Hijacked (2012) Movie Script
Sub edited and resynced by: PEEAN91
A recent CIA released designated
the name The Tribe,
to the terrorist
organization responsible
for continued
escalation in Gaza.
The report goes on suggest
that this so called Tribe is
operating broader region
of organized crime
and terrorism than
previously thought.
A CIA official noted
that a task force has
been assigned to case this
case for some time
German official has been
admitted knowing that
Tribe activity has been
presence in Europe for a decade.
After attribution of arms
of German military
forces were discovered
in Pakistan and used
in attack against
coalition forces on the
border of Afghanistan
this past months.
It appears arms dealing has become
highly lucrative for The Tribe.
Interpol has begun
investigating a recent trend
indicating drugs smuggled
into Europe are on the rise
Connections has been
made suggesting
The Tribe is directing
significant resources
to increase in shipment into
France, Germany and Italy.
In other international news,
British industry
magnet Bruce Lieb
has been called to the
floor in New York City,
the security and exchange
commission is interested in
understanding more
behind the acquisition
of polar energy
by Lied Industry
The trading of polar
came to a halt prior
to the completion of the
deal to purchase common stock
while polar delayed announcing
a large uranium discovery
pointing to insider trading.
The SEC inquiries is set for Thursday.
Mean while, neither Lieb
or company official has
comment on the matter
leaving the market guessing
Despite appending SEC
hearing this week,
Bruce Lieb company has
continues to form well
A fourth quarter announcement
of huge profits in
excess cash reserve has set his
competitors stock plunging
Traders quickly tried
to rebound on what
seem an easy bet
against the brash CEO
with all the talk of his
business activities,
billionaire Bruce Lieb personal
life seem to be unaffected
He arrived in Paris today for
a benefit to put on by French
Industries to celebrate Lieb's 20
year anniversary and business.
The party is said to featured a
who's who guest list which
include some of the top
business leaders in Europe.
The event show support Lieb on the
face of mounting SEC claims.
Celebrating 20 years of
Lieb Industries.
You look rather pretty
and you're all cleaned up.
Yeah? Remind me to set
the fox for me later.
A couple of these,
and you might just get lucky.
So, where's Dick Tracy tonight?
Not his cup of tea.
Maybe you should let
him to loosen up a bit
maybe enjoy Paris
while he's here.
- Why would I do that?
- Langley pull us out off The Tribe.
And MI6 is cutting bait as well.
Actually after 10 years on the case.
I'm surprised you haven't heard.
Really is just too
much money for them.
They seem to think it's fiction.
Mike. Mike Meltzer.
- I knew that was you earlier.
- Good to see Bruce, congratulations.
Thank you.
- Bruce. Bruce Lieb.
- Joe Ballard.
- This is my sister, Michelle.
- Hello.
- Pleasure.
- Ballard? Intelligence, right?
- Yeah.
- I heard so many good things.
At ease. I just wanted to say,
I respect the man who
protect the queen.
If you gonna excuse me,
Please enjoy the celebrations.
For how long it's been?
Five, ten years?
Thank you.
- Liv, hi.
- Hi, Joe.
You look great.
I didn't expect to see you here.
Thanks. It's work.
Just came on for the night to
help out with the local press.
I bet that sounds fancy.
No, not really.
It's just the one off.
- But, we'll see I guess.
- Alright
Well I got things to do
so have a great night.
Yeah, you too
- Wait, Joe.
- Yeah?
- How's he?
- He's good.
He love to hear from you.
- Look after yourself.
- Take care.
Ballard: Wake up and go home.
Ballard: Blowhards and caviar
suck just as much in Paris.
Agent Ross.
He will be attending an exchange.
Can you meet me?
I'll be right there.
I love a man who carries a weapon.
What's in your stance.
Your Jacket pulling apart
on the right side.
Do you have the time?
I've got to run.
Do you want me to come home with you?
What if I told you I was homeless?
What if I told you,
I have a room upstairs?
Do you want to get that?
Excuse me. One minute.
Don't move.
Bro, you're like a professional
fucking cop blocker
Sorry to intefere with
your philontraphy.
What's up?
I just talked with a guy
from French Intelligence.
He said there a meeting
going down tonight.
And, the boss will be there.
Fuck that. If that was true
the French won't give it up.
They know we have a
better shot than they do.
I mean the French
leaks like a silk.
What's the plans?
I think we got to act
fast and we got to keep it small.
Okay, alright, I'll get some
guys together.
Meltzer's in there, if you want
to speak to him.
I do, he's brunette in there
she unbelievable.
Let's do a perimeter check.
Why don't you relax.
They'll tell us if something comes up.
Just do the check. Humor me.
You got it boss.
I thought you didn't eat crabs.
Yeah. I really appreciate you've
gone on a limb on this one.
- You gonna ask me to dance next?
- You guys too!
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Of course sir.
Shut up and eat will you.
I saw Liv tonight.
What? You didn't feel like
mentioning that earlier?
For all this junk, I
haven't got the time.
- How does she looks?
- Terrible.
Yeah. She wouldn't take my phone call.
Fellas, it has been at least
Well. Hey, we've got something here.
- It's the brunette from tonight.
- What?
We go in three.
One, two...
- Joe, are you alright?
- Yeah, the vest got it.
- You?
- Yeah, fine.
Ross, they've taken the girl.
Fucking idiot.
Do it, bitch.
No. No. No.
So tell me, how does it happen...
..during CIA operation, MI6
losses 5 men?
- I've nothing to say.
- Nothing?
- Really? You've got nothing?
- I got played.
You wouldn't been a target if
you weren't getting close.
But Ross you just push this too far.
To add to this shit storm,
the British...
Well they already
demanding vengeance,
and the French they're pissed we
didn't inform them in advance.
You recognise this man?
He's your informant, right?
Well they've pinning this
on us as well.
Effective immediately,
we're suspending
this operation until this
investigation is complete.
Hi, you've reached Olivia's voice mail.
Leave me a message, and I'll...
Hey, I got to talk to you.
The flash drive that we found one
the scene was full of information,
I wasn't able to head
and tails of all of it,
Look, you might want to
take this to the center.
I know.
But hear me out. Okay?
There was an interesting bundle of
files which basically a dossier on this
Billionaire Bruce Lieb
and his companies.
- I think he's a target.
- It sounds more like a backer.
Yeah, that's what I thought as well,
but then I found this.
It's a manifest for his private jets
for a flight leaving Paris tonight.
It's a detail assessment about
his security procedures,
his flight personnel...
..As well as his technical
specs of the aircraft itself.
- But that's not the kicker.
- Go on
There were references to
several holdings in the companies.
And one of them is the IIU.
Follow the money.
- Sir?
- Shit!
I'm no longer clear to
be anywhere near this.
I don't really think that
anyone else need to know.
I'll be honest with you both.
I really really hate this shit.
We know, Bruce. But the SEC didn't
call you in for tea.
Your testimony tomorrow put we all to bed.
Testimony? You told me this
was a friendly interview.
It is, just consider it
a friendly interview,
which can be used against
you in court of law.
She's here.
You can bring her in..
Gentlemen, I'll see you
both this evening.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Don't give me that look.
Shes here to clear up this mess.
Look, whatever happens tomorrow,
you going to be taken care of.
So it shouldn't matter.
It does matter. She's not qualify
and has no place here.
You've got your eye on the
wrong price this time.
Don't take liberties with my future.
Olivia, so lovely to see you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I was very excited to get
the call this morning.
Thank you both for
bringing me in.
Yeah, we were very very impressed
with your work last night.
Look, I'm not going to play games.
I'd love how you'd feel in
your thought about joining
us on a more permanent basis?
Great! I'd hope you'd say that,
so I took the liberty of...
..putting together
a few ideas for a
campaign focusing on
your charity work.
Starting with your upcoming benefit.
So television is expensive,
but it got the most impacts.
I saved them for
tomorrow Red Carpet.
Perhaps invited a few of
your top contributors.
