Hobson's Choice (1954) Movie Script
Beg pardon.
Good job your Masons' meeting's
only once a month.
Aye, you're a proper old maid, Maggie,
if ever there was one.
You're leather, Maggie.
You're tough, ancient leather.
But I like leather.
- Upstairs, Father.
- Fine. Wait a minute!
Back in half an hour.
I've got a business appointment,
my dear.
I'll be back in half an hour.
- Aye.
- Aye.
- Be over in a moment.
- Aye.
- Good morning, Maggie.
- He's not down yet, Mr Heeler.
Isn't he at breakfast?
With your Masons' meeting last night?
- I'll be back.
- Oh, dear. I wish he'd hurry up.
Are you expecting anyone, Alice?
Yes, I am,
and you know I am,
and I'll thank you both to go
when he comes.
I'm sick of Albert Prosser coming here
to make sheep's eyes at Alice.
Father won't have us go courting.
What else can they do?
If he wants to marry her,
why doesn't he do it?
- Courting must come first.
- It needn't.
Courting's like that, my lass,
all glitter and no use to nobody.
Hello, Father.
Clean handkerchief, Alice.
In top drawer, Father.
Oh, you have got this in a muddle.
Keeping muddles straight
is woman's business.
I tidied this only last week.
When your mother was alive,
things and people
were kept in proper places.
You won't be much longer, will you?
We've the room to do.
You'll do this room
when I choose to leave it.
- Well, don't be much longer, then.
- Good morning, Miss Vicky.
- Morning, Mr Prosser.
Miss Hobson.
- Good morning, Miss Alice.
- Father's not gone yet.
And what can we do for you,
Mr Prosser?
I can't say I came to buy anything,
Miss Hobson.
This is a shop, you know. We're not here
to let people go without buying.
I'll just take a pair of bootlaces.
- What size do you take in boots?
- Eights. I've small feet.
- Does that matter to laces?
- It matters to boots.
Sit down, Mr Prosser.
These uppers are a disgrace
to the legal profession.
- Alice, number eights from third rack.
- Vicky!
- Oh, dear.
- I'll be off.
Sit easy, Mr Prosser.
You're a customer now.
- You call that brushed?
- She's been at it, Father.
At it to no purpose.
If my boots aren't
what they should be...
- They are. I did them.
- Aye, we'll see.
I suppose you know that you and Alice
are making yourselves
the laughing stock of Salford.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm bringing up the question of bustles.
- Bustles?
- Aye.
Who had new dresses on last night?
I saw you out of Moonraker's parlour
- and my friend Sam Minns...
- A publican!
Aye, a publican, and as honest a man
as ever stood behind a bar.
My friend Sam Minns asked me
who you were, and well he might.
You were going down Chapel Street
with a hump added to nature behind you.
And you had the kind of waist
that's natural in wasps
but unnatural in women.
- Aye, and you held your head...
...like giraffes with a bad stiff neck,
and you were gone at the knees
and the hump was wagging,
and I say it's immodest.
It's not immodest, Father,
it's the fashion to wear bustles.
- Then the hell with the fashion.
- Father. You're not in Moonraker's now.
- Comfortable?
- Yes, very comfortable.
Father's just on ready.
- That'll be one pound, Mr Prosser.
- A pound?
Oh, money's not wasted.
Them boots will last.
Thank you.
You'd better have your old pair mended.
They'll be ready Wednesday.
Oh, I don't think I...
Thank you very much.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Maggie, I've got some business
to attend to.
I'll just be out
for about a quarter of an hour.
- Don't be late for dinner, Father.
- It's a long way off dinner time.
So that if you stay too long
in the Moonraker's, you'll be late for it.
Who said anything...
If your dinner's ruined,
it'll be your own fault.
- Well, I'll be eternally...
- Don't swear in here, Father.
I'll sit down instead.
Listen to me, you three.
Providence has decreed
that you should lack a mother's hand
at the time when single girls
grow bumptious
and must have somebody to rule.
Well, I'll tell you this.
You'll not rule me!
You're not addressing
a Masons' meeting now, Father.
No, at the moment
I'm addressing a few remarks
to the rebellious females
of this household.
What I say will be listened to
and heeded!
There's been a gradual increase
of uppishness towards me...
- Morning, Miss Vicky.
Oh. Excuse me.
Some other time.
Yes, Father?
I've come to a decision
about you two.
You're gonna exercise your gifts
on some other man than me.
- You mean get married, Father?
- Exactly.
I'm gonna choose husbands
for the pair of you.
You mean we can't choose husbands
for ourselves?
You're not even fit
to choose dresses for yourselves.
You're talking a lot to Alice and Vicky,
Father, where do I come in?
- You?
- Aye.
If you're dealing husbands round,
don't I get one?
You with a husband?
Aye, that's a good one.
- Why not?
- Why not?
Maggie, I thought
you'd sense enough to know.
Well, if you want t'brutal truth,
you're past marrying age.
- I'm 30.
- Aye, 30 and shelved.
Well, all the women
can't have husbands, Maggie.
And I look to you
to take their mother's place
till I've made arrangements
for them.
- Dinner's at one, remember.
- Dinner will be when I come in for it.
I'm master here.
- Oh, I...
- Morning, Hobson.
- Morning, Mrs Hepworth. It's a grand day.
- Now, I've come here about these boots.
- Yes, Mrs Hepworth.
Well, they look very nice.
Get up, Hobson.
You look ridiculous on the floor.
- Who made these boots?
- We did. Our own make.
Will you answer a straight question?
Who made these boots?
They were made on the premises.
Young woman, you seemed to have
some sense. Can you answer me?
I think so, Mrs Hepworth,
but I'll make sure for you.
Did you wish to see
the identical workman, madam?
I said so.
I'm responsible
for all work turned out here.
- Yes, Miss Maggie?
- Man, did you make these boots?
- No, ma'am.
- Then who did?
Am I to question every soul in the place
before I find out?
They're Willie's making,
those, ma'am.
- Then tell Willie I want him.
- Certainly, ma'am.
- Who's Willie?
- Name of Mossop.
But I assure you if there's anything wrong,
I'm capable of making the man suffer for it.
- You Mossop?
- Yes, ma'am.
You made these boots?
Aye, I made them last week.
Take that.
- Read it.
- I...
- I'm trying.
- Bless the man. Can't you read?
It's the italics which makes it
difficult for him, Mrs Hepworth.
Now, listen to me, my man.
I'm particular about what I put on my feet.
I assure you this shall not occur again,
Mrs Hepworth.
- What shan't?
- I don't know.
Then hold your tongue.
Now, Mossop,
I've tried every shop in Manchester
and these are the best-made
pair of boots I've ever had.
Now, you make my boots in future.
- You hear that, Hobson?
- Of course he shall.
You keep that card, Mossop.
And don't you go to another shop
without letting me know where you are.
Oh, he won't make a change.
How do you know? The man's a treasure,
and I expect you underpay him.
- That'll do, Willie. You can go.
- Yes, sir.
He's like a rabbit.
Can I take your order
for another pair of boots, Mrs Hepworth?
No, not yet, young woman,
but I shall send my daughters here,
and mind - that man's to make the boots.
- Certainly, Mrs Hepworth.
- Good morning.
Good morning. Very glad to have had
the honour of serving you, madam.
What does she want to praise
a workman to his face for?
- He deserved it.
- Deserved be blown!
- Making him uppish now!
- Are you coming over, Henry?
I am!
- Dinner's at one o'clock, remember.
- Now look here, Maggie.
I set the hours in this house.
It's one o'clock dinner because I say it is,
not because you do.
- Yes, Father.
- So long as that's clear, I'll go.
Dinner's at half-past.
That'll give him half an hour.
Female perversity
comes from leading an indoor life.
Women think they're important
because they're boss in t'kitchen.
How do?
Oh, no.
Morning. How d'you do?
- Frederick.
- Yes, Father?
- You see where Hobson's going?
- Yes, Father.
There's a small spark of decency
in that man
that's telling him at this very moment
that my eye's on him.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
Good morning, Mr Hobson.
Morning, Henry.
- Morning, Henry.
- Up late this morning, Henry.
I were detained.
- More.
You're doing a good class of trade, Henry.
Carriage folk now, eh?
- Good health.
- I'd be in better health if it weren't for you.
Do you think I'd pay you to dress
my daughters up like French poodles?
You'll be 15 a year
worse off for this.
Now, Henry,
this is not the language of friends,
and I hope we're all friends here.
I own I'm a bit short today.
But I've cause to be an' all.
You've got daughters.
Do yours worry you?
Nay, they mostly do as I bid 'em,
and the missus does the leathering
if they don't.
A wife's a handy thing,
and I wish mine were still alive.
I know...
I know what you're thinking,
but I do.
I felt grateful
when my Mary fell on rest,
but I can see now
that I made a mistake.
The dominion of one woman
is paradise to the dominion of three.
You want to get 'em wed, Henry.
Aye, I've thought of that,
but the trouble is to find men.
Men are common enough.
I'd like my daughters to wed
temperance young men, Denton.
Good heavens.
Eeh, you must keep your demands
within reasonable limits, Henry.
You've got three daughters
to provide husbands for.
- Two, Jim, two.
- Two?
Maggie's too useful to part with.
And she's a bit on t'ripe side
for marrying, is our Maggie.
Ripe! I've known 'em do it
at twice her age.
Still, leaving Maggie out,
you've still got two.
One'll do to start with.
I've noticed that if you get
one marriage in a family,
- it goes through t'lot like measles!
- Now, we're getting down to business.
- Yes.
We know what we want.
We want one young man,
and we want him temperance.
Question is, Henry,
how high are you prepared to go?
Oh, aye. I'll put me hand down
for the wedding do all right.
Aye, a warm man like you'll have to do
more than pay for a wedding do, Henry.
What's the price of an outfit,
Ooh, I could do
milady's trousseau for 60.
And then there'll be...
- Settlements?
- Marriage settlements, Henry.
Me pay marriage settlements?
Five hundred apiece
for temperance folk.
- Aye.
- Five hundred?
- You have to bait your hook to catch fish.
Then I'll none go fishing.
They can stay single and lump it.
Settlements indeed!
You'll save their keep.
They work for that,
and none of them are big eaters.
- And their wages.
- Wages?
D'you think
I'd pay my own daughters wages?
I'm not a fool.
Then it's all off?
From the moment you breathed
the word "settlements", Jim,
it were dead off.
There'll be no marriages
in my house.
- Father!
- Aye?
No self-respecting decent man'll
marry us without settlements.
- It's expected from a man like you.
- Is it? Then I'll thwart their expectations.
- Father.
- Get back into t'shop, the lot of you!
Oh, they'll soon get over it, Maggie.
I'm making plans,
and a husband's included in them.
One, two, three Sundays
for calling the banns.
Any time after that,
when we get a fine day, I shall be wed.
- You?
- Me, Father.
I'll tell you something, Maggie,
that's maybe news to you.
If you're counting on a settlement from me,
you're on t'wrong horse.
Nay, I'm not.
I want no settlement.
I should think not neither.
- What's his name?
- His name?
I'll tell you when I've got him.
Out counting chickens
before they're hatched?
You nearly frightened me.
I never knew an old maid yet that hadn't
a husband coming along in a month.
I'll admit you gave me a shock
when you broke t'news
but I've no cause to fret meself.
Can't imagine you having
these fancies, Maggie.
Fancies are of value
for keeping females quiet and content.
Go and get back in t'shop.
It's a great relief to know
that your mind's taken up with ideas.
I thought at first it was taken up
with a real man.
- Good night, Maggie.
- Good night, Father.
- There's a good lass.
Good night.
- Willie?
- Yes, Miss Maggie?
- Come up.
- I... I haven't finished yet, Miss Maggie.
Come up.
Come with me.
Shut the door.
Come here.
Show me your hands, Willie.
They're dirty.
Aye, they're dirty,
but they're clever.
They can shape the leather
like no other man's
that's come into the shop.
Who taught you, Willie?
Why, Miss Maggie,
I learnt me trade here.
Hobson's never taught you
to make boots the way you do.
- I've had no other teacher.
- And needed none.
- When are you going to leave Hobson's?
- Leave Hobson's?
I... I thought I gave satisfaction.
- Don't you want to leave?
- Not me.
I've been at Hobson's all me life.
I'm not leaving till I'm made to.
Don't you want to get on,
Will Mossop?
You know the wages you could get
in one of the big shops in Manchester.
I'd be feared to go
in one of them fine places.
What keeps you here?
I don't know.
I... I'm used to being here.
Do you know what keeps
this business on its legs?
Two things.
One's the good boots you make
that sell themselves.
The other's the bad boots
other people make and I sell.
We're a pair, Will Mossop.
You're a wonder in t'shop,
Miss Maggie.
You're a marvel in the workshop.
Well, what?
It seems to me to point one way.
What way is that?
You're leaving me
to do all the work, my lad.
I... I think I'll be getting back to me stool,
Miss Maggie.
You'll go when I've done with you.
I've been watching you
for a long time,
and everything I've seen I've liked.
I think you'll do for me.
- What way, Miss Maggie?
- Will Mossop...
You're my man!
- Well, I never...
- I know you never.
Or it wouldn't be left for me
to do a job like this.
I... I'll, er...
I... I'll sit down.
I'm feeling queer like.
What dost thou want me for?
To invest in.
You're a business idea
in the shape of a man.
- But I've no head for business at all.
- But I have.
My brains and your hands'll make
a working partnership.
Eeh, hey, that's different.
- I thought you were asking me to wed you.
- I am.
Well, by gum!
And you the master's daughter.
I'll tell you something, Willie.
It's a poor sort of woman
that will stay lazy
when she sees her best chance
slipping from her.
- I'm your best chance?
- You are that, Will.
Well, by gum!
I... I never thought of this.
- Think of it now.
- I am doing.
Only it blows a bit too sudden
to think very clear.
You're going to wed me, Will.
Really, I... I can't do that,
Miss Maggie.
