Hijack 1971 (2024) Movie Script

This film is a work of fiction based on historical events.
All characters, titles, organizations, and details
are dramatized for cinematic purposes.
Flight leader,
we have left the mission area.
We should head back, sir.
Having a tough time?
Not at all, it's a piece of cake.
Yeah? Immelmann turn!
Immelmann turn!
Inverted flight!
How's this? Not bad, right?
It's unbearable, sir.
Look up, man.
Dong-cheol, how do you like
this scenery?
It's breathtaking!
Simply breathtaking!
This is Bravo-Delta! Tango 1, respond!
Abort mission, abort mission!
Target coordinates,
Area 3-1, 10,000 ft!
This is not a drill!
Kosung Airspace, Gangwon Province
Hotel-Lima 5208!
North Korean border up
ahead, turn the aircraft around!
5208, respond, respond!
No response, I'll check the cockpit.
Captain seat is empty,
First Officer is in control.
First Officer ID confirmed.
Reservist Air Force Col. Seo Min-su!
Min-su, it's me!
You're heading for North
Korea, turn plane around!
Based on its flight course, the
co-pilot is attempting to defect!
Tango 1, fire warning shots!
Guns on!
Target in sight!
If you all want to die,
turn it around.
No shots! Something is off!
10 miles to the border.
Tango 1, requesting SITREP of 5208!
Still heading North! Someone
may be in the cockpit!
Tango 1! Fire at the right
engine and force it to land!
It's a passenger aircraft.
Squad Leader here!
Twin engine aircraft can land
with just one engine! Fire!
30 seconds to the border!
If the fuel catches fire,
everyone will die!
You must fire it now for
it to land in our territory!
It's an order, fire at once!
Tae-in, come on! Just shoot!
Crossing the border in 10 seconds!
What the hell are you doing?!
Fire, now!
Move aside, I'll shoot!
5 seconds!
4, 3, 2!
Who do you think I
hung up on right now?
I'm not sure...
I said no interruption!
I'm sorry, sir!
The Presidential Office said
the call keeps getting dropped...
Keep them on the line for 2 minutes.
Pardon? Okay...
Because of you, 51 of our people
are taken to North Korea.
Was it that difficult to shoot
an engine of a cruising aircraft?!
I couldn't risk what the
hijacker would do to the pilot...
There was no hijacking signal!
Min-su was acting strange.
You know him, he'd never
willingly defect to North Korea!
Does the President care
what kind of a man he is?!
1 minute left, come up
with a convincing excuse.
They're all still alive.
Once the government
initiates negotiation...
Negotiating with the commies?!
Go with the gun malfunction story.
You disobedient bastard!
Dong-cheol, you're suspended
from flying for a month.
Tae-in, submit your discharge papers.
How big is your extended family?
About 20, sir.
What's 20 times 51?
Just over 1,000, sir.
all those people will suffer because
of your petty humanist decision.
The repatriation of YS-11 aircraft crew
and passengers has been decided.
It'll take place at DMZ tomorrow,
and they'll be greeted by families
Kim Yong-dae, released.
and journalists from both domestic
and international media.
The repatriates will be detained and
undergo thorough investigations,
before returning to their homes.
The current list of passengers
confirmed to be returning is as follows:
Captain Yoo Joon-seok...
The snow was shoveled already?
What's that?
Don't people even watch the news?
It's been ages since
Min-su's name was cleared.
[Communist! Spy!]
Wipe it off, will you?
[Communist! Spy!]
I'll go get some paint.
I'll take that.
This way please.
The food smells incredible.
All done?
- Yup, it's all done.
- Great.
It looks like a new door.
Good work.
Joon-woo, you'll wrinkle that jacket.
Let him be.
Imagine his excitement
to have his dad back.
Even we are excited too.
You and I should go
to the hair salon tomorrow.
Do I look bad?
I never bothered to look in the mirror.
I wish my wife's cooking
is half as good as yours.
Desperate to starve from tomorrow?
Have some while they're hot.
Joon-woo, want a bite?
- Nope.
- No?
- Aunty.
- Yeah?
- Glass noodle.
- Of course.
You eat so well.
I'll give you some more.
It's really great.
Thank you.
For what?
For taking care of us, I'll
pay you back in my lifetime.
