Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003) Movie Script
Parsifal is the German ideal.
A combination of strength,
determination and purity.
Hello, gentlemen!
My son, Adolf.
That used to be my desk
before I retired,
which is why you need to apply
yourself at school.
Stupid old fool.
He's perfectly normal for a boy his age.
He's God's curse on me
for marrying my niece.
Uncle, don't be absurd.
You'll get what you want in the end.
You'll be a painter, an artist...
anything you want.
Oh, my little genius.
You little bastard.
You burned my beehives again!
Uncle. Do you know what I think?
I think, we should
take him out of school.
He's so talented an artist
and what does he need
with science and mathematics?
Uncle. What is it?
Oh. My God!
Adi. Adi, quickly.
Come help me with your father. Uncle?
- I'm going to Vienna, Mother.
- What?
I want to see opera. Great opera.
I want to study at the Fine Arts Academy.
It's too far. You'll get lost.
I've heard too many stories
of Jews and gypsies taking advantage.
I am not a boy, Mother!
She's very sick.
She won't live until Christmas.
She has cancer of the breast.
It's a lie.
I know it's hard.
She'll do anything to ruin my career.
You may begin.
At the end of 30 minutes, I will collect
the sketches. And this time tomorrow,
the names of those who
have passed this part
of the examination will
be posted on the door.
Did you do well
in your drawing exam?
Were you accepted?
Someday I shall be a great artist, Mother.
I know you will.
...I know he's only your half-brother...
...but I want you to take care of him
as if he were your own.
He's so sensitive.
I don't know how he'll survive
without me.
Adi, I know it's hard,
but you have to be brave.
Don't tell me how to feel.
You didn't love her.
She was only your stepmother.
You wouldn't know how to love anyone.
You're just a lump, a peasant.
God for nothing
but breeding more bitches like you.
I'm sorry, Herr Hitler.
You don't have a style.
Your people are like buildings.
There's no life to them.
Perhaps if you tried architecture
or theatrical design. I'm truly sorry.
I have a class to teach.
Best of luck...
I'm all right. I'm just waiting
for my inheritance, that's all.
It's the Jews' fault, you know.
They swarm into our country,
steal the bread from our tables.
Just ask our mayor.
Well said, Herr Doctor!
- They are wolves.
- Hear, hear!
Beasts of prey in human form!
Soup! Soup!
It's all their fault, you know.
They swarm into our country,
take the food from our mouths.
And here we are, German and hungry.
- It's not funny.
- I'm sorry, I thought...
I thought you were a Jew.
You look like one.
Come on. Wake up!
Out of your bed. Come on.
You've got ten minutes to get out of here!
"My dearest sister...
My studies are going very well here.
My art is getting a lot of attention.
I'll be famous before you know it.
I look forward to my upcoming birthday
when my inheritance is due.
I wonder could you bring it in person?
I'll wait for you in the railway station.
Under the big clock."
Adi? It's you.
Goodness, what happened?
I thought you said you were doing fine.
A bit of bad luck...
Do you have it?
I wish you would have said something.
You could have come home.
Say hello to your Uncle Dolf, Geli.
She's a shy girl,
but very affectionate.
Well, it's the Jews. It's the Jews. They run
the galleries and won't buy my paintings.
The Poles... they work... or next
to nothing, so I can't get a job.
That's terrible. You know,
there's plenty of work in Linz.
- Oh, you must be joking.
- No, I'm serious.
Here. Happy birthday.
Our father worked hard for this.
Linz - it's the last place I would go.
You can't stay here.
Of course not. The sooner I leave
this Babylon of races the better.
I'm off where the real Germans are.
War! War! Austrian Archduke's
assassination leads to war!
Come closer.
Let me speak!
England, France and Russia
are joining forces against our ally Austria.
We must stand with her,
united, ready to sacrifice.
Our lives are nothing.
Our country is everything.
We are now only Germans!
War! War! War! War!
Congratulations, Private Hitler.
As you were one of only 600
to survive your baptism of fire...
...it's my privilege to promote you
to the rank of corporal.
- Thank you, sir.
- Welcome to the war.
I need one of you men
to deliver a message.
Here, sergeant!
Stay down. Stay down.
Take this to Lieutenant Guttman
at the command post.
Wait for a reply.
Sit. Foxl, sit.
Looks like your fiance's got
a mind of her own, Adi.
Foxl, sit! Sit!
You make a fool out of me.
You try to humiliate me.
You must learn... to... sit... down!
That's enough.
Everyone was killed.
The entire company wiped out.
The entire company - except me, of course.
Even my dog, my little Foxl.
Just seconds before the bomb landed,
she led me outside as if she knew.
She's so loving, so affectionate...
and then in one brief moment... she's gone.
No, she's not.
I think... she's in the stew.
- Just shot it off.
- You're joking.
Put the pistol to my toe... and bang!
Ticket home.
For every toe you shoot off, ten men die
because you aren't there to protect them.
Battles are lost,
ground is given up, ground that we've won
through blood and sacrifice,
that your brothers died for!
And you sit there playing cards!
- Corporal, that's enough.
- You owe your lives.
I will not put up with this.
You're well enough to walk...
I'm sending you on leave.
I want you gone by morning.
Yes, sir.
Pacifists. Marxists.
They call themselves Communist now
and they're everywhere -
except here at the front.
Who pissed in your brain?
Do you know any Jew soldiers? Hm?
Look around you. Do you see any?
I'm a Jew, Adi...
so shut up and eat.
This has to get through
as soon as possible.
We don't have much time
left. It's dangerous.
If either of you makes it,
you'll deserve an Iron Cross.
- Yes, sir.
- Go with God.
- Yes, Corporal?
- Nothing, sir.
I followed your orders, sir.
I deserve this medal.
I risked my life.
We all risk our lives - every day.
- You gave me your word, Lieutenant.
- Believe me, if it was up to me...
I did believe you.
Anyone else would have laughed.
- What do you mean by that?
- I've always stood up for your people.
When anyone said,
"Oh, you can't trust them"...
...I pointed to you, sir.
Take a deep breath, gents.
You can almost smell the French perfume.
Wait till We get to Paris.
- Attention!
- Sir!
Good evening, gentlemen.
I'm here to tell you you'll all
be packing out in the morning.
- We're being deployed to the eastern front.
- But, sir, we're only 50km from Paris.
They'll think we're on the retreat.
Those are General Hindenburg's orders,
There's your prize.
Now go tell the men on the front lines.
This is no way to win a war.
Mustard gas!
Masks on!
Mustard gas!
Masks on!
Mustard gas!
You're not blind, Corporal.
Gas wouldn't do that.
It irritates the eyes, swells the lids.
Once we have these bandages off,
you will see as well as ever.
How long will it take to get back?
I have to get back... to the front.
Don't think about that, think of the future.
Do you have a wife? A fiance?
I don't have any time. I have to get back!
I have to get back to the front.
To push.
- A message, Herr Doctor.
- To push!
may I have your attention?
I have an important announcement to make.
Earlier today, the army high command
agreed to negotiate the terms of surrender.
The war is over.
We must place ourselves now
at the mercy of the victors...
Shut up! Shut up!
...and pray they will be generous.
Shut up!
It isn't the end.
It's the beginning.
Down with the Kaiser!
Death to the Kaiser!
We're all together, comrades!
Death to the Kaiser!
The Free Corps Militia led by Captain
Ernst Rhm and others,
took back the city today
after a tense two weeks of Communist rule.
What happens now that Germany's
best-kept secret is out -
that the demobilised soldiers of the war
are still active and
armed in our countrysides?
- Herr Gerlich, you'll be late.
- Don't worry, Frau Schmidt.
These things never start on time.
With the collapse of the monarchy
and now the Communist regime,
what new form of government awaits us?
Deep feelings of nationalistic pride
are springing up against...
No, no... in defiance of the Communists,
the allies of anyone
who thinks Germany is finished.
All right, everybody. Come on now.
Let's get started. Let's get started.
What are you doing here?
Sorry. Sorry.
- Judge.
- Ah, Herr Gerlich.
Good day for the news, bad for a wedding.
Thank you for waiting.
I couldn't very well start without you.
Officially the Reds are gone but
the army needs to make sure they stay gone.
It's my job as head of Army Information
to prevent the sort of civil unrest
that happened last spring
from happening again.
I gather you're very outspoken
in your nationalist leanings.
- I believe in Germany, sir.
- Good.
There are nearly 50 political factions
in this city at the moment
and I use informants to identify
the more aggressive ones.
- Does this interest you?
- Informing, sir?
One of these groups is the German Workers'
Party led by a man called Anton Drexler.
They gather in the
back room of a beer hall.
Just an excuse to have
a drink I expect but...
pay them a visit and tell
me what they're planning.
- I don't drink, sir.
- Just listen then.
But interest equals slavery.
The Berlin-centred economy,
which is currently collapsing...
...leaves us no other choice than to declare
Bavarian independence.
Waiter, two more beers.
The state of Bavaria must separate from
the rest of Germany and form its own nation.
Of course, we are a different society.
We are predominantly Catholic.
They are not.
We're all German.
Culturally, perhaps, there are similarities,
but even there...
What about Parsifal? Lohengrin?
Young man, I'm talking about
reality not fairy tales.
You're talking about the purity
of the German people...
which is no fairy tale.
- As I was saying. Interest equals...
- Find out who he is.
What's this?
- It's my report on the
German Workers' Party, sir.
I only asked for a few words.
They've asked me if I'd like to join.
I haven't... accepted yet.
Should we be concerned about them?
That's all I need to know.
It's club life of the lowest form, sir.
But I like the underlying politics.
"The Nationalist agenda
must include elimination of the Jews."
What's this have to do with your report?
Just some thoughts of my own I added.
You disagree?
- It's just not feasible.
- Oh, it's very feasible, sir.
Just drive them out.
Deport them if necessary.
Can you imagine a world without them?
How pure.
How holy.
Do you think...
there are any Jews in Valhalla?
Do you have my papers, Mayr?
Yes, Captain Rhm.
I should like to introduce you
to Corporal Hitler, sir.
He's one of our informants.
If you'll excuse us, Corporal.
He's an odd one, isn't he?
It is my pleasure to introduce to you
our guest speaker for this evening.
Many of you may remember him
by his comments at our last meeting.
So please welcome Herr Adolf...
...Adolf Hitler.
When I was a boy, I heard the story...
...I heard the story of the Holy Grail...
.. and how it could only be found
by one who was pure of heart.
Indeed, we have a history of purity
in this country.
But we have fallen on hard times.
Our military is in tatters.
Our economy collapsing.
But it's not poverty or weakness
that's our problem...
- Speak up.
- ... it's indifference.
Is anyone listening?
That's the problem nowadays, isn't it?
No-one cares.
No wonder we face extinction.
pride is a weapon.
A sword to be used against our enemies.
But don't be deceived. They are strong.
Stronger than we are.
And it's not the French or the English
I'm talking about.
Our enemies...
live among us.
The foreign invaders who come to our country
to destroy us and take over our lives!
In the six months since the fall
of the Communist government.
the new German democracy has given birth
to dozens of political factions.
But none is growing more rapidly
than the German Workers' Party.
newly dubbed
the Party of the National Socialists,
whose fiery speaker...
...Adolf Hitler...
...preaches against the influence
of foreign invaders.
Who alone are responsible for the moral
decadence that now riddles our society?
- The Jews!
- The Jews! Yes!
Who call themselves German,
and who are now, and who have always been
unwelcome, unwanted,
and they are everywhere.
Invading our government,
stripping us of our savings,
raping our families and our heritage.
I tell you friends, this is war -
a war that is soon to turn.
For the invaders will become the victims!
Herr Hanfstaengl.
Oh, it's good to see you.
Look at you.
- Who's this? Is this little Egon?
- Mm-hm.
He looks just like you did
when you were his age.
Frieda, this is my wife Helene.
She was raised in America, but don't worry,
she's bred from good German stock...
- Her family's from Bremen.
- Oh, how do you do, Frau Hanfstaengl.
I apologise for the mess.
I'll have it clean by morning.
Frieda, don't worry yourself. It's lovely.
- It'll be just fine.
- Would you like to hold him?
Yes, I'd love it.
- He's so gorgeous.
- Come.
Do you like it?
It's extraordinary.
- It's everything that you promised.
- And this isn't the half of it.
There are such opportunities
here for us now.
Germany is starting to rebuild itself
and we... are going to make pots of money.
Darling, it's impolite to talk about money.
It'll be good for the country, too.
Wait till you hear my plans.
Don't bother me with your plans.
You just let me handle the dinner parties.
Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!
Sit down.
Where have you been?
It's almost time to start.
Oh, and come in the front next time,
where people can see you.
My supporters would slow me down.
- It seems a little empty tonight.
- Nonsense.
The crowd is bigger than last time.
Unfortunately, there are
some Communists out there.
So, go easy on the rhetoric.
A riot would only get us in the papers.
Isn't that what we want?
Universal military service
shall be abolished in Germany.
Germany will pay war
reparations for all damage
done to Allied civilians
and their property.
Responsibility for the
outbreak of the war...
...rests solely on German shoulders.
But a few of the demands
of the Treaty of Versailles.
Impossible, you say.
It will break us.
But don't you see, that's the point?
They want to break... us.
And who do I mean by "them"?
I mean the Reds.
These fools who spread a disease called
Communism to empty-headed dreamers.
- Look who's talking.
- Right! Rubbish!
The most effective medicine is a bullet.
That's the best way
to cure us of these idiots.
- Idiots are men like
you with nothing to say!
Shut up!
Marx was a Jew.
The Communist Party is run by Jews.
It's all a plot to destroy Germany.
To bastardise our blood.
Infiltrate our lives.
They want to wipe the Aryan race
from the face of the earth!
Fritz, you're writing.
No, I'm just thinking, that's all.
About what's happening.
Munich. Bavaria. Germany.
- My three rivals.
- It's so exciting.
Sophie, Germany is at the
crossroads of history.
We grew up with the Kaiser
telling us what to do
and we're finally thinking on our own.
We have the Communists on the left,
Social Democrats on the middle,
the Free Corps joining
forces with the right.
It's one big political brawl.
- That doesn't worry you?
- Why should it?
Nothing good ever comes from brawls.
- When are you men going to learn that?
- When are you women going to learn
that extraordinary times
demand extraordinary measures?
Yes - war, assassination...
All right, all right.
I won't argue with you on that.
But I promise you that whatever comes
of this brawl will be extraordinary.
- Here. Go.
- We need more men like you in the party.
Oh, we hate the Communists -
wherever they go we'll go.
Whether or not we'll do anything
for the party is entirely up to you.
Here. Go!
You know, I've always been a great admirer
of yours - your reputation, your war medals.
Oh, my war medal is here.
I'm prouder of this
than of any Iron Cross.
Speak of me, Herr Hitler,
you speak of all my men.
We're all soldiers here.
These men, together with thousands and
thousands of others,
served our country well.
Even after they were abandoned
by the army they continued to fight
- to put down a Communist revolution.
- Yes.
Now, all of a sudden, the rich that
backed us up are charming away
I don't understand.
But if my men can crush a revolution,
they can also create one.
Because they love this country
as much as you or I do.
The only little problem is...
they're unemployed.
Not so long ago,
we Germans thirsted after blood
We had half the world in trenches,
crawling through the mud
We were close to victory,
how come we lost the war?
Where were all those leaders
that we counted on before?
Oh, my God. Ernst, is that you?
Friedrich. Friedrich Hollander, my God.
What are you doing here?
I run this place. I direct this show,
I write these songs - I am this place.
Freddie and I went to school together.
We were... sparring partners.
- In the fencing club.
- That too.
- And this beautiful lady is?
- His current sparring partner.
Helene Hanfstaengl.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Friedrich Hollander.
That's my wife.
...poison gas
And now that we have seen
the face of war
We're not the same men
that we were before...
Everyone's depressed-bad for the
economy but excellent for cabaret.
German people don't need democracy,
for God's sake,
they need music, laughter,
someone to tell them what to do
- so they can get in line and follow.
- Don't tell me you've become a nationalist?
I'm a satirist, Ernst, the most
dangerous politician of the mob.
Who just fell and scraped your knee?
It's time for fun and games
again in Germany...
Speaking of humour, I'm going to hear Hitler
tomorrow - would you like to come?
Hitler? The anti-Semite?
The National Socialist anti-Semite.
Call them Nazis just to piss them off.
- I hear he's fascinating.
- Well, that's very open-minded of you.
- You mean for a Jew?
- Yes.
I'm not supporting him, for God's sake.
I need new material.
...the face of war
We're not the same men
that we were before
And we can say without hypocrisy
Oh, the next one that we fight
will end in victory!
We will survive.
That's what they tell us.
What they mean is - they will survive.
We surrendered in November at a time
when we were perched on the edge of victory.
betrayed by the cowards
and the traitors within our ranks.
Communist pigs!
How do we fight them?
We unite. We must join
together for a greater Germany.
Clean him up a bit,
he might be worth something.
He's a cartoon.
We will sacrifice, we will struggle, yes,
but only then will we triumph.
And we will triumph!
With the hero Lohengrin
as our model
and the music of Wagner
as our inspiration,
we will hang the profiteers,
crush the Communists.
We will disinfect our country
of the Jewish vermin.
Funny... after 500 years
you'd think I'd be used to it.
We will triumph!
We will triumph!
We will triumph!
Excuse me, Herr Hitler.
I heard you speak... last night.
You mentioned Wagner.
I was told I could find you here,
that you never leave.
Herr Hitler, I was wondering...
Ssh, just... just play.
I know some people
who would love to hear you speak...,
who are not likely to go to a beer hall.
The wealthy. I've met a few.
Armchair politicians who care more about
their money than they do their own country.
But as your party's propaganda leader
you must know that to defend their money,
they'll spend a good deal of it.
That is, if someone they trust tells them
it's a safe bet. That's where I come in.
Herr Hitler... I can make you very popular.
Far more popular than him.
But you have to admit
the colour catches the eye.
Why don't you have a poster?
And a flag?
Your picture should be everywhere.
