Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 (2024) Movie Script

[adventurous music playing]
[in Athabaskan]
What are they doing?
It's a game.
They stand with a big stick,
see how to lay the long cord,
and where to stand
the little sticks.
Why do they do it here?
[thunder breaking]
[mule grunting]
[birds chirping]
[mule grunting]
Figure I must have
got off the stage road.
Don't see where though.
Habla Espaol?
I do not.
Well, that's good. I've got
very little Spanish myself.
This place be four,
five miles back, as you sit now.
Oh. In that case,
I've passed it.
You rode right through it.
Well, it'd be no farther east.
I just said that it wasn't.
You can go back how you came.
And this time, when you get
to the river, you look.
And I will see a town
right there, huh?
And don't act like
it's some damn miracle neither.
All right.
Hey, brother, you eaten today?
Be gone with you now.
I'm not your brother.
[flies buzzing]
[ominous music playing]
[flies buzzing]
[flies buzzing]
[sad music playing]
[flies buzzing]
[flies buzzing]
[music fades]
[horse neighing]
- James Sykes.
- [gun clicks]
[groaning, grunting]
[groaning, grunting]
[baby wailing]
Come on. Come on. Go.
[groaning, grunting]
- [baby wailing]
- [shushes]
Come on!
Get up.
[men grunting]
Where was he?
If he lives,
you can ask him all about it.
[horse neighs]
Caleb, go take Gratton
and find his horse.
Nah, I'm gonna run
that girl of his down.
Joon, she knows.
[Junior sighs]
All right. All right.
Get off me.
But I will have
my breakfast first.
- [Mrs. Sykes grunts]
- [Caleb groans]
You ain't hitting
nobody no more.
Your brother told you
get that horse.
Go on!
Before something eats it.
Go on in. Tend to him.
[in Latin]
Sanguis Christi, inebria me
Aqua lateris Christi
lava me
[Desmarais] That man
who held himself moral
in years of plenty,
he will rise
in a different light.
He will take up
against his brothers...
and they will war
over the withering fruits of the land.
[mule grunting]
[tense music playing]
[horse neighing]
[horse groaning]
[horse breathing heavily]
[horses neighing]
[horses neighing]
[men whooping]
[playing pleasant
country music on harmonica]
[children shouting playfully]
[harmonica continues playing]
Doesn't that look good, honey?
Yes, Momma.
- [country dance music playing]
- [lively chatter, laughter]
Water'll will rise up
through soil. It does.
- Like oil through a wick.
- [man] Mmm.
That's why you gotta
break the soil up
and let the water out...
for it to fall back as rain.
[young man stammers]
No. That's a...
That's a fallacy.
No, sir. Rain always
follows the plow, son.
But it doesn't.
It certainly does.
Rain follows the plow.
[band continues playing
country dance music]
[lively chatter, laughter]
[band playing
slow country music]
- Think they'll notice?
- Oh yeah.
Come on.
Your father's no good at this.
Really, Nat? No?
Mrs. Kittredge?
Thank you, Tom.
You see this? A gentleman.
Careful! It's loaded.
[scoffs] Careful!
Maybe you all
better watch out. Huh?
Hup! Hup! Hup!
Watch it!
Nat, they're going.
[vocalizes gunshot]
Nat? They said come on.
- That wasn't nice.
- Shut up.
What? Don't say that.
Nat! Don't talk like that.
- [crickets chirping]
- [lamps squeaking]
[panting, giggling]
- Wasn't so bad, right?
- [giggles]
You were dancing!
I saw you. Didn't I, Fran?
Well, I held Dr. Bowman up
till somebody
found him a chair.
If you can call that dancing.
You know, the one man I did ask
turned me right down.
Oh, it's true.
I could have cried.
Well, what fool
would turn you down?
I won't say, but he's
following you right now
with his rifle, James.
Wouldn't you dance
with your mother?
Won't dance with anybody.
Nat, you're
a wonderful dancer.
Boy looks an idiot
dancing with his mother.
I was dancing.
[Frances chuckling]
I danced, Daddy.
Yeah, you were
the belle of the ball.
[James grunts]
[James chuckles]
[ominous music playing]
[soft piano music playing]
[children's laughter echoing]
[Elizabeth humming
country dance music]
[grass rustling]
- [gasping]
- [floorboard thudding]
- [Elizabeth gasping]
- [sniffs]
- Music stopped.
- [gunshot in distance]
Someone's in the yard.
- [gasps]
- [gunshot in distance]
Someone's in the yard.
Someone's in the...
- [gunfire in distance]
- [tense music playing]
We're all right.
- [gunfire in distance]
- [screaming in distance]
[Frances] Lizzie?
Nat. It's okay.
We're all right.
Nat. [snaps fingers]
In the, uh... the cupboard.
Caps and shot for that one.
Nat. Right there, son.
[thudding on roof]
- Mom!
- [rustling]
[gunfire continuing
in distance]
It's gonna be all right, honey.
I just want you
to stay down here low.
All right? Don't be afraid.
- [Native Americans whooping]
- [screams]
- [groans]
- [Native Americans whooping]
- [arrows whoosh]
- [groaning]
Get ahold of it! Look out!
[baby wailing]
No! No!
- [whooping]
- [groans]
- [horses neighing]
- [both grunting]
[Native Americans whooping]
[man gasping]
[men grunting]
- [wailing]
- Please!
[horses neighing]
[Native Americans whooping]
[gunfire in distance]
[baby crying]
Come on. Come on.
[gunfire in distance]
- What are you doing?
- Jesus!
Get rid of that.
[baby crying]
Nah, I ain't sitting here
while they...
If you don't like it, Malcolm,
don't watch,
but you ain't giving us up
with this.
[breathing heavily]
[Native Americans whooping]
[gunfire in distance]
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
- [banging on door]
- [gasps]
James! James!
[James shouting]
James, it's Bill Landry
and a couple others.
All right. Careful.
Put him down easy.
Here we go. Bring him down.
Ma'am, you keep
any water up here?
We do. We...
Wet some rugs
and some blankets.
Make it quick,
your roof's about to go.
[women grunting]
- [hissing]
- [coughing]
We can nail this shut
as soon as they're done
putting up the blankets
and our man comes down.
There's no one else coming?
There's no one else coming?
- [Joseph] Oh, there's plenty.
- [rifle cocks]
Just none you want to let in.
No, no. You stay up.
You stay up. Come on.
Your boy's watching.
[gunfire in distance]
You just watch, son.
We'll get through this.
[horses neighing]
[horses neighing in distance]
[intense music playing]
[Native Americans whooping]
[Native Americans whooping]
Oh, thank you.
Put them right here.
- Okay, there you go.
- Oops.
It's okay, honey.
- I can get it.
- It doesn't matter.
- No, I can get it. But...
- Just leave it, honey.
- [thudding on roof]
- [women gasping]
[women shriek]
[straining] Get him off... me.
Get him off me!
- [gasping]
- [shrieks]
[James] Nat! Nat!
Hey! Fran, come here.
Get them out of here.
Nat, come here!
[Frances] Nat!
Go, go, go!
Come on. Come on! Come on!
In there, now!
[both grunting]
Get in there.
Thank you.
Here you go, Momma.
Okay, Nat, come. Nat.
- Nat.
- It's all right.
I'm gonna be with dad.
No. No. No! Nathaniel!
- [coughing] Nathaniel! No!
- [grunts]
- [coughing]
- [Elizabeth] Momma?
- [thudding]
- [Native Americans whooping]
- [grunting]
- [glass shattering]
Stay right behind me. Okay?
Come on.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God.
- Momma? I can't breathe.
- Oh, God.
- [coughing]
- [panting]
I can't breathe.
[crying] Stop. Stop.
Stop! It's gonna come down.
- [wood breaks]
- [grunts]
Okay, back up. Back up.
You have to trust me, honey.
- Stop it. Stop.
- [grunting]
[somber music playing]
[Frances] Come on. Come on.
