Hoa-cha (Helpless) (2012) Movie Script

Lee Sun-Kyun
Kim Min-Hee
Cho Seong-Ha
Screenplay adaptation
and directed by Byun Young-Joo
Aren't you tired?
Why don't you take a nap?
Mun-Ho, will she like the scarf?
You're still thinking about that?
You worry for nothing
of course she'll love it
It's perfect now
don't you worry, baby
How do you know what color
she likes? Do you really?
Did you ask her?
I don't need to ask that
Something bright
and doesn't look aged
Moms love that kind
of style, don't they?
You're nonchalant about everything
No, Im not it's true
my mom loves bright colors
Why don't you believe me?
I do
Let's have some trust here
Im telling you
- Stay out of rain
- Don't worry, Ill run
Can you get me some coffee?
Cold medicine is making me drowsy
Why don't you take a nap? Coffee on
an empty stomach can make you sick
Anything else? I'll be right back
Where did she go? Jesus!
This is a public announcement
ICould Ms. Kang Seon-Yeong from Seoul
please come to the help desk?
Lee dong-Woo
I'm sorry, man
can I call you back?
What the hell?
- You should look where you're going!
- I'm sorry
Excuse me, are there
restrooms elsewhere?
There's one over there
IOh my god! No, honey! It's dirty
- You were on your way to Andong?
- Yes to meet the parents
IYour fiances?
Lee dong-Woo
No... mine Seon-Yeong's folks
have passed away
Mr... Jang Mun-Ho?
Your contact number, please?
This is my veterinary clinic
you can reach me here anytime
Cell number is on the bottom
Great thank you
Shouldn't you put
this in there, too?
You can hold on to that
Is that it? What do I do now?
We'll contact you
if there is any development
Or maybe she'll contact her friend
in the next few days
As it turns out quite often
You don't understand
the engine was running
It was pouring down
and the car door was open
She barely ate lunch to avoid
Spilling something
on her new dress
Are you telling me that a woman
who's getting married in a month
Walked out onto the motorway
in pouring rain with no umbrella?
Without realizing her hair pin fell out?
Does that make sense to you?
I found this pin on the floor
of public restroom, damn it!
Hi, dad...
Seon-Yeong suddenly felt unwell
I'm sorry I didn't call earlier
Yes, dad
I'll send you the wedding
invitation by mail yeah
I'm really sorry, dad
- Hey, man!
- Where are you?
II'm near your clinic
Listen, Im sorry
can I call you back?
IIs Seon-Yeong there with you?
Did she say anything?
What about?
You know you came into
my office last week
To open a new account and
apply for a credit card for her
What about that?
Her records showed a history
of personal bankruptcy
IOur records show that
you filed for bankruptcy
IDue to credit card
debt back in 2007
Hey... does Mun-Ho
know about this?
Then, she just hung up which
made me feel awkward
That's why I kept
trying to reach you
You should have talked
to me about that!
Why did you ask her about it?
God damn it!
There could have been a mistake
or the bank got something mixed up
That's why I wanted to
check with her quietly
And, look at this
see for yourself
These are the exemption papers
sent to the creditors
It's from 4 years ago
get your act together, man
It tickles
Stop it!
Let's get married
Let's do that
Marry me
We're getting married
Im marrying you
What if we get married?
What then?
What then?
We'll live happily ever after
I'll make money
you'll spend it
I'll cook and you'll eat it
We'll make babies that look
just like you and live like that
Can we really do that?
She didn't come to work her phone was
switched off I was getting worried
Does she have anyone other than
you at work she is close with?
Who she has lunch with?
I'm not sure
Then, perhaps... did she tell
you about her friends
From her previous job?
I'm really sorry but
Do you think you can let me have a look
at her resume from when she joined?
I'll ask my boss about it
I would really appreciate
that thank you
Morning! Mommy's here
let's get you breakfast
Excuse me?
There is no such company?
No, I just wanted to ask...
actually, Im looking for someone
She worked there from July 2007 to May 2009
her name is Kang Seon-Yeong
Hello? Is this Daeyang engineering?
