Hounds (2023) Movie Script

Make way.
Make way.
Want me to dispose of him for you?
Go away.
So, Dib?
Your dog's finally had it.
What do you make of my brute?
He smashed it, no?
Call that a dog?
Have you seen his veins?
He's been doped.
You're scum.
We used to bet fair and square
before you came along.
How dare you, you prick
Go on.
What are you doing?
God damn your parents!
Piss off!
You dumb fuck!
You're not men!
I'm with you.
I'm with you.
I won't abandon you.
-Who's there?
-Come down.
-Is it serious?
-Hurry up and come down.
Do something.
Give him an injection to wake him up.
I think he's stopped breathing.
His soul has risen.
Go on.
Go on.
Go on, brother.
Faster, brother.
Go on.
Go on. God help you.
-I'll take on the winner.
-Hello, Issam.
The usual.
And a glass of water, please.
It'll soon be game over.
I'm out of your league.
What's with the Mr. Bean outfit?
-You okay, Farid?
-Sort of.
What's with the suit?
I've been going around with my CVs.
I was at a call center
offering 4,000 dirhams a month.
They told me
my French wasn't good enough.
They just didn't like the look of you.
I made 5,000 dirhams
in just three hours.
-Why don't you get a job with him?
-In what?
-You know what.
-Do you want to send me to jail?
-You kill yourself for nothing.
It's better than your lousy job.
You know where to find me.
What were you doing in that caf?
I told you not to go there.
I was just passing the time, Dad.
Have you made any money today?
60 dirhams.
Get ready for a small job.
God willing, it will keep us afloat.
It's well-paid.
All right.
We'll take a bit of meat
home to Mum first.
Then we'll go.
-You okay, Mum?
-I'm fine.
I've brought you some offal.
That'll do nicely.
Things are a bit tricky at the moment.
Don't worry. It's all edible.
-That's just how it is.
-You okay?
-Fine, you?
Everything's fine, thank God.
-Haven't you eaten?
I'll make you something.
Come on, Issam.
Hurry up.
Pray for us, Mum.
We have a job to do. We'll be back.
-God help you.
God damn it.
A bit of patience, Dad.
-Is that him arriving now?
-Yes, that's him.
He's come in a red car.
Red brings bad luck.
-Is it in good working order?
-Not bad. It'll do the trick.
You can test it.
The plates have been changed.
Everything's in order.
It'll do.
-Is he your son?
It's fine. Let's go.
I'll bring it back to you
as soon as we've finished with it.
-Be a man.
-Of course.
-It's money or blood.
May God guide you.
You seem scared.
I don't know what to make of this plan.
Don't be scared.
-It's that house there.
-That one?
Yes, that one.
May God protect us.
-Is anyone behind?
Get out.
Stop, you bastard.
Shut up.
Shut up, or I'll stab you!
Shut up!
Shut up, you dirty dog.
Calm down!
Hurry up. Stop shaking.
Open the door.
Get up. Quickly.
Move it, you bastard.
-Open the trunk.
-Watch his head.
Shut up.
Force him in! Hurry!
Get that motherfucker in there!
Come on!
It's a crap car.
Careful, Dad.
Shut up.
Check there's no one around.
Faster, Dad!
We're not going fast enough.
Stop dawdling!
The car is struggling.
He's an elephant, not a human being.
Why did you bring me along
for a guy like that?
The prick who sent me didn't warn me.
Will you shut up?
Shut up or I'm getting out!
You hit him, Dad.
We'd never have managed it
if I hadn't hit him. He's too big.
Where are we going now?
We're going to drop him off
with the guy who asked for him.
Be careful.
-Is everything okay?
He was a big fucker.
Get him out. I'll lock him
in the cage till tomorrow.
Hurry up.
Come on, get out!
-Move it.
-Move it.
Is he sleeping or what?
-Wait. I'll untie his hands.
-Go on.
Take the hood off.
He's not moving, Dad.
Get up! Come on, get up!
Give him some water.
Get up, son!
He's not breathing.
That's not possible.
Are you trying to destroy us, Hassan?
You killed the guy!
You've landed us in deep shit!
What sort of amateurish job
is this, Hassan?
I didn't realize, boss.
Why did you stuff him in the trunk?
You suffocated him!
What are you going to do with him?
I'm going to chop him into pieces
and dispose of him somewhere.
