Hobo With A Shotgun (2011) Movie Script

Spare some change?
Come on!
If you wanna make my money you
gotta get rougher than this.
Hey you!
You wanna get in on this?
Come On.
Ten dollars.
Ten dollars.
Come on!
fuck you then!
You'll never make
money without me.
Alright, alright
let's see some blood.
That's it.
That's it.
Go damn it,
HELP me,
they're coming after me!
Lady, please help me,
get this off me!
They're gonna fucking kill me.
You've gotta help me here!
get this off my neck.
Get back,
don't leave me!
Please you've
gotta help me here.
If you don't help me my hand's
coming off my fucking body.
Please just untie me,
that's it.
Oh brother of mine.
Look at you now.
Boys. This isn't
a joke anymore.
You weren't planning on
leaving town without
saying goodbye were ya?
Yeah, we've been looking
all over for you.
I was gettin' worried.
I'm your uncle.
I've known you since
you were fuckin' babies!
This cocksucker gave me the
shittiest Christmas presents.
I hate Christmas.
You fucking brats!
Fuck off!
Drake, stop this,
we're family!
It's the rules,
You're our lucky contestant.
Don't put me in there.
Show 'em how to play boys.
Slick. You we're always
my favorite nephew
I swear to God
I mean that.
Get your feet in that
fucking deathhole!
Ivan my boy.
I want everybody here
to appreciate this.
Time to get the show
on the road boy-yo.
Alright you fucking androids.
My father's got something
he wants you all to see.
And I swear, anybody looks
away for even a second,
I'll make them wish they
we're fucking aborted.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
welcome to the Drake Show.
Tonight's special episode
is going to be filled with
thrills, and chills, and
my own personal favorite.
Lots and lots of
that red shit
that flows inside
all our bodies.
CHEER you fuckers!
Thank you.
How can you watch
and not do anything?
They're going to
fucking kill me here!
Somebody say something!
Don't just stand there!
You know, ever since our
mother brought Logan home
from the hospital, I knew
he was a fucking coward.
I'll leave town!
You'll never fucking
see me again.
Just please, I can't
feel my legs, Drake.
He wants mercy from the Drake.
From the Drake...
And he should know
better than anybody...
mercy ain't my style.
What do you want from me?
Logan is no longer my brother.
Our relationship
has been severed.
And now he's all
alone in this world,
with nothing but a
barbed wire noose
around his neck.
You can't let him
do this!
It's not just MY
life he's ruining.
Help me.
You should have started
beggin' a long time ago.
I've never enjoyed
listening to you
as much as I do right now.
You're a fucking animal Drake!
You're a shitty fucking
weird little animal.
The way I see it, I'm a
fucking miracle worker,
because I am going
to make it rain!
Gun it,
Well, can you feel
your legs now?
Can ya?
Was there something else
you wanted to say to me?
Well, thanks for tuning
in ladies and gentlemen.
Who knows,
maybe next time
one of you will be
our lucky contestant.
Enjoy the ride,
my favorite fuckin' uncle.
Go the fuck home everybody!
And don't forget
to wash your dicks!
I dare you to lick his dick.
Woo! Woo!
You bastards!
Hey Slick, you gotta
check this out man.
Fuckin awesome.
Hey, where the
fuck are you going?
Business with dad.
Hey Otis.
What are ya playing?
I forgot Slick.
I spent all my
money in the arcade.
You owe me money.
You're burning me,
Let me call my mom! I can
get my allowance early!
That must be some
hell of an allowance.
Come on man,
he's a kid,
let it slide.
What did you say to me?
You heard me.
Let it slide.
The only thing
I'm gonna let slide,
is my dick in your pussy.
Hey, Otie -
where ya going?
Don't hurt me IVAN!
Shut the fuck up!
Did that hurt?
You want to know how to
never feel pain again?
No I
don't want any more!
Does everybody wanna know
how to never
feel pain again?
Come on Otis!
Have at it!
You know how I can tell
I'm making you wet?
Cause you're making
my dick thirsty.
What are you supposed to be?
Some kind of bad ass
murderer or something?
Does that frighten you?
If you've got money to
spend, nothing frightens me.
Baby, I've got all
kinds of money with
your name written
all over it.
Well what are
you waiting for?
Let's go.
Nobody messes
with you, do they?
