Homicide (1991) Movie Script

- F.B.I.! Don't move!
- W-W-Wait!
Go on! Do the doon!
- Move! Move! Move! Move!
He's in the closet!
He's in the closet!
In the closet! Hit him! Hit him!
Open it. Open it.
Open it! Give me the fuckin'-
Give me the fuckin'light!
Give me an update from the medic.
How are my guys?
We'll do it foon by foon.
Now tear this building down.
The whole squad's assembled, sir.
I got'em in here as soon as you called.
Nobody gets in.
Be seated.
The mayor has got every black citizen and every
black citizen's group in this city tearing at him.
He's got a black man
that the F.B.I. is trying to lynch.
We've got people going around, yelling
''Black Panthers! Government Assassination Squad!''
Excuse me, sir. If you're talking about
Robert Randolph, he's a drug dealer.
- We've had him on our books.
- I believe the man is speaking.
I need this Randolph.
I need to bring him in.
Now, the mayor's called off the F.B.I.
They're off. They're out of it.
I need you to go out there,
find this man and bring him in alive.
Have you got anything?
Can you give me something?
- I've got banks, I've got promotions.
- What do you think?
He yanked you off the case once, he'll do it again.
It's a can of worms.
Just lay back and watch it like a play.
I don't know what else I can say.
- Sir.
- Yeah?
Sir, we, uh- My partner.
We had this Randolph, my partner and I.
His brother-in-law, a year or two ago, Willie Sims,
who were very tight in the old days.
I think we can get to Randolph through -
- You know the whereabouts of this Sims?
- Well, yes, sir. He's a creature of habit.
- How long have you known this?
And why didn't you come forward?
- Well, sir, we were yanked off the case.
- The F.B.I. -You know, the F.B.I. -
- You could've passed a tip to them.
Well, sir, they say never kiss an F.B.I. agent
because then you might have to take him to dinner.
I don't get it.
I don't get the fuckin' humor.
- I -
- We got a black man killed. The mayor's besieged.
You don't come forward till Mr. Walker's handing
out promotions, and you come up with a joke.
It's no joke, mister.
If it was a white man, wouldn't be no joke.
- Sir-
- You work for this city?
Are you a member of this police force
or aren't you?
Yes, sir. We were told to stand down.
The lieu passed it down. This case didn't exist.
Do you have something? What do you have?
We got the mayor out there hanging in the breeze.
Yes, sir.
I'm saying, but the F.B.I. -
What have you got?
I'm saying,
I think we can bring the man in.
Well, then you bring him in.
- Who was that?
- Detective Robert Gold.
He's our hostage negotiator. Good cop.
Fine record. Twenty-two citations for valor.
Look, you have to bear with me
because I am not gonna eat this attitude.
- We got the city burnin' -
- Sir, I'm sorry if I said something -
Hey, pally, I don't need you to wax my car.
I need you to go out and do what you're paid to do.
- Mr. Walker, I'm sorry to subject you to this.
Dale, there'll be
a lot of reporters out there.
- Listen to what the man's telling you.
- Mr. Patterson! Mr. Patterson!
- Nobody's asking you to eat attitude here!
- Excuse me, sir. Excuse me.
- What did you say?
- I said, do your job.
- Mister, I'm trying to do my job.
- And you got an answer for everything.
Is that it, smart guy?
Mr. Gold?
Detective Robert Gold?
Hostage negotiator.
Barracks room lawyer. Is that it?
- No. I - Sir.
- Bobby.
- Mr. Rattenson.
- Bobby.
Sir. Sir!
-It seems you're -
- I'm what?
I'm through with you, Mr. Gold.
- Hey!
- ''Hey''?
- How would you like to be suspended?
- How'd you like to be Queen for a Day?
- Little kike.
- What?
- Don't you move.
- What did you say? What did you fuckin' say?
You wanna step out in the alley,
I'll tell you what I said.
Step out into the alley?
You fuckin' faggot, I'll kill your ass right here!
- Sully!
- You talk to my partner that way?
- Tim, leave it.
- Do you know what this man has done in the line?
Stand down!
- I'm sorry, Bob.
- Hey.
Ah, fuck him, huh?
Any self-respect, he'd work for a living!
- Ah, fuck him. Right?
- Yeah.
Good morning.
- You all right, man?
- Yeah.
Fucker had no call
to get on you like that.
Fuckin' case wasn't even a case
till the F.B.I. came on it.
Two-bit, two-bag pusher till the F.B.I.
turned the fuckin' guy into Young John Hitler.
Hey, we could've found him in a heartbeat,
the fuckin' F.B.I. don't come on it.
Hey, give me a couple of serious Irish cops,
cigars in their mouths...
- go out there, go bring their man in...
- That's right. That's right.
and spare me the fuckin' F.B.I.
Hey, F.B.I. don't put you
on their Ten Most Wanted list...
till they know where you are
and how long you're gonna be there.
Who is this guy, Tim?
Willie Sims. This is the brother-in-law
of our Mr. Randolph.
- We had him 1979, 198 -
- We had him all the fuckin' time.
It's a piece of cake.
He lives at the boys' gym down on Federal.
- Boxer.
- Him -Yeah, him and Randolph.
It's a fuckin' walk. You want this Randolph,
we go down to this gym.
He's not there, we get Sims.
- We tail him, we nail him, we turn him over,
we shake him, he gives us Randolph.
- That's night.
- Let's go get 'em.
- Frankie, I'll meet ya at the car.
Gym don't open till 10.:00.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
- Meet down at the Coffee Cup in 15.
- Coffee Cup in 15.
- At the Coffee?
- Right.
- I'm gonna get the stuff.
- Hey, Bob.
Don't let him get you down.
What, are you guys all going out?
- That's right.
- Don't forget your gun.
- Forwhat? To protect myself?
- That's right.
Homicide. Detective Gold.
Hi, Bobby.
The F.B.I. 's been taken off
the Robert Randolph case. Our plan?
Our plan is to serve and protect.
Can I get back to you?
- Now, where's my shells?
- What you doin' in this morning? Sit down.
Well, dear, they put us on the big one.
What, are you going out
to conquer France?
Yeah. What do you got?
Walter B. Wells. Killed his wife and kiddie
this a.m. with this here deer rifle.
Well, that sounds like an interesting case.
What did you do, apprehend him?
Yeah, we got him. Mighty hunter.
- Could we get some ink in here?