With your name in large letters.
You might consider a more distinctive look..
For example. When you think of Lenin.
You think of bearded and bald.
Not that that's attractive but...
but it does stick with you.
Baroness, we never talk so
openly about politics in America.
That's all we talk about here.
Of course, there are some things
we don't mention...
.. such as Captain Rhm and his Free Corps.
Now that the Reds are gone they still
want money. So what do we do, my dear?.
Don't talk to me about democracy.
Masses can't lead themselves.
In the old days, one man decided
what was best for the country
and there was order and discipline.
Now everyone votes on everything
and the result is chaos.
I assure you, Baron, it works in America.
There they have states with governors
under a president in Washington.
Here we have the Prussian state,
the Bavarian state and so forth
under a president in Berlin.
The structure is essentially the same.
It's not the same thing,
Ernst, and you know it.
Germans need to be led,
preferably by a man we can control.
He doesn't have to be smart, merely pliable.
And a bachelor...
so the women will vote for him.
Well said, Captain Gring.
This person you've invited tonight,
Herr Hanfstaengl, he has the workers' ear?.
Some of the workers
but mostly the middle class,
which is far better for our purposes.
I think you'll find
him... rather persuasive.
He is at the moment a diamond in the rough
though - and I do mean rough.
Herr Hitler.
I'm Helene, Ernst's wife.
He's told me so much about you. Come.
With respect, the Kaiser's a coward.
Better off without him really.
No, we need someone with courage,
courage to drive out
these foreign agitators.
A man who would smile in the face of
the machine gun and
scare the rabble shitless.
Would that be you, sir?
No, Captain Gring, not me, sir.
I'm just a voice crying in the wilderness.
Above all, we must remove the Jews.
They run our banks,
they lost us the war.
They're responsible for the
economic disaster we're in.
Sir, my father was a Jew and a stronger
patriot could not be found at this table.
I am the man I am
today because of him.
surely he wasn't talking
about your father.
He meant the Communist Jews,
didn't you, Herr Hitler.
You will excuse us,
Frau Hanfstaengl.
Herr Hitler.
Please accept my apologies.
I'm sure he meant no disrespect.
My husband and I have several
Jewish friends in America.
What this man is doing,
Madame, is heating up
the hatred in this
country to boiling point.
And all for his own purposes,
I might add.
May God forgive you and
your husband for supporting him.
...I to know what it's like
to be mistaken in a friend.
If he has deceived you as to his heritage,
who knows what else is he capable of?
You're a very gifted speaker, Herr Hitler.
I think... it is an honour
to be at this table with you.
I began life as a quite
gifted artist, Captain Gring.
And I brought something
I want you all to see.
What does it mean?
It means the unconquerable.
Do you like it, Frau Hanfstaengl?
It's very... hypnotic.
Tell us, Herr Hitler,
have you considered publishing?
Well done.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The turning point in my life was when
the blindfold was ripped from my eyes!
And only then will we triumph.
And we will triumph!
The Jew in all his terrible shame!
We will hang the profiteers!
We recognise him.
We recognise him.
We will make them pay!
We will triumph!
We will triumph! We will triumph!
We will triumph!
What's going on?
Herr Hitler... we er...
Who is this?
My new friends.
What are you arguing about?
We have been approached by the
German Socialist Party to join forces.
Our principles are similar, we can negotiate
a new platform to eliminate our differences,
and together both parties
will be even stronger.
Er... some of the others here disagree.
I see.
- Would you like to know what I think?.
- Yes, of course.
- I think you're a traitor.
- But Herr Hitler...
Compromise is not possible!
If their members wish to quit their party
and join ours that's another thing,
but our principles are our principles
and cannot be changed!
Once again, Drexler, you prove my point.
This is a tedious,
amateur organisation
and you are a jealous fool.
Which brings me to this.
Who wrote this?
Don't pretend you don't know what it is.
One of our own members
calls me a dangerous demagogue.
Are you out to destroy me?
I tell you, sir,
I don't need you or your Party.
I will form my own Party.
Herr Hitler, Herr Hitler!
You're right.
Of course we will not merge
if that is how you feel.
There are some who question
your financial ties, that is all.
We're not a Party of
the bourgeoisie, it's...
It's bound to have an impact.
The leadership.
I want you to step down,
name me as your successor.
Yes. Yes, of course.
The committee must approve unanimously.
Then make a public announcement.
May I have your attention?
The leadership committee
has just made an important decision.
I no longer feel qualified
to lead our struggle
so it is my privilege to
present you with our new leader.
Our new Fhrer...
...Adolf Hitler.
Oh, my God.
No, no, a little higher.
That's good. That's very good.
Beautiful, marvellous.
No. No.
Wonderful choice, my Fhrer,
but don't you think... this look is better?
Excuse me, Herr Hitler, a message
from Bavarian Prime Minister Von Kahr.
It seems I'm being asked
to cancel my speeches.
Not asked, ordered.
The Chancellor wants to pay war reparations
and honour the Treaty of Versailles.
As a consequence,
the people are ready to riot.
Kahr's ordered a state of emergency.
placed himself in charge.
He adds...
"If Hitler speaks, it
may only stir things up."
Stir things up.
Stir things up?
Have you been to the marketplace?
Do you know how much it costs
for a loaf of bread these days?
500.000 marks.
The wheelbarrows aren't big enough
to carry the money in!
And he's afraid I'll stir things up?
You tell Commissar Kahr
this is not a time for silence,
this is a time for revolution.
Right, well, I suppose that leaves me.
I know you're upset.
Of course you are.
Commissar Von Kahr is acting rashly.
Herr Hitler, you mustn't take it personally.
We both want the same thing.
Right now Von Kahr
thinks that he doesn't need you.
You must be clever
and show him that he does.
That you have the support of the people.
I want to show you something.
This is an article by an editor
named Fritz Gerlich that is,
on the whole, complimentary.
Everyone who's anyone reads him and...
he also happens to Write
Commissar Von Kahr's speeches.
I think you should pay him a visit.
I baked these this morning.
I hope you like them.
You must have been very brave,
Herr Hitler.
The Iron Cross is no small feat.
Thank you, dear.
I've heard you speak...,
Herr Hitler.
You're very persuasive.
You know, we share some
beliefs - the need
for a political leader,
strong voice to guide.
Yes, well, we need someone to take charge...
...throw out this Treaty of Versailles,
refuse to pay the war reparations.
War reparations. I agree with that.
What's that?.
- It helps me to keep
notes during an interview.
- That way when I get back...
- This isn't an interview.
What made you think that?
Kahr's a fool.
I know he's your friend,
but he has to realise I am not the enemy.
If he wants to make a stand against Berlin.
Fine. I won't stop him.
In fact...
...I should be his partner.
But you have fundamental areas
of disagreement. You both wish to lead.
I have no ambition to lead.
So long as Kahr keeps us a place
in his government, that's all we want.
A little... little piece
of the cake, as it were.
You know...
you know we could use a man like you.
You could perhaps...
write... for us.
On behalf of the
Nationalist Socialist Party.
But I don't write propaganda.
Who said anything about propaganda?
I'm talking about the truth.
Look around you.
Immigrants, Jews.
Stealing everything we work for.
The German Jews? Any party that comes
to power will surely guarantee that...
We're talking about Jews here!
They're not citizens.
They have no rights.
You are supposed to be a Nationalist.
You should know better.
I will never compromise on the Jews.
He's insane.
A complete psychotic.
He may be a compelling
speaker on stage but...
...in person I could see into his eyes
and what I saw was...
And I intend to shut him down.
With all due respect, Commissar Von Kahr...
you need to handle him with care.
Don't worry, I will.
I know how to deal with Adolf Hitler.
There were over 40 political
murders last weekend.
Reds killing SA. SA killing Reds.
General Von Lossow and Colonel Seisser here
are very concerned, as am I.
Well, if my party had a voice
in your government,
perhaps we might find less violent ways
of expressing ourselves.
Which is exactly what I'm
prepared to offer you.
In... a few weeks'
time, General Von Lossow
and Colonel Seisser
intend to march on Berlin.
A putsch to bring the national
government under our control.
Would you like to be
part of that putsch?
Yes, of course.
Then you must be very quiet.
You can speak...
give the impression of business as usual.
But you must also promise me...
...if you wish to play
any part in our government,
there will be no more violence.
Berlin mustn't believe we have
designs against them.
You have my full support.
Just keep your men quiet.
I can't do that.
Of course you can.
You're the leader, they listen to you.
I pay them to listen to you.
It's not a question about money,
it's the principle.
If there's a Red anywhere near,
there's going to be a fight.
Look... I don't care how you do this...
...just keep them quiet.
He won't listen. We have to find some
other way, some kind of figurehead.
Make it tighter.
So, how is your father, Hess?
Very well, General Ludendorff,
he sends his best.
Who is this?
May I present Herr Hitler,
to you, sir?
I believe you've met before
at one of Captain Gring's soirees.
Oh, yes. Er, what can I do for you?
No, no, that's too tight. Let it out.
Your Excellency is the...
our... heroic leader of the Nationalist
Right, while I'm but its spokesman.
No, more, more, I can't breathe.
I was wondering if I could perhaps
discuss a little plan I have,
we're confident of gaining
Your Excellency's support.
Support? For what?
We're planning a transference of power.
Bavarian Commissar Von Kahr
has seen the wisdom
of joining the National Socialists
for a march on Berlin.
Well... good for you.
Those idiots at the Reichstag haven't
learned their lesson, so... kick them out.
We need true Germans running this
country again, like we had with Bismarck...
I knew him, you know. Hm.
My God, what a man.
So... what's your plan?
And can you carry this off?
I won't be made a fool of, you know.
Your Excellency,
we are confident of our success.
By the way, I'm speaking
next week... at the Circus Krone.
I would be honoured
if you would be my guest.
For many years, my friends,
I was like a prisoner -
blindfolded, fending off
flaws from every directions.
What had I done
to deserve this treatment?
I did not even know
who my enemy was.
An innocent victim of greed
and of hatred and of cunning!
In recent years
we have all suffered like this.
Germany more than any of us.
Yet there is no need
to live in darkness.
The turning point in my life was when
the blindfold was ripped from my eyes.
And I could see my enemy.
Our enemy - the Jew!
We recognise him.
Nobody leaves. No-one.
We see how his filth and his greed have
staggered the heart of this great country.
We must crush this vermin!
We must wipe this plague
from our nation!
What we say tonight
will soon be forgotten.
What we do will live on
for a thousand, thousand years!
What's the matter?
Lossow has said we have to wait
two more weeks before they take action.
Seisser was in Berlin.
Some important meeting.
Kahr wouldn't see me.
But in two days he intends to address
all the right-wing political factions
at one of their beer halls.
All of them, that is, except you.
He's outfoxed you, lad.
He clearly intends to form a coalition
with all of your competitors
and create a new government
without you.
He brought you into this
simply to keep you quiet.
We'll move without them, then.
We'll seize Munich.
We'll march on Berlin.
The people are with us.
Listen to them.
Gentlemen, our time has come.
I'll confront Kahr here.
Rhm and his men wait here.
We surround the barracks...
then attack...
Once the situation is secure,
I'll telephone Rhm here at the beer hall.
Half of my men will cut the lines
at the telephone exchange.
The rest of us will secure
the military barracks.
No information in or out of Munich
unless I say so.
...I know this is often
said and deeply felt...
...but none more deeply than tonight -
may God and the people
of Germany be with us.
We're brothers, you and I.
Together we will make history.
Your papers, please.
I couldn't sleep last night worrying
about this speech. His popularity's rising.
- If people don't hear the truth...
- Don't worry. They will.
Tonight we unify the other parties
and put an end to Adolf Hitler.
The circus rules
And I'm the lion tamer
An all-or-nothing savage autocrat
I crack my whip
The king of all the jungle
Just starts to purr
Like he's my pussycat
But smell the stench
You can't escape the jungle
And though at peace
The animals still roar
Those darling beasts
They long to slay each other
Only my whip
Keeps them from going to war
They throw an attack...
Gentlemen, history has brought us
to the edge of chaos...
.. and now we have a choice.
Men act like beasts
Beasts act like men
They both need training now and then
Or we can, with courage
and faith, leap...
What's that drumming?
What's coming?
The national revolution has begun.
The building is surrounded.
No-one may leave.
Any trouble, you will be shot.
Stay calm.
Remain in your places.
We have the building surrounded.
Get me Ludendorff.
Sorry to surprise you like this,
but then you're no stranger
to intrigue, are you?
I am forming a provisional
Reich government.
I will be in charge of the police,
General Ludendorff will be in charge
of the army,
and I will have a post for each of you.
I need your support.
You seem to have planned this well.
And where is General Ludendorff?
If he supports you
as you say he does...
why is he not here?
Oh, so the little man
pulled it off, did he?
Give me a moment.
Keep your heads!
Stay calm!
- He's a little late.
- Gentlemen. please!
What's going on?
- You sure he's coming at all?.
- Shut up!
Stay calm!
Shut up!
- Take your seats. Remain calm!
- Ludendorff's here.
He's here.
Your leaders are with us.
Will you join them?
Will you stand behind us?
The German revolution begins tonight!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
There's an armed group
heading towards the barracks.
Fall back!
Get out of my way!
What do you mean they fell back?
I can't believe this is happening.
Nobody does anything right.
- Where's your conscience?
- Conscience.
A Jewish invention, sir.
Do you mind if we visit our wives, General?
They'll be worried.
Of course, of course,
mustn't worry, poor women.
Mobilise the army. Now.
What the hell's happening?
There are too many of them.
Somebody must have betrayed us.
What are you doing here?
Where's Kahr and the others?
Oh, I let them go. Their wives
were a concern. That's all right.
They gave me their word
they wouldn't notify the authorities.
Good God!
- Follow me.
- Let's go.
We'll take to the streets.
We'll take to the streets.
We'll go to the War Ministry.
There were 8000 people at the
Circus Krone the other night.
As soon as they know what's happened,
they will support us.
Hurry up. Retreat!
Get him out of here!
Fall back... fall back!
Papa! Mama!
Go. Drive.
Darling, it's me.
I've got to get out. It's all gone sour.
Don't let anyone in.
I want you to take the children
and go to your mother's.
Ernst, what happened?
I'll call you there.
I know a safe place.
Turn right up ahead.
- You're frightening the children.
- Go get the door.
Go, Frieda, now.
Frieda! Frieda, stop it!
Shut up! Shut up!
Now take the children outside.
Go on. Now.
Frau Hanfstaengl. Open the door!
We know he's in there!
Frau Hanfstaengl!
Open the door!
Up you come. Come on.
Herr Hitler.
Of course, that's what...
that's exactly what they want...
He's on a hunger strike.
If he doesn't testify or worse, if he dies,
they'll come after everyone including us.
You're out of your mind.
- Helene, someone has
to answer for the putsch.
For God's sake, it was treason.
He won't listen to his
men, but he likes you.
All you have to do is
shore up his confidence.
- No.
- Helene!
Our lives, our future, depend on this.
I baked these myself.
You mustn't lose hope.
So many people believe in you.
Do you?
The first time I saw you...
...I knew that you were a great... man.
There he is.
Let us proceed.
General Ludendorff...
you have been accused of high treason.
How do you plead?
Not guilty.
Adolf Hitler...
...you have been accused of high treason.
How do you plead?
Herr Hitler, are you a German citizen?
Are you talking about a piece of paper
or the blood that runs through my veins?
Answer the question.
In November of last year
you led a putsch against the Bavarian
state and German Reich.
You coerced and threatened Commissar Kahr,
General Lossow and Colonel Seisser.
You have been accused of high treason
and called an enemy of the state.
If a thief takes your money and you take
it back... does that make you also a thief?
In 1918 we were betrayed
by the November Criminals,
the ones who claimed
to be our leaders.
They ended the war,
signed the Treaty of Versailles.
And that... was high treason.
This is supposed to be an interrogation,
not a speech.
I was simply taking back... that which
was stolen from us five years before.
Namely the right...
the right to defend ourselves against
the wishes of an incapable parliament.
I used no force. I used no force.
I was supported by Commissar Kahr.
Why isn't he on trial?
If I'm guilty of anything...
then I am guilty of fighting to defend
the rights of the German people.
Fascinating, isn't he?
Fritz, please!
What is it?
- Please just...
- Sit down.
...open the door.
What's wrong?
Today I was absolutely convinced
that it would be over.
That he would be exposed
as cold-blooded and psychotic.
But they cheered him, Sophie.
Hitler stood up in a court of law
and claimed that all he wants
is to give the nation back to its people
and the people believed him.
Even the judge was impressed.
He's figured us out.
- Figured who out?
- People.
You've met him.
He's not human.
He's studied people
in order to appear human,
but all he's discovered
is our fear and our hatred.
And now we're all running toward
a monster we should be running from.
Extraordinary times
demand extraordinary measures.
You said that once, remember?
When all those drunks in the beer halls
were throwing mugs at each other?
I told you nothing good
would come of it.
That was then.
Come inside now.
I'll fix you something to eat.
Thank you.
For what?
- Stop the presses!
- Stop the presses!
Stop the presses.
We've got a new front page.
Listen... everybody.
We have a new front page.
On the night of the putsch,
Commissar Von Kahr
was promising an
initiative that would have
turned this country
around had he been heard.
I know because I wrote it.
Tonight, we are the voice of sanity.
"History has brought us to the edge of chaos
and we now have a choice.
Either we can jump into the abyss or,
with courage and faith,
leap to the other side."
I demand freedom!
"The abyss is Hitler's party
of National Socialism -
a party of intolerance and hatred.
false imagery and false hope.
A pit of nonsense and outright lies."
They are the ones who deserve to be hung!
"He's an agitator who believes our fears
will drown out our reason.
And the worst we can do - the absolute worst
- is to do nothing."
All right. Let's get to work...
General Ludendorff...
the court finds you not guilty
and releases you from custody.
Herr Hitler...
...the court finds you guilty of treason.
You are hereby sentenced
to a fine of 200 gold marks...
.. and five years in Landsberg prison.
You will...
you will be eligible for parole...
in nine months.
