Hit Man (1972) Movie Script

[intense music]
[female #1]
This is Tyrone Tackett.
Cornell's brother.
He sent me the telegram.
'What do you want?'
I'm here in L.A., the airport.
Need a ride.
'Ha, ha, ha. You Tacketts had
your last ride on me.'
Cornell said, you was
a general informant.
'Of course. I gave what he
wanted. You, are another story.'
What about
the funeral arrangement?
I mean, is somebody
with my brother?
You was his own lady?
'If that's what he told you,
you got some spotting up to do.'
'Cornell's dead, so are you
for all I care.'
["Hit Man"]
Hit Man, Hit Man
What you gonna do
about the situation
Hit Man, Hit Man
What you gonna do
about the situation
Do your thing by
the golden moon
Doing it on to other
before they do it on to you
Bridge it up,
you got to take it in
'Cause the stake you play
can be played again
Hit Man, Hit Man
What you gonna do
about the situation
Hit Man, Hit Man
What you gonna do
about the situation
Smooth-talking, slow-walking,
hands-shaking, love-making
Laid in the shiny sheet and a
bronze blaze sisters' bleed
I pull the flowing cup sharin'
all your problems up
Would you hear me. What you
gonna do? It's on you
What you gonna do?
It's on you
If the girl you want
ain't those lillies
you ain't looking
for a girl.
- Ha, ha, ha.
- Okay, brother.
[jazz music]
[people chattering]
You mean, somebody's been
talking to you about me?
Oh, yeah. You are
a real superstar, baby.
Yeah. Well, sweet man.
You're about to get
the superstar treatment.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-mm.
Come on. Why don't you tell me
who it was that bragged on me?
Cornelle Tackett. My brother.
Thanks for the telegram.
You know, you come off real hard
on the phone, Irvelle.
I could still be at the airport
watching them planes land.
- Tyrone.
- Tyrone Tackett, mama.
Now, my brother is dead
and I wanna know why.
I don't know nothing.
Where's his daughter,
I don't know nothing
about her.
Well, maybe you need sometime
to freshen your memory.
And I'm gonna call you
about the funeral.
And you gonna talk
and I'm gonna listen.
I don't dig funerals, man.
- Cornell will never know.
- Well, I will.
I mean after all, Irvelle,
you was Cornell's...thing.
So I'll see you
at the funeral.
Huh? Superstar.
Hey, Rochelle?
[intense music]
[church organ music]
Was he in bad shape?
No, they fished his car
out of the water
about an hour after
he went through the rail.
He drowned?
The police said, your brother
drowned in alcohol
before he hit the water.
How you doing?
I'm sorry about your father.
What the cops say?
They said, your old man's dead.
How's centennials?
I left school last year.
- What're you doing?
- I'm doing Woolworth's.
Where you gonna live?
I've got friends.
Look, I'd really like it..
Me and my old lady,
if you'd come to Oakland
and live with us.
Cornell would have dug it
if we stuck together.
What's she doing here?
She's a friend
of your father's.
She was no friend.
Glad you could make it, Irvelle.
I didn't know when to come
and get your ass.
What's wrong
between you and Rochelle?
I ain't got nothing to do
with her, you understand?
Cornell talked a lot
about you. You know that?
I thought y'all was
pretty tight and everything.
I saw her a couple of times.
I wasn't family.
But you was his main thing
after his old lady
walked out on him.
- Don't shine me over, Irvelle.
- Look man.
I don't know nothin'
about nothing, you got that?
And that's the righteous truth.
You should keep your
head open, here.
When I'm ready, we're gonna
sit down and talk about it
and you're gonna
tell me something.
This might keep you alive.
Shall we pray?
'Heavenly father.'
'As we prepare
to commit the body of'
'your servant, Cornell Tackett
to the crematorium's fires.'
'We pray that his soul shall be
spared from the hell fires'
'of eternal damnation.'
Cornell was one fine dude.
- I'm Sherwood Epps.
- How you doing?
No lie. He sure was.
I'm Emerson Rays.
My pleasure. Cornell
spoke of both you guys, man.
Glad you came out.
Thank you,
thank you very much.
Sure gonna miss him.
Mr. Tackett?
Mr. Tackett.
We're, uh, former friends
of your brother's.
You got our condolences.
Uh, he's not finished
yet, Mr. Tackett.
See, we wanted
to say goodbye here.
'Cause we know we won't be
seeing you after the burial.
Since you'll be heading
right back to Oakland.
Not burial, a cremation.
You see, Tacketts' don't dig
being pushed into the ground.
I'm sure I'll see you
brothers again.
If you do, Mr. Tackett. You're
going to be hurtin' real bad.
