Horse Camp: A Treasure Tail (2023) Movie Script

- Kelly!
Do we have a Paige Kelly?
Bethany LaMarsh?
Bethany LaMarsh!
Paige Kelly!
- Hannah W.?
Hannah W.!
- Ruby Landry!
Is there a Ruby Landry here?
- Lily Marcus!
Well, I certainly
recognize some faces,
and I see some new ones,
so that's exciting.
Why doesn't everyone go around,
tell me your first name,
and if you've been to
Black River before?
- I'm Lily, and this
is my second year here.
- And who's your favorite horse?
- Bandit, I always ride Bandit.
- Great, so for those
of you who are new,
or may have forgot
from last summer,
this is the general store.
You can buy treats here, things
you may need for the summer,
and it's a great place to play
board games on a rainy day.
And who's next?
- Hi, I'm Alexis, and
I'm nine years old.
- Everyone say hi, Alexis.
- Hi, Alexis.
- And what are you looking
forward to this summer?
- The horses.
- Mm, the horses, I love it.
Okay, ladies.
So, this is our opera house.
This is where we're gonna
do fun little plays,
we'll sing some songs,
and if it's a rainy day,
this is where we're gonna
hold our announcements.
And you, introduce
yourself please?
- Well, I'm Kayla, I'm 13.
This is my second year here,
and I like campfires
with s'mores.
- Great job.
Good strong voice, Kayla.
Okay, so this is small animals.
You guys can come
in here anytime,
and play with the pets,
but you wanna make sure
that you don't have a
scheduled riding lesson.
We do ask that we
use gentle hands,
and please do not chase
the animals, okay?
- Okay.
- You guys can go
play with them,
but I do wanna hear
one more introduction.
- Hi, I'm Beth.
- Hi, Beth.
- Hi, and I think small
animals is my new favorite.
Oh, and first year.
- Beautiful.
Follow me, ladies.
Okay, ladies.
So this is the barn.
We have over 80 horses
here at Black River.
This is where you're gonna come
for your scheduled
riding lessons.
Miss Stacy has put together
a really great program
for you guys this year.
I think we have
another introduction.
- My name's Paige, I'm
12, and I'm just happy
to not be living at
home this summer.
- Hi, Paige.
- Well, we are happy
to have you here.
And I think you haven't gone.
- Hi, I'm Parker.
- Hi, Parker.
- I like the campfires, and
catching fireflies at night.
- Mm, that's a good one.
Let's follow me,
ladies, come on.
Okay, now there is more to BR.
Way on the other side,
we have the lake,
we have the campfire pit,
and we also have
the north field.
So I'm gonna let you guys
discover that all on your own,
and I think we have one
more final introduction.
- Hi, I'm Ruby.
- Hi, Ruby.
- I am 13, it's my
second year here,
and I'm here for the horses.
- The horses, I love it.
And I think we're all
here for the horses.
I know that's what made
me wanna come here,
but remember that BR is
so much more than that.
We are building the future
female leaders of tomorrow,
and while you're
here this summer,
I want you guys to
think about that,
and what that
means to you, okay?
Now, we are here at your cabin.
Let's go inside and
make it a great summer.
- Run, run,
run, run, run!
- Good morning.
- Hi.
We're excited to finally
meet you, Mrs. L.
- It's Ms., and
LaMarsh, Ms. LaMarsh.
- Oh, okay.
Well, around here we normally
do it like Miss, or Mrs.,
and then the first letter
of your last name, so.
- Yes, well I'm not
from around here.
- That's okay, that's okay.
And we can be informal when
we're not around the girls,
and use our first names.
Stacy and I are 26, so.
- Ms. LaMarsh will be fine.
Please be seated.
So, I have read through
each of your files.
- I didn't know I had a file.
So you're here from?
- BMG Global.
We're handling the business end
of Black River Horse Camp now,
as 30% partners for the
majority of the revenue streams.
However, with Mr. C
unavailable this summer,
I will be running camp.
- As head counselor, I can do
a lot of the day to day stuff.
I know this ranch
backwards and forwards.
- Yes, that won't be necessary.
I'm a highly trained executive.
- You know, I've never
heard of BMG before.
And I've never seen
you here before.
- Well let's see, I hate horses,
hate camping, and
even as a child,
I had a strong
dislike for children.
- Oh, so no children
of your own, I take it?
- I have a daughter.
Anyhow, with Mr. C
recovering from surgery,
I felt it was my
duty to come here
to make sure that camp runs
efficiently this summer.
- Speaking of efficiently,
I noticed you allowed a
group of incoming girls
to bunk together that
are different ages.
- Mm-hmm, yes I arranged
them by their last names.
It makes mail delivery easy.
Is that a problem?
- Right.
No, but...
- What she means is we
normally don't do that,
because then the girls aren't
the same age in the cabin.
I'm not explaining this well?
- My concern is that it's
gonna be difficult for them
to get out of
their comfort zone,
and make new friends
their own age.
- Well, I hadn't
considered that,
but I did speak to
one of the girls,
and she seemed happy enough,
so we'll stick with it.
- Switching cabins
would be really simple.
- Your concerns make sense,
but the decision has been made.
Cabin arrangements
will work fine.
Make it a great day, ladies.
- She could've at least
gotten our opinion.
