Hoax: The Kidnapping of Sherri Papini (2023) Movie Script

Help me! Help me, please!
Help me!
Help me, help me!
Help me! Help me, please!
Help me! Help me!
Help me! Help me!
Help me, please!
[woman panting]
I've been kidnapped!
- Are you okay?
- I've been kidnapped!
Get in!
Hurry! Hurry!
What's your name?
Sherri. Sherri. Sherri papini.
Sherri papini. Sherri.
Oh, my god,
you're sherri papini.
Sherri. Sherri. Sherri.
[man panting]
You're fantastic.
[alarm beeping]
[man] sherri.
Sherri. Sherri.
[sherri] gift bags, check.
Cake, check.
Bouncy castle, check.
[stops beeping]
Got it.
Do you have breakfast?
Yep. I made eggs,
just the way you like them.
Okay, so...
What should I wear?
What should you wear?
It's a four-year-old's
birthday party,
So nothing too fancy.
Oh, hey.
I'm sorry
your mom can't make it.
It's fine.
I'm used to it.
Happy birthday, hannah.
Do you need help, baby?
Okay, let's see.
How excited are you,
on a scale of one to ten?
Um... Ten.
Ten? Just a ten?
A million.
There we go.
Yeah, I know,
'cause it's a super surprise.
Turn around.
Mm, it's so pretty!
I think this is...
It's gonna be so fun.
Oh, yeah.
Are you so excited
about the bouncy castle?
Oh, yeah!
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
That's right.
Oh, you perfect thing.
You're so beautiful.
How did I get so lucky
to have you two?
I don't know.
Oh, you don't know?
You don't know?
[squealing and giggling]
[doorbell rings]
Hi, laura!
Thank you for coming.
Hi, sweetheart.
Are you kidding?
I'd never miss a party
by sherri papini.
Event of the year.
Well, you look beautiful.
Hi, sierra. Come in.
How do you do it?
Do what?
Always look so perfect?
Oh, no, no, no. I'm not perfect.
My kids
are my very best friends.
Um, I always say that
When I met my kids,
I met myself.
If I had known that, um,
My first kiss in middle school
would be my husband...
If I had known that, um...
That keith and I would be here
with all of you
With two beautiful children,
And such a beautiful life,
Then I...
- Oh!
- [children screaming]
The kids! Oh, my god!
- Help, mommy!
- I'm coming!
- Get me out!
- It's okay.
Everyone's fine.
Everything's good.
We're good.
How did you get the kids out
so quickly?
You jumped right into action!
You're literally superwoman.
Everyone must think...
Sher, come on.
You're so hard on yourself.
I can barely
get dinner together.
The kids are fine.
Hey, keith,
can you help me, please?
I was putting the kids to sleep.
You need to let
the bouncy castle go.
Can't you just be happy
it went so well?
It didn't go well.
You're wrong.
It wasn't cheap, by the way.
Keith, please.
I didn't spend all this money
on a party
For you to be upset right now.
I'm grateful.
Of course.
Could've fooled me.
You act like I'm the one
that spends all the money
When you have
a brand-new truck out front.
That's different,
we needed that.
Okay, I just...
I just wanted today to be...
To be really nice.
I just wanted...
Tell me, sherri.
What did you want?
I just wanted you to see me.
I'm sorry.
Let me get a job.
No, you're too busy
with the kids.
I can contribute.
My wife doesn't need
to contribute.
We can just tighten our belts.
We'll be all right.
We'll make it work.
I love you.
Love you, too.
So, um, for tomorrow,
Cameron has piano
and hannah has ballet.
So, I was thinking,
I don't know,
something easy for dinner.
Do you have a preference?
[keith snoring]
[oven timer dings]
[engine turns over]
- Got everything?
- Mm-hmm.
Come here.
I love you so much.
I love you, too.
- Okay.
- Bye.
Bye, baby.
- Bye!
- Bye.
Oh, hi!
Oh. Hi.
Thank you for coming yesterday.
That was really great.
It really was.
I don't know how you do it.
Oh, it's nothing.
Well, it looks like a lot
from where I'm standing.
I'm not sure
Keith really appreciates it
that much, but...
I know you have
everything under control,
I'm always here...
If you wanna talk.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
- Have a good day.
- Yeah.
[buzzer sounds]
Here you go.
When you're five years...
Customers love me.
Get to the point.
Well, I was hoping
I could get a raise.
Excuse me.
And why should I give you one?
I'm good at my job.
Look, I got two kids.
I see my future here.
I wanna work hard for you.
