House of Ga'a (2024) Movie Script

In the mid 17th to late 18th century
The Alaafin of Oyo who ruled over
the Oyomesi and the entire village,
appointed Bashorun to oversee
the affairs of Oyo.
And there was no Bashorun more feared
and revered than my father, Bashorun Ga'a.
Why are we waiting?
Just watch.
What are the terms that
you are here to offer?
Nupe people will never bow to you,
and we will not secede our land!
It is part of our territory!
If that's the case,
then be prepared to die!
I will make sure I bathe with your blood!
Deal with them thoroughly.
Destroy them!
Get up. Get up!
You? I said get up!
Come here, kneel!
Didn't I tell you I would
be the one to kill you?
Aare Oyabi.
Err, congratulations
on this great victory.
The victory belongs to all of us.
The victory belongs to all of us.
Alaafin Onisile will be
pleased when he hears about...
Today's victory.
You will won't be the one
to inform the Alaafin
about my victory. I'll do it myself.
Well done.
You will go back to Ajase
and rest. I will send for
you when the time is right.
Regards to your people.
That's good.
Strong man.
Umm, Olaotan?
My father.
Well done my son.
You will go to their palace,
seize all the slaves and valuables.
Then meet us at Oyo-ile. Okay?
Err... Onisigun?
Ojo! You will go with him,
because if we leave it to Olaotan,
he will behead all of them.
Err, Oyemekun?
Warriors! Great work.
All hail!
He is back!
This is the head of the Nupe King!
I hereby appoint Ga'a
as the Bashorun of Oyo
and all its environs.
Bashorun Ga'a!
- He who has one horn Everyone calls Ga'a.
- A warrior loved by all.
A great man. My lord...
Let us go in warriors!
Ga'a o!
My husband!
- Yes?
- Son of a quiver,
- Son of arrow, son of war. Welcome.
- Well done. Thank you, thank you.
- Thank you.
- Welcome, welcome.
My father is here again.
Big brother!
Big brother! We are
thankful, we are thankful.
Congratulations everyone!
I want to congratulate my big brother.
- In this drunken state? Leave this place!
- Congratulations everyone.
Be patient.
What is wrong with you? Don't you know
your elders anymore? What's your problem?
You all know my big
brother is now the Bashorun?
- Olubo, don't let me disrespect you.
- I'll make you suffer.
He's a victorious warrior.
- He's a victorious warrior.
- Thank you.
A man dressed in robes.
Keep fifty for us, distribute fifty
to the Oyomesi then sell the rest.
Ah ah!
Who is this?
Lift your head.
Who is this sturdy
fellow? Ah-ah what is it?
Get up! Stand up!
Idi Al-Farouk
He is the beheaded Emir's personal guard.
He killed four men before we could capture
him alive. I thought if we sold him,
he would fetch us a good
price at the slave market.
He is so huge.
Sell him off.
Who is this beauty? See
how beautiful she looks.
Get up.
Didn't you hear me? Get up!
Are you deaf?
I found her among the Emir's wives and
brought her to take care of me while my
wife is pregnant.
Don't bother,
she belongs to me.
- father, please don't do that.
- Err, Bibanke?
My lord.
Come and take her in and get her cleaned
up. She is to wait in my bedchamber. Err...
Let's go eat.
Let's go.
- Guard, get up!
- Look at her.
The female slave that you
asked us to clean up is here.
Let her in.
Now go in.
Useless woman,
look at her. See how she's acting,
acting as if she is innocent.
What is your name?
I said what is your name?!
My name is Zeinab.
Stand up!
Stand up!
Remove your hands, what's wrong with you?
You better come here and eat.
I told my wives to stop putting
too much meat in the plate.
I can't even reach the soup.
Ah-ah! There's meat everywhere. Hmm?
Putting a quantity...
that twelve people can eat on my plate.
Ah ah!
Take it easy!
The food is not going anywhere.
Ah ah!
When was the last time you ate something?
Since your soldiers captured me.
I was just taken to the Emir as a
gift to him after concluding Ramadan.
Err... You now belong to me.
I am your slave.
I will obey your command with
my body but not with my heart.
Your heart?
Of what use is your heart to
me? I don't need your heart.
Just my body, isn't it?
Then it's an agreement.
Who... who is making an agr...?!
Please come to my aid. You,
a mere slave?! An agree...
Stand up!
Who is making...? Get on the
bed! That's an order! Who is...?
Quickly! Who is making
an agreement with you?!
I, make an... come on lie on
the bed! What's wrong with you?
I, make an agreement with you?
Come on take off your wrapper.
What's wrong with you? Am
I the one you are... Ah ah.
Why are you looking at
me so emotionlessly?
You want only my body, isn't that so?
If you want my heart,
you will have to earn it.
I'll have to earn... I'll
have to earn your heart?!
G... get up!
Come on get up! Get up!
G... get out! I said get
out! Look at this silly thing.
I will have to earn... Guards!
My lord.
It's time.
Son of Yau Yamba!
A slave is buried without any regard.
The day leaps like a dog.
A slave will not grow old and say
he will no longer serve his master.
The whole of Oyo.
Men of Oyo,
women of Oyo,
children of Oyo.
Elders of Oyo, you are
all Ga'a's subjects.
Everything Ga's says it
must all come to pass.
All your commands must be obeyed.
From today henceforth,
whatsoever we say today
shall come to pass.
Ga'a! You have become a deity.
Ga'a you have become an elephant.
You are an elephant who
breathes with wealth,
one who takes down a tree.
A creeper that tries to stand in the
way of an elephant goes along with the
elephant eventually. Olusalala!
Sturdy as a wall, rise
and become an elephant.
Gbangbala pays for Gbangbala. The hill and
it's occupants are initiates. Obatala o!
Always donning a white garment, he
will run the race that he wants to.
When a dog sleeps,
how can he run the runs.
A drunkard can't discuss with his drink.
No one will stand in your way,
no one will stand in your way.
No one opposes you!
O Ga'a! You have become a
deity. May all you say come to pass.
From today henceforth, all
your commands must be obeyed.
No one dares to question your authority!
Ga'a you have become a deity!
After the death of the Alaafin, the
Oyomesi were ready to select a new King.
We welcome you into the
midst of the Oyomesi today.
Thank you Asipa.