I mean, asked us our thoughts.
We've only been
doing this since-
- Forever?
- Forever.
Right, I mean I wanna
like her, I really do.
She's just-
- A stubborn little know-it-all
who makes things
frustratingly difficult.
- Yeah, that's
exactly what she is.
Does that remind you of anyone?
- Remember that one
summer that Keilah
would not let me
wear hoop earrings,
even though I liked them?
- Well, hi Stacy.
This is a surprise.
I hope you're having
a great day at camp.
- Well?
I met Ms. LaMarsh.
- Oh, right.
She's a charmer, isn't she?
- So you've met her.
- Oh, yeah.
Let's just say, I'm a
bit more into the magic
of Black River Farm and Ranch.
- Not.
- Right.
- You have to come
back here and save us.
- The doctor says the
surgery went really well.
I should be fully
recovered in a year or so.
Thanks for asking.
I am still in a bit of pain,
but I'm eating a
lot of ice cream.
- I should've asked you
that first, shouldn't I?
I'm sorry.
- Yeah, you probably
should have, Stacy.
Oh, and Stacy?
- Yeah?
- No cellphones allowed
at camp, you know that.
Make it a great summer.
I love those kids like I love
my own daughters, but boy,
they sure can be frustrating.
Oh well.
Book, puzzle.
Now, I think it's summer
with Clint Eastwood.
- No cellphones.
- I'm 26 years old, and
the head riding instructor.
I will do what I want.
- You know I have mine
in my back pocket.
Just don't tell anyone.
I miss this.
- Me too.
We waited nine months
all year for this.
- Who was it?
- Who?
- Your phone call,
it seemed serious.
- Mr. C.
Nobody's coming to save us.
We are stuck with Ms. LaMarsh.
- Great.
How's he recovering?
- I don't know.
I should've asked him
that when I called him,
but how does your mind go
straight to empathy, and mine?
I mean, he sounded
okay, I guess.
- Well, that's good.
Did you see that
Sugarcane's pregnant?
I think she's gonna
give birth soon.
- I saw.
Do you think Ms. LaMarsh knows?
- I doubt it.
- Whose job is it to tell her,
the head riding instructor,
or the camp director?
- I will do it.
- Thank you.
- It's so beautiful.
I needed this.
- I could tell.
Tell me about you.
It's been nine months
since I've seen you,
and you just seem a little
different this year.
Maybe down, a little bit?
- I feel different.
I don't know if it's the
whole Ms. LaMarsh thing,
but it feels like there's
something missing.
I don't know, but even
you seem different.
- I do?
- I mean, in a good way.
What's changed with you?
- Not much.
Well, I did meet a guy.
- Go on.
- And he helps people.
Not to look good,
or for a photo op,
but he just truly cares
about helping others.
- And?
- Well, first I was worried
because I assumed he was poor.
- There it is.
- Hear me out.
- Go on.
- Then I decided it
didn't matter, we
could just be friends.
So I started to help him,
and I just felt this
peace and satisfaction
that I didn't even
know was possible.
But I liked him, like a lot.
Obviously, I couldn't date him
because of the whole
poor situation.
But, turns out he
comes from money.
- Of course he does!
- Now we're really
happy together.
- Well, that's, yeah.
I am really happy for you.
- Thank you.
Enough about me, though.
Tell me about you.
Are you seeing anyone special?
- Me?
- Mm-hmm.
- No.
I mean, there's something
that feels like it's missing,
but it's not that.
I thought coming
to BR could fix it,
but now that I'm here, I mean,
I love being here.
But that feeling's still there.
And like I said, the
whole Ms. LaMarsh thing,
it's not helping,
but I don't know.
It's like sometimes, I wake
up in the middle of the night
and I'm thinking,
I'm 26 years old.
What am I doing with my life?
What if I fail?
- Well, that's not gonna happen.
Everyone believes in you.
Mr. C believes in
you, I believe in you,
and I'm here to help.
You know what I think?
We should go for a ride.
- Absolutely.
- How about, the river?
- The river.
How were your
girls this morning?
- Mismatched, they are all
different riding levels.
- Yeah, well Ms. LaMarsh isn't
the kind to change her mind,
so how are you and I gonna
make the best out of this?
- I'm just the head
riding instructor.
You are the camp director.
- Thanks.
- Come on, let's talk about it
on our way to the dining hall.
I bet you'll come up
with something great.
You always do.
- Good
morning, campers!
- Good
morning Miss Rebecca!
- We are the BR girls!
- I certainly see
some familiar faces,
and some new ones as well.
I believe that you
girls are going to have
the most amazing summer yet.
Now you may have noticed
that you are grouped
not by age this year.
The theme of this
summer is mentorship.
How can you older
girls be a good mentor
for the younger
girls in your cabin?
- And don't forget,
us counselors are
here for you, too.
- And just as important
as being a good mentor
is knowing when to ask
another girl for advice.
We're all here to
support each other.
- Absolutely.
What I know, for sure,
is that this summer will
be what you make it.
So let's make it the best.
Not only for you, but the
other girls around you.
- And now, today's announcements
from Camper Victoria!
- Hello, everyone.
Today, the Robins
will go to the barn
while the Foxes
have their riding.
Then, in the afternoon, we're
gonna have an all camp swim.
