Hounds of War (2024) Movie Script

[tense music playing]
[waves gently crashing]
[seagull squawking]
[seagull squawking]
[car horns honking]
[police siren wailing, whooping]
[man 1 on radio]
Team Six. Team Six.
You are cleared
to proceed. Over.
[man 2] Copy that.
[police siren wailing]
[siren wailing stops]
[Maria] ...European summit
will not only improve
the damaged
transatlantic relations
but solve the most
festering issues
between the U.S.
and its European allies.
Yet tension remains sky-high
as France and Germany
have repeatedly accused
United States
of intensifying
their war on terror
using secret armies
of mercenaries
to carry out various
political assassinations
in North Africa.
America has obviously
denied all this.
Over the past week,
President Lane held numerous
one-on-one meetings
with the European leaders
to offer an olive branch.
-It is time to put
the past lows behind us.
I am here to build bridges
and opportunities
for all our peoples.
The tide of conflict
and misunderstandings
must recede.
My presidency does not,
and will not meddle
in the affairs of
other nations.
America is here
to offer counsel
to its allies,
not weapons.
Vaccines, not bullets.
-[loud crash]
-[objects clatter]
[Hart over radio]
Any sign of the target?
[squad leader]
No, sir. Not yet.
[tense music playing]
[squad member]
The back room is clear, sir.
[squad leader] Colonel, there is
something here on the table.
[paper rustles]
-How could you let him
get away? Goddamn it.
[phone rings]
Ryder, is that you?
Ryder, you've gotta stop
this madness.
There's no time for theatrics.
[engine rumbles, stops]
[Ryder] Theatrics?
That's funny coming from you.
-Ryder, where are you?
I can talk to you.
I can come to you.
Wherever you are,
I can get there fast.
Tell me where you are.
[Ryder] Can you get there
faster than a bullet?
[tense music playing]
-Find me Ryder Ward!
Point all the satellites
at Valletta!
He's going after the president!
[shouting, cheering]
[cell phone vibrates]
We're running out of time.
Let's go.
-Excuse me, sir.
Shouldn't you be--
[taser zaps]
[crowd clamoring]
[tense music continues]
-We're in the shitter here.
We have no time to waste.
Come on! Come on!
[cell phone vibrates]
[tense music intensifies]
[crowd clamoring]
[muted conversation]
[cell phone vibrates]
-[Hart] We have a major problem.
-What did you say?
-Operative 3519 has snapped.
He's going after the president.
[women screaming]
[somber music playing]
[engines whooshing]
[stamp thuds]
-Welcome to Malta. Next.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[indistinct PA announcement]
-[kid] Hey, how's it going?
-[man] Great. How are you?
[kid] Good.
It's great to see you.
-Oh, it certainly is a surprise.
-How you doing, beauty?
-Good, how are you?
-I'm good.
Look at you,
how beautiful.
-That's all you have to say?
-How'd it happen?
-You need me to explain
the process? [laughs]
I mean, I can if you want.
I just figured
at your advanced age,
you'd know this shit already.
-At my advanced age?
-Stop it. [chuckles]
-I appreciate you coming, man.
It means a lot.
-I always come, man. Always.
We had an agreement.
-I know. I know.
There's money to be made.
Good money.
-We-can-retire kind of money.
Well, I am retired,
and there's always
money to be made
but we agreed we wouldn't work
for this son of a bitch.
-[Bulldog] I know, but I got--
Come on. No business talk yet.
Let's go.
-[Jenna chuckles]
-Blame him.
-Yeah, always.
What are you doing?
-You sure you wanna
do this, man?
You're having a baby.
-Hey, it's all good, man.
I got this.
We got this.
You gotta trust me, okay?
-Yeah, I trust you.
-You trust me?
-I trust you.
-Are you okay with this?
-Are you okay with this?
[soft acoustic music playing]
["Give Me Your Hand" playing]
-[music fades]
-[van revs]
-You need a woman in your life.
-I had one.
It didn't work out.
-Pity. I miss Selina.
[Bulldog] I heard she has
her own outfit now in Rome.