I am happy to be among you.
The Oyomesi are seven in number.
Six of us are...
here already. And you are here
also, that makes us seven in number.
- Yes.
- Yes.
I'll start from my right hand side.
Err... That is Samu,
Alapinni is the one beside him.
That's Agbaakin over there.
- The person after him is Laguna.
- Laguna.
And we see Akinniku.
Yes, err... err...
I'm Asipa, we know each other
already. That's my seat over there.
But that one right there
belongs to your fore-fathers.
Now that you are here,
the Oyomesi is complete.
We don't argue among ourselves...
and we speak with one voice.
- No one knows it all.
- Right.
That's right.
I enter into a covenant with you today...
because the Oyomesi are seven in number.
Yes. LAGUNA Yes.
Oyomesi is one.
Err... Henceforth, we must
not argue among ourselves.
- Yes.
- Yes.
We've made a covenant...
because the day a child takes an oath he
doesn't know. But the day he breaks his
Whatever we make a secret...
It's an oath,
The issue on ground now
that is of extreme urgency is:
The issue of the coronation of the
new Alaafin, that is on the way.
- Yes yes, you are right.
- Yes.
If the time is right, let's not delay.
I propose we do it today, Labisi
has been waiting for a while now.
That way, the provinces under Oyo will
eventually know that we mean business.
- Hmm.
- Ah yes.
Hmm, right?
I disagree!
- What?
- Ah ah.
I said he dares not!
Ah ah.
I appointed him as the
Bashorun and he wants
to bite the hands that fed him? Ah ah.
- You see this matter...
- This matter...
Your highness.
- Have you forgotten?
- This is not a recent issue.
I said it.
I said it, I knew it!
I said Ga'a would eventually
become a thorn in our flesh.
Your highness.
It's true.
We shared a checkered history together.
- Hmm-hm?
- Yes.
that was in the past.
All the Chiefs,
I suggest we call for a meeting...
- between the Alaafin and Ga'a.
- Ah!
Yes, so we can finalize the issue today,
being the eve of the Orun festival.
Or what do you all think?
It's a good idea. It's
a very nice idea. Hmm.
- Hm.
- Hmm. Ah.
- Your highness.
- Your highness.
I make it a decree,
- I want you to summon him to the palace.
- Ah, ah.
Your highness, he won't come.
- Ah, ah, ah.
- Ah, ah, ah.
- G... Ga'a?
- Ah ah.
I said he won't come, he won't come.
- That's taboo. Ah ah.
- Your highness,
- Ah ah.
- I would've suggest
that... let...
- Both Otun...
- Eh?
...And Osi, that they should go and meet
Ah ah.
Bashorun Ga'a and have a
meeting with him today...
- Ah ah.
- Ah-ah.
And not tomorrow... being the eve of
Orun festival. Let them iron it out.
Ah-ah. Ah.
Ah hold... hold on,
IYALOJA Good idea, good idea.
Do you now speak for His highness?
- We'll go together.
- Hmm?
Don't be a coward. One can not be in a
position such as yours and be scared.
We will go together.
Your highness, Your highness.
I heard that
the Akeyo family are causing trouble
in market and that they've bought all
your goods.
- Yes.
- Hmm?
They are devourers. They've
bought the Iyalode over to their side.
- Yes.
- Err...
Don't worry, okay? I
will sort it all out soon.
May you be well and strong, my lord Ga'a!
- My lord.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Eh eh.
Happy Orun festival celebration.
As you all know,
this is the first that I will
lead since I became the Bashorun.
Or isn't that so?
It's is.
I will send for all our ambassadors,
ambassadors of Oyo-Ile...
that are in the neighboring kingdoms
including Oyo-ile and Oyo-oko to return.
Then I will appoint my sons...
who are of age,
that are matured and my younger
ones that are up to the task,
to replace them.
Yes. Err... Gbagi?
My lord.
It shall be well with you.
Can you see?
This will be a means of identification...
for all the sons. Err... Olukoye,
Big brother.
Come here.
You will go to Ibadan as the governor.
Olukoye, live like a king.
My oldest son,
Olaotan the merciless... with
a woman always on his lap.
You will go to Dahomey as the governor.
You will go to Egbaland as the governor.
You will go to Ilorin as the governor.
Big brother!
Big brother.
What about me?
What about you?
You have not given me any title, but
you have given one to everyone else.
- You want a title?
- Yes.
- Ah, my lord.
- Ah, my lord. You want a title?
Get him!
Get up!
Bring him here! You you... ah.
Carry him and hold him down.
Big brother.
- Olaotan?
- Father.
Bring me some alcohol,
we will get him drunk.
- Yes. Don't you love to drink?
- Big brother I can drink it myself, ah!
Get him drunk! Yes!
- Open your mouth!
- Take it easy.
Get him drunk.
- Pour more!
- That's enough.
Pour more, pour more. Get him drunk.
My lord.
Ayinba! Don't let me
deal with you. Move back.
Olaotan, Pour more.
- That's enough!
- Are you drunk?
Leave him, leave him. Yes, that's good.
Are you drunk?
That's it. A drunk person
cannot tell when he is drunk.
Now go sit with the others.
Go take your seat.
Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up!
- Leave him alone.
- Watch your leg.
Well done.
Where is he going? Come back here!
W... where are you going?
You asked me to go sit with the others.
You are to go and sit with the children.
You can't sit with the
adults, now this way.
You've said it.
So shall it be.
- Quickly!
- Ga'a! Death is superior to sickness.
- Yes?
- Yes.
A thief is superior to a witch. All a
witch has, a thief will eventually steal.
See how he is making my head swell.
Come on let's continue to make merry,
what are you waiting for? What's going on?
Let us rejoice, let us rejoice
When we are done with
this, we will celebrate again.
I will go.
- Ah.
- Asipa.
I wish you happy eve... of Orun...
festival celebration of Orun.
Everything looks so colorful.
- Yes, that's me.
- Osi.
Err... how are you?
Ga'a, not to waste much time.
Eh he.
These are top officials from
the Alaafin standing before you.
They have a message for you.
I just came with them to
facilitate the meeting.
Err... Otun, Osi.
This is Ga'a.
I thought as much...
But you didn't come at a good time.
It's not a good time,
and you know I'm celebrating the eve
of the Orun festival with my family.
