Holly's Holiday (2011) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[instrumental music]
[indistinct chatter]
[music continues]
[music continues]
There's only a few more weeks
till Christmas
and there's still no snow.
-[cell phone buzzing]
Oh, uh, Deena, that's Meg.
Hold on just a second.
Hey, Meg. I'm on my way in
right now.
Thank you for uploading
the Harrison account.
Any messages?
Well, tell Livingston
that he's gonna
have to ask Milo.
I didn't take those pictures.
A Happy New Year
Here we come a-caroling
Among the leaves so green
Here we come a-wandering
So fair to be seen
Love and joy come to you...
Uh, excuse me. Sorry.
And God bless you
and send you
A Happy New Year
And God send you...
-[cell phone ringing]
-Morning, Michelle.
[Michelle] Good morning,
Ms. Maddux.
[telephone ringing]
Oh! Ah...
Oh, sorry, Ms. Maddux.
What is this, a contest?
-Right. [chuckles]
Don't worry. I'm not decorating
mine till after hours.
Here are all the files
you asked for.
Your conference call's
set for 3:00 p.m.
-The Harrison account called.
They love it.
And I rescheduled
your 9:00 a.m.
for 4:00 p.m.,
because I know how much
you hate
Monday morning meetings.
Oh, Meg. You know me
inside and out. Thank you.
I also happen to know
you were here
till 3:00 in the morning
on a Sunday.
Sacco's pizza delivery.
2:24 a.m.
Final touches
on the Harrison account.
How many times
is that this month?
Just be glad I didn't
make you come in.
-What's up, Dee?
-Uh, let's see.
I need your expense report.
Livingston's on a war path,
and you have a massive
run down your tights.
-Typical Monday.
Oh, no!
Can't go home to change now.
Mmm, bam.
-Thank you.
-I know.
I am such a lifesaver.
Let's see,
there was freshman week
with Welcome William
who wouldn't leave you alone.
Senior spring break trip.
No bikini.
Even your first day here.
We do not need to relive
the headset incident, thank you.
Wait till you hear what Marcos
has planned for us tonight.
[inhales] A sunset walk
on the highline,
dinner at Chiano's,
and then, I get to pick
my first Christmas gift
from a Bergdorf window!
That sounds romantic.
So, what about you?
Any bites from that cupid
express account I set up?
Few potentials.
No Mr. Perfect.
Ooh, well,
there's plenty of time
before the holidays.
Maybe I should change my filter
so I'm open to more matches.
-[cell phone buzzing]
-I mean...
I guess I could uncheck
full head of hair,
expand my search
to the boroughs.
Oh, no.
No bridge and tunnel.
Oh, great.
Well, it looks like Marcos
has an even better plan
for us tonight.
-No Chiano?
-No Chiano.
But Marcos and his friends
are throwing
a party at Oeuvre.
-What's Oeuvre?
-A new club.
All the hot models are there,
and you need to be there.
Oh, Dee, you know
I'm no good on a school night.
Oh, come on, everyone knows
that no one works the last
two weeks before Christmas.
Hi, Milo.
We're in the middle
of a conversation.
Yeah. No,
I'm sorry to interrupt.
You're clearly very busy.
Um, Livingston wants us
in the conference room stat.
There's a last-minute job.
I thought you said
no one works.
I did, didn't I?
FYI, he's, uh, he's really
amped up this morning.
-Oh, whatever.
If it's an ad for fruit cake,
you stick two hot people
in a New Year's party scene.
Gum? Two hot people
in a New Year's party scene.
-If it's pantyhose--
-[Holly and Milo] We get it.
No, seriously, pantyhose.
Oh, shoot.
-That would be your cue.
-Oh, yeah, no...
Okay, so, I'll see you in there.
-All right, great.
[Holly] Are these SPANX?
You know I always
have your back.
[telephone ringing]
Chelsea Diamonds
has just canned
Duxton Wells Agency,
and they've chosen us
to redo their campaign,
Chelsea Diamonds, perfection.
And they want it plastered
all over Manhattan
by, uh, Christmas Eve.
-But... What?
-Uh, that's pretty fast.
All they really need
from us right now
is one iconic image.
A teaser, really,
for a much larger campaign
that will continue
and platform throughout
the rest of the year.
And we may not be
the only agency
competing for this campaign.
I thought you two would be
perfect to head this up,
you know, since you don't
have any obligations,
family, uh, spouses.
-I mean, I have a dog.
Oh, and because, of course,
you're my best, my very best.
-Of course.
-Of course.
Okay, um, why don't we do
a photo series
showing love in all
the traditional--
Some unexpected places.
All right.
For example, we can do
a proposal, an anniversary,
first kiss.
You know, all the things
that you expect out of love.
We'll create that iconic image.
I want lots of choices.
Just keep the ideas coming.
Now, Milo, you think
you can shoot love?
Uh, could Ansel Adams
shoot trees?
Yes. Well, as long as we
give them what they want,
or we convince them
that what they want
is what we give them, we'll have
a client for years to come.
I trust you two.
And you've never let me down...
[Deena] Is she back yet?
No, but she just called,
and, um...
Hi, Meg. Hi, Tina.
Um, it's Deena.
Right, sorry. Okay.
So, that's your type.
I could see it.
-You think?
-Oh, yeah. [scoffs]
That is definitely your type.
Easy, tiger.
Let him come to you.
And it wouldn't hurt
if you wore something
a little less...
-I was gonna say awful.
Call my guy Frederico,
he'll hook you up.
I'll text you his number.
See? I don't bite.
[instrumental music]
Looks like we'll be
the only two lonely souls
working till Christmas.
-I'm not... lonely.
-Mm. Oh.
Yeah. Oh, no, I didn't mean,
like, "Lonely" lonely.
I have a lot of Christmas stuff
I've been invited to.
Yeah, I'm...
No, I'm sure you do.
I just, I don't know.
I thought that--
Congratulations on your
Chelsea Diamonds account.
Like you need another excuse
to not have a life.
But we'll make up for it
by going out to lunch.
Right now.
Uh, I'll be back in an hour.
Uh, okay. Uh...
There's, there's cold Chinese.
Thanks, Meg.
[instrumental music]
Maybe you're being too picky.
Easy for you to say.
You have Marcos.
He's gorgeous.
Yeah, he is, isn't he?
And, okay, maybe I am
a little lonely.
But what unattached person
isn't this time of year?
"Happy Holidays"
is in your face
everywhere you look.
But I'm fine, I swear.
Hey, watch where you're going!
-What's your problem?
Oh, yeah, I see you're fine.
I should be grateful.
I know.
I have the perfect friend.
This is true.
I have the perfect job,
even if it doesn't
actually give me
enough time to have
a personal life.
I have the perfect apartment.
It's cute, right?
It is, even though
it's one avenue
west of relevant.
You know that.
I guess I shouldn't complain.
I mean, I kind of have
the perfect life.
The one thing
I don't have is...
[Holly] Guys like that
don't really exist.
