Hounded (2022) Movie Script

(soft eerie music)
(car alarm chirps)
We're gonna be late.
(car engine starts)
We'll be right back.
God forbid college boy
gets his hands dirty.
He probably has homework to do.
See anything, you
know the score.
(anxious electronic music)
(lock rattling)
(house alarm beeping)
(keypad beeping)
(alarm stops)
(keypad beeping)
(paws scratching)
Guard dog, guard dog!
(dogs barking)
Get it off, get it off!
Hello! Hello, gorgeous.
Ugh, I hate dogs!
[Vix] What you doing?
[Leon] Let's just get it done.
(dog panting)
[Tod] Who buys junk like this?
Rich pricks. More
money than sense.
What you doing?
We're here for the
painting, nothing else.
Go see where Leon is.
(anxious electronic music)
[Tod] That's worth 25k?
That's what we'll get.
Worth 10 times for
the right buyer.
Bag it up.
(anxious electronic music)
(fox yelps)
(camera phone clicks)
(tense music)
Oh, shit!
(car approaching)
(phone buzzing)
[Leon] Yeah?
[Chaz] They're back.
The fam is back.
Gig's up, go, go, go!
[Vix] Shit!
(dog barking)
(car approaching)
[Husband] I knew we'd be late.
[Wife] It's upstairs, I think!
(dog barking)
(dog whimpering)
That woman would forget her
head if it wasn't screwed on.
Good girl, come on,
in the kitchen.
Come on.
(dog growls)
(car horn honking)
Actually, it's in the
sitting room!
(husband sighs)
(tense music)
(door closes)
(car leaving)
That shit was close.
It's self-defense.
Not when you're in
their house, it's not.
Way I see it, it's a choice
between knocking some
chump on the head
or doing a stretch.
Ain't no choice at all.
My gig, my rules.
If you don't like them,
you can walk.
(dog barking)
[Tod] Someone get
this thing off me!
(suspenseful electronic music)
(engine revs)
[Chaz] We good?
Now I'm good.
Get us of here, bro.
(car engine revs)
(coyote yelps)
(intense electronic music)
French, 19th century.
The lizard represents
new beginnings,
a shedding of old habits.
(door bells jangle)
A symbol...
(door bells jangle)
A symbol of a true survivor.
It teaches us that
we can be transformed
and transcend our wounds.
You'll have them shipped
to the usual address?
Of course.
A pleasure doing
business with you.
(door bells jangle)
[Chaz] What's her problem?
They fear what they
don't understand.
Is that for me, Charlie?
It's Chaz.
Ottoman Warriors.
Mid 18th century.
I do have more work
I could put your way.
Not interested.
Are you sure?
What's the gig?
This is easy money.
We're done.
See you later, old man.
(door bells jangle)
(door bells jangle)
(pool balls clack)
[Vix] Yeah! What was that?
(pool balls clacking)
(all laughing)
Shut up.
That is a total fluke,
man. Are you joking?
Nice one, man.
[Tod] Yes, my friend.
(pool balls clacking)
[Vix] The old man say anything
about the next gig?
Yeah, I turned it down.
[Vix] What?
Look, this was only ever
about putting my
brother through uni.
You two knew that.
This money's gonna get
him through uni debt free.
Get him off the manor for good.
Yeah, and what about us?
You ain't my responsibility,
I can't believe you're
shutting us down, man.
We got a good thing going
here, something we're good at.
You could get a job.
(Vix scoffs)
What, go legit?
Doing what? Fucking
zero-hour contracts?
I'd rather be a thief
than work for one.
(pool balls clack)
So that's that?
After all, we've been through?
I thought we were blood.
What, you agree with her?
He said it would be easy money.
Yeah, easy by him.
We take all the risk.
Look, you're supposed to
be the smart one.
You're better than this.
Better than us.
I'm not better than anyone.
So what you saying?
I'm saying we do the gig.
We get the money and we
move off the manor together.
Come on, man, let's do this.
(low tense music)
All right, knobhead?
(door lock rattling)
(car engine starts)
[Tod] So what is a
ceremonial hunting knife?
What do you think it is?
It's a knife used in a ceremony.
Okay, then what's a ceremony.
How long you lived in
this country?
You still don't know what
shit means. (giggles)
It's a special occasion,
like a wedding.
Then why I call it a
wedding knife?
Does that look like
it's used to cut a cake.
It's an antique, you div.
It's a wedge in your pocket,
That's all you got to
worry about.
(suspenseful electronic music)
Big man, you're up.
(chains rattling)
(iron gate creaking)
(ominous music)
Whoa, this is massive!
No way!
(metal grate rattles)
[Vix] Are you sure
there's no one home?
[Chaz] My guy says
the family's away.
