Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) Movie Script

Oh, for me?
Out of my way.
Wicked witch!
Oh, hey.
Well, that was enough for me today.
Look, there!
How dare thee!
Oh, Winifred Sanderson.
- Surprise.
- Surprise.
This is the worst day of my life.
But, Winnie, look what we have made.
I discovered if thou doth
grind pig's hooves and mix it with water,
it creates mysterious goo.
Then Mary had the wonderful idea
to mix a drop of goat's blood.
And look. It jiggleth. Here.
Taste this, Winnie.
'Tis divine!
I cannot eat. I am too troubled.
Didst the Turner boys lock thee
in the hay barrack again?
I've been told I'm getting... old,
and I must marry...
...John Pritchett.
Reverend Traske arranged it.
He said it was his duty since father died.
- Didst thee say no?
- Of course.
Then I took the Lord's name in vain twice.
Thou art most wicked, Winnie.
Only a truly wretched man
can make me say such things.
It was my favorite plate.
There, there, there, Winnie.
Let us forget the Reverend
and John Pritchett.
Wouldst thee like to open thy presents?
You will love it.
We searched for the largest one
we could find.
- It is adorable.
- What shall we name it?
It is the Reverend.
Hide. Act as if we're not here.
Open the door.
We are not here.
- Wretched soul!
- Look at her!
Winifred Sanderson.
I will mercifully give thee
one more chance. Oh!
Atone for thy disgusting words
and agree to marry John Pritchett.
- Allow me a moment to reconsider.
- Yes, of course.
- Mm, yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
- No.
- Oh, praise God.
- Oh, God.
- What's he said?
- Blasphemy!
- I apologize, Reverend.
It is only she is so ugly and unpleasant.
- I concur.
- And thou art some prize?
Teeth of the devil!
Oh, it is true, he is quite odd.
But how dare thou sayeth so.
She cannot speak that way to a man.
I refuse to marry that lout.
If I shall marry anyone,
it will be Billy Butcherson.
Oh, Billy?
- What? Why me?
- Who?
Because we are soul mates.
- Since when?
- What?
Since we shared that kiss
in the graveyard.
Oh, my God.
She relishes in her petulance.
Correct. Goodbye.
Thou has defied
the authority of the Church.
If thou doth wish
to continue in such flagrant
disregard of all that we hold sacrosanct,
thou shall not do it here.
A rotten apple quickly infects
its neighbor.
And we want no more like thee.
I banish thee from Salem.
- Take the girls.
- What?
- No, no. no.
- No, no.
You can't do that.
Take your hands off my sisters.
No! Stop it!
But this is our home.
Oh, not anymore.
The kind Smiths have agreed
to take thy sisters
and turn them right!
- Stop! Thou cannot take my sisters!
- No! Stop!
- No.
- No. No.
Winnie, please!
- Unhand me now.
- Thou must have faith.
- Thou must have faith.
- No!
- No!
- This is for...
My good God.
- Oh, my God.
- Look at it!
- The Reverend.
- No, it's Satan's hand.
- Reverend, are you all right?
- I'm not all right.
She tried to kill the Reverend.
- Winnie, Winnie.
- Oh, Winnie. Winnie.
Quick. To the forbidden wood.
- But it's forbidden.
- So they will not follow. Go!
With thy eight legs of sin!
- It was on me!
- They are wicked! All of them!
Find it!
Don't toucheth me!
Keep up.
Stay close.
- Where are we?
- I do not know.
I've never been this deep
into the woods before.
I do not like this place.
Perhaps we should form a calming circle.
All right.
Think soothing thoughts.
The smell of fresh mud.
The Reverend's scream
when he saw the spider.
The soothing of thoughts.
What was that?
No, Sarah!
- No! Stop!
- No! Stop!
- Thou looketh thirsty, child.
- Let her go!
- Why didst thou come into my woods?
- We had no choice.
They were gonna take my sisters.
Thou art different from the other children
I have eat...
They feared thou wouldst corrupt them.
New World. Same story.
But they were right to fear thee.
Thy temper.
I do not have a temper.
Dost thou know why
the commoners fear these woods?
This is a very sacred space for witches.
We come here to charge our magic.
To make us stronger.
More powerful.
This altar is what makes Salem
so very special.
- Salem is dreadful.
- Only because it is run by fools!
But one day Salem will belong to us.
Magic has a way of uniting things
that ought to be together.
Happy 16th birthday, child.
- But...
- I'm a witch. I know things.
Go on.
Cat Transformation. Levitation Spell.
'Tis an apothecary book.
Like one of Father's.
No, 'tis a spell book.
Magicae Maxima.
The Power Spell.
Oh, let's do this one.
Magicae Maxima makes a witch all-powerful.
It is most frowned upon.
Doomed is the witch that uses this spell.
Promise thou shalt never do it.
Because I said so.
Besides, Book does not like it.
Do not worry, Mister Book.
I shall not do that spell, I promise.
But what of the cat one?
That would be good to do
to John Pritchett.
Thou art lucky to have each other.
A witch is nothing without her coven.
- Where is thy coven?
- Long gone I'm afraid.
The world is not too fond of witches.
Can't imagine why.
Perhaps because thou eateth the children?
How else does one stay young
and ridiculously beautiful?
How can I ever thank thee?
She turned into leaves.
What will we do with it, Winnie?
Keep up!
Okay, Mister Book,
shall we get some revenge?
"The Spell of Smoke and Flame."
"Upon thy house so full of lies..."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
"Bring my wrath, may fire rise!"
It worked. It worked.
Oh, my God.
Fire! Wake up!
Wake up!
Now they shall never take us.
Now we'll be together forever.
This is Satan's work! Hurry!
Throw the water!
Oh, this is the work of the spider!
Can you feel it?
It's all around us. It's evil. It's evil!
Happy birthday.
- Did I get you?
- Yeah, you, you got me.
Oh, so my mom is, of course,
thrilled you're sleeping over tonight.
- Well, Susan loves an event.
- Yes, she really does.
Oh, incoming.
- Hey. Happy birthday.
- Thanks.
So what are you guys doing tonight?
Birthday rituals, scary movie marathon.
Same as every year, you know?
Hey, babe. Sorry, I'm late.
I decided to have two breakfasts.
Oh, and you got to come
check out Brian's car.
We covered the entire thing in tinfoil.
Because it's funny.
Mike, come on, let's go.
- Come on.
- See you.
Well, that's a start, right?
Why would she ask about our plans?
She knows what we're doing.
Maybe she was hoping you'd invite her?
Izz, if she wanted to hang out
with us on my birthday,
she'd probably have hung out with us
one other time in the last four months.
I know, but still, it's our tradition.
Yeah, maybe.
What do you need good luck for?
- Ten bucks says we have a pop quiz today.
- Ooh.
Hey, Cassie?
- About tonight, I was...
- Dude, it's gonna be awesome.
- What is?
- Our party.
At Cassie's. You're coming, right?
We invited the whole grade.
Even Glenn.
Yo, Glenn.
- Glenn.
- What?
- That's so Glenn.