-[Jenna] Mm-hmm.
-Yeah, I heard that.
It's none of my business.
-You're gonna love
the new place.
It's got a gym, pool,
private beach.
We call it The Fortress.
It's like a five-star resort.
-It sounds great.
-[light chuckle]
-Does it have a nursery?
[rock music playing]
[engine stops]
[waves crashing in distance]
-Yo! Ladies!
-[all clamoring]
-Wow. Jesus,
Mary and the Saints.
-You've really scraped
the bottom of the barrel!
-Now you know
how I fucking feel.
-Oh, yeah.
-Welcome back, brother.
-You guys are getting fat!
-[laughs] Yeah.
[Ryder] How are you?
Good to see you, brother.
[Santiago] You too.
You too. Get over here.
-[men laugh]
-[Ryder] You're all getting fat!
-Alright, he's here. Gotta go.
[all] Ah! Boom! Boom!
-I swore I heard you say
that you quit.
-I did quit.
-No, no. I believe
his exact words were,
"You'd sooner find me dead
-than on another mission."
-Another mission.
-[Jenna laughs]
is my very last mission.
-One more mission.
-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Hey, look who made it.
-That's a great suit.
You running for governor?
-It's time for you to start
believing in something again.
I'm very sorry about
what happened in Syria.
I really am.
-I lost a lot of good men.
-It's always sad
when the shit hits the fan.
-Shit didn't hit the fan,
You fucked up.
We almost didn't
make it out alive.
I'm gonna do this
one more time, Colonel.
For my brother.
And then we're done.
I don't wanna see you again.
[rock music playing]
-The dead can't return...
but the living...
can be saved.
[glass thuds]
[men clapping, laughing]
[Hart] Operation Brimstone.
As always, our job
is to hunt down
those with influence
and those that abuse
their power,
and eliminate them
by any means necessary.
Our target,
Khalid Mustafa Atef.
Once a simple farmer,
he has now grown to be
one of the most powerful
warlords in Libya.
-He sounds nice.
[Hart] Reliable intel tells us
Russia and China
both have a strong interest
in this region.
He needs to be stopped
before we're dragged
into a proxy war.
[tense music playing]
[clicks, thuds]
-Alright, boys.
Let's go hunting.
[tense music intensifies]
[Hart] Now, as always,
you're gonna have
a specific task, each of you.
You're gonna be dropped
three clicks from the target
on the outskirts of Sirte.
Your drop-off is your pick-up.
If you're not back
by 0300 hours,
prepare for a nice long hike
back to Tunisia.
-[helicopter whirring]
[tense music continues]
[helicopter receding]
[insects trilling]
[wind whooshing]
[dog panting]
-Khalid has taken over
the Grand Hotel
that was built by Qaddafi
to house world leaders.
He's transformed
this bombed-out hotel
into his military headquarters.
-Question. Is the Jacuzzi
still working?
'Cause I might wanna
soak my balls
after this fight.
-[breathes deeply]
This is not
some bush league militia
you're gonna face.
Our guy has acquired
an envious arsenal.
These men are well-equipped.
You'll be facing a growing army
of professional soldiers.
[tense music sting]
[Hart] Now our first task
is to isolate Khalid.
-[silenced gunshots]
-[man groans]
[bodies thud]
We need to cut off
his communications
with the outside world.
Forty feet underground
beneath the Grand Hall,
lies his bunker.
This is where
you will find him.
This is where
you will kill him.
Khalid is engaged in a war
on two fronts as we speak.
And most of his men
are engaged in battle.
Satellite images show us
that his bunker is protected
only by the elite
of the Sidi Omar Brigade.
Twenty men, heavily armed
rabid fanatics.
Rosebud and Femi,
you're gonna set up
on the third floor.
Guard the whole perimeter.
[insects trilling]
[Hart] There are
security cameras
that are throughout
the building,
so we're gonna need to have
Hollywood set up shop
in the electrical substation
at the back of the hotel.
[keys jingle]
We need to be invisible.
-[silenced gunshot]
-[keys jingle]
[rattles, clanks]
[gate creaks]
-You sure this will work?