Not if they give a
fuck about living.
So how many people
have you killed?
What am I?
A mathematician?
You're sexy...
You're fucking right.
Are we gonna fuck,
or what?
What the hell?
That's your ride bitch.
Come on.
This was not
our fucking deal!
I'm paying you good money.
You're gonna love this!
Let the girl go Punk.
I'm making a citizen's arrest.
And who the fuck are you?
Put the knife away kid
or I'll use it to
cut welfare cheques
from your rotten skin.
Well you better cut
one to Mother Theresa
so you can give it
to her while she's
finger banging you in hell.
Shut you filthy mouth!
Mother Theresa is
a God damn saint!
Serves you right.
What did you think?
He was gonna put a
ring on your finger?
Lock him up with
the Sodomites.
And get me the god-damned
chief of police now.
Good day sir.
No, no please,
take a seat.
I don't think I've seen
you around here before.
Let me guess, you
rode in on the rail?
That's right.
So I understand you've been
having a little bit
of difficulty with one
of our young men.
Well, I think you're gonna
need a lot of dump trucks.
Dump trucks?
I don't follow you.
You get out there,
get all the criminals,
put 'em in dump trucks.
Take em to a landfill
site and bury them.
Put 'em in the ground.
I'm not too sure
I know what you're trying
to say here, sir.
What I'm trying
to say is that
people don't go bad
like they do here.
if I'm being honest,
I can't argue with
anything you say.
Crime in this city has
become an embarrassment.
I've been suspecting
some of my boys
are working with Drake.
C of my officers are givingis
that maniac a free reign?me
So thank god for honest
people like yourself.
You better get those officers
and send them packing.
And start this whole
operation all over again.
Between you and me, I'd love
to bring a wrecking ball
down on Drake.
But he might as
well be KING around here!
King's fall.
You ought to read a
history book, Chief.
Now I gave you this
little bastard,
put him away for life.
Well, we'll certainly see
what we can do about that.
By the way,
anybody officially
welcome you to town yet?
They never do.
welcome to Fuck-town.
Hold still,
you slimy maggot!
Get off me!
These two are the
princes of Fuck town!
Any idea what we should
do with him, Slick?
hold him still.
I'm gonna carve a
billboard into his chest.
You better get that
knife away from me!
Easy Slick, I think you
might be hurting him.
Jesus God boys.
What ever happened to
delicacy and finesse?
This is so you'll
never forget what you are.
I thought this was
a police station.
Not a fucking circus.
I just wanted to help.
And don't forget you
fucking piece of shit,
everyday is garbage day
for street trash like you.
You're so hot,
you make me want
to cut my dick off and
rub it all over
your titties.
Why don't you just calm down
and tell me what
you're looking for.
I was hoping to
keep it a surprise.
I've had enough
surprises tonight.
Quit wasting my time.
What's it gonna be?
Come on Abby,
I'm a regular.
Baby, nothing about
you is regular.
Hey, look, I'm the
one with the money
and you're the one
selling your hole...
I know that sweetie,
I'd love to take your money.
So why don't you just
tell me what you're after?
Fuck it.
Just give me the
regular, plus 10%.
I'm gonna make you love
the taste of my rot!
What the fuck?
Get the fuck off me!
Oh my God.
Help me.
I could use a drink right now.
Do you mind?
I really appreciate
your helping me out today.
If it wasn't for
you, who knows,
I'd probably be dead
in ditch somewhere.
I see you have an empty
picture frame here.
Why don't you put
a picture of your
I don't really have
anything worth remembering.
You seem like a smart
intelligent girl.
You should be teaching.
Tell people about beautiful
things and miracles.
You're obviously
not from here.
I'm not from anywhere.
Yeah, well
I fuck for a living
and believe me I don't
have a lot of other options.
Well, I wouldn't
know about that shit.
take it easy.
I think I'm okay now.
I just tell my brain
when I know I'm hurting.
I just say I got
nothing for you buddy...
Nothing to make it go
away, so just go to hell.
And he goes.
He's like a
brother to me now
and brothers fight sometimes.
Well, I think it's time to put
you and your brother to bed.
No, I'm not going
to stay here.
I'm gonna go,
it's all right.
No, no,
it's okay.
I want you to.
It's a good one.
I don't even remember
when I slept a real bed.
I am tired.
I didn't get your name.
