House of Flying Daggers (Shi mian mai fu) (2004) Movie Script
After 241 years of prosperity,
the Tang Dynasty is in decIine.
The Emperor is weak and incompetent.
His government, crippIed by corruption,
no Ionger controIs the Iand.
Unrest sweeps the country.
ViIIage by viIIage,
an underground aIIiance forms...
'The House of FIying Daggers'.
Based in Feng Tian County,
near the ImperiaI CapitaI,
The House Of FIying Daggers
moves in the shadows,
SteaIing From the rich to give to the poor,
they earn the support and
admiration of the peopIe.
At the same time,
they are feared and hated
by their bitter rivaIs...
the IocaI deputies,
Captain Leo, Captain Jin.
We're heading out on patroI.
We're going to be busy again.
The ProvinciaI Office
has given us ten days
to catch the new Ieader
of the 'FIying Daggers'.
It took us three months to assassinate
their oId Ieader.
Ten days? ImpossibIe.
Have you heard of the new Peony PaviIion?
Does anyone know you there?
No, I haven't been there yet.
Good, now's your chance.
Any information?
We suspect one of the showgirIs
is a member of the 'FIying Daggers'.
OK, I'II check it out.
PuII. PuII harder.
PuII harder.
That's it. I'm done.
I'm coming.
Here I am.
What can I do for you, sir?
I heard you have a new girI.
You're weII informed.
Is she pretty?
She's quite a beauty.
Bring her to me.
There is one thing you need to know.
What's that?
The girI is bIind.
Then she must be speciaI.
I'm curious.
How did you Iose your sight?
I was born bIind.
Why wouId a bIind girI work here?
Why can't a bIind girI work here?
You're right.
What's your name?
Every girI here is named after a fIower.
Why is yours so pIain?
I don't want to compete with those girIs.
What do you mean?
The fIowers here can hardIy
be caIIed fIowers.
ReaI fIowers bIoom in the wiIderness.
WeII said.
If you impress me
I'II take you to
where the reaI fIowers grow.
What's your taIent as the top showgirI?
Come cIoser.
Don't you know the ruIes?
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest Iady on earth.
A gIance from her,
the whoIe city goes down.
A second gIance Ieaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty Iike this.
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest Iady on earth.
A gIance from her,
the whoIe city goes down.
A second gIance Ieaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty Iike this.
PIease caIm down, sir.
Go away.
What's the matter?
PIease Iet me expIain.
This girI is young and inexperienced.
PIease forgive her.
Take her away.
Go away.
Take her away.
This is the Captain of the County.
To heII with the captain!
Outrageous! Arrest him.
Let me go.
Who are you?
How dare you! I'm the captain.
You're drunk and indecentIy dressed.
Arrest both of them.
Get your hands off me.
Let me go.
PIease spare the girI, Captain.
That man was drunk.
It was not her fauIt.
PIease don't arrest her.
Our business is new.
I reIy on her to bring in guests.
How can a bIind girI be a top showgirI?
She's a dancer with rare skiIIs.
PIease see for yourseIf.
Do you know the 'Echo Game'?
I pIayed it once...
AII right.
Perform weII and I'II Iet you go.
Thank you, Captain.
Go and change quickIy.
Who are you, reaIIy?
Why do you want to kiII me?
Government running dogs...
I wish to kiII aII of you!
I do enjoy fighting a bIind girI.
We found this in her room.
You're a member of the 'FIying Daggers'.
Who's the new Ieader?
Where's the new Ieader?
I'II show you
what we'II do if you don't answer.
Show her!
In front of you is a torture device.
Your head wiII be put here.
Your shouIder, here.
Your back, here.
Your Iegs, here.
You'II never dance again after this.
Do you understand?
You have one day to think it over.
This girI reminds me of someone.
Rumor has it,
the oId Ieader's bIind daughter
disappeared after his death.
It was a heavy bIow
to the 'FIying Daggers'.
They vowed revenge for their Ioss,
whiIe searching for the girI.
Why wouId the oId Ieader's daughter
end up in a brotheI?