I'm proud of my job.
And we're proud
to employ you, keith.
You know that.
But I can't just
give you a raise.
Okay? Times are tough.
[text alert chimes]
I hope you can understand
where I'm coming from, keith.
[branch snaps]
Hello? Guys?
What is going on?
Sherri, come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Pick up.
Hi. It's, uh,
keith papini calling.
I was just going to call you.
Sherri never came
to pick her up.
I tried calling sherri,
but she didn't pick up.
Uh, I'll have my mom
pick her up right away.
Come on, come on.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
It's my wife.
It's my wife. I can't...
I can't find my wife.
I need somebody here now.
I found her phone.
It's got her hair ripped out.
It... it's in her headphones,
and I...
Okay, okay.
Headphones are untangled.
No signs of a struggle.
They seem untouched.
Placed, not thrown.
Mr. Papini?
I'm molly rowlands.
This is anthony bertain.
I'm the lead detective
on this case.
And you found the headphones
just like this?
I didn't touch anything.
I think it would be best
if we spoke at your house.
Yeah. Okay.
"can you please come home
for some sex with your wife?"
Was this the last text
That you received
from mrs. Papini?
It was, yeah.
Was it normal for her
to send texts like this to you?
Sure, yeah.
Lucky guy, I guess.
Did she have any enemies?
I have no idea
Why something like this
would happen.
No idea?
Well, if no one had the motive
to kidnap her,
We'd have to look
at other options.
Mr. Papini, this may be
hard for you to hear,
But redding has
a trafficking problem,
She could've been a good target.
What are you telling me?
It's possible
your wife was kidnapped
And coerced into forced labor
or sexual exploitation.
Did she have an issue
with mental health?
Wha... Wh... what do you mean?
Did she suffer from...
Bipolar disorder? Schizophrenia?
Drug addiction?
Anything that might explain
a sudden change in behavior,
An altered ability
to make a good decision?
I mean, she'd get anxiety,
but only sometimes.
Can you tell me more?
She'd get overwhelmed,
and she'd cry.
She wasn't...
Look, whatever happened,
Sherri would never
leave the kids,
Not like this.
Somebody did this to us.
My kids.
My kids are at my mom's house.
Can they...
Can they come home, or...?
We're done for today.
Wha... what do I tell them?
I guess you can't tell me.
Wake up, sleepy-head.
Come here.
Where is mommy?
Mommy is...
Uh, I need
to tell you two something,
And I need you to listen.
Okay? Honey, sit down.
Your mom has...
Gone on a trip for a few days,
But she'll be back soon.
A trip?
Just a...
A little getaway.
With who?
Just by herself.
She just wanted
to clear her head.
Um, but she told me to tell you
That she loves you guys
very much,
And, uh, she misses you.
Now, I think...
Do we have everything?
We gotta go. We gotta go.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Welcome home.
It's nice.
Kids, we gotta go!
All right, here we go.
[man] make sure you check
the trees over there.
[woman] yeah, we're going to go
this way, over here.
Yell "sherri", everyone.
She could've easily just been...
I know. I know.
I was thinking
the exact same thing.
Or disposed of.
A beautiful, blonde,
missing white woman.
Looks good on tv.
He's hiding something.
He was evasive
during questioning.
The only thing
we found on her phone
Was that she was texting
some man
That she'd saved
under a woman's name.
They never met up,
just some light flirtation.
Guy's alibi totally checks out.
We have no other suspects.
What do you think,
she just vanished into thin air?
We've got video proof
of his alibi.
Also airtight.
He was at work.
His bosses handed over
the videos immediately.
Our entire community
Is dedicated
to bring sherri home.
We proved that here today.
I don't know how I'd be able
to keep going without you all.
We're gonna find my wife!
I got you something.
You remembered.
Well, it was your favorite
for years.
I don't think that keith
ever remembered
My favorite ice cream.
I miss my kids so much.
Do you promise
that we'll go and get them?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
As soon as we can.
I can't live without them.
As soon as we can.
I'm a terrible mother.
No one knows
what you've been through,
Except me.
You stayed so long
for those kids.
My whole life has just been,
like, one person...
Bad person
after another bad person.
I mean, I can only
blame myself, right?
I should never have married him.
You told me
your mother beat you.
You were set up to fail.
Look, it's time to start
trusting yourself again.
Son, we need to talk.
Now, I know things were...
Are complicated
with my daughter,
But it doesn't mean
I don't love her.
I know things have been bad
between sherri and I, but...
Look, we don't need
to talk about this right now.