- What, did you mistake 'em for a deer?
Hey, all we gotta do is catch 'em.
We don't gotta figure 'em out, thank God.
- Did you think they were a deer?
- Yes, I thought they were a deer.
What'd you kill 'em for, pal?
What'd you shoot 'em for, pal?
- I did it to protect them.
- ''Protect them.''
- Well, they're safe now, wouldn't you say?
- Hey, leave it, Dougie.
Wife, three kids, four shots.
Good shooting, wouldn't you say?
- See ya.
- Nice shooting, old son.
-See ya, Doug.
- I got him! I got him!
- I got him! I got him!
- Give him to me! You son of a bitch!
- Give him to me!
- You son of a bitch!
- Son of a bitch!
- Oh, shit -
- Sorry sack of shit! Stand up!
- Faggot!
- Get him up! Give him to me!
- Get up! Get up!
- I said stand up!
- Get him up!
- That's right!
- Get the fuck up! Yeah!
Stupid son of a -
What the fuck you think you're doin; huh?
- Throw him in there.
- You fuckin' asshole!
It's okay.
We got him. We got him.
Stupid son of a bitch!
- You okay, Bobby?
- Yeah. He got me a good one in the head.
Oh, Christ.
You tore my fuckin' holster.
What the fuck do you wanna do that for?
- You okay, Bob?
- What the fuck do you wanna do that for?
- I wanted your gun.
- Why didn't you just say so?
- What'd you want the gun for?
- I wanted to kill myself.
Bates, Brown, in my office.
- Are you okay, Bobby?
- No, I'm fine, Lieu.
- Somebody get him a drink of water.
- I got it.
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
What'd I ever do to you? Huh?
What the fuck did I ever do to you?
- You stupid son of a bitch.
- I'm sorry.
You tore my holster, and I got work to do.
What the fuck did I ever do to you?
- Nothing.
- And I stood up for you, didn't I?
Yes. Y-You did.
- Thank you for your help.
- Uh-huh.
Perhaps someday I could help you.
Now, how can you help me?
someday I could tell you
the nature of evil.
W-Would you like to know how to -
to solve the problem of evil?
No, man, 'cause if I did,
then I'd be out of a job.
Let's go to work.
What is your 20?
to Beales' Gym, 12th and Loomis.
On the turn off to 10-1 1
with 2-Homicide-16.
Robert Randolph.
Man's got no call
to question my loyalty.
- How's your head?
- He had no fuckin' call to get racial on me.
So he called you one,
you called him one.
- We get to the gym -
- Son of a bitch is gonna go.
- Yeah, I feel it too.
- Piece of cake.
Either a piece of cake or a slice of life.
You notice that?
- Yeah, I've remarked that. Ain't that the truth?
- That is the truth.
We could've brought the son of a bitch in
with a knock on the door.
- Well, let's go bring him in then.
- That's right.
- Garner some of them kudos and all that they got.
- That's right.
- F.B.I., man.
- That's right.
F.B.I. could fuck up a baked potato.
F.B.I. couldn't find Joe Lewis
in a bowl of rice.
- You know what's needed here.
- What, Sully?
- Police work.
- Yeah.
Some of that police work
that people talk about.
- What happened to the job?
- Hmm.
Fuckin' politics, man.
Nothing but politics.
- Motherfucker called me a kike.
- I heard him.
Job's changed.
It ain't the same job.
-Job's the same.
- Yeah?
People dyin', people killing 'em.
How's your head?
- Son of a bitch whopped you a good one.
- Yeah.
We get to the gym -
That son of a bitch whopped you mean.
You're getting a bump on there.
Here, uh, put the - put the meat on it
from my lunch. Put the meat on it.
- You're kidding.
- No, that's -
Draw it. Really.
Hey, what don't you know?
- Isn't it?
- You are one smart Indian.
- Look out.
He's in there.
- Who's in there?
- Didn't you get my call?
- My partner's pinned down in there!
- What is it?
Get down!
Where's my piece?
-Bob, what is it?
- What is it?
- Uh, h-h-had a shooting -
- How many are there in there?
- I-It's a dog.
- What? What's a dog?
- The lady was shot. We came in.
- Okay. How many guys are in there?
Guys? What guys?
It's just my partner and the dog.
- There's just a dog in there.
- Yeah, the dog - fuckin' dog's trying to kill him.
You shoot the dog, man!
- It's my first day. I got a body in there.
- Give me a hand, huh?
- You call your sergeant?
- Bob.
- Yeah, okay. Give me a sandwich.
- We gotta roll.
- Gimme a sandwich.
- Bob!
- Give me the fuckin' sandwich!
- Detective -
- Yeah, okay, you calm down.
I'll back at ya.
- Who's dead?
- Some lady. The owner.
- For sure?
- Hit her with a shotgun.
- Thank you, Detective.
- Shut up. Anyone else? Anyone living?
- No.
- Did you call the ambulance?
- Yeah, they're coming.
- How long have you been here?
- Two minutes.
- Okay.
Officer Ferro,
get out your fuckin' notebook.
You write down
the exact time of your arrival...
you, your partner's star number.
- I was never here.
- I understand.
- Thank you. Y-You were never here.
- What is it in there?
- I can't move, man.
- Who is that?
- It's the cops. Okay?
You can't move? Don't move.
Can you get to your piece?
If I move, man,
the fucking dog is gonna kill me.
Does he have a collar on?
Can you see a collar?
- Yeah.
- Is it a choke collar?
- Bobby, I gotta roll.
- Fuck me.
Get on. Go on.
Get outta here. Take the car.
- Hey, get me the jacket.
- What?
- A choke collar.
- Yeah, I can see it.
It's a choke collar, yeah.
I'm scared, man.
I know you are.
Yeah. I'm scared.
Just hang tight.
It's all gonna be over in a minute.
- Nothin' to it.
- Piece of cake, really.
- Uh-huh.
Nice and easy.
- Everybody's your friend.
- Be careful, man.
Chain him outside.
- What a thing, huh?
- Uh-huh.
Thank you, man. Thank you.
- It's all right.
- I gotta call in.
Don't touch the phone.
You gotta call, call outside.
- Thank you, man. I lost it there.
- Uh-huh.
- What do you got here?
- Behind the counter.
Okay, move it back, fellas.
Move it back. Thank you.
I know why they waste her, man -
'cause she got that fortune in her basement.
That Jew broad. You want me to help you?
I can help you 'cause I know why they did her, man.