Thank you, ladies.
Make it a wonderful day.
- All right, good job!
- Okay, so this year's gonna
be a little bit different.
Normally, I have riding
groups based on experience,
but this year, we have a
lot of returning girls,
and a lot of first-time riders.
So what we're gonna do
is have first-time girls
come over here, you're
gonna be with me.
And returning girls, you're
gonna go with Miss Sam.
Miss Rebecca, will
you take them?
- Yeah.
- Awesome.
- Come on, girls.
- All right, so the first
thing we are going to learn
is how to get on a horse.
- Miss Stacy?
- Yeah.
- Can I stay with
this lesson today?
- Parker, it's your
fourth summer at camp.
You're way too advanced
for this lesson.
- I know, I thought I could help
with the smaller
kids in my cabin.
Maybe you would even
let me help you teach.
I know I could assist
the beginner's lesson
if you let me try.
- All right, come on.
- Okay, first thing
we are going to do
is practice getting
on the horse.
You can do this, Alexis.
What you are going to do is
place your hands like this.
Swing, put your
foot in the stirrup.
Not super deep, just
the ball of your foot.
Swing your other leg over onto
the other side of the saddle.
Ready, Alexis?
- Yes.
- I'll go next.
- All right, come on.
So hop up on the mounting block.
All right, climb up.
Put your foot in the
stirrup, swing your leg over.
Got your stirrup?
- Yep.
- Awesome.
So grab the reins.
There you go, and we're
gonna shorten your stirrups.
All right.
Give him a little kiss
and a kick, and let's go.
Everybody looks good,
you guys feel good?
Can I get a woo?
- Woo!
- Hey.
- Hey, how'd it go today?
- They are going to
need a lot of work.
- Really?
- I think that one of them
is terrified of horses.
- Really?
You know, I remember this
world champion gymnast
who came here, and
her first year,
she was terrified of the horses.
- Really, I don't know
who you're talking about.
- She was so nervous
the entire time,
but she put on a
really brave face.
- Yeah, yeah.
- You know, she didn't
like me very much.
- Well, she does now.
Hey, Stacy?
Is it okay if I talk
to you about something?
- Of course, anything.
- Maybe later, okay?
- Okay, I'm here
whenever you need me.
- Is it okay if I go ride?
I need a break.
- Well, you're in tennis shoes.
Can you at least go
put your boots on?
- I'll be fine.
- Okay, but one condition,
stay in your saddle.
No back flips or
handstands, okay?
- Deal.
- Have fun.
- All right, great job everyone.
Thank you so much for a
great day at camp today.
- And just remember,
please older girls,
be a good mentor to the
younger girls in your cabin.
And also, you can always come
and talk to us counselors
at any time, and for any reason.
Okay, have a good
night at BR, ladies.
- Good morning.
- Hello, ladies.
It has come to my attention
that there is a
pregnant horse on site.
- Yeah, I told you that.
- Pardon me, Lisa?
Speak up, please.
- Sugarcane, she's almost due.
- Oh, well yes.
So I wanted to make sure that
the, oh what do you call it?
- Yes, yes ma'am, the mare.
- Yes, that the mare is
being properly cared for.
I haven't seen anyone
tending to her.
- We've been taking care of her,
making sure she's
happy and healthy.
- Oh, regardless, I have
asked Timothy to come out.
He is a highly
recommended veterinarian.
- Oh, thank you.
And, thank you to both of you
for having me here at your camp.
- Welcome to Black River.
We are perfectly
capable of taking care
of the girls and the
horses, Ms. LaMarsh.
I mean, none of
this is new to us.
- I want all of your attention
on the activities for the
girls, and running this camp.
You may both assist Timothy
when it comes to Sugarcane.
That will be all.
- Thank you.
Lisa, hey.
- Did you need something?
Whatever it is, I'm sure
Ms. LaMarsh would be
happy to help you.
You guys seem so close.
- Yeah, you really think
that she could find the barn?
Look, I was hoping that you
could show me the grounds.
- Me?
- Yeah, if it's not
too much trouble.
- I don't know the grounds.
- You don't know the grounds?
- I do, I mean I do.
I do know the grounds,
but not as well as Stacy.
Stacy knows the grounds.
You don't wanna ask Stacy?
Stacy will help.
You should ask Stacy.
- Okay.
All right, I'll ask Stacy.
I guess I'll ask Stacy.
I don't think she
likes me very much.
- Well, Ms. LaMarsh
doesn't like anyone.
- Ha, no, no she doesn't, but.
I don't think he likes
me very much, either.
And that's how I
feel about Lisa.
- Lisa?
- Lisa, I like her, but.
- No, Lisa likes everyone.
- Yeah, well?
- You know, it might
be the vet thing.
- The vet thing?
- Lisa's honestly
not a great rider,
but she's really good
at veterinary medicine.
The basic stuff.
So she does all the
injections, de-wormings,
she stays up with the
animals when they're sick.
She loves them.
- That's impressive.
- And I think she's planning
on delivering Sugarcane's colt.
- I see.
That might be a little
bit advanced for her.
- Well, I wouldn't
count out our Lisa.
- No, no I'm not,
and I would love an assistant
when the time comes.
Now, what do you say
you show me to that,
what was it called again, the?
- Mare.
- Yes, the mare.
