat me like I'm Remy.
I'm not like that.I'm no white supremacist!
Is that what you see?
I'm different.
So are you. You know?
No, I'm not. Neither are you.That's the problem.
What are you two doingsitting there? Plotting?
Yeah, we're plotting.Plotting to steal.
To steal what?
-To steal the inf ormation. All of it.-Yeah, but whose inf ormation is it?
The more you learn about this system,the more upset you get.
Oh, my dear Mr. Williams.
Inf ormation is power.
If you don't have the inf ormation,one cannot seize power.
You need to think aboutbecoming mentally competitive.
Being black does not f ree youf rom being a responsible individual.
But being a responsible individualdon't f ree you f rom being black.
-That's right.-Poor, misguided soul.
You have yet to learnthe rules of this game.
-He will.-I don't want to.
See, I'm smart enough to knowit's not my game to play.
I'm just a pawn like everybody else.
Used intelligently, a pawn can createa checkmate, Mr. Williams.
Or become a verypowerf ul player himself.
Don't you understand?This is all a game. All of this.
Like basketball, f ootball,Mr. Big-Time Track Star, a game.
You play it to win.
Because in the real world, no one wantsto hear ex cuses or empty rhetoric.
They want to knowif you have a plan.
Mr. Williams, Mr. White,good afternoon.
All right.
Mr. White?
-You had his class bef ore?-Yeah, I had his class once.
Maybe twice.
Let's roll.
" Mr. Williams, do you have a plan?Nobody wants to hear that bullshit."
Somebody's got to do somethingabout how tense it is.
We can't let the campus go crazybecause of the actions of some psycho.
What do you mean, "we"?"We" don't have to do anything.
Just because you and I get alongdoesn't mean everybody else has to.
Get that "We Are the World"stuff out of your head...
...'cause it is not gonna happen,not on this campus.
Hi, here's a flyer f or the Peace Fest.Take a flyer.
Come to the Peace Fest.
-Faggot.-Suck my ass.
-Fuck.-Fuck you.
-Fuck me? Why don't you shut up?-Don't start that.
Why did you drop out of school?
I never really wantedto go anyway, man.
All's it was was an ex cuseto get out of Idaho.
You know?
What's the point? The gooks andtowelheads get the engineering jobs.
Leave the white man in the cold.Goddamn affirmative action shit. Right?
You really should not have dropped outof school. You hear me?
We need more people like youto become doctors, lawyers, engineers.
You listen, you get it together andyou do something f or your own people.
Your own country.
If you don't, you ain't nothingbut a race traitor yourself, you hear?
Fuck you, you big-eared f aggot!
Fuck you, you big-eared f aggot!
No, you know what?You are worse than a f ucking nigger!
-What's up?-ls Malik here?
Yeah. You didn't bring no homies?Got any sisters?
-What's up?-You got crazy f riends.
What happened?
Skinhead f ool whopulled a gun on me...
I beat him.I'm the man. I'm God!
Put something cold on it.
-I don't need no ice.-Put the ice on it!
I had his ass like this:
Why you fighting like some thug?This is college.
I don't know about that no more.
About to take a semester off,let the shit cool.
It's about this, nigger! See this?Yo, it's about this black fist, nigger!
We gonna poundtheir motherf ucking ass...
...until they give in, motherf ucker!
You're gonna drop out.
-Did I say that?-I see it in your eyes.
I said I'm gonna take me a break.Look at me!
-Look what they did to my f ucking f ace!-What's wrong with you?
It's a war, man.This is the first battle in the war.
I'm telling you, man. Remy's right,man. It's their gang against our gang.
Fucking Malik.I'm gonna get him. Fuck him!
Fuck all those f ucking niggers.They're all gonna f ucking die.
Fucking Malik's a piece of shit.It's all right. We're coming back, man.
We're coming back. Niggers, spics,the f ucking mud people, they'll get it.
-Fucking idiots.-Fuck all those niggers, man!
Hey, yo, trooper.What's up, man?
What's up with your girl?She out there looking kinda bugged.
It ain't nothing.She's just tripping, I guess.
It's all good, though.
Them f ools.They so lucky they called security.
I was fit to kill one of them whiteboys. You know what I'm saying?
Whoa, shit!Fucking white boy.
See how he swole my shit up?Knuckles all f at and shit.
It's all right, though.Whipped his ass so bad...
...his stepmom's gonna feel mef or the next three birthdays.
Look what his homeboy didto your head.
What you talking about? This shit?He ain't f ading nothing over here.
-One ass-whooping, but they still won.-How you figure that?
Look around you, man.
They own this shit.
They own this couch you sitting on,them shoes on your feet...
...this building, this school,this country, you!
We're behind enemy lines, dog.
One beat-down will never compareto 439 years of captivity. Never.
You don't know shit, f reshman.
This is a war. This is the openingstages of World War III.
I said, shut the f uck up!
I'm tired of hearing your bullshit. I'mtired of you trying to rev everybody up.
What are you gonna do, college boy?And you don't even got your GED.
-Two f ucking dumb-asses together.-I'm gonna make war.
That's right, man. A race war.
-On who?-On the f ucking niggers.
On the f ucking race traitors.On the f ucking everybody.
Why you testing me?
Remy, you ever shot somebody bef ore?
Actually, better yet,you ever shoot a piece of meat?
Seen what bullets do to flesh?
Them f ucking niggers out there,them f ucking little monkeys...
...those gangbangers...
...are training every f ucking dayand every night shooting each other.
They're ready f or war.
But are you?
If it all went down today...
...which one of you would havethe balls to shoot a nigger?
-I would.-You would?
Would you?
I have.
-I'd do it.-Yeah?
That's right. I'd do it.
All right, then.
-What's his problem?-My f ucking head's killing me.
Everybody says things one way,and you talk to me that way?
This is my blood, man.It's white blood.
What you got there, Scott?
Go on and kill one of them, man.Big shot.
-Are you really gonna do it?-Yeah, he's gonna!
I'll do it.
You do it.You do this shit, Remy!
Right between the nigger'sf ucking eyes!
-I'll do it, man.-All right, Remy!
Come here. Hey! Hey!
There are many ways to fight a battle.Different f ronts f or different people.
Some people use their mind,some use words...
-...some use fists.-This is my f ront.
-For real?-That's right. This is my f ront.
-You're f ull of shit.-I'm f or real.
Go ahead, then.
What is high?
What is higher?
What is learn?
What is learning?
What is higher learning?
What it is?I mean, what is it?
What is higher learning?
Promise me you won't drop out.
I ain't going nowhere without you.
Vikina Two to Vikina One.
-Yeah, Viking One.-Let's do it, man.
I'm gonna kill communication.This looks suspicious. All right?
For Eurocentric indoctrination...
...is learning in an environmentthat is mostly white.
If the Dred Scott decisionwas retried in a contemporary court...
... the decision would be the same...
...meanina that a black manwould still have no riahts...
... that a white man, by law,would be bound to respect.
The result would be the sameno matter what the law states...
...because it was not written by andfor the benefit of African-Americans.
