House Hunting (2013) Movie Script

[heart beating]
Let's go.
Wait, wait, wait.
Can we go, just the two of us?
Look, if this is gonna work,
you two need to get along.
She doesn't like me.
Well, it takes effort
from both sides.
She's had a hard time lately,
that's all I'm saying.
Come on, you know
I didn't mean anything by it.
Just come.
But you're gonna
make it up to me later.
OK, I will.
I mean with dinner...out.
Yeah, OK.
Look at how many of you
there are.
Oh, cool.
You think all the you's
are thinking the same thing?
Yeah, they're thinking,
"Get me out of this TV."
I can't believe
you're doing homework.
AP classes.
Um, you girls better clean up.
Emmy, get ready.
We're leaving in a half.
Is she going?
Yes, she's going.
Can't I just stay here?
We're leaving in a half.
She's so fake.
She seems nice.
Yeah, too nice.
Yeah, well, at least
she leaves you alone.
My step-mom always
wants to hang out,
even bribes me with
wine coolers.
It's pitiful.
This is actually a really good
price for 70 acres.
We foreclosed on this house
eight months ago.
It's only now just coming
on the market.
That's sad.
It's not so sad.
It had to go to somebody.
OK, peeps.
Lunch, for sure.
OK, I see how it is.
Ah, well, at least
we agreed on something.
Yes, we last.
Well, what do we think?
Got anything else?
Jesus, man, you shouldn't
sneak up on people.
Sorry about that.
Not too keen on
the neighborhood, huh?
Not really.
Well, I don't blame you.
It's pre-fab crap around here.
You live around here?
Me? No, no, no, no.
Is that your son?
You know, you look like a man
who needs some space.
You know, a place you can
really stretch your legs.
What if I told you
I had just the place?
I should have figured you were
trying to sell something.
You a realtor?
No, no, this is my place.
The open house is today.
It's a real escape
from the world.
That's a deal for 70 acres.
What's the catch?
Oh, there's no strings attached.
You just have to really want it.
I'll hope to see you there.
Come on, Ollie.
So, Em, want to go
shopping tomorrow?
We could, um, go to a movie.
What else could we do?
I guess we could, um...
EMMY: Who's that guy?
Did you see that?
Careful! Sorry, sir.
Did you see that man?
What man?
-His face!
Great tour.
Yeah, we could do this today.
We'll give you a call.
There has been a lot
of interest in the place.
We'll give you a call.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It was great.
You should've gone inside,
and the price is perfect.
It's not right.
What's wrong with it? You didn't
even give it a chance.
It had a pool.
How long exactly do you
plan on staying with us?
Jesus, Don.
I am sorry to burden you.
It's your fault
you're in that thing.
It's yuppy-ville around here,
drives me crazy.
Come on, let's take a look
at this place.
Where did you get that?
I want to go home!
It won't take long.
I'm telling you what I saw!
Oh, my God.
I saw him, too.
There was nothing wrong
with him,
except for the tacky hat.
Dad, why won't you
listen to me?
Please, Emmy,
I understand you don't want
to be here, OK, but really!
This has nothing to do with her!
Is that how I'm referred to now?
I'll refer to you
any way I like!
Both of you, stop it!
Now we're going to go
see this house,
and then we're going
to go home.
And I don't want to hear
any more about it
from either of you.
I don't want to hear a word!
That's him, that's the guy
from the restaurant.
Come on.
Look at this place!
CHARLIE: Well, it looks like
we missed the open house.
EMMY: Technically
it's still an open house.
to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take a look
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about this great place!
I think you'll like
what you see.
People are so lazy nowadays.
Well, we can go in.
[car pulls into driveway]
CHARLIE: Who's this?
This is more like it.
I take it
you're not the realtor?
We're the Hayses.
I'm Charlie Hays.
The door was wide open,
we just peeked in.
The number's on the sign,
we'll just get it.
I'm cold.
I'm gonna go sit in the car.
He seems friendly.
He sees us as competition,
and well he should.
For what?
Oh, come on, this is pristine!
of nowhere.
That's my point.
The service out here sucks.
-Is everybody OK?
-I'm fine.
You didn't hit her, did you?
No, he didn't hit her.
You didn't, did you?