I... I can see I'm disturbing
your arrangements, like,
but... I'll be glad
if you'll put this notion from you.
When I make arrangements, my lad,
they're not for upsetting.
You're walking out with me.
Peel Park. Sunday.
Peel Park?
- But folks'll think...
- Thinking won't hurt them.
You can go home now, Willie.
I've come.
I told you to come.
Who's that?
William Mossop.
Who's William Mossop?
Our boot hand.
You're a natural-born genius
at making boots.
It's a pity
you're a natural fool at all else.
I'm not much use at owt but leather,
and that's a fact.
I saw the river clean once.
Sunday school outing, up on t'moors.
We'll have the first banns call
next Sunday.
I have a great respect for you,
Miss Maggie,
but when it comes to marrying,
I'm bound to tell you
I'm none in love with you.
I've got the love all right.
Well, I've not and that's honest.
We'll get along without it.
But what will the master say?
He'll say a lot, but he can say it.
Makes no difference to me.
Much better not upset him.
- I'm the judge of that.
- Oh.
But what makes it
so desperate awkward is,
there's another woman.
- There's what?
- I'm tokened to Ada Figgins.
Then you'll get loose,
and quick.
Who's Ada Figgins?
I'm the lodger at her mother's.
Not that sandy-haired girl
that brings you dinner?
She's golden-haired, is Ada.
Where is it?
You... you'll not go there?
Won't I?
I'll soon clean this up.
I... I'd really rather wed Ada, Maggie,
if it's all the same to you.
She... she's a terrible rough side
to her tongue, has Mrs Figgins.
- Miss Hobson's coming.
- Miss Hobson?
- That... that's Mrs Figgins, Miss Maggie.
- I know.
- You... you know Ada.
- Aye, I do.
- I want a word with you, young woman.
- Yes, Miss Hobson.
- What's all this with you and him?
- Ada...
You want to hush.
This is for me and her to settle.
Young woman,
you're treading on my foot.
Me, Miss Hobson?
They're tokened, him and her.
We're all very happy about it.
Aye, he looks happy.
Take a look at him, Ada.
Take a good look.
Not much for two women
to fall out over, is there?
Maybe he's not much to look at,
Miss Hobson,
but he's the man
she's going to marry.
- That's right.
- That's funny. I can say t'same.
- You?
- You, Miss Hobson?
That's what I've been trying
to tell you, Ada,
and by gum, she'll have me from you
if you don't be careful.
Willie, you wait outside.
And by t'look of things
you'll come back to a thick ear!
- Don't lose your temper, Mrs Figgins.
- Lose my temper?
I'll do more than lose my temper
when I get my hands on him!
You've cornered him,
the pair of you!
Cornered him?
Insulting me, insulting my daughter!
He'll wed Ada.
What's your idea
of his future, Ada?
I'll tell you his future!
He'll wed our Ada!
And remain an 18-shilling-a-week
boot hand for the rest of his life!
What's wrong with that?
And what do you think
you're going to do with him, my fine lady?
Will Mossop is a good man,
as meek and fine as I'm strong and hard.
- Fine?
- Aye, fine!
And he can shape and fashion
leather like no other man in Lancashire.
A man who can do that
can go right on to the top.
What he lacks in business,
brains and sense, I'll supply him with.
I love that man,
and I'm going to work for him.
Take that!
Got a nose for the brass, have you?
I'll learn you to carry on with that hussy
under the nose of my Ada!
What are you doing?
If you lay one finger on either of us,
I'll have the law on you for assault.
- Come on, Willie.
- Have the law on me, she says!
We'll have the law on you,
my fine lady!
- It's daylight robbery!
- Common thief!
My girl's been betrayed!
Look at him!
Slipping away with his fancy bit!
Bringing that dirty
flipping dodger here
as though he were something
we should care about!
You just wait till that sonny
comes back here tonight!
- Where are we going now?
- We're going round to Tubby's.
You're going to stay with him
from now on.
You mean I'm... I'm not to go back there?
Never no more?
You're never
going back there again, Will.
It's like a happy dream.
Now you can kiss me, Will.
Well, I...
That's forcing things a bit an' all,
Miss Maggie.
We won't get a proper chance
back there at Tubby's.
But right...
right... right here in t'street?
Come on, lad, get it over.
But... but it's like saying
I agree to everything, a kiss is.
Nay, I couldn't.
- Where's Maggie?
- Just come in.
- She is late.
- Yes, she is.
- Ah.
- Tea ready?
Kettle's not boiled yet.
- What's this with you and Willie?
- I'm going to marry him.
Pass the tea, Alice.
- You're going to marry Will Mossop?
- You must've taken leave of your senses!
- Is there some disgrace in him?
- You ask Father.
Now look here, things are bad enough
without you spoiling our chances.
I'll not do that.
Father said get wed and you will.
D'you think Albert'll wed me
with Mossop for brother-in-law?
If Albert's got any sense,
he'll be proud to.
What you do touches us, it...
What's this?
You'll have your tea in a minute, Father,
if they have nothing to say.
We've a lot to say.
You always have,
you pair of chattering magpies.
Maggie's got more sense in her little finger
than the two of you put together.
Don't lose your temper with them, Father.
You'll need it when Vicky speaks.
What's Vicky been up to now?
I've done nothing, Father.
It's about Will Mossop.
- Will?
- Yes.
What's your opinion of Will, Father?
Will? He's a decent enough lad.
I've nowt against him that I know of.
- Would you like him in the family?
- Whose family?
- I'm going to marry Will, Father.
- Marry?
You? Mossop?
You thought me past the marrying age.
I'm not. That's all.
Will Mossop, me boot hand?
Have you lost your senses, girl?
It's news to me
we're snobs in Salford.
But his father was a workhouse brat.
A come-by-chance.
I'm having Willie Mossop.
I've to settle my life's course,
and a good course, too, so think on.
I won't have it, Maggie!
I... I... I... I'd... I...
I'd be the laughing stock
of the place, if I...
Outside, you two.
D'you hear, Maggie?
I won't have it.
Why, it... it isn't decent,
at your time of life!
I'm 30 and I'm going to marry
Willie Mossop.
- And now I'll tell you my terms.
- Terms!
You'll pay my man Will Mossop
the same wages as before.
As for me, I've given you the better part
of 20 years' work without wages.
I'll work eight hours a day in future,
and you'll pay me 15 shillings by the week.
D'you think I'm made of brass?
You'll soon be made of less than you are
if you let Willie go.
And if Willie goes, I go.
That's what you've got to face.
I might face that, Maggie.
Shop hands are cheap.
Cheap ones are cheap.
I'm value to you.
So's my man.
And you can boast it
in the Moonraker's
that your daughter Maggie's made
the strangest, finest match
a woman's made this 50 year.
Now you can put your hand in your pocket
and do what I propose.
I'll tell you what I propose!
- Will Mossop!
- Yes, Mr Hobson?
- Come up!
- Yes, Mr Hobson.
You've taken up
with our Maggie, I hear.
Nay, I've not.
She's done t'taking up.
Well, either way, Willie,
you've fallen on misfortune.
Love's led you astray,
and I feel bound to put you right.
I'm watching you, my lad.
Now, mind, Willie, you can keep yourjob.
I don't bear malice.
But you've got an ailment
and I've got the cure.
We'll beat the love from your body
and every morning you come here to work
with love still sitting in you,
you'll get a leathering.
You'll not beat t'love in me.
You're making a great mistake, Mr Hobson.
You'll put aside
your weakness for my Maggie
if you've a liking for a sound skin.
I was none wanting thy Maggie.
It was her that was after me.
But I tell you this, Mr Hobson,
if you touch me with that belt,
I... I'll take her quick, aye,
and stick to her like glue.
There's nobbut one answer
to that kind of talk, my lad.
And I've nobbut one answer back.
Maggie, I've none kissed you yet.
I shirked before,
but, by gum, I'll kiss you now.
And if Mr Hobson
raises up that belt again, I'll do more.
I'll walk straight out of t'shop with thee
and us two'll set up by ourselves.
I knew you had it in you.
Come on, lass.
Oh, Willie! Oh!
Why, I've got to go back.
- What for?
- Well, I must apologise to Mr Hobson.
I don't know what came over me
to front the master as I did.
I came over you.
Look sharp now,
we've got to catch yonder tram.
Give me that card
Mrs Hepworth gave you.
What dost thou want it for?
If we're going to set up on our own,
we shall want capital.
What's capital?
Good morning, Miss Hobson.
You're out early.
- Good morning, Mrs Hepworth.
- Morning, ma'am.
Why, you're the man
who made the boots.
Come and sit down.
Now, what is it you want?
You said he wasn't to make a change
without letting you know.
Well, he's making a change.
He's asked me to marry him.
I congratulate you
on your choice, Mossop.
But I referred to a change
in your employment.
Yes, he's changing that and all.
That's what he's come about.
He's setting up on his own
and needs 100 to start him off.
- 100?
- Does he?
You won't miss anything
for fear of speaking out.
He's the gift of making boots
and I've the gift of selling 'em.
There's brass in boots,
Mrs Hepworth,
and we could pay you your money back
plus 20 per cent in a year from now.
- What security can you give me?
- Him.
He's a security.
He's the best boot-maker
in Lancashire,
and the more you tell your friends
about him, the more secure you'll be.
One hundred pounds.
Thou means to say yon bit of paper
she gave you means all that?
It does.
Now we've got to get a move on.
We've a lot to do this morning.
We've a shop to find,
some bits of furniture,
the banns to see about,
and some leather and tools to buy.
I reckon we'll start with the shop.
What d'you want the place for?
A boot shop and a living room.
- What's the rent?
- Ten shillings a week.
We shall be needing
some bed linen.
I'll buy it from you,
if we come to terms.
- I'll give you five shillings a week.
- Well, I might take seven and sixpence.
There's two pounds
for eight weeks' rent in advance.
Is it a bargain?
It is. I'll try and move all this stuff
out of your way tomorrow.
This shop's opening
at six in the morning.
Will, take your coat off.
I'm going out.
And if this place isn't clear
by the time I'm back,
you'll meet with trouble.
Set up on their own!
Set up on their own!
So I said to them...
I'd no temper, mind you.
I said,
"If you can't come to your senses
"and behave in a responsible manner,
out you go!"
And out they went.
D'you know what happened then?
The great lover goes past me
so fast to keep clear
of the business end of me boot,
that he goes
ass over tip on the pavement!
Aye, it's t'same again
all round, Sam.
It's his daughter!
I know.
Oh, dear!
I'll give that loving pair three months
and they'll be back beggin' on me doorstep
like a whipped dog and a whipped...
- Shall I say it for you, Henry?
- Now, now...
They haven't got a brass farthing
between 'em.
- I've just done a job for them.
- What did you say?
To print and deliver
500 of these leaflets.
Had to be done tonight.
They paid on the nail, too.
What's it say, Henry?
- Shame.
- All right, I got plenty more.
She told me I was to give one
to all the folks I could find,
at every opportunity.
A good head for business, your daughter.
Takes after you, I suppose.
I see your name's mentioned, Henry.
Late of Hobson's!
That's a good advertisement, that is!
Advertisement? Talk!
Wrong sign with nought behind it.
Love's gone to their heads.
They've got sick fancies. Now...
Let's keep sense of proportion.
The brains around this table know
there's more to setting up a business
than handing round bits of paper.
- Aye. Fine.
Time you were getting round
to Tubby's.
You can deliver these leaflets
on your way round in the morning.
I shall be expecting you
come six o'clock.
Good... good night, Maggie.
It... it's been a grand day and...
I... I...
You great soft thing.
Good morning, Alice.
Maggie! You here?
I thought I'd just pop in.
Where's Father?
He's out, and lucky for you he is.
Well, you can give him this
when he comes in.
It's an invitation to our wedding tomorrow
and a bit of supper afterwards.
- I expect you all to be there.
- Then you can go on expecting.
You've no need
to take that tone with me, Alice.
I've given you my word
I'll put things straight for you.
Eeh! Good morning, Miss Maggie.
Good morning, Tubby.
Oh Alice, there's some brass rings
in that drawer. You can sell me one.
Maggie, what are you doing here?
I'm buying a ring.
Oh, this one'll do. Nice fit.
You're not taking it for that?
Will and me
are not throwing our money around.
There's fourpence for the ring.
Gather it up, Alice.
Wedded with a brass ring,
a ring out of stock?
They're always
out of someone's stock.
Alice, you haven't entered that sale
in your book.
Now, I expect you both tomorrow, mind.
I'll not be wed without my sisters there.
- Goodbye, Miss Maggie.
- Goodbye, Tubby.
- Well, I must say, I...
Put this in his bedroom.
I'll not give it to him.
Well, we're all worked up, Miss Alice.
The master'll play old Harry if he comes in
and finds us doing nowt in t'work room.
- What shall we start on?
- I don't know, but do something.
- I'm not stopping you.
- No, and you're not telling me either.
Course, we can go on making
clogs for stock if you like.
- Then you'd better.
- All right, then.
If clogs are your orders, Miss Alice.
- You suggested it.
- I made the remark.
You don't help us much
for an intelligent foreman.
When you've told me what to do,
I'll use my intelligence
and see it's done proper.
What is it, Tubby?
Owt wrong?
I've just been giving him
his orders, Father.
You're supposed to give him his orders
in t'morning not at dinner time.
Well, get back down now
and start doing what she told you.
And look sharp!
- Vicky!
- Yes, Father?
- Dinner!
- What's that?
- Jellied tongue, Father.
Don't make jokes about food.
We have roast pork, Mondays.
It's cold tongue today, Father.
You made me the cook.
I put you in place of t'cook.
Thou's not made a cook yet, my lass.
I'm not hanging over the stove all day.
I've got my looks to think of.
Thou's got nowt to think of but providing
me with my rightful home comforts.
- What's for pudding?
- Rhubarb.
Why is my dinner a no dinner?
I can't help it.
I've got the shop to look after.
You can't expect us
to fill Maggie's place and our own.
I've got all the housework to do.
