House of Chains (2022) Movie Script
- River.
- Shh.
I love you, Prairie.
River! Forest!
In the beginning was the garden.
The streams ran clear
and the lambs of the Lord
played in the green grass
and were nourished and free.
Then came the serpent,
to tempt the lambs to sin.
The evils of war and strife
came into the world,
poisoning the air and the water.
But an ember of the holy fire
still burns
in the spirit of the lambs.
In Amos 9, the Lord commands us
"You shall plant gardens
and eat their fruit."
Together we can gather the lambs
and lead them back
to the garden.
Who will take the spade
and the grains of life
and join the army of light?
Hey, uh, you plant me
some grade-A sativa, bro,
and I'll be all over that army.
Let's go. Come on, let's go.
Stop it.
"And God said unto the serpent,
upon thy belly shalt thou crawl
and dust shalt thou eat
all the days of thy life."
Genesis 3:14, bro.
You, uh, you like Christmas?
Oh. Yeah. I don't know.
Always been a fool for it.
Only time of the year
things brighten up.
That's why the Lord was born
when he was.
The darkest night of winter
is when
the light comes into the world.
Let that light show you
where the road goes now.
I already know.
Back to where it started.
Try to glue the pieces
together again,
if my family
will forgive me enough
and let me through the door.
You think
they need to forgive you?
Y-you have no idea
the hell I put them through.
I'll get the first bus tomorrow
before I chicken out.
Wow. You've buried it so deep,
you don't even know it's there.
- Buried what?
- What they did to you.
They didn't do anything to me.
I'm the one that screwed up
every chance they ever gave me.
That's what
they made you believe.
But I can see through the veil.
That is the burden I carry.
Everybody I meet,
I know what they're hiding,
even from themselves.
Your father...
My father what?
From when you were a kid...
That didn't happen.
is how you've survived.
I see your mother knowing,
closing her eyes.
She would never.
That didn't happen!
Then what broke you, Laura?
Your parents had to crush you.
They knew what your destiny was.
You have no idea who you are,
do you?
It's no accident we met.
We were called here
to join together,
to lead the lambs of God
back to the garden.
If you get on that bus,
if we fail in our task...
But if you stay and sow with me
and reap with me...
we can keep the holy fire alive.
Mrs. Wilson
is the best teacher ever.
Are you kidding me?
very small ladies and gentlemen,
can anybody tell me
what time it is?
It's time for hopes for the day!
Ten points to the boy
with the oatmeal on his chin,
and twenty
to whoever goes first.
I hope River has the best
first day of school ever.
That's a lovely thing
to hope for, Meadow.
I hope she stays safe.
There's one way
to make sure of that.
With her big brother and
big sister watching over her,
no serpent will come near her
to harm her
or turn her away from God.
- River, how about you?
- I hope my head stops itching.
Me, too! I hope the same thing
River hopes. I want a bath.
John 10:13 says what, Prairie?
It says inkitty
binkitty boopitty!
Why do you always have to act
like you're two years old?
It says, "He who hath bathed
in spirit is clean,
and needeth not to wash."
That's my boy.
Okay, three minutes until the
mom train leaves the station.
Grab your books, everybody.
Hey, peanut,
I gotta go to school now.
So stay out of trouble
till I get back, okay?
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Chen!
Hi, Calli! How was your summer?
Did you go on that rafting trip
in Colorado?
- All of them?
- Most of them.
It's the first day of school
and I'm trying to be cool
But I feel like a fool
Like a fish outside a pool?
I'm sorry, I was just thinking,
like, that's how I feel
most of the time.
Like fish floppin' around
on the beach.
Can I sit and eat lunch
with you?
My name's Andrea. What's yours?
Mm, silent types. I like that.
Is that your whole lunch?
Better take some of mine,
you're not gonna make it
to three o'clock.
The less a person
puts inside their body,
the more room there is
for their spirit.
It totally works. I feel
more spirit in me already.
Please? Just until dinner time?
Her mom says it's okay,
and she'll come pick her up
any time you say.
I don't know, your father...
Are you absolutely
1000 percent sure?
Twenty, nineteen,
eighteen, seventeen...
Stop. It's mama and papa's room.
We can't go in there.
We're not allowed to.
So none of you ever go in there?
- Never, ever, ever.
- Which means...
It's the one place
he'd never look!
River, don't go...
Giant TV.
About time to watch
Lords Of The MegaVerse.
We can't.
That's the devil's window.
It's how the serpent gets in.
Then why do your parents
have it?
So they can learn
the ways of the demons.
That's crazy.
We'll keep it nice and low.
And up next,
something to keep us warm.
What you are doing?
Ah. Make it stop!
There's nothing bad about it.
Kids, I'll take that.
I didn't even look, papa.
It was them.
They made it go on.
It's time for your friend
to go home now.
We called her mother, she's here
to pick her up. Let's go.
You kids stay up here, okay?
I blame myself
for forgetting that the thing
we were put on this Earth for
was to protect our kids.
Protecting them
is all I think about.
Then why are we
handing them over to the enemy
six hours a day?
They have to learn
how to live in the real world.
You promised I could have that.
I did not promise you could let
the enemy come home with them.
Who knows how much damage
she's done?
I am through
going along with you on this.
James 4:7. What does God say?
Um, uh, "Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you."
Sometimes I wonder
how good at resisting you are.
Tye, you know I would never...
I know that?
How do I know that? Hm?
From the sting of the lash
cometh the strength to resist.
Mama, you have to go
to a doctor.
Let them use their poisons
on me?
Laura, come in here.
Go upstairs and do
your homework, sweetheart.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
It's just
a practice contraction.
Laura, come here.
Everything papa does
is because he loves his family
more than anything in the world.
Mama made a mistake,
and papa needs to make sure
that mama doesn't make
that mistake again.
Does this mean we can't play
with Andrea anymore?
Come here, baby. Come on.
Give papa a hug.
He loves you so much.
Come on, baby.
Come, come to papa.
That's it. That's it. Come on.
Yeah, come on.
So there's these really cool
rabbits in the classroom
named Hip and Hop,
and every weekend
someone gets to bring them home,
and Ms. Jay says
I can bring them home first
if my mom says it's okay.
- So is it okay?
- I'm sorry, sweetheart.
All of you...
But you won't be
going to school today.
Because I-I realize now
that papa was right
and I was wrong
about how careful we need to be.
Yesterday proves
that all the serpent
has to do is put on a big smile.
- And we get fooled every time.
- Andrea is not the serpent.
She tempted you away from God.
She got you
to open the devil's window.
Can we go to school tomorrow?
No, honey,
not tomorrow or any day.
It's too dangerous.
But we're gonna make
our own school, right here.
We're gonna have books
and art supplies
and music
and everything we need.
It-it's gonna be
so-so-so much fun.
It's gonna be stupid.
I wanna go to school.
- School! School! School!
- Prairie, stop that.
- Okay, Prairie, enough.
- "Okay, Prairie, enough."
- Prairie, I'm telling you...
- "Prairie, I'm telling you..."
School! School! School!
- Prairie, please stop that.
- -Cut it out!
You don't think
mama has enough trouble already?
Stop yelling at him!
You're such a bully sometimes.
When I was his age,
I respected my parents.
Please stop!
School! School!
School! School! School!
You know what's happened here,
don't you?
The enemy has taken possession
of our precious children.
- But you can drive him out.
- No.
- You know how.
- Oh, Tye, please.
When somebody
won't drive the devil
out of the children
they supposedly love,
what does that tell me?
- Is the devil in you, Laura?
- No.
- No. No.
- From the sting of the lash.
School. School! School!
Prairie, go upstairs to your
room until you've calmed down.
- School. School!
- Proverbs 23:13, Laura.
- What does it say?
- Tye...
It says, "Do not withhold
discipline from the child,
for if you strike them
with the rod,
you save them
from eternal death."
And who was it
that spoke those words?
Prairie, go up to your room
right this second!
- No.
- For the last time, Laura.
Who spoke the words
of Proverbs 23:13?
Then will you stand here
in your house,
in front of the children
you say you love,
and disobey that command?
- Do you hate your children?
- No.
Do you want them swallowed
by darkness?
Oh. I'm so sorry, baby.
- Ahh!
- Mom, are you okay?
I think I have to go upstairs.
Okay, help your mother
get to her bed.
I'll be right up.
Go. Go, go, go.
Come here, sweetie. Come here.
It's okay,
we're fighting a great war
of the garden
against the wasteland.
You know, it's terrible that
people have to get hurt in wars,
but, but they do, and that makes
them stronger for the fight.
And the most important thing
is that we stand together,
or the wasteland wins.
The baby needs
all of our help now.
Will you join us?
Okay. Another push, mama.
You can do this.
Okay. All right. Oh, your baby
wants to see the light.
I know you can do it, Jesus...
Thank you. Thank you, Jesus.
He is so beautiful.
Look at that,
you made him smile!
God sent me a dream last night,
as clear as the life of day.
An angel came to me
and spoke the words
of Revelation 7:21. Rain.
"The lamb
will be their shepherd.
He will guide them
to the springs of living water
and keep the holy fire alive."
Beautiful, son.
And then the angel showed me
who the shepherd was.
It was your new baby brother.
Forest is the shepherd?
Yes. He has a great destiny.
Which puts him
in terrible danger.
From now on, nobody crosses
this threshold coming in.
And only mama and me going out,
so we can work
and bring home food.
When will we be able to go
outside? And go to school again?
When you're as strong as we are.
- When will that be?
- We'll know, my angel.
We'll know.
Come here. Come.
Come. Come close.
We've been afraid to scare you,
and that was a mistake.
Sometimes it's good
to be scared.
Just say it, Laura.
The whole real truth.
They need to hear it.
The whole real truth is that
everybody out there
is a serpent.
The only lambs in the world
are inside this house.
So I need to know
that all of you will protect
you baby brother,
always, with your lives.
Thank you.
Now I know he'll be safe.
I'm still a little weak,
so I need your help
getting breakfast on the table.
River, will you watch Forest?
- With my life.
- Yeah.
River, papa needs you downstairs
on the double.
Come on.
Okay, we're all here now.
Prairie's going to tell us
why what he did was wrong.
- Go on, son.
- You're the one who caught me.
I can't, I can't find him.
Prairie, listen to me,
not the voice of the enemy.
Summer needs her big brother
to help her see the way.
He-he didn't mean to do
anything bad, papa.
It was just hard
to breathe in the room,
and he needed some air.