I don't think so.
SUSAN: Hello?
Oh, my God.
SUSAN: Would you help me,
[girl grunting]
CHARLIE: What's the matter?
Is somebody after you?
EMMY: I think
she bit her tongue.
SUSAN: Just keep her down.
[girl becomes quiet]
[car pulls up]
[car door shuts]
Did you hit her?
No, she ran out of the woods
in front of the car, we swerved.
What's wrong with her mouth?
CHARLIE: She bit her tongue.
Fucking gross.
SUSAN: She's in shock.
DON: How do you know?
I'm a nurse.
She was running from someone.
Do you think this is
why the house is empty?
CHARLIE: What...
well, what do you mean?
Let's get out of here,
let's get her to the hospital.
One, two, three.
Hey! Hey!
Don! What are you doing?
Could you turn the heat up,
She's freezing.
Who do you think she is?
Maybe a runaway?
Who cares?
I just want her out of my car.
How can you say that?
Easy. There's something off.
Or am I the only one
to see that?
No, Don, for God's sakes.
You're not the only one
who sees that something's off.
OK, I'm sure there's a
reasonable explanation for this.
Sure there is.
Does any of this
seem reasonable to you?
Why the hell
did you turn around?
I didn't.
JASON: We must have
turned around, right?
I didn't turn around.
[girl grunting]
Keep her quiet!
It's OK, it's OK,
it's OK, it's OK.
[girl quiets]
EMMY: Did you see that?
JASON: What the fuck?
It's OK.
What do you think?
Welcome to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take
a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about this great place!
I think you'll like
what you see.
LESLIE: Would you slow down!
JASON: Dad, relax!
Yeah, take it easy, will you?
Don't tell me to take it easy!
DON: Don't!
Get out.
JASON: What do you want?
-Get out, Jason.
CHARLIE: Get off her!
DON: Tell me what's going on!
CHARLIE: Get off her!
[all yelling]
Oh, my God!
Her tongue is gone!
This is fucked up!
DON: I'm sorry.
[engine starts]
[engine stops]
SUSAN: What's going on?
[engine cranking]
We're out of gas.
I'm gonna take a walk
through the woods.
No, no, Don, please don't.
There's somebody out there.
Someone's bound to show up
in the morning.
What do you mean, stay here?
CHARLIE: I saw a fireplace
and firewood inside.
No, uh-uh, no,
I don't want to do that.
That's a bad idea.
Give me some flashlights.
EMMY: It's OK.
She doesn't want to come inside.
She's got to come inside,
it's freezing out here.
It's all right, it's all right,
we're not gonna hurt you.
SUSAN: She doesn't want to go.
She does--come on, you guys.
She doesn't want to...
EMMY: Dad, please don't.
We all have to stay together.
She doesn't want to come inside!
- We got to get her...
- Stop it, stop it!
What is the matter with you?
Do you want to spend the night
in the car?
SUSAN: Charlie!
[girl screaming]
[Emmy crying]
Let's get her upstairs
into one of the beds
in the upstairs bedrooms.
All right,
let's go, come on.
-What's wrong with her?
-What's she looking at?
[girl grunting]
Try to put her on
one of the sofas in the den.
[girl shrieking]
All right, all right.
[girl continues shrieking]
I'll get a...I'll get a blanket
from one of the bedrooms.
[girl quiets]
[quick footsteps]
about starting a family?
There's plenty of room for
your little bundle of joy here!
[fire crackling]
Thank you.
She has a fever.
We tried to leave 23 times.
Was it that many?
Do you think she was trying
to leave and couldn't?
I don't know.
Would you please be quiet?
I can say whatever I want.
I can't be stuck here!
I don't think any of us
want to be stuck here.
We need to be patient,
because someone is gonna come.
Some of us have a life, OK?
We do!
Oh, Jesus.
[door opens]
[door closes]
I got to get some wood.
[flashlight clicks on]
[owl hoots]
Was that just sitting there?
I was rude.
It's just that...
I start a new shift on Monday.
We can't be stuck here. Right?
I hope not.
What do you do?
I was a third grade teacher...
before kids.
Is he your only one?
He is now.
Someone was here today.
There's fresh shaving cream
Look at this.