I'd also suggested a one-on-one
for the flight.
Print is a intimate
and a great way to
show case another
set of your work.
- Alright. Let's get started.
- Really?
I was hoping for
somethings else.
This will give you the chance to
show me what you can really do.
And please don't hesitate.
Michelle will give everything that
you need and I mean everything
- Great. Thank you.
- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you.
- Pleasure.
Please let me show you out.
And I need a fresh tie.
- Liv?
- Hey, you sound surprised.
I can't remember the last
time you called me.
Yeah, well, uh...
I just got a really good day and
you're the first person
I want to talk to.
I'm working with a new clients, and...
I just want you to know.
It's a really good day.
That's great.
That's really great.
- Shit.
- What? What's wrong?
Liv, I'm really glad you called.
You have no idea. But I've got to go.
I'm sorry, I'll call you soon.
Max, what do you got?
I got more on Bruce Lieb.
His private fight leave
to Gall in 2 hours.
His head of security
guy named Otto Southwell.
We've been contacted
him with the brief,
and he waiting for you
there on the plane.
Thanks. Got it.
Mr. Lieb, can you comment..
about the SEC hearing?
I've been here for charity,
not subject for the SEC crime.
Mr. Lieb, one question sir.
Listen, everyone. Its just a
formal inquiry. That's all.
Everything will be clear tomorrow.
And it the Commission will
provide you everything that
they feel that the
public should know.
But let me just take this
opportunity to tell you...
We raised over 5 million dollars for
needy children all around the world.
And we're about to
do the same for some
needy kids in Washington DC.
So let's not forget
the bigger picture
here and take our
eyes off the ball.
- Thank you so much for your time.
- Mr. Lieb...
I've nothing else to say.
- They have a beautiful garden.
- Have you been there?
No I haven't.
It's very beautiful.
Unfortunately we have to cut this short
Hey, gents.
Steve. You're on time.
- Did you check the weather and route?
- Yeah, it's looking pretty good.
What the disturbance looking
over the North Sea?
We'll keep an eye on it.
Hell let get this folks some nice
smooth rides we can offer them.
We got many important
hot-shows on board.
- That's what I hear.
- Let's get this bird in the air.
It sure is a beautiful aircraft.
- Yeah, she is, Captain.
- Flying is like breathing to me.
Cohen be sure to check the correct ILS
approach checks out would you please.
- Hey, Roger.
- Yeah?
Is that a new girl in the red dress?
What's about that blonde?
That blonde is married to one
of Lib's biggest donors
Yeah, they're both kinda young.
Family money, gentlemen.
Young people with privilege.
They probably hate each other.
Nothing makes Tara and I happier,
than contribute to the foundation.
The work that charity
does is outstanding.
We really appreciated all
that you guys had done.
And as a show of appreciation,
Mr. Lieb would like to
make his favourite chef
available to you during
your stay in New York
That's very generous.
Well, honesty your generosity
what makes this all possible.
I'll let you two settle in.
You'll be in stair room no. 2 and
once we're airborne, it's all yours.
Let me know if there's
anything else.
- Okay.
- Okay thanks.
Seriously? Those are his
biggest donors?
I am definitely in
the wrong business.
Yeah, you and me both.
Honestly Sam.
Thank you so much dropping
everything and
saving me like this.
As your best friend,
I'm happy to.
As a journalist, I know a
good scandal when I see one.
- Sam?
- Don't worry, I got your back.
You got everything you need?
Yeah. So far so good.
I only need it for a minute or two.
Alright. We'll get you in there.
Agent Ross. Otto Southwell
should be expecting me.
I have an Agent Ross
for Mr. Southwell.
Just a second.
- It'll be just a second.
- Agent Ross, come on up.
Otto will be back shortly.
So I have just finishing up
with a few security check
but in the mean time I'll
show you around a bit.
I'll give you this, passengers
manifesto and background checks.
Not bad, eh? Rumor has it,
he won it in a card game.
From the Emir of Qatar.
- Watch your step.
- Thank you.
- Good evening, Mr. Lieb.
- Stanlin.
The theater is ready
for your team.
We're on track for
departure in 20 minutes.
Very good. Michelle,
have them ready in 5 minutes.
Alright, we're ready
for main engine start.
Inform ground we're
ready for a push back.
- Roger, I got the hatch light on.
- I got it.
Have you called the tower?
Mr. Sean, I don't know why you decide
you bring your blonde reporter friend.
But you better make sure ..
Can we stop with
this petty nonsense?
We need to focus on this SEC issues.
Well you sounds like you're very
well acquainted. Welcome, Olivia.
Listen, I'm going to
go back and relax
and I'll join you
in a few hours.
Please, do me a favour, keep it down.
- It's a better hell of a poker game.
- Agent Ross, Otto Southwell.
- How are you doing, mate?
- Good to meet you.
Yeah, you too.
I'm going to need you
to ground this plane.
That's not going to happen.
Bruce is aware of the intelligence,
but he's not willing to
ground the plane.
- Does he understand the seriousness?
- He didn't see it that way.
Is there any chance I speak with him?
Sure. This way.
Boos's cabin is
state of the art,
build out of titanium
and totally seal.
Direct video feed, straight into the state room.
Bruce, Agent Ross's
here to speak to you.
Excuse Otto. They're waiting
for you in the vehicle.
Right, see you around mate.
You can trust yourself when
all men doubt you
But make allowances on
their doubting too.
and that is one of my favorite poem.
'If' by Rudyard Kipling.
- Please, can I offer you a drink?
- No, thanks. Sir, this flight...
Listen, Agent Ross, I must
truly apologize.
I mean, you must think I'm..
I'm some sort of stubborn idiot.
The fact is, I've got a very very
important meeting tomorrow.
and any absence of delay
on my part can be
truly detrimental to
my entire enterprise
Yes, I heard. But sir you got
a bigger issue on this flight.
I wasn't able to give
details to Otto...
..but I believe you're
the target of a
powerful international
criminal syndicates.
I don't understand.
I mean why'd I be an
interest of a
criminal syndicates?
I'm not sure. But these are
not thugs with guns.
These guys manipulate markets,
and they create
insurgencies to start wars.
We found the dossier
that contains
several of financial
for your companies.
Maybe they'll on this
flight witch hunt.
It's possible.
But you can see why
it causes concern
that they have all the
details to your flight.
Now I'm not in the position
to delay the departure.
But if you choose to fly,
I strongly recommend you double
all your security efforts.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Unfortunately, I have
no say in the matter
and I really appreciate your
giving all this information.
Look, I know this is highly
against protocol..
..but I would a lot more at ease maybe
if you were to join us on this flight.
Well I don't that would be necessary,
but I'll be happy to talk to Otto.
Whenever you change your mind.
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
- How are you, Pierre.
- Good evening, sir.
You sure you don't want to
come with us tonight?
It is my first weekend
off in a long time,
I'm looking forward to spending
it with my wife and son.
- Son. How old was Michael these days?
- Already 12 years old.
Big boy.
- Michelle went shopping again.
- Yeah I can see that.
Alright mate, give my
regards to your family.
Thanks. Have a safe trip.
I definitely love to
find time later on
the flight to over the budget..
..for the up coming
benefit in New York.
- Most definitely.
- Great.
Love to catch a drink soon.
Liv, what the hell
are you doing here?
Would you please
excuse me, Eric?
Sam, he's ready for you.
- Look, you can't be on this flight.
- Are you out of your mind?
What the hell are you doing
showing up here?
This has nothing to do with us.
No, you're right this has
everything to do with me.
This is my work Paul.
Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
Let me know if you need anything.
- Come here.
- The Tribe is targeting Lieb.
Paul, stop.
I had to listen to 4 years of
this relentless
obsession of yours
and you know what I think?
I think if there's
actually a real threat...
That the CIA actually thought was real.
They would actually be here.
- Would you Listen..
- No, I'm not listening.
Just...stay away from me.
Do we have a problem?
- No problem.
- Good.