The credo"And liberty and justice for all"...
...is a falsehood that has been widelyianored and needs to be addressed.
That was great.
Let's give a big round of applausef or Eve's Plum.
The purpose of this gatheringis to bring together everyone...
...so we can have f undespite our differences...
...whether they be racial,cultural or sexual.
This is a celebration of thecommonality of these differences.
There are people in this country whohave profited f rom keeping us apart.
Do you feel better?
I'll feel better tonight.
Shoot, Remy, shoot!
Remy, brother,you aotta do it now!
Come on, Remy!Do it for the Aryan Nation!
White power, Remy!White power!
White power!
-I know what that was. Come on.-lt was probably a car.
Somebody's got a gun!
Everybody, stay calm.Don't panic.
Come on!
We have to get her to the hospital.
Go get some help, boy!
Mr. Williams?
Mr. Williams, please...
Malik, what are youstanding there f or?
You must go now!
Do you hear me, Mr. Williams?
Do you hear me?
White motherf ucker!
You're dead!
It's my world. It's my country.
It's my world.
You're nothing but a monkey.Look at me.
I'm a man. I'm the man.
I'm a man! You're nothing!
-You're nothing! You can't beat me.-Fuck you.
I f ucking hate you!
You gonna die!
She's dead!
I'm gonna kill you!
You're gonna die now!
-You all right?-Get off me!
Hey, kid. What are you doing, kid?
Take it easy. Come on.
It's gonna be all right. Settle down.
Everything's gonna be fine.Take it easy. Just relax.
What are you doing? No!
-Don't shoot.-Get away!
-We can't get back, kid, we can't.-You wanna shoot me.
No, we don't. Put the gun down.
-Get away f rom me.-We're not coming any closer.
-You're lying.-I'm not. Nobody's hurt yet.
-You're lying.-I'm not lying. Look at my eyes.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. We know. Put it down.
-lt's over.-No.
Don't do this. Put it down.
I wanted to build things.I wanted to be an engineer.
-You still can.-Stop lying!
Please, put the gun down. It's okay.
It hurts.
I know.
-lt hurts.-I know, kid. It's okay.
-lt's okay.-lt's not.
It is.
This is Columbus University,a great centre of higher learning.
But the lesson taught here today...
...was one in how good thingscan go tragically wrong.
A multicultural peace fest organizedin the interest of campus unity...
...has ended with three people dead.
One of them was a gunman who took hisown life after killing two students.
The mayor...
...is on his way to the campusas we speak.
University administrationhas had nothina whatsoever to say.
Wow. You know what that is?
Remy's f ucking dead.
No, man. That's white power.
Yeah, you're right.
White power. White f ucking power!
-White power!-Siea heil.
What do you think I should do?
What do I think?
You're right.
That's my job.
Man, I don't know, you know?
Maybe if I hadn't...
It's just...
Man, I don't know what to do.
Mr. Williams...
...in spite of the recent tragedy here,you have persevered.
You have overcome many obstaclesthis semester.
For those reasons,you have my utmost respect...
...and every confidence...
...that you will make a wise decisionconcerning your f uture.
Got to think.
Got to get my head straight.
I'm gonna go now.
Without struggle,there is no progress.
Frederick Douglass.
I lost my girl here.
I feel like this is all my f ault.
I helped put this whole thing together.
I'm responsible f or all of this.
Oh, God.
You can't blame yourself, you know?
My name's Kristen.
Nice to meet you.
I seen you around.
Phipps' class, huh?
It's f unny we never spoke bef ore.
It's f unny.
...I gotta get going.
-Take care.-You too.
All right. Give us a big smile now.
Bef ore we begin...
Settle down. I got a questionI want to ask you all.
How many people came hereto change the world?
How many people came hereto learn how to make a lot of money?
Hey, we got an outreach program herewhere we really tap into the community.
What's the point?
Hey, listen, my f riends. You arethe few, the proud, the next...
...incoming f reshman classto Columbus University.
...unyieldina pursuitof academic ex cellence...
...one university standsout amonast the rest.:
Columbus University.
-What's up, Malik?-What's up, dog?
-Your mama got you some school gear.-Your mama let me use her credit card.
-Yeah, all right.-We'll see you.
Malik, what's wrong with you?
Why you always trying to showboat?How come you're not dressed?
My stomach was giving me trouble.
You think because you're a superstarrookie you don't have to work?
I got guys on this field who'll cleanyour clock in five seconds.
Get off my field.
It's like that?
That's how you made it.
Little off today, baby, huh?
-I'm Kristen.-Monet.
We're roommates, huh?
Yep. I like this side of the room,but I guess you got here first.
Yeah, I guess I did.
So, where are you f rom?
-Orange County.-Orange County, huh?
-ls that near Compton?-No.
-You're not f rom around here, are you?-No.
It's near Disneyland.
You live near Disneyland?
-Must be nice.-lt has its moments.
This is crazy.
Come on, girls, let's go.
I am getting my ownapartment next semester.
These dorms are f or children.I hate them. God.
-Do you want to room with me?-Hell, yeah. My room's like this big.
What about you?Want to get an apartment together?
-I can't aff ord it.-No sweat. Get your parents to pay.
-They can't.-Why not?
My dad got laid offf rom McDonnell Douglas last year.
The IRS audited him. My parentscould barely aff ord to send me here.
-But you are here.-I'm here and I'm happy.
My roommate's a Mexican,I bet she got a scholarship.
Shut up. Well, here we are.
All right, come here, darling.
Drink! Drink! Drink!
-Theta Kappa!-Hey, Chad.
Well, well, what do we got here?New recruits f or our Little Sister rush?
No, no. Actually, I don'tknow about that.
-Ladies, this is Chad.-Hi, Chad.
-Hey.-And this is Nicole, okay?
And this is Claudia, right?
-And this is, uh...-Kristen.
Kristen. I'm sorry. They're f reshmen.
How do we become Little Sisters?
They probably make you drink beerout of condoms and wet your T-shirt.
Beer out of a condom...That's a new one. Write that down.
-I will.-No, we don't do that here.
But I'll tell you this. There's nobodyon this campus who parties like we do!
Man, governmentsain't running things no more.
Financial institutions,they controlling the whole thing.
You ever hear of the World Bankor the IMF? No, huh?
Y'all probably don't even havechecking accounts.
But y'all got themcredit cards, huh?
Buy stuff out your meansand wonder why you still a slave.
Y'all better recognize,I'm telling you.
Dude, when are you gonna cleareveryone out? Classes start tomorrow.
-lt's over when it's over, dude.-" Dude."
I can't take this no more.
-Yo, man, watch my shoes.-You got a problem, man?
Look at this.
-What's up, kid?-They're playing their music, man.
These guys. I'm not trying to narc,but tomorrow's the first day of class.
I got physics in the morning.It's like f riggin' Soul Train up there.
You're here to study, not to party.Head home and hit those books.
Glad you had a good time.Come again on the weekend.
Good night. Okay.
People are trying to sleep.Give them a little respect, huh?
You don't hear that down the hall?
