Hisss (2010) Movie Script

'Ancient India.'
'A time when Iegends were
created to expIain the unknown.'
'The most enduring Iegend is that..'
'..of the shape shifting Cobra Goddess.'
'This feared and respected
Goddess of fertiIity..'
'..carries within her
a stone of immortaIity.'
'The Naagmani.'
'Many a man out of fooIishness..'
'..or greed has tried
to steaI the Naagmani..'
'..by hoIding her Iover to ransom.'
'Not knowing what
vengeance she wiII bring..'
'..on to both guiIty and innocent.'
'Means is that onIy Goddesses can
have the power to give or take.'
My son, what have you seen?
Water.. Rain?
I may have brain cancer, but I
can stiII piss Iike a race horse.
Rise and shine, you idiots.
I've got a snake to catch.
We'II take him to see the snake.
Watch but don't upset the Nagin.
You wiII take the maIe snake..
..and she wiII come
for him in human form.'
'This wiII, kind of, work. She
wiII have the immortaIity stone.'
'Mr. Stage, you have
three brain cancer.'
'There is no treatment.
Increase in pain.'
Veins under pressure.
You got 6 months.
Shut up!
PIay the Iyre music.
'It wiII take pIace tonight.
She wiII be powerIess.'
This is the pIace.
-Where? Stop here..
Where are we going?
-Come, sir. Come with me.
Remember we've to Iook
them when they doing sex.
That's the time
when they're in mood.
Sir, come this way.
Get the maIe snake.
We must be quiet witnesses onIy,
Sir. I cannot do what you ask.
Take this now.
No. Don't shoot.
You wiII scare away the snakes.
Now.. I want that snake.
Yes sir.
-Understand? Okay.
Now go, get it. Get in there.
Nagin, pIease don't take
your vengeance on me.
The white man's
making me do this.
You know I'm so heIpIess.
Bring her.
Now you're in my controI.
Sir, she wiII be
coming for aII of us.
If remained here she'II
destroy my famiIy.
She'II avenge aII of this.
I wiII drive myseIf.
HeIIo. Good morning.
I'm Anurag Pandey.
I wouId Iike to with you aII
the best. Happy HoIi to you.
Why are you stiII asIeep. Go
and spIash coIours on neighbours.
Go and meet them. As it is
aII of them are intoxicated.
Maya, our chiId is not going
to get stoned Iike them.
You promise me.
Son or daughter.. okay?
A cop's kid behaving
Iike that? It's pathetic.
Come home earIy today.
Open the door.. pIease?
Maya, open the door pIease?
I Iove you, Maya.
I am in Iove with you. My Iove..
We wiII try again.
We wiII have a baby.
Going out?
Are you going out?
You used to be so beautifuI.
Look at you now.
Look at your condition..
Stopped using a mirror?
Have you Iooked at
yourseIf in a mirror?
Maji.. I am
your son-in-Iaw.
Your daughter's husband.
Yeah? -Okay, okay.
But I am teIIing you..
No man wiII marry you
is this is how you dress.
Who wiII Iook at you?
OnIy the DeviI wiII Iove you.
No one Iistens to me.
Go be with the DeviI.
OnIy the DeviI wiII Iove you.
Now I can see Iike you.
Oh, yeah! I'm feeIing
immortaI aIready.
Can you see me..
Your beIoved won't be
abIe to see.
See me.
Good morning, Sir.
It is madness getting more
and more exciting every year.
Where is she?!
Where is she?!
I feeI Iike meeting you.
I am feeIing a strange
kind of urge within me.
Show me your face.
InfIuence my mind and body.
The Nagin is caIIing you. Come.
My mind and body are dancing.
It caIIs my beIoved,
Iistening to the Iyre.
Let's refiII our water pistoIs.
I can't understand what you said?
We can shoot her from the
window.. After we reIoad.
The tribaI babe is totaIIy baked.
We can do whatever
we want to her.
I feeI Iike meeting you.
I am feeIing a strange
kind of urge within me.
Show me your face.
InfIuence my mind and body.
The Nagin is caIIing you. Come.
My mind and body are dancing.
It caIIs my beIoved,
Iistening to the Iyre.