- It's not proper, no it's not proper.
- Ah.
Look, that's not the
reason why we are here.
The King asked us to tell
you the coronation
must take place before the next moon.
Are you in agreement?
Ah-ah. Please,
why is the King in such a hurry?
- Ah-ah.
- Yes.
How dare you say that Ga'a?
How dare you say that? You can't do that.
You can't second guess the King at all.
Has the King turned to
someone to be questioned?
Let... let me speak please.
The elephant does not forget easily.
Weren't both there on that day?
- Buy your vegetables.
- Just take a look at it.
Please patronize me.
Look at this one too.
- Hope you are making sales ma?
- I am thankful baba.
Look at this one too, it's
quite fleshy. Please buy them.
One portion.
Please take a look,
patronize me. Patronize me.
A bag such as...
It's a hundred bags.
- Ga'a!!!
- It's a hundred bags.
- I can't accept that. It's a hundred bags.
- It can't be less?
what sort of selfish...
and senseless behavior is this? Why
would you be riding horses within the
- market?
- Ah!
With such a crowd around?
- Ah.
- To the Prince?
- Wait, wait, I'll be right there.
- Big brother please, big brother please.
What kind of behavior is that?
Please don't be annoyed.
- How dare you speak to me in that manner?!
- Ah!
- Please!
- It's so you will know what to do!
- Crown Prince please be patient.
- Yes!
- I?
- Apologize.
- Do what he asked you to do. Do it.
- I?!
Just once.
In this village? Who is
supposed to get offended if not me?
Seize him!
- Who are you?!
- Ah!
Seize him?
- Seize who?
- Ah.
Crown Prince forgive him.
Crown Prince forgive him.
- Seize who?
- Who... who do you want to seize?
- Crown Prince forgive him.
- Seize who?
- Be patient.
- Big brother!
- Crown Prince, Crown Prince.
- Please, please.
Big brother!
- Ah!
- Seize him! Seize him!
- Big brother!
- Ga'a!
Big brother!
- Ga'a!
- Big brother!
- Forgive him. Please forgive him.
- Ah, ah, ah, ah
- Please forgive him.
- Forgive him.
- Crown Prince forgive him.
- Please forgive him.
- Don't be tired, flog him hard.
- Ah, please.
- Yes, flog him hard.
- Please!
Don't pity him, don't pity him.
Flog him hard.
Good job!
Flog him hard.
Flog him hard.
Don't be tired!
Don't be tired.
Big brother!
Big brother.
Err... we are the King's emissaries and
you have to yield to the King's command
- because he reigns supreme over all.
- Yes.
That's fine. You must
also yield to my own will.
Ah Ga'a!
Ah! Ma...
They are royal chiefs!
Please, please.
Asipa! You and I broke kola. We
took an oath to speak with one voice.
Yet you brought hyenas
to my home and my family.
I'm sorry. Ga'a please.
Plead with him.
Plead with him.
- I will forgive you.
- Hmm?
Just this once.
I have a message I want to send to Labisi.
It's piercing me, Ga'a
it's piercing me. Please.
P- please wait.
My lord.
Just thank your star
Asipa had no choice but to deliver
Ga'a's message of compulsory suicide to
- the King.
- Olabisi.
This is Oyo's message.
This isn't for me.
Ah you have to accept it.
You have to accept it.
It's Oyo's message to you.
You have to accept it.
Here. Yes.
These are parrot's eggs!
Oh Oyo!
from today,
the gods of this land reject you.
- The deities of this land reject you.
- Yes!
Oyo rejects you.
Oyo rejects you. LAGUNA Hm-hm.
- Oyo rejects you.
- Oyo rejects you.
Oyo rejects you.
Oyo rejects you.
You Ga'a!
I curse you!
I curse your lineage!
It shall not be well with you.
May you never find peace and
comfort wherever you settle.
My lord, I come bearing good news.
Do tell.
Alaafin Labisi, has gone
to be with his ancestors.
He is no longer among the living. My lord,
Alaafin Labisi is dead and has
gone to the great beyond.
Well done.
May you be well, my lord.
Here's your medicinal brew, my lord.
Come help me with these clothes.
Help me take it off.
What else does my lord want me to do?
You know what I want.
I want the whole of you-your
whole body and your heart.
Get out of here!
Get out!
Call me Eyinju, my wife.
I'm no longer fighting.
You are no longer doing what?
My whole body hurts.
That's the reason you went to
battle the last time and vomited.
That's the reason I
don't want to go anymore.
With all the battles, didn't
father take the woman you brought back?
Which woman did he take from me?
Say it again!
- He didn't take the woman from you?
- Say it again Oye!
Say it again!
Our senior wife,
is it true that...
Bashorun is in love
with that slave Nupe girl?
The slave Nupe girl?
- Yes.
- That's not important.
Err, last night when I and
my husband were making out,
he was calling out the
slave Nupe girl's name.
He was calling out the
slave Nupe girl's name...
when you were making out, right?
Please, what did you go there for?
Shouldn't it be the Nupe
girl that should be with him?
You were nosy, that's why you
heard and saw what you shouldn't have.
- Don't be offended.
- Don't be offended ma.
But I'm grateful for it.
Our senior wife,
I just feel for Bibanke.
You feel for Bibanke? Did Bibanke trip and
fall? Or does she have sores on her body?
Shut your mouths, are
you both unfortunate?
Please, why are you all behaving so daft?
See her mouth like the base of a gun.
- Please don't be offended.
- Can't you see Bibanke sitting here?
Are you supposed to
say such in her presence?
Answer me!
- Don't be annoyed ma.
- Don't be annoyed.
Mind your tongues.
Mind your tongues!
- I swear by the gods.
- Ah please don't do that.
If you repeat such rubbish,
I will slice your tongues,
prepare vegetable soup with
it and feed you with it.
- We are sorry.
- See her eyes like an owl's.
What's wrong with you both?
We are sorry.
Stop crying.
Stop crying.
May you not have reasons to cry.
Please come, come.
Please go give this to King Abiodun's
daughter, Agboyin. You know her, right?
Thank you. You know her.
Princess Agboyin had captured my heart
Her beauty has no blemish.
Her name danced straight into my ears.
Let's take a look.
Her laughter is as cool as
water fetched in the morning.