[Hollywood] [exhales]
One hundred percent sure.
-Yeah, right.
-It's the only way
to get into
an air-gapped system.
We need to increase
the strain of the power supply
on the solar-metered
ultrasonic frequencies
and transport... [pants]
our information.
It's fucking genius.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Blah, blah, blah.
It's all Chinese to me.
Just make sure you get it.
-It's physics.
-Room clear.
[rifle clacks]
[Rosebud] Set.
-In the nest, over.
[Femi on comms] Hold up.
We got a guard
upstairs from you.
Hollywood, how are we doing?
Need help with those cameras.
[faint beeping]
-Sharpen the arrows,
for it's the vengeance
of the Lord.
[praying in Spanish]
-Hey, brother.
Can you tell him
your nice speech,
just a little bit faster?
-Father, forgive them
for they know not what they do.
-[bullet casing clinks]
[Rosebud] All clear.
-One between you
and the target.
[keyboard clacks]
[breathes deeply]
I need to update my equipment.
-Something feels off.
My Spidey sense is tingling.
-And here comes
the poor man's light show.
[keyboard clacks]
-[static buzzing]
-[footsteps tapping]
-[silenced gunshot]
-[groans, thuds]
[Hollywood] Okay, guys.
We made it. Khalid is ours.
-[loud thud]
-[metal clanks]
-[sharp exhale]
The target is gone.
I repeat,
the target is gone.
-What the fuck is going on?
[tense music buildup]
-Oh, fuck.
[fast beeping]
-It's a trap.
-They're everywhere.
Come on! Get out!
-Eyes! Eyes!
Look at me! You good?
-I'm okay.
-Alright. Breathe. Breathe. Go!
-[silenced gunshot]
-[groans, thuds]
-[silenced gunshot]
-[groans, thuds]
-[silenced gunshot]
-[groans, thuds]
-[silenced gunshots]
[silenced gunshots]
-Contact front!
We need to move!
We need to move now!
-I'm coming.
[silenced gunshots]
-[silenced gunshots]
[both grunting]
[groaning, grunting]
-[silenced gunshots]
-Move! Move! Move!
[silenced gunshot]
-Put your guns down!
[bullet shells clinks]
-Tell the Lord to do
what he can to save us now!
-The Lord is always with us.
-[gun thuds]
[gun clicks]
[knives clink]
-[silenced gunshots]
-Break right!
Eddie, stay with me, brother.
-Santa Maria...
[praying indistinctly]
-[knives clinking]
-[opponent groans]
-[machete clinks]
-[silenced gunshots]
[Ryder] We gotta move!
[blood splatters]
[gun fired]
[knives thud]
[tense music intensifies]
[praying indistinctly]
[rocks crumbling]
[Hart in Arabic]:
[Speaking Arabic]:
-[Femi groaning]
-[militia men grunting]
[grunting, panting]
[breathing heavily]
-[silenced gunshot]
[sharp exhale, grunts]
[grunting, panting]
[approaching footsteps]
-[bullet shell clinks]
[Hart in Arabic]:
[Speaking Arabic]:
[Speaking English]:
-I was hoping you'd say that.
[Speaking Arabic]:
-[call ends]
[footsteps tap]
-Move! Faster!
-I can't!
-Move! You fucking can move.
-[body thuds]
-[Bulldog grunts]
[both groan]
-You good?
-[panting] Oh, no. I'm bad.
-How bad?
-[panting] Real fucking bad.
-[gunfire in distance]
-[gunfire in distance]
-I guess you're not gonna
leave me, huh?
-[indistinct shouting]
-You go, I go.
-Oh, fuck you. [groans]
[groans, pants]
-[militia men groan]
[militia men groan]
-[groans, pants]
Fuck. I'm out.
[breathing heavily]
-[gunfire continues]
-[breathing heavily]
I'm sorry, brother.
[breathing heavily]
-[grenade explodes]
-[militia men yell]
-No, no, no! No.
I got you.
Look at me!
What did you do?
What the fuck did you do?