Who owns the Peony PaviIion?
Perhaps the 'FIying Daggers' has reaIized
we were responsibIe
for their oId Ieader's death.
Forget it.
Let's turn her over for a reward,
and then go out for a drink.
I have a better idea.
Since we have some cIues,
Iet's foIIow them through
for a bigger reward.
Do you want me to do it?
Of course, who eIse?
AII right. This girI is a rare beauty.
You know I Iove fIirting with girIs.
Don't Iet beauty bIind your judgment.
If I die under a skirt,
I can stiII fIirt as a ghost.
Who are you?
I undressed you onIy yesterday.
Have you forgotten me aIready?
Why did you rescue me?
Why do you think?
You're an exquisite fIower.
I'II do anything to heIp you.
ControI yourseIf.
Don't worry.
I'm no Ionger a guest
of the Peony PaviIion.
You're not a showgirI anymore.
You're the daughter of the oId Ieader.
What did you say?
How many bIind girIs know martiaI arts
and carry daggers Iike these?
I've rescued you,
and your daggers as weII.
Why did you take such a risk?
I hate the corrupt government
and admire the 'FIying Daggers'.
Much obIiged.
Why did we abandon the horses?
Hoof prints can be easiIy tracked.
I have two new horses hidden ahead.
You've pIanned weII.
What's your name, Master?
Just caII me Wind.
I wander around aII aIone,
come and go without a trace.
Like a carefree wind?
No, a pIayfuI wind.
You Iike to tease.
I wonder what you Iook Iike?
That's easy to find out.
PIease Iet go.
This isn't the Peony PaviIion.
No ruIes here.
You'II know what I Iook Iike
if you touch my face.
Come on.
It's not respectfuI
to touch your face first.
You prefer to start at the bottom.
That's fine with me.
You've mastered the fIying technique.
Your right hand is skiIIed with a machete.
Your Ieft hand is powerfuI
with a bow and arrow.
Your heart beats steadiIy,
you seem sincere.
You can read me Iike a book.
You're a brave man.
I'm never shy around women.
You're young, indeed.
You know how to hoId your drink.
The soIdiers are approaching.
I've Iost my dagger pouch.
I'm sorry I was Iate.
The 'FIying Daggers' are aIways moving.
Where shouId we go?
We just keep heading north.
Just head north?
They wiII come to us.
The 'FIying Daggers' has many masters.
Why did they send you as an assassin?
No one sent me. I came aIone.
As the oId Ieader's daughter,
you shouId be more cautious.
Have you considered the consequences?
I'II do anything to avenge my father.
Come here.
These are men's cIothes.
Put them on for now.
I won't take advantage of you.
Have you seen enough?
PIease hand me the cIothes.
You knew I was here?
Master Wind wanders Iike the wind.
I'd expect you to be anywhere.
You Iook different in men's cIothes.
Do I Iook awfuI?
I wiII teII aII the girIs
to wear men's cIothes
the next time I visit the Peony PaviIion.
Now I know
you're not shy around women.
You're not shy either.
How do you know?
You knew I was watching you bathe,
yet you said nothing.
You saved my Iife.
You can Iook aII you pIease.
I thought you were hot as fire.
In fact, you're cooI as water.
I don't know you weII enough.
I reaIIy care for you.
A pIayboy Iike you, are you ever for reaI?
What if I am this time?
Are our men cIose by?
I'm sure today's fighting has fooIed Mei.
Our men wiII ease off from now on.
Good. That'II save me some arrows.
Any cIues?
Not yet.
Don't Iet her see through you.
Don't worry.
I never faiI at seducing a woman.
She trusts me.
I warn you, don't faII for her.
What do you mean faII?
FaII into bed?
Like her father, she must be very cunning.
Don't Iet her fooI you.
Don't be absurd.
I'm in controI.
I have to get back now.
Don't turn a game into reaIity
and ruin our pIan.
Who cares, as Iong as the pIan works.
ShaII we rest for a whiIe?
I smeII fIowers.
You toId me
you'd bring me to where reaI fIowers grow.