Seven cans.
Just enough.
That's wonderfully creepy.
Your mother's really scared.
She's not my mom.
You don't like her.
I can tell.
I'm sorry, hon.
No, no, it's fine.
I don't like her.
[door opens]
So, uh, where's your mom?
Shut up, Jason.
So how'd you break your leg?
Car crash.
Didn't get a ticket, though.
I was able to drive home,
even with a broken leg.
Lucky you.
I'll take the first watch.
Wake you in a few hours.
Want to sleep next to me?
I was just messing around.
Welcome to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take
a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about this great place!
I think you'll like
what you see!
Welcome to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take
a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers...
[recording repeats over itself]
JASON: Turn that shit off!
Feel free
to take a look around.
I think you'll like
what you see.
Press the buttons
on the speakers you see
around the house...
Where's the girl?
Welcome to lot number 6485.
I think you'll like
what you see.
Feel free to take
a look around.
If the girl goes outside,
she could die.
Son of a bitch, that's him!
Don't go out there!
What if he's chasing after her?
Then we need to have a talk.
Don, stop it! Don't go out!
Where did they go?
Get back to the house!
Get back to the house!
That's him, that's they guy
from the restaurant!
I met that guy.
He told me about this place.
Let's get back to the house.
Come on.
I'm going to try
and walk to the road.
But that thing is out there!
Come on, come on,
it'll be--it'll be OK.
Get back, get back to the house.
[Jason yelling]
JASON: bitch!
What are you doing?
JASON: You have no idea
what the fuck she's doing!
Wait till you see what I found!
[all yelling]
Come with me.
Check it out, it's still warm.
Oh, what?
You think she did this?
Wait, check this out, come on.
She must have done it.
Why do you say that?
She was the only one gone!
She just had her tongue cut out.
I doubt that she's stacking cans
in the pantry.
I'm just saying.
I'm gonna go start a fire.
She said, Charlie,
my dear...
[radio changes stations]
Jason, find a station
and leave it there, OK?
What are you doing?
I just figured
if we're gonna be here...
I think the phone service
must be cut at the pole.
The water heater's busted.
I couldn't get
the heater to work,
but we've got plenty
of firewood,
so we won't freeze to death.
Anything from the girl?
Is she eating?
CHARLIE: Psst! Hey! Turn that
thing off! Turn it off!
LESLIE: Bring him in,
he's frozen!
Sit down. Come by the fire.
Come on, come on.
You OK?
[Don groans]
Get a blanket.
Did you find someone?
I could hear cars going by
just over the hill.
So they're coming to get us?
They were always just...
over the hill.
CHARLIE: What do you mean?
I mean, every time
I went across the hill,
they were just over
the next fucking hill!
JASON: So you didn't
even get to the road?
Jason, what are you missing
in "just over the next hill?"
I walked around for
I don't know how many hours,
and every time I looked around,
there was the house.
This house!
I'm sorry.
I cannot get stuck here!
Shut up.
Excuse me?
Shut up.
The girl knows.
We all stay here
until someone comes.
Welcome to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take
a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about this great place!
I think you'll like
what you see.
Do you want me to wash it?
No, it'll work...
for one more day.
Did you sleep last night?
Not at all?
[knock on door]
How was your night?
Are you serious?
Yes, I...
Fine, thank you.
Are you coming downstairs?
Do you want me to stay here?
I just can't help thinking...
I wasn't even
supposed to be here.
Why's that?
Charlie, I told you I didn't
want to go looking at houses.
With Emmy, you mean.
No. No, I mean...
[water running]
I want to get
the kindling today.
You get to go outside.
I'll go with her.
Take this.
Well, don't--don't go far.
No one's coming.
You want to go out there again?
Don't know what else we can do
but try.
At least that thing
hasn't been back.
Only one lucky family will call
this house their home.
Will it be your family?
But it is watching.
I get that much.
You're almost walking normal.
I only need the brace
for a week more.
Can I kiss you?
You remind me of my ex.
CHARLIE: More photographs.
Your name is on these.
It's from the bank.
Foreclosure agreement.
Is that why we're here?
Because you foreclosed
on these people's house?
There's a boy in the window.
I'm serious!
Yeah, uh-huh.