I covet this.
Ah ah.
I'm sure that... this is
Oyemekun and Agboyin.
That's your problem.
- Agbonyi-gbonyi.
Oyemekun's wife. Love for him
has flourished in your heart.
- Ah ah.
- It has flourished in
my heart so strongly.
So strongly.
... Agboyin
I was completely captivated
by Agbonyi's eyes,
just like the hunter's
trap catches its prey.
Now Listen.
In the whole of this town...
Think only about me.
And you are to have eyes for only me.
- Do you hear me?
- Oye!
- Don't think about anyone else.
- Agbonyin.
Greetings sir.
Thank you.
Good bye.
My lord.
Bibanke has given birth
but the child is dead.
Have you eaten?
- Yes.
- Hmm? Go play, go play.
My lord?
My husband?
My lord?
Come here!
A mere slave. Why not just go naked?
Can't you pull down your
cloth? Unfortunate being.
- Father.
- Err, Oye.
Good boy. Child of wealth.
Ah-ah, ah-ah.
Don't be down-cast.
Okay? Don't be down-cast.
Err... you are going to Dahomey as a boy,
but by the time you return you
would have become a man. Okay?
When I was also young,
I and my big brother
Oluke were inseparable.
I want you to always listen to
your older brother Olaotan. Okay?
- Yes father.
- Hmm-hm.
May the gods go with you.
Eledua will not leave
you, okay? That's my boy.
My creator will go with you.
Patiently learn all
that you will be taught.
Go become a man and behave like a man.
Remember the son of whom you are.
You are the son of Ga'a. Son of Yamba.
Do you hear me? Behave like a man.
Be a man.
Ah ah.
My boy, my boy. Be a man.
Be a man.
Be a man. That's my boy.
You may go.
You may go, you may go.
- May it be well with you.
- My lord.
Well done. Be careful.
Hmm? Hmm-hm.
Quickly, quickly.
The weather is...
Well done.
Take it easy. Gently.
Quickly, quickly. Get going.
May it be well with you.
This is the way to Dahomey.
I have something to do, I'll be back.
- I'm coming.
- You, wait there.
- Agbonyin!
- Don't fall.
- Ah, ah-ah.
- Oye.
Good day.
... Go and meet him
How are you?
... Look at them
... Agboyin who's as gentle as a dove Aww.
Two hundred men are gathered,
they want your hand in marriage.
But they can't see...
the beauty the eye beholds.
My Agboyin... The one with the pure heart
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
- Thank you.
- Oye!
- Err... err...
- Ah.
Let me take my leave,
yes. Let me take my leave.
Okay? Thank you.
-Aha, please,
I'm coming, I'm coming.
I can't leave without giving you this.
It belonged to my mother.
May Eledua rest her soul.
It looks more beautiful on
your wrist than anyone else.
I will wait, untill you come back.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- I'll be seeing you, okay?
- Hmm.
Allow me to take my leave.
My Agbonyin.
I'm going, I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- Oyemekun.
Thank you.
- Err... okay.
- I'm coming.
I'll be seeing you. I'll be seeing you.
- Okay bye!
- Ah ah.
- You are so drunk in love.
- Can't you see her eyes?
- Let us go.
- Let's go. Can't you see her eyes?
Let's go.
Let's go.
... He's very handsome
... You can see Oye loves you so
much. He loves you, isn't it? Ah aah!
Prince Awonbioju,
with the support of the Ogboni,
and I as the Bashorun and the Oyomesi,
we have decided to
install you as the new Alaafin.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- But,
there are some things that
may oppose your being crowned.
my kins who are governors in all the
major kingdoms throughout the Oyo empire,
are to pay tribute to me henceforth.
From which I will send that
which I deem worthy to the Palace.
Are you satisfied with it or not?
I am satisfied.
your sister-in-law, the Iyalode,
has been enjoying the
market tax for a while now.
She has been lining her pockets with
all the interests and she has been
frustrating the market people.
- We'll relieve her.
- Ah.
she is my first wife's older sister.
Are you satisfied or not?
I am satisfied.
will be appointed as the new Iyaloja.
What issues do you have?
If he is satisfied with it he would accept
it. And if he is not satisfied,
- he would reject it.
- Samu.
Okay, I've heard you.
Ga'a, Edan-Asiko your younger sister?
Are you satisfied or you're not?
I'm satisfied.
Your coronation will take place
immediately after the new moon.
May your reign be long...
and lasting.
- Witch! Witch!
- I'm not a witch, please! Please!
Flog her!
Flog her!
Flog her.
Beat her!
- You killed my junior wife's baby.
- Beat her! Beat her!
- Flog her!
- Flog her.
Beat her.
Ayinba! What... what is going on?
- My lord!
- Yes?
- My lord.
- What's... what's going on?
The Nupe witch killed Bibanke's child.
So we want to burn her and
sacrifice her to cleanse the land.
Is that so?
You want to burn her?
- Please.
- You are the one I ought to burn.
You are the one I ought to burn!
Listen! Zeinab is no longer a slave.
Henceforth, she is not a concubine.
O yes!
- Zeinab is now my wife henceforth!
- Ah.
So shall it be!
Hear this, honor is due
to those whom deserve it.
A deity is accorded its due respect.
Whoever does not accord her respect,
I will cut her head off to Ogun!
Ah! Sorry, sorry. Take
it easy, take it easy.
Did you mean all you said?
What you said earlier:
I am now your wife?
Ah, hmm.
I just said that so Ayinba and the
rest will no longer lay a finger on you.
If not for your timely arrival
- they would have...
- Err... you
may go back to your room to rest.
I desire to stay here with you.
That is, if you still want me.
Err... look...
What I told you I wanted from the
beginning is what I still want.
If you cannot give me that
I don't want anything else.
Allah brought you to protect me, and
that's why you saved me from death today.
My body and my heart,
I give to you.
Zeinab. Zeinab!
Are you deaf? Come here, come, come.
Come here. Just look at her, tall for
nothing. Destined to be a mere slave.
Nupe witch!
Hold on, let me send you on an errand.
Leave this place!
You won't come again.
Get out of here!
Look at her, nonsense.
My father became so drunk with power...
that he started demanding the unthinkable.
Ga'a, this is a taboo.
The Alaafin does not leave
his throne to go meet anyone.