D'you expect two pairs of hands
to do the work of three?
- I'm busy enough keeping the books...
- There are beds to make, floors to clean...
Now stop! I'll not listen to any more.
Three weeks
I've stood of this perversity,
disobedience, incompetence
and bad cooking
and I'll not stand it anymore!
I am going to where I can get comfort,
good food and the respect
that's due to me.
I'm going to t'Moonraker's
and I shall not be back till late tonight.
Thinking things over,
I'm not surprised, for one.
Mind you, I could see it coming
with Maggie.
She's a sharp and grasping nature.
- And what's he got out of that?
- Aye.
Salford's brightest hope!
Can't read. Can't write.
Maggie never had no sense of style.
Now, t'other two's quite different.
You mean they're out to catch the eye.
Tudsbury's latest.
- Vicky doesn't need a bustle for that.
- No.
My friends...
Hear, hear!
...and a wonderful little band you are.
Tudsbury the expert on women,
just because he spends his life
fitting on their petticoats.
You're nowt but an old woman yourself,
Now, now, Henry!
As for you,
you're nowt but a shadow.
Our Maggie
saw through you years ago,
trotting at me heels,
buttering me up
with your "Yes, Henry"
and your "No, Henry",
all for t'sake of t'free drinks you get!
Looking for pink rats, Denton?
You're t'biggest old soak in Salford!
You're rotten with alcohol,
rotten as the fish
you sell on Mondays.
Now, then, Henry,
that's enough of that.
Fish, that's what I am.
Big fish, little pond.
It's a stinking little pond
and I'm getting out of it.
No ill feeling, gentlemen, I hope?
We all know Henry.
Once t'wedding's over
tomorrow, you'll feel better.
As for you, Sam Minns,
my Mary always said
you were a robber and you are.
- Systematic swindling, that's what it is!
- Henry!
We all of us pay too much for drinks
once we've had a few.
Poor old Denton hasn't had
the right change for 20 years!
I'm off.
Oh, good.
Are you coming to my wedding
with a face like that?
You let me in
and perhaps your face'll be like mine.
It's your father.
He's asleep in our cellar.
Oh, come in.
That won't upset my face.
- Now go on.
- Well, I daren't leave him there any longer.
If the old man finds him, you know
what'll happen, him being temperance.
It'll be the end of Vicky and me.
He may wake up at any moment.
When he's like this he'll sleep till midday,
cellar or no cellar.
- What are you smiling at?
- In the first place, it's my wedding day.
And in the second,
I think I've got an idea.
I'll be ready in a moment.
You might well look surprised, Will.
A lot's gone on this morning.
Morning, Miss Alice. Miss Vicky.
- You call them Alice and Vicky now, Will.
- No, he doesn't!
Now, listen, you two
had better get this straight.
We've come to an arrangement
this morning,
and if you want your Albert
and you want your Freddy,
you'll be respectful to my Willie.
- Is that right, Albert?
- Yes, it's quite right, Alice.
Good. Now you can kiss Willie
for your brother-in-law-to-be.
Oh, I'd as soon
not put them to the trouble.
Stand still, Will.
They're making up their minds to it.
- It's under protest.
- Protest but kiss.
Good. It's your turn now, Vicky.
You're to kiss him hearty now.
- Freddy.
- Do as she says, Vicky.
- Here's the ring. You're best man.
- Oh.
Now go along.
I'll see you all inside.
I want to have a word with Willie.
- How you feeling, lad?
- My mind's made up.
I've got wrought up to point.
I'm ready.
It's church we're going to,
not dentist's.
I know.
You get rid of summat at dentist's.
But it's taking summat on,
to go to church with a wench.
Listen, Will,
I've a respect for t'church.
Parson's going to ask you
if you'll have me,
and you'll either answer truthfully
or not at all.
I'll tell him... yes.
- And truthfully?
- Yes, Maggie.
I'm resigned.
You... you're growing on me.
I'll toe the line with you.
Thank you.
- Henry Hobson?
- Aye.
- Anyway, to the bride and groom.
- The bride and groom.
- I think you ought to say something.
- Come on, Willie.
- Come on, Willie. Let's hear you, Willie.
- Come on, speech.
It's a very great pleasure to us
to see you here tonight.
It's an honour you do us,
and I assure you, speaking for my...
my wife as well as myself
- that the, er...
- Generous.
Oh, aye, that's right.
That the generous warmth of the
sentiments expressed by Mr Beenstock
and so enthusiastically seconded...
No, I've gotten that
wrong road round.
...expressed by Mr Prosser,
and seconded by Mr Beenstock,
will never be forgotten
by either my life partner or self,
and I'd like to drink this toast to you
in my own house,
our guests, and may they soon
be married soon themselves.
- Here, here.
- Here, here.
- Our... our guests.
- Our guests.
- Hooray!
- Very neat speech indeed.
- You took me by surprise, Will.
- Who taught you, Willie?
I've been learning a lot lately.
Maggie's schooling me.
Now, Will, we'd better be getting
cleared away ready for Father.
- Well, come on.
- What makes you so sure he'll come?
He'll be wanting advice,
and he certainly won't go to a lawyer.
It's getting dark, so he'd judge it safe
to come without being seen.
- I'm a bit nervous.
- You've no need to worry.
When he comes,
you're all to go into the bedroom
and stay there until you're called.
I'll manage the rest.
Oh, get busy
with the washing-up, Will.
- Yes, Maggie.
And you and Freddy
can just lend him a hand.
- Eh?
- Maggie, they're guests!
I know,
but Albert laughed at Willie,
and washing up'll maybe
make him think it's not allowed.
- It's Father.
No, not you, Will.
Come and sit down.
And remember,
you're the master here.
Well, Maggie.
Well, Father.
I'll come in.
Well, I don't know about that.
- I shall have to ask the master first.
- The master?
Will? It's me father.
Is he to come in?
Aye. Let him come in.
I'm right glad to see you,
Mr Hobson.
It makes the wedding day complete like,
you being her father and...
That'll do, Willie,
you don't need to overdo it.
Give me your hat, Father.
You can sit down.
You're a bit late for the wedding do,
but we're very glad to see you.
- Piece of, er... pork pie, Mr Hobson?
- Pork pie!
Well, you're going to be sociable
now you're here, I hope.
It wasn't sociability
that brought me here, Maggie.
- I'm in trouble.
- Well...
Happen a piece of wedding cake'll
do you good.
- That's sweet.
- That's natural in cake.
I'll allow it's foolishness, but I've a mind
to see my father sitting at my table
eating my wedding cake
on my wedding day.
Now, Maggie, I'm none proud
of the choice you made
but I've shaken your husband's hand,
that's a sign for you.
Here's your cake,
and you can eat it.
I've given you me word,
there's no ill feeling.
Well, now we'll have the deed.
You're a hard woman.
Pass me that tea.
That's easier.
It's a very serious thing
I've come about.
Then I'll leave you alone
with my husband to talk it over.
You can discuss it man to man
with no fools of women about.
- Give me a call when you're finished.
- Maggie!
- Hm?
- It's private.
Private from Will?
Nay, it isn't.
Will's in the family now.
- I'm to tell you this with him there?
- Will and me's one.
- Sit down, Mr Hobson.
- You call him Father now.
- Do I?
- Does he?
He does. Sit down, Will.
Now, then, Father,
if you're ready, we are.
Hm! It's an action
for trespass and damages, I see.
It's a stab in the back!
It's an unfair, un-English way of taking
a mean advantage of a casual accident.
- Did you trespass?
- Maggie, I... I had an accident.
I... I don't deny it. I'd been at Moonraker's.
I'd stayed too long.
I... fell in that cellar,
I slept in that cellar,
and I awoke to this catastrophe.
Lawyers, law costs, publicity,
ruin and bankruptcy.
I've hated lawyers all me life
and they've got me in the end.
I'm in their grip at last
and they'll squeeze me dry for it.
My word, and that's
summat like a squeeze and all.
Aye, I can see it's serious.
I shouldn't wonder if you didn't lose
some trade through this.
It's as certain as Christmas.
My good-class customers
are not gonna buy their boots
from a man who's stood up
in open court
and had to acknowledge he was...
overcome in a public street.
D'you think it'll get
in t'paper, Maggie?
Aye, you'll see your name
in Salford Reporter, Father.
Salford Reporter?
When ruin and disaster
overwhelm a man of my importance
it's reported in t'Manchester Guardian
for the whole country to read.
Eh, by gum! Think of that.
Why, it's very near worthwhile
to be ruined
for t'pleasure of reading about yourself
in t'printed paper.
It's there for others to read
beside myself, lad.
Aye, you're right.
This'll give a lot of satisfaction
to many as I could name.
Other people's troubles
is mostly what folks read paper for.
And I reckon
it's twice the pleasure to 'em
when it's t'trouble
of a man they know themselves.
To hear you talk,
it sounds like a pleasure to you.
Nay, it's not.
But I always think it's best
to look on the worse side of things first.
There's St Philip's now.
I don't suppose you'll go on being
vicar's warden after this to-do.
And it brought you a powerful lot
of customers from the church, did that.
I'm getting a lot of comfort
from your husband, Maggie.
Happen it's what you deserve.
Have you, er...
got any more consolation for me, Will?
I only spoke what came into me mind.
Have you spoken it all?
I... I can keep me mouth shut
if you'd rather.
Now, don't strain yourself,
Will Mossop.
When a man's mind is full of thoughts,
they're better out than in.
I'm sorry, but I thought
you came here for advice.
Not from you,
you jumped-up cock-a-hooping...
That'll do, Father!
My husband's trying to help you.
Yes, Maggie.
Now, about this accident of yours.
It's the publicity you're afraid of most.
It's being brought
into a court of law at all.
- Then we must keep it out of court.
- That won't be so easy.
It's a lawyer's job to squeeze a man
and squeeze him
where his squirming's seen most, in court.
Now I'll tell you something, Father.
I expected you tonight.
- You expected me?
- Yes.
I knew about this action this morning
and I knew it'd bring you to me.
So I arranged for the interested parties
to be present.
- Parties?
- Aye.
You can settle it here.
Mr Prosser? Mr Beenstock?
Father, this is Mr Prosser
of Prosser, Pilkington, and Prosser.
Good evening, Mr Hobson.
Are you a lawyer?
Yes, I'm a lawyer.
At your age.
This is Mr Frederick Beenstock,
representing the plaintiffs.
- How d'you do, sir?
- Do?
Sit down, Father, there.
Mr Prosser.
- Mr Beenstock.
- Thanks very much.
Shall we get to business, sir?
Young man,
don't abuse a noble word.
Now, my client informs me
that he's quite prepared
to settle this matter out of court.
Personally, I don't advise him to,
cos we shall probably
get higher damages in court.
Yes, you blood-sucking,
One moment, Mr Hobson.
You can call me what you like...
And I shall, you little...
But I wish to inform you,
for your own interests,
that abuse of a lawyer
is remembered in costs.
Now, my client
has no desire to be vindictive.
He remembers your position,
your reputation for respectability and...
- How much?
- I beg your pardon?
I'm not so fond
of the sound of your voice as you are.
What's the figure?
The sum we propose,
which includes my ordinary costs,
but not any additional costs incurred
by your use of defamatory language to me,
is 1,000.
- What?
- By gum!
Albert Prosser, I can see
you're going to get on in the world,
but you needn't be greedy here.
- 1,000's too much.
- We thought...
- You can think again.
- But...
If there are any more signs
of greediness from you two,
there'll be a counter-action
for personal damages
due to your criminal carelessness
in leaving the cellar flap open.
Maggie, you've saved me!
I'll bring that action.
I'll show them up.
Well, you're not damaged,
and you'd have to go into court to prove it.
I know what my father can afford
and it isn't anything like 1,000.
Not so much of your "can't afford".
You'll make me out a pauper.
You can afford 500
and you're going to pay 500.
Can we take it as settled, then?
Do you want to see the money
before you believe me?
Is that your nasty lawyer's way?
- Not at all, Mr Hobson.
- Good.
I don't see what's good about it.
It's a tidy sum of money
to be going out of the family.
- It isn't going out of the family, Father.
- I don't see how you make that out.
You can come out, both of you.
It's all settled.
- Where did they come from?
- My bedroom.
Maggie, I wish you'd explain
before my brain gives way.
It's quite simple, Father.
They're going to be married.
- Married?
- Yes, Father.
You wanted the girls off your hands,
and here's a pair of young men
who'll take them for you.
That's very kind of them,
but I think you've made
a slight miscalculation, me lass.
I have the painful duty
of reminding you two young ladies
of a little question of marriage settlement.
Now, I've got the measure
of these two foot pads
and if they think they can get
settlements out of me,
when I've just been tricked
into giving them five hundred...
Two hundred and fifty apiece, Father.
Do you mean to tell me...
Now, you won't forget
you've passed your word, will you, Father?
I've been diddled.
It clears the shop of all those fools
of women that used to get in your way.
Aye, and they can stay out of my way.
D'you hear that, all of you?
I'll run that shop with men,
and I'll show Salford how it should be run.
And I'm not blind yet, and I can see
who it is I've got to thank for this.
I'm sorry for you, Will Mossop.
Taken all in all,
you're the best in t'bunch.
You're a backward lad but you know
your trade and it's an honest one.
You may grin, you two,
but you wait till the families begin to come.
- Father!
- Aye!
You'll know what marrying a woman means
before very long.
I've suffered 30 years and more,
and I'm a free man today!
- Oh, Maggie, thank you!
- You're welcome, love.
It's settled, it's settled, hurray!
- Well, time we were going.
- Hm?
Oh, yes.
You'll be glad to see the back of us.
No, no, I... I wouldn't dream
of asking you to go.
Then I would.
It's about time we turned you out.
Come and get your things.
I... I don't see why you need
to go away so soon.
- Why not?
- Well, I... I'm fond of a bit of company.
D'you want company
on your wedding night?
Well, I...
I've not been married before, you see,
and I freely own
I'm feeling awkward, like.
You've been engaged to her,
haven't you?
