His Secret Marriage (2019) Movie Script
Good girl Lily.
What a good girl you are.
Hey, Lily?
Where, where are you going?
What, what do you see?
Come on Lily.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go get help.
Come on.
Lily, come on let's go get help.
Come on girl, come on!
Look, just
turn the car around!
Can I grab your bag?
This is for you.
Watch the road!
I'll be right back.
Oh, thank God.
You gave me such a scare Kelsey.
And I haven't slept, I've
barely left this room.
I'm so relieved
to see you awake.
Do I know you?
Of course.
I'm your husband.
But I don't have a husband.
It's common with these types
of head injuries to
have some mild amnesia.
Usually though it only
effects short term memory,
not long term.
We were only recently married.
Oh, that explains it.
I'm gonna ask you a few
questions, all right?
What is this?
Uh, it's your watch.
Good, and this?
It's a, a pen.
Why are you asking
me these things?
Bear with me, and
the year right now?
Look, my head
hurts like I've had
too much tequila
but I'm not stupid.
You've been in a
coma for a couple days.
The doctor just needs to make
sure everything's working
properly that's all.
A few days?
Now, it may take awhile for
your short term
memory to come back.
Long term though seems intact
so you should recognize
anyone that you've known
for at least a few years.
Be patient with her.
You're lucky she's alive.
I couldn't agree more.
Uh, no offense Doctor
but can somebody spring
me out of here sooner
rather than later?
Let us do a few more tests
and then we'll see all right?
Mr. Davis I suggest that you
let Kelsey get some rest, okay?
Will do.
I know you have questions.
Just try and do as the doctor
ordered and sleep a bit.
I'll be back later.
I promise.
How do you feel?
Like I've been in a
boxing ring and I lost.
That's understandable.
What, what happened?
A car came out of
nowhere and these,
these mountain roads here
are treacherous anyway.
I'm so sorry.
Are those from you?
Oh your, your mom sent those
from the gift shop today.
She's been worried.
Can you call
her for me please?
Of course.
Hi, Brenda.
Uh, your daughter
is finally awake.
Oh, thank goodness.
Hi, Mom.
Don't worry, I'm all right.
I can't
even be angry at you
for getting married
without telling me.
You gave me such a fright.
When are you comin' home?
She'll be out of the
hospital bed in no time,
but we are still gonna go on
our honeymoon
vacation as planned.
I wish you
would reconsider Kelsey.
I really think you would
recuperate better with me here.
She needs a
quiet place without
any distractions
in order to heal.
cancel my book club.
Maybe I should
just fly there now.
Kelsey's lookin' a bit tired.
We really should
let her rest now.
I love you, Mom.
Love you too, Kel.
Please keep me updated.
Will do.
Honeymoon trip?
Don't worry about
that right now.
Let's just focus on
getting you better, okay?
Wait a minute, why do I
remember her and not you?
Well you and I are the
most recent memories.
Remember the doctor said earlier
those usually get wiped first,
while the long term ones stay.
Yeah, makes sense.
The mind works in
mysterious ways Kelsey.
Don't push yourself.
You'll remember
when you're ready.
I should go see if
I can get us something
to eat out of the
vending machines.
Gotta be better than
this hospital food.
That sounds great.
Thank you.
Yeah, no sweat.
Oh, wait.
Did you need something else?
I'm sorry.
What's your name?
There we go.
There we go, one second.
Let's get
you in here, huh?
Thank you.
There you go.
I can't believe no one found
my purse or my cellphone.
It was a really
bad accident Kel.
Your stuff was flung everywhere.
I do have this for you though.
How did you--
I took it off you
in the ambulance.
I didn't want it to get
stolen in the hospital.
That's smart.
Thank you.
Of course.
I told you I'd take care
of everything, okay?
What are you doing?
You okay?
You were moaning in your sleep.
I, I would've woken you
but the doc said that
the more rest you
get the better.
I'm fine, thanks.
It's just a nightmare.
I guess my brain still isn't
sure that this is a good idea.
Well I'll, I'll
remind you that
you were the one that
wanted to get away
from the craziness of the city.
No tech, no interruptions.
I'm just getting
us to the resort
that you wanted to go
to in the first place.
I know, but what about work?
We're not destitute if that's
what you're worried about.
You know, when my
aunt passed she
left enough for
both of us for life.
Uh, so you told
work that you were
gonna take a leave of
absence when we got married.
When did we get married?
We eloped in Vegas a few
days before the accident.
Mm hm.
That doesn't seem like me.
It was my idea.
I picked the wedding venue,
you picked the
vacation honeymoon.
That was the deal.
And where exactly
are we going?
You'll see.
To be honest I, I kinda like
that it's a surprise now.
I may not know you but I
do know I hate surprises.
Good afternoon Mrs. Epps.
Hi Mr. Bellamy.
You all right, Kel?
Mr. and Mrs. Davis?
Welcome to Brick Manor Retreat.
I'm the GM here, Olan Bellamy.
I wanted to welcome
you personally.
It's nice to meet
you Mr. Bellamy.
The pleasure is all mine.
We are so glad
you could join us.
And of course very sorry to hear
about your prior difficulties.
Is a wheel chair needed?
Uh, no thank you.
Despite the way I look
I'm doing much better.
Then we'll just have one at
your disposal right outside
your room in case you should
change your mind at any time.
Thank you.
I want to get you two settled
in as quickly as possible
so you can start
enjoying your stay.
Thank you.
Johnson here will take
care of the car for you
and handle your luggage.
Please follow me.
As you know, Brick Manor
is a unique retreat
and we strive very hard
to keep it that way.
There's a very strict
noise ordinance
in place after nine p.m.
Per our website,
computers and tablets
are not allowed on property.
And you'll find cell
service is sketchy at best.
Our number one
rule is that phones
may be used only in the
privacy of your rooms.
No problem there.
There are no televisions,
no landlines, no radios.
A bell pull is located in each
suite for service requests.
Bell pull?
Well, old fashioned
I know but effective.
This property is meant to be
the ultimate in relaxation.
A true break from the
rest of the busy world.
Sounds like heaven.
Right Kel?
Um, where's the nearest town?
Uh, Carston about 45
minutes away by car.
Halfway to the
airport from here.
It's fairly small.
There's not a lot to see or do.
I think you're familiar
with the hospital.
Must be some mistake.
I understood it's a honeymoon?
I have two separate
rooms listed.
Well I um, I changed
the reservation.
Um, from a suite to,
to separate rooms
with the request to be next
to each other of course,
to give Kelsey time and space
to recuperate from her ordeal.
Thank you.
That's, that's very thoughtful.
I try.
I see.
Very good.
Then I'll get you your key cards
and I'll show you to your rooms.
Trifle steep here.
There we are.
The store is open until nine
p.m. for your convenience.
The main bar is just here.
The spa only a few steps away.
Uh, yoga classes are
held in the annex
at the far end of the pool.
A brochure in your
rooms lists all
the daily scheduled activities.
This is such a lovely
property Mr. Bellamy.
Thank you.
We're proud of it.
Brick Manor has received
the Best Retreat award
three years in a row.
I can see why.
And we're expanding.
Over there just beyond the
far end of our property.
We purchased the neighbors
land just a few months ago.
It's under construction but when
it's finished we'll
be double our size.
Still intimate but able to
accommodate more guests.
Sounds like a good investment.
This way.
I, I, I didn't, I didn't
mean to startle you.
The, the door was ajar.
No, I'm sorry.
I guess I'm just a bit jumpy.
What's wrong?
I just...
You just?
I just didn't realize
that I'd be forced
to be so out of touch.
You spoke to your mom.
We could call her
again if you like?
No, I know.
I mean all your friends
know, know about this trip.
You spoke about nothing
else for, for weeks.
I don't know, it just feels
so strange to, to be isolated.
You mean with me?
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I, I understand.
You're, you're in
a strange place.
A husband you don't remember.
It makes total sense.
You know I'm, I'm just sorry
I didn't think of it sooner.
It's nothing personal.
I know.
This is a odd,
awkward situation.
And, and we are
both just tryin' to,
tryin' to make the
best of it and get
through it until
your memory returns.
What if it doesn't?
Then we'll deal with it.
Look, in the meantime
you need lots of rest.
Doctors orders.
I know, you're right.
I just, I don't feel
comfortable with all of this.
Fair enough.
Listen, I do think this is the
best place for you right now.
It's quiet, it's stress free.
Hopefully it will encourage
your brain to heal.
That would be a relief.
But if you wanna
leave, I'll understand.
Of course.
You know I wouldn't, I
wouldn't be happy about it.
This place is, is
paradise but, yes.
Just say the word.
Let me go get the bellman.
Uh, let's stay.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
It was just the shock when
I heard the nearest town
is so far away and
there's no real phones.
And you're right next door to
a strange guy that
you don't know.
No worries.
I get it, really.
Thank you.
I know you won't regret
staying here Kelsey.
I read in the pamphlet
in the room, thank you,
that all of the food here
is organic and farm fresh
but I had no idea it
would taste so amazing.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Um, of course
after hospital food
I'm sure a burger
from a fast food joint
would taste amazing
to you right now.
But no, this was wonderful.
And well, since you picked it
I am very happy
that you're pleased.
Did I mention you look amazing?
Thank you.
Black and blue is
the new beautiful.
You're funny girl.
I am glad to see that you're
getting your humor back.
And you are absolutely
beautiful Kelsey.
Thank you.
I, I'd ask you to tell
me about yourself but,
I don't know, you
might get deja vu
from our first
date or something.
Don't be silly.
Ask away.
Um, well we eloped so, was
it love at first sight?
That's what you wanna know?
Of all the questions
in the world
that's what you wanna ask me?
I, I don't really know
you right now so, yeah.
Well, I thought
personal trainers
were supposed to be
practical and grounded.
I'm both of those
things but I guess
I also have a romantic streak.
No, I'm not, I'm not
recalling that.
You're stalling.
On my side anyways.
I can't speak for you
of course but for me,
it was love at first sight.
That's sweet.
And ever since then I've
been completely whipped.
You liar.
You are anything but whipped.
But I got you to laugh.
Yes you did.
Excuse me.
- Oh, wow thank you.
- Mm.
- Those look lovely.
- Here you go.
Thank you.
I'm sorry I've been,
I don't know, somber.
Don't be ridiculous.
You just got out
of the hospital.
It's allowed.
I know.
I don't mean that.
I just, I've been a little cold.
And that is okay.
That's the thing.
You're just being so
kind about everything
but it's not okay
and I feel badly.