You ain't sweating them because they'replaying that hillbilly shit, right?
No, no. Because I dig rock 'n' roll.
Then roll your f at assdown the hall then.
That's that old bullshit.
-Why are you walking alone?-I don't know.
It's not safe to walk aroundcampus by yourself at night.
I just left the Row 'cause my f riendswere drinking and acting crazy.
I just went my own way.
Some f riends.
Look at all these pretty blue lights.
You don't know whatthey're f or, do you?
No. Decoration?
No, it's the blue-light system.
See, there's a phoneat the end of every block.
That way you can call securityin case someone tries to grab you.
You're gonna haveto be caref ul out here.
Come on.
I just got here.Have you met anybody yet?
Yeah, I just met somebody.
My name's Taryn.
-Junior.-Kristen. Freshman.
Yeah, I could tell.
Well, my first class is at 8:00.
-So...-Where's your dorm?
It's right here. Holland Hall.Real close.
-Thanks.-Sure. Oh, wait.
Students f or a Non-Sexist Society.
We have meetings Wednesdaysif you want to come by.
Okay. Thanks.
Oh, man.
Oh, man, I'm sorry.I didn't know you were here.
-lt's time f or us to talk.-About what?
About your side of the room.
What's wrong with it?
Look at it, man. It's filthy,it's f unky, it's stinking, man.
-What you do on that side affects me.-All right, I'll try.
Let's take a trip around the world.
Look there, under the statue.You see them people?
That's Disneyland.
And there's Chinatown.
And over there,that's south of the border.
And this right here is the black holebecause we're black f olks.
So, you Fudge, huh?I heard about you.
-What'd you hear about me?-I heard you were a super-duper senior.
Been here six yearsand still haven't graduated.
-She trying to play you out.-Why is that?
Because I done alreadylearned the game, f resh fish.
Is that right, old trout?
Y'all some trained Negroes.
Soon as you hear a bell,y'all go running.
Welcome to the real world.
Or, as it states in your scheduleof courses, Political Science 101 .
I am your instructor.My name is Professor Maurice Phipps.
Today I am going to give you your firstlesson in politics. Are you ready?
Now, I shall need one volunteer.
No wonder this nation is f allingbehind the rest of the world.
No one in this classseems to have any initiative.
You, brave soul, come f orward.
-And what is your name, my good man?-Malik Williams, Professor Phipps, sir.
Malik Williams. Mr. Williams,would you be kind enough...
...to read the nameswith the asterisks beside them?
Those persons whose namesare called, please stand.
All right. " Marvin Anthony,Wendy Arrington, Tanya Arroyo...
...Chris Barlow, Skye Blue,Jennifer Bryant...
Pamela Burris, Eric Cannon,Kristen Connor, Judith Dantzig...
...Patsy Ewing, Mark Katz...
...Malik Williams." What?
Thank you, Mr. Williams.You have served your purpose.
What's that list f or, dog?
Those persons whose names werecalled and whom are standing...
...the university instructed me thatyour financial bill hasn't been paid.
Leave and settle your debts. Youmay not return until you have done so.
There are no handoutsin the f ree world...
...and, appropriately, none inmy course. Thank you and good day.
Professor Phipps, I need this classf or my major. You know?
Young lady, calm yourself and goto the financial aid office.
What about me?
Don't you havesome business to attend to?
Yeah, but I thoughtI just showed initiative.
That don't count f or nothing, brother?
Mr. Williams, I do not appreciate,nor will I tolerate...
...people who try to brownnosein my course.
Now go to the financial aid officeor appeal to the athletic department.
I ain't no dumb athlete.
That remains to be seen.
Right. I hope that all of you...
Yo, dog, take good notes.I'm gonna need to borrow them.
Now that the bureaucratic nonsenseis out of the way, we'll get to...
...the business of real politics.
Are you sure? I mean,I don't understand this.
Never leave home without it.
Looks like we got a problemwith your fee bill.
Like what?
It says you got a partial athleticscholarship. Better talk to your coach.
Partial? That's a mistake.I'm a f ull-scholarship student.
I can't help that.That's what it shows.
-You sure your computer ain't broke?-I'm sorry, honey. I can't help you.
-Go get it cleared in that department.-Thank you.
Baby, you're just gonna haveto get a job.
Here's your card.
Come on, guys, pick it up!
You look like a bunch of girls!Come on, pick it up!
Come on, give me some juice.There you go.
Yeah, looking sweet.
-Twenty-three!-You want a what? A full scholarship?
Man, you aot some nerve.
All riaht, I'll see what I can do.
I don't wanna hear you're lax in yourstudies or fuckina up on the field.
You aot that?Do I make myself clear?
Yeah, man, I understand.
Word to the mother, kid.Have you seen that ass?
Hey, yo, what kindof munchies y'all got?
Where are the vittles at? The eats?
Hey, y'all ain't got no Kool-Aidup in this piece, man? Guess not.
I see y'all got some Evianup in here, though, huh?
How would you feel if you had to studyand I came in and blasted my music?
-That wouldn't happen.-Why not?
Because I'd whup your ass, that's why.
Ex cuse me.
Boy, I'm the master of Monopoly.
That's right.
You bankrupt, G.
Should've bought themapartments, man. I told you.
Hey, why you going to this school?
Well, because that's what they say youneed to do to make it in the country.
-What's "making it"?-Fudge, your printer's out of paper.
Well, then go buy some more.What's "making it"?
You know, getting a degree.You know, making that long dough.
Is that right? So you in itf or the money or the knowledge?
Check out this situation.
You at a f ootball game.There's thousands of people there.
All of them white.
The American flagis right above your head.
They're about to playthe national anthem.
All these people turn aroundand look you dead in your eye.
What do you do?
I stand up.I'd probably be so embarrassed...
You know, I'd stand up.You know what I'm saying?
They got you runningf or the school, huh?
-Yeah. Partial scholarship.-You don't run, you don't get tuition.
That's the way the system goes.
Run, nigger, run.
Oh, my God. Look at her hair.
-Be nice, Nicole. It's not that bad.-She looks like a tramp.
-Hi.-Hi. What'd you do to your hair?
-I just bleached it.-I love it. Yes.
Watch me bring it up.Watch me bring it.
Bam. Of all times.
Want to play again, man?Come on, let's play again.
-Three in a row.-You're a bastard.
-Want to play?-Huh?
-Want to play a game of pool?-I don't know how to play.
Okay, who's the geniuswho matches roommates up?
They moved me inwith a psycho dickhead.
It's like the Bates Hotelover at my place.
My days are numbered, Wayne.
-He's probably just quiet.-Okay.
-Hey, man. Say, where's the party?-Up here, man.
Is that right? Cool.
Here she goes.
Nice job. Hello! Good night.
Down the hatch.
Talented, I see.
-I never usually swallow.-You're a dirty girl.
-Hey, let's get one f or her, huh?-Give her a shot.
Kristen! Kristen! Kristen!
Drink! Drink! Drink!
All right!What a big girl you are, huh?
-I can't walk.-Please, come on.