It's Abby.
Put this on so you don't
get blood on my sheets.
Thank you.
I like that.
This is good.
Thank you.
Well Abby,
can I...
tell you something
about bears?
The bear is a solitary animal.
They like their space.
They live in a magic circle.
They mind if you're
like a mile away,
but if you get
inside their circle,
they will maul you.
If a bear's claw would
ever strike your face,
it would take your whole
face right off your skull.
Your eyes, your
nose, your lips.
And you would die from it.
I didn't know bears
could be so vicious.
They are
wild animals.
There's something else about
bears not many people know.
If a bear gets hooked on
the taste of human blood,
he becomes a man killer.
He'll go on a rampage
and has to be destroyed
and that's why you
should never hug a bear.
Give me that fucking money!
You fucking little bitch,
I'll shove that
money up your...
Move bitch!
Make you feel it.
Don't let him take me!
Help me someone!
I love your work.
Back for that 10
dollars, eh dirt bag?
You're right.
I'm only giving you
twenty for that one buddy.
Now get down
on your knees,
go on,
on you go.
Now I want you to start
chewin' the glass.
I want you to start
eating that glass.
Go on.
Don't even bother
looking at this,
until you start chewing.
Go on.
That's it.
That's it.
Oh, now smile
for the camera.
Holy shit,
this is fucking gold!
pick it up with you mouth.
That's it.
Good dog.
You earned your money today.
you heard me right,
I want four
big fucking dogs...
Un-huh, yeah,
yeah, yeah.
And shave em first.
I don't trade for babies.
If you're looking for jewelry
you gotta cough it up.
All right everyone this is
a god damn fucking robbery!
Okay, this guy,
this guy,
he is a great baby sitter!
Don't worry about Junior.
I'll look after him.
Give me the fucking money or
I'll slit her god damn throat!
What are you waiting for?!
Fucking kill her!
Kill the fucking baby!
Here it is,
here it comes.
All right.
Old man you've got five
seconds to give me what I want
or I will end her life.
Put you hands in
the cash register,
give me more you
piece of shit!
That's it,
that's everything.
- 1...
- No.
come on!
Come on!
Just fucking kill her already!
I'm gonna sleep in
your bloody carcasses.
Jesus Christ!
You vultures
circle this city tearing
off the flesh
from everything
that is innocent.
Please don't shoot me.
I didn't even hurt her.
I want you out of this city,
you and your
grave-robbing friends.
Spread the word.
Pay guns!
Keep the change.
Oh fuck!
Where's the tape?
Leave me alone man.
Take it out.
Now you put it in
your mouth and eat it.
You fucking bitch.
Stop wasting your
time doing homework.
Get up on the block
and make me some money.
Come on baby,
show daddy you ain't mad
at me and give me a kiss.
Go home to someone
who loves you.
And you -
you're fucked.
Fuck em.
Read em and fucking weep!
You can have
the fucking bitches.
Happy Valentines Day,
you fucking sluts!
Kill him!
Fucking kill him!
Kill him!
I'm gonna come down
both your chimneys
and give you a big present.
Jerk on this you child
molesting shit-licker.
Night watches and other
anti-crime groups have been
seen springing up all
throughout the city and their
inspiration, a brave,
yet still unidentified,
homeless man who has
been delivering justice,
one shell at a time.
A shotgun!
This town is impressed by
a homeless man with
a fucking shotgun.
Where's the
creativity in that?
So what happened to you?
School bully get
your lunch money?
I don't want
to talk about it.
Look Slick,
don't make me mad.
Tell me who did this to you.
I don't know.
Some bum?
Some bum!
Have you been watching
the fucking news lately?
Don't worry dad,
we carved that fucker up.
You carved him up.
Somebody does this
to your brother
and you treat him like
a Jack-o'- lantern.
Put your head on the table.
Head down,
Don't worry son,
everybody gets knocked out
once in a while.
Have you ever
been knocked out?
Fuck no,
I'm the DRAKE,
who's going to fuck with me?
But I'm Slick,
nobody's supposed
to fuck with me either.
Listen, you've got
a lot of potential,
way more than your brother...
head down.
Maybe even more potential
than me, eventually,
but first you've got to
learn to think bigger.
I'll crucify him to
a homeless shelter.
That's revenge.
Don't look for revenge.
Look for people's fear.