What did you do?!
Open your eyes.
Open your eyes. You're okay.
Hey, you're okay!
Tommy. Tommy...
[breathing heavily]
-Any news yet?
-I still haven't heard anything.
Still waiting.
How's the baby?
-Good. I just...
I just have this bad feeling.
-Why don't you
run on back to bed?
I'll come get you a soon
as the bird picks 'em up, okay?
Everything's gonna be fine.
[shot fired]
[Jenna thuds]
[Maria] American President Lane
has just touched down
in Portugal,
making his first official stop
of "Vaccine, Not Bullets"
European tour.
All eyes on President Lane
as he breaks bread
for the first time
with Portuguese Socialist
President, Ana Nazario.
His female counterpart has,
for years, been openly critical
of U.S. foreign policy.
-Champagne, sir?
[Maria] President Lane
was all smiles this morning
as he insisted
with his counterpart
that his patriotism
has a humane face.
[grand music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[footsteps approaching]
-Hello. Shall we dance?
-Not now. Thank you.
[footsteps receding]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
-Thank you so much.
-[clears throat]
-No one's arguing
with his reputation
but given our very public stance
on international relations,
his history is toxic.
-It's just that, sir, history.
What you're getting from Hart
is experience, results.
-I'm not sure we can afford
his kind of results.
-He's taken care of
our problems without flinching.
Iraq, Libya, Chechnya.
I can keep going.
-Oh, goddamn it.
I'm trying to get the world
to fall in love
with America again.
Hart is always bad news.
And when the press
hears of this...
-They don't need
to hear anything.
I can delay the announcement
to the outside world.
-Well, I'm not sure.
Hart is not the brand, sir.
You are. He will be strictly
behind the scenes.
-You really trust him?
-With my life.
-Feels to me like
we're inviting the bull
into the China shop.
-Look, I get it.
The world hates him,
but we need him.
We can't just sit on our behinds
and hope for the best.
Singing "Kumbaya"
won't deter our enemies.
-"Vaccines, Not Bullets"
is what we're selling.
-That's correct, sir.
That's what we're selling,
but behind the scenes,
we need to be ready
for any eventuality.
We're hearing chatter.
Dangerous chatter.
-What do you mean?
What have you heard?
-[breathes deeply]
Mostly whispers because
we're flying blind.
That's why I'm pushing
"he who shall not be named"
to avoid a 9/11-level event...
on your watch.
Hart is merely
an insurance policy.
A heavily classified
insurance policy.
because if the media
get wind of this,
my reputation,
everything I've built--
-It won't happen.
I won't let it.
-We'll give him a London post.
The Lair.
Just for a trial run.
-Very good, sir.
[suspenseful music playing]
-We are at war,
ladies and gentlemen.
An undeclared war,
but a war nonetheless.
Our enemies aim
to topple the systems
that keep our very way
of life in check
and I would sooner die
than let those systems fail.
Let us begin.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine stops]
Check the cameras.
[club music playing]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
-[club music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]
-Go and give that bastard
a nice warm welcome.
[women laughing]
-Can you tell Selina,
"Ryder's here"?
-There is no Selina here.
-[woman screams]
-[glass shatters]
-[crowd screams]
-[crowd screams]
[grunting continues]
[breathes deeply]
-[chain clinking]
-[breathing heavily]
-[footsteps approaching]
-[breathing heavily]
-I hope I didn't
mess up your night.
[chain clinks]
-Was this really necessary?
-[clicks tongue]
They told me...
you were dead.
-[Ryder exhales]
Well, it's happy...
Well, happy to see you too.
-You know, to, um,
tell me you're alive...
-[sharp exhale]
[soft grunt]
I was busy.
[footsteps tapping]
-I cried for you.
Stupid me.
Cut him loose.
[chain clinks]
-[chain clanks]
-So why are you here?
-When isn't it?
-They're dead.
All of them.
-And the baby?
-[Ryder exhales]
-He's untouchable now.
Runs with the big dogs now.
-I don't want him.
I'm gonna break the system.
-You're out of your mind.
Nobody breaks the system.
