Hot Take: The Depp/Heard Trial (2022) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[instrumental music]
[instrumental music]
[Amber] Tell the world, Johnny,
tell them, "I, Johnny Depp,
a man, I am a victim of domestic violence,"
and see how many people
believe or side with you.
[Johnny] Amber, I lost a
fuckin' finger, man. Come on!
[tape turns off]
[intense music]
Bring on the fire
It's day one of the Depp
versus Heard defamation trial.
Superstar actor Johnny Depp
is suing his former wife,
actress Amber Heard, for $50 million,
claiming that an op-ed Heard
wrote in The Washington Post
defamed him as an abusive husband.
Depp says that the article
cost him his starring role
in the billion-dollar franchise
Pirates Of The Caribbean.
And here he is in superstar fashion.
[crowd cheering]
[indistinct yelling]
Get on get on my level
Rise up look like a rebel
Though the fans are showing
support for both sides,
there's clearly a favorite here.
Heard is countersuing for $100 million
claiming that Depp defamed her
and cost her work by planting
negative stories about her
and by having his lawyer falsely
call her abuse allegations a hoax.
[indistinct singing]
What up, Omar fans? Get this.
Johnny Depp's lawsuit against Amber Heard
is going to be live-streamed.
Get ready for a wild ride
of sex, violence and pirates.
My name is Tess Flaherty and
I'm a victims violence advocate.
It is extremely difficult
for a survivor of abuse
to detail the violence done to them
in front of their perpetrator.
In this case, she'll be doing it
in front of the world as well.
What up, fam? Casey here.
And I'm so excited!
This is basically like living
with Johnny for six weeks.
[laughs] I can't wait.
Get the witch, Johnny. Get her.
[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, can I get those markers--
-Oh, yup.
-Anything else?
-That's it. All good, man.
-Here you go.
-Oh, thank you.
-Um, Sarah, right?
-That's right.
Okay, it's a little hard to
keep all the lawyers straight.
It's okay, I'm not a lawyer. Paralegal.
Oh. Well, I'm Amber.
-That I know.
You and everyone else in the world.
All rise. Court is now in session.
The honorable Judge
Penney Azcarate presiding.
[Judge Penney] Before we begin,
I'd like to remind the counsels
I promised the jury that this will be done
by Memorial Day weekend, and it will be.
Once your time is up, your time is up.
In the middle of a
witness, I'm gonna stop you.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, ma'am.
[instrumental music]
[Vasquez] Good morning, over
the course of this trial,
you're going to have the opportunity
to get to know Johnny Depp.
So I'm gonna tell you a bit about Amber.
-You will hear from people...
-She's 35 years old.
[Vasquez] ...who have
known him for decades.
[Elaine] She's from Austin, Texas.
She has a daughter, Oonagh.
He met Ms. Heard on the
set of The Rum Diary.
He fell head over heels in love with her.
Amber rode horses with her father.
His mother used to boil over daily...
There were some things that she learned
from breaking these horses.
Mr. Depp learned that the best way
to deal with violence
was to get away from it.
Those who watched this
relationship develop,
saw red flags all over the place.
So that you can understand how Amber
could have remained in a
relationship with Mr. Depp
for as long as she could.
[Vasquez] She would
berate him, scream at him.
[Elaine] And the dynamics
of some of the abuse that...
-You're gonna hear about...
-The evidence will show...
[Elaine] It's significant
that you know this...
...that he is a kind soul, who has never...
-She couldn't show fear.
-...and would never...
-She couldn't show pain.
-...raise a hand to a woman.
And she couldn't show emotion to stand up
and not show him he's
caused the pain he's caused.
Raise your right hand.
-Please state your full name.
-Uh, John C. Depp II.
Do you solemnly swear the
testimony you're about to give
is the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?
-I do.
-Be seated.
Why are you here, Mr. Depp?
About six years ago, um...
uh, uh, Ms. Heard, uh...
uh, made a series of, uh...
quite heinous, uh,
and disturbing, uh, statements
about, uh, uh, me
that, that were not based
on any species of truth.
Nothing of the kind had ever happened.
There were, uh, arguments
and, uh, things of that nature.
Uh, but never
have I myself ever
reached the point of, uh,
uh, striking Ms. Heard in any way,
nor have I struck any woman in my life.
I felt it my, uh...
responsibility to, uh,
to stand up not only for,
uh, myself in this instance,
but, uh, stand up for my children
and for the truth.
My goal is the truth.
My goal is the truth.
And when did you meet Ms. Heard?
I was working on turning
Hunter S. Thompson's novel,
uh, The Rum Diary, into a movie,
and, uh, uh, Ms. Heard was up for a part,
and, um, well, the director wasn't, uh,
wasn't quite sure, uh, about her. Um...
So he asked me to, uh, to meet her.
[Vasquez] Did you meet her? [Johnny] I did.
And what did you think?
I knew the moment that
I saw her that that's,
that she's, she's the one.
She could kill me.
[instrumental music]
[singing in foreign language]
[Hunter] Johnny, are you ready?
I am if Ms. Heard is.
[Amber] Yeah, I'm ready.
[Hunter] Camera set.
And action.
[shower running]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[Hunter] And cut.
Johnny, Amber, cut!
[Johnny] That moment, it felt...
it felt like something
that I shouldn't be feeling.
There was something in that
kiss that was very real.
[instrumental music]
[Johnny] To my beautiful
and talented co-star.
And to my very enthusiastic acting partner.
Okay, yes, I believe that
I owe you an apology
for that kissing scene.
I swear that I'm not usually
that much of a method actor.
I will try to be more
careful in the future.
It's fine.
Why do you always have,
uh, that guitar with you?
Music is the thing I love
most in life. Gives me peace.
When I was a kid, when
everything used to go sideways
with my mom, which was daily,
'cause she's out of her fucking mind...
I had my music.
You know, I actually left
Kentucky to move to Los Angeles
to be a rockstar, but that
didn't really work out.
Wasn't paying the bills, so I had to work.
It was my friend who actually suggested
I try my hand in acting.
Set me up with this agent.
So me auditioning for
Nightmare On Elm Street
was because I needed a job.
The rest just sort of happened.
I think that came out
right after I was born.
-I know.
[both humming]
-You know this?
-You know this?
-Of course I know this.
-Let's hear it.
When all the rich
and many friends came
But when money goes
friends go quicker
Now I'm alone by the river
She knows the blues. I am impressed.
Why? Because I'm so young?
-You're pretty young.
-I'm old enough.
[indistinct song on radio]
Nobody wants you when you're broken
Only the wine flows free
[indistinct singing]
Sad and lonely
I'll keep it close to me
If you're gonna sing the
blues, you need a blues name.
Like, um, what, Muddy
Waters or Howling Wolf?
-I think those are taken.
Actually, you remind me of Lauren Bacall
from To Have Or Have Not, with Bogart.