Forest, why was it wrong
that your brother
opened the window?
Because t-t-t-the devil's breath
could have gotten in
and infected all of us.
What do we have to do now?
Cleanse him
of the enemy's breath,
to keep it from putting out
the fire of the Holy Spirit.
That's exactly right.
Hold on.
I know you know the rule
about not closing your eyes.
And I know you'd only break
that rule if you caught
some of the infection yourself.
N-n-no, that's n-not...
No, no, no, no. Hydrangeas
are a total knock-out.
But the water they gobble up?
I mean, here, check out,
check out viburnum, okay?
I'm sending you a link.
All right. Okay.
Yup, I will see you
at the site in 20. Okay.
- Hey. I gotta go. Okay.
- All right.
You be the angels
that you are, angels.
Goodbye, papa.
"The Lord will cause you to be
defeated before your enemies.
Because of the suffering,
you will eat the flesh
of the sons and daughters the
Lord your God has given you."
That's sick.
That's Deuteronomy.
"Even the most gentle among you
will have no compassion
on his own brother
or the wife he loves.
He will not give to one of them
any of the flesh
of his children
that he is eating."
That's what happens if you don't
obey the word of the Lord.
Just like papa says.
Are we gonna have a lesson
today, mama?
Yeah, um, sure. Uh...
Why don't you keep going on
history with Rain?
And, River,
why don't you do numbers
with Forest and-and Summer?
Uh, mama?
So close!
Can you just smell
those pine boughs now?
"Christopher Columbus
was the eldest son
of Domenico Colombo
and Susanna Fontanarossa.
The family moved from Genoa
to Savona in 1470.
Then Christopher's father
"Three years later
Columbus embarked on a career
as a business manager
for several wealthy families
in the district.
His interest in the sea was born
when he was young.
And then it's said
that by his 20s... "
Okay, time for times tables.
One times seven.
- I don't know.
- One times is easy.
- You know this.
- I'm too hungry to know it.
I'm gonna go ask mama
to make us more breakfast.
You can't disturb mama now.
She's busy
learning the ways of the demons.
Come on, Sum, sit down
and work on your numbers.
- No.
- Um, how about a song?
Would you like that?
When snakes are hissing
in their lairs
We'll let them hiss
So what who cares?
You're safe in here with me
The earth may shake
the rocks may fall
That won't scare us
no not at all
You're safe in here with
Stop! That just makes it worse.
Everything makes it worse.
You'll get used to it, Summer.
We all did.
W-why should she have to?
So there's more room
for the fire of the spirit...
If I hear that one more time,
I swear to you...
- You swear to me what?
- I don't know. It's just...
Yeah. Enough.
Hunger is for demons.
But what if
the lambs need to eat
and to get, to get strong,
so if the demons chase them...
they-they can get away?
Thank you.
Meadow, would you please
come with me?
I know this is a heavy burden
to lay on you,
but we need you to tell us
who stole the apples
from the kitchen.
- What apples?
- Really?
You, I can always count on
for the deepest truth.
Who took the apples
out of the drawer?
I don't know.
So you know the
apples were taken,
you just don't know by who?
I don't know anything.
You love
your brothers and sisters,
and you think
you're helping them,
and we, we love you for that.
Just like we love you
because we know
in your hearts
you can never lie.
But here you are, lying,
and somebody in this house
is stealing.
Which means what?
What does that mean, Rain?
That the enemy's gotten in.
That's right.
And we need to find out
who's infected,
so we can stop it
from spreading,
or it'll put out the holy fire
inside us all.
Do you want that to happen?
Then tell us
who stole the apples.
We don't know.
Mama and I
can't always both stay home.
We're gonna need help
shepherding the flock.
If you can prove that you're
ready to carry that flame,
we'll need to show you
the ways of the enemy.
You'll need to stay
in touch with us
when we're out of the house.
Once we know we can trust you,
you'll each get one of these.
Who took the apples?
It's all right. Really. We're
just putting you to the test.
I've already seen the truth
through the veil.
I know it was the youngest
and weakest of you
who let the enemy in.
It's time to burn the devil
out of Summer.
- Wait!
- Stop!
Don't be afraid, everybody.
The danger's over.
We have found where the enemy
planted his seeds of evil.
Now we can starve the infection
out of the soil,
but it'll take seven days.
You're probably right.
It's not long enough.
Do you think nine days?
No. Um, no, seven is enough.
I hope so. Ahem.
It takes a fearsome demon
to get a hold of the shepherd.
All right.
Everybody, down for breakfast.
Let's go.
You're tenders of the flock now.
Be proud that you kept
your lambs from straying.
Mama... untie me.
Just for a minute.
I have to go really, really bad.
It's okay, Forest.
If you have to go, you can go.
It's okay.
They're yours,
as long as you promise
you'll never let the lambs
in your flock touch them.
They're too young
to stand strong
against the devil in them.
Do you promise?
I promise.
Take the phone.
Thank you.
Now we know we can trust you.
If it should come to pass
that we can't,
we'll know
the enemy has taken you,
and will have to be driven
out of your living flesh
with the heat and fury
of fire and iron.
Captain Freedom
has come to set you free.
Prairie, no.
You know what they'll do.
You have to go back to bed.
- No! No! Prairie! Prairie, no!
- No!
Forgive me,
my beloved son, for not fighting
hard enough to save you.
I swear to you, on the spring
that gives life to the garden,
that from this second on
I will fight harder,
no matter what it takes.
We're gonna come
When the war is left undone
Four more days
and we are free
One more day
and it'll be three
After that it's only
Go away.
I'm never talking to you again.
I'm so sorry, River.
I wish it were me tied up.
It should be me.
What happened to Prairie?
They tied him to his bed.
With chains and locks.
But he's okay.
Ma-mama and papa gave me this.
They made me swear
not to let anyone near it,
but, um, but there's this thing
where you, like, play your song,
and it, it-it turns
into, like, a movie,
a-and then other people
can see it. Can I show you?
I'll let you use it the second
they let you back in the room.
I'm so, so sorry.
Who knows
how or where or why
Lights go sailing
across the sky?
Why do dogs
and children play
In the sunlight
down the way?
Tell me please
'cause all I know
Is shadows on the wall
What is it
the wind keeps whispering
Just outside my windowpane?
In the night
a bell is ringing
Can you tell me
what it's singing?
Is the secret woven
in the shadows on the wall?
Now, just tap right there,
and it sends it out
into the world.
What if the enemy sees it?
Mama says nobody can hurt you
through the phone,
as long as you never ever say
where you live.
Even a taste is dangerous.
But to know the ways
of the enemy,
to learn to stand strong
against his poison,
you need to eat his food.
Go on. Taste it.
Go on, tenders of the flock.
Dig in.
You, too.
River, wake up.
Somebody saw your song.
Said he wants to talk to you.
- What?
- -Hello, River!
I'm Tristan.
Quick. Go into the closet.
I-I'll let you know
if anybody's coming.
How are you this morning?
I-I'm okay.
How did you manage
to get inside my head
from so far away?
I didn't. I-I wasn't...
You must have,
because I'm the same as you.
All I know
is shadows on the wall.
I must have watched your song
a hundred times by now.
I reluctantly confess
it has made me shed
more than, uh, one tear.
When are you going to give us
a new one?
I hear mama coming.
Um... I-I-I have go to.
Ood, papa.
We're all doing our schoolwork.
Would you like me
to check on Prairie now?
That would be great.
- River...
- I'm not gonna do it.
- So stop asking me.
- He's sent, like, 50 message.
- It is too dangerous.
- Fine.
I'll just tell him
you're not interested
and he should forget about it.
Damn, I'm happy you called back.
I was afraid I got
too creepy fan on you
and scared you away.
No, I just, um,
I-I was, I was busy.
Putting more beauty
into the world?
Not really.
- Um, Tristan?
- -Yes?
The other day you said
you were the same as me,
like, shadows on the wall
is all you know.
Huh. Alas, yes,
for I am a special boy.
One in 20 million,
on all of Planet Earth,
with the rarest of all
deficiencies to my immunity.
Specifically chronic recurrent
multifocal osteomyelitis.
Kind of a song all on its own,
don't you think?
Until there's a cure,
no stepping outside my door.
What's your story
with the shadows?
Has your wicked step-mom
got you locked in that closet?
No. Nothing like that.
I should, I should go now.
Wait, wait,
I-I'm sorry if I offended.
Will you stay if I treat you
to a musical masterpiece
of my own?
While it isn't designed
to delight us
This chronic recurrent
multifocal osteomyelitis
Who else but the sufferer
has time enough-erer
To read Wikipedia
end to end?
What's wikkypedica?
You really don't know?
Of course I do.
I-I-I was just joking.
Tristan, what would happen
if you went outside?
Whatever germs happened to be
floating by would go zhoooop,
straight into me, like aliens
invading the planet.
Like pow, pow, pwooosh,
pow, pow...
Pow, pow, pwooosh.
River, come downstairs. I need
your help with the dishes.
Go do the dishes,
like mama said.
I need to talk to you
in the bedroom.
I didn't wanna cause you any
pain, so I've been holding off
on showing this to you,
but it is something
you have a right to know.
Your father passed away
last year.
This is the, uh, death notice
your brothers posted.
It's gonna hurt, Laura.
I can delete it,
make it go away.
Or... would you like me
to read it?
Yeah, read it.
"All of Greenville mourns today
the passing of Paul Truscott,
beloved for his works
of charity and civic leadership,
for more years
than he liked to admit to.
He has gone to heaven
to join his beloved wife Sarah."
My mother is dead?
"Both Paul and Sarah
live on in the hearts
of the two adoring sons
and three grandchildren
they leave behind."
The monster died unpunished,
in honor and glory.
And your family,
they've erased you, Laura,
like you never passed across
the face of this Earth.
In this house,
with me, with your children...
you are a treasure.
In this house there is justice.
Are you washing?
Without papa saying
it was time to?
It was hurting
in my, my s-side...
Don't lie to me!
You ungrateful servant of evil!
You'll just make it worse.
- Aah! Argh! Aah!
- Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Come here!
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Sorry, I-I-I was asleep.
How can you keep your window
wide open all the time?
Aren't you afraid
of serpents coming in?
Ah. Serpents don't fly.
Not in Jamaica, anyway.
They can go anywhere here.
And their breath
got into my house,
and two of my brothers
are infected.
And papa and mama
are burning it out of them,
which, it hurts really a lot.