-All right. Where are we going?-We're going to my house.
To the house.
When you say that you look really bad,like, you're perfect, you know?
Hey, do you think we should'velet Kristen go with Billy?
-Because she doesn't even drink.-Billy who?
I love you!
Billy, you've gotta get a rubber.
Billy, we should be using a condom.
Just a second.
Billy, come on.
-One second.-No. Get a condom.
Just wait a second.Shut up!
Billy, no! Stop it! Get a condom!
No! Stop it!
Billy, get off of me! Get off of me!
-Fuck, man!-No! Stop!
Stop! No!
You f ucker!
Kris, what the...? Wait!
Wait a second! Goddamn it!
Say, man.
-Did you give it to her?-What?
You f ucked her, right?Did she like it?
What the f uck are you talking about?How the f uck do you know?
-Go get a beer.-Who the f uck are you, man?
You just got laid, right?You should be cool.
-Motherf ucker!-What's up with you?
-What's your problem?-You're my problem, bitch.
I finished my paperand I don't have anything to do.
Kris, what's the matter?Why are you crying?
Oh, God, what have you been drinking?
Kris, what's wrong?
-Hello.-Can I speak to Kristen, please?
-Who's this?-Billy.
-Billy who? I don't know no Billys.-Yeah, I just...
I just need to talk to Kristen.
-You want to speak to Kristen.-No. No.
She's not here.
Even if she was here, I don't thinkshe'd wanna talk to you.
I know she's there. I can hear her.
-Can you put her on the phone?-Didn't I just tell you she's not here?
Put her on the phone,you black bitch!
-What did you say?-You heard me.
Why are y'all so quiet?
-Let's go.-To kick some ass, nigga?
Just get away f rom himand come home with me.
What do you think they makeyou do to get into this f rat?
You know?
You don't?
I bet you they make you do something,right?
Like things.
Crazy stuff.
I'd do it.
Which one?
-Yo! Get the f uck up!-Piece of crap. Get his ass.
What's up, bro? What did I do?
-Come on!-Man, let me go!
-Chad, what's up with these guys?-Call security now!
-What'd I do?-I'll just put my boot in your mouth.
I heard you been disrespectingblack women.
No, man, I haven't either...
You called me a black bitch,and you gonna get your ass kicked.
Come on, man, listen. I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry, okay?-Apologize to her!
Sorry! I'm sorry! Look, I'm so sorry.I'm so sorry.
Fuck that!We need to just bust his shit!
-No, listen. Please, man.-Here's what I want you to say.
I want you to say," I apologize, beautif ul black woman...
...mother of the Earth,queen of the universe."
I'm sorry.I apologize, black mother...
-Get it right!-I can't remember all that.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
These gang membersdragged him out f or no reason.
What the f uck you talking about,white boy?
Gang members?We go to school here too!
-Enough of this stuff.-I'll rip your ass off them stairs!
Don't I know you? Everybody else,come out with the I.D.'s.
You don't need to see nobody I.D.Don't show them.
Wait. Everything's okay now.It was just a misunderstanding.
We're cool now, right?
We're cool, right?
Hope you gonna break up their partylike you did ours.
-ls everything cool here now?-Very f ucking cool!
What's up?
Punk-ass motherf ucker.
I don't understand why they alwayshave to start all this trouble.
-You okay, Billy?-Yeah.
Come on.
We need to get past just complainingabout university security.
You know?
I'm tired of hearing women cryf or someone else to save them.
Think what that means.
Why do you need someone elseto save you?
Think about saving yourself.
Hi, everybody.
-Join us.-Okay.
We were talking about security oncampus, in light of a recent survey...
...that showed one out of f our womenhas been raped...
...or survived an attempted rape,since the age of 14.
Do you have any ideas or thoughtsyou want to share?
Fudge, you got some e-mailcoming through.
Is that right?
Need to start charging y'all f ools,like the university.
Twenty-five cent a page.
Y'all could pay f or my laundry.
You got the autobiographyof Frederick Douglass?
Biographies are up there.
-Damn. You read all these?-Most of them.
Hey, how you get turned onto Douglass?
Need it f or a class.
For a class. That's the onlyreason you're reading it?
-Yeah. Why else?-To feed your brain, f ool.
I thought you was a smart one,but you ain't. So you got to go.
-Can I borrow this book, man?-Yeah, go ahead.
Read it f or yourselfand not f or no damn class, though.
-Thanks f or the book, dog.-Run along.
-What's up, brother?-What's up, man?
Reading in the darkis bad f or the eyes.
-I got good eyes.-What book you reading?
-Iliad.-That's a good book. Great battles.
Yeah, it's all right.
Me and a couple f riends,we were gonna go get a drink.
You wanna come along?
I said, me and my buddies were gonnago get a drink. You wanna come along?
What are you,some queer or something?
-What? What are you talking about?-I should kick your ass, man.
First off, don't ever touch me again.
I will beat youto the f ucking ground, boy.
Secondly, you know,I ain't no f aggot.
I just wanted to knowif you wanted to get a drink.
-Sorry, man. It's a new city.-That's okay. I understand.
We'll f orget about it,have a drink...
...with good people.We'll have a good time.
-What do you say?-All right, man.
Pick up your stuff. Come on.
I mean, we're white, in America,what more do you need?
We're white, in America, what moredo you need to have a good time?
All right, here we go.
-What's your name again?-Remy.
-What's your name?-I'm Scott.
-So, where you f rom, Remy?-ldaho.
-ldaho, huh? Where in Idaho?-Boise.
That's the Big Sky State, huh?
-I think that's Montana.-That's right. It is Montana.
These are my brothers here.
Fellas, hey.
This here, this is Erik.
-What's up, man?-This is Knocko over here.
-This is James here.-Hi.
-Everybody, this is Remy.-Hey, Remy.
What's up?
You should know that democratictheory did not begin...
...with Rousseau's contract. No.
Its origins, in f act, lie inthe subject of landownership.
The common people became aware...
...that the upper classes owned the landupon which they lived and laboured.
This incensed them...
...inspired them to seek sovereigntyof their own homelands.
However,the social order of the day...
...did not permit landownershipby the common man.
Theref ore, these people...
...felt the need to leavetheir homelands...
...to flee in an eff ort to escapepolitical and social persecution.
Hence, the creation that is America.
Theref ore, the basic premise...
...of democratic theory...
...is that each and every citizenliving within that society...
...is entitled...
...to what?
We are entitled to life...
...liberty and the pursuitof happiness.
What you people have to realizeis that despite having these rights...
...very few people ex ercise them.
It is that type of apathy thatcorrodes our country f rom within.
Your assignment f or the semesteris as f ollows:
To f ormulateyour own political ideology.
This will be dictated by your sex,background...
...socioeconomic status...
...personal experience,et cetera, et cetera.
This course will be likeanything in life.
It will be what you make of it.I am not a babysitter.
Ladies and gentlemen,do not waste my time.
...no one is going to treatyou special...
...just because you are black.
Right. Or white.
Or Hispanic.
Or Indian.
Or Asian.