Would you tell Lieb I'll
accept his invitation?
Can I get you something to drink?
- Beer and soda.
- Not feeling well?
No, I'm just fine.
You're cleared for flight
level 370, LTD-740.
Course zero until Iceland.
Good day.
Thank you very much. LTD-740.
Good day.
Well Steve, I didn't see you in Paris,
after we landed.
Yeah, you disappeared, man.
Yeah, what can I say.
I had a thing about French women.
Your wife know?
Your wife know about
the Asian women, Yuki?
We've reached cruising altitude.
Inform the passengers.
This is co-pilot Cohen
from flight deck.
I've turned off the
seat belt sign,
you're now free to
move about the cabin.
Do you want check out our state room?
- Agent Ross, can I offer you a drink?
- No, thanks.
You don't drink on the job eh?
Hard habit to break.
It's beer and soda.
- Who is she?
- Fiancee. Well Ex-.
Well this is going to be
an interesting flight, ain't it?
- We're going to okay mate.
- I sure hope you're right.
- Oh my God.
- Holy cow.
- This is amazing.
- Oh my gosh.
This is so great.
- You think we high yet?
- It doesn't matter baby.
We're flying on private.
Thank you.
That was fun.
- How many were up there?
- Just 12 plus Bruce and the pilots.
Look keep an eye
on Otto Southwell.
He used to be special ops, and
he's been with Bruce for years.
- We should take him out.
- Absolutely not!
We may need him. He's the only one
who can get to Bruce's chamber.
- We'll handle it.
- Fine.
- You'll wait for my signal.
- So what's your signal?
When all is set. I'll give it a go.
- That means, your signal is Go.
- I'm sorry, can you repeat that?
Hey, let's knock this off
on a good note.
I've got my end to covered.
Keep yours in check.
How do we end up with her?
He's Lieb's half-sister.
Wants her piece, before
big brother goes down.
Who says blood was thicker than water?
Jack and Ginger.
It's a peace offering.
May I sit?
I'm sorry, you have to understand
I have no idea you'd be here.
I know.
Joe was killed last night.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
He likes you, you know?
I liked him too.
- Hi, Nick.
- Hey man.
- You don't mind I help myself do you?
- No, go ahead.
I'm starving.
Any real food back there?
No, dinner should be
ready in an hour.
- This is Steve.
- Hey, it's Michele.
Bruce is asking for an ETA.
We got about three
hours of flight time.
Thank you.
I have to get a piss.
You're going to be good
by yourself for a minute?
Not a problem.
- Can I get you anything?
- You know...
Sorry, boss.
We're a go.
What the fuck?!
Was that necessary?
- Sorry, I got excited.
- Try to control yourself.
- What did you do?
- Where are the others?
There's four
in the main cabin,
- Does the cockpit secured?
- Cohen got it under control.
- Go keep him occupied.
- No more of this.
Don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
Who the hell is Cohen?
Cohen's a good pilot.
He'll get the job done.
Alright let do this.
You, take it easy to that thing.
When we land, we should go to
that place we went to last time.
Oh yeah. The catfish? So good.
Looks like the love birds are
finally done. Excuse me.
Come in.
- Enjoying everything?
- Yeah, it's going okay.
- Just okay?
- Just okay.
- Gin and tonic.
- Make it a double.
- Bad day?
- Yes, something like that.
- Hi there.
- Hey.
We haven't met.
- Paul.
- Michele Lieb.
- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.
- What happened to you?
- A little accident.
That's not good. You have to
take better care of yourself.
Here's to being more careful.
Hey, Steve. Can you open the door?
I just buzzed you it.
It didn't work.
Can you try it again?
Yeah, sure.
Okay. Try it now.
Nope, still nothing.
Hmm, that's odd, must be
some sort of malfunction.
- Why don't you check the breaker.
- Yeah. Okay.
Get his gun.
Alright, everybody on your feet!
You heard the woman, move it now!
Hands on your heads!
Everybody, hands on
your heads, right now!
Get up!
Back of the plane!
Do you have a weapon?
Lock your fingers above your
head and turn around!
Okay everybody downstairs to
the back of the plane!
Go! Go!
Ladies and gentlemen,
please remain calm.
I apologize that you had been
detained against your will.
But if you cooperate,
no one will get hurt.
At least no one else.
They wont be any heroes
tonight Mr. Southwell.
I'm the hero.
Think of me as a Robin Hood.
I rob from the rich
and give to the poor.
You've met my band of married-men.
Bruce Lieb is a corporate
raider who's stole
billions from people
all over the world.
Tonight he'll get a
lessons in justice.
I'm going to separate him
from his ill-gotten games.
If you do not interfere,
you'll be witnesses.
But if you try to get in my way,
you'll be collateral damage.
What is it you want?
Name your price, I can
make all of this go away.
You must be the lawyer.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
What exactly do you think
you can do for me?
Unless you've billions of dollars you
can transfer to the next half hour,
I suggest you shut the fuck up!
That's not very cooperative,
Mr. Southwell.
Keep everyone here.
If they move, kill them!
Grab the girl! Let's go!
Please, let me go, please.
Tie everybody up!
- Jesus, ease up. You're hurting me!
- Very convincing.
Otto, talk to me,
what the hell is going on?
Mr. Lieb, my apologise.
But Mr. Southwell is indisposed.
- And who the fuck am I talking to?
- The name is aren't important.
What is importantly is we've taken
over this aircraft.
I'm hoping you'll make
this easy for everyone.
I prefer if you come out so we
can discuss this like gentlemen.
But I don't think you're
going to do that.
So, here's what you
are going to do.
You're going to transfer 2.73 billion
dollars our number account.
And you going to do that
within the next hour,
or people will begin to die.
I can't do that.
There's no way that I can do that.
Mr. Lieb, you can and you will.
There's a full first aid kit in the
medical crash cart on board.
Please, he's bleeding
badly let me help him.
He will wait until I
say so or he dies.
At least let me
stop the bleeding.
Make it quick.
What's your emergency protocol?
Once I pressed the panic button,
the cockpit door sealed,
so is Lieb's cabin.
And the pilots?
Contact Air Traffic Control, and
land at the nearest airport.
These people are good.
They wouldn't gone without
having the cockpit controlled.
Enough! Get away from him!
Please Bruce just do what he says!
Please I'm begging you, just
think about what you're doing.
Please, just let her go.
Jesus Christ, Bruce!
He's got a fucking gun to my head!
Just give him what he wants! Bruce!
Please don't make me kill her,
Mr. Lieb. It's so tedious.
Please, just let her go.
Fuck you, Bruce!
Just give him you piece of shit.
Just give him the fucking money
you coward. God damn it!
My God. What did you do?
What did you do?
Listen you selfish prick,
whether you come out or not,
you're dead unless
I get what I want.
You listen to me...
I just can't transfer billions
dollars just like that.
I going to need time.
I've to talk to the board.
There are going to be questions.
There going to be lots of questions.
Then answer them.
For now, get a pen and write this down.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2127376160
You got 10 minutes.
Then you'll start to
lose your top people.
Clean this up.
- Get away from him now!
- He's in cardiac arrest.
- I need the crash cart from the front cabin.
- Please, let me get it.
Sit back down!
- Good job.
- Nice acting.
Take the scissors from the cabinet.
Hurry up.
They must've come from the cargo hull.
I'll check it out see what we're up against.
I'll go with you.
I got to find a safe place for Liv.
We got a short window
to get them out of here.
I want everyone to
spread out and hide.
Don't make it easy for him.
Come on let's go.
Come on.
Listen carefully, you guys
should be safe here.
If you feel the need to move,
make your way to the main cabin.
There are lots of
room to hide there.
Until then, stay out of sight.
I'll back as soon as I can, alright?
- Hey, Paul. Be careful.
- I'll be okay.
Now you listen to me, you
need to transfer that money
and you need to transfer it now.
Are you sure they're serious?
I just watched them blow my
sister fucking head off.
They're serious.
Bruce, we have to go
to the FBI on this.