Don't ever mention it,
it was the obvious thing.
Return of YS-11 passengers
North Korea Demilitarized Zone
Do not come in contact
with the repatriates!
They'll be allowed to go home
after the investigation,
so, do not approach them!
- Do you see him?
- Hold on.
Board the repatriates on the bus.
Stop their families
from getting in the way.
Why isn't my husband coming?
Is that everyone?
Sir, all 39 repatriates have boarded.
Start the bus.
Where are the rest?
Attention please!
There are a total of
39 repatriators today!
The 7 remaining passengers,
2 flight crews, 2 pilots
are not on today's list,
so please return home!
Wait a minute!
Shouldn't you explain why
they aren't on the list?
Wrap it up!
Start the bus!
Sir, what'll happen to
those who aren't on the list?
Repatriation was rejected.
The commies didn't send them.
all those people will suffer because
of your petty humanist decision.
39 KAL Passengers Repatriated
39 out of 50 abductees
have returned to freedom
while 11 remain detained
by North Korea.
The returnees testified that 11
individuals were isolated and taken away
due to their specialized skills.
Meanwhile, North Korea claims to have offered
$2 million to the hijacker Cho Chang-hee,
allegedly encouraging
terrorist acts against the South.
The government is implementing measures
such as deploying armed air marshal...
1 year later
Sokcho Airport
We're sold out!
Sold out! Sold out!
It's an airplane!
Parking brake set.
Parking brake set.
Thank you, have a good day.
Thank you, see you again.
Good work.
North Korea Must Immediately Repatriate
Abducted South Korean Citizens
Min-su... I just hope he is safe
and sound in North Korea.
Have you done a solo landing?
Not yet, Captain.
It's been a year, other
captains didn't let you?
Are you saying you'll give me a shot?
Another time, you'll get your shot.
I'm off.
Thank you, Captain.
- Thank you, sir.
- Take care.
Ok-soon, did you know?
The other pilots can't
stand that First Officer.
Why is that?
He was that fighter pilot who
disobeyed an order last year
and let that airplane
defect to North Korea.
I'm sure there was a reason.
What reason?
The way I look at it, he's an outcast.
I'm sure of it.
North Korea Must Immediately Repatriate
Abducted South Korean Citizens
Isn't coefficient B
there a multiple of 2?
An even formula.
You from Woochang Middle?
Good to meet you, I also went there.
Good to meet you.
Hey, won't you fly with me?
It isn't fun flying alone.
You there.
Would you like some chocolate?
Excuse me.
Sure thing.
- Thank you.
- Do you run well?
Hiding out here?
Welcome, sir.
Yeah, give me one.
Is it good?
I liked the design.
Why didn't you shoot?
Heard Min-su was your superior.
I wanted to know if you can be trusted
with the lives of our passengers.
I was a bit nervous.
Because Min-su was in the cockpit?
Because of the passengers.
I saw him shaking his head,
it looked like he didn't want
to endanger the passengers.
You're a failure as soldier.
But commercial pilots must do that.
Making a logical decision
in that situation?
It's about instinct, the
instinct to save people.
Had I shot the engine precisely,
would everyone be safe?
Who knows.
No one would bat an eye
if everyone returned home.
It's all about the results.
I'm so sorry, sir.
What were you doing?
I had to take a dump...
Are we leaving tomorrow?
One moment, make way!
Stop it!
One moment! One moment!
What are you doing?!
Pardon me!
Don't push!
Ow, that's hot!
Could you open this door?
Put out that cigarette!
Man, they'll run like dogs, right?
Ok-soon, when will they start
selling reserved seats?
How fast can you run 100m?
In 11 seconds.
I said 100m, not 50m.
That's what I meant.
11 seconds? You're
not an Olympic runner.
Good afternoon, welc...
Here here!
Please don't run!
Good afternoon, welcome aboard.
Please go inside.
You really are an Olympic runner.
Good afternoon, welcome aboard.
Please walk slowly.
We're almost at the front.
I'll sit by the window.
Good afternoon, welcome aboard.
Ma'am? Ma'am!
You can wear your shoes.
Your shoes.
Mother, your shoes.
Let's sit here.
Oopsie! Sorry about that,
my bag sat there first.