I'll cut a hole
through his body,
and I'll make them watch as
I spread his intestines
out all over the street.
Well, you be ugly, you be
hateful when you do that,
some will fear you...
I want to fear you...
But I don't...
You've got to show me that
you can scare the shit
out of everybody!
So why don't you unlock that
imagination of yours and give
them a show that is so fierce
that everybody in this town
will remember
your name forever.
What should I do?
Well, you need to figure
that out for yourself,
but I can give you one
sweet morsel of advice.
When life gives
you razor blades,
you make a baseball bat
covered in razor blades.
Do you kids like school?
I asked you a question.
Do you kids like school!
What about ice cream!
Do you kids like ice cream?
And bicycles!
And Hobos?
I hate Hobos.
Disco Inferno.
After a horrific act of
arson this afternoon,
a school bus was
found burning.
There were an undisclosed
number of children on board.
There were no survivors.
Again, we regret to inform you
that only the charred bodies
of many, many, burnt
children remain...
Hi all you kids out there.
How are you doing today?
Guess what.
I've got something very,
very special to
share with you today.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah, yeah. Come on up to
the screen kids. Let go of your
mommy and daddy's hands.
Come, come on,
it's okay.
Get as close to
the TV as you can.
Do you see this!
This is what you get when
you want to follow a beggars
instead of the DRAKE!
Now It's time to
play a new game.
It's called gutter tag.
It's very,
very easy.
And every single one
of you gets to play.
All you homeless people -
you're it.
Everyone else -
you get to kill them.
All of them.
We're going to kill the
rest of your children!
Ladies and gentlemen,
one more thing before you
continue on your busy day...
I want that Hobo's
head on my wall,
and whoever brings
him to me,
gets all my broads!
Oh, you're gonna
like em!
Grab your guns boys!
Grab your fucking guns.
We got homeless to kill.
So let's go make
some dead bodies.
At least he's only
shooting the dirty cops.
We're all dirty cops.
You ever sleep with
a prostitute, kid?
No sir.
She's so hot,
I'd eat the
peanuts out of her shit.
Come on. What the fuck
is wrong with you?
This conversation
is disgusting.
Well, you can't
beat your wife
like you can beat a whore.
That's what
I love about them.
Tell you what, we'll
go splits on this one.
You're joking right?
Hey, hey,
Fuck, I love the
smell of your asshole.
Why don't you get in here
and take me for a ride.
My legs are closed
for the night.
Maybe we should
get back to work.
You get back to the
fucking station.
Get the fuck out of here!
Come here,
I am going to break your legs
off to get at your sweetness.
Don't hurt me.
I'll do anything!
That's not even
a fucking option.
I'll tell you what:
You make sure that
I enjoy what you give me
and I'll make sure that
you can still crawl home
when I'm done.
Oh come on, now I
know you want it,
You little fucking whore.
Step away from the girl.
I'm a cop!
Don't do anything
fucking stupid!
Shut up!
Look at her.
What do you see?
I don't know man.
She's... she's
just a fuck tube.
She is a teacher!
She despises you,
and so do I!
What are you doing?
Let me walk you home!
Why are you out so late -
it's dangerous!
Why are you doing this?
What are you doing?
You can't kill them.
I'm cleaning the streets
from the shit and
the smell makes me sick.
They're not bad people.
They're just scared.
You're not afraid of
what they'll do to us
when they come here?
We have to figure
something out.
He shot him!
The Hobo shot him!
He's back there!
Mom, I need my allowance
early this week...
I just do!
come on.
Come on.
You're pretty sick,
you know that?
Come on,
we gotta go.
I gotta go Mom.
Where the hell were you
going after you left here?
Come on, man, I let
you sleep in my bed,
tell me where you went.
I just wanted to
buy a lawn mower.
Wait - you wanted
to buy a lawn mower?
After all those years living
in box cars and on the
streets, I thought I might
start up my own business.
That's what we'll do.
I've got my own slogan.
You grow it,
I cut it.
You grow it,
we cut it.
We'll get out of this
town and go somewhere
where they have
nice big lawns to mow.
This isn't the only
place that grass grows.
Are you serious?
First I gotta wash this
guys asshole off my face.
They're in there!
Do you need any back-up?
I could join your gang.
Shut up Otis.
Now fucking beat it!
You're pissing me off.