- You're throwing a party tonight?
How is that even possible?
Your dad would never let you do that.
It was my idea.
I told you I wanted to talk
to them about it first.
Oh, do you guys want to talk now?
No, it's fine.
We don't have anything to talk about.
- Have fun at your party.
- Becca, come on.
Are you guys gone
a be busy doing witchery?
What? The three of you
used to do witch stuff every Halloween.
- It's not witch stuff.
- Then what's that?
A good luck charm
in case there's a pop quiz.
Well, I hope not,
because I didn't do the reading.
Good morning, ghouls and goblins.
In honor of Halloween,
I've prepared the scariest class possible.
- Is he a banana?
- A pop quiz.
Of course.
You knew that was gonna happen.
Mr. Wilke's a jerk.
Of course, he'd give us
a pop quiz on Halloween.
I made an inference.
- Is that a spell?
- Okay. Let's begin.
Tempeh, soyrizo, aquafaba, garbanzo,
cacao, spirulina, crimini, seitan!
What did you do?
Everyone settle down.
- Here's your quiz.
- She was muttering some weird,
scary language, right, babe?
You heard it.
It did sound like you said "Satan."
I said "seitan."
I was literally listing vegan food.
See. She admits it.
That's enough.
Mike, Becca, Principal's office. Now.
- Great.
- Quiet down.
Making sure Mike doesn't get lost?
Look, your dad is going
to find out about your party.
And when he does, you're gonna be grounded
until at least college.
Why do you care? You're not even coming.
I'm not coming because we just heard
about it from Mike.
As if that would have made any difference.
Hey, you finished your test pretty fast.
Can't believe you guys
are still doing the birthday ritual.
We started doing that, what,
when we were, like, 5?
We get it, Cassie.
You're too cool for it now.
Guys, come on.
Saturday detention.
Thanks a lot.
Principal's ready to see you now, Becca.
Yeah, I can't wait.
- I know, right? Let's go.
- Like what?
This carnival gets crazier
and crazier every year.
Oh, wow.
Cassie made it on the billboard this time.
You know, Cassie's family dates back
to the witch trials.
Must be why this is Mr. Traske's
favorite holiday.
He did a great job
with the decorations.
- Looks pretty good.
- Becca?
- Kinda...
- Izzy?
- Mr. Traske. How's it going?
- Hey.
How are you?
- Yes.
- Are you heading to your sacred circle?
We actually don't call it
the sacred circle anymore.
- Felt, felt a little bit dramatic.
- Oh, that's a bummer.
Oh, my gosh.
Remember when Cassie would bring,
like, 10 flashlights with us?
Did you say 10?
- Yeah, it's really funny.
- Yeah.
Oh, that's good.
Oh, she's the best.
Oh, where is Cassie?
Uh, uh... Well...
She, um... She's running late.
- She had a...
- Oh.
- A mascara crisis.
- Right.
Mascara? Is everything okay?
- Oh, no, she'll be fine.
- Okay.
Oh, listen, are you going
- to the magic shop?
- Yeah.
Can you pass out some of these
campaign flyers for me?
- I would really appreciate it.
- Sure. Yeah.
I'm gonna see you at the festival tonight.
Look at this.
Am I gone a see you here?
Yeah? Okay. It's gonna be a good one.
Can you guess why?
Guess who's coming back from Boston.
Sandy's Candy Cauldron.
You don't remember Sandy's Candy Cauldron?
Oh, come on. She was the best.
And then she got so busy because
she went on something called GMA,
which is like some acronym
for fancy people.
- I don't really get it, but, you know.
- Good Morning America?
But I got her to come back.
And listen. You have to have
one of her caramel apples.
It will... It'll change your life.
Promise me?
- Totally.
- Yeah, absolutely.
Good. Oh, would you mind
just taking the rest of these?
- Sure. Of course.
- Thanks, guys.
All right. Later, Mr. Traske.
- See you guys later.
- See you.
- He really is the nicest man alive.
- I know.
It's kind of sad he doesn't realize
Cassie kicked us to the curb.
People of Salem, gather round.
I am Gilbert the Great,
here to terrify and amaze you
with the most bone-chilling legend
of All Hallow's Eve.
That of the Sanderson Sisters.
The Sanderson Sisters
were the most powerful coven
that ever lived,
thanks to Winifred's book of spells.
You really don't want people
opening that book, huh?
That's not to keep people from getting in.
No, it's to keep the book
from getting out.
That very book contains
the recipe to the potion
the sisters used to kill Emily Binx
on Halloween night, 1693.
In that same night, the three witches hanged.
But not before they cast the curse!
Ah! Fools. All of you.
That if a virgin should light the Black
Flame Candle on All Hallow's Eve
with a full moon in the sky,
the Sanderson Sisters vowed
they would one day return
to take revenge on all of Salem.
What's a virgin?
Uh, that is a... a person who has never...
lit a candle.
But perhaps the sisters
have already returned.
Twenty-nine years ago, on Halloween night,
some swear they saw three figures fly
across the moon.
Sounds like someone
had a little too much candy.
Well, then, how do you explain this?
Behold, the Black Flame Candle
burned to the wick.
Oh, so the witches have been walking
among us for 29 years.
- Look out, everybody.
- No, man.
The candle's magic only brings
them back for one night.
They disappear at sunrise. Okay?
Just, can I finish this?
Thank you.
But if the candle's melted,
then no one can light it
and they can't come back.
- Right?
- You are right.
- They cannot return.
- Mm-hm.
That is unless there is another candle.
Witches are real. We're all gonna die.
And if you two would like
to try your hand
at resurrecting the Sanderson Sisters,
Black Flame candles
are half off for Halloween.
What can I get for my favorite customers?
- Just this.
- What? That's it?
But it's your birthday.
You can't just come in here
for one crystal like it's any old Tuesday.
You know, legend has it,
it's on the 16th birthday
that a witch gets her powers.
And like most legends,
I'm assuming that's based on
some sort of patriarchal fear
of female aging.
Yeah, probably that too.
But either way,
- I have a gift for your empowerment.
- Ooh.
Just the thing
for a young mystic.
- It looks like it drowned.
- Well, looks aren't everything.
Besides, I charged that candle
with a very powerful magic just for you.
It's perfect for your birthday ritual.
It's on the house.
And speaking of trollies...
You know, if you're looking to kill
some time before your birthday plans...
We're not doing the ghost tour.
- Oh, well...
- I'm sorry.
It's just we basically know it by heart.
Ooh. Free stuff. What are these?
Angelica leaves.
You burn them to lift curses.
You should take some.
For you never know
when you may be cursed on Halloween.
- Hey.
- Take it off.
- You don't taunt the Devil Book.
- Stop. Stop, Amanda.
You know,
I still don't get why you chose
the creepiest part of the woods
to have a ritual.
I just kind of feel drawn to it.
And besides, it's nice to be
in the comfort of nature.
The park behind my house
has great nature too.
But you know who did? Glenn.
- He is a phenomenal dancer.
- Phenomenal dancer.
Yes, exactly.
