Hilda Crane (1956) Movie Script
Hilda, my dear!
Hello, Mother.
It's good to see you.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
It's been fun.
For me too.
Have a nice trip.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
Anyone I should know,
No. Just somebody I met in the lounge car.
He's on his way to San Francisco.
Don't worry, Mother.
I paid for my own dinner.
Mm! The morning air smells good here.
I'd forgotten.
I hope you're going to stay for a while.
You didn't say in your telegram.
My, wouldn't I love to?
But I've got a wonderful new job
waiting for me in New York.
At least it's almost certain.
I'll hear in a few days.
- Can't you tell me anything about it?
- No. I don't want to hex it.
Mother, will you
drive through the campus?
Yes, if you like.
- Hello, Miss Hilda.
- How are you, Clara?
Oh, it's good to have you back.
I'll take these upstairs.
Thank you.
Well, nothing's changed,
has it?
Now, why should anything change?
It's always a surprise to find
things exactly as they were.
Father's chair
just where it used to be,
and he's been gone for so long.
Let me take your coat.
Thank you.
What beautiful flowers.
- They're for me?
- Yes.
- Russell Burns sent them.
- How sweet of him.
He's become one of Winona's
most important young men.
He's made a fortune
in the contracting business.
Oh, I knew he'd been doing well.
I saw him once or twice
when he came to New York.
We had dinner together.
He's such a nice guy.
"I hope I may have your permission
to call on you soon."
Isn't that touching?
Nobody ever
says things like that anymore.
They don't,
but they should.
Hilda, I don't think I'd
laugh that off if I were you.
Oh, you're not trying to tell me
his intentions are serious?
Whatever Russell's beginnings,
the important thing is that
he's still very devoted to you.
And he's a respectable young man.
Mother, shall we get acquainted
with each other?
I think it's about time.
Just occurs to me
that if I'd put my head in your lap,
you'd be the most surprised person
in the world.
Yes, I suppose I would.
I don't remember you ever
doing anything like that,
even as a child.
I don't remember you
ever inviting me to.
Would be funny to be a child again.
- I think I'd like it.
- Really?
Yes, I would.
Fourteen, 15, 16.
Father sitting in that chair,
smoking his pipe,
looking at me the way he used
to look at me in those days,
his eyes seeming to say,
"That exceptional, remarkable,
gifted Hilda Crane."
And I'd say, "Is that the way
it should be, Father?
Live like a man and still be a woman?
Get a job, pay your own way,
and lick the world?"
And he says, "Why not?
The future belongs to you, Hilda."
That's where I'd like to stop it
and change it... right there.
I want to turn on him and say,
"No, Father, no."
And I'd like you to put down your knitting
and tell me what you're thinking.
I'm thinking it's a lovely day,
and I'm glad you're here.
No, really, Mother.
Don't hold out on me.
I want to learn.
Give me something to believe in.
What's your secret?
It's no secret,
except to people who
deliberately blind themselves.
What do you mean?
Among your friends in New York,
I suppose it's fashionable
to laugh at the solid virtues
like decency and respectability
and having a home and children.
Well, suppose
you can't find a man
who can give you
a happy, respectable home?
Or suppose you think you found him
and then discover you've made a mistake?
- What do you do then?
- Well, you put up a front.
You learn to live
with the situation gracefully.
If I may be a little corny,
Mother, what about love?
If you mean romantic love...
cheap-magazine sort of thing,
most women outgrow that in time.
They learn that a good appearance
and a well-ordered existence
is more important,
and, in the end, it's more satisfying.
I'm awfully mixed-up, Mother.
Yes, I know you are.
Have you ever wanted to go to sleep?
I mean really go to sleep.
Just empty a bottle of pills
and say good night?
Well, no, uh...
I never wanted to sit
on a flagpole either.
Oh, we've had a wonderful talk, Mother.
It was swell.
You just closed a door on me,
didn't you, Hilda?
No, not really.
I didn't mean to sound disapproving.
Really I didn't.
Don't work so hard at it, Mother.
We'll get together.
I'm going to try it your way now.
My way has failed
in every possible direction.
- I hung up your dresses, Miss Hilda.
- Thank you, Clara.
Hilda, tell me.
I lied to you,
as you undoubtedly know.
Yes, it was your coat that told me.
It's still a very beautiful coat,
but the lining's quite worn.
I should've known
I couldn't fool you, Mother.
I didn't leave my job.
They dispensed with my services.
Assistant buyers at 60 a week
are easy to hire and easy to fire.
There isn't any wonderful new job either.
There isn't anything.
Father never told me
what it was really like.
I thought I could be independent,
and I ended up being
more dependent than ever.
Dependent on a series of men.
Then you're here to stay after all.
I suppose so.
For a while anyway.
But I want you to help me.
I want you to help me very much.
- Please, Mother?
- Of course I'll help you.
I'm your mother. It's my job.
Hey, Hilda!
Hey, wait a minute.
Hey, Finney!
All right, take it away, Finney.
- Hello, Russell. How are you anyway?
- Fine, Hilda, fine.
I'm sorry
I haven't had a chance to call.
I wish you had. I wanted to thank you
for the beautiful flowers.
My, this is something.
New library building.
It's the biggest thing I've ever tackled.
I'm so happy about your success...
I said you deserve it if anybody does.
I'm getting a little deaf.
I think I better go.
Uh, Hilda, there's something
I want to talk to you about.
Never mind.
I'll get in touch with you later.
I wish you would.
Say, John, you take over here.
- I'm going back to the office.
- Okay, Russ.
- Worse than Henry VIII?
- Oh, much worse.
If I may be permitted just
a touch of national pride,
Henry VIII was a gilded saint in heaven
compared with Francis I of France.
- Well, back to work.
- Hello, Jacques.
It isn't really you.
Hilda Crane.
Excuse me. One of my old students.
Oh, that's all right.
Kiss her again.
- Yes, go on.
- Why not?
Do you realize it's five years?
Will you be in town long?
- For quite a while, I think.
- Oh, good. I must see you, Hilda.
- Have dinner with me tonight.
- I'd love to.
- Is Slattery's still the best place?
- The only place that doesn't poison you.
Mr. Slattery is French,
on his mother's side.
- I'll meet you there at 7:00.
- Fine. Bye.
Well, back to work anyway.
- Well, Hilda!
- How are you, Nell?
I've been meaning to come
and see you, Dink and I both.
- How is Dink, by the way?
- Oh, well, you know, same old Dink.
Real estate, bowling league,
Chamber of Commerce.
Always rushing somewhere.
Oh, that reminds me.
I've got to rush myself.
Meeting of the Orphans Committee.
We're planning a rummage sale.
Say, I couldn't interest you,
could I?
Oh, no, no.
You wouldn't be interested in that.
Oh, maybe I would, Nell,
if you asked me.
Well, that's swell, Hilda.
I'll talk to the committee about it.
Bye now. I'll call you.
We've got a lot to talk about, you and I.
- Oh, you look wonderful.
- You look pretty good yourself.
- Hilda?
- Have you had any lunch?
Yes, I had a sandwich in the drugstore.
Thank you.
This letter just came for you.
It was sent by hand.
Oh, it's from Russell.
Yes, I know.
Mother, I saw Jacques de Lisle.
- Really?
- Jacques is sweet.
He's just as charming and innocent
as when we used to hold hands
and walk along the south campus.
- Aren't you going to read your letter?
- Oh, yes, the letter.
I had a feeling when I saw him
that time had stopped.
Nothing's changed.
Everything's just as it used to be.
The girls still adore him.
Mother, do you know what's in this letter?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Russell discussed it with me.
Well, he wants to marry me.
That shouldn't surprise you.
He's loved me ever since I was 17
and he came to make
the bookcase for my room.
"Between the day you ordered it
and the day I brought it to you,
your father had died.
How gay you were the first time
and how sad the second."
He's such a nice guy.
And it's a beautiful bookcase.
You know, I think any woman,
unless she's completely
frivolous and stupid,
would be very moved by a proposal.
Any woman, no matter who the man is.
Oh, Hilda, I like you in this mood.
This letter frightens me though.
- It frightens you?
- Yes, it's...
It's like being on a desert island,
and suddenly a ship comes along,
and it may not be going
where you want to go,
it may not be flying your flag,
but... there you are.
I wouldn't presume to offer you advice,
but you did ask for my help.
- Russell would make an excellent husband.
- Oh, don't.
Hold it, Mother.
Just let it hang in the air for a while.
How do you do?
I was just taking a little ride,
so I'd thought I'd stop by and say hello.
Mrs. Burns.
This is indeed a pleasure.
Do you know my daughter?
How do you do, Mrs. Burns?
It's nice to see you.
May I take your coat?
I'd rather wear it.
It's Russell's Christmas present.
It's a beautiful coat.
Real Alaska sealskin.
Like to show it off.
May I offer you
a drink or something?
Liquor ain't good for my heart condition.
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
Now, don't kid me.
This ain't a surprise.
You know why I'm here.
My son sent you a letter,
didn't he?
Oh. Yes, he did.
I don't mean to make no trouble,
but I guess I got a right
to get acquainted
with folks he's interested in.
I got that right, ain't I?
Well, you certainly have.
I was just thinking how strange it is
that we haven't met before, Mrs. Burns.
- It's such a small town.
- It's nice you met Russell anyway.
- But it is strange, isn't it?
- What's so strange about it?
You, a professor's wife, and me,
that used to run a hamburger stand.
But what courage.
Why, everyone admires you,
Mrs. Burns.
The way you put Russell
through high school
and how you sacrificed for him
and how you made
his success possible.
It's the truth.
I live for nothing but that boy.
You must be very proud of him
now, Mrs. Burns.
Yeah, I am.
Now, suppose I ask you a few questions.
- You own this house, don't you?
- Well, yes...
- Your car paid for?
- Yes.
- Any other property?
- No.
Just a small income from
your husband's estate. That right?
You've been married
and divorced twice. That right?
That's right.
- You got a mink coat, I hear.
- Yes, I have.
Got anything
besides what's on your back?
Now, look, Mrs. Burns,
I know you don't mean to be rude,
but you sound rude.
You're here because you love your son
and you don't want him to make a mistake.
Well, I don't want
to make a mistake either.
Not again.
And if I don't intend to marry him,
then your questions
do become a little impertinent.
You mean to tell me you're gonna pass up
a proposition like my Russell?
My inclination is to say no to him,
but I want to think it over.
'Specially his bank account.
I know he's well off, Mrs. Burns,
but what I'm really thinking about
is how kind he is,
how good he is,
and especially how much
he seems to care for me.
Russell's taken girls out before,
and his heart ain't been broken yet.
Was he serious about them?
He might have been, but then
I talked a little sense into him.
Have you talked a little sense
into him about me?
I ain't had a chance.
It come up so sudden.
- I see.
- He done this behind my back.
Mrs. Burns, you could be
a great help to me.
Suppose you go home
and do everything in your power,
just as you did with the other girls,
to keep Russell from seeing me again?
If you succeed, I shall be relieved.
If he still wants to marry me,
if he repeats what's in his letter,
that his whole life depends on me,
then I shall have a problem.
I mustn't get excited.
I always tell Russell
I mustn't get excited.
I need a little air.
I've got a bad heart,
and excitement ain't good for me.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Burns.
- I don't think I said nothing.
I mean, well, if you should
be talking to Russell,
I don't think you could say
I was impolite or anything, you think?
I'll never say a word, Mrs. Burns.
Well, this has been
a real nice little visit.
Real nice.
Awfully glad you stopped in.
Likewise, I'm sure.
Good-bye, Mrs. Burns. Good-bye.
I really am glad she came.
There were a few moments
when I was rather terrified,
but all in all, I think
you behaved splendidly.
- You do?
- Yes, splendidly.
Would you mind very much
if I left for New York this afternoon?
- If you what?
- I don't belong in this town.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You've just shown that you can behave
like a respectable woman,
with dignity and courage.
You left that creature
without a leg to stand on.
I couldn't go through
anything like that again.
But you won't have to.
You're right. Maybe I won't.
Mother, would you tell Clara
that I won't be in for dinner tonight?
- You're going out?
- Yes, I'm going out with Jacques de Lisle.
- Oh, Hilda.
- Mother, I don't want to marry Russell Burns.
It's all insane.
I still have time...
all the time in the world.
Why do we act as if I'm about
to become middle-aged any minute?
Surely you realize
that Professor de Lisle is not as good...
I don't care.
Maybe I can have it the way I want.
I think he still likes me.
He's civilized,
but not snide and horrible
like those men in New York.
Maybe I can, Mother.
Maybe I can!
Where shall we go?
Well, there's a basketball game
at the gym
and a lecture at the YMCA.
Uh, let's walk, shall we?
It's funny. This little walk
has meant more to me than...
than two years of one marriage,
one year of another,
and all the years between and after.
We had walks like this in the past,
and you talked like that too.
Oh, I was only a baby then.
So I thought.
And then along came a football player
who didn't think you were a baby at all.
Did you really want me, Jacques?
- Did you want me?
- Oh, I wanted a lot of things.
Perhaps you were one of them.
This happens to be where I live.
Come in.
All right, Jacques.
Oh, it's a lovely room, Jacques.
Yes. I'm leaving it
at the end of the semester.
But why, when they just
made you a full professor?
Associate professor,
at $4,800 a year.
Lovely room and all.
These are worth much more.
The galley proofs of my novel.
The publishers gave me
an advance of $10,000.
- You've written a novel, Jacques?
- Mm-hmm.
- The King's Courtesan.
- It's a historical novel.
Nowadays that means one part history
and nine parts sex, violence,
and skulduggery.
Mostly sex. Real tripe.
I intend to write one every year
and to become rich and famous.
You see, I am not a man of integrity.
I think it's wonderful.
Wait till you read it.
Here is the design for the jacket.