It's the only responsible
thing we can do.
and what for?
So they can fly up here in a
secrets plane, and rescue us?
What I'm telling you now if
that's the only plan you got,
I'd rather jump.
I agree.
No authorities.
A word of this gets out,
our stock will plummets.
We'll lose any chance
we may have to recover.
I don't believe we
may have that much.
Even if we liquidate our
entire cash reserves.
It doesn't seems that we
have any other option.
Eric will know what we can pull.
Bruce, is he with you?
He was, he's outside. I don't know.
I really don't know.
- How does it look?
- We're going have to improvise.
What are you talking about?
There's a weather ahead that
looks bad, a hail-storms.
We're not going to
make it to the ground.
What do you suggest?
Like beaches?
Hold this.
Rostow, the hostages have escapes.
You have got to be kidding me.
I'm on my way.
Steve, just get us on the ground,
I don't care how you do it.
You figure it out.
Where the hell do you think
you're going?
Downstairs. Go!
Don't give me a reason. Move!
What the fuck happened?!
- He took my gun and my comms.
- The big guy?
I gave you one job.
Make yourself useful and tie him up!
Come on.
Fuck! Fuck!
So they extort the
money and they jump.
- What the hell is that?
- It's a cricket bat.
They going to get to a much
lower altitude to jump.
Yeah they are.
Otto, I assume that you and your big
ugly friend can hear me. So listen up!
I was mistaken to think
that you cooperate.
So play time is over.
And you! The big guy.
Are you listening?
You ugly fuck, I'm
coming looking for you!
- The jackass is talking shit now.
- Ignore him..
Mr. Lieb, where are we?
Look, I'm going to be really
honest with you.
Nothing can happen until
you talk with Eric Elmwood
Who the fuck is Eric Elmwood?
He's the CFO in our company.
Good evening, gentlemen
of the board.
You're not going to
get away with this.
As your new larger shareholder,
I'd like to submit a resolution
dealing with corporate governance
and executive compensation.
No. No. Please, don't hurt me.
Where the fuck is Eric?
- He's in the one of the state room.
- Where?
He's in the one of
the state rooms.
Please, don't hurt me.
Enough of this.
I'm alerting the authorities.
I think twice about that.
I always wish Lieb Industries would
been held with higher standard
.. than your single minded
determination to maximize profits.
I therefore have no
alternative but to
nominate myself as
Executor of the Company.
Mr. Elmwood, take a seat.
So, gentlemen.
Do we understand each other?
What you been up to eh?
- Who did you work for?
- Piss off!
The man ask you a question.
If you don't answer, I'm
going to fucking kill you.
- I don't know. No one knows.
- Bullshit!
- Let's kill her.
- Wait! Wait, you need me.
There is a bomb in that car.
Once we reach 20,000 feet,
that bomb will engage and
you'll have 20 minutes.
- Jesus, we got big troubles.
- Fuck yeah we do.
- Hey, what's going on out there?
- There's someone coming.
Come here. Get over here. Hide.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm alright.
- Are you sure?
- I'm alright.
It's okay.
It's okay, sweety
You don't think you'll get
off the plane, do you?
They're only 3
parachutes, do the math.
Why's taking so long?
It should have cleared by now.
Check again.
Got it. We're ready. Cohen, bring it down.
I'm telling you the truth,
there's a bomb in the cargo.
and activated at 20,000 feet.
You got 10 minutes to get off
and this thing will blows.
Sorry Otto. I got 10 million
calling on the other line.
How did you come up
with that number?
What are you talking about?
That the exact amount we had to
liquidate. How would you know that?
For not someone from
the inside, this...
That's called, corporate repatriation.
I must be on my way.
Don't go anywhere.
Liv and Sam are in the main cabin.
You'll be safe there.
We found a bomb on the plane.
We're going to attempt to disarm it.
We're going to take the plane back.
Can you get into the cockpit?
This what exactly the
system build to prevent.
I think I can figure
something out.
- What happened? Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's fine I think.
Just look at me. Stay with me,
you're going to be okay.
Hey, shit head, missing something?
Looking for these?
I don't know who you are,
but you are really pissing me off.
What the fuck?
Get up.
- Disarm it.
- Okay.
Donaldson, untie me.
Sit down.
Get a hold of ATC.
Ross, Donaldson. Cockpit secured.
Brennan is fine.
Good. That's great. Great job.
Listen, keep it as
level as you can.
We're still trying to
disarm this bomb down here.
- How are doing here?
- Slow. She has no fucking clue.
- I do!
- Give me a hand.
- What are you doing?
- What do you think I'm doing?
- So you're SAS?
- Yup.
- I got a confession.
- Yeah, what's that?
I'm not on this assignment.
- Wrong call?
- Yeah
and you telling me this now why?
- I just figure you should know.
- You're a sweet heart.
Red or blue?
I'm pretty sure it's red.
No, I think it's blue.
Really? No, it's red.
Otto, are you okay?
Check him Bruce.
I'll go check on him right now.
It's Ross.
Bruce's state room is burning.
We got to get this thing down.
We're 10 minutes out. Get strap in.
This may get bumpy.
Let's get him up, let
move him upstairs.
How about Bruce?
It's going to have to
wait till we land.
Are you okay?
Alright buddy, come on. Here we go.
- How is she?
- Hanging in there.
Better sit down, and hold on tight.
Hey, stay with us, Otto.
Stay with us, man.
Gear down.
- Flaps 13.
- Give me another 10 degrees of flaps.
Full flaps.
Hey, over here.
Please, for Bruce.
Upload everything video
and electronics,
to Max Porter in the
Paris office, alright?
He'll know what to do with it.
- Hey, sweetheart.
- Hey ..
They've room arranged for us here.
Why don't you head over
there and get some rest.
I'm going to be here a bit.
He will take you.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Only if you promise, I'll
see you soon.
You better believe it.
Now get out of here.
- Thank you.
- For what?
Being you.
I'll see you soon then.
Sir, we finally got in.
Not much to see.
Holy shit!
Hey, it's Max.
You're not going to believe this.
Yeah, I can say the
same thing to you.
So, what do you have?
As of last week,
both the CIA and MI6
intended on closing the
case work on The Tribe.
my MI6 counterpart,
Joe Ballard and I were the only to
believe the group is still real.
The night before the flight,
we were set up and he was killed.
Yet you survived.
I got lucky. Until my colleague and I
found information..
that led me to Bruce Lieb's flight.
There wee an interesting bundle
of files which basically dossier on..
this Billionaire Bruce
Lieb and his companies.
I think he's the target.
When Lieb refused to ground the plane.
I had no intention to remain on board.
Until I realized that my
fiance was on that plane.
- Look, you can't be on this flight.
- Are you out of your mind?
She just been hired by
the Lieb's financial.
That's work.
I'd love to know on how
you would feel about your
thought about joining us
to a more permanent basis?
I'm working with a new clients and
I just really wanted you to know.
Agent Ross, please come to your point.
My point is,
he wanted me on that plane.
I know this highly against protocol...
But I would feel a
lot more at ease
that maybe you were to
join us this flight.
- Stay away from me.
- Do we have a problem?
Would you tell Lieb
I'll accept his invitation.
In fact, every single
person is in the position
..to know of Lieb's activity,
was on board that night.
His half sister. His lawyer.
He's CFO and his bodyguard.
Two days ago,
up in one of the dozen account
we tracked with The Tribe holding
company called IIU.
Do you know what that amount equals?
Lieb's financial was able to liquidate.
Now who else would had known
that precise figure?
What better way for the leader
of The Tribe to retain control
remain anonymous,
and salvage the
assets he laundered
to Lieb's financial.
If those hijackers were
to down that plane,
Bruce Lieb would have
pull off god damn coup.
What exactly are you suggesting?
My God.
It's all that was left.
Our leader is not dead.
He got off the plane before
it even left the ground.
What are you intent on doing, Ross?
I gonna find him and bring him in.