Yes, October 2007
Your company was
founded in 2008?
There is no record of Kang Seon-Yeong
working in administration?
I see thank you
We used to be best friends then we lost
touch Im trying to get her old address
Yeah, I really appreciate
this 2002, that's right
Her name is Kang Seon-Yeong
You got her, right? Yes, class 3-3
that's right. Thank you yes
This is the address they have
in the graduation album
You never visited her
hometown with her?
She said she had no one there
since her mother died
I talked about it a few times but she
didn't seem excited about going back
- I got it thanks
- Sure
Mr. Jang?
There are two things that
multiply like a snowball
It's lies and debt
Her initial overdue amount
was 350 dollars
By the time she filed for bankruptcy,
it was over 80 grand
We ran a free bankruptcy
advice program 4 years ago
I was in charge of her case
and obtained exemption ruling
When did she visit you last?
Did she leave her contact detail?
She visited again when her
mother died it was 2 years ago
She came to inquire about
the life insurance claim
- Life insurance?
- Yes
Her mother's policy was about 50 grand
I processed that to her, too
This is her file and her statement
She worked for a holiday home group
then transferred to Seoul office
And her credit card bill increased
She starts getting overdue amounts,
takes out credit loans to pay that
You can never pay off
the high interest
And you resort to subprime loans
IThat's pretty much
the standard course
So, you don't have the contact
information of her next of kin?
She didn't have anyone
other than her mother
Excuse me but I have to be somewhere
if you're finished with this...
no, wait! Do you take the statements
on your clients' behalf?
No, they write them themselves
It's just that the handwriting
is completely different
- Really?
- Yes
Give me that
- This is who you're enquiring about?
- Yes
Then, you have mistaken
this is not miss Kang
- I've never seen her before
- Excuse me?
Look they're different people
But, their resident registration
number is identical
I don't understand
how this can be
Hi... what's your name?
I'm Mun-Ho Jang Mun-Ho
Kang Seon-Yeong
So, it's Seon-Yeong
miss Kang Seon-Yeong
What do you mean
she's not Kang Seon-Yeong?
You sure they weren't mistaken?
Dong-Woo say something
Did you show them her picture?
Did you check with them?
They've never seen her
they're completely different people
She was using
someone's name illegally
Come on!
She was going to marry Mun-Ho
under someone else's name?
- Does that even make sense?
- Of course not
When I called her yesterday
she sounded so surprised
I couldn't get that off my mind
that's why I kept calling you
She must've been embarrassed
you found out
What Im saying is if she
had a history of bankruptcy,
She would know that she
can't get credit cards
But, her reaction was as if
she never knew about this
She must have known
when she applied, right?
Damn it it's my father
We gotta find her first I don't
care about anything else
Not even the police can find her we don't
know her name we know nothing
You said Kang Seon-Yeong
was a different person
Who is this person then?
That'll be 1.50
Thank you
- Hey! You on the bike!
- Me?
Look at you your pockets
are bulging with beer cans
What do you care?
I saw you steal them Im a cop
What the f? Hey!
Cop, my ass!
You little piece of crap!
Stop, right there
Not me, dumbass
My ex-Colleague here,
He was the best we had
when he was in active service
Pay attention, man
Im talking here
Guess he's turning
into a shy old man
Well, I arranged this meeting
at your request, Mr. Kang
- It's Yang Min-Gu
- That's right, Mr. Yang
Didn't I say yang?
Anyway, this guy was a legend
He never forgets the face he saw
Sharp as an eagle's eye,
his arrest rates were incredible
How unfortunate
this happened to you
I'm unlucky in general
I got sacked for taking bribes
let's have a drink
I'm honored that a veteran
officer will take charge of
The security at our warehouse
I hope it won't bore you too much
you know what this business is like
Of course I told him
all about that
Have another drink
drink with me, Mr. Kang?
Wait a minute
what are you saying?
The company is happy
to take you on
On the condition that you
find a consignor for a loan
Can it be arranged?
It's a no brainer
you need this job
That sneaky bastard!