My, what big eyes she has.
My great-great-grandmother.
The basis of the novel is factual.
Well, that wasn't a campus kiss, Jacques.
I've been waiting to do that
for five years.
You came back to Winona twice,
and you never called me.
Oh, well, I thought about you.
Quite often.
Why did you divorce him?
Uh, which one?
The football player.
Oh, because we believed
in love and... lost it.
- Is that an original or a copy?
- Copy.
You mean desire, don't you?
Aren't they the same?
That's a schoolgirl's question.
Well, then, schoolgirls have
more courage than most women,
who'll settle for three meals a day
and love once a month.
So, the football player
ceased to thrill you,
and you walked out on him.
Yes, you might put it that way.
But let's not talk about old marriages.
They're as dead as yesterday's newspaper.
What about the second, the editor?
What was wrong with him?
Oh, it just didn't work out,
so we agreed to separate.
He very kindly offered me alimony,
and I very naturally refused it.
You have, as they say, lived,
haven't you?
Does it show in my face, Jacques?
It's very provocative.
I'd like a drink.
You're even more attractive than you used
to be when you were an innocent child.
Well, that's very nice,
but I'd still like a drink.
You gave me a bad time, Hilda.
You and the football player.
You see, it was a blow to my ego.
And so was the editor.
And the others, whoever they were.
And later on...
I'm not boring you?
No, Jacques. Go on.
Later on, I developed a dream
about you and me.
It was a schoolboy dream,
of course.
It went like this.
I had become a famous novelist.
I always wanted to write
a good book, you know?
Not this tripe here.
Anyway, I'm famous,
and I come to New York a celebrity.
I meet you.
You are still beautiful,
but you are disillusioned
with your second-rate life.
We have champagne, dinner,
and so forth.
At dawn the next day,
when you leave my suite,
you realize that when
you left me five years ago,
you made the most tragic
mistake of your life.
But I...
I yawn, turn over in bed,
and go back to sleep...
having forgotten even your name.
Is that why you invited me
in here, Jacques,
to tell me your dream?
That's why.
I had a dream, too,
just as juvenile as your dream about me.
I dreamed that when we met again,
time would stop
and all the years would fade.
You'd ask me to marry you.
We'd elope right then and there
and live happily ever after.
Good-bye, Jacques.
Good luck in your new career.
- No, I mean it.
- You can't leave now.
Oh, my dear, darling Jacques,
you mean you want to marry me?
You know what I mean.
You think I'm a bit of a tramp,
don't you?
I think you are a grown woman
and lovely.
And a bit of a tramp.
Well, I'm not.
Jacques, will you play a game with me?
I'm in a mood.
- It's strictly a game.
- What game?
Ask me to elope with you right now.
I won't hold you to it.
I just want to hear the words.
Elope with me right now?
Oh, I'd love to, Jacques.
Where shall we go?
You can speak freely.
It's just a game.
You're a great girl.
But somewhat secondhand,
and men don't marry
secondhand women, do they?
Especially Frenchmen.
They don't marry girls like me.
They marry a different kind,
and with my type
they make an arrangement.
- Hilda.
- But I want to be married.
I'm sick of being a great girl.
I want to have children and live
with one man for the rest of my life.
Have you ever heard anything
so grotesque?
Hilda, it wouldn't last a month.
I would suspect every man you met.
Will you please let go of me, Professor?
Because I'm hating you right now.
I'm hating you something awful!
Hilda, give me a chance.
Try to understand I'm in love with you.
I've always been.
Give me half a chance.
Give me some time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you do not ha ve to ha ve gray hair anymore.
Just one application
of this miracle formula,
and your gray hairs will vanish,
along with your gray cares.
- Vanish Gray is not a soap, not a powder...
- Hello.
Why, yes, certainly.
No, of course it's not too late.
I'll be over right away.
- You're going?
- Yes, Mother, I'm going.
Now, don't sit up all night
staring at that thing.
You know you need your sleep.
I'll be back in a little while.
Good night.
Good night.
...and you receive absolutely free
a month's supply of Vanish Gray!
Don't ring. I'm here.
Oh, Hilda. Is there anything wrong?
Russell, did your mother
say anything to you?
I found out she invited herself here.
I'm sorry about that.
- She was kind enough to call on us.
- She invited herself.
Let's keep it simple.
I suppose she told you
everything I said to her.
I doubt
if she left anything out.
You, uh... you got my letter?
Yes, I did. I thought it was
a fine letter, Russell.
You did? Well, there's no hurry
about giving me an answer.
No hurry at all. I...
Well, it was a little sudden,
and we've seen each other so seldom.
- You thought I wrote it on impulse?
- I've been called impulsive myself.
Sure, I know.
If you mean your marriages,
I guess you were just
trying to find happiness.
I can't very well blame you for that.
- Can't you?
- What I mean is,
you're a modern woman and...
I guess I'm putting this pretty badly.
I'm not very good
at saying emotional things.
- That's why I wrote you the letter.
- I'll marry you, Russell.
You'll what?
I said I'll marry you.
I don't know what to say. I...
I didn't think you'd accept.
you make me very happy.
I'd like to do that.
- Good night.
- Well, good night. Uh...
Call me in the morning?
Yes. Yes, I'll call you in the morning.
Good night.
Good night.
Wasn't that Russell's car?
What was he doing here?
- I sent for him.
- You did?
I'm going to marry him, Mother.
Oh, Hilda, darling,
I can't tell you how pleased I am.
Yes, I'm going to be
the mother of his children.
I'll be his housekeeper, his hostess.
I'll uphold his dignity
and be true to him.
I don't think it matters at all
that I don't love him.
Did you settle
on a time for the wedding?
- The sooner the better, I should think.
- Oh, I disagree.
There are many reasons
why this should be a formal wedding,
after a decent period of engagement.
But why, Mother?
What difference does it make?
All the difference in the world.
You've been married twice, in haste.
This time we want to create
an entirely different impression.
A June wedding would be best,
I think.
Whatever you say.
We're playing it your way now.
Mother, when I was a little girl,
you used to read to me from the Bible.
Yes. Would you like me
to read something to you now?
Is there a passage in it
that goes something like,
"You may stumble and fail again and again,
and the Lord will not pass judgment.
He will have mercy.
But there will come a time
when you dare not falter:
the year,
the day of your last chance.
Then, my daughter,
take whatever hand is held out to you
and walk with courage
out of the darkness...
into the light"?
I don't remember anything like that. No.
It isn't in the Bible, but it should be.
I made it up.
Those whom God hath joined together,
let no man put asunder.
Join your right hands together.
I pronounce you man and wife,
according to the ordinance
of God and the law of this state,
and in the name
of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
And then you kiss the bride.
Am I allowed to at the rehearsal?
Of course.
Oh, Hilda,
it's going to be just beautiful.
I can't wait to see
your wedding dress.
- And that's it?
- That's it.
I'm due at the hospital, Hilda.
Oh, thank you so much
for coming, Dr. Joe.
Well, if I've got to give you away,
I might as well do it right.
Oh, I wish your father
were here to do it for himself.
- See you tomorrow. So long, Russ.
- Good-bye, Doc.
I'm afraid we've held you up, Russell.
Run along if you're late.
You did beautifully, darling.
I was as nervous
as if it were the real thing.
- I'll drop in later. Good-bye.
- Okay.
- Mrs. Burns.
- Good-bye, Mrs. Burns.
- Well, of all the...
- Shh.
You know, you're lucky, Hilda.
A really nice guy.
But that mother of his... Ugh!
Oh, now, Nell. She's really quite
a person when you get to know her.
Uh-uh. Not me.
The less I know her, the better I'll feel.
I hope you're going to be
polite to her at the reception.
Well, just barely.
I don't have to make
with the frozen smile.
I'm not the bride.
I have to meet the caterers
back at the house.
- Are you coming with me?
- No, I'll come on later. I'd like to walk.
Whatever you say, dear. Good-bye.
You know, I'm serious
about that old bat, Hilda.
Mark my words.
She'll make your life miserable
if you don't put your foot down,
make her understand who's boss.
Now, look, when Hilda and Russell
get back from Honolulu, they can...
That's too late, and you know it, Dink.
You've got to nip them in the bud.
She's not going to live with you,
is she?
I haven't discussed it
with Russell yet,
but I think he feels
under obligation to her.
- And with her heart condition...
- Oh, heart condition, my foot.
She's as healthy as a horse.
Ask Dr. Joe.
She trades on that alleged heart of hers
just to keep her thumb on Russell.
Every time he finds a new girl,
she gets another heart attack.
You take my advice
and push her right out in the street.
There. I've done my duty
as matron of honor.
Say, uh, maybe I can
mix business with pleasure
and sell you a little house for her.
I've got a whole block of houses
on Maple Street full of mother-in-laws.
And they love it. They can bellyache
to each other all day long.
As a matter of fact, I think
I've got just the place for her.
It's right in the middle of the block,
and she can bellyache in both directions.
- Uh-oh. Did I put my foot in it?
- No, I don't think she could hear you.
Well, good-bye, darling.
Happiness and all that sort of nonsense.
And lots of it from me too, Hil.
If I were just ten years younger, I'd...
Yeah, you'd still be married to me.
Now come on, Dink.
- I'll see you tomorrow, Hilda.
- Bye.
Bye-bye, Nell.
Wait for me.
Miss Crane?
Hello, Mrs. Burns.
I didn't know you were still here.
I came back
to have a little talk with you.
I got a right, ain't I,
to talk with my future daughter-in-law?
You know what they say.
I ain't losing a son,
I'm gaining a daughter.
I hope you really
believe that, Mrs. Burns.
Come here.
Give me your hand.
My, that's a beautiful engagement ring
Russell gave you.
- Yes, it is.
- And that's a classy outfit you got on.
That part of the trousseau
Russell bought you in Chicago?
No, I'm going to save that
till after the wedding.
I've had this suit for quite a while.
I see.
Some other man bought it for you.
How long do you figure
this marriage is going to last?
Mrs. Burns, why do you
talk to me like this?
Stop kidding me. You know.
You and me, we both know.
I had you looked up, young lady.
I know everything about you
from the day you was born.
Call that bellyaching if you want to.
There's nothing in my life
that I'm ashamed of.
When you was at college,
you and two other girls
was brought up before the dean of women
for being drunk.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh, yes, I remember.
Good heavens, how can you
use the word "drunk"?
- It was an escapade.
- Escapade, huh?
What about your first husband,
Kenneth what's his name?
You lived with him
before you married him.
What's that got to do with it?
I loved him. Of course I...
When you was 19 years old,
you got drunk.
When you was 20,
you lived with a fella.
I guess that's what all
the nice college girls was doing, huh?
No, not all of them,
but there were many like me
here in Winona and at other colleges.
- Sure. Loose girls.
- No, we...
We were in search of something,
an idea.
You see, we believed
that women could lead their lives
with the same freedom as men do.
We thought that...
Oh, what's the use?
You've told Russell all about this, huh?
- Definitely not! Why should I?
- You're tootin' why should you?
Or about what happened
after your first divorce either.
Want a few more facts?
I'll give you some more facts.
Six months after your divorce...
Mrs. Burns, this is a church we're in!
Don't profane it!
I profane it? You profane it.
I didn't do these things it says here.
Yes, I did them,
and I'm sorry.
I wonder if you could ever
understand how sorry I am.
But I never did anything in my life
that I didn't believe in at the time.
You believe you're a fit woman
for my Russell to marry?
Yes, with all my heart I believe it.
If you had a son, would you pick
a woman like you for him?
I'd trust him
to make his own choice.
And how could he choose
if he didn't have the facts?
Did you ever think of telling Russell
the truth about yourself?
Why don't you tell him?
Why haven't you already told him?
- You think I was afraid?
- Possibly.
You think I was afraid,
don't you?
I think you want him to be happy
just as much as I do.
- Jacques, what on earth are you...
- I flew out from New York.
Are you angry?
Well, no, I'm not angry.
But why, Jacques?
I don't understand.
Well, I had a few things
to settle up at the university.
I thought I was going
to send you a wedding present,
but since I was here in town anyway,
I thought I would bring it in person.
A copy of my book,
suitably inscribed.
You shouldn't have come here,
I didn't know I wasn't allowed
back in Winona.
But as long as I'm here anyhow,
perhaps you'll invite me in.
Well, I suppose I'll have to.
I accept your gracious invitation.
You needn't wait after all.
Uh, no. Have him wait.
- The lady says you are to wait.
- Right, sir.
The ceremony's at 4:00.
We should be back,
I think, by quarter to 5:00.
I think perhaps you'd better start
serving at 5:00 at the latest.
Oh, Hilda, your airplane tickets
for Honolulu jus...
- Professor de Lisle.
- How are you, Mrs. Crane?
Jacques is here on business
from New York.
He bought me a wedding present.
Wasn't that sweet of him?
Well, I think that will be
all then, Mr. Jensen.
- Very well, Mrs. Crane.
- Come in, Jacques.
Professor de Lisle,
why did you come here?
To wish your daughter happiness.
May I be perfectly frank?
Hilda's happiness does not
depend upon your good wishes.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Perhaps Hilda would prefer
to tell me that herself.
But you can do
a great deal of harm at this time.
You can upset Hilda.
Just as a rowdy out in the street,
if he were to throw a rock
through that window, could upset her.
I assure you I have no rocks
up my sleeve.
I think Jacques would like
to talk to me alone.
- Hilda...
- Please, Mother?
Very well.
Don't forget Russell may be
coming at any moment.
Make it short, will you, Jacques?
Oh, Hilda. My poor Hilda.
I don't need your sympathy.
I'm perfectly happy.
Ah, you always pretended so beautifully.
Just a game. Strictly a game.
But, my darling,
this marriage isn't a game.
You can't pretend
for the rest of your life.
Good-bye, Jacques.