Let me see that mare.
- Okay, let's go.
- Sorry, running you
guys through trees.
- So Tim asked you to
show him around camp,
but you told him to ask me?
- I don't know the
grounds as good as you.
- We both grew up here, Lisa.
I do not know the grounds
any better than you do.
But I think Tim likes you.
- No.
- It is a possibility, Lisa.
- What makes you think that?
- Just intuition.
The way he asked about you.
- He really asked about me?
- Yes, really.
- No, I think you're
reading this all wrong.
- Maybe.
But the next time he comes back,
and he needs an escort around
camp, I'm not doing it.
- You're not?
- No, you are.
- I am.
- So the next time
he comes here,
you better find him and
tell him, before I do.
- Great.
- Come on, y'all.
I wanna show you something.
- Immediate flip.
- Okay, I wanna show
you all something.
- You're not supposed to
have cellphones at camp.
- I know, but these
are just so cute.
Okay, look.
This is my family
at Niagara Falls.
My parents and my little sister.
She's such a goof, and
here we are in the boat.
We got so wet.
And here's the whole family
behind the waterfall.
And here, where's she going?
- Paige?
- I'm gonna let you lead.
- Okay.
- Oh, remain standing, please.
I'd like to show you
what I've been working
on for the girls.
This book contains
maps and clues.
- This is beautiful.
You did this?
- I did, and I made one
for each of the cabins.
Now the maps are all the same,
but the riddles and
clues are all different.
- For what?
- Well, for the girls of course.
I don't want them all
following the same path
to the treasure hunt.
- A treasure hunt?
- Yes, I believe your
theme of mentorship
is a very good one, Lisa.
- Thank you.
- And this game will
help augment that theme.
So there are clues
and riddles in there
that will help lead the
teams to the final spot.
- Well, what's the
treasure gonna be?
- Well, that's for the
two of you to decide.
I believe you'll
know what to do.
- We will?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- This is gonna be really fun
and exciting for the girls,
teaching competition
between the cabins.
- But, shouldn't we be teaching
cooperation instead
of competition?
- Well, both skills are needed
to be successful in life,
and both skills will be needed
in order to complete this task.
- Well, these clues are just so-
- Intricate.
- Complicated.
When are they
expected to do this?
- Well, in between their
horse riding sessions
and their other camp activities.
- This is difficult.
I mean, too difficult between
doing this and activities,
and enjoying the summer.
- Challenges are good.
It builds character.
I did not take you
for a worrier, Lisa.
- I'm not worried.
I have a few suggestions.
- Happy hunting, girls.
- Hi, Paige.
- Miss Lisa.
- Really haven't seen you
with the other girls today.
- This is way easier.
No sad girls, no hurt feelings,
and if the characters
get sad or difficult,
I can just, and
read another day,
or stop reading it altogether.
- You can't do that with people.
- No, you can't.
- But do you really want to?
You don't miss hanging
out with the other girls?
- I have a friend at home.
- Ah, I see.
And you don't wanna hang
out with the whole group?
- I've closed that
book, Miss Lisa,
and I'm not really sure
I wanna open it again.
- I'm hearing everything
that you're saying, Lisa,
but conflict is a
natural part of life.
- I'm simply saying
we can take Paige,
and put her in another cabin,
where she'll be
more comfortable,
and avoid the conflict.
- There are so many experiences
that some of the girls will
have that others won't.
But, every single one of
them will experience conflict
with someone else at some
point in their lives,
and you keep trying to
shield them from that, Lisa.
- Shielding them?
Well, I can see how
it looks that way,
but I just want Paige
to have a good summer.
- Then tackle it head on.
Find out what's at the
heart of the matter,
and then figure out a way
to guide them through this.
- Oh my gosh, you are
not going to believe
what juicy info I just learned.
- What?
- What?
- Tell us.
- I wanna know!
- Tell me.
- Okay.
So Miss Lisa was
talking to Miss Rebecca,
and said that Paige's parents
are getting a divorce.
I guess that means
her dad's moving out
while she's here for the month.
- Oh.
- Oh my god.
- How embarrassing for her.
I could not show my face if
my parents dumped me at camp
just to ruin my life.
- Kayla, did you just repeat
a private conversation?
That is not BR girl behavior.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
- I'm sorry I repeated
a private conversation.
- I mean, it's just not
your story to share.
I mean, if Paige wants to share
about her parents
getting a divorce
and her father moving out, then
she absolutely can because-
- My father's moving out?
- Paige.
Guys, this conversation
is not over.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry
about what happened back there.
I thought I was having
a private conversation
with Miss Lisa.
I didn't know that
Kayla was listening.
- Is my dad really moving
out while I'm here?
- You didn't know?
I really dropped the
ball on this one.
I'm so sorry you had
to find out this way.
Your mom called the camp,
and she talked to Miss Lisa,
but we thought you already knew.
- They don't tell me anything.
I got the whole, Mom and
Dad still love you speech,
then off I was sent.
- I'm so sorry.
Look, I'm not gonna make
any excuses for them,
or give you some big
speech or anything,
but I will tell you that
my parents got divorced
when I was just a little
bit older than you.
Even though it's still really
hard, things do get better.
- Everyone's going
to stare at me,
like oh, poor Paige.
- Yeah, I felt the same way.