What's he playing at? Fucking bastard
Think about your wife
she doesn't deserve this
Do I deserve it?
I wasn't the only one
that took bribes
I told you to go easy
- Shall we get more drink elsewhere?
- Screw you! I'm not drinking with you
What! You said I should
find a consignor
This is all of her stuff
Her unexplained absence and all...
it doesn't look good for the company
I think it's best if you didn't
come here anymore Im sorry
What a beautiful house! No wonder
you don't come to the city any more
Aren't you lonely, though?
I was at first,
but you get used to it
I get busy with work and
looking after my babies
Hodu is a lucky boy
Hi, Mun-Ho!
Do you remember me?
How are you, Hodu's mom?
I was in town and thought I would
stop by look how big he got!
He really has, hasn't he?
I'll just get changed
The country must be doing her good
look how healthy she got
Her cottage has an open land
of over 10,000 sq. ft.
She adopted two more
retrievers recently
- Mun-Ho
- Hey,
I'm sorry but you think you
can finish up on your own?
I need to leave early
I'm sorry
Hi, Mi-Yeon...
It's me, Mun-Ho
can I come in for a second?
Look how big you got!
Remember uncle Mun-Ho?
Of course not
Mi-Yeon's looking after
the shop on her own?
We just do our jobs
And live our separate lives
How's your father?
Doing as well as ever?
Look, I got a favor for you
What? You got a favor for me?
You know what?
I've got one for you too
I need to find someone
it's urgent
What the fuck?
You think Im a private detective?
She's my fiance we're getting
married next month
You show up in the middle of the night
and tell me you're getting married?
Where is my invitation?
Why is everyone treating me like
a piece of crap today? What the fuck
No. Hear me out this is
my fiance, Seon-Yeong
We were on our way
To tell my folks
about the wedding
And she just vanished
at the rest stop
A lot of women freak out
before the wedding
That's not it
I reported her missing
I visited her workplace but she
stopped coming into work
And it turns out
she's not Seon-Yeong
This is the girl Im marrying
and I don't know who she is
I can't reach her
through anyone
I gotta find her
Before my folks find out
you know what my father is like
You gotta help me there is
no one else I can turn to
Can't go to the police because
I don't know her real name
You're not making
any fucking sense
Start again from the beginning
and you're paying me, right?
Look what we have here
They've been going out
for about a year
What did she tell
you about herself?
Hometown, old friends anything
She hardly talked about her home
since her mother passed away,
She had nowhere to go on holidays
so, she stayed home mostly
Didn't have any friends either I was
helping her with the wedding
Someone assumes your identity
without you being aware,
What would that be like?
How can you not know?
Everything overlaps if you have
the same residency number
She was about to register her marriage
how can you not know?
Unless they know each other
That's a peacock butterfly's pupa
- Peacock butterfly?
- Yes
She asked whether butterflies
can be kept as pets
Mun-Ho told her it's possible
She asked him to get
her a caterpillar
That's an empty cocoon
transformation occurs in 10 days
No friends, no family
And no fingerprints
Who is she?
The records will take some
time to come through
I'm curious to find out too
give me your wallet
My wallet? Hey, did you
find the consignor?
- What the hell are you doing?
- Get me some sandwiches
Your skin's growing thicker by day
Can I get the cheapest sandwich?
It's that box
It's the stuff she left behind
couldn't throw them out
You must have been quite thrown
She just left a note
and took off
- You didn't keep the note?
- Why would I hold on to that?
She said sorry for leaving suddenly and
left 30 bucks to throw away her stuff
She did?
Have you seen this person?
Could be her friend
I have never seen her
I see Ill take this with me
Thank you
Ms. Kang Seon-Yeong came for
treatment in July and august 2008
That was the last visit
she got treated for atopic dermatitis
Kang Seon-Yeong disappeared
Two months later on May 2,
she moved to this address
It was a different Kang Seon-Yeong
that moved here
Her resume's phony
She used Kang's bank account
who had a personal bankruptcy
She intentionally assumed
Kangs identity
And was going to marry you
She intended to live
the rest of her life as Kang
If the real Kang emerges,
Everything will clear up
If she ever emerges
The day your fiance vanished,
her account was cleared out
She's not planning to come back
Why don't you tell your parents
the truth and drop this?
