Hit List (2024) Movie Script

[alarm beeping]
[mobile ringing]
- 'Where are you?'
- I'm leaving
Ma, is breakfast ready?
2 minutes
Almost done
Don't pinch me
What is it?
Ask my brother to talk to me, ma
2 days since he spoke to me
I'll tell him
Late again, huh?
I got delayed getting my children
ready for school and dropping them
First go and rescue the 'dosa'
from being charred
Okay, madam
Why don't you talk to your sister?
What big crime did she commit?
If someone is eve-teasing
or ragging her in school
Either report to the Principal
Or else
She should tell us
She will take matters in her hand
Should we sit and watch?
'Then why are we here?'
I told her I won't talk to her
for a whole week
It's only been 2 days till date
Tell him, ma
Listen to me
Doesn't matter if you don't talk to her
Drop her in school
on your way to work
You go and drop her
I'll take the bike
- Bro
- Aiyo! This chap!
'I shouldn't show this to him'
Step in, it's getting late
You go, I forgot my key
Your keys are right there
I know, you go, bye
Bro, I think your wife is calling you
Hey! Why did you grab that?
[rat squeaking]
Isn't it a sin to kill
a living thing?
Is it okay if it takes my life out?
How did it harm you?
Hey! It bit my TV, fridge, sofa
anything and everything
What's worse, my shirt, pant
and underwear are in tatters
You be safe, bro
It bit my 'safety' to bits!
That's why my wife is
expecting our 3rd baby!
- Congrats!
- Give it to me
Hey! Give it
Aiyaiyo! Why is it
in such a tearing hurry?
Hey wifey! Come here
This madcap let out the rat
Thank God the rat escaped!
You love to catch a rat and
let it escape and catch it again
Your job 24x7!
Gone case! We'll be catching
the damn rat tonight too!
Come home, my first job is to kill you!
- Come in, why look there?
- What can I do if it runs away?
- Hi anna
- Hi
'Hi Vijay'
[ringtone from film 'Chandi Veeran']
Your phone is ringing
I want to talk to you
Personal or official?
I'll see you in the evening
after office hours
You wanted to talk
to Vijay personally?
That's my personal business, move aside
How can it still be 'personal'
after I happened to hear it?
Tell me
Love, huh?
How can it be love
from the word go?
First step is dating, right?
With 'sir'!
Sooper, my dear
Why are you making a face?
Green chiretta brew
- Huh?
- Not only 'nilavembu'
Neem flower 'rasam'
Pippali root soup
Heart pea 'dosa'
Tapioca 'dhal'
'Palmyra fruit dumpling'
'Add one more to this feast'
'Look, sir is enjoying every mouthful'
Finger millet porridge
Organic food
Good for health
Just try, you'll love it
Full romantic movie, eh?
[scene from 'Kadaisi Vivasayi]
'Wake up, sir
We have to water the fields'
Ma'am, want a tissue?
This is reality for you
What's next?
Finally in the weekend
Pub, right?
Enjoy your drinks, ma'am
This is the damnnnn reality!
Then you mean
He isn't my 'Mr Right'?
Now do you realize why all the girls
in our office call him 'bro'?
Because all of them
tried dating him!
[mobile ringing]
Pccht! Damn this phone
- Not getting disconnected
- Hello
- You wanted to talk to me personally?
- No...nothing
It's okay, tell me
- Just tell
- Nothing, 'na
Nothing...nothing at all
- Aishu
- 'Bye, anna!'
How strange!
Police car in our area?
Must be wanting
their palms greased
What's with the siren?
Something is fishy
Call our boys
- Tell me, bro
- Bloody! Come here
- Hurry up
- Hey! Hello?
Where are you?
We are dead meat
'I thought all of them will be in the sea
But they are swarming in the shore'
'Sir, like a lion is to the jungle'
Like the whale rules the sea
Similarly, for this seashore
and entire neighborhood
Er...Kali is the king, sir
Confronting Kali without
a Special Force team
Er...like this
Meeting him alone face to face
I don't think it will
turn out well, sir
'Safer to go back, sir'
[song from 2016 film 'Dharma Durai']
Check them
'Selling salt to the sea?'
'Didn't I caution you, sir?'
Be it a lion or a whale
Only when the hunter stalks
All the beasts should panic!
Cigarette smoking is injurious to health
- I don't smoke
- Not cigarette
I meant hold my gun
Give it, sir
If anyone tries to cross the line
- Just shoot
- Sir?
- What is it?
- You forgot your file
Please go, sir
Looks like sir is simmering with rage!
Offer him something cold to drink
Taking a dig?
To all the politicians who ensured
your files are layered with dust
And corporate firms
You are now their enemy
Following their orders
your count is 36 murders
You have gathered
a lot of enmity
The boys are waiting impatiently
and competing to close your chapter
All I need to do
is signal with my eyes
'They will finish you off'
[mobile ringing]
- Sir?
- Hey! ACP
'You will rejoice
if we are at loggerheads'
Under the pretext of mediating
don't jinx it like the malefic Saturn!
Switch to speaker mode
and give it to Kali
'Kali, apparently you are asking
for a mere 10% partnership'
'You know Sharma is willing to
part with 20% as commission?'
Money is everything, man
Is partnership the priority?
'Just take the cash
and compromise, instead-'
He's planning to kill our 'brother'
You want me to compromise with him?
Hey! Is your brother dead or what?
'To the extent Kali
is important to our Party'
'Corporate is equally important'
Okay, shall I inform our Party leader
you have settled for a compromise?
Sir, Kali nodded his head
Give the green signal
These politicians
I am not taking sides
or mediating
But I don't know why I've been transferred
from South Madras to North Madras
After I settle into the office here
if your brothers and you
Dare create any trouble in my jurisdiction
You will be topmost in my hit list
I will send you to your grave!
Who the hell is he?
Yov! Move, man
[honking loudly]
Hey! Move, I say
Yov! Move your damn car
Sorry, sir
Sorry, sir
Go...get going
Your driver ran for his life
Who will drive the car now?
Sheer bliss!
I love sitting in your car
cross legged in cool comfort
And you in the driver seat
I feel on top of the world, boss
'You have forgotten
all that I did for you'
'And now with the help
of ministers and ACP'
'You have the gall to threaten me?'
My dear boss!
Wherever you pointed your finger
In all those spots
like a hound dog
I pounced, tearing them apart and
I sent so many people to their grave
For your sake
You are a millionaire!
Business man
'Top cat in our society'
If I hadn't obeyed your orders
Would you be enjoying
this name and fame, boss?