Do you really think
you'll fool anyone?
Him? That mother of his?
Your so-respectable neighbors
here in Winona?
Even yourself?
Hilda, you can't marry this...
You can't live with him
and that grotesque old female.
How indecent you are.
Just plain rotten.
You don't really believe that.
You love me.
I was the only thing in your entire life
you remembered with tenderness.
If I hadn't been such a fool,
if I had taken you
when I had the chance...
We belong together, my darling,
because we are alike.
- Let me go, Jacques.
- You would've married me if I'd asked you.
- It's too late now.
- And I would have married you, too,
if only you'd have given me
a little time, as I begged you.
I tell you it's too late!
Why did you come here?
To put an end to this nonsense.
To ask you to marry me now.
We can elope tonight.
I despise you for saying that now.
I loathe you and despise you!
Don't run away.
You can't run away from yourself.
I despise you! Can't I make it
any plainer than that?
- Hilda!
- Get out!
I said get out,
and don't ever come back!
Very well.
I wish you lots of unhappiness.
But I'm sure you'll have it anyway.
He's gone?
For good, I hope.
Yes, for good.
Hilda, I'm so proud of you.
I wanted to go with him, Mother.
I wanted to run after him
and beg his forgiveness.
Tell Russell, please, Mother, that
I can't go through with this marriage.
I can't take advantage of him.
He doesn't know what I'm really like.
I'm afraid of myself.
I'm afraid of what I might do to him.
You shouldn't have come here.
She won't see you.
It's just as I told you on the phone.
She's upstairs writing you a letter.
What do think I should do, Stella?
Go home and let me try
to talk some sense into her.
I think that's my responsibility now.
To talk sense into my girl and vice versa.
I could kill that man for coming here.
It wasn't only de Lisle.
There was something else
you don't know about,
something that happened at the church
after the rehearsal.
Excuse me, Stella.
I'm sorry to barge in
on you like this, but...
If you don't feel like talking,
just give me the letter and I'll go.
It's finished.
It began with a letter.
It... might as well end with one.
- Oh, don't, Russell.
- I want you to take a short ride with me, Hilda.
Just a little way from here.
Then you can say good night or good-bye
or whatever you want to say.
Come on.
- I'd rather not.
- Please, Hilda.
All right, Russell.
Come on.
Come on inside.
You know, I'm real proud of this house.
It may not be much for style.
It's sort of a modern colonial,
but it's... it's built to last.
Like in the old days when a man expected
to hand his house down to his son,
and he, in turn, to his son.
Come on, let's go upstairs.
This staircase is just temporary.
When it's finished,
it'll be real Georgian.
That is, real Georgian copy.
Watch that step.
The first one's a long one.
This, uh...
This is the master bedroom
over here.
It, uh, doesn't look like much yet,
does it?
Come on.
Watch your head.
This is the growling room,
just in case of a fight.
It can be made
into a guest room too.
Extra bath is over there.
And this is the nursery.
It's, uh, being built so that it can be
expanded out over the kitchen wing,
just in case...
- You hurt yourself?
- No.
You've got to be careful
around here.
I, uh... I was hoping it'd be finished
by the time we got back from Honolulu.
But anything in the building line
these days
takes three times as long
as you expect.
So I thought
I'd show it to you now.
Anyway, you should be in on
the decorating and furnishing.
Oh, not that I couldn't do
a pretty good job myself.
You see, I've made
a study of your tastes.
For instance,
you like, uh, Georgian,
Mozart, New York Giants,
and peppermint-stick ice cream.
I know all about you, Hilda Crane.
No, you don't. You...
You tore up the letter
that would have told you everything.
- Nothing I don't already know.
- You know so little.
You don't even know why
I came back to Winona, do you?
No. No, not exactly,
but it's not important.
Well, ask your mother.
She thinks it's important.
She has it all neatly typed,
my entire history.
She showed it to me
after the wedding rehearsal.
She showed it to me
before the rehearsal.
What? Then you knew?
Don't you see?
She was bluffing.
She only went to you because
she didn't get anywhere with me.
I told her off.
I guess I was
pretty rough with her.
I, uh, never treated her
like that before.
We've always been very close.
You see, when I was a kid,
we had it pretty tough.
But Mother kept us going
until I was old enough to help.
That's why I'll never let her down,
no matter how badly she behaves.
But this is gonna be our life...
yours and mine,
and nobody's
gonna come between us.
And the... the past,
it just never happened.
Do you understand?
It never happened.
Oh, Russell.
Oh, Mr. Small, you're early.
Well, you can't be too early
when you're drivin' the bride.
- Tell 'em I'm here, honey.
- Don't you "honey" me.
- They'll be out when they're ready.
- All right.
- Mrs. Crane, the car is here.
- Thank you, Clara.
Will you keep
the plane tickets, Mother?
Oh, yes. I'll give them to Mr. Small.
That'll be the safest.
He'll be driving you to the airport
after the reception.
I've got your bouquet,
Miss Hilda.
I've had it in the refrigerator.
Thank you, Clara.
My, you look lovely.
- A real starry-eyed bride.
- I feel sort of starry-eyed.
I want to talk to you
and your daughter.
Mrs. Burns, shouldn't you
be at the church?
I got a little business proposition
for you.
- Well, can't it wait until after the ceremony?
- No, it can't.
There's $50,000 worth of government bonds
in this envelope.
They're all yours if you'll just
get out of this town right now.
Do you realize
what you're suggesting?
Listen. I got a big interest in the new
Burns Building. I'll sign it over to you.
I'll get a lawyer, and I'll find out a way
so Russell will never know.
Mrs. Burns, we're all going to pretend
that you've never spoken.
Damn you.
I'll give you my jewelry too.
It's worth more than 50,000.
Just step out into my car
and drive away and never come back!
- Mrs. Burns!
- The answer is no.
Don't you play innocent on me.
I know what you are.
And you know what she is too.
You dirty tramp!
- How dare you! How dare you!
- Don't, Mother.
I was expecting this.
You have exactly five minutes
to get to the church before we do.
You'd better start now.
Russell will be expecting you.
My... My heart's choking me.
I'm dizzy, all dizzy.
- Mrs. Burns.
- Don't bother, Mother.
I'm sick, I tell you.
I ain't faking. I am sick.
I can't move.
There's nothing wrong
with you, Mrs. Burns.
- I can't breathe.
- You'd better start breathing.
This marriage is going through
on schedule.
I'll forbid the banns!
That's what I'll do!
- I'll get up in church and...
- Shut up!
I'll kill you for that
just as sure as you're sittin' there.
- I'll kill you for that!
- Let go of my flowers!
Let go! Let go!
Is it all right?
Yes, it'll do.
Mrs. Burns,
I'll get you some water.
Now listen to me,
Mrs. Burns.
You'll never,
never stop this wedding.
I've been awake all night, thinking of
every possible trick you might play.
Now listen carefully, because my mother and I
are leaving in exactly two minutes.
If you're not at the church,
the ceremony will go on anyway.
But if you're still in this house
when we get back,
if you're found dead on this spot,
let me tell you exactly
what your dying words were.
You said, "Tell Russell
I saw the light at the last minute.
I've got no grudge
against that fine girl.
I wish them both happiness."
And if you should die
in Russell's presence,
you'd better use the words
I've just given you.
I hope for your sake
that you can remember them.
I'm dyin'.
I am dyin'.
You're not gonna die,
Mrs. Burns.
I was just playing
a little game with you
in case it occurred to you
to die out of spite.
But you're not going to die.
You're much too selfish.
If I were the first woman that you'd
tried to liquidate in Russell's life,
you might have had a chance.
But this is an old game
of yours,
and today is just
one time too many.
So pull yourself together
like a brave little soldier,
attend this wedding,
and smile.
Let's go, Mother.
- Clara, take care of Mrs. Burns.
- Yes, Mrs. Crane.
Oh, Mother, what am I turning into?
What am I becoming?
Here they come!
- Well, Mrs. Burns, are you happy?
- Terribly happy.
I wonder where Mother is.
I didn't see her as we came down the aisle.
She should be here
Dr. Francis!
Is Dr. Francis here?
What's going on?
What happened?
I don't know.
I'm terribly sorry.
The wedding reception has been called off.
Mrs. Burns has been taken ill.
I'm terribly sorry.
Would you please spread the word?
The reception is called off.
- Is there any word yet?
- No. Russell's in there with Dr. Joe.
I canceled your plane reservations
for tonight,
and I'll wire the Moana
in the morning.
- Yes, Mother.
- Hilda...
Please don't, Mother.
There's nothing you could say
that would make me like myself
any better right now.
Oh, Russell.
Take him home, Hilda.
There was nothing
anyone could do.
You'd better get some rest,
both of you.
Yes, Dr. Joe.
Hi, Hilda.
Hello, Nell.
The girl said you'd be right back,
so I took a chance and waited.
I'm glad you did.
Come on in.
- Would you like a drink?
- But just a short one. I can only stay a minute.
Scotch on the rocks
if you have it, please.
You know,
you look tired, Hilda.
When are you and Russell
going on that wedding trip?
It's a little late for wedding trips,
don't you think, after five months?
Oh, you ought to get away,
both of you.
- Out of this house.
- Well, we couldn't at first.
The funeral and all the arrangements
and so forth,
and Russell's been busy.
You know.
We haven't been seeing enough of each other lately, Nell.
Tell me what's new.
Well, I suppose you know
who's back in town.
Yes, I saw it in the paper.
He's lecturing at our club
tomorrow afternoon.
- You want to come with me?
- No.
You know, Jacques always
did give a good lecture.
And now that he's a celebrity,
I understand he's really something.
Oh, how he does thrive
on that public attention.
Why don't you come with me?
Just for laughs.
I can't, Nell. Russell and I
have an engagement.
Well, I thought I'd give it a try.
You were always so fond of him.
I'd better be running. I...
Hilda, do you mind
if I say something?
You and Russell shouldn't go on living in this...
this chamber of horrors.
Why didn't he finish
the new house anyway?
Oh, it didn't make sense
after Mrs. Burns died
to build and furnish a new place
when we already had this one.
This is a perfectly good house.
There's no reason to move out of it.
Mm. And a perfectly good reason,
from Russell's point of view, for staying in it.
What do you mean?
Russell was horrid to Mama.
Mama died.
Now Russell's going to be a good boy again
and stay right here,
where Mama can keep
an eye on him.
Ew. What an eye.
Like a stuffed crocodile.
Would you be good enough
to mind your own business?
I'm always shooting off
my big mouth.
Big-mouth Nell, they call me.
I'm sorry, Hilda.
I'm sorry too.
I didn't mean to snap at you.
Oh, forget it.
I'll be seeing you.
- How are you, Mrs. Crane?
- Fine, thank you. How are you?
Fine, thank you.
- Hello, Hilda.
- Hello, Mother.
- I wish you wouldn't do that.
- Do what?
You know what I mean...
drink so much.
- Russell might think...
- On the contrary. Russell loves it.
He likes his wife to be
bright and vivacious
when he comes home
from a hard day's work.
Sit down, Mother.
Shall we have one of our
little intimate chats?
You've been increasingly hostile
to me lately, Hilda.
I don't know why.
Well, I'm inviting you to stay.
We can have a nice,
cozy little time, can't we?
- The three of us.
- The three of us?
Oh, that's what's bothering you.
- Doesn't it bother you?
- No, not for a moment.
I can face my maker with a clear conscience,
and so can you.
We didn't know
that she had a bad heart.
Nor did her doctor.
Not even Russell.
We all thought
that she was faking,
and she was faking
until it turned into the real thing.
And she brought it on herself.
I wish you'd take the picture
out of the room.
Oh, I don't want to spoil
her moment of triumph.
She couldn't get
what she wanted alive.
But she sure enough got it dead.
You have to hand it to her.
Don't, Hilda. You make yourself
sound coarse and cheap.
Well, I'm glad we agree on something.
I feel coarse and cheap.
How long do you think I can keep on
pretending and pretending?
- Pretending what?
- That this marriage is anything but a disaster.
I don't know
what makes you talk like that.
Don't you, Mother?
Have you ever read
Edna St. Vincent Millay?
She's not very fashionable
right now,
but I've always liked that poem
that ended like this.
"With him for a sire
and her for a dam,
what should I be
but just what I am?"
It's too lyrical
and perhaps a trifle quaint,
but I like it.
I never approved of children
criticizing their parents.
Oh, you've never approved
of a lot of things,
but they've happened anyway.
This is a very unhappy moment
for me, Hilda.
- For you?
- You're all I have in the world.
Since when, Mother?
- That's an unwarranted question.
- Is it?
You're my only child, and in all the years
since I lost your father, I...
Oh, Mother.
I've never been anything
but a worry and a bother to you.
You've always resented me because you
couldn't make me over into what you are,
because I wanted more out of life
than just appearances.
I couldn't learn to act
and think and talk like you,
so you've resented me.
You've never really loved me,
have you, Mother?
That's a lie. It's a cruel lie.
No, it's the truth, which can hurt
more than a lie, I grant you.
Oh, you're not leaving, are you?
I've heard enough.
Come back someday,
won't you, Mother?
- Good afternoon, Mrs. Crane.
- Good afternoon.
Mrs. Burns.
Mrs. Burns.
That's me, isn't it? I... I keep forgetting
that I'm Mrs. Burns now.
There's a Mr. de Lisle
on the phone.
Uh... Oh, tell Mr. de Lisle
that I said I'm not at home.
Be sure and put it
just like that.
- I said I'm not at home.
- Yes, ma'am.
He'll get the point.
He's very quick, is Professor de Lisle.
Very well, ma'am.
- Hilda, is anything wrong?
- No, not a thing.
What were you doing
lying here in the dark?
Oh, I was just resting.
- Is it time for dinner yet?
- Almost.
- Would you like a drink?
- Uh, no, not for me.