Off skiing, apparently.
[Vix] Sounds about right.
[Leon] Wow, I wonder
who lives here.
Prince Andrew?
(Vix chuckles)
[Chaz] Probs his cousin.
You know these lot
are all related.
(Tod laughs)
It's gonna take all
night to search this gaff.
We could use an extra
set of eyes.
Yes, she's right.
We'll manage.
Come on, bro! I'm
done waiting in the van!
Let me help.
You stay by my side.
Hey, it's about time
you popped your cherry.
(Chaz chuckles)
(owl hooting)
(lock rattling)
(door creaking)
(house alarm blaring)
(keypad beeping)
Who are you expecting? Dracula?
Relax, we're miles
away from any village.
No one can hear us.
(alarm stops)
(owl hooting)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
Right, me and Chaz will
take the second floor.
You two start down here and
we'll meet in the middle.
[Chaz] What the fuck?
(ominous music)
Keep moving, bro.
(cabinet door creaking)
Keep looking.
(ominous music)
[Leon] Imagine bumping into that
in the middle of the night.
[Chaz] Can't be worse
than some of the girls
you brought home.
Yeah. (chuckles)
[Chaz] What is it with
rich white folks
and having dead
animals on the wall?
(doorknob rattling)
You want me to get Tod?
Nah, we'll check the rest first.
[Tod] This lot ever
heard of a Kindle?
[Vix] Like you ever read!
[Tod] Hey, I have an iPad.
Yeah, scrolling through Pornhub
don't count as reading,
you know.
Look, I can read, you know?
It just needs to be
something I'm interested in.
What? Like this?
I heard it's got everything.
[Tod] Vix.
- Love, hate.
- Vix!
- Sacrifice, betrayal.
- Vix!
Don't mess with that,
it ain't right.
You're the one who
ain't right, mate.
It's only a book.
I'm gonna check upstairs.
(clock tolling)
(eerie music)
(crib creaking)
(unsettling music)
(latch clicks)
(music box jingling)
(lid slams)
Screw that.
(eerie music)
Yo, what's good?
We're not alone.
[Vix] Bingo.
(jewellery rattling)
(mobile phone ringing)
What's up?
[Leon] Get downstairs,
we're bailing.
What? Why?
[Leon] Just do it.
Man needs to chill.
[Tod] Shine torch.
(suspenseful music)
[Chaz] Come on, let's go.
That's what I'm talking about.
(eerie music)
Suits you.
(electricity crackling)
(Vix's body thuds)
(phone buzzing)
Oh, what's going on?
(electricity crackling)
(Leon grunting)
Looks like you
picked the wrong house.
(punch thuds)
Go to sleep now little baby
(truck rattling)
(muffled screaming)
(truck rattling)
(muffled sobbing)
(doors opening)
Let's get on with this,
shall we?
I understand you're all
a bit disorientated.
But bear with us and
everything will become clear.
(muffled sobbing)
(Mallory grunting)
(Vix shouts)
(Tod groans)
(Leon shouting)
(Chaz groaning)
Last night you made
the unfortunate mistake
of breaking into my
ancestral home.
Now, I could have called the
police and had you arrested,
but as I'm sure you are aware,
our criminal justice system
is at best ineffective
and at its worst a total
I've always said that
when a job needs doing,
one must do it oneself.
(muffled sobbing)
(liquid spraying)
You see, there is a
natural order.
An order which has guided the
people of this small island
to the very peak of
There were rulers and
there were the ruled.
But then you people, the
working classes... (scoffs)
There used to be a
nobility in your struggle.
Now all you do is beg
for handouts.
And when you don't
get what you want...
(tense music)
(blade unsheathes)
You feel you have
the right to take it.
No, don't worry.
This is not an execution.
Where's the sport in that?
(tense music)
[Mallory] Careful, ma'am.
(bindings snap)
(Leon shouts)
(punch thuds)
(Leon groans)
Oh, come on now.
Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.
Well, I think that's it.
Good luck and Godspeed.
(group shouting)
(engine revs)
You said the gaff was empty,
I was given bad intel!
We walked right into that shit!
How did they get you?
They tasered me in the dark.
I never saw 'em coming.
They took my phone!
Oh, shit, mine, too,
and my wallet!
So they know who we are.
They sprayed us with piss!
(Leon coughing)
What the? That's rank!
This doesn't make any sense,
Why did they let us go?
Why did they wish us luck?
(mysterious music)
(birds chirping)
(bird screeching)
Oh, this is messed up, man.
I really ain't about
this Bear Grylls shit.
Huh, I love Bear Grylls.
Look, all we need to do
is find a road and head out.
Yeah, I don't see no roads,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
We could build a compass!