Which is the most beautifuI?
How do I Iook?
Pretty as a fIower.
SoIdiers are approaching.
I'm on your side.
I am a Captain of the County.
A captain?
You are the bastard who broke the jaiI.
You're wounded. Is it serious?
Was it someone from the 'FIying Daggers'?
It's not IikeIy.
Then who?
I don't know.
He's gone.
I guess he doesn't want to reveaI himseIf.
This time, I beIieve that you're for reaI.
You've done enough for me.
PIease Ieave.
Don't worry about me.
We've come this far.
I can't Ieave you now.
I hope you're not seriousIy wounded.
We agreed there wouId be no more fights.
Why did government soIdiers turn up?
The generaI sent them.
They don't know you.
The generaI?
How did the generaI get invoIved?
This case is important.
I had to report it.
The generaI is taking over.
The soIdiers didn't have to be
that aggressive.
The generaI ordered it.
He said we need reaI bIood
to draw the 'FIying Daggers' out.
Even if the bIood is mine?
the soIdiers' Iives and our Iives
are worth nothing to him.
You don't know how I feIt
as I kiIIed our own men.
I feeI worse. I am tortured.
I truIy regret
taking on this mission.
I've foIIowed you aII the way.
Endured many sIeepIess nights.
My heart grows heavy
when I think about what Iies ahead.
Is there no other way to do this?
The generaI said:
It's the onIy way to expose
the 'FIying Daggers'.
Jin, you shouId know,
there are more soIdiers ahead.
The generaI sent them.
They don't know you either.
You must stop them.
There is nothing I can do.
The order given to these soIdiers
is 'Fight to kiII'.
If you don't kiII them
they wiII kiII you.
Take care.
I quit!
Where have you been?
I have a question for you.
What question?
Are you for reaI?
What do you mean?
Do you feeI anything for me?
Don't take this so seriousIy.
I want to know.
I'm a free spirit,
Iike the wind, aIways moving.
The wind never thinks too much.
I want the wind to stop and think.
The wind cannot stop.
Not even for me?
The wind breezes through without a trace.
Now you understand
why I'm caIIed Wind.
Fine, go and be the wind.
I don't need you anymore!
I don't care if you're true or not,
I have to leave.
I want to end this.
Are you going alone?
I'd like to be the wind for once.
Where will you go?
- It's you.
- Go.
You said the wind could not stop.
A playful wind stops at will.
You shouldn't have come back.
I came back,
for you.
Mei, you're back.
Who will believe the madam of
Peony Pavilion
is the leader of
the Flying Daggers!
I behaved badly that day.
Please forgive me.
Did I look like a real madam?
Very much so.
- What do you think of Mei?
- What do you mean?
I mean her personality,
of course.
- She's passionate.
- Go on.
She may be blind,
but she's very bright.
Hardly anyone can match her.
Not even I.
Do you care for her?
You are asking?
A man and a girl traveling all alone,
what else could I be talking about?
Mei is a rare beauty.
I care for her a lot.
Then, I shall act as the matchmaker
for you two to marry.
Marriage is a big deal.
This is too sudden.
She's not a good match
for you?
On the contrary.
Mei is from a respectable family.
I'm hust a humble swordsman.
Our old leader loved
his daughter dearly.
Now I've become the new leader,
it's my duty to find her a good husband.
I haven't been able to find anyone
within the 'Flying Daggers'
who would be a better choice than you.
What do you say?
I accept your offer.
Our House is much obliged to you.
You've done us a great favour.
Please accept my gratitude.
With much pleasure.
What is going on?
- Where are our soldiers?
- They were ambushed.
You were both plotting to catch me
by following Mei.
You're not blind?
Are you the old leader's daughter?
He has a blind daughter.
She doesn't know martial arts,
so I pretended to be her.
If you had known the truth,
would you have followed her here?
It's all been an act.
Who are you, really?
My name is Mei.
I'm hust one of many girls
in the House of Flying Daggers.
That's enough.
Take him out.
You wait here.
I want to finish him off myself.
Do you have anything to say?