What the heck?
Move it at once.
You better watch your tone.
Have some respect for the elders.
Honey, we can sit here.
Make way! Make way!
Mr. Park!
Passing through!
Pardon me, Mr. Park, this way.
It's a full house today.
Over here, sir.
By the luggage?
You lost to the kid?
Allow me to put your
coat in the compartment.
Thank you.
Oh gosh, where are you
flicking your cigarette?
You shouldn't flick
cigarette ashes on the floor,
please use this tray.
- Flap set.
- Flap set.
Just let her fly with it!
Don't you know this isn't allowed?
What was that?
Don't give me that attitude!
It's not allowed in here!
It's not like this little thing will
make the airplane too heavy.
Why can't she?!
Look here, mister,
don't you feel bad for her?
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Look, the pilot is here.
What's going on?
First Officer.
There is a chicken in the cabin.
A chicken?
I told her several
times it's not allowed...
According to aviation security laws...
Can't it be stored in the cargo bay?
There's no cage, it could
get crushed by baggage.
No animals allowed. Period. Understand?
My daughter is sick...
Please get up, I'll
look for a solution.
Mister pilot.
Just get rid of that damn chicken
and let's get this plane in the air!
She'll feed the chicken
to her sick daughter!
One moment, please.
I understand!
We can't take off if there's
commotion in the cabin.
Bus routes are down, do you
not want to go to Seoul?
- Of course I do.
- You do, right?
- You must go to Seoul.
- Of course, we do.
I beg for your cooperation.
Ma'am, keep it in your arms.
- But sir...
- One moment.
Marshal, I'll take the heat on
this, please get ready for take off.
Our plane will now take off.
Please fasten your seatbelt.
We're ready to take off,
please take your seat.
Please fasten your seatbelt, thank you.
Lift this part up first.
Hotel-Lima 5212,
wind, 190 at 11 knots.
Cleared for takeoff.
Cleared for takeoff.
Runway 05, Hotel-Lima 5212.
Runway clear.
Takeoff, rolling takeoff.
1:07 P.M., January 23, 1971
Look, that house is the size of a bean!
I got to see such a marvel
thanks to my prosecutor son.
Look, look.
- She must be mute.
- All right.
Must be frustrating
not being able to talk.
Enough with the sign
language, it's embarrassing.
Why are you keep sniffing? It's
obviously from the chicken shit.
Did the chicken poop?
Oh gosh, it laid an egg.
Here, try this.
- What?
- Go on.
But this is so precious...
Why are you traveling alone?
My mother died, and I'm gonna
live with my older brother.
Gosh, how did she leave
behind such a fine son?
When I got back from out of
town, she starved to death.
I cremated her with my own hands.
That's terrible, dear...
I'll engage autopilot.
Hey wanna try an imported cigarette?
May I?
It's just a cigarette.
Thank you.
I want you to land today.
Can I?
I want to see how good you are,
and put my life in your hands.
We'll now start inflight service.
You're giving these to us?
We have black tea, coffee and snack.
It will be much later
until you meet that daughter of yours.
Do you like eels?
I never eat eels.
Without a drink.
Eels and drinks go hand-in-hand.
So, let's have a feast
when we land in Gimpo,
with a drink.
That'd be great, Captain.
- It's a bomb!
- 3.
Captain, pull back!
We're losing altitude!
3! 2!
We'll crash at this rate,
pull back harder!
Full throttle...
Captain, full throttle!
Full throttle!
Check the roll level.
Roll level.
Level is stable.
Tae-in, what blew up?
I'm not sure.
Check oil pressure.
Yes, sir.
It's good, sir.
Head for the ocean!
Follow my orders,
and no one dies.
Go to the ocean.
Okay, fine.
But I need to check
the cabin's status first.
You deaf?! Get to the ocean!
A bomb went off.
Status check, I have
to check the cabin first.
Run your mouth again
and I'll cut off ya tongue.
Status check first.
We can go wherever you want.
Tae-in, get back there
and check the fuselage.
I'll turn the plane around.
I have control!
Could you step on this?
- What? What did you say?
- I need our help.
Move out of the way, I'll do it.
What was that? What happened?
We're in a hijacking situation.
I was handing out black tea,
and suddenly passengers
up front started screaming...