I have a memory problem but
you're getting the
raw end of the deal.
You're my husband
and I am treating
you like a total stranger.
Look Kel, life gives
you what it gives you.
I am just trying my
best to make it work.
I am in this gorgeous
place vacationing
with the woman I
love so I am blessed.
Now remember there, there
is, there's no pressure here.
So can we just relax
and enjoy ourselves?
You, you think you can do that?
Those aren't really
my strong suits but,
I promise I'll try.
You're quiet.
Still feelin' okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Just thinkin'.
Oh, dangerous.
I can practically
smell the smoke.
Well, here we are.
I wish I could remember you.
Hey, how 'bout you
stop trying to fit me
into a past you can't remember,
and look at this as a, a
chance for a new beginning.
I like that.
I promise you'll fall in
love with me all over again.
I probably will.
Oh my goodness.
I better let you
go before I can't.
Kel, you in there?
And don't forget
to breathe.
This is also called
a Trikonasana,
another name for
the triangle pose.
And although it's a
beginner position,
it's certainly not easy.
So if you can't
hold it that's okay.
Just do your best.
Very nice.
You've uh, done
yoga before, huh?
Uh, yes but I'm also
a personal trainer.
Oh, one of those.
Okay, now I'm worried.
Well don't be.
Just need to challenge
you a bit more.
You mind if I use
you as an example?
Mm, why did I feel
the need to share?
The more you reach the
more good extension you get.
All right guys.
So this pose actually
stretches the thorax,
the vertebral column, the thigh,
the ankle and the shoulder.
Pretty impressive, huh?
Yeah, where's
the kitchen sink?
So the trick is that you want
to make sure that you don't bend
the chest over the knee to
compensate for the stretch.
- Okay.
- There we go.
Take your
hands off her, Sport.
Excuse me?
Oh my God.
You heard me.
Take your hands off my wife.
What is he doing?
Jason, what are you doing?
We're in class.
Reece was just
adjusting my pose.
Adjusting your pose?
Is that what they're
callin' it these days?
Uh, guys we're gonna take 10,
grab some water and then
we'll finish up, okay?
I am sorry.
I really apologize.
- No, no, no, don't worry.
- Don't apologize for me.
I'll handle this, okay?
Thank you.
I'll see you in the next
class if you can make it, okay?
Oh my God.
What is wrong with you?
You just embarrassed me
in front of everyone.
I embarrassed you?
He had his hands all over you.
He was adjusting me position.
That is his job.
That's not what
it looked like.
That's what it was.
You can believe me or not.
That is your choice.
Look Kelsey, wait.
Kelsey stop, please.
I'm an idiot.
I, I couldn't find
you when I woke up
and when I did I saw his
hands on you and I freaked.
Yeah, yeah you did.
I made a mistake.
You owe me an apology.
I'm sorry.
More than that you
owe Reece an apology.
I will find him later and
make things right, I promise.
That's a good start.
Listen, I really, I
really am sorry but,
this hasn't been easy for me.
Seein' you, bein' with you but
not bein' able to touch you.
No, no, no.
This is something I, I need
to learn to deal with better.
I get it.
It's our honeymoon,
we're in separate rooms.
And I saw this good
looking guy with his,
his hands all over your body
and I think, I don't know.
I just think I went
a little insane.
You think?
I did, I went a little insane.
Please accept my apology.
I really feel like a jerk.
All right.
You're forgiven.
Thank you.
I'm starving.
Me too.
Let's get some food.
It's good stuff.
Really good.
Is everything to your liking?
Excellent, excellent.
Why don't we um, slide into
our swimsuits and get poolside?
Mm, that sounds heavenly.
Let's go.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis?
How are you enjoying
your stay at Brick Manor?
It's been wonderful so far.
Oh, and if, I have anymore
of those brioche pancakes
I might not be able to fit
into my swimsuit anymore.
That's my favorite
breakfast as well and I admit
to occasionally loosening
my belt to accommodate.
Kelsey, you actually just
reminded me of something.
I meant to ask you Mr. Bellamy,
I haven't heard much
construction noise
from the expansion
you mentioned.
I um, was a little concerned
about it when you brought it up.
The construction
workers are required
to use only hand tools here.
No loud power tools.
And they're not allowed
to work on weekends
as that's the busiest
time of guests.
That noise ordinance
is serious stuff.
Yes, it's sort of our Bible.
Well I imagine it uh, must
be slow going over there then?
It is but we are
required to keep
all our guests happy, even
during the renovation.
Well, you've
succeeded with us.
It's been nice
having time to relax
and the rooms are so beautiful.
Continue to enjoy.
Thank you.
Oh, Mr. Davis?
About the rooms,
I was looking over
your reservations and I
noticed multiple bookings--
Didn't we discuss
this already?
I, I thought we cleared up
everything upon checkin?
Of course.
I was just--
I know my wife wants to
get to work on her tan,
you know, after all those days
under the fluorescent
hospital lighting.
If you don't mind Mr.
Bellamy can we uh,
talk about anything you
need from me later on today?
No need Mr. Davis.
I was simply letting my
curiosity get the better of me.
You're good to go.
Uh, please continue to the pool
and if you should
need anything else,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you.
Pool time?
Pool time.
Pool time.
Pool time.
Oh yeah.
Oh hey, Reece?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Hey, my name's Jason by the way.
I want to apologize to you.
I promise, I really
am a nice guy.
You just unfortunately saw
my bad side this morning.
Of course.
No really, listen.
Kelsey and I, we were,
we're havin' issues.
I shouldn't have
taken that out on you.
Thanks man.
Women problems I get.
My ex was crazy so, you
know, it's all good.
You are being so gracious.
I appreciate that.
Look, can I uh, can
I get you a drink?
I got a couple of berry
smoothies on the way.
I highly recommend them.
I had a few at breakfast.
Fresh drinks here, amazing.
Mm hm.
Smoothie sounds nice, thanks.
Oh, you know what?
Actually, I gotta get
mid pool for water aerobics.
You know what?
No sweat.
I will uh, I'll
bring it over there.
I'll leave it by your stuff.
You sure?
I can always get one afterwards.
No, no, no.
Look, I'm already here.
I got you man.
All right, thanks man.
Yeah man, my pleasure.
Let me get one more
from you please.
Of course.
Let me go grab some more ice.
I'll be right back.
Oh my God, is that you?
Is that--
What are you doing here?
I thought your trip was, oh God,
like a week ago or so, right?
Uh, yeah.
Well, it got postponed.
Hm, that sounds like
a story I need to hear.
Tell me everything.
It is a long story.
But what are you doing here?
Girl, are you kidding me?
Brick Manor was all you talked
about at work for weeks.
Of course I was
gonna drag Landon
here on my first opportunity.
Landon is here too?
Yeah, yeah.
He's just in the shop
grabbing me some sunblock.
But what about work?
I assume you called in.
I took a leave of
absence actually.
Huh, I don't remember that.
Hey Kelsey.
Nice surprise.
It is so good to see
you two back together.
Oh, well you know us.
Fight, break up,
make up, fight again.
Listen, Kelsey was
just gonna tell us
about why she was
still here even though
I thought she would
be home already.
We are
celebrating our honeymoon.
Here you go.
Oh, you didn't
tell 'em sweetheart?
I was just about to.
I'm uh, I'm Landon.
This is my girlfriend Carolyn.
Oh, I'm, I'm Jason.
It's nice to meet both of you.
Uh, Kelsey and I work at
the same gym together.
That's why you look familiar.
You know, actually Landon, you
look super familiar as well.
Oh well, Landon's a model.
He's been on a cover or two.
Uh, no offense but, Jason?
I haven't heard
about you at all.
Oh, none taken.
Um, you know it all
happened kind of fast.
Yeah, we eloped in Vegas.
What about your big wedding
dreams you've had forever?
Uh, I tried to
get Caro to elope
one time in Vegas
when she was drunk.
No chance.
Please, honey
if you ever think
that I would be
drunk enough to let
an Elvis marry us, you
are sadly mistaken.
Hey, you know what?
I am uh, I am thrilled
that you two are here.
Uh, perhaps we'll
see you around?
Oh, but I thought--
- Uh, we can, we can--
- Honey, we can take a hint.
Let's let the honeymooners
have some space.
Oh, all right yep.
See you later Kel.
Come on in, it's open.
Oh, I need like
five more minutes.
Yeah, yeah.
Not a problem.
All right.
Sorry, I'm just uh,
a little bit sluggish
from the sun today I guess.
Take your time.
I don't mind waiting.
So, I was wondering
if you wanna take a,
a walk before dinner
maybe out to the gazebo?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah definitely.
That sounds lovely.
I meant to close that.
I don't want you
to see your gift.
It wouldn't be a surprise.
A gift?
You'll see, I
wanna wrap it first.
Hm, okay.
You ready to go on that walk?
If dinner is
anything like lunch
I will need to take a little
stroll to make some room.
This place is utopia.
It's so quiet.
I really thought I'd
feel isolated, you know?
Out of touch and everything
but I love it here.
It's cozy and relaxing and maybe
my memory will
come back soon too.
That would be great.
I know, right?
Thank you for
encouraging me to stay.
My pleasure.
You know, I've been thinkin'--
Mm, that could be dangerous.
I think we should
renew our vows.
You're not serious?
Why not?
Because I don't
remember you right now.
But the fact that
you don't remember
our wedding is exactly
why we should do this.
Renewing our vows could be the
perfect way to start again.
And then you'll, you'll know
that we're truly man and wife.
You're kinda springing
this on me here.
I get that but this,
this could be exactly
what we need right now.
I don't know.
It's okay, I'll, I'll
give you some time.
Just promise me you'll
think about it all right?
Yeah, I'll think about it.
That's all I can ask for.
Why don't we go get
somethin' to eat?
I can hear your stomach
growling from over here.
Come on.
Absolutely knew I
would find you here.
I am absolutely
shocked to see you here.
Because I am
that good a friend,
and otherwise I would
never get to see you.
Jason is keeping
you all to himself.
Probably in bed.
In fact, I'm surprised you
even have energy for a class.
What's um, with the sign?
Oh, you'll be
happy to hear that
there's no yoga for
the rest of the week.
Reece is out sick.
I mean oh my God, poor thing.
I hope he feels better.
Let's hit the spa.
Uh, now?
Uh, yes.
The brochure says
they open at six
and I hear massages
calling our names.
That does sound good.
Really good.
- Yeah, let's do it.
- Let's do it.