Now that your brother's
been taken care of..
There's nothing keeping
you here at all.
Now, you keeping me
here, man.
Sherwood? How long, you
and my brother were partners?
Me and Cornell started in a
used car business together.
Just 'em flenders and
then re-polish.
He's the best damn
hot wire man, I ever saw.
'And now he's gone.'
'Crashes through a fence,
ends up dead in the ocean.'
'I can't figure it out.'
'It just don't make sense.'
Real worth dying.
I have some news.
You don't think Cornell
dropped it on himself.
Eh, man, forget that shit.
That's not the way
you see it boy!
The last time you saw him,
how was he acting?
- Was he hit bad?
- Hmm.
He was a little bit edgy.
Nobody knows
a damn thing.
He's a super fine man.
You motherfuckers.
What's the matter
with this chick?
It should be okay, if she gets
her head straightened.
- 'I'm sorry, bro.'
- Really, you think so?
No, no. I am.
I'm a man of storm.
- See you later.
- Yeah. Okay, man.
- Lay down, sir.
- How will I've known?
I guess that she is uptight
about this whole thing.
Hey Tyron, I like to go there
and repo a Continental
from a dude.
You give me a hand,
you got yourself a car to drive.
Sure, where do you got it?
Where's the car anyway?
Odeon Broadway.
Sherwood, you know Julian Swift?
Yeah, I know him.
He falls about 27 down there.
Trying it through to make
on me for a Cadillac.
Now that I'll go on
big time, you know..
Where is he at?
Who he was seen doing.
He doesn't know
what's going on.
You know they tell me,
he's training fighting dogs
you know, Pit bulls
or something like that.
- Does he so?
- That's right. Yeah.
He was a big highroller.
- No shit.
- He's the trainer.
- Tailraiser.
- Really..oh, oh.
When I was a kid,
he was in for nothing.
He might have been
a trailblazer
but he gone to dogs now.
'Say, man?'
'How'd you come you do know
Swift, anyway?'
'Streets, man.
He ruled our neighborhood.'
- Hey, Sherwood.
- What's happening?
What about I go over there,
Everybody knows she was a whore.
Let's just say,
she let her little light shine.
I got a special
90 day deal on this baby.
Come on in the office, I've got
other things I wanna show you.
'You might have to kill me to
get this car back, Sherwood.'
Ha, ha.
That ain't nothing, baby.
Thanks, Sherwood.
That got me alive in here.
Oh, man. Enough
of your shit.
Oh, I can tell this
cat's handwriting.
You think I didn't know?
Look, man.
I am tryin' a unload this 90-day
double guaranteed turkey.
It ain't even got no music, man.
Now, all of a sudden,
you're a handwriting expert.
Yeah, I'm tryin' to close
the deal with my man, Tyrone.
- God damn right.
- Now, you get outta here--
You're so smashed, you
couldn't close the damn door.
Yes, he could. Hey, man. Hey!
Hey, hey wait a minute
'Hey, come back here, nigger.'
Laural says
you're A-okay with it.
[female #2]
I bet you miss me already.
Don't you baby?
I'm sorry,
but you have the wrong number.
This is Oakland, the Biggs.
Rita, do you know what I like?
I like it when you be stickin'
'em big brown titties in my ass.
- 'I see.'
- Yeah, but then I don't.
We should tell Merri
what goes on when you making
'em old dirty pictures of me.
You tell him.
Here, Merri. Mer?
There's some creep on the phone
with the most foul mouth
'that I've ever heard.'
Look, Mr. Jive-ass.
'It's freaks like you
that give'
'legitimate pornography
a bad name.'
Probably, just saw
your latest movie.
[jazz music]
Do we go and get
on the neighbor?
I'm gonna stay
all night 'cause
I might get lucky this time.
You know what I mean?
I keep tidy around, like your
private cars, you see.
Oh, is that right?
Maybe a husband get
lucky too and catch it.
It ain't like that, now.
My man ain't Peaches,
Big Daddy. It's Laural.
How'd you know
my name was Big Daddy?
'Cause, I had checked you out.
You know I'd sleep too
but party is four.
Oh, one of my permanent guests
has checked out you know.
- Must've forgotten.
- Permanent?
The ones that cut
the motors off?
Hey, Laural.
You got any change?
Fat Al, won't make it
no more
without that
magic fingers vibrating.
Oh, get your ass
back to your room.
God damn, Waste King.
You know I run
a respectable, commute
orientated establishment here.
- Umm, you're travelling man?
- Commuter.
Well, the toilet's right here.
And we clean it every day.
Real quire?