Sure they do, come to Oeuvre
with me tonight
and you'll see a whole room
full of walking,
talking mannequins.
[chuckles] Great.
If you're looking to meet him,
tonight's your chance.
Plus, there's no
such thing as perfect
when it comes to men.
I bet those two
had a fight before they
even got into that glass case.
Oh, I love her hat.
Hm. We better get back. Hm.
[instrumental music]
[Holly] Yeah, I like that.
An interior shoot.
We can get a, like,
a living room set up.
Oh, we'll get a fireplace
for the studio.
And, ah! We can get Hans
to be our model.
-He's so--
Uh, I think
you mean blond,
and stunning.
Just hear me out
for a second, okay?
Just listen, okay?
What if we did something
completely different?
Milo, we don't have time to do
anything different than this.
I know, I just,
I want this campaign
to be interesting, like, uh,
like the Clayton campaign.
Yeah, the one
where you threw motor oil
all over the studio
to make it look artsy,
and it forced us
to lose our $2000 deposit?
Yeah, and then Clayton became
the number one steel-toed
boot in New York City.
I saw them in Brooklyn
the other day,
at a coffee shop,
on the Morgan stop.
-I just...
I think it would be
so great if we could
shoot some real people
for once, you know?
Like, take a look at those.
I don't know about the love
that you've seen,
but the love that I know,
[stammering] it's flawed.
True, but that's not
what people want.
People want a perfect life.
They want a perfect wedding,
a perfect first date.
-A perfect Christmas.
-A perfect brainwash!
-A perfect kiss.
-Okay, I'll give you that one.
Because nobody
wants a sloppy kiss.
-Thank you.
-But the rest of it...
It's, it's, it's fantasy,
it's ridiculous.
Exactly. People want fantasy.
That is what makes
people miserable,
it's trying to pursue that.
I disagree!
People torture themselves
thinking that
there's such a thing
as a perfect life when,
I'm sorry,
frankly, there's not.
Exactly! Which is why
we sell them the fantasy.
So that people can live
through these ads.
But they don't live
through the ads.
They... die
a little inside,
because we're
selling them these
unattainable, unrealistic lies.
For the most part, it's...
It's messy.
And it's complicated,
and sloppy.
And I think that
if you look hard enough,
that, that you can find
the sweetness
and, and the beauty,
and the truth...
in almost anything.
Hi! Sorry.
Deena said to be in this dress
and in a cab
no later than 10:00.
Oh, boy.
Uh, thanks, Meg.
Yeah, thanks, Meg.
[instrumental music]
[Milo] Hey!
You going to the, uh, the club?
You mean Oeuvre?
You know, you can come.
Deena put me and a plus one
on the list at the door.
Uh, no.
Thank you.
That's not really my scene.
Okay. [chuckles]
Uh, hey...
you look really great.
You mean, I don't look
messy, complicated, and sloppy?
Uh, no.
You look pretty
perfect, actually.
Thanks. [chuckles]
Have fun.
[upbeat music]
Oh! Holly!
-Hi, Marcos.
-How are you?
Have you seen
the guys in here?
Oh, yeah, it looks
like a cattle call
for a Versace shoot.
Hey, Holly, Holly.
I have the perfect man for you.
-Nico! Hey, Nico!
-Hey, Marcos! How're you...
I guess they got back together.
Hey, Javier!
Meet Javier.
Hello. [chuckles]
-Where have you been?
-I didn't mean it.
-Thanks for trying.
I'll be at the bar.
That's the best you can do?
-How you doing?
Can I have
an Oeuvre-tini, please?
-Extra Oeuvre.
You got it.
[music continues]
Holly, I'm sorry about Marcos.
But this place is crawling
with guys. I'll keep my eye out.
I think you need to keep
an eye out on Marcos.
What's up with that?
If you want to leave,
we can totally leave.
Look, I know you
haven't met anyone,
but it's just because
it's the holidays.
So everyone's back
with their exes, you know.
Last week would have been
a totally different story.
I didn't mean leave for me.
I meant leave for you.
Marcos is all over that girl.
Holly, Marcos is gorgeous.
Of course girls
are gonna be all over him.
But really, after all
is said and done,
he's a one-woman man,
and that one woman is me.
I let him have his fun.
I'm generous.
Ooh, baby, that's good!
-Dance with me.
[cell phone buzzing]
[music continues]
You're here!
Yeah. I don't know why.
Well, you were right.
This is so not your scene.
Well, I didn't, I didn't know
if I'd have another chance
to be your plus one
at Club Oeuvre again, so...
We need proof that you were
actually here tonight.
We need proof you were
actually here tonight!
-Say, "Oeuvre."
That place was horrible.
Oh, Holly Maddux,
welcome to the dark side.
I am really glad
that you thought so too.
[gasps] I hope none of your
hipster Williamsburg friends
caught you going in there.
Uh, if they did, I'm gonna say
that it was on a dare.
Oh, that's why you came.
You thought
I was daring you. [chuckles]
Hey, I...
I know I'm tough on you at work.
It's just,
I've been there longer.
I know what
the client wants, okay?
I know what sells.
It's my job to know.
So just trust me, okay?
I trust you.
Of course I trust you. I...
And I'm capable of compromise,
which I would like you
to know, so maybe
there's such a thing
as a happy medium.
Um... [chuckles]
-I should go.
[chuckles] Okay, uh, I...
Yeah, no, I should...
Oh, um...
I'll see you at the office.
Okay, yeah.
Uh, okay, boss. [chuckles]
[mellow music]
Morning, Milo. What's up?
I... [clears throat]
have a massive
Oeuvre-tini hangover.
-How about you?
[chuckles] Uh, the real reason
that I'm calling is,
I need you to sign off
on something.
What? Too afraid
to ask me face to face?
No, I just had a genius idea,
and I needed
to call you immediately.
Um, what about using Roger
as our model?
I know he's a little edgy, but--
Roger? Snake tattoo Roger?
No, Milo, absolutely not.
But you're not
thinking this through.
-That was easy.
Yeah, wait till
we're face to face.
I'll see you in a bit.
Oh, ahh!
-[woman] Oh, my gosh. Miss?
-[man] Whoa!
[woman] I hope she's okay. Miss?
She's moving.
[dramatic music]
[car horn honking]
Don't worry. I'm here.
I've got you.
Are you okay?
[sighs] I think so.
Your hands,
they're freezing.
Let me warm 'em up.
Oh, it's nice and warm.
I'm Bo.
Bo. I'm Holly.
May I walk you
to where you're going?
Uh... sure, I guess.
That'd be nice.
[instrumental music]
Hey, uh, what happened
to your hair?
Ah! I just met
the most amazing guy.
Okay, gotta hear this.
I was walking to work,
like I do every single day.
And the streets
were so crowded.
And I ran smack into these
way too cheerful carolers.
And I tripped,
fell on the pavement--
-Are you okay?
Fine. Amazing, actually.