So, let me get this straight.
You don't remember meeting,
dating or marrying Jason?
But you pretty much remember
everything else except
the auto accident and the
events leading up to it?
Wow, that is awkward.
Tell me about it.
Turn over please.
So, are you guys, you know?
Oh no.
No, we're in separate rooms
for now per Jason's request.
He's actually been very
accommodating considering.
I would say.
So, do you want to, you know?
I don't know.
I thought maybe I did.
Well he is really handsome
and he seems like
he's really into you.
Yeah but we had this blow up.
My God honey, please.
Everybody fights.
Take it from the queen
of on again off again.
I know but it
was because Reece
was adjusting me in yoga class.
That is kind of odd.
But Reece is really
good looking.
Don't think I
wasn't checkin' out
that bod at afternoon
stretch when I first arrived.
It is free to look.
So, did Jason
apologize afterwards?
He did, almost right away.
Oh, I would say
that's pretty good.
Usually it takes Landon
like a week or so
to realize he's totally
and completely wrong.
But he loves you.
So, is that it?
One little fight?
So far yeah.
He's actually been pretty
perfect the rest of the time.
the rest of your stay.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
My God, that massage
was incredible.
I know.
Did I call it or what?
You did.
Oh, my neck feels
better finally.
God damn this tech
free environment Kel,
I can't even check my messages
unless I'm in our room.
Oh God, I miss my cellphone.
Me too.
I have a feeling he'll
probably buy you a new one.
He asked me to renew our vows.
Talk about bearing the lead.
Did you say yes?
Look, selfishly I would actually
like to be there for one of
these times you get married.
I said I needed
to think about it.
This situation is so strange.
I just don't know what to do.
I understand and I applaud
your decision to think about it.
I hear a but coming.
Look, Kel, the guy is married
to a woman that doesn't
even remember him.
I can't imagine what
that would feel like.
Look, I'm just saying,
give the poor guy
a little bit of leeway.
Yeah, you're right.
I'm always right.
Just ask Landon.
Pretty good
day overall, right?
Yes and thank
you again for my purse.
Oh, well you needed
a new one, right?
'Cause they couldn't
find your old one
at the scene of the accident?
Right and a girl can
never have too many purses.
Oh, I think I've
heard that before.
I am so clumsy.
I think it's more the mixture
of three glasses of wine and
the alcohol infused dessert.
Hey, a gentlemen should never
count how much a lady buys.
I love the name of
that dessert too.
Chocolate Insanity.
I think I'm gonna have it
one more time while I'm here.
This from a personal trainer.
I have a horrible
sweet tooth.
Promise not to tell.
My lips are sealed.
I think you can uh, afford a
little bit of chocolate Kelsey.
I mean, you have a
beautiful figure.
Thanks you.
Benefits of being a gym rat.
Where's my key card?
Uh, let me help ya.
Got it.
Hey, you know Carolyn
reminded me again
about something while we were
checking out of the, the spa.
She said that she
doesn't remember me
asking my boss Keith
for a leave of absence.
Hm, well that's strange.
I thought maybe I could
use your phone tomorrow
to give him a call
when the gym opens?
Yeah, of course but I was uh,
I was there when
you let Keith know.
You were?
Yeah, I was standin'
right next to ya in the gym.
Maybe you uh, forgot
to tell Carolyn
or maybe she just
doesn't remember.
You're probably right.
Even so, I will uh, I
will have my phone charged
and ready to go just
in case all right?
Thank you.
That would be great, oh!
These heels are a danger
to humanity.
You are so tempting.
Goodnight Kelsey.
Would you like to
come to my room?
Are you sure?
What are you doing?
I mean you don't
remember our other one,
so this will be
our wedding night.
Ugh, you really are
wonderful, you know that?
I know.
Oo, modest too.
Gym, gym.
That's weird.
There you are.
Morning beautiful.
Good morning.
Thank you for the
aspirin and thank
you for this but I can't
seem to get a call to go out.
Yeah I had the uh, the
same problem this morning.
You know, Bellamy did say cell
service is sketchy but uh,
we could always try again later.
Hm, yeah.
That would be great.
You wanna get some coffee?
Mm, let's.
Oh, gotta
have one of these
for sure and I got
Of course.
to have one of these.
Oh, everything looks so good.
I thought we would see Carolyn
in here one of these days.
Are you kidding?
To say Carolyn isn't a morning
person is an understatement.
At the gym she
literally schedules
all of her training
sessions in the afternoons.
Hey strangers.
Hey Landon.
Hey man.
No Caro I presume?
You presume correct.
I'm just getting her
some fresh coffee.
You do know there's
room service, right?
You don't let the queen wait
for coffee in the morning if
you know what's good for you.
Ah ha, got it.
You're a good man Landon.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, since I've caught you two,
would you wanna meet
us for drinks up
at the bar maybe
around two o'clock?
- Oh I don't, I don't know.
- We'd love to.
I can't believe you're both here
and we've barely even seen you.
It would be great to hang
out for a bit right Jason?
Yeah, it sounds good.
I will let Carolyn know.
See you later.
Morning Mr. Davis.
Mrs. Davis.
I checked on the
availability of our gazebo
for your ceremony as
you requested as well as
the minster's schedule and
our catering commitments.
I think we can work it all out.
I'm sorry, are you talking
about the renewal of our vows?
Your husband asked
me to look into--
Thank you Mr. Bellamy.
I will let you know
what we decide.
Of course.
I told you I needed
to think about it Jason.
I know.
I know, it's just, this
place is in such high demand.
I mean, what have we
seen five weddings
since we've been here?
I just, I wanted to
put my feelers out,
see what we could
get accomplished
especially with very
little lead time.
You know?
And after last night.
Last night was wonderful but
I still don't know if I
want another ceremony.
Okay, so you, so we
can sleep together
but you can't marry me?
I didn't say that.
I, but you agreed to
give me more time.
I did.
I'm just, I'm trying to
understand why you need it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Something feels off.
I can't explain it.
That's not an answer Kel.
Just marry me again.
Look, there is no
reason to wait.
I really love this spot.
I know.
That's why I was
trying to reserve it.
Not to upset you Kelsey,
just to be prepared.
I appreciate that.
I just, I think we need
to slow down a bit.
You know I, I just,
I just remembered
I have another gift for you.
Jason, all of these
gifts are very thoughtful
but I'm starting to feel like
you're bribing me
to renew my vows.
No, not, not at all.
I, look, I realized that you,
you never received
an engagement ring.
Hey, you okay?
Kelsey, you all right?
I saw a flash.
A bit of my memory I think.
What, what was it?
I was, I was in a
car and a ring box
was open but my
wedding band was in it.
Well that doesn't,
that doesn't sound right.
I proposed to you on the beach.
You did?
In a car, a car's
not very romantic.
Oh my God.
I, I had the weirdest
sense of deja vu.
I really thought it was
my memory coming back.
Yeah, well you
took, you took quite
a blow to the head
in that accident Kel.
I'm sure your memory is not all,
not very reliable right now.
Ugh, and now my headache's back.
You're doing too much.
I, I knew it.
Let's get, let's get you
back to the room for a rest.
I practically just woke up.
Well don't you,
don't you wanna feel
well enough to see Landon and
Carolyn later this afternoon?
Yeah, I, I do wanna
spend some time with them.
Come on, let's, let's
get you back to the room,
get you settled in
for a bit of a rest.
Doctors orders remember?
Do you have a minute?
Ah, Mr. Davis.
Yes, of course.
Please, come in.
Have a seat.
I'll be right with you.
Have you reached a decision
about the ceremony?
Yes, we're gonna
go ahead with it.
Uh, you got everything
settled with your wife then?
Oh yes.
She is very excited about it.
I apologize about this morning.
You must have just
caught her before
I could romance her about it.
You know how women can be.
Of course.
My apologies.
I'll get the paperwork
drawn up for next weekend--
Oh, next weekend won't work.
I thought we had discussed--
We did.
My wife decided she
doesn't wanna wait.
We'd like to do it Monday.
This Monday?
Mm hm.
It's already
Saturday Mr. Davis.
I'm sure you can appreciate--
How much?
Excuse me?
Well how much for it
to be ready on Monday?
It isn't a question
of cost Mr. Davis.
There are many
preparations to make,
scheduling issues to work out.
I'm very sorry but
Monday is impossible.
You're the general
manager here Mr. Bellamy.
It is your job to make
everything possible.
And I don't give a damn about
your preparations
or your price tag.
I need a minster to perform
the ceremony Monday.
I expect you to do everything in
your power to make
that possible.
Are we very clear?
Understood Mr. Davis.
Your vow renewal ceremony
will take place on Monday.
Thank you so much Mr. Bellamy.
Just, stop, stop!
Please watch the road.
It's a nice day. a nice.
It is, it's beautiful.
Oh my goodness, there's Reece.
Reece, it's really
good to see you.
How are you feeling?
Better a bit.
I can't believe how
fast that hit you man.
I thought you were just fine
the other day when I saw you.
Yeah, it came on quick.
It was like half an hour after
water aerobics and just--
Yeah, well food poisoning
will do that to ya.
But anyway I'm, I'm
glad to be over it so.
Well, we're happy to
see you up and about.
It's nice to be
out of my dark room
and takin' in a little sunshine.
I bet.
Anyway, I gotta check
in with Mr. Bellamy
but enjoy yourselves.
Poor guy.
He'll be all right.
Yeah, I know.
Hey guys.
Sorry we're late.
It's my fault.
- It's okay.
- I'm sure they
could figure that out.
I'm just saying,
I'm just...
Listen, we are on
no time clock here.
Can I, can I get you
ladies something to drink?
Got it.
I'll have
a rum punch please.
- Got it.
- Mm.
I will go with you to
the bar so we can stock
up on manly beers and
won't get embarrassed
by carrying a bunch of girly
drinks back to the bar.
Sounds good to me.
Let's go.
You did the nasty
with him didn't you?
Um, Carolyn can
you do me a favor?
Yeah, of course.
What's, what's up?
I'm not sure yet but can
you and Landon keep Jason busy
for a bit while I
check out his room?
His, his room?
Kel, you're kinda
freakin' me out.
I'm getting flashes of
my memory back, I know it.
And it's not all good?
Look, I didn't wanna
ruin your vacation
but the real reason
why we were late
is because I was on
the phone with Keith.
Apparently he's
been trying to get
in touch with you
for over a week.
He finally just gave
up and called me.
He was pissed.
I explained everything to him,
but you never asked for a leave
of absence at work Kelsey.