You're right.
There will be time for that.
I brought dinner.
[smoke detector beeping]
I got it. I got it, I got it.
It's all right, guys.
It's okay. It's all right.
Why is mommy's mom still here?
Grandma is here to help us
through this difficult time.
So, we're gonna sit down
like a family
And eat the dinner
she so kindly prepared.
Just try it, please.
Come here. Come here.
I'm gonna tell you
a little story. Okay?
When your mommy was little,
She used to ask me
so many questions.
All the questions, all the time.
And one day I said to her,
"sherri, if you ask me
one more question,
I'm gonna cut your tongue off."
Oh, it was funny.
[laughs awkwardly]
You were the most
beautiful girl in high school.
And you're still
The most beautiful girl
in the world.
It's been so long
Since I've heard
nice words like that.
You're gonna be
hearing them every day.
We're together.
I'm so tired.
Can I go to sleep now, chris?
Yeah, of course, my pet.
I love you.
Would it be okay
if I sleep alone?
I want you to be comfortable.
Thank you.
Of course.
I'll go.
Sweet dreams.
You too.
I'll step in
If they ask you something
that could be incriminating.
Will they do that?
That's their whole m.O..
Glad I have you.
Keep it simple.
Emotions are good,
but don't go overboard.
Everyone's looking
for you to make a wrong move.
Just tell your truth.
Keith, your wife
has been missing for five days.
I know she was taken.
My family knows she was taken.
But they can't come out,
obviously, and say "abduction"
Because they don't have
the evidence.
I mean, that was
hard to hear, but...
I'm coming, honey.
I'm trying.
I'm doing everything I can.
I love you.
And if the sheriff's office
won't find my wife, I will.
[interviewer] most people
don't agree to this.
I've got nothing to hide.
Keith, did you kill your wife?
Absolutely not.
Do you know where sherri is?
[interviewer] keith passed
the lie-detector test
With flying colors.
I'm really worried
about her health.
Are they feeding her?
Is she hot? Is she cold?
These are the horrible things
that I go through,
That I think about.
And I imagine...
I imagine her screaming
my name, and...
I'm not there.
I'm not there, and...
I don't know, I just...
It's hard... it's hard to handle.
That was great.
This should air very shortly.
This was a good one.
Really. Amazing work, keith.
keith's relationship with sherri
Is a rare love story
dating back to childhood.
A storybook beginning
Starting with
a seventh-grade kiss.
When they reconnected
years later,
They fell head over heels.
I was head over heels
for this girl.
I knew...
I knew I was gonna marry her.
Can I sleep with you?
Of course, you can, honey.
Come here.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Mr. Papini.
You need to find my wife!
We are working with the fbi.
We're doing everything we can.
I know that's what
you're supposed to say.
I... I've got babies.
They're crying themselves
to sleep every night.
It's been ten days.
I know what happens to women
when they go missing.
For every day,
the more likely she...
Mr. Papini, believe me
When I say
I am doing everything I can.
But when you talk to
inside the headlines
And not us...
I have told you
everything I know.
I'm not lying.
I just want to be
on the same team.
Is it enough...
Everything you're doing?
I hope so.
the case is captivating media.
Where is sherri?
The nation is obsessed
With what happened
to sherri papini.
As the search continues...
Yes, please.
You have to wonder,
Will they ever find out
the real truth?
How did you sleep?
In the spare room?
Spent the night dreaming of you.
You remind me
of how I used to be.
Happy and loved.
Chris, do you think that
we can go outside today?
I need some fresh air.
It's probably best
if we just stay here.
Stay safe.
It's just that I'm feeling,
um, stir-crazy.
I thought that you said
this place was big.
It's the biggest place
I've ever had.
I thought that
there was a backyard.
There's a large deck.
Don't worry, baby.
This is a starter home, okay?
It's just the beginning.
Get some breakfast.
- Okay.
- Just stay here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Sherri, I love you.
I'm gonna find you.
I love you so much.
I miss my wife so much.
I just wanna hold her again.
I want you back.
[reporter] keith papini
Has raised a tremendous
amount of money
In his search for sherri.
The nation has come out
in droves to support keith.
I feel so lost.
I will go back in
and keep distracting them.
You do exactly
what you are doing.
Keep fighting.
Stay strong.
I don't know how much longer
I can be strong for.
I know you and I were robbed
of a relationship
For a lot of years...
But we're made from
the same stuff, you and I.
We're fighters.
I'm gonna help you.
This has been the most...
Difficult time of our lives.
Sherri, just come home.