So what does all this
have to do with me?
-I need a team.
I need you, Selina.
-Good luck, Ryder.
I'm sorry I missed your funeral.
I promise to attend
the next one.
[footsteps receding]
-Are you gonna make it?
-Ha ha!
-Good job, Grandpa.
-Nice move.
-That was close.
[cell phone vibrates]
Excuse me, ladies.
[cell phone continues vibrating]
Yeah? It's not
a good time right now.
[Joshua] Switch on your TV.
[anchorman on TV] The video
showing a clandestine
and a controversial
operation in Libya
has recently surfaced online
to an investigative journalism
organization and claims
that this botched mission
was one of many
sanctioned by the U.S.
to prevent more trouble
in the war-torn region.
The State Department
has so far declined to comment.
-It was supposed to be buried.
-Yeah. Well, apparently,
that didn't happen.
-Did you see all the bodies?
You embarrass me.
Solve it.
-Is everything okay, Dad?
-Yeah. Yeah, everything's
gonna be okay.
-Okay, guys. Dig in.
[keyboard clacking]
-Any progress?
-We're working on it. [exhales]
-Work faster.
-This video was uploaded
somewhere in Rome.
We're using
the Pegasus technology
to cross-reference
our target's facial features
against all data retrieved.
We will find him, sir.
-Sir, I have something.
[mouse clicks]
-[Hart] When was that?
-[operative] Three days ago.
-Call Rome.
[operative] Yes, sir.
["Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici"
plays on record player]
-[tires screech]
[indistinct radio chatter]
["Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici"
continues playing]
[laser baton zapping]
-[Ryder panting]
-[music stops]
[tense music playing]
-[laser baton zapping]
-[laser baton zapping]
[yelling, grunting]
-[yelling, grunting]
-[laser baton zapping]
-[shots fired]
[bullet thuds]
[officer] The target is gone!
Target is gone!
-Find him!
[glass shatters]
[foreboding music playing]
[engine stops]
-[Ryder groans in pain]
-[Selina] Okay...
-He needs a doctor.
-Oh, I don't need
a fucking doctor.
-Oh, behave.
-That doesn't look too good.
-No, he'll be fine.
-[exhales] Yeah.
-Just get the morphine.
[sighs deeply]
-The mess you get into.
-[exhales deeply]
Stay with me.
-Get the morphine!
[distorted] You alright?
[distorted sound]
-I appreciate you coming, man.
-You gotta trust me.
-Eyes! Look at me!
Look at me!
-[yells, groans]
I'm sorry, brother.
[door creaks]
[birds chirping]
[Selina] Ah.
Look who's finally awake.
-That's a hell of a spread
you have here.
-It's my great escape.
My sanctuary.
Away from lunatics
and prying eyes.
-Tell me you don't miss it.
-How well you know me.
So how's the wounded
soldier feeling?
-[exhales] Never better.
[Selina] Good.
Thank you.
-Don't thank me yet.
You haven't seen the bill.
Your face is all over the news.
You're in trouble.
Big trouble.
-When am I not?
I have a plan.
-You're gonna get yourself
killed... again.
-[laughs] Maybe.
-You need me.
-I know.
I asked. You turned me down,
-I did.
Don't push it, Ryder.
Come, I'll give you a tour.
[tense music playing]
Hello, hello, hello!
Uncle Paulie's here!
[speaks Italian]
[in English] Always
more beautiful by the day.
-Thank you for doing this
at such short notice.
-Oh, anything for you...
and your friend.
Come, come.
I'll show you.
Now this...
is the best in the market!
-[doors creak]
-Do you trust this guy?
-Oh, you have better options?
-Self-contained pen!
-It's either this or jail.
-As you can see here,
orthopedic mattress
for comfort.
We have a minibar at the back
underneath the desk
with all the whiskey
that you need.
You also have a bathroom,
but, oh, oh, oh!
No coco in the bathroom.
Only pee-pee.
Now, if you want internet,
satellite encrypted connection,
it is "Paulie's The Best,"
Wi-Fi password,
And the best for last...