You're not surprised
by this are you?
No, I'm not.
Look, I saw something in
his nightstand the other day
and I have to check it out
but he's always around.
How are you gonna get
into his hotel room?
I don't know.
I'll figure something out.
Can you do it?
Can you keep him busy?
Time to party.
- Ah, hey.
- Oh, here we go.
This is great.
Uh, you know what?
I'm just gonna run to
the restroom real quick.
I'll be right back, 'kay?
So, I feel like we haven't
hardly gotten to
know you at all.
You gotta tell us a little
bit more about yourself.
I mean if Kelsey loves you
I'm sure you're fabulous.
Well, you better
be kind of fabulous
because you're with
my girl.
Hey honey um, I'm
just gonna run down here.
Uh, damn it.
Why didn't I bring my key card?
Stupid car accident.
I can't seem to
remember anything.
Oh, would you
like me to open that for you?
It's uh, room 111.
That is very sweet of you.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you again.
Now I won't have to bother
the front desk again.
No problem honey.
Happy to help.
So, I told her
girl, you are paid
to stand there and look pretty
not give your unwanted
And that was it.
She stormed off, the
photographer blamed me.
It was a mess.
- Oh stop.
- Sounds like a nightmare.
It's terrible.
Listen it's uh,
it's been awhile.
I'm gonna go check on Kelsey.
Oh, she said that she was
having some girl stuff going on.
So, I'm sure she's gonna
be back in just a minute.
Um, in the mean time would
you mind grabbing
us another round?
I love cosmos.
You bet.
Landon another?
Yeah, sure.
Thanks Jason.
Great guy, huh?
Lean in.
I need to tell you something.
Sim card?
I couldn't seem to
get a call to go out.
I knew that wasn't my gift.
No photos of Jason.
Oh my God.
He's not my husband.
No I'm not.
But I wanna be.
I don't know how
you got in here,
and I'm sorry that you
had to find out like this.
Given enough time you
would've learned to love me.
Love you?
I thought you'd, I
thought you'd screwed it up
by freaking out in the
car and the accident
but it turns out
you did me a favor.
That gave me the time with you,
the time that I needed
to really show you
that we could be together
as husband and wife.
You're crazy.
I'm a man in love
and men in love,
well they do crazy things.
In love?
You don't even really
know me do you?
Of course I do.
We had many calls together.
I could hear in your
voice your passion
for the outdoors and
how sick you were
of the rat race and I
felt those things too.
We bonded.
And I watched all of your
video blogs from the gym.
I knew, I just knew that I
had to meet you in person.
We never even met?
Then how did you even--
I booked this trip for you.
I'm your platinum
card concierge.
Platinum card...
card concierge.
I'm the guy that helped
you get those tickets
for the play that's about to
open and booked this vacation.
I'm your platinum card
concierge, remember?
Yes, I'm sorry.
It's been a long day.
You've been fantastic.
Thank you, you uh,
you made it easy.
You were wonderful to deal with.
That's very kind.
But uh, what are you doing here?
To be honest, you
made this retreat sound
so relaxing I booked the
same thing for own time off.
You're kidding?
Well, I hope it lives
up to my excited hype.
Aw, I'm sure it will.
Uh, are you waitin'
for a, a taxi?
I could, I could
give you a ride.
I actually uh, I
booked a rental car.
Well, I thought
I mentioned to you
that the retreat isn't close by.
Uh, these, these taxis
can cost a pretty penny.
Oh, I, I don't remember that.
No pressure.
I um, I just figured I'd offer
since we were goin'
to the same place.
Anyway uh, hopefully
I'll see you over there.
Uh, wait a second.
I'm being silly.
That's very generous of you.
Thank you.
Yeah, my pleasure.
Can I grab your bag?
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
This way.
So, Jason do you uh, have
a girlfriend joining you?
We uh, we broke up
about a month ago.
Um, I've had a lot of
girlfriends actually.
Uh, none
seem to stick around.
I don't know.
Sorry to hear that.
Maybe you'll meet
someone at the retreat.
Yeah maybe.
You said you were a, a
personal trainer right?
Mm hm.
Good memory.
I really enjoyed
our chats you know,
about this trip and
everything else.
You know, a lot of people do
their travel arrangements
online themselves these days.
They don't even use a concierge.
But we uh, we get
perks and things
that aren't available
to a average traveler.
Yeah, that's what you said
when I was booking with you.
That's pretty cool.
You were so sweet to listen
to me give my work speech.
And this uh, retreat Brick
Manor, it looks amazing.
It wasn't on our main
property list so I,
I knew very little about
it until you requested
to stay there but I could not
wait to see it for myself.
Yeah, same here.
You know I don't,
I don't wanna make
you feel uncomfortable
but uh,
I have to tell ya I, I
looked ya up on the internet.
I, I thought you were beautiful.
Even more so in person.
Um, thank, thank you.
You're welcome.
Uh, do you know
how much longer?
Uh, soon.
You know, I'd like
to, I'd like to get
to know you better Kelsey.
This, this may seem a
little bit forward but I,
I assume no husband
or boyfriend since
you're vacationing
alone too and I,
I think we'd hit it off.
Look, Jason--
We both really love
to travel and I think,
well I know if we just would
spend enough time together--
Stop, just stop.
Look, I'm sorry
if my friendliness
or my lone traveler status gave
you the wrong idea but I'm,
I'm coming here to get
away from a bad breakup,
not to start a new relationship.
I appreciate the
ride and everything
but I really need to be
alone at this retreat.
I'm sorry but yes.
Look I, but...
Look, I, I, I already
booked us in a suite.
You what?
I'm sorry you did
, you did what?
It was, it was a
surprise for you.
I, I, I figured we could--
A surprise?
That is way over the line Jason.
You don't, you
don't understand.
No, I understand.
Take me back to the airport.
I'm getting my
own ride by myself
and you're gonna
fix my reservation.
Do you hear me?
Turn this car
around right now.
Give me a minute, okay?
Just give me a minute.
Oh my God, watch the road.
Look, you don't understand.
Oh my God.
You're insane.
This is, this is for you.
I, I wasn't gonna give it
to you this soon of course.
This is too soon.
Stop, just stop.
Please, just I, I
don't even know you
and right now I
really don't want to.
- This--
- Take me back to
the airport Jason.
This is our vacation.
No, it's not.
It's not our anything.
Don't say that.
Don't, don't, God!
See what you made me do?
Oh my God!
Please watch the road.
I got it!
Just hang on!
will call you down,
buy us some more time together.
Remember, don't fight
it, don't fight it.
It's just a little
sedative I borrowed
from the hospital, amongst other
items for just this moment.
Not as much as I'd
like but it'll do.
I had to be prepared you know?
I knew you would
eventually remember,
remember, remember, remember.
I'm sorry babe that I couldn't
I tried.
I know.
Me too.
But I'm sure whatever
they're goin' through,
they'll work it out.
Hey you two.
Hey uh, you know I'm so sorry
I left you guys so abruptly.
I was, I was a little
worried about Kelsey.
It's a good thing I checked in.
She has a terrible headache.
She had to lie down.
She said she was
having flashes of memory.
Well I'm not certain
that they're memories
but her brain is
sending images finally
which is a good thing.
Unfortunately, it's
caused a nasty migraine
so she's gonna rest for a bit.
Is there anything
that we can do?
You're doin' it.
You guys are being good friends.
Hey, you know I should
uh, I should get back.
I don't wanna leave
her alone too long.
You know she was, she
was hopin' to get out
and get some fresh air later
so, we'll see how that goes.
Please let us know
how she's doing.
You got it.
What is it?
I'm not sure I believe him.
Well of course I
care but we can't
do anything based off
suspicions alone Carolyn.
Isn't it lovely
how he cares for his wife?
I heard she
was in an accident.
Such a devoted husband.
Where are you going?
Shh, shh, shh.
I'm telling you,
something isn't right.
Aw, you're gonna love this.
We'll finally be alone Kelsey.
Just the two of us, exactly
how I always wanted.
This is our chance Kel.
Then Monday we'll
be married for real
and everything will be back to
the way it's supposed to be.
Just a couple of bumps here.
Don't worry.
I will keep you safe.
There we are.
Now, I know it doesn't
look like much,
but I will make it nice
for us Kelsey I promise.
I even brought candles,
food and drinks.
Oh, let's have a
look at you, huh?
We need a little more?
Oh Kelsey, I promise you will
not regret bein' my wife.
And nobody will bother us here.
It will just be you and I
for hours and hours
until one day, hey!
Come on sweetheart.
Don't hide from me.
This is our honeymoon.
Don't you remember our
amazing night together?
You bastard!
I think it's time for our
real wedding night Kelsey.
Go ahead.
Scream all you want.
Nobody will hear you out here
and I just might like it.
You're insane!
You shouldn't make
me hurt you Kelsey.
You have to love,
honor and obey me.
Get off of me!
You are my wife.
No I am not.
You are not my husband.
Oh my God honey,
it's okay we're here.
Get him out of here please.
I heard you scream.
I swear, you scared
10 years off of me.
But you're my wife.
I love you.
I'll contact local
police immediately.
Do you need medical
attention Mrs. Davis?
Uh, no I'm fine and it's
Carr actually, Miss Carr.
Ah, Miss Carr.
Uh, please tell me what
we can do to help you.
My entire staff and resources
are at your disposal.
Thank you.
Sorry I'm late.
Hey you two lovebirds.
I finally stopped
playing phone tag
with Keith and good news,
I'm no longer fired.
I am so relieved.
And then I decided it was
time to explain everything
to my mom and that
was a bit challenging.
I can imagine.
Oh, menus thank you so much.
Of course.
- Perfect.
- Thank you.
- And for you.
- Thank you.
Did they say what
was gonna happen to him?
- Landon, she probably doesn't
- What?
wanna talk about that anymore.
Oh no, no.
It's okay.
I'm told that he will probably
go to prison for fraud,
kidnapping and attempted rape.
Good and good riddance.
Yeah, I know.
Honestly honey, do not
take this the wrong way
because I am thrilled
that you're here
but I'm also a little surprised
that you wanted to stay.
Call it stubbornness
I guess but I just felt
like I deserved to enjoy
my damn vacation finally.
Thank you.
Oh, oh my God, honey, please.
As I've said before you had it
well handled by the
time we got there.
I'm still grateful.
I know, which is why you
can buy us a champagne brunch.
That I can do.
You know what?
Let's cheers to that.
Cheers to that.
Here here.
Here here.