This way please, Herr Hitler.
There's a courtyard you can exercise in.
You are welcome
to have as many visitors as you wish.
Herr Hess is living
just next door and can
serve as your secretary
during your stay here.
If there is anything we an do to make you
more comfortable, please let us know.
Is something wrong, sir?
They're dying. Take them away.
I don't like dying things around.
Yes, sir, and if I may say so, sir,
it's an honour to serve you.
Welcome, my Fhrer.
Thank you, Hess.
Well, it's lovely, isn't it?
Only two things missing,
an audience and an income.
Perhaps I'll write a memoir.
- What do you think?
- It's an excellent idea.
Then I need a publisher.
I was thinking.
Now that Hitler's in jail
and we've nothing to worry about,
why not go to America?
Darling, she's sick.
We'll find a doctor.
Better than anyone here and get her well.
From now on,
I promise...
my family before everything.
Herr Hanfstaengl...
There's a call for you
from Landsberg prison.
Austria's lovely this
time of year, isn't it?
I was...
I escaped by pure luck.
I thought my being
outside might be helpful...
Yes, yes, how very generous of you.
As a consequence, I've seen
more of your wife lately than of you.
Yes, she's a great admirer of yours.
And you're not?
Of course I am.
You know I'd do anything for your...
our cause.
I'm writing my memoirs.
Four-And-A-Half Years
Against Stupidity, Lies and Cowardice.
Effective title, don't you think?
Yes, yes, it's very good.
You might consider shortening it bit...
Ah, you see?
You see?
You're good at these kind of things.
That's why I want you to be my publisher.
But, Herr Hitler, my family only
publishes art books.
- Besides I'm taking Helene
and the children to America.
No, you're not.
I'm tired of you running
out on me all the time.
Our daughter's very ill...
Now you listen to me...
I've kept your name out of this.
It would be very hard
on your family if you
were suddenly in prison
too, don't you think?
You can stay and help me with my book.
Now that you're absent,
the Party lacks leadership.
And since my name has
been closely tied to it,
I feel I must continue with it.
By the way, Rhm thinks
it's a wonderful idea.
He feels that with my political muscle
behind him he can rebuild his army.
I might even, at some
point, run for president.
You needn't worry, we'll have
a place for you when you return.
How very thoughtful of you.
Take a letter, Hess.
Party Headquarters.
I hereby resign from politics.
I want nothing more to do with the Party.
I'm too busy writing.
But sir, without you, the Party is finished.
Today it seems to me providential
that fate should have chosen Braunau
as my birthplace.
In this little town, Bavarian by blood,
lived my parents...
My father, a civil servant...
Make that "dutiful civil servant."
My mother, devoted above
all to her children.
Once, as I was strolling
through the inner city.
I suddenly encountered an apparition
in black kaftan and black hair locks.
"Is this a Jew?" was my first thought.
And then my question assumed a new form.
Is this a German?
They are strong.
Stronger than we are.
We need more room to live, to expand,
sustain ourselves!
Germany will either be free of Jews,
or there will be no Germany!
We need a leader, a man of great vision,
a man with the courage
to grind his enemies' bones into the dust!
And he lives! He lives today!
And he will lead his people to victory!
It's been an honour, my Fhrer.
The fever's down. I
finally got her to sleep.
Thank, God.
- Can we begin now?
- Yes, darling. Of course we can.
- There you go.
- What is it?
What is it?
Look. A whole zoo.
A rhino, a lion, a tiger,
a giraffe, a monkey.
It's just what I wanted.
Uncle Dolf!
Ha, ha, ha, Egon!
Merry Christmas.
I have a gift for you. A gift for you.
You're looking lovely, as always.
Herr Hitler. What a surprise.
Did they make you break rocks in prison?
No, no, Egon, but I did something
much harder than that.
Thank you.
- I wrote a book...
- Are you publishing it, Daddy?
No, I'm afraid not, Egon.
We only publish art books.
You mean there aren't any pictures?
No, no. No, pictures.
But it will sell very well and whoever
publishes will make a lot of money.
Herr Hitler, if you wish to talk
about business or politics...
Of course not. It's Christmas.
That's not why I came.
Would you excuse me, Herr Hitler?
Our daughter's not been well.
We've both been up all night.
No. No. I'll go. You rest.
Is she very ill?
We don't...
We don't know what's wrong with her.
All the time I was in
prison, I thought only of you.
You saved my life...
when you took the gun from my hand.
- Please, Herr Hitler...
- No, please. No, no, please.
I have never admired a woman
as much as I admire you.
You're so brave... so beautiful.
You are the perfect woman,
wife... and mother.
Thank you.
She wants her mother.
No, you don't drink, do you?
So, tell me, what are your plans?
You can only keep the fox out
of the henhouse for so long.
Even when he's promised he's through.
Yes, well, you're a publisher,
or at least that's what they say.
You should know better
than to believe everything you read.
As soon as my plans are set,
you'll be the first to know.
In the meantime...
I'm off to the country.
Happy Christmas.
- Adi!
- Good morning, Angela.
Oh! Gosh, it's so good to see you.
It's such a long time.
Everyone in Linz is talking about you.
I've become the famous half-sister.
Oh, your mother would be so proud!
I'm glad you could come.
So, this is the house?
I can manage that.
Oh, speaking of proud mothers...
Geli's changed quite a
bit since you last saw her.
Uncle Dolf, thank you
so much bringing us here.
It's my pleasure.
I always think it important
for family to stick together.
Don't you think?
- Yes.
- Yes.
I'm honoured that you asked me
to publish your book, Herr Hitler.
It will make quite an
impression on this country.
Only a war veteran like you can understand
what the bourgeois publisher cannot.
I must warn you, though.
I don't expect huge sales at first.
The economy's too good.
- Democracy seems to be working.
- That's only temporary, I can assure you.
Our poor country
hasn't seen the end of hardship just yet.
I can't help but notice, Herr Hitler,
the mountain air has done you good.
Not to mention certain other distractions.
What do you mean by that?
Beautiful vistas.
The lake.
My Fhrer!
We just received an urgent
message from Munich.
The Party needs to know who you support
in the presidential elections.
Hindenburg or Ludendorff.
Ludendorff, of course. Why not?
He's not expected to win, Fhrer.
In fact, he's expected to lose quite badly.
All the more reason, then.
Thank you.
Uncle Dolf,
it's so beautiful.
I'm not hiding.
But all those men coming to see you.
Why don't you ever go
into the city to see them?
I think...
you would like that?
It's very nice.
Have you ever been to Munich?
I've never been out of Linz.
Perhaps I'll take you sometime.
Would you?
- Would you really?
- I said perhaps.
Off you go.
Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine. I'm just
not quite used to this yet.
Come with me.
Come closer.
Move closer.
In a circle, around me.
- Like this?
- Yes. Yes.
Faster, faster.
Yes, um...
Quickly. Quickly.
Faster, faster.
- I'm freezing, Uncle.
- Shh!
Don't say... anything.
Don't... move.
Through so-called
"assimilation", the Jew
defiles our inexperienced
young blonde girls
and thereby destroys something
given to the earth by God's good grace.
Paranoid ramblings,
Fritz. Paranoid ramblings.
Nobody takes him seriously any more.
Case in point, you keep writing about him,
but nobody is buying our newspapers.
He is yesterday's news.
People do not care any more.
We must make them care.
Do you know, according to him,
the Jews have a plan for world domination
and that we must act ruthlessly.
- He's preaching war!
- Well now, that's ridiculous.
There are over half
a million Jews in this
country in every walk
of life and profession.
Some of our most successful
citizens are Jewish.
How can he possibly
wage war against them?
- Read the book... See for yourself.
- I have done!
Now, you listen to me.
You cannot continue to give front-page
coverage to a man whose book sold what?
5,000 copies?
Now, as your friend, I
appreciate your passion,
but as your publisher I must warn you,
you are losing us money.
Now, you have a decision to make, Fritz.
Do you wish to continue
to write for this paper?
You know I do.
Then we have an understanding.
No more Hitler.
- When are you coming back?
- How can I possibly return to Munich?
I don't mean to Munich, I mean to the Party.
The longer you wait, the harder
it's going to be to come back.
There's dissension in Munich and already
there's a stronger presence up in the north.
Ah. Herr Strasser.
Yes, Strasser, but also this young
man is grooming.
A very powerful speaker who is demanding
the party divorce itself entirely from you.
What's his name?
Joseph Goebbels.
Are you in or out of politics?
I need to know.
I'll tell you what I need.
Someone I can trust.
I'm not surprised we lost.
We are running a political party
without strong leadership.
Call a meeting in Munich.
I want all the party leaders in attendance
in three days.
Three days?
My Fhrer, I don't think
the leaders in the north
will have enough time to organise...
You're right, you're
right. Make that two days.
Angela, pack up your daughter's luggage.
Geli's off to the city.
It's unfortunate...
but if my defeat forced
the party to call you
out of retirement, it
was certainly worth it.
Together, you and I
will re-unite our shattered army.
I beg your pardon.
You should beg everyone's pardon.
We're in this mess because of you.
We lost the putsch because you were late.
You released Von Kahr
so he could call in the government troops.
And now this ineffective, not to say,
laughable campaign.
I have never been spoken to like this
in my whole life.
Perhaps if you had, you wouldn't have
turned that to be such an embarrassment!
Stop the car.
Stop the car! Stop the car!
So, you won't be joining us for the
reunification? How very unfortunate.
Ah, Gregor Strasser.
How good to see you.
I'm glad Berlin could spare you
on such short notice.
Did you know, your agitation
almost cost me my parole?
It wasn't meant to, my Fhrer.
Of course not.
Have you met my niece?
The famous Geli.
This must be Herr Goebbels...
the young man who so desperately
wants me out of the Party.
Take care of her, Hess.
I had hoped the reports of your bickering
had been exaggerated.
Sit, sit.
Where's Ludendorff?
He's feeling unwell.
But I'm glad the rest of you could come.
The purpose of this meeting, gentlemen,
is to solidify the party under me.
I expect your full support.
We must enter government by legal means.
then we can take it apart.
Our new policy is to win elections.
Agitation is a thing of the past.
Meaning what?
The SA are to be bridled, Ernst.
They may sing, march, carry flags,
but they must keep calm
unless I say otherwise.
We're not a Sunday shooting club,
Adolf, we're a militia.
Not any more.
My personal security
will now be handled by the SS.
Your men give off the wrong impression.
I don't give a damn about impressions.
But without the SA,
without us, our loyalty...
The wheels of history have turned!
The plan has changed.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Does anyone else wish to leave?
During my absence,
you fought, you bickered,
you made no progress whatsoever.
Therefore, I propose to relieve you
of the responsibility of leadership.
The interests of this movement,
from now on, will be my concern.
If I should fail, I will stand down.
But I will not fail.
In this struggle,
there are but two possible outcomes.
Either the enemy passes over our body,
or we will pass over theirs!
If I should fall...
wrap my body in the swastika banner.
- Sieg heil!
- Sieg heil!
- Ah.
- Hello, how are you?
I don't understand. What's the point?
Why should I campaign for others?
You can't run for president, my Fhrer,
unless you have your citizenship.
You can't get your citizenship
unless you have friends in the Reichstag.
These people want to invest in you,
not the Party.
You're the most visible symbol we have.
Excuse me.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
I was so sorry to hear about your loss.
She was such a beautiful child.
Well, this party's been a relief, really.
It's given me something else to think about.
It's tomorrow, when there's
nothing to do, that I dread.
Then perhaps I can help.
Herr Hanfstaengl,
I've been meaning to ask.
about your musical training.
Herr Weidman is helping us
acquire some property in the centre of town.
With your undoubted skill as a hostess,
perhaps you might like
to help him raise funds?
- I'd be honoured.
- Yes.
- Yes. thank you.
- Good.
Oh, thank. God!
Oh, Maurice I could hardly breathe in there.
Mm, would you like one?
I'd love one, but he wouldn't approve.
Your uncle is a good man.
He's protective, that's all.
He's a monster.
You can't imagine what he asks of me.
And this will be our Fhrer's office.
Grand, spacious, inviting in the sun.
As he does.
We need your support as we begin
our campaign for seats in the Reichstag.
But before we rebuild our nation,
we must first rebuild our party.
And what better place to start than here?
That was wonderful.
It's like you've been doing it your
whole life. I'm so proud of you.
- Thank. you.
- Let's celebrate.
Just us.
We'll go to the cabaret.
Oh, I don't think the cabaret's a place
we should patronize nowadays, do you?
Besides, I have to work late.
Right. Of course.
If it's raining if it's sunny
If you're freezing or dripping sweat
- How are you?
- What are you doing here?
Um... having a drink.
Seeing an old friend.
I have a rival.
- I need solace.
- Solace?
Let's see. You weren't at the synagogue
the SA attacked last night.
Does that give you solace?
Go blame the Jews
The Jews are guilty...
People were killed, Ernst.
Go home.
We don't serve your kind any more.
So blame the Jews if we have flaws
It's not our fault
because the Jew's the cause
For all our flaws
Oh, it's a shame but true
Whatever's wrong the Jew's to blame
So blame the Jews. Go blame the Jews
The Jews are guilty and it's not new news
You don't need brains to read the clues
The guilty party always is the Jews
So blame the Jews, if we have flaws
It's not our fault
because the Jew's the cause
For all our flaws
Oh, it's a shame but true
Whatever's wrong the Jew's to blame
This will be your new bedroom.
You may decorate as you wish,
you'll be spending a lot of time here.
Unless you're with me, then a bodyguard
must accompany you at all times.
This is a dangerous world, Geli.
And I'm here to protect you.
There, take it! Now I have nothing left!
Move along!
Out! Out!
Don't buy from the Jews!
It's ridiculous.
The SA's broke, hungry,
spoiling for a fight with anyone.
Can I write about it?
No, because Hitler doesn't sell papers.
Do you know what does? Gossip.
Look at today's front page.
Bavarian Farm Girl Has Religious Visions!
We've published, oh I don't know,
ten editions of that in the last four days!
- She gives people hope.
- So does Hitler!
People don't want the real news.
They don't wanna be depressed.
They don't want to hear about anything
they might have to do something about.
It's as if we've all
become stupid, gone blind!
What on earth is happening to you? What...
Since when have you become
so contemptuous of people, Fritz?
Don't raise your voice.
Somebody has to. You're so busy scrutinizing
him you can't see you're becoming like him.
You're losing the best part of yourself!
You can't stay like this.
You'll either have to
go forward, or step back.
but where you are at the moment is wrong.
I can't go forward, I'll lose my job.
If I lose my job...
The only other choice
is to be content with silence.
But I know you better than that.
The opposition papers are implying things
about your relationship with your niece.
Trust these Jews to paint everyone
as dirty as they are.
But it's not just them. People in the party
are also beginning to object...
She's my niece, for God's sake!
We go to the opera together!
Hold on, could you?
Herr Hitler, I haven't yet seen
a photograph that captures your eyes.
It would be a shame to
deprive us of their power.
- What's your name?
- Eva.
- Eva Braun.
- Eva.
She's a very pretty girl, your niece.
Please! Uncle...
He didn't mean anything!
I swear. Uncle. Please.
Please, you're crazy. He's not...
Shut up! Leave it!
See him again and I'll have him killed.
I want to go home.
I don't want to be here any more.
- Of course you do.
- No.
I don't!
I can't stand this any more.
You won't let me do anything, you won't...
...let me make friends!
You won't let me grown out of my own.
I'm sick of your speeches.
I'm sick of your parties! I'm sick of you!
Listen to me!
You're different from other girls.
You're sweet.
Sweet and innocent.
And you don't understand
what men like that want to do.
Now, your Uncle Dolf is
here to protect you.
You will never be left alone
with a man like that again.
Six-and-a-half million votes.
107 seats.
We're the second biggest party
in the Reichstag.
Herr Goebbels, how could have
done this without you?
How would you like to be
my new Minister of Information?
I'd be honoured, my Fhrer.
Hanfstaengl, your wife has prevailed upon me
to promote you too.
I thought Press Secretary might suit you.
Thank you, Herr Hitler.
Excuse me, my Fhrer.
Frulein Geli was caught outside
getting into a taxi.
She told the driver
to take her to the train station.
Excuse me for a moment.
You must never ever,
ever try anything like that again.
Do you understand me?
Now, listen. Listen, listen, listen.
I had a dog like you once.
Couldn't get it into her head
who her master was.
Kept running away.
So I penned her, she escaped.
I beat her, she tried to bite me.
I chained her and she strangled herself.
She was stupid, Geli.
Don't be stupid.
Take her home.
What is it?
Adi, we can't leave it like this.
It's not right.
And I can't bear it.
You can't bear it?
What about me?
What about me?
It was my gun!
This is all I have left.
This room will not be touched.
But, Adi...
Don't you see?
The goddess of history
is watching over everything I do now.
Your citizenship,
your new German citizenship.
Thank goodness your
family changed its name,
or else we'd all be saying
"Heil Schicklgrber!"
Here's to the next Reich's President.
I think it's wonderful.
I think it makes you look brave...
and strong...
and determined.
Thank you, Frulein Braun.
I think so too.
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler!
The new German citizen. Adolf Hitler.
is running for President.
As Hitler makes history
with his Germany flight.
his message is loud and clear.
A vote for the Fhrer
is a vote for the future!
Heil Hitler.
...Lohengrin as our model
and the music of Wagner as our inspiration.
we will hang the profiteers.
We will crush the Communists.
Behind us is Germany. With us is...
The Fhrer is now running
for Reich president
and we're going to give
him a run for his money.
Sepp, find out about
his accounting practices,
write an article about them.
Maria, get on the campaign trail.
Find those that have heard him speak.
- Speak to those that disagree.
- Herr Gerlich, I thought you said no...
No Hitler, yes.
Temporary insanity. Am I forgiven?
I want him stopped!
What does this mean?
You said that you would stop.
I'm doing my job. The job of every
newspaper is to reflect its time.
Don't you think if we ignore...
Everybody out! Quick, get out.
Come on.
Out, everybody out.