We must have evicted them.
-What's wrong?
-There's someone in the house.
Who? Who?
I saw a little boy
in that window.
This is him,
this is the boy that I saw.
[basket creaking]
What is it?
Not a sane one in this house.
He was standing right there.
You sure you saw someone?
Baby, what are you doing here?
I came to see you, Mommy.
I miss you so much.
Oh, look at that.
We never could get that hair
to stay in place, could we?
Let's fix that. OK.
Let's put that up.
Look at your sweet little face.
There! Look at that!
I can't stay.
Oh, no, please don't go.
Don't go now.
Please don't leave Mommy.
Stay with me.
Please stay with Mommy.
What about everybody else?
I can't.
I can't.
I love you so much.
I love you, too, Mommy.
I'm gonna get sick
if I eat any more of this shit.
Honey, please don't ruin dinner.
But it's not dinner.
It's crap.
Don't talk to your mother
that way.
At least we have something.
Do you like being here?
It's just...
it seems like it.
You know, you're always cleaning
and straightening and...
It's not making
a bit of difference.
How is that any different than
out there in the real world?
Oh, I think
it's very goddamn different.
Let's just all
take a breath, OK?
You know something.
It is not my fault
that you can't handle this.
You know what I can't handle?
I can't handle
your demure attitude.
You know what that means?
Or did you not teach that
to your third graders?
It's OK.
She can't help herself.
Oh, please.
Do you think you're the only
person who's ever lost someone?
The rest of us
just haven't given up!
You all just keep pushing.
I'm not the enemy.
We could have saved her.
We did everything we could.
No, just get away from me.
Just get away from me.
Get away from me!
[approaching footsteps]
...on the speakers you see
around the house
to hear about this great place!
I think you'll like
what you see.
It takes a family
to make a house a home.
[singing softly]
I'm crazy about you
Without you
For you I'm strong
I can't do without you
Howcha magowcha
Don't stay too long
[heart beating]
Charlie! Charlie!
You would never do that.
Do what?
Would you?
[floor creaks]
I went into a house,
and it wasn't a house.
It has big steps
and a great, big hall.
But it hasn't got a garden,
a garden, a garden.
It isn't like a house at all.
How do we get out of here?
What did she say? Huh?
What is that?
What do you know?
How did you get here?
Did you come
to look at the house?
Did you come alone?
What does it want?
The house?
Then why the hell
did it give me the flyer?
You want it, take it!
You hear me?
You want the whole place,
take it!
Where's your mother?
I don't know.
I'll find her.
You get our cans of food.
Wait a minute, wait a minute,
what are you doing?
Remember what that thing said?
Only one family can have
this house. We're leaving.
Well, then we're going with you.
No, you're not.
You're staying with her.
You're not leaving us here
I saw the eviction notice!
Whoever you kicked out of here
wants you!
You're staying.
Leslie! Leslie!
There are only six cans.
Who took the can?
CHARLIE: I don't know.
Look, we stand a better chance
if we all stick together.
Oh, yeah?
How do you know that?
And why should I trust you?
For all I know,
you took the can!
You're being ridiculous.
Leslie, come on!
We're going with you.
No, you are not.
JASON: Come on, Mom! Let's go!
No! No! No!
No, no, no.
Get a knife!
No, baby, no.
No, no, no.
SUSAN: Just let me check her,
just let me check her, please.
DON: You're gonna be all right.
You're gonna be all right.
She did this hours ago.
You caused this.
Yeah. You had to keep
pushing her, didn't you?
Didn't you?
CHARLIE: Stop it!
Keep pushing me, Charlie,
I dare you.
Oh, baby...
I guess she couldn't handle it.
Your neck.
You hanging in there, kiddo?
I was thinking about Mom.
I was thinking about
the time we went to the beach.
I remember how much
you two were fighting.
Married people fight.
Were you guys
going to get a divorce?
Is this about Susan?
Well, then why do you ask?
It just seemed that way.
Why does it matter now?
I just want to know.
She was seeing someone else.
So she was going to leave us?
I guess so.
I don't understand.
Why would she do
something like that?
I don't know.
Welcome to lot number 6485.
Feel free to take
a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about...
Welcome to lot number 6485.