Your babies miss you.
[woman] I mean...
She was just the best woman.
She was so perfect,
we just loved her.
I just can't believe
she could be dead now.
- We just want her back.
- Yeah. We miss you, sherri.
- Sherri, come home!
- We miss you.
Come home.
Your babies miss you.
chris, I know you're in there!
- Shut up.
- Chris!
[sherri] they can hear you.
My car's outside,
they know I'm here.
- I know you're in there!
- It could be the cops.
No, it's my cousin.
- Chris!
- Just...
No. No, chris. Chris, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, cuz.
We missed you at hockey practice
these two weeks.
I was just in the neighborhood,
thought I'd stop by.
You okay?
Yeah. Yeah, man.
Um, now is not a great time.
Hey, can I... can I use your can?
I really gotta piss
before hockey.
It's occupied right now.
Oh, my god,
did you get a girlfriend?
Yeah. Yep. Yep.
She's super shy,
And she's not ready
to meet anyone yet.
So, I gotta get back.
[cousin] I'll leave you
two lovebirds alone.
[chris] yeah. I appreciate it.
[cousin] see you
after the honeymoon phase.
[chris] see you soon, bud.
You shouldn't be out here.
It's the middle of the night.
But still...
I just needed some fresh air.
What's going on?
My mom came back.
How do you feel?
I never thought she'd come back.
She seemed sorry.
Really, really sorry.
I made a horrible mistake.
I made a horrible mistake.
This place isn't what
you promised it to be.
You hate your mom.
I never hated my mother,
I thought that
she hated me, okay?
What about keith?
This is not about keith.
I need to get back
to my kids immediately,
And I need to go home.
I cannot sit here
in a two-bedroom apartment
And die.
Do you love me?
Of course, I do.
We just need to make it look
like I was really kidnapped.
You understand?
How do we make it look
like you were really kidnapped?
Do it!
I deserve it.
I need you to hurt me.
Do it.
Hurt me.
I can't keep hurting you.
Sherri, what the hell
are we doing?
It's our secret.
It's our secret, okay?
Can I say our poem?
I want to be your love forever,
Without a break or decay.
When the hills are all flat,
And the rivers run dry.
When the hills are all flat,
And the rivers run dry.
Help me! Help me, please!
Help me, help me!
Help me! Help me, please!
Somebody, please help me!
Please! Please!
Help me! Help me!
I've been kidnapped!
- Are you okay?
- I've been kidnapped!
- Get in!
- Please! Please!
Hello? Hello? Hi.
I just picked up a woman
off the side of the highway.
What's your name, sweetheart?
- What's your name, sweetheart?
- Sherri. Sherri.
Oh, my god,
you're sherri papini.
Sherri papini. I was kidnapped.
I was kidnapped.
I was kidnapped.
[phone ringing]
keith, we found your wife.
[sirens wailing]
Where is she?
Keith, wait.
Just listen.
Seeing her
is gonna be difficult.
Where is she?
We performed a rape
and narcotics test on her.
We're running her clothes
through dna.
I wanna see my wife!
Third floor.
Sherri, who...
Who did this to you?
I love you.
Talk to me. Say something.
Keith, I missed you so much.
I'm so glad this is
finally over.
I'm gonna spend
the rest of my life
Making you happy.
I can't believe I have you back.
It's like seeing a ghost.
I'm here.
I'm right here.
Mrs. Papini,
if you don't talk to me,
We won't be able to find out
who did this to you.
I'm sorry.
I want to talk, I just...
I'm sorry.
I just need to ask you
a few questions.
If you can answer them,
We can try to find out
who did this to you.
You know, you and I
have a lot in common.
Maybe more than you think.
That's why I'm so determined
to solve this case.
You grew up without a lot.
So did I.
In fact, I grew up just
two neighborhoods away from you.
I'll only talk to my husband.
I'll speak with my husband.
Please, just so...
I need him.
I'll only speak with him.
The people that took me
said they used to be cops.
[p.A. Announcement]
dr. Anderson to x-ray.
Dr. Anderson to x-ray.
Just tell me what happened,
the best you can remember it.
I was jogging.
When out of the blue,
Two mexican women in a van
pulled over.
They snatched me.
They put a bag over my head.
They tied my wrists.
And they drove me away.
It was two women?
Two women.
They said that they used
to be law enforcement.
Can you describe them at all?
The younger one,
she had on large hoop earrings,
And had hairy arms.
And she seemed more...
And the older woman,
She was mean,
And had thin eyebrows.
They were both mexican.