Officer, take everybody's name and address.
Don't shoo anyone off.
Fella hanging around could be the guy.
You understand? The killer.
- Yes, sir.
- Nobody goes in or out of the building.
You don't touch nothin' in there,
and you hang tight till your sergeant arrives.
Excuse me, Offiicer. See, I know that she had
the fortune down in that basement.
- Hang tight till my sergeant arrives.
- That's right.
- Even when I was young I knew that.
This is why they killed her.
- Thank you, Detective. Thanks a lot.
- I know what I'm talkin' about
'cause I been in this neighborhood all my life.
- I gotta get out of here.
- That's why they killed her.
- Sorry, ma'am. No one is supposed to get through.
- Please. Who's in charge here?
- It's not my case.
- That's my grandmother in there.
Can you help me? Please let us through.
- It's not my case.
Folks, nobody gets by.
- Central. Detective Gold.
- Central, okay.
- I need a car.
- Say your 10-20.
- 12th and Prescott.
- Hold tight.
- Please, can you help me?
- The sergeant'll be here in a minute.
My grandmother, is she -
What's happened to her?
- Gold, your 10-20. Say again.
- 12th and Prescott.
Your grandmother
owns the variety store?
Is she dead?
The woman inside is dead.
Yes, ma'am.
- Oh, God.
Relay this pickup to Sullivan.
As soon as the car's here, I'm on my way.
- Central, okay.
- Officer, I want to see her.
I'm sorry, sir.
This is not my case.
- No, I can't get stuck here.
- Stay with the car.
What do we got?
Yes, sir, uh, we got a homicide.
- Elderly woman shot. This is the family.
- The family?
- Who are you?
- Detective Gold, Homicide.
- You got here quick.
- Oh, no, sir. I, uh -
Oh. First officer?
What's this family doing in this neighborhood?
I don't get it.
- OfficerJones.
- Captain, I gotta get out of here.
- Take these people in.
- Have them I.D. the body.
- I gotta get out of here.
Let me run the precinct, okay?
You caught the case.
Sir, my partner and I, we got
something heavy coming down right now.
- Over at the boxing gym.
- Yes, sir.
I just heard on the radio.
It happened.
You caught the case, you got the case.
Do your job.
Sir, my name is Captain Briggs.
This detective will be taking you aside.
- Officer!
- Sir.
Go to the store next door. They got an office.
Tell 'em we're taking it as a command post.
- Everybody's names. Everybody goes downtown.
- Yes, sir.
- What do we got?
- We got a homicide.
And there's a very pretty .45 Colt in there I don't
wanna see disappearing in some cop's locker.
- So tag it first, okay? Wait a minute.
- Gotcha.
All right, sir, would you like to
come in for a moment?
And please, while you're in the store,
touch nothing.
There's nothing to see here, folks.
Why don't you go home?
It never stops.
It never stops, does it?
''It never stops.''
What is it that never stops?
Against theJews.
Yeah, that's right.
Because you know she had
that shit down in her basement.
The, um -The old woman?
- Tell him about the old woman.
- That's what we were talking about.
You were gonna tell me.
You said you were gonna help us find her killer.
- I was gonna tell you what they shot her for.
- Uh-huh.
The fortune in her basement.
- They killed her for her fortune?
- That's right.
- Did you see this guy?
- No.
- I was in school.
- It was a school day.
- Willie Sims.
- Yeah, man, I remember you.
- We got him.
I remember you.
You the talkin' man.
Willie Sims. Yeah.
How are you?
- As you see, man.
- Let's go.
Look, what are they doing to me?
What do you want with me?
- You missed it.
- What the hell do you want with me?
- You missed it, Bob.
- Why are you harassin' me?
Got him at the gym, just like you said.
What happened to you?
Got pulled off the case.
Bullshit you did.
I'm stuck. I'm supposed to
babysit this candy store.
Back on the corner, you were
saying something had already happened.
- It's your case.
- I don't know. Yeah.
Baby, we need you to turn this guy over.
We need the mouthpiece to sweet-talk his ass.
- Lieu?
- Yes.
- My father needs to talk to you.
- We'll take care ofit. Officer!
- Yes, sir!
- My father needs you.
- Would you see Miss Klein home?
- Yes, sir.
- I assure you we'll take care of it.
- Ma'am?
- I need to talk to you.
- One minute, please.
Lieu, we're about to crack this Sims.
I'm sorry, Bobby. I got a call. Downtown.
You live with this candy store.
Bullshit aside, Lieu, we need him.
We're going in Mutt and Jeff and we need Bobby.
- We need the Orator.
- I got the call. He's off the case.
- What do you call this? Loyalty?
- Yes, boss?
Come with me.
I'm sorry, Bobby. I got a call.
Downtown, the Jewish guys,
they got this clout.
The doctor wants you. You were there.
You're his people. You're on the case.
I'm his people?
I thought I was your people, Lieu.
I come up with the idea,
trap the guy in.
Lieu, I come up with the brother.
- I'm sorry, Bobby.
- Lieu, I'm in it from the get.
I'm sorry. About the procedurals,
go ahead and clear them off your desk.
You're sorry? What am I,
a fucking jumping bean?
- I'm sorry.
- What, I'm your backup girl?
I'm trying to follow orders, Lieu,
and I'm gettin' whiplash.
Why don't you just send me to the airport?
What did I do to you?
- It's nothing personal, Bobby.
- What I'm sayin', Lieu, perhaps it should be.
Kid just gave up his brother.
Does not like police stations.
-Just gave us Randolph.
- You got an address?
Got the whole thing.
Let's go get 'im.
- Yo, you want vests?
- Yeah.
Where are you goin'?
You're on the candy store case.
- He's on top ofit.
- The fuck he's on top ofit!
- I'm going for coffee.
- Coffee? Bullshit!
No! You wanna run on this other case,
it's my ass. You understand?
This guy is heavy downtown.
Don't lie to me.
- The candy store. You got it.
- Lieu -
Nothing you say or do can convince me,
so shut the fuck up.
- It's not right.
- Get outta here!
- Good-bye, Sully.
- That's right.
- What do you got on the candy store case?
- Yeah, I'm on top ofit.
- Tell me.
- Some kids say she kept a fortune
in her basement.
- Yeah?
- I got the witnesses lined up.
- Lieutenant, if I go back to the 212 -
- Yes. One moment.
I'm sorry to pull you off the flash case, Bobby.