I'm, uh, flying up to Denver
after dinner.
I should be back tomorrow night.
Oh, will you take me
with you, Russell?
I'd like to, but Gus Nordlinger and I
are going up on business.
- We'll be on the run all day.
- Oh, I see.
I fell asleep just now,
and I had a wonderful dream.
Your mother didn't die after all,
and you and I went to Honolulu
on our honeymoon.
And when it was over,
we didn't come back.
We just got on a boat
and went on round the world.
We visited all those lovely places
with names like magic.
Fiji and Tahiti,
Hong Kong,
Bangkok, Bali,
and the Spice Islands.
It was all dazzling blue water
and coral sands
and palm trees in the wind,
and the birds of paradise
were singing.
Do birds of paradise sing, Russell,
do you happen to know?
- I don't know.
- No, I guess they just squawk.
Say, someone broke a glass.
I did.
Bad Hilda, always breaking things.
Such a trial to your poor, dear mother.
I hope she's not cross with me.
I don't think that's very funny, Hilda.
Don't you? I think it's hilarious.
I think the whole thing is hilarious.
Don't you agree, Russell?
- What's the matter with you tonight?
- I'm a little tight. That's all.
Mrs. Russell Burns is just
a teeny, weeny bit intoxicated.
If you're gonna be ashamed
of your wife,
you might as well have a good reason
to be good and ashamed.
I'm not ashamed of you.
You only think
I killed your mother.
I've never said anything like that to you
or even thought it.
Then why did you leave me
on our wedding night?
Why have you always refused
to discuss this subject with me?
Why have you let this wall
grow up between us,
this wall of guilt and suspicion,
so that now my own husband...
Hilda, I'll discuss it with you sometime
when you're more... more yourself.
Oh, I'll never be more myself
than I am right now.
Russell, I'm your wife.
I'm alive. She's dead.
- Can't you forget her?
- No, I can't!
Not after what I did to her.
After what you did to her?
Oh, now I get it.
I'm not the guilty one.
You are.
If you'd never met me,
if you hadn't fallen in love with me,
if you hadn't defied your mother
by marrying me, she'd still be alive.
Is that what you mean?
You think...
Hilda, let's drop it!
Oh, now I've disturbed you.
That's my trouble. I'm...
I'm always bothering people.
All my life,
I've bothered my mother.
Then I bothered your mother,
and now I'm bothering you.
- I'm sorry, Russell.
- Hilda...
I truly am sorry.
I shouldn't mix
with respectable people.
I should stick with my own kind.
Oh. Have a good time in Denver.
And now it is my pleasure to introduce
our distinguished guest speaker.
Some of you already know him.
Many of you have had the privilege
of studying with him.
Our pet celebrity...
Professor Jacques de Lisle.
Thank you.
As you see,
I am here as a salesman.
Ladies, first, let me say
that not one of you looks a day older.
I live In New York.
I have just returned
from Hollywood.
In neither place
is the standard of feminine charm
as high as it is right here in Winona.
When I left here,
I left a big piece of my heart behind.
I am glad I found it again.
Oh, Hilda, I have to pick up Dink
at his office.
You two want to come along
for the ride?
No. I'll take Jacques home,
and you and Dink can join us there.
Good enough. See you later.
Are we riding?
- No, walking. It's not far.
- All right.
- You used to like to walk.
- I still do, in certain company.
I guess I owe you an apology.
What for?
Well, I was very rude, wasn't I,
the last time we met?
Let's say that neither of us
behaved very well.
Will your husband be at home?
Uh, yes, later on this evening.
- Well, here we are.
- Quite the house.
It exactly expresses your personality.
You must be very happy here.
Would you like a drink now,
or shall we wait for the others?
I can wait.
- You've changed, Jacques.
- Have I?
Yes. You're more sure of yourself.
Must be success.
It's becoming to you.
Did I mention
that I'm engaged to be married?
Oh. You, engaged?
Aren't you going
to wish me happiness, Hilda?
I hope your life will be wonderful and happy,
just like Russell's and mine.
Thank you.
Tell me about her,
your fiance.
Oh, she's pretty enough
and extremely rich.
She'll never be what you
could have been, but she'll do.
I want you more than ever, Hilda.
Is she tall, short? Dark, blonde?
You are one woman in a million.
There'll never be anyone else for me.
Oh, I hope she knows
what it took me a long time to learn...
to give herself to one man
and one man only.
Let's get out of this house.
When I see these women
who think they're intelligent,
running around,
trying one thing after another,
looking for perfect happiness,
when the most important thing
is-is appearances.
Decency, respectability,
a... a well-ordered life
are much more important,
and, in the end...
- I'll get it, Marie.
- Yes, Mrs. Burns.
- Come in, Nell. Hi, Dink.
- Hi.
Look, Hilda, something came up.
We're on our way to the country club.
- We just stopped by to tell you.
- You could stay and have a drink, surely.
- Scotch on the rocks. Am I right?
- Thanks, but can't do it.
You see, this guy
is a prospective customer.
As a matter of fact,
we're late now.
He invited us over for dinner
to meet his wife.
Oh, well, bring him here.
I can get dinner for us all.
- Call him up and tell him I'm lonely, and...
- Sorry, Hil, but it can't be done.
Well, let him wait. You can stay
and just have one drink, can't you?
Oh, we'd love to, Hilda, but you see,
if Dink can put over this deal,
I get a new convertible.
Well, I'm a customer, too,
you know.
Russell's going to give you the new house
to sell, isn't he? The unfinished one.
I, uh... I think I'll stay a while.
You run along, Dink.
I'll take a taxi and join you.
Now wait a minute.
This guy and his wife expect us both.
- You see, business is business, Hilda.
- Beat it, Dink.
Okay. I'll just tell
my $100,000 prospect
that, uh, you didn't care
to meet his ugly wife.
I'm sorry, Hilda,
but that's the way it is.
Oh, gosh. Wait a minute, Dink.
Maybe we can drop in
after dinner.
- Yeah, you do that.
- Good-bye, dear.
Oh, hello, Nell.
No, there's no word yet.
She hasn't been here.
Yes, he's back from Denver.
He called here earlier.
I'll call you back later.
There's someone at the door.
Where is she, Stella?
Well, these friends of hers from New York
dropped in, and she called to say...
Don't lie to me.
Where is she?
Nell said she was with
Jacques de Lisle.
Where's he staying?
At the Manor Inn.
But, Russell, you mustn't think
just because... Russ...
Oh, could you send up
some sandwiches, please?
Well, if the kitchen is closed,
some crackers and cheese?
But right away.
Thank you very much.
Don't be sad, my darling.
I don't mean to be sad.
We had fun at dinner tonight,
didn't we, Jacques?
I haven't laughed
and talked so much in years.
It's always fun
when we are together.
And we'll be together often.
That's why I hate
to see you sad now.
Is it conscience?
I didn't know I had a conscience.
This is a funny world, Hilda.
You have to cheat a little
if you are going to survive.
Tell me, Jacques,
was it tonight that I cheated,
or five months ago
when I married Russell Burns?
Oh, you've always
lied to yourself a little.
That's been your trouble
all your life.
You know, Jacques,
I've had a life.
I didn't do much with it,
but I had it.
I've never done this though.
I've never sneaked in
a back door before.
That was unavoidable
in a small town like this.
But when you come
to New York,
I assure you it will be different.
I was rather sweet at 16, 17.
- Freshman history. Remember, Jacques?
- Oh, yes.
I sat in the front row.
I wanted to have a beautiful heart
and a beautiful mind.
I wanted to give
to some wonderful husband
and to a large family of children.
I wanted to be Joan of Arc and...
Florence Nightingale.
Very bad casting,
as they say in Hollywood.
Would you like a drink?
The trouble with you, darling Hilda, is that
you are a classic figure and don't know it.
You belong in the 18th century.
Better yet, the Renaissance.
Because do you know
what you really are, Hilda?
You are a courtesan, in the old tradition.
A classic courtesan
like Pompadour or Du Barry.
In the right incarnation,
you'd turn the heads of kings
and do all the queens
out of their marital rights.
Oh, that must be our primitive room service.
Go outside.
I said go outside.
Well, what is there for me to say?
Hilda, I'm so glad you're home.
Russell went to look for you.
Now listen to me, Hilda.
You've got to let me handle this.
Russell will be back
any minute.
Now, let me do the talking.
You're too tired.
Is that clear?
You need say nothing
for a day two.
Just listen to me
and use your head.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Mother.
I think you'd better go
right to bed.
Don't see him at all tonight.
Tomorrow will be time enough.
I couldn't keep it from him
that you were with that man,
but he doesn't know
where you went or what you did.
We can be grateful
for that, at least.
It would be so much worse
if he'd actually found you together.
He did, Mother.
We were in Jacques's room at the inn.
What are your intentions?
- Intentions?
- Yours and this man's.
Oh, yes. His intentions.
Jacques has intentions,
as a matter of fact.
I'm to spend time in New York,
make little visits.
We'll meet places up back stairs,
and he'll find reasons why I should be
in New York several times a year.
And the rest of the time,
I'm to live off my husband.
He's very clever.
He's good at appearances, like you.
Hilda, will you please
try to be rational?
Rational is the thing I'm the most,
because I know exactly
where I belong.
I'm a classic figure.
A courtesan, he called me.
That's what Mrs. Burns called me.
In case you didn't know,
"courtesan" is a fancy word for "tramp."
Well, what are you?
Oh, you agree with them,
don't you, Mother?
You agree with them,
but it isn't true.
I'm... I'm a woman.
A failure, hopelessly wrong,
but all my life
I've struggled to be a woman.
Not a courtesan, not a tramp.
Where will I get the courage
to live through this?
I'm giving you a bad night,
aren't I?
Mother, do... do you perhaps
love me a... a little?
How could anyone love you
after what you've done?
But you're my daughter,
and we have to live in this town.
It's my responsibility to keep up appearances
even if you won't try.
Now, as long as you're here, we're going to
pretend that you are a respectable woman.
We're going to hold our heads up,
you and I.
Hilda, what are you doing?
Oh, I was just getting
a glass of water.
I can still handle it.
Russell is a sensible man,
and he knows
that you've been under a strain.
He can be talked to.
But you'll have to leave it
entirely to me.
Are you listening to me, Hilda?
Yes, Mother.
If you'd listened to me in the first place,
this would never have happened.
Now I'll have to start all over again,
right from the beginning.
Perhaps the two of you
can take a trip together.
It was a great mistake that you didn't
go away right after the wedding.
As for that other one,
you're never to see him again.
From now on,
I intend to have my way.
You won't get the chance to degrade us
any more than you already have.
Mother, I'm terribly tired.
Would you mind?
He's here.
Now, don't say a word.
Leave everything to me.
Lock your door when I go out.
Do you understand?
Yes, Mother.
Good night, Hilda.
She's home, Russell,
but she's very tired, and she...
What are you doing here, Stella?
Well, surely a mother's place is
at her daughter's side when she's in trouble.
Oh, please, Russell, please.
She doesn't want to see you.
- She made a special point of it.
- Get out of my way, Stella.
Dr. Francis? This is Russell Burns.
- Where is she?
- She's upstairs.
How many did she take?
The bottle was more than
half full yesterday.
Metrazol, intravenous.
Get your stomach pump ready.
- Can you save her, Doctor?
- We'll do our best.
Please leave us alone
with her, Russell.
Here's the Metrazol, Doctor.
Would you like some coffee,
No, thank you.
She'll be all right.
I phoned for a nurse.
The intern will stay with her
until the nurse gets here.
Hilda mustn't be left alone.
She'll be a pretty sick girl
for a couple of days.
Yes, Doctor.
After that, I...
I don't know.
Sometimes they try it again.
A doctor can only do so much.
Your wife wanted to die, Russell.
There's always a reason.
Who caused her
to do this to herself?
Well, I... I'd better
be getting some sleep,
or I'll be a hospital patient myself.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- All right, Russell.
Oh, Russell.
Russell, I...
I hope you won't judge her
too harshly.
She was always an unstable person.
Very like her poor father.
Brilliant, but unable to face up
to the facts of...
I wasn't thinking of judging her, Stella.
I was thinking
of what the doctor said.
Who caused her
to do this to herself?
But why are you
looking at me?
Surely you don't think
I had anything to do with it.
- Didn't you?
- Of course not.
I didn't put all those ideas into her head.
I didn't send her off to New York
to lead the kind of life...
But you did, Stella.
You denied her the only thing
she ever asked of anyone...
to be loved for her own sake.
Did you... Did you ever
put your arms around her
and say "You're my girl
no matter what you do?"
You never did that.
You never even thought of doing it.
That's why she went to New York.
She was looking for something.
Understanding, affection.
Well, don't feel too badly
about it, Stella.
Because when she came back,
I had my chance,
and I treated her even worse
than you did.
Because I offered her love,
and then...
then when Mother died, I...
I let her down completely.
I... I acted like a hurt kid.
I guess it's time I grew up.
Come in.
Oh, Marie.
Would you take these down
and call a taxi for me, please?
Yes, Mrs. Burns.
Mr. Burns wanted to see you.
Thank you.
Hilda, I wanted to have
a talk with you.
There wouldn't be much point
in our talking now, would there?
I, uh...
I didn't want to disturb you
until you felt better, but...
- Will you take a little walk with me?
- No, Russell.
I'm going back to New York.
I don't belong here. I never have.
I could never do you
anything but harm.
Please, Hilda.
You'll have enough time
before your train leaves.
- That ought to work out fine, Joe.
- All right. I'll fix it right away.
I'm putting on extra shifts.
House should be finished
in about three months...
just about the time it takes
to make a trip to Hawaii.
And Hong Kong and Bali and...
What is the name of those islands?
You'll have to speak up.
The Spice Islands!
I don't even know where they are,
but I'd sure like to see them.