I was so self-conscious,
and I pulled away
from all my friends.
But, you know what I learned?
- What's that?
- All my friends, well
all my real friends,
they were there for me.
- Ruby said she'd be mortified
if this happened to her.
- Yeah, it was
not a great start,
but I believe in the BR girls,
and I have a feeling
that they'll come around,
and they'll be here
for you after all.
- The thought of my dad
packing up while I'm here?
- Yeah, I know.
It was the small animals
that helped me get
through my summer.
I would hug them and just cry.
You wanna know a secret?
Sometimes, I even swore.
You know, since I'm a
junior counselor this year,
I actually get to run this area,
and I'd love a helper.
Cool, 'cause animals,
they're always there for us,
and I'm here too.
Even after summer.
I'll give you my number,
and you can text me if
you ever need anything.
We're BR girls.
We stick together.
- Thank you.
- Goodnight, sleep tight.
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
- There's bedbugs?
- No, no, no, no,
it's just a saying.
You don't have anything
to worry about,
Kayla and I are here.
- Okay, goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- What was that?
- I'm scared.
- It's just the door.
- Well, somebody get it.
I'm ready for bed.
- Random.
The first part,
so close, so near.
To learn so much,
you mustn't fear.
Friendship can be
rough, stand true.
Bond again, I'll tell
what next you must do.
What is this?
- It's a treasure hunt!
- The first part,
so close, so near.
To learn so much,
you mustn't fear.
Friendship can be
rough, stand true.
Bond again, I'll tell
what next you must do.
- That doesn't tell us anything.
- Well, at the bottom
it says turn page.
But there's nothing.
Good morning.
- No fair, everyone's already
found their first clue,
but we're just-
- Stuck, yeah.
- Read it again.
- The first part,
so close, so near.
To learn so much,
you mustn't fear.
Friendship can be
rough, stand true.
Bond again, I'll tell
what next you must do.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know, but it
does say to turn page,
but when I turn it,
there's nothing.
- So it's a pretty big place,
but once you get familiar,
it's really easy to
find your way around.
The other animals
live over there, and-
- You know, Lisa,
when I first saw you,
you looked so familiar.
- Oh yeah?
Oh, the lake is over
there, and the bridge.
We have two.
- Lakes?
- Bridges.
- But then I figured
out who you are.
- Who's that?
Oh, the apple orchard
is over there,
and that's where the horses run-
- Lisa, stop.
Look at me, really look at me.
Who do you see?
- Timmy?
Farm boy Timmy?
Oh my!
- Farm boy Timmy, I have
not been called that since-
- Probably middle school?
- Middle school, yes.
I wasn't sure if
you'd remember me.
That's why it took me
so long to bring it up.
- This is crazy.
- Of course, Ms. LaMarsh does
still call me Timmy, but-
- Of course she does.
- To everybody else, I am Tim.
- Sorry, gotcha.
- No, it's totally fine.
Still, it's one of the
best jobs I've ever taken.
- I know the vet.
- You know the vet.
- Oh, we gotta tell Stacy.
- Sure.
- Wait, you two know each other?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, my parents used
to take me to visit
all these different farms,
and orchards when I was a kid.
- And my parents actually
owned one of those orchards.
One that she and
her parents visited,
pretty frequently actually.
- Yes, but yours was
always my favorite.
- Well.
- Because of the horses.
- Because of the horses.
- Yeah.
But, those visits,
that's how my parents
ended up meeting Mr. C, and
that's how I ended up at BR.
- Huh, that is a small world.
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- Well, we're gonna
keep on our walk.
Got a lot more of the
campgrounds to see,
so let you get
back to your work.
- Yes.
Oh, Stacy?
Sam said that she
wanted to talk to you.
- About what?
- I don't know, it
seemed personal.
- Okay, bye.
- Hi, Paige.
- Hello.
- I just wanted to apologize.
I talk too much.
I just want everyone to like me,
so when I feel like
there's something
everyone will pay attention to?
I'm just sorry I
gossiped about you.
- Okay.
- And Paige?
I know I showed
everyone pictures of
my family, and my house.
But, well, just because a
house is nice on the outside,
doesn't always mean nice things
are happening on the inside.
Well, I'll leave you alone.
- Kayla?
- Mm-hmm?
- Your next clue.
The counselors gave to me to
give to you if I wanted to.
- Turn page.
- Turn to Paige.
- Well, we have our
cabin trail ride.
Come with us.
We can open this
together tonight.
- Okay.
- Hey.
Lisa said you wanted to see me?
Take it it's not
about work stuff.
Right, well I'm listening.
What's up?
- Well, I graduated high
school a few weeks ago.
- I know, congratulations.
- And I started seeing this guy.
- Is this a good thing?
- He's really cute.
- Okay, cute is good,
but it's not the only thing.
- I know.
He's older than I am.
- How old?
- Like, your age.
Like, 26.
- Okay, well I'll
hold off judgment.
Go on.
- Anyway, he wants to do things
that I don't think
I'm ready for.
- I see.
- And I'm scared.
And I'm scared that if
I don't, I'll lose him.
- You know, you are
an amazing woman, Sam.
Every woman here is,
and you deserve to wait
for as long as you want to,
no matter how long that is.
And if any guy leaves
because of that,
then believe me, you didn't
lose him, he lost you.