I appreciate what you're doing for me.
- That's all right, Lieu.
- I got three calls.
- The guy, Dr. Klein -You'll call him?
- I'm on it right now.
- Thank you, Bob.
- It's all right, Lieu.
- No, thank you. I'll make it up to you someday.
- It's all part of the job.
That's right.
- Yes? What?
- I'm sorry to keep going over this.
That's okay.
We'll go over it from the jump.
- Fuck him.
- Let's get out of here.
- Lovely day for it.
- All right.
Excuse me. I'm trying to find this address.
You know where that might be?
This one right here?
How come you always gotta be
the first one through the door?
So brazen.
You wanna kill my baby.
You come here to kill my child.
- I'm coming in, Bob.
- Yo, come in.
This the broad?
Joint's deserted.
Guy ain't here.
Sullivan coming in!
Where is he?
I should kill my baby
that I brought into the world?
White folks.
Why would that be?
- Your baby's a murderer.
- He never hurt nobody.
Now, that's just not the facts.
He never hurt no one.
Now you got him out there runnin' for his life.
We gotta get to him. We got a few days to do it.
We can bring him in.
I mean, we don't find him,
we gotta call back in the F.B.I.
F.B.I.'s gonna kill his ass.
That's right. We're here to
cut you a deal that the federal boys won't.
- So, what do you wanna do?
- Tell him what you wanna do.
Get out of my motherfuckin' room.
- Get out of my fuckin' room!
- Hey, bitch, you don't tell us.
You don't tell us a goddamn thing!
We tell you!
Your boy killed two cops. You think
we're just gonna sit here and chat with you?
We're wasting our time. Get her up.
Get her the fuck up!
- Get her outta here!
- Give me a minute, will ya?
- Two dead cops! What the fuck are you -
- Give me a fuckin' minute!
A minute is something
that we don't got.
- Talkin' to a stone wall.
- Uh-huh.
- You're wasting your time, Bob.
- I'll be the judge of that.
- Why do you do this shit?
- Shut up!
We got to find him.
Don't do this the hard way.
Look at me.
Now, don't do this the hard way.
- We can help you.
- Mmm.
It's a bad beat and you're stuck in it,
and it's gonna be some crying.
But our way is the easy way.
Listen to me.
We need your son...
but we don't need him dead.
You want him alive?
Work with us.
We got to bring him in.
- You want to kill him.
- We need to take him.
But we need him alive.
That's the job we were given to do.
That's why they gave it to the cops
'stead of the F.B.I.
Our job is to bring him down alive.
- That's what they sent us for.
It's that simple.
That's what it is.
Listen to me.
I know that it stinks.
I know that there's so much death in the world.
I know that it's full of hate, mama.
I know that it all turns out wrong.
Here we are.
Here we are.
We're the garbagemen.
You think I don't know that?
I know that.
Looking for something to love.
You got something to love.
You got your boys.
That's something.
Look in my eyes.
I want to save your son.
Before God...
I want to save your boy.
Will you help me?
- Uh, Bob?
- Not now.
- The lieutenant.
- Not now.
He needs you on the phone.
He says now.
Time's running out.
Let's ride, mama.
- What the fuck does he want?
- It's the Yids.
- Blow 'em off.
- The doctor. Somebody took a shot at -
- Somebody took a shot at -
- That's what they said.
Bullshit. Bullshit!
One of the men who was at
the medical examiner's office...
assured me they will release it
before the end of the day.
- What is it?
- They say a shot fired at them.
Some guy on the roof.
- A shot fired? Yes or no?
- I don't know. Didn't hit nothin' if it did.
- Well, who heard it?
- The lady.
The lady? What lady?
Get the lady in here so she can show me.
- I'll show you.
- You'll show me what, sir?
- Who made the call?
- I made the call.
- What are we looking at? What's going on here?
- It happened here.
What happened? Give me this number
right now. My partner- Get him.
- There was a man on the roof.
- Uh-huh.
- And my wife heard a shot.
- Uh-huh. She heard a shot.
Yes, she did.
Would she know what a shot sounds like?
How would she know that?
- My wife heard a shot.
- There was a shot on the roof.
There was a man on the roof.
A man on the roof.
- Yes, ma'am.
- No, no, I'm not making it up.
It happened.
There was shooting.
- Ma'am, I don't know any reason why anyone -
- That's right.
You don't, do you? But I see that you feel that,
what -you're dealing with hysterical Jews?
I'm making it up.
Is that right?
We're always making it up.
Is that right?
It's all right, dear.
Let me tell you one thing.
- There was a man on the roof.
- Look, can I talk to you for a second?
Look, Doctor, why would anybody
be shooting at you?
- You follow me?
- Do I follow you?
Look, you - You're under
a lot of stress today-your tragedy.
I'm sorry for you,
what happened to your mother.
I'm gonna station a man on the roof.
You keep away from this side of the house. Okay?
It's always a fantasy, isn't it?
A fantasy? What's a fantasy?
I don't get you.
When someone wants to hurt the Jews.
I've got nothing against theJews, Doctor.
I'm a Jew.
And I'll tell you something else -
When the fantasy is true, when we've been killed...
then you say, ''What a coincidence that
at the same time we were being paranoid...
someone was coincidentally
trying to hurt us.''
What can I have
against the Jewish people, Doctor?
I'm sorry what happened
to your mother.
You say you saw someone on the roof.
I'm putting a man there.
You tell me what more
you think that I can do. All right?
I'm just trying to do my job.
I'm sorry.
You're trying to do your job?
Let's be frank, shall we? Can we do that?
- Sir, do you want to be frank?
- Yes, I do.
- I don't get the whole fuckin' thing.
- It amounts to this. My mother was killed.
You're assigned to the case. I called downtown.
They say you're a good detective.
I want you to find her murderer,
and I want protection.
I know you think this is a bullshit case.
I don't care.
You're paid to do ajob.
Do your fucking job.
- Have you got the pride for that?
- Don't get in my face, man.
Have you got the pride to do
the job you were given?
Do your job, or else.
Don't tell me ''or else.'' Don't tell me ''or else.''
I'm gonna do the job.
I'm not scared of your money, I'm not scared of you,
and I don't need your threats.
- I'm here to do the job!
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
There was a disturbance.
It's nothing.
It's nothing to be alarmed at.
- My partner?
- Got to him. He says don't move.
He's getting back to you this number,
Okay, thanks.
- Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry about your grandma.
- Thank you so much for coming.
- Mama, I have to talk to you.
- Yes, darling.
Dear, go ahead.
Where is the photograph?
What's he saying?
Do you speak Hebrew?
It's not Hebrew.
He's speaking Yiddish.
- He's -
He says the years they spent
working together...
his time with her and with -
and with her husband...
were the closest ties he ever had
with any living being.
He calls her a great woman.
He's praising her courage...
in the years before the formation
of the state of Israel...
and he's talking about when they-
When they what?
- It's -
You know, it's jargon language Yiddish.
I-I-I don't speak Yiddish that well.
Detective, you're wanted
on the phone in the study.
- Thanks.
- You need anything else?
No, no, just, uh, hang tight.
And shut the door, will ya?
Detective Gold.
Tim! She -The old lady.
She gonna give him up?
She gonna give him up? You got her?
You worked her around. Fantastic!
Oh, fuck me!
Why do I always miss it?
She said what?
Oh, yeah, I'm the linchpin.
Big deal.
Oh, man. Was it sweet?
I would have been there.
I'm stuck here with my- my Jews.
You should see this fuckin' room.
No, fuckin' bullshit.
Bunch of high-strung fuckin' bullshit.
They pay so much taxes - Fuck 'em.
Yo! She did?
What? Oh, some bullshit.
Somebody's taking shots at 'em.
Hey, fuck 'em.
Don't tell me.
Don't send the old ladywork down there
and tell me how you're so surprised.
Fuck 'em and the taxes they pay.
You tell me. Ten more bucks a week they're makin',
lettin' her work down there?
Ha! Hey, not my people, baby.
Fuck 'em.
There's so much anti-Semitism
the last 4,000 years...
we must be doin' somethin'
bring it about.
I'll see you at the house half an hour.
Yo, Tim. See you then.
My grandmother was killed today.
She stayed down there
because she wanted to stay there.
She was a fighter.
She wanted to die there.
She died there.
You're a Jew, and you talk that way
in the house of the dead.
- Do you have any shame?
- I'm sorry about your grandmother.
No one asked you to be sorry.
No one asked for your sympathy.
We would have appreciated your respect.
Do you hate yourself that much?
Do you belong nowhere?
I - I'll find the killer. I -
I swear I'll find the killer.
I swear. Listen to me.
Please! I'll-
It was a backfire.
What do you think?
I think it was a car backfiring.
How do I get to their roof?
Through the kitchen.
You want backup?
No. Keep 'em out of here.
No, I, uh, think everything
is all right now.
We've got men all over.
Everything is fine.
There was someone on the roof.
- It's all my fault.
- This is terrible.
Excuse me.
Can you think of anyone
who would want to harm them?
- Did they have any enemies?
- No.
They have a lot of money.
What was the old lady doing working down there?
- I don't want to talk about the family.
-Just tell me that.
Sh - She... made the money down there,
put the kids through school.
She wanted to stay there.
She used to work in Palestine?
That's right.
Excuse me.
- Detective?
- Yeah. How are ya?
Fine, thanks.
Always coldest just before the dawn.
Yes, I remember that.
You going in?
Where are the lights?
Some valuable stuff down in the cellar?
Hey, that's just something they said.
Something the kids been sayin'
anound here for years.
See for yourself.
Nothin' down there.
- Hmm.
- Dust on the stairs.
- Ain't nobody been down there in years.
- Uh-huh.
They say she kept a piece
behind the counter.
But what is that gonna do,
some guy comes in with a shotgun?
And how are you gonna be
watchin' the door all day?
- Uh-huh.
- Every day, huh?
You can't do it.
So I say I'm gonna be in here someday,
she gets popped.
And it was just a question of when,
no more, no less.
Tell you somethin' else.
I don't know that her coming here
does not make violence.
Rich Jew lady in this neighborhood
is gon' get took off.
Human nature.
Someday somebody gonna
come in here, see what it is.
You okay down there?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You all right down there, Detective?
''Hauser. Greenblatts. Samson.
Greenwald. Klein. Gross.''
Good morning.
Get this to the A.T.F., will you?
Good morning.
And make me copies.
An invoice -
and a list of names.
And please, run this
through the computer-
- Grofaz?
- G-R-O-F-A-Z.
What is it, a name?
- I don't know what it is.
- All right.
Have a good day.
Get up, Mr. Wells.
I'm taking you in for arraignment.
- Detective.
- Yeah.
- I need you to file a complaint on this man.
- Complaint?
- He assaulted you.
- Forget it.
Assault police officer,
attempted escape.
Yeah, forget it.
Fuckin' guy shot his wife and kids.
What are they gonna do to him
for beating on me?
Sir, the thing is you need to make an example
of this guy hittin' on a cop.
Hey, leave it, all right?
I won't forget this, Officer.
Thank you.
I'll make it up to you. I promise.
- You're gonna make it up to me?
- Yes, I will.
Your kindness has changed my life.
Well, that's swell.
And someday, I'll repay you.
My thoughts are elsewhere.
You must pardon me.
Yeah. Grofaz. G-R-O-F-A-Z.
- Hi.
- How you doing, Billy?
Okay. You all alone here today?
Yeah, I'm never going home.
Here. Keep it.
- Thanks.
- Anything you might have.
Particularly anything connected
with anti-Jewish acts.
Well, if you do,
will you please call me here?
Thank you.
That's him. That's the man.
- What's happening, Brown?
- That's him. You're the one.
I'm gonna do it,
but I'm gonna do it with you.
You're gonna take him in like you told me,
nice and gentle.
- No harm will come to him.
- No harm will come to him.
- You swore that.
- Well, you won her a round, my man.
- I did?
- You said the magic word. The duck came down.
Here's the setup: She's gonna tell him she's gonna
get him out of the country, get him a ticket.
-Jilly, you want to come in here?
- Hold it a minute, Frank.
We have her tell Randolph she's gonna
get the passport of a friend of his.
So Randolph thinks he's gonna take
the passport, go to South America.
- We have his mom set up a date with him.
-Jilly, I gotta work on this thing here.
No, Bob.
The broad won't show unless you're there.
You're the man gonna bring him in.
- 5.:00a.m. tomorrow.
- I gotta work on this thing.
- Put it on the shelf.
- I can't.
You've got to.
We're taking Randolph 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.
You're gonna be there.
Get over to passport office right now.
Sully's waiting for 'em.
