Hodejegerne (Headhunters) (2011) Movie Script

Rule No. 1: Be sure to know everything about those you visit. Because each minute increases the chance of someone coming home unexpectedly. obtaining an expensive copy. Even with trivial simple forgeries it takes weeks before being detected. has to happen. You will find a work of art so valuable you don't have to worry about anything. Or you will get caught. My name is Roger Brown. I am 1.68 m. You do not need a psychologist to understand that it must be compensated. My house, for example. Ceiling: 30 million. I do not like it, and can't afford it. But she loves it. How often do you have a girlfriend who opens a gallery? I said it was an inheritance. Something I had to say. But I have just inherited bad genes. It has been a tedious process to find out the truth. If like me someone wants to get what he wants, there is only one thing: Money. A lot of money. But there is one thing Diana wants more than anything else. And that's just the thing I do not want to give her. - Isn't she cute? - Very cute. Diana Strm-Eliassen is on of the most beautiful, tall, smart. On of those accustomed to love. Those who take it for granted. And lots of men want to give her that. Men who are taller than 1.68. But soon it's my turn. My opportunity. I can feel it. In the meantime, I play loud. For he who does not play, will not win. - What are you doing tomorrow? - Why do you ask? We are invited to dinner. - We are invited to dinner? - Yes. - Are you talking about us with others? - There is one I want you to meet. This ends now. I really am sorry. - Let me be ... - No. Lotte ... - There is no us. - Isn't there? - An impressive resume, Lander. - Thank you. Yes, I think I am the right man for Pathfinder. - What do you do in your spare time? - Is there such a thing? You live in Oslo. In Skyen. And you're married to ...? Camilla. Been married for nine years. Two children. They go to school. - She working? - Yes. In a law office in the center. - Who is at home if a child is sick? - She is. - No domestic help? - No. - Dog? - No. - Allergies? - No. What is your reputation as a leader worth? My reputation? What do you mean? The plant was founded by Julian Opie. Worth a quarter of a million. - Do you own art in the price range? - Yes, actually. A lithograph by Munch. A brooch. Can you see what it's worth just by looking at it? This consists of circles and lines. Monotone coloring, without texture. The thing that makes it worth a quarter of a million, is the artist's name. - And the same goes for leaders? - Exactly. And that is why you will not get this job. - What? - Oh my God, you arranged it yourself. - What else could I do? - Made someone to tell us about you. Sounded like you were not aware of it when we contacted you. Everything is a game, Lander. Listen now ... Pathfinders Chairman and financial manager will come tomorrow. I want you to meet them. Listen politely. How do you explain why you are no longer interested. - They will perceive me as unserious. - No. As ambitious. As someone who knows his own value. - Lander, this is your opportunity. - Possibility? Let me build your reputation. I will promise you a job with five times your salary in two years. How can you promise that? Because I have never given a customer a recommendation that he has not followed. - But how? - The answer begins with "R". - Reputation ... - The whole career is based on it. Hello. You have an interview with Jeremiah Lander and Pathfinder tomorrow at 12. - The information is in the file. - Yes. Good. Your wife's supposed to open a gallery this weekend, and I was wondering ... - Is it possible to go there? - Are you invited? - Yes, do I do it? - Will you? I have received an invoice for 357 000 for renovations in Kasper Hansen Street. Right. I have helped Diana with expenses. She opens the gallery on Friday. You need to cut down on spending. You can go bankrupt at any time. I'm working on it. I must tell you how serious the situation is. You have overdrawn the card with several hundred thousand ... I have another phone call here. I'll call you later. You have a candidate. Jeremiah Lander, lives in Skyen. - Yes. We have him. When? - A meeting at the Alfa tomorrow at 12. - No one home? - No. His wife works in the city. We meet about twenty. The fence in Gothenburg would get fifty percent. Ove Kjikerud would get 20% for disabling the alarm, get the art - - and run to Sweden with it. To hire him in Tripoli was probably one of the smartest things I had done. Although I was left with 80 000. It was not even for the next quarterly installment of the house. Something must be done. Hello. Thank you for coming. - It does look very good. - Half of them have not arrived yet. - But I do not have to meet ... - Hey, it will go very well. - Congratulations. Fantastic show. - Thank you. This has been a wild day. I can not tell it now. - But I want you to meet him. - Meet with whom? - This is my husband. Roger Brown. - Clas Greve. Clas has just moved here. From the Netherlands. Hello, are you going? No, the kids just cheer up. - What brings you to Norway? Work? - I inherited my grandmother's