- Cheers.
- Here here.
What a good girl you are.
Hey, Lily?
Where, where are you going?
What, what do you see?
Come on Lily.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go get help.
Come on.
Lily, come on let's go get help.
Come on girl, come on!
Look, just
turn the car around!
Can I grab your bag?
This is for you.
Watch the road!
I'll be right back.
Oh, thank God.
You gave me such a scare Kelsey.
And I haven't slept, I've
barely left this room.
I'm so relieved
to see you awake.
Do I know you?
Of course.
I'm your husband.
But I don't have a husband.
It's common with these types
of head injuries to
have some mild amnesia.
Usually though it only
effects short term memory,
not long term.
We were only recently married.
Oh, that explains it.
I'm gonna ask you a few
questions, all right?
What is this?
Uh, it's your watch.
Good, and this?
It's a, a pen.
Why are you asking
me these things?
Bear with me, and
the year right now?
Look, my head
hurts like I've had
too much tequila
but I'm not stupid.
You've been in a
coma for a couple days.
The doctor just needs to make
sure everything's working
properly that's all.
A few days?
Now, it may take awhile for
your short term
memory to come back.
Long term though seems intact
so you should recognize
anyone that you've known
for at least a few years.
Be patient with her.
You're lucky she's alive.
I couldn't agree more.
Uh, no offense Doctor
but can somebody spring
me out of here sooner
rather than later?
Let us do a few more tests
and then we'll see all right?
Mr. Davis I suggest that you
let Kelsey get some rest, okay?
Will do.
I know you have questions.
Just try and do as the doctor
ordered and sleep a bit.
I'll be back later.
I promise.
How do you feel?
Like I've been in a
boxing ring and I lost.
That's understandable.
What, what happened?
A car came out of
nowhere and these,
these mountain roads here
are treacherous anyway.
I'm so sorry.
Are those from you?
Oh your, your mom sent those
from the gift shop today.
She's been worried.
Can you call
her for me please?
Of course.
Hi, Brenda.
Uh, your daughter
is finally awake.
Oh, thank goodness.
Hi, Mom.
Don't worry, I'm all right.
I can't
even be angry at you
for getting married
without telling me.
You gave me such a fright.
When are you comin' home?
She'll be out of the
hospital bed in no time,
but we are still gonna go on
our honeymoon
vacation as planned.
I wish you
would reconsider Kelsey.
I really think you would
recuperate better with me here.
She needs a
quiet place without
any distractions
in order to heal.
cancel my book club.
Maybe I should
just fly there now.
Kelsey's lookin' a bit tired.
We really should
let her rest now.
I love you, Mom.
Love you too, Kel.
Please keep me updated.
Will do.
Honeymoon trip?
Don't worry about
that right now.
Let's just focus on
getting you better, okay?
Wait a minute, why do I
remember her and not you?
Well you and I are the
most recent memories.
Remember the doctor said earlier
those usually get wiped first,
while the long term ones stay.
Yeah, makes sense.
The mind works in
mysterious ways Kelsey.
Don't push yourself.
You'll remember
when you're ready.
I should go see if
I can get us something
to eat out of the
vending machines.
Gotta be better than
this hospital food.
That sounds great.
Thank you.
Yeah, no sweat.
Oh, wait.
Did you need something else?
I'm sorry.
What's your name?
There we go.
There we go, one second.
Let's get
you in here, huh?
Thank you.
There you go.
I can't believe no one found
my purse or my cellphone.
It was a really
bad accident Kel.
Your stuff was flung everywhere.
I do have this for you though.
How did you--
I took it off you
in the ambulance.
I didn't want it to get
stolen in the hospital.
That's smart.
Thank you.
Of course.
I told you I'd take care
of everything, okay?
What are you doing?
You okay?
You were moaning in your sleep.
I, I would've woken you
but the doc said that
the more rest you
get the better.
I'm fine, thanks.
It's just a nightmare.
I guess my brain still isn't
sure that this is a good idea.
Well I'll, I'll
remind you that
you were the one that
wanted to get away
from the craziness of the city.
No tech, no interruptions.
I'm just getting
us to the resort
that you wanted to go
to in the first place.
I know, but what about work?
We're not destitute if that's
what you're worried about.
You know, when my
aunt passed she
left enough for
both of us for life.
Uh, so you told
work that you were
gonna take a leave of
absence when we got married.
When did we get married?
We eloped in Vegas a few
days before the accident.
Mm hm.
That doesn't seem like me.
It was my idea.
I picked the wedding venue,
you picked the
vacation honeymoon.
That was the deal.
And where exactly
are we going?
You'll see.
To be honest I, I kinda like
that it's a surprise now.
I may not know you but I
do know I hate surprises.
Good afternoon Mrs. Epps.
Hi Mr. Bellamy.
You all right, Kel?
Mr. and Mrs. Davis?
Welcome to Brick Manor Retreat.
I'm the GM here, Olan Bellamy.
I wanted to welcome
you personally.
It's nice to meet
you Mr. Bellamy.
The pleasure is all mine.
We are so glad
you could join us.
And of course very sorry to hear
about your prior difficulties.
Is a wheel chair needed?
Uh, no thank you.
Despite the way I look
I'm doing much better.
Then we'll just have one at
your disposal right outside
your room in case you should
change your mind at any time.
Thank you.
I want to get you two settled
in as quickly as possible
so you can start
enjoying your stay.
Thank you.
Johnson here will take
care of the car for you
and handle your luggage.
Please follow me.
As you know, Brick Manor
is a unique retreat
and we strive very hard
to keep it that way.
There's a very strict
noise ordinance
in place after nine p.m.
Per our website,
computers and tablets
are not allowed on property.
And you'll find cell
service is sketchy at best.
Our number one
rule is that phones
may be used only in the
privacy of your rooms.
No problem there.
There are no televisions,
no landlines, no radios.
A bell pull is located in each
suite for service requests.
Bell pull?
Well, old fashioned
I know but effective.
This property is meant to be
the ultimate in relaxation.
A true break from the
rest of the busy world.
Sounds like heaven.
Right Kel?
Um, where's the nearest town?
Uh, Carston about 45
minutes away by car.
Halfway to the
airport from here.
It's fairly small.
There's not a lot to see or do.
I think you're familiar
with the hospital.
Must be some mistake.
I understood it's a honeymoon?
I have two separate
rooms listed.
Well I um, I changed
the reservation.
Um, from a suite to,
to separate rooms
with the request to be next
to each other of course,
to give Kelsey time and space
to recuperate from her ordeal.
Thank you.
That's, that's very thoughtful.
I try.
I see.
Very good.
Then I'll get you your key cards
and I'll show you to your rooms.
Trifle steep here.
There we are.
The store is open until nine
p.m. for your convenience.
The main bar is just here.
The spa only a few steps away.
Uh, yoga classes are
held in the annex
at the far end of the pool.
A brochure in your
rooms lists all
the daily scheduled activities.
This is such a lovely
property Mr. Bellamy.
Thank you.
We're proud of it.
Brick Manor has received
the Best Retreat award
three years in a row.
I can see why.
And we're expanding.
Over there just beyond the
far end of our property.
We purchased the neighbors
land just a few months ago.
It's under construction but when
it's finished we'll
be double our size.
Still intimate but able to
accommodate more guests.
Sounds like a good investment.
This way.
I, I, I didn't, I didn't
mean to startle you.
The, the door was ajar.
No, I'm sorry.
I guess I'm just a bit jumpy.
What's wrong?
I just...
You just?
I just didn't realize
that I'd be forced
to be so out of touch.
You spoke to your mom.
We could call her
again if you like?
No, I know.
I mean all your friends
know, know about this trip.
You spoke about nothing
else for, for weeks.
I don't know, it just feels
so strange to, to be isolated.
You mean with me?
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I, I understand.
You're, you're in
a strange place.
A husband you don't remember.
It makes total sense.
You know I'm, I'm just sorry
I didn't think of it sooner.
It's nothing personal.
I know.
This is a odd,
awkward situation.
And, and we are
both just tryin' to,
tryin' to make the
best of it and get
through it until
your memory returns.
What if it doesn't?
Then we'll deal with it.
Look, in the meantime
you need lots of rest.
Doctors orders.
I know, you're right.
I just, I don't feel
comfortable with all of this.
Fair enough.
Listen, I do think this is the
best place for you right now.
It's quiet, it's stress free.
Hopefully it will encourage
your brain to heal.
That would be a relief.
But if you wanna
leave, I'll understand.
Of course.
You know I wouldn't, I
wouldn't be happy about it.
This place is, is
paradise but, yes.
Just say the word.
Let me go get the bellman.
Uh, let's stay.
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
It was just the shock when
I heard the nearest town
is so far away and
there's no real phones.
And you're right next door to
a strange guy that
you don't know.
No worries.
I get it, really.
Thank you.
I know you won't regret
staying here Kelsey.
I read in the pamphlet
in the room, thank you,
that all of the food here
is organic and farm fresh
but I had no idea it
would taste so amazing.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Um, of course
after hospital food
I'm sure a burger
from a fast food joint
would taste amazing
to you right now.
But no, this was wonderful.
And well, since you picked it
I am very happy
that you're pleased.
Did I mention you look amazing?
Thank you.
Black and blue is
the new beautiful.
You're funny girl.
I am glad to see that you're
getting your humor back.
And you are absolutely
beautiful Kelsey.
Thank you.
I, I'd ask you to tell
me about yourself but,
I don't know, you
might get deja vu
from our first
date or something.
Don't be silly.
Ask away.
Um, well we eloped so, was
it love at first sight?
That's what you wanna know?
Of all the questions
in the world
that's what you wanna ask me?
I, I don't really know
you right now so, yeah.
Well, I thought
personal trainers
were supposed to be
practical and grounded.
I'm both of those
things but I guess
I also have a romantic streak.
No, I'm not, I'm not
recalling that.
You're stalling.
On my side anyways.
I can't speak for you
of course but for me,
it was love at first sight.
That's sweet.
And ever since then I've
been completely whipped.
You liar.
You are anything but whipped.
But I got you to laugh.
Yes you did.
Excuse me.
- Oh, wow thank you.
- Mm.
- Those look lovely.
- Here you go.
Thank you.
I'm sorry I've been,
I don't know, somber.
Don't be ridiculous.
You just got out
of the hospital.
It's allowed.
I know.
I don't mean that.
I just, I've been a little cold.
And that is okay.
That's the thing.
You're just being so
kind about everything
but it's not okay
and I feel badly.