You have turned me into someone who
uses the night as a cover to come see you.
Err... let's not waste time then.
I just want you to prostrate to me,
just lie flat. Once you do that,
you can go back to your palace.
Prostrate to you?
I, Awonbioju?
A deity's warrior?
I, who sleeps at home yet scares myself?
Prostrate to you? Taboo!
Ah ah.
You just said it yourself
that it's a taboo.
You said it before that you committed a
when you left your Palace to come here.
Why not make it two taboos and
get it over with. Prostrate,
then go back to your Palace. That's all.
Don't you know that if I prostrate to you,
the position of an elephant is not
for childish minds like yours.
I am the real elephant.
Awonbioju, did you forget or what? I
know your beginning and I know your end.
- Ga'a!
- Yes?
Do whatever you want. I
will not prostrate to you!
- Eh he?
- Eh eh?
Yes. Do whatever you want.
Well done.
- Well done.
- Do whatever you wish.
Eh eh.
I won't bend to you.
It's fine then.
You have asked me to do my worst,
we shall see. Do you hear me?
I will not tell you not
to be bold with me,
but be ready to face the consequences!
I'm coming!
As a result of this, Alaafin
Awonbioju's reign was a short one.
Alaafin Agboluaje became the new King.
You're welcome to Dahomey.
The governor has been expecting you.
Hope you are not too tired?
- Not at all. Thank you.
- Ah.
How are you?
Ah... we are thankful.
Big brother!
You look good.
- How was your journey?
- Ah it was good.
- It's been a while.
- Ah.
Yes, big brother.
Governor of Dahomey.
- Yes.
- Ah.
You live like an Alaafin here.
Yes that's true.
... Ogun! Haa...! This is a real sword.
We do not train with sticks in Dahomey.
You youngling come on, let's fight.
How do you...? Wait! Wait! Ah! As soon
as I went to learn combat in Dahomey,
my father established himself as
the Kingmaker and the King breaker.
Agboju... Agboloaje or
what are you called?
I'm ashamed on your behalf.
Alaafin Agboluaje had no love for bad
behavior, yet my father was not ready to
- stop.
- And you call yourself the Alaafin? You?
You should be called Alafin.
Alafin is even better than you. Ah.
My father proposed that the Alaafin's
outfit was not befitting enough for the
Bebe festival.
Even my slave cannot dress in this
manner, I will cut his head off to ogun.
Just take a look at him.
Anyone who sees you in my room will
think you are an important person.
They won't know you are a
big for nothing empty barrel.
- Elewi-Odo is my friend, he is my friend.
- Yes.
Let us allow peace to reign.
It shall not be well with you.
It shall not be well with both you
and the peace you talked about.
It shall not be well with both of you!
It shall not be well with you!
Did you hear what I said? Ah!
As you are leaving, go straight
to the river and drown yourself.
It may not come to your household again.
- There's no lie in that.
- That's true.
The next Alaafin after
Agblouaje was Majeogbe.
The fear of death does not allow one
attain a great position in his father's
- house. You will take the throne.
- He was aware of my father's reputation
- hence he was reluctant to take the throne.
- You will take the throne. You have to!
Do you care to listen?
I won't accept it even
with all your pleas.
He contacted three seers
from three kingdoms
to fortify himself against Bashorun.
- Your Highness.
- He was crowned the king afterwards.
As for Agbonyin,
not a day goes by without me
sending a token of my love to her.
- Well done, well done. Greetings.
- Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Princess Agbonyin?
Prince Oyemekun asked me
to give you this gift.
Thank you.
- ... Bye.
- Greetings.
Oye, in war, we don't extend a
hand of friendship to our enemies.
You have to finish her off.
I can't kill her.
... My brother!
Oye... you can never be a warrior.
Please patronize me.
Different events that could alter the
course of my life were happening in
- Oyo-Ile.
- Please patronize me.
Come, come.
My friend please be careful.
- Lubu, please be careful.
- Yes?
- Carefully take your steps.
- Hmm-hm.
He who spends his money to drink
doesn't die on the streets, he will get
- home.
- He will get home.
My guy.
You've been joined together again.
- Wow!
- Eh-eh.
- Ah, who is that lady in the middle?
- Prince Abiodun's daughter.
- Ah. Which one?
- Ah-ah.
- She is Princess Agbonyin.
- That's enough.
That's the most
beautiful lady in the land.
-But be careful Olubu,
Err... That lady you're looking at,
she's the daughter of Prince Abiodun.
So what? I'm also
Bashorun's younger brother,
- And I will do as I please.
- Lubu Lubu!
- Lubu lubu!
- The man himself.
If you keep hailing me
like that, I'll misbehave.
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Ah ah.
- Eh, ah ah.
- Take this.
- Agbonyin. Agbonyin, come here!
- ... Did you see what happened?
- I called you but you ignored me.
- Ah-ah! It was serious!
- Come here.
- Ah-ah.
- What is it?
- You are a beautiful young lady
Ah-ah, what? What?
- You are beautiful.
- Please.
- Yes?
- Let me through.
What is wrong with you?
Come here. What's wrong with you?
Leave me, let me go
It seems you don't know
who you are talking to.
- I said I don't want to embrace you.
- Who are you?!
- Get out of my way!
- Who are you?!
- Stay there!
- What do you want to do? Come.
You... you can't see me...
HANDMAIDEN 1 Leave me alone.
Agbonyi! Agbonyi!
Lubu! Lubu! FRIEND 2
What is it? Lubu? Lubu?
- What is it? What is it?
- Don't go anywhere!
- You cannot escape.
- Ah!
Don't let them escape, don't
let them escape! What is it?
You can't, you can't escape!
Lubu! FRIEND 2 What is it?
- She has sliced it off.
- She sliced it off?
Did it fall off?
- Come with me.
- Lubu, please.
You cannot escape.
- Come with me, come with me.
- She has sliced it off.
They must not escape.
- You?!
- Please.
You and what?!
Will you beat me?
Alright then.
The punishment he will
get is what I want to see.
Prince Abiodun.
May you be well.
- Just observe.
- Princess Agbonyin.
Err, but my daughter,
there's just something...
you didn't do right.
You should have sliced that thing
that you mentioned off completely.
Did you hear me?
Err... Prince Abiodun?