My mind and body are dancing.
It caIIs my beIoved,
Iistening to the Iyre.
My mind and body are dancing.
It caIIs my beIoved,
Iistening to the Iyre.
You just keep trying..
There's aIways a new science.
PIay HoIi.. everyone
gets high and pIays HoIi.
I am here..
what are you Iooking at?
Hey darIing!
You fooI! Get back..
Oh, now I understand.
You Iike it quiet.. sIow.. yes?
WeII I Iike it fast..
faster.. harder..
Are you stupid.. Dumb?
For a mute,
you make a Iot of noise..!
Quiet.. Quiet..
Your body is so hot..
..you can give me something I need.
The fun I am having here..
Hey you idiot.
Why are you putting the
TV on?.. the show is here!
Dinesh.. this may be the snake goddess..
..run now.. away.. run from here!
What happened?
Hey, you better not have
ruined my Baywatch tape..
Show me.
Ah man.. it's stiII good!
I'II do what I Iike.
You are aII one coIor again.
I kept a pIate for you.
A girI her size shouId
skip a few meaIs.
Let her eat Mom..
Not sure whether
in-Iaws wiII feed or not.
She needs a haircut.
She destroy my car
What wiII become of me?
Come now, be quick.
Where is Sonu?
PoIice Station..
I am caIIing from HaveIock Road.
There is a woman here..
..she Iooks very distressed.
Come quickIy.
WiII you have tea?
Drink. You wiII Iike it
Women's sheIter.
Maya. Hey, baby, how are you?
Hey Iisten,
we have a case here.
I think I might need your heIp.
Can you come now?
Okay I'm coming.
Okay, okay.
Who is he? Do you know him?
-Hi -Hi.
My room. -Yeah, I had
gone to take the phone.
Yeah, I am on my way.
SIow.. sIow down.
You're making no sense.
You can't see the smeII.
But your face is teIIing
the story of how bad it is.
Is this PameIa Anderson.
Damn. Hair.
BIue jeans.
PIastic rope. Bones.
Not mine.
-Not mine either.
And ceII-phone. Right.
This is some weird shit.
I wiII have to cut
this open to extract it.
I guess so.
I need that phone
once you extract it.
-Thank you.
I am Naveen, sir.
-I beIieve you are.
Your new partner.
What case are we on today?
Don't foIIow me.
It's a sari.
I have no practice
dressing other women.
It's a first for me.
You don't know how to tie a saree.
Raise your hand.
This is a bit oId mirror.
But you Iook so beautifuI.
I don't need to Iive forever.
AII I want is a grand-chiId.
Why does mom Iight
a Iamp at night?
Most peopIe turn off
the Iights at night.
She's praying for us
to have kids.
I can see that..
but it makes no sense.
What is it to you?
She is going to start a
fire one of these days.
Why are you keeping
me aIive this Iong?
I am growing oId.
I'm yarning.
Grant my chiId a baby.
Oh Snake Goddess..
I'm not asking for much.
Something bothering you?
Don't teII me
if you don't want to..
But don't Iie to me.
We wiII go see your gynecoIogist.
We'II try again.
ShouId I turn off the Iights?
Not today.
WiII you teII me
what's on your mind?
I had this case today.
Stabbing victim.
The body that turned
up today is very odd.
CompIeteIy distorted.
You see that every other day.
Listen to the whoIe story.
The other body Iooked
Iike someone puked it out.
A strange object.
It was about this big.
CIothes.. human hair.. mobiIe.
Like something you wouId see
in a science fiction movie.
By Iooking at it I couIdn't
understand what it is.
AImost Iike something ate
it and spat it out again.
Remains of cIothes
and hair couId be seen.
If you don't want to make Iove..
TeII me.
Don't make up excuses.
Good night.
Don't you dare scream.
Hurry up, finish your fun.
Mom, heIp me.
Hey, Umar!
There is one news.
What is the news?
My friend has seen her.
He has come to teII us and
to coIIect his money, sir.
No money untiI I am sure.
Sir, this is Dinesh.
He is a snake charmer.
And he has seen her.
From the way you're shaking..
..I might just beIieve
you have seen her.
You're famiIiar with
the Iegend of the Nagin.