I have a memory problem but
you're getting the
raw end of the deal.
You're my husband
and I am treating
you like a total stranger.
Look Kel, life gives
you what it gives you.
I am just trying my
best to make it work.
I am in this gorgeous
place vacationing
with the woman I
love so I am blessed.
Now remember there, there
is, there's no pressure here.
So can we just relax
and enjoy ourselves?
You, you think you can do that?
Those aren't really
my strong suits but,
I promise I'll try.
You're quiet.
Still feelin' okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Just thinkin'.
Oh, dangerous.
I can practically
smell the smoke.
Well, here we are.
I wish I could remember you.
Hey, how 'bout you
stop trying to fit me
into a past you can't remember,
and look at this as a, a
chance for a new beginning.
I like that.
I promise you'll fall in
love with me all over again.
I probably will.
Oh my goodness.
I better let you
go before I can't.
Kel, you in there?
And don't forget
to breathe.
This is also called
a Trikonasana,
another name for
the triangle pose.
And although it's a
beginner position,
it's certainly not easy.
So if you can't
hold it that's okay.
Just do your best.
Very nice.
You've uh, done
yoga before, huh?
Uh, yes but I'm also
a personal trainer.
Oh, one of those.
Okay, now I'm worried.
Well don't be.
Just need to challenge
you a bit more.
You mind if I use
you as an example?
Mm, why did I feel
the need to share?
The more you reach the
more good extension you get.
All right guys.
So this pose actually
stretches the thorax,
the vertebral column, the thigh,
the ankle and the shoulder.
Pretty impressive, huh?
Yeah, where's
the kitchen sink?
So the trick is that you want
to make sure that you don't bend
the chest over the knee to
compensate for the stretch.
- Okay.
- There we go.
Take your
hands off her, Sport.
Excuse me?
Oh my God.
You heard me.
Take your hands off my wife.
What is he doing?
Jason, what are you doing?
We're in class.
Reece was just
adjusting my pose.
Adjusting your pose?
Is that what they're
callin' it these days?
Uh, guys we're gonna take 10,
grab some water and then
we'll finish up, okay?
I am sorry.
I really apologize.
- No, no, no, don't worry.
- Don't apologize for me.
I'll handle this, okay?
Thank you.
I'll see you in the next
class if you can make it, okay?
Oh my God.
What is wrong with you?
You just embarrassed me
in front of everyone.
I embarrassed you?
He had his hands all over you.
He was adjusting me position.
That is his job.
That's not what
it looked like.
That's what it was.
You can believe me or not.
That is your choice.
Look Kelsey, wait.
Kelsey stop, please.
I'm an idiot.
I, I couldn't find
you when I woke up
and when I did I saw his
hands on you and I freaked.
Yeah, yeah you did.
I made a mistake.
You owe me an apology.
I'm sorry.
More than that you
owe Reece an apology.
I will find him later and
make things right, I promise.
That's a good start.
Listen, I really, I
really am sorry but,
this hasn't been easy for me.
Seein' you, bein' with you but
not bein' able to touch you.
No, no, no.
This is something I, I need
to learn to deal with better.
I get it.
It's our honeymoon,
we're in separate rooms.
And I saw this good
looking guy with his,
his hands all over your body
and I think, I don't know.
I just think I went
a little insane.
You think?
I did, I went a little insane.
Please accept my apology.
I really feel like a jerk.
All right.
You're forgiven.
Thank you.
I'm starving.
Me too.
Let's get some food.
It's good stuff.
Really good.
Is everything to your liking?
Excellent, excellent.
Why don't we um, slide into
our swimsuits and get poolside?
Mm, that sounds heavenly.
Let's go.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis?
How are you enjoying
your stay at Brick Manor?
It's been wonderful so far.
Oh, and if, I have anymore
of those brioche pancakes
I might not be able to fit
into my swimsuit anymore.
That's my favorite
breakfast as well and I admit
to occasionally loosening
my belt to accommodate.
Kelsey, you actually just
reminded me of something.
I meant to ask you Mr. Bellamy,
I haven't heard much
construction noise
from the expansion
you mentioned.
I um, was a little concerned
about it when you brought it up.
The construction
workers are required
to use only hand tools here.
No loud power tools.
And they're not allowed
to work on weekends
as that's the busiest
time of guests.
That noise ordinance
is serious stuff.
Yes, it's sort of our Bible.
Well I imagine it uh, must
be slow going over there then?
It is but we are
required to keep
all our guests happy, even
during the renovation.
Well, you've
succeeded with us.
It's been nice
having time to relax
and the rooms are so beautiful.
Continue to enjoy.
Thank you.
Oh, Mr. Davis?
About the rooms,
I was looking over
your reservations and I
noticed multiple bookings--
Didn't we discuss
this already?
I, I thought we cleared up
everything upon checkin?
Of course.
I was just--
I know my wife wants to
get to work on her tan,
you know, after all those days
under the fluorescent
hospital lighting.
If you don't mind Mr.
Bellamy can we uh,
talk about anything you
need from me later on today?
No need Mr. Davis.
I was simply letting my
curiosity get the better of me.
You're good to go.
Uh, please continue to the pool
and if you should
need anything else,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you.
Pool time?
Pool time.
Pool time.
Pool time.
Oh yeah.
Oh hey, Reece?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Hey, my name's Jason by the way.
I want to apologize to you.
I promise, I really
am a nice guy.
You just unfortunately saw
my bad side this morning.
Of course.
No really, listen.
Kelsey and I, we were,
we're havin' issues.
I shouldn't have
taken that out on you.
Thanks man.
Women problems I get.
My ex was crazy so, you
know, it's all good.
You are being so gracious.
I appreciate that.
Look, can I uh, can
I get you a drink?
I got a couple of berry
smoothies on the way.
I highly recommend them.
I had a few at breakfast.
Fresh drinks here, amazing.
Mm hm.
Smoothie sounds nice, thanks.
Oh, you know what?
Actually, I gotta get
mid pool for water aerobics.
You know what?
No sweat.
I will uh, I'll
bring it over there.
I'll leave it by your stuff.
You sure?
I can always get one afterwards.
No, no, no.
Look, I'm already here.
I got you man.
All right, thanks man.
Yeah man, my pleasure.
Let me get one more
from you please.
Of course.
Let me go grab some more ice.
I'll be right back.
Oh my God, is that you?
Is that--
What are you doing here?
I thought your trip was, oh God,
like a week ago or so, right?
Uh, yeah.
Well, it got postponed.
Hm, that sounds like
a story I need to hear.
Tell me everything.
It is a long story.
But what are you doing here?
Girl, are you kidding me?
Brick Manor was all you talked
about at work for weeks.
Of course I was
gonna drag Landon
here on my first opportunity.
Landon is here too?
Yeah, yeah.
He's just in the shop
grabbing me some sunblock.
But what about work?
I assume you called in.
I took a leave of
absence actually.
Huh, I don't remember that.
Hey Kelsey.
Nice surprise.
It is so good to see
you two back together.
Oh, well you know us.
Fight, break up,
make up, fight again.
Listen, Kelsey was
just gonna tell us
about why she was
still here even though
I thought she would
be home already.
We are
celebrating our honeymoon.
Here you go.
Oh, you didn't
tell 'em sweetheart?
I was just about to.
I'm uh, I'm Landon.
This is my girlfriend Carolyn.
Oh, I'm, I'm Jason.
It's nice to meet both of you.
Uh, Kelsey and I work at
the same gym together.
That's why you look familiar.
You know, actually Landon, you
look super familiar as well.
Oh well, Landon's a model.
He's been on a cover or two.
Uh, no offense but, Jason?
I haven't heard
about you at all.
Oh, none taken.
Um, you know it all
happened kind of fast.
Yeah, we eloped in Vegas.
What about your big wedding
dreams you've had forever?
Uh, I tried to
get Caro to elope
one time in Vegas
when she was drunk.
No chance.
Please, honey
if you ever think
that I would be
drunk enough to let
an Elvis marry us, you
are sadly mistaken.
Hey, you know what?
I am uh, I am thrilled
that you two are here.
Uh, perhaps we'll
see you around?
Oh, but I thought--
- Uh, we can, we can--
- Honey, we can take a hint.
Let's let the honeymooners
have some space.
Oh, all right yep.
See you later Kel.
Come on in, it's open.
Oh, I need like
five more minutes.
Yeah, yeah.
Not a problem.
All right.
Sorry, I'm just uh,
a little bit sluggish
from the sun today I guess.
Take your time.
I don't mind waiting.
So, I was wondering
if you wanna take a,
a walk before dinner
maybe out to the gazebo?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah definitely.
That sounds lovely.
I meant to close that.
I don't want you
to see your gift.
It wouldn't be a surprise.
A gift?
You'll see, I
wanna wrap it first.
Hm, okay.
You ready to go on that walk?
If dinner is
anything like lunch
I will need to take a little
stroll to make some room.
This place is utopia.
It's so quiet.
I really thought I'd
feel isolated, you know?
Out of touch and everything
but I love it here.
It's cozy and relaxing and maybe
my memory will
come back soon too.
That would be great.
I know, right?
Thank you for
encouraging me to stay.
My pleasure.
You know, I've been thinkin'--
Mm, that could be dangerous.
I think we should
renew our vows.
You're not serious?
Why not?
Because I don't
remember you right now.
But the fact that
you don't remember
our wedding is exactly
why we should do this.
Renewing our vows could be the
perfect way to start again.
And then you'll, you'll know
that we're truly man and wife.
You're kinda springing
this on me here.
I get that but this,
this could be exactly
what we need right now.
I don't know.
It's okay, I'll, I'll
give you some time.
Just promise me you'll
think about it all right?
Yeah, I'll think about it.
That's all I can ask for.
Why don't we go get
somethin' to eat?
I can hear your stomach
growling from over here.
Come on.
Absolutely knew I
would find you here.
I am absolutely
shocked to see you here.
Because I am
that good a friend,
and otherwise I would
never get to see you.
Jason is keeping
you all to himself.
Probably in bed.
In fact, I'm surprised you
even have energy for a class.
What's um, with the sign?
Oh, you'll be
happy to hear that
there's no yoga for
the rest of the week.
Reece is out sick.
I mean oh my God, poor thing.
I hope he feels better.
Let's hit the spa.
Uh, now?
Uh, yes.
The brochure says
they open at six
and I hear massages
calling our names.
That does sound good.
Really good.
- Yeah, let's do it.
- Let's do it.
So, let me get this straight.