You asked me for only 10%
But I promised to pay you 20% commission
If not enough, tell me
I will give you more
Let's resolve this issue, Kali
Money is not at all a problem for you
You'll give whatever I demand
You refuse a partnership
You don't have the heart to put us
on an equal footing with you, boss
Anyway you intend to backstab me
I'll take one step forward
and do the honors!
Bro, what are you doing?
You bloody mongrel!
Infiltrating from North India down here
you can make it big here with your business
But the same doesn't
hold good for us, huh?
You deserve to die, eff you!
If you squeal to the minister and ACP
You think they can
take action against me?
Die, you damn vagabond!
Your death
It will elevate my respect
and status even more
- Come, anna
- Let go of me
Enough, step out
Won't take me as your partner?
People are watching, boss
- Step out
- Leave me alone
You dare bribe me with
your crappy commission!
Why are you doing this?
'Are we your slaves?'
Why did you stab him here?
This is ACP's area
Next in my list is
that Asst Commissioner of Police
Sir, despite your serious warning
Kali has finished off
that business man in our area
I know
You can go
'How can he practice true compassion
if he eats animal flesh to feed his own?'
Snuffing a living being's breath
to build one's own body
And eating it
claiming nourishment
Poet Valluvar is questioning
his compassion quotient
To quote Saint Vallalar
'I wilted, whenever
I saw crops wither'
Imagine the extent of compassion
embedded in his heart
To feel sad for crops!
Spirituality isn't only praying
and performing rituals
To love all beings
like your own is spirituality
Now let me come to the point
People always ask me and
Kumudha madam just 1 question
Without eating meat
How can one succeed
as a sportsman or athlete?
Or a body builder
Or serve in our army?
That is the reason Kumudha madam
is launching this app
In this app if you upload
your non vegetarian diet plan
It will sort out the equivalent
perfect vegetarian diet plan
I request all of you to try this app
Thank you and let's save millions of lives
Next we call upon Kumudha madam's husband
Chief Guest ACP Yazhvendan
to address the gathering
Greetings to everyone
I've attended many functions
No one has addressed me as
Kumudha's husband Mr Yazhvendan!
But still I am very happy to hear
I don't want to comment about
your 'ahimsa' vegetarian concept
The world I live in and
your world are poles apart
But if people change
accepting your concept
I'll be very happy
Please use this Go Vegan app
Anyway, thank you for
inviting me to this function
Thank you
'Now our Chief Guest will
launch our 'Go Vegan' app'
Thank you so much
I'll take leave, sir
Yazh, actually Vijay helped
in designing this app
- Not only that-
- I know, dear
Your mentor, well wisher, influencer
I can keep piling more praise
Nothing like that, sir
Ma'am wants to do something good
- I'm only supporting her
- Okay
Let me send off other guests
- You both carry on
- Sure
- Vijay
- Sir?
If you don't get me wrong
can I ask you something?
Sir, please feel free
Even the vegetable we eat
is classified as 'living thing'
We refer to fruits and veggies as seeds
Because they-
Sorry, sir
[mobile ringing]
They don't have their own eyes,
ears, heart, blood, none of these
That's why now egg is
considered vegetarian
[mobile ringing again]
Very sorry, sir
Take the call
May be important
- Let me take leave, Vijay
- Sure, sir
- Nice meeting you
- Nice meeting you, sir, thank you
[mobile ringing]
- Hello
- 'What is this?'
'You keep cutting my calls'
'How long will a man wait
after kidnapping your mother and sister?'
Hello, whom do you want to speak to?
- Please check the # and call
- 'My dear boy Vijay'
'To understand the seriousness
of this situation will take you'
'At least 2 hours'
'Then you will wait for my call'
'The number you're calling
is out of network coverage area'
'Please try later'
'The number you have called
has been switched off'
- Sir...sir...sir
- Stop
Vijay, what are you doing?
A stranger just called me
Claimed he has kidnapped
my mother and sister, sir
I tried calling him back
but his # is not reachable
I called my mother and sister
Both their phones are switched off, sir
I'm really scared, sir
Vijay, such prank calls
are common these days
- But this is serious, sir
- Trust his experience, no?
Don't get flustered
He will handle it
No, my mother and sister
won't resort to prank calls, sir
- Devaraj
- Sir?
Trace the phone calls of
Vijay's mother and sister immediately
Okay, sir
- Check the spot the signal was cut off
- Yes, sir
- Also trace the unknown calls
- Yes, sir
- Akilan
- Sir
- Send Lingam with Vijay
- Okay, sir
Vijay, my officer Lingam
will accompany you
Take him home with you
After you both reach home, we'll decide
Okay, sir
Don't worry
Sir, I am telling you
they are not at home
Why are you flustered, Vijay?
Call your friends or relatives
Hello, aunty
- Did my amma come to your place?
- 'No, Vijay, what happened?'
Sir, she didn't go there
Okay, come and sit here
Try calling your sister's friends
Hello Vaishu
- Did Keerthi come to your house?
- 'No, anna'
Sir, not there either
Vijay, relax
Do you have water?
Sir, I don't want water
Not for you
I'm feeling thirsty!
You get into a panic state
and you'll make me panic too
I want water to drink
Thank you
Where is the CCTV control room?
Sir, that's my amma and Keerthi
Those two, right?
Give this video to the area patrol
and ask them to check
Okay, sir
'TN 13B 6337
Red color Swift car missing'
'I repeat red color Swift car missing'
'Mother and daughter are missing'
'Mother's age is 40
and daughter is 15'
- Hello...?
- Vehicle spotted, sir
Their vehicle has been identified
in 3rd street, Palavakkam
Come, let's check
Let's go
- Sir, that's our car
- Wait
- Please sir, let me check just once
- Listen, car is empty
You don't go and
erase any evidence
Did you check for a CCTV?
Checked, sir
No CCTV, sir
Hey! Why eat before reaching home?
We'll reach in 10 minutes
Anyway when we reach home
I'm the one who will eat this
Smell is tempting, amma
Moreover this can't be
relished if it isn't hot
Tender coconut seller
witnessed everything it seems, sir
Yov! Come here
What did you see?
Tell us in detail
Sir, I shut shop at 6:30
boozed a bit and went to bed
'I heard a horn blare
all of a sudden'
'When I woke up'
Keerthi, are you okay?
Keerthi, wait
Dai! What are you doing?
Release her
He nabbed them brilliantly, sir
In Animal Channel usually
they dangle the young one as bait
And then catch the mother
That's what he did too
2 women were kidnapped
in front of your eyes
You did nothing
but gawk and stand there
And you are happily laughing!
If you had been in my place
as if you would've ripped him to pieces
- Sarcasm!