Aye, but it weren't for long.
And you see, Maggie's not the sort
you get familiar with.
Yes, I know.
Good night, Will.
Good night, Maggie.
Good night, Maggie.
Good night, Willie.
- Good night, Maggie.
- Good night, Will.
- Oh, have you got my hat, Alice?
- Yes, yes.
We'll see you
at the wedding, Maggie.
You might be
too grand for us afterwards!
Oh, no, Maggie, we won't.
We'll be catching up with you before long.
We're only starting here.
- Good night!
- Good night, good night!
I'll tell you something, Will.
In a few years' time
you're going to be thought more of
than either of your brothers-in-law.
Well, I don't know.
They have a long start on us.
Aye, but you got me.
Now, your slate's in the bedroom.
Bring it out.
I'll have the table cleared
by the time you get back.
Oh, let me see it first.
That's what you did last night
at Tubby's?
Yes, your writing's improving, Will.
I'll just set you a short copy for tonight
because it's getting late.
There is...
the top.
There! Now you can copy that.
I think I'll throw these flowers
of Mrs Hepworth's away, Will.
We'll not be wanting litter
come working time tomorrow.
I... thought I'd press it in me Bible
for a keepsake, Will.
I'm not beyond liking
to be reminded of this day.
Oh, I'm tired.
I reckon I'll leave the pots
till t'morning.
It's a slackish way of starting,
but I don't get married every day.
Well, I'm for bed.
You'll finish one copy
before you come.
- Willie?
- Yes, Maggie?
- I'm ready.
By gum!
You get to work, my lad.
You'll have your breakfast
as soon as it's made.
A customer!
- Good morning, madam.
- Morning, ma'am.
Good morning.
- A pair of bootlaces, please.
- Certainly, madam.
That'll be one penny, madam.
Thank you.
Good morning.
- Morning.
- Morning, ma'am.
By gum!
Oh, where have you been?
I'm going to give you a shock.
I doubt it.
I've just paid out 120.
- What?
- To Mrs Hepworth.
That's her capital plus 20 per cent.
There's a receipt.
We can do without her now.
It looks as though
you can do without me too.
I thought to please you.
You do. You do.
Only, I like to have a finger in the pie.
God knows
you made the whole pie, Maggie.
I... I meant to give you
a little surprise.
It's all right, lad.
I'm not complaining.
It's New Year's Eve,
and we can start tomorrow
with a clean slate.
You know, I...
I feel quite intoxicated.
We've enough of that in the family,
especially on New Year's Eve.
Come on, me lad, get out of that best coat
and help me get some supper.
- Fetch the doctor.
- Yes, sir.
Oh, Jim. Oh, Jim.
- What is it, lad?
- I don't know.
Eeh, bit of a liver attack, maybe.
Worse than that, Jim.
It's worse than that.
Here, come on, back into bed.
Come on.
That's it.
The doctor will soon be here.
I'm seeing no doctor in bed!
I'll face him downstairs.
Oh. Get me my clothes!
- Ye had a breakdown this morning.
- Aye.
Hold your hands out.
And you honestly require me
to tell you the cause, Mr Hobson?
I'm paying thee brass to tell me.
Chronic alcoholism,
if you know what I mean.
- Aye.
- A serious case.
I know it's serious. You're not here
to tell me what I already know.
You're here to cure me.
Have ye a wife, Mr Hobson?
In bed?
- Higher than that.
- A pity.
A man like you
should keep a wife handy.
I'm not so partial to women.
Now you stop that.
None of your druggist muck for me.
I'm particular
what I put in my stomach.
Mr Hobson,
if you don't mend your manners,
I shall certify ye.
Are ye aware that ye have drunk yourself
within six months of the grave?
This morning you had a warning
any sane man would listen to,
and you're going to listen to it, sir!
By taking your prescription?
Precisely, and you shall practise
total abstinence in the future.
Are you asking me to give up
my reasonable refreshment?
I forbid alcohol absolutely.
If I'm to be beaten by drink,
I'll die fighting!
Life's got to be worth living
before I live it.
Then my services
are of no use to you.
Aye, they're not.
I'll pay you on t'nail for this.
- I congratulate you on the impulse.
- Now listen...
What are you doing under my roof?
- I've come because I was fetched here.
- Who fetched you?
- Tubby Wadlow.
- Tubby can quit my shop this minute.
- Sit down, man.
- He said you were dangerously ill.
- He is, missus...
- Mossop.
Your father is drinking himself to death.
Now, look here, what's passed between
you and me isn't for everybody's ears.
Go on, I'd like to hear it all.
Nasty-minded curiosity.
I don't agree with you, Mr Hobson.
You're a dunderheaded
lump of obstinacy
but I have taken a fancy to you
and I decline to let ye kill yourself.
Can I have a word with you in private,
please, Mrs Mossop?
Thank ye.
Goodbye, Mr Hobson.
Oh, and a happy new year to ye.
Well? Out with it.
It seems you're not to be trusted
on your own anymore, Father.
Alice and Vicky'll come
and look after you.
I paid 500 to get rid of them.
- What about you?
- Nay, it's out of the question.
Alice and Vicky
have got time on their hands.
Will and me
have got a business to run.
I'm off now to see Alice and Vicky.
We'll all be back here later this afternoon.
And you'd better put a collar on
in case Will comes.
Put a collar on for Will Mossop?
I think you've lost
your sense of proportion, my girl.
I'll have him treated with respect.
I'll be back at one o'clock.
And now I'm going back there
to get things tidied up.
You put your best coat on,
and your new hat,
and I shall expect you there
at one o'clock.
Yes, Maggie.
And remember, you can take a high hand
with Alice and Vicky.
- Aye.
- And with Father and all.
He's not too ill to stand it.
I'm a bit short of practice
at taking a high hand with Mr Hobson.
You can do it, love.
I'll do you credit, lass.
Mornin', Miss Alice.
You might have waited till after dark.
Darkness won't hide
what the whole street knows already.
I told you, it's a different place
from when we used to live here.
Come in.
Morning, Alice. Morning, Vicky.
Where's Father?
- Upstairs.
- Go and bring him down, and look sharp.
I'm busier at my shop
than they are at his.
Yes, Willie.
Aye, it used to be a good business
in its day, too, did Hobson's.
What on earth do you mean?
It's a good business still.
If you'd not married into the law, Alice,
you'd realise what the value
of your father's business is today
in trading circles.
Vicky ought to know.
Her husband's in trade.
My Fred in trade?
- Well, isn't he?
- He's in the wholesale.
That's business, not trade.
And the value of Father's shop
is no concern of yours, Will Mossop.
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking over the stock.
If I'm to come into a thing,
I like to know what I'm coming into.
You are coming here
to look after Father.
Maggie can do that,
with one hand tied behind her back.
I'll look after the business.
Will Mossop!
Do you know who you're talking to?
Aye, me wife's young sisters.
- He's been drinking.
- We've got to be careful.
- Well, what d'you mean?
- Look.
Suppose Father gets worse
and they're here.
- Yes?
- Can't you see what I'm thinking?
Well, go on.
- It's so difficult to say.
- Then say it.
- He might leave them all his money.
- He's here.
Willie! Father's down.
- Hello, Father.
- Alice.
- Father, you're ill.
- Vicky, my baby.
Oh, it's nice to know
that I've daughters that care for me.
Of course we care.
Come and sit down, Father.
You're looking all right.
You've quite a colour.
Now look here, Alice, I'm very ill
and I need someone to look after me.
They know all about it, Father.
Then which one is it to be?
It can't be me,
in my circumstances.
- What circumstances?
- Um...
- What are you whispering about?
She's expecting.
Well, I don't see how that rules you out.
It could happen to any of us.
- Maggie!
- Well, what's the matter?
It does happen
to married women, and we're all married.
I say it ought to be Maggie, Father.
She's the eldest.
- And I say...
- Good morning, Father.
- I'm sorry to hear you're not so well.
- I'm a changed man, Will.
There used to be room
for improvement.
- What?
- Sit down, Father.
Aye, well, don't let's be too long
about this.
My time's valuable.
I'm busy at me shop.
Is your shop
more important than my life?
I'm worrited about your life
because it worrits Maggie.
But I'll not see my business suffer
for the sake of you.
This is not what I've a right
to expect from you, Will.
You've no right to expect I care
whether you sink or swim!
- Oh!
- Will!
And we're to stay here
and watch Maggie and Will
abusing Father when he's ill?
- No need for you to stay.
- That's a true word, Will Mossop.
But, Father, dear Father!
- Are you willing to come?
- No.
- You, Vicky?
- It... it's me child, Father.
Never mind what it is!
- Are you coming or not?
- No, I'm not.
Very well.
Those that aren't willing
can leave me to talk with them that are.
Show them the door, Will.
Well, I don't know.
We'll be pleased to see you
tea-time any Sunday afternoon
if you'll condescend to come.
Huh! Beggars on horseback.
Now, my lad,
I'll tell you what I'll do.
Sit you down.
Aye, we can come to grips better
now there are no fine ladies about.
They've got stiff necks with pride,
and the difference between you and them's
the thing that I ought to mark
and I'm going to mark.
There's times for holding back and there's
times for letting loose and being generous.
Now, you're coming here to this house,
both of you.
You'll have the back bedroom
for your own
and the use of this room split along
with me - Maggie, you'll keep house.
If she's time
she can lend a hand in t'shop.
I'm finding Will a job.
You can have your old bench back
in t'cellar, and I'll pay you the old wage.
Eighteen shillings a week,
and you and me'll go equal whacks
in the cost of the housekeeping
and if that isn't handsome,
I don't know what is.
- Come on, Maggie.
- Aye, I think I'll have to.
Whatever's the hurry for?
It may be news to you,
but I've a business round in Oldfield Road
and I'm neglecting it
by wasting me time here.
Wasting time?
Maggie, what's the matter with Will?
I've made him a proposal.
He has a shop of his own
to see to, Father.
A man who's offered a job
at Hobson's
doesn't have to worry
about a shop of his own
in a wretched cellar in Oldfield Road.
Shall I tell him, Maggie,
or shall we go?
Go! I don't want to keep a man who...
If Willie goes, Father, I go with him.
I think you'd better speak out, Will.
All right, I will.
We've been a year
in yon wretched cellar.
D'you know what we've done?
We've paid back Mrs Hepworth
what she lent us for our start.
- Mrs Hepworth?
- Aye.
And we made a bit of brass
on top of that.
We've got your high-class trade
away from you.
Our shop's a cellar, but they come to us
and they don't come to you.
Your trade's gone down
till all you sell is clogs.
You've got no trade.
Me and Maggie's got it all.
And all you think you can offer me
is me old job at 18 shillings a week.
Me, the owner of a business
that's starving yours to death?
But you are Will Mossop,
you're me old boot hand!
Aye, I were,
but I've moved on a bit since then.
Your daughter married me
and set about me education.
And, er...
and now I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll transfer to this address
and what I'll do that's generous is this.
I'll take you into partnership
and give you your half-share
on the condition you're sleeping partner
and don't try interference on with me.
"William Mossop, late Hobson"
is the name this shop'll have.
Just a minute, Will.
I don't agree to that.
Oh, so you've piped up at last.
I began to think you'd both
lost your senses together.
It had better not be
"late Hobson", Will.
- That's the way I want it, Maggie.
- Now wait a bit.
I'm to be given
a half-share in me own business
provided I take no part in running it -
is that what you said?
- That's it.
- Well, I've heard of impudence before...
- It's all right, Father.
- Did you hear what he said?
Yes, Father, but it's settled, quite settled.
It's only the name we're arguing about.
I won't have "late Hobson", Will.
I'm not dead yet, my lad,
and I'll show you that I'm not.
I think "Hobson and Mossop" is best.
His name on my sign-board?
The best I'll do is this.
Mossop and Hobson.
Mossop and Hobson,
or it's Oldfield Road for us, Maggie.
Very well, Will.
Mossop and Hobson.
- Now look here!
- Fine.
I'll make some alterations in this shop
and all, I will so.
- Alterations in my shop?
- Look at that chair!
How can you expect high-class customers
to sit on a chair like that?
We'd only a cellar,
but they did sit on cretonne!
It's pampering folk!
Cretonne for a cellar,
morocco for this shop.
Folks like to be pampered. It pays.
We'll have carpet on that floor too.
Carpet? Morocco?
Young man!
D'you think this shop is
in St Ann's Square, Manchester?
Not yet...
but it's going to be.
It's no further
from Chapel St to St Ann's Square
than it is from Oldfield Road
to Chapel Street.
I've done one jump in a year,
and if I wait a bit I'll do t'other.
Give him time, Will.
It's come a bit sudden.
I'm afraid I bore on him too hard.
- Did I sound confident, Maggie?
- You did all right.
I wasn't as certain as I sounded,
but you told me to be strong and use
the power that's come to me through you.
Words came into me mouth
that made me jump at me own boldness.
And when it came to facing you
about the name,
I fair trembled in me shoes.
I was carried away like.
I'd not have dared to cross you, Maggie.
Don't spoil it, Will.
You're the man I made you
and I'm proud.
Yes, but I... I said such things to him
and I sounded as if I meant them too.
- And didn't you?
- Aye, aye, that's just the worst.
I mean, from me to him.
I... Well, he's the old master and...
And you're the new!
Will, are you doing?
Leave my wedding ring alone.
- You've worn a brass one long enough.
- I'll wear that ring forever, Will.
I... I was for getting you
a proper one.
That brass stays where you put it, love.
And if ever we get too rich and proud,
we'll just sit down together
and take a long look at it
so as we'll not forget t'truth
about ourselves.
- I've come to a decision.
- Yes, Mr Hobson?
Will Mossop, you've forced me to it.
I never thought I'd have to stoop so low.
But I'm going round
to see Albert Prosser.
- Albert Prosser?
- Aye.
I'm gonna fence you in with the law.
Albert Prosser's going to draw up
a deed of partnership.
- Yes, Father.
- Aye.
Well, by gum!
By gum!
Tubby! Shop!