We'd be better off
letting you pray for help.
No, no, look, look.
You take needle, okay?
You rub it on forehead.
You then place it on a leaf,
and it tells you which
way is north.
And then what?
Well, then you know
which way north is.
And which direction is London?
- I don't know.
- Then think!
What good is it having a
compass if you don't know
which direction you're
going in the first place?
Let's keep moving, guys.
[Vix] They'll be having
us drinking our own piss
in a minute.
[Tod] There's no way
I'm drinking my own piss.
[Vix] I'll make you.
Fucking nettle!
[Leon] Let's roll.
(sombre music)
(cows mooing)
[Chaz] That might be a river.
(bugle blows in distance)
Did you hear that?
I was pretty sure I
heard something.
(bugle blows in distance)
Wait, I can hear it.
Sounds like a car, right?
(dogs barking in distance)
Yeah, we might be closer
to a road than we thought.
Wait, I hear bass.
It's not bass.
(dogs barking in distance)
What's that?
(bugle blowing)
It's a fox hunt.
Hey! hey!
What're you doing? Shut up!
They might know a
way out of here!
Wait, I thought fox
hunting was banned.
It is.
(dogs barking)
So what they hunting?
(dogs barking)
(intense music)
- Run!
(all panting)
(dogs barking)
(horses neighing)
Hurry up!
(dogs barking)
(horse hooves pounding)
Oh, shit!
(Vix squealing)
(water splashing)
Guys, I can't swim!
You have no choice!
(dogs barking)
I've got him! Just go!
I can't.
Look, it's the river
or the dogs, Tod!
You decide!
(dogs barking)
Let's go! Hurry up!
(dramatic music)
Come on, give me your hand.
Lovely day for it.
Oh, don't tell me
you're tired already.
Fuck you!
This is what we like to see.
Boys, get the fuck out of here.
That's right. You run along.
We'll catch up soon.
Let's go!
[Remington] You're not
wrong about the quarry, mm.
I told you they'd be good sport.
Their kind were born running.
What do you think, Aunt Kat?
I'm told red is my colour.
We'll find out soon enough.
The hounds?
They're all good, ma'am.
Good to go.
We'll cross the river
about half a mile up
and pick the scent up again.
I don't see the logic in
giving them a head start.
Patience, boy. That's
the thrill of the chase.
And trust me, they
won't get far.
(bugle blows)
(dogs barking)
(wind whistling)
(all panting)
What the fuck is going on?
I mean, can you
believe this shit?
You all right?
Do you see anyone?
Don't give me that rules shit.
Fuck the rules. Tool up.
They ain't gonna stop.
Then we don't stop.
(sombre music)
All right, let's head
towards the trees.
That ceremonial knife,
we weren't supposed
to find it were we?
They knew we were coming.
So the old man set us up.
I'm sorry, bro.
This wouldn't have
happened if it wasn't-
Hey, don't even go there.
The old man's going to get
what's coming to him, trust.
At least we're off the manor.
I was thinking more
Notting Hill.
(both laughing)
(droppings squelch)
Ah, you motherfucking
piece of shit!
I think that's the first time
I've ever heard you swear.
Whoa, whoa wait!
My crucifix is gone!
[Leon] Let's keep going, guys.
It ain't like He's helping us.
In case you hadn't realised,
we're being hunted.
(bear trap snaps)
What the?
(tense music)
(trap rattling)
What the fuck is this?
That's a bear trap.
(trap clanks)
[Leon] Nobody move.
What the fuck is wrong
with these people, man?
All right, eyes on the
ground floor, follow my steps.
(bugle blows)
(dogs barking)
Fuck this!
Tod, Tod, Tod, Tod!
(Vix screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(dogs barking)
I told you they
wouldn't get far.
(dogs barking)
Hurry up, they're coming!
(all grunting)
Come on, big man!
(dogs barking)
[Vix] Come on, get up!
Fucking move!
[Leon] Come on, big man.
(dogs barking)
(all groaning)
(brick crumbles)
(bear trap snaps)
(Tod screaming)
Oh God!
(dogs barking)
Get it off! Fuck!
Come on,
come on! (screaming)
(metal cracks)
(metal screeching)
(Tod screaming)
(Leon yelling)
Come on!
(paws pounding)
(Tod screaming)
(metal screeching)
(trap resets)
[Chaz] Come on, let's go!
Let's go!
Come on, give me your hand!
Give me your hand!
(all shouting and grunting)
(dogs barking)
Give me your hand!
Leon, give me your
hand! Give me your hand!
Leon, give me your hand!
(teeth crunching)
(Leon groans)
Come on, Leon! Come on!
Leon, come on!
(flesh tearing)
(Leon screams)
Pull yourself up, Leon!