I think you'll like what you...
...feel free
to take a look around.
Press the buttons
on the speakers
you see around the house
to hear about this--
MAN: I'm sorry.
It's for the best.
You can see her now.
I'm sorry.
It's for the best.
You can see her now.
You can see her now.
You OK?
I saw him.
The man with the white face.
He shot himself.
He shot the little boy.
There's nothing in there.
Nothing in there is real.
You're gonna be OK.
Come on, I'd never let
anything happen to you, OK?
Never let anything
happen to you.
[footsteps stop]
Help me.
I'm glad you're fucking dead!
Show me what you want!
I don't care!
I don't care!
I don't care what you show me!
She deserved to die!
[Emmy breathing heavily]
I went to a house,
but it wasn't a house.
It has big steps
and a great, big hall.
But it has not a garden,
a garden, a garden.
[car approaches]
What are you doing here?
Same thing you're doing here.
I know you're out.
Take a load off.
Miss her, huh?
I didn't see it coming,
you know?
-She's always been so...
And sweet.
The first time I shot a deer
and brought it home,
she actually cried.
She hated when I would hunt.
She did like venison, though.
She was a good cook.
I can't remember the last time
I told her that.
Hell of a situation
you're in, huh?
Don't you mean that we're in?
You're on your own on this one.
If it wasn't for that bitch.
How dare she bring up
our daughter.
I can tell you're not putting
two and two together.
What do you mean?
I think Susan knew
what she was doing.
She just picked at her and
she couldn't take it, and...
Why do you think
she would do that?
If I knew, you'd know.
I've got a hunch, though.
You want to hear it?
I think they know
what they're doing.
What do you mean?
You heard what the house said--
us or them.
And they're playing dirty.
It's just a hunch, though.
They're in it to win it, huh?
MAN 1: How's it going?
MAN 2: Man, I'll tell you,
it's been a little rough.
The whole family's had the flu.
I just shaved.
Nice, huh?
Did you hear anyone?
Look, I didn't mean to
come across so pushy before.
I'm sure you have
someone you miss.
I heard cars and people talking.
Do you have a boyfriend?
A boyfriend?
Do you have one?
I know I'm a little older,
but what does that matter?
I'm gonna go warm up.
I'll keep you warm.
I want to go back to the house.
You're not even
giving it a chance!
I'm going back to the house.
MAN: Well, if you guys
want to go...
EMMY: Do you hear that?
JASON: What?
All I wanted was a kiss!
One kiss!
But you had to be such a prude!
You never know what other people
are capable of.
But, then again,
you never quite know
what you're capable of, either.
The more you struggle,
the longer this will take.
What the fuck are you
waiting for? Go get some help!
Oh, my God.
Jason, what the...
What the hell happened?
That fucking mute bitch
hit me with a log!
Why did she hit you?
I don't know, ow!
It caught you good, man.
What were you doing out here?
I was following the girl!
The mute girl?
No! The girl! Emmy!
What was she doing out here?
Trying to leave, I think.
She was trying to leave?
Maybe, fuck, who cares?
Get this out of me!
All right, all right, all right.
Why don't you let Susan
take a look at him?
Should I let her
take a look at him, Chuck?
So she can
"take care of him," huh?
We're just trying to help.
Like you helped Leslie?
What are you talking about?
You're just gonna
pick us off, one by one,
until you can leave,
that the plan?
Of course not.
It's you or us.
Isn't that right?
So you're with them, too, huh?
She only hit him because
he tried to rape me.
JASON: That's bullshit!
-Alright, don't.
I'm gonna get you
off that thing.
You can't just pull it out, Don,
he could bleed to death.
Shut up.
Look at me in the eye.
I'm gonna count to three.
Give me your hands.
Put some wood on the fire.
OK, look at his wound.
Let's just take it easy
with the orders, Don, OK?
Or what, Chuck? Huh?
SUSAN: There's some gauze
and alcohol upstairs.
Someone get it, please.
I'll get it.
DON: You can see it, right?
What does it look like?
It didn't hit any major organs.
It needs to be stitched,
and he should be
given antibiotics.
So where do we find those, huh?
I know that.
I'm just saying, OK?
But he's gonna be OK?