- Next time, it could be a bomb.
- But it wasn't a bomb.
- Don't you see they're
just angry because...
I'm sorry, Fritz.
Fritz, you're fired!
Will you be having lunch today,
Frulein Braun?
Not today, Angela.
It's all there is, you know?
I beg your pardon?
He treated my daughter the same way.
Chained her.
Then abandoned her.
I don't know what you're talking about.
There's a locked room upstairs.
Would you like to see it?
Don't touch.
He'll know you've been here.
You can't compete.
You're alive and she's a memory.
His memory.
Not mine.
Not the real Geli.
I can't bring her back
and I can't change what I allowed to happen.
but I can warn you, Frulein.
It's not going to get any better.
This is his ideal.
Not you.
Never you.
What's this?
He hates fresh flowers.
He put it there himself, my dear.
I want you gone from this
house by morning.
Of course, I'm happy
to take on another client.
I'm not exclusive to the
National Socialists, you know.
What's it called?
- The Straight Path,
after a quote from St Paul.
- Oh, a religious paper?
- In its way.
My client only asks that you not exercise
editorial control over what he writes.
I'm a printer my friend, not a publisher.
I only care if the ink smears.
Thank you so much.
- Did he sign the contract?
- Yes.
But Fritz, this man prints the Nazi papers.
This is the last place you want to publish.
On the contrary, Sepp.
This is the one press
Hitler can't afford to destroy.
Why the gloomy faces?
30% of the country voted for me.
That's a far cry from
40 people in a beer hall.
But we didn't win, my Fhrer.
Perhaps we need to rethink our strategy.
If we don't deliver on our promises,
our constituents will look
elsewhere for a leader.
I wouldn't worry about that.
All the right-wing factions
are now backing us.
Hindenburg has no choice
but to offer me Chancellor.
With all due respect, my Fhrer,
you and Hindenburg
don't exactly see eye to eye.
The Chancellorship is
the second most powerful
position in the land, why
would he offer it to you?
Because of the trouble
I can cause if he doesn't.
You wanted to see me, Adolf?
Would you excuse us for a moment please,
Please sit down.
Now it's very important
that you don't speak.
Not a word.
I just want you to listen. Understand?
I've heard some rather disturbing
news about you.
Not a word.
Rumour has it I'm to be
used as target practice.
Shut up!
Let me finish, please.
Over the years,
the SA has become rather stubborn.
As you know, I'm having
a terrible time trying to
steer them away from the
concept of revolution.
They have to be lockstep behind us.
They're too rebellious.
.. as of this moment, I'm handling
the entire problem over to you.
Call it a kind of test.
If you succeed, then perhaps I can
forget about this whole nasty business.
Thanks for stopping by.
And, Ernst...
please don't try this again.
The challenge facing any new Chancellor
is how to deal with the National Socialists.
If they paralyse the Reichstag again,
which they do whenever they
don't get what they want,
we'll be forced to hold another election,
a fourth this year.
Chancellorship is a thankless job,
Your Excellency.
- I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
- I know, Papen, I know.
Look..., I've dedicated
my life to this country
and I intend to leave
it in capable hands,
so I've asked General von Schleicher here
to be my new Chancellor.
Congratulations, General.
He has turned me down.
He has, instead, suggested you,
Franz von Papen,
to be the new head of this government.
You're conservative, Catholic...
Your Excellency, President Hindenburg,
I... I'm not...
Good, that's settled, then. Now...
Let's begin with the largest threat
to our democracy, Herr Hitler.
Any suggestions?
Might I suggest we put him in a position
where we can control him?
What position did you have in mind?
You must be joking.
Not at all. The Vice-Chancellorship is the
third most-powerful position in Germany.
My party's popularity demands
a great deal more than third place!
What precisely are you asking for, sir?
I want the Chancellorship, sir.
That's my job.
I wouldn't laugh, General.
Perhaps I'll take your job, as well.
Herr Reich President, surely you can see
I'm a force to be reckoned with?
The sooner you appoint me Chancellor,
- approve my cabinet...
- I will never appoint you Chancellor!
How dare you presume, sir?
You're nothing but a Bohemian corporal!
If I made you head of this government,
how would I answer to God?
And how will you answer
to Germany if you don't?
Good day, sir.
Stupid old fool.
I don't care what he says to God,
I only hope it's soon and in person.
Get me Rhm.
I'll show Hindenburg
what answering to God looks like.
Next on the Reichstag agenda.
I propose a bill
regarding the allocation of monies.
Gentlemen, we're leaving.
By leaving, you will cause the dissolution
of this elected body
and once again, by law,
force a new election. Stop them.
230 seats.
We're the largest party in the Reichstag.
We are blessed by the providence of history.
Heil Hitler!
How dare he demand the Chancellorship again!
I don't care how many
seats Hitler holds,
he will never be Chancellor
as long as I am alive.
The most he could be
is my postmaster general.
He could lick my behind
when he puts on the stamps!
May I make a suggestion,
Herr Vice President?
After your last suggestion,
the Nazis took over the Reichstag!
They're getting stronger all the time.
Stronger and stronger.
They're making a mockery of our government.
Of us, gentlemen, of us.
- I have an alternative,
Herr Reich President.
Gregor Strasser is
Hitler's second-in-command.
He's very well-liked in the Party.
I'm sure he would be more than willing
to accept the Vice Chancellorship.
- You have spoken to him?
- Yes. He hates Hitler.
This would divide the National Socialists
and neutralise the Party.
The one thing I do not want, gentlemen,
is for my presidency to end in anarchy.
Sorry, Papen,
but I think. General von Schleicher
needs to try his luck at the Chancellorship.
Herr Reich President, please.
It's clear to me
he had his eye on this position all along.
He only used me to flush out the enemy.
Give me one more chance, sir.
General, I hereby appoint
you Reich Chancellor.
Good luck.
The Party is much more than you.
You say that yourself.
As Vice Chancellor,
block the Communists,
increase our popularity.
And how would you deal with traitors?
I'm not a traitor, my Fhrer.
Traitors are defined, Strasser, not by
themselves, but by the people they betray.
You will refuse Schleicher's offer
and you will resign your Party position,
effective immediately.
Herr Graf!
Show this man out.
Oh, my God.
I should be back by nine.
Make sure Egon is fed and put to bed.
You know, Helene, we haven't had
a meal together for days.
I'm starting to think, you're more involved
in party politics than I am.
Do you find this amusing, Frieda?
I do not, Frau Hanfstaengl.
I was only reading the paper.
Something amusing in the papers?
That's news.
Listen to this.
According to his own racial profiling,
Hitler's nose is the same
nose as that of Attila the Hun,
a foreign invader if there ever was one.
How dare you bring this into my house?
It's Jewish propaganda,
and should be burned.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
But I don't think you have any right
to tell me what I can and what I can't read.
I'll speak to you in the morning.
Get me Hess.
Look. at my new skirt. You like it?
I bought it today.
What... what...
Kiss me, kiss me, yeah, kiss me.
Set up a meeting with Von Papen.
Look, there is no doubt that Hindenburg
made the greatest mistake of his life.
appointing Schleicher Chancellor.
They both publicly humiliated you.
This is your chance to get even,
gain that power back..
He'll never appoint me Chancellor again.
I don't know why...
But he would appoint you Vice Chancellor,
under me.
That's the point.
The cabinet would be reliably conservative.
I'd leave these things to you.
You're far more experienced than I.
There is one minor problem, Hindenburg...
Hindenburg hates me.
He must be persuaded.
If there's one thing about him that hasn't
diminished with age, it's his vanity.
A well-placed public letter from you
could work wonders.
And a few disruptions in the Reichstag.
My dear Reich's President Von Hindenburg.
all the great heroes of Germany
were benevolent men
who loved their people,
and who were loved in turn.
Like Parsifal. Like Lohengrin.
Like you.
Germany is fortunate to
have you as its leader.
I give you my loyalty
and my undying respect.
Will the National Socialist Party
please return to their seats?
Will you please return to your seats!
Schleicher, this is a price I
thought you'd never have to pay.
Get me Hitler.
You mustn't misbehave like this.
I'm sorry.
You could have ruined
everything I worked for.
I'm sorry, Adi, it's just that... I get
so lonely and I need more time with you.
You must be patient, Eva.
I still have enemies.
Even when I'm made Chancellor
there are loose ends I must tie up.
Do you promise to be good?
Do you promise?
I promise.
Do you solemnly swear
to carry out the obligations
of the office of Chancellor
without Party interests
and for the good of the nation?
I do.
And do you further swear
to uphold the Constitution,
support the President
and respect the right of the Reichstag.
so help you God?
I do.
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
We must crush this vermin.
- We must remove this contamination.
- Someone please turn him off.
Herr Gerlich.
My name is Georg Bell.
I've read your paper.
We have a common enemy, you and I.
As of today, all of Germany does.
I'm what you might call an angry ex-Nazi.
I used to work for Rhm till he fired me.
- Yes. I heard there was a falling out.
- I wish to supply you with information.
Damaging information.
I think it'll help you.
You may be using a pseudonym but I know
you're the one writing
these things, Gerlich.
- Morning, Mueller.
- I can't print this!
Your last article was bad enough.
He'll destroy my presses
and sabotage my business.
He won't destroy your presses.
He needs them to print his paper.
- If anything, he'll destroy me.
- You're playing a losing game, my friend.
We have a contract, Mueller.
I expect you to honour it.
You're not long for this world.
I don't want to hear it.
Extraordinary times demand
extraordinary measures, remember?
This isn't about history.
This isn't about politics.
It's about your life, Fritz!
Which also happens to be mine.
This is me.
And this, this is you.
Two individuals
with different ways of thinking.
But look what happens
when we come together.
I love you, Sophie.
But if I don't do this,
I won't be able to live with myself.
I'm frightened, Fritz.
This is outrageous and not a word is true.
You expect us to believe that?
What are you insinuating?
I had nothing to do with this. And you?
This was a private internal memo
about using agitation in the SA!
Do you have any idea
how much damage you've done?
I don't know how Gerlich got hold of this,
but if you let me go to Munich,
I will find his source of information.
It's too late for that. Hindenburg read your
article and called the Fhrer this morning.
People everywhere
are attacking Jewish businesses.
The economy's tumbling, everyone's close
to rioting, and this
article is the last straw.
If we don't bring this
under control, and soon,
Hindenburg says he'll
declare martial law
and he'll bring the army in to do it.
Now's the time to storm
the Presidential palace,
take over the government...
Are you mad?
Put me in charge of the Army
and I'll unite them behind you.
- This is our chance.
- Great idea.
What a great idea.
Why didn't I think of that?
Could it be
because the Army consider you a swine?
At the mere suggestion.
they flew the Nationalist Socialist flag,
rather than subordinate themselves to you.
You and your SA, Ernst,
are nothing more than political dinosaurs.
You have refused to evolve
like the rest of us.
Oh, believe me, Adolf, you don't want
to meet what we're
capable of evolving into.
And to think he was once a friend of yours.
Now he's just one of many
who can trip us up.
And the list keeps growing.
He's right, you know.
Sometimes primitive force is the only way.
It helps if there's some kind of legal
reason behind it, of course.
Something outrageous to provoke a response.
- Are there any suspects?
- Has anyone been arrested?
What actions will you take
as a result of this?
- Could this be a Communist plot?
- What happened?
Apparently a Dutch Communist
broke in and set the fire.
Police have him under arrest.
Tell Rhm he can still be of some service.
You were talking about an enemies list.
That's not a bad idea.
This, this is a signal from God.
We are under siege.
The terrorists have opened fire
and we will fire back...
It's good to see so him happy.
This is an outrageous crime
and someone will answer for it.
But this completely
overrides the Constitution.
Effectively it puts you in charge.
These are troubled times, sir.
The Constitution could not anticipate them.
A national monument has been destroyed.
Our democracy is under attack.
If we are to wage war in
these foreign infiltrators,
certain civil rights must be suspended.
When power is seized
instead of bestowed,
the hand that seizes it is often burned.
The Reichstag must approve this
before I sign anything.
In order for the government to carry out
the necessary procedures against terrorism,
Reichstag must support an Enabling Act.
This act is your opportunity
to hand power over
to those who can wield
it most effectively.
From now on, all legislation
will be handled by the Administration,
which will have sole right
to make constitutional changes.
Freedoms of speech, association, and
the press are temporarily suspended.
Privacy rights in relation to telephone
and postal communication are revoked.
Order, order.
It's very good, sir,
but use a larger typeface for Hitler.
Hitler's just called
an emergency meeting of the Reichstag.
He wants their approval
for something he calls the Enabling Act,
which will turn this country into a
police state with him as absolute ruler.
My God.
No matter what he does,
he just gets stronger.
I'll bet the Nazis set the fire themselves.
There's something I haven't told you.
Once this is out,
Rhm will identify me as your source.
My job as Rhm's press secretary
was just a front.
He hired me to get financing
outside of Germany.
- For what?
- The SA.
He agreed to sign a contract
with a man in London
in exchange for exclusive oil imports
to Germany.
The Nazi Party was giving economic
incentives to a foreign investor?
What happened to Germans for Germany?
We've got to get this news to Hindenburg.
And, Bell, we've got
to get you someplace safe.
Sepp, I've got contacts in Berlin.
I'll put you in touch with them.
Go home, pack your bags,
go to the train station.
Bell will bring my report to you there.
We've got to hurry.
The government assumes the right to
intervene in any situation to restore order.
The right to draft laws passes
from the Reich's President to Chancellor.
I offer the Reichstag
the chance for peace in Germany!
Never! If you respect our Constitution...
Will the Vice Chancellor
return to his seat!
I will take any refusal
as a statement of opposition!
Gentlemen, you must decide.
Will it be peace, or war?
Deutschland, Deutschland ber Alles
ber alles in der Welt
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brderlich zusammenhlt
Von der Maas bis an die Memel
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt
Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles
ber alles in der Welt
Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles
ber alles in der Welt
Everybody out.
Get everyone's papers.
Out! Out!
Everybody must be searched.
Who is your source?
I said, who is your source?
- You two.
- Frau Helga Dorfman.
I wish to see my husband.
He can't be seen.
He's in protective custody.
- Protected from whom?
- His enemies.
Have you scheduled a trial date?
Why would my answer be
any different today
than the answer I gave you
yesterday or the day before?
This is a notice from
the Reich court.
It says that no charges
are pending against him.
If there are no charges,
why can't he be released?
He's in protective custody.
- Frau Marta Krauss!
- We will not go away.
We will not go away.
The jails are filled to capacity
and their wives are causing
an international ruckus.
We cannot try these men
and we can't release them.
- Camps.
- What?
What about those camps?
What else?
Hindenburg is dying and we've
not yet resolved the issue with Rhm.
And of course, there's the Army.
The clock is ticking, my Fhrer.
- I'll speak to Rhm.
- I've spoken to Rhm and he does nothing.
I said I'll speak to him!
We were friends once, Ernst.
You saw my potential before anyone else.
You speak your mind, unlike the others
and you've always loved your men more
than yourself, which is rare in a leader.
But... you refuse to bend.
Why? You have power.
I don't want the power,
I want justice.
- My men were promised...
- I don't care.
I don't care. I don't give a damn
about promises. You know this.
You know this.
Ernst, the SA are not now, nor will
they ever be the official German Army.
You must stand down.
You're right, Adolf.
We were friends once.
And I will always speak my mind.
I will not betray my men.
I'm truly sorry to hear that, Ernst.
Gather up your leaders and meet me
at Bad Wiessee at the 30th of June.
You are under arrest.
My dearest Sophie. I don't know when,
or if, I will ever see you again.
I don't say this to shock.
I say it because
I must ask one more thing of you.
Please live.
Thank you.
Urge others to speak out, even when
what they have to say is not popular.
Tell them to embrace
courage as a gift.
and pass it on to their children.
Where are we?
Just outside the village of Dachau.
What are we doing here?
You have always been my hope.
the promise of goodness
and truth and devotion.
Knowing that those qualities
still survive in this world
lets me leave it with a lighter heart.
Don't mourn.
I've given everything
I have to this struggle,
and my only option now
is to give the last, most precious thing.
It will mark this moment in time for ever,
so that people will remember.
Yours always.
All right.
One for you. One for you.
There you go.
Herr Hitler, I was wondering
for a might of moment.
Yes, of course.
Well, you see, it's my 20th reunion.
Helene and I have been
planning a trip for over a year.
You're not going to desert
me again, are you?
No, I'm not.
I'm simply asking your permission to...
Why do you never call me Fhrer?
I beg your pardon?
Why do you never address me
by my proper title?
I didn't know...
if you'd like, I could...
I'd like that very much.
Very well.
My Fhrer.
Very good.
Bring me something back.
Preferably yourself.
And your lovely wife.
Yes, we certainly do.
- I need to speak with you.
- Yes, my dear, we do.
Will you excuse me, please?
He said we can go.
Helene, we can catch the night train to
Hamburg and be on a
boat by tomorrow morning.
This is a new beginning.
I promise.
- I'll be a husband again, a father to Egon.
- You've said that before.
I know I have...
I'm not going with you, Ernst.
This is my country now
and I won't abandon it
just when it needs me most.
I'm not abandoning...
I've finally found someone
whom I can believe in.
My Fhrer,
you must make a decision.
They need your order.
- My Fhrer, you must make...
- Yes, I heard you!
Give him a gun.
I know you think,
this is a betrayal,
but Chief of Staff Rhm
was planning my assassination.
I had no choice.
My Fhrer.
And so in his honour.
I will bring you all
into the Reichswehr Army.
You will once again fight
for a strong Germany.
Heil, Fhrer!
Subsequent to the death of President
Hindenburg, the office of Reich President
will be combined with
that of Reich Chancellor.
The Army has devised
an oath of unconditional
loyalty to the person of the Fhrer
to be taken by every officer and soldier
of the Armed Forces.
Do you hereby swear allegiance?
We do.
Today the old Reich
and its finest leader enter Valhalla.
At the same time,
we mark the beginning of a new era.
A time of peace
and prosperity await us!