Ok-soon, it's okay.
But where's the gun?
Did you see it?
If you find it, keep it well hidden.
Ok-soon, I need your help.
You're now responsible for
the safety of the cabin, okay?
How could I do that by myself?
You were trained for this,
follow the manual.
Let's cover he hole first.
Go to the back and get me a net.
- Could you help me?
- Sure!
What in the world...
Are we all go to die?
Is everything okay?
The situation is under control.
Please go back to your seat.
Hold on to it, take that sides.
Secure it tightly on that side.
Okay, it's secured.
Ok-soon, get the first aid kit.
Do we have a doctor or
a nurse on the plane?
A doctor or a nurse?
That's it.
Is this political or are
you after money?
I dunno about politics.
Just go straight.
To Oeongchi.
In Sokcho area?
Is that your hometown?
This will sting a bit.
I'll tighten it now.
Please go easy on him.
I'll go check it out.
Just hang in there.
Ok-soon, tweezers please.
Mr. Park...
Hang in there.
My money, it's my money
my precious money...
Put pressure on this. You will be okay.
Thank you.
Ok-soon, go to the cockpit,
Captain needs help too.
Mr. Pilot.
Where are we heading?
We're going to Seoul, right?
I'll make sure to get you
to your destination.
There's a hole in the plane,
it's like we're in a war!
How could we not worry!
What did ya say?!
Y'all see this?
If you don't wanna die,
put your head down.
Put this on.
Shut the hell up!
This plane is now headed for...
North Korea.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
Hotel-Lima 5212.
Hotel-Lima, we are
in a hijacking situ...
Mayday, mayday, hijacking aboard.
If ya radio without my permission...
this goes boom.
Stay on the shore and head North.
All right, heading to North Korea.
Altitude 3,000 ft, speed 240 knots.
Fastening the yoke.
Good! Just follow my order.
Ok-soon! Please come up.
Captain needs to be treated.
Ok-soon, hurry!
Go ahead.
Captain, is your eye okay?
It's okay, blind in one
eye won't get me killed.
Why are you so desperate
to go to North Korea?
Are we on a death march?
People live there too, ya know.
My brother was taken
there during the war,
but became an officer
and lives the high life.
So, you're doing this
to meet your brother?
This man became a national hero there
when he took an airplane
from Gangneung.
Heroic Defector Cho Chang-hee!
Come to the North!
Taking this airplane there
will fetch me $2 million.
Let's swap seats.
Get up.
Come on.
You there!
When that guy comes back, let's
jump him and take him down.
Jump him?
If we're taken now, our
family will starve to death.
And what if you get killed?
Merchants like us are useless
there, they'll send us back!
Have you forgotten already?
I was a cop during the Korean War!
How the hell would they know that?
Sir, I'll join you.
You sure?
A fisherman in the next village
was taken to North Korea.
He managed to come back,
but cops harassed him endlessly
because he could be a spy.
Get up.
When we cross the border,
destroy all passengers' IDs.
We may not return.
Are you ready?
Tie him up good.
He said to tie him up good.
Will you pull it harder? This is wrong.
You have to pull on your side, sir.
Go back.
Turbulence up ahead,
hold onto the yoke.
What was that?
What do we do?
I can't get through
turbulence on my own.
Get him now!
No! Please!
Do you want to die?!
To the right!
There's a leeway.
Gil-ja, move! Move out of the way!
It's gonna blow!
You commie!
It's all over, you commie bastard!
I can't breathe because
of your commie stench!
Get off!
Commie, commie!
First Officer!
An asshole like you...
Wait, please!
Let go!
Stop it.
Did you come here to kill me?
Don't hurt the passengers,
I'm begging you.
Put your heads down!
Do ya all want to die?!
You too! Kneel!
I've had it!
Please, don't do this, son.
Did ya not hear what I said?!
We'll cross the border soon,
we just need to land.
Please stop.
Please! Stop! Stop!
Do you want to get to
North Korea as a killer?
Please stop, I'm begging you.
He deserves to be punished.
Mister pilot.
The North doesn't ask about our past.
Okay, I hear you.
He'll be fine.
Please, someone help, please help...
Let me through.
A man is injured.
Please help...