You're not Nia, the new leader.
You're right.
Of course I'm not Nia.
Nia wouldn't show herself
so easily.
Who are you then?
That is not important.
Nia sent me to finish this matter.
You've done a good hob, Leo.
We've never met before,
but I know you by reputation.
Three years ago,
in the government.
You've accomplished
much in that role.
I failed to protect our old leader
from being assassinated.
Nia knew that you were away
on duty.
There was nothing you could do.
I'm grateful for her understanding.
We need to win this battle
against the government troops.
You and Mei have successfully
set up a trap for the general.
Well done.
I'll report to Nia and
have you rewarded.
It's my duty.
Please tell Nia
the general has led
all his best soldiers towards us.
Be careful.
Don't worry.
Nia has a good plan.
- There is one thing I don't understand.
- What's that?
Who sent Mei on this mission?
Nia did.
Has Nia ever considered
my feelings?
What do you mean?
I haven't seen Mei
for three years.
Now I have to watch her flirt
with another man.
It's not the first time
Mei's used her beauty to aid our cause.
I've heard about your feelings
for her.
Do you still love her?
We're facing a battle that will decide
the fate of the 'Flying Daggers'.
The troops are closing in.
This is not the time for love.
All right.
I will let you see Mei.
You haven't changed.
I'm still Mei.
It's been three years.
Finally, we're alone together.
I know.
You saved me during
the battle with the soldiers.
Thank you.
You don't need to thank me.
I would do anything for you.
I know.
You've risked everything
going undercover
to win honour
and to impress me.
You're the only one
who understands me.
I was all alone for three years.
You were in my mind every single moment.
My love for you was all
I had to keep me going.
Do you love him?
You knew the plan.
It was only an act
between you and him.
There is no future for you two.
Do you understand?
You can't force a woman
against her will.
Do not pull this dagger out.
to keep spying for us.
You will be more convincing
with a dagger in your back.
You must leave immediately.
Yes, Ma'am.
I have sacrificed three years
for you.
How could you love Jin
after hust three days?
Mei, I also have a task for you.
Jin is of no use to us anymore.
Take him out and kill him.
Leo plays a crucial role for us.
We can't let Jin ruin our plan.
You must kill him
to prevent any future trouble.
You know our rules.
Yes, Ma'am.
I left you in order to
save your life,
but you still followed me.
Please don't blame me.
If your plan succeeded
many in the 'Flying Daggers' would die.
You wouldn't let me go either.
It would be me on my knees,
waiting to die.
You're right.
If I won,
I wouldn't let you go.
How will you explain this to Nia?
That's my business.
Why don't you come with me?
Deep in your heart,
you have a secret.
I guess
there is a man you find hard
to leave behind.
Yes, a man who's saved
my life many times.
Was it he who helped us
in the last battle?
Then he has saved my life too.
Do you still love him?
When can we see
each other again?
We cannot.
We belong to two opposing sides.
If we meet again,
one of us will have to die.
A decisive battle is imminent.
You and I are hust pawns
on a chessboard.
Nobody cares if we live or die.
Let's go away together and roam
the world, as free as the wind.
We'll wander around alone.
Come and go without a trace,
like a playful wind.
No, a carefree wind.
Just you and me.
Come with me, please.
Are you going with him?
You're the love of my life.
You don't have to love me,
but you can never go with him.
Otherwise you'll die.
you've forced me to kill you.
I knew you would do this.
You knew and you went anyway. Why?
Why did you go?
To be free... like the wind.
You're a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
You're right.
You're the one who loves Mei?
Yes, I love her truly,
while you are only playing a game.
If you love her, why kill her?
It's all your fault.
My fault?
I warned you but you wouldn't listen.
If I can't have her, no one will.
She has betrayed me because of you.
You must die!
You kill Mei, you must die too!
Let him go.
If you kill him,
I'll kill you with this dagger.
Mei! Don't pull the dagger out!
If you do
your blood will drain and you will die.
You must not do it!
I'm closer to him.
He will hit me first.
You cannot save me
with your dagger.