What kind of a moron are you?
If they find any remnants,
they'll trace it back to us!
And why did you bring your son?
I didn't have anyone else, boss.
My head is spinning.
You must take him to M'jid.
Do you hear?
Don't make us drive
all the way to M'jid's place.
M'jid is dependable.
You can bury him there.
Go and get rid of this fucker!
Do you hear me?
Give this to M'jid.
Get this fucker out of here!
Sort this out before dawn,
or we're stuffed.
Shame on you.
Hurry up, please.
Where are we going?
We're going to get rid of this.
Don't just stand there.
Where are we taking him?
We're taking him to M'jid's place.
Are you out of your mind, Dad?
You're going to take him
from the city to the countryside,
through the roadblocks?
This will get us nowhere, Dad.
So what's the solution?
The only thing we can do
is to go to the police.
You're crazy.
Do you want to destroy us?
If we go to the police,
we'll both go to prison.
Do you want to leave your grandmother
with no one to bury her?
Don't worry, Dad.
I'll go on my own.
I'll say I was alone,
that you weren't with me.
-You reckon you can do that?
A couple of slaps around the face,
and you'll soon come clean.
Listen to me.
You go home.
You haven't seen me.
If anyone asks, you say,
"I haven't seen my father."
I was counting on you
I thought you were man enough,
but I was wrong.
M'jid, how are you doing?
Who are you?
-Don't you recognize me?
Hassan. I work with Dib.
-Oh, Hassan.
How are you?
Good, thank God.
-What can I do for you?
-A small job. We need your help.
What sort of job?
Come inside and explain.
I'm sorry, but I don't do that anymore.
The first one Dib buried here,
was there a problem?
It all went smoothly.
I planted a fig tree on top of it.
It produced lots of fruit.
But times have changed, Hassan.
I don't do this anymore.
Listen to me.
If you help us,
we'll pay you well.
I'm not looking for money anymore.
I just want a quiet life.
I have rent coming in
from a phone mast.
It's enough. I don't need more.
I drove all this way
so you could help us.
You can't just send us away.
I've given you my answer, Hassan.
Why don't you stop this nonsense?
You've even dragged your son into it.
I came here so you could help me.
So you could show solidarity.
Not so you could lecture me.
Couldn't you think of anyone else?
There are lots of places
where you could bury him.
The farmers have all sold their land
and moved to the city.
Go into the empty fields
and bury him there.
Take these figs to sustain you,
and this shovel will be useful too.
Go straight along this track.
You'll soon find some secluded land.
Put the figs in the back,
not in the trunk.
Help me look for a hole
or something like that.
We'll dig down into it
and bury him.
Get rid of the problem.
How do you expect to dig here, Dad?
Have you seen the soil?
You've only got a shovel.
You need a pickax too.
What's that?
God damn it
Don't honk the horn.
You'll attract attention.
I don't know
if it's a donkey or a djinn.
They take on the appearance of animals.
A well.
Get out. Quick.
Get out.
-Aren't you going to help me?
-Help you do what?
Aren't you going to help me
finish this off?
Think about it, Dad.
If you put him in a well,
tomorrow he'll stink.
We'll get caught.
It's a deep well.
If we throw him in, he'll sink.
Why won't you listen to me?
Open up the well,
God damn your mother.
The well is full of stones.
The only solution is to dig a hole.
The ground is too hard.
I'll fetch the shovel.
I'll dig here.
-Go on, then, dig.
-Aren't you going to help me?
Look at that kid.
Near the rock.
-There, by the rock.
-I can't see anything.
-Are you blind? He's over there.
It's the tiredness
playing tricks on you.
A kid here at this hour?
-A little boy, you say?
-He was just there.
A dog!
The farmers!
Get back in, quick!
They ran away.
-Check behind!
-All clear. Accelerate!
There! Turn around!
Turn around, Dad. Listen to me!
They're there!
Avoid him. Accelerate!
Get away from there!
Get away from there!
Go on, Dad, get a move on!
Where are they coming from?
Go on.
They attacked us!
Mind the gully!
-There's the road.
-Go on. We can make it.
We need to get away from here!
They must have turned down there.
Check that those dogs
aren't following us.
Take that one.
I think that's the exit.
This is good.
Don't tell me it's going to stall.
Can you smell something burning?