-You seen it? No?
Does this mean you're gonna call me Lauren?
No, no.
Actually, Bogie called her Slim.
Which is the perfect blues
name. I'm going to call you Slim.
I guess it's better than Fats.
And, uh, Bacall would call him Steve.
Okay, then, Steve.
-I'm married.
-Yes, you are.
-And I think that you are, too.
-I have a girlfriend.
-And kids.
Lily-Rose and Jack.
Best kids in the world.
-All right.
So you have a good night, Steve.
Goodbye, Slim.
Met a girl and I named her Slim
I'll make love to her
when the lights go dim
[Elaine] Could you tell us about
your relationship with Mr. Depp?
I felt like
this man knew me,
saw me in a way that no one else had.
I-I felt that he understood me.
I felt that he understood
where I came from.
I, I felt that, like...
when I was with Johnny...
I felt like the most beautiful
person in the whole world.
You know, it made me feel seen.
It made me feel like a million dollars.
Guys, I just read an article
and that's from The Talented Mr. Ripley.
She's just speaking in
movie quotes at this point.
[scoffs] What a weirdo.
-He had me at hello.
We're only allowing quotes
from movies made before 1980.
Uh, uh, uh, sustained.
Here's Johnny.
No, she didn't quote
The Talented Mr. Ripley.
In the movie, Gwyneth Paltrow says,
"The thing with Dickie, it's
like the sun shines on you
and it's glorious, and the he forgets you
and it's very, very cold.
When you have his attention, you feel like
you're the only person in the world.
That's why everybody loves him."
Why are people attacking
Amber with this nonsense?
She said he made her feel
like a million dollars.
[Elaine] Did you celebrate your birthday
while shooting The Rum Diary?
I did, I celebrated, um,
I think, maybe my 23rd birthday there.
And what, if anything, did
Mr. Depp do for your birthday?
-[instrumental music]
-[cycle bell ringing]
[cycle bell ringing]
He got me a bicycle.
Look what somebody got me for my birthday.
You like it?
I do. I got you a thank you.
Bring it in here, let's crack it open.
-This is a Malbec. Yeah.
It's, uh, well, I got it at a local place,
but if looks like it's from New Zealand.
-That sounds perfect.
-Where do you keep your glasses?
-Everything's there.
-You can sit.
-Yes, I can.
Well, these are incredible wines.
I don't think my Malbec's
gonna compare to any of these.
[Johnny] I've had all
those. I've never had yours.
-Thank you.
Well, uh, happy birthday.
Oh. Thank you.
-Here's to you.
-And to you.
That's not bad.
[instrumental music]
Yeah, it tastes pretty good on you, Steve.
That tastes so good on you, Slim.
-[knocking on door]
[Rob] Johnny, teamsters are waiting.
-Uh, be right out.
-What is that?
That is our cue to go, teamsters
are waiting for the trailer,
and nobody makes the teamsters wait. Um...
-I'm wrapped.
-Yeah, I know.
Thank you, for everything.
Thank you. Pleasure's been mine.
[Vasquez] When the filming
ended, did you and Ms. Heard
continue seeing each other?
Uh, we didn't really see each other
for, uh,
about two years.
I-it wasn't until the press
junket for The Rum Diary.
Okay, mom, I have to go, I'm working.
Okay, I love you. Okay, bye.
-Hey, Slim.
I thought I wasn't gonna
see you till next week.
-Well, I come bearing gifts.
-Wait, is that...
-Your favorite, Malbec, yes.
So it's not really a gift.
You're just here to make fun of me.
-I would never do that.
-I should make you drink...
This whole thing as punishment.
-That wouldn't be punishment.
But I brought you something else.
Oh, my God, it's my dress from the movie.
You looked killer in it.
No one else could wear it.
So I arranged with production to buy it.
This is, this is even more beautiful
than I remember it being.
So you've been keepin' busy?
I've done some fun ones, um...
I have an offer to shoot
one out in Europe next month.
Oh, nice. Are you gonna do it?
I don't know, I mean, if
nothing better comes along.
-That's a horrible reason.
-Yeah, I know.
You know, Marlon Brando
once told me something that
always stuck with me, he said,
"Johnny, all of my mistakes in life
and in show business, uh,
uh, when I said yes, when
I should have said no."
-That's an excellent Brando.
-Thank you.
You should do that for Captain Jack Sparrow
instead of Keith Richards.
-Can I borrow this?
-Of course.
"You'll always remember this as the day
that you almost caught
Captain Jack Sparrow."
You know, my acting teacher would call that
an interesting choice.
It's an interesting choice,
you know?
-How are the kids?
-Kiddos are fantastic.
They're actually gonna be
going on summer break, I'm gonna
meet them out in France after
we're done with this tour.
With their mother?
We're no longer together.
I'd heard that.
And what happened next in
respect to any relationship
with Mr. Depp?
Well, then we fell in love.
The way you crept into my mind
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Not my eye!
Oh, man, when you said
you were getting me a place
in London to stay, I didn't...
-I want my girl comfortable.
-It's amazing.
Mm, good.
And then you got my paintings flown in.
-These are my favorites.
-I know.
-That's why I did it.
Well, it's just really unexpected.
Unexpected? You should know better.
I thought you were going
to be in the Bahamas
while I was filming, that's all.
It's rainy season on the island.
-I was gonna be in France.
Wait, I'm so sorry, I-I
forgot, I have to keep the,
the island that you own in the Bahamas
straight with the village
that you own in France? I...
It's a very small island
and an even smaller village.
-Have another glass.
-I can't.
-I have lines to learn.
-Come on.
-It's your Vega Sicilia.
-I really can't.
You know, most people don't realize
that owning a village in France
is not all it's cracked up to be.
Tell me, how hard is it to
own a-a village in France?
Well, for one, it's incredibly empty
and... lonely without you.
-Hm. No, I can't, I just ate.
-Let's go to dinner together.
Then I will get my jet and
we will go to France together.
Johnny, I can't go to
France. I start work tomorrow.
-Well... And with this?
-And with this, yeah.
Let's take a look. Who do we got here?
-Okay. Mm-hmm.
-London Fields.
There's another one with James Franco.
No, it's Billy Bob Thornton.
Are you jealous of him, too?
I don't know. Is there sex in it?
I mean, there's sex in every movie.
But not like the sex that we have.
You know, you don't
have to take these roles
that do nothing for you, right?
Mm-hmm. Why is that?
-Because they're demeaning.
I just want what's best for you.
And that's for me not to work.
-That's not what I said.
-Yeah, it is what you said.
I want you to be my girl forever.
Okay, sure. Are you serious?
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.
You don't even have a ring.
I want you to be my forever woman.
Now you're just being
impulsive. Are you sure?
-Yes. Mm-hmm.
[both grunting]
We had an engagement party.
We decided at the time that
when we did get married,
we wanted to have a small wedding,
you know, something intimate.