Well, I keep my springs
[jazz music]
How fast was he goin'?
Fast enough to go
through this fence.
Of course it's hard to tell
without skid marks.
'Probably some suicide,
I guess.'
Sure in hell, wished
they'd stayed at home
and opened up a Van
or something.
'It was my brother, man.'
[intense music]
Shit! Man, you almost
shot my derby.
You shoot my derby,
I'm gonna whoop your ass.
'Bugger shot my car.
[crowd chattering]
Any of you great boys
want to cover?
- How much can you stand, huh?
- Two hundred and--
- What's it worth, thief?
- Your mama--
Do we have Swift, around?
Keep looking around.
He's around.
[crowd chattering]
- White suits you, Shag.
- Tyrone Tackett.
Shag Merriweather.
[crowd cheering]
Word was, you was
a police in, Oakland.
Yeah, well I'm back
on the streets now.
Visiting family?
I would be, if they was here.
- Moved?
- No, dead.
Hey, get him,
Joey. Get him.
[crowd cheering]
You're working
for Theatis Oliver?
Not, Nano Zito, man.
Why are you asking, man?
I'm from the welfare department.
I'm checking to see that you
niggers stay employed.
God man. Get off my case.
I have not yet begun to get
on your case, brother.
Come on, Joey.
[crowd cheering continues]
[intense music]
'Pull over.
Good humor, man.'
Open the gates.
If there's one scratch
on that limousine, I'm gonna
kick his ass. Hear me?
- I don't give a shit!
- But they have guns, Esposito.
Yeah. But he's trying
to be a big jerk!
I'll find it, sir.
Oh, here it is, boss.
Ha, ha, ha. Hello, Tackett.
You dumb nigger.
- Oh, yes, sir.
- Ha, ha. Come on have a drink.
Go on.
Gozelda, get our guest a drink.
I cry. I really.. Sometimes, I
think I'll retire.
Kiss off to the Bahamas and let
somebody else run that league.
Yeah. I see.
Never mind, Shag.
Nobody's perfect.
Polish the car.
- Come on, boy.
- 'Hey watch it.'
Murray Biggs it before buying.
Give his regards.
Oh nice boy.
Is he's getting richer
on 'em tid movies up in Oakland?
Yeah, he's making grand
theft dough.
That's the way
it should be.
I heard about your loss.
My sincerest sympathies.
'Cornell, was a nice boy.'
You are on next, Mr. Zito.
Me and Gussle play.
$100 a point.
You're the boss.
Soft. Not like
the old man here.
So, you know Murray Biggs, huh?
He's my boss.
He came to see,
Mr. Zita on business.
He said he was going
to make me a star.
- 'Where the hell have you--'
- 'Right here.'
- 'Pass it Mr. Zito.'
- 'That ain't nothin'.'
Oh, Jesus.
Yeah, come on.
Your game boss.
You're really faster than me.
Hey, hey Tackett, listen to it.
I almost put them on.
Yeah and he played
like it too.
You want to play me boy?
Where I come from boss,
we only play the winners.
Hey Gozalda, show Tackett,
where to change.
You're about to play a winner.
You shut up.
This way, please.
[jazz music]
When Murray was here,
he and I became very tight.
- Oh, yeah.
- Mm-hm.
I went for a damn good
part in Shaft.
Did you get it?
Well, we'll talk about
that later.
If you like to see some
film sometime.
It's kind of a screen test.
Maybe, you could rap to Murray
about it.
Are you the star?
You know, I'm the star,
for Murray, of course.
Well, I figured
that when I saw you.
knew you was a star.
- I can dig all that.
- You think you can, hmm?
Now's your chance.
Get outta my way.
You're in my way.
Can you even play?
Get Shag.
I'll take winners.
- You black bastard.
- 'Hold it, Gussle.'
Jesus, Tackett, what the hell
has happened to you?
You never used
to give nobody no trouble.
Always did what you was told.
You're such a nice boy.
It's the same thing
you said about my brother.
Now you come bustin' in here,
tag Gussie.
It's your game.
'Roll tape, clear make-up.
Slate it.'
Brothers and sisters,
you'll find that right on
late model used car,
right here at Epps car city.
And no matter what's your
credit situation
we'll put you behind
the wheel of a car
that you'll be proud to drive.
And for you Presty's
mother fuckers we got some cars
- that'll make you wanna jump--
- Cut. Cut it.
I'm afraid we can't use it.
You said it again, Mr. Epps.
Said what?
What the fuck did I say?
That word.
- Oh shit!
- Alright, roll it back.
'Don't fall apart.
We'll go get in a minute.'
- 'Where did I get that?'
- I ain't got it man.