Be well and strong.
Don't be offended.
I assure you that he will be punished
That's what I want,
he has to be punished.
Did you hear?
In addition,
Gbagi will bring a bag full of cowries...
to you as a form of atonement.
Ehm my Prince,
just as my big brother has said,
let it end there.
Please don't be offended,
don't be offended.
Agbonyi, so sorry. For everything he did
to you, don't be offended. We are sorry.
That's okay.
She can hear you clearly.
- We are only apologizing to her.
- You? You will see
We are the offenders, we will
be the ones to apologize to her.
I said not like this.
- This is the person you should reprimand.
- What's wrong with apologizing to her?
- Reprimand the animal in your household.
- But that man...
Big brother, She must be punished!
She must be punished.
That good for nothing girl almost sliced
my penis off, yet you didn't do anything.
Won't you do anything?
Big brother, won't you do anything?
- You are a bastard.
- Ah!
I, I, I, I relieve you of your title!
I relieve you of your title!
I relieve you of your title!
- Big brother.
- Big brother!
- You are a bastard.
- Ah?
- Do you still remember me?
- If we were not siblings, I would
have cut your head off to Ogun!
You still remember me?
I relieve you of your title!
I would have killed you!
It's alright then.
What you've done is good.
What a pity!
Big brother!
What a pity!
If we consider the weight of his actions
we will overreact. Please be patient.
- Please don't over react.
- Hmm-hm.
Big brother, please take
it easy. Please, I beg you.
I thought of something,
In order to remove this ridicule,
why not let me marry Agbonyin?
After training in Dahomey, I
returned to Oyo-Ile as a warrior.
There's no place like home.
Let's go.
- My sons are back.
- Father.
My father
Greetings father.
Well done, well done.
- Ah-ah. Ah-ah.
- Greetings father.
It shall be well with you.
Welcome, welcome.
How was your journey?
- I have missed you father.
- I missed you too.
Now from today, you've also
become a man in the house of Ga'a.
Well done, well done. Get up, get up.
How is Dahomey?
- Father?
- Yes?
- Aje-Olokun made me prosperous in Dahomey.
- I can see that.
And Dahomey fairs well
under my protection.
Yes, thanks to Eledua.
My lord.
Welcome home.
As I came in father, I
noticed some ongoing preparations.
And I know that all these
preparation is not because of us.
Err You are right
about that, you are right.
Err... tomorrow my brother the
governor of Ibadan will get married.
-Umm, Uncle Olukoye?
- Yes.
May the gods bless the union.
- So shall it be.
- So shall it be, so
shall it be, so shall it be.
Which of the maidens is my
Uncle getting married to?
The most beautiful maiden in all Oyo-Ile.
Excluding my own daughters.
Princess Agbonyin.
She is the one my
younger brother has eyes for.
- My uncle has a very good eyes.
- He does, he does.
Your highness!
May you be well and strong Bashorun.
- Greetings child of wealth.
- May your son live long. Prince Adegoolu.
You look forlorn, hope
all is well with you?
I greet you all, elders of Oyo.
- I'm tired due to the long trip.
- May good things like this never cease.
You are tired due to the long trip?
Let me tell you this, the door
of life opens in two directions.
- May life always be sweet for you.
- May life always be sweet for you.
- It may open inward or outward.
- You people of Oyo, may
- life always be sweet for you.
- When it closes, it closes hard.
- Hail, hail, hail!
- If something isn't yours,
then it belongs to someone else.
Thank you.
I'm happy that...
two prominent families in
Oyo are now united as one.
- Hmm, yes.
- Hmm.
- True.
- Yes.
What kind of unentertainment dance
are these dancers dancing Bashorun?
Can't we find something else that will be
more entertaining than these funny dances?
- Hmm.
- Maybe we should make...
- Eh-eh?
- Eh-eh?
- Eh.
- My warrior face your warrior.
How do you see it?
- It's good.
- Hmm.
I accept.
Bashorun, now tell me, who
among your warriors will face mine?
Let me go.
That's my boy.
What's wrong with you?
Don't feed me I'm not a baby
Are you the one to tell me what to do?
the one who was sent to Dahomey
to learn how to fight.
Wasn't it paid for from
the government's purse?
Father, Oyemekun cannot fight this fight.
Father let me fight.
Oye, Oyemekun you mustn't
go. You can't take this fight.
Let him fight.
Oye! Oye!
Oye, you don't have to fight.
Is he an human or an hippopotamus?
Idi Al-Farouk!
I should have killed you
when I had the chance!
I am Idi!
No one sees me and live!
I shall kill you today...
to avenge my master's death!
- Can you hear me? Show no mercy!
- Be careful and be patient, okay?
Kill him!
Be careful! Be careful and beat him!
Oye! Oye!
Stab him to death!
Move close to him!
Oye! Oye! Oye!
Oye get up!
- Oye get up!
- Get up!
Move close to him.
Get up! Get up!
- Oye!
- Get up!
Oye get up!
Come-come to my rescue.
I've been disgraced! I've been disgraced!
I've been disgraced! I've been disgraced!
I've been disgraced!
I've been disgraced!
I've been disgraced!
I thought it was said that a child does
not die on his parent's watch? So why me?
So why me? My own son? Ga'a's son?
Onisigun! Onisigun! Onisigun! Oyemekun!
You are ready to go meet your ancestors.
It's me, Majeogbe!
Me, Ga'a!
Me, Ga'a!
Me, Ga'aaaaaa!
Sorry, sorry.
A maize that isn't brought
home, does not turn to pap.
Oye come home, we all do.
Sorry, sorry. It will subside.
A snail is always cool,
it's shell is never hot.
Oye, sorry.
This last one,
you will inhale it.
W-what's that Baba?
It's to make you sleep
well, this little amount.
If an elephant sniffs
it, it will knock him out.
You need to sleep so you can get better.
When the sun sets, the night is
definately near. Oye go to sleep.
- Sleep!
- Hmm.
Sleep well, child of wealth.
May you be well and strong my lord.
- How is Oyemekun's health?
- Ah.
He is getting better.
Oye will survive my lord.
I told you Sasa,
I told you to allow me kill Majeogbe.
Allow me kill Majeogbe, you disagreed.
Do you want the same thing that happened
to my father when my brother was killed
to happen to me?