- Lingam
Hitting the witness unnecessarily
No, sir
- Get a statement and send him
- Yes, sir
I can't do all that, sir
In all the check posts
on ECR and OMR road
Inform them to stop and check thoroughly
if a black mini van crosses that area
Watch carefully
Don't miss anything
That van hasn't crossed yet, right?
- Did you check all the toll gates?
- Yes, I did
That black van hasn't crossed the ECR toll
'Not crossed OMR toll either'
Van hasn't been spotted
within city limits too
He has to be within 20 km radius
Inform all police stations in that area
Ask them to check all cameras thoroughly
Okay, sir
Don't worry
We will find them
- Lingam
- Sir
Wanting to rescue
his mother and sister
...scared of the mask man
Vijay shouldn't make it worse
Get Vijay's phone and hand it
over to the Cyber team
Hack his normal calls, Whatsapp
video calls, chats, messages
By installing a spy software
- Okay, sir
- Then
Without Vijay's knowledge
set a GPS tracker on his bike
- My dear boy
- Sir
Nothing to worry, Cyber Crime wanted
that foreign # and the call timing
- Okay, sir
- Give me your phone to note it down
Here, sir
'He is very alert'
- I've installed it, sir
- Okay
Sir! Don't scare me
Imagine being scared of me!
How did you get to be a cop?
- Sir
- Here's your phone
Latest model?
Looks good
Sit down
Sir, Vijay is getting a call
from an unknown number
[mobile ringing]
[wicked laughter]
You must be aware of reality
and the situation clearly now
'So if you step out
without making a ruckus'
We can discuss it and solve it
Where's the rest room?
Step out and turn right
- Tell me, sir
- The vehicle didn't cross this toll
Nor that toll
They would have told you
it must be within a radius of 20 km
Yes, sir'
- 'Exactly, sir'
- Let me send you a video
Watch it
The police will still be looking
for the black van within the city
But it is 4 hours since I got out
of the city in my truck
If you show that video to them
'They will hunt for me
with that truck number'
Even that is fake
By the time they search
and track me down
Grass will grow on the spot
I bury your mother and sister
Sir, what do you want me to do?
First make some excuse
and get out of that place
I'll call you later
Switch off that camera
Sir, please allow me to go
I'll do as he says
Look at this, sir
Vijay, relax
He's emotionally blackmailing you
Let's wait for his next move
- Lingam
- Sir?
Fix the button camera on him
We will be watching you
Follow his orders implicitly
I have come out, sir
- Have you fixed GPS on his bike?
- Yes, sir
Follow him at a distance of 200m
- Yes, sir
- No uniform
- Only mufti
- Okay, sir
Lingam, give him the pistol
Boys, come on
His location is only 2 km from here
Hurry up
Let's go
Could you track his location?
Sir, every 30 seconds
'Signal is jumping
to various countries'
'The same with IP address
when I tried to track it, sir'
We must send the recorded call to
headquarters to see if it can be decoded
- Then do it immediately
- Okay, sir
Hey! Stop...stop
You'll see a chicken stall to your left
- Yes, sir
- Go inside
What will I do
inside a chicken stall, sir?
I'll go in, sir
[chickens clucking]
What do you want?
Country chicken?
Go in and choose
'Just go in'
Are you done puking?
Sir, I can't be here
even for a second
What will I do here, sir?
Fate is supreme
No one can change its course
400-500 chickens in there
will die today
But if you put your mind to it
fate of one rooster can be changed
Sir, what are you saying?
I don't understand
Go inside
Pick a chicken you like
and buy it alive
Okay, sir
I would've chopped your hand into two
What's wrong with you?
I want to buy that chicken alive
Rs 600, pay and take it
Can't even hold a bird properly
You are a real pain in the neck
Here, hold like this
Sir, I bought one
Where should I come now, sir?
I have this urgent need
to relieve myself
I'll pee and be back
You go home
Were his mother and sister kidnapped
just for a damn rooster?!
This is an unique case, indeed
God, I hope the rat got trapped!
Got the rat back in the trap
all thanks to my good deeds
- Open the back door
- It's midnight now
We can do it in the morning
That madcap neighbor
won't let me kill it
It's now or never
Don't say this and
allow the rat to escape
Aiyaiyo! Rewind and repeat, eh?
This 'Saturn' is orbiting the lift!
Oh gawd!
Aiyaiyo! The rat ran away again
What do I tell my wifey dear?
'Well and truly caught!'
- A boy went up now
- Yes, sir, Vijay
Which floor is he in?
8th floor, 2nd house
Zoom that
Okay, sir
'This device is connected successfully'
[mobile ringing]
Sir, tell me if I should
pay you a ransom amount
I'll give you all my savings
Please release
my mother and sister, sir
[amused laughter]
'Are you negotiating a ransom?'
No, sir...no
Okay, fine
- How much will you pay?
- Sir
I have a savings of
only Rs 15 lakhs in the bank, sir
Besides that my mother and sister's jewelry
will be around 40-45 sovereigns, sir
I'll give everything to you, sir
Leave us alone, sir
Are you a fool or what?
Do you know how much human trafficking
and sexual exploitation will fetch me?
At least
Do you know your sister's age?
- 15, sir
- Oh!
She is good looking too
According to today's market rate
She will fetch 50 lakhs to 1 crore
Forget that
If I send your amma to Pakistan
'Every part of her body can
be used in organ trafficking'
Approximately I'll get about 2 crores
Give or take it will amount to 3 crores
Okay, give me 2 crores
I will release both of them
How will I collect
that kind of cash, sir?
Eff you!
You understand then
So shut your gob
and do only what I say
Amazon would have delivered
a parcel to your address
Go and bring it to me
- Sir
- Hey! Yuck!
'Are you a moron?'
Should I spoon feed you?
Open it
Take the chicken that's behind you
Chop it
I cannot kill a living being, sir
So you are saying
you won't listen to me
I cannot do that alone
You are refusing to obey my order
You will comply now, just watch
- Anna
- Keerthi?
Sir, let her go
- Anna
- Sir
Don't hurt her, sir
'Sir, let her go'
Please, sir
- 'Anna'
- She is innocent, sir
- Anna, save me
- Don't do this, sir
PLEASE DON''Anna, help me'
Even now you won't kill that damn bird?
Sir, please
If I let go of this rope now
'The entire set of candles and
hot wax will fall on your sister'
Then your sister will become
a barbeque chicken!
Now tell me, da
Will you kill that chicken or not?
I am begging you, sir
Okay, fine
As you like it
Kill that damn bird, anna
It's just a bloody rooster
Kill it, damn you!