This is her Iover.
Money. Money.
You want money.
Here you go.
Come on.
I have got to be sure.
Disaster is coming.
Give your friend the money.
I beIieve him.
This is madness.
This is madness.
Come on.
Come, find your Iover.
The apocaIypse is upon is!
Nagin is coming,
She won't spare you.
The end is coming.
Nagin is coming,
Let her come..
we wiII be waiting.
We wiII get the money..
and money is needed.
That's what we have
been waiting for.
Anyhow.. I need the money.
She shouId come..
What did he say?
Since coming back
from the jungIe..
You have turned deviI.
I Iove you so dearIy.
PIease forgive me.
Don't touch kids!
Come on, Iet's go.
Open the door.
Kids are more precious
to me than my Iife.
Open the..
Sir, I don't understand one thing.
Where did he get so much venom?
I have no cIue.
Why overkiII anybody?
When he kiII, kiII
somebody with a smaII dose.
I don't know.
For so much venom, atIeast
And for many months this venom
wiII have to be coIIected.?
Leaving everything aside..
-Why don't you ever shut up?
I don't know, sir.
Sir, I wiII try.
But, sir, you have
to Iisten to me.
There is definiteIy something
wrong with this case.
This is not just a murder.
I mean.. definiteIy there's
some mystery behind it, sir.
And I am teIIing you..
take a Iook at this picture.
There is so much venom..
you can't imagine.
There must be something
to it, sir.
It's just not a pIain
simpIe murder.
You're very inteIIigent.
Sir, finding so much venom in
a body is a very strange thing.
Very, very inteIIigent.
Okay, I am giving
resignation today.
What is it?
Something is definiteIy wrong.
Who are you taIking about?
TaIking about Mr. George.
He's got brain cancer.
And that cancer is
eating him from inside.
That's why he is
Iooking for the Naagmani.
That's why he stoIe the
Iover and brought it here.
Even he beIieves
in these oId stories.
If he has brain cancer..
He is going to die soon anyway.
I agree with him.
Go to heII everything..
AII I want is money
Money. Money.
AII that is fine.. but he
is caIIing the Nagin here.
Come on.. Iet's Ieave from here.
George is a crazy rascaI.
I hope she Iooks as good as
she does in aII the movies.
AII that Nagin stuff is buIIshit.
And since how Iong
do you know him?
We know him since Iast 15 years.
And you, aunty?
These are the peopIe who are
neighbours of that Guide..
..for many years they have known.
Yes doctor, what is the verdict?
I redid aII the tests..
there's no doubt.
My reputation is good and
I don't Iike saying this.. but..
I am confused.
What do you mean?
These.. wounds..
Are not from a knife
or any weapon.
They are Iike punctures.
And his entire body
is fiIIed with venom.
I'm teIIing you.
You mean to say there's someone..
..that's kiIIing
peopIe with venom.
No, I'm just..
It is what it is.
What's the status of
inquiry? What's going on here?
So has the body been identified?
He's a jungIe guide Iakahan.
Who went missing sometime back.
WiII you peopIe
Iet us do our job?
Come on.. move back.
Sir, the kids here are..
That girI and boy.
They say they saw
a very big snake.
And that same snake
did this to the body.
A very big snake.
-Right, sir.
Get aside!
Come here.
Stay back.
Yes, sir.. this boy.
What's your name?
Do you take drugs?
-No, sir, not at aII.
I don't even drink.
CIean her up.
If the mother kiIIed
someone in seIf defense.
Do you think her chiIdren
wiII say she committed murder?
Sir.. are you reIigious?
What's reIigion
got to do with it?
Sir, this is not
a normaI murder case.
It's a supernaturaI case, sir.
What's supernaturaI?
Sir, I mean to say that..
If you see the body.
Send the body to the morgue.
I beIieve what I see.
And you say you don't
take drugs? -No, sir.
Right? No puffs.
Not at aII, sir.
Kids don't Iie.
-Don't shadow me pIease.
Sir, I am Captain Singh's
nephew.. from Chennai.
You owe him.
You're that Ioser's nephew?
Yes, sir.
So why didn't that fooI caII me?
Sir, he died of cancer?
It's been awhiIe, sir.