What else do you remember
about your time in the van?
Not that much.
I would never
leave our children.
They tried to kill me.
Sherri, what can you tell us
about the drive there?
They took me by gunpoint
to the van.
And when they were dragging me,
I took out my earphones
with some of my hair,
And I left it on the side
of the road with my phone
For you to come find me, baby.
You did that for me?
Of course, I did.
I knew that you would
come find me.
You're my hero.
You're my big, strong hero.
Okay. Okay, I think
we need to stop.
Women almost never
kidnap other women.
And former cops?
What could the possible motive
have been?
I can't see one.
[reporter] mr. Papini!
Mr. Papini! How is sherri?
Did she say who did it?
We are overwhelmed with joy
With how supportive
everyone has been
Bringing our family
together again.
Everyone's tireless efforts
Has made our family whole
for thanksgiving.
And that...
Thank you for allowing
our family time to heal.
[reporter] sherri papini,
can we ask you a few questions?
[reporters clamoring]
[reporters clamoring]
What is the description
of the abductors?
[reporters clamoring]
- Mommy!
- It's okay.
It's okay.
I love you both so much.
It's okay to be sad.
Our family
were meant to be together.
[sherri's mom] hi, sherri.
Hi, mom.
I'm glad you're home.
Me too.
I want you to know, I...
I did what I thought was best.
I love you, sherri.
I'm so sorry, sherri.
I should've paid
more attention to you.
I wasn't a very good husband.
I love you so much.
And I miss you so much.
I just want us to be happy.
What we have is really special.
I will fight for that
for the rest of my life,
I promise you that.
I'm never gonna lose you again.
I want to be your love forever,
Without a break or decay.
When the hills are all flat,
And the rivers run dry.
Our vows.
I love you so much.
Not as much as I love you.
Dna came back.
No female dna
found on any of her clothes,
But there was male dna
found on her underwear.
And it's not keith's.
Who does it belong to?
No match yet.
We'll keep searching
every week, but...
At least it's something.
People in the latino community
are living in fear.
What's your point?
That we need to find out
who did this.
And not just for her safety.
What's on your mind?
I know you already said no,
But we're getting
a lot of offers
For exclusive interviews.
Keith, I can't...
I know. I know.
And it... it was...
It was really hard on me,
And I can't imagine
what it would be like for you,
It could be a lot of money.
And we could set the terms.
I don't think
I could get through it.
You understand, right?
Of course, I do.
I'm so happy
to be back with you.
Sherri, that money
could really help us.
When I was...
Chained up,
And using kitty litter
as a bathroom,
I thought when I came home,
That all of our problems
would just seem stupid.
And I was wrong.
I just want the rest
of our lives to be easy.
That's all I want.
What about the gofundme money?
Like, couldn't we use that?
For us?
For... for our debts,
for our bills?
Like, that's it.
Yeah, maybe.
I want you.
Are you sure?
Are... are you ready?
There's something
I wanna show you first.
What is... This?
They branded me.
They should be burned alive.
Both of them.
I looked it up.
It's a story in the bible
about freed slaves.
It's okay.
All that matters is
that I'm back with you.
Kiss me.
You're mine forever.
Yeah. Yeah.
I hope you like cookies.
Thanks for coming in.
I know it's hard for you
when keith is working.
It's okay.
Is detective bertain here?
I'm the detective on the case.
I lead the questioning.
Have a seat, please.
Okay, so...
Why don't you tell me
how your day started?
I'd hardly sleep.
They kept me in a closet.
They had me chained.
They would let me relieve myself
in kitty litter.
And, if I was lucky,
They would let me take a shower.
But I'd...
I'd really like
to focus on today.
You know,
I finally have my dignity.
I'm not a hero,
But, I'm... I'm thankful.
I'm really thankful
for my freedom.
When you were being driven
to the place you were held in,
Did you hear anything
on the radio?
They played mariachi music.
Did you hear any ads
in between the music?
If it was something local,
it might help pin down your...
Where your location was.
They spoke spanish,
and I didn't...
I didn't understand
what they were saying.
You've lived in california
your whole life.
You don't understand
any spanish?
They fed me rice and tortillas.
Went with me
when I went to the shower.
And they chained me to a pole.
They let you shower,
But they made you use
the bathroom in kitty litter?
They tased me.
They tased me, and, um,
My brain just...
It doesn't work the same.
I have, um, trouble putting
all the pieces together.
You know?
That's what you're saying
I'm really sorry.
I just... I...
I can't remember it all.
You feel okay...
Being out here?
People are curious.