What was that?
I said...
Hello, Mother.
It's good to see you.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
It's been fun.
For me too.
Have a nice trip.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
Anyone I should know,
No. Just somebody I met in the lounge car.
He's on his way to San Francisco.
Don't worry, Mother.
I paid for my own dinner.
Mm! The morning air smells good here.
I'd forgotten.
I hope you're going to stay for a while.
You didn't say in your telegram.
My, wouldn't I love to?
But I've got a wonderful new job
waiting for me in New York.
At least it's almost certain.
I'll hear in a few days.
- Can't you tell me anything about it?
- No. I don't want to hex it.
Mother, will you
drive through the campus?
Yes, if you like.
- Hello, Miss Hilda.
- How are you, Clara?
Oh, it's good to have you back.
I'll take these upstairs.
Thank you.
Well, nothing's changed,
has it?
Now, why should anything change?
It's always a surprise to find
things exactly as they were.
Father's chair
just where it used to be,
and he's been gone for so long.
Let me take your coat.
Thank you.
What beautiful flowers.
- They're for me?
- Yes.
- Russell Burns sent them.
- How sweet of him.
He's become one of Winona's
most important young men.
He's made a fortune
in the contracting business.
Oh, I knew he'd been doing well.
I saw him once or twice
when he came to New York.
We had dinner together.
He's such a nice guy.
"I hope I may have your permission
to call on you soon."
Isn't that touching?
Nobody ever
says things like that anymore.
They don't,
but they should.
Hilda, I don't think I'd
laugh that off if I were you.
Oh, you're not trying to tell me
his intentions are serious?
Whatever Russell's beginnings,
the important thing is that
he's still very devoted to you.
And he's a respectable young man.
Mother, shall we get acquainted
with each other?
I think it's about time.
Just occurs to me
that if I'd put my head in your lap,
you'd be the most surprised person
in the world.
Yes, I suppose I would.
I don't remember you ever
doing anything like that,
even as a child.
I don't remember you
ever inviting me to.
Would be funny to be a child again.
- I think I'd like it.
- Really?
Yes, I would.
Fourteen, 15, 16.
Father sitting in that chair,
smoking his pipe,
looking at me the way he used
to look at me in those days,
his eyes seeming to say,
"That exceptional, remarkable,
gifted Hilda Crane."
And I'd say, "Is that the way
it should be, Father?
Live like a man and still be a woman?
Get a job, pay your own way,
and lick the world?"
And he says, "Why not?
The future belongs to you, Hilda."
That's where I'd like to stop it
and change it... right there.
I want to turn on him and say,
"No, Father, no."
And I'd like you to put down your knitting
and tell me what you're thinking.
I'm thinking it's a lovely day,
and I'm glad you're here.
No, really, Mother.
Don't hold out on me.
I want to learn.
Give me something to believe in.
What's your secret?
It's no secret,
except to people who
deliberately blind themselves.
What do you mean?
Among your friends in New York,
I suppose it's fashionable
to laugh at the solid virtues
like decency and respectability
and having a home and children.
Well, suppose
you can't find a man
who can give you
a happy, respectable home?
Or suppose you think you found him
and then discover you've made a mistake?
- What do you do then?
- Well, you put up a front.
You learn to live
with the situation gracefully.
If I may be a little corny,
Mother, what about love?
If you mean romantic love...
cheap-magazine sort of thing,
most women outgrow that in time.
They learn that a good appearance
and a well-ordered existence
is more important,
and, in the end, it's more satisfying.
I'm awfully mixed-up, Mother.
Yes, I know you are.
Have you ever wanted to go to sleep?
I mean really go to sleep.
Just empty a bottle of pills
and say good night?
Well, no, uh...
I never wanted to sit
on a flagpole either.
Oh, we've had a wonderful talk, Mother.
It was swell.
You just closed a door on me,
didn't you, Hilda?
No, not really.
I didn't mean to sound disapproving.
Really I didn't.
Don't work so hard at it, Mother.
We'll get together.
I'm going to try it your way now.
My way has failed
in every possible direction.
- I hung up your dresses, Miss Hilda.
- Thank you, Clara.
Hilda, tell me.
I lied to you,
as you undoubtedly know.
Yes, it was your coat that told me.
It's still a very beautiful coat,
but the lining's quite worn.
I should've known
I couldn't fool you, Mother.
I didn't leave my job.
They dispensed with my services.
Assistant buyers at 60 a week
are easy to hire and easy to fire.
There isn't any wonderful new job either.
There isn't anything.
Father never told me
what it was really like.
I thought I could be independent,
and I ended up being
more dependent than ever.
Dependent on a series of men.
Then you're here to stay after all.
I suppose so.
For a while anyway.
But I want you to help me.
I want you to help me very much.
- Please, Mother?
- Of course I'll help you.
I'm your mother. It's my job.
Hey, Hilda!
Hey, wait a minute.
Hey, Finney!
All right, take it away, Finney.
- Hello, Russell. How are you anyway?
- Fine, Hilda, fine.
I'm sorry
I haven't had a chance to call.
I wish you had. I wanted to thank you
for the beautiful flowers.
My, this is something.
New library building.
It's the biggest thing I've ever tackled.
I'm so happy about your success...
I said you deserve it if anybody does.
I'm getting a little deaf.
I think I better go.
Uh, Hilda, there's something
I want to talk to you about.
Never mind.
I'll get in touch with you later.
I wish you would.
Say, John, you take over here.
- I'm going back to the office.
- Okay, Russ.
- Worse than Henry VIII?
- Oh, much worse.
If I may be permitted just
a touch of national pride,
Henry VIII was a gilded saint in heaven
compared with Francis I of France.
- Well, back to work.
- Hello, Jacques.
It isn't really you.
Hilda Crane.
Excuse me. One of my old students.
Oh, that's all right.
Kiss her again.
- Yes, go on.
- Why not?
Do you realize it's five years?
Will you be in town long?
- For quite a while, I think.
- Oh, good. I must see you, Hilda.
- Have dinner with me tonight.
- I'd love to.
- Is Slattery's still the best place?
- The only place that doesn't poison you.
Mr. Slattery is French,
on his mother's side.
- I'll meet you there at 7:00.
- Fine. Bye.
Well, back to work anyway.
- Well, Hilda!
- How are you, Nell?
I've been meaning to come
and see you, Dink and I both.
- How is Dink, by the way?
- Oh, well, you know, same old Dink.
Real estate, bowling league,
Chamber of Commerce.
Always rushing somewhere.
Oh, that reminds me.
I've got to rush myself.
Meeting of the Orphans Committee.
We're planning a rummage sale.
Say, I couldn't interest you,
could I?
Oh, no, no.
You wouldn't be interested in that.
Oh, maybe I would, Nell,
if you asked me.
Well, that's swell, Hilda.
I'll talk to the committee about it.
Bye now. I'll call you.
We've got a lot to talk about, you and I.
- Oh, you look wonderful.
- You look pretty good yourself.
- Hilda?
- Have you had any lunch?
Yes, I had a sandwich in the drugstore.
Thank you.
This letter just came for you.
It was sent by hand.
Oh, it's from Russell.
Yes, I know.
Mother, I saw Jacques de Lisle.
- Really?
- Jacques is sweet.
He's just as charming and innocent
as when we used to hold hands
and walk along the south campus.
- Aren't you going to read your letter?
- Oh, yes, the letter.
I had a feeling when I saw him
that time had stopped.
Nothing's changed.
Everything's just as it used to be.
The girls still adore him.
Mother, do you know what's in this letter?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Russell discussed it with me.
Well, he wants to marry me.
That shouldn't surprise you.
He's loved me ever since I was 17
and he came to make
the bookcase for my room.
"Between the day you ordered it
and the day I brought it to you,
your father had died.
How gay you were the first time
and how sad the second."
He's such a nice guy.
And it's a beautiful bookcase.
You know, I think any woman,
unless she's completely
frivolous and stupid,
would be very moved by a proposal.
Any woman, no matter who the man is.
Oh, Hilda, I like you in this mood.
This letter frightens me though.
- It frightens you?
- Yes, it's...
It's like being on a desert island,
and suddenly a ship comes along,
and it may not be going
where you want to go,
it may not be flying your flag,
but... there you are.
I wouldn't presume to offer you advice,
but you did ask for my help.
- Russell would make an excellent husband.
- Oh, don't.
Hold it, Mother.
Just let it hang in the air for a while.
How do you do?
I was just taking a little ride,
so I'd thought I'd stop by and say hello.
Mrs. Burns.
This is indeed a pleasure.
Do you know my daughter?
How do you do, Mrs. Burns?
It's nice to see you.
May I take your coat?
I'd rather wear it.
It's Russell's Christmas present.
It's a beautiful coat.
Real Alaska sealskin.
Like to show it off.
May I offer you
a drink or something?
Liquor ain't good for my heart condition.
Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
Now, don't kid me.
This ain't a surprise.
You know why I'm here.
My son sent you a letter,
didn't he?
Oh. Yes, he did.
I don't mean to make no trouble,
but I guess I got a right
to get acquainted
with folks he's interested in.
I got that right, ain't I?
Well, you certainly have.
I was just thinking how strange it is
that we haven't met before, Mrs. Burns.
- It's such a small town.
- It's nice you met Russell anyway.
- But it is strange, isn't it?
- What's so strange about it?
You, a professor's wife, and me,
that used to run a hamburger stand.
But what courage.
Why, everyone admires you,
Mrs. Burns.
The way you put Russell
through high school
and how you sacrificed for him
and how you made
his success possible.
It's the truth.
I live for nothing but that boy.
You must be very proud of him
now, Mrs. Burns.
Yeah, I am.
Now, suppose I ask you a few questions.
- You own this house, don't you?
- Well, yes...
- Your car paid for?
- Yes.
- Any other property?
- No.
Just a small income from
your husband's estate. That right?
You've been married
and divorced twice. That right?
That's right.
- You got a mink coat, I hear.
- Yes, I have.
Got anything
besides what's on your back?
Now, look, Mrs. Burns,
I know you don't mean to be rude,
but you sound rude.
You're here because you love your son
and you don't want him to make a mistake.
Well, I don't want
to make a mistake either.
Not again.
And if I don't intend to marry him,
then your questions
do become a little impertinent.
You mean to tell me you're gonna pass up
a proposition like my Russell?
My inclination is to say no to him,
but I want to think it over.
'Specially his bank account.
I know he's well off, Mrs. Burns,
but what I'm really thinking about
is how kind he is,
how good he is,
and especially how much
he seems to care for me.
Russell's taken girls out before,
and his heart ain't been broken yet.
Was he serious about them?
He might have been, but then
I talked a little sense into him.
Have you talked a little sense
into him about me?
I ain't had a chance.
It come up so sudden.
- I see.
- He done this behind my back.
Mrs. Burns, you could be
a great help to me.
Suppose you go home
and do everything in your power,
just as you did with the other girls,
to keep Russell from seeing me again?
If you succeed, I shall be relieved.
If he still wants to marry me,
if he repeats what's in his letter,
that his whole life depends on me,
then I shall have a problem.
I mustn't get excited.
I always tell Russell
I mustn't get excited.
I need a little air.
I've got a bad heart,
and excitement ain't good for me.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Burns.
- I don't think I said nothing.
I mean, well, if you should
be talking to Russell,
I don't think you could say
I was impolite or anything, you think?
I'll never say a word, Mrs. Burns.
Well, this has been
a real nice little visit.
Real nice.
Awfully glad you stopped in.
Likewise, I'm sure.
Good-bye, Mrs. Burns. Good-bye.
I really am glad she came.
There were a few moments
when I was rather terrified,
but all in all, I think
you behaved splendidly.
- You do?
- Yes, splendidly.
Would you mind very much
if I left for New York this afternoon?
- If you what?
- I don't belong in this town.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You've just shown that you can behave
like a respectable woman,
with dignity and courage.
You left that creature
without a leg to stand on.
I couldn't go through
anything like that again.
But you won't have to.
You're right. Maybe I won't.
Mother, would you tell Clara
that I won't be in for dinner tonight?
- You're going out?
- Yes, I'm going out with Jacques de Lisle.
- Oh, Hilda.
- Mother, I don't want to marry Russell Burns.
It's all insane.
I still have time...
all the time in the world.
Why do we act as if I'm about
to become middle-aged any minute?
Surely you realize
that Professor de Lisle is not as good...
I don't care.
Maybe I can have it the way I want.
I think he still likes me.
He's civilized,
but not snide and horrible
like those men in New York.
Maybe I can, Mother.
Maybe I can!
Where shall we go?
Well, there's a basketball game
at the gym
and a lecture at the YMCA.
Uh, let's walk, shall we?
It's funny. This little walk
has meant more to me than...
than two years of one marriage,
one year of another,
and all the years between and after.
We had walks like this in the past,
and you talked like that too.
Oh, I was only a baby then.
So I thought.
And then along came a football player
who didn't think you were a baby at all.
Did you really want me, Jacques?
- Did you want me?
- Oh, I wanted a lot of things.
Perhaps you were one of them.
This happens to be where I live.
Come in.
All right, Jacques.
Oh, it's a lovely room, Jacques.
Yes. I'm leaving it
at the end of the semester.
But why, when they just
made you a full professor?
Associate professor,
at $4,800 a year.
Lovely room and all.
These are worth much more.
The galley proofs of my novel.
The publishers gave me
an advance of $10,000.
- You've written a novel, Jacques?
- Mm-hmm.
- The King's Courtesan.
- It's a historical novel.
Nowadays that means one part history
and nine parts sex, violence,
and skulduggery.
Mostly sex. Real tripe.
I intend to write one every year
and to become rich and famous.
You see, I am not a man of integrity.
I think it's wonderful.
Wait till you read it.
Here is the design for the jacket.
My, what big eyes she has.