It's really, really beautiful.
My mom is shopping
for snacks for the movie marathon,
and she keeps sending
me blurry pictures of cookies.
She's just trying to help.
I know, but it's just, like,
"Buy the cookies, Susan. Who cares?"
Felt like we needed her here with us.
- Okay, ready?
- Yeah.
All right.
-Another year begins anew,
-Another year begins anew,
- Maiden, Mother, and Crone too.
- Maiden, Mother, and Crone too.
-We call on thee with one request,
-We call on thee with one request,
- help our intentions manifest.
- help our intentions manifest.
It won't go out.
- Becca.
- Hang on.
Thanks a lot, Gilbert.
Almost started a forest fire.
Oh, okay.
What the...
How, how is that?
Why is everything so quiet?
I don't know.
What is that? What is that?
Why is everything... What...
- Here we go.
- What, what is happening?
- Here we go.
- Izzy!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Go, go, go!
- Are you still here?
- Yeah, yeah.
Wasn't there a moon?
- What's... What's going on?
- I don't know. I don't know.
- It's lightning. It's lightning.
- It's lightning.
It's lightning, right? Yeah.
- It's lightning. It's lightning.
- Yeah.
Lock up your children.
Yes, Salem. We're back.
Are those the Sanderson Sisters?
We're back.
We're back. We're back.
- What do we do? What do we do?
- I don't know.
But I literally can't stop watching them.
Izzy, snap out of it.
How is this happening?
Candle. Virgin. Moon.
- Run!
- Run!
- Watch out.
- All together now, girls.
Who are they performing for?
- Oh, well, well, well.
- Hi.
Good work, sisters.
How convenient.
Two little mortals ripe for picking.
Come, sisters.
If we intend to live past sunrise,
we have to brew the life potion
and steal their souls.
Where, oh, where is his beacon of light?
Have I been forsaken?
- I cannot steal their souls without him.
- Boo.
- Sister Mary, help me. Help me.
- Yes.
- Yes, yes, yes, Sister Winifred.
- Bop.
- No.
- Very good.
Where was he last seen?
- Retrace our steps.
- Okay.
Oh, okay. Oh, I got it.
If my memory serves me incorrectly,
we were in the cottage.
The boys were in the cages
and that's when that sunrise tricked us.
Fake sunrise.
This time there will be no trickery.
- No way.
- No trickery.
If we see a teenager, we will kill it.
Wait, wait.
We're not, we're not teenagers.
- No.
- We only look young, but,
but really, we're... 40.
- Oh, 40?
- Old folks, huh?
- Very fine position.
- You must say.
- I think it's the quality...
- They're aged.
- of their complexion and skin.
- Yeah.
Yeah. I mean,
we eat young souls all the time.
That's... we're just like you guys.
That's why we brought you back.
You are our idols.
- Idols?
- Really?
- My favorite word. Thou dost worship us?
- Sayeth more.
Of course.
Which one do you like the best?
Don't say, don't say.
- I know, I know, I know.
- Get in line. Get in line.
And great news.
You don't even have to brew
the potions anymore.
You could just buy them.
Buy them?
- Buy them?
- Imagine.
Yes, we have a whole youth
and beauty industry,
you know, shops where you can go buy
all sorts of serums and lotions.
- Lotions?
- Lo...
Oh, lotions. Like potions.
Yup, yup. Just like potions.
Except better,
because the souls are already mixed in.
No more luring children to their demise?
- No. They're already demised.
- No.
Oh, that's a great time hack.
Thank you kindly.
I delighted in the luring.
'Twas was my only job.
- Alas.
- Alas.
- Oh, yes.
- Sisters, let us confabulate.
Oh, confabulate, confabulate.
- The apothecary, apothecary, apothecary?
- Bottles and bottles of it. Yeah.
- And break.
- And break.
Lead us to thine apothecary.
- Now.
- Toot suite.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Here we are.
- Yeah.
'Tis powerful indeed.
Look. Observe, sisters.
It glows from within
with a sickening light.
Yeah. Yeah, that's fluorescents for you.
- Fluorescents?
- Yes.
- You know, I think we knew her.
- Yes.
I think she was in the Paris coven.
- Oh, she was fierceful.
- Oh, my. Such a lie.
Oh, Winnie, the gates,
they parted for her.
Oh. She must be very powerful.
Well, so am I.
Of course, Winnie.
Oh, careful.
Did you see? Look at that.
- I'm just gonna...
- Go do it. Okay. I'll give it a try.
- Look at it. This isn't an apothecary.
- Look, the Queen.
This doesn't look a thing
- like father's apothecary.
- It is bright.
Like the moon.
- It's not your mother's apothecary.
- Where are the brats?
And it is enormous.
All right, so children's souls.
- Children's souls.
- Oh, yes.
- Children's souls.
- That would be aisle four.
- Aisle? What's an aisle?
- Aisle.
- Aisle? Aisle, aisle?
- MARY, SARAH: Aisle? Aisle?
- No, what's thee saying?
- I'll flay thee alive.
Where are the potions?
You look at the numbers in the sky.
- Oh, in the sky.
- Oh, there.
No, you fool.
She means the sign.
They beckon thee. Sisters.
Yes. We're right behind you.
Just, uh, look for anything
that says youth.
Youth. Youth. Youth.
Youth. Youth. Youth. Youth. Youth.
- Okay, let's get out of here.
- Okay.
I love that. It works every time.
So where on earth are you two
delicious morsels going, huh?
- Nowhere.
- No, no, no. Not running away.
Uh, we're just giving you some space.
Oh, no, I don't like space.
Oh, come on, my friends, let's get closer.
Closer, right?
So I can be close enough
just in case I decide to eat you.
Soup's on.
Shall we?
Oh, dinner for three.
- Good.
- Delicious.
Floral with a woodsy finish.
Tastes tinkly.
My favorite feeling.
That means it's working.
Look. 'Tis the face of a child.
A newborn.
Oh, sister.
What does it taste like?
- Can I have a bite of the face, please?
- Please, help thee self.
- Poor baby.
- Should we tell them?
Oh, "Retinol".
What a charming name for a child.
- Okay, we should get some salt.
- Oh, little Retinol.
Why? So we taste better when they eat us?
No, because it protects
against dark magic.
At least, that's what Gilbert says
to get people to buy it.
Gilbert? Really?
Are you the Sanderson Sisters?
- Perfect. Okay, now, go, go.
- Okay, okay.
Art thee?
We're obsessed with those looks.
Can we take a photo?
- Photo? Photo? We eat thy lives.
- Photo? I don't...
- It's a drawing.
- Yes.
- What are we going to do?
- Oh, very close now.
- So good.
- So good.
Look at that. We are ravishing.
- We are very...
- Fetching.
- Fetching, fetching.
- Foxy.
- Foxy.
- Foxy.
Yeah, see? The lotions work.
Why are these children dressed like us?
Oh, because they also worship you.
Of course.
- Yeah.
- Thank thee.
Although all thy flattery
will not save thee
when it comes time for me
to fricassee you.
Uh-oh. Winnie.