Ladies and gentlemen, this
is your Captain speaking.
Our flight is forced to
enter North Korea.
As per flight attendant's
order, please destroy your IDs.
We'll be entering North
Korean airspace soon.
Please destroy your IDs.
Are we really?
Could you untie me?
Please tear up your
IDs and hand them in.
Especially those who are soldiers,
police, civil servants, and engineers.
We're entering North Korea,
please tear up your IDs.
Especially those who are soldiers,
police, civil servants, and engineers.
We're crossing the border,
please tear up your IDs.
Especially those who are soldiers,
police, civil servants, and engineers.
Why did you eat that?
What did you do that for?
I'm okay.
I'll protect you even in North Korea.
Hey, Yong-dae, are you home?
We're here for an inspection.
I heard you're in contact with
your brother in North Korea...
It ain't true!
Please stop mentioning that commie.
Of course!
Have you heard?
Armed communist guerrillas came
down to kill our president.
Why do you have these commie fliers?
What's that?
They ain't mine!
You commie bastard!
You son of a...
Why are ya doing this to me?!
What did I do so wrong?!
- Just let me live my life!
- You bastard!
Leave me the hell alone!
I'm not a commie!
Goddamn commie,
you're better off in jail.
Get up!
Ma, no!
Especially those who are soldiers,
police, civil servants, and engineers.
Untie me!
Will you let him take
us to North Korea?
Let's end this before
we cross the border.
Please tear up your IDs.
Excuse me.
I want to untie you,
but I'm so scared...
Your IDs, please.
Hold on.
IDs please.
It won't budge.
You didn't find your ID?
Let me help you.
Hold on, wait.
Did you put it in this pocket?
Over here?
Stay right there.
What's going on?
We're running out of fuel.
Tae-in, land the airplane.
Yes, sir.
Trying to fool me again?
Take a look, see this fuel gauge?
We already crossed the border,
we're in North Korea.
Will you...
swear it on your life?
Captain, initiating descent.
Captain, what's the altitude?
I can't see...
Can you land on your own?
Sir, can you grab the
yoke upon touchdown,
and activate the brakes?
He'll kill us first when he realizes
that this isn't North Korea.
Hold on tight.
If ya let go, this goes boom.
Are you nuts? He's just a kid...
Hey, kid.
Don't cry, don't cry.
I said, don't!
Ya know what older boys at
our village did to a little boy?
Wanting to root out commies,
they poured boiling water on him.
Don't believe me?
Do you see this?
See this?
Hold on tight.
What are you doing?! We're landing!
Raise the nose.
We're in North Korea.
I saw the Hwajinpo lake.
That emergency runway
looks North Korea to you?
Raise the nose.
If you don't, he be
dead instead of you.
I'm sorry! I don't want to die!
I don't want to die!
Please help me!
I'm begging you, please!
I don't want to die!
Nose up!
Please help me!
I'm begging you.
Please help! I don't want to die!
Nose up!
Please, sir, I don't want to die!
Please help me! He'll kill me!
Sir! Please!
Captain, throttle!
Full throttle!
Full throttle!
I'm all right...
Enough, you bastard!
My eyes are messed up, if
something happens to him
we're all dead, shit head!
Dying? Living is scarier.
The next bullet is to ya head!
I heard you loud and clear.
Let's send the kid back first.
We can talk this through.
Get up.
Son, you're fine...
Hold on.
Mister pilot.
My ma said to me
while wiping off the burn pus,
that I should always take
the last place in life.
When I entered middle
school at the top of my class,
a teacher said I was bringing shame
to the school, because a commie
was the smartest student.
A loser, nobody in the South,
could be a hero in the North.
Mister pilot,
you and I can be heroes.
Why do you risk your
life for those nobodies.
We can live lavishly in North Korea.
All right, I'll do whatever you ask.
But let's drop off the passengers
We'll do that on the emergency
landing strip, it'll take 5 minutes.
And whether we live
lavishly, or become heroes,
I'll do whatever you ask.
Ya take me for a fool?
Those who want to stay should stay.
These passengers have over
a thousand extended families.
If we just go they'll all
be labeled as commies,
and live in misery just like you.
You're risking your life
to meet your brother.
I'll risk mine too.
Please, let's drop them off.