By gum!
Beg pardon.
Good job your Masons' meeting's
only once a month.
Aye, you're a proper old maid, Maggie,
if ever there was one.
You're leather, Maggie.
You're tough, ancient leather.
But I like leather.
- Upstairs, Father.
- Fine. Wait a minute!
Back in half an hour.
I've got a business appointment,
my dear.
I'll be back in half an hour.
- Aye.
- Aye.
- Be over in a moment.
- Aye.
- Good morning, Maggie.
- He's not down yet, Mr Heeler.
Isn't he at breakfast?
With your Masons' meeting last night?
- I'll be back.
- Oh, dear. I wish he'd hurry up.
Are you expecting anyone, Alice?
Yes, I am,
and you know I am,
and I'll thank you both to go
when he comes.
I'm sick of Albert Prosser coming here
to make sheep's eyes at Alice.
Father won't have us go courting.
What else can they do?
If he wants to marry her,
why doesn't he do it?
- Courting must come first.
- It needn't.
Courting's like that, my lass,
all glitter and no use to nobody.
Hello, Father.
Clean handkerchief, Alice.
In top drawer, Father.
Oh, you have got this in a muddle.
Keeping muddles straight
is woman's business.
I tidied this only last week.
When your mother was alive,
things and people
were kept in proper places.
You won't be much longer, will you?
We've the room to do.
You'll do this room
when I choose to leave it.
- Well, don't be much longer, then.
- Good morning, Miss Vicky.
- Morning, Mr Prosser.
Miss Hobson.
- Good morning, Miss Alice.
- Father's not gone yet.
And what can we do for you,
Mr Prosser?
I can't say I came to buy anything,
Miss Hobson.
This is a shop, you know. We're not here
to let people go without buying.
I'll just take a pair of bootlaces.
- What size do you take in boots?
- Eights. I've small feet.
- Does that matter to laces?
- It matters to boots.
Sit down, Mr Prosser.
These uppers are a disgrace
to the legal profession.
- Alice, number eights from third rack.
- Vicky!
- Oh, dear.
- I'll be off.
Sit easy, Mr Prosser.
You're a customer now.
- You call that brushed?
- She's been at it, Father.
At it to no purpose.
If my boots aren't
what they should be...
- They are. I did them.
- Aye, we'll see.
I suppose you know that you and Alice
are making yourselves
the laughing stock of Salford.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm bringing up the question of bustles.
- Bustles?
- Aye.
Who had new dresses on last night?
I saw you out of Moonraker's parlour
- and my friend Sam Minns...
- A publican!
Aye, a publican, and as honest a man
as ever stood behind a bar.
My friend Sam Minns asked me
who you were, and well he might.
You were going down Chapel Street
with a hump added to nature behind you.
And you had the kind of waist
that's natural in wasps
but unnatural in women.
- Aye, and you held your head...
...like giraffes with a bad stiff neck,
and you were gone at the knees
and the hump was wagging,
and I say it's immodest.
It's not immodest, Father,
it's the fashion to wear bustles.
- Then the hell with the fashion.
- Father. You're not in Moonraker's now.
- Comfortable?
- Yes, very comfortable.
Father's just on ready.
- That'll be one pound, Mr Prosser.
- A pound?
Oh, money's not wasted.
Them boots will last.
Thank you.
You'd better have your old pair mended.
They'll be ready Wednesday.
Oh, I don't think I...
Thank you very much.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Maggie, I've got some business
to attend to.
I'll just be out
for about a quarter of an hour.
- Don't be late for dinner, Father.
- It's a long way off dinner time.
So that if you stay too long
in the Moonraker's, you'll be late for it.
Who said anything...
If your dinner's ruined,
it'll be your own fault.
- Well, I'll be eternally...
- Don't swear in here, Father.
I'll sit down instead.
Listen to me, you three.
Providence has decreed
that you should lack a mother's hand
at the time when single girls
grow bumptious
and must have somebody to rule.
Well, I'll tell you this.
You'll not rule me!
You're not addressing
a Masons' meeting now, Father.
No, at the moment
I'm addressing a few remarks
to the rebellious females
of this household.
What I say will be listened to
and heeded!
There's been a gradual increase
of uppishness towards me...
- Morning, Miss Vicky.
Oh. Excuse me.
Some other time.
Yes, Father?
I've come to a decision
about you two.
You're gonna exercise your gifts
on some other man than me.
- You mean get married, Father?
- Exactly.
I'm gonna choose husbands
for the pair of you.
You mean we can't choose husbands
for ourselves?
You're not even fit
to choose dresses for yourselves.
You're talking a lot to Alice and Vicky,
Father, where do I come in?
- You?
- Aye.
If you're dealing husbands round,
don't I get one?
You with a husband?
Aye, that's a good one.
- Why not?
- Why not?
Maggie, I thought
you'd sense enough to know.
Well, if you want t'brutal truth,
you're past marrying age.
- I'm 30.
- Aye, 30 and shelved.
Well, all the women
can't have husbands, Maggie.
And I look to you
to take their mother's place
till I've made arrangements
for them.
- Dinner's at one, remember.
- Dinner will be when I come in for it.
I'm master here.
- Oh, I...
- Morning, Hobson.
- Morning, Mrs Hepworth. It's a grand day.
- Now, I've come here about these boots.
- Yes, Mrs Hepworth.
Well, they look very nice.
Get up, Hobson.
You look ridiculous on the floor.
- Who made these boots?
- We did. Our own make.
Will you answer a straight question?
Who made these boots?
They were made on the premises.
Young woman, you seemed to have
some sense. Can you answer me?
I think so, Mrs Hepworth,
but I'll make sure for you.
Did you wish to see
the identical workman, madam?
I said so.
I'm responsible
for all work turned out here.
- Yes, Miss Maggie?
- Man, did you make these boots?
- No, ma'am.
- Then who did?
Am I to question every soul in the place
before I find out?
They're Willie's making,
those, ma'am.
- Then tell Willie I want him.
- Certainly, ma'am.
- Who's Willie?
- Name of Mossop.
But I assure you if there's anything wrong,
I'm capable of making the man suffer for it.
- You Mossop?
- Yes, ma'am.
You made these boots?
Aye, I made them last week.
Take that.
- Read it.
- I...
- I'm trying.
- Bless the man. Can't you read?
It's the italics which makes it
difficult for him, Mrs Hepworth.
Now, listen to me, my man.
I'm particular about what I put on my feet.
I assure you this shall not occur again,
Mrs Hepworth.
- What shan't?
- I don't know.
Then hold your tongue.
Now, Mossop,
I've tried every shop in Manchester
and these are the best-made
pair of boots I've ever had.
Now, you make my boots in future.
- You hear that, Hobson?
- Of course he shall.
You keep that card, Mossop.
And don't you go to another shop
without letting me know where you are.
Oh, he won't make a change.
How do you know? The man's a treasure,
and I expect you underpay him.
- That'll do, Willie. You can go.
- Yes, sir.
He's like a rabbit.
Can I take your order
for another pair of boots, Mrs Hepworth?
No, not yet, young woman,
but I shall send my daughters here,
and mind - that man's to make the boots.
- Certainly, Mrs Hepworth.
- Good morning.
Good morning. Very glad to have had
the honour of serving you, madam.
What does she want to praise
a workman to his face for?
- He deserved it.
- Deserved be blown!
- Making him uppish now!
- Are you coming over, Henry?
I am!
- Dinner's at one o'clock, remember.
- Now look here, Maggie.
I set the hours in this house.
It's one o'clock dinner because I say it is,
not because you do.
- Yes, Father.
- So long as that's clear, I'll go.
Dinner's at half-past.
That'll give him half an hour.
Female perversity
comes from leading an indoor life.
Women think they're important
because they're boss in t'kitchen.
How do?
Oh, no.
Morning. How d'you do?
- Frederick.
- Yes, Father?
- You see where Hobson's going?
- Yes, Father.
There's a small spark of decency
in that man
that's telling him at this very moment
that my eye's on him.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
Good morning, Mr Hobson.
Morning, Henry.
- Morning, Henry.
- Up late this morning, Henry.
I were detained.
- More.
You're doing a good class of trade, Henry.
Carriage folk now, eh?
- Good health.
- I'd be in better health if it weren't for you.
Do you think I'd pay you to dress
my daughters up like French poodles?
You'll be 15 a year
worse off for this.
Now, Henry,
this is not the language of friends,
and I hope we're all friends here.
I own I'm a bit short today.
But I've cause to be an' all.
You've got daughters.
Do yours worry you?
Nay, they mostly do as I bid 'em,
and the missus does the leathering
if they don't.
A wife's a handy thing,
and I wish mine were still alive.
I know...
I know what you're thinking,
but I do.
I felt grateful
when my Mary fell on rest,
but I can see now
that I made a mistake.
The dominion of one woman
is paradise to the dominion of three.
You want to get 'em wed, Henry.
Aye, I've thought of that,
but the trouble is to find men.
Men are common enough.
I'd like my daughters to wed
temperance young men, Denton.
Good heavens.
Eeh, you must keep your demands
within reasonable limits, Henry.
You've got three daughters
to provide husbands for.
- Two, Jim, two.
- Two?
Maggie's too useful to part with.
And she's a bit on t'ripe side
for marrying, is our Maggie.
Ripe! I've known 'em do it
at twice her age.
Still, leaving Maggie out,
you've still got two.
One'll do to start with.
I've noticed that if you get
one marriage in a family,
- it goes through t'lot like measles!
- Now, we're getting down to business.
- Yes.
We know what we want.
We want one young man,
and we want him temperance.
Question is, Henry,
how high are you prepared to go?
Oh, aye. I'll put me hand down
for the wedding do all right.
Aye, a warm man like you'll have to do
more than pay for a wedding do, Henry.
What's the price of an outfit,
Ooh, I could do
milady's trousseau for 60.
And then there'll be...
- Settlements?
- Marriage settlements, Henry.
Me pay marriage settlements?
Five hundred apiece
for temperance folk.
- Aye.
- Five hundred?
- You have to bait your hook to catch fish.
Then I'll none go fishing.
They can stay single and lump it.
Settlements indeed!
You'll save their keep.
They work for that,
and none of them are big eaters.
- And their wages.
- Wages?
D'you think
I'd pay my own daughters wages?
I'm not a fool.
Then it's all off?
From the moment you breathed
the word "settlements", Jim,
it were dead off.
There'll be no marriages
in my house.
- Father!
- Aye?
No self-respecting decent man'll
marry us without settlements.
- It's expected from a man like you.
- Is it? Then I'll thwart their expectations.
- Father.
- Get back into t'shop, the lot of you!
Oh, they'll soon get over it, Maggie.
I'm making plans,
and a husband's included in them.
One, two, three Sundays
for calling the banns.
Any time after that,
when we get a fine day, I shall be wed.
- You?
- Me, Father.
I'll tell you something, Maggie,
that's maybe news to you.
If you're counting on a settlement from me,
you're on t'wrong horse.
Nay, I'm not.
I want no settlement.
I should think not neither.
- What's his name?
- His name?
I'll tell you when I've got him.
Out counting chickens
before they're hatched?
You nearly frightened me.
I never knew an old maid yet that hadn't
a husband coming along in a month.
I'll admit you gave me a shock
when you broke t'news
but I've no cause to fret meself.
Can't imagine you having
these fancies, Maggie.
Fancies are of value
for keeping females quiet and content.
Go and get back in t'shop.
It's a great relief to know
that your mind's taken up with ideas.
I thought at first it was taken up
with a real man.
- Good night, Maggie.
- Good night, Father.
- There's a good lass.
Good night.
- Willie?
- Yes, Miss Maggie?
- Come up.
- I... I haven't finished yet, Miss Maggie.
Come up.
Come with me.
Shut the door.
Come here.
Show me your hands, Willie.
They're dirty.
Aye, they're dirty,
but they're clever.
They can shape the leather
like no other man's
that's come into the shop.
Who taught you, Willie?
Why, Miss Maggie,
I learnt me trade here.
Hobson's never taught you
to make boots the way you do.
- I've had no other teacher.
- And needed none.
- When are you going to leave Hobson's?
- Leave Hobson's?
I... I thought I gave satisfaction.
- Don't you want to leave?
- Not me.
I've been at Hobson's all me life.
I'm not leaving till I'm made to.
Don't you want to get on,
Will Mossop?
You know the wages you could get
in one of the big shops in Manchester.
I'd be feared to go
in one of them fine places.
What keeps you here?
I don't know.
I... I'm used to being here.
Do you know what keeps
this business on its legs?
Two things.
One's the good boots you make
that sell themselves.
The other's the bad boots
other people make and I sell.
We're a pair, Will Mossop.
You're a wonder in t'shop,
Miss Maggie.
You're a marvel in the workshop.
Well, what?
It seems to me to point one way.
What way is that?
You're leaving me
to do all the work, my lad.
I... I think I'll be getting back to me stool,
Miss Maggie.
You'll go when I've done with you.
I've been watching you
for a long time,
and everything I've seen I've liked.
I think you'll do for me.
- What way, Miss Maggie?
- Will Mossop...
You're my man!
- Well, I never...
- I know you never.
Or it wouldn't be left for me
to do a job like this.
I... I'll, er...
I... I'll sit down.
I'm feeling queer like.
What dost thou want me for?
To invest in.
You're a business idea
in the shape of a man.
- But I've no head for business at all.
- But I have.
My brains and your hands'll make
a working partnership.
Eeh, hey, that's different.
- I thought you were asking me to wed you.
- I am.
Well, by gum!
And you the master's daughter.
I'll tell you something, Willie.
It's a poor sort of woman
that will stay lazy
when she sees her best chance
slipping from her.
- I'm your best chance?
- You are that, Will.
Well, by gum!
I... I never thought of this.
- Think of it now.
- I am doing.
Only it blows a bit too sudden
to think very clear.
You're going to wed me, Will.
Really, I... I can't do that,
Miss Maggie.
I... I can see I'm disturbing
your arrangements, like,
but... I'll be glad
if you'll put this notion from you.