Come on. [grunts]
[gunfire in distance]
Ma's got Lizzie.
[Joseph coughing]
I said I'd stay out here
with you.
[sentimental music playing]
- [breathing]
- [Elizabeth coughing]
[breathing heavily]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I waved that gun
at Lizzie.
[muffled breathing]
Good girl.
Breathe, baby. Breathe, baby.
Okay, my turn now, baby.
[Native Americans whooping
in distance]
Well, I'll be god-damned.
Are they leaving?
Didn't think
they were that many.
[gunfire in distance]
[breathing heavily]
You ready, son?
I think so, Daddy.
Now, I'm gonna turn
the light out, baby.
- No! No! No. Momma, please.
- Yes, you have to trust me.
- Shh. You have to trust me.
- [sobbing]
You have to trust me.
You have to trust me.
[sentimental music playing]
[woman] God prepare us
to table before me
in the presence
of thy enemies.
Thou anoint us
my head with oil...
- my cup runneth over.
- [Native Americans whooping]
Close your eyes. [sniffles]
[sentimental music continuing]
[sentimental music continuing]
[horse neighing]
Rider coming in!
[somber music playing]
[chickens clucking]
[chickens clucking]
[somber music continuing]
[woman speaks Athabaskan]
[horses neighing]
Everybody, hold.
[soldier] You heard him. Hold!
All right, Sergeant,
fall them out.
Report back to me in an hour.
Yes, sir.
Fall out.
He's all right.
Mr. Chavez,
try looking out there.
God love the Apache boys
for leaving you
some honest work.
You two, up on that rise.
Let 'em have a look at ya.
The rest of you,
leave your firearms aboard.
You mightn't know one end
of a rifle from the other,
but you're all ye hell on
a spade as I ought to know.
Go on out there.
Let's start digging.
What is this?
Apache, sir.
Apt to have been
White Mountain.
I mean you.
What are you doing here?
It's where we live, sir.
No, it isn't.
You might have stopped here,
but that's it.
The only ones staying here
are them.
[soldier] Sir?
You all the first settlement?
No, sir.
I take it they were.
Who's that?
Don't know.
Got here too late to ask.
Apaches might know
something about it.
You can ask them.
So that's what you found
when you got here?
Was those graves?
Yes, sir.
And you wouldn't take that
as some kind of sign?
Sure, we did.
Sign to build
on this side of the river.
How's that working out
for you?
[in Athabaskan] If my father
came down from the mountains,
he would see how it is.
The deer and elk stay wide
of the valley, now.
To hunt them
we must follow west
where K'uu-ch'ish hunts
or east where there are Pima.
And fight our neighbors
in places sacred to them.
All for fear
of a few tents at the river.
what did you hunt?
We can't eat that.
I shouldn't see the Mimbreos
of the plains where I go,
but now I have.
I saw one of these men
hunted and killed
for taking a deer,
from where he shouldn't be.
We saw him killed,
beneath us,
over a deer.
My family is well provided for
in the high places.
We aren't hungry.
We don't live in fear.
Pionsenay grew impatient
watching the white-eyes
on the plains.
Now he has brought them
into my home.
Do you see this?
This is what I brought.
They are no more danger to you
than the ones
who lost them, at the river.
The men are gone. I see that.
But where they've been
their sons will follow.
And when they are able
the sons will hunt after you.
And they will hunt
after all the People,
not knowing
which of us you are.
It will be the same for them,
as well as their sons.
But they will not
find me asleep
in the mountains
like my father,
who was once
a great war-chief,
but who has grown old.
Then you will leave here.
Yes. I leave this place
where the People
are too frightened
to sing for me.
This, too, was in my dream.
You will go and wait for
the white-eyes on the plain
and you will not sleep.
you who've made these people
your enemy.
You will fight them
for as long as you are able,
and still they will come.
And when you wish to hide
the high places
will no longer hide you.
Then you'll see
the white-eyes I see.
And you will know
why I don't sing
for your victory today.
Now they can choose,
who are free to go
as they will.
I have no more to tell them.
I take this,
so it won't disturb the sleep
of an old man.
Mr. Ganz?
It appears your ma and father
went up to their reward
this morning...
leaving us down here
with the work.
You take a moment now,
if you need it,
and when you're ready,
you let me know.
[muffled whimper]
It's gonna be all right.
[in Pima] Follow it out some.
See if they stay grouped,
or if any cut back.
[man speaking indistinctly,
How you like this, vato?
Some of your lady friends
in there.
You know this one here?
[tense music playing]
[Gephart] You all bought title
to this land
from Mr. Pickering, I realize.
And I'm sorry because now
you know what you bought.
The men who hunt this land,
they're not gonna share it
with you.
What you build,
they will burn down.
The site you chose
is not one we can defend,
as the Indigenous
are well aware.
Twenty-six miles north of here
is the Camp Gallant settlement.
You will have the protection
of the United States Army.
Get an escort to it right now,
if you're ready to go.
But that's it.
That's your offer.
You got one hour.
That house up there, sir.
[soldier] We found something.
[Riordan grunts]
[soldier] Hurry up.
Come on! Hurry up!
[men grunting]
[Frances whimpering]
[Chavez] Leave her alone.
Leave her, leave her!
Let her do it on her own.
Oh, God.
[Elizabeth coughing]
Hey. Hey.
Just take her. Okay?
Is there anyone else in there?
Senora, anyone else?
It was just us.
It was just us, sir.
[horses neighing]
[in Athabaskan] My sister
is not the same person.
She doesn't have the man
for her home,
whom she loved
before she was born.
There's no more father
for her daughters.
They'll have a father.
They'll come with us.
Why would anyone
want to go with you?
Will the white-eyes
from the river
come to us, now?
The people are safe here.
But more white-eyes
will come to the river.
That is the old man's dream.
What is your dream, Taklishim?
I don't dream about this.
They have come and put
their sticks in our way,
and it's our bad luck
they've done this.
That's all I know.
It's bad luck.
[somber music playing]
[men grunting]
Good girl.
You go stay with your ma now.
We'll take good care of this.
You'll be gone, dear.
You'll be all right.
It's just for a short while.
You'll be gone
the moment I let you go...
and soon I'll be along...
and I'll hold you again
just like this, my sweet boy.
Soon, I will.
I promise you.
[Sacaton in Athabaskan]
If he goes,
I go with him.
Come here.
You listened to what was said.
Did you understand?
I'm glad my son
knows who he is.
It has told me
where ponies of mine were
that were stolen.
You can speak to it
when there's trouble.
I think...
I will see you again.
And what is there for you?
[in English] What I give you?
[in Athabaskan] I don't need
the gift my brother has.
You give me enough.
[in English] You talk to me
like my first fathers.
You're not angry when I do it.
I'm glad my sons know
who they are.
[assembly bugle call playing]
[horses neighing]
They ain't coming.
Yeah? Well, till they enlist,
I guess they can do
what they want.
Who are those four?
They just showed up
from over to Union.
See if they can't help.
Help how?
Just thought someone here
might be of a mind
to hunt Apaches,
which, of course,
they're right.
Talk now is how they might
make commerce out of it.
And you'd go along, I guess.
And some others.
Scouts said they'd go, too.
Rather chase Apaches
than dig your ditches, I guess.
You'd be a better man than us,
if you can look on all this
and turn around.
You know, it'd be unusual
if you were paid
just to track anyone.
Though I heard of towns
taking up collections
to pay for dead Indians.
You think that's what
they meant by "commerce"?
Yeah? They said
what you'll get?
About a hundred each?
About that.
But that'd be
just for the men though.
Because if you bring in
a woman's scalp
or a child, then it'd be, what?
Somewhat less, I bet.
[spits] Somewhat less
than that. That's right.
Yeah. 'Course a Pima's got
the long hair like an Apache.
They do.
So has the Hopi and the Yuma.
Heck, even the Mexicans
got dark enough hair, come to that.
You know, I don't know
if I was buying scalps,
if I could tell one
from the other.