Just ain't got it.
Yeah, well, guess
you don't Sherwood?
Any fool could dig on that.
Hey, you know a cat
named, Huey?
Dude, always wears a lid.
Yeah, been following me
around town.
I think he works for Zito.
Yeah, he came through here
full of questions.
- What'd you tell him brother?
- I didn't tell him shit.
Huh, you know me, baby.
Sherwood, my man.
- Look I got to split.
- Yeah, where are you goin'?
Oh, to the Hollywood.
Keep your wallet in your mouth
while you shower on baby.
[upbeat music]
'Give me a coke, brother.'
[male #1]
'Show me now.'
Hey, Rochelle, what's up?
Everything cool?
You coming to Oakland?
I don't know
no one in Oakland.
- 'Where are you going?'
- 'I've got friends.'
- Shit, where's my coat?
- Plenty of friends.
- Name 'em?
- Well, Reggie's one.
This dude messing with you?
Look young blood,
this is family, man.
So, you be cool,
before I knock you out.
- He's my uncle.
- Oh, your uncle, Tyrone, huh?
Jack ass!
'I wanna see the people you're
gonna be living with, Rochelle.'
Don't come on like you own me.
I ain't answerin' to you.
We're all the family we got,
do you know that?
All the family
I got is dead.
Got nothin' to say, huh?
'We'll let them
split into somethin'
'if I don't see you tomorrow'
'oh, you'll be good, eh?'
- And don't trust boys.
- I already don't.
- Here...buy Reggie a coke.
- Thanks.
Got a goodbye kiss
for your uncle?
You kiss like an uncle.
Hey, baby, did he? We got cash
now. Come on now baby. Shit.
'How much money,
we've got here?'
'Twenty, Thirty, Forty..'
'Shit, we got some
blow money so fast.'
'- See how much more we get.'
- 'Oh yeah.'
'Eighty, Ninety. Hmm..'
[female #3]
'Mr. Tackett.'
I have something for you.
Come around there.
[instrumental music]
- This was left for you.
- Thank you.
'Oh, what is it?'
It's my brother.
Well, uh, guest in the room
gonna cost extra.
If that was true you'd be a
millionaire, you know that?
Can I use your phone?
I'll get time
and charges later.
[phone ringing]
- Hello.
- Hey, baby.
I sure do miss your fine stuff.
Tyrone, when're you
coming back to Oakland?
- 'I wanna hold you.'
- I'm holdin' you right now.
'Can you feel me?
My warm touch.'
- 'Where you at?'
- By the pool.
- What've you got on?
- 'Black bikini.'
- Take it off for me.
- Murray's around.
Take off the top.
It's off.
Now, take a handful.
'Hold that left one for me.
My favorite one, baby.'
That's me holding you, baby.
Touching you.
Lips all over your body.
I'm in your secret places.
Can you feel me, sweet dame?
'We're inside, hot and strong.'
[exhales heavily]
Damn baby, you've been reading
those massage books again?
It works Murray. I really works.
I feel you all over.
- Hung up.
- I'm not.
[mellow instrumental music]
- Enough, I can't.
- Yes you can.
Either way I like my men proud
and erect.
[knock on the door]
Oh, who is that?
[knock on the door]
[knock on the door]
[knocking continues]
- Hey man they came?
- How many?
Three of them.
They're out there some place.
[car horn blaring]
'Tyrone Tackett!'
What's happening baby, Huey?
I see, you got yourself
a new car.
Yo, I wanna talk
to you, Tackett.
- Confidentially--
- Stay in the car, man.
I'll come down and listen to
What's on your mind, man?
I've been elected
to pass this on to you.
'Plane leaves for Oakland
at five minutes to twelve.'
- You ain't late yet.
- I might be.
If you're on that plane,
the only that you'll be is dead.
How're you gonna make
that happen?
That white man you got
in the back seat?
You know, Nita Biggs,
must be gettin'
awfully lonely
up there in Oakland.
'Nobody but her husband
to keep her happy.'
It's probably a white man taking
care of her right now, Leon.
You're starting to get on
a hand, maybe.
[instrumental jazz music]
'What're you doing?'
What's going on down there?
[music continues]
Get up, God damn it.
Get your rugged ass up.
Get up Nigger.
I'll knock you out.
Come on, get up.
Go on.
[door bell rings]
- Get in.
- No, really. Ow!
Look Huey, you gonna
have some kinda agreement.
Man I'm gonna kick
all the black off your ass.
Get off my case Tackett.
This is LA.
'Just don't dig no out of town
shit comin' down.'
I didn't dig burying my brother
either, sucker.
Yeah, but you're messin'
with some heavy weights.