M-my lord, it's not so. I will still give
the same explanation I gave to you before.
Majeogbe has powerful seers
working under him my lord.
Are they more powerful than you?!
My lord he has been
fortified with a charm.
He has a retaliatory charm on him.
Once anyone attacks him,
the attack comes right
back on the attacker.
It's a terrible spell.
And you cannot break the spell?
- I'm trying...
- Sasa, you cannot break the spell?
- My lord I'm trying to break...
- You are not trying hard
- enough! Sasa try harder!
- My lord! My lord I'm...
- Try harder Sasa!
- I'm... I'm trying.
- Sasa you are not trying hard enough!
- I'm trying.
Sasa you're not trying hard enough!
Be fast, Sasa be fast! Sasa be fast!
- I'm trying my lord. My... my lord.
- Father please be calm.
Father, sorry.
Sorry Father, sorry.
let's go to the palace.
Let's go bathe with their blood so they
can know that the house of Bashorun Ga'a
can not be ridiculed!
No matter how angry you get,
you can't be as angry as I am!
But Majeogbe is the Alaafin,
he cannot just be killed.
Go tell Ojo
to return to Ilorin.
You are to return to Dahomey.
And you should Leave immediately.
Alaafin Majeogbe blocked
all my father's escape route.
He declared war on Bashorun Ga'a.
- Ga'a.
- Yes?
How is Oyemekun doing now?
he is a true warrior.
- He is a true warrior who fights bravely.
- Yes.
Thank you Asipa.
Thank you.
while you were away,
Oyomesi received an
order from the Alaafin.
- Yes, yes. Ikubabaye.
- Yes.
He said from henceforth
he is going to double
the income tax rates and
tributes coming from all the province.
- True.
- Yes.
Well said.
What sort of foolish
talk is that? Nonsense talk?
- Ah!
- Ah-ah.
- Ah-ah.
- Don't you know this kind of law will
cause untold hardship in the land and it
will make...
- Ah.
- Ah.
- It can't cause suffering.
- Eh-eh?
We just have to endure it.
- L... let him tell the rest.
- Err... Ga'a!
The King also decreed...
It's a decree.
- Yes.
- Yes it is.
The king doesn't make suggestions
The King said from henceforth...
All your family members that are across
the provinces as governors are to
- be removed.
- Yes.
To be replaced by the King's own nominees.
- Yes.
- I am the Bashorun!
- And he is the King!
- Bashorun.
If you were not the
Bashorun, what can you do?
Yes, what can you do?
We supported you that was
why you were untouchable.
Yes. ASIPA Ah-ah.
- We no longer support you.
- We no longer support you.
- Ah-ah.
- Anyone who doesn't support the
King will end up being ridiculed.
- What are you?
- What?
... Rubbish!
Agbonyin's marriage to my
Uncle changed me completely.
- Hand it over, hand it over.
- My... my lord, I wish I
- had a little more time.
- Ah ah, Sasa?
- Yes?
- Are you alright?
- My... my lord.
- Tomorrow is the Bebe festival,
- there's no more time. Hand it over to me.
- I under...
My... my lord.
Don't forget to utter the
incantation just like I taught you.
... Ah
I just hope my powers won't fail me.
O ye death!
O ye words.
Evil stays with the devil!
O you who makes a person die painfully,
rise up!
All the blood and water
running through Majeogbe's body,
let them wage war against him.
Because a fly that
perches on an elephant...
will surely bow to the elephant. An
elephant never gives way for a man.
It's a man who gives way for the elephant.
You are the fly,
I am the elephant.
Majeogbe make way for me, make way!
Make way!
Make way!!!
What is it my lord?
Is it that dream again?
My lord!
- My lord! I greet you.
- I'm coming.
- My lord!
- Hmm.
My lord.
What is it?
-My lord,
We received news from the palace.
Alaafin Majeogbe died last night.
So that's how
Majeogbe's reign ended abruptly.
His reign did not last long.
My lord.
People all over town are
rejoicing and dancing
and they're happy that
the Alaafin is dead.
Ah ah.
Why won't they rejoice?
We are in need of a new King.
- Ah, my lord.
- Eh eh. Hmm.
Yes. I need to go to the
tabernacle of the Oyomesi.
Yes, we need a new king.
My lord.
- What is it?
- My lord, ah.
- Is this an attack?
- What is this?
- Ah ah.
- Is this an attack?
- Gbagi? GBAGI My lord.
- Ah ah.
What happened?
What is this?
Ah ah.
- Eh?
- Ah ah.
- Move, move, move.
- Ah!
- Move aside.
- Ah.
- Ah ah.
- Ah ah.
Eh! Abomination! ZEINAB Ah! Eh!
- Somebody help me.
- My lord.
- My lord!
- Sit down, sit down.
My lord.
Help me, help me.
- Gbagi, what do we do?
- Ah.
- What should we do?
- Ah! I'm done for!
- My lord.
- Ah! I'm done for!
Gbagi. I'm in trouble.
- Who took my legs?
- I'm in trouble!
- Gbagi Who took my legs and my hands?
- Hmm. I'm in trouble!
- Ah ah.
Raise his hand up
My lord
Help me lift his hand.
It will be effective.
Ga'a Bashorun?
You can't remain in this
state, get up and walk!
- Hmm.
- Get up.
Get up, get up.
Ah my lord, don't relent.
- Hmm?
- Get up.
Whenever a masquerade is called
upon he responds, Bashorun Ga'a.
Get up my lord.
What do you mean?
Get up how?
Are you blind? Can't you see
that my father can't get up?
I'm... I'm working on him.
You, useless man, clothed in rags!
Can't you see my father? Does he
look like someone who can get up?
Leave him!
Ga'a would not allow his pride and
dignity be shattered by the plague.
He was carried like a King.
My father ensured that
his in-law, Prince Abiodun,
Agbonyin's father, came to his house
to be installed as the new Alaafin.
A taboo, that which has
never happened before.
But who can dare question Ga'a?
For many moons, there
was peace and calm in Oyo.
My father allowed Alaafin Abiodun
to rule without any interference,
and the Alaafin ruled justly and wisely.
Your highness.
My heart longed for Agbonyi still.
I heard she had a child
for my uncle in Ibadan.
He looks so much like my uncle.
- What's his name?