apartment. - She was Norwegian? - Yes. I retired early. I'm going to renovate the apartment. Retired? From what? I was a director of a Dutch technology enterprise. We worked mainly with GPS. Shall we ...? - Dutch? Not Hote, right? - Yes, exactly. Were not they just bought up by a large American company? Amtech? - You work yourself in the industry? - No. - Why did you leave? - Let me not bore you with work talk. I work in the recruitment industry. You do not bore me out with work talk. - Do you know Pathfinder? - Of course. Our competitors. Small. Skilled. I must go. Have a good evening. Clas ... Pathfinder seeks a new boss. One that can withstand takeover attempts from abroad. - Shall we have a meeting? - Sorry. A lunch. Monday at 12. We can talk about something else. Arts, renovation, Polish workers ... I will write down the name of a good restaurant. You do not take no for an answer? A parting gift for a long and faithful service? No, I stole it. When we meet. Say hello to your charming wife. - This is my husband. - Roger Brown. - Brede Sperre, Criminal Investigation Department - You have been on TV. - He investigates art thefts. - Not murder? We employ all resources on this. We must stop it. - Are you in the art industry? - No. I work as a headhunter. - In the recruitment industry. Alfa. - One of the partners, that is. I gave your wife a compliment for those exclusive earrings. - She said they were a gift from you. - Yes. Yes, the best of us good bonus schemes. I wish that we had it in my industry as well. Sperre? From VG. Could we have a picture? Sure. Roger? Will you? See this. The search for The Calydonian Boar Hunt, by Rubens. Stolen by Germans in Antwerp in 1941. Since then it has been missing. Do you know where it hangs now? - No. - Clas Greve apartment in Oscars Street. His grandmother had a secret relationship with a German officer during the war. Then he was arrested, and shot a few days later. - She was afraid she would be discovered. - And so she hid the painting? - But that's not true. - Collected Germans reproductions? - Why did he tell you? - He would have an independent evaluation. Asked if I knew someone who could do it. Clas Greve has a genuine Rubens painting in his apartment? - Here in Oslo? - Yes. I offered to contact an art museum, to get it moved there. Next week. Such a picture should not be only put in a safety deposit box. - How much do you think it is worth? - Tens of millions. Maybe 100. You know what I think? I think that we two should celebrate. - Celebrate what? - That you have opened your own gallery. - And us. - Thank you for supporting me, Roger. - Everything will be fine. - What do you mean? The fact that we two should start thinking about the future. - Yes, it's Ove. - We have a candidate. - Do you know what time it is? - Clas Greve, Oscars Street 25 - Is there a count? - His name is Count. Ove? - Ove? What is happening? - Sorry. Natasha is here. - What did you say? - Meet me at the house tomorrow. No, not tomorrow! It's Saturday. I have her all weekend. This is great, Ove. We only have a couple of days left. - At one O'clock! - Okay, Great. - How good you are. - Good morning. - You ...? - Yes? What you said yesterday to think about the future ... Includes the sound of small pattering feet in the corridors here? - Maybe. - Do not say maybe, Roger. I said yesterday that everything will work out. - I will have that conversation now. - Me too, but I'm going to an important meeting. Do you think I'm stupid? You should be at an important meeting? It was decided last night? I must go. We can talk on the phone later. - What are you so afraid of? - Nothing. Dogs. And you, when you are like you are now. If we are to be childless for the rest of my life, I know. Yes, but now I am at an important meeting. - Have tried to talk about it for 7 years. - And it will take 7 years. If you continue to nag about it! It did not mean it. You will never give me a child. How many millions are we talking about? - Perhaps up to a hundred. - A hundred?! It's the same every time, Ove. I have said I do not want this stuff. You know I always have weapons. At home I have weapons everywhere. Can reach a gun in every room. You should also get yourself one. Sooner or later they come. Ok. You go to Gothenburg and obtain a reproduction. We must have a good thing. I will have lunch with Clas Greve on Monday ... Ove? - I said you were going to be in the car! - But I have no fire! Out! We have a meeting here! Women ... What I wanted to say before I was interrupted of a Russian whore ... At lunch Monday I will find out when the apartment is empty. - You go to Sweden again. Now. - Good. - No, fuck. I'm busy. - Busy? Natasha is here. I'll record a new movie with her. I have arranged everything with the guys at work. - You film her? - I must have something to watch. I just turn on the alarm, then roll the cameras. - So she does not know that you are filming? - No. And the guards are sitting and watching the two of you ...? I have no camera directed at the bed! They will see that she is undressing, and some fingering. That's it. She has cut itself. Fine. The rest is private. Fat, right? There