The 1,000-year Reich has begun!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
A combination of strength,
determination and purity.
Hello, gentlemen!
My son, Adolf.
That used to be my desk
before I retired,
which is why you need to apply
yourself at school.
Stupid old fool.
He's perfectly normal for a boy his age.
He's God's curse on me
for marrying my niece.
Uncle, don't be absurd.
You'll get what you want in the end.
You'll be a painter, an artist...
anything you want.
Oh, my little genius.
You little bastard.
You burned my beehives again!
Uncle. Do you know what I think?
I think, we should
take him out of school.
He's so talented an artist
and what does he need
with science and mathematics?
Uncle. What is it?
Oh. My God!
Adi. Adi, quickly.
Come help me with your father. Uncle?
- I'm going to Vienna, Mother.
- What?
I want to see opera. Great opera.
I want to study at the Fine Arts Academy.
It's too far. You'll get lost.
I've heard too many stories
of Jews and gypsies taking advantage.
I am not a boy, Mother!
She's very sick.
She won't live until Christmas.
She has cancer of the breast.
It's a lie.
I know it's hard.
She'll do anything to ruin my career.
You may begin.
At the end of 30 minutes, I will collect
the sketches. And this time tomorrow,
the names of those who
have passed this part
of the examination will
be posted on the door.
Did you do well
in your drawing exam?
Were you accepted?
Someday I shall be a great artist, Mother.
I know you will.
...I know he's only your half-brother...
...but I want you to take care of him
as if he were your own.
He's so sensitive.
I don't know how he'll survive
without me.
Adi, I know it's hard,
but you have to be brave.
Don't tell me how to feel.
You didn't love her.
She was only your stepmother.
You wouldn't know how to love anyone.
You're just a lump, a peasant.
God for nothing
but breeding more bitches like you.
I'm sorry, Herr Hitler.
You don't have a style.
Your people are like buildings.
There's no life to them.
Perhaps if you tried architecture
or theatrical design. I'm truly sorry.
I have a class to teach.
Best of luck...
I'm all right. I'm just waiting
for my inheritance, that's all.
It's the Jews' fault, you know.
They swarm into our country,
steal the bread from our tables.
Just ask our mayor.
Well said, Herr Doctor!
- They are wolves.
- Hear, hear!
Beasts of prey in human form!
Soup! Soup!
It's all their fault, you know.
They swarm into our country,
take the food from our mouths.
And here we are, German and hungry.
- It's not funny.
- I'm sorry, I thought...
I thought you were a Jew.
You look like one.
Come on. Wake up!
Out of your bed. Come on.
You've got ten minutes to get out of here!
"My dearest sister...
My studies are going very well here.
My art is getting a lot of attention.
I'll be famous before you know it.
I look forward to my upcoming birthday
when my inheritance is due.
I wonder could you bring it in person?
I'll wait for you in the railway station.
Under the big clock."
Adi? It's you.
Goodness, what happened?
I thought you said you were doing fine.
A bit of bad luck...
Do you have it?
I wish you would have said something.
You could have come home.
Say hello to your Uncle Dolf, Geli.
She's a shy girl,
but very affectionate.
Well, it's the Jews. It's the Jews. They run
the galleries and won't buy my paintings.
The Poles... they work... or next
to nothing, so I can't get a job.
That's terrible. You know,
there's plenty of work in Linz.
- Oh, you must be joking.
- No, I'm serious.
Here. Happy birthday.
Our father worked hard for this.
Linz - it's the last place I would go.
You can't stay here.
Of course not. The sooner I leave
this Babylon of races the better.
I'm off where the real Germans are.
War! War! Austrian Archduke's
assassination leads to war!
Come closer.
Let me speak!
England, France and Russia
are joining forces against our ally Austria.
We must stand with her,
united, ready to sacrifice.
Our lives are nothing.
Our country is everything.
We are now only Germans!
War! War! War! War!
Congratulations, Private Hitler.
As you were one of only 600
to survive your baptism of fire...
...it's my privilege to promote you
to the rank of corporal.
- Thank you, sir.
- Welcome to the war.
I need one of you men
to deliver a message.
Here, sergeant!
Stay down. Stay down.
Take this to Lieutenant Guttman
at the command post.
Wait for a reply.
Sit. Foxl, sit.
Looks like your fiance's got
a mind of her own, Adi.
Foxl, sit! Sit!
You make a fool out of me.
You try to humiliate me.
You must learn... to... sit... down!
That's enough.
Everyone was killed.
The entire company wiped out.
The entire company - except me, of course.
Even my dog, my little Foxl.
Just seconds before the bomb landed,
she led me outside as if she knew.
She's so loving, so affectionate...
and then in one brief moment... she's gone.
No, she's not.
I think... she's in the stew.
- Just shot it off.
- You're joking.
Put the pistol to my toe... and bang!
Ticket home.
For every toe you shoot off, ten men die
because you aren't there to protect them.
Battles are lost,
ground is given up, ground that we've won
through blood and sacrifice,
that your brothers died for!
And you sit there playing cards!
- Corporal, that's enough.
- You owe your lives.
I will not put up with this.
You're well enough to walk...
I'm sending you on leave.
I want you gone by morning.
Yes, sir.
Pacifists. Marxists.
They call themselves Communist now
and they're everywhere -
except here at the front.
Who pissed in your brain?
Do you know any Jew soldiers? Hm?
Look around you. Do you see any?
I'm a Jew, Adi...
so shut up and eat.
This has to get through
as soon as possible.
We don't have much time
left. It's dangerous.
If either of you makes it,
you'll deserve an Iron Cross.
- Yes, sir.
- Go with God.
- Yes, Corporal?
- Nothing, sir.
I followed your orders, sir.
I deserve this medal.
I risked my life.
We all risk our lives - every day.
- You gave me your word, Lieutenant.
- Believe me, if it was up to me...
I did believe you.
Anyone else would have laughed.
- What do you mean by that?
- I've always stood up for your people.
When anyone said,
"Oh, you can't trust them"...
...I pointed to you, sir.
Take a deep breath, gents.
You can almost smell the French perfume.
Wait till We get to Paris.
- Attention!
- Sir!
Good evening, gentlemen.
I'm here to tell you you'll all
be packing out in the morning.
- We're being deployed to the eastern front.
- But, sir, we're only 50km from Paris.
They'll think we're on the retreat.
Those are General Hindenburg's orders,
There's your prize.
Now go tell the men on the front lines.
This is no way to win a war.
Mustard gas!
Masks on!
Mustard gas!
Masks on!
Mustard gas!
You're not blind, Corporal.
Gas wouldn't do that.
It irritates the eyes, swells the lids.
Once we have these bandages off,
you will see as well as ever.
How long will it take to get back?
I have to get back... to the front.
Don't think about that, think of the future.
Do you have a wife? A fiance?
I don't have any time. I have to get back!
I have to get back to the front.
To push.
- A message, Herr Doctor.
- To push!
may I have your attention?
I have an important announcement to make.
Earlier today, the army high command
agreed to negotiate the terms of surrender.
The war is over.
We must place ourselves now
at the mercy of the victors...
Shut up! Shut up!
...and pray they will be generous.
Shut up!
It isn't the end.
It's the beginning.
Down with the Kaiser!
Death to the Kaiser!
We're all together, comrades!
Death to the Kaiser!
The Free Corps Militia led by Captain
Ernst Rhm and others,
took back the city today
after a tense two weeks of Communist rule.
What happens now that Germany's
best-kept secret is out -
that the demobilised soldiers of the war
are still active and
armed in our countrysides?
- Herr Gerlich, you'll be late.
- Don't worry, Frau Schmidt.
These things never start on time.
With the collapse of the monarchy
and now the Communist regime,
what new form of government awaits us?
Deep feelings of nationalistic pride
are springing up against...
No, no... in defiance of the Communists,
the allies of anyone
who thinks Germany is finished.
All right, everybody. Come on now.
Let's get started. Let's get started.
What are you doing here?
Sorry. Sorry.
- Judge.
- Ah, Herr Gerlich.
Good day for the news, bad for a wedding.
Thank you for waiting.
I couldn't very well start without you.
Officially the Reds are gone but
the army needs to make sure they stay gone.
It's my job as head of Army Information
to prevent the sort of civil unrest
that happened last spring
from happening again.
I gather you're very outspoken
in your nationalist leanings.
- I believe in Germany, sir.
- Good.
There are nearly 50 political factions
in this city at the moment
and I use informants to identify
the more aggressive ones.
- Does this interest you?
- Informing, sir?
One of these groups is the German Workers'
Party led by a man called Anton Drexler.
They gather in the
back room of a beer hall.
Just an excuse to have
a drink I expect but...
pay them a visit and tell
me what they're planning.
- I don't drink, sir.
- Just listen then.
But interest equals slavery.
The Berlin-centred economy,
which is currently collapsing...
...leaves us no other choice than to declare
Bavarian independence.
Waiter, two more beers.
The state of Bavaria must separate from
the rest of Germany and form its own nation.
Of course, we are a different society.
We are predominantly Catholic.
They are not.
We're all German.
Culturally, perhaps, there are similarities,
but even there...
What about Parsifal? Lohengrin?
Young man, I'm talking about
reality not fairy tales.
You're talking about the purity
of the German people...
which is no fairy tale.
- As I was saying. Interest equals...
- Find out who he is.
What's this?
- It's my report on the
German Workers' Party, sir.
I only asked for a few words.
They've asked me if I'd like to join.
I haven't... accepted yet.
Should we be concerned about them?
That's all I need to know.
It's club life of the lowest form, sir.
But I like the underlying politics.
"The Nationalist agenda
must include elimination of the Jews."
What's this have to do with your report?
Just some thoughts of my own I added.
You disagree?
- It's just not feasible.
- Oh, it's very feasible, sir.
Just drive them out.
Deport them if necessary.
Can you imagine a world without them?
How pure.
How holy.
Do you think...
there are any Jews in Valhalla?
Do you have my papers, Mayr?
Yes, Captain Rhm.
I should like to introduce you
to Corporal Hitler, sir.
He's one of our informants.
If you'll excuse us, Corporal.
He's an odd one, isn't he?
It is my pleasure to introduce to you
our guest speaker for this evening.
Many of you may remember him
by his comments at our last meeting.
So please welcome Herr Adolf...
...Adolf Hitler.
When I was a boy, I heard the story...
...I heard the story of the Holy Grail...
.. and how it could only be found
by one who was pure of heart.
Indeed, we have a history of purity
in this country.
But we have fallen on hard times.
Our military is in tatters.
Our economy collapsing.
But it's not poverty or weakness
that's our problem...
- Speak up.
- ... it's indifference.
Is anyone listening?
That's the problem nowadays, isn't it?
No-one cares.
No wonder we face extinction.
pride is a weapon.
A sword to be used against our enemies.
But don't be deceived. They are strong.
Stronger than we are.
And it's not the French or the English
I'm talking about.
Our enemies...
live among us.
The foreign invaders who come to our country
to destroy us and take over our lives!
In the six months since the fall
of the Communist government.
the new German democracy has given birth
to dozens of political factions.
But none is growing more rapidly
than the German Workers' Party.
newly dubbed
the Party of the National Socialists,
whose fiery speaker...
...Adolf Hitler...
...preaches against the influence
of foreign invaders.
Who alone are responsible for the moral
decadence that now riddles our society?
- The Jews!
- The Jews! Yes!
Who call themselves German,
and who are now, and who have always been
unwelcome, unwanted,
and they are everywhere.
Invading our government,
stripping us of our savings,
raping our families and our heritage.
I tell you friends, this is war -
a war that is soon to turn.
For the invaders will become the victims!
Herr Hanfstaengl.
Oh, it's good to see you.
Look at you.
- Who's this? Is this little Egon?
- Mm-hm.
He looks just like you did
when you were his age.
Frieda, this is my wife Helene.
She was raised in America, but don't worry,
she's bred from good German stock...
- Her family's from Bremen.
- Oh, how do you do, Frau Hanfstaengl.
I apologise for the mess.
I'll have it clean by morning.
Frieda, don't worry yourself. It's lovely.
- It'll be just fine.
- Would you like to hold him?
Yes, I'd love it.
- He's so gorgeous.
- Come.
Do you like it?
It's extraordinary.
- It's everything that you promised.
- And this isn't the half of it.
There are such opportunities
here for us now.
Germany is starting to rebuild itself
and we... are going to make pots of money.
Darling, it's impolite to talk about money.
It'll be good for the country, too.
Wait till you hear my plans.
Don't bother me with your plans.
You just let me handle the dinner parties.
Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!
Sit down.
Where have you been?
It's almost time to start.
Oh, and come in the front next time,
where people can see you.
My supporters would slow me down.
- It seems a little empty tonight.
- Nonsense.
The crowd is bigger than last time.
Unfortunately, there are
some Communists out there.
So, go easy on the rhetoric.
A riot would only get us in the papers.
Isn't that what we want?
Universal military service
shall be abolished in Germany.
Germany will pay war
reparations for all damage
done to Allied civilians
and their property.
Responsibility for the
outbreak of the war...
...rests solely on German shoulders.
But a few of the demands
of the Treaty of Versailles.
Impossible, you say.
It will break us.
But don't you see, that's the point?
They want to break... us.
And who do I mean by "them"?
I mean the Reds.
These fools who spread a disease called
Communism to empty-headed dreamers.
- Look who's talking.
- Right! Rubbish!
The most effective medicine is a bullet.
That's the best way
to cure us of these idiots.
- Idiots are men like
you with nothing to say!
Shut up!
Marx was a Jew.
The Communist Party is run by Jews.
It's all a plot to destroy Germany.
To bastardise our blood.
Infiltrate our lives.
They want to wipe the Aryan race
from the face of the earth!
Fritz, you're writing.
No, I'm just thinking, that's all.
About what's happening.
Munich. Bavaria. Germany.
- My three rivals.
- It's so exciting.
Sophie, Germany is at the
crossroads of history.
We grew up with the Kaiser
telling us what to do
and we're finally thinking on our own.
We have the Communists on the left,
Social Democrats on the middle,
the Free Corps joining
forces with the right.
It's one big political brawl.
- That doesn't worry you?
- Why should it?
Nothing good ever comes from brawls.
- When are you men going to learn that?
- When are you women going to learn
that extraordinary times
demand extraordinary measures?
Yes - war, assassination...
All right, all right.
I won't argue with you on that.
But I promise you that whatever comes
of this brawl will be extraordinary.
- Here. Go.
- We need more men like you in the party.
Oh, we hate the Communists -
wherever they go we'll go.
Whether or not we'll do anything
for the party is entirely up to you.
Here. Go!
You know, I've always been a great admirer
of yours - your reputation, your war medals.
Oh, my war medal is here.
I'm prouder of this
than of any Iron Cross.
Speak of me, Herr Hitler,
you speak of all my men.
We're all soldiers here.
These men, together with thousands and
thousands of others,
served our country well.
Even after they were abandoned
by the army they continued to fight
- to put down a Communist revolution.
- Yes.
Now, all of a sudden, the rich that
backed us up are charming away
I don't understand.
But if my men can crush a revolution,
they can also create one.
Because they love this country
as much as you or I do.
The only little problem is...
they're unemployed.
Not so long ago,
we Germans thirsted after blood
We had half the world in trenches,
crawling through the mud
We were close to victory,
how come we lost the war?
Where were all those leaders
that we counted on before?
Oh, my God. Ernst, is that you?
Friedrich. Friedrich Hollander, my God.
What are you doing here?
I run this place. I direct this show,
I write these songs - I am this place.
Freddie and I went to school together.
We were... sparring partners.
- In the fencing club.
- That too.
- And this beautiful lady is?
- His current sparring partner.
Helene Hanfstaengl.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Friedrich Hollander.
That's my wife.
...poison gas
And now that we have seen
the face of war
We're not the same men
that we were before...
Everyone's depressed-bad for the
economy but excellent for cabaret.
German people don't need democracy,
for God's sake,
they need music, laughter,
someone to tell them what to do
- so they can get in line and follow.
- Don't tell me you've become a nationalist?
I'm a satirist, Ernst, the most
dangerous politician of the mob.
Who just fell and scraped your knee?
It's time for fun and games
again in Germany...
Speaking of humour, I'm going to hear Hitler
tomorrow - would you like to come?
Hitler? The anti-Semite?
The National Socialist anti-Semite.
Call them Nazis just to piss them off.
- I hear he's fascinating.
- Well, that's very open-minded of you.
- You mean for a Jew?
- Yes.
I'm not supporting him, for God's sake.
I need new material.
...the face of war
We're not the same men
that we were before
And we can say without hypocrisy
Oh, the next one that we fight
will end in victory!
We will survive.
That's what they tell us.
What they mean is - they will survive.
We surrendered in November at a time
when we were perched on the edge of victory.
betrayed by the cowards
and the traitors within our ranks.
Communist pigs!
How do we fight them?
We unite. We must join
together for a greater Germany.
Clean him up a bit,
he might be worth something.
He's a cartoon.
We will sacrifice, we will struggle, yes,
but only then will we triumph.
And we will triumph!
With the hero Lohengrin
as our model
and the music of Wagner
as our inspiration,
we will hang the profiteers,
crush the Communists.
We will disinfect our country
of the Jewish vermin.
Funny... after 500 years
you'd think I'd be used to it.
We will triumph!
We will triumph!
We will triumph!
Excuse me, Herr Hitler.
I heard you speak... last night.
You mentioned Wagner.
I was told I could find you here,
that you never leave.
Herr Hitler, I was wondering...
Ssh, just... just play.
I know some people
who would love to hear you speak...,
who are not likely to go to a beer hall.
The wealthy. I've met a few.
Armchair politicians who care more about
their money than they do their own country.
But as your party's propaganda leader
you must know that to defend their money,
they'll spend a good deal of it.
That is, if someone they trust tells them
it's a safe bet. That's where I come in.
Herr Hitler... I can make you very popular.
Far more popular than him.
But you have to admit
the colour catches the eye.
Why don't you have a poster?
And a flag?
Your picture should be everywhere.
With your name in large letters.
You might consider a more distinctive look..