Give 'em those pictures.
- Hey, this is the big one, Bob.
- Jilly!
Comin', Frank.
Get over to passport office right now.
This rendezvous with Randolph
takes place at 5.:00a.m....
at, uh - at Third and, uh -
- I was out all night on this.
- Uh-huh.
What do you make of it?
I got a picture of this woman, taken in Wisconsin.
Nice old Jewish woman with a tommy gun.
All right?
What is she doing with an invoice
for these tommy guns in the basement?
I got, um - Last night.
I got Israeli heavy hitters coming in.
I got some guy on the roof.
- Yeah, well, it's a mystery, isn't it?
- Look.
- This was taken in Wisconsin, 1946.
- Bob.
Bob. Hey, Bob. Hey.
Get out of it.
We got a job to do.
Tonight the balloon goes up.
The old days, Bobby, huh?
You bust a case...
bottle comes out, stick your feet up
on the filing cabinet, eh?
We lure Randolph out, we take him in.
Third and Racine. You got it?
- This other case -
- Fuck the other case.
What other case?
What other case?
- This Jewish -
- It's a candy store pop. Just look busy on it.
I -Well, you know, I caught the case.
What i -
What is there, a broad in it?
Hmm? What's the thing?
It's just - I think it's some -
some sort of conspiracy.
- Some sort of conspiracy.
- They said somebody was shooting at them.
Someone was shooting at them.
The Jew family?
- Yes.
- Was there someone shooting at them?
Hmm? Bob?
You got some -You got some
heavy troubles on your mind?
Huh? Babe? We'll work it out.
We'll play some cops and robbers.
We'll bust this big criminal.
We'll swagger around.
- You're like my family, Tim.
- Bob, I am your family.
Here you go.
One passport show-and-tell.
I'll require your signature on these documents.
These also require your star number.
May I see it, please? Please fill in
only those sections marked as required.
This is a release form.
Please read it.
All these documents remain the property
of the passport office...
and are loaned to you only for the purposes
as set forward in your application.
- Third and Racine.
- Your acceptance of them constitutes...
- release of responsibility for this office-
- 5:00 a.m.
- Third and Racine.
- until they are returned to our physical custody.
Misuse or malfeasance in regard
to this document is a federal crime.
- I'm sorry. You can't smoke in here. Now -
- I'll see you in the hall.
We have the G22A -
- Yeah, I'll file the form
and see you tomorrow morning.
- Okay.
- Thanks a lot, Al.
- Sure thing.
You going up to the country this weekend?
No, we're staying in town.
I'll see you later.
What are you gonna do?
Write away to the manufacturer?
- I rebel -
Wait a second.
I rebel every time somebody says to me -
- Excuse me.
- ''This is the thing of the future. ''
If something works, why-
I just saw the A.T.F.
They were stolen, Sully.
The tommy guns were stolen.
All the guns on this invoice.
Hey. You're better than an aquarium,
you know that?
- There's something happening
with you every minute.
- What does it mean?
It don't mean nothing. Some broad got killed.
She's dead now. Okay?
You're going to the ticket office,
pick up Randolph's tickets.
- This is the big one, laddie.
- Timmy, this other case.
- Bob.
- I got this piece ofpaper I found. ''Grofaz.''
''Grofaz.'' What does it mean?
I don't know what it means.
I got this fella on the roof- the Jewish house. I -
- What was he doing? Shooting at 'em?
- I don't know.
Well, then drop it, Bobby.
For Christ's sake.
I don't get it.
- Maybe you don't want to get it.
- What do you mean?
- Nothin'.
- What do you mean? 'Cause I ain't a Yid?
- Well, you ain't a Yid.
- And so what?
I'm - I'm an anti-Semite?
What the fuck are you sayin'?
It's just not your thing, Tim.
It's not your thing. It's my thing, okay?
Bob, I'm gonna tell you what the old whore said,
and this is the truest thing I know.
''When you start comin' with the customers,
it's time to quit.''
- What is this?
- That's the strap the guy tore off my holster.
Well, go get it fixed, will ya?
Go take a cooling walk- somethin'.
- You mad at me?
- Yeah, I'm mad at you.
I'm not gonna invite you to my birthday party.
- You dumb kike.
Go get your holster fixed.
- Excuse me.
- We're closed.
Well, I, uh, wonder, could you help me?
- We're closed. We're closing up.
- Well, I just need, um - I got a little problem.
I'm a police officer.
I lost the strap off my holster.
- I can't help it. We're closing up. I'm sorry.
You're a policeman?
Show it to me.
- What is it?
- A word.
A word?
You know what the word means?
Yes. I know what it means.
It means ''Hitler.''
It was another name they had for Hitler.
''Grosster Feldherr Aller Zeiten. ''
''The greatest strategist...
of all time.''
The Grofaz.
- Are you all right?
- What?
No, I, uh, just didn't get much sleep last night.
You know,
you have a very interesting request.
The acronym is not well-known.
It was used at the end of the war.
The name is obviously the effort
of their Propaganda Ministry.
It was an interesting attempt,
but it didn't particularly take.
It was used by a group -
the Sonderkommando.
It was adopted by
the Sonder Endlosung Kommando...
of the division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.
That is, the special group
for the final solution...
which is, of course,
the extermination of the Jews.
''German people, follow the Grofaz.''
''The Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
fights on all fronts for the salvation of Germany.
TheJewish scourge
can be cleansed only in blood.''
Uh, this is a very rare piece.
What do you have on the use of this word?
Particularly in conjunction with
anti-Semitic acts.
As I said, it's an arcane usage, but we'll look.
We'll take a look.
Current anti-Semitism under ''Grofaz,''
cross-reference ''Der Fuhrer.'' Bring it all.
If you'd care to wait.
I'm a police officer.
The revolver disturbs you.
The gun disturbs you. I'm a police officer.
The gun doesn't disturb me.
- You were looking at me.
- The gun is nothing. The gun is a tool.
We have nothing to fear from a tool.
The badge concerns me.
The badge, you see -
The badge is a symbol.
The badge is the symbol
of that which constrains us.
The star, you see -The star.
The five-pointed star.
The pentagram.
It is identified as a star...
but it is not the symbol of heaven.
It is the symbol of Earth.
The Magen David is the intersection
of the opposites...
and can be deconstructed
into heaven and Earth.
But the pentagram cannot be deconstructed.
You see?
The five points are the five senses.
The Chinese five elements.