Leon, come on!
(flesh tearing)
Leon, pull yourself up!
You're gonna be all right.
You're gonna be all right.
Pull yourself up!
Leon, no! No!
(dogs snarling)
Leon, no!
(flesh tearing)
No, Leon!
(sombre music)
(muted screaming)
(ambient rumbling)
(muted conversation)
(Tod groaning)
We find some proper
weapons and we go back.
Slaughter them like the
pigs they are.
I don't want to murder anyone.
It ain't murder, it's revenge.
An eye for an eye. You've
heard of that, right?
It's in the Bible.
Well, I just want to go home.
What, and let them
get away with it?
Tod's right.
Don't tell me you don't
want to rip their heads off!
Of course I do.
But there's too many of them.
And Leon?
Leon would have wanted
us to get out of here.
We get payback on our
terms, not theirs.
(melancholy music)
(birds chirping)
One down, three to go. (sighs)
What's wrong, boy?
Spit it out, boy.
Truth be told,
I expected things to be
a little more hands on.
You'll get your chance.
(sombre music)
(Leon gasping)
It looks like we've
got a live one.
(Katherine snaps fingers)
(sombre music)
(Leon gasping)
This country used to be
ruled by lions.
Now it is led by lambs.
As far as we're concerned,
lambs are only good
for one thing.
(Leon gasping)
(blood squelching)
Don't you dare waste
a moment like this
looking through a lens.
[Katherine] Your father's right.
This is tradition.
It's tradition that
makes us strong.
Wear this blood with pride.
It is your birthright.
He was right.
Red is his colour.
Congratulations, son.
May it be the first of many.
- Hear
- Hear.
(melancholy music)
Go on, give me your hand.
(Tod grunts)
Wrap that back round.
All right?
- Yeah. (groans)
(brooding music)
I told you it was a road.
At last.
Yeah, but which way do we go?
Let's get the fuck out of here.
(engine revving in the distance)
Wait, someone's coming.
Thank God. (chuckles)
Wait, Tod, it could
be one of them.
The fucker in the 4x4.
(engine rumbling)
(engine shuts off)
(tense music)
(walkie talkie chirps)
Red one, red one,
this is Mallory.
Looks like we found one of them.
I'm over at Bench Hill.
A girl, looks like.
Don't know where the others are.
[Katherine] Good,
we're heading your way.
Yes, milady.
Well, well.
What happened to you, my lovely?
(branch slamming)
(Mallory grunting)
Come on!
(kick thuds)
(Vix grunts)
Let's go!
(Mallory groaning)
(kicks thudding)
Vix, let's go so that we
can get the fuck out of here!
(kicks thudding)
(Mallory grunting)
(kicks thudding)
(Mallory groaning)
(kick thuds)
(Mallory groans)
Come on, bro, punch it!
Where the fuck are the keys?
He must have them.
Can't you just
hot-wire this shit?
Yeah, I need to open this.
We need those keys!
He's not gonna give it to us!
I ain't planning on
asking nicely.
(tense music)
(bugle blows in the distance)
Bro, come on. We've got to run.
(Mallory growling)
Come on, come on, let's
head over to the trees!
(suspenseful music)
(dog panting)
(horse neighs)
You okay there, Mallory?
Yeah, ma'am, I'm fine.
Smart ones, these bastards.
One of 'em played possum,
the other blindsided me.
Bloody ambush.
We're lucky they
didn't take the car.
They'd be long gone by now.
No, sir.
(keys jangle)
That'd never happen.
Good man. Now get
yourself patched up.
The show must go on.
(all panting)
They're tyre tracks.
There must be a farm near here.
They might have car.
Yeah, or a phone.
Who you gonna call?
The fucking Ghostbusters!
Who do you think? The police!
Leon's dead. What good is
it bringing feds into it?
But we have no clue
where we are.
Listen, you may be clean,
but we have priors, yeah.
They gonna start asking
what we're doing up here
and we end up doing time.
I won't let 'em lock me up,
(Chaz clicks tongue)
They'll have a car or something.
We'll make our own way out.
(bugle blows in distance)
(tense music)
How do they keep finding us?
It's me.
Look, I'll lead them away.
No, look, we should
just stay together.
No, no, no.
I'll double back, I'll
follow the tracks.
I'll meet you at the farm.
Trust me, I can do this.
I'll see you there.
All right, you'd better.
(suspenseful music)
(Tod groans)
(Tod grunting)
(dogs barking)
(horse hooves pounding)
(suspenseful music)
(gate rattling)
(anxious music)
(bird wings fluttering)
(horse snorts)
[Chaz] I don't think
anyone's home.
(anxious music)
[Vix] Reckon you
can start that motor?
No, I'm gonna need some keys.