How do you open this pile of junk?
Call this a fucking engine?
Come here, Dad. Maybe it's this.
Fuck's sake!
I had a bad feeling about this car
from the start.
It was a bad omen.
Is this a gas station, Dad?
Go and see if there's anyone here.
Brother, you wouldn't have
a bottle of water,
-would you?
-We've broken down.
Just a bit of water.
Get off my land.
Why have you come here?
-We just need water.
We've got a problem with the car.
There was smoke coming out.
We need a bit of water.
We're sorry, brother.
A bit of water.
There's no gas in this station.
It doesn't work.
We'll put some water in.
Where did you find that?
Dad, distract him
so he doesn't notice anything.
Is everything okay?
We've driven a long way.
We've broken down.
I'll try starting the engine.
That guy's not normal.
Is he a spook or what?
Does he live on his own
in this abandoned gas station?
Start the car.
Where has he gone?
He was sitting on that chair.
He's vanished into thin air.
Go on, try again.
He's risen.
My God, my God, my God
Go on, drive.
We need to get out of here.
I know what we'll do.
We'll go and see Larbi.
He'll sort this out for us.
You want to drive
to Larbi's bar in the city?
It's too risky.
You're all talk.
You never make any suggestions.
You do my head in.
You said it was a small job.
I wouldn't have come if I'd known.
What's done is done.
Now, we need to solve the problem.
It's a roadblock, Dad.
-Do a U-turn.
-Calm down. Don't be scared.
The papers for your car.
Where have you come from?
What, boss?
Where have you come from?
My cousin's house is in the countryside.
His son is sick.
We paid him a visit.
Where are you going now?
-Where are you going?
Into town, boss.
What have you got in the back?
-What have you got in the back?
Do I look blind?
Pass me some figs
to see us through the night.
Figs. Of course.
Here you go, boss.
Your papers.
-Thank you.
-Have a good trip.
It's not a good idea
to go to Larbi's place.
Change the record!
We need to sort this out.
Wake up!
Hello. How are you doing?
Have you seen Larbi?
-Who's Larbi?
-The fisherman.
Larbi, the fisherman?
-Yes, brother.
Where the hell is he?
Larbi! Don't you recognize me?
No, I don't.
-It's Hassan.
-Who's Hassan?
-Are you serious?
-Get up and come with me.
-What for?
-A job. There's money in it.
-What job? What money?
What money?
You're drunk.
-Put that down and come with us.
-Let me finish this bottle. Just this one.
I need your help.
I'll buy you more drinks on the way.
What do you want from me?
Larbi, come here!
-What do you want from me?
-Larbi, come here!
-He needs to pay.
-How much?
-300 dirhams.
How much do I owe?
Here, there's your 300.
-What about a tip?
-There isn't one.
Give him a tip.
It's okay, it's nothing.
I'll pay you back tomorrow.
I'll take my boat out
I'll go fishing, sell my catch,
and pay you back.
How much? 300 dirhams?
-Fatiha, have you got anything?
-What's up with him?
He's drunk.
Yes, he doesn't look too good.
Got anything to wake him up?
-I'm always like this.
-Prop him up. Prop him up with your hand.
Help me, will you?
Make him swallow this.
This should help.
Drink these herbs.
They'll wake you up.
Drink up.
Drink up.
Listen, son.
A bit more.
-I know you.
-Please drink.
You came on my boat with me.
We shared our bread. Yes, it was you.
-I remember you.
-Yes, we shared a lot.
-I've spent my whole life at sea
-Drink up.
My head's spinning.
It's your fault, Larbi.
I'm sorry. I like you.
A bit of bissara.
20 years at sea.
-I've sunk four times!
-Give him some hot bissara.
Morocco's first exporter
taught me all I know. I swear.
The first exporter of fish.
-He taught me.
-Drink up, Larbi!
God rest his soul.
This will stop your head spinning.
-I'm fine now.
-Had enough?
Here, light this cigarette.
Give it here, son. Give it to me.
We caught lots of sargos, sea bream,
pandora, and scorpion fish.
-And John Dory.
-He never stops talking
All those fish, I sold them!
I sold the lot!
I sold the lot!
I sold the lot
They all sold.
There were no fish left!
-What are we going to do with him?
-Shut up.
I sold the lot!
I have some merchandise.