Our lives were kind of big.
[Amber] You know, his
life was extremely big.
We wanted to have a-a bigger
engagement party than a wedding,
you know, something, get
our guests in, you know,
get our-our family
and our-our friends in,
and-and make a big, a big event of it.
[upbeat music]
Okay, listen, I did see
somebody really cute over there.
-Okay, show me. No.
-No, because that guy...
-I'm gonna go talk to him.
-He's so ugly.
Well, I'm gonna go have
fun like you want me to.
I'll see you later, have fun.
Someone's having a lot of fun.
Thank you so much for everything.
My parents are so thrilled.
Oh, did they get the gifts I sent them?
Yeah, my mom was texting me all day.
They'll probably both talk
to you about it tonight.
That is very sweet.
-Is your mom coming?
-My mom?
Maybe. Probably. You never know with her.
She is so lucky to have
you as a son, you know that?
-Mm. Mm.
-I'm serious. Look.
You are so generous, with her, with me,
with everyone in your life.
This is everything I've ever dreamed of.
I wanna do everything that I can
to express my love for you
and your family. You know that?
I'm so lucky.
[Amber] Johnny!
Where are you?
[rock music]
What are you doing? Who
are you in there with?
-Uh, your dad.
-My dad?
Yeah, he wanted to thank
me for the, uh, gifts,
and, uh, I wanted to, um... I don't know.
We just got to talking and kind
of looking around the place.
-You're supposed to be sober.
-Baby, it's a party.
-It's our party.
Are you planning on coming
back to it at any point?
Yeah, I'm just taking
a few minutes to myself.
It's been an hour. This doesn't look good.
Yeah, okay.
I fucking love you
and I cannot wait to marry you.
Okay. Mm!
[crowd applauding]
The bridal party, we had planned to, um,
do a cuddle-puddle,
have mushrooms and
drink wine and, you know,
have, like, you know, our
own, like, girl party separate.
Have another. It is your day.
Thank you, baby.
-This is the best wedding.
And yet I seem to have
already lost my new husband.
Ah-ha, speak and you shall summon.
Ladies, let me introduce
you to my new husband,
Mr. Johnny Depp.
-Mr. Amber.
Hey. What...
E-excuse us, ladies.
Pretty positive at that point, uh,
uh, I wasn't partaking of alcohol.
Um, my drug of choice, um,
is or was,
and it is marijuana.
That was f-fine for me.
What's wrong?
You and your girls are so stoned
I'm surprised you can walk.
Okay, but you knew that
this was the plan, right?
So why don't you just come out...
Why are you going to London tomorrow?
I'm going to work tomorrow.
I'm-I'm going to film a movie.
You're going to Australia to film a movie.
Anything else you wanna share?
How about Eddie Redmayne?
I'm not fighting about that
again, we already fought
about that in January. I'm not...
-We can't keep having argument--
-And you lied.
-And then you lied.
-I lied about what?
About having a sex scene with him.
-Oh, my God! No!
-That's funny?
-You think lying is funny?
-You know what's funny is this.
-What? Already, huh?
-Us, that we even got married.
Tell me what I was supposed to do.
-Tell the truth.
-If I hadn't lied to you...
Would you have let me go?
No, you wouldn't have, so
it doesn't matter what I do,
because if I tell you the
truth, you won't let me go--
-It's because of what you do.
-Hm. Okay.
I'm gonna go hang out with my friends.
You're welcome to come out
or you can go fuckin' cry
by yourself if you want.
[indistinct chatter]
[intense music]
Give me my ring back.
-Hey, Johnny.
-[rock music]
[Rob] Johnny.
[door shuts]
Johnny. Hey, Johnny. Johnny.
I was just checking to see
if you were gonna want dinner.
I'm not fucking hungry. I'm fucking pissed.
Look, man, look what she
fuckin' said about me.
Johnny, why are you still
worried about this, man?
It was BS when they
published this two weeks ago.
-And it's BS now.
-That BS just got me fired!
-Fired from what?
-From Pirates!
[Johnny] My Jack Sparrow.
Those pricks at Disney, man, they,
they listened to her lies, her allegations.
She says I hit her.
I've never laid a finger
on her, man, you know me.
She's taken my name.
My good name and my life.
We signed a deal, we signed a
deal not to badmouth each other,
and she broke it.
And that's enough, man.
She wants a fuckin' war,
she'll get a fuckin' war.
A Disney exec testified today
that Johnny wasn't fired from Pirates
because of Amber's piece
in The Washington Post,
and his former agent added
because he was always late to set
and was costing them millions.
Amber wasn't the cause of Johnny losing
his multimillion-dollar
franchise, Johnny was.
Girl just wants some attention.
Would you say your
relationship with Ms. Heard
was always this turbulent?
No, at the beginning of my
relationship with Ms. Heard,
from what I recall and
from what I remember,
she was, it were as if she were, uh, uh,
she was too good to be true.
She was attentive, she was
kind. She was understanding.
She didn't become this
opponent until later.
Were there any early signs of this?
Well, mm, the boots.
[Johnny] I worked quite a lot, uh,
and when I came home from work,
I'd, uh, come into the house and, um,
she'd be there and she would
sit me down on the couch,
and give me a glass of
wine and take my boots off
and, you know, set them to the side.
Uh, I'd never experienced
anything like that in my life.
Uh, and I remember, uh, one
night I-I came home from work
and, um...
[Amber] Um, I was thinking
that maybe we could go...
Look, okay, Johnny just got home,
so let me talk to him
really quick, and then,
and then I'll, I'll let you know, I guess.
Well, we wanna be there, I mean, obviously,
we wanna celebrate with you guys, so...
[Amber] What did you just do?
Well, what do you mean?
You took your boots off. That's my job.
Well, yeah, y-you were busy.
That's my job. You don't do that.
All right. I'm sorry.
Yeah. It's fine, I-I'll
get you a glass of wine.
I did take pause, of course,
the fact she was visibly
shaken or-or upset
that I had, uh,
that I had broken her rules of routine.
Uh, I thought that's
strange, and then once you,
once you notice something like that, you,
you start to notice other, uh,
little tidbits that come out.
[gasps] You took off your boots!
Then within a-a
year, year-and-a-half,
she had, uh, become this, uh,
another person, almost.
Ms. Heard, did Johnny Depp ever hit you?
Do you recall the first time he hit you?
Yes, I do.
[Elaine] And why did he hit you?
It was because I asked about a tattoo.
[sniffing] Oh...
-Get in there if you want.
-No, I hate cocaine.
Here comes the fuckin' judgment.
It's not judgment. What does this say?
-What does what say?
-This black mark.
-It's a tattoo.
-Well, what does it say?
It says Wino Forever.
You think it's fuckin' funny, bitch?
-You think it's fuckin' funny?
I'm all of a sudden
realizing that the worst thing
has just happened to me that
could possibly happen to you.