Or because you are a woman.
Or because you f ailed to getsufficient rest last night.
Or because you are...
What are you?
-I don't know.-Right.
Don't sweat it.
Come on.
Watch it.
-Watch out.-Watch it. Watch it.
-Damn.-Let's see your I.D.
No, let us see your I.D.
Forget these guys.
Thought so.
You know what that's all about?They hate me 'cause they ain't me.
Can you hand me another oneof those mayonnaise?
-Do you want to report it?-lt's not gonna do anything.
They're just gonna make mefeel like shit...
...and make me look likeI asked f or it.
I didn't ask f or this.I just wanna go to school.
Come here.
This ain't cool, dog. A " B" oncontent, and then I get a " C" f or...
Punctuation mistakes,misspellings...
...grammatical error,et cetera, et cetera.
You probably didn't even read it.TA graded all of these, right?
If you could spell as well as you run,it would be better, Mr. Williams.
-Sellout.-Mr. Williams.
So Mr. Williamsthinks I am an Uncle Tom.
Well, well, well.
What does that have to do with yourability to place a comma properly...
...or put a periodat the end of a sentence?
-Look...-Would you care f or a peppermint?
No, thank you.
You're usingthat reverse treatment...
...'cause I'm one of the onlyblack f aces in your class.
Mr. Williams, I treat everyonein my course exactly the same...
...and I will continue to give youa difficult time...
...until you have proventhat you deserve otherwise.
-Those are the rules of the game.-lt's a f ucked-up game.
Please watch your language.
Rid yourself of this attitudethat the world owes you something.
You must strip yourself of thatmentality. It breeds laziness.
It is laziness that has keptblack people down in this country.
I don't think like that.All right, man, it's just...
Look, I don't need one of my owntrying to treat me like I'm the enemy.
The enemy? Who is the enemy?
One man with a white beardwho sits behind his desk...
...pushing buttons that controlthe f ate of the entire world?
No, that is not reality.That is The Wizard of Oz.
No, man, I mean anybody.
White, black, anybodywho gets in the way of my progress.
I am not in your way.
I did not ask youto come to this university...
...nor am I here to motivate you.
Your own presenceshould be motivation enough.
I have nothing to prove,unlike you.
I don't have anything to prove.
Who do I have something to prove to?
Good afternoon, Mr. Williams.
Ladies and aentlemen,the next race on the track...
...will be the 4x100-metre relay.
In lane three, the non-scorina B-teamfrom John Paul Colleae.
Lane number four, the scorina teamfrom Columbus University.
Lane number five, the scorina teamfrom John Paul Colleae.
And in lane six, the non-scorinaB-team from Columbus University.
On your marks!
May we have quiet for the start.
We have a fair start.
Adam Bailey out very wellin lane four for Columbus University.
Gettina ready now forthe first ex chanae.
Down the backstretch they ao.Columbus in four, John Paul in five.
A tremendous effortby John Paul Colleae...
...moves them into the lead as weaet ready for the second ex chanae.
In the far turn, John Paul in five,Columbus in four, neck and neck.
Gettina readyfor the anchor lea.
Stick! Stick!
Tyrene Jay for John Paul...
...and Robert "The Rocket" Simmonsfor Columbus.
-It is John Paul followed by Columbus.-First place, 39.58.
Second place, 39.60.
-Second place, 39.60.-Correct.
The next race on the trackwill be the 1500 metres.
That event is scheduled in 10 minutes.Visit the concession stand...
Ain't no next time.All I'm saying is this.
I got a lot riding on this. I'm notabout to let my stats get blown.
You the only weak link on this team.
You listening to me?
Fool, all you is, all you ever gonnabe, is a runner. Like a horse.
You're a slave,too ignorant to know it.
-Who you calling ignorant, bitch?-Hey!
-We're a team, man!-Fuck that shit!
We gotta stick together, black men!
Get your shit together, bitch!Stupid bitch!
I like that.
I like your beautif ul hair,your eyes, your lips.
Look at this f ool with his cave bitch.It's a damn shame, man.
Don't that make you upsetas a black woman?
I don't want him.
Yeah, I can dig that.He's weak anyway.
Miss Deja.Where you f rom? Texas, right?
-I see you did your research.-Not enough.
-God.-I could always know more.
What, you shy?
-No. Are you?-I stepped to you, didn't I?
I've been seeing you on the track,having a little attitude.
I seen you too,acting like you all that.
-I'm not acting like...-Mr. Big Stuff. Yes, you do.
You be like:
-Running f or your life.-So you be looking at me?
-I don't look at you.-You just imitated my f orm.
You be looking at me, right?
A little bit,but we're on the same team.
-I been looking at you too.-God.
-What dorm you staying in?-Why you wanna know where I live?
-I wanted to get you home safe.-I'll be okay.
-There's a lot of crazies here.-Goodness.
I'll guard your body.Be your bodyguard.
How do you feel knowing this countrydoesn't belong to you any longer?
I mean,what do you think of that?
How do you feel knowing thatwhen you graduate f rom college...
...you might not get a job becauseof your skin colour?
Because of some quota.
People don't realize how f ar downthe drain America has gone.
What do you think about that, Remy?
I guess I never thoughtabout that, man.
It's different here than I thoughtit was gonna be.
Seems like everybody'ssticking to their own...
...taking up f or their own.
I don't know anybody down here.
It's different, man. You know.
-All I got is me.-No, man.
And me. We're brothers by blood.
Yeah, you got me too, Remy.
I think I'm gonna cry.
Shut the f uck up, Knocko.Show the man some respect.
That's cool, Scott.
That's pure Aryan bloodyou're talking to.
No, no, no, you're right.
This is brotherhood, Remy.Welcome home.
-Thanks.-See, Remy, this is your f amily now.
And if there should be anything at allthat you wanna talk about...
...then I want you to come to meor to us.
If there's one thing I want youto leave thinking about tonight...
...it's that we take care of our own.
Thanks, man.
Thanks, Scott.
Run-on. Run-on.Fragment. Fragment. Fragment.
-ls this a period or a comma?-That's a lot of red ink.
-Do you want help?-I'm here.
Malik, you gotta get this to flow,and right now it's not flowing.
Right here,that's a really good point...
...but you gotta f ollow it upwith a concise explanation.
What do you mean?
Malik, when you write an essay,you gotta f ollow a certain f ormat.
You start with your thesis statement...
...and you have to always usetransitional phrases.
And don't use the same wordevery single time.
Change it up.Professors hate that.
You should use a thesaurus.And where's your outline?
We got a lot of work to do.
-ls something wrong?-No.
-Are you sure?-Yeah.
I'm fine.
I am af raid it is unclear.
But... I don't understand.
Miss Connor, you don't appear to takeany kind of position in this paper.
I thought that, when you write, you'resupposed to be as objective as possible.
That is a rule of journalism.
It is often taughtand very rarely practised.
This, however,is a political science course.
If you wish to writeabout objectivity...
...write about its use in modernpolitics in your view.
That'd make a good paper.I'll write that down.
Oh, Christ Jesus.