The... The little box lied.
How many children's souls
are in those potions?
- Who?
- How many souls?
- Teenager.
- No, no.
He's just confused.
Don't listen to him, okay?
Look, trust me. You look amazing.
The potions work.
It's just, it's just bad lighting.
Curse the lighting.
- Whoa, is that serious?
- Oh-oh.
That's not good. Okay, okay, okay.
Where are you?
And curse thee.
- Are you okay? Okay.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn't know what to grab.
I just grabbed everything.
Oh, there they are.
Say hello to Satan for me.
- Salt can do that?
- Do it.
Oh, my God.
We gotta get out of here.
- Holy Lucifer, how did she do that?
- What the...
What care I.
We need my Book.
We must brew the life potion
or our fate will be sealed at sunrise.
- Sunrise again.
- Again.
Oh, Mary. I cannot take another minute.
- You wanna hit me?
- No. Winnie, Winnie, Winnie.
We already drank the life potion.
Simpleton. Those were a hoax.
- We're wasting time. We must fly.
- Fly.
On what?
Just like my old one.
Oh, well, What about us?
There's only one.
Bats and beetles,
find something, anything.
We must fly.
Winnie, my broomies are misbehaving.
Uh-oh. Winnie, I'm surfing.
What unholy dance art thou doing?
I don't know.
They were the only broomies left.
The man said,
"Be careful,
they have a mind of their own."
He's right.
Stop it. Sit.
Sisters, focus.
We must fly to our ancestral cottage,
get Book, and brew our potion.
And then, what, Winnie?
- Then, what?
- Then we run amok in Salem.
Stop that.
Don't make me come over
there with this broom.
Gilbert. Where did you get that candle?
We have to get the book out to here.
The witches will be here any second.
The... The book is alive.
He woke up?
Hey, buddy.
You guys know each other?
Hey. Remember me?
Yeah, it's Gilbert.
Gilbert the Great because,
yeah, I've earned the title now
with my knowledge of magical
and the occult, but...
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Oh, my goodness.
It's so incredible. I can't believe this.
- I can't believe it worked.
- Shut it.
- What were they like?
- No, what do you mean "it worked?"
Did they sing?
Because, you know, they love to sing.
Wait, you knew
that was a Black Flame Candle?
Look, I am so sorry
I had to trick you, but...
I mean, I couldn't light
the candle myself.
- It just it wouldn't have worked.
- Well, why not?
Oh, ew.
Why would you do this?
They're evil.
Well, only because they had to be.
You know, they were ahead of their time
and they were misunderstood.
Then, the whole world was against them.
But now, look, everybody loves them.
Look at all this stuff.
- Oh, my God.
- At last.
Back to our squall and verminous abode.
Home sweet.
Where are all the cobwebs...
and my rat tails?
Uh-oh. Winnie, hold me.
Oh, it no longer smells like death.
Now, it smells like...
Clean linen.
Yeah, we have a plug-in for that.
A boy.
Hi, I'm Gilbert the Great
and I am your biggest fan.
My Book.
- Oh, my darling, they hurt you.
- Is he okay?
- Did he break anything?
- Oh, goodness, gracious.
Oh, my darling. Oh.
I've missed thee.
My beautiful Book.
How's your eye?
- Where are my lucky rat tails?
- Uh-oh.
Winnie, look, I found
the two 40-year-old teenagers.
- Oh, Winnie, can we kill them now?
- All in good time.
A quick death will be too kind
for these two.
Here. Hold my darling.
- And don't drop it like you just did.
- Thank you.
Throw them in the dungeon.
- My pleasure.
- Dungeon?
Ah, good work, Mary.
- Uh, whoa. Wait. Can we talk about this?
- No.
None shall see or hear thee shout,
heed my words there's no way out.
That's a big ole yikes.
- No, you haven't.
- Oh, sisters,
haven't lost my touch.
- No, Winnie.
- You know,
whatever those two may have done,
I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.
- What are we going to do?
- I don't know. I don't know.
Um, maybe we can through there's windows.
- Window, window. Window.
- Window, window.
- No. Okay. Okay.
- Okay.
Yeah, I've been trying to bring you back
ever since I saw you that night.
That night?
What night?
Halloween, 1993.
Not a great year for me.
Bunch of boys stole all my candy.
But then...
...I saw you.
I chased you all the way to the cemetery.
- Wha...
- Bye-bye.
But I was too late.
Oh, my. You're very close. Yeah.
Oh. Ma'am, so I, I, you know,
I want to know for sure.
So I went to see if the candle
was lit and I found Book.
He was awake.
He showed me how to make another candle.
- I mean, it wasn't pretty but...
- Oh, my beloved Book.
I knew thou wouldst have a plan
to bring Mommy back.
La, la, la. And now, at long last,
it is time to conjure together once more.
And what are we conjuring, exactly?
Perhaps something fun.
- Maybe another...
- Silence.
Uh-oh. Winnie...
What is it?
Tis the Reverend.
- He... He's alive?
- Of course, not you ninny.
Must be a descendant.
- Who is this man?
- Oh, that's the mayor.
Three hundred years later
and the dark cloud of Traske
still looms over Salem.
Mm, I told you we should have...
...the entire family
when we had the chance.
We tried, but we were too young
and too weak.
Mother said one day,
witches would rule Salem.
And what have we done instead?
Oh, no, no, no, Winnie. Oh, oh, come back.
Come back to mommy.
You're getting very worked up.
- Deep breaths.
- You know, perhaps
maybe like a calming circle might...
- How'd you know about that?
- I read Reverend Traske's journals.
- He wrote all about you.
- All nice things, I hope.
- Not really.
- You know, just spitballing here,
- but maybe we could make a life potion?
- Wouldn't he?
- I'm done with piddling potions.
- Okay.
If we were the most powerful witches
on Earth, nothing can stop us.
Not teenagers, not Traskes,
not the infernal sun.
Sisters, it has been decided.
We are doing the Magicae Maxima.
The Power Spell.
Oh, but Winnie, you promised
you'd never, ever do that spell.
That was 300 years ago.
That promise has expired.
- Expired. Oh, that makes sense to me.
- Guess you switched your lane.
You got it.
- I don't think he cares for that spell.
- Yeah, I think she's right.
- Maybe we should give him a minute...
- The book has opinions?
- ...to come around to it.
- Careful.
Oh, oh, no. No, not your teeth.
- They're your calling card.
- Help me out here, Mary.
I still have mixed feelings
about helping you.
- Just, it's a spell that I won't...
- Unhand me, you idiot.
I'm sorry.
What is happening?
Resistance is futile.
Show me the Power Spell.
Now, the Power Spell.
"Beware the Power Spell
for it is most dangerous,"
Oh, fie, we have no time for warnings.
At last.
Oh, by Lucifer's hangnail.
The incantation
has to be recited seven times.
Don't you hate those?
I mean, one flub and thou
must start all over again.
It's, like, you're getting in the groove,
- and then wha... I know.
- Right? Like, who has that kind of time?
"Must be done is a sacred pla..."