Sub edited and resynced by: PEEAN91
A recent CIA released designated
the name The Tribe,
to the terrorist
organization responsible
for continued
escalation in Gaza.
The report goes on suggest
that this so called Tribe is
operating broader region
of organized crime
and terrorism than
previously thought.
A CIA official noted
that a task force has
been assigned to case this
case for some time
German official has been
admitted knowing that
Tribe activity has been
presence in Europe for a decade.
After attribution of arms
of German military
forces were discovered
in Pakistan and used
in attack against
coalition forces on the
border of Afghanistan
this past months.
It appears arms dealing has become
highly lucrative for The Tribe.
Interpol has begun
investigating a recent trend
indicating drugs smuggled
into Europe are on the rise
Connections has been
made suggesting
The Tribe is directing
significant resources
to increase in shipment into
France, Germany and Italy.
In other international news,
British industry
magnet Bruce Lieb
has been called to the
floor in New York City,
the security and exchange
commission is interested in
understanding more
behind the acquisition
of polar energy
by Lied Industry
The trading of polar
came to a halt prior
to the completion of the
deal to purchase common stock
while polar delayed announcing
a large uranium discovery
pointing to insider trading.
The SEC inquiries is set for Thursday.
Mean while, neither Lieb
or company official has
comment on the matter
leaving the market guessing
Despite appending SEC
hearing this week,
Bruce Lieb company has
continues to form well
A fourth quarter announcement
of huge profits in
excess cash reserve has set his
competitors stock plunging
Traders quickly tried
to rebound on what
seem an easy bet
against the brash CEO
with all the talk of his
business activities,
billionaire Bruce Lieb personal
life seem to be unaffected
He arrived in Paris today for
a benefit to put on by French
Industries to celebrate Lieb's 20
year anniversary and business.
The party is said to featured a
who's who guest list which
include some of the top
business leaders in Europe.
The event show support Lieb on the
face of mounting SEC claims.
Celebrating 20 years of
Lieb Industries.
You look rather pretty
and you're all cleaned up.
Yeah? Remind me to set
the fox for me later.
A couple of these,
and you might just get lucky.
So, where's Dick Tracy tonight?
Not his cup of tea.
Maybe you should let
him to loosen up a bit
maybe enjoy Paris
while he's here.
- Why would I do that?
- Langley pull us out off The Tribe.
And MI6 is cutting bait as well.
Actually after 10 years on the case.
I'm surprised you haven't heard.
Really is just too
much money for them.
They seem to think it's fiction.
Mike. Mike Meltzer.
- I knew that was you earlier.
- Good to see Bruce, congratulations.
Thank you.
- Bruce. Bruce Lieb.
- Joe Ballard.
- This is my sister, Michelle.
- Hello.
- Pleasure.
- Ballard? Intelligence, right?
- Yeah.
- I heard so many good things.
At ease. I just wanted to say,
I respect the man who
protect the queen.
If you gonna excuse me,
Please enjoy the celebrations.
For how long it's been?
Five, ten years?
Thank you.
- Liv, hi.
- Hi, Joe.
You look great.
I didn't expect to see you here.
Thanks. It's work.
Just came on for the night to
help out with the local press.
I bet that sounds fancy.
No, not really.
It's just the one off.
- But, we'll see I guess.
- Alright
Well I got things to do
so have a great night.
Yeah, you too
- Wait, Joe.
- Yeah?
- How's he?
- He's good.
He love to hear from you.
- Look after yourself.
- Take care.
Ballard: Wake up and go home.
Ballard: Blowhards and caviar
suck just as much in Paris.
Agent Ross.
He will be attending an exchange.
Can you meet me?
I'll be right there.
I love a man who carries a weapon.
What's in your stance.
Your Jacket pulling apart
on the right side.
Do you have the time?
I've got to run.
Do you want me to come home with you?
What if I told you I was homeless?
What if I told you,
I have a room upstairs?
Do you want to get that?
Excuse me. One minute.
Don't move.
Bro, you're like a professional
fucking cop blocker
Sorry to intefere with
your philontraphy.
What's up?
I just talked with a guy
from French Intelligence.
He said there a meeting
going down tonight.
And, the boss will be there.
Fuck that. If that was true
the French won't give it up.
They know we have a
better shot than they do.
I mean the French
leaks like a silk.
What's the plans?
I think we got to act
fast and we got to keep it small.
Okay, alright, I'll get some
guys together.
Meltzer's in there, if you want
to speak to him.
I do, he's brunette in there
she unbelievable.
Let's do a perimeter check.
Why don't you relax.
They'll tell us if something comes up.
Just do the check. Humor me.
You got it boss.
I thought you didn't eat crabs.
Yeah. I really appreciate you've
gone on a limb on this one.
- You gonna ask me to dance next?
- You guys too!
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Of course sir.
Shut up and eat will you.
I saw Liv tonight.
What? You didn't feel like
mentioning that earlier?
For all this junk, I
haven't got the time.
- How does she looks?
- Terrible.
Yeah. She wouldn't take my phone call.
Fellas, it has been at least
Well. Hey, we've got something here.
- It's the brunette from tonight.
- What?
We go in three.
One, two...
- Joe, are you alright?
- Yeah, the vest got it.
- You?
- Yeah, fine.
Ross, they've taken the girl.
Fucking idiot.
Do it, bitch.
No. No. No.
So tell me, how does it happen...
..during CIA operation, MI6
losses 5 men?
- I've nothing to say.
- Nothing?
- Really? You've got nothing?
- I got played.
You wouldn't been a target if
you weren't getting close.
But Ross you just push this too far.
To add to this shit storm,
the British...
Well they already
demanding vengeance,
and the French they're pissed we
didn't inform them in advance.
You recognise this man?
He's your informant, right?
Well they've pinning this
on us as well.
Effective immediately,
we're suspending
this operation until this
investigation is complete.
Hi, you've reached Olivia's voice mail.
Leave me a message, and I'll...
Hey, I got to talk to you.
The flash drive that we found one
the scene was full of information,
I wasn't able to head
and tails of all of it,
Look, you might want to
take this to the center.
I know.
But hear me out. Okay?
There was an interesting bundle of
files which basically a dossier on this
Billionaire Bruce Lieb
and his companies.
- I think he's a target.
- It sounds more like a backer.
Yeah, that's what I thought as well,
but then I found this.
It's a manifest for his private jets
for a flight leaving Paris tonight.
It's a detail assessment about
his security procedures,
his flight personnel...
..As well as his technical
specs of the aircraft itself.
- But that's not the kicker.
- Go on
There were references to
several holdings in the companies.
And one of them is the IIU.
Follow the money.
- Sir?
- Shit!
I'm no longer clear to
be anywhere near this.
I don't really think that
anyone else need to know.
I'll be honest with you both.
I really really hate this shit.
We know, Bruce. But the SEC didn't
call you in for tea.
Your testimony tomorrow put we all to bed.
Testimony? You told me this
was a friendly interview.
It is, just consider it
a friendly interview,
which can be used against
you in court of law.
She's here.
You can bring her in..
Gentlemen, I'll see you
both this evening.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Don't give me that look.
Shes here to clear up this mess.
Look, whatever happens tomorrow,
you going to be taken care of.
So it shouldn't matter.
It does matter. She's not qualify
and has no place here.
You've got your eye on the
wrong price this time.
Don't take liberties with my future.
Olivia, so lovely to see you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I was very excited to get
the call this morning.
Thank you both for
bringing me in.
Yeah, we were very very impressed
with your work last night.
Look, I'm not going to play games.
I'd love how you'd feel in
your thought about joining
us on a more permanent basis?
Great! I'd hope you'd say that,
so I took the liberty of...
..putting together
a few ideas for a
campaign focusing on
your charity work.
Starting with your upcoming benefit.
So television is expensive,
but it got the most impacts.
I saved them for
tomorrow Red Carpet.
Perhaps invited a few of
your top contributors.
I'd also suggested a one-on-one
for the flight.