Let's call it a day here
I just don't understand
Why she wanted to live
as another person
Must be hard for you
to understand
But, there are all kinds
of people out there
Someone assumed her identity
And was planning to get married
And all the time,
the real Kang Seon-Yeong
Never showed up
- Can this be a coincidence?
- What are you suggesting?
Mother dies and her daughter disappears
soon after she claims death benefit
It could be murder, not accident
isn't it obvious?
What are you talking about?
I asked you to find Seon-Yeong
Not give this crap
I don't care if some
woman disappeared
Or how much the death benefit was
You don't know my Seon-Yeong
Alright, fine what do you
know about her?
Do you even know her name?
Stop being a pervert
go over and talk to her
You're blocking the camera
- Do I know you?
- No, um... would you like an ice lolly?
What's your name?
I'm Jang Mun-Ho
Please... it's hot out
Come on in there are
more puppies inside
- Thank you
- I'm the vet here
Nice to meet you
you pass here often, don't you?
Wow, really? You found the cat?
Internet community rules!
You should bring her along
next time, okay?
- Hi
- Did he go to his parent's?
- No, he went to Jecheon
- Jecheon?
Have you seen this person?
She said she came here
a lot with Seon-Yeong
IWell, I don't recognize her
how do you know Seon-Yeong?
My friend was friends with her
She was worried she couldn't
reach her recently
Thank you anyway
Isn't she living with
Hyeon-Suk in Seoul?
Can't tell a stranger everything
Hello? Anyone here?
Who are you?
I'm looking for someone
her name is Kang Seon-Yeong
I said who are you?
Who are you trying to screw?
Who the hell are you?
Take it easy, man
- I'm asking who the hell you are?
- What the heck?
Why are you looking
for Seon-Yeong?
What business have you
poking around here?
What the fuck?
What the fuck, man!
- You're her friend?
- Let go
- Lying scumbag
- I said let go!
Threatening helpless women
- You must know where she is
- Let go of me
Where is she?
What the fuck!
You fucking bastard! How the fuck
am I supposed to know that?
Fucking hell!
You fucking bastard!
I'm looking for Seon-Yeong too
What the fuck is your
problem, asshole?
Fuck you! What the fuck
are you going at me for?
What the fuck did I do wrong?
You fucking bastard! Son of a bitch!
What the fuck, huh?
What the fuck!
- I don't know who she is
- I see
I'm sorry
I thought you worked
for a loan shark
Both my husband and I
are her childhood friends
I heard Seon-Yeong
had a roommate
You mean Hyeon-Suk?
This is her
Next to Seon-Yeongs picture
The rumor had it that she had a debt over
Her mother lived in shame
She couldn't go to sleep
without a drink
That led to the horrific accident
The police ruled it
an accident, right?
There's hardly any need
for investigation
The steps are so
dangerously steep
That accidents happen every winter
IAt the funeral, Seon-Yeong swore
IShe'll get the best burial plot
IAnd someone told her
INot to go into more
debt to do that
IThere were rumors that she killed
her mother for the insurance money
II don't blame her for not
wanting to come back
IDanger black ice
I lied to you
We decided to
call off the wedding
You did what?
I told her there is no need
to come and see you
I can't reach her now, father
You found yourself a rootless tramp
made a fuss about marrying her
And told the world about it
how will you clean up this mess?
What a pair!
He looks well as ever
I talked about going
to her hometown
To visit her mother's grave
She always said no
That she wanted to forget
that she had no friends there
Forget about her it's over
All that was...
all that was someone else's story
Who is this girl that I knew?
I gotta see her
We have to find her
Is this Ms. lee Hyeon-Suk?
My name is Jang Mun-Ho,
I called you about your high
school friend, Seon-Yeong
I was wondering
if you got my messages
Please call me when
you hear this message
- Mun-Ho, look at this
- What is it?