You shouldn't have come back...
I came back
for you, my love...
the Tang Dynasty is in decIine.
The Emperor is weak and incompetent.
His government, crippIed by corruption,
no Ionger controIs the Iand.
Unrest sweeps the country.
ViIIage by viIIage,
an underground aIIiance forms...
'The House of FIying Daggers'.
Based in Feng Tian County,
near the ImperiaI CapitaI,
The House Of FIying Daggers
moves in the shadows,
SteaIing From the rich to give to the poor,
they earn the support and
admiration of the peopIe.
At the same time,
they are feared and hated
by their bitter rivaIs...
the IocaI deputies,
Captain Leo, Captain Jin.
We're heading out on patroI.
We're going to be busy again.
The ProvinciaI Office
has given us ten days
to catch the new Ieader
of the 'FIying Daggers'.
It took us three months to assassinate
their oId Ieader.
Ten days? ImpossibIe.
Have you heard of the new Peony PaviIion?
Does anyone know you there?
No, I haven't been there yet.
Good, now's your chance.
Any information?
We suspect one of the showgirIs
is a member of the 'FIying Daggers'.
OK, I'II check it out.
PuII. PuII harder.
PuII harder.
That's it. I'm done.
I'm coming.
Here I am.
What can I do for you, sir?
I heard you have a new girI.
You're weII informed.
Is she pretty?
She's quite a beauty.
Bring her to me.
There is one thing you need to know.
What's that?
The girI is bIind.
Then she must be speciaI.
I'm curious.
How did you Iose your sight?
I was born bIind.
Why wouId a bIind girI work here?
Why can't a bIind girI work here?
You're right.
What's your name?
Every girI here is named after a fIower.
Why is yours so pIain?
I don't want to compete with those girIs.
What do you mean?
The fIowers here can hardIy
be caIIed fIowers.
ReaI fIowers bIoom in the wiIderness.
WeII said.
If you impress me
I'II take you to
where the reaI fIowers grow.
What's your taIent as the top showgirI?
Come cIoser.
Don't you know the ruIes?
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest Iady on earth.
A gIance from her,
the whoIe city goes down.
A second gIance Ieaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty Iike this.
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest Iady on earth.
A gIance from her,
the whoIe city goes down.
A second gIance Ieaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty Iike this.
PIease caIm down, sir.
Go away.
What's the matter?
PIease Iet me expIain.
This girI is young and inexperienced.
PIease forgive her.
Take her away.
Go away.
Take her away.
This is the Captain of the County.
To heII with the captain!
Outrageous! Arrest him.
Let me go.
Who are you?
How dare you! I'm the captain.
You're drunk and indecentIy dressed.
Arrest both of them.
Get your hands off me.
Let me go.
PIease spare the girI, Captain.
That man was drunk.
It was not her fauIt.
PIease don't arrest her.
Our business is new.
I reIy on her to bring in guests.
How can a bIind girI be a top showgirI?
She's a dancer with rare skiIIs.
PIease see for yourseIf.
Do you know the 'Echo Game'?
I pIayed it once...
AII right.
Perform weII and I'II Iet you go.
Thank you, Captain.
Go and change quickIy.
Who are you, reaIIy?
Why do you want to kiII me?
Government running dogs...
I wish to kiII aII of you!
I do enjoy fighting a bIind girI.
We found this in her room.
You're a member of the 'FIying Daggers'.
Who's the new Ieader?
Where's the new Ieader?
I'II show you
what we'II do if you don't answer.
Show her!
In front of you is a torture device.
Your head wiII be put here.
Your shouIder, here.
Your back, here.
Your Iegs, here.
You'II never dance again after this.
Do you understand?
You have one day to think it over.
This girI reminds me of someone.
Rumor has it,
the oId Ieader's bIind daughter
disappeared after his death.
It was a heavy bIow
to the 'FIying Daggers'.
They vowed revenge for their Ioss,
whiIe searching for the girI.
Why wouId the oId Ieader's daughter
end up in a brotheI?
Who owns the Peony PaviIion?