In f uture, Miss Connor,please find your own thesis.
I am looking f or evidenceof original thought.
You are not here to simply recycledates and f acts f rom the past.
One's primary purposeat university level...
...should be to learn how to think.
Now, question:
Did you write this paper?
You really feel like insultingmy intelligence, don't you?
I worked my ass off on that paper.I rewrote it three times.
-Shouldn't be one misspelled word.-Okay, Mr. Williams, I believe you.
Are you having problemshere at Columbus?
It's all right.
I got a problem with the way f oolsbe tripping when they see a black f ace.
Someone spit in your f acewhen you first came to campus?
Was there a cross burnedoutside your dormitory?
No. I know what you'retrying to get at.
Just 'cause it ain't up in my f ace,that don't mean it's not happening.
It's less physical now.It's more mental.
I gotta run and study, man.
I don't see these white f olks worryingabout nothing but going to class...
...talking about skiing.They don't have the same worries.
Then your problem is financial.Not racial, but economic.
These type of problemscan be worked out.
For example,you are a runner, are you not?
-One of the best.-A big-time track star, huh?
All right.
Let us say you are running a race...
...and you suspect the opposing teamhas a member who is f aster, stronger...
...more big-time than yourself.
What do you do then?Do you leave the track?
Hell, no.
-What do you do?-Run f aster.
-We're having a rally.-Out here?
Yeah, and we also havethese meetings as well...
...where a group of women get togetherand discuss all sorts of issues...
-...about sexuality...-Oh, wow.
...student security,all sorts of things.
-I think it'd be great if you'd come.-Thank you.
-What?-I said, can I have a flyer?
It's f or Studentsf or a Non-Sexist Society.
-Wayne, right?-Yeah.
-lt's a women's group.-That's kind of a contradiction.
You want a non-sexist society...
...but you won't give me a flyerbecause I'm a man? That's not cool.
Why do you really want to come?
-Your hair looks better that way.-Thanks.
-You're welcome.-God.
Warrior representation. Yes.
No means no! No means no!No means no!
I'm a f reshman.
I was raped.
No, we didn't.
We'll have to think aboutwhat we're doing next week.
-You look cute.-Do I?
Happy Halloween, brother!
Be sure and stay away f rom the whitegirls f rom now on. I know you will.
What are you doing?Let's go get some f ucking candy!
-That was awesome.-lt was good.
There are thingswe could've done better...
...but I was proud of you.
-Thank you.-Yeah.
-I feel so much better now.-Good.
Look, you know, I could just...
Why don't I just staywith you tonight?
We could stay up and talk or...
What do you think?
Are you sure you're ready f or that?
Don't do it just becauseyou're f ascinated.
I want you to be sure.
Good night.
Good night.
...what's up with your f riend?
-She's weird.-She's not weird. She's just different.
Yeah, and I bet she wants to show youjust how different she can be, huh?
I'm tired of running and studying.
It's too hard to do both.I feel like a slave.
They wouldn't give a f uck about meif I wasn't running f or this school.
I'm tired of feelinglike a thoroughbred.
Why you always gottatake stuff so f ar?
People would die to be where you are,and you tripping.
You have the opportunity to goto school, and it's here. So take it.
I don't see security stopping youon campus to see your I.D.
You're all hunky-dorywith your scholarship.
They'll let that harmless black womanthrough easier than a man.
-So you think I got it easy?-Hell, yeah.
-Easier than me.-You know them girls I stay with?
Every time something comes up missing,who you think they look at?
-And?-I feel like fighting.
-I feel like beating people up.-Why don't you?
It's a waste of time.Instead, I fight with this:
And I'm getting mine.
You gotta stop doing this all the time:And start doing this:
Quit worrying aboutwhat people are thinking.
Yeah, but it still ain't the same.
You a woman.I'm a black man.
You're safe.
I'm a threat, educated or not.
You ain't educated yet.
Hey. Kristen.
-Can we talk?-Sure. Here?
-Don't put too much lipstick on.-Why not?
You don't want to look like a tramp.You'll look desperate.
Here, blot it some.
-ls that better?-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like that.
Is that him?Well, all right, Kristen.
I was getting worried about you.
-Where'd you get these, man?-A buddy of mine in law enf orcement.
Fucking gun-control department.
These guns all suck.
It don't matter as long asthey do the job.
-Do you want a beer?-Yeah.
Check this out, man.
This is a gun, man.
-Glock 9 mm.-Shut up.
Pumped gas two yearsto buy this. Laser sighting.
Fucking Rambo, man!No way I can miss.
-This is power.-Don't point that f ucking shit at me!
I know how to handle guns, man.I been shooting since I was 9.
Don't ever point a gun at meever again. You'll be sorry.
Who taught you how to shoot?
-My pa.-Your pa?
My pa's a survivalist.Used to kick my ass every day.
He's always talking aboutthe world coming to an end.
Do you like to hike?
I've never really tried it.
Yeah? You should go.Around here there's beautif ul hills.
I try and go everyday. I was therethis morning. The light was beautif ul.
What if there's snakes?Hey, Monet.
-How's it going?-Cool. You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
-Hi, Taryn.-Hi, Monet. How you doing?
-See you later.-Yeah, see you guys later. Bye.
I like it that you understand me.
There are things that...
...I don't have to say because...
...you just know how I feel.
That was nice.
I think you're nice.
You're trembling.
Are you af raid?
I won't hurt you.
I don't want you to do anythingthat you don't wanna do.
I know.
I want to.
Are you ready?
Just a second.
As a black man in America,my stress comes f rom everywhere.
Recognize.Take a look around you.
Look at this.Columbus disgusts me.
Fool wasn't nothing but a thief,mass murderer.
Slaughtered Native Americans, we got aholiday and a university named f or him?
We're supposed to be learning theirwesternised thoughts...
...only to learn that in their eyes,we're lower class. Always.
Class is a state of mind.
History's proven you can bethe smartest, run the f astest...
...they still think we inferior.
What's that shirt, man?
You support the Black Panthers?
-Yeah. And?-That's reverse racism, man.
-What?-Malik, come on...
I'm gonna kick your ass,whatever ass you got left, f ool!
Yeah, all right.You can run, but you can't hide!
"The sharp separatina wallbetween master and slave fell.
The Aryan aave up the purity of hisblood and, therefore, he also lost...
... the place in the paradisehe had created for himself.
He became submeraed in therace mixture. He aradually lost..."
What's up, man?
Man, I gotta admit, you've been realpolite about staying out of my way.
But you ain't been honest.
I figure, it ain't what a person say,it's what they think.
So in my mind...
...you been walking around calling mea nigger in your head.
Am I right?
-I don't have nothing to say to you.-I think you do.
Say what you feel.You think I'm a nigger?
Then be a man and call me oneto my f ace.
You're just a punk-ass white boywith a f ucked-up haircut.
Fuck you!You don't f ucking scare me!
This is f ucked-up.This is really f ucked-up.
What's wrong with you?
I don't give a shitwhat you do with your stuff...
...but this is my stuff, man!