are only a few days until the art is moved. - Do you understand how big this is? - She is only here twice a semester. You will be left with millions. With that much money you can buy her. For the rest of your life. I take it without crayfish jelly, and dressing on the side. Are you in Oslo now, or will there be much commuting in the future? Three and a half million, plus stock options. You take things a bit for granted. Remember that you are a foreigner. Norwegian companies want ... Your method works safely at most. But we have been in this situation before. - You literally drooling ... - Drooling? You were drooling when we met in the gallery. You did right in. The problem was only I was not interested in the job. But I found that renovating the apartment is not as exciting. So if it's OK for you ... Let's just drop the play. Ok. I give up. - But I need more information. - Do you play squash? - Married? - Divorced. - Children? - Sorry. - Dog? - Yes. I have. - In Amsterdam. - Quarantine? I fly down and pick it up tomorrow. It's hard in the GPS industry? - Your back. - Nah ... It is from the army. I enlisted as an 18-year-old. After a few years I ended in a special unit ... - Specializing in what? - Tracking. - Tracking ...? - People. Missing. Wanted. - And the technology was provided by HOTE? - Exactly. They made microscopic transmitters. I had suggestions for improvements. So they recruited me. - Where are the scars from? - Bolivia. - Were you tortured? - No, I was released on time. - Sounds like something from a movie. - No, you have not seen the movie. - When can we have a meeting with Pathfinder? - Anytime. - When are you back? - The day after tomorrow. So we take it then. Diana? Hey, it's Diana. I can not answer the phone now. Have a nice day. - Hello. - So there you are. - I tried to call you on your mobile. - I must have forgotten it at the gallery. - Was it something important? - No. I just wanted to hear your voice. You are cute. Come and sit down, a movie has just started. No. I ... I am totally exhausted. I'll go to bed. Ok. We developed a gel that contains hundreds of transmitters per ml. It sticks to everything, and is impossible to remove. You mean Trace. The weakness is that Trace is sensitive to mud, for example. This I know from experience as a soldier. When you are in, excuse me, the world's butt hole ... When you are dependent on equipment that works. That you are using Brown, is clearly of great importance. Ultimately, it is he that must make his recommendation. For a moment, only. - Very good. - Thank you. When are you writing your recommendation? - We must make a decision first. - What do you say? There are several candidates. We must see the overall picture. You will be notified. Have we been at the same meeting? It could not have gone better. - They were ready to sign the contract. - Then you are well too. Hello. You travel to Gothenburg tonight, Ove. The picture will be sold as soon as possible. Hello. I need to talk to you. - You can not find me. - Can't you give me two seconds? I am sorry if it's my fault that you have it so, but we have ... There really is nothing more to talk about. - Do you need money? - I miss you so much. Lotte ... Lotte ... Do not contact me again. - You look tired. - Thank you. - Is there something? - No. - Is there a lot going at work? - Yes, a little. I had a meeting with Pathfinder today. And Clas Greve. - Are you Okay? - No. - He does not get the job? - Absolutely not. Tomorrow I'll call the other agencies. I will ensure that he does not get a job in Norway. Why? Did you find your mobile, by the way? - You had lost your mobile. - Yes. - At the Gallery? - Yes. - Well. More wine? - Yes, thank you. Ove? Ove ... - Hey. - What are you doing here? You went down here, and did not come out. - I was worried. - About what? Nothing. - You Roger ... - Yes? Have a nice day at work, then. I love you. Ove! -Ove, where do you live? -Natasha ... Ove ... Ove! Where do you live...? Ove, what happened in the garage? Did you see anyone? Answer me now. Did you see what happened? Was there anyone there? - Natasha ... - What? What the hell is going on here? Ove, what is the password? - The password for the alarm. - Natasha ... We need to disable the alarm. What is the password? - What is my password! - This is what I am saying! Natasha! Sh or Ch? Ove ... Ove, how's it going? - What happened? - You sat on a syringe in the car. A syringe? - You have been lucky. - Lucky?! You got the needle in the knee. The poison does not penetrate properly. - Have you fucked up? - This is about something else! Diana has a relationship with Clas Greve. He doesn't kill you because he is fucking your wife! - Call 112, then! - We shall have no police up here! Please, Roger. I need to go to the hospital. - Otherwise, I die. - I'll get the milk. Milk neutralizes poison. They would have done nothing else in the hospital. - Call. - Do not do anything stupid. Then I do it myself. Now we take it very quietly ... Roger. I have to talk to you. I have spent most of my adult life tracking down people. Microscopic transmitters. Good day. Have thought of taking a short trip