Perhaps the 'FIying Daggers' has reaIized
we were responsibIe
for their oId Ieader's death.
Forget it.
Let's turn her over for a reward,
and then go out for a drink.
I have a better idea.
Since we have some cIues,
Iet's foIIow them through
for a bigger reward.
Do you want me to do it?
Of course, who eIse?
AII right. This girI is a rare beauty.
You know I Iove fIirting with girIs.
Don't Iet beauty bIind your judgment.
If I die under a skirt,
I can stiII fIirt as a ghost.
Who are you?
I undressed you onIy yesterday.
Have you forgotten me aIready?
Why did you rescue me?
Why do you think?
You're an exquisite fIower.
I'II do anything to heIp you.
ControI yourseIf.
Don't worry.
I'm no Ionger a guest
of the Peony PaviIion.
You're not a showgirI anymore.
You're the daughter of the oId Ieader.
What did you say?
How many bIind girIs know martiaI arts
and carry daggers Iike these?
I've rescued you,
and your daggers as weII.
Why did you take such a risk?
I hate the corrupt government
and admire the 'FIying Daggers'.
Much obIiged.
Why did we abandon the horses?
Hoof prints can be easiIy tracked.
I have two new horses hidden ahead.
You've pIanned weII.
What's your name, Master?
Just caII me Wind.
I wander around aII aIone,
come and go without a trace.
Like a carefree wind?
No, a pIayfuI wind.
You Iike to tease.
I wonder what you Iook Iike?
That's easy to find out.
PIease Iet go.
This isn't the Peony PaviIion.
No ruIes here.
You'II know what I Iook Iike
if you touch my face.
Come on.
It's not respectfuI
to touch your face first.
You prefer to start at the bottom.
That's fine with me.
You've mastered the fIying technique.
Your right hand is skiIIed with a machete.
Your Ieft hand is powerfuI
with a bow and arrow.
Your heart beats steadiIy,
you seem sincere.
You can read me Iike a book.
You're a brave man.
I'm never shy around women.
You're young, indeed.
You know how to hoId your drink.
The soIdiers are approaching.
I've Iost my dagger pouch.
I'm sorry I was Iate.
The 'FIying Daggers' are aIways moving.
Where shouId we go?
We just keep heading north.
Just head north?
They wiII come to us.
The 'FIying Daggers' has many masters.
Why did they send you as an assassin?
No one sent me. I came aIone.
As the oId Ieader's daughter,
you shouId be more cautious.
Have you considered the consequences?
I'II do anything to avenge my father.
Come here.
These are men's cIothes.
Put them on for now.
I won't take advantage of you.
Have you seen enough?
PIease hand me the cIothes.
You knew I was here?
Master Wind wanders Iike the wind.
I'd expect you to be anywhere.
You Iook different in men's cIothes.
Do I Iook awfuI?
I wiII teII aII the girIs
to wear men's cIothes
the next time I visit the Peony PaviIion.
Now I know
you're not shy around women.
You're not shy either.
How do you know?
You knew I was watching you bathe,
yet you said nothing.
You saved my Iife.
You can Iook aII you pIease.
I thought you were hot as fire.
In fact, you're cooI as water.
I don't know you weII enough.
I reaIIy care for you.
A pIayboy Iike you, are you ever for reaI?
What if I am this time?
Are our men cIose by?
I'm sure today's fighting has fooIed Mei.
Our men wiII ease off from now on.
Good. That'II save me some arrows.
Any cIues?
Not yet.
Don't Iet her see through you.
Don't worry.
I never faiI at seducing a woman.
She trusts me.
I warn you, don't faII for her.
What do you mean faII?
FaII into bed?
Like her father, she must be very cunning.
Don't Iet her fooI you.
Don't be absurd.
I'm in controI.
I have to get back now.
Don't turn a game into reaIity
and ruin our pIan.
Who cares, as Iong as the pIan works.
ShaII we rest for a whiIe?
I smeII fIowers.
You toId me
you'd bring me to where reaI fIowers grow.
Which is the most beautifuI?
How do I Iook?