You don't remember meeting,
dating or marrying Jason?
But you pretty much remember
everything else except
the auto accident and the
events leading up to it?
Wow, that is awkward.
Tell me about it.
Turn over please.
So, are you guys, you know?
Oh no.
No, we're in separate rooms
for now per Jason's request.
He's actually been very
accommodating considering.
I would say.
So, do you want to, you know?
I don't know.
I thought maybe I did.
Well he is really handsome
and he seems like
he's really into you.
Yeah but we had this blow up.
My God honey, please.
Everybody fights.
Take it from the queen
of on again off again.
I know but it
was because Reece
was adjusting me in yoga class.
That is kind of odd.
But Reece is really
good looking.
Don't think I
wasn't checkin' out
that bod at afternoon
stretch when I first arrived.
It is free to look.
So, did Jason
apologize afterwards?
He did, almost right away.
Oh, I would say
that's pretty good.
Usually it takes Landon
like a week or so
to realize he's totally
and completely wrong.
But he loves you.
So, is that it?
One little fight?
So far yeah.
He's actually been pretty
perfect the rest of the time.
the rest of your stay.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
My God, that massage
was incredible.
I know.
Did I call it or what?
You did.
Oh, my neck feels
better finally.
God damn this tech
free environment Kel,
I can't even check my messages
unless I'm in our room.
Oh God, I miss my cellphone.
Me too.
I have a feeling he'll
probably buy you a new one.
He asked me to renew our vows.
Talk about bearing the lead.
Did you say yes?
Look, selfishly I would actually
like to be there for one of
these times you get married.
I said I needed
to think about it.
This situation is so strange.
I just don't know what to do.
I understand and I applaud
your decision to think about it.
I hear a but coming.
Look, Kel, the guy is married
to a woman that doesn't
even remember him.
I can't imagine what
that would feel like.
Look, I'm just saying,
give the poor guy
a little bit of leeway.
Yeah, you're right.
I'm always right.
Just ask Landon.
Pretty good
day overall, right?
Yes and thank
you again for my purse.
Oh, well you needed
a new one, right?
'Cause they couldn't
find your old one
at the scene of the accident?
Right and a girl can
never have too many purses.
Oh, I think I've
heard that before.
I am so clumsy.
I think it's more the mixture
of three glasses of wine and
the alcohol infused dessert.
Hey, a gentlemen should never
count how much a lady buys.
I love the name of
that dessert too.
Chocolate Insanity.
I think I'm gonna have it
one more time while I'm here.
This from a personal trainer.
I have a horrible
sweet tooth.
Promise not to tell.
My lips are sealed.
I think you can uh, afford a
little bit of chocolate Kelsey.
I mean, you have a
beautiful figure.
Thanks you.
Benefits of being a gym rat.
Where's my key card?
Uh, let me help ya.
Got it.
Hey, you know Carolyn
reminded me again
about something while we were
checking out of the, the spa.
She said that she
doesn't remember me
asking my boss Keith
for a leave of absence.
Hm, well that's strange.
I thought maybe I could
use your phone tomorrow
to give him a call
when the gym opens?
Yeah, of course but I was uh,
I was there when
you let Keith know.
You were?
Yeah, I was standin'
right next to ya in the gym.
Maybe you uh, forgot
to tell Carolyn
or maybe she just
doesn't remember.
You're probably right.
Even so, I will uh, I
will have my phone charged
and ready to go just
in case all right?
Thank you.
That would be great, oh!
These heels are a danger
to humanity.
You are so tempting.
Goodnight Kelsey.
Would you like to
come to my room?
Are you sure?
What are you doing?
I mean you don't
remember our other one,
so this will be
our wedding night.
Ugh, you really are
wonderful, you know that?
I know.
Oo, modest too.
Gym, gym.
That's weird.
There you are.
Morning beautiful.
Good morning.
Thank you for the
aspirin and thank
you for this but I can't
seem to get a call to go out.
Yeah I had the uh, the
same problem this morning.
You know, Bellamy did say cell
service is sketchy but uh,
we could always try again later.
Hm, yeah.
That would be great.
You wanna get some coffee?
Mm, let's.
Oh, gotta
have one of these
for sure and I got
Of course.
to have one of these.
Oh, everything looks so good.
I thought we would see Carolyn
in here one of these days.
Are you kidding?
To say Carolyn isn't a morning
person is an understatement.
At the gym she
literally schedules
all of her training
sessions in the afternoons.
Hey strangers.
Hey Landon.
Hey man.
No Caro I presume?
You presume correct.
I'm just getting her
some fresh coffee.
You do know there's
room service, right?
You don't let the queen wait
for coffee in the morning if
you know what's good for you.
Ah ha, got it.
You're a good man Landon.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, since I've caught you two,
would you wanna meet
us for drinks up
at the bar maybe
around two o'clock?
- Oh I don't, I don't know.
- We'd love to.
I can't believe you're both here
and we've barely even seen you.
It would be great to hang
out for a bit right Jason?
Yeah, it sounds good.
I will let Carolyn know.
See you later.
Morning Mr. Davis.
Mrs. Davis.
I checked on the
availability of our gazebo
for your ceremony as
you requested as well as
the minster's schedule and
our catering commitments.
I think we can work it all out.
I'm sorry, are you talking
about the renewal of our vows?
Your husband asked
me to look into--
Thank you Mr. Bellamy.
I will let you know
what we decide.
Of course.
I told you I needed
to think about it Jason.
I know.
I know, it's just, this
place is in such high demand.
I mean, what have we
seen five weddings
since we've been here?
I just, I wanted to
put my feelers out,
see what we could
get accomplished
especially with very
little lead time.
You know?
And after last night.
Last night was wonderful but
I still don't know if I
want another ceremony.
Okay, so you, so we
can sleep together
but you can't marry me?
I didn't say that.
I, but you agreed to
give me more time.
I did.
I'm just, I'm trying to
understand why you need it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Something feels off.
I can't explain it.
That's not an answer Kel.
Just marry me again.
Look, there is no
reason to wait.
I really love this spot.
I know.
That's why I was
trying to reserve it.
Not to upset you Kelsey,
just to be prepared.
I appreciate that.
I just, I think we need
to slow down a bit.
You know I, I just,
I just remembered
I have another gift for you.
Jason, all of these
gifts are very thoughtful
but I'm starting to feel like
you're bribing me
to renew my vows.
No, not, not at all.
I, look, I realized that you,
you never received
an engagement ring.
Hey, you okay?
Kelsey, you all right?
I saw a flash.
A bit of my memory I think.
What, what was it?
I was, I was in a
car and a ring box
was open but my
wedding band was in it.
Well that doesn't,
that doesn't sound right.
I proposed to you on the beach.
You did?
In a car, a car's
not very romantic.
Oh my God.
I, I had the weirdest
sense of deja vu.
I really thought it was
my memory coming back.
Yeah, well you
took, you took quite
a blow to the head
in that accident Kel.
I'm sure your memory is not all,
not very reliable right now.
Ugh, and now my headache's back.
You're doing too much.
I, I knew it.
Let's get, let's get you
back to the room for a rest.
I practically just woke up.
Well don't you,
don't you wanna feel
well enough to see Landon and
Carolyn later this afternoon?
Yeah, I, I do wanna
spend some time with them.
Come on, let's, let's
get you back to the room,
get you settled in
for a bit of a rest.
Doctors orders remember?
Do you have a minute?
Ah, Mr. Davis.
Yes, of course.
Please, come in.
Have a seat.
I'll be right with you.
Have you reached a decision
about the ceremony?
Yes, we're gonna
go ahead with it.
Uh, you got everything
settled with your wife then?
Oh yes.
She is very excited about it.
I apologize about this morning.
You must have just
caught her before
I could romance her about it.
You know how women can be.
Of course.
My apologies.
I'll get the paperwork
drawn up for next weekend--
Oh, next weekend won't work.
I thought we had discussed--
We did.
My wife decided she
doesn't wanna wait.
We'd like to do it Monday.
This Monday?
Mm hm.
It's already
Saturday Mr. Davis.
I'm sure you can appreciate--
How much?
Excuse me?
Well how much for it
to be ready on Monday?
It isn't a question
of cost Mr. Davis.
There are many
preparations to make,
scheduling issues to work out.
I'm very sorry but
Monday is impossible.
You're the general
manager here Mr. Bellamy.
It is your job to make
everything possible.
And I don't give a damn about
your preparations
or your price tag.
I need a minster to perform
the ceremony Monday.
I expect you to do everything in
your power to make
that possible.
Are we very clear?
Understood Mr. Davis.
Your vow renewal ceremony
will take place on Monday.
Thank you so much Mr. Bellamy.
Just, stop, stop!
Please watch the road.
It's a nice day. a nice.
It is, it's beautiful.
Oh my goodness, there's Reece.
Reece, it's really
good to see you.
How are you feeling?
Better a bit.
I can't believe how
fast that hit you man.
I thought you were just fine
the other day when I saw you.
Yeah, it came on quick.
It was like half an hour after
water aerobics and just--
Yeah, well food poisoning
will do that to ya.
But anyway I'm, I'm
glad to be over it so.
Well, we're happy to
see you up and about.
It's nice to be
out of my dark room
and takin' in a little sunshine.
I bet.
Anyway, I gotta check
in with Mr. Bellamy
but enjoy yourselves.
Poor guy.
He'll be all right.
Yeah, I know.
Hey guys.
Sorry we're late.
It's my fault.
- It's okay.
- I'm sure they
could figure that out.
I'm just saying,
I'm just...
Listen, we are on
no time clock here.
Can I, can I get you
ladies something to drink?
Got it.
I'll have
a rum punch please.
- Got it.
- Mm.
I will go with you to
the bar so we can stock
up on manly beers and
won't get embarrassed
by carrying a bunch of girly
drinks back to the bar.
Sounds good to me.
Let's go.
You did the nasty
with him didn't you?
Um, Carolyn can
you do me a favor?
Yeah, of course.
What's, what's up?
I'm not sure yet but can
you and Landon keep Jason busy
for a bit while I
check out his room?
His, his room?
Kel, you're kinda
freakin' me out.
I'm getting flashes of
my memory back, I know it.
And it's not all good?
Look, I didn't wanna
ruin your vacation
but the real reason
why we were late
is because I was on
the phone with Keith.
Apparently he's
been trying to get
in touch with you
for over a week.
He finally just gave
up and called me.
He was pissed.
I explained everything to him,
but you never asked for a leave
of absence at work Kelsey.