Oh, a sacred place.
We are not allowed in those.
Not one of their sacred places,
you nitwit.
- One of ours.
- Ours.
- One of ours.
- The Forbidden Wood.
That's our spot.
- It's sacred?
- Let's see,
what else do we need?
The head of a lover.
Oh, yeah, that'd be a bummer,
because all of our lovers are gone.
Oh, but we could find new ones.
Nonsense. We'll simply dig up
my old lover, Billy Butcherson.
Okay, sure.
But you know, Billy was my lover.
Oh, Sarah. You were just a fling.
Let's see, what else?
- Witch's butter...
- Butter.
- ...juice of an Aralia berry...
- Berry.
- ...one petrified spider, and...
- Oh, one drop of thy enemy's blood.
God, don't you love it
when the recipe requires blood?
That reminds me. Gilbert?
- Uh-huh.
- Does thou have the Sanderson hourglass?
Psssst. Um...
You... No, actually, no.
- I don't, I don't think I do.
- Awkward.
No problem at all.
And since you don't have it,
we'll just have to kill thee.
Oh, you said "hourglass" with an "H".
Yes, that I do have, actually.
Yeah, I think I misheard you
when you said it before,
I thought that you and I...
The Binx boy, he lives?
That's just Cobweb. He's my cat.
- I know 'tis really thee, Thackery.
- Die. Die, wretched feline.
No, no, no, don't kill him.
I have your hourglass.
The glass...
Now do for me what I ask,
thy life depends upon this task.
- What was that?
- Let's call it a binding contract.
You shall gather all the ingredients
and bring them to the Forbidden Wood.
And we shall sniff out the blood
of our enemy.
- The Reverend.
- The Mayor.
The Reverend Mayor.
And if you fail, you forfeit your life...
with the last grain of this sand.
- Best of luck, Gilbert.
- Oh, and Wilbert, I made thee a list.
Thy life depends upon it.
Oh, you just had to keep
that hourglass, didn't you?
Now, wait here while
I go to find that wretched Traske.
And darling, be sure to come
to me when I call.
Sisters, come along.
The Mayor's blood awaits.
Oh, my God.
They're going to kill Mr. Traske.
Once they do that Power Spell,
I think they're going to kill everybody.
Okay. Not to freak out, but the idea
of a vengeful maniac obsessed
with getting revenge on Salem
becoming an invincible, all-powerful,
vengeful maniac obsessed
with getting revenge on Salem
sounds very bad for Salem.
- We have to tell Cassie.
- Okay.
Do you think she'll even answer?
Come on, come on, come on.
Hey, Becca?
The Sanderson Sisters are back
and they're coming after your dad.
Hey, Becca, I can't hear... Are you there?
I think you might be covering your camera. I can't see you. Are you coming over?
- Hey, babe.
- Hi. Can you go check on that, baby?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
Becca? Hey, Bec?
She can't hear us.
It's butt-dial. Awesome.
Okay. I guess
the curse covers phones, too.
- I know.
- There's no way out of here.
Yes, there is.
Angelica leaves.
They lift curses.
Hey, if candles can bring back the dead,
why can't potpourri bring back the stairs?
Head of a lover.
How am I going to dig up
a full grave in time?
I am so dead.
That's not six feet under.
Who are you?
- Zombie. Killer zombie.
- No. Hey, stop. I am a good zombie.
- I'm not even chasing thee.
- Stay back.
And don't try to eat my brains.
Why would I...
I simply wish to know
why you were digging up me grave.
And I simply wish to know
why you're alive.
Well, because I was woken up
and never put back to sleep.
Well, I've been awake since...
How long ago was 1993?
Wait, were you there that night?
With the Sanderson Sisters?
- Uh... unfortunately.
- Well, guess what?
They're back again.
- No, no, no.
- No, no, no, wait.
I need your help.
I'm doing this spell to kill Winifred...
for good.
I mean, don't you want to pay
her back for poisoning you
and sewing your mouth shut?
- Thou knoweth how I die?
- Well, yeah.
Everyone knoweth the legend
of Billy Butcherson.
You were Winifred's lover
and you cheat on her
with Sarah so she killed you.
What? No, no.
No, no, no. That is not what happened.
I shared one kiss with Winifred.
Oh, she has sullied my name for eternity.
Well, if you help me gather
everything I need for the spell,
I will tell everyone the truth about you.
So what do you say?
There we go. Right as rain.
Corn, I smell corn.
- Step lively.
- Wait.
- We are looking for the Mayor.
- Oh, yeah.
- And here are you.
- Thank you.
Have you had these before?
Oh, get ready. Get ready.
Oh, my.
Have you seen the Mayor?
Have you seen the Mayor?
Come on, get that apple, man!
Yeah! Come on, I got more than this!
- Oh, look.
- Look it, they're drowning a man.
How charming.
I like this festival.
Oh, look. He has an apple in his mouth.
Perhaps they're going to roast him
on a spit.
Oh, my brooms would love this.
Let me get the girls. Where are the...
- Oh, there they are.
- Oh, sweeties.
- They have a mind of their own.
- What?
Now what?
Poisoned apple.
Poisoned apple.
Poisoned apple.
Would you like a poisoned apple?
Oh, thou must never announce
that they're poisoned, sister.
No one will eat them
if they think they're deadly.
That looks scrumptious.
- Maybe I could just have one big bi...
- No eating until we find the Mayor.
Okay. Sorry.
Sarah, come.
- Oh!
- Come.
Uh, maybe we do a hand-waving thing
like the witches do?
Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us out.
- Lift the curse and let us...
Oh, my Goddess, it worked.
I can't believe it worked.
Oh, I always thought Gilbert
was lying about this stuff.
We need to get Mr. Traske somewhere safe.
We should probably get that book away
from the witches.
Okay. I'll call him
- and you find the book.
- Got it.
- Hello?
- Hey, Mr. Traske.
- Um, it's Becca.
- Oh, hey, Becca.
Sorry to do this, but...
- Cassie's throwing a party.
- Oh, fun. Where?
- At your house.
- What?
With boys.
You should get home as soon as possible.
I'm sorry, would you mind saving
my place in line?
My daughter's about to ruin her future.
Okay. He's safe now.
Book, book, book. Where would it be?
Cobweb, you genius.
I got it. Come on, come on.
Izzy. No.
Oh, I'm coming! I'm coming!
Oh, please don't kick me. Don't kick me.
God, this is so much harder than it looks.
- I know.
- How is this book so strong?
What is wrong with this book?
I'm slipping. No.
What was that all about?
They must've put a spell
on the book or something.
Now what?
We need to get to Cassie's
before the witches do.
- Remember. Stay the course.
- Stay the course.
Absolutely no more distractions.
Say it after...
Hey, it's the Sanderson Sisters.
All right, looking good.
I bet you're looking for the stage.
And I said, "Sanderson?
You Sanderson, you Burnerson."
I don't get it.
Ooh, look at this.
One last challenger emerges
in the Sanderson Sisters costume contest.
Looking good, fellas. Very authentic.
Thank you. Thank you.