Pretty as a fIower.
SoIdiers are approaching.
I'm on your side.
I am a Captain of the County.
A captain?
You are the bastard who broke the jaiI.
You're wounded. Is it serious?
Was it someone from the 'FIying Daggers'?
It's not IikeIy.
Then who?
I don't know.
He's gone.
I guess he doesn't want to reveaI himseIf.
This time, I beIieve that you're for reaI.
You've done enough for me.
PIease Ieave.
Don't worry about me.
We've come this far.
I can't Ieave you now.
I hope you're not seriousIy wounded.
We agreed there wouId be no more fights.
Why did government soIdiers turn up?
The generaI sent them.
They don't know you.
The generaI?
How did the generaI get invoIved?
This case is important.
I had to report it.
The generaI is taking over.
The soIdiers didn't have to be
that aggressive.
The generaI ordered it.
He said we need reaI bIood
to draw the 'FIying Daggers' out.
Even if the bIood is mine?
the soIdiers' Iives and our Iives
are worth nothing to him.
You don't know how I feIt
as I kiIIed our own men.
I feeI worse. I am tortured.
I truIy regret
taking on this mission.
I've foIIowed you aII the way.
Endured many sIeepIess nights.
My heart grows heavy
when I think about what Iies ahead.
Is there no other way to do this?
The generaI said:
It's the onIy way to expose
the 'FIying Daggers'.
Jin, you shouId know,
there are more soIdiers ahead.
The generaI sent them.
They don't know you either.
You must stop them.
There is nothing I can do.
The order given to these soIdiers
is 'Fight to kiII'.
If you don't kiII them
they wiII kiII you.
Take care.
I quit!
Where have you been?
I have a question for you.
What question?
Are you for reaI?
What do you mean?
Do you feeI anything for me?
Don't take this so seriousIy.
I want to know.
I'm a free spirit,
Iike the wind, aIways moving.
The wind never thinks too much.
I want the wind to stop and think.
The wind cannot stop.
Not even for me?
The wind breezes through without a trace.
Now you understand
why I'm caIIed Wind.
Fine, go and be the wind.
I don't need you anymore!
I don't care if you're true or not,
I have to leave.
I want to end this.
Are you going alone?
I'd like to be the wind for once.
Where will you go?
- It's you.
- Go.
You said the wind could not stop.
A playful wind stops at will.
You shouldn't have come back.
I came back,
for you.
Mei, you're back.
Who will believe the madam of
Peony Pavilion
is the leader of
the Flying Daggers!
I behaved badly that day.
Please forgive me.
Did I look like a real madam?
Very much so.
- What do you think of Mei?
- What do you mean?
I mean her personality,
of course.
- She's passionate.
- Go on.
She may be blind,
but she's very bright.
Hardly anyone can match her.
Not even I.
Do you care for her?
You are asking?
A man and a girl traveling all alone,
what else could I be talking about?
Mei is a rare beauty.
I care for her a lot.
Then, I shall act as the matchmaker
for you two to marry.
Marriage is a big deal.
This is too sudden.
She's not a good match
for you?
On the contrary.
Mei is from a respectable family.
I'm hust a humble swordsman.
Our old leader loved
his daughter dearly.
Now I've become the new leader,
it's my duty to find her a good husband.
I haven't been able to find anyone
within the 'Flying Daggers'
who would be a better choice than you.
What do you say?
I accept your offer.
Our House is much obliged to you.
You've done us a great favour.
Please accept my gratitude.
With much pleasure.
What is going on?
- Where are our soldiers?
- They were ambushed.
You were both plotting to catch me
by following Mei.
You're not blind?
Are you the old leader's daughter?
He has a blind daughter.
She doesn't know martial arts,
so I pretended to be her.
If you had known the truth,
would you have followed her here?
It's all been an act.
Who are you, really?
My name is Mei.
I'm hust one of many girls
in the House of Flying Daggers.
That's enough.
Take him out.
You wait here.
I want to finish him off myself.
Do you have anything to say?
You're not Nia, the new leader.
You're right.