-Know how selfish that is?-What are you gonna do?
Jeez, I don't know. I'm gonnakick your ass. What does that mean?
Why don't you get your shitand move out, man?
Ex cuse me?Why don't I get my shit and move out?
-You moved in here.-What are you gonna do?
Look, why don't we just sit down?
Why don't we just f uckingstop this and talk about it?
I don't wanna talk to you.I don't need to talk.
Don't you know I'm superior to you?
Don't you know I camef rom the master race?
-You're nothing. Don't tell me what...-Get off, crazy motherf ucker!
All right, motherf ucker?Go to sleep.
Calm your ass down. Calm down.What is wrong with you, man?
-What's going on?-I gotta get out of here.
-Fuck you!-What the f uck?
You damn Jews and niggersstick together.
You all work against me,the pure, white, Christian man.
Don't you know he controls you, nigger?You ain't nothing without them.
You're nothing!You're a slave.
I'll take my f ucking belt off, man.I'll make you my f ucking monkey.
-Get on the floor.-Relax.
Get on the floor!
You're not white.You're Jewish. You're nothing.
You're not me!What are you gonna do?
Dirty nigger.Got something to say now?
I'm not f ooling.You got something to say now?
-Jesus Christ! Fucking relax!-Who's the man now, big man?
Fucking hotshot ape.You're nothing, Malik! You're nothing!
You're dead. You're dead.
Don't move, f ucker.
You're all gonna die.You're gonna die, monkey!
He had a f ucking gun!A f ucking gun!
I'm gonna call secur... He broke thephone. We gotta call security.
-I'm gonna get this f ool!-Where are you going?
-Stop. Not so f ast.-Get out of my way.
I'm trying to catch this dudewho just pulled a gun on me!
-Let's see I.D.-You don't need no I.D.! Out of my way!
No! That's the wrong guy!That's the wrong guy!
-Who are you?-Get the f uck out of here!
Charlie, look what I f oundin the kid's room.
You believe this?Do me a f avour, will you?
See if you can find a name or a pictureor an I.D. in his room.
You bet.
All right, let's break it up.Everything is fine now.
What do you mean, " Break it up"?Look at those white f olks there.
You ain't telling them to go.
White boy pull a gun out in his f aceand you ask us to break it up?
Y'all got some nerves.Fuck you! We ain't going nowhere.
If they can stand over there together,we can stand here together.
Now you go find the assholethat pulled a gun on this man's f ace.
Get those kids to move outso we can clear this area.
Okay, let's go.Break it up. Come on.
Show's over. Back to your rooms.Nothing to see here.
What do you thinkhappened here?
-What's going on?-I don't know.
It's Malik.
What happened?
-He doesn't feel like talking now.-Can I help?
What's that all about?
I don't know.
Hey, man. Malik, wait up.
What's up, man?Why'd you move all your stuff out?
I'm staying with some homies now.
I thought you and Davidmight want to live together.
David doesn't even knowif he's going to school next semester.
He's all depressed. His parentshave him going to a shrink.
-I think he's lost it, myself.-Listen, Wayne.
I think you're cool, man.
We ain't never had no beef,outside of your dirty clothes...
...and opposite taste in music.
But I'm just...I'm at the point where...
...I feel safer and more comf ortablewith my own people.
I ain't come here to haveno white boy pull a gun in my f ace.
I could have got that in the ghetto.
Seems like this system is setuptowards maintaining white supremacy.
I didn't come here to learn that...
I understand you're pissed.But I'm not like that, Malik.
You treat me like I'm Remy.
I'm not like that.I'm no white supremacist!
Is that what you see?
I'm different.
So are you. You know?
No, I'm not. Neither are you.That's the problem.
What are you two doingsitting there? Plotting?
Yeah, we're plotting.Plotting to steal.
To steal what?
-To steal the inf ormation. All of it.-Yeah, but whose inf ormation is it?
The more you learn about this system,the more upset you get.
Oh, my dear Mr. Williams.
Inf ormation is power.
If you don't have the inf ormation,one cannot seize power.
You need to think aboutbecoming mentally competitive.
Being black does not f ree youf rom being a responsible individual.
But being a responsible individualdon't f ree you f rom being black.
-That's right.-Poor, misguided soul.
You have yet to learnthe rules of this game.
-He will.-I don't want to.
See, I'm smart enough to knowit's not my game to play.
I'm just a pawn like everybody else.
Used intelligently, a pawn can createa checkmate, Mr. Williams.
Or become a verypowerf ul player himself.
Don't you understand?This is all a game. All of this.
Like basketball, f ootball,Mr. Big-Time Track Star, a game.
You play it to win.
Because in the real world, no one wantsto hear ex cuses or empty rhetoric.
They want to knowif you have a plan.
Mr. Williams, Mr. White,good afternoon.
All right.
Mr. White?
-You had his class bef ore?-Yeah, I had his class once.
Maybe twice.
Let's roll.
" Mr. Williams, do you have a plan?Nobody wants to hear that bullshit."
Somebody's got to do somethingabout how tense it is.
We can't let the campus go crazybecause of the actions of some psycho.
What do you mean, "we"?"We" don't have to do anything.
Just because you and I get alongdoesn't mean everybody else has to.
Get that "We Are the World"stuff out of your head...
...'cause it is not gonna happen,not on this campus.
Hi, here's a flyer f or the Peace Fest.Take a flyer.
Come to the Peace Fest.
-Faggot.-Suck my ass.
-Fuck.-Fuck you.
-Fuck me? Why don't you shut up?-Don't start that.
Why did you drop out of school?
I never really wantedto go anyway, man.
All's it was was an ex cuseto get out of Idaho.
You know?
What's the point? The gooks andtowelheads get the engineering jobs.
Leave the white man in the cold.Goddamn affirmative action shit. Right?
You really should not have dropped outof school. You hear me?
We need more people like youto become doctors, lawyers, engineers.
You listen, you get it together andyou do something f or your own people.
Your own country.
If you don't, you ain't nothingbut a race traitor yourself, you hear?
Fuck you, you big-eared f aggot!
Fuck you, you big-eared f aggot!
No, you know what?You are worse than a f ucking nigger!
-What's up?-ls Malik here?
Yeah. You didn't bring no homies?Got any sisters?
-What's up?-You got crazy f riends.
What happened?
Skinhead f ool whopulled a gun on me...
I beat him.I'm the man. I'm God!
Put something cold on it.
-I don't need no ice.-Put the ice on it!
I had his ass like this:
Why you fighting like some thug?This is college.
I don't know about that no more.
About to take a semester off,let the shit cool.
It's about this, nigger! See this?Yo, it's about this black fist, nigger!
We gonna poundtheir motherf ucking ass...
...until they give in, motherf ucker!
You're gonna drop out.
-Did I say that?-I see it in your eyes.
I said I'm gonna take me a break.Look at me!
-Look what they did to my f ucking f ace!-What's wrong with you?
It's a war, man.This is the first battle in the war.
I'm telling you, man. Remy's right,man. It's their gang against our gang.