Well, good you ain't
in the market, then.
All right, go on.
No point in that.
Look, Lieutenant,
they all know what you make
of trading in dead Injuns.
But you said you ain't
the law up here, either.
You have to expect
they're gonna look out
for themselves.
There's about 20-25 Apaches
attacked these people,
and a few thousand more
that didn't.
And most tolerate us,
if they don't like us.
But if we're not careful,
and you give them reason,
they'll rid this country of us
in about a day's work.
[Janney] You come along, then.
Keep an eye on us.
And we'll just get
the bad ones.
And if you can't,
it isn't my fault.
I can detail you more men.
I can gather volunteers.
Yeah, you'll be about
a day behind,
if they let you come back
at all, which I doubt.
I do appreciate the spot
you're in, Lieutenant.
But you understand
why I can't wait on you.
Just have to trust we know
our business, I guess.
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Athabaskan]
I don't follow Pionsenay.
I'll follow you.
[man] All right, I got you.
- You all right?
- Yes, thank you.
For senora. From Lieutenant.
[Riordan] Mm.
Let's go do the chickens.
[adventurous music playing]
Two o'clock.
What was it? Two? Maybe you'd
better say it again.
Yeah, that's right,
but you ain't funny.
Don't bring anyone home.
I won't.
Walter says you're fixed
for money now, anyway.
Yeah, that's what he thinks.
If you can't make it home
alone, honey, and on time,
you can just keep going.
[adventurous music continuing]
[bell dinging]
- Sally?
- [Sally] Mm?
Go make up six, seven,
and eight.
- [Sally] Yes, ma'am.
- Now. Get a move on.
Yeah, that was me.
Marigold, you talk
to any of these men
before I sign them in,
and I'll hold your head
under that water.
And if you try and take
any of my business
up to Ellen's tonight,
we'll come visit you.
Just see if I'm kidding.
Let's clear out these chairs.
- [gasps]
- Get up!
I'm trying to see
if we can't get Mr. Coughlin
out of the stairwell.
[man] I've got a favor
to ask you.
You'll get this back
before we pay anyone out,
I promise you.
Yeah. Good luck in there.
I'm not far behind you.
[bell dinging]
I stay...
I stay on by...
[bell dinging]
...by contract
to Fort Bridger...
and I thought
to go north and...
North and west from there.
Though if I am needed,
or if...
or if your condition...
condition holds the same, I...
Why don't you help her?
She ain't buying anything.
Mary, do you want
to excuse us?
He's writing you
a letter, sir?
Yeah. It's private.
He asked if I could.
Oh. Can you, Ned?
I do all right.
He's not the clerk here,
so you know.
He's just standing in.
Though I'm sure
he'll take your money.
Yes, get your spectacles on,
Ned. That'll help.
[Ned] And how'd
Miss Harvey like to know
you're lagging down here,
you think?
That's all right.
I only came in
to get the time.
I beg you pardon, mister.
[scoffs] Go on, Mary.
That's short for Marigold.
And I'd have him read back
what he wrote
when you're done.
[bell dinging]
- You know how to write?
- Yes, sir.
She was just funning me.
Go ahead.
[lively chatter]
Whoever reads that letter
is gonna think
you're shy of brains.
Yeah, well,
between him and me, we...
we got a good part of it.
You know, I think it's fine,
you know, you still write home
and send money.
I think it shows...
think it shows character.
[grunts] Yeah?
I saw Mrs. Daly take
your friends up in there.
That where you'll stay?
Well, her husband waters down
his spirits, you know.
He calls it "Indies rum."
He just collects out
the used glasses
and he browns them
with tobacco.
[laughs] Yeah?
And if you meet a girl
called Celine,
just know she's married...
and her husband's
probably in there watching.
[Hayes laughing]
And there's another that says
she was born
in Paris, France,
but that's a trick
that only works once.
She drinks that accent off
in about a minute.
And the other,
if she's being friendly,
she's gonna ask you
for "consideration."
That means...
I know.
I know what it means.
Well, it means you'll wait
in line upstairs.
[Hayes] Uh-huh.
Yeah, well, you know,
I was just gonna
find my room and sleep.
Good luck then.
With that barrel-organ
under you.
[laughs] Jesus Christ.
But, hey,
if you like something quiet...
you know, there's a nice cabin
just up there.
- Top of that trail.
- Yeah?
That one's mine.
It ain't hers.
Well, I didn't say
I owned it, did I?
But you come up
and I'll make you
a better dinner
than Mrs. Daly.
I mean, you can't even see
all this, looking down,
just the trees.
No. Nah.
Oh, what,
you think I'll have you
propose marriage to me
in the morning?
Or I'd ask you to take me away
from here? To where?
I mean, you're just going on
to some other mining camp.
It's probably worse than this.
Yeah and I guess you don't ask
for a "consideration," do you?
Oh, you wouldn't have to.
You might be moved to,
but I wouldn't ask.
Well, I'd just like
to have a drink tonight
with someone
that knows how to act.
And maybe has something
to say I don't already know.
And I'd rather he's tall.
That's what I want.
Well, we got one taller.
Oh, you mean
the one with the laugh?
Mm-mm. I'm particular.
If it's not you tonight,
I'll just stay in
with the baby.
With the...?
- The baby. Yeah.
- [groans]
I mean, it's just me with him
tonight, but he won't mind.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, what about his father?
- [laughs]
- How...
How would he like this?
Well, you don't think
it's my child.
Oh, God, no.
He's got a mother.
She's just out today.
She's got me
looking after him.
Yeah? Well,
why aren't you then?
I am.
- Yeah.
- I'm going.
Anyway, nothing's
gonna eat the kid
if he's alone a minute.
And he sleeps through
to anything.
I promise you that.
So you think
you'll come say hello?
And I won't have any trouble
finding this place?
Well, it's just straight up
that draw.
Once you can't get
any further, that's it.
That's me.
Don't make me wait.
[sniffles, sighs]
[insect buzzing]
[lively chatter]
[reveille bugle call playing]
[man shouting orders]
[Elizabeth] Momma?
Honey, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
[both gasping]
Okay, you're gonna
put these on.
No, Mom.
No, that's where it was.
- Put them on.
- It was in my shoe.
I shook it out.
[Ellen shouts]
About done?
No! I don't have
a single goddamn pot
to match with a single one
of my goddamn lids.
All right. Well, it's ten past.
Said we'd be gone by three.
You talk to Mary?
No, we're leaving.
You talk to her after.
Little skank looked me
right in the eye
and promised me.
I told her two o'clock.
[Walt] All right, well,
it's not my fault.
[Ellen] Here, honey,
you play with this.
Ell? Ellen?
I can't miss this over some
idiot girl wanting
to make us wait.
She brings more money in
than you, Walter.
Well... Yeah, well...
Go then if you can't wait.
You go.
No. No. No. Ellen, I said
that we would. Both of us.
And I said that I wouldn't
leave Sam alone.
You promised me that.
When have I ever done that?
Have I ever done that?
Have you ever seen me
leave him alone?
Honey, don't put that
in your mouth.
This is business now,
and you can't say one thing
and turn around
and do something else.
if these men want
to buy something from you,
they're gonna buy it.
They ain't gonna look at me
or whatever the hell it is
you're wearing.
All I know is we had
three chickens this morning...
and now I got one.
And whoever
the hell these men are,
they're fixing to eat better
than our family.
[Ellen sighs]
There she is!
When'd I tell you
to get up here? Huh?
I said we needed you
an hour ago!
What do you expect?
You're gonna leave him
alone up here?
Mary, goddamn it.
He's two years old.
What, are you worried
that you're gonna
get a clean spot
on your reputation,
- if you let up for one minute?
- [scoffs]
Shame on you.
Nothing I do down there
is any worse
than you had to do before him.
What'd you say to me?
I'm just saying
there's some ladies
that can take that high tone
with me.
I don't know you can.
I'll take
any goddamn tone I want.
- I'm talking about my boy!
- [groans]
You get up there!