Of course I'm not Nia.
Nia wouldn't show herself
so easily.
Who are you then?
That is not important.
Nia sent me to finish this matter.
You've done a good hob, Leo.
We've never met before,
but I know you by reputation.
Three years ago,
in the government.
You've accomplished
much in that role.
I failed to protect our old leader
from being assassinated.
Nia knew that you were away
on duty.
There was nothing you could do.
I'm grateful for her understanding.
We need to win this battle
against the government troops.
You and Mei have successfully
set up a trap for the general.
Well done.
I'll report to Nia and
have you rewarded.
It's my duty.
Please tell Nia
the general has led
all his best soldiers towards us.
Be careful.
Don't worry.
Nia has a good plan.
- There is one thing I don't understand.
- What's that?
Who sent Mei on this mission?
Nia did.
Has Nia ever considered
my feelings?
What do you mean?
I haven't seen Mei
for three years.
Now I have to watch her flirt
with another man.
It's not the first time
Mei's used her beauty to aid our cause.
I've heard about your feelings
for her.
Do you still love her?
We're facing a battle that will decide
the fate of the 'Flying Daggers'.
The troops are closing in.
This is not the time for love.
All right.
I will let you see Mei.
You haven't changed.
I'm still Mei.
It's been three years.
Finally, we're alone together.
I know.
You saved me during
the battle with the soldiers.
Thank you.
You don't need to thank me.
I would do anything for you.
I know.
You've risked everything
going undercover
to win honour
and to impress me.
You're the only one
who understands me.
I was all alone for three years.
You were in my mind every single moment.
My love for you was all
I had to keep me going.
Do you love him?
You knew the plan.
It was only an act
between you and him.
There is no future for you two.
Do you understand?
You can't force a woman
against her will.
Do not pull this dagger out.
to keep spying for us.
You will be more convincing
with a dagger in your back.
You must leave immediately.
Yes, Ma'am.
I have sacrificed three years
for you.
How could you love Jin
after hust three days?
Mei, I also have a task for you.
Jin is of no use to us anymore.
Take him out and kill him.
Leo plays a crucial role for us.
We can't let Jin ruin our plan.
You must kill him
to prevent any future trouble.
You know our rules.
Yes, Ma'am.
I left you in order to
save your life,
but you still followed me.
Please don't blame me.
If your plan succeeded
many in the 'Flying Daggers' would die.
You wouldn't let me go either.
It would be me on my knees,
waiting to die.
You're right.
If I won,
I wouldn't let you go.
How will you explain this to Nia?
That's my business.
Why don't you come with me?
Deep in your heart,
you have a secret.
I guess
there is a man you find hard
to leave behind.
Yes, a man who's saved
my life many times.
Was it he who helped us
in the last battle?
Then he has saved my life too.
Do you still love him?
When can we see
each other again?
We cannot.
We belong to two opposing sides.
If we meet again,
one of us will have to die.
A decisive battle is imminent.
You and I are hust pawns
on a chessboard.
Nobody cares if we live or die.
Let's go away together and roam
the world, as free as the wind.
We'll wander around alone.
Come and go without a trace,
like a playful wind.
No, a carefree wind.
Just you and me.
Come with me, please.
Are you going with him?
You're the love of my life.
You don't have to love me,
but you can never go with him.
Otherwise you'll die.
you've forced me to kill you.
I knew you would do this.
You knew and you went anyway. Why?
Why did you go?
To be free... like the wind.
You're a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
You're right.
You're the one who loves Mei?
Yes, I love her truly,
while you are only playing a game.
If you love her, why kill her?
It's all your fault.
My fault?
I warned you but you wouldn't listen.
If I can't have her, no one will.
She has betrayed me because of you.
You must die!
You kill Mei, you must die too!
Let him go.
If you kill him,
I'll kill you with this dagger.
Mei! Don't pull the dagger out!
If you do
your blood will drain and you will die.
You must not do it!
I'm closer to him.
He will hit me first.
You cannot save me
with your dagger.
You shouldn't have come back...
I came back
for you, my love...