I need you to help me get rid of it.
You can take what you like.
Is there any money in it?
As long as you pay me,
I'll do what you want.
Don't worry. Have I ever made
you work for me for nothing?
No. You know how it is, Hassan
This is how I feed my children.
I'm paying for their studies.
A doctorate.
Then I'll retire.
Larbi will retire with his missus.
-That's enough now.
-I'll take it easy with my missus.
We'll look after ourselves.
Come on, rest now,
so you're on form.
-Wake me up when we get to the port.
-All right.
-Where's the boat?
-It's there.
-Mine's over there. Do you see it?
-That one there.
-That's good.
-I'm going to tell you the truth.
-Tell me, Hassan.
It's not merchandise.
-What, then?
-Come and see.
Hassan, that's a soul.
It's cherished by God.
Do you want me to go to hell?
He'll get us caught.
Speak softly.
Hassan, do you want me
to go to hell?
Listen to me.
I need to get rid of him.
We'll throw him in the sea.
No one will see.
It'll just be you, me,
my son, and God.
Hassan, let me speak.
Do it for my son's sake.
He's still young.
I don't want to ruin his life.
He'll be sent down for 30 years.
-If you want money,
you'll get it, lots of it.
Just get rid of this for me.
What happened to him?
I didn't kill him.
-What, then?
-He suffocated in the car.
-Just like that?
We didn't kill him.
We are not murderers.
Have you washed him?
-Keep your voice down.
-Have you washed him?
-He's been washed.
-Don't lie.
-Did you wash him?
-Have I ever lied to you before?
-He's been cleansed.
I trust you, Hassan.
He's perfectly clean.
I'm begging you.
Gently. Don't damage the corpse.
Don't damage the corpse.
Be careful.
Damn it. I need more weights.
Look inside.
Come on, they're in here.
Get in!
shall I come with you?
No, no need to come with me.
I'll manage. I know what I'm doing.
Can you throw him over?
I'll throw him over and come back.
-On your own?
-I've done it before.
-He's heavy.
-The weights will drag him out.
-I'm coming with you.
-No, I can handle it.
-I'll come and help.
-Hassan, I know what I'm doing.
He should be back by now, Dad.
It's been too long.
Come here.
Look at that boat.
Is it drifting?
Seems to be.
It's coming closer.
That's his boat.
-Dad, there's just the corpse on board.
The weights aren't here.
-Come and help me!
Have you lost your mind?
Are you waiting for him to come back?
Why are you still calling him?
Isn't that him over there?
Where is he?
Are you out of your mind?
This is all your fault.
You're too stubborn for words.
Come and help me!
Come and help me, Dad.
You're so stubborn.
Where is my friend?
He fell overboard. He's gone.
He won't come back up.
He got caught up in the weights.
You saw how old he is!
And you send him
to do this sort of thing!
He didn't stand a chance.
You landed him in it, just like me.
Poor guy, this had nothing
to do with him.
You saw how drunk he was.
You promised him money.
He risked his life, poor guy.
He won't be coming back.
People will say
he left the bar with us.
And we'll end up getting caught.
I told you we should have gone
to the police.
We'd have been charged
and that would be that.
Now, we've become murderers.
I went along with you,
and now I'm a murderer.
Get up, Dad.
Get up.
Get up.
Leave me alone.
Get up.
I said leave me alone!
Come on.
Come on.
We need to get the corpse
out of there.
Where have you brought me?
Shut up, Dad.
Wait here.
You're not going to the cops?
Stay in the car, I'll be right back.
Who is it?
-Issam, who?
Issam, from the medina.
I've come to see Lghoul.
-Lghoul, my friend.
-You okay?
-I'm cool.
-How are you doing?
-I need to talk to you.
-Of course.
Come with me.
-How's your father?
-He's fine.
Is he out or in jail?
He's out.
Let me tell you what the person
who's talking to you went through.
Do you understand?
All those species of fish,
they're all in here
Do you know Cousteau?
I swear that my mentor
wrote him a letter.
He said,
"Sardines speak."
Cousteau replied, and then he died.
Do you know how many fish get caught?
20 to 30 million,
and that's just in Casablanca.
I know every species of fish.
Are you going to pay me?
What you owe me
for what I did for you.
You need to pay me now.
To pay for my children's studies.
I want them to get a doctorate.
Give me my money.