- Thanks.
I know you're right, I just,
I needed to hear
someone else say it.
- Watermelon for ya?
- No thank you.
- Would you like a cookie?
- I want a cookie.
- One or two?
- Um, two.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Macaroni.
- Come on girls, let's go!
Pipe down and get in line!
Come on, let's go, let's go!
Quiet down, and line up.
Watermelon or pineapple?
- How 'bout some macaroni, too?
Would you like some of that?
Let's get some of that.
Get in line, come on,
speak up out there.
One or two?
Come on, everyone.
Quiet down out there.
- Hey, Lisa.
Stacy needs you in
the barn, right now.
- Bye.
Anyways, so Taylor and
Kayla are their names.
- Hey, one of the
junior counselors
said you were looking for me.
- Remember when Tim
said that Sugarcane
wasn't gonna give
birth until next week?
- Mm-hmm.
- But, Lisa?
- Oh, I think this
is happening soon.
- We have to call Tim.
- Do we?
- No, no, no, no, no.
You're gonna get me
in so much trouble.
Lisa, don't get it on your shoe.
Ew, ugh.
Aw, Lisa.
You made a horse.
- I made a horse.
- How is our, um?
- The mare?
- Mare, yes.
- She's resting, but
that's to be expected.
Other than that, she's
doing quite well.
- And the?
- Colt?
- Yes.
- Healthy as a horse.
Sorry, bad joke.
I learned that one from
a veterinarian who I,
the colt is also
very healthy, ma'am.
- Good, here's your
remittance, as promised.
- You know, I
didn't deliver the-
- A deal is a deal.
- Thank you.
You know, what Lisa did,
it's very impressive.
- I'm inclined to
agree with you,
but you will stay on as a
registered veterinarian.
Please continue to come
to camp once per week.
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hey, how was your shower?
- Long, much needed.
- I know the feeling.
I've delivered
quite a few colts.
- That's gotta be a
spectacular feeling,
being a veterinarian?
- It is.
And, can I tell
you a secret perk?
- What's that?
- The once a year or
so that I find myself
at a really expensive,
high class function
and I'm totally out of place?
I get to introduce
myself as Dr. Levine.
But I'm a country doctor.
I make a living, but
some of my people,
they still pay me
in chicken and eggs.
- Money's just money.
- That's right.
- And you get the
sunrises, and the sunsets.
- Yes, I do.
I've gotten to work the
farms, ranches, rodeos,
even go up to the UP to
work the dogsled races.
You know, I've gotten to hunt
fish, camp, canoe, and kayak
every single inch of Michigan.
- Sounds like an amazing life.
- It's been good,
and I'm glad that you
feel that way, too.
- Why me?
- I like you, Lisa.
I know that we just reconnected,
but I look forward to coming
here every single week,
to see you, and when
the summer's over,
I don't want that to end.
- Um.
I don't know if this
is the right time
to have this conversation?
I mean, Sugarcane.
She just gave birth,
she's recovering.
She needs rest.
I, I need rest.
I think everyone needs rest.
So, I'm gonna go check on her.
- I don't need rest.
Guess you gotta get some rest.
You need rest, I need rest,
everybody needs rest.
Mr. C's probably taking a nap.
Everybody needs rest!
Everybody needs to get rest.
- Tim.
Why are you so agitated?
So glad to hear that
colt's healthy delivery,
but I can't imagine that's
what your pacing's about.
It must have something
to do with Lisa.
- No, I just told Lisa
exactly how I feel about her.
- Well hey, that's great.
- Yeah, and she
completely ignored me.
- Oh.
- It's been a great
summer, Larry.
Honestly, it has.
I've liked it.
I've liked getting to
come here once a month,
but I'm done.
I did what I was hired to do.
I'm gonna go out there,
I'm gonna finish my rounds,
and then I'm getting in my
truck, and I'm outta here.
- But that's fair.
You've completed your duties,
but do you really like Lisa?
- Yeah, yeah, yes!
Yes, I like her!
- Well, then why are you
willing to give up so easily?
You're just like
my brother, Jerry.
Gives up too quickly on love.
It takes work, lots of it.
- You didn't hear what
she just said to me.
- Well, you should
hear some of the things
my wife says to me.
Okay, what'd she say?
- I poured my heart
out to the girl.
She looked right
at me and she said,
let's think about Sugarcane.
Sugarcane needs rest, you need
rest, everybody needs rest.
- I don't know
Lisa all that well,
but I do know it takes time
for her to progress things.
So right now, she's probably
going over the
conversation with Stacy.
- You told him what?
- You think so?
- Yeah, I do, I really do.
- I don't know.
I got nervous.
- And if you really like her,
you'll give her a second chance.
Go to her again, and just tell
her how much you like her.
And if she's still
not interested,
then pack your bags and leave.
But I'd hope you
stay for the summer.
You're part of the family now.
- Thank you, Larry.
You're right.
You're right, I,
you know, I really needed
to hear somebody say that.
- You're welcome anytime.
- I'm just standing there
thinking, does this guy like me?
- Well, I told you Tim
likes you, but wow.
He really likes you.
- Me?
- Yes, you, Lisa.
- Why me?
- Why not you?
- Because, guys don't
like girls like me, Stacy.