When I make arrangements, my lad,
they're not for upsetting.
You're walking out with me.
Peel Park. Sunday.
Peel Park?
- But folks'll think...
- Thinking won't hurt them.
You can go home now, Willie.
I've come.
I told you to come.
Who's that?
William Mossop.
Who's William Mossop?
Our boot hand.
You're a natural-born genius
at making boots.
It's a pity
you're a natural fool at all else.
I'm not much use at owt but leather,
and that's a fact.
I saw the river clean once.
Sunday school outing, up on t'moors.
We'll have the first banns call
next Sunday.
I have a great respect for you,
Miss Maggie,
but when it comes to marrying,
I'm bound to tell you
I'm none in love with you.
I've got the love all right.
Well, I've not and that's honest.
We'll get along without it.
But what will the master say?
He'll say a lot, but he can say it.
Makes no difference to me.
Much better not upset him.
- I'm the judge of that.
- Oh.
But what makes it
so desperate awkward is,
there's another woman.
- There's what?
- I'm tokened to Ada Figgins.
Then you'll get loose,
and quick.
Who's Ada Figgins?
I'm the lodger at her mother's.
Not that sandy-haired girl
that brings you dinner?
She's golden-haired, is Ada.
Where is it?
You... you'll not go there?
Won't I?
I'll soon clean this up.
I... I'd really rather wed Ada, Maggie,
if it's all the same to you.
She... she's a terrible rough side
to her tongue, has Mrs Figgins.
- Miss Hobson's coming.
- Miss Hobson?
- That... that's Mrs Figgins, Miss Maggie.
- I know.
- You... you know Ada.
- Aye, I do.
- I want a word with you, young woman.
- Yes, Miss Hobson.
- What's all this with you and him?
- Ada...
You want to hush.
This is for me and her to settle.
Young woman,
you're treading on my foot.
Me, Miss Hobson?
They're tokened, him and her.
We're all very happy about it.
Aye, he looks happy.
Take a look at him, Ada.
Take a good look.
Not much for two women
to fall out over, is there?
Maybe he's not much to look at,
Miss Hobson,
but he's the man
she's going to marry.
- That's right.
- That's funny. I can say t'same.
- You?
- You, Miss Hobson?
That's what I've been trying
to tell you, Ada,
and by gum, she'll have me from you
if you don't be careful.
Willie, you wait outside.
And by t'look of things
you'll come back to a thick ear!
- Don't lose your temper, Mrs Figgins.
- Lose my temper?
I'll do more than lose my temper
when I get my hands on him!
You've cornered him,
the pair of you!
Cornered him?
Insulting me, insulting my daughter!
He'll wed Ada.
What's your idea
of his future, Ada?
I'll tell you his future!
He'll wed our Ada!
And remain an 18-shilling-a-week
boot hand for the rest of his life!
What's wrong with that?
And what do you think
you're going to do with him, my fine lady?
Will Mossop is a good man,
as meek and fine as I'm strong and hard.
- Fine?
- Aye, fine!
And he can shape and fashion
leather like no other man in Lancashire.
A man who can do that
can go right on to the top.
What he lacks in business,
brains and sense, I'll supply him with.
I love that man,
and I'm going to work for him.
Take that!
Got a nose for the brass, have you?
I'll learn you to carry on with that hussy
under the nose of my Ada!
What are you doing?
If you lay one finger on either of us,
I'll have the law on you for assault.
- Come on, Willie.
- Have the law on me, she says!
We'll have the law on you,
my fine lady!
- It's daylight robbery!
- Common thief!
My girl's been betrayed!
Look at him!
Slipping away with his fancy bit!
Bringing that dirty
flipping dodger here
as though he were something
we should care about!
You just wait till that sonny
comes back here tonight!
- Where are we going now?
- We're going round to Tubby's.
You're going to stay with him
from now on.
You mean I'm... I'm not to go back there?
Never no more?
You're never
going back there again, Will.
It's like a happy dream.
Now you can kiss me, Will.
Well, I...
That's forcing things a bit an' all,
Miss Maggie.
We won't get a proper chance
back there at Tubby's.
But right...
right... right here in t'street?
Come on, lad, get it over.
But... but it's like saying
I agree to everything, a kiss is.
Nay, I couldn't.
- Where's Maggie?
- Just come in.
- She is late.
- Yes, she is.
- Ah.
- Tea ready?
Kettle's not boiled yet.
- What's this with you and Willie?
- I'm going to marry him.
Pass the tea, Alice.
- You're going to marry Will Mossop?
- You must've taken leave of your senses!
- Is there some disgrace in him?
- You ask Father.
Now look here, things are bad enough
without you spoiling our chances.
I'll not do that.
Father said get wed and you will.
D'you think Albert'll wed me
with Mossop for brother-in-law?
If Albert's got any sense,
he'll be proud to.
What you do touches us, it...
What's this?
You'll have your tea in a minute, Father,
if they have nothing to say.
We've a lot to say.
You always have,
you pair of chattering magpies.
Maggie's got more sense in her little finger
than the two of you put together.
Don't lose your temper with them, Father.
You'll need it when Vicky speaks.
What's Vicky been up to now?
I've done nothing, Father.
It's about Will Mossop.
- Will?
- Yes.
What's your opinion of Will, Father?
Will? He's a decent enough lad.
I've nowt against him that I know of.
- Would you like him in the family?
- Whose family?
- I'm going to marry Will, Father.
- Marry?
You? Mossop?
You thought me past the marrying age.
I'm not. That's all.
Will Mossop, me boot hand?
Have you lost your senses, girl?
It's news to me
we're snobs in Salford.
But his father was a workhouse brat.
A come-by-chance.
I'm having Willie Mossop.
I've to settle my life's course,
and a good course, too, so think on.
I won't have it, Maggie!
I... I... I... I'd... I...
I'd be the laughing stock
of the place, if I...
Outside, you two.
D'you hear, Maggie?
I won't have it.
Why, it... it isn't decent,
at your time of life!
I'm 30 and I'm going to marry
Willie Mossop.
- And now I'll tell you my terms.
- Terms!
You'll pay my man Will Mossop
the same wages as before.
As for me, I've given you the better part
of 20 years' work without wages.
I'll work eight hours a day in future,
and you'll pay me 15 shillings by the week.
D'you think I'm made of brass?
You'll soon be made of less than you are
if you let Willie go.
And if Willie goes, I go.
That's what you've got to face.
I might face that, Maggie.
Shop hands are cheap.
Cheap ones are cheap.
I'm value to you.
So's my man.
And you can boast it
in the Moonraker's
that your daughter Maggie's made
the strangest, finest match
a woman's made this 50 year.
Now you can put your hand in your pocket
and do what I propose.
I'll tell you what I propose!
- Will Mossop!
- Yes, Mr Hobson?
- Come up!
- Yes, Mr Hobson.
You've taken up
with our Maggie, I hear.
Nay, I've not.
She's done t'taking up.
Well, either way, Willie,
you've fallen on misfortune.
Love's led you astray,
and I feel bound to put you right.
I'm watching you, my lad.
Now, mind, Willie, you can keep yourjob.
I don't bear malice.
But you've got an ailment
and I've got the cure.
We'll beat the love from your body
and every morning you come here to work
with love still sitting in you,
you'll get a leathering.
You'll not beat t'love in me.
You're making a great mistake, Mr Hobson.
You'll put aside
your weakness for my Maggie
if you've a liking for a sound skin.
I was none wanting thy Maggie.
It was her that was after me.
But I tell you this, Mr Hobson,
if you touch me with that belt,
I... I'll take her quick, aye,
and stick to her like glue.
There's nobbut one answer
to that kind of talk, my lad.
And I've nobbut one answer back.
Maggie, I've none kissed you yet.
I shirked before,
but, by gum, I'll kiss you now.
And if Mr Hobson
raises up that belt again, I'll do more.
I'll walk straight out of t'shop with thee
and us two'll set up by ourselves.
I knew you had it in you.
Come on, lass.
Oh, Willie! Oh!
Why, I've got to go back.
- What for?
- Well, I must apologise to Mr Hobson.
I don't know what came over me
to front the master as I did.
I came over you.
Look sharp now,
we've got to catch yonder tram.
Give me that card
Mrs Hepworth gave you.
What dost thou want it for?
If we're going to set up on our own,
we shall want capital.
What's capital?
Good morning, Miss Hobson.
You're out early.
- Good morning, Mrs Hepworth.
- Morning, ma'am.
Why, you're the man
who made the boots.
Come and sit down.
Now, what is it you want?
You said he wasn't to make a change
without letting you know.
Well, he's making a change.
He's asked me to marry him.
I congratulate you
on your choice, Mossop.
But I referred to a change
in your employment.
Yes, he's changing that and all.
That's what he's come about.
He's setting up on his own
and needs 100 to start him off.
- 100?
- Does he?
You won't miss anything
for fear of speaking out.
He's the gift of making boots
and I've the gift of selling 'em.
There's brass in boots,
Mrs Hepworth,
and we could pay you your money back
plus 20 per cent in a year from now.
- What security can you give me?
- Him.
He's a security.
He's the best boot-maker
in Lancashire,
and the more you tell your friends
about him, the more secure you'll be.
One hundred pounds.
Thou means to say yon bit of paper
she gave you means all that?
It does.
Now we've got to get a move on.
We've a lot to do this morning.
We've a shop to find,
some bits of furniture,
the banns to see about,
and some leather and tools to buy.
I reckon we'll start with the shop.
What d'you want the place for?
A boot shop and a living room.
- What's the rent?
- Ten shillings a week.
We shall be needing
some bed linen.
I'll buy it from you,
if we come to terms.
- I'll give you five shillings a week.
- Well, I might take seven and sixpence.
There's two pounds
for eight weeks' rent in advance.
Is it a bargain?
It is. I'll try and move all this stuff
out of your way tomorrow.
This shop's opening
at six in the morning.
Will, take your coat off.
I'm going out.
And if this place isn't clear
by the time I'm back,
you'll meet with trouble.
Set up on their own!
Set up on their own!
So I said to them...
I'd no temper, mind you.
I said,
"If you can't come to your senses
"and behave in a responsible manner,
out you go!"
And out they went.
D'you know what happened then?
The great lover goes past me
so fast to keep clear
of the business end of me boot,
that he goes
ass over tip on the pavement!
Aye, it's t'same again
all round, Sam.
It's his daughter!
I know.
Oh, dear!
I'll give that loving pair three months
and they'll be back beggin' on me doorstep
like a whipped dog and a whipped...
- Shall I say it for you, Henry?
- Now, now...
They haven't got a brass farthing
between 'em.
- I've just done a job for them.
- What did you say?
To print and deliver
500 of these leaflets.
Had to be done tonight.
They paid on the nail, too.
What's it say, Henry?
- Shame.
- All right, I got plenty more.
She told me I was to give one
to all the folks I could find,
at every opportunity.
A good head for business, your daughter.
Takes after you, I suppose.
I see your name's mentioned, Henry.
Late of Hobson's!
That's a good advertisement, that is!
Advertisement? Talk!
Wrong sign with nought behind it.
Love's gone to their heads.
They've got sick fancies. Now...
Let's keep sense of proportion.
The brains around this table know
there's more to setting up a business
than handing round bits of paper.
- Aye. Fine.
Time you were getting round
to Tubby's.
You can deliver these leaflets
on your way round in the morning.
I shall be expecting you
come six o'clock.
Good... good night, Maggie.
It... it's been a grand day and...
I... I...
You great soft thing.
Good morning, Alice.
Maggie! You here?
I thought I'd just pop in.
Where's Father?
He's out, and lucky for you he is.
Well, you can give him this
when he comes in.
It's an invitation to our wedding tomorrow
and a bit of supper afterwards.
- I expect you all to be there.
- Then you can go on expecting.
You've no need
to take that tone with me, Alice.
I've given you my word
I'll put things straight for you.
Eeh! Good morning, Miss Maggie.
Good morning, Tubby.
Oh Alice, there's some brass rings
in that drawer. You can sell me one.
Maggie, what are you doing here?
I'm buying a ring.
Oh, this one'll do. Nice fit.
You're not taking it for that?
Will and me
are not throwing our money around.
There's fourpence for the ring.
Gather it up, Alice.
Wedded with a brass ring,
a ring out of stock?
They're always
out of someone's stock.
Alice, you haven't entered that sale
in your book.
Now, I expect you both tomorrow, mind.
I'll not be wed without my sisters there.
- Goodbye, Miss Maggie.
- Goodbye, Tubby.
- Well, I must say, I...
Put this in his bedroom.
I'll not give it to him.
Well, we're all worked up, Miss Alice.
The master'll play old Harry if he comes in
and finds us doing nowt in t'work room.
- What shall we start on?
- I don't know, but do something.
- I'm not stopping you.
- No, and you're not telling me either.
Course, we can go on making
clogs for stock if you like.
- Then you'd better.
- All right, then.
If clogs are your orders, Miss Alice.
- You suggested it.
- I made the remark.
You don't help us much
for an intelligent foreman.
When you've told me what to do,
I'll use my intelligence
and see it's done proper.
What is it, Tubby?
Owt wrong?
I've just been giving him
his orders, Father.
You're supposed to give him his orders
in t'morning not at dinner time.
Well, get back down now
and start doing what she told you.
And look sharp!
- Vicky!
- Yes, Father?
- Dinner!
- What's that?
- Jellied tongue, Father.
Don't make jokes about food.
We have roast pork, Mondays.
It's cold tongue today, Father.
You made me the cook.
I put you in place of t'cook.
Thou's not made a cook yet, my lass.
I'm not hanging over the stove all day.
I've got my looks to think of.
Thou's got nowt to think of but providing
me with my rightful home comforts.
- What's for pudding?
- Rhubarb.
Why is my dinner a no dinner?
I can't help it.
I've got the shop to look after.
You can't expect us
to fill Maggie's place and our own.
I've got all the housework to do.
D'you expect two pairs of hands
to do the work of three?