For example. When you think of Lenin.
You think of bearded and bald.
Not that that's attractive but...
but it does stick with you.
Baroness, we never talk so
openly about politics in America.
That's all we talk about here.
Of course, there are some things
we don't mention...
.. such as Captain Rhm and his Free Corps.
Now that the Reds are gone they still
want money. So what do we do, my dear?.
Don't talk to me about democracy.
Masses can't lead themselves.
In the old days, one man decided
what was best for the country
and there was order and discipline.
Now everyone votes on everything
and the result is chaos.
I assure you, Baron, it works in America.
There they have states with governors
under a president in Washington.
Here we have the Prussian state,
the Bavarian state and so forth
under a president in Berlin.
The structure is essentially the same.
It's not the same thing,
Ernst, and you know it.
Germans need to be led,
preferably by a man we can control.
He doesn't have to be smart, merely pliable.
And a bachelor...
so the women will vote for him.
Well said, Captain Gring.
This person you've invited tonight,
Herr Hanfstaengl, he has the workers' ear?.
Some of the workers
but mostly the middle class,
which is far better for our purposes.
I think you'll find
him... rather persuasive.
He is at the moment a diamond in the rough
though - and I do mean rough.
Herr Hitler.
I'm Helene, Ernst's wife.
He's told me so much about you. Come.
With respect, the Kaiser's a coward.
Better off without him really.
No, we need someone with courage,
courage to drive out
these foreign agitators.
A man who would smile in the face of
the machine gun and
scare the rabble shitless.
Would that be you, sir?
No, Captain Gring, not me, sir.
I'm just a voice crying in the wilderness.
Above all, we must remove the Jews.
They run our banks,
they lost us the war.
They're responsible for the
economic disaster we're in.
Sir, my father was a Jew and a stronger
patriot could not be found at this table.
I am the man I am
today because of him.
surely he wasn't talking
about your father.
He meant the Communist Jews,
didn't you, Herr Hitler.
You will excuse us,
Frau Hanfstaengl.
Herr Hitler.
Please accept my apologies.
I'm sure he meant no disrespect.
My husband and I have several
Jewish friends in America.
What this man is doing,
Madame, is heating up
the hatred in this
country to boiling point.
And all for his own purposes,
I might add.
May God forgive you and
your husband for supporting him.
...I to know what it's like
to be mistaken in a friend.
If he has deceived you as to his heritage,
who knows what else is he capable of?
You're a very gifted speaker, Herr Hitler.
I think... it is an honour
to be at this table with you.
I began life as a quite
gifted artist, Captain Gring.
And I brought something
I want you all to see.
What does it mean?
It means the unconquerable.
Do you like it, Frau Hanfstaengl?
It's very... hypnotic.
Tell us, Herr Hitler,
have you considered publishing?
Well done.
Thank you.
Thank you.
The turning point in my life was when
the blindfold was ripped from my eyes!
And only then will we triumph.
And we will triumph!
The Jew in all his terrible shame!
We will hang the profiteers!
We recognise him.
We recognise him.
We will make them pay!
We will triumph!
We will triumph! We will triumph!
We will triumph!
What's going on?
Herr Hitler... we er...
Who is this?
My new friends.
What are you arguing about?
We have been approached by the
German Socialist Party to join forces.
Our principles are similar, we can negotiate
a new platform to eliminate our differences,
and together both parties
will be even stronger.
Er... some of the others here disagree.
I see.
- Would you like to know what I think?.
- Yes, of course.
- I think you're a traitor.
- But Herr Hitler...
Compromise is not possible!
If their members wish to quit their party
and join ours that's another thing,
but our principles are our principles
and cannot be changed!
Once again, Drexler, you prove my point.
This is a tedious,
amateur organisation
and you are a jealous fool.
Which brings me to this.
Who wrote this?
Don't pretend you don't know what it is.
One of our own members
calls me a dangerous demagogue.
Are you out to destroy me?
I tell you, sir,
I don't need you or your Party.
I will form my own Party.
Herr Hitler, Herr Hitler!
You're right.
Of course we will not merge
if that is how you feel.
There are some who question
your financial ties, that is all.
We're not a Party of
the bourgeoisie, it's...
It's bound to have an impact.
The leadership.
I want you to step down,
name me as your successor.
Yes. Yes, of course.
The committee must approve unanimously.
Then make a public announcement.
May I have your attention?
The leadership committee
has just made an important decision.
I no longer feel qualified
to lead our struggle
so it is my privilege to
present you with our new leader.
Our new Fhrer...
...Adolf Hitler.
Oh, my God.
No, no, a little higher.
That's good. That's very good.
Beautiful, marvellous.
No. No.
Wonderful choice, my Fhrer,
but don't you think... this look is better?
Excuse me, Herr Hitler, a message
from Bavarian Prime Minister Von Kahr.
It seems I'm being asked
to cancel my speeches.
Not asked, ordered.
The Chancellor wants to pay war reparations
and honour the Treaty of Versailles.
As a consequence,
the people are ready to riot.
Kahr's ordered a state of emergency.
placed himself in charge.
He adds...
"If Hitler speaks, it
may only stir things up."
Stir things up.
Stir things up?
Have you been to the marketplace?
Do you know how much it costs
for a loaf of bread these days?
500.000 marks.
The wheelbarrows aren't big enough
to carry the money in!
And he's afraid I'll stir things up?
You tell Commissar Kahr
this is not a time for silence,
this is a time for revolution.
Right, well, I suppose that leaves me.
I know you're upset.
Of course you are.
Commissar Von Kahr is acting rashly.
Herr Hitler, you mustn't take it personally.
We both want the same thing.
Right now Von Kahr
thinks that he doesn't need you.
You must be clever
and show him that he does.
That you have the support of the people.
I want to show you something.
This is an article by an editor
named Fritz Gerlich that is,
on the whole, complimentary.
Everyone who's anyone reads him and...
he also happens to Write
Commissar Von Kahr's speeches.
I think you should pay him a visit.
I baked these this morning.
I hope you like them.
You must have been very brave,
Herr Hitler.
The Iron Cross is no small feat.
Thank you, dear.
I've heard you speak...,
Herr Hitler.
You're very persuasive.
You know, we share some
beliefs - the need
for a political leader,
strong voice to guide.
Yes, well, we need someone to take charge...
...throw out this Treaty of Versailles,
refuse to pay the war reparations.
War reparations. I agree with that.
What's that?.
- It helps me to keep
notes during an interview.
- That way when I get back...
- This isn't an interview.
What made you think that?
Kahr's a fool.
I know he's your friend,
but he has to realise I am not the enemy.
If he wants to make a stand against Berlin.
Fine. I won't stop him.
In fact...
...I should be his partner.
But you have fundamental areas
of disagreement. You both wish to lead.
I have no ambition to lead.
So long as Kahr keeps us a place
in his government, that's all we want.
A little... little piece
of the cake, as it were.
You know...
you know we could use a man like you.
You could perhaps...
write... for us.
On behalf of the
Nationalist Socialist Party.
But I don't write propaganda.
Who said anything about propaganda?
I'm talking about the truth.
Look around you.
Immigrants, Jews.
Stealing everything we work for.
The German Jews? Any party that comes
to power will surely guarantee that...
We're talking about Jews here!
They're not citizens.
They have no rights.
You are supposed to be a Nationalist.
You should know better.
I will never compromise on the Jews.
He's insane.
A complete psychotic.
He may be a compelling
speaker on stage but...
...in person I could see into his eyes
and what I saw was...
And I intend to shut him down.
With all due respect, Commissar Von Kahr...
you need to handle him with care.
Don't worry, I will.
I know how to deal with Adolf Hitler.
There were over 40 political
murders last weekend.
Reds killing SA. SA killing Reds.
General Von Lossow and Colonel Seisser here
are very concerned, as am I.
Well, if my party had a voice
in your government,
perhaps we might find less violent ways
of expressing ourselves.
Which is exactly what I'm
prepared to offer you.
In... a few weeks'
time, General Von Lossow
and Colonel Seisser
intend to march on Berlin.
A putsch to bring the national
government under our control.
Would you like to be
part of that putsch?
Yes, of course.
Then you must be very quiet.
You can speak...
give the impression of business as usual.
But you must also promise me...
...if you wish to play
any part in our government,
there will be no more violence.
Berlin mustn't believe we have
designs against them.
You have my full support.
Just keep your men quiet.
I can't do that.
Of course you can.
You're the leader, they listen to you.
I pay them to listen to you.
It's not a question about money,
it's the principle.
If there's a Red anywhere near,
there's going to be a fight.
Look... I don't care how you do this...
...just keep them quiet.
He won't listen. We have to find some
other way, some kind of figurehead.
Make it tighter.
So, how is your father, Hess?
Very well, General Ludendorff,
he sends his best.
Who is this?
May I present Herr Hitler,
to you, sir?
I believe you've met before
at one of Captain Gring's soirees.
Oh, yes. Er, what can I do for you?
No, no, that's too tight. Let it out.
Your Excellency is the...
our... heroic leader of the Nationalist
Right, while I'm but its spokesman.
No, more, more, I can't breathe.
I was wondering if I could perhaps
discuss a little plan I have,
we're confident of gaining
Your Excellency's support.
Support? For what?
We're planning a transference of power.
Bavarian Commissar Von Kahr
has seen the wisdom
of joining the National Socialists
for a march on Berlin.
Well... good for you.
Those idiots at the Reichstag haven't
learned their lesson, so... kick them out.
We need true Germans running this
country again, like we had with Bismarck...
I knew him, you know. Hm.
My God, what a man.
So... what's your plan?
And can you carry this off?
I won't be made a fool of, you know.
Your Excellency,
we are confident of our success.
By the way, I'm speaking
next week... at the Circus Krone.
I would be honoured
if you would be my guest.
For many years, my friends,
I was like a prisoner -
blindfolded, fending off
flaws from every directions.
What had I done
to deserve this treatment?
I did not even know
who my enemy was.
An innocent victim of greed
and of hatred and of cunning!
In recent years
we have all suffered like this.
Germany more than any of us.
Yet there is no need
to live in darkness.
The turning point in my life was when
the blindfold was ripped from my eyes.
And I could see my enemy.
Our enemy - the Jew!
We recognise him.
Nobody leaves. No-one.
We see how his filth and his greed have
staggered the heart of this great country.
We must crush this vermin!
We must wipe this plague
from our nation!
What we say tonight
will soon be forgotten.
What we do will live on
for a thousand, thousand years!
What's the matter?
Lossow has said we have to wait
two more weeks before they take action.
Seisser was in Berlin.
Some important meeting.
Kahr wouldn't see me.
But in two days he intends to address
all the right-wing political factions
at one of their beer halls.
All of them, that is, except you.
He's outfoxed you, lad.
He clearly intends to form a coalition
with all of your competitors
and create a new government
without you.
He brought you into this
simply to keep you quiet.
We'll move without them, then.
We'll seize Munich.
We'll march on Berlin.
The people are with us.
Listen to them.
Gentlemen, our time has come.
I'll confront Kahr here.
Rhm and his men wait here.
We surround the barracks...
then attack...
Once the situation is secure,
I'll telephone Rhm here at the beer hall.
Half of my men will cut the lines
at the telephone exchange.
The rest of us will secure
the military barracks.
No information in or out of Munich
unless I say so.
...I know this is often
said and deeply felt...
...but none more deeply than tonight -
may God and the people
of Germany be with us.
We're brothers, you and I.
Together we will make history.
Your papers, please.
I couldn't sleep last night worrying
about this speech. His popularity's rising.
- If people don't hear the truth...
- Don't worry. They will.
Tonight we unify the other parties
and put an end to Adolf Hitler.
The circus rules
And I'm the lion tamer
An all-or-nothing savage autocrat
I crack my whip
The king of all the jungle
Just starts to purr
Like he's my pussycat
But smell the stench
You can't escape the jungle
And though at peace
The animals still roar
Those darling beasts
They long to slay each other
Only my whip
Keeps them from going to war
They throw an attack...
Gentlemen, history has brought us
to the edge of chaos...
.. and now we have a choice.
Men act like beasts
Beasts act like men
They both need training now and then
Or we can, with courage
and faith, leap...
What's that drumming?
What's coming?
The national revolution has begun.
The building is surrounded.
No-one may leave.
Any trouble, you will be shot.
Stay calm.
Remain in your places.
We have the building surrounded.
Get me Ludendorff.
Sorry to surprise you like this,
but then you're no stranger
to intrigue, are you?
I am forming a provisional
Reich government.
I will be in charge of the police,
General Ludendorff will be in charge
of the army,
and I will have a post for each of you.
I need your support.
You seem to have planned this well.
And where is General Ludendorff?
If he supports you
as you say he does...
why is he not here?
Oh, so the little man
pulled it off, did he?
Give me a moment.
Keep your heads!
Stay calm!
- He's a little late.
- Gentlemen. please!
What's going on?
- You sure he's coming at all?.
- Shut up!
Stay calm!
Shut up!
- Take your seats. Remain calm!
- Ludendorff's here.
He's here.
Your leaders are with us.
Will you join them?
Will you stand behind us?
The German revolution begins tonight!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
There's an armed group
heading towards the barracks.
Fall back!
Get out of my way!
What do you mean they fell back?
I can't believe this is happening.
Nobody does anything right.
- Where's your conscience?
- Conscience.
A Jewish invention, sir.
Do you mind if we visit our wives, General?
They'll be worried.
Of course, of course,
mustn't worry, poor women.
Mobilise the army. Now.
What the hell's happening?
There are too many of them.
Somebody must have betrayed us.
What are you doing here?
Where's Kahr and the others?
Oh, I let them go. Their wives
were a concern. That's all right.
They gave me their word
they wouldn't notify the authorities.
Good God!
- Follow me.
- Let's go.
We'll take to the streets.
We'll take to the streets.
We'll go to the War Ministry.
There were 8000 people at the
Circus Krone the other night.
As soon as they know what's happened,
they will support us.
Hurry up. Retreat!
Get him out of here!
Fall back... fall back!
Papa! Mama!
Go. Drive.
Darling, it's me.
I've got to get out. It's all gone sour.
Don't let anyone in.
I want you to take the children
and go to your mother's.
Ernst, what happened?
I'll call you there.
I know a safe place.
Turn right up ahead.
- You're frightening the children.
- Go get the door.
Go, Frieda, now.
Frieda! Frieda, stop it!
Shut up! Shut up!
Now take the children outside.
Go on. Now.
Frau Hanfstaengl. Open the door!
We know he's in there!
Frau Hanfstaengl!
Open the door!
Up you come. Come on.
Herr Hitler.
Of course, that's what...
that's exactly what they want...
He's on a hunger strike.
If he doesn't testify or worse, if he dies,
they'll come after everyone including us.
You're out of your mind.
- Helene, someone has
to answer for the putsch.
For God's sake, it was treason.
He won't listen to his
men, but he likes you.
All you have to do is
shore up his confidence.
- No.
- Helene!
Our lives, our future, depend on this.
I baked these myself.
You mustn't lose hope.
So many people believe in you.
Do you?
The first time I saw you...
...I knew that you were a great... man.
There he is.
Let us proceed.
General Ludendorff...
you have been accused of high treason.
How do you plead?
Not guilty.
Adolf Hitler...
...you have been accused of high treason.
How do you plead?
Herr Hitler, are you a German citizen?
Are you talking about a piece of paper
or the blood that runs through my veins?
Answer the question.
In November of last year
you led a putsch against the Bavarian
state and German Reich.
You coerced and threatened Commissar Kahr,
General Lossow and Colonel Seisser.
You have been accused of high treason
and called an enemy of the state.
If a thief takes your money and you take
it back... does that make you also a thief?
In 1918 we were betrayed
by the November Criminals,
the ones who claimed
to be our leaders.
They ended the war,
signed the Treaty of Versailles.
And that... was high treason.
This is supposed to be an interrogation,
not a speech.
I was simply taking back... that which
was stolen from us five years before.
Namely the right...
the right to defend ourselves against
the wishes of an incapable parliament.
I used no force. I used no force.
I was supported by Commissar Kahr.
Why isn't he on trial?
If I'm guilty of anything...
then I am guilty of fighting to defend
the rights of the German people.
Fascinating, isn't he?
Fritz, please!
What is it?
- Please just...
- Sit down.
...open the door.
What's wrong?
Today I was absolutely convinced
that it would be over.
That he would be exposed
as cold-blooded and psychotic.
But they cheered him, Sophie.
Hitler stood up in a court of law
and claimed that all he wants
is to give the nation back to its people
and the people believed him.
Even the judge was impressed.
He's figured us out.
- Figured who out?
- People.
You've met him.
He's not human.
He's studied people
in order to appear human,
but all he's discovered
is our fear and our hatred.
And now we're all running toward
a monster we should be running from.
Extraordinary times
demand extraordinary measures.
You said that once, remember?
When all those drunks in the beer halls
were throwing mugs at each other?
I told you nothing good
would come of it.
That was then.
Come inside now.
I'll fix you something to eat.
Thank you.
For what?
- Stop the presses!
- Stop the presses!
Stop the presses.
We've got a new front page.
Listen... everybody.
We have a new front page.
On the night of the putsch,
Commissar Von Kahr
was promising an
initiative that would have
turned this country
around had he been heard.
I know because I wrote it.
Tonight, we are the voice of sanity.
"History has brought us to the edge of chaos
and we now have a choice.
Either we can jump into the abyss or,
with courage and faith,
leap to the other side."
I demand freedom!
"The abyss is Hitler's party
of National Socialism -
a party of intolerance and hatred.
false imagery and false hope.
A pit of nonsense and outright lies."
They are the ones who deserve to be hung!
"He's an agitator who believes our fears
will drown out our reason.
And the worst we can do - the absolute worst
- is to do nothing."
All right. Let's get to work...
General Ludendorff...
the court finds you not guilty
and releases you from custody.
Herr Hitler...
...the court finds you guilty of treason.
You are hereby sentenced
to a fine of 200 gold marks...
.. and five years in Landsberg prison.
You will...
you will be eligible for parole...
in nine months.