But I must have
blacked out for a second,
because when I came to,
there was Bo.
It was like a fairy tale,
and he rescued me.
I mean, one minute,
I was passed out on the ground,
and the next minute,
I'm staring up
at the most gorgeous blue eyes.
-He helped me to my feet.
I am telling you,
a real life Prince Charming.
Did you get his number?
No. Better.
He asked for mine.
Whoa! Is that dolphin?
Uh, sorry.
Uh, Holly, I, seriously,
I need you
to take a look at this.
I know that you
nixed Roger as a model,
but I came up with
some ideas that I think--
-Just listen.
It's a compromise, okay?
It's a happy medium.
They're, they're pretty,
but they also look real.
No, real is not
the way we're going
at all, Milo.
That's not what
true romance looks like.
Um, it's not?
No. True romance is fantasy.
Fairy tales come true.
I know that for a fact.
All right, but last night,
you said that--
-[cell phone buzzing]
-I think it's probably him.
-Oh, hi, Bo.
Yeah, I'm feeling much better.
Thank you so much for asking.
Um... Saturday? Tomorrow?
Um, let me just
check my calendar.
He wants to go out tomorrow.
Yes, there is
fantasy and romance.
-There's just no dignity.
You know what,
actually, it looks like
I am free tomorrow.
Noon is perfect.
-Okay. See you at Chiano's.
We do sound like dolphins.
[instrumental music]
You must be Holly.
Oh, well, yes.
Oh, didn't I tell you
she's beautiful?
Your table's waiting for you.
Hey, you two are gonna make
great parents.
Congratulations on the baby.
You look even more beautiful
than when we first met.
Well, I was lying
passed out on the sidewalk.
Thank you.
This place looks wonderful.
Well, I'm just glad
that you felt
well enough to come today.
I... I can't believe I did that.
I'm not usually that clumsy.
Oh, it has nothing to do
with being clumsy.
You wouldn't believe
how many people I've seen
slip on the icy sidewalks.
-You're just being sweet.
Whether it's the mob
of shoppers or the ice,
walking the streets can be
dangerous this time of year.
[chuckles] That's funny.
I'm serious.
You know, maybe my parents
have it right.
They don't even come to the city
for the holidays anymore.
They spend it at their
timeshare in the Caribbean.
-Wow, that sounds amazing.
But you're here.
You don't want to go?
Well, my career doesn't really
give me much time
to have a real life.
I spent the last three years
working on this promotion
that I just got, and now
I have to convince my bosses
that they didn't make a mistake,
and it's, all of a sudden,
busy at the office
for some reason.
And, oh, God, sorry.
I'm rambling. [chuckles]
What do you do?
I'm in advertising.
Really? I love advertising.
You're gonna laugh,
but ever since I was a kid
I've done a bunch of ads for...
surf boards.
Back to school.
And slacks.
You're really good at that.
-Thank you.
[waiter] Dom Perignon mimosas.
Just as you requested.
I also took the liberty of
ordering their signature dish.
I hope you like gnocchi.
I love gnocchi.
Thank you.
To fairy tale beginnings.
-[cell phone buzzing]
Oh, um, sorry.
It's work.
But it's Saturday.
I thought I had you
all to myself today.
You do.
I can take care of this
on Monday.
[instrumental music]
Hey, Milo, got your pepperoni
and mushroom pizza here, man.
Piping hot.
Well, it's warm. Kinda.
[chuckles] Thanks, Frankie.
Appreciate it, man.
Don't care what Yelp says.
It's the best lunch, brunch
and dinner in New York.
-Have a good day, man.
-You too.
Come on, Holly.
-You live here?
I walk down this street
I have to admit, [chuckles]
I've seen you walk by.
-Couldn't help but notice.
-[door closes]
Hey, Stan.
You're up and about.
Uh, finally,
thanks for taking Shirley
to her doctor's appointment
the other morning.
This sciatica. I cannot
even get out of a chair.
Oh, it was nothing.
I'm just glad to see
you're feeling better.
Hey, lay off that rumba, Stan.
So, would you like
to see my place?
[instrumental music]
[door opens, door closes]
You'll have to forgive me.
It lacks a woman's touch.
Oh, don't worry.
You should see my apartment.
This place is great!
Yeah, it's not bad.
You know, if you're gay,
you can just tell me.
It's fine. We can be friends.
I'm not gay.
And I'd rather not
just be friends.
Make yourself comfortable.
So, what do you do for a living?
[Bo] Well, I was in retail.
[Bo] Yeah, but you find yourself
a slave to the seasons.
And you can get stuck
in one place.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
[Bo] So, I recently
got out of it.
Now I spend my time
traveling the world,
doing extreme sports and
volunteering for charities.
And you do all of that alone?
But it wasn't always that way.
I just didn't have
my head screwed on straight
when we were dating.
I guess she just wasn't
the right one for me.
So, who, in theory,
would be the right one?
Hm, the right one.
Well, she'd have
to be ambitious,
getting work texts
on the weekend.
She'd have to be fun.
Be up for a spontaneous brunch,
even if she did whack her head
just the day before.
Yeah, that hurt.
But it, it was Chiano.
And she'd have to have
great taste.
Yeah, I have...
Would you look at that?
Our lips fit
perfectly together.
Would you look at that?
[cell phone buzzing]
[Milo] Hey, it's Milo again.
I just texted you
to confirm the shoot,
but I haven't
heard back from you.
Um, we can talk
about it on Monday,
but we do need to set that
so we don't lose the studio.
Um, and... Oh!
I got hold of a couple tickets
to this art gallery opening
in Dumbo tonight.
Um, I assumed that you
wouldn't want to go
because it's over the bridge,
but I thought I'd try.
Uh... anyway,
just, uh, give me a call
if you feel like it.
Okay, I'll talk to you soon.
[indistinct chatter]
-[telephone ringing]
I haven't heard from you
all weekend.
I assume that means good things.
This is him.
[gasps] He's gorgeous.
Oh, look at his teeth.
-Who is that?
-Holly's new boyfriend.
He's not my boyfriend.
He's gorgeous.
Hey, Holly, did you
get my voicemails?
Oh, yeah. You can
confirm the shoot.
Even though your eyes are shut,
you guys look
so good together.
Okay, does he have any friends?
What? What about Marcos?
Yeah, things aren't
so hot with Marcos.
What happened?
I think he cheated on me.
-With Miss Brazil.
What happened to one-woman man?
I guess he's a two-woman man.
-Dee, I'm so sorry.
I just...
I knew it was too good
to be true.
I give up.
I'm not dating anymore.
-Not dating anymore?
That's not
the Deena Demaria I know.
It isn't?
Who gets us in first
to the private
Stella McCartney sale
every year?
And who's the person
who gets us five invitations
to New York Fashion Week
after parties,
one from Mr. Tom Ford himself?
-Me again.
-That's right.
You're smart,
you're beautiful.
You're the best friend
I could have ever asked for,
and you can do
so much better than Marcos.
Please dump him.