to the cottage. - I thought it was Kjikerud. - No. - It is his car. - Yes. - Aren't you one of those businessmen? - I got fired. - Can I put the car in the barn? - 500 per day. You can get free down the road, you know. If you drive the tractor, then I want compensation! - the amount of legwork here today! - I'm just going to visit Roger Brown. - Is he a businessman? - Yes. - What are you doing with him? - We have a deal. I have nothing to do with what you are doing, but ... He has not invited you for coffee and cakes at the cabin. At the cabin? Since it is my property, some compensation is perhaps reasonable. Search! Hello? Who are you? Oh, oh hell ... You should not stay up! - Has anyone asked for me? - No. Come and lie down again. Apart from the police. They are sitting waiting for you in the hallway. I said you should eat breakfast first. Because if you manage to turn into ....., are you good at fighting. Ever heard of co-daw-ying? Not so strange.Do you know how many martial arts there? 3000. Egyptian martial arts ... Stand still! Sunded, I got him! Olav Sunded from NCIS. You are suspected of murdering of the farmer Sindre Aa. Join us Kjikerud, we will rest inside. You are Ove Kjikerud? Yes. - Where are we? - Elverum Police Station for questioning. Hope you cooperate, so I can go to Oslo tomorrow. - Notice to all patrol cars. - Both of them, in other words. Bravo 3-0 answers. Egmon Karlsen has reported his truck stolen. - Did Karlsen sound like he was sober? - Not entirely, no. Call Bamse pub. It is probably parked there. - Why did you murder the farmer, then? - I have no idea what you're talking about. Your Mercedes was in Sindre Aa's barn. - You drove his tractor into the ditch. - I have never heard the name. - No truck outside the Bamse pub. - I have more important things to do now. Check behind the Kiwi. Sorry. - We have several witnesses ... - There it is, of course, damn! Call Egmon. I see the truck. Surely the son was the thief who borrowed it. What do you do now, Brugd? As I said. We have much evidence. And you flatly deny. Then you tell me details, for I know nothing. Aa's neighbor found you in the ditch next to the tractor. We developed a gel that contained hundreds of transmitters per ml. It sticks to everything, and is impossible to remove. I love you. - We have to leave. - No. He's going to kill us. He has smeared my hair with transmitters! - Calm down! - He has smeared my hair with transmitters! - He will kill me! - Calm down! We must get out! Hey, it's Diana. Hello? Hello? Roger, is that you? After this we go to Forensic. Then we take a look at Kjikerud's house "I am a single girl from Gjovik. You are Norway's sexiest policeman. " "And the smartest. Will you meet me? I'm with the majority. " What the hell happened here? Lotte, wait. - What are you doing here? What has happened? - I need help. Please. - I do not want to drag you into this. - Into what? When they ask, do not lie. Just say that I was here. Just say that I forced myself in. What has happened? Wait here. I'll get something to clean it with. Do you have a pair of scissors? Lotte, who are you contacting? - Give me the phone! - Stop. - "Roger is alive. He is in the apartment." - It's not what you think ... - What is going on? - I do not know! - It's not my fault! - What is going on? - Please ... - What does Greve want with me? - He wants the job in Pathfinder. - You do not kill for a job! It's about billions. They have been working with it since they found out Pathfinder is looking for a new manager. - Who are 'they'?! - Clas. - He still works for HOTE. - What? - What?! - They have huge financial problems. Amtech requires HOTE to provide them with Pathfinder technology. - It was Clas' task. - Are you insane? I was going to teach you to recognize, and then introduce you to him. He had to make a new plan, because you did not want to see me anymore. He had to find a way to meet you. His grandmother had an old copy of a Rubens painting. He concocted a story about her getting it from a German officer. He told Diana the story and she believed him. Then he met you. The only thing I did was to smear the transmitters in your hair. Did you know? Is it you who smeared the shit in my hair! - Is Diana involved? - I do not know. I think so. - You think so?! - It's not me who wants this! I just want away from him. Can't you help me? Can I get a glass of water? Lotte! The suspect died in the accident along with three of the four police officers. The last police officer is still missing. Army divers are now searching along the river. Now, to Middle East ... Diana. Roger? What has happened? Do not look at me that way. I know why you left. There is nothing more between Clas and me. I tried to put it in the garage, but could not. - But what do you know ...? - No, I have to say this now. It was not meant to happen. But you hurt me. He was so easy to talk to, and I just ... Couldn't keep up anymore. It was wrong. And I am ashamed of myself. For it is you I want. If you really believe that we do not have children, then we don't need to. I am willing to to do anything. You love me, you ... Never stop believing in