You get to him.
You try saying
that line to me again
and you'll see how fast
you are down there,
living in a goddamned barrel.
[Walt] All right.
It's done. It's done.
Elly, come on. Come on now.
We're gonna talk later!
That's what we're doing!
[Walt] All right.
You're gonna talk later.
- [Ellen] Let's go. I'm ready.
- [Walt] All right.
See how fast you go down
there in our good graces.
[Walt] All right.
Please, let's go.
[Ellen] We're late, honey.
[Walt] We are.
I know. I don't like
that yelling either.
Come on in the house, mister.
[both grunting]
[both panting]
Let me just say...
if they found even just
a little placer downstream...
they might judge from that
that there's
a deposit higher up.
Maybe around my plot.
Did they?
Did they find
something like that?
Did you leave something
for them to find, Walter?
All I know...
- Jesus.
- All I...
[pleasant music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[man coughing]
[soldiers] Sir.
You get your first look
at camp in daylight?
Yes, it's very nice.
Lieutenant, I haven't
thanked you yet
for taking us in.
And really,
for all that you've done.
Elizabeth wanted to thank you
herself, but I don't...
We brushed it for you, sir.
Well, look at that.
Yeah? Thank you.
Has the doctor seen you two?
No, sir.
He'd been drinking.
[Vreeland snoring]
we were gonna escort them over
to mess. Give Mr. Vreeland
- a chance to...
- No, no.
He'll clear them before
they wander through camp.
We were only going
to the kitchen
to volunteer, Lieutenant.
- We weren't expecting any...
- [splashes]
[Vreeland coughing]
Apologies for the delay.
Let's get you inside.
Not at all.
Sit you down, Mr. Gephart.
Hear you were up there
making speeches.
Thirty mad Apaches couldn't
scare these people off.
Thought maybe you could?
I owed it to them to try,
I thought.
The ones I saw weren't fit
to live out there, sir.
Did make it through
what sounds like a long night.
And this here, where you want
to detail ten more,
ride up into the mountains?
- I'm gonna deny that one.
- Sir...
I expect your protest. Here.
Let's put it down in writing.
We'll look into it,
soon as I can spare the men.
Which, as you know,
right now I can't.
Have you seen this?
Yeah. I brought it to you.
No, when you were up there.
Have you seen this town?
No? You should have asked.
They would have pointed it
out to you.
He doesn't believe me.
He thinks this comes of your
drinking before noon, sir.
I realize
whatever was there,
and I gather it wasn't much,
it's all gone down
in ash again.
But the Apache haven't put
a scratch on this, have they?
You just have
to stand at the river
and you can see
what the men
and the women up there see.
You have to bear in mind,
they don't come out here
the way we do.
These people have been pushing
the same wheel
back home around
and around till they can't
bear another turn on it.
That's the path
they inherit...
and if they try
to change it at all,
they have to do it by inches.
You may recall that's what
drove us across the ocean
to this country,
in the first place.
You and I are standing guard
on one of the last
great open spaces, Trent.
There's no army of this earth
that's gonna stop
those wagons coming...
little as they're wanted.
So I guess you'd like
to explain that
to the Indigenous.
I know.
That may be a thing that never
does get explained to them.
Now, your Apache,
he thinks that if he can
salt the earth
with enough of our dead,
that he'll stop
those wagons coming.
Spoil the place for us.
But you study the newcomers.
They'll look out
at ever so many graves
and it won't make
the least difference...
because all they see is this.
The place isn't unlucky,
it's just the poor bastard
under it.
And that's what a man will
tell himself, tell his wife,
and they'll tell
their children
that if they're
tough enough,
smart enough,
and mean enough,
all this
will be theirs someday.
That's all they'll reason
in the face of fear.
They're the ones
that are gonna hold out.
And guess what?
Some of them will.
for the time being,
I won't commit
a body to the field
when I don't have to.
You'll just have to count
the Indians and count us,
and you won't have
to wonder at that logic.
Now you and I have to look out
for our own survival, Trent...
and let this place
do what it's done
since time immemorial.
And maybe
this Mr. Pickering...
will find
a likelier spot to settle
than an Apache river-crossing.
[lively chatter]
Did I give that young man
something to think about,
Or did I just make him angry?
Some of both, sir, I expect.
How's that?
[clears throat]
Well, these great movements
that you describe, sir...
he'd like to feel
he's got a hand in 'em.
But that's a young man's
vanity, is it not?
What'll happen here is only
what's bound to happen.
As he'll live to observe.
You see, we don't make
our history any more
than the Apache
makes his weather.
And what is bound to happen?
In your view?
It's as much as you say, sir.
We'll muddle through,
while they decide things
back home.
And when they do...
when that war ends...
and it will end,
whether we're one nation
or two.
They'll all start
looking west again, sir.
And then these
open spaces you mention...
that the Aboriginal
love so well...
that they say
they can't live without.
Well, sir...
they'll all close up
in a blink of an eye, sir.
That's how it ends here.
I believe that's how
all the frontier ends.
And both of us dead and damned
before that with any luck.
Aye, sir.
There is that consolation.
Oh, God.
Now I'm nervous.
Oh, no, honey.
This is our day.
Come on.
And don't you feel bad for
these men with money, Ell...
'cause they don't waste
a thought on us.
You know what Mary said about
how I was, before we met.
- Oh, that's all right.
- No.
She shouldn't have said that.
I'm sorry she said that
in front of you.
You're a good man.
I see how you try and be
a good man to me. I...
[sentimental music playing]
I haven't known many good men.
All right.
It's our day.
It's our day.
Hi, Mike.
I'd like you to meet
Miss Harvey.
How do you do, Mike?
Pleasure. You need help?
Oh, no. We're...
we're all right.
I got this here.
You hold on to that.
We'll let you
show them yourself.
They here?
Yeah. Just taking another turn
around the property.
All right.
We'll get you ready inside.
[fire crackling]
You don't know, Mike,
if, uh, your friends
happen to find something
out there, huh?
Maybe something I don't know?
They say anything like that?
Ask them.
You know, I said I'd talk
to these men,
and for you I'd do that.
But, God,
I get up here
and I get the sense
that someone's making
a strike here,
and I'm as sure of that now
as ever, and it just...
well, it does give me
second thoughts
about letting it all go.
Where are you from?
I know you, don't I?
You want to tell me
where I know you from?
Honey, what are you doing?
Where is it?
Hey. Ell, just stop it.
Let him alone. Christ.
I'm sorry, Mike. I don't know
what's gotten into her here.
Oh my...
My God.
as I live and breathe.
You see this, brother?
Hey, could you not do that?
Sorry. You must be, uh...
I'm Walter Childs.
You know, just don't mind her.
Uh, she actually made us
- some pretty good...
- Be quiet.
- Walt? Come here.
- [Walt] Oh, Mike, it's okay.
He said be quiet.
Yeah. Sit tight.
We nearly met in Bannack.
I believe we did.
And you had
any number of brushes
since then though, I hear.
Seemed to find an instinct
for staying ahead of us.
Or you got
some angel over you.
All right, well,
we'll let Ellen set the table.
And, here,
you and I will have this.
I got us a very good...
Walter, you interrupt
my brother again
and I will beat you
right in front of her.
I swear to God. I really will.
And her name's Lucy, you fool.
[Junior] Caleb.
Let them talk.
I guess you know
he's not dead, our father.
You don't know how it was.
You never had to take a turn
with that man.
Crawled some good way
after you.
Face half-carved away
and chest full of shot.
Like they threw blood on him
out a barrel.
I never did tell your mother.
Or anybody else.
That should count
for something.
It doesn't.
You must know
we'd come for you,
whether he lived or not.
God, I hardly thought
it would take so long. [sighs]
I had days with no point
or end to any of this
I could see.
I just wanted
to burn this whole territory
and hope you were in it.
I was that sick to get home.
They're just gonna
take her back.
They're just gonna
take you back, honey.
I'll be honest with you, Mike,
I don't think she makes it.