My great-great-grandmother.
The basis of the novel is factual.
Well, that wasn't a campus kiss, Jacques.
I've been waiting to do that
for five years.
You came back to Winona twice,
and you never called me.
Oh, well, I thought about you.
Quite often.
Why did you divorce him?
Uh, which one?
The football player.
Oh, because we believed
in love and... lost it.
- Is that an original or a copy?
- Copy.
You mean desire, don't you?
Aren't they the same?
That's a schoolgirl's question.
Well, then, schoolgirls have
more courage than most women,
who'll settle for three meals a day
and love once a month.
So, the football player
ceased to thrill you,
and you walked out on him.
Yes, you might put it that way.
But let's not talk about old marriages.
They're as dead as yesterday's newspaper.
What about the second, the editor?
What was wrong with him?
Oh, it just didn't work out,
so we agreed to separate.
He very kindly offered me alimony,
and I very naturally refused it.
You have, as they say, lived,
haven't you?
Does it show in my face, Jacques?
It's very provocative.
I'd like a drink.
You're even more attractive than you used
to be when you were an innocent child.
Well, that's very nice,
but I'd still like a drink.
You gave me a bad time, Hilda.
You and the football player.
You see, it was a blow to my ego.
And so was the editor.
And the others, whoever they were.
And later on...
I'm not boring you?
No, Jacques. Go on.
Later on, I developed a dream
about you and me.
It was a schoolboy dream,
of course.
It went like this.
I had become a famous novelist.
I always wanted to write
a good book, you know?
Not this tripe here.
Anyway, I'm famous,
and I come to New York a celebrity.
I meet you.
You are still beautiful,
but you are disillusioned
with your second-rate life.
We have champagne, dinner,
and so forth.
At dawn the next day,
when you leave my suite,
you realize that when
you left me five years ago,
you made the most tragic
mistake of your life.
But I...
I yawn, turn over in bed,
and go back to sleep...
having forgotten even your name.
Is that why you invited me
in here, Jacques,
to tell me your dream?
That's why.
I had a dream, too,
just as juvenile as your dream about me.
I dreamed that when we met again,
time would stop
and all the years would fade.
You'd ask me to marry you.
We'd elope right then and there
and live happily ever after.
Good-bye, Jacques.
Good luck in your new career.
- No, I mean it.
- You can't leave now.
Oh, my dear, darling Jacques,
you mean you want to marry me?
You know what I mean.
You think I'm a bit of a tramp,
don't you?
I think you are a grown woman
and lovely.
And a bit of a tramp.
Well, I'm not.
Jacques, will you play a game with me?
I'm in a mood.
- It's strictly a game.
- What game?
Ask me to elope with you right now.
I won't hold you to it.
I just want to hear the words.
Elope with me right now?
Oh, I'd love to, Jacques.
Where shall we go?
You can speak freely.
It's just a game.
You're a great girl.
But somewhat secondhand,
and men don't marry
secondhand women, do they?
Especially Frenchmen.
They don't marry girls like me.
They marry a different kind,
and with my type
they make an arrangement.
- Hilda.
- But I want to be married.
I'm sick of being a great girl.
I want to have children and live
with one man for the rest of my life.
Have you ever heard anything
so grotesque?
Hilda, it wouldn't last a month.
I would suspect every man you met.
Will you please let go of me, Professor?
Because I'm hating you right now.
I'm hating you something awful!
Hilda, give me a chance.
Try to understand I'm in love with you.
I've always been.
Give me half a chance.
Give me some time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you do not ha ve to ha ve gray hair anymore.
Just one application
of this miracle formula,
and your gray hairs will vanish,
along with your gray cares.
- Vanish Gray is not a soap, not a powder...
- Hello.
Why, yes, certainly.
No, of course it's not too late.
I'll be over right away.
- You're going?
- Yes, Mother, I'm going.
Now, don't sit up all night
staring at that thing.
You know you need your sleep.
I'll be back in a little while.
Good night.
Good night.
...and you receive absolutely free
a month's supply of Vanish Gray!
Don't ring. I'm here.
Oh, Hilda. Is there anything wrong?
Russell, did your mother
say anything to you?
I found out she invited herself here.
I'm sorry about that.
- She was kind enough to call on us.
- She invited herself.
Let's keep it simple.
I suppose she told you
everything I said to her.
I doubt
if she left anything out.
You, uh... you got my letter?
Yes, I did. I thought it was
a fine letter, Russell.
You did? Well, there's no hurry
about giving me an answer.
No hurry at all. I...
Well, it was a little sudden,
and we've seen each other so seldom.
- You thought I wrote it on impulse?
- I've been called impulsive myself.
Sure, I know.
If you mean your marriages,
I guess you were just
trying to find happiness.
I can't very well blame you for that.
- Can't you?
- What I mean is,
you're a modern woman and...
I guess I'm putting this pretty badly.
I'm not very good
at saying emotional things.
- That's why I wrote you the letter.
- I'll marry you, Russell.
You'll what?
I said I'll marry you.
I don't know what to say. I...
I didn't think you'd accept.
you make me very happy.
I'd like to do that.
- Good night.
- Well, good night. Uh...
Call me in the morning?
Yes. Yes, I'll call you in the morning.
Good night.
Good night.
Wasn't that Russell's car?
What was he doing here?
- I sent for him.
- You did?
I'm going to marry him, Mother.
Oh, Hilda, darling,
I can't tell you how pleased I am.
Yes, I'm going to be
the mother of his children.
I'll be his housekeeper, his hostess.
I'll uphold his dignity
and be true to him.
I don't think it matters at all
that I don't love him.
Did you settle
on a time for the wedding?
- The sooner the better, I should think.
- Oh, I disagree.
There are many reasons
why this should be a formal wedding,
after a decent period of engagement.
But why, Mother?
What difference does it make?
All the difference in the world.
You've been married twice, in haste.
This time we want to create
an entirely different impression.
A June wedding would be best,
I think.
Whatever you say.
We're playing it your way now.
Mother, when I was a little girl,
you used to read to me from the Bible.
Yes. Would you like me
to read something to you now?
Is there a passage in it
that goes something like,
"You may stumble and fail again and again,
and the Lord will not pass judgment.
He will have mercy.
But there will come a time
when you dare not falter:
the year,
the day of your last chance.
Then, my daughter,
take whatever hand is held out to you
and walk with courage
out of the darkness...
into the light"?
I don't remember anything like that. No.
It isn't in the Bible, but it should be.
I made it up.
Those whom God hath joined together,
let no man put asunder.
Join your right hands together.
I pronounce you man and wife,
according to the ordinance
of God and the law of this state,
and in the name
of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
And then you kiss the bride.
Am I allowed to at the rehearsal?
Of course.
Oh, Hilda,
it's going to be just beautiful.
I can't wait to see
your wedding dress.
- And that's it?
- That's it.
I'm due at the hospital, Hilda.
Oh, thank you so much
for coming, Dr. Joe.
Well, if I've got to give you away,
I might as well do it right.
Oh, I wish your father
were here to do it for himself.
- See you tomorrow. So long, Russ.
- Good-bye, Doc.
I'm afraid we've held you up, Russell.
Run along if you're late.
You did beautifully, darling.
I was as nervous
as if it were the real thing.
- I'll drop in later. Good-bye.
- Okay.
- Mrs. Burns.
- Good-bye, Mrs. Burns.
- Well, of all the...
- Shh.
You know, you're lucky, Hilda.
A really nice guy.
But that mother of his... Ugh!
Oh, now, Nell. She's really quite
a person when you get to know her.
Uh-uh. Not me.
The less I know her, the better I'll feel.
I hope you're going to be
polite to her at the reception.
Well, just barely.
I don't have to make
with the frozen smile.
I'm not the bride.
I have to meet the caterers
back at the house.
- Are you coming with me?
- No, I'll come on later. I'd like to walk.
Whatever you say, dear. Good-bye.
You know, I'm serious
about that old bat, Hilda.
Mark my words.
She'll make your life miserable
if you don't put your foot down,
make her understand who's boss.
Now, look, when Hilda and Russell
get back from Honolulu, they can...
That's too late, and you know it, Dink.
You've got to nip them in the bud.
She's not going to live with you,
is she?
I haven't discussed it
with Russell yet,
but I think he feels
under obligation to her.
- And with her heart condition...
- Oh, heart condition, my foot.
She's as healthy as a horse.
Ask Dr. Joe.
She trades on that alleged heart of hers
just to keep her thumb on Russell.
Every time he finds a new girl,
she gets another heart attack.
You take my advice
and push her right out in the street.
There. I've done my duty
as matron of honor.
Say, uh, maybe I can
mix business with pleasure
and sell you a little house for her.
I've got a whole block of houses
on Maple Street full of mother-in-laws.
And they love it. They can bellyache
to each other all day long.
As a matter of fact, I think
I've got just the place for her.
It's right in the middle of the block,
and she can bellyache in both directions.
- Uh-oh. Did I put my foot in it?
- No, I don't think she could hear you.
Well, good-bye, darling.
Happiness and all that sort of nonsense.
And lots of it from me too, Hil.
If I were just ten years younger, I'd...
Yeah, you'd still be married to me.
Now come on, Dink.
- I'll see you tomorrow, Hilda.
- Bye.
Bye-bye, Nell.
Wait for me.
Miss Crane?
Hello, Mrs. Burns.
I didn't know you were still here.
I came back
to have a little talk with you.
I got a right, ain't I,
to talk with my future daughter-in-law?
You know what they say.
I ain't losing a son,
I'm gaining a daughter.
I hope you really
believe that, Mrs. Burns.
Come here.
Give me your hand.
My, that's a beautiful engagement ring
Russell gave you.
- Yes, it is.
- And that's a classy outfit you got on.
That part of the trousseau
Russell bought you in Chicago?
No, I'm going to save that
till after the wedding.
I've had this suit for quite a while.
I see.
Some other man bought it for you.
How long do you figure
this marriage is going to last?
Mrs. Burns, why do you
talk to me like this?
Stop kidding me. You know.
You and me, we both know.
I had you looked up, young lady.
I know everything about you
from the day you was born.
Call that bellyaching if you want to.
There's nothing in my life
that I'm ashamed of.
When you was at college,
you and two other girls
was brought up before the dean of women
for being drunk.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh, yes, I remember.
Good heavens, how can you
use the word "drunk"?
- It was an escapade.
- Escapade, huh?
What about your first husband,
Kenneth what's his name?
You lived with him
before you married him.
What's that got to do with it?
I loved him. Of course I...
When you was 19 years old,
you got drunk.
When you was 20,
you lived with a fella.
I guess that's what all
the nice college girls was doing, huh?
No, not all of them,
but there were many like me
here in Winona and at other colleges.
- Sure. Loose girls.
- No, we...
We were in search of something,
an idea.
You see, we believed
that women could lead their lives
with the same freedom as men do.
We thought that...
Oh, what's the use?
You've told Russell all about this, huh?
- Definitely not! Why should I?
- You're tootin' why should you?
Or about what happened
after your first divorce either.
Want a few more facts?
I'll give you some more facts.
Six months after your divorce...
Mrs. Burns, this is a church we're in!
Don't profane it!
I profane it? You profane it.
I didn't do these things it says here.
Yes, I did them,
and I'm sorry.
I wonder if you could ever
understand how sorry I am.
But I never did anything in my life
that I didn't believe in at the time.
You believe you're a fit woman
for my Russell to marry?
Yes, with all my heart I believe it.
If you had a son, would you pick
a woman like you for him?
I'd trust him
to make his own choice.
And how could he choose
if he didn't have the facts?
Did you ever think of telling Russell
the truth about yourself?
Why don't you tell him?
Why haven't you already told him?
- You think I was afraid?
- Possibly.
You think I was afraid,
don't you?
I think you want him to be happy
just as much as I do.
- Jacques, what on earth are you...
- I flew out from New York.
Are you angry?
Well, no, I'm not angry.
But why, Jacques?
I don't understand.
Well, I had a few things
to settle up at the university.
I thought I was going
to send you a wedding present,
but since I was here in town anyway,
I thought I would bring it in person.
A copy of my book,
suitably inscribed.
You shouldn't have come here,
I didn't know I wasn't allowed
back in Winona.
But as long as I'm here anyhow,
perhaps you'll invite me in.
Well, I suppose I'll have to.
I accept your gracious invitation.
You needn't wait after all.
Uh, no. Have him wait.
- The lady says you are to wait.
- Right, sir.
The ceremony's at 4:00.
We should be back,
I think, by quarter to 5:00.
I think perhaps you'd better start
serving at 5:00 at the latest.
Oh, Hilda, your airplane tickets
for Honolulu jus...
- Professor de Lisle.
- How are you, Mrs. Crane?
Jacques is here on business
from New York.
He bought me a wedding present.
Wasn't that sweet of him?
Well, I think that will be
all then, Mr. Jensen.
- Very well, Mrs. Crane.
- Come in, Jacques.
Professor de Lisle,
why did you come here?
To wish your daughter happiness.
May I be perfectly frank?
Hilda's happiness does not
depend upon your good wishes.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Perhaps Hilda would prefer
to tell me that herself.
But you can do
a great deal of harm at this time.
You can upset Hilda.
Just as a rowdy out in the street,
if he were to throw a rock
through that window, could upset her.
I assure you I have no rocks
up my sleeve.
I think Jacques would like
to talk to me alone.
- Hilda...
- Please, Mother?
Very well.
Don't forget Russell may be
coming at any moment.
Make it short, will you, Jacques?
Oh, Hilda. My poor Hilda.
I don't need your sympathy.
I'm perfectly happy.
Ah, you always pretended so beautifully.
Just a game. Strictly a game.
But, my darling,
this marriage isn't a game.
You can't pretend
for the rest of your life.
Good-bye, Jacques.
Do you really think
you'll fool anyone?