What the hell?!
Air Force! It's our Air Force!
Our Air Force is here!
Radio frequency, turn to
the emergency frequency.
The emergency frequency.
...turn back at once.
You are entering the no-fly zone.
This is the ROK Air Force!
Turn back to the South.
Tango 1, initiating
interference to the flight path.
I'll check the cockpit.
Hotel-Lima 5212!
This is the ROK Air Force!
You're flying into restricted airspace.
- Dong-cheol.
- Turn the nose around.
Turn the nose South!
Tae-in, it's me, Dong-cheol.
What's going on?
Tango squadron, intercept path!
Tango 1, begin warning
flight, Tango 2, standby.
Roger, Tango 2, hold position.
Initiating warning flight.
They'll open fire on us.
If they do, how did the last
plane reach North Korea?
Don't cry, Air Force is here.
How's this?
Feel better?
Target heading 020.
No response, they're continuing course.
Tango 1, fire warning
shots, fire warning shots!
Master arm on.
Tango 2, move aside!
Guns, guns, guns!
You see?
Cross the border now!
They'll shoot our engine
and force us to land.
We have to dodge it first.
This is Lee Ok-soon.
Buzz the intercom when the jets
are behind our wings again.
Yes, sir.
Tae-in! Tae-in! Respond!
Dong-cheol, it's me, do not shoot!
We're all dead if
you hit the fuel tank.
The situation is
different from last time.
A North Korean MIG squad is on the way.
Our squad was scrambled too.
This could trigger a war.
North Korean MIGs
scrambled from Wonsan Airstrip
Shoot down South Korean
fighters upon discovery.
Tango 1, force it to land
by shooting its engine!
Ok-soon, over there.
First Officer!
First Officer!
Failed to shoot the engine,
failed to shoot the engine!
You are permitted to shoot
it down, open fire at once!
Guns, guns, guns!
I'll retreat into the clouds.
North Korean squad approaching
the border, shoot it down now!
Captain, get ready to release fuel!
I can't see anything.
They'll be right behind us again.
Stand by.
No visual on target,
low visibility, low visibility!
We got an order to shoot you
down, land on the beach now.
Okay, descending.
Captain, I'll land on the beach.
Landing gear down.
Don't screw with me!
We're heading North.
Head North!
What are you thinking?
There's no time for this!
Will you really cross the border?!
7 miles to the border.
FOX 2, FOX 2, I repeat, FOX 2!
FOX 2?
North Korean squad
approaching the border!
Shoot it down at once!
Tae-in, FOX 2, FOX 2!
Turn the plane around!
What are you doing?!
FOX 2...
That's the missile signal!
I repeat, Hotel Lima 5212,
last warning, head back to the South!
5212! Head back to the South!
There's no dodging this.
We'll get hit with a
missile and die right here.
There's no time, shoot it down now!
I repeat, shoot it down!
Nice to have company on my way to hell.
Tango 2, disengage.
Missile ready to fire,
confirm clear to engage.
Cleared to engage, fire at once!
Tango 2! What are you doing?!
Get out of the way!
Bravo Delta. Requesting to
withdrawal shoot down order.
I'll force it to emergency land.
It's a hijacking situation.
Negative! Shoot it down immediately!
It's a hijacking situation.
Hijacker is threatening the pilots.
Shoot it down now!
I repeat, shoot it down at once!
Tango-2, out of the way! Pull out now!
Requesting for the last time!
Requesting order withdrawal!
Requesting order withdrawal!
The target is a passenger aircraft!
Tae-in, this is your last chance.
North Korean MIG squad
- This is the last chance.
- 5 miles to the border!
Let's land on the beach.
Tango 1, Tango 1. Comply to the order!
While crushing maggots
that were eating my ma,
I already died at that moment.
Fly straight.
You did all you could.
Crash the plane on land
before crossing the border.
Let's allow their families
to recover the bodies.
Don't turn it around.
Don't turn it around!
10 seconds to the border!
- 8!
- Shoot me asshole!
Immelmann turn!
Full throttle!
Full throttle!
Put your head down and hang on tight!
Hotel-Lima 5212 is turning
around, heading South!
Turning nose to South.
Requesting shoot down order withdrawal.
Captain, please take control.