You're not surprised
by this are you?
No, I'm not.
Look, I saw something in
his nightstand the other day
and I have to check it out
but he's always around.
How are you gonna get
into his hotel room?
I don't know.
I'll figure something out.
Can you do it?
Can you keep him busy?
Time to party.
- Ah, hey.
- Oh, here we go.
This is great.
Uh, you know what?
I'm just gonna run to
the restroom real quick.
I'll be right back, 'kay?
So, I feel like we haven't
hardly gotten to
know you at all.
You gotta tell us a little
bit more about yourself.
I mean if Kelsey loves you
I'm sure you're fabulous.
Well, you better
be kind of fabulous
because you're with
my girl.
Hey honey um, I'm
just gonna run down here.
Uh, damn it.
Why didn't I bring my key card?
Stupid car accident.
I can't seem to
remember anything.
Oh, would you
like me to open that for you?
It's uh, room 111.
That is very sweet of you.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you again.
Now I won't have to bother
the front desk again.
No problem honey.
Happy to help.
So, I told her
girl, you are paid
to stand there and look pretty
not give your unwanted
And that was it.
She stormed off, the
photographer blamed me.
It was a mess.
- Oh stop.
- Sounds like a nightmare.
It's terrible.
Listen it's uh,
it's been awhile.
I'm gonna go check on Kelsey.
Oh, she said that she was
having some girl stuff going on.
So, I'm sure she's gonna
be back in just a minute.
Um, in the mean time would
you mind grabbing
us another round?
I love cosmos.
You bet.
Landon another?
Yeah, sure.
Thanks Jason.
Great guy, huh?
Lean in.
I need to tell you something.
Sim card?
I couldn't seem to
get a call to go out.
I knew that wasn't my gift.
No photos of Jason.
Oh my God.
He's not my husband.
No I'm not.
But I wanna be.
I don't know how
you got in here,
and I'm sorry that you
had to find out like this.
Given enough time you
would've learned to love me.
Love you?
I thought you'd, I
thought you'd screwed it up
by freaking out in the
car and the accident
but it turns out
you did me a favor.
That gave me the time with you,
the time that I needed
to really show you
that we could be together
as husband and wife.
You're crazy.
I'm a man in love
and men in love,
well they do crazy things.
In love?
You don't even really
know me do you?
Of course I do.
We had many calls together.
I could hear in your
voice your passion
for the outdoors and
how sick you were
of the rat race and I
felt those things too.
We bonded.
And I watched all of your
video blogs from the gym.
I knew, I just knew that I
had to meet you in person.
We never even met?
Then how did you even--
I booked this trip for you.
I'm your platinum
card concierge.
Platinum card...
card concierge.
I'm the guy that helped
you get those tickets
for the play that's about to
open and booked this vacation.
I'm your platinum card
concierge, remember?
Yes, I'm sorry.
It's been a long day.
You've been fantastic.
Thank you, you uh,
you made it easy.
You were wonderful to deal with.
That's very kind.
But uh, what are you doing here?
To be honest, you
made this retreat sound
so relaxing I booked the
same thing for own time off.
You're kidding?
Well, I hope it lives
up to my excited hype.
Aw, I'm sure it will.
Uh, are you waitin'
for a, a taxi?
I could, I could
give you a ride.
I actually uh, I
booked a rental car.
Well, I thought
I mentioned to you
that the retreat isn't close by.
Uh, these, these taxis
can cost a pretty penny.
Oh, I, I don't remember that.
No pressure.
I um, I just figured I'd offer
since we were goin'
to the same place.
Anyway uh, hopefully
I'll see you over there.
Uh, wait a second.
I'm being silly.
That's very generous of you.
Thank you.
Yeah, my pleasure.
Can I grab your bag?
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
This way.
So, Jason do you uh, have
a girlfriend joining you?
We uh, we broke up
about a month ago.
Um, I've had a lot of
girlfriends actually.
Uh, none
seem to stick around.
I don't know.
Sorry to hear that.
Maybe you'll meet
someone at the retreat.
Yeah maybe.
You said you were a, a
personal trainer right?
Mm hm.
Good memory.
I really enjoyed
our chats you know,
about this trip and
everything else.
You know, a lot of people do
their travel arrangements
online themselves these days.
They don't even use a concierge.
But we uh, we get
perks and things
that aren't available
to a average traveler.
Yeah, that's what you said
when I was booking with you.
That's pretty cool.
You were so sweet to listen
to me give my work speech.
And this uh, retreat Brick
Manor, it looks amazing.
It wasn't on our main
property list so I,
I knew very little about
it until you requested
to stay there but I could not
wait to see it for myself.
Yeah, same here.
You know I don't,
I don't wanna make
you feel uncomfortable
but uh,
I have to tell ya I, I
looked ya up on the internet.
I, I thought you were beautiful.
Even more so in person.
Um, thank, thank you.
You're welcome.
Uh, do you know
how much longer?
Uh, soon.
You know, I'd like
to, I'd like to get
to know you better Kelsey.
This, this may seem a
little bit forward but I,
I assume no husband
or boyfriend since
you're vacationing
alone too and I,
I think we'd hit it off.
Look, Jason--
We both really love
to travel and I think,
well I know if we just would
spend enough time together--
Stop, just stop.
Look, I'm sorry
if my friendliness
or my lone traveler status gave
you the wrong idea but I'm,
I'm coming here to get
away from a bad breakup,
not to start a new relationship.
I appreciate the
ride and everything
but I really need to be
alone at this retreat.
I'm sorry but yes.
Look I, but...
Look, I, I, I already
booked us in a suite.
You what?
I'm sorry you did
, you did what?
It was, it was a
surprise for you.
I, I, I figured we could--
A surprise?
That is way over the line Jason.
You don't, you
don't understand.
No, I understand.
Take me back to the airport.
I'm getting my
own ride by myself
and you're gonna
fix my reservation.
Do you hear me?
Turn this car
around right now.
Give me a minute, okay?
Just give me a minute.
Oh my God, watch the road.
Look, you don't understand.
Oh my God.
You're insane.
This is, this is for you.
I, I wasn't gonna give it
to you this soon of course.
This is too soon.
Stop, just stop.
Please, just I, I
don't even know you
and right now I
really don't want to.
- This--
- Take me back to
the airport Jason.
This is our vacation.
No, it's not.
It's not our anything.
Don't say that.
Don't, don't, God!
See what you made me do?
Oh my God!
Please watch the road.
I got it!
Just hang on!
will call you down,
buy us some more time together.
Remember, don't fight
it, don't fight it.
It's just a little
sedative I borrowed
from the hospital, amongst other
items for just this moment.
Not as much as I'd
like but it'll do.
I had to be prepared you know?
I knew you would
eventually remember,
remember, remember, remember.
I'm sorry babe that I couldn't
I tried.
I know.
Me too.
But I'm sure whatever
they're goin' through,
they'll work it out.
Hey you two.
Hey uh, you know I'm so sorry
I left you guys so abruptly.
I was, I was a little
worried about Kelsey.
It's a good thing I checked in.
She has a terrible headache.
She had to lie down.
She said she was
having flashes of memory.
Well I'm not certain
that they're memories
but her brain is
sending images finally
which is a good thing.
Unfortunately, it's
caused a nasty migraine
so she's gonna rest for a bit.
Is there anything
that we can do?
You're doin' it.
You guys are being good friends.
Hey, you know I should
uh, I should get back.
I don't wanna leave
her alone too long.
You know she was, she
was hopin' to get out
and get some fresh air later
so, we'll see how that goes.
Please let us know
how she's doing.
You got it.
What is it?
I'm not sure I believe him.
Well of course I
care but we can't
do anything based off
suspicions alone Carolyn.
Isn't it lovely
how he cares for his wife?
I heard she
was in an accident.
Such a devoted husband.
Where are you going?
Shh, shh, shh.
I'm telling you,
something isn't right.
Aw, you're gonna love this.
We'll finally be alone Kelsey.
Just the two of us, exactly
how I always wanted.
This is our chance Kel.
Then Monday we'll
be married for real
and everything will be back to
the way it's supposed to be.
Just a couple of bumps here.
Don't worry.
I will keep you safe.
There we are.
Now, I know it doesn't
look like much,
but I will make it nice
for us Kelsey I promise.
I even brought candles,
food and drinks.
Oh, let's have a
look at you, huh?
We need a little more?
Oh Kelsey, I promise you will
not regret bein' my wife.
And nobody will bother us here.
It will just be you and I
for hours and hours
until one day, hey!
Come on sweetheart.
Don't hide from me.
This is our honeymoon.
Don't you remember our
amazing night together?
You bastard!
I think it's time for our
real wedding night Kelsey.
Go ahead.
Scream all you want.
Nobody will hear you out here
and I just might like it.
You're insane!
You shouldn't make
me hurt you Kelsey.
You have to love,
honor and obey me.
Get off of me!
You are my wife.
No I am not.
You are not my husband.
Oh my God honey,
it's okay we're here.
Get him out of here please.
I heard you scream.
I swear, you scared
10 years off of me.
But you're my wife.
I love you.
I'll contact local
police immediately.
Do you need medical
attention Mrs. Davis?
Uh, no I'm fine and it's
Carr actually, Miss Carr.
Ah, Miss Carr.
Uh, please tell me what
we can do to help you.
My entire staff and resources
are at your disposal.
Thank you.
Sorry I'm late.
Hey you two lovebirds.
I finally stopped
playing phone tag
with Keith and good news,
I'm no longer fired.
I am so relieved.
And then I decided it was
time to explain everything
to my mom and that
was a bit challenging.
I can imagine.
Oh, menus thank you so much.
Of course.
- Perfect.
- Thank you.
- And for you.
- Thank you.
Did they say what
was gonna happen to him?
- Landon, she probably doesn't
- What?
wanna talk about that anymore.
Oh no, no.
It's okay.
I'm told that he will probably
go to prison for fraud,
kidnapping and attempted rape.
Good and good riddance.
Yeah, I know.
Honestly honey, do not
take this the wrong way
because I am thrilled
that you're here
but I'm also a little surprised
that you wanted to stay.
Call it stubbornness
I guess but I just felt
like I deserved to enjoy
my damn vacation finally.
Thank you.
Oh, oh my God, honey, please.
As I've said before you had it
well handled by the
time we got there.
I'm still grateful.
I know, which is why you
can buy us a champagne brunch.
That I can do.
You know what?
Let's cheers to that.
Cheers to that.
Here here.
Here here.
- Cheers.
- Here here.