This way please, Herr Hitler.
There's a courtyard you can exercise in.
You are welcome
to have as many visitors as you wish.
Herr Hess is living
just next door and can
serve as your secretary
during your stay here.
If there is anything we an do to make you
more comfortable, please let us know.
Is something wrong, sir?
They're dying. Take them away.
I don't like dying things around.
Yes, sir, and if I may say so, sir,
it's an honour to serve you.
Welcome, my Fhrer.
Thank you, Hess.
Well, it's lovely, isn't it?
Only two things missing,
an audience and an income.
Perhaps I'll write a memoir.
- What do you think?
- It's an excellent idea.
Then I need a publisher.
I was thinking.
Now that Hitler's in jail
and we've nothing to worry about,
why not go to America?
Darling, she's sick.
We'll find a doctor.
Better than anyone here and get her well.
From now on,
I promise...
my family before everything.
Herr Hanfstaengl...
There's a call for you
from Landsberg prison.
Austria's lovely this
time of year, isn't it?
I was...
I escaped by pure luck.
I thought my being
outside might be helpful...
Yes, yes, how very generous of you.
As a consequence, I've seen
more of your wife lately than of you.
Yes, she's a great admirer of yours.
And you're not?
Of course I am.
You know I'd do anything for your...
our cause.
I'm writing my memoirs.
Four-And-A-Half Years
Against Stupidity, Lies and Cowardice.
Effective title, don't you think?
Yes, yes, it's very good.
You might consider shortening it bit...
Ah, you see?
You see?
You're good at these kind of things.
That's why I want you to be my publisher.
But, Herr Hitler, my family only
publishes art books.
- Besides I'm taking Helene
and the children to America.
No, you're not.
I'm tired of you running
out on me all the time.
Our daughter's very ill...
Now you listen to me...
I've kept your name out of this.
It would be very hard
on your family if you
were suddenly in prison
too, don't you think?
You can stay and help me with my book.
Now that you're absent,
the Party lacks leadership.
And since my name has
been closely tied to it,
I feel I must continue with it.
By the way, Rhm thinks
it's a wonderful idea.
He feels that with my political muscle
behind him he can rebuild his army.
I might even, at some
point, run for president.
You needn't worry, we'll have
a place for you when you return.
How very thoughtful of you.
Take a letter, Hess.
Party Headquarters.
I hereby resign from politics.
I want nothing more to do with the Party.
I'm too busy writing.
But sir, without you, the Party is finished.
Today it seems to me providential
that fate should have chosen Braunau
as my birthplace.
In this little town, Bavarian by blood,
lived my parents...
My father, a civil servant...
Make that "dutiful civil servant."
My mother, devoted above
all to her children.
Once, as I was strolling
through the inner city.
I suddenly encountered an apparition
in black kaftan and black hair locks.
"Is this a Jew?" was my first thought.
And then my question assumed a new form.
Is this a German?
They are strong.
Stronger than we are.
We need more room to live, to expand,
sustain ourselves!
Germany will either be free of Jews,
or there will be no Germany!
We need a leader, a man of great vision,
a man with the courage
to grind his enemies' bones into the dust!
And he lives! He lives today!
And he will lead his people to victory!
It's been an honour, my Fhrer.
The fever's down. I
finally got her to sleep.
Thank, God.
- Can we begin now?
- Yes, darling. Of course we can.
- There you go.
- What is it?
What is it?
Look. A whole zoo.
A rhino, a lion, a tiger,
a giraffe, a monkey.
It's just what I wanted.
Uncle Dolf!
Ha, ha, ha, Egon!
Merry Christmas.
I have a gift for you. A gift for you.
You're looking lovely, as always.
Herr Hitler. What a surprise.
Did they make you break rocks in prison?
No, no, Egon, but I did something
much harder than that.
Thank you.
- I wrote a book...
- Are you publishing it, Daddy?
No, I'm afraid not, Egon.
We only publish art books.
You mean there aren't any pictures?
No, no. No, pictures.
But it will sell very well and whoever
publishes will make a lot of money.
Herr Hitler, if you wish to talk
about business or politics...
Of course not. It's Christmas.
That's not why I came.
Would you excuse me, Herr Hitler?
Our daughter's not been well.
We've both been up all night.
No. No. I'll go. You rest.
Is she very ill?
We don't...
We don't know what's wrong with her.
All the time I was in
prison, I thought only of you.
You saved my life...
when you took the gun from my hand.
- Please, Herr Hitler...
- No, please. No, no, please.
I have never admired a woman
as much as I admire you.
You're so brave... so beautiful.
You are the perfect woman,
wife... and mother.
Thank you.
She wants her mother.
No, you don't drink, do you?
So, tell me, what are your plans?
You can only keep the fox out
of the henhouse for so long.
Even when he's promised he's through.
Yes, well, you're a publisher,
or at least that's what they say.
You should know better
than to believe everything you read.
As soon as my plans are set,
you'll be the first to know.
In the meantime...
I'm off to the country.
Happy Christmas.
- Adi!
- Good morning, Angela.
Oh! Gosh, it's so good to see you.
It's such a long time.
Everyone in Linz is talking about you.
I've become the famous half-sister.
Oh, your mother would be so proud!
I'm glad you could come.
So, this is the house?
I can manage that.
Oh, speaking of proud mothers...
Geli's changed quite a
bit since you last saw her.
Uncle Dolf, thank you
so much bringing us here.
It's my pleasure.
I always think it important
for family to stick together.
Don't you think?
- Yes.
- Yes.
I'm honoured that you asked me
to publish your book, Herr Hitler.
It will make quite an
impression on this country.
Only a war veteran like you can understand
what the bourgeois publisher cannot.
I must warn you, though.
I don't expect huge sales at first.
The economy's too good.
- Democracy seems to be working.
- That's only temporary, I can assure you.
Our poor country
hasn't seen the end of hardship just yet.
I can't help but notice, Herr Hitler,
the mountain air has done you good.
Not to mention certain other distractions.
What do you mean by that?
Beautiful vistas.
The lake.
My Fhrer!
We just received an urgent
message from Munich.
The Party needs to know who you support
in the presidential elections.
Hindenburg or Ludendorff.
Ludendorff, of course. Why not?
He's not expected to win, Fhrer.
In fact, he's expected to lose quite badly.
All the more reason, then.
Thank you.
Uncle Dolf,
it's so beautiful.
I'm not hiding.
But all those men coming to see you.
Why don't you ever go
into the city to see them?
I think...
you would like that?
It's very nice.
Have you ever been to Munich?
I've never been out of Linz.
Perhaps I'll take you sometime.
Would you?
- Would you really?
- I said perhaps.
Off you go.
Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine. I'm just
not quite used to this yet.
Come with me.
Come closer.
Move closer.
In a circle, around me.
- Like this?
- Yes. Yes.
Faster, faster.
Yes, um...
Quickly. Quickly.
Faster, faster.
- I'm freezing, Uncle.
- Shh!
Don't say... anything.
Don't... move.
Through so-called
"assimilation", the Jew
defiles our inexperienced
young blonde girls
and thereby destroys something
given to the earth by God's good grace.
Paranoid ramblings,
Fritz. Paranoid ramblings.
Nobody takes him seriously any more.
Case in point, you keep writing about him,
but nobody is buying our newspapers.
He is yesterday's news.
People do not care any more.
We must make them care.
Do you know, according to him,
the Jews have a plan for world domination
and that we must act ruthlessly.
- He's preaching war!
- Well now, that's ridiculous.
There are over half
a million Jews in this
country in every walk
of life and profession.
Some of our most successful
citizens are Jewish.
How can he possibly
wage war against them?
- Read the book... See for yourself.
- I have done!
Now, you listen to me.
You cannot continue to give front-page
coverage to a man whose book sold what?
5,000 copies?
Now, as your friend, I
appreciate your passion,
but as your publisher I must warn you,
you are losing us money.
Now, you have a decision to make, Fritz.
Do you wish to continue
to write for this paper?
You know I do.
Then we have an understanding.
No more Hitler.
- When are you coming back?
- How can I possibly return to Munich?
I don't mean to Munich, I mean to the Party.
The longer you wait, the harder
it's going to be to come back.
There's dissension in Munich and already
there's a stronger presence up in the north.
Ah. Herr Strasser.
Yes, Strasser, but also this young
man is grooming.
A very powerful speaker who is demanding
the party divorce itself entirely from you.
What's his name?
Joseph Goebbels.
Are you in or out of politics?
I need to know.
I'll tell you what I need.
Someone I can trust.
I'm not surprised we lost.
We are running a political party
without strong leadership.
Call a meeting in Munich.
I want all the party leaders in attendance
in three days.
Three days?
My Fhrer, I don't think
the leaders in the north
will have enough time to organise...
You're right, you're
right. Make that two days.
Angela, pack up your daughter's luggage.
Geli's off to the city.
It's unfortunate...
but if my defeat forced
the party to call you
out of retirement, it
was certainly worth it.
Together, you and I
will re-unite our shattered army.
I beg your pardon.
You should beg everyone's pardon.
We're in this mess because of you.
We lost the putsch because you were late.
You released Von Kahr
so he could call in the government troops.
And now this ineffective, not to say,
laughable campaign.
I have never been spoken to like this
in my whole life.
Perhaps if you had, you wouldn't have
turned that to be such an embarrassment!
Stop the car.
Stop the car! Stop the car!
So, you won't be joining us for the
reunification? How very unfortunate.
Ah, Gregor Strasser.
How good to see you.
I'm glad Berlin could spare you
on such short notice.
Did you know, your agitation
almost cost me my parole?
It wasn't meant to, my Fhrer.
Of course not.
Have you met my niece?
The famous Geli.
This must be Herr Goebbels...
the young man who so desperately
wants me out of the Party.
Take care of her, Hess.
I had hoped the reports of your bickering
had been exaggerated.
Sit, sit.
Where's Ludendorff?
He's feeling unwell.
But I'm glad the rest of you could come.
The purpose of this meeting, gentlemen,
is to solidify the party under me.
I expect your full support.
We must enter government by legal means.
then we can take it apart.
Our new policy is to win elections.
Agitation is a thing of the past.
Meaning what?
The SA are to be bridled, Ernst.
They may sing, march, carry flags,
but they must keep calm
unless I say otherwise.
We're not a Sunday shooting club,
Adolf, we're a militia.
Not any more.
My personal security
will now be handled by the SS.
Your men give off the wrong impression.
I don't give a damn about impressions.
But without the SA,
without us, our loyalty...
The wheels of history have turned!
The plan has changed.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Does anyone else wish to leave?
During my absence,
you fought, you bickered,
you made no progress whatsoever.
Therefore, I propose to relieve you
of the responsibility of leadership.
The interests of this movement,
from now on, will be my concern.
If I should fail, I will stand down.
But I will not fail.
In this struggle,
there are but two possible outcomes.
Either the enemy passes over our body,
or we will pass over theirs!
If I should fall...
wrap my body in the swastika banner.
- Sieg heil!
- Sieg heil!
- Ah.
- Hello, how are you?
I don't understand. What's the point?
Why should I campaign for others?
You can't run for president, my Fhrer,
unless you have your citizenship.
You can't get your citizenship
unless you have friends in the Reichstag.
These people want to invest in you,
not the Party.
You're the most visible symbol we have.
Excuse me.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
I was so sorry to hear about your loss.
She was such a beautiful child.
Well, this party's been a relief, really.
It's given me something else to think about.
It's tomorrow, when there's
nothing to do, that I dread.
Then perhaps I can help.
Herr Hanfstaengl,
I've been meaning to ask.
about your musical training.
Herr Weidman is helping us
acquire some property in the centre of town.
With your undoubted skill as a hostess,
perhaps you might like
to help him raise funds?
- I'd be honoured.
- Yes.
- Yes. thank you.
- Good.
Oh, thank. God!
Oh, Maurice I could hardly breathe in there.
Mm, would you like one?
I'd love one, but he wouldn't approve.
Your uncle is a good man.
He's protective, that's all.
He's a monster.
You can't imagine what he asks of me.
And this will be our Fhrer's office.
Grand, spacious, inviting in the sun.
As he does.
We need your support as we begin
our campaign for seats in the Reichstag.
But before we rebuild our nation,
we must first rebuild our party.
And what better place to start than here?
That was wonderful.
It's like you've been doing it your
whole life. I'm so proud of you.
- Thank. you.
- Let's celebrate.
Just us.
We'll go to the cabaret.
Oh, I don't think the cabaret's a place
we should patronize nowadays, do you?
Besides, I have to work late.
Right. Of course.
If it's raining if it's sunny
If you're freezing or dripping sweat
- How are you?
- What are you doing here?
Um... having a drink.
Seeing an old friend.
I have a rival.
- I need solace.
- Solace?
Let's see. You weren't at the synagogue
the SA attacked last night.
Does that give you solace?
Go blame the Jews
The Jews are guilty...
People were killed, Ernst.
Go home.
We don't serve your kind any more.
So blame the Jews if we have flaws
It's not our fault
because the Jew's the cause
For all our flaws
Oh, it's a shame but true
Whatever's wrong the Jew's to blame
So blame the Jews. Go blame the Jews
The Jews are guilty and it's not new news
You don't need brains to read the clues
The guilty party always is the Jews
So blame the Jews, if we have flaws
It's not our fault
because the Jew's the cause
For all our flaws
Oh, it's a shame but true
Whatever's wrong the Jew's to blame
This will be your new bedroom.
You may decorate as you wish,
you'll be spending a lot of time here.
Unless you're with me, then a bodyguard
must accompany you at all times.
This is a dangerous world, Geli.
And I'm here to protect you.
There, take it! Now I have nothing left!
Move along!
Out! Out!
Don't buy from the Jews!
It's ridiculous.
The SA's broke, hungry,
spoiling for a fight with anyone.
Can I write about it?
No, because Hitler doesn't sell papers.
Do you know what does? Gossip.
Look at today's front page.
Bavarian Farm Girl Has Religious Visions!
We've published, oh I don't know,
ten editions of that in the last four days!
- She gives people hope.
- So does Hitler!
People don't want the real news.
They don't wanna be depressed.
They don't want to hear about anything
they might have to do something about.
It's as if we've all
become stupid, gone blind!
What on earth is happening to you? What...
Since when have you become
so contemptuous of people, Fritz?
Don't raise your voice.
Somebody has to. You're so busy scrutinizing
him you can't see you're becoming like him.
You're losing the best part of yourself!
You can't stay like this.
You'll either have to
go forward, or step back.
but where you are at the moment is wrong.
I can't go forward, I'll lose my job.
If I lose my job...
The only other choice
is to be content with silence.
But I know you better than that.
The opposition papers are implying things
about your relationship with your niece.
Trust these Jews to paint everyone
as dirty as they are.
But it's not just them. People in the party
are also beginning to object...
She's my niece, for God's sake!
We go to the opera together!
Hold on, could you?
Herr Hitler, I haven't yet seen
a photograph that captures your eyes.
It would be a shame to
deprive us of their power.
- What's your name?
- Eva.
- Eva Braun.
- Eva.
She's a very pretty girl, your niece.
Please! Uncle...
He didn't mean anything!
I swear. Uncle. Please.
Please, you're crazy. He's not...
Shut up! Leave it!
See him again and I'll have him killed.
I want to go home.
I don't want to be here any more.
- Of course you do.
- No.
I don't!
I can't stand this any more.
You won't let me do anything, you won't...
...let me make friends!
You won't let me grown out of my own.
I'm sick of your speeches.
I'm sick of your parties! I'm sick of you!
Listen to me!
You're different from other girls.
You're sweet.
Sweet and innocent.
And you don't understand
what men like that want to do.
Now, your Uncle Dolf is
here to protect you.
You will never be left alone
with a man like that again.
Six-and-a-half million votes.
107 seats.
We're the second biggest party
in the Reichstag.
Herr Goebbels, how could have
done this without you?
How would you like to be
my new Minister of Information?
I'd be honoured, my Fhrer.
Hanfstaengl, your wife has prevailed upon me
to promote you too.
I thought Press Secretary might suit you.
Thank you, Herr Hitler.
Excuse me, my Fhrer.
Frulein Geli was caught outside
getting into a taxi.
She told the driver
to take her to the train station.
Excuse me for a moment.
You must never ever,
ever try anything like that again.
Do you understand me?
Now, listen. Listen, listen, listen.
I had a dog like you once.
Couldn't get it into her head
who her master was.
Kept running away.
So I penned her, she escaped.
I beat her, she tried to bite me.
I chained her and she strangled herself.
She was stupid, Geli.
Don't be stupid.
Take her home.
What is it?
Adi, we can't leave it like this.
It's not right.
And I can't bear it.
You can't bear it?
What about me?
What about me?
It was my gun!
This is all I have left.
This room will not be touched.
But, Adi...
Don't you see?
The goddess of history
is watching over everything I do now.
Your citizenship,
your new German citizenship.
Thank goodness your
family changed its name,
or else we'd all be saying
"Heil Schicklgrber!"
Here's to the next Reich's President.
I think it's wonderful.
I think it makes you look brave...
and strong...
and determined.
Thank you, Frulein Braun.
I think so too.
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler!
The new German citizen. Adolf Hitler.
is running for President.
As Hitler makes history
with his Germany flight.
his message is loud and clear.
A vote for the Fhrer
is a vote for the future!
Heil Hitler.
...Lohengrin as our model
and the music of Wagner as our inspiration.
we will hang the profiteers.
We will crush the Communists.
Behind us is Germany. With us is...
The Fhrer is now running
for Reich president
and we're going to give
him a run for his money.
Sepp, find out about
his accounting practices,
write an article about them.
Maria, get on the campaign trail.
Find those that have heard him speak.
- Speak to those that disagree.
- Herr Gerlich, I thought you said no...
No Hitler, yes.
Temporary insanity. Am I forgiven?
I want him stopped!
What does this mean?
You said that you would stop.
I'm doing my job. The job of every
newspaper is to reflect its time.
Don't you think if we ignore...
Everybody out! Quick, get out.
Come on.
Out, everybody out.