Tae-in, what are you gonna do?
I can't see a thing!
Pull the yoke in 10 seconds.
Sir, I'll land when I come back.
I'll do it!
Come to the cockpit.
Sit beside me and be my eyes.
It's all over!
I have to go to North Korea!
I have to go!
I have to!
Don't you dare move!
Don't move!
Put the pin back in.
Please stop this.
We'll get you treated first.
You have to live.
We all must live to make sure that
no one gets mistreated like you did.
Mister pilot...
Don't you dare move!
I'm warning you, don't move!
Heads down!
Heads down!
It's a bomb!
5212! 5212!
Captain! Altitude is dropping!
What is your status?
Your fuselage is shaking.
Good, that did it.
First Officer! Sir!
First Officer! Sir!
First aid! First aid!
First Officer! Sir!
Do you recognize me?
What happened?!
The hijacker has been killed!
First aid!
Hotel-Lima 5212, hijacker
killed, hijacker killed!
Guide us to a nearby beach
for an emergency landing.
Direction of the beach, 150.
Maintain altitude.
Tae-in, get in here!
If you're okay, get back in here!
First Officer! You're bleeding badly!
Let's stop the bleeding first.
I'll take that.
Hotel-Lima 5212.
Maintain current heading.
Maintain current airspeed.
This is a painkiller,
you'll feel better.
The safety pin...
Look for the safety pin!
Everyone, look for the safety pin!
Someone cover this!
It's done.
Thank you.
Will this do?
You can let go.
He did it, he did it!
Ma'am we'll be landing soon,
please get to your seat.
It's okay, please go sit down.
5212, maintain altitude.
Direction to beach, 140.
Current heading, 150.
Fasten your seatbelt, and heads down!
Help me!
Get in here!
I can't land on my own!
Yes, I'm coming...
Mr. Pilot...
Lean on me, get up.
Tae-in, grab the yoke.
I'm holding onto it.
Sir, landing gear is malfunctioning.
The pressure valve must be busted.
There is a manual switch
under the step there.
When I count to three,
pull as hard as you can!
One, two, three!
It's moving!
5212, you're too fast, reduce speed.
Ok-soon, let me know when
the speed gauge reaches 180?
First Officer.
I'm okay, please prep for landing.
Yes, sir.
I'll get ready for landing.
We're landing soon! Get ready to land!
- Buckle your seatbelt and put your head down.
- Can you do this?
Make the announcement.
Ladies and gentlemen, this
is your First Officer speaking.
We'll be making an emergency
landing on the beach.
In case of impact, please
check your seatbelt...
and put your head down.
I apologize for not getting
you to your destination.
Why are you crying?
Can't you see how hard
that pilot's trying?
Beach direction, 140.
Godspeed, gents.
I see the beach.
What's going on?
Why did that light turn oft?
The engine...
Tae-in, we've run out of fuel...
First Officer, sir?
Can't sleep?
You did all you could.
They're still alive,
so, they'll come back.
Would Min-su think so too?
At least I do.
So long as you're alive,
I'll hang on no matter what.
Going into glide mode.
It's an airplane!
Unbuckle your seatbelt! Exit the plane!
Ok-soon, are you here?
Captain are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
First Officer!
look after the passengers first.
Yes, Captain.
Are you okay?
Han-bong, jump!
Get to the back!
- Look at that!
- Let's check it out!
Grab her below! Slowly!
Be careful!
Grab him below!
Go out first. Slowly!
Honey it's okay, jump!
Be careful.
It's time.
That was a good shot in the dark.
Captain, all 59 passengers are safe!
First Officer.
First Officer, wake up!
Please open your eyes, sir!
First Officer...
Everyone's alive!
They're all alive!
Congrats on your first landing.
Good work.
Good work.
You made it...
On January 23, 1971, Korean Airlines F-27
crash-landed on Chodo Beach in Kosung.
All 58 passengers and crew survived, the only 2 fatalities were
the 22-year-old hijacker and the co-pilot who threw himself at the bomb.
Despite being injured, the lead pilot, Lee Kang-heun, successfully managed an emergency landing, a feat considered unprecedented in the history of commercial flights.
Meanwhile, the 11 passengers and crew of the YS-11, who were abducted in 1969 have not returned home.