The five fingers of the hand.
You see?
You're Jewish?
Are you Jewish?
- Yes.
- Well -
You see?
From the book of Esther.
Esther. From ''satan'' - ''to conceal. ''
But what is concealed?
What is concealed in the name Esther?
And the answer is here.
Here is the answer. Do you see?
I can't read it.
You say you're a Jew.
I can't read it.
You say you're a Jew,
and you can't read Hebrew.
What are you then?
Would you get that book for me?
Would you replace it for me, please?
It goes up there.
The material on anti-Semitic acts -
Yes. I thought we had quite a file of current -
It was requested by 212.
- 212 wants it?
- Yes.
Loaned to 212 now?
Fine. Then just pull the file.
Okay. Thanks.
The material on anti-Semitic acts.
- No, we have nothing on that.
- Nothing?
- No.
- This is official police business.
Officer, you know I'd help you i-if I could,
but as I said, it was rather arcane material.
I'm sorry.
Well, if there's nothing you can do,
there's nothing you can do. Thank you.
Not at all. If there's anything else
I can help you with, let me know.
We could put the couch on the other side.
- Bookshelf would be nice,
but I thought it would be -
I, um -
Can you tell me anything about this building?
- What?
- Do you know anything about this building?
- I just, um -
- About this building?
- Yes.
- Do you live around here?
- Please, just tell me.
Have you ever seen anyone go in or out -
Get up against the fence.
Up against the fence and grab it.
Get up against the fence.
Now grab the fence,
or I will shoot you dead.
What brings you out this evening, Mr. Gold?
I want to know about the old woman.
- We know nothing.
- I think she was involved in running guns.
- Running guns?
- Long ago.
- Why is that?
- I-I found a list.
A list of Jewish names.
Men, here in this city.
I think they were running guns with her. I -
How did you get this address?
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?
I need help.
I want to know why she was killed.
All right.
This way, Mr. Gold.
Please. Sit down.
See that gun?
I had one just like it.
I gave mine to a kid in Hebron.
Last year. Two years ago.
They told me it was an affectation
for me to still wear it.
But you get used to it, you know.
- Eh, Koli?
- That's right.
Ah. Would you like
something to eat, Mr. Gold?
- I'm going to have something to eat.
- Barry, you want something?
- Sure. Love to.
- Shot the old lady.
- I know.
- Barry was with us in the old days.
- That's right.
- And Lev and Marv.
What a time that was, Mr. Gold.
What a woman she was.
- I want to find the men who killed her.
- Yes.
And we need your help.
- You have it.
- Yes.
She was running guns, wasn't she?
Yes. During our war of independence.
In our country, we call her a hero.
Why would anyone want to kill her now?
I don't know, but we must find out.
So many of us...
good Americans,
who are good Jews...
and good friends to Israel.
- We always need such friends, you know.
- Isn't that the truth?
You, uh -You're such a man.
- I?
- You'd like to fight for your home.
I would do anything.
we're going to find the killers.
We're going to find them,
and we're going to deal with them.
You mentioned something about a list.
Now, we need the list.
No. No, no. The original.
- It's at the precinct house.
- Oh, good. Bring it with you when next you come.
- Asher will fill you in -
- I-I can't -
Look. Excuse me.
I can't bring the original.
- No. The original is what we need.
- That's what weneed.
You see, it must be destroyed.
She was killed. This man -
These men - Good men in a city.
You see, they're in danger.
- But -
- Yes?
The list is evidence.
I-I've logged it into an evidence bag.
I - I've signed it in.
Pl - Please.
I -You know, anything.
No. Not anything. I need the list.
- Anything else.
- Yes. Yes. Anything else.
Of course. Anything else.
That's your name in Hebrew.
Are you a Jew, Mr. Gold?
- Yes.
- Then be a Jew.
You can't get the list.
How long your resolution last?
Until the first unpleasantness.
- I'm a sworn police officer.
- Where are your loyalties?
You want a home. You want glory.
You're willing to do nothing.
- I took an oath.
- Took an oath.
He disgusts me.
Get him out of here.
Don't bother to return. The next time you come,
there'll be nobody here.
I need -
I need to help.
- In what way?
- I want to help you, in your work.
- I work for the airlines.
- Please.
Please, let me help -
with whatever you do.
What I do, Mr. Gold, you don't want to know.
No, but I do. I need to -
Please. Whatever you're doing -
what you're doing tonight -
let me help.
Please. I'm begging you.
What can I tell ya about it?
They said I was a pussy all my life.
They said I was a pussy because I was a Jew.
And the cops -
They'd say, ''Send a Jew?
Might as well send a broad on a job.''
''Send a broad through the door.''
That's what they said.
All my goddamn life.
And I listened to it. Huh?
I was the donkey.
I was the clown.
- You were the outsider.
- Yes.
- I understand.
- They made me the hostage negotiator...
'cause I knew how the bad guys felt.
Doing other people's work for them.
- That's right.
- In their country.
- Yes, that's right.
- And never working for yourself.
- Yes.
- I know.
Now, why would I do that?
You have your own home.
Yes. I do.
Now, what can that be like?
To have your own country.
I'm gone so much of the time.
But I think about it.
I know.
I sat with those guys tonight.
With... heroes.
Jewish guys who had nothing to prove.
And I -
And I felt, Jesus, all my life...
I gotta be the first one in the door.
Not for me.
All for someone else.
Because I'm no good.
Because I'm nobody.
I want to be a part of it.
That's all.
We think this leaflet
was printed at that shop.
The shop is owned by a Mr. Andersen, who's
head of a group called the United Action Front...
who we think may have had something
to do with the murder of Mrs. Klein.
And what were you sent here to do?
To find out if the leaflet was printed there.
- And if it was?
- If it was, I'm going to give them a message.
- I won't be long.
- Let me do it for you.
No, I can't do that.
Wait. Give that back to me.
Give it back.
- I can't let you do it.
- I'm going. How do I get in?
I'm going. If I don't go, nobody's going.
How do I get in?
All right, then.
- Can you use these lockpicks?
- Yes.
Can you use that?
The bottom button, then the top.
We went to that place.
- Good.
- I want to be a part of it.
Good. Then you are a part of it.
You've shown it.
And now there's something
we need from you.
- Yes.
- That list of names.
We need the list.
I told you.
As a policeman, I can't.
- We need it.
- What he wants - give it to him. Please.
I've explained it to him.