Yeah, but not everyone
trips and falls
and wakes up to
Prince Charming.
-Yeah, but--
-I can't.
I can't do another
single's Christmas this year.
Being single at Christmas
is not that bad.
You just say that now
because you have someone.
-And I want someone.
-Someone better!
So, you're gonna dump him,
It's almost Christmas.
And New Year's, it's,
it's right around the corner.
Who's gonna kiss me?
I'll kiss you at New Year's.
But Marcos, he's so hot.
He's a hot, hot, hot model.
And he can get us in anywhere.
But you're miserable with him.
He's only gonna hurt you again.
I'll dump him after New Year's.
Holly, I'm fine.
Deena is always fine.
[telephone ringing]
[Milo] Uh, no, it's totally,
I mean...
[Holly] You're not even
listening to me.
It's not that I didn't want
to go to Brooklyn.
And it was very sweet of you
to invite me, thank you.
I meant to call you back.
I just got caught up with stuff.
[Milo] Yeah, I heard.
[Holly] Heard what?
[chuckles] Uh, nothing.
Just that you got
swept off your feet
or something,
literally, or...
Word travels pretty fast.
But, uh, you know what,
don't worry about it.
You probably wouldn't have liked
the art show that much, anyway.
Actually, I'm not sure
if you know what I like.
[scoffs] I think I know
what you like.
I think you like neat and tidy
and something
with perfect teeth.
Okay, look,
I know you're mad, okay?
I'm sorry I didn't
call you back.
It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Um... here.
Why don't we use these two?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Good. I'll have Meg
book these models.
Uh, okay, cool.
Do you want to get some lunch?
Uh, I actually
already made plans.
Uh, okay.
I'll see you after.
[instrumental music]
Are those any good?
Probably on Friday,
when they were made.
Now they're just stale
and a little dusty, but free.
Where's Holly? I figured
you guys would have lunch plans.
Nope. She is with Bo.
Bo? Is his name really Bo?
Like, Bo, like a French guy,
or Bo, like Bobo the Clown?
Whoa. What is this?
Do I sense a little jealousy?
Of Bo?
No, definitely not.
Um... you know, she...
She just seems
pretty wrapped up in a guy
that she just met, that's all.
And we're in the middle
of a campaign,
and she's not,
she's not texting me back
in a timely fashion.
So, how am I supposed
to get any work done?
Well, I'm happy for her,
and I understand.
As long as she fits in
at least one
lunchtime shopping trip
with me a week...
Oh, yeah,
'cause that's important.
Okay, Mr. Hipster Photographer.
Don't forget you work
at the same company as I do,
so don't get all artsy on me.
Well, maybe, I'm just a little
too complicated for you.
[laughs] Complicated?
Please. I have a boyfriend
who's a model.
-That's complicated.
-Oh, that's classic.
Blame him,
because you know what,
no offense,
but in my experience,
most of the complication
usually comes
from the women's camp.
Oh. Really?
Yeah, women are fickle.
They worry way too much
about appearance.
They think that
fairy tales are real.
She thinks that perfection
is this attainable goal.
She goes to these
stupid nightclubs
looking for these guys that,
frankly, don't exist--
-She. She who?
You said "She," twice
in your little rant.
I did?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, you did.
I heard it.
Well, okay, they.
I meant you.
You. All of you.
Your entire gender.
You just...
A lot of the times,
you're blind to that fact
that something better,
dare I say, perfect.
[stammering] It could be
standing right in front of you.
Well, you can tell Janet,
otherwise known as that succubus
who's ruining my life,
she's not getting
any more money
out of me in the divorce!
-Not like him.
Not, not like him, no.
You know what?
Don't worry.
Holly's first priority
will always be work.
It's not that I think
that she should work more.
I just think that Bo is--
Not complicated enough?
That would be one way to put it.
[instrumental music]
[Deena] I don't know,
maybe Milo was right.
[Holly] Wait, you
won't listen to me,
but you'll take
dating advice from Milo?
[Deena] He's not nearly as big
a moron as I thought.
Plus, he's right.
I mean, there really
might be someone
right there in front of me.
I'm too caught up in
Marcos's drama to even notice.
[Holly] Losing the drama
wouldn't be a bad idea.
[Deena] Well, you have
another amazing night with Bo.
Maybe I'll go see if Milo wants
to get a pedicure with me.
Very funny.
Are you gonna see Marcos?
-Just be careful.
I will.
It's tofu, but you'll
swear that it's duck.
This looks straight
out of Food & Wine Magazine.
No, but they did interview me
about my souffl.
[scoffs] I could barely cook
a frozen dinner properly.
Not that they're that great,
but that and takeout
have kept me alive
my entire adult life.
I know did the toast last time,
but there's just so much
I want to say to you.
To fairy tales coming true.
Fairy tales... again.
-[gasps] Oh! Oh! Oh!
-[Bo] Oh! Okay.
-[glass shattering]
-Oh, I'm so sorry!
-Okay, okay, nobody panic.
-No, um...
-Do you have some baking soda?
-Don't touch it, don't.
I get stains out all the time,
this will be okay.
That's an Yves Delorme linen.
This... This is fine.
Oh, Saint-Louis crystal.
I'm so sorry
about your tablecloth.
But I had a great time tonight.
That to-ducky was delicious.
Thanks. I've got a great
set of tofu moulds.
Are you sure you have to go back
to the office tonight?
I'm on a deadline.
We have to get this stuff done
by Christmas Eve.
We'll be lucky
if we even get the shoot
pulled together in time.
I know. I just love
spending time with you.
Remember, you did say
you loved ambitious girls.
One more thing.
I want to see you
tomorrow night.
I have a surprise for you.
No more late night
at the office?
It's just really tough
right now.
I'm behind at work,
and I'm never behind at work.
And are you sure you wanna
see me again so soon?
Holly, when you know,
you know, and I know.
[police siren blaring]
Hey, how about I just bring
dinner by your place?
[instrumental music]
[upbeat music]
No more drama.
No more drama. [sighs]
Hey, baby. [stammering]
I'm glad you're here.
Are you angry?
Are you insane?
Of course I am.
I walk in, and you're joining
the mile-high club
with Lufthansa over there.
But you weren't here yet.
And you weren't
in the taxi with me,
but I didn't make out
with the cab driver.
You know, baby, I thought
we had an understanding.
Marcos doesn't date
just one woman, hmm?
Then Deena is done with Marcos.
"Done with Marcos.
Done with Marcos"?
"Done with Marcos"?
-Hi. [chuckles]
It's okay.
There'll be somebody
in front of me.
All I have to do
is open my eyes and look.
[crying] No.
Well, I'm glad you broke up
with him, Deena.
And there will be someone
right in front of you
when you least expect it.
Milo was right.
Ah! Oh...
What was I right about?
Ah! Geez, Milo.
You scared me.
Oh, nothing, nothing.
Are you gonna be okay?
Okay, bye.
-What are you doing in here?
You weren't supposed to see this
till the morning.