I deliver...
[speaks Italian]
Come, come, come, come.
See, my friend. Come.
Come see.
-[huffs sharply]
How long?
-We'll be there in three days.
Just sit back and relax.
It'll be a piece of cake.
-Pressure mounts
on Lane Administration this week
following the videos
of clandestine operations
using illegal
Black-Ops mercenaries.
This, of course,
after very public pledges
that his administration
would be different.
-You gave me assurances.
-You know the game.
We deny everything.
-Oh, that's it?
That's all you have for me?
-Sir, if I may. I--
-No, you may not.
Be straight with me, Joshua.
Who's behind this?
-A disgruntled former employee.
Nothing to worry about.
-Well, forgive me,
I do worry.
I'm the one facing the press
on a daily basis.
You're ruining the brand.
-I'll handle the optics,
and Hart here
will clean this mess up.
Won't you, Hart?
-Mr. President, they're ready
for the group photo.
-I'll be right there.
I should fire you both.
-If you're serious
about your future,
I suggest you handle this
by any means necessary.
-There are rumors.
-What rumors?
-That he's on the island.
-He came over illegally
from Sicily.
My men are trying
to verify it now.
-Find him before more damage
is done, understood?
[seagull squawking]
-[tires screech]
-[brakes hiss]
[metal gate clanks]
[gate thuds]
-Miss me, baby? Hmm.
-You're late.
-Here's the rest of it.
It's not enough.
-It's what we agreed.
-Well, you did not tell me
that he was wanted
by the fucking CIA.
-It was none
of your fucking business.
You want to play me?
You want to play
the motherfucking king
of players?
[tense music plays]
-We had a deal.
-Fuck your deal!
Fuck it!
The price has tripled--
[yelling, grunting]
[baseball bat thuds]
[grunting continues]
[grunting continues]
[yelling, grunting continues]
[breathing heavily]
-That's no way
to talk to a lady.
[loud thud]
[tense music buildup]
-You okay?
-Aren't I always?
-[seagull squawking]
-[birds chirping]
[Selina] Room service.
-I hope you're enjoying
the amenities, sir.
-It's not exactly five-star.
-Oh. Well, I'll be sure
to notify the staff.
let's get to work, shall we?
[suspenseful music playing]
-[hatch lid rumbles]
Malta is nearly
2,000 years old.
It's seen its fair share
of wars and conquerors.
Early Christians
built an extensive network
of catacombs and tunnels
to safeguard their faith
against the Romans.
The tunnels
were later extended,
covering half the island,
and later enlarged further
during World War II.
-So the Maltese
went underground again
to hide from the Germans.
-And these tunnels,
they--they're active?
They're open?
-Indeed, they are.
-You're clever.
-I like to think so.
-Question is, how do we get
the target underground?
-Funny you should say that
because that's where
your genius comes in.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine stops]
[grunts, exhales]
[button clicks]
[button clicks]
-Nope, not scary at all.
[breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music continues]
-If you miss...
even slightly...
[rifle cocks]
-You can trust me.
-I've heard that before.
[rifle clacks]
-I'm sorry.
-I know.
[Selina inhales deeply]
-I don't miss.
-[breathes deeply]
I know.
[rifle clicks]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Ryder] Obviously,
they're gonna have the president
in a dedicated vehicle, right?
-[device whirs]
-I do my thing,
gonna separate the president,
put him in an ambulance.
-And if we play
our cards right,
we grab the package,
and deliver him
right to your door.
[crowd clamoring]
[cell phone vibrating]
[seagulls squawking]
[zipper unzips]
[whirs, clicks]
[muted conversation]
[crowd clamoring]
[tense music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Hart] We have a major problem
on our hands.
-What did you say?
-Operative 3519 has snapped.
He's going for the president.
-[bullet thuds]
[crowd screaming]
-[bullet shell clinks]
[crowd screaming]
-[man] Go!
-[overlapping shouting]
-[cars rev]
-[man] Go, go, go!
[loud explosion]
[tires screech]
[crowd screaming]
[siren wailing]
-[indistinct shouting]
-[siren wailing]
[siren wails]
-Let's go! Let's go!