Him? That mother of his?
Your so-respectable neighbors
here in Winona?
Even yourself?
Hilda, you can't marry this...
You can't live with him
and that grotesque old female.
How indecent you are.
Just plain rotten.
You don't really believe that.
You love me.
I was the only thing in your entire life
you remembered with tenderness.
If I hadn't been such a fool,
if I had taken you
when I had the chance...
We belong together, my darling,
because we are alike.
- Let me go, Jacques.
- You would've married me if I'd asked you.
- It's too late now.
- And I would have married you, too,
if only you'd have given me
a little time, as I begged you.
I tell you it's too late!
Why did you come here?
To put an end to this nonsense.
To ask you to marry me now.
We can elope tonight.
I despise you for saying that now.
I loathe you and despise you!
Don't run away.
You can't run away from yourself.
I despise you! Can't I make it
any plainer than that?
- Hilda!
- Get out!
I said get out,
and don't ever come back!
Very well.
I wish you lots of unhappiness.
But I'm sure you'll have it anyway.
He's gone?
For good, I hope.
Yes, for good.
Hilda, I'm so proud of you.
I wanted to go with him, Mother.
I wanted to run after him
and beg his forgiveness.
Tell Russell, please, Mother, that
I can't go through with this marriage.
I can't take advantage of him.
He doesn't know what I'm really like.
I'm afraid of myself.
I'm afraid of what I might do to him.
You shouldn't have come here.
She won't see you.
It's just as I told you on the phone.
She's upstairs writing you a letter.
What do think I should do, Stella?
Go home and let me try
to talk some sense into her.
I think that's my responsibility now.
To talk sense into my girl and vice versa.
I could kill that man for coming here.
It wasn't only de Lisle.
There was something else
you don't know about,
something that happened at the church
after the rehearsal.
Excuse me, Stella.
I'm sorry to barge in
on you like this, but...
If you don't feel like talking,
just give me the letter and I'll go.
It's finished.
It began with a letter.
It... might as well end with one.
- Oh, don't, Russell.
- I want you to take a short ride with me, Hilda.
Just a little way from here.
Then you can say good night or good-bye
or whatever you want to say.
Come on.
- I'd rather not.
- Please, Hilda.
All right, Russell.
Come on.
Come on inside.
You know, I'm real proud of this house.
It may not be much for style.
It's sort of a modern colonial,
but it's... it's built to last.
Like in the old days when a man expected
to hand his house down to his son,
and he, in turn, to his son.
Come on, let's go upstairs.
This staircase is just temporary.
When it's finished,
it'll be real Georgian.
That is, real Georgian copy.
Watch that step.
The first one's a long one.
This, uh...
This is the master bedroom
over here.
It, uh, doesn't look like much yet,
does it?
Come on.
Watch your head.
This is the growling room,
just in case of a fight.
It can be made
into a guest room too.
Extra bath is over there.
And this is the nursery.
It's, uh, being built so that it can be
expanded out over the kitchen wing,
just in case...
- You hurt yourself?
- No.
You've got to be careful
around here.
I, uh... I was hoping it'd be finished
by the time we got back from Honolulu.
But anything in the building line
these days
takes three times as long
as you expect.
So I thought
I'd show it to you now.
Anyway, you should be in on
the decorating and furnishing.
Oh, not that I couldn't do
a pretty good job myself.
You see, I've made
a study of your tastes.
For instance,
you like, uh, Georgian,
Mozart, New York Giants,
and peppermint-stick ice cream.
I know all about you, Hilda Crane.
No, you don't. You...
You tore up the letter
that would have told you everything.
- Nothing I don't already know.
- You know so little.
You don't even know why
I came back to Winona, do you?
No. No, not exactly,
but it's not important.
Well, ask your mother.
She thinks it's important.
She has it all neatly typed,
my entire history.
She showed it to me
after the wedding rehearsal.
She showed it to me
before the rehearsal.
What? Then you knew?
Don't you see?
She was bluffing.
She only went to you because
she didn't get anywhere with me.
I told her off.
I guess I was
pretty rough with her.
I, uh, never treated her
like that before.
We've always been very close.
You see, when I was a kid,
we had it pretty tough.
But Mother kept us going
until I was old enough to help.
That's why I'll never let her down,
no matter how badly she behaves.
But this is gonna be our life...
yours and mine,
and nobody's
gonna come between us.
And the... the past,
it just never happened.
Do you understand?
It never happened.
Oh, Russell.
Oh, Mr. Small, you're early.
Well, you can't be too early
when you're drivin' the bride.
- Tell 'em I'm here, honey.
- Don't you "honey" me.
- They'll be out when they're ready.
- All right.
- Mrs. Crane, the car is here.
- Thank you, Clara.
Will you keep
the plane tickets, Mother?
Oh, yes. I'll give them to Mr. Small.
That'll be the safest.
He'll be driving you to the airport
after the reception.
I've got your bouquet,
Miss Hilda.
I've had it in the refrigerator.
Thank you, Clara.
My, you look lovely.
- A real starry-eyed bride.
- I feel sort of starry-eyed.
I want to talk to you
and your daughter.
Mrs. Burns, shouldn't you
be at the church?
I got a little business proposition
for you.
- Well, can't it wait until after the ceremony?
- No, it can't.
There's $50,000 worth of government bonds
in this envelope.
They're all yours if you'll just
get out of this town right now.
Do you realize
what you're suggesting?
Listen. I got a big interest in the new
Burns Building. I'll sign it over to you.
I'll get a lawyer, and I'll find out a way
so Russell will never know.
Mrs. Burns, we're all going to pretend
that you've never spoken.
Damn you.
I'll give you my jewelry too.
It's worth more than 50,000.
Just step out into my car
and drive away and never come back!
- Mrs. Burns!
- The answer is no.
Don't you play innocent on me.
I know what you are.
And you know what she is too.
You dirty tramp!
- How dare you! How dare you!
- Don't, Mother.
I was expecting this.
You have exactly five minutes
to get to the church before we do.
You'd better start now.
Russell will be expecting you.
My... My heart's choking me.
I'm dizzy, all dizzy.
- Mrs. Burns.
- Don't bother, Mother.
I'm sick, I tell you.
I ain't faking. I am sick.
I can't move.
There's nothing wrong
with you, Mrs. Burns.
- I can't breathe.
- You'd better start breathing.
This marriage is going through
on schedule.
I'll forbid the banns!
That's what I'll do!
- I'll get up in church and...
- Shut up!
I'll kill you for that
just as sure as you're sittin' there.
- I'll kill you for that!
- Let go of my flowers!
Let go! Let go!
Is it all right?
Yes, it'll do.
Mrs. Burns,
I'll get you some water.
Now listen to me,
Mrs. Burns.
You'll never,
never stop this wedding.
I've been awake all night, thinking of
every possible trick you might play.
Now listen carefully, because my mother and I
are leaving in exactly two minutes.
If you're not at the church,
the ceremony will go on anyway.
But if you're still in this house
when we get back,
if you're found dead on this spot,
let me tell you exactly
what your dying words were.
You said, "Tell Russell
I saw the light at the last minute.
I've got no grudge
against that fine girl.
I wish them both happiness."
And if you should die
in Russell's presence,
you'd better use the words
I've just given you.
I hope for your sake
that you can remember them.
I'm dyin'.
I am dyin'.
You're not gonna die,
Mrs. Burns.
I was just playing
a little game with you
in case it occurred to you
to die out of spite.
But you're not going to die.
You're much too selfish.
If I were the first woman that you'd
tried to liquidate in Russell's life,
you might have had a chance.
But this is an old game
of yours,
and today is just
one time too many.
So pull yourself together
like a brave little soldier,
attend this wedding,
and smile.
Let's go, Mother.
- Clara, take care of Mrs. Burns.
- Yes, Mrs. Crane.
Oh, Mother, what am I turning into?
What am I becoming?
Here they come!
- Well, Mrs. Burns, are you happy?
- Terribly happy.
I wonder where Mother is.
I didn't see her as we came down the aisle.
She should be here
Dr. Francis!
Is Dr. Francis here?
What's going on?
What happened?
I don't know.
I'm terribly sorry.
The wedding reception has been called off.
Mrs. Burns has been taken ill.
I'm terribly sorry.
Would you please spread the word?
The reception is called off.
- Is there any word yet?
- No. Russell's in there with Dr. Joe.
I canceled your plane reservations
for tonight,
and I'll wire the Moana
in the morning.
- Yes, Mother.
- Hilda...
Please don't, Mother.
There's nothing you could say
that would make me like myself
any better right now.
Oh, Russell.
Take him home, Hilda.
There was nothing
anyone could do.
You'd better get some rest,
both of you.
Yes, Dr. Joe.
Hi, Hilda.
Hello, Nell.
The girl said you'd be right back,
so I took a chance and waited.
I'm glad you did.
Come on in.
- Would you like a drink?
- But just a short one. I can only stay a minute.
Scotch on the rocks
if you have it, please.
You know,
you look tired, Hilda.
When are you and Russell
going on that wedding trip?
It's a little late for wedding trips,
don't you think, after five months?
Oh, you ought to get away,
both of you.
- Out of this house.
- Well, we couldn't at first.
The funeral and all the arrangements
and so forth,
and Russell's been busy.
You know.
We haven't been seeing enough of each other lately, Nell.
Tell me what's new.
Well, I suppose you know
who's back in town.
Yes, I saw it in the paper.
He's lecturing at our club
tomorrow afternoon.
- You want to come with me?
- No.
You know, Jacques always
did give a good lecture.
And now that he's a celebrity,
I understand he's really something.
Oh, how he does thrive
on that public attention.
Why don't you come with me?
Just for laughs.
I can't, Nell. Russell and I
have an engagement.
Well, I thought I'd give it a try.
You were always so fond of him.
I'd better be running. I...
Hilda, do you mind
if I say something?
You and Russell shouldn't go on living in this...
this chamber of horrors.
Why didn't he finish
the new house anyway?
Oh, it didn't make sense
after Mrs. Burns died
to build and furnish a new place
when we already had this one.
This is a perfectly good house.
There's no reason to move out of it.
Mm. And a perfectly good reason,
from Russell's point of view, for staying in it.
What do you mean?
Russell was horrid to Mama.
Mama died.
Now Russell's going to be a good boy again
and stay right here,
where Mama can keep
an eye on him.
Ew. What an eye.
Like a stuffed crocodile.
Would you be good enough
to mind your own business?
I'm always shooting off
my big mouth.
Big-mouth Nell, they call me.
I'm sorry, Hilda.
I'm sorry too.
I didn't mean to snap at you.
Oh, forget it.
I'll be seeing you.
- How are you, Mrs. Crane?
- Fine, thank you. How are you?
Fine, thank you.
- Hello, Hilda.
- Hello, Mother.
- I wish you wouldn't do that.
- Do what?
You know what I mean...
drink so much.
- Russell might think...
- On the contrary. Russell loves it.
He likes his wife to be
bright and vivacious
when he comes home
from a hard day's work.
Sit down, Mother.
Shall we have one of our
little intimate chats?
You've been increasingly hostile
to me lately, Hilda.
I don't know why.
Well, I'm inviting you to stay.
We can have a nice,
cozy little time, can't we?
- The three of us.
- The three of us?
Oh, that's what's bothering you.
- Doesn't it bother you?
- No, not for a moment.
I can face my maker with a clear conscience,
and so can you.
We didn't know
that she had a bad heart.
Nor did her doctor.
Not even Russell.
We all thought
that she was faking,
and she was faking
until it turned into the real thing.
And she brought it on herself.
I wish you'd take the picture
out of the room.
Oh, I don't want to spoil
her moment of triumph.
She couldn't get
what she wanted alive.
But she sure enough got it dead.
You have to hand it to her.
Don't, Hilda. You make yourself
sound coarse and cheap.
Well, I'm glad we agree on something.
I feel coarse and cheap.
How long do you think I can keep on
pretending and pretending?
- Pretending what?
- That this marriage is anything but a disaster.
I don't know
what makes you talk like that.
Don't you, Mother?
Have you ever read
Edna St. Vincent Millay?
She's not very fashionable
right now,
but I've always liked that poem
that ended like this.
"With him for a sire
and her for a dam,
what should I be
but just what I am?"
It's too lyrical
and perhaps a trifle quaint,
but I like it.
I never approved of children
criticizing their parents.
Oh, you've never approved
of a lot of things,
but they've happened anyway.
This is a very unhappy moment
for me, Hilda.
- For you?
- You're all I have in the world.
Since when, Mother?
- That's an unwarranted question.
- Is it?
You're my only child, and in all the years
since I lost your father, I...
Oh, Mother.
I've never been anything
but a worry and a bother to you.
You've always resented me because you
couldn't make me over into what you are,
because I wanted more out of life
than just appearances.
I couldn't learn to act
and think and talk like you,
so you've resented me.
You've never really loved me,
have you, Mother?
That's a lie. It's a cruel lie.
No, it's the truth, which can hurt
more than a lie, I grant you.
Oh, you're not leaving, are you?
I've heard enough.
Come back someday,
won't you, Mother?
- Good afternoon, Mrs. Crane.
- Good afternoon.
Mrs. Burns.
Mrs. Burns.
That's me, isn't it? I... I keep forgetting
that I'm Mrs. Burns now.
There's a Mr. de Lisle
on the phone.
Uh... Oh, tell Mr. de Lisle
that I said I'm not at home.
Be sure and put it
just like that.
- I said I'm not at home.
- Yes, ma'am.
He'll get the point.
He's very quick, is Professor de Lisle.
Very well, ma'am.
- Hilda, is anything wrong?
- No, not a thing.
What were you doing
lying here in the dark?
Oh, I was just resting.
- Is it time for dinner yet?
- Almost.
- Would you like a drink?
- Uh, no, not for me.