I found this inside
her picture frame
- Thanks
- Look at the date
This was taken long
before you met her
I thought it was a regular house at first
but, something didn't look right
The sun and the shadows
are in opposite directions
For January, the grass
is too green
Hey, isn't this a uniform?
It looks like a uniform
It is a uniform
Can you zoom in on this?
No, below that
It's a model house
From Jan 18 to Feb 3, 2008,
There was a home and interior
fair at Coex exhibition hall
- No event on January 15?
- There was a training camp
It's a standard procedure
a few days before the fair
The female employees here
don't wear uniforms?
Not anymore not many
companies do anyway
Please get her into recovery
It's Jong-Geun
You know a company called
Caolion with "c" logo
- I swear I saw it somewhere
- I never heard of this company
It's a cosmetic manufacturer
It's a cosmetic brand
It's famous for its organic line
for problematic skin
Ms. Kang Seon-Yeong came in for
treatments in July and august of 2008,
For atopic dermatitis
There was a training camp
It's a standard procedure
a few days before the fair
Hello! Welcome to Caolion
What's this?
Cha Gyeong-Seon?
I'm Kim Hyeon-Jun,
hr. manager
Detective Ha Seong-Sik
from Seongbuk precinct
Detective ha, you said miss cha may
have mishandled our client data
That's right
We have a secure system
restricting database access
The access is impossible
For anyone other than
person in charge
You don't understand
the seriousness of the situation
Excuse me?
Miss cha has been living
Under an assumed identity for 2 years,
The identity of your client
who's been reported missing
If you can't believe me,
check your client database
For Kang Seon-Yeong, born in 1983
I'm keeping a low profile
for your company
I can get a search warrant and
inform the press about this
Im sure this only concerns
a small portion of the database
I'm sure
We take in registration forms
during offline promotions
Miss cha helped us typing
the information into the system
We store the forms until
they are properly disposed
There was one occasion
the forms got misplaced
We didn't make a fuss because
it was only a small portion
As far Im concerned, at least
How big is the client list
collected at the promotion?
I'll find out right away
Didn't cha have friends at work?
Perhaps a boyfriend?
Probably not, considering
her circumstances
What circumstances?
She had an early
failed marriage
She always kept to herself
Cha Gyeong-Seon
Is that her name?
she was born in Jinju
She dropped out of high school
and was divorced
Kang Seon-Yeong is on
the promotion client list
This is probably
where she met Kang
Her records show that she had a sick
leave on December 8, 2008
For 4 days
It coincides with the day
Kang's mother died
If the death wasn't an accident,
Cha has no alibi
Hey, don't sleep here
Cha Gyeong-Seon born in Jinju
Mother died father, absent
She reported him missing herself
Got divorced within a year
her resident registration is expired
Her last known address is
the local borough office
The missing forms are from June
to august 2008, for 122 clients
Kang registered in July 2008
while cha was working there
Kang was visiting the clinic
for her dermatitis treatment
- Hey, man!
- Yes
What's wrong with you?
What have you been
snooping around?
Gave up the job search?
What did you do with my cards?
Here they are
not a single card missing
Doing this won't get
you back on the force
Why are you hung up on this?
Don't you feel sorry for your wife?
What's the matter?
Did you have a bad dream?
It's okay,
Just go back to sleep
I'll sing you a lullaby
Is that you, Seon-Yeong?
It is you, isn't it?
What's going on, baby?
Are you okay?
Everything is fine talk to me
hello? Seon-Yeong?
Who are you?!
IYou have a wrong number
please check your number and try again
Are you planning to
shut down the clinic?
You can never understand
The workings of murderers
They're completely different
species altogether
Don't get dramatic
You don't know what you're
talking about you don't know shit
She is a murderer
She killed a mother and
daughter to steal identity
Who are you calling a murderer?
Do you have proof?
There is no body
why are you doing this to me?
Wake up and get
back to your job
Wanna screw up
your life like me?
You're a smart kid and
you have a good job
What are you gonna do
if you find her?
Jesus, man!
What's her ex-Husband's name?