But if it spreads
and we all get it,
the fire of our spirits
will go out.
Wha-what kind of serpents
are you talkin' about?
The devil kind.
Papa and mama protect us
from them,
that's why we never go out,
but sometimes they get inside
even when we don't eat anything,
to make sure
there's room for our spirits.
And they have to burn it
out of us with the belt.
Tristan, one got inside Prairie,
and papa took him away,
and he screamed and he screamed,
and now he's quiet,
and we don't know where he is.
River, how long have you
and your brothers and sisters
been inside the house?
Oh. Nine Christmases.
- Nine years?
- -Yes.
It's not right,
keeping you inside
a-and screamin', and the belt.
You have to call the police
and tell them.
The police are demons.
All of them.
Your brother could be quiet
because he's hurt.
A-at least tell someone, so he
can send for you a doctor.
Doctors are just serpents
with knives instead of fangs.
Then go to a church.
Papa says churches are just
another mask the devil puts on.
No, they're places where peope
go to get help from God.
God says if we go against
our parents,
he will punish us
with rod and with fire.
God says we must treat
each other with love.
River, the bell,
in-in your song...
- Do you really hear it?
- All the time.
That means
there's a church right nearby.
I can call them myself and have
somebody come and help you.
A-all you have to do
is give me your address,
and I can find the church.
You and your brothers andsisters
are in terrible danger.
I need to know where you live,
so I can help you.
No, you can't fool me anymore.
- I know what you want.
- River, I don't...
You want my address, so you can
tell the enemy
where we're hiding.
Okay, I don't need to know
where you are,
just promise me you'll leave
the house and find a church.
You can't miss them, they
have skinny pointy roofs...
Don't ever call me again!
Come on.
You're doing beautifully, son.
I can feel the fire
of your spirit coming back,
stronger every day.
Don't let it go out
The light that you shine
Don't let yourself down
don't bother...
Rejoice, children,
it's the Lord's day tomorrow,
and we're letting you out
to celebrate!
Isn't it still November?
Who cares what month it is?
Why shouldn't it be Christmas
every day if we want it to be?
Don we now our gay apparel
A little longer for you, yeah,
just to make sure you're clear.
Come on.
Yuletide carol
Fa-la la-la-la la-la la-la
Fa-la la-la-la
Okay. Everybody downstairs
for the main event!
Where's Prairie?
Really bad place.
Silent night
Holy night...
Oh! Look at the beautiful,
beautiful star papa made!
Summer, why don't you put it
on the tippy-top of the tree?
I can't reach.
I'm really sorry, mama.
- Show me where it hurts.
- Why, Summer to the top.
Holy infant
so tender and mild...
- Papa.
- Hm?
I-I think Forest needs medicine.
His side hurts him really bad.
Well, what are you feeling, son?
Like, like a glass
broke, broke inside of me.
Well, that's just the fang of
serpent battling your spirit.
Ca-can you make it stop hurting?
Absolutely. Yes. Yes.
Holy night
Shepherds quake
Ah-ha. Okay.
Hit of almond oil and lemon balm
will fix you right up. Okay?
Come on. Come.
Get him some water.
Don't worry, Forest.
It's just the fang coming out.
Well, if the fang's coming out,
why, why is it getting worse?
Here it is. Here it is.
"Intense pain on the right side
of the lower abdomen
can be a sign
of acute app-appendicitis.
"If the appendix should burst,
immediate care is critical
or there is increased risk
of m-mort..."
What's mortality?
No, no. Wait until
it's all set out, sweetheart.
Yes, Meadow?
If there's something
weighing on your heart, just...
bring it into the light.
Let all of us
share in the burden.
We were really worried
about Forest still hurting,
and, um...
we thought he might have,
um, appen...
which can be really bad, so...
Maybe we could find a doctor
who's not a demon to help him.
Do you think that for a second
I would risk the life
of the shepherd?
- Do you?
- No.
Forgive me, Lord, for failing
to teach my children
that there is nobody they can
trust outside these doors.
Forgive me for allowing
infection into this house.
And give me the strength
to starve the poison
of the fuel that feeds it,
for all of us,
for as long as it takes.
I'm so sorry learning
has to be so hard, angel.
I'm so, so sorry.
But it's Christmas morning,
and you know
what we always do before
we open presents, don't you?
Meadow, what do we do now?
- Um, we sing.
- That's right.
So let's all open our hearts
and sing mama's favorite song.
You heard your mama.
Come on.
The Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
Is it helping at all?
To have more room inside you
for the healing power?
Do you think
you can be very brave?
Braver than
you've ever been in your life?
What do you mean?
What are you gonna do?
- Rain. Everything.
- What's wrong?
Just listen to me.
I need you to do something,
and you have to swear on God
that you won't tell
mama and papa.
How can I swear
until I know what it is?
Because it's for Forest.
Because he's very sick.
Do you swear on God?
I am gonna take Forest to
the church, where the bells are,
and I'm gonna ask them
to find him a doctor.
I've listened and I've listened,
and I know that it's, um...
that way.
I just need, um...
what's called, um,
to get the, the-the-the thingies
off a window.
- A screwdriver.
- Yes.
And you're the only one
that they trust
to go into the garage
and get the toolbox.
Ah, you can say that
you need to fix something. Um...
Okay. Ah...
Now you won't be lying.
Doctors are demons.
Okay. Great.
Forest will be safe from demons,
but he'll also be dead.
How's it gonna make you feel?
Proverbs, 30:17.
"He who mocks his father
and refuses to obey his mother,
the crows will peck out his eyes
and the vultures will eat them."
Mama. Papa.
River! Forest!
- River!
- River! Forest!
- River! Forest!
- Forest!
Come back!
Let's go.
W-w-which way?
I don't know.
Why aren't the bells ringing?
Skinny pointy roofs.
There it is.
- What?
- Go! Go!
- It's all right.
- Demons.
- Help! Help!
- Help! Help us! Please!
- Hey!
- -Please open the door!
- Hey! Hey!
- -Help us!
There won't be anybody
around the church
until Reverend Taylor
opens up in the morning.
Is there something
we can do to help you?
You're runnin' away
from somethin'?
Maybe somebody
tried to hurt you?
Because if that's what's
going on,
we can take you someplace
where nobody can get near you
to hurt you.
The serpent god inside Forest.
And mama drove it out, but it
still wasn't completely gone.
So mama and papa put
me and Forest into the closet
to starve the demon out of us,
and everybody else
had to starve it out, too,
and Forest's appendix
was still hurting really bad,
and Tristan in Jamaica
told me if I went to a church,
they would find a doctor
that wasn't the enemy.
Could you hold on for one second
while I talk to my partner?
You're safe here, I promise.
I'm calling in a psych team.
And I wanna talk to the boy
separately from the girl.
Could be looking
at a kidnapping.
Yeah, sure, call in psych,
but, uh,
I don't know, maybe there's
somethin' real under all that.
Not too many serpents
in this part of Portland.
Look at the way he is
from this side.
What if he got whacked
real hard?
- Maybe by her.
- Yeah.
Well, we don't know anything
till we take a look.
Listen, I just wanna take
a quick look
under your brother's shirt,
just to see where he's hurting.
Okay? To see if I can help him.
- No!
- No. No!
- Let him go! Let him go!
- Wait. Wait.
Don't hurt my sister!
Now, I know you're scared.
Did she hurt you?
- Did anybody hurt you?
- No. No.
What are you doing out so late?
Uh, what kind of help
did you come out here for?
Nothing. It's just a game.
I wanna go home.
And where's that?
Where are your parents?
Right there!
- Oh, God.
- Mom!
Thank the Lord you're safe. Oh!
Ah, I hope they weren't
making any trouble.
Well, not at all. I mean,
we were just here to help them.
Officers, could we, uh...
Was my daughter going on about
something kind of crazy?
- What kind of somethin'?
- Well, I don't know.
It's, uh,
it's different every time.
She, uh, she takes
her little brother out
in the middle of the night
on these, uh,
these missions she dreams up.
- She's done this before?
- You gotten her any help?
- Of course.
- What kind?
The kind she needs.
River. Come on, baby.
Let's go home.
Is it true
what your brother said,
that this is just a game?
Come on, baby,
let's all go home...
so we can, we can heal Forest
in a place where it's safe.
I'm tired. I wanna go home.
I wanna sleep.
Yes, it's true.
Yeah, it was just a game.
Oh, I'm...
Officers, we, uh...
I mean, thank you so much
for your help
from the, from the bottom
of our hearts.
Yeah, we're gonna need
your contact information,
so we can follow up
on the incident.
Driver's license would do it.
Thank you.
Just get the chains...
- and the ropes in the van.
- -Why?
If we leave them behind,
the enemy
can use them in
the lies they'll tell about us.
- Where are we going?
- Someplace deep in the desert.
Where they'll never find us.
Now, there will be no blaming
of River and Forest.
It's not their fault
that the enemy trapped them.
As soon as mama and I've driven
the infection out of them,
we'll be on our way. Fast now!
They could be here any second.
Now, you wait in your room.
Fangs are deeper into Forest.
We'll free him first.
Is he gonna be all right?
He's in God's hands.
He'll be perfect.
Now here, go get Summer.
Uh, come on in the bathroom,
I'm coming with you
in here, okay?
D'you think that on the way
out of town, we can stop by
an emergency room? They-they
don't ask any questions.
You held them too close
on the way home, Laura.
The infection got you, too,
it is making you doubt
the Lord's power
to heal your own children.
Now you take care of the locks
in the kitchen.
I will help River and Forest.
Later, later when there is time,
I will chase away that doubt,
so it never plagues you again.
For now, help the kids
get us on our way.
Baby, what happened?
Papa was right.
The serpent took his fang
out of me just now.
- It's not hurting?
- Not anymore. Uh...
Just a second ago it was like
the worst thing ever.
But then it-it,
it was just gone.
Oh, thank God! Thank you, papa.
You can thank me in the van,
okay? We have to go! Let's go.
You heard him.
Fast, fast, fast, everybody.
Help me put some food together
for the drive.
On the way to our new life.
I-I'll get it.
Mr. McGrath, I'm Gloria Sterling
with the Office
of Family and Child Welfare.
Officer Kenner and I are here
to do a welfare check
on minor children.
Everybody is sleeping.
Um, can you give us a minute,
This is the greatest danger
we have ever faced.
But if you do everything we
talked about, it will be fine,
and we'll find our garden, okay?
Come in. Come in.
- We're all in the living room.
- Is it hurting again?