If only... If these are all worshippers...
- Then this must be, the altar.
- Yes?
All right, let's give it up for...
Hey, Winnie, what do you call yourselves?
The originals.
How original.
All right.
Well, you're pretty late so back it up
with the other finalists.
- Back it up.
- All right.
Is that what I look like?
Darn, girl. We look foxy.
Ooh. Hello, me. Hello, me.
Hello, me.
Lose the teeth.
Mind your business, girl.
All right, people.
- Thanks, pilgrim. Howdy.
- Who is that witch?
You're doing great. We have a winner.
Scary drumroll, please.
Roll the drum.
A roll.
Oh, roll sounds delicious.
- Can we go?
- We cannot go.
- We're about to win whatever this is.
- All right, put your hands together for...
Oh, look surprised.
The Sandersonettes.
- We won. We won. We won.
- Wait.
What sayeth thou? What sayeth thou?
There's been a grievous error.
Begone. They do not want you here.
See? They despise you.
- Begone, begone.
- So, get it quick. Relax.
Everyone picks...
- What a witch.
- People of Salem,
- we have come for the blood of thy Mayor.
- They're doing a bit.
- That's right, girls. Take all his blood.
- With pleasure.
- But where is he?
- Where is he?
Observe, sisters.
The villagers do not wish to comply.
- Whatever shall we do?
- Oh, they do...
We could give them a spell.
Put them under a spell.
- Bewitch them.
- Bewitch them.
- Mary, what a brilliant idea.
- Bless you, too.
Clear the altar, all of you.
Clear my stage.
And you.
Try to keep up.
One, two, three, four.
Now, lead us Salem. Lead us to thy Mayor.
Why did we think
taking Gilbert's trolley was a good idea?
It's the fastest way
to get there, okay?
Better all be clean
by the time I get back, young lady.
I love you.
Hey, guys, why are you going so slow?
Wretched villagers.
Useless even when bewitched.
- Fan out, find him.
- Find him.
Find the Mayor.
- Get out of my house! Shove it, Steve.
- Shut up. Gordon's fave...
Okay. Come on, Cassie.
Oh, my goodness,
if Cassie will just answer her phone.
Please, please, please, please.
Sarah, stop bubbling.
Come to Billy.
Look what I found.
Great job, buddy.
We... We looked everywhere.
I give up, I'm tired, Winnie.
I need, like, a snack and a stool.
- Oh, we could inquire with someone.
- Inquire who?
Who would be stupid enough
to lead three witches to the Mayor?
Cassie, open up.
Crazy witches are trying to kill your dad.
- What are you guys doing?
- Where's your dad?
Well, after he grounded me
for the rest of my life
because you ratted me out,
he went back to the festival
to get his apple.
- I told thee it would work.
- Oh, please.
It's mere luck we stumbled
upon the village idiot.
- Are they...
- We'll explain but inside now.
- Oh, my God.
- Go, go, go.
Were those the Sanderson Sisters?
Yeah. You saw them flying, right?
So we don't need to explain that to you.
- Go, go, go.
- Oh, what is happening?
Traske must be in here someplace.
Spread out.
Not like that.
- Be serious.
- Be serious.
- Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.
- Who said that?
There is a small woman trapped
in that box.
- No.
- Yes.
I still don't understand.
Is there something else I can do for you?
- Thank you, Sandy. Thank you so much.
- Hey. Hi.
- Huh?
- Hey. Hi.
- Okay.
- Hey. Hi.
This is a flash mob.
You're in a flash mob.
I watch these on all the time.
Or YouTube. I love them. I love them.
Come here. Oh, I wish I knew the steps.
- Hey.
- Wow.
Wow, hey, I got tons of steps, man.
- I got tons of routines.
- What am I doing here?
- Are we done? The choreo's out?
- What happened?
- You guys should get an apple.
- What?
- That was well do...
- How did this happen?
Hey, where's my apple? Where's... Hey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Who's got my apple?
Hey. Sandy. No, no.
Oh, come on. No, no, no.
Let's do it. All right.
- We're going to win us a spider.
- Yes, we are.
- Not petrified, but...
- I bet they won't even know
- the difference. Exactly.
- She won't know the difference.
All right, all right, all right.
Ah! Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, you know, I, I... You can do this.
Just kind of believe in yourself.
- We'll get it.
- You got it. All right. All right now.
All in the legs. It's all in the...
I smell children.
Winnie, lookie.
Oh, well if it isn't...
- What's her name again?
- Uh...
Shishka-baby? Shishka...
Oh, Edward. Edward.
How could it possibly be Edward,
you silly woman?
It's Becca.
Um, Becca.
- Well, goodbye, Becca.
- No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.
You need the juice of an Aralia berry
for your spell, right?
Well, this is all
the Aralia juice in Salem.
Let me out of here, alive,
or I will pour it out.
Why art thou such a pest?
Dost thou should die for Salem?
What has Salem ever done for thee?
No one in Salem
has ever tried to kill my friends.
Oh, lay thy burden down.
'Tis unattractive to hold a grudge.
You've literally
held a grudge for centuries.
And why not?
That tyrannical Traske
tried to take my sisters.
- Oh, my beloved sisters.
- We're too frail and weak to die.
- Now, give me that Aralia ju... Now?
- Now!
We are under attack!
- Pandemonionium!
- We are under attack!
Kill them, Winnie.
The salt blocks dark magic.
Seeing as you're basically dark magic
in human form, you're trapped.
Oh, no, no, no.
Oh, this?
Oh, no, this is just water.
You've been tricked by teenagers.
Let, let us bewitch them with song
and we will lure them
into setting us free.
Good idea, good idea. How about...
I don't feel particularly warmed up yet.
Stop it!
Next time, do not tell people
we wish to bewitch,
- that we are about to bewitch them.
- Yes, Winnie.
She cursed you.
You're not trying to kill them,
you are helping them.
You liar.
No, wait, Billy!
Please. Stop.
I need your head.
Take one of their heads.
It has to be you. You were her lover.
We shared one kiss.
Please. Let me explain.
- Give it to me. I...
- My head.
Oh, not again.
Stop. Unhand me.
Don't just stand back. Get him.
Follow the sound of my voice, you dustbag.
I'm okay, babe.
I'm gonna go ahead and inference
that you're the one responsible
for the Sanderson Sisters being alive.
Okay. Inference is a noun, not a verb...
Who cares?
This is why you shouldn't
mess around with that witchery.
Hey, I don't think she did it on purpose.
You didn't, right?
Are you kidding me? Of course, I didn't.
Gilbert tricked us
into lighting the candle.
Gilbert did this?
Yeah, it's been kind of a crazy night.
Which you would know
if you had been there.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't exactly feel welcome.
You know, because you guys iced me out.
Are you... you ditched us.
What are you talking about?
I kept asking you guys to hang out
and you would just flake or not respond.
Because everything you wanted to do
involved Mike and his friends.
Yeah, it was like you
suddenly had an entourage.
And we couldn't hang out with you
without having to hang out with... them.
I didn't know you guys
were mad about that.