I want to meet him
I want to see this man
- Thank you goodbye
- Thank you
How many?
I thought she might be dead
Excuse me?
It became a habit whenever
I get a call from a stranger
The thought comes to
my mind she's dead
IAt first, she told me
she was an orphan
IIt turned out her father
ran a small furniture factory
IHe took out loans when
the economic crisis hit
IEventually, he resorted
to bad loan sharks
Mind if I smoke?
Her family split up
when she was 15
She stayed at
the catholic orphanage
IHer mother promised
to come back for her
IBut she was seen taken away
IBy the loan sharks
INot much later, her body turned up
abandoned near the station
IShe was drugged and ravaged
I felt sorry for her
I asked her to marry me
What the heck?
- Wakey, wakey
- What do you want?
Nice to see you
Cha Gyeong-Seon, right?
Get out of my restaurant
Sorry Im sorry
I'm sorry
Ma'am? Ma'am?
Ma'am, aren't you
Cha Seung-Taek's daughter?
Have a look at the papers
Your father owes
us all this money
Are you a fucking deaf, bitch?
Aren't you gonna come out?
I told you
I would take care of it
Hold this what, mister!
What the fuck?
Are you gonna call
the cops again? Go on do it!
- Please stop
- Go on
- Go on do it!
- I just need some time
Call the goddamn cops, now!
I want to go to jail
IMy mother had a stroke
II thought I was going crazy
we put up with it for 3 months
IAll the customers left
terrible rumors spread
IRumors spread that my wife was
a mistress of the mob boss
If her father was legally missing
they can declare death in absentia
She can then refuse the succession
And be free from any obligations
But in order to obtain this status,
Every day was hell and we had
to endure 5 years of it
I drank everyday from anxiety
If you take pity on me,
please kill him
Please kill him, please
If you take pity on me,
please kill him
And let his body be seen
in front of my eyes
Lord, take pity on me
please kill my father, please
Help me lord, my dear father
You don't have to count
it's 5 grand
My mother passed away
soon after the divorce
To be honest,
I don't want to
think about her
I wish it never happened
For the sake of my current wife
You were going to marry her?
- Will you keep looking for her?
- I will
She said she was going to
Masan to her friend from choir
Come here
You, stupid, little, bitch! Where the fuck
do you think you're going?
Wherever you go, your paths
lead to me you got that?
- Get the papers
- Yes, sir
Don't fight it
That's my girl
let's get out of here
Come on
Hold on
Can you give me
money for the cab?
IAfter saying she would come back soon
she appeared like that after a year...
II couldn't even cry...
II don't know what
they did with her
II sent her to Seoul
IMust be harder for them to
track her down in a big city
She said she was
living in Cheongpa
I sent her some kimchi and food
She lived there even
after she got a job
Never saw her since?
Did you keep in touch?
She came here once
We lost touch afterwards
She came here?
In winter, about 2 years ago
She was very sick she had to be
admitted into hospital for a few days
I called her office for sick leave
Sick leave?
When was that exactly?
Ms. cha was admitted from
December 8 to 11, in 2008
Did she leave the hospital
during that time?
Well, her baby died the day
before on the 7th
Her baby?
The baby girl she gave birth to
A year earlier
We didn't know
who the father was
Both the mother and the baby
were in a terrible shape
I sent Gyeong-Seon to Seoul
and looked after the baby
But the baby couldn't live long
She had a congenital
malformation of the heart
I shouldn't have called her
She sat outside
the baby Icu all night
I had to put her in the hospital
but she kept saying weird things
God damn it
She never went to Jecheon
She didn't do it
- She didn't kill her mother!
- Hey
She didn't do it she's not
a murderer! I told you!
How dare you accuse her?
Let's have some porridge
What a nice house!
Whose house is this?
It's my house
I'll be living here soon
Sure, honey can I come visit?
No, Ill be living on my own
you can't come
Sometimes you get this
bad taste in your mouth
You feel like it's not worth living
Like nothing you do
will lead anywhere
How nice will it be to
wipe your past clean?