He's no more.
And before dying..
written in wiII..
Your address and about your info..
..and said that you owe him big.
That's why I am here, sir.
I do owe him.
Nice to know you, Mr. Naveen.
Thank you, detective.
-Sorry, sir.
Naveen, we're Iooking
for a murderer. -Yes, sir.
Not a snakey-wakey.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Sir, the big snake...
If a snake has done this,
then we shouId stay home.
No, sir, we shouId have
faith in our ancient Iegends.
You shouId get drug tested.
-I am not saying it, they are.
We officiaIIy have a
seriaI kiIIer on our hands.
Maya. Maya.
Are you okay.
Hi, Amma.
Where are you?
I just got home.
You're at home.
Yes, I am fine.
Why do you keep asking
me that? What happened?
Okay& No, I wiII teII you Iater.
Is everything okay?
Where is the girI
from the station?
No one knows.
She disappeared Iast night... Why?
No, I wiII teII you Iater.
Stay home.
She works here...man.
Sir, sir, pIease.
Officer, what do you have to
say about women being raped here?
-Yes, Amma.
This case has
deveIoped much further.
PoIice identified the victims
as a part-time voIunteer..
..at the women's sheIter
and a convicted rapist.
AII the women swear
that it was in fact..
..the snake Goddess
that came and saved them.
Sir, sir.
Sir, pIease sir.
Your friend on TV.
Sir, pIease.
Sir, one question.
Sir, I toId you, sir.
CouId one of the women
here have done it?
Victims can do anything
in seIf-defence.
Even of aII the women here
ganged up they couIdn't do it.
The bIind spooky one
says she's seen the Nagin.
Whatever it is...the
situation is getting worse?
Find the missing girI.
She maybe in troubIe.
What other atrocities?
We were scared to report it
You reaIIy beIieve
a cobra saved you?
You aII are happy here,
aren't you?
So...how is it going?
Where is she?
O Lord, save me from
the Snake Goddess.
Where is she?
Citizens of India....
We were so scared,
we ran inside.
If somebody captures
or kiIIs her mate..
..then the Nagin wiII
definiteIy find that person..
..and take her revenge.
What's the truth,
Iet's ask the famiIy.
TeII me what happened
here Iast night.
It saved our Iife.
My kids saw it with
their own eyes.
You saw it?
Yes you teII.
How did it Iook?
Very big...bigger than a man
and bigger than a truck.
Vengeance wiII be taken on aII
those who have troubIed the Nagin.
It is written in the scriptures.
Priest, what about those who
do not beIieve in miracIes..
..do not pray...and according
to you are not pure?
The goddess is in
search for her Iove..
..and whoever comes in
her way shaII perish.
Its time to go back to
church, get back to tempIe..
..faII to your knees
and reverse your karmas.
Because there's
a woman out there..
..who isn't accepting any Iess.
And she is venomous.
Video journaIist
with AniI Mehta...
MeanwhiIe with the amount of
cobra venom found in the victim..
..poIice are investigating
IocaI snake charmers.
We're out in fuII
force tracking down..
..every IocaI snake
charmer and herpetoIogist.
Ripper - Naveen @ -=DrC=-
Navin, I'm foIIowing someone
I am in the fish market. You come.
Move aside.
PoIice, stop!
Get aside!
Nagin's trying to kiII me!
She'II kiII me!
Get away. Go away.
Don't be spectators! Go back!
Sir...any kids?
We're trying.
I mean we have
a mother-in-Iaw.
And she is no Iess
than a big chiId.
Okay, okay.
Forget about today...
Time to reIax.
Thank you for inviting me, Sir.
Sir, wouId it be appropriate in
this condition to come to dinner?
This is proof of our work..
..and a working man aIways Iooks good.
sorry for this mess.
I am sure you are hungry.
That day when he was describing...
You know...the first time
he toId me about it..
..I thought he was making it up.
No, I've seen it with my own eyes.
Yeah, and the T-Shirt he was wearing,
it had fine picture of PameIa Anderson.
PameIa Anderson.
Singh uncIe Ioved me a Iot.
He was reaIIy a great man.
He knew about us.
In fact he made sure
Vikram proposed to me.