I'm, uh, flying up to Denver
after dinner.
I should be back tomorrow night.
Oh, will you take me
with you, Russell?
I'd like to, but Gus Nordlinger and I
are going up on business.
- We'll be on the run all day.
- Oh, I see.
I fell asleep just now,
and I had a wonderful dream.
Your mother didn't die after all,
and you and I went to Honolulu
on our honeymoon.
And when it was over,
we didn't come back.
We just got on a boat
and went on round the world.
We visited all those lovely places
with names like magic.
Fiji and Tahiti,
Hong Kong,
Bangkok, Bali,
and the Spice Islands.
It was all dazzling blue water
and coral sands
and palm trees in the wind,
and the birds of paradise
were singing.
Do birds of paradise sing, Russell,
do you happen to know?
- I don't know.
- No, I guess they just squawk.
Say, someone broke a glass.
I did.
Bad Hilda, always breaking things.
Such a trial to your poor, dear mother.
I hope she's not cross with me.
I don't think that's very funny, Hilda.
Don't you? I think it's hilarious.
I think the whole thing is hilarious.
Don't you agree, Russell?
- What's the matter with you tonight?
- I'm a little tight. That's all.
Mrs. Russell Burns is just
a teeny, weeny bit intoxicated.
If you're gonna be ashamed
of your wife,
you might as well have a good reason
to be good and ashamed.
I'm not ashamed of you.
You only think
I killed your mother.
I've never said anything like that to you
or even thought it.
Then why did you leave me
on our wedding night?
Why have you always refused
to discuss this subject with me?
Why have you let this wall
grow up between us,
this wall of guilt and suspicion,
so that now my own husband...
Hilda, I'll discuss it with you sometime
when you're more... more yourself.
Oh, I'll never be more myself
than I am right now.
Russell, I'm your wife.
I'm alive. She's dead.
- Can't you forget her?
- No, I can't!
Not after what I did to her.
After what you did to her?
Oh, now I get it.
I'm not the guilty one.
You are.
If you'd never met me,
if you hadn't fallen in love with me,
if you hadn't defied your mother
by marrying me, she'd still be alive.
Is that what you mean?
You think...
Hilda, let's drop it!
Oh, now I've disturbed you.
That's my trouble. I'm...
I'm always bothering people.
All my life,
I've bothered my mother.
Then I bothered your mother,
and now I'm bothering you.
- I'm sorry, Russell.
- Hilda...
I truly am sorry.
I shouldn't mix
with respectable people.
I should stick with my own kind.
Oh. Have a good time in Denver.
And now it is my pleasure to introduce
our distinguished guest speaker.
Some of you already know him.
Many of you have had the privilege
of studying with him.
Our pet celebrity...
Professor Jacques de Lisle.
Thank you.
As you see,
I am here as a salesman.
Ladies, first, let me say
that not one of you looks a day older.
I live In New York.
I have just returned
from Hollywood.
In neither place
is the standard of feminine charm
as high as it is right here in Winona.
When I left here,
I left a big piece of my heart behind.
I am glad I found it again.
Oh, Hilda, I have to pick up Dink
at his office.
You two want to come along
for the ride?
No. I'll take Jacques home,
and you and Dink can join us there.
Good enough. See you later.
Are we riding?
- No, walking. It's not far.
- All right.
- You used to like to walk.
- I still do, in certain company.
I guess I owe you an apology.
What for?
Well, I was very rude, wasn't I,
the last time we met?
Let's say that neither of us
behaved very well.
Will your husband be at home?
Uh, yes, later on this evening.
- Well, here we are.
- Quite the house.
It exactly expresses your personality.
You must be very happy here.
Would you like a drink now,
or shall we wait for the others?
I can wait.
- You've changed, Jacques.
- Have I?
Yes. You're more sure of yourself.
Must be success.
It's becoming to you.
Did I mention
that I'm engaged to be married?
Oh. You, engaged?
Aren't you going
to wish me happiness, Hilda?
I hope your life will be wonderful and happy,
just like Russell's and mine.
Thank you.
Tell me about her,
your fiance.
Oh, she's pretty enough
and extremely rich.
She'll never be what you
could have been, but she'll do.
I want you more than ever, Hilda.
Is she tall, short? Dark, blonde?
You are one woman in a million.
There'll never be anyone else for me.
Oh, I hope she knows
what it took me a long time to learn...
to give herself to one man
and one man only.
Let's get out of this house.
When I see these women
who think they're intelligent,
running around,
trying one thing after another,
looking for perfect happiness,
when the most important thing
is-is appearances.
Decency, respectability,
a... a well-ordered life
are much more important,
and, in the end...
- I'll get it, Marie.
- Yes, Mrs. Burns.
- Come in, Nell. Hi, Dink.
- Hi.
Look, Hilda, something came up.
We're on our way to the country club.
- We just stopped by to tell you.
- You could stay and have a drink, surely.
- Scotch on the rocks. Am I right?
- Thanks, but can't do it.
You see, this guy
is a prospective customer.
As a matter of fact,
we're late now.
He invited us over for dinner
to meet his wife.
Oh, well, bring him here.
I can get dinner for us all.
- Call him up and tell him I'm lonely, and...
- Sorry, Hil, but it can't be done.
Well, let him wait. You can stay
and just have one drink, can't you?
Oh, we'd love to, Hilda, but you see,
if Dink can put over this deal,
I get a new convertible.
Well, I'm a customer, too,
you know.
Russell's going to give you the new house
to sell, isn't he? The unfinished one.
I, uh... I think I'll stay a while.
You run along, Dink.
I'll take a taxi and join you.
Now wait a minute.
This guy and his wife expect us both.
- You see, business is business, Hilda.
- Beat it, Dink.
Okay. I'll just tell
my $100,000 prospect
that, uh, you didn't care
to meet his ugly wife.
I'm sorry, Hilda,
but that's the way it is.
Oh, gosh. Wait a minute, Dink.
Maybe we can drop in
after dinner.
- Yeah, you do that.
- Good-bye, dear.
Oh, hello, Nell.
No, there's no word yet.
She hasn't been here.
Yes, he's back from Denver.
He called here earlier.
I'll call you back later.
There's someone at the door.
Where is she, Stella?
Well, these friends of hers from New York
dropped in, and she called to say...
Don't lie to me.
Where is she?
Nell said she was with
Jacques de Lisle.
Where's he staying?
At the Manor Inn.
But, Russell, you mustn't think
just because... Russ...
Oh, could you send up
some sandwiches, please?
Well, if the kitchen is closed,
some crackers and cheese?
But right away.
Thank you very much.
Don't be sad, my darling.
I don't mean to be sad.
We had fun at dinner tonight,
didn't we, Jacques?
I haven't laughed
and talked so much in years.
It's always fun
when we are together.
And we'll be together often.
That's why I hate
to see you sad now.
Is it conscience?
I didn't know I had a conscience.
This is a funny world, Hilda.
You have to cheat a little
if you are going to survive.
Tell me, Jacques,
was it tonight that I cheated,
or five months ago
when I married Russell Burns?
Oh, you've always
lied to yourself a little.
That's been your trouble
all your life.
You know, Jacques,
I've had a life.
I didn't do much with it,
but I had it.
I've never done this though.
I've never sneaked in
a back door before.
That was unavoidable
in a small town like this.
But when you come
to New York,
I assure you it will be different.
I was rather sweet at 16, 17.
- Freshman history. Remember, Jacques?
- Oh, yes.
I sat in the front row.
I wanted to have a beautiful heart
and a beautiful mind.
I wanted to give
to some wonderful husband
and to a large family of children.
I wanted to be Joan of Arc and...
Florence Nightingale.
Very bad casting,
as they say in Hollywood.
Would you like a drink?
The trouble with you, darling Hilda, is that
you are a classic figure and don't know it.
You belong in the 18th century.
Better yet, the Renaissance.
Because do you know
what you really are, Hilda?
You are a courtesan, in the old tradition.
A classic courtesan
like Pompadour or Du Barry.
In the right incarnation,
you'd turn the heads of kings
and do all the queens
out of their marital rights.
Oh, that must be our primitive room service.
Go outside.
I said go outside.
Well, what is there for me to say?
Hilda, I'm so glad you're home.
Russell went to look for you.
Now listen to me, Hilda.
You've got to let me handle this.
Russell will be back
any minute.
Now, let me do the talking.
You're too tired.
Is that clear?
You need say nothing
for a day two.
Just listen to me
and use your head.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Mother.
I think you'd better go
right to bed.
Don't see him at all tonight.
Tomorrow will be time enough.
I couldn't keep it from him
that you were with that man,
but he doesn't know
where you went or what you did.
We can be grateful
for that, at least.
It would be so much worse
if he'd actually found you together.
He did, Mother.
We were in Jacques's room at the inn.
What are your intentions?
- Intentions?
- Yours and this man's.
Oh, yes. His intentions.
Jacques has intentions,
as a matter of fact.
I'm to spend time in New York,
make little visits.
We'll meet places up back stairs,
and he'll find reasons why I should be
in New York several times a year.
And the rest of the time,
I'm to live off my husband.
He's very clever.
He's good at appearances, like you.
Hilda, will you please
try to be rational?
Rational is the thing I'm the most,
because I know exactly
where I belong.
I'm a classic figure.
A courtesan, he called me.
That's what Mrs. Burns called me.
In case you didn't know,
"courtesan" is a fancy word for "tramp."
Well, what are you?
Oh, you agree with them,
don't you, Mother?
You agree with them,
but it isn't true.
I'm... I'm a woman.
A failure, hopelessly wrong,
but all my life
I've struggled to be a woman.
Not a courtesan, not a tramp.
Where will I get the courage
to live through this?
I'm giving you a bad night,
aren't I?
Mother, do... do you perhaps
love me a... a little?
How could anyone love you
after what you've done?
But you're my daughter,
and we have to live in this town.
It's my responsibility to keep up appearances
even if you won't try.
Now, as long as you're here, we're going to
pretend that you are a respectable woman.
We're going to hold our heads up,
you and I.
Hilda, what are you doing?
Oh, I was just getting
a glass of water.
I can still handle it.
Russell is a sensible man,
and he knows
that you've been under a strain.
He can be talked to.
But you'll have to leave it
entirely to me.
Are you listening to me, Hilda?
Yes, Mother.
If you'd listened to me in the first place,
this would never have happened.
Now I'll have to start all over again,
right from the beginning.
Perhaps the two of you
can take a trip together.
It was a great mistake that you didn't
go away right after the wedding.
As for that other one,
you're never to see him again.
From now on,
I intend to have my way.
You won't get the chance to degrade us
any more than you already have.
Mother, I'm terribly tired.
Would you mind?
He's here.
Now, don't say a word.
Leave everything to me.
Lock your door when I go out.
Do you understand?
Yes, Mother.
Good night, Hilda.
She's home, Russell,
but she's very tired, and she...
What are you doing here, Stella?
Well, surely a mother's place is
at her daughter's side when she's in trouble.
Oh, please, Russell, please.
She doesn't want to see you.
- She made a special point of it.
- Get out of my way, Stella.
Dr. Francis? This is Russell Burns.
- Where is she?
- She's upstairs.
How many did she take?
The bottle was more than
half full yesterday.
Metrazol, intravenous.
Get your stomach pump ready.
- Can you save her, Doctor?
- We'll do our best.
Please leave us alone
with her, Russell.
Here's the Metrazol, Doctor.
Would you like some coffee,
No, thank you.
She'll be all right.
I phoned for a nurse.
The intern will stay with her
until the nurse gets here.
Hilda mustn't be left alone.
She'll be a pretty sick girl
for a couple of days.
Yes, Doctor.
After that, I...
I don't know.
Sometimes they try it again.
A doctor can only do so much.
Your wife wanted to die, Russell.
There's always a reason.
Who caused her
to do this to herself?
Well, I... I'd better
be getting some sleep,
or I'll be a hospital patient myself.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- All right, Russell.
Oh, Russell.
Russell, I...
I hope you won't judge her
too harshly.
She was always an unstable person.
Very like her poor father.
Brilliant, but unable to face up
to the facts of...
I wasn't thinking of judging her, Stella.
I was thinking
of what the doctor said.
Who caused her
to do this to herself?
But why are you
looking at me?
Surely you don't think
I had anything to do with it.
- Didn't you?
- Of course not.
I didn't put all those ideas into her head.
I didn't send her off to New York
to lead the kind of life...
But you did, Stella.
You denied her the only thing
she ever asked of anyone...
to be loved for her own sake.
Did you... Did you ever
put your arms around her
and say "You're my girl
no matter what you do?"
You never did that.
You never even thought of doing it.
That's why she went to New York.
She was looking for something.
Understanding, affection.
Well, don't feel too badly
about it, Stella.
Because when she came back,
I had my chance,
and I treated her even worse
than you did.
Because I offered her love,
and then...
then when Mother died, I...
I let her down completely.
I... I acted like a hurt kid.
I guess it's time I grew up.
Come in.
Oh, Marie.
Would you take these down
and call a taxi for me, please?
Yes, Mrs. Burns.
Mr. Burns wanted to see you.
Thank you.
Hilda, I wanted to have
a talk with you.
There wouldn't be much point
in our talking now, would there?
I, uh...
I didn't want to disturb you
until you felt better, but...
- Will you take a little walk with me?
- No, Russell.
I'm going back to New York.
I don't belong here. I never have.
I could never do you
anything but harm.
Please, Hilda.
You'll have enough time
before your train leaves.
- That ought to work out fine, Joe.
- All right. I'll fix it right away.
I'm putting on extra shifts.
House should be finished
in about three months...
just about the time it takes
to make a trip to Hawaii.
And Hong Kong and Bali and...
What is the name of those islands?
You'll have to speak up.
The Spice Islands!
I don't even know where they are,
but I'd sure like to see them.
What was that?
I said...