And I'm just sitting on-on this carpet,
looking at this dirty carpet, and wondering
how I wound up on this
carpet and why I never noticed
that it was so filthy before.
And I didn't know, I
didn't know what to do.
I didn't know what to think, how to react.
He just hit me.
[Johnny sobbing]
It didn't happen. I've
never struck Ms. Heard.
As I said before, I never struck Ms. Heard.
I never struck any woman in my life.
-What's so funny?
-What-what does this say?
-What does what say?
-This thing.
It looks like a bunch of black marks.
-That tattoo that's on my arm?
-Yeah, that tattoo.
That says Wino Forever.
-Why would you get that?
-I like wine.
-That's so stupid.
Yeah. That's ridiculous.
Well, it used to say Winona Forever.
Would you prefer I kept it that way?
-No, just get it removed.
That's not how I do things.
Every mark on my body
is a mark in the journal.
You can't change the past, so why would you
get rid of a tattoo?
Shut up. Get over here.
-Well, I think it's cute. Mm...
I'm certainly not going to strike a woman
if sh-she decides to make fun of a tattoo
that I have on my body.
Amber was very encouraging of
me getting a tattoo of her name.
Ironically, it wasn't long after that
everything started going sideways.
Then she started lying about me.
Let's go to the filming of
Mortdecai in London in 2013.
Describe your experiences during
that time period with Mr. Depp.
Um, well, it was really touch and go.
There were days where he wouldn't come home
or they couldn't get him up on set.
He'd be in his trailer, sleeping,
whatever he'd done the night before off.
One day he didn't come
home, and when he came home,
they had to carry him home.
Objection. Hearsay.
Got you. You didn't say
"Simon says hearsay." So...
Did you see them carry Mr. Depp in?
-I did.
-[Elaine] Please continue.
-[door opens]
There you go, Johnny.
-Here we go.
-[Amber] Is he okay?
Oh, yeah.
Call me if he needs anything.
He was very, very sick
for at least two days.
I decided I needed to
do something to help him.
She had a point. I might have
been going a little too hard.
Let's look at defendant's exhibit 43A.
Mm, I'd like to find out
what ice-cream flavor that is.
Johnny Depp pistachio.
You took this picture of Mr. Depp, right?
Yes, I wanted him to get help.
And Johnny's surrounded
by enablers who--
Objection, Your Honor,
I'm going to move to strike
everything after "Yes,"
that she took this picture.
-Thank you, Your Honor.
This isn't a very flattering
picture of Mr. Depp, is it?
No, it's not.
I was worried the drug
use and the medications
had gotten so bad, that he
wouldn't even feel ice cream
or a lit cigarette on him.
And it scared me, really.
And you wouldn't agree with me,
or you would agree with me that
this is an embarrassing scene, right?
I think it's a part of getting help
is looking at it, seeing it.
But you sent this picture to
one of your friends, didn't you?
-I don't recall.
-And you wrote. Quote..
"This is what I've been
dealing with." End quote.
-Did I read that right?
-That's correct.
And this is you protecting Mr. Depp.
No, this is me getting support
from my best friend. I need support, too.
People react differently to stressful
and allegedly abusive situations,
and not always in perfect ways.
Should you take pictures of
your husband passed out to help him?
Maybe. Should you show
them to your friends? Maybe.
In my opinion, Mr. Depp has behaviors
that are consistent with both someone
who has a substance-use disorder
as well as someone who
is a-a perpetrator of
intimate-partner violence.
[Dr. Spiegel] I'm Dr.
Spiegel, a psychiatrist
and Ms. Heard's expert witness.
Uh, in-in terms of the acting
part, he actually confessed
that he did an entire movie while wasted.
Uh, we do know that he needed
to have his lines fed to him
for movies, um, which
could indicate impairment
through drug or-or alcohol abuse.
Earlier you mentioned that
Mr. Depp wore an earpiece
while filming a movie, and that
you found that hard to believe.
I-I don't believe it's routine for actors
to be given their entire
script through earpieces.
I-I-I find that
hard to believe.
What you found hard to
believe, sir, was that
every line of a script was
being pumped through an earpiece.
Where did you ever get the
idea that that occurred?
From the court evidence, from
th-the court review that I read.
-So you know that it was music.
It was music. N-not his lines. Okay.
Did you know that Marlon Brando
used an earpiece on the set of movies?
W-well, isn't he dead?
So the-the answer is no,
he-he does not use one now.
Uh, cancel all my appointments because
I think I, uh, just lost all my clients.
[Vasquez] Mr. Depp, this
jury's heard quite a bit
from Amber's side about your history
of drug and alcohol use,
but I'm sure that they'd
like to hear from you.
So could you please just tell them
about your history of substance use?
As we were all growing up, uh,
there was always those kids
that, uh, say, uh, "Let's party.
Let's go party. I wanna party."
I've never used the word party in my life.
Uh, I've-I've never,
never taken any substance, uh...
for a party.
I've taken these substances, uh,
over the years, on and off...
uh, to numb...
to numb myself
of-of-of, uh,
of the-the ghosts
of, um, of my, my youth.
So, uh, yeah.
I-I-I, I needed,
uh, the...
Yeah, uh, they-they were,
uh, they were everything.
You're a fucking mistake. I
wish I had fucking hadn't...
I wish I had fucking hadn't,
I wish I had fucking hadn't
bought into any of your fuckin' lies,
your fuckin' bullshit,
your sober fuckin' presence.
It was essentially, it
was just self-medication.
One of those
get-me-out-of-here moments,
and, you know, where you wanna
escape from is your own brain,
your own head.
Suck my dick!
Suck my dick! Go fucking fuck yourself!
[Amber] What happened?
Nothing happened this
morning, you know that?
-[Johnny] Were you even here?
-[glass shatters]
[Amber] No.
[Johnny] Then nothin' happened to you
this morning.
[Amber] Yeah, you're right, I just woke up
and you were so sweet and nice.
Not even fighting this morning.
All I did was say I'm sorry.
Somethin' happened to you this morning?
[glass shatters]
I don't think so.
You wanna see crazy? I'll show you crazy.
Here's your crazy.
All your crazy. Are you crazy?
Did you drink this
whole thing this morning?
-You got this going?
-No, I just started it.
-Oh, really? Really?
Uh, do we have a date for this,
um, illegally-recorded tape?
Any metadata or anything?
You may have been drunk
in this video, correct?
There's a possibility of that, yes, ma'am.
[Elaine] You poured yourself a
mega-pint of red wine, correct?
A mega-pint?
I poured myself a large glass of wine.
I thought it necessary.
Cheers, Johnny.
I have a series of texts from
Mr. Depp that I'd like read into evidence.
These are from Mr. Depp
to the actor Paul Bettany,
and concern Ms. Heard.
[Judge Penney] Allowed.