I can understand why.
I'm so sorry,
but are you sherri papini?
Told you.
We just wanted to tell you
how much we admire you.
You really woke us up.
It's not so safe
in perfect redding anymore.
What kind young women you are.
Well, if I can make this place
safer for one woman,
Then I guess
My horrible experience
was worth it.
Well, we'll let you keep eating.
Oh, thanks.
I'm loretta, by the way.
Sherri's mother.
We're so sorry
for you, too, ma'am.
Thank you.
Do you know what they call them?
Tragedy groupies.
I've been meaning to talk
to you about something.
I know the press wants
to do an exclusive with you.
I know it's a lot of money.
Investigative journalists,
they ask...
They ask tough questions.
They're waiting for a...
A "gotcha" moment.
I'm sorry.
I just...
I want you to know,
If there is anything
that you wanna tell me...
Anything, I...
I'm here to listen.
What kind of thing
would I need to tell you?
I remember everything...
That happened between us.
Every single thing.
Seven years.
This last year
was the hardest of our lives,
But we made it.
We were put back together,
because we're meant to be.
I love you.
I love you, baby.
I can't tell you both
How much your friendship
has meant to me
During this terrible,
terrible time.
Of course, sherri.
We'll always be there for you.
When I was with
those other women,
It was so awful.
And you couldn't fight them off?
They were, like...
Like, heavyset.
There was... there was no way.
But the police description
Said that they weren't
much bigger than you.
That's the thing, you know?
They ask you, like,
do all these sketches,
And all these things,
And it's just...
They make mistakes.
I just...
Did you like the cake?
- Yeah, it was great.
- Yeah?
You were married to sherri
for how long?
Uh... Five years.
I was deployed for most of it.
And now?
I'm a veteran.
I served in iraq
and got an honorable discharge.
Our marriage was a lie.
I was her friend.
I married her
Because she said she needed
my medical insurance.
Why did she need
your medical insurance?
First, she said
it was a heart murmur.
Then, she said
she needed medical attention
Because she'd repeatedly
donated her eggs.
She repeatedly donated
her eggs? Why?
She said it was for the money.
And the truth is, I...
I have no idea.
I don't even know
if that's true.
You can't trust a word she says.
She lies about everything.
You know, small things
that didn't matter.
Huge things that did matter.
Can you give me
concrete examples?
She used to claim
that her mom, loretta,
Would beat her,
And then lock her
in the basement.
That's the thing
I just couldn't stop
thinking about
When all this started.
It's, like,
"how different is that
Than what's happening
right now?"
Why are you coming forward now?
I saw your press conference.
I struggled with this decision.
She's a part of my past.
A part that
I don't want to revisit,
But a part, nonetheless.
Why should I believe you?
What do I got to lie about?
I'm embarrassed by all this.
We called you here today
about the papini case.
Due to the tremendous
national interest,
We are here to make a statement.
And it goes as follows...
This investigation
is far from over.
In fact, it's just begun
a new chapter.
Welcome to a meeting
for survivors...
For women-in-arms
who suffer with ptsd.
I feel so lucky
to be leading this group today.
United, we can find
strength again.
Would anyone like to share?
I'd like to share.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to ask
When I'm gonna feel
normal again.
I... I... I know there aren't
timelines, or anything,
But everything just feels
so surreal after my assault.
And I feel hyper-vigilant.
Like, I always need
to know what's...
What's behind me.
Even if I know
there's nothing there.
"being white is more than
just being aware of my skin,
But of standing
behind skinheads,
Who are always around
in spirit, as well,
And having pride for my country.
Being white is my family,
my roots, my way of life.
It's always there.
There's no denying it.
It's nobility.
"It's strength."
Sherri wrote this?
Using her maiden name, graeff.
Where'd you find it?
After scouring the dark corners
of the internet,
I need a shower.
First, we gotta find out
if this is real.
A young latino guy
just got jumped
And he's in the hospital.
I think she wrote it.
I think it's meaningful.
This has hurt a lot of people
in the community, anthony.
Specifically people
that look like me.
You know there's been
an increase in hate crimes.
I think it's linked.
I hear you,
but we still need a smoking gun.
Would anyone else like to share?
Go ahead.
What happened to me
hurt a lot of people.
Specifically my family
and my children.
People are saying that
I'm a hero, but I'm not.
I'm just a regular woman.
And, um...
Like amy said, it's...
It just all feels surreal.
How tall were they?
The girls who took you.
How tall were they?
Taller than me.
I don't remember exactly.
I don't know.