Um, here.
Read it.
"When work and play click."
[mellow music]
How'd you get all my old
ad campaigns in here?
I found this site online
that will turn
all your old photos
into View-Master disks.
So, I thought
it might be fun for you
to see the last
couple of years in 3D.
And I took a bunch
of those photos,
so it's... an early
Christmas gift.
That's really sweet.
Wait, is this a bribe?
Because I already met you
halfway on the models.
No, it's not. It, just,
no one set up a Secret Santa.
So, you're my Secret Santa?
I guess so.
[chuckles] What are you
doing here so late?
Well, someone has to get this
stupid campaign off the ground
before Christmas Eve.
-Well, yeah.
-[cell phone buzzing]
-Ah, Sacco's delivery.
-I gotta go.
-And mushroom.
[Milo] I'll save you a slice.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
Yup, the studio's booked
and the shoot
is all set for tomorrow.
Nothing to worry about,
Livingston, you are going
to love what we came up with.
Yup, and so will
Chelsea Diamonds, trust me.
[chuckles] Okay, bye.
[knock on door]
Welcome to my... place.
Hi, I'm Carol. Bo's mom.
This is Mike, his dad.
Hi, you like veal piccata?
Oh, who doesn't like
veal piccata, dad?
Well, that's great,
'cause I'm making it for you.
Oh, well... okay.
Isn't she great? [laughs]
Bo, you didn't tell me
your parents were coming.
That's the surprise
I was talkin' about.
Hey, dad? Can you come
in here for a minute?
Oh, sure, son.
[Bo] Hey.
Grab the other end
of that couch.
Oh, yeah. Okay, sure.
If I'd known you were coming,
I would have... renovated.
Okay, that is so much better.
I'll say.
Hey, mom. When's dinner
gonna be ready?
About an hour.
[Bo] How can you find anything
without it being alphabetized?
I don't know.
-Isn't this fun?
-Yes, fun.
[instrumental music]
You are so right, Bo.
Just look at her.
Right, Mike?
She sure is pretty, Carol,
pretty as a picture
in a magazine.
-Oh, a toast.
To fairy tale endings.
And grandkids.
So, you're in advertising.
Boy, that's an industry
for the young.
I guess so.
You know, Mike and I were very
much in demand, back in the day.
-In demand?
-Oh, yes.
They thought we had
the perfect look.
They were always pairing us
with every season, every sale.
-That's how we met.
-We worked a lot back then.
-Doing what, exactly?
-Show her.
-[Bo] Show her, go ahead.
-[Bo] Show her. Come on.
-No, really.
-Oh, come on. What the heck.
-Come on.
-You don't have to...
-All right.
Let's try, um...
Presidents' Day sale.
Oh, Presidents' Day.
Okay, yeah.
Huh? [laughs]
-Okay, let's switch it up.
-That felt good.
What do you say, labor day?
-Huh? Okay.
-Good, good. Here we go.
Is this like a family thing?
-Ah. Shake it off, baby.
-Oh, yeah. Last one.
-All right, let's... What?
-Close out. Everything must go.
-Ooh, close out.
-Yeah! Come on!
-That's a tough one.
-You can do it.
-All right, I'm game.
-Oh, my God, honey!
-That was great!
-You still got it, baby.
Oh, it's just like the old days.
-Oh, you were terrific.
-You handsome devil, you.
Oh, my goodness.
Thanks, sweetheart.
Anyone want more veal?
[water running]
[Bo] Holly, honey,
you coming out?
Mom's servin' up
cherries jubilee for dessert.
I'll be right there.
Holly and I hope
to have a home one day
that we could fill
with three kids,
a golden retriever.
Maybe a carriage house
in the back,
where you two can stay
as long as you like.
Maybe even move in.
What's wrong?
What you were saying
to your parents
while I was in the bathroom,
about us and our future...
I know, I just...
I like to tell them good news.
It makes them happy.
They don't seem to need
any help being happy,
from what I can tell.
Mom brought The Sound of Music.
Family tradition.
Just pop it right in.
We'll be out before
you can say "Edelweiss."
Don't you think this is
all going a little bit fast?
I know, I know
it has happened fast.
Isn't it wonderful?
But three kids, Bo,
and a golden retriever?
You'll tell them things
even if they're not true?
It's just...
It's what I dream of with you.
I know it might be
wishful thinking,
but isn't it
what you dream of too?
The perfect life
with the perfect someone?
Yes... but--
[Mike] Holly,
the sound's not working.
[Carol] Sister Margaret
is singing,
but we can't hear her.
I'll be right there.
Plus, isn't this one dream
that could become a reality?
Dinner was just wonderful,
and it was so nice to
meet you both, so soon.
Thank you. Sweet girl.
You're too kind.
She is gonna fit in
just fine with this family.
I think so too, dad.
[Carol giggles]
-See you tomorrow.
Hey. Here's the whole shot list.
I emailed you a copy as well.
We just need to make sure we get
all the fireplace shots
before we move on.
You got it, boss.
Uh, here.
It's pumpernickel.
That's my favorite!
Hey, is that the Midwest?
Uh, yeah.
That's Indiana, actually.
Reminds me of Ohio,
where I grew up.
I went on this
month-long road trip
and I found this little town
that just reminded me
of all the little towns
I felt like
I always wanted to grow up in,
when I was a kid.
Mm. Ohio wasn't
all that exciting.
Uh, a backyard is very exciting
to a seven-year-old
that grows up in a Brooklyn
apartment building.
I bet you were the terror
of the building elevators.
-How would you know?
How were you able
to get a whole month off?
It was right before
I started here.
I, um, I needed a break
after I left my job at the AP.
You were an AP photographer?
I didn't know that.
Yeah. I loved it.
I... Like, I got to take
pictures of people
and just try and tell their
stories, you know?
But... it was just a 24-7 job.
And I never got
to have a life, and...
Not that Livingston's
giving you one now.
I saw you here late
the other night.
Yeah, well, that's 'cause you
were here working late too.
[Meg] You guys better get going.
The van's ready.
Thanks, Meg.
Um, I'll see you down there.
-Thank you.
-Uh, yeah.
You're good for her, you know?
Can I have a bagel?
Uh, yeah.
No problem.
It's gonna be tight,
we got a lot of set-ups
and not a lot of time.
But I know you can do it.
Yeah. I thrive in chaos.
Where is everybody?
Uh, I don't know.
I confirmed. I swear I did.
Hey... Hello?
Where is everybody?
We confirmed.
Uh, your guy cancelled.
He called this morning.
He said he found a better place
to do the shoot.
He was gonna hire his own
photographer. Blah-blah-blah.
I said, "I have your deposit,
so you do what you want."
He said, "Perfect," and hung up.
There must be some mistake.
Who called to cancel?
-Did they give you a name?
-Uh, Bo.
He did not leave a last name.
What? Bo?
Yeah, Bo or Joe.
No, it was Bo.
You didn't think it was odd
that someone you'd never spoken
to before was calling to cancel?