Everybody, this is
Ms. Sterling and Officer Kenner.
What do we all say, children?
Hello, Ms. Sterling
and Officer Kenner.
Well, hello to all of you.
Oh. Early start on Christmas?
It's all so pretty.
Are there bathing facilities
in the house?
We had a plumbing problem,
so we couldn't take showers
for a while.
- But it's being fixed.
- Well, that's good.
And where do
the children attend school?
Well, right here in our licensed
and permitted home academy.
May we take a look
in the kitchen area?
Absolutely, yes. Of course.
May I please use the bathroom,
Of course.
I thought you were all better.
Feel his skin.
It's like he's on fire.
May we have a look around
Uh, we're actually doing
some, some renovations up there.
Yeah, you'd need a flashlight
and a search warrant
to get through that mess.
Do you happen to have
either of those on hand?
Not right now,
but we can come back with both.
I-I have to grab some school
things from the garage, so I...
I'll help you, mom.
Well, are there any other
questions I can help you with?
No, we're good for now.
Then I'll, I'll walk you out.
You have to drink it, Forest.
You have to drink it.
Who is it?
- Mama.
- And me.
- The pain came back?
- Yeah.
Worse than before.
Mama, you have
to look up on your phone
what someone's supposed to do
when this happens.
- And papa says we need to leave.
- -Feel his forehead.
My phone's in the van.
Rain, do you have yours?
- I-it's okay if I do it?
- Yes.
Oh, my...
It says when the appendix
bursts, the pressure stops,
which means the pain goes away,
but it can also lead to...
What's, uh, sepsis?
spreading through his body.
Um, because it burst.
Which means...
Wha-what was that word
from the book?
- Mortality.
- -Rain.
Press the phone thing
and then touch 911
and they'll send somebody
to help.
I'll do it.
The serpent made me
let this instrument of lies
and trickery into our house.
Yeah, we will take Forest
in the van
and God will heal him
in the desert.
He's burning up.
He's getting worse...
He was perfect
before we were invaded!
That is why they came here, to
bring their poison. We go now!
We have to cool him off
before we go.
- Mama...
- -Just an ice bath.
For a little while.
Please. Feel his skin.
All right. Three minutes,
and then we leave.
All right. Come here.
Every second we wait,
they get closer.
We're going out the back.
Papa, please call
somebody to help Forest.
Now he's as cool
as a mountain stream now.
What if that's just
from the ice?
Do you have zero faith?
We need to get help for Forest.
Lamb thinks he's grown
the horns of a ram, does he?
- Give me my phone.
- No.
I think I've driven the enemy
out of him.
But if we don't get away fast,
we'll all be lost.
So let's get into the van now.
I think you heard what I said!
Laura, will you lead the flock
into the van?
I won't.
- I'm getting help.
- -Stop!
- No!
- Come on. Come on.
- Tye, put the knife down.
- -Rain.
What was God's final command
to Abraham?
Genesis 22.
What did God command Abraham
to do?
Sacrifice his son.
- Let him go.
- Abraham failed the test.
He disobeyed.
But I will not let this family
fall into the hands
of the enemy.
So we're getting
into the van now!
- Get the phone! Get the phone!
- Ahh!
- No!
- -Prairie!
- Prairie, no! No!
- -Stop!
- It's ringing, mom!
- River, there's no time.
- Run! Go get help! Go!
- -Run!
We're learning more
about this harrowing tale
of children held prisoner
in their own home
for more than a decade
in appalling conditions.
Police are reporting evidence
of chains and restraints.
One dangerously sick child
denied medical care
is now in hospital
in critical condition.
Neighbors report thatthe
parents were quiet and kept
to themselves, some were unaware
that there were children
in the house...
Your brother's alive.
But he's gone into a coma
that the doctors haven't been
able to get him out of.
It's like, um, being asleep,
but deeper and...
And you don't wake up?
No, no. Uh, sometimes you do.
But sometimes you don't?
Which is it gonna be this time?
The doctors don't know.
I wanna see him.
Uh, no, you can't. You can't.
Hey! Just relax!
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
These children are in a profound
state of fear and confusion.
I'm sorry, Detective Cortez,
there's no way
they're ready
to be interrogated.
Without statements,
we can only hold
the parents
for another 60 hours.
With the state
these kids are in?
We can make a case for neglect.
But false imprisonment? Torture?
Well, you should hear
the defense revving up.
The windows weren't barred,
the kids
could have gotten out
at any time.
Yeah, and the ones
that did get out, ah...
I mean, the boy
jumped into his mother's arms
like he couldn't wait
to get home.
I'd have to attest to that
at a deposition.
You have no idea
what shape these kids are in.
All they'll eat is the stuff
that was in the van
'cause they're afraid
the food in the hospital
will infect them
with the devil's poison.
They're fragile.
This could shatter them.
If a judge makes us let them go,
even on the shortest
possible leash,
how confident are you
that they won't be smoke?
You want these kids living
in fear that their parents
could pop out from behind a wall
and grab them at any time?
My parents made mistakes,
but everything they did
was to protect us.
Didn't your father
pull a knife on you?
Didn't even your mother
try to stop him?
Papa was mad because I wanted
Forest to go to the doctor.
But look what happened when the
doctors got their hands on him.
Who was right, me and mama...
or papa?
How often were you allowed
to take baths?
Tell me about the food
your parents gave you to eat.
She's protecting herself
from the breath of the enemy
that made her brother sick.
Papa was the worst
even though he didn't do
most of the hitting,
because he's the one
who made mama do it.
Sometimes they kept us
in the closet for so long,
we could barely walk.
They kept telling us the world
was either serpent-demon
or innocent lamb.
But can I tell you a secret?
Something nobody else knows
in the whole world.
There's also the goat
with the red eyes
and the black-and-gold horns.
That's who had told me
to use the knife on papa.
I know this is hard, Meadow.
But can you tell me what
your parents used the ropes for?
Did they tie you up with them?
Whatever River says,
that's what I say.
We're counting on you, River.
Without a statement from you,
your parents' attorneys
can compel the court
to release them.
You want them out there, free,
where they can keep hurting you
and your brothers and sisters?
I've been in the outside world
for two days now.
What if I've already breathed
the poison?
What if whatever I say to you is
what the devil wants me to say?
It's no use asking me questions.
I don't know anything.
Can I go now?
You're up with the sun.
More like never went to sleep.
Hm. I get that.
Well, somebody's been trying
to get a hold of you real hard.
- Me?
- Name's Tristan.
Out of Kingston, Jamaica.
- I don't wanna talk to him.
- Okay, then.
- Gloria.
- Hm?
- There you are.
- Here I am.
I-I saw about your brother
on the news.
I'm praying for him.
You should be.
If Forest dies, maybe it'll be
because I did what you said.
Or maybe because I didn't do it
soon enough.
Either way,
I messed everything up.
It's not your fault.
You're a great hero.
You're-you're Moses.
You led your people
out of Egypt.
You know that story.
And then they wandered
in the desert for 40 years.
They had to fight
terrible enemies,
and a lot of people died.
- Did you know that?
- Yes.
How do you know
pharaoh wasn't protecting
the children of God
because he loved them?
They want me to go to court and
say bad things about my parents.
Are you going to?
Proverbs 20.
"If someone curses
their father or mother,
their lamp will be snuffed out
in darkness."
So you're gonna let them
go free?
I don't know.
I don't even know how to know.
They said your father was bad
to your mother, too,
that she helped you escape.
Yeah, well, maybe the devil
tricked her into doing that,
because he wanted Forest to die.
Your mother risked her life
to help your brother.
No matter what,
she's still your mother.
Do you think, maybe,
I-if you talk to her,
she can help you know
how to know?
I wish you could be here.
How many days is it
to Christmas?
Uh, just under three weeks,
I think.
Why are you asking?
Nothing. It's-it's just this
thing mama and I used to...
Sweetheart, wh-what-what is it?
Do you think if I asked,
they would let me
see her in jail?
Well, they'd probably ask me
if I thought it was a good idea.
Do you want to see her?
What's it like being here?
It's all right.
Noisy sometimes.
Papa's in a different jail,
Why do you wanna see me?
Because we needed
to talk to you.
They want us to say
that you and papa were bad,
so they can keep you in jail
And we don't know
what we should...
You're asking me?
'Cause-'cause papa turned out
to be right about the doctors.
And if what you and papa said
all along was true,
about how the police
and everybody were all demons...
A-and you only changed
your mind at the very end
'cause the devil got hold
of you.
And, and we should tell them
to let you go.
And we can hide in the desert
and keep the holy fire alive.
Is that something you want?
Revelations seven.
"The Lamb on the throne
will be their shepherd
and He will lead them
to springs of living water."
And God will wipe away
every tear from their eyes.
Oh, the things we did to you...
Proverbs 12.
No, um, 13.
"He who spares his rod
hates his child,
but he who loves him,
punishes him diligently."
What about Ezekiel 18:20?
Do you know that one?
- No.
- Of course not.
We made sure
not to teach it to you.
I know what it says.
"Do not follow the rules of
your parents or their judgments,
or defile yourselves
with their idols."
I always thought
the devil snuck that in.
The rest is the devil.
That's the holy word.
It can't be.
What if what we said all along
was a lie?
What if me and papa
were the serpents?
- Why are you being like this?
- I know why.
I know what she's trying to do.
I'm just answering the question
you asked.
Mama, is that true?
Take me back now.
All right, let's go.
"Your Honor, I would like
to begin by thanking you
for hearing me out today.
Even with the difficult days
of the trial behind us,
even with my parents
found guilty,
even with the freedom
we have now,
my brothers and sisters and I
know that it is still early
in our story, and that there
will be rough water ahead.
But we are doing well."
There is a whole scary
new world for us to discover,
and we are learning new things
about it every day.
People have been wonderful
to us, in the hospital
and everywhere, and we send
all of them our thanks.
They are helping us figure out
what our dreams are,
so we can work
to make them come true.
I know that now
you have to sentence my parents.
And it doesn't make all
the things that my mom did okay.
But I'm beginning to realize
that she was
my father's first victim.
I'm learning that my father...
if I can even call him that...
had parents who loved him
and tried to help him.
So he has no excuse.
Still, I wanna thank him
for one thing.
For teaching us about
the fire of the spirit within,
because I know it's real.
And even if he did his best
to put it out in all of us...
we all feel it growing
strong in us every day.
That fire is burning bright,
and no matter what happens
to any of us...