-[cell phone keys clacking]
-[Johnny] Let's burn Amber.
[Paul] I'm not sure we should burn Amber.
She's delightful company
and pleasing on the eye.
We could, of course, do
the English course of action
and perform a drowning test. Thoughts?
You have the swimming pool.
[Johnny] Let's drown
her before we burn her.
I will fuck her burnt corpse
to make sure she's dead.
[Paul] My thoughts
entirely, let's be certain
before we pronounce her a witch.
[Elaine] These are your texts, Mr. Depp?
Uh, ahem, yes, uh...
Mr. Bettany, uh, has that, uh,
English sort of, uh, um,
dry, kind of, uh, uh,
obtuse, abstract sense of humor.
And it was one of the things
that we really connected on.
Um, so when, uh,
faced with, uh, uh, difficult
or, uh, unpleasant situation,
we would use this humor to deal with it.
Albeit, uh, as these
were private texts, uh,
the context, uh, it's
important to know, uh,
that none of it was intended to be real.
Uh, for example, the, uh, text about,
um, burning Ms. Heard,
it was directly from Monty Python,
uh, in a sketch about, uh,
burning witches and then
drowning the witches.
Uh, it was a film, uh,
we all sort of watched
when we were, I don't know, ten.
It's just very irreverent
and abstract humor.
So these are the texts
you sent to Paul Bettany
about your then girlfriend or fiancee?
Girlfriend, for sure.
Johnny clearly has some erratic behavior.
It's normal to call your
significant other names
when you're angry, but
this is pretty extreme,
even as dark humor.
[Rob] Johnny.
-Thank you, sir.
-You're welcome.
That was much rougher
than I expected it to be.
Tuna fish and corn?
My mother used to make this all the time.
[chuckles] Where do you even get this?
I didn't know anyone made it, except her.
Well, I got room service
at the hotel to make it up
for us this morning before we left.
I should've married you.
You know, my mom may
have been a mean woman.
At least she made a mean sandwich.
Yeah. Yeah.
Just the right amount of mayo, too.
You're a life-saver, Rob.
[Elaine] I'm gonna take
you to April 15th, 2015,
the premiere of the movie Once In My Life.
What, if anything, did
you do for that premiere?
Um, I believe that premiere
was in New York City.
Uh, I went back to New
York to attend the premiere.
Can you bring up defendant's
exhibit 4-21, please?
Does this accurately depict
the scene portrayed in this picture?
-May we publish to the jury?
[Judge Penney] Yes.
That is a picture of me that
was taken few months after
the March incident in Australia,
earl-early, yeah, early March,
in which Johnny held me
down on the countertops
and my arms were cut on glass.
[cameras clicking]
[Elaine] And if we could
draw attention to your arm,
please describe for
the jury what those are.
Those are scars that I obtained
while he was strangling
me and assaulting me.
You can see my scars even
though I have makeup on them,
because they're harder to cover,
okay, because they're rather fresh.
Mm-hmm, the color that
Amber claimed she used
to cover up her so-called scars
wasn't even on the market until 2017.
Naughty, naughty.
This photo has clearly been altered
to make it look like she was
injured. She is such a liar.
Earlier you mentioned that you filed
a domestic-violence restraining order.
Did you release this news to TMZ?
I didn't do that. I
wouldn't know how to do that.
So TMZ was just lucky
in getting the inside.
Scooped your divorce from Mr. Depp, huh?
I have no idea.
That's not my area of expertise.
And what would that get me?
If I wanted to leak things
about Johnny to the press,
I could have done that in
a much more successful way,
in a bigger way, for years.
Not when you were extorting
him for $7 million.
I got a fraction of what I was entitled to
in the State of California, by the way.
What extortion?
Tasya van Ree is your ex-wife, right?
Yes, that's correct, my ex-partner.
[Vasquez] You told this jury
that Mr. Depp was jealous of her, right?
You said that he tried to burn
one of her paintings, right?
You said that he tried to burn
it with a cigarette lighter.
Why would I do something this stupid?
You committed domestic violence against
Ms. Van Ree during your relationship.
-Didn't you?
-No, I did not.
You assaulted her at a Seattle airport
in 2009, didn't you?
No, I did not.
It was covered in the
press. Isn't that true?
It was planted in the
press by Johnny's team
two days after I filed a
temporary restraining order,
by the way, not coincidentally.
It reads, "Amber Heard allegedly
struck her ex-girlfriend."
So Mr. Depp is not
the only domestic partner you've assaulted.
I have never assaulted Mr.
Depp or any other person
I've been romantically linked to, ever.
[scoffs] She's posing for
the cameras. What a show.
I have a theory which
you might be looking at.
My dog stepped on a bee...
There is no perfect victim.
If a victim of abuse loses their temper
or commits an act of violence,
suddenly people think that
they're to blame for the abuse,
or they deserve the abuse.
They don't.
Have you ever been the perfect one
in a relationship? Would your ex agree?
The results of my evaluation
of Ms. Heard supported
two diagnosis, borderline
personality disorder
and histrionic personality disorder.
[Dr. Curry] I'm Dr. Curry,
Mr. Depp's expert witness.
Follow me on Insta.
And what are these diagnoses?
[Dr. Curry] So borderline
personality disorder
is a disorder of
stability, it's instability.
And instability is really driven
by this underlying terror of abandonment.
When somebody is afraid of
being abandoned by their partner
or by anybody else in their environment,
and they have this disorder,
they will have desperate attempts
to prevent that from happening.
And those desperate attempts
could be physical aggression.
And what is histrionic
personality disorder?
So one of the hallmark characteristics
of histrionic personality disorder
is sort of an
overly-dramatic presentation.
We call this impressionistic speech.
It tends to be very flowery,
it uses a lot of descriptive
words like magical, wonderful,
and it can go on for quite some time,
and yet it really lacks any substance.
Could you give an example?
She would suddenly be one way
and then she would become
very animated or very sad.
And when people are
displaying these emotions
with this personality disorder,
if there's a sense of shallowness to it,
people who are observing them
will feel like it's play-acting.
You went to Mr. Depp's
home for dinner and drinks
before you were hired as an
expert in this case, correct?
That's not quite right.
I was interviewed at Mr.
Depp's home by his legal team.
And that dinner lasted approximately
three to four hours, correct?
Yes, the interview.
And drinks were served.
Yes, dinner, and I
believe drinks were served.
This was before you were
hired as an expert, correct?
Yes, this was an interview,
so they could make an informed decision
as to whether or not to retain me.
Don't you find it odd that
you're being interviewed
by Mr. Depp to decide whether
you're going to testify
adversely against Amber Heard?
[Dr. Curry] I was
interviewed by the legal team.
And Mr. Depp was present
and he was serving dinner and drinks.
He was not serving dinner and drinks.
It was at his house and at his behest.
Yes, it was at his house.
You did not disclose
in any of the designations
or your report that you had
dinner and drinks with Mr. Depp.