(lock rattling)
Where'd you learn to do that?
Stepdad used to beat the
shit out of us growing up.
(lock clicking)
Then he'd lock us in
until the bruises cleared.
One night, after God
knows how long trying,
I managed to spring
the lock in my room.
Did you run away?
(Vix scoffs)
The fuck I did.
I poured boiling water on
his balls whilst he slept.
That's the last time anyone
ever laid a hand on me or Mum.
And the last time anyone
ever locked me up.
(door opens)
(water splashing)
(Tod groaning)
(dogs barking)
Right, ma'am, I reckon
their trail split.
Then so must we.
Miles and I will head
east, travel light and fast.
Fetch me the hound with
the finest nose, will you?
We'll head west and
circle round.
Ready when you are, sir.
(dogs barking)
(paws pounding)
(horse hooves pounding)
(Mallory shouts)
(tense music)
(milk glugging)
(fridge door opens and closes)
(Vix panting)
(milk glugging)
(Chaz exhales)
Let's find those keys.
(dramatic music)
(frantic rummaging)
That's what I'm talking about.
(gun clicks)
(door creaking)
(Vix giggles)
Relax, Charlie.
There's no shells.
Don't call me that.
What's wrong with "Charlie"?
It's your name, innit?
Only my mum called me Charlie.
This is all my fault.
Leon was done.
He'd paid my fees.
He was ready to walk.
Now he's dead because of me.
Tod's somewhere out there
because of me,
and we're stuck here
because of me.
All of it is on me.
Listen, I ain't all
about rubbing your back
and telling you that
everything's gonna be okay.
Yeah, that just ain't me.
We're in the shit here, bro.
And I ain't sure how
we're gonna get out of it.
One thing I do know for
absolute certain
is Leon didn't do shit
that he didn't wanna do.
We all knew the risks.
Well, not crazy-motherfuckers
onhorseback-level risk,
but you get me.
This ain't on you.
And thinking it's only gonna
put a weight on your shoulders
that you can't afford to be
carrying right now, you hear me?
(door creaking)
(Chaz sighs)
(dogs barking)
They've found something.
Go on, leave it, leave it,
leave it,
leave it, leave it,
leave it, leave it.
What the devil?
Well, Uncle, we seem
to have been led astray.
Now that's downright sly.
What the fuck?
(rotary phone chimes)
(dial tone drones)
(rotary grinding)
Chaz, get your arse in here!
(mysterious music)
This is good.
(birds chirping)
(ducks quacking)
[Katherine] Mallory?
Oh. (clears throat)
(walkie talkie chirps)
[Katherine] The trail
has gone cold our end.
Any luck down river?
Oh, no. I'm as far
as Peel Bridge.
They can't have got this far.
[Katherine] Agreed.
Make your way back to
the rendezvous point,
and we'll catch up
with my brother.
All right, ma'am.
(walkie talkie chirps)
(lighter clicks)
(fly unzips)
(Mallory groans)
(tense music)
(fly zips)
All right, you little bastards!
(engine starts)
Tell me what you see.
Fresh tracks heading
right inside.
[Hugo] Tremendous.
[Miles] So now what?
Now we've located our quarry,
we must flush it out here.
(Chaz moaning)
Three little piggies
- Shit.
In a house made of bricks
These guys are whacked.
It took you till now
to figure that out?
So they wouldn't
have to worry
About the wolf and
his tricks
I think that got
their attention.
You hold here.
I'll go around the back
and chase 'em out.
You have the blade?
Whistle. If they bolt,
you blow hard.
Shouldn't we wait
for the others?
Share the prize?
They're nothing.
You're worth a dozen
of every one of them.
Forgive me, Father.
Listen, you're turning into
a man before my very eyes.
I couldn't be more proud of you.
He's going round the back.
Is the door locked?
(anxious music)
Grab the gun and
watch that door!
But it's not loaded!
[Vix] They don't know that!
(dog barking)
(dog growling)
(door slams)
(Vix panting)
(lock rattling)
(dog sniffing)
(door handle rattling)
Little piggies
(spray hissing)
(dog whimpering)
(Vix panting)
(pounds door)
Little piggies
(blade unsheathes)
Let me in!
[Vix] That door won't
hold forever.
(spray hissing)
- What's that for?
To confuse the dogs.
Turn on the gas.
(tin foil rustling)
[Vix] What you doing?
(knobs squeaking)
Confusing the humans.
(gas hissing)
(microwave beeping)
We need to take cover.
(tin foil crackles)
(suspenseful music)
(Vix panting)
Close it!
(door slams)
(latch clangs)
(door creaking)
(tin foil crackling)
You know what happened when
the wolf became impatient?
He huffed!