Jong-Geun, I want to stop
I want to stop here
ILee Hyeon-Suk Kangs school friend
I haven't seen her
since her mom died
We're gonna go on a trip
but she didn't return my calls
Was anything out of ordinary
happening to her?
A new friend or new hobby?
She was getting prank calls
You know, the ones
they just hang up
When was this?
When she was living in Cheongpa
Her mails disappeared
She was sensitive because
She had just inherited
insurance payout
So, did she get the burial plot
with the insurance money?
She got a real fancy one saying
her mother died because of her
I got pictures
Someone took this for her
did you go with her?
No, she sent it to my phone
The girl she met there
must have taken it for her
They got tight real quickly
Cha chose a single woman
of similar age
From the client list
Someone with no family,
Whose disappearance
wouldn't matter to anyone
To live as someone new,
not as Cha Gyeong-Sun
Kang was the perfect candidate
Since Kangs mother died
Opened her mail and
kept a close watch
Excuse me
- She became her friend
- You dropped this
Oh, thank you
The best way to
become that person
I'm going for a charnel house
what about you?
I can't, right now
- Why not?
- I have no money
But Ill move her later
when I get the money
I just came to take
a look silly, huh?
Let's take a picture
One, two, three
II love you, mom!
Wasn't that Kim Jong-Geun?
was from July
We just need to find her body
We're looking for
Jane Doe reported
After march 17, 2009
We have over 60 unidentified
female bodies in the last 3 years
Finding a body from 3 years ago
will take forever
- Must be in terrible condition too
- Stop moaning we got dental record
Why don't you put her on wanted for
fabrication of official document?
You know there is no
murder without the body
Cha didn't kill Kangs mother
She had an alibi
On the day she disappeared, she wiped
her house clean of her prints
There wasn't a single print
left in her house
At least Kang Seon-Yeongs murder
was premeditated
But you have no proof
let's find the body first
We gotta find this woman
If that's all, get the hell out of here
Call Kang he said you
can come into work
I told him Ill consign
Okay... bye
It's Hodus mom I posted Hodus
records but she never received it
Send it again
any luck with the cat?
Someone she met online
is getting it for her
Wonderful! More family
to keep her company
Seon-Yeong called
a few days ago
Why would she call you?
How can she do that
After what she's done?
What a ridiculous woman!
It's scary how someone can disappear
and no one might know about it
There are so many people who
live on their own these days
Where will she be now?
Must be living her
life somewhere
Don't think about her
and don't look for her
I think it's good this happened
Before you married her
She will have found
another name somewhere
I am sure that she's doing fine
She will never give up
she'll need a new identity
Kang joined in July
Why did cha take
It's gotta be in this list
Lim Jeong-Hye, right?
- It's good to see you again
- Hi
On April 29, cha showed up at
the sports store where Lim works
Out of the 122 clients on the list,
There are only 2 single women
In their 20s with no family
it's Kang and Lim
We were neighbors when
I was living in a motel
We weren't that close but
she recognized me right away
We were going to see a show
together this weekend
- Anything else happened?
- What do you mean?
Somebody messing
your mail, prank calls
You mean my stalker?
- You have a stalker?
- For over 3 years now
I told the police but
there's nothing they can do
IHe's driving me crazy
he even broke my window once
Is this her?
- Get everyone together in an hour
- Yes, captain
I called the police,
We'll dispatch our men
to the venue tomorrow
If she turns up, investigation
will kick start from there
We're pulling an all-Nighter
what are you gonna do?
Go home you are starting
at the new job tomorrow
I'll just see her face
before I go to work
You don't think she'll
show up here tonight
It's over for you and me
We might be needed
for statement later
Go home and rest
- Jong-Geun
- Wait
Let me take care of
something quickly
Where are you going?
Let me see your face
What the f?
What's your problem?
You, little piece of shit...
I didn't do anything
I never go near her
I only look is that a crime?
You little prick
opening mails and prank calls
IAll the dirty tricks you
could possibly choose
It's all in the phone record
That's not true... really!