- Anna...anna!
- Three
Sorry, sir
"Did I help a killer now
to save my (s)kinsomehow?"
'Well done, my boy'
'Didn't I tell you?'
'Fate is supreme'
You had to kill this rooster today
and that's called
No one can change that
'I have selected you
for a huge project'
Only then I knew, you are
a devotee of Tamil Saint Vallalar
'I started having doubts
about your capability'
'Will you be able to kill or not?'
"To one who kills ruthlessly"
Now it is confirmed
You are capable of murder
"To one who murders mercilessly"
Tomorrow you have to go
right up to mid sea
And kill a huge 'whale'
Go and take rest now
He's a big time psycho, sir
My hands and legs have
not stopped shaking, sir
Let's bring Vijay here before
this blows out of proportion, sir
What rubbish!
We are unable to trace his calls
We have no other option either
At least if we know the victim
he has to kill
Through him we can nab the mask man
Ask our boys to follow him closely
- Everyone is armed, right?
- Yes, sir
[mobile ringing]
- Yes, Lingam
- 'Sir'
'Mask man is calling Vijay's mobile, sir'
Connect the call
This day will be unforgettable
for both you and me
'Are you ready?'
My soldier
I'll send you a location
Be there within 40 minutes
Okay, sir
- Sir, he has left his house
- Devaraj, be alert
- Boys, get ready
- Yes, sir
[mobile ringing]
My dear boy
I'm the bow
You are the arrow
Why these police dogs
in between unnecessarily?
Must nab the traitors to our nation
who ride without a helmet
Catch the anti-social elements
fighting for imaginary causes
These cops are so busy
Why should we disturb them?
It's my game
Don't play double game with me
You decide whether you want
police help or your family to stay alive
'Anna...help me'
You got it
Boys, stop him immediately
Turn right
'Park your bike at a dead end'
'Get down and run'
Hey! Stop
- Not here
- Saw that side?
Okay, come
'Sir, we have missed him'
Lingam, share Vijay's 'live' location
with our boys immediately
'Okay, sir'
Boys, he is closeby
It is pinpointing here, wait
Boys, what's happening?
Sir, we are in the exact spot
as per his location
[mobile ringing]
Hey! Stop...stop
'A mobile will be stuck
to that car's door frame'
[mobile vibrating]
Drop your mobile into that car
'And take that mobile'
Useless fellows!
How could you be so careless?
Why are you making me run like this?
Where should I come, sir?
You have reached
your destination
Look towards your left
Go inside
Whom do you want to meet?
How can you barge in like that?
'Tell him you want to meet anna'
I have to meet anna, sir
Anna is busy mediating inside
You can't meet him now
Tell me, I'll tell him
Tell him Dr Karunakaran sent you
on an important mission
Dr Karunakaran sent me
on an important mission
He is referring our doctor's name
What do we do now?
Sir, we are okay with
the 10% partnership
Once the agreement is drafted
we can sign legally, sir
- First draft out the agreement
- Sure, sir
You go, sir, I'll talk to Kali
and follow you at once
Kali, don't forget anna's commission
You don't have to worry about all that
- Rest assured and be happy
- I know
Still it is my duty to remind you
Shall I take leave?
Anna, some important matter it seems
Our doctor sent him here
Sit down
Go, sit
Why did he send you?
Tell him 'you have to kill someone'
You have to kill someone, anna
What is it, boy?
Love failure, huh?
You want us to kill your girlfriend?
Or is your wife having
a clandestine affair?
Should we kill her?
Or kill her lover too?
We don't deal with
such mundane murders!
'Leave now'
Tell him he has to kill a big time rowdy
You have to kill a big time rowdy
'Is that so?
Then the rate will be high'
Is that okay with you?
'Okay even if it costs 2-3 crores!'
Tell him that rowdy should
be dissected to bits and pieces
Doesn't matter if it costs
20 or 30 million
He should be dissected
to bits and pieces
Do you have his name
or any photo with you?
[maniacal laughter]
Don't be scared
They are all my boys
You can speak up boldly
Tell him 'Kali'
Sir...Kali, sir!
I didn't get you
What is the name you said?
Tell him, North Madras Kali
North Madras Kali, sir
[overlap of laughter]
- Kasi
- Anna?
Click his photo, send it to our doctor
and ask if he knows this fool
Doctor sir, a chap is here
saying you sent him over
He has the gall to tell Kali anna
to his face he wants Kali anna killed!
'Doctor sir'
'Don't get flustered'
'I have sent a photo
to your WhatsApp'
'Take a look'
'Just tell us if you know him
or you don't, that will do'
Anna, he says he doesn't know him from Adam
Bloody fraud!
- Dai!
- 'Don't get scared'
The entire lot over there
will be silenced, just watch
'Kali will receive a call now
Ask him to answer it'
Sir, he is asking you to pick the call
[mobile ringing]
Your brother went to Pondicherry
along with his friends, 2 days ago
'Ask him to lessen his shocked look
and connect the mobile to the TV'
'Tell him to place the mobile
so everyone can see the screen'
Connect it
'In another 5 minutes'
'The glass tank your brother is in,
will get filled to the top'
'You know your sister's stamina'
'Unable to bear the pain'
If she releases the rope
'That sharp rod will pierce
your mother's eyes'
'Drill her brain and
emerge on the other side'
It's time to start the game
Rule # 1
This is an one-on-one match
Rule # 2
'The survivor's family will be protected'
Kali who has murdered
36 victims on one side
A virgin murderer who has killed
just one rooster on the other side
Hey! Kali, I presume
you are a strong male?
Won't the boy be terrified of
so many thugs surrounding him?
Ask all your lackeys to step outside
Time is also running out
All of you get out
Your brother
He's such an innocent imbecile
I have to teach him everything
For heaven's sake
go and shut all the doors
We've abandoned our boss
Stupid son of a gun!
Why get intimidated by him?
He will finish this fool in 1 second
Anna, help
Anna, I can't hold on any longer
I told you so?
Let's make it more intense
I don't know you
But wherever you are holed up
I will hunt you down
On that day
You will regret
you were born on this earth
[clucking sound]
"Risking your life, time to aim"
"Try your luck, let's play this game"
"Risking your life, time to aim"
Sethu, can't hear anything?
Aiyo! How could I have done this!
Congratulations, Vijay
You saved your mother
Why are you torturing us
like this, sir?
What sin did we commit, sir?
Good or bad
It is your own doing
'Karma is a boomerang'
No one can escape its effect
Peep and tell us
- What happened, bro?