it. Promise me that. - And you knew nothing. - About what? You knew nothing. Oh, my God. What has happened? Come. Dog bites are dangerous. You must let a doctor look at it. It is a little bad right now. Hold this. - What are you going to do now? - I don't know. They will soon find out who died in the accident. I have to remove the evidence. And then? I must get away from here. Start over again. Maybe the two of us could ... I can wait a little and report it stolen. I have to clean them too. Do you love her? No. How could you be so fucking stupid? Steal art? And buy things I don't need? Who do you think I am? You have asked me what I fear. And I have been afraid since the first time I met you. I have been afraid that you would leave me. Afraid that we would have a child that you would have loved more than me. And I have been afraid that you would see who I really was. And hate it. - Sorry about this, Greve. - It's all right. Roger Brown is on an unexpected trip abroad. - It sounds interesting. - He had to rescue an important contract. But you are in safe hands now. Only formalities remain. So it will probably move quickly. Hello. We would switch a fan on B4. We have gone back and forth across all day. But this card doesn't work. Thank you. Hey, guys. Sorry, but we are a little behind here. Just got a woman who has been lying dead in the heat for 14 days. - What do you think about this, then? - Typical injuries from a car accident to both. - Internal bleeding is the cause of death. - Where are the peanuts? It says that there would be a bag of peanuts. Where is it? I have not eaten them. - Has someone unauthorized been here? - To steal a bag of peanuts? Who is it? What the hell is going on here, Roger? Removing evidence? Do you think you can get away with this? What the hell? So you did it with the hair? That's where the transmitters were. That it was Lotte, who ... - That's why you killed her? - Does it feel like a loss? I give you a choice. Tells you what is going on, and you will get a shot in the head. - Otherwise, you get a bullet in the stomach. - Have you no feelings about it? I want to know what people like you really are. Like me? People who can not love. Who are without empathy. - Empathy? - Yes. If you want an answer to it, look in the mirror. - I am not like you. - Aren't you? No. - I have loved someone. - You have loved someone? Diana? Her you loved? I'm afraid I have sad news. She says she longs for me. She wants me. And I'm only human. Have you loved someone? Someone other than your dead dog? I don't have time for this. I have an appointment with Diana tonight. You got your hair. You know I will come after you. Why? It takes a long time to die of a stomach shot. You will beg me to kill you. So I ask you one last time: Why am I here? Why are you smiling? Why am I here? Stop that! Do you know why I smiled, Clas? Because you just proved that Diana loves me. She did not come to you because she wanted you. She came to replace bullets in your gun. She has replaced the bullets in your gun. With loose shots. Or what do you call them in Denmark? Blanks? - What the hell are you talking about? - She hates you. She wants you to die. But I'll give you one chance. I have no idea how many bullets Diana managed to replace. It is not like you, Clas ... Is it over? Yes. I may not know myself, but others. I will gamble on that. Welcome to this press conference under the auspices of the Oslo police and NCIS. I had prepared myself well. Service pistol from the crash which the Police find in Kjikerud's bedside table. The same gun killed Lotte Madsen, which the press called Greve's mistress. How "art thieves" Ove Kjikerud and Clas Greve killed each other ... The whole world has seen on the internet. They would also learn the gun Greve fired, - - Is consistent with the bullet that perforated Ove's head. He should have never taken the gun. We can present a breakthrough in the case. I had done everything right. But one thing I could not change. Ove was already dead when I shot Greve. But Brede Sperre is Norway's most famous detective. Unresolved issues are not his style. Especially not after VG called him: "The man who makes Norway sleep soundly at night. " Because he's good? Absolutely. But mostly because he understood what leads to upward and forward. And what is it? It has been a long and complicated investigation. The answer begins with "r". Reputation. Get one on TV, and receive text messages from strange women. We think they celebrated the theft, and it went completely out of control. Eventually they torture a dog, and kill the farmer. That is correct. Have a nice day. Both of you. - We are ready. - Tell the candidate about a minute. Ferdinand ... Thank you. Hello. We're sorry. Please be seated. I have asked you to come here because we are in the final phase of- - A long and dramatic hunting for Pathfinder's new boss. Most recently it was unrealistic to have him relieved of his position. Without promising too much, I think I've got him on the plain. Please welcome ... Jeremiah Lander. Thank you for last time. My name is Roger Brown. I am 1.68. And you know what? That is more than enough.