Fucking Malik.I'm gonna get him. Fuck him!
Fuck all those f ucking niggers.They're all gonna f ucking die.
Fucking Malik's a piece of shit.It's all right. We're coming back, man.
We're coming back. Niggers, spics,the f ucking mud people, they'll get it.
-Fucking idiots.-Fuck all those niggers, man!
Hey, yo, trooper.What's up, man?
What's up with your girl?She out there looking kinda bugged.
It ain't nothing.She's just tripping, I guess.
It's all good, though.
Them f ools.They so lucky they called security.
I was fit to kill one of them whiteboys. You know what I'm saying?
Whoa, shit!Fucking white boy.
See how he swole my shit up?Knuckles all f at and shit.
It's all right, though.Whipped his ass so bad...
...his stepmom's gonna feel mef or the next three birthdays.
Look what his homeboy didto your head.
What you talking about? This shit?He ain't f ading nothing over here.
-One ass-whooping, but they still won.-How you figure that?
Look around you, man.
They own this shit.
They own this couch you sitting on,them shoes on your feet...
...this building, this school,this country, you!
We're behind enemy lines, dog.
One beat-down will never compareto 439 years of captivity. Never.
You don't know shit, f reshman.
This is a war. This is the openingstages of World War III.
I said, shut the f uck up!
I'm tired of hearing your bullshit. I'mtired of you trying to rev everybody up.
What are you gonna do, college boy?And you don't even got your GED.
-Two f ucking dumb-asses together.-I'm gonna make war.
That's right, man. A race war.
-On who?-On the f ucking niggers.
On the f ucking race traitors.On the f ucking everybody.
Why you testing me?
Remy, you ever shot somebody bef ore?
Actually, better yet,you ever shoot a piece of meat?
Seen what bullets do to flesh?
Them f ucking niggers out there,them f ucking little monkeys...
...those gangbangers...
...are training every f ucking dayand every night shooting each other.
They're ready f or war.
But are you?
If it all went down today...
...which one of you would havethe balls to shoot a nigger?
-I would.-You would?
Would you?
I have.
-I'd do it.-Yeah?
That's right. I'd do it.
All right, then.
-What's his problem?-My f ucking head's killing me.
Everybody says things one way,and you talk to me that way?
This is my blood, man.It's white blood.
What you got there, Scott?
Go on and kill one of them, man.Big shot.
-Are you really gonna do it?-Yeah, he's gonna!
I'll do it.
You do it.You do this shit, Remy!
Right between the nigger'sf ucking eyes!
-I'll do it, man.-All right, Remy!
Come here. Hey! Hey!
There are many ways to fight a battle.Different f ronts f or different people.
Some people use their mind,some use words...
-...some use fists.-This is my f ront.
-For real?-That's right. This is my f ront.
-You're f ull of shit.-I'm f or real.
Go ahead, then.
What is high?
What is higher?
What is learn?
What is learning?
What is higher learning?
What it is?I mean, what is it?
What is higher learning?
Promise me you won't drop out.
I ain't going nowhere without you.
Vikina Two to Vikina One.
-Yeah, Viking One.-Let's do it, man.
I'm gonna kill communication.This looks suspicious. All right?
For Eurocentric indoctrination...
...is learning in an environmentthat is mostly white.
If the Dred Scott decisionwas retried in a contemporary court...
... the decision would be the same...
...meanina that a black manwould still have no riahts...
... that a white man, by law,would be bound to respect.
The result would be the sameno matter what the law states...
...because it was not written by andfor the benefit of African-Americans.
The credo"And liberty and justice for all"...
...is a falsehood that has been widelyianored and needs to be addressed.
That was great.
Let's give a big round of applausef or Eve's Plum.
The purpose of this gatheringis to bring together everyone...
...so we can have f undespite our differences...
...whether they be racial,cultural or sexual.
This is a celebration of thecommonality of these differences.
There are people in this country whohave profited f rom keeping us apart.
Do you feel better?
I'll feel better tonight.
Shoot, Remy, shoot!
Remy, brother,you aotta do it now!
Come on, Remy!Do it for the Aryan Nation!
White power, Remy!White power!
White power!
-I know what that was. Come on.-lt was probably a car.
Somebody's got a gun!
Everybody, stay calm.Don't panic.
Come on!
We have to get her to the hospital.
Go get some help, boy!
Mr. Williams?
Mr. Williams, please...
Malik, what are youstanding there f or?
You must go now!
Do you hear me, Mr. Williams?
Do you hear me?
White motherf ucker!
You're dead!
It's my world. It's my country.
It's my world.
You're nothing but a monkey.Look at me.
I'm a man. I'm the man.
I'm a man! You're nothing!
-You're nothing! You can't beat me.-Fuck you.
I f ucking hate you!
You gonna die!
She's dead!
I'm gonna kill you!
You're gonna die now!
-You all right?-Get off me!
Hey, kid. What are you doing, kid?
Take it easy. Come on.
It's gonna be all right. Settle down.
Everything's gonna be fine.Take it easy. Just relax.
What are you doing? No!
-Don't shoot.-Get away!
-We can't get back, kid, we can't.-You wanna shoot me.
No, we don't. Put the gun down.
-Get away f rom me.-We're not coming any closer.
-You're lying.-I'm not. Nobody's hurt yet.
-You're lying.-I'm not lying. Look at my eyes.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. We know. Put it down.
-lt's over.-No.
Don't do this. Put it down.
I wanted to build things.I wanted to be an engineer.
-You still can.-Stop lying!
Please, put the gun down. It's okay.
It hurts.
I know.
-lt hurts.-I know, kid. It's okay.
-lt's okay.-lt's not.
It is.
This is Columbus University,a great centre of higher learning.
But the lesson taught here today...
...was one in how good thingscan go tragically wrong.
A multicultural peace fest organizedin the interest of campus unity...
...has ended with three people dead.
One of them was a gunman who took hisown life after killing two students.
The mayor...
...is on his way to the campusas we speak.
University administrationhas had nothina whatsoever to say.
Wow. You know what that is?
Remy's f ucking dead.
No, man. That's white power.
Yeah, you're right.
White power. White f ucking power!
-White power!-Siea heil.
What do you think I should do?
What do I think?
You're right.
That's my job.
Man, I don't know, you know?
Maybe if I hadn't...
It's just...
Man, I don't know what to do.
Mr. Williams...
...in spite of the recent tragedy here,you have persevered.
You have overcome many obstaclesthis semester.
For those reasons,you have my utmost respect...
...and every confidence...
...that you will make a wise decisionconcerning your f uture.
Got to think.
Got to get my head straight.
I'm gonna go now.
Without struggle,there is no progress.
Frederick Douglass.
I lost my girl here.
I feel like this is all my f ault.
I helped put this whole thing together.
I'm responsible f or all of this.
Oh, God.
You can't blame yourself, you know?
My name's Kristen.
Nice to meet you.
I seen you around.
Phipps' class, huh?
It's f unny we never spoke bef ore.
It's f unny.
...I gotta get going.
-Take care.-You too.
All right. Give us a big smile now.