How could you not know?
Because you didn't tell me.
Cassie, why would we want to hang out
with people that just make fun of us?
I don't make fun of you guys.
Yeah, you call us witches
and say that we're weird.
Yeah, because you hang out in magic stores
and always carry around colorful rocks.
And I think it's weird,
but I don't make fun of you guys.
Do you hear yourself?
Okay, pointing out people's differences
and saying that they're weird
is making fun of them.
Did you, like, really not know that?
No. I thought
I was just making conversation.
- I've got so many people to apologize to.
- It's okay.
- Oh, my God, Dad. Oh, my God, stop!
- Wait, Mr. Traske!
- Mr. Traske, no!
- Give me a second, hold on!
No, where are you going?
The sun. Oh, no. I don't wanna die.
Oh, oopsy. Sorry, my mistake.
It's just a very small bus.
Sorry. Cassie's party is over.
It's time to go home. Yeah.
It's an older crowd than I expected.
You're the Sanderson Sisters, right?
Incredible costumes.
You guys look amazing.
Oh, sew up your lips,
you pious, pompous dunderhead.
Okay, we're giving a performance now.
I love the commitment.
I love the resting witch face.
Do you want me to play along? I'll...
I can play the Reverend, you know.
I hate the Sanderson Sisters.
Nah, that wasn't that great.
By the way,
I'm not being a very good host.
I haven't even formally introduced myself.
- I'm the Mayor...
- Wait, Dad.
Another little Traske.
The bloodline continues.
Who are these women?
Thy worst nightmare.
Oh, if only we weren't trapped.
Seriously, what's going on?
What a cruel world.
We finally have the blood
on the nary our nostrils,
yet we are trapped in salt,
like a slab of corned beef.
- What are you doing? What are you doing?
- Well, it's for your safety.
What do you mean it's for my safety?
- Stop, stop, stop.
- A cruel world.
- What a cruel world.
- Whatever this is, I'm in no mood.
I've had an awful day, do you know that?
God knows what kind of unchaperoned
house party you were throwing in there
and then I come home to like
the gothic Golden Girls in my garage.
What the heck?
This has been a very bad Halloween.
Well, at least you got
your caramel apple, right?
Oh, okay.
Actually, I didn't,
because after mine was stolen,
I went back and Sandy
had given away all of her apples.
Which I think is really unprofessional,
So I didn't get an apple,
so then I went to some Walgreen's
who turned out their lights.
Which makes no sense.
What Walgreen's turns out their lights?
Okay? But you know what I got?
You know what I got in the dark?
This pathetic thing, this. Look at this.
I don't even know
if there's an apple in there.
No, this is probably a caramel
covered matzah ball for all I know.
But, you know what?
I'm gonna eat it and I'm gonna like it.
I feel so bad.
He's been talking about
that caramel apple for weeks.
I'm just glad he's safe.
Winnie, look.
I cannot.
My eyes have misted over
with the tragic tears
of a lifetime of failure.
Looky, my broomies.
They hate mess. Do you see this?
Come to momma. Oh, come on.
Look at it.
Look it, see what happens, they love it.
That's right, go ahead, eat it up.
That's right. Yes, right there.
Is your dad mad?
Very. He wants everyone to leave.
Well, we can hang out here,
um, watch out
for the Sanderson Sisters until sunrise.
Yeah, I'll tell my mom
we're sleeping over at Cassie's.
- She'll be so happy. She misses you.
- Aw, Susan.
Let me go!
- No!
- No!
- Stop!
- No!
No! Let go!
What was that?
I don't know.
No, we gotta get Cassie.
- They're going to the woods.
- Okay.
Let's go.
Head of a lover,
witch's butter, Aralia berry juice,
and a petrified spider, I guess.
Well, I did it. I'm not gonna die.
Oh, they're still gonna kill you.
Not if I kill them first.
That candle is what's keeping them alive.
It won't go out
until the sun rises, you dolt.
Well, there's no need for name-calling.
- Oh, Gilbert. Impeccable timing.
- Hi.
Hello, Billy.
Hello, Billy.
Hello, you withering hag.
Well, if thou hast nothing nice to say...
Good job, Winnie.
Now we have everything we need.
No. Not everything.
Not everything.
There you are, my sweet.
Wait, now you said
you need the blood of an enemy.
But I mean, she's not your enemy.
No. But she has our enemy's blood.
Ooh. That's gotta hurt.
Okay, well, looks like
you've got everything you need,
so I think you just
- maybe let her go, okay?
- Sit and be comfy.
That's a good idea, Gilbert,
but then, how would we torture her, huh?
Now, thank you
for your assistance, Gilbert.
But thou art now rendered redundant.
Should we?
- No. Cassie.
- Cassie.
Reveal the incantation.
I call upon this sacred land.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
To raise the power in my hand.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
From North, the East, the South, the West.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
Give me more than I possess.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
Underneath the full moon light.
I sacrifice my love tonight.
And in return, I ask of thee.
Magicae Maxima,
give to me.
I call upon this sacred land.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
To raise the power...
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
From North, the East, the South, the West.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Give me more than I possess.
- Okay.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
Oh, my God.
How is it...
The salt in the Walgreen's,
the leaves in the basement,
Cassie's house, 16th birthday.
You're a witch.
Doesn't make any sense.
None of what's happened tonight
makes any sense.
Okay, look, I'm sorry to have
to rush this very big,
very pivotal moment in your life, but...
do you think we could use your magic
to stop them and save Cassie?
I guess we're gonna find out.
Okay. Go get Cassie.
Let's do this.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
- Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
From North, the South, the East, the West.
Hey, Winifred!
- Edward is a witch?
- I knew she smelled awful.
This little witch against
the most powerful coven in history.
Sisters, who do you think is going to win?
Let me see, could it be us?
Hey. She's got her own coven, you witch.
- Mayhem.
- Oh, my hair. Winnie, oh!
- Oh, we are being attacked.
- Got me in my oh, place.
Heavens to Murgatroyd.
- Stop it.
- Kill 'em, Winnie. Kill them.
I am suddenly powerful.
Look, Winnie. Me too.
I, myself, am suddenly powerful.
Look it.
Pew, pew, pew, pew.
- Look at me.
- Get out of here, go.
Stop. Stop that.
Stop dancing around, you fools.
Get them, get them.
I beg your pardon?
I am not a fool.
I am a good and loyal sister,
and I expect to be seen as such.
Ooh, she laid it down.
- She's a good and loyal sister and she...
- Shut up and get going!
Of course, Winnie. With pleasure.
- Go, go, go!
- Posthaste! As is your wanting.
I apologize for her. She can be...
Don't get up.
You don't want to do this spell.
I know it may not feel like it,
but, you have a choice.
And what choice would that be?
I'm talking to the book.
No, no, no!
- Sisters!
- There she is.
Hi. Oh, Becca. You're okay.
I am so sorry.
I should have just told you.
No, I'm so sorry,
I shouldn't have assumed.
- You're my best friend.
- No, no, no, but I was the one...
This is so sweet and I'm so happy
this is happening right now,
but can we please figure out a plan?