You didn't think to confirm?
Well, that's what deposits
are for, you know?
[Holly] Come on, Milo.
Okay, go back to the office
and see if you can
rebook the shoot somewhere,
anywhere, for tomorrow.
Our jobs are on the line
on this one.
I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this.
-[door closes]
-Okay, relax, just--
Relax? How could you
do this to me?
Are you crazy?
I'm on a deadline!
I can't reschedule this.
We lost our deposit.
We're gonna lose this account.
I am going to lose my job.
Are you trying
to ruin my career?
No. No, I'm trying
to help your career.
Now, listen, just listen to me.
I got Dex Dearborn
to do the shoot.
We already have a photographer
to do the shoot.
Yeah, wai...
Uh, wait.
You got Dex Dearborn?
Five time IPA award winner,
Dex Dearborn?
Yeah, it turns out my apartment
used to be his old studio.
Oh, he did his best work here.
Something about "The artistic
juices flow better here"?
I don't know.
But he insisted that we do
the shoot here.
That's why I did it.
But his rate is outrageous.
There's no way we're gonna
be able to afford that.
Well, he owes me a favor.
Trust me, it's gonna be amazing.
I, ah...
I'm sure it would be amazing,
but this is my shoot, my job,
and actually,
I'm really good at my job,
and you've just put me
and my company
in a really awkward position.
Is any of this sinking in?
I'm just trying to help.
Well, it's too late
to book another studio.
And it is Dex Dearborn,
[instrumental music]
[sirens blaring]
[car horn honking]
[camera shutter clicking]
All right, here we go.
Let's show off those
pretty baby diamonds.
Those Chelsea Diamonds.
That's it.
It's Christmas in America.
Yeah, yeah, that's it.
That's it. Show it to me.
Yes, that's right. That's
gorgeous. Look at you two...
What can I do? How can I help?
This is awful.
Please don't fire me.
I swear when I left work
last night, everything was fine.
-Please, I'll make sure--
Meg, look.
I am not gonna fire you.
It's actually going okay.
[Dex] This is wonderful.
Beautiful. Give me some juice.
Put it all right here.
Energy here, up here.
-Didn't I tell you? Huh?
-You're burning for each other.
-Oh, yes...
-This just might work.
[Dex] Use the tree.
It's all happening.
It's gorgeous. Beautiful.
Great. Now take her hand.
Like this?
Like a man.
Like a man would take a hand.
Okay, great. And you...
[sighs] Hi. Hello?
-Who, me?
-Yeah, you.
So, your hand over here
needs to look
a little more natural.
Like a natural hand.
Like a human being.
[stammering] Has a human ever
held her hand ever like that?
Never mind.
Let's just, let's start over.
Doesn't look like a hand...
Okay, I'll cut that out later.
Okay, you know what?
You know what?
Never mind. Let's not do this.
Um, hey.
All right, let's do
the big proposal shot.
How about that?
Okay, okay. Wonderful.
Great, so good. Okay.
So, you... Uh, blondie.
You're gonna stand over
by the Christmas tree.
And you, Einstein...
Oh, you're already down
on one knee. That's great.
This is the greatest moment
of your lives, all right?
You've never been
happier than this. Okay?
So show me love.
Um, it would help
if you could turn to her.
Great. Thank you.
Now, I want you to...
This is the happiest day
of your lives, all right?
I want you to look at each other
like you're so happy.
All right? You've never been
happier, all right?
I want you to look at her
like your love will stand
the test of time.
Okay, you're about
to pop the question, right?
But you're hopeful, but sure.
You're strong, but vulnerable.
You know what? I can't do this.
I can't do this.
I can't do this. Holly?
[Holly] Uh, yes?
I'm sorry, babe, I can't,
I can't work with this.
This isn't happening.
You know what?
You know what? Bo?
Bo, hi.
Bo, can you...
Can you show this idiot
how it's done?
-This is great.
Yeah, this is great.
This is great.
[Dex] Yeah, it's better already.
Oh, no, I...
Oh, I'm sorry. Bo...
What? No.
-I... Oh.
-[Dex] Oh.
This is wonderful, actually.
This is great.
Wendell, ring.
Can I have the ring?
Get the ring, now.
This is so great.
Now, look into
each other's eyes.
Oh, this is magical.
-[door slamming]
-Wow. Okay, okay.
-[footsteps approaching]
-What is happening now?
Eh, excuse me?
The call time was 4:00 p.m.
-This didn't take very long.
-What is she, a size eight?
-Who are you?
You said we were gonna spend
the holidays together!
You said,
"Every holiday from now on"!
New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day,
Cinco De Mayo!
-[Brandi grunts]
-Hey, that's my tree!
Absolutely not!
All right, we're out of here.
We're out of here.
Stay, stay! No, no, no.
We're not finished yet!
We're not finished yet!
This is not what it looks like.
Will you just stop?
-Leave my tree alone.
-I gave you everything!
I stood by you
and you just disappeared!
Well, I'm not gonna be ignored.
-[Brandi grunts]
-Oh, my God!
-[Holly] Meg!
[Meg] Ow...
Give me five minutes.
What was that?
Who was that?
My ex.
She's crazy about me.
What can I say?
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I think so.
So you're just gonna let her
do that and then leave?
You didn't really
want her to stay?
Does that mean this is a wrap?
Yes, that's a wrap.
Let's go.
Are you sure you're okay?
Holly, wait.
Holly, I can fix this.
[door opens, door closes]
Good morning, Holl...
Was it something I said?
No, I heard the shoot
didn't go so well yesterday.
Something about her boyfriend Bo
messing it up.
-Sounds crazy.
Oh, boy.
-Livingston, hi.
Well, how's it going?
I'm fine, thanks.
No, not you.
The Chelsea campaign.
How did the shoot go?
When can I see it?
Everything is right on schedule.
Well, good.
I'm glad to hear it.
But, look, there's a lot
riding on this campaign
for you and the company.
I know.
She knows.
I'm going mad.
Got some really good shots here.
-Some convincing stuff.
-That is not what it looks like.
Can you turn that off please?
I'm so sorry
for that stunt that Bo pulled.
If it makes you feel any better,
it was a total
and complete disaster.
We don't have one usable shot. I
don't know what we're gonna do.
What we're gonna do?
We were supposed to work
on this campaign together.
I was supposed to do that shoot.
I put days of prep into it.
I know. It was crazy.
I didn't have a choice.
Yes, you did.
You could have told him no,
but you didn't.
We could have rescheduled
the shoot for today,
but you didn't, it's like
Bo's got this spell on you.
I tried.
I don't get you.
It's like this constant pursuit
of perfection with you.
You'll do anything for it.
That's not true.
You know, it's funny, I, um...
I found some
of your early drafts,
some of the stuff
that you just threw out,
and, you know what?
It's really good.
The real you is so much more
interesting than you think.
You're just so wrapped up
in what
everybody else thinks,
you don't notice.