You don't remember anything else
about their faces?
Not from what I said.
I've said everything already.
It's kinda weird.
You were staring at them
for three weeks.
Did they say anything?
They talked about my brand...
Wait, they talked about
your brand in english,
But everything else
was in spanish?
Yes, keith. They did.
Are you sure?
Sherri, you don't remember
anything else at all?
I'm traumatized...
And all of this is very surreal.
And I'm hyper-vigilant.
Come on, sherri.
There are things
I'm remembering, right...
Horrible things...
From when they took me.
And every time
You just keep
asking me a question
Over and over and over again,
I have to keep reliving it!
I wanna forget it!
Sherri, we can't just forget it.
It happened to us.
But... Sherri, I'm here.
Talk to me.
Let me help.
What things are you remembering?
I'm not ready.
Well, then we have to go
to the police.
I cannot keep reliving
These horrible, horrible
Over and over and over again.
We don't have a choice!
Because if we don't stop
these bitches,
They're gonna do it
to somebody else.
And I can't live with myself
knowing that.
I am not...
To the police!
I remembered
some things that happened to me.
We were talking.
I told her she had to come in.
Even though that this is hard,
I think that it's
the right thing to do.
I remember...
Being chained to the closet,
Going to the bathroom
in the kitty box.
And I remember the other woman...
The older woman...
Hitting me so hard.
What about the...?
And, um...
When they were branding me,
They said something
about exodus.
It's a story about
freed slaves in the bible.
Tell her about that younger one.
Keith, I'm gonna ask
That you let sherri share
what she remembers.
I just want to get your version
of the story, sherri.
Just your version alone.
I'll, uh...
I'll go wait outside.
Mrs. Papini, do you know...
A mr. David dreyfus?
Haven't thought about him
in a while, but yes.
Well, he's been
thinking about you.
He paid us a visit
And shared us
Some very interesting
information about your past.
Do you know
what you're looking at?
It's a police report...
From your mother.
She claimed
that you were abusing yourself
And blaming it on her.
Sherri, is there anything else
you wanna tell us?
No, ms. Rowlands.
Thanks for coming.
You know sherri papini?
Uh, look, I don't wanna
get anyone in trouble.
No one's going
to get into trouble,
If they didn't do
anything illegal.
We just want to figure out
what happened.
We need your help.
It's an opportunity
for you to do some good.
For the whole community.
I don't know her.
She was engaged to my cousin.
Can you confirm
If this is a picture
of your cousin, chris?
You promise
he won't get in trouble?
I can't make any promises.
But it's a crime to lie to me.
I saw sherri at chris' place.
When she was reported missing?
And this is him?
Why didn't you
come forward earlier?
Would you have?
I wanted to stay out
of the whole thing.
Dang, is this 'cause
I did 23andme?
She's the love of my life.
I need you to know that.
Anything I did,
I did because of that.
We were together
when I was younger.
And I knew then
that I wanted to marry her.
But I was too immature,
so she left.
When she said
that she needed my help...
It felt heaven-sent, you know?
I was finally
gonna get my girl back.
How long were you
and mrs. Papini in touch for?
Before she alleges
her kidnapping?
Six months.
Can you tell me about
the day of her disappearance?
I should have known then
that it wasn't gonna...
Go the way that I planned it.
We were talking
on burner phones.
[engine turns over]
Sherri, come on.
We gotta get going.
I'm saving our asses, okay?
Where's your car?
I rented the van.
What were you thinking?
I was excited.
I wanted to see you.
Wake up, sleepy-head.
How'd she spend her time here?
[chris] she cleaned.
A lot.
I think being stuck here got
pretty old for her pretty quick.
I don't know
what she did all day,
But when I got home from work,
She'd be watching tv.
the nation is obsessed
With what happened
to sherri papini.
I gotta ask you,
What was the plan?
I keep asking myself that.
I really don't think
there was a plan.
What did you think
was happening?
I thought she was in
an abusive marriage.
I thought her husband beat her.
There's something
I need to tell you.
There's no evidence that keith
or loretta ever beat sherri.
There's only evidence
that she has a pattern of...
Deceitful behavior.
So it was all...
It was all a lie?
Most likely.
You know, the strangest thing is
I'm not mad at her.
I can't bring myself
to hate her.
I know I should...
But I still love her.
I know she's mixed up.
But I really wish
She'd just allow herself
to get mixed up with me.
Am I gonna be arrested?
That is up to the d.A..
But having a married woman
run away with you
Is not illegal.
It's just stupid?
[phone ringing]
Babe, will you get it?