It depends on
how much blood he's lost,
and if it gets infected.
I'm right fucking here!
If he dies, you die.
This is gonna hurt.
House meeting in the den.
Come on, baby.
As we can all agree,
I think this situation
has really...
...gone off the rails.
I'm not the bad guy.
I just want to get out of here
in one piece, that's all.
So what can we do
to make that happen?
Emmy, what were you doing
out in the woods?
First I want to know
why your son
attacked my daughter.
Look, Charlie,
whatever happened, it's done.
I think we'll all agree
that we need to figure out
a way to get out of here.
Don't you say a word.
Fine, Chuck.
Jason, why did you attack
his daughter?
And don't lie to me.
She was walking backwards.
She kept falling.
She fell and I caught her.
She pushed me off,
and then that girl hit me
with a fucking log.
You were walking backwards?
And I must have made it
to the road,
because two cars were stopped,
and I heard people talking.
-You heard people talking?
-No one was talking.
Yes, there were, and after you
attacked me, they were gone.
-I didn't attack you!
Nobody goes back
into those woods except me.
Oh, you're keeping us
hostage here now?
We're all being kept hostage.
What about him?
If this thing only wants
one of our families,
then understand this,
it won't be us.
[radio playing music]
[music stops]
If you help me up, I can go.
I hate leaving you with them.
I don't trust 'em.
That should last.
What if something happens to you
when you're out there?
What then?
Nice try, Chuck.
Your son's wounds
need to be cleaned.
I know that he needs help,
but I'm not going to have
you running around
after what you did to him.
I will be back for you.
CHARLIE: Take it easy.
Everybody, just take it easy,
we're gonna get out of this.
You know I'm getting
out of here, right?
What makes you so sure any of us
are getting out of here, huh?
Well, I don't know if
we're getting out of here,
but I know you're not.
It's a shame to leave a sweet
piece of ass like you here.
SUSAN: You know why
you're shivering?
Because your body's
lost so much blood
it can't keep itself warm,
Shut up, bitch!
You're in mild shock
by now, too.
I said shut up!
What did you see
out there, Jason?
I saw you in the field.
You said she deserved to die.
Who deserved to die?
Shut up!
What's happening?
He's having a seizure.
[phone rings]
We have to get that!
Oh, you guys,
we have to get it!
CHARLIE: Give me your hand.
SUSAN: Untie me.
[phone continues to ring]
Only one lucky family will
call this house their home.
Fuck you!
[Jason sobbing]
DON: Jason, Jason!
There's nothing here,
there's nothing here.
Are you all right? Huh?
Bitch was on me.
Who was on you?
I don't know who she was.
Have you seen her before?
Have you?
When I hit that deer
a couple of months ago.
It wasn't a deer.
You hit a person?
Some woman was jogging at night.
It was like four miles
from here.
Fuck! She was running at night!
What did you do?
I left.
What happened in the woods?
She fucking hit me with a log!
With Emmy.
Did you attack her?
Jesus, Dad,
don't buy into their shit!
Shut up.
You made it... the road.
Let's get out of here.
EMMY: Dad, the gun!
Give me the fucking gun!
Give it to me!
Give it to me!
Don, how did you do it?
How did you get to the road?
Don, how did you
get to the road?
He was going to kill us!
No, he wasn't.
What do you mean?
Don't leave.
Don't do this!
Charlie, don't do this!
Feel free to take
a look around.
[recorded messages overlapping]
Feel free to take
a look around.
[music playing]
Do you think
there are only five?
What now?
I don't know.
Without food...
I want to go home.
BOY: You are at home.
This was their house.
Is that the woman?
Go to hell.
Emmy thinks her mom left me,
that she met somebody else.
Just tell her.
She'd never forgive me,
and she'd hate you even more.
Charlie, got to hell.
You made your decision, I'm not
gonna live with your guilt!
Why don't you tell her?
Tell her.
Shut up.
You brought it up.
You want...
Susan to look at your wound?
Do you want Susan
to look at your wound?
Don't touch him.
Don't you dare touch him.
No, stop.
I'd rather starve to death than
eat any more of that stuff.
I want you to take this,
hide it in your jacket,
and don't go anywhere
without it.
I'm going to try
to get to the road.