Official drink tickets
have arrived!
In case you wanna
get your drink on
at the company Christmas party.
Hey, uh, sorry.
Um, am I interrupting something?
I think I hear my phone.
Are you gonna go to the party?
Probably not.
I have to stay here
and fix the campaign.
No. Don't skip it.
I already uploaded most
of the pictures that Dex took.
So, um, I'll see
what I can salvage.
Think you can make
something work?
I always do, don't I?
Yeah, you do.
Kind of amazing, actually.
[cell phone buzzing]
Uh, that's Bo.
-I have to take this.
-Of course you do.
[cell phone buzzing]
Just break up with him.
Just break up with him.
Bo, we have to talk.
I couldn't do it!
I chickened out.
I couldn't break up with him.
It was like the words
wouldn't come out of my mouth.
Maybe he does have
a spell over me.
Well, the heart wants what
the heart wants, doesn't it?
I wonder if Milo's bringing
a date to the party.
Milo? Why are you
asking about Milo?
-Who's that?
Milo. He sent over
mockups from the shoot.
Check that out!
Oh, that Milo
is a miracle worker.
-[knock on door]
It's Bo. He's early.
Let me get that.
I'll give him
a piece of my mind.
You watch and learn.
Oh, you must be Bo.
I should have brought
two of these.
Aren't you the sweetest
little thing?
Hi, Bo. We're almost ready.
We just have to get our coats.
Oh! I keep forgetting you
moved the friggin' couch.
You'll get used to it.
Here, let me.
Oh, thank you.
Beautiful coat. Burberry?
Yes, indeed.
I remember two years ago
when everyone was wearing these.
Two years ago?
Holly has told me
so much about you,
and that fool
of an ex-boyfriend.
I'm so glad you got rid of him.
Oh, thank you.
Everyone knows models
should only date
other models.
You'll find someone
more your match.
-What is he saying?
Did he just...
If they're doing karaoke,
Feliz Navidad is my song.
My accent is excelente.
Let's just try and have
a fun night, shall we?
You know,
how about some champagne?
That sounds great.
Great sounds! You really got
this party rockin'.
You, uh, using
Serato DJ software or Traktor?
Cool, cool. Yeah, um...
I know everyone
likes Serato's better,
but I learned on Traktor.
Me too.
-I like your dress and--
Keep your big mouth shut,
and if you look
at another woman,
I'll scratch your eyes out.
-Brandi baby, I--
-Don't "Brandi baby" me.
And knock off that fake accent.
It's not fake.
[scoffs] Hah, right.
Stay by my side and look pretty.
I've got a plan.
Three glasses of champagne,
-Excuse me.
-I'm sorry.
Oh, hey, you're, uh, you're
Holly's boyfriend, right?
Yeah, Bo.
Milo... Milo.
I know that name.
The photographer.
Yeah, that's me.
The photographer.
That's gotta be
a blast, huh, man?
Well, actually,
at the moment, I'm doing
a lot of fixing
another photographer's work,
so if you call that a blast...
Hm, that's too bad.
I know this great photographer.
Dex Dearborn.
You know his work?
I love his stuff.
He just knows what he wants
and goes for it.
I guess that's how the best
get to the top in life, huh?
Look who's talking to Bo.
Maybe I should go save Milo.
Milo... is a big boy.
He can handle himself.
[gasping] Look over there.
That's Marcos.
[Holly] He's with Bo's
crazy ex-girlfriend, Brandi.
No, no, no, no, no...
Just breathe.
-You got this.
All right, well,
I got some thirsty ladies
I gotta bring these
back to, so...
Hey, you know,
when you're taking
pictures of the party later,
can you get a good one
of me and Holly?
-Here we go.
-Oh, thank you.
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
I just met Milo.
Great guy.
He's gonna take
a picture of us later.
Oh, I've got great news.
I've just booked a flight for us
to Vermont for New Year's.
You booked a flight
for New Year's?
Looks like you two
have a lot to talk about.
If you'll excuse me, I'm going
to go murder... mingle.
[chuckling] Mingling.
We're gonna stay
at a bed and breakfast
just outside of Stowe.
They make the most divine
organic chevre from a herd
of Dwarf Nigerian goats,
you are gonna love it.
How do you know that
I'm gonna love it, exactly?
And then, two days
of snowboarding.
I don't like snowboarding.
Honey, the powder is gonna be
packed. It'll be perfect.
And I know the most romantic
fondue restaurant.
-It's in an actual tree house.
[upbeat music]
We should move in together.
[laughs] I think
that's a good idea.
Then we'll hop
on a plane to Kona,
and we'll play 18 holes.
Sounds like a good way
to celebrate a wonderful year.
Well, it has been. And how about
those up-and-comers, eh?
Fantastic, in my day,
the rookies would always
blow at least one campaign.
Oh, trust me, I remember.
Not anymore.
Not on my watch, pal.
Livingston Gunn!
Livingston Gunn.
The man behind the name.
Hi, I'm Brandi. That's Marcos.
Oh, hi, Brandi.
So, uh, what brings you
to our little party?
-The champagne.
-Oh, well...
Give her some champagne.
Oh, thank you.
You really do call
all the shots, don't you?
[music continues]
I was actually in a photoshoot
for you guys yesterday.
-Oh, really?
This might be
the champagne talking,
but it was a total disaster.
-A disaster?
I hate to say this,
but the exec in charge,
she was a mess,
she lost all control.
Well, [stammering] it couldn't
have been one of our execs.
Oh, maybe I have it wrong.
Maybe you're right.
Her name was Holly Maddux.
I'm sorry. Hi, Livingston.
I just happened to overhear you.
What exactly were you doing
at this shoot?
Funny, I don't remember
seeing your unremarkable face
in any of the photos
that were taken.
What exactly were you modeling?
-That's odd.
It was a shoot for diamonds.
Chelsea Diamonds, to be exact.
-Who was the photographer?
-Uh, curly hair.
-I don't remember his name.
-What agency are you with?
Who's your rep?
Um, Barry Weiner.
[imitating buzzer]
Barry Winer left Ford
six months ago.
Look, I don't know who you are,
or what you have against Holly,
but she's one of our top execs,
and everyone knows that.
She doesn't blow shoots!
-Excuse us.
So why don't you just leave,
before I tell everyone
that you're wearing
a fake, knock-off Balenciaga?
It's happening.
We... have a crasher.
No! Unh-huh, no.
No... No!
Bo! Bo! Bo!
We belong together, Bo!
We never talked about going
to Vermont for New Year's,
and yet, you went ahead
and bought the tickets.
And do you know how many times
I have stubbed my toe
on my couch since you moved it?
These Manolos were white
when I bought them.
That's blood.
Hey, mi amore.
I miss you.
Marcos misses Deena.
-Oh, honey...
Deena doesn't miss Marcos.
We have another.
-[Darryl] All right, everyone.
It is time to announce
the holiday decorating
contest winner.
All right.
Look at this beauty.
Okay, a little
drummer roll, please.