That was the police.
They sound excited.
I think they found them.
Yeah, yeah,
we'll be right there.
Thank you.
As you both know,
This has been a long
and arduous investigation.
But we are here today
To share that we think
we have found the culprit.
You found them?
Who? Who did this to my wife?
You recognize this man?
No, I... I told you that it...
It was such a difficult time,
it's really hard to remember.
Well, that's
interesting, sherri,
Because we have an eyewitness
That says they saw you
at this man, chris', apartment,
When you were supposed
to be missing.
Her ex-boyfriend, chris?
He did this?
Chris did this?
Actually, keith, no.
We have proof that she ran away
with him voluntarily.
Then what happened, sherri?
I don't know.
It was such a difficult time.
I don't remember.
This wasn't a kidnapping.
Chris thought that he was
in a romantic relationship
With sherri
for the last six months.
During that six months,
They plotted,
spearheaded by sherri,
In faking her kidnapping.
Is this... is this true?
No. No.
It was two women
that did this to me.
It was two women.
I found dna on your underwear
That is a direct match
to chris'.
How do you explain that?
I don't know,
But there's no way
that chris did this.
There is no way. There's no way.
I spoke to chris.
He admitted to everything.
He also said that
you told him keith beat you.
You said I beat you?
Oh, my god.
I need to speak to a lawyer.
I'm sorry.
Keith. Keith.
"my skin is my pride.
I lunged at those latino women
who called me a nazi
And beat them until they bled."
Did you write this?
I've never seen that.
I think you have.
I think you wrote it.
Mrs. Papini, not only
have you ruined your family,
But your racist behavior
has damaged redding forever.
You stole precious resources
away from real victims.
I am a victim.
Stand back. Ready?
- Thank you.
- Thanks!
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Supermom has landed.
[children singing]
row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
merrily, merrily
merrily, merrily...
Do you have a black suv?
Your suv is being towed.
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
On the move.
Sherri papini,
you're under arrest.
My kids...
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be used against you.
You have the right
to an attorney.
- If you cannot afford one...
- Stop!
- One will be provided for you.
Call my husband.
Call my husband.
Call my husband.
Call my husband.
Please, call my husband.
Call my husband, please!
Call my husband.
[door opens]
I'm filing for divorce.
Keith, no.
I'm taking the kids.
Everything that I said
was the truth.
Stop lying.
I'm not lying.
Sherri, come on.
Do you not understand
what it's like,
Waking up every day
more and more invisible?
To go to bed at night
just hoping that the morning...
Something will change?
That the man
that you fell in love with
Will somehow,
somehow see you again?
Do you know
what that feels like?
Do you?
You're a black hole.
Nothing will ever fill you.
No matter
how many people pity you.
How many men you text.
How many lives you've ruined.
People ruined my life.
I'm the victim.
Goodbye, sherri.
Please. Please.
Please. Please. Please.
Please. Please.
Please. Please.
Please, don't go.
Please. Please!
Sherri papini wasted
$150,000 of city resources
That should have gone
to real victims.
Redding, you can go back
to sleeping easy.
We're a safe, diverse community,
That was victim
To what I think is a woman
Who probably
just wanted some attention.
Because of our hard work,
All of us,
We can go back to living
together peacefully.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Don't say anything
that could get you into trouble.
I know exactly what to say.
- Sherri, did you do it?
- Sherri, why did you do it?
What about your family?
What about your community?
Back off.
Sherri! Sherri!
Is it true that you faked it?
All of it?
You've seen much dishonor
laid before you in this room.
People who...
Are not willing to...
To walk through the shame,
To say that they are guilty.
I'm not one of them.
I am guilty of lying.
I am guilty of dishonor.
I stand before you
Willing to accept, repent,
and concede.
I trust in this court.
I trust in the...
Officers handling my release.
And I trust in you, your honor,
To see me,
And hear me.
I am choosing to...
To not stay frozen,
Like I was in 2016.
I am committed...
To healing the parts of myself
That were so very...
To humbly accept...
Sherri papini.
I am sentencing you
to 18 months in prison
And 36 months
supervised probation
Upon release.
You are ordered to pay
More than $300,000
in restitution.
You would probably still
be telling lies
If you hadn't been caught.
You can begin serving
your sentence in three months.
So, what comes to mind?
I've always wanted
to go to therapy.
Then it's good you're here.
This can't be
an easy time for you.
You've lost your reputation,
Your marriage,
Your children.
How do you feel about
your actions, sherri?
God doesn't give you
more than you can handle.