- He has killed our boss
Break open the door
- Kasi, we have to kill him
- Break down the door
Break it open, push
'Hey! Vijay
Where are you scampering?'
If you manage to stay alive
We shall meet
'Hey! Use more force'
[triumphant laughter]
See you soon
[overlap of angry voices]
Hey! Open the door
- Aiyo!
- Anna!
Boss...get up
Throw him out
He shouldn't have
an ordinary death
His body should be
powdered to a fine dust!
Grab your weapons
Asst Commissioner of Police
He has killed our boss
Just shut up and leave
This job doesn't concern you
That IS my job, da
Chop his head off!
'Notorious rowdy Kali
from North Madras'
'...was killed this morning
by a youngster named Vijay'
'The motive for murder hasn't been
released by the Police department yet'
'Since Kasimedu is buzzing
with fear and unrest'
'Heavy security has been provided
by the police in that area'
[overlap of TV announcements]
'The motive for murder
has not been established yet'
'Who is that mask man
who instigated the murder?'
'Regarding the murder case
of the notorious rowdy Kali'
'To detain the accused Vijay
under police custody for 1 week'
'And for the Police force
to interrogate him'
'This court grants permission'
How many such cases we've seen
Wonder what is
happening in this country
I feel sad about
the poor chap's future
Does he look like
he's capable of killing Kali?
The police killed Kali and
now coolly blaming the poor boy
How many tales have been spun like this!
Mark my words, in another 2 days
you will hear that boy committed suicide
This is heading in the wrong direction
'Let the public learn the truth'
'The police force has remanded Vijay
in custody for murdering rowdy Kali'
Your Chief Minister is claiming
Tamil Nadu is a 'peaceful park'
'Isn't this single video enough
for people to understand...'
'...Tamil Nadu is turning
into a terrorist camp?'
'If that mother and daughter
are not rescued alive'
'Let me warn you, Tamil Nadu
will encounter a major rebellion'
'If children watch such violent videos'
'Whether with enjoyment or fear
they will be psychologically affected'
'So Govt should remove
this online video immediately'
'My request to the general public'
'Please do not share or support it'
Poor fellow!
Innocent guy
It was completely
an emotional blackmail
Anyone in that situation would
have murdered to save their family
He did it to save his mother
'Instead of blaming that boy'
'The mask man who tortured the boy
and coerced him to kill'
'First try to apprehend him'
Redirect regular complaints
to this station to the next block
No one here should be disturbed
Then Vijay, his mother and sister
Get me 3 years of their call history
Okay, sir
Then get complete details of Vijay's family
The hired help in Vijay's house
Neighbors, Vijay's office
Vijay's sister's school
- Enquire thoroughly
- Okay, sir
Who is he?
Is he a terrorist?
Or a serial killer?
Or Dark Web psycho?
He has turned an innocent boy into a beast!
Mr Yazhvendan
Can you please explain this to me clearly?
Yes, ma'am
His mobile phone signal jumps from
one country to another every 30 seconds
So our team is
unable to track him
See, if you are unable to track him
Hire a hacker from the Dark Web market
Or negotiate for a ransom
and ask about his demand
All arrangements have been made, madam
I don't know what you intend doing
But in the next 12 hours
I want that boy's mother and sister
to be rescued alive and brought to me
You may all go now
- Anything fishy?
- No, sir
Everything is crystal clear
Father isn't alive
Just the 3 of them
They have spoken to
less than 50 phone numbers
We tapped all the numbers...
Only friends and family, sir
Hacker Nutty
- Hi sir
- He has appeared 'live' in 2 videos
He has recorded 1 video
and posted it online
Can you track him?
Yeah, sir, I'll try
Past 2 days that mask man
has been giving all of us a hard time
Such a pain, she keeps calling me
I swear I'll strangl-
Not my phone?
Where am I hearing it ring?
[mobile ring continues]
This is the phone given
by mask man to Vijay
- That's why
- Sir...?
Video call from a foreign # in the phone
given by the masked man
Govt is ready to negotiate with you
If you can tell us your demand
Who are you guys?
'What will happen next'
'None of you will have any clue
without me telling you'
So, I am your master
Be smart and shut your gob
'Give the phone to my pet parrot
who follows all my instructions'
You scoundrel!
Vile vagabond!
I won't give, da
Do what the eff you want to!
[mobile ringing]
'In the next 12 hours'
'I want that boy's mother and sister
to be rescued alive and brought to me'
- Hmm
- Yes, sir
Son of a gun! I'll chop them
to pieces and walk away
You have only 2 choices
One, give the phone to Vijay
Second choice, inform him
his mother and sister are dead!
Okay, sir
That mask man is on the line
Talk to him
'Sir, I committed a murder
obeying you implicitly'
Please release my amma and sister
- Please, sir
- I agree you are right
In all fairness I should have let them go
But hastily I kidnapped 2 people
You killed only one and
asking for 2 people alive in return
Does it seem fair to you?
Kill one more person for me
Then it will even out
I'll let you go
I can't kill anyone irrespective of
your persuasive tactics
'I believe in God'
ACP is here
Let everything unfold
according to my fate
"Risking your life, time to aim"
"Try your luck, let's play this game"
'Hello, everybody'
'You usually stay awake until midnight'
'And watch your favorite
IPL, Bigg Boss or serials'
'If you stay awake till 11 tonight'
'You can witness
a 'Live' murder'
'I guarantee you 100% entertainment'
'So please, don't miss it'
Release him from lock-up
Move aside
Are you playing the fool with me?
I'll finish you off
I'll bash you black and blue
Who are you both?
Churning my brain to a pulp?
'Karma is a boomerang'
Didn't he address it to you?
That means you both are somehow
connected in some way, right?
He claims he will kill
someone 'Live' at 11:00 p.m
At least tell me the truth now
Otherwise you cannot see
your mother and sister alive
Cough up the truth, I say
No, sir
I have no idea who he is
and no connection whatsoever
Nothing is more important
than saving my mother and sister
Please stop interrogating me
and focus on finding them, sir
Sir, please
Sir is furious about this case
What do you want us to do?
All our leads are dead ends
Get up
You don't worry
Nothing will happen
to your mother and sister
We'll take care
Eat this
He won't get past tonight
Eat, Vijay
Please leave me alone, sir
[vibrating sound]
"My shocked heartbeats somersault"
"My eyes weep at this brutal assault"
"I will rush in search of you
with a son's love so true"
"You fed me daily willingly"
"Brushed my hair lovingly"
"My mother incomparable
with your love unconditional"
Sir, my mother
'Like how sword, sickle, guns
are used as weapons'
- 'Similarly you are a weapon for me!'