As much as our father
would give to see her.
They can't have her home.
- Sit down and eat.
- She knows that.
I ate.
See, he knows we're only
after your boy, ma'am.
I'm sorry,
but this ain't hardly to do
with you at all
and he knows that.
You don't know
where I left him.
he said you got a girl tending
to him, up to your own house.
Now I'm just thinking
maybe we start there.
Okay, well, they're not gonna
let you just take him
out of his goddamn bed.
You think anyone out here
stops him, huh?
Stand over there and shut up
until I'm done talking.
Do it right now.
- Excuse me...
- Honey.
I got to remind you all
why you're here?
This, right here.
That's your title
to this property.
Now, if you just...
If you want to sit,
we can start
to properly discuss...
You still think we're talking
about your damn mine?
Come here!
It's like an illness with you.
Isn't it?
Your talking?
Look, look, y'all...
y'all settle this, whatever it is.
You settle it when we're done,
but she has no part in this.
All right? You even said.
All right. All right. I'm just
gonna let her out
while we talk.
Come here.
You just stay there.
- [grunts]
- [screams]
Stop it! Jesus!
[laughing maniacally]
What did I tell you?
[laughing maniacally]
Oh, I think I got him
with that first knock. Huh?
[laughing maniacally]
- Goddamn it.
- [Junior] Jesus Christ.
Why, you little...
- She'll answer...
- Not to you.
You're done in here.
Hell, I am.
Drag his ass out of here.
Get your...
get your hands off.
Hands off.
Come here, boy.
Come here. Come on.
[groans, coughing]
[Caleb panting]
He's done in there.
Get his hat and his coat.
I'll kill you, Joon.
I swear to God.
Yeah? Well,
first you're gonna bury him.
And then you're gonna ride
up there and get that boy.
Let me see you do all that
before you come back here
and try me.
I ain't goin'.
Yeah, but you are though.
I want you gone from my sight.
He does the digging.
- [shouts]
- [thuds]
Yeah, there's always
the chance of that with Caleb.
[Caleb] Give me that gun.
You gonna send him out
like that, after that boy?
Like what?
[Junior] All right.
You can wait outside.
[door creaking]
[door closes]
Oh dear God.
- [bell tolling]
- That one.
You live in this whore?
I don't.
Yeah, you know I don't,
if I had to ask you.
How do you like their idea
of porches, huh?
Surrounded by trees
and they can't find
Ten foot of more planks.
They'd rather live
in this filth.
You came through working,
I guess.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
What at?
You don't mind
I'm talking to you?
No, man.
I'm here with some others.
Do a trade in horses, mostly.
Oh, yeah, we had a bit of work
around here ourselves.
Bit of our own work.
You said "mostly horses."
What does that mean?
It means you do
something else.
I have, yeah.
You work with us, you'd do
more than just horses.
You'd have to know the use
of that Colt, for one.
Do you?
You use that much? This here?
Not the way you mean it.
[scoffs] How else
do you use it?
[laughs] Hell,
maybe you drive nails with it.
I just mean it's fairly new.
Haven't had much
need of it yet.
[laughing] Not yet?
It looks like we got ourselves
a bad man, right here.
You know, I'm just saying
anywhere north of here,
gentlemen like you,
we're who you work for.
- I got a job.
- Yeah, I know.
I'm just telling you.
Maybe you heard about a family
called "Sykes."
- No, I've...
- Oh. Well,
why didn't
you say something then?
Hell, even the shit-pokes
out here,
you mention
that name to them,
you know who you've had
a walk with today.
Right now you don't know?
- I just told you that.
- Yeah, you don't know.
Ain't heard of us.
Ain't from here.
Maybe you meant
you're from China.
Steady that.
[Caleb sniffles]
[Caleb grunting]
[Caleb sighs]
You think that's how
they dug this trench here?
Hell, you get enough people
to piss down a hill
for long enough,
you might even
come up with a town
that looks
something like that.
[sighs, sniffles]
You see...
it just so happens
a little rabbit we be hunting
went to ground down here.
and you're smart not to ask
any more about it.
[Hayes] Mm-hm.
Something you want to say?
Just a bit late.
Well, can't you talk? Hmm?
It's like some trick you're
doing waiting for me to talk
and say more than I want.
You said you came
through here working?
- [Hayes] Mm-hm.
- Mm-hm.
Yeah, well, what at?
You ain't got
no horses to show,
and anything you would like
to buy is back down there.
No, I'm visiting someone.
Yeah, that's right.
I'll tell you what else.
A man doesn't bustle up here
unless there's a girl
called him up.
Is that what you meant?
[Hayes sighs]
Yeah, I see you.
I do. I see you.
I'm just picturing
what sort of mauled bitch
they keep around here
for a girl.
[laughing] Oh,
don't give me that look.
Don't do that.
I will roll your head
right back down
to your friends.
You think?
Look at you!
You got your blood
all boiled up
over some girl you just met.
I didn't say it was a girl.
And here I am
just trying to be cordial.
Go on.
God love both of you.
[hard gulp]
- That's awful.
- Yeah.
Well, there is
good brandy in there,
just don't know what else.
Odd thing though,
you're running out of houses.
[Caleb sniffles]
I just wonder if your girl
ever seen my rabbit.
I'd be sorry if she did.
I'll tell you the story
about it, if you want.
You're bound
to hear about it anyway.
Nah, we talked enough.
Well, I will tell you this.
There ain't much you do
in these territories,
but what you do do
you're all watched at it
and I don't mean by God.
What order there is comes
from me watching you.
Man watching his fellow.
Seeing what he'll stand
and what he won't.
My father says, if they
see you suffer an insult...
men'll come try you.
You better make it known
you let no injury pass,
however small...
and your judgement is sure...
and terrible.
Falter, he says,
and they will take from you,
and they will keep on taking
until you are wiped clean
from this land,
and your name with it.
I'm just saying
that's something
you might want
to keep in mind.
[dog whining]
Go on, now.
This isn't your house.
Ain't yours either.
Come on in here.
I just got him down.
He'll be quiet.
[Caleb laughing]
Over her?
You want to try this?
[tense music playing]
Well, if it meant
that much to you,
you could have just said
something earlier.
Saved me a long walk up a hill
that I did not enjoy.
Yeah, I'll leave
you lovers to it.
You ain't getting me, boy.
Not you.
Not in this place.
[settlers chattering]
[tense music playing]
[Marigold gasping]
You don't know him?
Well, the woman who lives here,
maybe she does.
Whatever they're doing,
you can't be a part of this.
No. They were...
Walter was just selling off
some land. He...
No, he was on his way
up here for you.
However that is,
you got to look
to yourself right now.
And that child in there.
- Hey!
- [whimpers]
There are others with him.
I don't know
how close they are.
And when he doesn't come back,
they'll head here.
You understand that?
They'll come the way he did.
No, you don't know that.
You don't know that.
This doesn't have anything to do with me.
You know it doesn't.
I told you I don't know him.
I don't know either of you.
You did that.
I'm sorry, Mary.
You got a little time,
but that's it.
[settlers chattering]
[woman] What happened there?
I don't know.
There was a fight.
I didn't... I didn't see.
You know where you'll go?
Come on.
You have to take me with you.
You have to take both of us.
Hold him.
You're gonna need this
where we're going.
[settlers chattering]
Let's go.
[intense music playing]
[birds chirping]
We just got to keep going.
[pleasant music playing]
Here. Grab that.
Couple more.
[lively chatter]
Son, she's had enough water.
You can unhitch 'em both.
They're awful warm, sir.
Throw that over 'em.
Unstrap 'em first, though.
I don't like the looks
of that one.
Yes, sir.
He hit something
we didn't, Owen?
Nah, they say it's this heat.
It's got everyone's spokes
pulling loose.
Is that right, Mr. Buckhout?
It's still got a good axel.
[Owen] Yeah.
[Van] All right.
let's get the rest under
that ridge and out of the sun
before we're fixing them all.