- Right.
- Right.
Okay. Is there anything that we can do?
Uh, Magicae Maxima.
No, no, no.
I'm not, I'm not like Winifred.
I don't, I don't want to be all-powerful.
I just want to stop them, okay?
I think it wants you to read the warning.
Oh, the book is alive, by the way.
"Beware the Power Spell
for it is most dangerous.
Power is meant to be shared.
To claim it all, a price must be paid.
What is valued most dearly,
thou shall have to trade."
What does she value most?
Look out!
Oh, sisters, observe.
She has a new parlor trick.
Shall we have a little fun?
- Oh, I love fun.
- Like this.
Power's meant to be shared.
Becca, give me your hand.
I'm kinda in the middle
of something right now.
Little witch,
you cannot hide from our power.
Power is meant to be shared.
Becca, give me your hand. Come on.
- Cassie, come on.
- Back up!
Even with your sisters just as powerful
as you are, you still can't win.
This is my spell.
They are mere parasites,
leeches enjoying the spoils.
I remain the most powerful one.
You couldn't even finish the Power Spell.
And now it's too late.
We have your Book.
I do not need a book.
Sisters, come,
we will complete the spell without Book.
And once we do,
your inconsequential powers
will not protect you
or your little friends
or all of Salem from our wrath.
- Sisters, away.
- Away.
I'm sorry.
Did we... Did we just do magic?
Wait, the warning.
I think I know how to stop them.
- We have to tell them.
- Okay.
Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
Itchita copita, melaka mystica.
It's time.
The final incantation.
I call upon this sacred land.
To raise the power in my hand.
From North, South, East, and West.
Come on, we've got to stop them
before it's too late.
- Slow down, guys.
- Come on, Cassie.
Underneath this full moon light,
I sacrifice my love tonight.
And in return, I ask of thee.
Magicae Maxima, give to me!
The candle. Sisters.
The flame is out and yet...
we are, still here.
Good work, Winnie. Really.
I mean stellar work.
- That's something else.
- Yes, beautiful work, Winnie.
- Oh, I thank thee. I thank thee, sisters.
- This one.
- Like...
- And now, we shall never die.
And all Salem shall pay!
Madam, come here often?
- May I?
- Delighted.
Oh, look.
Well, well, well.
The little witch returns with her lackeys.
What dost thou want here?
You should've read the warning.
Why? What pearls
wouldst Book cast at my feet?
I read none.
The Power Spell?
It takes what you value most.
- Silence.
- Winnie.
Thou aren't no witch.
Thou art nothing but a silly child.
Thou knowest nothing.
- No.
- The wind...
is stealing my fingers.
- Winnie.
- Sisters.
'Tis over? Oh, no.
Oh, Winnie, please.
Please don't, please don't forget us.
Oh, and I know,
I know I was your favorite.
Oh, stop. Stop, wait.
Where art goest thou?
Wait. Oh, please. Don't leave me.
Art thou not coming with us?
- Fare thee well, my sisters.
- Yes.
Yes, and Winnie.
Sorrow is such sweet parting.
Magicae Maxima, conversio.
Rescind the spell.
Undo what I have done. I beg of thee.
They were the price you paid.
Oh, not my sisters.
My beloved, infuriating sisters?
Why, they were my kin.
Of course, I was the pretty one.
But they were my passionate partners
in unholy mischief.
Oh, what fun we had.
Oh, Book.
For old times' sake.
Can nothing be done?
My doing has been my undoing.
My folly, my fate.
Oh, what is this feeling?
I think it is my heart.
I fear it is breaking.
Oh, I cannot bear it.
I must find a way.
My sisters, my sisters.
- Book?
- I must find a way.
Thou art a new witch.
Only a witch and her coven can manifest
what is written.
Please will thou help me?
Wait, you're willing to give up
your powers?
My powers are nothing without my sisters.
Becca. Book chose you.
We're with you.
- Okay. "The spell for reuniting."
- Okay.
"Lost and gone and out of sight."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
"We cast the spell to reunite."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
- "Ichita copita melaka mystica."
"What is meant to be together,
will be now until forever."
What, what happened? Where are they?
Does thou speak the spell correctly?
The spell doesn't bring them back.
It sends you to them.
Oh, how marvelous.
Thank thee.
And how lucky art thou to have each other.
So are they gone, like gone, forever gone?
Like, gone, as in, never, ever,
ever, ever coming back, right?
Yeah, I guess...
Stop, Sanderson Sisters.
Don't worry. We're here to help.
Yeah, you're...
you're a little late for that.
They're gone?
Oh, thank God. Oh.
I didn't know what I was gonna do.
I was like, my first move
was to come in bold,
like, "Stop Sanderson Sisters,"
and then, you know... No, yeah, oh.
It's been like this the whole day.
Over here,
you directionless skeleton sack.
It talked.
I can speak.
Come on, buddy. Just bringing your...
your body to your head here.
I am not speaking to you.
Now give me my bones.
- Okay. Don't you drop me.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
I won't.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Is he...
- Tis about time.
- Yeah.
Well, it would seem as though
their final destruction
undoes all the spells of that
wretched troll, Winifred Sanderson.
You're Billy Butcherson.
Winifred's boyfriend.
- Oh, my gosh, yes.
- Actually, no. Actually, no.
- But, that's exactly what you told us.
- That's what you told us too, then.
Nope. That is not the story,
and I'm gonna make sure
everybody knows the truth, Billy.
I promise.
Thank you.
You're not nearly as vile as I thought.
- Yeah.
- But now, I must bid you all goodnight.
To my eternal rest.
At last.
- Sweet dreams.
- Goodnight.
Becca, I owe you an apology.
Actually, I owe all of you an apology.
You know, for...
You know what, Gilbert?
It actually worked out pretty good.
Just no more magic candles, deal?
No candle, deal.
Well, I guess I will take Book back,
you know, to the shop.
Actually I think I'm gonna keep it.
Book could use a new home.
Oh, it smiled, right?
Okay. I guess I should check on Cobweb.
He's seen a lot more action
than he's ever seen in his life,
I'm sure he's scared poopless.
What's up?
We'll see you at the shop?
Yes, you will.
Discounts, discounts.
- Oh, wow.
- Twenty percent off.
Ten p... ten percent off.
So, what movie do you guys
want to watch tonight?
Wait, sorry. Are we not gonna talk about
what just happened tonight?
Because I feel like I missed a lot.
Yeah. I guess if you consider
resurrecting evil witches,
and then finding out your best friend
is a witch,
and then helping her do a spell
to get rid of them
as missing out, then, yeah,
totally missed out.
Or, you know,
it's just your regular Halloween.
Oh, yeah, totally.
Do you think Susan
left those cookies out?
Oh, yeah. I'm starving.
Oh, me too.
What a crazy day.
- Guys, guys, what are we doing?
- I don't know.
What? Wait.
That's from the Walgreens.
- That's the walk from the Walgreens.
- Yes. So then what did they do?
- Oh, my God. Yes.
- You do this.
Now, listen up.