- The police will search--
- Fuck the police!
They don't care
if some Nigger gets off.
- Look you motherfucker--
- No! Oh!
You uptight about my coming
down in here, weren't you?
Hit that bastard.
Hit him.
What's going on?
All the scream is gonna
bring the police here.
Shit, the noises
going on in this place.
- Ain't nobody gonna hear.
- 'Who is it, man?'
You know I can't..
- Nano Zito?
- You know--
You're gonna tell me
I can't tell you.
You know, I can't.
Got a name for me?
Kill him.
- Theatis..
- Kill him.
Ow, Theatis Oliver.
Who's Theatis Oliver?
Some cat that run a chain of
porno film theatres around town.
Now, listen, Tackett.
If I don't get the story, I'm--
Now look, Laural,
you've been a real sunshine
through all of this, baby.
Now don't mess up.
Alright, man, you got
what you want out of me.
- You gonna let me go?
- Maybe you must be nuts.
Look, don't let
this guy near no phone.
I wanna see Theatis Oliver.
Tackett. Don't let on I was
the one of fat mouth on Theatis.
'Sit down.'
[music playing at distance]
Damn, What the hell
is going on here?
What is this?
- Jesus, well--
- Theatis, it's just a party.
Don't get excited now.
- I'll murder the little slit.
- Theatis, they're only kids.
Drinking all over
the town..
- Daddy.
- That's right, sugar. Daddy.
Give her chance to explain.
Daddy, you promised you
won't be home until tonight.
By tonight, my house will be on
the six o'clock news.
Is this what you call
having few friends
in for a coke, huh?
Alright, turn off
that goddamn music.
'Just get out,
party time is over.'
[indistinct chatter]
'Come on, let's go.
Let's get out of here.'
Sherry, your mama
will hear about this.
Your husband
is a regular grouch.
- Theatis.
- That's a set up, Yolanda.
'I'm not that dull,
you idiot.'
- Oh, my house is a wreck.
- What's this smell in here?
'What you been
smoking, Antoinette?'
'Dolly, what have
you been doing?'
'Open up.'
open that door.'
Good afternoon.
The door was open,
so I just came on in.
- Who are you?
- I'm a neighbor.
- I came about the noise.
- Noise? What noise?
Look, I just
wanna see Oliver.
So, will you please tell him
that Baby Huey sent me?
- 'Theatis.'
- 'What?'
'Theatis, there's someone
here to see you.'
'Who is it?'
'I don't know, somebody
Baby Huey sent.'
What the hell is this?
My house or some
goddamn cabaret?
Well, what do you want?
Yolanda tells me
a Baby Huey sent you.
You don't know who I am?
- You don't.
- Don't what?
Know me.
Fuck, man,
I already know that.
Now, what's going on?
I made a mistake, brother.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Mistake about what?
It doesn't matter.
What's the shit
about all this noise?
- It was loud.
- Where do you live?
Told you it was loud.
That's very funny.
Now, let me
tell you something.
I don't dig no strange dude
come busting in my house.
Now you better
tell me something?
Now you're
a big cat, Oliver.
But don't try and sell me
no wolf tickets, man.
Cool it, mama.
- There's people..
- Get out of here.
Get out, now.
[jazz music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
They came back, huh?
No, Tyrone.
I'd just been doing my nails.
Hard to say.
You know, I get my butt kicked
for a perfect stranger
and not a word of kindness.
Well, put it on the bill.
Where's Sherwood?
He dragged him out of
here...and they hurt me.
Oh. Well, you're lucky,
'cause they kill too.
Baby Huey nearly
died laughing.
That lyin' sucker.
What about Sherwood?
I mean, what's he gonna do?
Look, Sherwood's
got a whole lifetime
of taking care of himself
behind him--
You know, you're real one.
You're real bastard!
I don't know where he is.
You know where he is?
Well, forget it then.
Suppose I phone the police
and tell them
there's this dude
living in my motel
who's planning
to put some holes.
But you wouldn't do that
'cause then I'll blow you away.
Listen, I've been
threatened before.
I know how you like your men.
Proud and erect.
'You ain't the only one
who fits that description.'
But I'm the only one here.
Give me a dime
for a phone call
and I'll fill this room.
I ain't got no dime.
Oh, Tyrone, be careful.
Oh, Tyrone.
Alright, Jesus..
I got love, T'one.
Come on.
'What's shaking, Ty?'
You're getting in
some strokes, brother?
Man, cannot I get
a moment's peace.
Orders is orders.
Biggs wants you
back in Oakland.
And you cats will not take
"no" for an answer, man.
Nita misses you.