Print is a intimate
and a great way to
show case another
set of your work.
- Alright. Let's get started.
- Really?
I was hoping for
somethings else.
This will give you the chance to
show me what you can really do.
And please don't hesitate.
Michelle will give everything that
you need and I mean everything
- Great. Thank you.
- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you.
- Pleasure.
Please let me show you out.
And I need a fresh tie.
- Liv?
- Hey, you sound surprised.
I can't remember the last
time you called me.
Yeah, well, uh...
I just got a really good day and
you're the first person
I want to talk to.
I'm working with a new clients, and...
I just want you to know.
It's a really good day.
That's great.
That's really great.
- Shit.
- What? What's wrong?
Liv, I'm really glad you called.
You have no idea. But I've got to go.
I'm sorry, I'll call you soon.
Max, what do you got?
I got more on Bruce Lieb.
His private fight leave
to Gall in 2 hours.
His head of security
guy named Otto Southwell.
We've been contacted
him with the brief,
and he waiting for you
there on the plane.
Thanks. Got it.
Mr. Lieb, can you comment..
about the SEC hearing?
I've been here for charity,
not subject for the SEC crime.
Mr. Lieb, one question sir.
Listen, everyone. Its just a
formal inquiry. That's all.
Everything will be clear tomorrow.
And it the Commission will
provide you everything that
they feel that the
public should know.
But let me just take this
opportunity to tell you...
We raised over 5 million dollars for
needy children all around the world.
And we're about to
do the same for some
needy kids in Washington DC.
So let's not forget
the bigger picture
here and take our
eyes off the ball.
- Thank you so much for your time.
- Mr. Lieb...
I've nothing else to say.
- They have a beautiful garden.
- Have you been there?
No I haven't.
It's very beautiful.
Unfortunately we have to cut this short
Hey, gents.
Steve. You're on time.
- Did you check the weather and route?
- Yeah, it's looking pretty good.
What the disturbance looking
over the North Sea?
We'll keep an eye on it.
Hell let get this folks some nice
smooth rides we can offer them.
We got many important
hot-shows on board.
- That's what I hear.
- Let's get this bird in the air.
It sure is a beautiful aircraft.
- Yeah, she is, Captain.
- Flying is like breathing to me.
Cohen be sure to check the correct ILS
approach checks out would you please.
- Hey, Roger.
- Yeah?
Is that a new girl in the red dress?
What's about that blonde?
That blonde is married to one
of Lib's biggest donors
Yeah, they're both kinda young.
Family money, gentlemen.
Young people with privilege.
They probably hate each other.
Nothing makes Tara and I happier,
than contribute to the foundation.
The work that charity
does is outstanding.
We really appreciated all
that you guys had done.
And as a show of appreciation,
Mr. Lieb would like to
make his favourite chef
available to you during
your stay in New York
That's very generous.
Well, honesty your generosity
what makes this all possible.
I'll let you two settle in.
You'll be in stair room no. 2 and
once we're airborne, it's all yours.
Let me know if there's
anything else.
- Okay.
- Okay thanks.
Seriously? Those are his
biggest donors?
I am definitely in
the wrong business.
Yeah, you and me both.
Honestly Sam.
Thank you so much dropping
everything and
saving me like this.
As your best friend,
I'm happy to.
As a journalist, I know a
good scandal when I see one.
- Sam?
- Don't worry, I got your back.
You got everything you need?
Yeah. So far so good.
I only need it for a minute or two.
Alright. We'll get you in there.
Agent Ross. Otto Southwell
should be expecting me.
I have an Agent Ross
for Mr. Southwell.
Just a second.
- It'll be just a second.
- Agent Ross, come on up.
Otto will be back shortly.
So I have just finishing up
with a few security check
but in the mean time I'll
show you around a bit.
I'll give you this, passengers
manifesto and background checks.
Not bad, eh? Rumor has it,
he won it in a card game.
From the Emir of Qatar.
- Watch your step.
- Thank you.
- Good evening, Mr. Lieb.
- Stanlin.
The theater is ready
for your team.
We're on track for
departure in 20 minutes.
Very good. Michelle,
have them ready in 5 minutes.
Alright, we're ready
for main engine start.
Inform ground we're
ready for a push back.
- Roger, I got the hatch light on.
- I got it.
Have you called the tower?
Mr. Sean, I don't know why you decide
you bring your blonde reporter friend.
But you better make sure ..
Can we stop with
this petty nonsense?
We need to focus on this SEC issues.
Well you sounds like you're very
well acquainted. Welcome, Olivia.
Listen, I'm going to
go back and relax
and I'll join you
in a few hours.
Please, do me a favour, keep it down.
- It's a better hell of a poker game.
- Agent Ross, Otto Southwell.
- How are you doing, mate?
- Good to meet you.
Yeah, you too.
I'm going to need you
to ground this plane.
That's not going to happen.
Bruce is aware of the intelligence,
but he's not willing to
ground the plane.
- Does he understand the seriousness?
- He didn't see it that way.
Is there any chance I speak with him?
Sure. This way.
Boos's cabin is
state of the art,
build out of titanium
and totally seal.
Direct video feed, straight into the state room.
Bruce, Agent Ross's
here to speak to you.
Excuse Otto. They're waiting
for you in the vehicle.
Right, see you around mate.
You can trust yourself when
all men doubt you
But make allowances on
their doubting too.
and that is one of my favorite poem.
'If' by Rudyard Kipling.
- Please, can I offer you a drink?
- No, thanks. Sir, this flight...
Listen, Agent Ross, I must
truly apologize.
I mean, you must think I'm..
I'm some sort of stubborn idiot.
The fact is, I've got a very very
important meeting tomorrow.
and any absence of delay
on my part can be
truly detrimental to
my entire enterprise
Yes, I heard. But sir you got
a bigger issue on this flight.
I wasn't able to give
details to Otto...
..but I believe you're
the target of a
powerful international
criminal syndicates.
I don't understand.
I mean why'd I be an
interest of a
criminal syndicates?
I'm not sure. But these are
not thugs with guns.
These guys manipulate markets,
and they create
insurgencies to start wars.
We found the dossier
that contains
several of financial
for your companies.
Maybe they'll on this
flight witch hunt.
It's possible.
But you can see why
it causes concern
that they have all the
details to your flight.
Now I'm not in the position
to delay the departure.
But if you choose to fly,
I strongly recommend you double
all your security efforts.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Unfortunately, I have
no say in the matter
and I really appreciate your
giving all this information.
Look, I know this is highly
against protocol..
..but I would a lot more at ease maybe
if you were to join us on this flight.
Well I don't that would be necessary,
but I'll be happy to talk to Otto.
Whenever you change your mind.
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
- How are you, Pierre.
- Good evening, sir.
You sure you don't want to
come with us tonight?
It is my first weekend
off in a long time,
I'm looking forward to spending
it with my wife and son.
- Son. How old was Michael these days?
- Already 12 years old.
Big boy.
- Michelle went shopping again.
- Yeah I can see that.
Alright mate, give my
regards to your family.
Thanks. Have a safe trip.
I definitely love to
find time later on
the flight to over the budget..
..for the up coming
benefit in New York.
- Most definitely.
- Great.
Love to catch a drink soon.
Liv, what the hell
are you doing here?
Would you please
excuse me, Eric?
Sam, he's ready for you.
- Look, you can't be on this flight.
- Are you out of your mind?
What the hell are you doing
showing up here?
This has nothing to do with us.
No, you're right this has
everything to do with me.
This is my work Paul.
Are you okay?
I'll be fine.
Let me know if you need anything.
- Come here.
- The Tribe is targeting Lieb.
Paul, stop.
I had to listen to 4 years of
this relentless
obsession of yours
and you know what I think?
I think if there's
actually a real threat...
That the CIA actually thought was real.
They would actually be here.
- Would you Listen..
- No, I'm not listening.
Just...stay away from me.
Do we have a problem?
- No problem.
- Good.
Would you tell Lieb I'll
accept his invitation?