- I'm busy enough keeping the books...
- There are beds to make, floors to clean...
Now stop! I'll not listen to any more.
Three weeks
I've stood of this perversity,
disobedience, incompetence
and bad cooking
and I'll not stand it anymore!
I am going to where I can get comfort,
good food and the respect
that's due to me.
I'm going to t'Moonraker's
and I shall not be back till late tonight.
Thinking things over,
I'm not surprised, for one.
Mind you, I could see it coming
with Maggie.
She's a sharp and grasping nature.
- And what's he got out of that?
- Aye.
Salford's brightest hope!
Can't read. Can't write.
Maggie never had no sense of style.
Now, t'other two's quite different.
You mean they're out to catch the eye.
Tudsbury's latest.
- Vicky doesn't need a bustle for that.
- No.
My friends...
Hear, hear!
...and a wonderful little band you are.
Tudsbury the expert on women,
just because he spends his life
fitting on their petticoats.
You're nowt but an old woman yourself,
Now, now, Henry!
As for you,
you're nowt but a shadow.
Our Maggie
saw through you years ago,
trotting at me heels,
buttering me up
with your "Yes, Henry"
and your "No, Henry",
all for t'sake of t'free drinks you get!
Looking for pink rats, Denton?
You're t'biggest old soak in Salford!
You're rotten with alcohol,
rotten as the fish
you sell on Mondays.
Now, then, Henry,
that's enough of that.
Fish, that's what I am.
Big fish, little pond.
It's a stinking little pond
and I'm getting out of it.
No ill feeling, gentlemen, I hope?
We all know Henry.
Once t'wedding's over
tomorrow, you'll feel better.
As for you, Sam Minns,
my Mary always said
you were a robber and you are.
- Systematic swindling, that's what it is!
- Henry!
We all of us pay too much for drinks
once we've had a few.
Poor old Denton hasn't had
the right change for 20 years!
I'm off.
Oh, good.
Are you coming to my wedding
with a face like that?
You let me in
and perhaps your face'll be like mine.
It's your father.
He's asleep in our cellar.
Oh, come in.
That won't upset my face.
- Now go on.
- Well, I daren't leave him there any longer.
If the old man finds him, you know
what'll happen, him being temperance.
It'll be the end of Vicky and me.
He may wake up at any moment.
When he's like this he'll sleep till midday,
cellar or no cellar.
- What are you smiling at?
- In the first place, it's my wedding day.
And in the second,
I think I've got an idea.
I'll be ready in a moment.
You might well look surprised, Will.
A lot's gone on this morning.
Morning, Miss Alice. Miss Vicky.
- You call them Alice and Vicky now, Will.
- No, he doesn't!
Now, listen, you two
had better get this straight.
We've come to an arrangement
this morning,
and if you want your Albert
and you want your Freddy,
you'll be respectful to my Willie.
- Is that right, Albert?
- Yes, it's quite right, Alice.
Good. Now you can kiss Willie
for your brother-in-law-to-be.
Oh, I'd as soon
not put them to the trouble.
Stand still, Will.
They're making up their minds to it.
- It's under protest.
- Protest but kiss.
Good. It's your turn now, Vicky.
You're to kiss him hearty now.
- Freddy.
- Do as she says, Vicky.
- Here's the ring. You're best man.
- Oh.
Now go along.
I'll see you all inside.
I want to have a word with Willie.
- How you feeling, lad?
- My mind's made up.
I've got wrought up to point.
I'm ready.
It's church we're going to,
not dentist's.
I know.
You get rid of summat at dentist's.
But it's taking summat on,
to go to church with a wench.
Listen, Will,
I've a respect for t'church.
Parson's going to ask you
if you'll have me,
and you'll either answer truthfully
or not at all.
I'll tell him... yes.
- And truthfully?
- Yes, Maggie.
I'm resigned.
You... you're growing on me.
I'll toe the line with you.
Thank you.
- Henry Hobson?
- Aye.
- Anyway, to the bride and groom.
- The bride and groom.
- I think you ought to say something.
- Come on, Willie.
- Come on, Willie. Let's hear you, Willie.
- Come on, speech.
It's a very great pleasure to us
to see you here tonight.
It's an honour you do us,
and I assure you, speaking for my...
my wife as well as myself
- that the, er...
- Generous.
Oh, aye, that's right.
That the generous warmth of the
sentiments expressed by Mr Beenstock
and so enthusiastically seconded...
No, I've gotten that
wrong road round.
...expressed by Mr Prosser,
and seconded by Mr Beenstock,
will never be forgotten
by either my life partner or self,
and I'd like to drink this toast to you
in my own house,
our guests, and may they soon
be married soon themselves.
- Here, here.
- Here, here.
- Our... our guests.
- Our guests.
- Hooray!
- Very neat speech indeed.
- You took me by surprise, Will.
- Who taught you, Willie?
I've been learning a lot lately.
Maggie's schooling me.
Now, Will, we'd better be getting
cleared away ready for Father.
- Well, come on.
- What makes you so sure he'll come?
He'll be wanting advice,
and he certainly won't go to a lawyer.
It's getting dark, so he'd judge it safe
to come without being seen.
- I'm a bit nervous.
- You've no need to worry.
When he comes,
you're all to go into the bedroom
and stay there until you're called.
I'll manage the rest.
Oh, get busy
with the washing-up, Will.
- Yes, Maggie.
And you and Freddy
can just lend him a hand.
- Eh?
- Maggie, they're guests!
I know,
but Albert laughed at Willie,
and washing up'll maybe
make him think it's not allowed.
- It's Father.
No, not you, Will.
Come and sit down.
And remember,
you're the master here.
Well, Maggie.
Well, Father.
I'll come in.
Well, I don't know about that.
- I shall have to ask the master first.
- The master?
Will? It's me father.
Is he to come in?
Aye. Let him come in.
I'm right glad to see you,
Mr Hobson.
It makes the wedding day complete like,
you being her father and...
That'll do, Willie,
you don't need to overdo it.
Give me your hat, Father.
You can sit down.
You're a bit late for the wedding do,
but we're very glad to see you.
- Piece of, er... pork pie, Mr Hobson?
- Pork pie!
Well, you're going to be sociable
now you're here, I hope.
It wasn't sociability
that brought me here, Maggie.
- I'm in trouble.
- Well...
Happen a piece of wedding cake'll
do you good.
- That's sweet.
- That's natural in cake.
I'll allow it's foolishness, but I've a mind
to see my father sitting at my table
eating my wedding cake
on my wedding day.
Now, Maggie, I'm none proud
of the choice you made
but I've shaken your husband's hand,
that's a sign for you.
Here's your cake,
and you can eat it.
I've given you me word,
there's no ill feeling.
Well, now we'll have the deed.
You're a hard woman.
Pass me that tea.
That's easier.
It's a very serious thing
I've come about.
Then I'll leave you alone
with my husband to talk it over.
You can discuss it man to man
with no fools of women about.
- Give me a call when you're finished.
- Maggie!
- Hm?
- It's private.
Private from Will?
Nay, it isn't.
Will's in the family now.
- I'm to tell you this with him there?
- Will and me's one.
- Sit down, Mr Hobson.
- You call him Father now.
- Do I?
- Does he?
He does. Sit down, Will.
Now, then, Father,
if you're ready, we are.
Hm! It's an action
for trespass and damages, I see.
It's a stab in the back!
It's an unfair, un-English way of taking
a mean advantage of a casual accident.
- Did you trespass?
- Maggie, I... I had an accident.
I... I don't deny it. I'd been at Moonraker's.
I'd stayed too long.
I... fell in that cellar,
I slept in that cellar,
and I awoke to this catastrophe.
Lawyers, law costs, publicity,
ruin and bankruptcy.
I've hated lawyers all me life
and they've got me in the end.
I'm in their grip at last
and they'll squeeze me dry for it.
My word, and that's
summat like a squeeze and all.
Aye, I can see it's serious.
I shouldn't wonder if you didn't lose
some trade through this.
It's as certain as Christmas.
My good-class customers
are not gonna buy their boots
from a man who's stood up
in open court
and had to acknowledge he was...
overcome in a public street.
D'you think it'll get
in t'paper, Maggie?
Aye, you'll see your name
in Salford Reporter, Father.
Salford Reporter?
When ruin and disaster
overwhelm a man of my importance
it's reported in t'Manchester Guardian
for the whole country to read.
Eh, by gum! Think of that.
Why, it's very near worthwhile
to be ruined
for t'pleasure of reading about yourself
in t'printed paper.
It's there for others to read
beside myself, lad.
Aye, you're right.
This'll give a lot of satisfaction
to many as I could name.
Other people's troubles
is mostly what folks read paper for.
And I reckon
it's twice the pleasure to 'em
when it's t'trouble
of a man they know themselves.
To hear you talk,
it sounds like a pleasure to you.
Nay, it's not.
But I always think it's best
to look on the worse side of things first.
There's St Philip's now.
I don't suppose you'll go on being
vicar's warden after this to-do.
And it brought you a powerful lot
of customers from the church, did that.
I'm getting a lot of comfort
from your husband, Maggie.
Happen it's what you deserve.
Have you, er...
got any more consolation for me, Will?
I only spoke what came into me mind.
Have you spoken it all?
I... I can keep me mouth shut
if you'd rather.
Now, don't strain yourself,
Will Mossop.
When a man's mind is full of thoughts,
they're better out than in.
I'm sorry, but I thought
you came here for advice.
Not from you,
you jumped-up cock-a-hooping...
That'll do, Father!
My husband's trying to help you.
Yes, Maggie.
Now, about this accident of yours.
It's the publicity you're afraid of most.
It's being brought
into a court of law at all.
- Then we must keep it out of court.
- That won't be so easy.
It's a lawyer's job to squeeze a man
and squeeze him
where his squirming's seen most, in court.
Now I'll tell you something, Father.
I expected you tonight.
- You expected me?
- Yes.
I knew about this action this morning
and I knew it'd bring you to me.
So I arranged for the interested parties
to be present.
- Parties?
- Aye.
You can settle it here.
Mr Prosser? Mr Beenstock?
Father, this is Mr Prosser
of Prosser, Pilkington, and Prosser.
Good evening, Mr Hobson.
Are you a lawyer?
Yes, I'm a lawyer.
At your age.
This is Mr Frederick Beenstock,
representing the plaintiffs.
- How d'you do, sir?
- Do?
Sit down, Father, there.
Mr Prosser.
- Mr Beenstock.
- Thanks very much.
Shall we get to business, sir?
Young man,
don't abuse a noble word.
Now, my client informs me
that he's quite prepared
to settle this matter out of court.
Personally, I don't advise him to,
cos we shall probably
get higher damages in court.
Yes, you blood-sucking,
One moment, Mr Hobson.
You can call me what you like...
And I shall, you little...
But I wish to inform you,
for your own interests,
that abuse of a lawyer
is remembered in costs.
Now, my client
has no desire to be vindictive.
He remembers your position,
your reputation for respectability and...
- How much?
- I beg your pardon?
I'm not so fond
of the sound of your voice as you are.
What's the figure?
The sum we propose,
which includes my ordinary costs,
but not any additional costs incurred
by your use of defamatory language to me,
is 1,000.
- What?
- By gum!
Albert Prosser, I can see
you're going to get on in the world,
but you needn't be greedy here.
- 1,000's too much.
- We thought...
- You can think again.
- But...
If there are any more signs
of greediness from you two,
there'll be a counter-action
for personal damages
due to your criminal carelessness
in leaving the cellar flap open.
Maggie, you've saved me!
I'll bring that action.
I'll show them up.
Well, you're not damaged,
and you'd have to go into court to prove it.
I know what my father can afford
and it isn't anything like 1,000.
Not so much of your "can't afford".
You'll make me out a pauper.
You can afford 500
and you're going to pay 500.
Can we take it as settled, then?
Do you want to see the money
before you believe me?
Is that your nasty lawyer's way?
- Not at all, Mr Hobson.
- Good.
I don't see what's good about it.
It's a tidy sum of money
to be going out of the family.
- It isn't going out of the family, Father.
- I don't see how you make that out.
You can come out, both of you.
It's all settled.
- Where did they come from?
- My bedroom.
Maggie, I wish you'd explain
before my brain gives way.
It's quite simple, Father.
They're going to be married.
- Married?
- Yes, Father.
You wanted the girls off your hands,
and here's a pair of young men
who'll take them for you.
That's very kind of them,
but I think you've made
a slight miscalculation, me lass.
I have the painful duty
of reminding you two young ladies
of a little question of marriage settlement.
Now, I've got the measure
of these two foot pads
and if they think they can get
settlements out of me,
when I've just been tricked
into giving them five hundred...
Two hundred and fifty apiece, Father.
Do you mean to tell me...
Now, you won't forget
you've passed your word, will you, Father?
I've been diddled.
It clears the shop of all those fools
of women that used to get in your way.
Aye, and they can stay out of my way.
D'you hear that, all of you?
I'll run that shop with men,
and I'll show Salford how it should be run.
And I'm not blind yet, and I can see
who it is I've got to thank for this.
I'm sorry for you, Will Mossop.
Taken all in all,
you're the best in t'bunch.
You're a backward lad but you know
your trade and it's an honest one.
You may grin, you two,
but you wait till the families begin to come.
- Father!
- Aye!
You'll know what marrying a woman means
before very long.
I've suffered 30 years and more,
and I'm a free man today!
- Oh, Maggie, thank you!
- You're welcome, love.
It's settled, it's settled, hurray!
- Well, time we were going.
- Hm?
Oh, yes.
You'll be glad to see the back of us.
No, no, I... I wouldn't dream
of asking you to go.
Then I would.
It's about time we turned you out.
Come and get your things.
I... I don't see why you need
to go away so soon.
- Why not?
- Well, I... I'm fond of a bit of company.
D'you want company
on your wedding night?
Well, I...
I've not been married before, you see,
and I freely own
I'm feeling awkward, like.
You've been engaged to her,
haven't you?
Aye, but it weren't for long.