Now look, we know what's
got you steppin' in shit.
And everybody's sorry
about that.
But that's gonna be
spread cool, Tyrone
while you still
got some friends here.
Well, put me
on the plane, man.
Maybe, we'll let him
get his gun off first.
How was that, brother?
Zito says, all the trouble
you cause reflects on him.
He ain't burn no more.
I wish he'd say that before
somebody offed my brother.
Get your head out
of your butt, man.
Now, we're gonna take you back
to Oakland...sooner or later.
- Dead or alive.
- Head up, funny guy.
Take that honkey with you.
You're not leaving again,
are you, Tyrone?
What am I supposed to do?
Sit here with my finger.
Proud and erect, baby.
[knocking on door]
Sherwood, it's Tyrone.
- Sherwood.
- 'Kiss my butt.'
'Ooh, Sherwood, they sure
kick your butt?'
- Say what?
- I..
Oh, my back.
Man, they walked all over you.
No shit.
- You knew they'd come back.
- No, I didn't, brother.
Any word on Julius Swift?
Somebody said
he's feeding animals.
Feeding animals?
Jesus Christ.
What the hell happened
to that guy?
What's this?
You wrecked it already?
Well, keep 'em.
'I got a healthy insure.'
Well, I hope you got yourself
heavily insured anyway.
You poor baby.
you see, Sherwood,
that's just what you get
for messing
with that young stuff.
Get out of here.
- Hang tough, buddy.
- You, too, man.
[mellow music]
[tiger roaring]
[speaking in foreign language]
Hey, baby,
is Julius Swift around?
No, I haven't seen him
all morning.
He's supposed to be here.
Can I help?
No, that's cool.
Oh, if you're looking
for Tablo village
it's behind the barn.
Tablo village?
What the hell is that?
It's a mass,
I see, in a building.
Julius got some actor friends,
they're in it.
Well, I'm one of
the Igbo chieftain types.
Have you known Julius Long?
Yep, since she
was about, maybe, that tall.
Thank you, baby.
Yeah, at the funeral, Rochelle
was acting real strange.
Very cold, I mean,
I could understand.
I know where she was
coming from with that stuff.
How well you know Rochelle?
Said "hello"
a couple of times.
Hello, brother.
How about some flowers?
- Yes.
- I'll take this one bunch.
- Okay.
- Alright, there you go.
- Thank you, brother.
- Hey, thanks.
What was happening
with you and Cornell?
- You know, what were you into?
- Hey, man, he was good to me.
- And that's all?
- He's better than most.
But nothing heavy, huh?
Just wanted little low light
weight street thing, right?
- Man, you know what I am.
- Yeah, I know what you are.
So? And I'm good
at it, too.
How come you all spent
so much time together?
Because Cornell dug me.
Cornell wasn't ashamed
to be seen in daylight with me.
Hey, dig it, Irvelle--
Look, man, it was nice to have
a life outside the house.
We had a groovy thing going.
I'm just trying to find out
what was bugging
the dude, that's all.
Cornell wanted me
to move away
from Candy, Lilly,
and move in with him.
He raised holy hell
outside that place.
If they found out I had
some side bets going..
Girls have been
killed for that.
So I told him
I couldn't see him no more.
That was Sunday.
He said he was going
to kill himself.
I didn't believe it.
I ain't working, Irvelle.
Now, you're gonna tell me
something else.
'Cause that is not
where Cornell's head was.
- I'm the freak in the family.
- But it's the truth.
- Bullshit.
- Honest.
Look, you two-for-nickel
jive street-time whore.
Cornell was too hip
to get off like that.
Now, tell me who killed him?
How you doing, playboy?
Zito's pretty pissed at you.
Oh, yeah?
Had to tell Murray about you
fooling around with his mother.
You know, you lyin'
for brown helmet.
Get in the car, punk.
I tell you two guys
one thing.
Zito or Biggs or nobody
craps on my head.
Got that?
Get in.
[dramatic music]
[tires screeching]
'Hey, Tyrone.'
[music continues]
Just made number one
on my list.
I'll be damned.
I've to say,
the man's got talent.
Well, if anymore people
follow me around
they gonna have
to get a parade for me.
Aren't you the lucky one?
I just might be getting lucky.
'Where you taking me to?'
Close your eyes and see.
[soft music]
'Who catches
the rent around here?'
Theatis Oliver.
Is he coming here?
He wants to see you
at his new theatre.
But first, I just
had to kidnap you.
I'm thinking, what happens
if Zito finds out
that Oliver's keeping you.
He won't.
He thinks
I'm just a dumb girl.
Oh, we really get to that
behind that porno thing, huh?
But only when
I play the lead.