I know it will never go out.
- River.
- Shh.
I love you, Prairie.
River! Forest!
In the beginning was the garden.
The streams ran clear
and the lambs of the Lord
played in the green grass
and were nourished and free.
Then came the serpent,
to tempt the lambs to sin.
The evils of war and strife
came into the world,
poisoning the air and the water.
But an ember of the holy fire
still burns
in the spirit of the lambs.
In Amos 9, the Lord commands us
"You shall plant gardens
and eat their fruit."
Together we can gather the lambs
and lead them back
to the garden.
Who will take the spade
and the grains of life
and join the army of light?
Hey, uh, you plant me
some grade-A sativa, bro,
and I'll be all over that army.
Let's go. Come on, let's go.
Stop it.
"And God said unto the serpent,
upon thy belly shalt thou crawl
and dust shalt thou eat
all the days of thy life."
Genesis 3:14, bro.
You, uh, you like Christmas?
Oh. Yeah. I don't know.
Always been a fool for it.
Only time of the year
things brighten up.
That's why the Lord was born
when he was.
The darkest night of winter
is when
the light comes into the world.
Let that light show you
where the road goes now.
I already know.
Back to where it started.
Try to glue the pieces
together again,
if my family
will forgive me enough
and let me through the door.
You think
they need to forgive you?
Y-you have no idea
the hell I put them through.
I'll get the first bus tomorrow
before I chicken out.
Wow. You've buried it so deep,
you don't even know it's there.
- Buried what?
- What they did to you.
They didn't do anything to me.
I'm the one that screwed up
every chance they ever gave me.
That's what
they made you believe.
But I can see through the veil.
That is the burden I carry.
Everybody I meet,
I know what they're hiding,
even from themselves.
Your father...
My father what?
From when you were a kid...
That didn't happen.
is how you've survived.
I see your mother knowing,
closing her eyes.
She would never.
That didn't happen!
Then what broke you, Laura?
Your parents had to crush you.
They knew what your destiny was.
You have no idea who you are,
do you?
It's no accident we met.
We were called here
to join together,
to lead the lambs of God
back to the garden.
If you get on that bus,
if we fail in our task...
But if you stay and sow with me
and reap with me...
we can keep the holy fire alive.
Mrs. Wilson
is the best teacher ever.
Are you kidding me?
very small ladies and gentlemen,
can anybody tell me
what time it is?
It's time for hopes for the day!
Ten points to the boy
with the oatmeal on his chin,
and twenty
to whoever goes first.
I hope River has the best
first day of school ever.
That's a lovely thing
to hope for, Meadow.
I hope she stays safe.
There's one way
to make sure of that.
With her big brother and
big sister watching over her,
no serpent will come near her
to harm her
or turn her away from God.
- River, how about you?
- I hope my head stops itching.
Me, too! I hope the same thing
River hopes. I want a bath.
John 10:13 says what, Prairie?
It says inkitty
binkitty boopitty!
Why do you always have to act
like you're two years old?
It says, "He who hath bathed
in spirit is clean,
and needeth not to wash."
That's my boy.
Okay, three minutes until the
mom train leaves the station.
Grab your books, everybody.
Hey, peanut,
I gotta go to school now.
So stay out of trouble
till I get back, okay?
Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Chen!
Hi, Calli! How was your summer?
Did you go on that rafting trip
in Colorado?
- All of them?
- Most of them.
It's the first day of school
and I'm trying to be cool
But I feel like a fool
Like a fish outside a pool?
I'm sorry, I was just thinking,
like, that's how I feel
most of the time.
Like fish floppin' around
on the beach.
Can I sit and eat lunch
with you?
My name's Andrea. What's yours?
Mm, silent types. I like that.
Is that your whole lunch?
Better take some of mine,
you're not gonna make it
to three o'clock.
The less a person
puts inside their body,
the more room there is
for their spirit.
It totally works. I feel
more spirit in me already.
Please? Just until dinner time?
Her mom says it's okay,
and she'll come pick her up
any time you say.
I don't know, your father...
Are you absolutely
1000 percent sure?
Twenty, nineteen,
eighteen, seventeen...
Stop. It's mama and papa's room.
We can't go in there.
We're not allowed to.
So none of you ever go in there?
- Never, ever, ever.
- Which means...
It's the one place
he'd never look!
River, don't go...
Giant TV.
About time to watch
Lords Of The MegaVerse.
We can't.
That's the devil's window.
It's how the serpent gets in.
Then why do your parents
have it?
So they can learn
the ways of the demons.
That's crazy.
We'll keep it nice and low.
And up next,
something to keep us warm.
What you are doing?
Ah. Make it stop!
There's nothing bad about it.
Kids, I'll take that.
I didn't even look, papa.
It was them.
They made it go on.
It's time for your friend
to go home now.
We called her mother, she's here
to pick her up. Let's go.
You kids stay up here, okay?
I blame myself
for forgetting that the thing
we were put on this Earth for
was to protect our kids.
Protecting them
is all I think about.
Then why are we
handing them over to the enemy
six hours a day?
They have to learn
how to live in the real world.
You promised I could have that.
I did not promise you could let
the enemy come home with them.
Who knows how much damage
she's done?
I am through
going along with you on this.
James 4:7. What does God say?
Um, uh, "Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you."
Sometimes I wonder
how good at resisting you are.
Tye, you know I would never...
I know that?
How do I know that? Hm?
From the sting of the lash
cometh the strength to resist.
Mama, you have to go
to a doctor.
Let them use their poisons
on me?
Laura, come in here.
Go upstairs and do
your homework, sweetheart.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
It's just
a practice contraction.
Laura, come here.
Everything papa does
is because he loves his family
more than anything in the world.
Mama made a mistake,
and papa needs to make sure
that mama doesn't make
that mistake again.
Does this mean we can't play
with Andrea anymore?
Come here, baby. Come on.
Give papa a hug.
He loves you so much.
Come on, baby.
Come, come to papa.
That's it. That's it. Come on.
Yeah, come on.
So there's these really cool
rabbits in the classroom
named Hip and Hop,
and every weekend
someone gets to bring them home,
and Ms. Jay says
I can bring them home first
if my mom says it's okay.
- So is it okay?
- I'm sorry, sweetheart.
All of you...
But you won't be
going to school today.
Because I-I realize now
that papa was right
and I was wrong
about how careful we need to be.
Yesterday proves
that all the serpent
has to do is put on a big smile.
- And we get fooled every time.
- Andrea is not the serpent.
She tempted you away from God.
She got you
to open the devil's window.
Can we go to school tomorrow?
No, honey,
not tomorrow or any day.
It's too dangerous.
But we're gonna make
our own school, right here.
We're gonna have books
and art supplies
and music
and everything we need.
It-it's gonna be
so-so-so much fun.
It's gonna be stupid.
I wanna go to school.
- School! School! School!
- Prairie, stop that.
- Okay, Prairie, enough.
- "Okay, Prairie, enough."
- Prairie, I'm telling you...
- "Prairie, I'm telling you..."
School! School! School!
- Prairie, please stop that.
- -Cut it out!
You don't think
mama has enough trouble already?
Stop yelling at him!
You're such a bully sometimes.
When I was his age,
I respected my parents.
Please stop!
School! School!
School! School! School!
You know what's happened here,
don't you?
The enemy has taken possession
of our precious children.
- But you can drive him out.
- No.
- You know how.
- Oh, Tye, please.
When somebody
won't drive the devil
out of the children
they supposedly love,
what does that tell me?
- Is the devil in you, Laura?
- No.
- No. No.
- From the sting of the lash.
School. School! School!
Prairie, go upstairs to your
room until you've calmed down.
- School. School!
- Proverbs 23:13, Laura.
- What does it say?
- Tye...
It says, "Do not withhold
discipline from the child,
for if you strike them
with the rod,
you save them
from eternal death."
And who was it
that spoke those words?
Prairie, go up to your room
right this second!
- No.
- For the last time, Laura.
Who spoke the words
of Proverbs 23:13?
Then will you stand here
in your house,
in front of the children
you say you love,
and disobey that command?
- Do you hate your children?
- No.
Do you want them swallowed
by darkness?
Oh. I'm so sorry, baby.
- Ahh!
- Mom, are you okay?
I think I have to go upstairs.
Okay, help your mother
get to her bed.
I'll be right up.
Go. Go, go, go.
Come here, sweetie. Come here.
It's okay,
we're fighting a great war
of the garden
against the wasteland.
You know, it's terrible that
people have to get hurt in wars,
but, but they do, and that makes
them stronger for the fight.
And the most important thing
is that we stand together,
or the wasteland wins.
The baby needs
all of our help now.
Will you join us?
Okay. Another push, mama.
You can do this.
Okay. All right. Oh, your baby
wants to see the light.
I know you can do it, Jesus...
Thank you. Thank you, Jesus.
He is so beautiful.
Look at that,
you made him smile!
God sent me a dream last night,
as clear as the life of day.
An angel came to me
and spoke the words
of Revelation 7:21. Rain.
"The lamb
will be their shepherd.
He will guide them
to the springs of living water
and keep the holy fire alive."
Beautiful, son.
And then the angel showed me
who the shepherd was.
It was your new baby brother.
Forest is the shepherd?
Yes. He has a great destiny.
Which puts him
in terrible danger.
From now on, nobody crosses
this threshold coming in.
And only mama and me going out,
so we can work
and bring home food.
When will we be able to go
outside? And go to school again?
When you're as strong as we are.
- When will that be?
- We'll know, my angel.
We'll know.
Come here. Come.
Come. Come close.
We've been afraid to scare you,
and that was a mistake.
Sometimes it's good
to be scared.
Just say it, Laura.
The whole real truth.
They need to hear it.
The whole real truth is that
everybody out there
is a serpent.
The only lambs in the world
are inside this house.
So I need to know
that all of you will protect
you baby brother,
always, with your lives.
Thank you.
Now I know he'll be safe.
I'm still a little weak,
so I need your help
getting breakfast on the table.
River, will you watch Forest?
- With my life.
- Yeah.
River, papa needs you downstairs
on the double.
Come on.
Okay, we're all here now.
Prairie's going to tell us
why what he did was wrong.
- Go on, son.
- You're the one who caught me.
I can't, I can't find him.
Prairie, listen to me,
not the voice of the enemy.
Summer needs her big brother
to help her see the way.
He-he didn't mean to do
anything bad, papa.
It was just hard
to breathe in the room,
and he needed some air.