[Juliette] Girls?
Sorry. If you wouldn't mind...
We'd nearly run out.
I was about to go begging.
Darling, water's for them,
I believe.
I beg your pardon, girls.
let me keep the one for him,
and I'll, um, donate mine.
How's that?
Thank you, ma'am.
What are you thanking her for?
[horse screaming]
Tighten that wagon up!
[horse screaming]
- [Buckhout] Owen!
- [Van] Tighten the horse down!
[man] Steady. Steady.
Hey! Hey! Hold it! Hold it!
[men shouting]
[all grunting]
Cut that goddamned horse out!
[boy] Don't hurt him!
Stop. You're hurting him.
Just shut up!
[horse grunting]
- [grunting]
- [Buckhout] Lift high!
Let him go!
[Buckhout] Okay, let it down.
[pleasant music playing]
[horse groans]
[horse groans]
Ma'am. Mr. Proctor.
See what you got there?
Oh, afternoon.
It isn't actually,
um, finished.
There's an engraver in Raleigh
who gets these ready
for print.
He's the real artist,
of course.
Yeah, I don't see
you in there.
It does answer
my question though.
I was about to ask,
did you notice there
were men working down there?
Oh, yes. Of course. I did.
Get up.
Hey! Get up!
- Excuse me. Ow.
- Get your ass...
Hey! Hey, that's enough!
[panting] Mr. Van Weyden,
if you want something,
you can ask.
I can?
All right, here's what I ask...
When you see men working,
figure out how to help.
Both of you.
This ain't helping.
- No. I know.
- Hold on.
Tomorrow, you be aware
of the time.
I want you to draw your water
and get your team hitched
ahead of all these others.
And don't stop anyone
asking for help.
Now, if that means you got
to get up a little early,
go ahead.
That extra time
you like to take, mornings,
just you two,
only means you're dragging
this out for everyone.
All right. That's fair enough.
[sighs] I hope so.
Now, ma'am...
is that their cup?
I'm gonna ask you
to pick it up
and give it to him.
Or what?
You'll start kicking me,
Mr. Van Weyden?
Maybe you'd like to find out,
in front of
all these people...
Damn it, Juliette, just learn
when to show some restraint.
Here we are.
Uh... All right.
We're all good?
Good. I will go
and offer my services,
such as they are.
Captain, Mr. Kittredge,
our apologies.
You think you've just given us
a fine bit of education,
don't you?
I did try, ma'am.
We'll see if it takes.
Oh, you keep at it, Captain.
You'll bring us around.
Like our Mr. Kittredge here.
He's kicked
and bullied his girls
into fine young men.
Young ladies, you meant.
You know, you're right.
Beg your pardon.
[sighs] Owen?
Would you like me
to talk to her?
[Evie] She knows we're girls,
Daddy. She just misspoke.
[Owen] Diamond.
[horse groans]
[rooster crowing]
[rooster crowing]
[lively chatter]
Oh-ho, that's my girl.
Okay, we got a good hour now,
and you won't need half that.
[pleasant music playing]
[lively chatter]
Ah, this is working perfect.
And, sir,
she does know about this?
You two talked about it?
Oh, aye, sure.
I'll have eyes on her myself,
you know.
Okay, here you go. Hmm?
Just... If she were
to come back, though.
She is a fierce woman, sir.
That Mrs. Riordan.
And I mean, no offense.
Oh, no, no.
No, no. None taken.
You're right. She's that.
But, look at us, now.
Three grown men, armed.
And the heat
slows her down, besides.
All right, we'll have
no trouble, lads,
if you work quick. Hmm?
Okay, now, quick.
Go, go. Go. Quick.
[lively chatter]
Sergeant, if you see any more
K-Company, you send them in.
Uh, yes, sir.
[lively chatter]
[whimsical music playing]
You let go of that! Let go!
Ma'am, stop it.
Stop it? Come here.
No. Ouch. Ow.
[Mrs. Riordan]
Tommy! Look at this.
I come back
to fetch a hat for Ginny,
and here's these two
walking out with the furniture.
Ma'am, please.
Not a word out of ya. Down!
They said
that you put 'em up to it.
Oh, sure he'd steal
his daughter's things,
out of his own house?
Ma'am. [panting] I...
Honey, don't!
No! No, no. Enough.
Calm down. All right? Hmm?
No, no. Stop it. Okay.
- What is this, Tommy?
- Calm down.
We can't match force with you.
But if you let me show you
who this is for,
I promise you'll understand.
Will you let me do that?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? You'll let me?
All right.
All right.
Enough of this.
I'll be right back.
[pleasant music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[lively chatter]
[Elizabeth] Ma'am.
Good afternoon.
Afternoon, Sergeant.
Out of the sun, Lizzie.
Miss Frances,
Miss Elizabeth...
this is Mrs. Riordan.
Mother, the Ladies Kittredge.
You ought to have said, Tommy.
What an angel.
You give that to me.
These hands in Army soap.
You ought to have told me,
There's our own little Rose,
you see.
Last of our six.
- Oh, she's beautiful.
- Mm-hm.
And fair, like your Lizzie.
About her age, too,
when our Father
called her back up
to his side.
Suppose He couldn't
bear the loss
any better than we did. Hmm?
Sorry for your loss, Miss.
And yours.
Anyway, you've met
the Mrs. Riordan.
You'll want no more
protection or provision
now that you're here.
[tense music playing]
[horses neighing]
- [exclaims]
- Look at that!
Oh, they're magnificent.
I don't think we've ever
seen them this close.
Let me get your book.
No, no. I want us
just to look at this.
What do you want to do?
About that scout up there,
you mean?
Well, now there's two.
Steady there, Daniel.
Just keep moving.
We're all right.
[clears throat]
Don't seem to mind
that we're looking.
Probably wants to see
how many we are,
see how far we get today,
and where we stop.
All right,
when this opens up,
I'm gonna have you run
the lead wagon
round to the back,
draw us all up in a ring.
We'll keep the animals
inside tonight. All right?
[suspenseful music playing]
[cows mooing]
There you are.
All right, darlin'.
Time for bed.
- [bells dinging]
- [cows mooing]
Good night.
[animals chattering]
All right, just hold on.
What I know is,
we said we wouldn't
pay tolls to anyone.
If you want to hold another
vote in the morning, we can.
But for now, you just keep
your eyes open, all right?
And don't expect
to see Napoleon's army.
If they come,
it'll be just a few
trying to stampede
the animals.
Might stampede on their own,
boxed in like this.
Yeah, there's always
that chance.
And if anybody
wants to stay up,
keep an eye on his property,
I'd understand that.
Just know we start
14 more hours in the morning.
And we'll do 14 more
after that.
That's our preservation.
Keeping that pace.
[cattle mooing]
[cattle mooing]
- [bells dinging]
- [cattle mooing]
- [bells dinging]
- [cattle mooing]
They were talking
like it's Apaches, Matthew.
It's not.
We're not in that country yet.
All right?
Well, what about Chiricahuas?
That's just another kind
of Apache. So, again, no.
What books are you reading,
[Buckhout chuckles]
You're just scaring yourself.
[clears throat]
Help you with something,
Mr. Proctor?
[Van] And she's sure
it was those two?
Yeah, it would be.
And you wouldn't just talk
to them yourself?
Well, I wasn't sure,
this being
a disciplinary issue,
I thought that you'd be the...
No, I don't blame you.
All right.
What about your wife?
You're not afraid
to talk to her, are you?
No, not usually.
You tell her why is she
bathing in the drinking water?
Oh, well,
I think she thought that
as long as it was ours,
then there was no...
But it's not yours.
You're just carrying it.
You know when we hit
water next? Barring rain?
No, you don't.
And neither do I.
But there's desert ahead.
Means there may come a time
when we draw straws
for the last of the water,
and maybe
you don't get a straw.
You tell her that.
Listen to me.
You watch how and when
the others bathe.
All right? You do like them.
We will, sir. And I'll
tell her. And you'll...