Oh, yeah?
You're an actress.
The first act
is coming up.
[music continues]
- Well, what is this?
- Oh, wait a minute, you'll see.
- Theatis.
- Tackett?
- Thanks for coming, man.
- What's happening, Oliver?
Oh, man, nothing's happening.
You know.
Really appreciate the fact
that you could make it.
Say, hey. Man, come on,
let me show you around.
- You wait here, babe.
- Alright.
Well, man, this is it.
Out of the porno,
into the big time.
This will be the showcase
of my theatre chain.
Nothing but first run.
Hard ticket.
Well, man,
how do you like it?
Well, you've got
somebody to, uh..
...close all these drapes
for you?
We'll only be opened
at night, man. You know.
And if the customers
don't dig the picture
they can sit around
enjoy the city.
Yesterday, after you left,
I did some checkin'.
Since you weren't opening up.
Seems like your concerned
about your brother's death.
Concerned? Yeah.
I think you can
say that, Oliver.
Now, I was thinking,
it would be nice
if the, uh, dudes
that you're tracking down
are the same catch
that's right in my butt.
You know my life,
Tackett, it's..
This porno shit
it's a nice living.
I mean, it takes care of itself.
Not much of rough stuff
until lately.
Shit, man,
I ain't no gangster.
I don't want no war.
Hell, no.
But I gotta get to them
before they get to me, man.
But you know
the trouble is, Tackett
if I blow it, man,
I'm dead!
Tackett, five grand
belongs to you.
Along with the name
I'm gonna give you.
Name of the man
who...killed your brother.
Give me the name.
Nano Zito.
'Oh, my partners.'
- Hey!
- Oh-oh, your partners.
I don't see more muscle
in this town than that
and I ain't impressed
with them.
Now, what I wanna know, man,
is how come Zito hit Cornell?
All I heard is that,
they were sweating piss
at Zito's place Saturday.
Your brother's name
came up.
Next day, he was dead.
But why?
He wasn't into nothing.
I don't know,
that's all they told me.
Well, it's not enough, Oliver.
Jesus, man!
I mean, I, uh-uh..
Look, just because
he turned me on to you
don't you try
the same thing, man.
Well, you're wrong, man.
When all you
underworld characters
and heavy dudes
start shootin'
you let me know.
Meanwhile, I'm going
to the mattress, brother.
Come on, baby.
'Hey, wait a minute, man.'
I'm telling you, it was Zito
who killed your brother!
Hey, Tackett!
How come your going
the scenic route?
I'm parked over on 107.
I got a surprise for you.
Coming attractions.
[door buzzing]
My favorite customer. Wow.
I don't have to pay you.
[jazz music]
Oh, coming on now.
She was standing on a corner
looking good
Trying to hitch a ride up
into Hollywood
Pretty little thing
just in a mini skirt..
'That's Irvelle.
She's not a real actress.'
She was a call girl
Oh, yes
I'll be only in a second.
A star is born.
[male #1]
[audience whistling]
She acted?
- Who?
- The kid.
No. She's one of the nice girls.
We had to get her drunk
and slap her
to get her clothes off.
...Young blood
She was mine, mine, mine
I gotta make her mine
Oh, yeah
And that's Julius Swift.
That man is hung.
What's the matter?
Don't this
turn you on?
Maybe Murray Biggs
would like to see it.
I can get a print.
...Young blood..
Hey, what's the matter?
But you didn't see
the last of it.
What's the matter
with you?
Tell me about that girl.
What girl?
Young blood.
I don't know, man. She's just
some kid from the streets.
Was it Julius?
I don't think so.
What about Oliver,
he make that film?
No, he just shows them.
Well, who makes them?
Zito. Making films
gets him off.
Who set it up?
Then he pulled the girl.
Can you tell me
what's going on?
Did my brother, Cornell,
find out about that?
Find out what?
What are you talking about--
You lyin' brat.
Tell me the truth.
The-the girl's name
is Rochelle.
You know her last name,
do you?
No, no, no, I don't.
It's Tackett.
Same as mine. Tackett.
And her fight with my brother..
..was killed
because of all this!
Get in your Limo.
Go on, get your butt up there.
Damn you.
[jazz music]
[music continues]
- Put that gun down.
- Don't mess with me.
You're about
the only one left, Laurel.
[elephant trumpeting]
[Female #??]
'That's a good girl.
Come on.'
Where's Julius?
He's in the elephant shed.
Come on.
You'll be next.
[elephant trumpets]
What's happening, Julius?
Hey, Ty.
Hey, I didn't know
anything about Rochelle.
I just thought
she was some hot pants
brought off the street,
you know.