Jesus Christ.
Ivan, you're going to
ruin your fucking skates.
I ruin everything!
Let's fuck.
Macaroni, beans,
I don't know.
What would you take?
Why are you in such a rush?
You shot a fucking cop.
Everybody wants to kill you.
all right.
We need a blanket, it's gonna
get cold at night and uh,
some matches.
I don't have much money.
All right.
Don't worry about the money.
We'll hop on a train.
We'll get a job somewhere
and start saving up.
No, no,
no, no TV.
We've gotta travel light.
Fuck TV.
Just take what you need.
I think I'm ready.
I'm ready too.
It's a beautiful day
for a skate rape!
Is there another way out?
Do you fucking see me?
Do you fucking hear me?
Do you fucking feel me?
Why don't you get up beggar
and beg me for
your fucking life.
Do you fucking fear me?
Fuck you!
My face!
Don't kill that
fuck without me.
Turn that whore
into a baby factory.
Hit me again mother fucker!
Come on.
Right in my fucking face!
I'm going to wash this
blood off with your blood!
Get away from me!
Don't kill me,
I love murder.
Come on,
play with me grandpa.
Fucking play with me Grandpa.
Now we're gettin' rowdy!
Do you know me?
He made me come!
Oh God!
Slick, what the fuck
is going on in there?
You better be killing
that fucking hobo!
Get the fuck out
of here IVAN.
All right you
scum carving fuck.
I'm going to make you regret
a whole lot of living
and teach you some respect.
All right, man,
you win, you win.
Just tell me what you want?
My dad owns this fucking town.
I bet there's not on human
being in this town
who's life you
haven't ruined.
Pl.. Please don't shoot
my dick off, okay?
I'm young, I've got too
much fucking left to do.
God damn it boy!
I'm gonna get
you to a doctor!
Just give me the
fucking phone.
My whole body hurts
Where are you?
What happened?
He shot my dick off!
Tell me where you are.
I'll come and get you.
I'm not gonna make it dad.
I'm dying.
I'm dying.
Slick boy, you're tough
and I'm so proud of you.
You're the toughest
kid I know.
Thank you.
Hey dad...
You were a pretty rad father.
Fix this girl.
you can't do that!
Just fix her!
Summon the plague.
Tell them to bring
me that hobo.
Stay with us honey.
Come on,
stay with us.
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be alright.
She's fucking dying!
Come on!
Stay with me!
Live you fuckin' whore!
That's it.
Come on.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Hey you.
Welcome back.
It's good to see you.
I wanted to give
you something.
They're beautiful.
Just to make sure
you don't forget me.
Where are you going?
I have to get back to work.
Please don't.
You should put them
in your classroom.
They'll be good by the window.
You know I'm not really
a school teacher, right?
You do right?
Yeah, but everybody
ought to have a dream.
You can't solve all the
world's problems
with a shotgun.
It's all I know.
A long time ago
I was one of you.
You're all brand
new and perfect.
No mistakes,
no regrets.
People look at you
and think of how
wonderful your
future will be.
They want you to be
something special.
Like a doctor or a lawyer.
I hate to tell you this,
but if you grow up here
you're more likely
to wind up selling your
bodies on the streets
or shooting dope from dirty
needles in a bus stop.
And if you're successful,
you'll make money selling
junk to crack heads.
And you won't think twice
about killing someone's wife
because you won't even know
what was wrong
in the first place.
Or, maybe you'll
end up like me...
a hobo with a shotgun.
I hope you can do better.
You are the future.
That's it!
I am sick and tired of
you fucking junkies!
What's going on?
come on.
You got a match?
the Plague.
You guys fucking rock!
Do you want to see him?
I trust you guys.
I can fuckin' smell
him from here.
Take him to the truck.
You know, I almost
feel sad for you.
You're in the shadow
of your brother.
And you're just a
little tiny thug.
A thug!
Listen you homeless
piece of shit.
I'm the only son
Drake has left!
And you know what that means?
That means I run
the fucking show!
I'm gonna show everybody.
They're gonna fear
the fuck out of me!
In fact, they're gonna
make comic books
out of my hate crimes!
I promise you when
I get out of here,
I'm gonna bite your face off.
That's funny,
because I promised myself.
I'm gonna bash
your fucking teeth in
and make a chainsaw
out of them.