- Sir...!
A weapon should not decide
whether a war should be waged or not
Only the soldier who holds
the weapon should decide
Now tell me
Will you kill or not?
I'm in lock up
I'm surrounded
by police and ACP, sir
How can I kill, sir?
Forget them
Will you kill or not?
I wi...will, sir
I'll do it
'Then eat all that food
without wasting'
'I will take care of the rest'
Okay, sir
Stop him from eating
Call an ambulance immediately
Dai Vijay...hey!
Don't eat
Listen to me
- Vijay
- Spit it out
He must have mixed
something, spit it out
Mask man has announced
a murder at 11:30 p.m
Can you prevent it?
- Hello, sir
- How is he?
He is slightly poisoned, sir
He has been inside for 1 hour
Is there any update?
Dean is personally treating the patient
He will inform you as soon as possible
- Until then
- Move, I say
- Sir...?
Smells like chloroform
What to do now, sir?
ACP, you validated
that boy's innocence
Look what he has done, he has planned
like a criminal and kidnapped the Dean
Sir, that boy didn't kidnap the Dean
Dean has kidnapped that boy
Does your Dean normally attend
all emergency cases personally?
No, sir, this is the first time
Then is the Dean our 'mask man'?
All calls for Vijay
Though the mask man knew
we are tracing them
Why has he sent the video of the van
being loaded into the container...
..to Vijay?
His plan is to make us believe
he has gone out of city limits
As I already said
He's only within 20 km radius
- Lingam
- Sir
Bring me all the mask man videos
Yes, sir
- Devaraj
- Sir
Ice factories, cold storage,
ware houses to the south of the city
Get me the list, especially
any recently closed factories
Target them
- Devaraj
- Sir?
I need factory list
along with the construction plan
- Okay, sir
- Quick
Sir, who are you?
Where are you taking me, sir?
Before kidnapping your sister and mother
He has abducted my son, rascal
I'll hand you over to him
And I will rescue my son
You are taking me to that mask man
Thank you very much, sir
I'll beg and fall at his feet
And save my mother and sister
I got the details you asked for, sir
3 factories match our requirement
There are 2 factories on 5 acres
And 1 factory on 3 acres
That 3 acre factory was
recently shut down like you said
'Your destination is on the right'
'Welcome, dear Vijay'
'And respected Dean'
I've brought him to
the place you wanted
Where is my son?
Why are you playing
such cheap mind games?
Where have you kept
my mother and sister captive?
What sin did we commit?
He doesn't know me
and I don't know him
And we both don't know you
- Who are you, da?
- Hey! Stop...stop
People are watching this 'Live'
Before you both
get to know who I am
It is imperative
they know who you both are
Eagerly waiting to
watch the murder 'Live'
'My dear viewers'
'You wanted to know
what sin you have committed?'
Let our people be aware of your sins too
'Pandemic time'
'Corona period'
'A time when in this free motherland
people were unable to breathe freely'
'Death and disease
in every nook and cranny'
'Fear of death everywhere'
'When each and every individual
was fighting to save his or her own life'
'Working 24x7 to save the lives of others'
'So many frontline warriors
working like God'
'My Anitha was also a warrior'
This is Dr Anitha
from our Govt hospital
People are dying here
in heaps every minute
'Even now right in front of my eyes'
'I am speaking to you after helplessly
watching a person suffering and dying'
'Doctor akka'
Lie down, sir
Nothing, sir
Arrange artificial respiration
Doctor, I have 2 daughters
of marriageable age
Only if I drive auto
200-300 km per day
I can support my family, doctor
Please save me somehow, doctor
They don't have a mother, doctor
'If I die they will both become orphans'
Please save me, doctor
Relax, sir
Don't worry
Just relax
Don't get flustered
It isn't good for your baby
Why get scared?
We are all here, right?
You'll be fine
Not true, akka
You are lying just to reassure me
I know, akka
Even I will
Just like him
Without oxygen
I'll die, no?
I won't be able to see my baby, right?
'Praying we will save them
somehow even in the last minute'
'They look at us
like we are God Almighty'
'But we are doctors'
'All we can do is helplessly
watch them suffer and die'
'Every hour 40-50 patients are dying
because of oxygen depletion here'
'Behind these lives'
'...are families relying on
their daily wage and monthly salary'
'They have children'
'Central Govt authorities
watching this video'
'Or State Govt'
'Non Govt organizations'
'Plus those who have privately locked up
oxygen cylinders for their use'
'Please extend your help'
'Why do you keep talking
about food, sir?'
Since yesterday, a lady doctor's video has
gone viral about insufficient oxygen supply
What is your response to it?
Yov! We saw that video too
Who could predict the whole world
will fall sick at the same time?
We are working on a war footing
We have dispatched 200 extra
oxygen cylinders to that hospital
Know your facts and don't blabber!
Let's go
Which is this hospital?
First send 200 cylinders
to that damn hospital
Okay, sir
Inform that female doctor
cylinders have been delivered
- Ask her to thank me in a video
- Okay, sir
'I am Dr Anitha speaking
from Govt Hospital'
'Until the last minute
hoping we'll save them
'They look at us
like we are God Almighty'
'But we are doctors'
'All we can do is helplessly
watch them suffer and die'
- Sir, did you call?
- Who is this girl?
Her video has gone viral
To heap 'like' and 'share'
our livelihood is ruined
Minister is mad as a hornet
and ranting at me
Why assign such doctors
in General ward?
Sensitive woman!
Please shift her to ICU
with 24 hours oxygen supply
Okay, sir
Sorry, sir
- Will shift her today
- Go right away
Where is doctor 'akka'?
She has been shifted to ICU ward
If you need anything, please call
[mobile ringing]
- Hello?
- 'Doctor'
'That pregnant girl
is struggling to breathe'
Why was the oxygen mask removed?
Half an hour ago, we had
a sudden shortage of oxygen
'No one responded properly'
Please lift her
I'll get a wheel chair
Hurry up!
Sir, even though your oxygen level
is a bit low, you are still stable
She's fighting for her life
If you can give her
your oxygen for a short while
...she can be saved
- I'll find you another oxygen-
- No
'Sir, your oxygen level is
only slightly less than normal'
You can definitely manage for
1/2 hour to 1 hour without oxygen
She's struggling for her life
If you can spare your oxygen
for just 10 minutes
'Can somebody help please?'
Someone please try to save her
She is pregnant
I don't think any of them want to help
Take care of her for 10 minutes
I'll check if there's
oxygen cylinder downstairs
- What do you want?
- What happened to the cylinders here?
How will I know?
Wait, I'll call the police
Why are you dragging me into a mess?