Oh, reaIIy.
You owe him a big one.
Is that so?
I do.
I know where I have seen you.
On the TV show.
You are right, aunt.
You've got a sense
of humour. That's good.
Thanks, Aunt.
So...the Iovebirds had
med on the sets?
On the TV show.
On the TV show.
Mom, pIease eat.
Love birds...on the set.
Mom, you eat too.
Lover of the kid,
isn't it? -Yeah.
On the set?
Had met on the set?
-I am reaIIy sorry.
Thank God...she found a guy.
Thank God, mom...
now Iet's marry them off.
Is marriage, okay?
The eyes expressed everything.
I found a companion.
The eyes expressed everything..
Thanks for the IoveIy dinner, sir.
I reaIIy enjoyed the food.
Thanks for coming and pIaying aIong.
You have a great famiIy, sir.
I hope you'II aIso have
such a great famiIy one day.
Thanks, sir. -AIright.
The eyes expressed everything.
I found a companion.
Excuse me.
Excuse me...miss.
Wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
What, Mother?
Get up. -What happened?
What? -I know.
He's Iooks for the snake
Goddess, in snake show.
I'II disconnect your cabIe TV.
In this Nagin show...I know
what's going to happen next.
In the next episode you
have an important roIe.
PIease go back to sIeep.
Your character finds
the Nagin's Iover.
An eviI man has kept it captive.
He has hidden her Iover.
Somewhere cIose to here.
In the basement.
That bad man is suffering
from cancer..
..and he is going to die.
He is Iooking for the
snake diamond. -Naagmani?
You know what the Naagmani is?
-I don't know.
WiII make him immortaI.
He wants to be immortaI.
So he wants to Iure the
Snake Goddess to him..
..so that the Snake Goddess
gives him the Naagmani.
The Naagmani is such a thing
which wiII make him immortaI.
He wiII become immortaI.
Understand? -Yes, I got it.
Ok...I am off...
so that you can prepare
for the next episode.
Thank you very much.
-Wear nice cIothes.
Ok...I'II go.
You go away, beyond the miII.
Go to the abandoned
miII...by the crematorium..
..where I wiII be
cremated tomorrow.
It's mama..
She's dead.
Where did she want to be cremated?
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
No. don't you dare die one me.
She'II be coming soon!
Sir, it's not weII.
I wiII get water.
Sir, what happened, sir?
What have I done?
It's not what you've done.
It's what you're about to do.
Sir.. -Thank you in advance.
Now she'II smeII his shit
on your from across the city.
Sir, pIease.
I said run.
Man...this scoundreI's going
to drop dead any second.
Run. Run.
Come on, run.
You'II have to run! Run, run!
I am fishing today and
you're the bait.
Gonna catch me a snake.
Go, get out of here.
Bring her to me.
Come on.
Come and get him.
Pick that up.
In the evening
she kissed my forehead.
And said I'II be a grandma.
Viku, she's gone.
He is with us, Maya.
I'II be back..
Hurry up.
Go fast and hurry up.
- Keys.
Sir, but where are we going?
I want to see what I
couIdn't see untiI today.
It's show time.
You go girI.
What do you think of my suit?
Oh that's right...
You can't see me.
I designed it just for you.
Now get up kid. Sorry.
Can't have you
fuII strength...oh no.
Lyre music at ninety decibeIs.
Come on...come get your Iover.
Save your Iover.
I IittIe bit of this...
That's what you want.
You Can reach it.
Now we're going to
taIk about what I want.
Look at me.
I want the Naagmani.
Time to give it up.
I want the Naagmani.
I wiII not die of this cancer.
Give me immortaIity.
Spit it up.
Drop your weapon.
Naveen, are you okay?
Got him, sir.
I know you..
You don't know what you've done.
You civiI servants.
-Shut up.
You ruined everything you cops.
Okay, don't worry nothing
wiII happen to you.
You ruined everything.
Get up.
Look at me.
I am sorry, sir.
-You'II be okay, you'II be okay
Sorry, sir. -No...no Naveen...
everything wiII be aIright.
Everything wiII be fine.
You are going to be okay.
I kiII you.
Get up..
HeIp me.
You don't get off that easy..