And you see, Maggie's not the sort
you get familiar with.
Yes, I know.
Good night, Will.
Good night, Maggie.
Good night, Maggie.
Good night, Willie.
- Good night, Maggie.
- Good night, Will.
- Oh, have you got my hat, Alice?
- Yes, yes.
We'll see you
at the wedding, Maggie.
You might be
too grand for us afterwards!
Oh, no, Maggie, we won't.
We'll be catching up with you before long.
We're only starting here.
- Good night!
- Good night, good night!
I'll tell you something, Will.
In a few years' time
you're going to be thought more of
than either of your brothers-in-law.
Well, I don't know.
They have a long start on us.
Aye, but you got me.
Now, your slate's in the bedroom.
Bring it out.
I'll have the table cleared
by the time you get back.
Oh, let me see it first.
That's what you did last night
at Tubby's?
Yes, your writing's improving, Will.
I'll just set you a short copy for tonight
because it's getting late.
There is...
the top.
There! Now you can copy that.
I think I'll throw these flowers
of Mrs Hepworth's away, Will.
We'll not be wanting litter
come working time tomorrow.
I... thought I'd press it in me Bible
for a keepsake, Will.
I'm not beyond liking
to be reminded of this day.
Oh, I'm tired.
I reckon I'll leave the pots
till t'morning.
It's a slackish way of starting,
but I don't get married every day.
Well, I'm for bed.
You'll finish one copy
before you come.
- Willie?
- Yes, Maggie?
- I'm ready.
By gum!
You get to work, my lad.
You'll have your breakfast
as soon as it's made.
A customer!
- Good morning, madam.
- Morning, ma'am.
Good morning.
- A pair of bootlaces, please.
- Certainly, madam.
That'll be one penny, madam.
Thank you.
Good morning.
- Morning.
- Morning, ma'am.
By gum!
Oh, where have you been?
I'm going to give you a shock.
I doubt it.
I've just paid out 120.
- What?
- To Mrs Hepworth.
That's her capital plus 20 per cent.
There's a receipt.
We can do without her now.
It looks as though
you can do without me too.
I thought to please you.
You do. You do.
Only, I like to have a finger in the pie.
God knows
you made the whole pie, Maggie.
I... I meant to give you
a little surprise.
It's all right, lad.
I'm not complaining.
It's New Year's Eve,
and we can start tomorrow
with a clean slate.
You know, I...
I feel quite intoxicated.
We've enough of that in the family,
especially on New Year's Eve.
Come on, me lad, get out of that best coat
and help me get some supper.
- Fetch the doctor.
- Yes, sir.
Oh, Jim. Oh, Jim.
- What is it, lad?
- I don't know.
Eeh, bit of a liver attack, maybe.
Worse than that, Jim.
It's worse than that.
Here, come on, back into bed.
Come on.
That's it.
The doctor will soon be here.
I'm seeing no doctor in bed!
I'll face him downstairs.
Oh. Get me my clothes!
- Ye had a breakdown this morning.
- Aye.
Hold your hands out.
And you honestly require me
to tell you the cause, Mr Hobson?
I'm paying thee brass to tell me.
Chronic alcoholism,
if you know what I mean.
- Aye.
- A serious case.
I know it's serious. You're not here
to tell me what I already know.
You're here to cure me.
Have ye a wife, Mr Hobson?
In bed?
- Higher than that.
- A pity.
A man like you
should keep a wife handy.
I'm not so partial to women.
Now you stop that.
None of your druggist muck for me.
I'm particular
what I put in my stomach.
Mr Hobson,
if you don't mend your manners,
I shall certify ye.
Are ye aware that ye have drunk yourself
within six months of the grave?
This morning you had a warning
any sane man would listen to,
and you're going to listen to it, sir!
By taking your prescription?
Precisely, and you shall practise
total abstinence in the future.
Are you asking me to give up
my reasonable refreshment?
I forbid alcohol absolutely.
If I'm to be beaten by drink,
I'll die fighting!
Life's got to be worth living
before I live it.
Then my services
are of no use to you.
Aye, they're not.
I'll pay you on t'nail for this.
- I congratulate you on the impulse.
- Now listen...
What are you doing under my roof?
- I've come because I was fetched here.
- Who fetched you?
- Tubby Wadlow.
- Tubby can quit my shop this minute.
- Sit down, man.
- He said you were dangerously ill.
- He is, missus...
- Mossop.
Your father is drinking himself to death.
Now, look here, what's passed between
you and me isn't for everybody's ears.
Go on, I'd like to hear it all.
Nasty-minded curiosity.
I don't agree with you, Mr Hobson.
You're a dunderheaded
lump of obstinacy
but I have taken a fancy to you
and I decline to let ye kill yourself.
Can I have a word with you in private,
please, Mrs Mossop?
Thank ye.
Goodbye, Mr Hobson.
Oh, and a happy new year to ye.
Well? Out with it.
It seems you're not to be trusted
on your own anymore, Father.
Alice and Vicky'll come
and look after you.
I paid 500 to get rid of them.
- What about you?
- Nay, it's out of the question.
Alice and Vicky
have got time on their hands.
Will and me
have got a business to run.
I'm off now to see Alice and Vicky.
We'll all be back here later this afternoon.
And you'd better put a collar on
in case Will comes.
Put a collar on for Will Mossop?
I think you've lost
your sense of proportion, my girl.
I'll have him treated with respect.
I'll be back at one o'clock.
And now I'm going back there
to get things tidied up.
You put your best coat on,
and your new hat,
and I shall expect you there
at one o'clock.
Yes, Maggie.
And remember, you can take a high hand
with Alice and Vicky.
- Aye.
- And with Father and all.
He's not too ill to stand it.
I'm a bit short of practice
at taking a high hand with Mr Hobson.
You can do it, love.
I'll do you credit, lass.
Mornin', Miss Alice.
You might have waited till after dark.
Darkness won't hide
what the whole street knows already.
I told you, it's a different place
from when we used to live here.
Come in.
Morning, Alice. Morning, Vicky.
Where's Father?
- Upstairs.
- Go and bring him down, and look sharp.
I'm busier at my shop
than they are at his.
Yes, Willie.
Aye, it used to be a good business
in its day, too, did Hobson's.
What on earth do you mean?
It's a good business still.
If you'd not married into the law, Alice,
you'd realise what the value
of your father's business is today
in trading circles.
Vicky ought to know.
Her husband's in trade.
My Fred in trade?
- Well, isn't he?
- He's in the wholesale.
That's business, not trade.
And the value of Father's shop
is no concern of yours, Will Mossop.
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking over the stock.
If I'm to come into a thing,
I like to know what I'm coming into.
You are coming here
to look after Father.
Maggie can do that,
with one hand tied behind her back.
I'll look after the business.
Will Mossop!
Do you know who you're talking to?
Aye, me wife's young sisters.
- He's been drinking.
- We've got to be careful.
- Well, what d'you mean?
- Look.
Suppose Father gets worse
and they're here.
- Yes?
- Can't you see what I'm thinking?
Well, go on.
- It's so difficult to say.
- Then say it.
- He might leave them all his money.
- He's here.
Willie! Father's down.
- Hello, Father.
- Alice.
- Father, you're ill.
- Vicky, my baby.
Oh, it's nice to know
that I've daughters that care for me.
Of course we care.
Come and sit down, Father.
You're looking all right.
You've quite a colour.
Now look here, Alice, I'm very ill
and I need someone to look after me.
They know all about it, Father.
Then which one is it to be?
It can't be me,
in my circumstances.
- What circumstances?
- Um...
- What are you whispering about?
She's expecting.
Well, I don't see how that rules you out.
It could happen to any of us.
- Maggie!
- Well, what's the matter?
It does happen
to married women, and we're all married.
I say it ought to be Maggie, Father.
She's the eldest.
- And I say...
- Good morning, Father.
- I'm sorry to hear you're not so well.
- I'm a changed man, Will.
There used to be room
for improvement.
- What?
- Sit down, Father.
Aye, well, don't let's be too long
about this.
My time's valuable.
I'm busy at me shop.
Is your shop
more important than my life?
I'm worrited about your life
because it worrits Maggie.
But I'll not see my business suffer
for the sake of you.
This is not what I've a right
to expect from you, Will.
You've no right to expect I care
whether you sink or swim!
- Oh!
- Will!
And we're to stay here
and watch Maggie and Will
abusing Father when he's ill?
- No need for you to stay.
- That's a true word, Will Mossop.
But, Father, dear Father!
- Are you willing to come?
- No.
- You, Vicky?
- It... it's me child, Father.
Never mind what it is!
- Are you coming or not?
- No, I'm not.
Very well.
Those that aren't willing
can leave me to talk with them that are.
Show them the door, Will.
Well, I don't know.
We'll be pleased to see you
tea-time any Sunday afternoon
if you'll condescend to come.
Huh! Beggars on horseback.
Now, my lad,
I'll tell you what I'll do.
Sit you down.
Aye, we can come to grips better
now there are no fine ladies about.
They've got stiff necks with pride,
and the difference between you and them's
the thing that I ought to mark
and I'm going to mark.
There's times for holding back and there's
times for letting loose and being generous.
Now, you're coming here to this house,
both of you.
You'll have the back bedroom
for your own
and the use of this room split along
with me - Maggie, you'll keep house.
If she's time
she can lend a hand in t'shop.
I'm finding Will a job.
You can have your old bench back
in t'cellar, and I'll pay you the old wage.
Eighteen shillings a week,
and you and me'll go equal whacks
in the cost of the housekeeping
and if that isn't handsome,
I don't know what is.
- Come on, Maggie.
- Aye, I think I'll have to.
Whatever's the hurry for?
It may be news to you,
but I've a business round in Oldfield Road
and I'm neglecting it
by wasting me time here.
Wasting time?
Maggie, what's the matter with Will?
I've made him a proposal.
He has a shop of his own
to see to, Father.
A man who's offered a job
at Hobson's
doesn't have to worry
about a shop of his own
in a wretched cellar in Oldfield Road.
Shall I tell him, Maggie,
or shall we go?
Go! I don't want to keep a man who...
If Willie goes, Father, I go with him.
I think you'd better speak out, Will.
All right, I will.
We've been a year
in yon wretched cellar.
D'you know what we've done?
We've paid back Mrs Hepworth
what she lent us for our start.
- Mrs Hepworth?
- Aye.
And we made a bit of brass
on top of that.
We've got your high-class trade
away from you.
Our shop's a cellar, but they come to us
and they don't come to you.
Your trade's gone down
till all you sell is clogs.
You've got no trade.
Me and Maggie's got it all.
And all you think you can offer me
is me old job at 18 shillings a week.
Me, the owner of a business
that's starving yours to death?
But you are Will Mossop,
you're me old boot hand!
Aye, I were,
but I've moved on a bit since then.
Your daughter married me
and set about me education.
And, er...
and now I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll transfer to this address
and what I'll do that's generous is this.
I'll take you into partnership
and give you your half-share
on the condition you're sleeping partner
and don't try interference on with me.
"William Mossop, late Hobson"
is the name this shop'll have.
Just a minute, Will.
I don't agree to that.
Oh, so you've piped up at last.
I began to think you'd both
lost your senses together.
It had better not be
"late Hobson", Will.
- That's the way I want it, Maggie.
- Now wait a bit.
I'm to be given
a half-share in me own business
provided I take no part in running it -
is that what you said?
- That's it.
- Well, I've heard of impudence before...
- It's all right, Father.
- Did you hear what he said?
Yes, Father, but it's settled, quite settled.
It's only the name we're arguing about.
I won't have "late Hobson", Will.
I'm not dead yet, my lad,
and I'll show you that I'm not.
I think "Hobson and Mossop" is best.
His name on my sign-board?
The best I'll do is this.
Mossop and Hobson.
Mossop and Hobson,
or it's Oldfield Road for us, Maggie.
Very well, Will.
Mossop and Hobson.
- Now look here!
- Fine.
I'll make some alterations in this shop
and all, I will so.
- Alterations in my shop?
- Look at that chair!
How can you expect high-class customers
to sit on a chair like that?
We'd only a cellar,
but they did sit on cretonne!
It's pampering folk!
Cretonne for a cellar,
morocco for this shop.
Folks like to be pampered. It pays.
We'll have carpet on that floor too.
Carpet? Morocco?
Young man!
D'you think this shop is
in St Ann's Square, Manchester?
Not yet...
but it's going to be.
It's no further
from Chapel St to St Ann's Square
than it is from Oldfield Road
to Chapel Street.
I've done one jump in a year,
and if I wait a bit I'll do t'other.
Give him time, Will.
It's come a bit sudden.
I'm afraid I bore on him too hard.
- Did I sound confident, Maggie?
- You did all right.
I wasn't as certain as I sounded,
but you told me to be strong and use
the power that's come to me through you.
Words came into me mouth
that made me jump at me own boldness.
And when it came to facing you
about the name,
I fair trembled in me shoes.
I was carried away like.
I'd not have dared to cross you, Maggie.
Don't spoil it, Will.
You're the man I made you
and I'm proud.
Yes, but I... I said such things to him
and I sounded as if I meant them too.
- And didn't you?
- Aye, aye, that's just the worst.
I mean, from me to him.
I... Well, he's the old master and...
And you're the new!
Will, are you doing?
Leave my wedding ring alone.
- You've worn a brass one long enough.
- I'll wear that ring forever, Will.
I... I was for getting you
a proper one.
That brass stays where you put it, love.
And if ever we get too rich and proud,
we'll just sit down together
and take a long look at it
so as we'll not forget t'truth
about ourselves.
- I've come to a decision.
- Yes, Mr Hobson?
Will Mossop, you've forced me to it.
I never thought I'd have to stoop so low.
But I'm going round
to see Albert Prosser.
- Albert Prosser?
- Aye.
I'm gonna fence you in with the law.
Albert Prosser's going to draw up
a deed of partnership.
- Yes, Father.
- Aye.
Well, by gum!
By gum!
Tubby! Shop!
By gum!