Can I get you something to drink?
- Beer and soda.
- Not feeling well?
No, I'm just fine.
You're cleared for flight
level 370, LTD-740.
Course zero until Iceland.
Good day.
Thank you very much. LTD-740.
Good day.
Well Steve, I didn't see you in Paris,
after we landed.
Yeah, you disappeared, man.
Yeah, what can I say.
I had a thing about French women.
Your wife know?
Your wife know about
the Asian women, Yuki?
We've reached cruising altitude.
Inform the passengers.
This is co-pilot Cohen
from flight deck.
I've turned off the
seat belt sign,
you're now free to
move about the cabin.
Do you want check out our state room?
- Agent Ross, can I offer you a drink?
- No, thanks.
You don't drink on the job eh?
Hard habit to break.
It's beer and soda.
- Who is she?
- Fiancee. Well Ex-.
Well this is going to be
an interesting flight, ain't it?
- We're going to okay mate.
- I sure hope you're right.
- Oh my God.
- Holy cow.
- This is amazing.
- Oh my gosh.
This is so great.
- You think we high yet?
- It doesn't matter baby.
We're flying on private.
Thank you.
That was fun.
- How many were up there?
- Just 12 plus Bruce and the pilots.
Look keep an eye
on Otto Southwell.
He used to be special ops, and
he's been with Bruce for years.
- We should take him out.
- Absolutely not!
We may need him. He's the only one
who can get to Bruce's chamber.
- We'll handle it.
- Fine.
- You'll wait for my signal.
- So what's your signal?
When all is set. I'll give it a go.
- That means, your signal is Go.
- I'm sorry, can you repeat that?
Hey, let's knock this off
on a good note.
I've got my end to covered.
Keep yours in check.
How do we end up with her?
He's Lieb's half-sister.
Wants her piece, before
big brother goes down.
Who says blood was thicker than water?
Jack and Ginger.
It's a peace offering.
May I sit?
I'm sorry, you have to understand
I have no idea you'd be here.
I know.
Joe was killed last night.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
He likes you, you know?
I liked him too.
- Hi, Nick.
- Hey man.
- You don't mind I help myself do you?
- No, go ahead.
I'm starving.
Any real food back there?
No, dinner should be
ready in an hour.
- This is Steve.
- Hey, it's Michele.
Bruce is asking for an ETA.
We got about three
hours of flight time.
Thank you.
I have to get a piss.
You're going to be good
by yourself for a minute?
Not a problem.
- Can I get you anything?
- You know...
Sorry, boss.
We're a go.
What the fuck?!
Was that necessary?
- Sorry, I got excited.
- Try to control yourself.
- What did you do?
- Where are the others?
There's four
in the main cabin,
- Does the cockpit secured?
- Cohen got it under control.
- Go keep him occupied.
- No more of this.
Don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
Who the hell is Cohen?
Cohen's a good pilot.
He'll get the job done.
Alright let do this.
You, take it easy to that thing.
When we land, we should go to
that place we went to last time.
Oh yeah. The catfish? So good.
Looks like the love birds are
finally done. Excuse me.
Come in.
- Enjoying everything?
- Yeah, it's going okay.
- Just okay?
- Just okay.
- Gin and tonic.
- Make it a double.
- Bad day?
- Yes, something like that.
- Hi there.
- Hey.
We haven't met.
- Paul.
- Michele Lieb.
- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.
- What happened to you?
- A little accident.
That's not good. You have to
take better care of yourself.
Here's to being more careful.
Hey, Steve. Can you open the door?
I just buzzed you it.
It didn't work.
Can you try it again?
Yeah, sure.
Okay. Try it now.
Nope, still nothing.
Hmm, that's odd, must be
some sort of malfunction.
- Why don't you check the breaker.
- Yeah. Okay.
Get his gun.
Alright, everybody on your feet!
You heard the woman, move it now!
Hands on your heads!
Everybody, hands on
your heads, right now!
Get up!
Back of the plane!
Do you have a weapon?
Lock your fingers above your
head and turn around!
Okay everybody downstairs to
the back of the plane!
Go! Go!
Ladies and gentlemen,
please remain calm.
I apologize that you had been
detained against your will.
But if you cooperate,
no one will get hurt.
At least no one else.
They wont be any heroes
tonight Mr. Southwell.
I'm the hero.
Think of me as a Robin Hood.
I rob from the rich
and give to the poor.
You've met my band of married-men.
Bruce Lieb is a corporate
raider who's stole
billions from people
all over the world.
Tonight he'll get a
lessons in justice.
I'm going to separate him
from his ill-gotten games.
If you do not interfere,
you'll be witnesses.
But if you try to get in my way,
you'll be collateral damage.
What is it you want?
Name your price, I can
make all of this go away.
You must be the lawyer.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
What exactly do you think
you can do for me?
Unless you've billions of dollars you
can transfer to the next half hour,
I suggest you shut the fuck up!
That's not very cooperative,
Mr. Southwell.
Keep everyone here.
If they move, kill them!
Grab the girl! Let's go!
Please, let me go, please.
Tie everybody up!
- Jesus, ease up. You're hurting me!
- Very convincing.
Otto, talk to me,
what the hell is going on?
Mr. Lieb, my apologise.
But Mr. Southwell is indisposed.
- And who the fuck am I talking to?
- The name is aren't important.
What is importantly is we've taken
over this aircraft.
I'm hoping you'll make
this easy for everyone.
I prefer if you come out so we
can discuss this like gentlemen.
But I don't think you're
going to do that.
So, here's what you
are going to do.
You're going to transfer 2.73 billion
dollars our number account.
And you going to do that
within the next hour,
or people will begin to die.
I can't do that.
There's no way that I can do that.
Mr. Lieb, you can and you will.
There's a full first aid kit in the
medical crash cart on board.
Please, he's bleeding
badly let me help him.
He will wait until I
say so or he dies.
At least let me
stop the bleeding.
Make it quick.
What's your emergency protocol?
Once I pressed the panic button,
the cockpit door sealed,
so is Lieb's cabin.
And the pilots?
Contact Air Traffic Control, and
land at the nearest airport.
These people are good.
They wouldn't gone without
having the cockpit controlled.
Enough! Get away from him!
Please Bruce just do what he says!
Please I'm begging you, just
think about what you're doing.
Please, just let her go.
Jesus Christ, Bruce!
He's got a fucking gun to my head!
Just give him what he wants! Bruce!
Please don't make me kill her,
Mr. Lieb. It's so tedious.
Please, just let her go.
Fuck you, Bruce!
Just give him you piece of shit.
Just give him the fucking money
you coward. God damn it!
My God. What did you do?
What did you do?
Listen you selfish prick,
whether you come out or not,
you're dead unless
I get what I want.
You listen to me...
I just can't transfer billions
dollars just like that.
I going to need time.
I've to talk to the board.
There are going to be questions.
There going to be lots of questions.
Then answer them.
For now, get a pen and write this down.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2127376160
You got 10 minutes.
Then you'll start to
lose your top people.
Clean this up.
- Get away from him now!
- He's in cardiac arrest.
- I need the crash cart from the front cabin.
- Please, let me get it.
Sit back down!
- Good job.
- Nice acting.
Take the scissors from the cabinet.
Hurry up.
They must've come from the cargo hull.
I'll check it out see what we're up against.
I'll go with you.
I got to find a safe place for Liv.
We got a short window
to get them out of here.
I want everyone to
spread out and hide.
Don't make it easy for him.
Come on let's go.
Come on.
Listen carefully, you guys
should be safe here.
If you feel the need to move,
make your way to the main cabin.
There are lots of
room to hide there.
Until then, stay out of sight.
I'll back as soon as I can, alright?
- Hey, Paul. Be careful.
- I'll be okay.
Now you listen to me, you
need to transfer that money
and you need to transfer it now.
Are you sure they're serious?
I just watched them blow my
sister fucking head off.
They're serious.
Bruce, we have to go
to the FBI on this.