'She act cooler, huh?'
He knew her well.
'Oh, when did you find out
who she was?'
- Couple of weeks back.
- How?
He saw the flick, and
he wanted to know about her.
So you told him, huh?
'Yeah, I did.'
Who killed Cornell?
Last Sunday, Shag
and a couple of his boys
came by her house
with Cornell
and...they said he was pissed.
'Somehow or other,
he got to see the film.'
And he was talking about death.
They asked me
for some whiskey
and started
to force it down his mouth.
I-I thought they were just
going to mess him up, you know.
What did you do, Julius?
What could I do?
Did Shag know
that Cornell is my brother?
Yeah, I told him.
What did he say?
Then they drove away
in his car.
And that's how
my brother died, huh?
You know, me and Cornell
looked up to you, Julius.
I mean, man..
...you were it.
'Education, out front,
making it, you know.'
Now, you're just here,
feeding elephants
in North Africa.
[elephant trumpets]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
Get out.
You about to play
your biggest scene, actress.
Now, you can run..
...or I'm gonna shoot
your face off.
[music continues]
You shouldn't have showed
Cornell that film, man.
That would make him
mad enough to kill Zito.
But instead,
he killed Cornell!
I didn't mean for that
to happen. I just wanted Zito.
Then they killed Rochelle.
Shot her in the head.
But chicks like your bullshit
bourgeois daughter
can do anything they wanna do.
'Cause you got the bread.
Ain't that right, Oliver?
But the Rochelles of the world
coming from the streets
end up dead
or huffin' or hookin'.
Let me tell you one thing.
That shit is got to stop.
Come on, move out.
Move out or I'll blow
your head off.
Christ, Tackett!
You're not a killer, man.
Put the gun down, huh?
I'm over here at
the Dove Valley theatre.
Get here right away.
It's important.
[door bell rings]
Where's Irvelle?
She's with the girls
at a private party.
Nano Zito bought
the whole place out.
I gotta use the phone.
[telephone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[ringing continues]
Mr. Zito says it's time
you boys found another business.
[people chattering]
Telephone, Mr. Zito.
Hello? Who is this?
'This is Tyrone Tackett.'
And I'm hip
to what's been going down.
'It's a simple deal.'
'There's only one cat I want.'
'Call it straight, okay?'
What do you want?
I want Shag.
Signal Street.
Turno island
I think it could be arranged.
But I don't want them there
before 6 o'clock in the morning.
'Why so early, Ty?'
Well, I'm catching
the...early flight
back to Oakland, Mr. Zito.
Kiss my butt.
Did you shut up
the kid?
Good. I got
an early delivery for you.
I want you to go home
and get some sleep.
And I think we'll try and
carry on without you.
Yeah, I know him, Mr. Zito.
Any idea where I can find him?
I'll be there.
- She home?
- Hmm?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
[intense music]
[gun firing]
[firing continues]
What the hell's going on here?
What do you want?
I got cunning boys
working for me.
I'll give you money,
all you want.
I'm Zito. Nano Zito.
Give me a break.
'Oh, God!'
How about a drink, old buddy?
[jazz music]
[music continues]
You're getting tired,
fat man?
[music continues]
One last drink
to my brother, Shag.
This is how you made
Cornell take it? huh?
This is how you made
Cornell take it?
What are you killing me for?
How many 16-year-olds
did you pull
over the Biggs brothers, huh?
You know, they had fathers
and brothers too.
You ain't dead for pulling her,
you killed her.
- No, it wasn't me.
- My brother too.
I didn't kill him.
Nano Zito did it.
Look, you know
how mighty Whitey is.
He set me up.
Come on, man.
Hell, I didn't do it.
I got some for Zito.
I got some for worth, guinea.
You're diggin' it, huh?
You got the taste of blood,
huh, animal?
Huh? You know,
what you ought to do
you oughta take the gun
and stick it in your mouth.
And then, pull the trigger,
'cause you will never stop.
- Run, Uncle Remus.
- Oh, no.
- Run!
- Oh, no, no.
Hey, I ain't dyin'
in front of you.
[train whistles]
You animal.
[woman on radio]
'Possible multiple homicide'
'reported 2405
Glendower boulevard.'
[woman on radio]
'Multiple homicides confirmed.'
'Residence of Nano Zito.'
'Subject on tech squad
surveillance bulletin.'
[music continues]
'Nano Zito. Repeat.
Nano Zito confirmed dead.'
'Multiple gunshot wounds.'
Hit man, hit man
What you gonna do
about the situation
Hit man, hit man
What you gonna do
about the situation
What you gonna do
Is on you
What you gonna do
Is on you