I did not disclose that I was interviewed
by the legal team. No.
You had drinks with Mr. Depp.
Drinks were served. I may have had a drink.
[Elaine] And you did not disclose it.
[indistinct chatter]
[door slams]
[Sarah] Amber.
No, I just, I wanna go
home. I wanna see my kid.
I'm so tired of this, I can't
keep doing it. I'm sorry, I...
But the next session is about to
start, and if you're not there--
No, no, of course, of
course, I'll be there.
Otherwise they'll say
it's like another example
of bipolar, hysterical, you know?
Histrionic behavior.
I'm an actress, you'd
think I could say a word.
You know, even in movies, if you don't,
if you don't do well, like, they don't,
they just say you don't do well.
They don't, they don't call you crazy.
But if...
you're not in there,
you give 'em a chance to prove you right.
I know, but I just wanna see my baby.
You will.
She'll be home when you get there. And...
And what are you gonna tell her?
That her mommy is a
bipolar, looney drama queen?
No. That you stood up for her.
Was that histrionic enough for you?
-That as I testified earlier--
-Ms. Heard, Ms. Heard.
There is no question pending,
and I would appreciate it
if you'd stop making argument
to the jury, it's inappropriate.
Initially you testified
that Mr. Depp was hitting you in 2013,
and then later you said 2012.
Was that a question?
Initially I thought he
was hitting me in 2013,
but earlier I remembered
some incidents in 2012.
He was hitting me in 2012. He
just took a break in the middle.
[Vasquez] You testified that
Mr. Depp was smashing things
around in 2012 and that he was, quote,
-"In and out of sobriety."
So it was during these violent acts in 2012
that you decided to gift Mr. Depp a knife.
I gave him a knife, I believe,
as a birthday present,
uh, early on in our relationship.
I think it was around
2012, but I'm not certain.
[Vasquez] We've seen a
picture of this knife,
but I think it's important that
we bring out the real thing.
This is the knife that you gifted the man
who was hitting you, right?
This is the same knife that I gave him
as a birthday present in 2012.
So you, a woman who claimed
to fear for her life,
gives her intimate partner a knife
inscribed with the words, "Until Death."
Well, I didn't think he
was gonna stab me with it.
Ms. Heard has defamed Mr.
Depp by calling him an abuser.
However, we'd like to introduce evidence
that will show a different
side of that story.
We'd like to introduce
this tape into evidence.
You may play the tape.
[Johnny] I'm-I'm telling you,
if-if you lost memory last night
of-of-of kicking me
out the door with a...
And-and-and your
memory is gone from, uh,
you kicking the, the-the bathroom door
and hitting me in the skull...
-And I'm sorry.
-And if you're-- Okay.
-Upset. And I...
And there was a lot going
on and I was on an Ambien.
I mean, why are you obsessing over the fact
that I can't remember it
the way you remember it?
All right, I said I was
sorry. I didn't deny it.
We-we see it differently, and
that, it's somewhere in-between.
-As well, we both get mad.
It's, it is not to get you mad.
It's not to, it-it's-it's just
to get out of a bad situation
while it's happening before it gets worse.
[Amber] To avoid talking to
me, to avoid figuring it out.
-To escape the fight.
-[Amber] That's the problem.
You don't escape the fight.
You escape the solution.
[Johnny] No. [Amber]
You escape the solution.
-You escape figuring it out.
We cannot work it out
if you're running away to
the bathroom every time.
Listen to me.
A boxer can't go 12 rounds
without a fucking minute break.
I'm not not-giving you a minute break.
But you do it at minute three,
you do it at the beginning of an argument.
No. There are rounds, man.
And when it gets too
fucking hairy, you know,
the-the-the ref comes and
splits them apart or whatever,
but-but all I'm saying
is-is-is you can't,
is you can't have a solution if-if
the argument just keeps mounting
and mounting and mounting
and mounting. I...
I go into the-the bathroom
a-and-and I sit on the floor.
And bam, bam, bam, here
you come. I come out.
Fight, fight, fight. Crazy. Escalated.
I go into another fucking b-bedroom
or bathroom or something.
And knock, knock, knock, bang, bang, bang.
You just kept coming to get me.
To do what?
[Amber] To talk to you.
Your Honor, may we introduce the next tape?
-You may.
-[Amber] I didn't...
I didn't punch you, by the way.
I-I'm sorry I didn't, uh,
uh, hit you across the face
in a proper slap, but I was hitting you.
I was not punching you.
Babe, you're not punched.
Don't tell me what it
feels like to be punched.
I know, you've been in a lot
of fights, you've been around
a long time. I know. Yeah.
I get it. You didn't
get punched. You got hit.
I'm sorry I hit you like this.
But I did not punch you. I
was not fucking decking you.
[Amber] I fucking was hitting you.
I don't know what the fuck
motion of my actual hand was,
but you're fine. I did not hurt you.
I did not punch you. I
was hitting you. How...
What am I supposed to do? Like, do this?
I'm not the one sitting
here bitching about it, am I?
No, you are. That's the
difference between me and you.
You're a fucking baby. You are
such a baby! Grow the fuck up--
...because you started physical fights?
I did start a physical fight.
-Yeah, you did.
So I had to get the fuck out of there.
Yes, you did. You know what?
You did the-the big
thing, the right thing.
You were admirable.
So tell me,
w-what-what's your excuse
when there is not a physical fight? Hm?
You're still being admirable,
right, just by running away?
Not feeling very admirable right now.
And you can sit here and call me names.
I call you a name and where you...
[indistinct yelling]
Fucking baby!
Oh, ho-ho, shit!
You know, those tapes
bring back memories, Rob.
Hm. For you.
I can't wait to see what's next.
Yeah, best is yet to come.
Could you tell us why you went to Australia
to see Mr. Depp in 2015?
Well, even though Johnny
had been acting very jealous,
and I was nervous...
[instrumental music]
[Amber] I wanted to see my husband.
-Ms. Heard, we're ready for you.
-Welcome to Australia.
-Thank you...
He said to me, "I miss
my wife. I miss my wife."
And I, I missed him so
much, and it's all I wanted.
All I wanted to do was see my new husband.
[Amber] Babe!
-Hey-hey. Well, Down Under.
Well, it's nice to see you.
You didn't even unpack, did you?
No. I wanted to see you.
-And you're just in time.
-Mm. That smells so good.
-I'm starving.
-Oh, we have all the fixings.
We got mashed potatoes, we've
got spinach with pine nuts.
You better not have eaten on the plane.
-No. No, I slept mostly.
But I'm gonna grill the
steaks. Are they in the fridge?
It's marinating since
yesterday, but, hey, first,
do you, uh, you wanna relax a little bit?
-Sure. What is that?
-All right.
Just a little something
to keep the evening chill.
Nothing serious.
I thought you were sober.
I am sober.
-Well, then what is that?