[imitating drum roll]
Get it? Little Drummer Boy?
No one? No?
Oh, okay.
And, uh, the winner...
for his fresh approach
to garland
and judicious use
of twinkle lights...
Freddie Ferguson!
Big hand for Freddie, guys.
Up next
is the silent night award,
and it goes
to our chattiest assistant,
Mallory Weisel.
It's so obvious.
He is totally wrong for her.
Right, well, I know that
and you know that,
but does she know that?
She knows.
She may not know she knows,
but she knows.
So then what am I
supposed to do?
Go over there and, uh,
save her from Prince Charming.
But that's not how it works
in the fairy tales, is it?
I mean, you're not supposed to
save the girl
from Prince Charming.
For crying out loud.
This is not a fairy tale.
That's a nightmare, okay?
Walk over there,
take her in your arms.
Kiss her. Wake her up!
-But what if she doesn't--
Instructions were...
walk, take her in your arms,
kiss her, okay?
Go kiss her, Milo.
Come on.
Thanks, Deena.
Ah, men.
Hi. I'm Kyle. Fifth floor.
-Deena, third.
Where are you from?
Uh, fifth floor.
-No, no, Australia.
Listen, um,
can I buy you a drink?
It's an open bar.
I'll get you two then. Three.
So, um, where have you been
this whole party?
Truth be told, I'm not
that great at mingling.
So, I've just been, uh, here,
standing right here.
Right in front of me. [chuckles]
[Darryl] And now, for the most
hours worked overtime,
the busy little elf award
goes to...
My boss! Holly Maddux!
[Darryl] Yeah, Holly!
This is our moment, Holly.
Let's make this count.
[Bo moaning]
Oh, stop, stop!
That was the perfect set-up
to the perfect kiss.
Why would you ruin it?
I don't know if you've noticed,
but I'm not perfect.
I'm far, far from it.
I know you're not perfect,
but we can fix you, together.
But I don't wanna be fixed, Bo.
What I'm finally realizing
is that I want someone
who wants me
for who and what I am.
And someone
who appreciates my life
for the sloppy,
complicated mess that it is.
Bo, you are handsome,
and tall, and charming--
Athletic, sexy.
You're perfect.
I know.
But I don't want perfect.
And I don't want
this perfect life
that you've planned for us.
It's empty, and superficial,
and exhausting.
[stammering] I don't understand.
I know you don't, Bo,
and that's why I'm leaving you.
Sweetie, you better run.
That was a long speech,
and Milo's got
a big head start on you.
[gasps] Look what's out
of season. Hah!
[car horns honking]
[Holly] Milo!
[instrumental music]
You came back.
You're awake.
Where am I?
In the hospital.
You fell on your way to work
a couple days ago
and you whacked your head
on the sidewalk.
Do you remember?
A couple days ago?
you are a total sleep talker,
do you know that?
You kept talking about
a party and drinking brandy,
and did you, did you
have a dog named Bo?
But there was a party,
and Deena was there
and Brandi and Bo,
and you...
-Me, what?
Well, look who's finally awake.
Let's take a look here.
Any dizziness,
uh, blurred vision?
No, everything is
kind of clear to me now.
All right, good.
Well, you've got
a minor concussion
and, uh, some mild swelling.
Gonna have to keep you in
the hospital for one more night.
You are more than welcome
to stay again
tonight, Mr. Maddux.
-Mr. Maddux?
-Yes, dear.
-You stayed with me?
-Of course I did, sweetheart.
-All right.
I'm gonna check in on you later.
Make sure she stays in bed,
all right?
Thanks, doctor.
I told them that we were married
so they would let me stay.
[gasps] The photoshoot!
Did that happen?
-Uh, yes.
-Oh, no!
No, I mean... We had to.
Everything was already booked.
And Livingston
just put Deena in charge.
But don't worry.
It's all very glamorous.
-It's very glitzy.
-No! Ah, no.
That's what I was afraid of.
When is the ad due?
Uh, tomorrow.
Deena's probably uploading
all the photos to the client--
Call her! Call her, please.
Get her to stop. Ah!
-[Holly groans]
Where's my laptop and my
cell phone? My lipstick.
Oh, God,
we have a lot to do
and not a lot of time
to get it done.
Oh, the internet
is so slow here.
The photos should be done
any hour now.
Holly, the photos
look great, really.
-Milo did an excellent job.
-[knock on door]
Hey, Darryl.
Thanks for hooking us up.
No problem, Ms. Maddux.
That's what I do.
-I hook things up.
Hey, Meg, uh, once Darryl
has us up and running,
why don't you head back
to the office with him
and just hold down the fort?
Um, really?
Okay, I guess.
Uh, Ms. Maddux?
What is this,
Grand Central Station?
-Oh, hi. I'm Kyle Benning.
You emailed me and asked me
to bring this rose.
Weren't you Australian?
What? No, I'm from Fresno.
Never mind. That's for Deena.
-Huh, what?
Holly, what are you doing?
Deena, meet Kyle.
Kyle, meet Deena.
Give her the rose, Kyle.
-I don't want a rose.
Holly, what is this, huh?
Did the little knock
on your head
make you lose your mind?
[stammering] Who are you?
-I'm Kyle. Fifth floor.
-Okay. Uh-huh.
-[Holly] Deena?
When you dump that Marcos,
and you will,
I just thought you and Kyle...
Me and Kyle...
Me and Kyle, what?
Oh. Oh...
See, you go head back
with that little rose,
and go on back to work, okay?
Kyle from the fifth floor.
-He's still here.
Why are you still here?
-Right. Yes, okay.
-I said go.
There's nothing for you here.
Go on.
Girl, he's cute.
Where did you find him?
Oh, he's dreamy.
Okay, we're live.
Here we go.
See, these are beautiful, right?
They're gorgeous.
-Whoa, what are you doing?
That's what you said you wanted.
That's exactly what you wanted.
Oh, maybe I don't want
what I wanted anymore.
-She has lost her mind.
-Just trust me.
Well, you know that we don't
have time to book another shoot
before the deadline, right?
Why are you looking at those?
You said you hated those.
-I never hated these.
How many of these do you have?
I mean, 500, give or take.
Let's start diggin'.
[Milo] I'll get my laptop.
Okay. Hey, I am leaving.
It is 2:00 a.m.,
and I'm falling asleep.
Thanks, Deena.
-Bye, Deena.
[keys clacking]
I appreciate what you're
trying to do here, Holly,
but we've looked through
all these pictures twice
and we haven't found it.
I mean, I think
maybe we should
just use something
from the shoot.
Oh, it's in here. I know it.
[Holly] This is everything
on your computer?
[Milo] Yeah, that's everything.
What picture is this?
Oh, it's our hands. It's us.
I took it by mistake
at Oeuvre, remember?
It's beautiful.
It's perfect.
You're amazing.
I know. I'll work on it
in the morning.
I just need a little more sleep.
[keys clacking]
[engine rumbling]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]