Go ask the Dean about the cylinders
'So what's the payment like?'
How much do I transfer?
Don't you have any sense?
First wear your mask
What do you want?
You have built 3 hospitals
just to loot money from the needy
I want those 200 oxygen cylinders
shifted there back NOW
What are you blabbering?
Get out
In this pandemic situation
no one knows if you or I will survive
Even in this dire situation
How can you kill humans
and make money out of it?
I'm doing all this
to save lives too
Did I use oxygen cylinders
to fill gas in balloons and play?
So according to you
Only the rich should survive
And the have-nots
They should die, right?
The economic crisis
our country is facing today
Only the rich I save
can save the country
But 'communists' like you
won't be of any help
I'm not discussing communism
but humanitarianism!
To prevent people
like you from entering
We got special exam into the system
But you still manage to barge in
and I don't know how
Anyhow you've stepped into my space
How much do you want?
I don't have time to waste
talking to a beast like you
I'll ensure this video
goes viral right now
I will ruin your doctor status
I'll shut down and
seal your 3 hospitals
I'll prove those vans
don't belong to me
I'll swear this footage is fake
I'll ensure this case is heard
in court after 15 long years
You'll bring the police, right?
Before they arrive all the cylinders
in my hospital will go out
By then there's a chance of
100 or 200 patients dying here
Is saving lives important?
Or fighting with me
and losing is your priority?
Isn't your name Anitha?
Think practically
You can save lives here
I'll take care of you
In another half hour I want
those 200 cylinders to be returned
I have nothing to lose
But for you?
That patient died
They took the body away
I killed my patient
I gave false hope promising
to return in 10 minutes
I deceived that patient
No, you are not the actual killer
That Dean is the real killer
We shouldn't let them go scot-free
Post about them in social media
Twitter, Facebook, Insta
Post and then?
What can we do?
We are powerless against them
To the best of our ability
We can at least save
our remaining patients
Anitha madam
Past 3 days you have
been here day and night
Please listen to me
Go home, take rest and come
If there's any problem here, I'll call you
She intends shutting down this hospital
and ruin our 10 year old business
'Then we have to end up begging'
You know the cylinders
we shifted from GH
She threatened me
And made me return
'That was my only way
of silencing her'
Advocating noble ideals
like humanitarianism
She won't keep quiet in future
If our malpractice leaks out
Then we'll be rotting in jail
for the rest of our lives
Tell me, what should I do?
You know to ask
for 10% partnership, no?
- Don't you know how to handle this?
- I'll take care
- Aunty, save me
- Anitha?!
They are here to kill me
'Get back in
Why buy trouble?'
- Hey!
- Please, sir, help
Hey! Get up
After all a house surgeon!
Threatening to seal my hospital?
Can't you shut your gob
like a prim and proper girl?
It wouldn't have gone this far
You've sent so many thugs
to bash me up
Who is the 'sissy' here?
She won't pipe down
Finish her off!
Hit her, man
Hey doctor!
Are you a psycho?
Watching a girl being bashed up!
I can't bear this sight
Get out of my way
Only a heart that yearns
and beats for another life
That's the purest soul in this universe
'Such a pure soul'
'For your greed and selfish interests'
'Making her suffer in the most
horrific way, you killed her'
'I wilted, whenever
I saw crops wither'
You quoted a noble soul
on every stage and every street
Anitha led such a noble exemplary life
And you let her die
There were 10-15 of them, sir
What could I have done, sir?
Then how did you kill Kali alone?
So blood is thicker than water, right?
Anitha did not die that day
because Kali killed her
'A soul used to struggling'
'Maybe that's why'
'She struggled for help
for 15 whole minutes'
'She has breathed her last'
If one of them had taken
the effort to come down
'Or at least if one person
had called for the ambulance'
That life could have been saved
There were so many residents in those flats
Why did you single me out
and torture me, sir?
This is a Tamilian's biggest disease
It isn't important
if we are suffering
But another person
should not be happy
But I played a fair game
I wrote the names of all the residents
on slips, in a bowl and picked
A random draw
You are the luckiest person
I am a common middle class boy, sir
How can I oppose all of them
and do anything, sir?
This fear and being a Robinson Crusoe
Good people go to dogs
The villains rule the roost!
When you're in trouble, you'll yearn
for God in the guise of a Good Samaritan
If a stranger is in trouble
you will watch the fun!
In the middle of a road in Tirupur
When just 3 people
killed a pair of lovers
300 of you stood around
and watched with curiosity!
If 30 of them had raised
their voice in protest
Not even that
If 10 of them had stoned the culprits
Those two lives could have been saved
From the time Christ was crucified
You are used to standing around
and gawking without a single protest
'As if you will reform listening to me!'
But one thing
Karma is a boomerang
'One day this will happen to you too'
Then you will understand
my pain and anguish
Okay, let's start the game
When switched on
In 3 minutes
That machine will absorb the oxygen
in the glass cage completely
Your mother and sister will last
only 2 minutes after that
What did you do to my son?
What did you do, I say?
You want to know?
When the blade drills into his body
It will pain like hell
'If he yells and
brings the roof down'
So I paralyzed him
That blade
In exactly 5 minutes
it will touch your son
Even with 1 extra second
Your son
It will splinter your son
to bits and pieces
I made the blunder
What did my son do?
Let him go
Not just the crime of
killing so many innocent patients
Even your sins will affect him
Release him
Do whatever you want with me
Our people are waiting online
for a long time for this entertainment
Let the show begin
Hey! Let him go, please
What, I say?
Having killed Kali
the notorious rowdy
He is just a doctor
Is that your thought process?
He knows only to hold an axe
and kill haphazardly
I know where to target
and how it will affect
Come on
Hey! You won't die?
'According to statement of witnesses
and the clear evidence obtained'
'Vijay has only been used as a tool'
According to IPC Section 97 and 100
Even though they were
murders by self-defense
'Because he was instigated
and coerced to kill'
'And being a young victim
with a good educational background'
'No one should treat this as a precedent'
'Therefore Vijay is sentenced
to a minimum jail term'
'One year rigorous imprisonment
as per the verdict of this court'
To nab at the earliest
Accused #1, the mask-man'
'The court further orders the police force'
I wanted to meet you, sir
If not for you, my mother
and sister won't be alive today
I am indebted to you, sir
Sit down
Why are you switching off the mike, sir?
Your gratitude
...should go to that masked man
Sir, he is the root cause of
all this trauma and tragedy
Why should I thank him?
Even if I hadn't broken the glass cubicle
the 'mask man' had engineered
'Nothing would have happened
to your mother and sister'
'Do you know why?'