Forest, why was it wrong
that your brother
opened the window?
Because t-t-t-the devil's breath
could have gotten in
and infected all of us.
What do we have to do now?
Cleanse him
of the enemy's breath,
to keep it from putting out
the fire of the Holy Spirit.
That's exactly right.
Hold on.
I know you know the rule
about not closing your eyes.
And I know you'd only break
that rule if you caught
some of the infection yourself.
N-n-no, that's n-not...
No, no, no, no. Hydrangeas
are a total knock-out.
But the water they gobble up?
I mean, here, check out,
check out viburnum, okay?
I'm sending you a link.
All right. Okay.
Yup, I will see you
at the site in 20. Okay.
- Hey. I gotta go. Okay.
- All right.
You be the angels
that you are, angels.
Goodbye, papa.
"The Lord will cause you to be
defeated before your enemies.
Because of the suffering,
you will eat the flesh
of the sons and daughters the
Lord your God has given you."
That's sick.
That's Deuteronomy.
"Even the most gentle among you
will have no compassion
on his own brother
or the wife he loves.
He will not give to one of them
any of the flesh
of his children
that he is eating."
That's what happens if you don't
obey the word of the Lord.
Just like papa says.
Are we gonna have a lesson
today, mama?
Yeah, um, sure. Uh...
Why don't you keep going on
history with Rain?
And, River,
why don't you do numbers
with Forest and-and Summer?
Uh, mama?
So close!
Can you just smell
those pine boughs now?
"Christopher Columbus
was the eldest son
of Domenico Colombo
and Susanna Fontanarossa.
The family moved from Genoa
to Savona in 1470.
Then Christopher's father
"Three years later
Columbus embarked on a career
as a business manager
for several wealthy families
in the district.
His interest in the sea was born
when he was young.
And then it's said
that by his 20s... "
Okay, time for times tables.
One times seven.
- I don't know.
- One times is easy.
- You know this.
- I'm too hungry to know it.
I'm gonna go ask mama
to make us more breakfast.
You can't disturb mama now.
She's busy
learning the ways of the demons.
Come on, Sum, sit down
and work on your numbers.
- No.
- Um, how about a song?
Would you like that?
When snakes are hissing
in their lairs
We'll let them hiss
So what who cares?
You're safe in here with me
The earth may shake
the rocks may fall
That won't scare us
no not at all
You're safe in here with
Stop! That just makes it worse.
Everything makes it worse.
You'll get used to it, Summer.
We all did.
W-why should she have to?
So there's more room
for the fire of the spirit...
If I hear that one more time,
I swear to you...
- You swear to me what?
- I don't know. It's just...
Yeah. Enough.
Hunger is for demons.
But what if
the lambs need to eat
and to get, to get strong,
so if the demons chase them...
they-they can get away?
Thank you.
Meadow, would you please
come with me?
I know this is a heavy burden
to lay on you,
but we need you to tell us
who stole the apples
from the kitchen.
- What apples?
- Really?
You, I can always count on
for the deepest truth.
Who took the apples
out of the drawer?
I don't know.
So you know the
apples were taken,
you just don't know by who?
I don't know anything.
You love
your brothers and sisters,
and you think
you're helping them,
and we, we love you for that.
Just like we love you
because we know
in your hearts
you can never lie.
But here you are, lying,
and somebody in this house
is stealing.
Which means what?
What does that mean, Rain?
That the enemy's gotten in.
That's right.
And we need to find out
who's infected,
so we can stop it
from spreading,
or it'll put out the holy fire
inside us all.
Do you want that to happen?
Then tell us
who stole the apples.
We don't know.
Mama and I
can't always both stay home.
We're gonna need help
shepherding the flock.
If you can prove that you're
ready to carry that flame,
we'll need to show you
the ways of the enemy.
You'll need to stay
in touch with us
when we're out of the house.
Once we know we can trust you,
you'll each get one of these.
Who took the apples?
It's all right. Really. We're
just putting you to the test.
I've already seen the truth
through the veil.
I know it was the youngest
and weakest of you
who let the enemy in.
It's time to burn the devil
out of Summer.
- Wait!
- Stop!
Don't be afraid, everybody.
The danger's over.
We have found where the enemy
planted his seeds of evil.
Now we can starve the infection
out of the soil,
but it'll take seven days.
You're probably right.
It's not long enough.
Do you think nine days?
No. Um, no, seven is enough.
I hope so. Ahem.
It takes a fearsome demon
to get a hold of the shepherd.
All right.
Everybody, down for breakfast.
Let's go.
You're tenders of the flock now.
Be proud that you kept
your lambs from straying.
Mama... untie me.
Just for a minute.
I have to go really, really bad.
It's okay, Forest.
If you have to go, you can go.
It's okay.
They're yours,
as long as you promise
you'll never let the lambs
in your flock touch them.
They're too young
to stand strong
against the devil in them.
Do you promise?
I promise.
Take the phone.
Thank you.
Now we know we can trust you.
If it should come to pass
that we can't,
we'll know
the enemy has taken you,
and will have to be driven
out of your living flesh
with the heat and fury
of fire and iron.
Captain Freedom
has come to set you free.
Prairie, no.
You know what they'll do.
You have to go back to bed.
- No! No! Prairie! Prairie, no!
- No!
Forgive me,
my beloved son, for not fighting
hard enough to save you.
I swear to you, on the spring
that gives life to the garden,
that from this second on
I will fight harder,
no matter what it takes.
We're gonna come
When the war is left undone
Four more days
and we are free
One more day
and it'll be three
After that it's only
Go away.
I'm never talking to you again.
I'm so sorry, River.
I wish it were me tied up.
It should be me.
What happened to Prairie?
They tied him to his bed.
With chains and locks.
But he's okay.
Ma-mama and papa gave me this.
They made me swear
not to let anyone near it,
but, um, but there's this thing
where you, like, play your song,
and it, it-it turns
into, like, a movie,
a-and then other people
can see it. Can I show you?
I'll let you use it the second
they let you back in the room.
I'm so, so sorry.
Who knows
how or where or why
Lights go sailing
across the sky?
Why do dogs
and children play
In the sunlight
down the way?
Tell me please
'cause all I know
Is shadows on the wall
What is it
the wind keeps whispering
Just outside my windowpane?
In the night
a bell is ringing
Can you tell me
what it's singing?
Is the secret woven
in the shadows on the wall?
Now, just tap right there,
and it sends it out
into the world.
What if the enemy sees it?
Mama says nobody can hurt you
through the phone,
as long as you never ever say
where you live.
Even a taste is dangerous.
But to know the ways
of the enemy,
to learn to stand strong
against his poison,
you need to eat his food.
Go on. Taste it.
Go on, tenders of the flock.
Dig in.
You, too.
River, wake up.
Somebody saw your song.
Said he wants to talk to you.
- What?
- -Hello, River!
I'm Tristan.
Quick. Go into the closet.
I-I'll let you know
if anybody's coming.
How are you this morning?
I-I'm okay.
How did you manage
to get inside my head
from so far away?
I didn't. I-I wasn't...
You must have,
because I'm the same as you.
All I know
is shadows on the wall.
I must have watched your song
a hundred times by now.
I reluctantly confess
it has made me shed
more than, uh, one tear.
When are you going to give us
a new one?
I hear mama coming.
Um... I-I-I have go to.
Ood, papa.
We're all doing our schoolwork.
Would you like me
to check on Prairie now?
That would be great.
- River...
- I'm not gonna do it.
- So stop asking me.
- He's sent, like, 50 message.
- It is too dangerous.
- Fine.
I'll just tell him
you're not interested
and he should forget about it.
Damn, I'm happy you called back.
I was afraid I got
too creepy fan on you
and scared you away.
No, I just, um,
I-I was, I was busy.
Putting more beauty
into the world?
Not really.
- Um, Tristan?
- -Yes?
The other day you said
you were the same as me,
like, shadows on the wall
is all you know.
Huh. Alas, yes,
for I am a special boy.
One in 20 million,
on all of Planet Earth,
with the rarest of all
deficiencies to my immunity.
Specifically chronic recurrent
multifocal osteomyelitis.
Kind of a song all on its own,
don't you think?
Until there's a cure,
no stepping outside my door.
What's your story
with the shadows?
Has your wicked step-mom
got you locked in that closet?
No. Nothing like that.
I should, I should go now.
Wait, wait,
I-I'm sorry if I offended.
Will you stay if I treat you
to a musical masterpiece
of my own?
While it isn't designed
to delight us
This chronic recurrent
multifocal osteomyelitis
Who else but the sufferer
has time enough-erer
To read Wikipedia
end to end?
What's wikkypedica?
You really don't know?
Of course I do.
I-I-I was just joking.
Tristan, what would happen
if you went outside?
Whatever germs happened to be
floating by would go zhoooop,
straight into me, like aliens
invading the planet.
Like pow, pow, pwooosh,
pow, pow...
Pow, pow, pwooosh.
River, come downstairs. I need
your help with the dishes.
Go do the dishes,
like mama said.
I need to talk to you
in the bedroom.
I didn't wanna cause you any
pain, so I've been holding off
on showing this to you,
but it is something
you have a right to know.
Your father passed away
last year.
This is the, uh, death notice
your brothers posted.
It's gonna hurt, Laura.
I can delete it,
make it go away.
Or... would you like me
to read it?
Yeah, read it.
"All of Greenville mourns today
the passing of Paul Truscott,
beloved for his works
of charity and civic leadership,
for more years
than he liked to admit to.
He has gone to heaven
to join his beloved wife Sarah."
My mother is dead?
"Both Paul and Sarah
live on in the hearts
of the two adoring sons
and three grandchildren
they leave behind."
The monster died unpunished,
in honor and glory.
And your family,
they've erased you, Laura,
like you never passed across
the face of this Earth.
In this house,
with me, with your children...
you are a treasure.
In this house there is justice.
Are you washing?
Without papa saying
it was time to?
It was hurting
in my, my s-side...
Don't lie to me!
You ungrateful servant of evil!
You'll just make it worse.
- Aah! Argh! Aah!
- Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Come here!
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Sorry, I-I-I was asleep.
How can you keep your window
wide open all the time?
Aren't you afraid
of serpents coming in?
Ah. Serpents don't fly.
Not in Jamaica, anyway.
They can go anywhere here.
And their breath
got into my house,
and two of my brothers
are infected.
And papa and mama
are burning it out of them,
which, it hurts really a lot.
But if it spreads
and we all get it,
the fire of our spirits
will go out.