-MDMA. Hey!
-It's not on the no-fly list.
-What's the no-fly list?
Means you didn't say I couldn't take it.
Okay. You know, sober is sober.
-And I just, I--
-I got it.
I know, but last time you promised me
that you wouldn't do this again!
-I can't--
I was just offering. You
don't have to take it.
-Because I don't want any.
-That's fine.
And I wish you'd fucking keep your crumbs.
We need to get something straight.
It is not your job to police me.
-Whatever. Hey!
-Do not tell me what to do.
-Stop it, Johnny, lemme go!
You're done telling me what to do.
Get off of me!
[Johnny] Well, I guess you
brought the crazy bitch!
Thought it was gonna be my,
be my woman that showed up
where we could have a good time.
"Oh, baby, can't wait to see you.
I miss you so much..."
[indistinct yelling]
I was lost.
So I took some sleeping pills
and tried not to think about him.
[instrumental music]
[Amber] I had just woken up...
and I could hear loud
music. It was blaring.
[upbeat music on stereo]
[music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
What the fuck do you want?
Did you sleep at all last night?
"Did you sleep at all last night?"
You took all of these pills?
Oh, here it comes. Give it to me.
You know, I'm gonna get
you something to eat.
-[indistinct chatter]
-No, stop!
Tell me something, why did you
even bother to come here, huh?
Why are you here? You
don't even wanna be here.
I don't even want you here.
Don't even wanna be fucking
married to you anymore.
-Yeah? Oh.
You can't control me anymore, girl.
Give me the bottle. Give it
to me, give me the bottle.
You wanna be, you wanna be a big girl?
[indistinct chatter]
-You want this?
Don't you fucking dare.
-You want this?
That cost me more than your life.
Give it to me. Hey!
Fucking whore!
[indistinct chatter]
What d'you wanna talk
to me about? Let's go.
[indistinct chatter]
-Huh? Come on.
Hey, come on. Come on!
[groans] Johnny!
Stop it! You're hurting my arms! Please.
Come on, hurt me!
Johnny, please...
[indistinct yelling]
[indistinct yelling]
[Amber] I don't know how that night ended.
I don't know, I fell asleep,
because I woke up the next day,
I could hear him downstairs.
It was a mess.
[instrumental music]
I could see blood drips.
And I found this brown on the walls.
It was, uh, dry blood.
Hand-written, you know, like, messages.
Hand-written, like, lettering.
Ah, and I walked downstairs
and he just, he...
Ah. He wasn't Johnny.
You know, he had his hand
wrapped in this bandana.
And I-I think he took them down
and somehow showed me, he said,
"Look what you made me
do. I did this for you."
Something to that effect.
Kinda put it together, you know?
I figured out he was missing a finger.
and I assumed it happened
when, with the phone.
[Vasquez] Do you recall
Ms. Heard's testimony
that you took eight to
ten MDMA pills at once
while you were in Australia?
Yes, I do remember that.
Have you ever consumed
eight to ten MDMA pills at once?
Uh, no, ma'am, I-I have not.
-And why is that?
-Um, 'cause I'd be dead.
[Vasquez] Could you tell
this court about your trip
to Australia with Ms. Heard?
Uh, well, her memory is, uh,
different than mine.
What she described n-never happened. Um...
Ms. Heard, we're ready for
you. Welcome to Australia.
[instrumental music]
-Slim. Hey, baby.
That how you kiss your husband
you haven't seen in a while?
-All right.
-How was the flight?
-It was long.
-I'm sorry to hear that.
-No, it's cool.
Actually, gave me time to think.
About what?
About the lawyers you sicced on me.
I didn't sic them on you,
they're just helping us out
with the post-nuptial agreement.
They were really rude
and disrespectful, and-and,
and they didn't even show me the papers.
It was just like a sample
post-nuptial agreement.
I mean, what is, what is that even about?
I don't know, but
I will check and--
I told the woman, I was
like, "There is no way
that Johnny knows about this.
He would never be okay with
you treating me like this."
And she was like, "Oh,
Johnny knows all about it."
Look, if she
was rude to you--
What d'you mean if she was rude, you think
I'm just lying about it?
Of course not. Don't get all bunched up.
No, but it's not about some lawyer.
It's about you.
Hello. Do you hear me?
Okay. I-I don't
know what you mean--
-I'm not even in your will.
-Amber, I haven't had--
Johnny, I'm not even in
your will! Do you understand?
Hey, where the hell do
you think you're going?
Surprise, surprise. She
was in it for the cash.
It's just a fact. Most marital
arguments are about money.
"I'm not even in your will."
I know. And you're positive you
didn't say any of that to her?
-[banging on door]
-Jesus Christ, man!
[Amber] Don't be such a spineless wimp!
-Get out here and come to me!
-I'm sure...
I'm sure it's a
misunderstanding. Thank you.
I'm-I'm sorry. Thank you.
-[banging on door]
-Jesus Christ, man!
Come on.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[Amber] You promised me the monster
would not come out again, you promised me
you put him back in the
cage. Do you hear me?
This, this is what takes him out.
I am so sick of you drinking all the time!
[indistinct yelling]
[indistinct yelling]
Johnny, listen to me.
[indistinct yelling]
Because every time you promise
me and you never remember,
you never do what you promised!
[eerie music]
I felt no pain whatsoever.
What I felt was,
I felt heat.
I felt heat and as if something
were dripping down my hand.
So I, uh, I looked down
and I realized that the tip
of my finger had been severed.
I was looking directly at my bone.
And blood was just pouring out.
I'm going to bed.
[instrumental music]
[Johnny] In this feeling of being in a,
in the middle of some
sort of nervous breakdown,
I started to write with my blood,
in my own blood on the, on the walls.
Uh, little reminders
f-from our past.
Essentially, uh, represented lies
that she had told me.
Lies that I had caught her in.
And I remember thinking, uh,
"This is not life. This is not life.
No one should have to go through this."
You testified that you told
Dr. Kipper that Ms. Heard,
in fact, had been responsible
for your finger injury.
Do you remember giving that testimony?
Uh, yes.
And in this text message
from you to Dr. Kipper's nurse
in October 2015, you said,
and I'll just try to
read the relevant parts,
"Sent huge text to Kipper, no response.
Odd duck, old Kipper.
This is the second time he's
held off giving me my meds,
trying to blackmail me into seeing him.
The first time I had just
chopped my finger off."
In subsequent communications
with Dr. Kipper,
you referenced more than
once that you had chopped off
your own finger, to Dr. Kipper, correct?
I think the key word is
chopped off my own finger.
Uh, when you say to
someone, "I-I've chopped,
I've just-just chopped my finger off," um,
that's just going straight to the fact.
You don't get into, um,
she did this, I did that,
this, that, uh, uh...
My finger, my finger's been chopped off.
Chopped off.
I've got a finger I'd like to give Amber.