Hold it right there lady.
What the hell do you
think you're doing?
You want to know if I'm
homeless so you can kill me?
are ya?
Some people got a
bed to sleep on,
where they can crawl
under the covers
and have a good night's rest.
But other people,
they don't got beds at all.
Instead they gotta
find an alleyway,
or a park bench where some
fucker's not gonna stab them.
But just because
they don't got beds
doesn't mean
they're homeless.
Cause guess what, they've got
the biggest home of any of us.
It's called the Streets!
And right now, we're all
standing in their home,
so maybe we should show
them some god damn respect.
If this is their home,
they've got a right to
keep it clean, don't they?
And sometimes on the streets,
a broom just ain't
gonna fucking cut it.
That's when you
gotta get a shotgun!
So if you want to
kill me, go ahead.
But I'll warn you.
From where I'm standing,
things are looking
real fucking filthy!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
welcome back to
the Drake show!
That's how you cheer
you fucking creatures.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you everybody.
Tonight I have a special
treat for you all.
The culmination of one of
the bloodiest spectacles
we have ever witnessed.
Everybody please
a round of applause
to the team that
made this possible.
The Plague.
Now, I want you all to
meet our special guest.
A man I'm sure you've
all heard about.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
without further ado,
let's bring on the
man of the hour.
The one responsible for the
death of my favorite son.
And here he is,
a worthless,
homeless piece of shit...
Get your hands off me,
you demons!
You're crushing my smokes.
When God lost his son,
he knew he'd get him
back in a few days.
He never had to mourn,
not for a single second.
But, I know I
can't get son back.
what does that make me,
when I know more about pain
than the most powerful
being in the universe?
You're a fool.
And a shitty father.
Take him to the glory hole.
Look up at all those people.
I'm your God.
They fear me more
than anything.
And that fear is what saves
their lives everyday.
If I want something
from them I take it.
If they try to fight
back I kill them.
They live to please me.
Because if they don't,
I cut off their
fucking heads!
now you look scared.
will turn against evil.
It'll wipe itself out,
leaving nothing but wreckage.
And fucked up memories.
Every time I find
somebody like you,
who wants to be a hero,
who wants to fuck
with me and stop my show,
I send em
straight to hell.
What the...
Let him go Drake or I'll
chop your boy to pieces.
I mean it.
I'll mulch this fucker
into the ground.
What do you think?
Dad, I'm the only
son you have left.
Quit fuckin' around.
Sorry boy,
you've just never had
that much potential.
No one upstages the Drake!
Do you see what I mean folks?
I provide you with nothing
but the highest quality,
adrenaline filled
family entertainment.
Okay, Rip, let's get
us some Hobo head!
Let's go home.
Get this off me...
You want to be the
star of this show?
I'll make you shine.
You take your dirty hands
off her, you bastard.
I'd love to just shoot
her but my audience,
they expect more.
Get your hands off me!
Settle down,
This will be the best
trick you ever gave.
Let's start with
a nose job, huh?
Get me out of this hole!
Pull my hair!
My hair.
Pull it!
Pull it!
Untie me.
Demon's coming back.
She killed Grinder.
Now she must take his
place in the Plague.
She's not going
anywhere buddy.
Listen to me.
You can't fall asleep now.
You hear me?
There's one more
thing I have to do.
No, I just wanna
go to the zoo
and see the bears with you.
Don't leave me.
Don't leave.
Bears don't belong
in a zoo.
Stupid fucking bitch.
I'm gonna find her
and I'm gonna
fucking kill her...
and I'm gonna cut his
fucking nuts off
and stick it up
his fucking ass.
Show's over.
You know, except
for killing my son,
you made my town a
lot more interesting.
You're so fucking crazy.
I would have been
you're biggest fan,
you worthless street rat.
Drop the fucking gun you
cocksucking garbage bag.
Put it down and walk away.
This is your only
chance to leave alive!
You want to die for a town
that never gave
a fuck about you?
You'll never beat the Drake.
This town worships me.
Boys, if he shoots.
Kill the fucker.
Whoa, what the
fuck are you doing!
Get back inside everybody.
Put you weapons down!
I said put the God
damn weapons down!
Okay, get rid of these
fucking animals now.
You fuckers!
You and me are going
on a car ride to hell.
You're gonna miss me.
You're riding shotgun.