-Come on! Come on! Come on!
Get him in!
Come on!
[siren wailing]
[tires screech]
-Where did that ambulance
come from?
Where did that ambulance
come from?
They're kidnapping
the president!
Stay on them!
-"Come to Malta," they said.
"An easy mission," they said.
"It will be fun."
[siren wailing]
-Stay calm, sir.
Everything is under...
[tense music playing]
[tense music buildup]
[siren wailing]
-What the hell are they doing?
[siren wailing]
-[taser zapping]
-[both grunting]
[taser zapping]
-[both grunting]
-[siren wailing]
-[tires screeching]
[grunting continues]
-[taser zapping]
-[Selina grunting]
-[tires screeching]
-We have gunshots.
Repeat, we have gunshots.
-Stay on them.
-[siren wailing]
-[vehicles revving]
-[glass shatters]
-[Selina grunts]
[both grunting, panting]
[grunts, groans]
-[siren wailing]
-[vehicles revving]
[grunting continues]
[grunting continues]
-[siren wailing]
-[tires screeching]
[grunting, groaning]
-[Selina grunts]
-[yells, groans]
-[tires screech]
-[tires screeching]
-[vehicles revving]
-Where are they going?
-[siren wailing]
-[vehicles revving]
[car horn honks]
-Fire on the target.
[tires skidding]
-They have nowhere to run.
Keep following them.
[tires skidding]
-Brace yourself!
We're coming in hot!
[tires screeching]
[loud crash]
[debris rumbles]
[tires screech]
[loud explosions]
[loud explosion]
-They've gone underground.
-They could be anywhere.
There's hundreds of tunnels
all across this island.
We lost the president.
-[Selina] You alright?
-[Tony] Yep.
[whispers] Fucking shit.
-You're late.
Sorry. Stopped for coffee.
-Good work, boys.
[engine stops]
[van door slams]
-[Ryder panting]
Come. Here. Come here.
Come, come, come.
[sighs] Come here.
Come on. Come on.
Come here.
-[breathes deeply]
-Okay. Let me see.
Let me see.
-Are you okay?
-I'm okay.
-Look at me.
-I'm okay.
-Look at me. Look at me.
-[Selina sniffles]
-I got you.
I got you.
-I got you.
-We did it.
-We did it.
-[softly] Yeah.
-We did it.
-[softly] We did it.
-Come on.
[tense music playing]
-[breathing heavily]
are you gonna kill me?
I don't know what you're after
but, uh, you must know
that my country
w-will not give in
to terrorists.
-All due respect, Mr. President,
your country is littered
with terrorists.
-[breathes shakily]
You're American.
-I am.
-So what are you?
S-some kind of traitor?
Who are you working with?
-The United States Government,
Mr. President.
At least I used to.
-Under whose command?
-Colonel Hart.
So who the hell are you?
-I'm just a man making a stand
for his country, Mr. President.
-So what do you want from me?
-A confession.
[melancholic music plays]
[brooding music buildup]
[footsteps approaching]
I read that Greek philosophers,
the Stoics,
were virtuous people.
Wanted to possess wisdom
and temperance,
courage, justice.
-Do you see yourself
as a good man?
-I don't know.
I hope my brother will be proud
of what we did here today.
[footsteps receding]
-As politics has been rocked...
-[speaking French]
-[speaking Italian]
-I want to do something
that no American president
has done in the past few years.
I'm gonna take
full responsibility
and tell the truth.
As you know,
when my administration began,
I made certain promises,
promises that my leadership
would herald
a new era
of international cooperation,
harmony, and trust.
I failed to achieve
what I hoped to achieve
and some of the old,
unacceptable ways continued
under my administration.
I have to stand before you
to admit...
that I have fallen short
of what I hoped to achieve
for our great country.
[car horn honking]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
[tires screech]
[loud explosions]
-[fire crackling]
-[police blowing whistle]
[soft acoustic music plays]
[somber song playing]
[song cross-fades]
[dark music playing]
[music fades]