We had an understanding.
God damn it.
What do you want?
One dirham.
I don't have it. Go away.
If you don't help me, no one will.
Get lost, scram!
May God watch over your children.
Come here.
That's all I have. Pray for me.
May God help you.
May God bless your mother.
A good prayer.
May God forgive you.
Go now. God help you.
Is the deceased a big man?
He's big.
And heavy.
When did it happen?
Not long ago.
I've already told Lghoul.
So you said.
It wasn't our intention to kill him.
Your father and you.
Can you afford it?
Can you pay the price?
If you suggest a price
we can afford, we'll pay.
Give him a hand.
Don't worry.
He seems to be a good guy.
He is a good guy.
I watched him grow up.
This is what we do for a living,
but we need to be sure.
He seems like a nice boy.
But I need to check.
Don't charge him too much.
Give me a moment. I'll be right back.
Okay, Issam? I'll be back.
If he doesn't ask for money,
he might ask for a favor in return,
just do it.
Are you sure?
They're not going to grass me up?
Don't worry. You're my brother.
They're my brothers.
These guys are all wanted.
Listen carefully.
I don't think you can afford the price.
But I'm going to give you
the contact details of a guy.
He doesn't need money.
He's a trustworthy guy, don't worry.
What's the catch?
You're going to work for me.
The jobs are a bit special.
I need people.
-All right.
-It's a deal?
Just get rid of this for me,
and I'll do what you want.
Okay. Lghoul knows what's involved.
I'll tell you where to find the guy.
Relax, it will be fine.
I'm not used to this.
-And if you talk
-You die.
Don't worry. We're here for you.
Get in, Dad.
-We have to go.
I've found a solution.
We've got to go.
-What solution?
-It's going to work out. Get in.
We need to cleanse the corpse first.
It's essential.
Whatever we do, it fails.
So we need to wash him.
Are you kidding me, Dad?
You've seen all the problems we've had.
If we wash him and wrap him
in a shroud, all will be well.
We're just wasting time.
This is the last thing
I'm going to ask of you.
God bless you, my son.
-And then I can do what I want?
Go on, get in.
Shut the door.
Shut it.
It just happened.
God intended this, Mum.
We stumbled into this disaster.
This was your work?
Like that. Go on.
Go on.
-Go on.
-In the name of God.
-Go on.
-God is great.
-Like that, Mum?
-Yes, that's good.
On his head.
-The ears too?
-Yes, everything.
-How many times for the ears?
-Three times.
Like that.
Be gentle with the poor man
Turn him over and tie a knot.
Turn him over.
Go on, turn him over,
and tie a knot.
That's it.
Now, you have to wave incense over him.
In the name of God.
May God rest your soul.
And may He forgive you.
And may He forgive us.
We didn't mean to kill you, brother.
It was fate.
God rest your soul, brother.
Get in quick. We're late.
You haven't told me
what you're planning to do.
This is not how it works.
I've gone along with you all night.
Nothing worked.
Get in. We need to go.
You don't want to come?
Get out of here, then.
Did I tell you to get out?
Did I tell you to get out?
Get out now.
Come in.
Something to drink?
Gin? Tequila? Vodka?
No, thank you, I don't drink.
Do you drink beer?
Do you want a beer?
Do you live here?
-Do you want to buy it?
Is this where my problem
will get sorted?
This is my bachelor pad.
In the house next door,
there is a garden.
But guys like you,
I bring them here.
They tell me you want
to bury a guy in my garden, right?
Fucking hell!
You're special.
Go for it.
You'll find tools to dig with
in the garden shed.
But on one condition.
When you've finished,
come back here for a shower.
You stink.
As if you've been slaving away
all night.
All right.
Can I make a start?
Go for it.
Do what you need to do.
He's here, yes.
In front of me.
The door is open.
Yes, come in.
Who is it?
-Your mates.
-What mates?
The ones who sent you here.
What do you want?
Shut up, or I'll fuck your mother.
Show me what you've got
in the trunk,
or I'll fuck your mother.
-It's nothing.
-Son of a bitch!
-Open the trunk!
-You've got it wrong
What do you want?
I haven't finished with him.
You'll get someone else.
-Move! Show us the trunk.
-There's nothing.
Open the trunk.
Open the trunk.
Open the trunk.
Open the trunk, or I'll punch you.