It's not safe.
Either I get to the road
or we all die here.
It's as simple as that.
But what if you don't come back?
I'll make it back.
I promise.
You going out there?
Just wait a second.
Whatever happens here,
I want you to know...
no one thought your mother
was gonna kill herself, OK?
What do you mean?
I mean your father and I were
seeing each other for a year
before your mother died.
Why are you telling me this?
I thought you should know.
When your father told
your mother about us...
he couldn't have known
what she was gonna do.
My dad says
she met someone else.
Your father was worried
about a messy divorce.
Maybe she was, too.
You little bitch!
If I had known I was gonna
have to put up with you,
I would have thought twice about
marrying your fucking father!
I'll do it. I will!
Do it.
That's her!
Is there somebody there?
Are you just gonna stand there?
Have you...
been here...
the whole time?
I need to get us out of here.
There are bigger issues
to deal with at the moment.
Oh, yeah.
Susan is gonna tell Emmy
about Diane.
She doesn't know.
Maybe she figured it out.
I never told her.
I never told anyone.
It was an accident, right?
You wanted out.
We wanted Susan.
It looked like a suicide.
We got a second chance.
And now Susan is going to
tell Emmy the truth,
Emmy won't be able to take it.
And then there's the girl.
What about her?
Well, she isn't part
of this family.
There won't be any help
till all the problems
in that house are dealt with.
What happened?
You said Mom met someone.
What really happened?
Did Susan do this?
What did she tell you?
It was an accident.
What was?
I had nothing to do with it.
With what?
It's all going to be OK.
Once we clear all this up...
we can leave.
What are you doing?
I'm getting out of here.
I'm going to walk.
What did you tell Emmy?
Let me go.
You bitch.
You wanted this, Charlie.
You're gonna have to pay for it.
I didn't put them there.
-Then how did they get there?
-I don't know!
You're taking food
out of my daughter's mouth...
I said I did not put them there!
I don't care about
your precious daughter.
Get off of me!
What did you do?
You just got to understand.
She was gonna destroy us.
Did you kill her?
We're this much closer
to being able to leave.
There's only the girl now.
Don't you trust me?
When you said "an accident,"
what did you mean?
Why, are you afraid?
It's you and me, kiddo.
We've got to stick together.
We don't even know
who this girl is.
What did you mean
about an accident?
Did you mean Mom?
Come here.
Leave the girl.
She cannot go with us.
Please, Dad!
Get back.
I'm your father.
I know what's right.
She's part of this.
You have to let me handle it.
Do not make me angry.
Do you know what
I just did for you?
She was taking the food,
taking the food
out of my daughter's mouth.
I could not have that happen.
I would never let
anyone hurt you.
Just stay right there!
BOY: Hey.
You shouldn't be out here,
it's not safe.
No, Dad!
Don't worry, I'm gonna
take care of everything.
No, don't!
Just do it.
I was right.
I was right.
Help me!
MAN: Is she OK?
Are you all right?
WOMAN: Are you OK?
Can you speak?
Be careful.
MAN: Watch her head.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Sweetheart, sweetheart,
is there someone after you?
MAN: We're all right now.
Hey, hey, hey,
whoa, whoa, whoa, relax!
EMMY: Please!
MAN 1: You're all right now,
you're all right now.
Is there someone after you?
MAN 2: We found her on the road.
MAN 3: Hey, who's that?
There's somebody.
MAN 1: Hey, mister!
BOY: She's back, Daddy.
[screaming stops]
Taking fruit from the tree
Even scavengers need to eat
Let the boatman walk through
the River Styx
But your company
Is a broken down sideshow
But you seem nice
So you lead and I'll go
Silk sheets on everything
Oh, you're never
gonna want to leave
Opulent and decadent
So come with me
Oh, you're never
gonna want to leave
Trust a stranger
not to mislead
So we learn the way
Through the comfort
of a palisade
Trust a stranger
not to mislead
So what's cool in this town?
Showing girls
like you around
I should go
You know how
they hate to wait
Oh, you're right
where you should be
And now you're never, ever
gonna leave
Vice and virtue
fall from the tree
So stay with me
Oh, you're never, ever
gonna leave
Trust a stranger
not to mislead