It's the only responsible
thing we can do.
and what for?
So they can fly up here in a
secrets plane, and rescue us?
What I'm telling you now if
that's the only plan you got,
I'd rather jump.
I agree.
No authorities.
A word of this gets out,
our stock will plummets.
We'll lose any chance
we may have to recover.
I don't believe we
may have that much.
Even if we liquidate our
entire cash reserves.
It doesn't seems that we
have any other option.
Eric will know what we can pull.
Bruce, is he with you?
He was, he's outside. I don't know.
I really don't know.
- How does it look?
- We're going have to improvise.
What are you talking about?
There's a weather ahead that
looks bad, a hail-storms.
We're not going to
make it to the ground.
What do you suggest?
Like beaches?
Hold this.
Rostow, the hostages have escapes.
You have got to be kidding me.
I'm on my way.
Steve, just get us on the ground,
I don't care how you do it.
You figure it out.
Where the hell do you think
you're going?
Downstairs. Go!
Don't give me a reason. Move!
What the fuck happened?!
- He took my gun and my comms.
- The big guy?
I gave you one job.
Make yourself useful and tie him up!
Come on.
Fuck! Fuck!
So they extort the
money and they jump.
- What the hell is that?
- It's a cricket bat.
They going to get to a much
lower altitude to jump.
Yeah they are.
Otto, I assume that you and your big
ugly friend can hear me. So listen up!
I was mistaken to think
that you cooperate.
So play time is over.
And you! The big guy.
Are you listening?
You ugly fuck, I'm
coming looking for you!
- The jackass is talking shit now.
- Ignore him..
Mr. Lieb, where are we?
Look, I'm going to be really
honest with you.
Nothing can happen until
you talk with Eric Elmwood
Who the fuck is Eric Elmwood?
He's the CFO in our company.
Good evening, gentlemen
of the board.
You're not going to
get away with this.
As your new larger shareholder,
I'd like to submit a resolution
dealing with corporate governance
and executive compensation.
No. No. Please, don't hurt me.
Where the fuck is Eric?
- He's in the one of the state room.
- Where?
He's in the one of
the state rooms.
Please, don't hurt me.
Enough of this.
I'm alerting the authorities.
I think twice about that.
I always wish Lieb Industries would
been held with higher standard
.. than your single minded
determination to maximize profits.
I therefore have no
alternative but to
nominate myself as
Executor of the Company.
Mr. Elmwood, take a seat.
So, gentlemen.
Do we understand each other?
What you been up to eh?
- Who did you work for?
- Piss off!
The man ask you a question.
If you don't answer, I'm
going to fucking kill you.
- I don't know. No one knows.
- Bullshit!
- Let's kill her.
- Wait! Wait, you need me.
There is a bomb in that car.
Once we reach 20,000 feet,
that bomb will engage and
you'll have 20 minutes.
- Jesus, we got big troubles.
- Fuck yeah we do.
- Hey, what's going on out there?
- There's someone coming.
Come here. Get over here. Hide.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm alright.
- Are you sure?
- I'm alright.
It's okay.
It's okay, sweety
You don't think you'll get
off the plane, do you?
They're only 3
parachutes, do the math.
Why's taking so long?
It should have cleared by now.
Check again.
Got it. We're ready. Cohen, bring it down.
I'm telling you the truth,
there's a bomb in the cargo.
and activated at 20,000 feet.
You got 10 minutes to get off
and this thing will blows.
Sorry Otto. I got 10 million
calling on the other line.
How did you come up
with that number?
What are you talking about?
That the exact amount we had to
liquidate. How would you know that?
For not someone from
the inside, this...
That's called, corporate repatriation.
I must be on my way.
Don't go anywhere.
Liv and Sam are in the main cabin.
You'll be safe there.
We found a bomb on the plane.
We're going to attempt to disarm it.
We're going to take the plane back.
Can you get into the cockpit?
This what exactly the
system build to prevent.
I think I can figure
something out.
- What happened? Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's fine I think.
Just look at me. Stay with me,
you're going to be okay.
Hey, shit head, missing something?
Looking for these?
I don't know who you are,
but you are really pissing me off.
What the fuck?
Get up.
- Disarm it.
- Okay.
Donaldson, untie me.
Sit down.
Get a hold of ATC.
Ross, Donaldson. Cockpit secured.
Brennan is fine.
Good. That's great. Great job.
Listen, keep it as
level as you can.
We're still trying to
disarm this bomb down here.
- How are doing here?
- Slow. She has no fucking clue.
- I do!
- Give me a hand.
- What are you doing?
- What do you think I'm doing?
- So you're SAS?
- Yup.
- I got a confession.
- Yeah, what's that?
I'm not on this assignment.
- Wrong call?
- Yeah
and you telling me this now why?
- I just figure you should know.
- You're a sweet heart.
Red or blue?
I'm pretty sure it's red.
No, I think it's blue.
Really? No, it's red.
Otto, are you okay?
Check him Bruce.
I'll go check on him right now.
It's Ross.
Bruce's state room is burning.
We got to get this thing down.
We're 10 minutes out. Get strap in.
This may get bumpy.
Let's get him up, let
move him upstairs.
How about Bruce?
It's going to have to
wait till we land.
Are you okay?
Alright buddy, come on. Here we go.
- How is she?
- Hanging in there.
Better sit down, and hold on tight.
Hey, stay with us, Otto.
Stay with us, man.
Gear down.
- Flaps 13.
- Give me another 10 degrees of flaps.
Full flaps.
Hey, over here.
Please, for Bruce.
Upload everything video
and electronics,
to Max Porter in the
Paris office, alright?
He'll know what to do with it.
- Hey, sweetheart.
- Hey ..
They've room arranged for us here.
Why don't you head over
there and get some rest.
I'm going to be here a bit.
He will take you.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Only if you promise, I'll
see you soon.
You better believe it.
Now get out of here.
- Thank you.
- For what?
Being you.
I'll see you soon then.
Sir, we finally got in.
Not much to see.
Holy shit!
Hey, it's Max.
You're not going to believe this.
Yeah, I can say the
same thing to you.
So, what do you have?
As of last week,
both the CIA and MI6
intended on closing the
case work on The Tribe.
my MI6 counterpart,
Joe Ballard and I were the only to
believe the group is still real.
The night before the flight,
we were set up and he was killed.
Yet you survived.
I got lucky. Until my colleague and I
found information..
that led me to Bruce Lieb's flight.
There wee an interesting bundle
of files which basically dossier on..
this Billionaire Bruce
Lieb and his companies.
I think he's the target.
When Lieb refused to ground the plane.
I had no intention to remain on board.
Until I realized that my
fiance was on that plane.
- Look, you can't be on this flight.
- Are you out of your mind?
She just been hired by
the Lieb's financial.
That's work.
I'd love to know on how
you would feel about your
thought about joining us
to a more permanent basis?
I'm working with a new clients and
I just really wanted you to know.
Agent Ross, please come to your point.
My point is,
he wanted me on that plane.
I know this highly against protocol...
But I would feel a
lot more at ease
that maybe you were to
join us this flight.
- Stay away from me.
- Do we have a problem?
Would you tell Lieb
I'll accept his invitation.
In fact, every single
person is in the position
..to know of Lieb's activity,
was on board that night.
His half sister. His lawyer.
He's CFO and his bodyguard.
Two days ago,
up in one of the dozen account
we tracked with The Tribe holding
company called IIU.
Do you know what that amount equals?
Lieb's financial was able to liquidate.
Now who else would had known
that precise figure?
What better way for the leader
of The Tribe to retain control
remain anonymous,
and salvage the
assets he laundered
to Lieb's financial.
If those hijackers were
to down that plane,
Bruce Lieb would have
pull off god damn coup.
What exactly are you suggesting?
My God.
It's all that was left.
Our leader is not dead.
He got off the plane before
it even left the ground.
What are you intent on doing, Ross?
I gonna find him and bring him in.
Sub edited and resynced by: PEEAN91