And I'll talk to those men.
Thank you.
I understand there was a lady
bathing outside that wagon
earlier tonight?
Understand you two
got a pretty good look at her.
Is that right?
Sounds like gossip.
Well, I wasn't here,
so I can't say,
but I do know
when complaints are made,
I'm the one
that's got to hear 'em.
Did we vote this man captain?
You 'member?
Well, enough others did, Sig,
that it's become my job.
You two, listen,
you've been
a help to me, so far.
Looking after the stock.
I got no problem
with you, myself.
But if somebody else does...
I do have to take that
into account.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Beg your pardon?
He said,
I guess when some fool lady
wants to undress
out in the open...
we're better off throwing
an apron over our head
and turning ourself
in to the law.
Is that right?
I don't think
that's what I'm saying,
and I think you know that.
No, you don't think.
Do you?
That might be your problem
right there.
Now, you can sit here, Captain,
listen to our side...
maybe figure out
who you're trying to scold.
But you know,
from the look of you,
I think you'd rather just get.
just steer clear of that woman
and her husband, is all.
It's a worry
I don't goddamned need.
And there he goes.
[tense music playing]
Did you get her boy?
[Junior] No.
It's not welcome here.
Bring him inside.
But they haven't ate yet.
It's okay.
- You haven't ate.
- Take this.
Go on. It's okay.
[crows cawing]
Were you with him?
You oughtta been.
That's your brother.
Yeah, I see that...
I see that as a mistake.
Who was it, did this?
Saddle tramp.
We didn't know him.
Get his name?
I did.
Hayes Ellison.
We know his looks,
and his horse and kit.
Clerk said he's got family
around Council Grove,
so I sent Mike
and two others that way.
Your mother told you
to take him inside.
[suspenseful music playing]
what are you looking at?
there's nobody following us.
[Guard barking]
[Guard] Come on, get it.
Come on and get it.
Get it. Get it.
This is from me to you.
No charge, sabbe. No charge.
Burns a bit, huh?
But it's good.
Get it.
[banging on door]
You wait here, chief.
Don't touch that.
Ain't yours yet.
See this?
I could if you moved
that fat head.
[Guard] That makes six
or seven of them.
Probably pretty well-armed.
Why wouldn't they be?
This is gonna make my week.
[horses neighing]
[indistinct chatter]
You must see enough in here
to do a trade with 'em.
Yeah, well, I manage anyhow.
Well, I'd like to know
where they all go
when they ain't here.
Might be looking on the moon,
for all the sign
we found out there.
Well, I suggest
you just sit still
and let them come to you.
Yeah, we tried that once.
I prefer to stay moving.
Son, I got black licorice
all the way from St. Louis.
Right under here.
I'll have a look
at one of those.
Those are J.H. Dance 44's.
And I think you can see them
fine from where you are.
I'll have one.
[chuckling] You'll have one?
You're hardly out of
short pants, ain't you?
He's fine. He'll grow into it.
Boss, he says he's leaving.
Chief, just hold your ass.
I'll buy you another drink.
Well, I'll tell you...
These are a match set,
and I couldn't
sell them separate.
Tell him. It's his money.
All right, then.
He'll probably
want to try 'em first.
Fine. You take it outside,
and he pays for the bullets.
Boss, he says if you don't
sell him anything,
he's gonna take his
smelly antelope and leave.
[Abel] Get him
the hell out of here.
I take them in,
these goddamn Indians.
He comes in here and drags
that thing across my floor.
Drinks my liquor for free.
And then
he doesn't want to trade.
Maybe he don't trust
your scales.
Hold on, there.
Someone drag
that carcass out of here.
I'll trade with you.
Have a look at this here buck.
He just might be the one
who killed your folks.
You never know.
[man] Hmm?
I think the Mexicans
call him "Puno."
- You know him?
- Mm-mm.
[men chattering]
Give it to him.
How's that feel?
Too heavy for you?
- Russell.
- I'm all right.
What's this?
You just watch, Elias.
You weren't here
when it started.
You think you can
get that out before him?
See if you can get
both of them.
[Abel] Oh, no,
I'm not having this in here.
You take this outside.
[in Athabaskan]
You're all right.
Stay still.
This is a game.
[in English] You're gonna draw
this kid for his shells.
Against your antelope.
That sound fair to you?
He doesn't understand.
Oh, yes, he does.
He just wants
another bullet is all.
Look at that face.
[in Athabaskan] Go outside.
[in English]
That's right, boys.
Give him some room.
[in Athabaskan] Don't move.
They're almost done.
I'm done.
[Janney sighs]
Go on.
Is that his?
- Yeah.
- Give it to him.
We're all done in here.
He said that's enough.
You still want those?
They're paid for.
[indistinct shouting
in distance]
[tense music playing]
How you know it's them?
I don't.
I just had a feeling
I felt something
behind us for a while now.
I have to ride down there
and see.
I'd like to see how they're
working, too, if it is them.
Hayes, there's a whole world
we could go to. You know?
Nothing says
we gotta go down there.
We have to feed him.
And I'd like to...
and I'd like to earn
something too. So, then...
Yeah, after that, anywhere.
You just... you just pick.
It's a place
we can risk anyway...
if they just satisfied
themselves we're not there.
I could just
catch up with them. Hmm?
I'll tell 'em who I am
and I'll tell 'em I quit.
And say you left us
in Bountiful.
I heard you saying something
about California.
They'll probably
just thank you
and send you along, huh?
They could do their worst
at this point.
All they know about me is
I was looking after him
the night they came.
That's all I am
in any of this.
Why do you think
they'd even bother?
You could ask Walter
about that.
Well, I might.
You don't know
what happened to them.
You're not taking the full
measure of this, Mary.
Think about how far
these men just came
and how long they've been
at it over one old injury.
I know the man I met
was on his way
to kill everyone
in that house.
He might as well
have been walking up
to get the mail
for all it bothered him.
Now they had a second loss
and they're this much farther
out of their way.
I can't imagine they'll be any
kinder to you this time.
So, they'll just kill me then.
Right out
in front of everyone.
No, they'll probably take you
somewhere quiet, won't they?
We'll stay up here tonight.
One more.
Just to be sure.
Uh-huh. Just to be sure.
So we'll sleep up here.
On the ground.
Or in the rain maybe.
I wish you told me you were
this funny when we met.
Yeah, I shoulda.
We can risk a fire, anyway.
Ooh, a fire.
[sentimental music playing]
Tomorrow, I'll...
I'll ride down there
and see what they want
for one of those tents.
So just one more night,
and then all the comforts
of home.
I'm sorry.
Honey, I'm... I'm ratty today.
Don't listen to me.
We're gonna do what you say.
And of course,
I know you're right.
You believe me?
Just wait
till I got cleaned up
and I had some sleep.
I'll be better.
You're fine.
[horses neighing]
[inspirational music playing]
I'm gonna go pop me
General Jackson for you.
We'll be back
for spring formal.
Have a chest full of ribbons,
then, too.
And I'll let you have one.
How's that?
[soldier 2] Sergeant says
that the sight of us
is only gonna encourage
enemies of the union.
we're just learning how you
young men can get called away.
But that you do come back.
Of course we do, honey.
Only at higher pay.
Oh, Lizzie, wait.
It's all right, ma'am.
We understand.
Anyhow, Lizzie...
you be a help to your mom.
We'll be hearing about you.
[Riordan chuckles]
Well, what we got here?
[laughs] Well...
Would you look at this?
Now, ain't this good luck?
That's awful nice of you,
[Elizabeth whimpers]
I'm gonna bring this back
to you, sweetheart.
I promise you.
[sighs] Oh...
Don't know if there's more of
where she got those, ma'am?
But if Lizzie could find some
for these other boys...
you can see yourself
what it'd mean.
Of course.
I'm sorry. I should have
seen that myself.
[indistinct chatter]
None of 'em will admit to
the fear of not having one...
but often enough it's trifles
like these they march for.
That bit of cloth, to them...
that's your
daughter's blessing.