I can't. It's evidence. Wh -
Why do you want me to prove myself?
Haven't I done that tonight?
We don't want you to prove yourself.
We want the list.
No, I told you.
The building you entered
was under surveillance.
Here are some photographs
of you entering and leaving.
Look at them at your leisure.
We need the list.
The facts here speak for themselves.
You are nothing. Nothing.
Oh, my God.
I got a man hit.
I need an ambulance right now!
- Where were you?
- What happened? What went down?
Whole thing's gone bad.
Sully here. Lieu, I can see the guy.
Sullivan, pull out. Leave him there.
Let the SWAT get him.
You guys take cover!
Get over close to the road! Take cover!
Lieu, I got the uniform kid. He's hit bad.
Okay. Bring him down. Bring him around.
They got an ambulance coming in.
Sullivan, Frank-
you two guys get the hell out of there!
- Sully's hit, Lieu.
- Oh, God. Where are they?
- Sully's hit bad.
- Where is he? Where's Sullivan?
- Stuck on the second floor.
- Homicide. I'm on the corner of Fourth -
- Where's Sullivan?
- Yes, I see you. Don't come in.
Stay out! Stay out!
Tim, it's Bobby.
Can you hear me?
I'm going after Sullivan.
Help! Oh, my God!
- Someone get me out of here!
- Oh, God!
- Get me out!
- Charlie, give me some cover.
- You got it, Lieu.
- You two guys, get your ass over here.
- I'm hit!
- Bobby, get to cover right now!
- I'm going in after Sullivan!
All units -
Hey. Hey, can we get some help here?
- Yo!
- Where's the backup? Where is the backup?
- Hey.
Frankie, just hold up there. Just hold up there.
- I gotta get some blood here.
- We're working on it. Can we get some help here?
Lieu. Lieu. Where's the ambulance?
He shot the gun dry.
I said, ''Now, don't be doing that.
- You move around -
- Bobby.
- Hold on, Tim.
You see, Bobby?
Although, somebody told him to do that.
- Now, who would do that, Bob?
- Where's the medic?
- Frankie, what does the lieu say?
- Oh, God.
- Hold on, Tim.
- Can we get some help up here, Lieu?
- You know what I'm talking about?
- Yeah, yeah. That's right.
- Frankie, what does the lieu say?
- Do you know what I'm talking about?
- Yes, I do.
- But, finally...
what difference does it make
if you do or you don't?
I swear to Christ,
I don't know what they're talking about.
If you're moved, somebody's doing it.
Doesn't that have to be right, Bob?
- Yes, it does.
- Can we get some help up here, Lieu?
- Bob. Bob.
- Yes, Tim?
- Bobby.
You remember that girl that time, Bob?
You shot my partner, you fucking nigger.
I'm gonna kill you.
- Who's got a walkie?
- Get low. Get low.
We need a stretcher in here.
Came for me, motherfucker?
- What you want me for?
- I came here to kill you.
Yeah, well, you forgot your gun, Jim.
Where's your gun?
That's death calling, baby-
for you and for me.
- Should I use you to bargain my way out of here?
- You know they won't bargain for me.
Yeah, that's so, ain't it?
Well, then I guess I best help myself.
You sorry fuckin' sack of shit.
You shot my partner.
Yeah, man, and you could have paid me back
if you would've brought your gun.
That was your mistake, man.
- What's your name?
- Gold.
Robert Gold.
Well, Mr. Gold, I'm just about
on my way out of here.
I got a moment.
You want to tell me your last thought?
- No.
- You want to beg for your life?
It's not worth anything.
Well, ain't that a shame, huh?
After all your trials, you come down to nothin'.
Yeah. These motherfuckers got lucky.
An hour ago, I would have been
on a plane, long gone out of here.
No. You weren't going anywhere.
What the fuck you know, man?
My mama had it all set up.
The ticket, the passport.
I would have been long gone out of here.
But that's all right.
Now I gotta do it the hard way. You know?
- Yeah. I know it all.
- Oh, you know, huh?
You're one smart kike, ain't you, Mr. Gold?
All you forgot is that,
if you want to kill me...
you best come armed.
- Later, baby.
- Your mother turned you in.
You know she did it.
- How else did we find you here?
- You're a lying motherfucker, man.
You don't know my mother.
You ain't never seen my mother.
I -
Look at you, man.
You're a piece of shit.
That's right.
I am a piece of shit.
It's all a piece of shit.
I killed my partner,
and your mama turned you in.
Don't die with a lie on your lips, man.
You want your passport?
I got it.
It's a phony.
All that shit, man- we made it up.
Look at it.
Your mama turned you over, man.
Look at it!
That's right.
God help me.
- What did you do to me?
- Six to H.R.T. base.
You're secure now.
Base to Six. Copy. 12-15 standing down.
And you can report landline.
Base clean.
- I'm all right.
- Got an entrance wound.
Upper-right chest area.
- Keep the light on him.
- I'm okay.
Priority wound alert to shock trauma unit.
- It's all in order. Good job. Thanks.
- Do you want them now?
- When you get back there.
- Want me to send them downtown?
- Let me look at 'em.
- All right.
You want to hear the rest of this or not?
- Tell me later.
- Okay. Get out of here.
- Now don't go bossing me around.
- I'm not bossing you. I'm begging you.
- See you later.
- See ya.
When you get down on Fifth Street,
you're going to see what I mean.
- Who do I talk to down there?
- When they gave up the shotgun -
When they come in with the shotgun -
- They-
- Hey, Bob.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I'm sorry about Sullivan.
We gotta roll.
Maybe I'll see you later.
Have some coffee.
See ya around, Bob.
All right.
Now, what are you gonna bring me back?
- I bring back the whole consignment.
- And log it in.
- Should I take a can?
- Yeah.
That way you get the shotgun,
we log it...
we match it for prints and ballistics.
The shell is distinct.
I'll get on that right away.
That's exactly what I wanted to do.
That's just the way it is.
You took your shot, this is what happened.
And if you're moved, somebody's gotta be doing it.
Doesn't that have to be right?
I want you to do the following thing.
Log this stuff in, Frank,
and then when you get downtown, you-
We solved your case for you.
Come on.
I told you why we killed her, man -
because she had that fortune in her basement.
You're off Homicide.
You're off.
- Let's go.
- We would have got it, too...
- if that dog wouldn't have scared us off.
- Get'em out of here.
We've been holding this for ya.