(Hugo grunts)
(slams into door)
Father, I'm in.
And he puffed!
(slams into door)
(tin foil crackling)
And he blew the house down!
(whistle blows)
(building explodes)
(windows shatters)
(flame roars)
(soft music)
(dogs barking)
That came from the farm.
(horse hooves pounding)
(both shouting)
[Hugo] Miles!
(Hugo coughing)
(dogs barking)
(Chaz and Vix coughing)
(dogs barking)
(whistle blowing weakly)
(Hugo panting)
(Hugo coughing)
(whistle blowing weakly)
(sombre music)
(Miles' body thuds)
Oh, my God, Miles! Miles!
That was insane!
I never meant to.
That was supposed to be
a distraction.
(Vix laughs)
Yeah, consider them distracted.
Come on, let's get
the hell out of here.
Holy shit! Did you see that?
Jesus Christ, see it?
Meet the twisted fire starter.
Wait, that was you?
[Vix] Yeah. (laughs)
You made it back then?
Man of my word.
Yeah, right.
Come on!
Come on, bro!
(sombre music)
Dear God.
I underestimated our quarry.
It won't happen again.
(leaves rustling)
(birds squawking and chirping)
Relax, the spray
covers your scent.
Did they not have Lynx Africa?
Oh, wait, look! I
just remembered.
[Vix] Where'd that come from?
[Tod] It's one of theirs.
[Chaz] Does it still work?
I don't know.
(walkie talkie chirps)
They must have some
sort of emergency channel.
(static crackling)
When are you gonna
get it into your head?
We're on our own!
This is fighting to
survive here!
It's kill or be killed,
whatever it takes, man!
Wake the fuck up!
Hell of a thing to lose a son.
Is this going to be a problem?
Hugo, this is a dog hunt.
[Remington] Listen to
your sister, Hugo.
I loved Miles like a son.
This was his day,
and they killed him.
Remember the code.
(gun rattles)
Fuck the code!
(shovel scrapes)
Mallory, leave him be.
(tense music)
There will be consequences.
Always are.
No excuses, that was bad form.
So, what now?
Wait, I recognise this place.
[Tod] Where are all the signs?
They took 'em down.
(slams walkie talkie)
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Man, we're gonna die out here!
Don't say that, all right?
We're gonna get out of here.
(walkie talkie chirps)
[Katherine] Can you hear me?
We know you have
Mallory's radio.
Oh, don't be shy. Say hello.
Maybe they don't have it?
Oh, they've got it.
You made quite the mess
of things here at the farm.
Was that your idea of
getting even?
[Vix] Oh, we ain't even started
on getting even, lady.
There you are.
We called for help.
Police are on their way.
[Katherine] Oh, please,
there's nobody within range
who could possibly be
of assistance.
[Katherine] I have no
reason to lie.
Why are you doing this?
[Katherine] You came into
my world, not I into yours.
You broke into my home,
and now you are
paying the price.
But fear not, it will
be over soon.
This isn't over until you
pay for what you did to Leon.
(Katherine laughs)
You still don't get it, do you?
This is my land.
All of it.
(tense music)
You are trespassers...
(tracker whirring)
And you live or die by my hand.
There is no refuge.
There is no escape.
There is only the hunt.
[Chaz] You're one sick
bitch, you know that?
See you soon, Charlie.
This shit is so fucked!
- Just calm down.
- Calm down?
Did you hear how crazy
that bitch is?
Are you joking?
Took you this long
to figure that out?
(Vix scoffs)
So now what?
Yeah, he's right.
You're the smart one. Now what?
Okay, look.
We've been running around
with no sense of direction.
If we get high enough, we
might be able to see something.
(mysterious music)
Are you sure about this, Chazza?
Only one way to find out.
No. Look, you got
a busted leg.
I'll do it.
(Vix scoffs)
No, you go for it.
When it comes to stunts of
death-defying stupidity,
I consider chivalry
alive and well.
Okay, can you give me a boost?
Right, cool.
[Vix] Put your foot on there.
- Ready?
- Yep.
(Chaz and Vix grunting)
(soft music)
Can you see anything?
Nah, not yet. I need
to get higher.
You thought about
what we're going to do
when we get out here?
Is he gonna be able to
keep his mouth shut?
I just hate the idea
of surviving this shit
only to fall foul of
his guilty conscience.
You know what I mean?
(Chaz grunting)
I see something! It's
beyond those woods.
I think it's the village
that we passed.
How far?
Couple of miles.
[Vix] Hm.
(vehicle approaching)
Chaz, get down quick,
they're coming!
- Shit.
- Get down here!
(Chaz grunting)
Come on, we need to
get to those trees!
(engine revving in the distance)
Come on, bro, move
your skinny arse!