And you'll see,
more than one
will die holding it.
It'll be that dear to them.
[inspirational music
[soldier] Instead of spa
We'll drink brown ale
You wish
you were going with 'em?
[soldiers singing along]
They start drawing
an active wage, anyhow.
You know, the work we do
out here, Trent, it's...
it's no kind of spectacle.
That doesn't make it
any less important.
It might not be easy for you
to see that, just now.
[sentimental music playing]
[birds chirping]
Oh no, baby, that's hot.
That's hot.
You don't touch that.
Okay? What's that?
What is this?
A cigar cutter?
This is sharp!
You'd like Hayes
to find that, I guess?
What? You worry
he'll throw you out?
Hey, maybe
I'll leave it then. Huh?
As a favor to you.
You don't seem able
to move on your own.
I will.
Yeah, you said.
I don't know. I, uh, begin
to have my doubts.
You're not gonna touch this.
That's hot.
You play with this ball.
Or maybe you really started
to see yourself
as that boy's mother now, huh?
Yeah, well,
don't you worry about that.
'Cause he ain't fooled.
Believe me.
Hey, you remind yourself of
anyone's mother you know?
And how do you think Hayes
would work out
as a father, huh?
You think he asked
for any of this?
I don't know.
He'd try, anyway. Maybe.
He'll be better off, trust me.
Well, if it ain't for Hayes,
I don't know
what we're doing here, honey.
Is it?
Hell, I do not see a problem
in leaving a man like that.
Like what?
He's the only
decent person in this.
You don't know a damn thing.
Aw, ain't you decent?
I'm good enough for you.
All right.
I'm just saying, we gotta go.
If I stay any longer...
Christ, I might have
to find a job here.
And that'd just about
kill you, I guess.
- [grunts]
- [groaning]
I think I've dawdled here
long enough.
Just let me figure this out.
Tomorrow, honey.
You see if I'm kidding.
[panting excitedly]
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
He wanted to see the donkey.
- The donkey, I think.
- [speaking other language]
[in English] Oh, he can pat.
Pat the donkey. Yeah.
Thank you. Thank you.
[man] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
All right, everybody out.
Tomorrow he only wants ten,
he said.
So I need the first ten of you
lined up here, ready to work.
English speakers only.
You understand that?
He don't want no more Chinese.
Somebody needs to tell them
he don't want no more.
No more Chinese.
That's right. No more Chinese.
English speakers only.
Let's go. Hup.
[speaking other language]
[thunder breaking]
[Tracker sighs]
You were right.
It was Ruiz and that German.
- Mr. Strauss?
- [Tracker] Yeah.
We lost them before we come
through that notch.
Told Ned they was tired.
All right.
It wasn't their cause anyway.
I don't know. Makes you wonder
when we'll be too few
to continue.
What about your six?
Looks like you're about to
become our majority.
Well, I'll be honest with you,
they'd like to see
different results.
I think all of them would.
I've been asked if you'd even
recognize your Injuns by now.
I think I might.
What does that mean?
I mean finding Injuns, Elias,
that's not your problem.
I'm just asking if it's all
important they be yours?
[Russell] No.
It's not.
[thunder breaking]
Well, as soon as
you all get over
being particular about that,
well, by God, I can show you
five settlements
like I can show you
five fingers.
And if they didn't
burn your town...
well, they did just as bad
or they will.
We'll need our own Injuns too.
They're easier.
We just buy them.
Buy 'em with what?
Well, I see all these
cartridges you saved
by not shooting at anything.
I don't have to tell you
how crazy Injuns are for them.
Hell, a Mescalero will
track his own mother for one.
Box of bullets out here
will buy you
a whole goddamn Injun army,
I know that for a fact.
Well, I'm not saying
that you...
have to give up this idea of
finding your White Mountains.
I'm just saying you could make
a living at this
while you're at it.
Keep you sharp.
[thunder rumbling]
- [thunder breaking]
- [gasps]
- [thunder breaking]
- [gasps]
- [cow mooing]
- [bell dinging]
No, no. Oh gosh. No.
[sighs] Oh no.
Let me see. Let me see.
It's fine. It's fine.
- [chuckles]
- Come on.
- [pleasant music playing]
- [laughing]
- Oh God.
- Shh.
I'm putting you to sleep.
We're gonna wake
that child, Mary.
Really, I'm... I'm about...
I'm about used up.
Not all the way, you're not.
You just lay there.
[breathing heavily]
[speaking other language]
[in English]
"His name is Samson.
Or shorter for Sam.
His parents are dead.
Please care for him."
[lively chatter]
[birds chirping]
[sighs] Lieutenant.
I'm sorry. I'm just, um...
I need a minute.
- With me?
- Mm.
Well, I hope
it's something good.
You just scared off
all my help.
- [chuckles]
- Yeah, I'll get them back.
You know, I don't usually deal
in the gossip of the camp.
But I guess
there's been some...
speculation from
some of them
about you and me.
And I apologize if you've
heard any of that,
and I don't want you to
think I'm a part of it.
- No, I didn't.
- And I don't...
I hope, ma'am,
that my behavior...
I haven't...
encouraged any feelings in you
that I couldn't possibly
entertain, myself.
So, it would be in light
of your being married?
Now, if any of this has come
from my friend Mr. Chavez,
then, uh...
you should understand
he likes to play in my affairs
with the idea
that he's helping me.
Maybe he's seen some chance
that you might
be happy, that's all.
And he doesn't see
any old-fashioned reason
why you shouldn't be.
Neither do I.
You know, I won't presume
anything about you,
but whatever it is
you've rehearsed to say to me,
I think you've said it.
Strictly, there's no reason
for you to stay here.
And here you are.
[pleasant music playing]
You don't need to worry
about your behavior
around me, Mr. Gephart.
So far, you have been
the soul of honor.
Really, I've been wondering
when you'll stop.
[pleasant music continuing]
[somber music playing]
[tense music playing]
[horse neighs]
[whispers] Whose is that?
Russell, whose is that?
I swear to you I tied it.
[horses neighing]
Oh, God.
[in Athabaskan]
What are you doing?
You're too far.
[breathing heavily]
[in English] Well,
this looks damn unhealthy.
[woman speaking Athabaskan]
[woman speaking Athabaskan]
[in English] All right.
This might not be up to us,
after all.
When we start this thing,
you take this up there
and look out over the river,
against anything coming back.
You plan on carrying that
whole rig up there with ya?
Well, all right.
Maybe you'll have better luck
with it this time.
[woman speaking Athabaskan]
[in English] How far now?
[speaking Athabaskan]
[in English]
He says the wind's with us,
but they might still hear.
[woman shouting in Athabaskan]
[woman shouting in Athabaskan]
[horse neighs]
[woman speaking Athabaskan]
[tense music continuing]
Oh, no. Don't do that.
[rifle clicks]
[Tracker] Huh?
[tense music continuing]
When I say...
[tense music continuing]
- [horses neighing]
- [Native Americans whooping]
[sad music playing]
[gunfire continuing]
[breathing heavily]
[Native Americans whooping]
[gunfire continuing]
[sad music continuing]
[Janney] Russell!
We still all right?
[tense music playing]
[horse screaming]
[gasping, grunting]
[tense music continuing]
[Tracker whistles]
You're watching the river!
All right, we better move
before this gets complicated.
Didn't think it'd be so easy.
Yeah, what do you think now?
[man laughing]
Hey, Russell!
Come on!
We done here.
[adventurous music playing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[music stops]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[adventurous music continuing]
[music ends]
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch
Like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind
But now I see
'Twas grace that taught
My heart to fear
And grace
My fears relieved
How precious did
That grace appear
The hour
I first believed
Through many dangers
Toils and snares
I have already come
'Tis grace hath brought
Me safe thus far
And grace will lead
Me home
[singing in other language]
[in English]
When we've been here
Ten thousand years
Bright shining
As the sun
We've no less days
To sing God's praise
Than when
We'd first begun