I found it.
-What happened to your finger?
-My finger?
I bruised it very badly. I ate it.
I bit it off. I was starving.
-Nah, it wasn't good.
Have you ever had finger?
-I don't recommend it.
If you're asking why didn't she leave him,
it's hard to end a
relationship with anyone.
Especially an older, more
powerful man who you love.
Victims of abuse stay in relationships
for any number of reasons.
This was clearly a toxic
relationship for both of them.
Guys, it didn't end there.
We had a dinner planned at our place.
I told him it would be important
for me if he, if he made it.
He, of course, once the party
was starting, he wasn't there.
He did make it at the end for the toast.
[Johnny] Yes, thank you for coming.
Well, drive safely.
[door shuts]
Good party.
Happy birthday.
At the time we're getting
advice from therapist who told me
it was important for me not
to make him feel attacked.
So I chose my words carefully.
[Johnny] What's your fucking problem?
You think I don't wanna be here?
You think I don't wanna be here?
-Is that what you think?
-Yeah, I do think that you don--
-Don't touch me!
-Talk to me.
-Talk to me!
Shut up!
[intense music]
You were supposed to go to Coachella
for Ms. Heard's birthday.
Could you tell us what happened?
The incident, uh, we are talking about,
um, I'm lying, uh, in bed, reading,
and, uh, she's been yelling at me.
I did not engage verbally. Nothing.
I just laid in bed reading my book.
When she didn't get a jump
out of me or a jolt out of me,
she got out of bed,
she came around the bed,
she came to my side of the bed and, uh,
now again, you've got a person
who's throwing multiple shots
at your head, at your face, at your neck,
at anything that she can
hit. So I got out of bed.
[grunting] Leave my hand!
-I'm leaving.
What are you talking about?
I said I'm leaving.
Please don't get up off the bed,
please don't try to follow me.
Please don't try to stop me.
[instrumental music]
Where do you think you're going?
What are you gonna do? Hit me?
Is that what you wanted?
Do you want another?
You're done.
-Goodbye. You're done.
-I'm not done. I'm your wife.
I'm not done! I'm your wife!
Uh, the next day I decided
to, uh, go to the house
and pick up, um, some
of my personal things.
Ms. Heard was, uh, was at Coachella.
Uh, it seemed like the perfect time.
And why didn't you go back there?
I had received some news, uh, that was, uh,
absurd and grotesque and...
cruel. Um...
I was shown a picture of, uh,
of what the problem was.
And it was, uh, a photograph
of, um, of the bed, our bed.
On my side of the bed, um...
was human fecal matter.
[Johnny] Uh...
So I understood why it was not a good time
to go down there.
My initial response was, um,
uh, I-I mean, I laughed. I...
It was so outside.
Uh, it was so bizarre
and so, uh, grotesque...
that I could only laugh and...
Um, so I did not go down there that day.
Nothing says don't leave
me like poop in the bed.
[Elaine] Could you tell
us about the incident?
Well, we had two dogs, uh,
Pistol and Boo, who we shared.
Uh, Boo ate Johnny's
weed when she was a puppy,
uh, and as a result, she had
bowel-control issues the rest of her life.
Did you commit any kind of prank?
Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
I, I don't think that's funny.
And I don't know what grown woman does.
Also, I was not really in a pranking mood.
I had just been attacked
by my violent husband on my 30th birthday,
with whom I was desperately in love,
and knew I needed to leave.
Uh, it wasn't really a jovial time.
Um, also, I-I don't
think it's funny. Period.
-It's disgusting.
-That turd is bigger than you.
Bad boy! What have you been eating?
I told you. She was full of shit.
More like Amber
Amber Turd.
[crowd yelling]
[crowd booing]
Amber, are you gonna
get anything for lunch?
-Uh, no. Thank you, but, no.
-Ignore them.
[chuckles] Well, you
can never ignore a crowd.
Can you ignore assholes?
[laughs] I think I can ignore assholes.
Great, 'cause there's a lot of them online.
So many. So many bad jokes.
Tell them I'm flattered,
and I'll get back to them
once this is finished. Thank you so much.
Uh, um...
Oh, my phone just died, so...
I guess I didn't need the coffee anyway.
I can pay for that, Ms. Vasquez.
Oh, um, thank you. You're
on Ms. Heard's team.
-I'm a paralegal.
I don't think this counts
as a conflict of interest.
Well, I'll make sure to pay
you back as soon as possible,
just so neither of us gets in trouble.
You don't have to do
that. I did wanna ask you.
Do you think this trial
has been bad for women?
I had a mother take her
daughter out of school
and drive her to watch the trial.
And during one of the
breaks, she stopped me
and she said, I-I even get emotional,
because she said, "I took
my daughter out of school.
It was important enough because
I wanted her to meet you."
This trial, it's about the truth.
But do you know who's telling the truth?
[instrumental music]
This trail has been,
it's been agonizing.
-Uh, cruel.
[Johnny] It's insane, it-it's humiliating.
It's embarrassing. I'm not a saint.
[Johnny] No human being is perfect.
N-not at all. None of us.
[Amber] I have the right to tell the truth.
I have the right to
say what happened to me.
I hope I get my voice
back. It's all that I want.
This has, uh, not been easy
for any of us, I know that,
but, uh, no matter what happens,
I did get here, I did tell the truth
and I have spoken up for
what I've been carrying on my back
r-reluctantly for six years.
The testimony is over. It's now
your turn to make a decision.
We'll give you the weekend
off, and when you come back
on Monday, you can begin deliberating.
As a reminder, stay off social media.
[Judge Penney] Thank you, jurors.
This court is dismissed.
[crowd cheering]
Well, I will see you at the movies.
I hope so. Thank you so much, Sarah.
-You got plans tonight?
You know, I have a hot date.
[man] Let's go, let's go, Johnny!
So, headed to the airport?
Sure. How do you feel about
some, uh, tropical weather?
[Rob] So we're headed to the island.
Not we. You.
What's this?
Everything you need to get there.
I want you to know that I appreciate you,
Rob, and everything you do for me.
Look, Johnny man, you don't gotta do this.
You know, it's-it's-it's
fine, brother.
You just worry about
being king of the island...
before it's gone.
Okay. Ah, thank you.
Where you headed?
-[man] Special treat tonight.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Johnny Depp.
[audience cheering]
[instrumental music]
So good to see your faces.
Thanks for coming out here to support me.
I lived my life
with fortune and fame
With all these riches
many friends came
But when the well runs
dry friends run quicker
Now I'm alone at the river
'Cause no one wants ya
when the party's over
Only when the wine flows free
So when I'm back from
being down and out
I'll keep it close
I'll keep it close to me
[music continues]
'Cause no one wants ya
when the party's over
Only when the wine flows free oh
When I'm back from
being down and out
I'll keep it close to me
When I'm back from
being down and out
I'll keep it close to me
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]