Come on!
- Come on.
[Vix] Quick!
(Chaz grunts)
All right, let's go!
(all grunting and panting)
(vehicle passing)
(dramatic music)
(all grunting)
(all grunting)
Come on, come on.
(Tod groaning)
Stop, stop!
(Tod groaning)
Just go! I'm slowing you down!
Fuck that, man!
We're almost out!
(Tod groaning)
Ah, that don't look right, Chaz.
[Tod] I can't put
weight on it, just go!
You think we're
leaving you behind?
After everything we've
been through?
(vehicle approaching)
(Tod screaming)
They know we're here!
Come on, let's get him up!
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
(Tod screaming)
Come, come on.
No, I'm too slow! Just go!
Listen, just keep heading
in that direction, okay?
The village is on the other
side of these trees, all right?
We'll catch up.
No, no. I'm not
leaving you behind.
Listen! We're making
it out of this together.
You're just going ahead.
Yeah, what about us?
We're done running.
(dogs barking)
If they make it
through the forest,
they'll land on top
of the village.
(Katherine chuckles)
Impressed. I never thought
they'd make it this far.
(Chaz and Vix howling)
What the devil is that?
(Chaz and Vix howling)
Come get us!
Come on, you inbred bastards!
You want us, you
come and get us!
Come on!
- Come on!
In all my days, I've never
heard anything like it.
Well, they've got heart.
I'll give them that.
(Chaz and Vix howling
in the distance)
(Tod grunting)
(horse snorting)
(tense music)
(leaves crunching)
(suspenseful music)
Your running days are over.
It's an uncivilised weapon
for an uncivilised age.
(rifle butt cracks)
(Tod grunts)
(Tod groaning)
(Tod coughing and laughing)
Something amusing you?
It's true what they
say about you people.
You all marry your cousins.
No wonder you're so
fucking insane.
You have the audacity
to look down on me
when you're not even from here?
(Tod grunts)
No, I'm from Peckham!
(both grunting)
(dramatic music)
(punch thuds)
(both shouting)
(punch thuds)
(gun clatters)
(punch thuds)
(both grunting)
You brought this on yourself!
(both groaning)
(blade unsheathes)
(knife stabs)
(Tod groans and gasps)
(Tod screams)
(blood squelches)
(gun clatters and cocks)
(Tod screams)
(gun blasts)
(bird wings flutter)
(dogs barking)
Damn fool.
I'm sorry, ma'am, the dogs
are getting a bit snappy.
They're tired.
I know how they feel.
I think it's time for you
to call it a day, Uncle.
And our quarry?
From now on, I hunt alone.
(dramatic music)
Come on, chop, chop.
(campfire crackling)
It's been a while, sir.
Do you think ma'am
is gonna be all right?
Of course. She's a Redwick.
Very good, sir.
(tense music)
Dear God.
This is barbaric.
This is justice.
(unsettling music)
They're animals, nothing more.
When we abandon civility,
we become no better than
the animals we hunt!
They killed my boy.
You turned your
back on the code.
On history, on tradition.
Takes one bad dog to
ruin the hunt.
(tense music)
(Hugo's body thuds)
That's the difference between
a hunter and a fisherman.
A hunter lies in wait, and
a fisherman waits and lies.
(all laughing)
Don't do anything rash.
On your knees. All of ya!
Hands behind your heads.
You are in a lot of trouble.
(urine splashing)
What's up? You don't
like the taste of piss?
(Murray inhales sharply)
Tie 'em up. All of 'em.
(Remington clears throat)
(ominous music)
So, what's your plan?
Shut the fuck up.
Have you any idea who I am?
Yeah. You're an antique.
I mean it, old man, get back!
You're not going to shoot me.
(Vix breathing heavily)
You ever fired a gun?
Pulling the trigger is
much harder than it looks.
(gun blasts)
(Remington's body thuds)
(dogs barking)
(tense music)
There's more guns on my
estate than there is on yours.
(Murray screams)
(gun blasts)
(Murray groaning)
(shotgun clacks)
Why won't you fucking die?
(Vix and Murray grunting)
(Vix screams)
(bugle blows)
Release the hounds!
(dogs barking)
(suspenseful music)
We're almost out.
We're not almost out anywhere,
we're surrounded by trees.
(Murray grunts)
(Murray screaming in
the distance)
(tense music)
[Chaz] Let's go!
We're almost out!
[Vix] We're not
almost out anywhere!
We're surrounded by trees, Chaz!
Watch where you're going!
[Chaz] Come on!
[Vix] Watch the tree!
(Chaz screams)
[Chaz] We're nearly
there! We're nearly there!
- Chaz, slow down!
- Hold on, hold on.
[Vix] I'm holding on.