- Next time, it could be a bomb.
- But it wasn't a bomb.
- Don't you see they're
just angry because...
I'm sorry, Fritz.
Fritz, you're fired!
Will you be having lunch today,
Frulein Braun?
Not today, Angela.
It's all there is, you know?
I beg your pardon?
He treated my daughter the same way.
Chained her.
Then abandoned her.
I don't know what you're talking about.
There's a locked room upstairs.
Would you like to see it?
Don't touch.
He'll know you've been here.
You can't compete.
You're alive and she's a memory.
His memory.
Not mine.
Not the real Geli.
I can't bring her back
and I can't change what I allowed to happen.
but I can warn you, Frulein.
It's not going to get any better.
This is his ideal.
Not you.
Never you.
What's this?
He hates fresh flowers.
He put it there himself, my dear.
I want you gone from this
house by morning.
Of course, I'm happy
to take on another client.
I'm not exclusive to the
National Socialists, you know.
What's it called?
- The Straight Path,
after a quote from St Paul.
- Oh, a religious paper?
- In its way.
My client only asks that you not exercise
editorial control over what he writes.
I'm a printer my friend, not a publisher.
I only care if the ink smears.
Thank you so much.
- Did he sign the contract?
- Yes.
But Fritz, this man prints the Nazi papers.
This is the last place you want to publish.
On the contrary, Sepp.
This is the one press
Hitler can't afford to destroy.
Why the gloomy faces?
30% of the country voted for me.
That's a far cry from
40 people in a beer hall.
But we didn't win, my Fhrer.
Perhaps we need to rethink our strategy.
If we don't deliver on our promises,
our constituents will look
elsewhere for a leader.
I wouldn't worry about that.
All the right-wing factions
are now backing us.
Hindenburg has no choice
but to offer me Chancellor.
With all due respect, my Fhrer,
you and Hindenburg
don't exactly see eye to eye.
The Chancellorship is
the second most powerful
position in the land, why
would he offer it to you?
Because of the trouble
I can cause if he doesn't.
You wanted to see me, Adolf?
Would you excuse us for a moment please,
Please sit down.
Now it's very important
that you don't speak.
Not a word.
I just want you to listen. Understand?
I've heard some rather disturbing
news about you.
Not a word.
Rumour has it I'm to be
used as target practice.
Shut up!
Let me finish, please.
Over the years,
the SA has become rather stubborn.
As you know, I'm having
a terrible time trying to
steer them away from the
concept of revolution.
They have to be lockstep behind us.
They're too rebellious.
.. as of this moment, I'm handling
the entire problem over to you.
Call it a kind of test.
If you succeed, then perhaps I can
forget about this whole nasty business.
Thanks for stopping by.
And, Ernst...
please don't try this again.
The challenge facing any new Chancellor
is how to deal with the National Socialists.
If they paralyse the Reichstag again,
which they do whenever they
don't get what they want,
we'll be forced to hold another election,
a fourth this year.
Chancellorship is a thankless job,
Your Excellency.
- I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
- I know, Papen, I know.
Look..., I've dedicated
my life to this country
and I intend to leave
it in capable hands,
so I've asked General von Schleicher here
to be my new Chancellor.
Congratulations, General.
He has turned me down.
He has, instead, suggested you,
Franz von Papen,
to be the new head of this government.
You're conservative, Catholic...
Your Excellency, President Hindenburg,
I... I'm not...
Good, that's settled, then. Now...
Let's begin with the largest threat
to our democracy, Herr Hitler.
Any suggestions?
Might I suggest we put him in a position
where we can control him?
What position did you have in mind?
You must be joking.
Not at all. The Vice-Chancellorship is the
third most-powerful position in Germany.
My party's popularity demands
a great deal more than third place!
What precisely are you asking for, sir?
I want the Chancellorship, sir.
That's my job.
I wouldn't laugh, General.
Perhaps I'll take your job, as well.
Herr Reich President, surely you can see
I'm a force to be reckoned with?
The sooner you appoint me Chancellor,
- approve my cabinet...
- I will never appoint you Chancellor!
How dare you presume, sir?
You're nothing but a Bohemian corporal!
If I made you head of this government,
how would I answer to God?
And how will you answer
to Germany if you don't?
Good day, sir.
Stupid old fool.
I don't care what he says to God,
I only hope it's soon and in person.
Get me Rhm.
I'll show Hindenburg
what answering to God looks like.
Next on the Reichstag agenda.
I propose a bill
regarding the allocation of monies.
Gentlemen, we're leaving.
By leaving, you will cause the dissolution
of this elected body
and once again, by law,
force a new election. Stop them.
230 seats.
We're the largest party in the Reichstag.
We are blessed by the providence of history.
Heil Hitler!
How dare he demand the Chancellorship again!
I don't care how many
seats Hitler holds,
he will never be Chancellor
as long as I am alive.
The most he could be
is my postmaster general.
He could lick my behind
when he puts on the stamps!
May I make a suggestion,
Herr Vice President?
After your last suggestion,
the Nazis took over the Reichstag!
They're getting stronger all the time.
Stronger and stronger.
They're making a mockery of our government.
Of us, gentlemen, of us.
- I have an alternative,
Herr Reich President.
Gregor Strasser is
Hitler's second-in-command.
He's very well-liked in the Party.
I'm sure he would be more than willing
to accept the Vice Chancellorship.
- You have spoken to him?
- Yes. He hates Hitler.
This would divide the National Socialists
and neutralise the Party.
The one thing I do not want, gentlemen,
is for my presidency to end in anarchy.
Sorry, Papen,
but I think. General von Schleicher
needs to try his luck at the Chancellorship.
Herr Reich President, please.
It's clear to me
he had his eye on this position all along.
He only used me to flush out the enemy.
Give me one more chance, sir.
General, I hereby appoint
you Reich Chancellor.
Good luck.
The Party is much more than you.
You say that yourself.
As Vice Chancellor,
block the Communists,
increase our popularity.
And how would you deal with traitors?
I'm not a traitor, my Fhrer.
Traitors are defined, Strasser, not by
themselves, but by the people they betray.
You will refuse Schleicher's offer
and you will resign your Party position,
effective immediately.
Herr Graf!
Show this man out.
Oh, my God.
I should be back by nine.
Make sure Egon is fed and put to bed.
You know, Helene, we haven't had
a meal together for days.
I'm starting to think, you're more involved
in party politics than I am.
Do you find this amusing, Frieda?
I do not, Frau Hanfstaengl.
I was only reading the paper.
Something amusing in the papers?
That's news.
Listen to this.
According to his own racial profiling,
Hitler's nose is the same
nose as that of Attila the Hun,
a foreign invader if there ever was one.
How dare you bring this into my house?
It's Jewish propaganda,
and should be burned.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
But I don't think you have any right
to tell me what I can and what I can't read.
I'll speak to you in the morning.
Get me Hess.
Look. at my new skirt. You like it?
I bought it today.
What... what...
Kiss me, kiss me, yeah, kiss me.
Set up a meeting with Von Papen.
Look, there is no doubt that Hindenburg
made the greatest mistake of his life.
appointing Schleicher Chancellor.
They both publicly humiliated you.
This is your chance to get even,
gain that power back..
He'll never appoint me Chancellor again.
I don't know why...
But he would appoint you Vice Chancellor,
under me.
That's the point.
The cabinet would be reliably conservative.
I'd leave these things to you.
You're far more experienced than I.
There is one minor problem, Hindenburg...
Hindenburg hates me.
He must be persuaded.
If there's one thing about him that hasn't
diminished with age, it's his vanity.
A well-placed public letter from you
could work wonders.
And a few disruptions in the Reichstag.
My dear Reich's President Von Hindenburg.
all the great heroes of Germany
were benevolent men
who loved their people,
and who were loved in turn.
Like Parsifal. Like Lohengrin.
Like you.
Germany is fortunate to
have you as its leader.
I give you my loyalty
and my undying respect.
Will the National Socialist Party
please return to their seats?
Will you please return to your seats!
Schleicher, this is a price I
thought you'd never have to pay.
Get me Hitler.
You mustn't misbehave like this.
I'm sorry.
You could have ruined
everything I worked for.
I'm sorry, Adi, it's just that... I get
so lonely and I need more time with you.
You must be patient, Eva.
I still have enemies.
Even when I'm made Chancellor
there are loose ends I must tie up.
Do you promise to be good?
Do you promise?
I promise.
Do you solemnly swear
to carry out the obligations
of the office of Chancellor
without Party interests
and for the good of the nation?
I do.
And do you further swear
to uphold the Constitution,
support the President
and respect the right of the Reichstag.
so help you God?
I do.
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
We must crush this vermin.
- We must remove this contamination.
- Someone please turn him off.
Herr Gerlich.
My name is Georg Bell.
I've read your paper.
We have a common enemy, you and I.
As of today, all of Germany does.
I'm what you might call an angry ex-Nazi.
I used to work for Rhm till he fired me.
- Yes. I heard there was a falling out.
- I wish to supply you with information.
Damaging information.
I think it'll help you.
You may be using a pseudonym but I know
you're the one writing
these things, Gerlich.
- Morning, Mueller.
- I can't print this!
Your last article was bad enough.
He'll destroy my presses
and sabotage my business.
He won't destroy your presses.
He needs them to print his paper.
- If anything, he'll destroy me.
- You're playing a losing game, my friend.
We have a contract, Mueller.
I expect you to honour it.
You're not long for this world.
I don't want to hear it.
Extraordinary times demand
extraordinary measures, remember?
This isn't about history.
This isn't about politics.
It's about your life, Fritz!
Which also happens to be mine.
This is me.
And this, this is you.
Two individuals
with different ways of thinking.
But look what happens
when we come together.
I love you, Sophie.
But if I don't do this,
I won't be able to live with myself.
I'm frightened, Fritz.
This is outrageous and not a word is true.
You expect us to believe that?
What are you insinuating?
I had nothing to do with this. And you?
This was a private internal memo
about using agitation in the SA!
Do you have any idea
how much damage you've done?
I don't know how Gerlich got hold of this,
but if you let me go to Munich,
I will find his source of information.
It's too late for that. Hindenburg read your
article and called the Fhrer this morning.
People everywhere
are attacking Jewish businesses.
The economy's tumbling, everyone's close
to rioting, and this
article is the last straw.
If we don't bring this
under control, and soon,
Hindenburg says he'll
declare martial law
and he'll bring the army in to do it.
Now's the time to storm
the Presidential palace,
take over the government...
Are you mad?
Put me in charge of the Army
and I'll unite them behind you.
- This is our chance.
- Great idea.
What a great idea.
Why didn't I think of that?
Could it be
because the Army consider you a swine?
At the mere suggestion.
they flew the Nationalist Socialist flag,
rather than subordinate themselves to you.
You and your SA, Ernst,
are nothing more than political dinosaurs.
You have refused to evolve
like the rest of us.
Oh, believe me, Adolf, you don't want
to meet what we're
capable of evolving into.
And to think he was once a friend of yours.
Now he's just one of many
who can trip us up.
And the list keeps growing.
He's right, you know.
Sometimes primitive force is the only way.
It helps if there's some kind of legal
reason behind it, of course.
Something outrageous to provoke a response.
- Are there any suspects?
- Has anyone been arrested?
What actions will you take
as a result of this?
- Could this be a Communist plot?
- What happened?
Apparently a Dutch Communist
broke in and set the fire.
Police have him under arrest.
Tell Rhm he can still be of some service.
You were talking about an enemies list.
That's not a bad idea.
This, this is a signal from God.
We are under siege.
The terrorists have opened fire
and we will fire back...
It's good to see so him happy.
This is an outrageous crime
and someone will answer for it.
But this completely
overrides the Constitution.
Effectively it puts you in charge.
These are troubled times, sir.
The Constitution could not anticipate them.
A national monument has been destroyed.
Our democracy is under attack.
If we are to wage war in
these foreign infiltrators,
certain civil rights must be suspended.
When power is seized
instead of bestowed,
the hand that seizes it is often burned.
The Reichstag must approve this
before I sign anything.
In order for the government to carry out
the necessary procedures against terrorism,
Reichstag must support an Enabling Act.
This act is your opportunity
to hand power over
to those who can wield
it most effectively.
From now on, all legislation
will be handled by the Administration,
which will have sole right
to make constitutional changes.
Freedoms of speech, association, and
the press are temporarily suspended.
Privacy rights in relation to telephone
and postal communication are revoked.
Order, order.
It's very good, sir,
but use a larger typeface for Hitler.
Hitler's just called
an emergency meeting of the Reichstag.
He wants their approval
for something he calls the Enabling Act,
which will turn this country into a
police state with him as absolute ruler.
My God.
No matter what he does,
he just gets stronger.
I'll bet the Nazis set the fire themselves.
There's something I haven't told you.
Once this is out,
Rhm will identify me as your source.
My job as Rhm's press secretary
was just a front.
He hired me to get financing
outside of Germany.
- For what?
- The SA.
He agreed to sign a contract
with a man in London
in exchange for exclusive oil imports
to Germany.
The Nazi Party was giving economic
incentives to a foreign investor?
What happened to Germans for Germany?
We've got to get this news to Hindenburg.
And, Bell, we've got
to get you someplace safe.
Sepp, I've got contacts in Berlin.
I'll put you in touch with them.
Go home, pack your bags,
go to the train station.
Bell will bring my report to you there.
We've got to hurry.
The government assumes the right to
intervene in any situation to restore order.
The right to draft laws passes
from the Reich's President to Chancellor.
I offer the Reichstag
the chance for peace in Germany!
Never! If you respect our Constitution...
Will the Vice Chancellor
return to his seat!
I will take any refusal
as a statement of opposition!
Gentlemen, you must decide.
Will it be peace, or war?
Deutschland, Deutschland ber Alles
ber alles in der Welt
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brderlich zusammenhlt
Von der Maas bis an die Memel
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt
Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles
ber alles in der Welt
Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles
ber alles in der Welt
Everybody out.
Get everyone's papers.
Out! Out!
Everybody must be searched.
Who is your source?
I said, who is your source?
- You two.
- Frau Helga Dorfman.
I wish to see my husband.
He can't be seen.
He's in protective custody.
- Protected from whom?
- His enemies.
Have you scheduled a trial date?
Why would my answer be
any different today
than the answer I gave you
yesterday or the day before?
This is a notice from
the Reich court.
It says that no charges
are pending against him.
If there are no charges,
why can't he be released?
He's in protective custody.
- Frau Marta Krauss!
- We will not go away.
We will not go away.
The jails are filled to capacity
and their wives are causing
an international ruckus.
We cannot try these men
and we can't release them.
- Camps.
- What?
What about those camps?
What else?
Hindenburg is dying and we've
not yet resolved the issue with Rhm.
And of course, there's the Army.
The clock is ticking, my Fhrer.
- I'll speak to Rhm.
- I've spoken to Rhm and he does nothing.
I said I'll speak to him!
We were friends once, Ernst.
You saw my potential before anyone else.
You speak your mind, unlike the others
and you've always loved your men more
than yourself, which is rare in a leader.
But... you refuse to bend.
Why? You have power.
I don't want the power,
I want justice.
- My men were promised...
- I don't care.
I don't care. I don't give a damn
about promises. You know this.
You know this.
Ernst, the SA are not now, nor will
they ever be the official German Army.
You must stand down.
You're right, Adolf.
We were friends once.
And I will always speak my mind.
I will not betray my men.
I'm truly sorry to hear that, Ernst.
Gather up your leaders and meet me
at Bad Wiessee at the 30th of June.
You are under arrest.
My dearest Sophie. I don't know when,
or if, I will ever see you again.
I don't say this to shock.
I say it because
I must ask one more thing of you.
Please live.
Thank you.
Urge others to speak out, even when
what they have to say is not popular.
Tell them to embrace
courage as a gift.
and pass it on to their children.
Where are we?
Just outside the village of Dachau.
What are we doing here?
You have always been my hope.
the promise of goodness
and truth and devotion.
Knowing that those qualities
still survive in this world
lets me leave it with a lighter heart.
Don't mourn.
I've given everything
I have to this struggle,
and my only option now
is to give the last, most precious thing.
It will mark this moment in time for ever,
so that people will remember.
Yours always.
All right.
One for you. One for you.
There you go.
Herr Hitler, I was wondering
for a might of moment.
Yes, of course.
Well, you see, it's my 20th reunion.
Helene and I have been
planning a trip for over a year.
You're not going to desert
me again, are you?
No, I'm not.
I'm simply asking your permission to...
Why do you never call me Fhrer?
I beg your pardon?
Why do you never address me
by my proper title?
I didn't know...
if you'd like, I could...
I'd like that very much.
Very well.
My Fhrer.
Very good.
Bring me something back.
Preferably yourself.
And your lovely wife.
Yes, we certainly do.
- I need to speak with you.
- Yes, my dear, we do.
Will you excuse me, please?
He said we can go.
Helene, we can catch the night train to
Hamburg and be on a
boat by tomorrow morning.
This is a new beginning.
I promise.
- I'll be a husband again, a father to Egon.
- You've said that before.
I know I have...
I'm not going with you, Ernst.
This is my country now
and I won't abandon it
just when it needs me most.
I'm not abandoning...
I've finally found someone
whom I can believe in.
My Fhrer,
you must make a decision.
They need your order.
- My Fhrer, you must make...
- Yes, I heard you!
Give him a gun.
I know you think,
this is a betrayal,
but Chief of Staff Rhm
was planning my assassination.
I had no choice.
My Fhrer.
And so in his honour.
I will bring you all
into the Reichswehr Army.
You will once again fight
for a strong Germany.
Heil, Fhrer!
Subsequent to the death of President
Hindenburg, the office of Reich President
will be combined with
that of Reich Chancellor.
The Army has devised
an oath of unconditional
loyalty to the person of the Fhrer
to be taken by every officer and soldier
of the Armed Forces.
Do you hereby swear allegiance?
We do.
Today the old Reich
and its finest leader enter Valhalla.
At the same time,
we mark the beginning of a new era.
A time of peace
and prosperity await us!
The 1,000-year Reich has begun!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!