They like girls like you.
- I wish I could show you
all the amazing things I see
when I look at you,
like how incredible you are.
How much the girls
love and admire you.
You're beautiful, Lisa.
On the inside, but
also on the outside.
Can I ask you a question?
- What's that?
- How do you feel?
- About Tim?
- There is one guy on
this entire ranch, Lisa,
so I think you know
who I'm talking about.
And since you answered that way,
I'm going to assume
you like him, too.
- I mean, he's nice.
- And cute.
- I guess.
- Lisa!
- Okay, fine, yes.
- He likes you.
- I don't know.
- He could've asked
anyone for a tour of camp,
or he could've just gotten
into his car and gone home.
But he asked you.
- I'm just not used to a guy-
- A cute guy, a nice
guy, a veterinarian?
- If I'm being honest,
I just don't know
what he'd see in me.
- Well, you're a
better person than me.
You always have been.
- That's not true.
- Yes, it is, Lisa.
When we were kids here together,
I always felt so
superior to you.
I was prettier-
- That's subjective, but.
- Thinner, richer.
I was a far better rider.
- Okay, those are
all objectively true.
- What else was there?
- We don't need the
whole list, Stacy.
- Right.
Right, I'm sorry.
But there's another list,
one that I didn't understand
when I was 12, 15, or even 20.
I get it now.
Kindness, fairness,
empathy, selflessness.
- You have all those
qualities too, Stacy.
- No, Lisa, I don't.
Not naturally.
I mean, maybe I wasn't
taught those things at home.
Well, we know I wasn't.
- Yeah.
- I'm too old to blame my
faults on my upbringing.
Who I am is up to me,
and I'm becoming better
at it, every day,
every summer I'm here at BR,
and every time I'm with you.
- With me?
- You're my mentor, Lisa.
You always have been,
even when I didn't know it.
- I don't know
what to say, Stacy.
- Say you'll let me help you.
You deserve a
chance at happiness,
and maybe this is it,
and maybe it's not.
But you're not gonna
pass up on finding out
just because you don't
think you're good enough.
You are beyond
good enough, Lisa.
- Thank you.
- So I'm gonna ask
you one more time,
do you like Tim?
- Well, I think we
both know that I do.
- Then tell him that!
Doesn't have to be complicated.
- I'm the best friend, Stacy.
I am not the girlfriend.
I'm not ready.
I don't know what to say.
- Then get ready.
Go practice what to say.
You have to start
seeing yourself as both.
- Good morning, campers!
- Good
morning, Miss Rebecca!
- Please welcome Camper Riley
for today's announcements.
- This morning, we will all
have vaulting with Miss Sam.
In the afternoon, we will
have archery and canoeing,
and then basic veterinary
skills with Miss Lisa.
And then continue on
with our treasure hunt.
- Thank you, Riley!
And remember, please
remember to be a mentor
to the younger
girls in your cabin.
And please, please, please,
come seek out any
one of us counselors
if you ever need to
talk about anything.
Okay ladies, make it
a great day at BR!
- I reach up tall and
high, well into the sky.
I hold my friends,
and they can fly.
My neighbor is
wet, and never dry.
Holding animals in
the land and sky.
- The neighbor has
to be the lake.
- And the first part
has to be the tree.
- Wow, you guys are
so good at this.
- Are you guys quite
sure about this?
I mean, the lake and the tree?
- Pretty sure, but only
one way to find out.
- Let's go.
- Lisa, Lisa.
- Stacy, stop.
Take a breath.
- I rushed down here
as soon as I could.
- Okay.
- Nobody saw me.
- Saw you?
- Can I talk to you alone?
- Did you not want
the horses to hear?
- So I was talking
to Ms. LaMarsh,
and she said that Tim's leaving.
He was looking
everywhere for you.
- What?
I have to hide.
- What, no!
Lisa, your instincts
are terrible.
You have to go find him.
- Find him and say what?
I haven't had time to
practice what I'm gonna say.
- Are you really
willing to let him leave
without telling him
how you truly feel?
- Well, I don't, no.
I don't know what to say.
- Well, when you see him,
just close your eyes and
speak from the heart.
- Okay.
But, the grounds are really big.
I don't even know
where to look for him.
- We're gonna break some rules.
- We are?
- Give me your phone.
- My phone?
- Come on.
- What are you doing?
- Texting Tim.
- Oh boy.
- And send.
- Now what?
- Well, now we wait,
and we hope that he texts back.
- I think I'm the one having
an anxiety attack now.
Ooh, this is exciting.
- What'd he say?
- Oh.
- What?
- It's Ms. LaMarsh.
- Okay.
- She wants to see
us in her office.
- I'm not happy
about this, Stacy.
I'm not happy about any of this.
- I called you both here
to make a confession,
and an apology.
At the start of this, I could
not think of anything worse.
A horse camp in the summer,
with a bunch of kids?
Okay, woo, okay.
You know, I thought well,
at least I can bring
some new things for
the girls to learn.
Some new things for
you guys to learn,
but I never thought you
could teach me anything.
But I was wrong.
I have learned so
much from you two.
Stacy, I really
admire your patience.
Now I've watched you work,
and you truly are an excellent
head riding instructor.
- Thank you.
- And Lisa, I
admire your passion.
Now, I really understand why
Mr. C speaks so highly of you.