(Chaz yells)
[Chaz] Look out for the
lights from the village.
[Vix] I'm looking for the lights
but I can't see anything!
- We're almost out.
[Vix] You're going too fast!
Chaz, I can't see
where we're going!
Will you slow down?
Shit, Chaz!
- Fuck!
Hold on, hold on!
(both screaming)
(vehicle crashes)
(engine rumbling)
(Chaz and Vix panting)
(Vix sobbing)
No, no, no!
(Vix sobbing)
I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!
This is gonna hurt.
(gear shifting)
Just don't move, don't move.
(Vix sobbing)
(engine revving)
We're almost there.
(Vix screaming)
(windshield cracking)
(Vix shrieking)
(engine revs)
Come on.
(Vix shrieking)
(Chaz sobbing)
Come on, we're almost there!
We're almost there!
(gentle music)
(both sobbing)
No, no, no!
No, come on, come on, come on!
Vix, come on! (groaning)
Come on. We're almost there.
Come on, Vix.
Let me go. Let me go.
(emotional music)
(Vix whimpering)
Let me go.
[Chaz] Come on, Vix, please!
Not me, man, I'm done.
I'm done.
Chaz, listen, I'm done, man.
(Chaz sobbing)
I'm not going.
Not just from here. Go.
Get off the manor.
Be good.
Swear you will, Charlie.
(Chaz sobbing)
Swear that you will,
Charlie. Swear it.
I swear, I swear, I swear,
I swear.
(emotional music)
Come on.
Fucking go!
(Chaz and Vix sobbing)
(emotional music)
(Vix groaning and coughing)
(emotional music)
(drink sloshes)
The boy got away?
This stuff is older
than you are.
Tastes rank.
I agree.
(emotional music)
(Chaz grunting)
(bar patrons chattering)
(dart plunks)
Where've you come from?
You're half frozen!
Are you okay?
Are you injured?
This is not my blood.
I'm gonna call the police.
Eddie, get the boy a drink.
Who did this, son?
They chased us.
Who did?
(sombre music)
With dogs.
We'd better lock this door,
(keys jangle)
(lock clicks)
(fire crackling)
Come on, drink up.
You're safe with us.
You hungry?
How about a bacon sandwich?
Now, that'll do nicely.
(bar patrons whispering)
(disturbing music)
(dart plunks)
(patrons cheer)
(Chaz shouting)
Hey, don't you worry lad.
You'll be safe in here.
(Chaz shouts)
(tyres skid)
- Oh, shit!
- You'll be safe in here!
Help me, help me!
Please help me! (panting)
(chatter on police radio)
[Officer] It's all right,
everything's gonna be okay.
Let's get you back, see if we
can sort this bloody mess out.
I'm gonna to get you home.
It's all over
(gentle music)
How many of your friends
did you say they were?
[Officer] Shit.
What you doing up here, anyway?
Hey, you've gone the wrong way.
[Officer] There've
been a lot of robberies
around here lately.
Hey, where the fuck
are we going?
(unsettling music)
Where are you taking me?
Let me out now!
No, no! Get me the fuck
out of here, now!
Get me the fuck out of here,
(door rattling)
No! Let me out now!
Let me out now!
Let me out!
Don't take me back! (sobbing)
(engine shuts off)
Can I get you anything?
A drink, a bite to eat?
I don't want anything from you.
Last night you were happy
to take what belonged to me.
But what's done is done.
You survived. I'm impressed.
You earned it.
That's blood money.
I understand you're upset.
You lost friends today.
They're not lost.
They're dead.
My brother is dead.
We both lost a brother.
You're just gonna let me walk?
You have my word.
I ain't leaving without Leon.
Well, then you won't
leave at all.
People are gonna
find out about this.
About what?
You could go to the police
and tell them your story.
But who will they believe?
You think you can cover this up?
(Katherine chuckles)
How adorable.
You don't think this hunt
was our first, do you?
And it certainly
won't be our last.
(vehicle approaching)
No one said losing was easy.
But it's dealing with the
loss that makes the man.
(tense music)
(door bangs closed)
(brooding music)
(door bells jangle)
(keys jangling)
(lock clicks)
(store owner whistling)
(siren wailing in the distance)
(mysterious music)
(siren wailing)
(dramatic music)
(singing in foreign language)
Sick and tired with
your inside
What you waiting for
Seek and hide with
your hands tied
Why you waiting
Sick and tired with
your empty life
Why you waiting
Why you waiting
Crystal vision with
your hands tied
With your hands tied again
Cross your whispers
full of laughter
From the wind
From the wind
Crystal vision with
your hands tied
Why you waiting
Why you waiting
Crystal vision with
your hands tied
From the waiting
From the wait