I never call her
It wasn't me who
opened her mail
Wait! I saw some woman
outside her house and work
The sneaky bastard
is getting a woman
To snoop around for him
I know everyone in her life
I lived opposite her house
ever since she moved here
It's the truth
How long have you
been stalking her?
It's been only... only 1000 days
Pathetic asshole!
Is this the woman you
saw snooping around?
That's her that's the woman
Seong-Sik, last night...
we recovered the remains
of Kang Seon-Yeong
A report came in 2 weeks ago
The body's been severely mutilated
we're still waiting on DNA result
But we got a positive id
from dental record
Extend your arms
And gloves...
the stalker boy helped
identify the suspect
But he's been so blatant that
His subject knew
about him all along
Cha must have noticed him too
But the Mo is identical
and we have a witness
It's past one o'clock
Im going back in
Have you seen the carrier?
Look in the back
What do you need that for?
Hodu's mom is going on a trip
with the girl that got her the cat
Someone's been messing
with her mail and stuff
So, I offered to babysit Hodu
Her mail's been messed with?
I told you she never got
Hodus medical record
What's the matter?
Didn't you say she lived
in the country on her own?
- She moved 3 years ago
- What about her family?
Both her parents died
in a car accident
She suffered from depression
She's going away with the friend
who got her the odd-Eyed cat?
They got close very quickly
They're going to Hampyeong
to watch butterflies
- I'll be right back
- Wait
- Where were you meeting up?
- At Yongsan train station
I'll go what time is the train?
You don't have to go Ill call her
No, don't! Don't call her
Don't tell her Im coming
I just need to check something
Ill be right back
What about the carrier? Mun-Ho!
Peacock butterflies have pupil-Like
pattern on their wings
When it senses danger,
it spreads its wings wide
To scare away the enemy
and protect itself
The train station?
Hodu's mom?
IHodu's a dog's name
we call his owner his mom
Mun-Ho asked if she is living
on her own then left in hurry
She is going to Hampyeong
with her friend
I don't know why he needs
to see her urgently
ICrazy bastard!
- You know me, don't you?
- Of course
- Give me your keys
- Jong-Geun!
What the f?
What are you doing, man?
What are you doing?
Jong-Geun! Jong-Geun!
I'm sorry
What's up?
Get your team over
to Yongsan station
- Request a backup at Yongsan
- A backup?
Yes! What are you, deaf?
Mun-Ho, what are
you doing here?
Who's this person
that got you this cat?
A friend her name
is Lim Jeong-Hye
Is this her?
How have you been?
It wasn't you?
It can't be you
How can it be? Right?
It was me I did it
Who the hell are you?
Are you even a human being?
Who are you?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm not human
I'm a trash
There was no one there for me
I did everything
not Kang Seon-Yeong I...
no, say no more just
don't say anything
I wanted to be happy
I thought I would be happy
I'm sorry
Iapologize Im so sorry
Will you let me go now? Please
Do you know how much
I worried about you?
How much I...
did you...
ever love me?
I won't look for you again
Go live as yourself
Don't ever get caught
Cha Gyeong-Seon!
No! No!
Cha Gyeong-Seon!
Cha Gyeong-Seon!
IThey identified the remains recovered
from a reservoir in Hampyeong
IAs long time has passed, police is
having difficulties pursuing this further
IAnd requested anyone
who knew the victim to come forward
IIt's suspected that Kang died
in the spring of 2009
IAnd she resided in Cheongpa
Cha Gyeong-Seon!
Suspect on fifth floor
of parking lot go! Go!
Cha Gyeong-Seon! It's over
They recovered Kangs body
all exits are blocked
Stay put
Cha Gyeong-Seon don't go any further
there's nowhere to go
It's over it's all over now
Cha Gyeong-Seon!
Come with me come clean
It's over now
that's the only way you can live
Seon-Yeong! Stop her!
No, Mun-Ho!
I'm on the fifth floor
of the parking lot
The suspect fell off
over here, sir
Hey! What are you doing?
Come on, man
Don't do this
- Seon-Yeong!
- Pull yourself together
- Hold on
- Seon-Yeong!
Pull yourself together
Let me go