- Thank you.
- And that is why I felt
it necessary to tell you,
face to face, that BMG has
decided to sell horse camp.
- What?
- Mr. C wouldn't.
- Mr. C is still the
largest shareholder,
but everyone else
thinks that this land
is just too valuable
to remain a camp.
A golf resort would make
much more sense financially.
- But, what about your vote?
- Well, I'm only 10% owner.
Although, it is
true that my vote
added to Mr. C's
would preserve camp,
and I've seen firsthand, ladies,
what a worthwhile camp this is.
But, I just can't make
business sense of it.
Thank you for meeting with me.
- Thank you for letting us know.
Come on, Stacy.
We have a few days left,
and we owe it to these girls
to make it the best
summer of their lives.
I'm not happy
about this, either.
- Well, the selling of
camp isn't my fault, Lisa.
- Intellectually, I know that,
but emotionally, it
still feels like it is.
- Well, did Tim at
least text you back?
- Nope.
Not happy about that.
I'm not happy about any of this.
- What was that?
- I'm scared.
- It's just the door.
- Will someone answer it?
I'm ready for bed.
- It's the final clue.
When the day is new,
here's what you'll do.
Look for someone standing
so clear and true.
Near where you cross,
it's gray not blue.
- Who's good at riddles?
- I'll try it.
When the day is new,
that has to be morning.
- Right.
- When the day is new,
here's what you'll do.
Look for someone standing
so clear and true.
Near where you cross,
it's gray not blue.
- Someone will be there,
but the question is,
where is there?
- Just hold on.
- Where we cross.
- The bridge!
- We leave in the morning.
- Yes!
- I've been waiting for
someone else to wake up
for over an hour.
- Let's wake up the other girls.
- But do we have to start now?
- Come on, everyone.
The early bird gets the worm.
- Ow.
- Let's go,
let's go, let's go.
- To the right!
- Okay, now what?
- Look for someone
standing so clear and true,
but nobody's here.
- Maybe we're too early?
- It's gray nor blue.
What kind of person's blue?
- Or gray?
- A statue.
- Mrs. D!
- Good morning, ladies.
- Good morning.
- Congratulations,
you are the first group
to complete the treasure hunt.
- What's our prize?
- Black River is your prize.
The lessons that you learn here,
and the friendships
that you make.
Both will last a lifetime,
and we have Mrs. D
to thank for that.
She was a true leader.
And she had a vision to create
Black River for all of us.
Even though she's gone now,
we still benefit from
her mentorship every day.
Can I make a suggestion?
Take some time, and
just be with each other.
Go sit on the dock, enjoy
the rest of the morning.
Treasure every moment you can.
- Beth, may I help you?
- I just wanted you to know
how much I love it here.
- Yes, it is very
tranquil, isn't it?
A beautiful setting.
Well, I have lots of work to do,
so why don't you join
the other girls and play?
- Okay, I just wanted to say
thank you for bringing me here.
I love you, Mom.
- Tom?
Yes Tom, it's
Bethany LaMarsh here.
I've had a change of heart.
I'm sorry, but I won't be able
to sell you the ranch after all.
Because I'm going outside
to find my daughter
to take her for a ride
on a horse, that's why.
- Hi, Lisa.
- Hi, Stacy.
- What is this for?
- For trying.
For being my friend.
You know, hundreds of girls
had a great time
here this summer,
and you were a big part of that.
This is BR's last summer,
and I'm glad I got
to spend it with you.
- Thank you, Lisa.
And I'm glad I got to spend
the summer with you, too.
But I have news.
- What's that?
- Ms. LaMarsh decided
not to sell the camp.
- What?
- Yes!
- Really?
- Yes!
- How?
- I don't know!
- Oh my god, this is amazing.
- I know, right?
Oh, and Tim is looking for you.
- Really?
- Yeah, he's here.
- Okay.
- Go find him.
- You know, Lisa, when
the summer's over,
if you wanted to
go to grad school,
I do know a certain veterinarian
who would write you an amazing
letter of recommendation
to my alma mater.
- Really?
- Absolutely.
And when you're done,
I sure could use a partner,
in every aspect of life.
- Thank you!
Thank you for all,
another magical summer.
I am so proud of all of you.
You truly embraced this
summer's theme of mentorship,
in both giving and
receiving advice.
I'd also like to
thank Miss Stacy,
and Ms. LaMarsh for helping
me grow this summer.
- And get a boyfriend!
- Black River is truly building
the future female
leaders of tomorrow.
You are all so lucky to be here.
Take the lessons that you learn.
Keep 'em close to your heart,
and share 'em with the world.
Come here.
- Hi everyone, my
name is Kristin.
I play Stacy in the
"Horse Camp" movies,
and fun fact, I was
actually a BR girl.
I attended camp for 16 years.
I started as a camper,
and ended my time as
a program director.
So for anybody who
might be concerned,
we are not selling camp.
BMG Global, they're made up.
They're not gonna be
buying camp, so we're good.
And Mr. C, he's totally fine.
He's very healthy, and we're
happy to have him here.
However, if you
want your daughter
to have the best summer ever,
and walk away with lessons
that she will take with
her for a lifetime,
please don't hesitate
to visit our website
and sign her up for a
session next summer.
Thank you.