'To ensure they could live, he had set
the minimum oxygen level correctly'
Not just that
'To ensure that dean's son is safe'
'He had inserted a rod to prevent
the circular saw from touching him'
This is why I said
you should thank him
One more thing
The rod twirling in front
of your mother's eyes
'He has been so careful
it should not pierce your mother's eye'
'We sent your mother's finger for analysis'
You know the report we got?
Before he chopped her finger
He performed a pain-free procedure
using local anaesthesia to numb her finger
Whether the 'mask man'
chopped her finger
Or your mother chopped it herself
Sir, why should my mother
chop her finger to aid that mask man?
Why torture me so much
besides the agony he was going through?
That mask-man wanted to
take revenge on Anitha's killer
Your mother wanted to
Change the punishment of her son
who killed 2 people, from Death sentence
To 1 year of rigorous imprisonment
Did that mask-man and
your mother have any-
- SIR!
- No...no...no
I am not insinuating
It was just a question
Have you traced that mask-man?
I went to that mask-man's
go-down at 11:30 a.m
I went when he was 'Live'
on the video call
Exactly the same time
The sunlight in his 'Live' video
And the sunlight
when I went there
There was a world of difference
So mask-man was not
'Live' on that video call
It was a fabricated recorded footage
Can the sun's ray lie?
Kali's post mortem report
The unexpected twist
What is it, sir?
Cause of death for Kali is not
the stab in his neck by you
His rib was broken
It pierced his lung
He died of asphyxiation
Only a well-trained fighter
...can punch powerfully like this
Look how you are acting
as if you are totally innocent!
You perform so well
Good actor!
Sir, what are you implying?
You are that masked-man!
"I am not some stranger mighty"
"Neither am I God Almighty"
"I am your death knell"
"I am your hell"
"Trust my words true
I'll never spare you"
'A stranger just called me'
'Claiming he has kidnapped
my mother and sister, sir'
'If I send your amma to Pakistan'
[checking audio output]
'If I send your amma to Pak-'
"Only Yama can put down
he who refuses to be overthrown"
"This Yama
He's called Siva"
"Here comes Yama
Masked man to end the trauma"
'Be careful, son'
"He is the Lord's camera"
'Fix the button camera'
I've reached Kali's house, ma
'Play the pre-recorded video properly'
Don't mess it up
'What will I do
inside a chicken shop, sir?'
'You will comply now, just watch'
'I don't know you'
'Are you a moron?'
Ma! You shouldn't put
this dialog for that video
- Insert this instead
- Aiyaiyo!
Why are you torturing us like this, sir?
'Even if something untoward happens to me
don't stop this live streaming, ma'
'The truth should be revealed to everyone'
"That path will turn out to be
tanked to the nth degree"
'Hello everybody'
"Evil sown as seed"
"Will never sleep or recede"
"Its odor will infect life indeed"
- Chop it
- I can't do it, ma
"Don't become
a victim"
- Amma, look, police
- Open that door, quick
"Feeding on many a sin
He is a falcon"
Fix your belt
Why did you enact this drama
as a family ganging up?
I know very well
Shall I tell you
or will you volunteer?
Yes, sir
We conspired as a family
As a tribute to my father
Please bear it, dear
'If you can spare your oxygen
for just 10 minutes'
'Can somebody help, please?'
Come here
Take my oxygen
Appa, your pulse is low
Your oxygen level also
You can't give now
Don't do this
Please listen to me, don't
Appa, you shouldn't give your mask
You can't breathe without it
Two lives, my dear
Oh God!
Save her
Lift her
"Father, you are like God too"
Give me 10 minutes
I'll go down and check
the oxygen cylinder
"Appa, you're all I see that's true"
"Clambering on your chest and shoulder"
"How can I forget ever
seeing the world, father?"
"You crooned to me as a baby"
"How can I forget that sweet lullaby?"
"Bonds limitless
Ties countless"
"Can they ever be compared
to a father's love many times squared?"
"In the sky of love extending true
Not a crescent, but a full moon are you"
"Even when you grow old and grey"
"A child still nestles in you everyday"
My dad who couldn't even bear
to see anyone suffer
Imagine how he would've cherished
the 2 lives he fathered, sir!
'That patient died'
'They took the body away'
"You're my Rock of Gibraltar
wiping my woes, my friend forever"
'Though Anitha was our neighbor'
'She considered herself
as part of our family, sir'
"Whenever I fall or fail badly
you instil bravery in me"
"My father who breathes for me"
"Who else here is the Almighty?"
"In space, earth, fire and water"
"You'll mingle and live forever"
"Preserving your name truly
Every breath we take duly"
"You will live gaily
within us daily"
'None of us were at home
the day Anitha died, sir'
'That was the day my appa died too'
'We had gone to see him
one last time, sir'
'But, as his son, I couldn't even
light the funeral pyre for him'
'You won't understand our dejection
and anguish if I describe it to you, sir'
"Father, you are like God too"
"Appa, you're all I see that's true"
"Clambering on your chest and shoulder"
"How can I forget ever
seeing the world, father?"
'We wept nonstop daily'
'We were crying our heart out'
'We couldn't even eat a morsel of food
thinking of the way my dad and Anitha died'
'We couldn't sleep even a wink'
'We couldn't focus on any work, sir'
Bless you, son
This is for you
Appa, are you gifting me
a book for this birthday too?
'Not realising the kind of
world we are living in'
'We went through
intense agony daily, sir'
'Only a heart that yearns and
beats for another life'
'That's the purest soul in this universe'
'My father's favorite quote'
Killing two such pure lives
'Without an iota of guilt whatsoever'
They were leading
a happy, carefree life
The more I saw that
The anger within us
amplified as rage
'We couldn't live peacefully
in that house after that, sir'
'We decided to kill them'
So we shifted our house
After that, ensuring we don't get caught
we planned every detail for 2 years
We conspired as a family
and killed him, sir
Taking action in our hands
may seem wrong in the eyes of Law
But as far as we are concerned
Our plan appeared fair and just
I am able to sleep peacefully, sir
The 2 culprits you killed
Deserved to die
I have no intentions
of snitching on you
There is no perfect crime
or perfect criminal
But if you intend to
conspire like this again
This file contains all the evidence
regarding your case
Whether I should use it
Or burn it to embers
The decision is yours
You can go now
Go, da
'But if you intend to
conspire like this again'
'This file contains all the evidence
regarding your case'
'Whether I should use it'
'Or burn it to embers'
'The decision is yours'
"I am not some stranger mighty"
"Neither am I God Almighty"
'With gratitude always