Wha-what kind of serpents
are you talkin' about?
The devil kind.
Papa and mama protect us
from them,
that's why we never go out,
but sometimes they get inside
even when we don't eat anything,
to make sure
there's room for our spirits.
And they have to burn it
out of us with the belt.
Tristan, one got inside Prairie,
and papa took him away,
and he screamed and he screamed,
and now he's quiet,
and we don't know where he is.
River, how long have you
and your brothers and sisters
been inside the house?
Oh. Nine Christmases.
- Nine years?
- -Yes.
It's not right,
keeping you inside
a-and screamin', and the belt.
You have to call the police
and tell them.
The police are demons.
All of them.
Your brother could be quiet
because he's hurt.
A-at least tell someone, so he
can send for you a doctor.
Doctors are just serpents
with knives instead of fangs.
Then go to a church.
Papa says churches are just
another mask the devil puts on.
No, they're places where peope
go to get help from God.
God says if we go against
our parents,
he will punish us
with rod and with fire.
God says we must treat
each other with love.
River, the bell,
in-in your song...
- Do you really hear it?
- All the time.
That means
there's a church right nearby.
I can call them myself and have
somebody come and help you.
A-all you have to do
is give me your address,
and I can find the church.
You and your brothers andsisters
are in terrible danger.
I need to know where you live,
so I can help you.
No, you can't fool me anymore.
- I know what you want.
- River, I don't...
You want my address, so you can
tell the enemy
where we're hiding.
Okay, I don't need to know
where you are,
just promise me you'll leave
the house and find a church.
You can't miss them, they
have skinny pointy roofs...
Don't ever call me again!
Come on.
You're doing beautifully, son.
I can feel the fire
of your spirit coming back,
stronger every day.
Don't let it go out
The light that you shine
Don't let yourself down
don't bother...
Rejoice, children,
it's the Lord's day tomorrow,
and we're letting you out
to celebrate!
Isn't it still November?
Who cares what month it is?
Why shouldn't it be Christmas
every day if we want it to be?
Don we now our gay apparel
A little longer for you, yeah,
just to make sure you're clear.
Come on.
Yuletide carol
Fa-la la-la-la la-la la-la
Fa-la la-la-la
Okay. Everybody downstairs
for the main event!
Where's Prairie?
Really bad place.
Silent night
Holy night...
Oh! Look at the beautiful,
beautiful star papa made!
Summer, why don't you put it
on the tippy-top of the tree?
I can't reach.
I'm really sorry, mama.
- Show me where it hurts.
- Why, Summer to the top.
Holy infant
so tender and mild...
- Papa.
- Hm?
I-I think Forest needs medicine.
His side hurts him really bad.
Well, what are you feeling, son?
Like, like a glass
broke, broke inside of me.
Well, that's just the fang of
serpent battling your spirit.
Ca-can you make it stop hurting?
Absolutely. Yes. Yes.
Holy night
Shepherds quake
Ah-ha. Okay.
Hit of almond oil and lemon balm
will fix you right up. Okay?
Come on. Come.
Get him some water.
Don't worry, Forest.
It's just the fang coming out.
Well, if the fang's coming out,
why, why is it getting worse?
Here it is. Here it is.
"Intense pain on the right side
of the lower abdomen
can be a sign
of acute app-appendicitis.
"If the appendix should burst,
immediate care is critical
or there is increased risk
of m-mort..."
What's mortality?
No, no. Wait until
it's all set out, sweetheart.
Yes, Meadow?
If there's something
weighing on your heart, just...
bring it into the light.
Let all of us
share in the burden.
We were really worried
about Forest still hurting,
and, um...
we thought he might have,
um, appen...
which can be really bad, so...
Maybe we could find a doctor
who's not a demon to help him.
Do you think that for a second
I would risk the life
of the shepherd?
- Do you?
- No.
Forgive me, Lord, for failing
to teach my children
that there is nobody they can
trust outside these doors.
Forgive me for allowing
infection into this house.
And give me the strength
to starve the poison
of the fuel that feeds it,
for all of us,
for as long as it takes.
I'm so sorry learning
has to be so hard, angel.
I'm so, so sorry.
But it's Christmas morning,
and you know
what we always do before
we open presents, don't you?
Meadow, what do we do now?
- Um, we sing.
- That's right.
So let's all open our hearts
and sing mama's favorite song.
You heard your mama.
Come on.
The Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
Is it helping at all?
To have more room inside you
for the healing power?
Do you think
you can be very brave?
Braver than
you've ever been in your life?
What do you mean?
What are you gonna do?
- Rain. Everything.
- What's wrong?
Just listen to me.
I need you to do something,
and you have to swear on God
that you won't tell
mama and papa.
How can I swear
until I know what it is?
Because it's for Forest.
Because he's very sick.
Do you swear on God?
I am gonna take Forest to
the church, where the bells are,
and I'm gonna ask them
to find him a doctor.
I've listened and I've listened,
and I know that it's, um...
that way.
I just need, um...
what's called, um,
to get the, the-the-the thingies
off a window.
- A screwdriver.
- Yes.
And you're the only one
that they trust
to go into the garage
and get the toolbox.
Ah, you can say that
you need to fix something. Um...
Okay. Ah...
Now you won't be lying.
Doctors are demons.
Okay. Great.
Forest will be safe from demons,
but he'll also be dead.
How's it gonna make you feel?
Proverbs, 30:17.
"He who mocks his father
and refuses to obey his mother,
the crows will peck out his eyes
and the vultures will eat them."
Mama. Papa.
River! Forest!
- River!
- River! Forest!
- River! Forest!
- Forest!
Come back!
Let's go.
W-w-which way?
I don't know.
Why aren't the bells ringing?
Skinny pointy roofs.
There it is.
- What?
- Go! Go!
- It's all right.
- Demons.
- Help! Help!
- Help! Help us! Please!
- Hey!
- -Please open the door!
- Hey! Hey!
- -Help us!
There won't be anybody
around the church
until Reverend Taylor
opens up in the morning.
Is there something
we can do to help you?
You're runnin' away
from somethin'?
Maybe somebody
tried to hurt you?
Because if that's what's
going on,
we can take you someplace
where nobody can get near you
to hurt you.
The serpent god inside Forest.
And mama drove it out, but it
still wasn't completely gone.
So mama and papa put
me and Forest into the closet
to starve the demon out of us,
and everybody else
had to starve it out, too,
and Forest's appendix
was still hurting really bad,
and Tristan in Jamaica
told me if I went to a church,
they would find a doctor
that wasn't the enemy.
Could you hold on for one second
while I talk to my partner?
You're safe here, I promise.
I'm calling in a psych team.
And I wanna talk to the boy
separately from the girl.
Could be looking
at a kidnapping.
Yeah, sure, call in psych,
but, uh,
I don't know, maybe there's
somethin' real under all that.
Not too many serpents
in this part of Portland.
Look at the way he is
from this side.
What if he got whacked
real hard?
- Maybe by her.
- Yeah.
Well, we don't know anything
till we take a look.
Listen, I just wanna take
a quick look
under your brother's shirt,
just to see where he's hurting.
Okay? To see if I can help him.
- No!
- No. No!
- Let him go! Let him go!
- Wait. Wait.
Don't hurt my sister!
Now, I know you're scared.
Did she hurt you?
- Did anybody hurt you?
- No. No.
What are you doing out so late?
Uh, what kind of help
did you come out here for?
Nothing. It's just a game.
I wanna go home.
And where's that?
Where are your parents?
Right there!
- Oh, God.
- Mom!
Thank the Lord you're safe. Oh!
Ah, I hope they weren't
making any trouble.
Well, not at all. I mean,
we were just here to help them.
Officers, could we, uh...
Was my daughter going on about
something kind of crazy?
- What kind of somethin'?
- Well, I don't know.
It's, uh,
it's different every time.
She, uh, she takes
her little brother out
in the middle of the night
on these, uh,
these missions she dreams up.
- She's done this before?
- You gotten her any help?
- Of course.
- What kind?
The kind she needs.
River. Come on, baby.
Let's go home.
Is it true
what your brother said,
that this is just a game?
Come on, baby,
let's all go home...
so we can, we can heal Forest
in a place where it's safe.
I'm tired. I wanna go home.
I wanna sleep.
Yes, it's true.
Yeah, it was just a game.
Oh, I'm...
Officers, we, uh...
I mean, thank you so much
for your help
from the, from the bottom
of our hearts.
Yeah, we're gonna need
your contact information,
so we can follow up
on the incident.
Driver's license would do it.
Thank you.
Just get the chains...
- and the ropes in the van.
- -Why?
If we leave them behind,
the enemy
can use them in
the lies they'll tell about us.
- Where are we going?
- Someplace deep in the desert.
Where they'll never find us.
Now, there will be no blaming
of River and Forest.
It's not their fault
that the enemy trapped them.
As soon as mama and I've driven
the infection out of them,
we'll be on our way. Fast now!
They could be here any second.
Now, you wait in your room.
Fangs are deeper into Forest.
We'll free him first.
Is he gonna be all right?
He's in God's hands.
He'll be perfect.
Now here, go get Summer.
Uh, come on in the bathroom,
I'm coming with you
in here, okay?
D'you think that on the way
out of town, we can stop by
an emergency room? They-they
don't ask any questions.
You held them too close
on the way home, Laura.
The infection got you, too,
it is making you doubt
the Lord's power
to heal your own children.
Now you take care of the locks
in the kitchen.
I will help River and Forest.
Later, later when there is time,
I will chase away that doubt,
so it never plagues you again.
For now, help the kids
get us on our way.
Baby, what happened?
Papa was right.
The serpent took his fang
out of me just now.
- It's not hurting?
- Not anymore. Uh...
Just a second ago it was like
the worst thing ever.
But then it-it,
it was just gone.
Oh, thank God! Thank you, papa.
You can thank me in the van,
okay? We have to go! Let's go.
You heard him.
Fast, fast, fast, everybody.
Help me put some food together
for the drive.
On the way to our new life.
I-I'll get it.
Mr. McGrath, I'm Gloria Sterling
with the Office
of Family and Child Welfare.
Officer Kenner and I are here
to do a welfare check
on minor children.
Everybody is sleeping.
Um, can you give us a minute,
This is the greatest danger
we have ever faced.
But if you do everything we
talked about, it will be fine,
and we'll find our garden, okay?
Come in. Come in.
- We're all in the living room.
- Is it hurting again?