He killed him.
Why did you do that?
What did he do to you?
Hello, Jellouta?
Get up, you son of a bitch.
Sit down, or I'll punch you.
That's enough. Lie down!
Don't move!
Boss, we didn't mean
to kill him, I swear.
It was an accident, I swear.
Who do you take me for?
You killed a man over a dog?
I don't know anything about that.
I don't know anything about any dogs.
We're just a couple of poor guys.
We know nothing about that.
Who is it?
What's happened to my son?
What's that?
Open the gate.
Where are you going?
-Open the gate!
-This is a cemetery, brother.
Open the gate. I'm visiting Dib.
You should have said.
You've been gone all night,
and you still haven't buried him.
What now, Dib?
Should I abandon my son?
I told you not to take him with you.
We had one hell of a night,
and now they've got my son.
Be a man,
like I've always been with you.
I'll never abandon him.
I'll do whatever it takes.
Please, Dib.
There are three there.
Very good.
We've looked all over for Dib,
but we can't find him.
Some of the guys are still looking.
I want to get rid of them tonight.
Issam is a brother.
We're in.
Us too. We've had enough of this.
They're a law unto themselves.
You can count on us.
You know what to do?
There will be a lot of them.
Get some bibs from the football pitch
so we recognize one another.
We've got clubs and everything else
we need. I'll rally the troops.
Guys we can rely on.
I'll get some cars
to load them all into.
Dib, I have just one concern.
Jellouta's dog.
He's aggressive.
If he attacks one of the guys
They all know him.
They're afraid of him.
What's the solution?
We need the blood
of a bitch on heat.
Of course.
Where will we find
a bitch on heat at this hour?
It's the only way, Dib.
I'll take care of the dog.
I'll take care of it.
Come on, guys, get in.
Get in.
Everyone put their bib on.
Get in.
So we don't confuse you
with the others.
Get in.
Get in.
Do what you've got to do.
Don't worry, Dib.
What do we do with them?
Leave them to stew
while I finish off.
Get the dog out of the car.
And get in, you and your son.
Is this plan going to work?
Don't worry.
We'll pull it off.
Did the mute man, God rest his soul
-Did he have any family?
Jellouta was his only family.
The poor guy grew up in the streets.
Jellouta took him in.
He protected him.
He treated him well.
Grab that side of him.
Come on, guys.
This way.
Here's the furnace.
Hurry up, please.
this man is huge.
-He won't fit in the furnace.
-What do you mean?
You've brought him this far,
and now you tell us?
I have an idea.
Come on, gentlemen.
He'll rot in this heat.
The stench will cling to our skin.
Hurry up.
The stench will cling to your skin?
The stench has been clinging to me
all night long.
I washed him so we could bury him
in a shroud,
facing the Mecca.
Not so as to chop him up.
Will you shut up?!
I'm trying not to disrespect you
in front of your son!
I brought him back to you alive,
so shut up!
Have you gone mad?
What are you planning to do?
Be a man!
Be a man.
Let one of us be a man!
Jalil, who is this motley crew
you've brought me?
Do they know why they're here?
Pick that up and get out of here.
I don't want any trouble.
It's nearly dawn,
and we're stuck here arguing.
How much time do we have left?
-How much time do we have?
An hour or an hour and a half.
Yes, crazy boy.
Where are you? At the medina?
Listen, I've got a job for 2,000 dirhams.
It's hard work and dirty.
He's already dead.
Get away from there, Dad.
What do I need to do?
Chop up this corpse
and put it in the furnace.
No problem.
What about the money?
Don't be stupid.
-The money.
-I told you, 2,000 dirhams.
It's not enough.
-Go on.
-It's not enough.
-Come off it!
-It's a man.
I need more.
-Go on, get to work.
-How much?
-Will you give me 7,000?
-Get to work, I said.
What do you mean, "Get to work"?
I'm not a carpenter.
-Go on, get chopping.
-What am I chopping?
How much will you give me?
I'll give you 3,000.
It's a man, not a chicken.
-Go on, get to work.
-Get to work?
-Go on.
-I'll hold you to that!
-Or you'll be next in the furnace!
Here are the tools.
Leave me alone.
Come on, please hurry up.
Get the money ready.
I'm almost done.
Count it!
Look at the state of me.
I've had it,
with men and with God.