Everybody, this is
Ms. Sterling and Officer Kenner.
What do we all say, children?
Hello, Ms. Sterling
and Officer Kenner.
Well, hello to all of you.
Oh. Early start on Christmas?
It's all so pretty.
Are there bathing facilities
in the house?
We had a plumbing problem,
so we couldn't take showers
for a while.
- But it's being fixed.
- Well, that's good.
And where do
the children attend school?
Well, right here in our licensed
and permitted home academy.
May we take a look
in the kitchen area?
Absolutely, yes. Of course.
May I please use the bathroom,
Of course.
I thought you were all better.
Feel his skin.
It's like he's on fire.
May we have a look around
Uh, we're actually doing
some, some renovations up there.
Yeah, you'd need a flashlight
and a search warrant
to get through that mess.
Do you happen to have
either of those on hand?
Not right now,
but we can come back with both.
I-I have to grab some school
things from the garage, so I...
I'll help you, mom.
Well, are there any other
questions I can help you with?
No, we're good for now.
Then I'll, I'll walk you out.
You have to drink it, Forest.
You have to drink it.
Who is it?
- Mama.
- And me.
- The pain came back?
- Yeah.
Worse than before.
Mama, you have
to look up on your phone
what someone's supposed to do
when this happens.
- And papa says we need to leave.
- -Feel his forehead.
My phone's in the van.
Rain, do you have yours?
- I-it's okay if I do it?
- Yes.
Oh, my...
It says when the appendix
bursts, the pressure stops,
which means the pain goes away,
but it can also lead to...
What's, uh, sepsis?
spreading through his body.
Um, because it burst.
Which means...
Wha-what was that word
from the book?
- Mortality.
- -Rain.
Press the phone thing
and then touch 911
and they'll send somebody
to help.
I'll do it.
The serpent made me
let this instrument of lies
and trickery into our house.
Yeah, we will take Forest
in the van
and God will heal him
in the desert.
He's burning up.
He's getting worse...
He was perfect
before we were invaded!
That is why they came here, to
bring their poison. We go now!
We have to cool him off
before we go.
- Mama...
- -Just an ice bath.
For a little while.
Please. Feel his skin.
All right. Three minutes,
and then we leave.
All right. Come here.
Every second we wait,
they get closer.
We're going out the back.
Papa, please call
somebody to help Forest.
Now he's as cool
as a mountain stream now.
What if that's just
from the ice?
Do you have zero faith?
We need to get help for Forest.
Lamb thinks he's grown
the horns of a ram, does he?
- Give me my phone.
- No.
I think I've driven the enemy
out of him.
But if we don't get away fast,
we'll all be lost.
So let's get into the van now.
I think you heard what I said!
Laura, will you lead the flock
into the van?
I won't.
- I'm getting help.
- -Stop!
- No!
- Come on. Come on.
- Tye, put the knife down.
- -Rain.
What was God's final command
to Abraham?
Genesis 22.
What did God command Abraham
to do?
Sacrifice his son.
- Let him go.
- Abraham failed the test.
He disobeyed.
But I will not let this family
fall into the hands
of the enemy.
So we're getting
into the van now!
- Get the phone! Get the phone!
- Ahh!
- No!
- -Prairie!
- Prairie, no! No!
- -Stop!
- It's ringing, mom!
- River, there's no time.
- Run! Go get help! Go!
- -Run!
We're learning more
about this harrowing tale
of children held prisoner
in their own home
for more than a decade
in appalling conditions.
Police are reporting evidence
of chains and restraints.
One dangerously sick child
denied medical care
is now in hospital
in critical condition.
Neighbors report thatthe
parents were quiet and kept
to themselves, some were unaware
that there were children
in the house...
Your brother's alive.
But he's gone into a coma
that the doctors haven't been
able to get him out of.
It's like, um, being asleep,
but deeper and...
And you don't wake up?
No, no. Uh, sometimes you do.
But sometimes you don't?
Which is it gonna be this time?
The doctors don't know.
I wanna see him.
Uh, no, you can't. You can't.
Hey! Just relax!
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
These children are in a profound
state of fear and confusion.
I'm sorry, Detective Cortez,
there's no way
they're ready
to be interrogated.
Without statements,
we can only hold
the parents
for another 60 hours.
With the state
these kids are in?
We can make a case for neglect.
But false imprisonment? Torture?
Well, you should hear
the defense revving up.
The windows weren't barred,
the kids
could have gotten out
at any time.
Yeah, and the ones
that did get out, ah...
I mean, the boy
jumped into his mother's arms
like he couldn't wait
to get home.
I'd have to attest to that
at a deposition.
You have no idea
what shape these kids are in.
All they'll eat is the stuff
that was in the van
'cause they're afraid
the food in the hospital
will infect them
with the devil's poison.
They're fragile.
This could shatter them.
If a judge makes us let them go,
even on the shortest
possible leash,
how confident are you
that they won't be smoke?
You want these kids living
in fear that their parents
could pop out from behind a wall
and grab them at any time?
My parents made mistakes,
but everything they did
was to protect us.
Didn't your father
pull a knife on you?
Didn't even your mother
try to stop him?
Papa was mad because I wanted
Forest to go to the doctor.
But look what happened when the
doctors got their hands on him.
Who was right, me and mama...
or papa?
How often were you allowed
to take baths?
Tell me about the food
your parents gave you to eat.
She's protecting herself
from the breath of the enemy
that made her brother sick.
Papa was the worst
even though he didn't do
most of the hitting,
because he's the one
who made mama do it.
Sometimes they kept us
in the closet for so long,
we could barely walk.
They kept telling us the world
was either serpent-demon
or innocent lamb.
But can I tell you a secret?
Something nobody else knows
in the whole world.
There's also the goat
with the red eyes
and the black-and-gold horns.
That's who had told me
to use the knife on papa.
I know this is hard, Meadow.
But can you tell me what
your parents used the ropes for?
Did they tie you up with them?
Whatever River says,
that's what I say.
We're counting on you, River.
Without a statement from you,
your parents' attorneys
can compel the court
to release them.
You want them out there, free,
where they can keep hurting you
and your brothers and sisters?
I've been in the outside world
for two days now.
What if I've already breathed
the poison?
What if whatever I say to you is
what the devil wants me to say?
It's no use asking me questions.
I don't know anything.
Can I go now?
You're up with the sun.
More like never went to sleep.
Hm. I get that.
Well, somebody's been trying
to get a hold of you real hard.
- Me?
- Name's Tristan.
Out of Kingston, Jamaica.
- I don't wanna talk to him.
- Okay, then.
- Gloria.
- Hm?
- There you are.
- Here I am.
I-I saw about your brother
on the news.
I'm praying for him.
You should be.
If Forest dies, maybe it'll be
because I did what you said.
Or maybe because I didn't do it
soon enough.
Either way,
I messed everything up.
It's not your fault.
You're a great hero.
You're-you're Moses.
You led your people
out of Egypt.
You know that story.
And then they wandered
in the desert for 40 years.
They had to fight
terrible enemies,
and a lot of people died.
- Did you know that?
- Yes.
How do you know
pharaoh wasn't protecting
the children of God
because he loved them?
They want me to go to court and
say bad things about my parents.
Are you going to?
Proverbs 20.
"If someone curses
their father or mother,
their lamp will be snuffed out
in darkness."
So you're gonna let them
go free?
I don't know.
I don't even know how to know.
They said your father was bad
to your mother, too,
that she helped you escape.
Yeah, well, maybe the devil
tricked her into doing that,
because he wanted Forest to die.
Your mother risked her life
to help your brother.
No matter what,
she's still your mother.
Do you think, maybe,
I-if you talk to her,
she can help you know
how to know?
I wish you could be here.
How many days is it
to Christmas?
Uh, just under three weeks,
I think.
Why are you asking?
Nothing. It's-it's just this
thing mama and I used to...
Sweetheart, wh-what-what is it?
Do you think if I asked,
they would let me
see her in jail?
Well, they'd probably ask me
if I thought it was a good idea.
Do you want to see her?
What's it like being here?
It's all right.
Noisy sometimes.
Papa's in a different jail,
Why do you wanna see me?
Because we needed
to talk to you.
They want us to say
that you and papa were bad,
so they can keep you in jail
And we don't know
what we should...
You're asking me?
'Cause-'cause papa turned out
to be right about the doctors.
And if what you and papa said
all along was true,
about how the police
and everybody were all demons...
A-and you only changed
your mind at the very end
'cause the devil got hold
of you.
And, and we should tell them
to let you go.
And we can hide in the desert
and keep the holy fire alive.
Is that something you want?
Revelations seven.
"The Lamb on the throne
will be their shepherd
and He will lead them
to springs of living water."
And God will wipe away
every tear from their eyes.
Oh, the things we did to you...
Proverbs 12.
No, um, 13.
"He who spares his rod
hates his child,
but he who loves him,
punishes him diligently."
What about Ezekiel 18:20?
Do you know that one?
- No.
- Of course not.
We made sure
not to teach it to you.
I know what it says.
"Do not follow the rules of
your parents or their judgments,
or defile yourselves
with their idols."
I always thought
the devil snuck that in.
The rest is the devil.
That's the holy word.
It can't be.
What if what we said all along
was a lie?
What if me and papa
were the serpents?
- Why are you being like this?
- I know why.
I know what she's trying to do.
I'm just answering the question
you asked.
Mama, is that true?
Take me back now.
All right, let's go.
"Your Honor, I would like
to begin by thanking you
for hearing me out today.
Even with the difficult days
of the trial behind us,
even with my parents
found guilty,
even with the freedom
we have now,
my brothers and sisters and I
know that it is still early
in our story, and that there
will be rough water ahead.
But we are doing well."
There is a whole scary
new world for us to discover,
and we are learning new things
about it every day.
People have been wonderful
to us, in the hospital
and everywhere, and we send
all of them our thanks.
They are helping us figure out
what our dreams are,
so we can work
to make them come true.
I know that now
you have to sentence my parents.
And it doesn't make all
the things that my mom did okay.
But I'm beginning to realize
that she was
my father's first victim.
I'm learning that my father...
if I can even call him that...
had parents who loved him
and tried to help him.
So he has no excuse.
Still, I wanna thank him
for one thing.
For teaching us about
the fire of the spirit within,
because I know it's real.
And even if he did his best
to put it out in all of us...
we all feel it growing
strong in us every day.
That fire is burning bright,
and no matter what happens
to any of us...
I know it will never go out.