- Agbonyin.
- Oluyole Iyanda.
- Welcome.
Thank you.
- Agbonyin.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
- Her eyes are swollen.
- Welcome Agbonyin.
- Agbonyin.
- Take heart.
- Take heart.
- Take heart.
Accept our condolence.
Thank you.
- Eledua will be with you.
- My wife, take heart.
- You shall not be afraid.
- Thank you.
Sorry dear. Sorry. Ah,
my son. Child of wealth.
We were surrounded by
sorrow, yet I found joy.
My uncle had passed-on
and my beloved had come back to me.
The bracelet I gave her still
sparkled like the sun on her wrist.
I could not wait to reignite
the flame of our love. Agbonyin.
Will you take me as your husband?
Just look at her.
A mere slave.
- Useless thing.
- Rubbish thing.
Someone you don't wish to
encounter first thing in the morning.
Someone you don't wish to
encounter first thing in the morning.
- Ah!
- Greetings.
- Agbonyin child of wealth.
- Well done. Welcome.
Don't be discouraged,
all hope is not lost.
That's right our senior wife,
Eledua will take care of your children.
- So shall it be.
- So shall it be.
Go meet my lord.
Come close.
Thank you, thank you.
Well done. Take heart.
May sorrow not be your portion okay?
Since you made my younger brother happy
till his dying day, and
gave him a bouncing baby boy,
listen all of you.
Agbonyin will not be a widow in her prime.
- So shall it be.
- So shall it be.
You will remarry in the house of Ga'a.
- Okay?
- So shall it be.
Yes father.
Agbonyin and I...
I know.
I marry her.
Oh yes! I will marry you.
She belongs to me.
Well done.
My lord!
Good for nothing old man.
You want to take over
your younger brother's wife?
With the way you are presently? A cripple?
who knows if your
third leg is still active?
It's done already.
That's final.
It's done already.
And whatever I say is final
It's done already.
Well done Agonyin. Move close to me.
Move close to me child of
wealth. Ah, Such a beauty.
Welcome to the house of Ga'a the
second time. It's well with you.
Such a beauty.
Ah ah.
Oye be patient.
How would we find you now?
Don't look for me, you'll never find me!
Ah ah.
- Oye! Oyemekun!
- I left Oyo-Ile due to the marriage that
took place between Agbonyin and my father.
come assist me.
Ah ah. Zeinab!
What is it?
Come assist me.
Should I call your new
wife to come and assist you?
When I wake up, I wake up to the bitter
kola, the bitter kola gives long life.
When I wake up, I wake up to the kolanut,
it's used to appease death
and appease sickness.
Change your form! When a
masquerade disrobes, his voice changes
Life! Breathe!
Take a look at the slave,
a slave whose beauty has faded.
The beauty that has faded cannot be
compared to the beauty that Eledua
gave Agbonyin.
My lord, Ga'a
a river with a strong current.
I found an antidote
- My lord.
- Excuse us.
the price...
will exact a heavy toll.
My lord,
say something.
Should I go ahead or not?
Stay where you are, do
not take another step.
What is this? Can you
see what I'm looking at?
There's trouble, it has happened!
What happened?
- The bird is gone and the nest empty!
- Ah-ah.
Agbonyin is dead.
Agbonyin is dead!
- Agbonyin is what?
- Agbonyin is dead!
- Agbonyin is dead.
- Ah!
... Agboyin is dead!
- Bashorun, get up and walk.
- Nothing happen without a reason.
Get up!
Sacrificing Agbonyin was
the healing my father needed.
Get up!
Wake up in your head.
Wake up in your legs.
Ah, my lord welcome back.
The Nupe witch has struck again!
The news of Agbonyin's
death spread like wildfire.
I rode for ten days straight from
Ashanti without stopping to rest.
As I arrived at Oyo-Ile, others
were leaving for the same purpose.
My lord, there's a woman here to see you.
A woman?
- Yes my lord.
- At this time of the night?
- Yes my lord.
- Ah-ah.
What kind of woman comes
here at this time of the night?
- Err, where...?
- Aare.
- Ah-ah ah-ah, my lord!
- Aare.
There's no need for that.
You're the one who tied me up like a goat.
I'm the one.
What is the meaning of this?
How did you do it?
The herb you used to make me
sleep, is the one I used on you.
Hope there's no problem Your highness?
Your highness.
Come close.
Your highness.
Bashorun has broken my front tooth.
He murdered my only precious daughter
without any hesitation.
He used her for a
ritual to empower himself.
He has crossed the line.
He has committed a crime.
- Hmm.
- What do we do?
- We'll take care of it.
- That's exactly what I
want, to take care of it.
But your highness,
you can't kill Bashorun Ga'a alone.
If we want to get rid of him,
it has to be done along with his children.
We have to wipe out his entire lineage.
If anyone is left out,
there might a reprisal.
That's good,
let's wipe out his lineage.
Look here,
they will all be at
Oyo-Ile for the Orun festival.
Can you see that things are in our favor?
are you with me?
I understand. I'm with you.
All the soldiers in
Oyo-Ile are loyal to Ga'a.
He is the one they listen to.
Aare look at me, don't leave me helpless.
I want you to arise and
raise an entire army.
Those that are capable and
are equal to the task,
that can end the shame and
ridicule I am facing.
Now tell me, why did you
murder Princess Agbonyin?
Why did you murder her?
- Murder Princess Agbonyin?
- She did nothing to you, she was, she
did nothing. What did she do to you?
She was pure in heart and soul, why did
you murder her? Why did you murder her?
Oye, Oye, wait, let me
explain, let me explain...
Why did you murder her?!
Tell me, why did you murder her?
Let me explain to you!
Let me explain to you!
It was important for
us to do what we did.
Eh-eh? Eh-eh?
It was truly grievous but if we had
not sacrificed Princess Agbonyin,
We would have used you and it would not
be good for Ga'a to lose another child.
You should have used me instead,
you should have used me instead.
It was because of you.
Oye, Oye, Oye, Come, come
let me explain it to you.
Things are happening in
Oyo. All the council of Oyo...
Are conspiring to declare war on
Ga'a! Your father needs you at home.
The whole of Oyo-Ile has high
walls, how will my soldiers gain access?
- One more thing.
- What is it?
As long as Olaotan the merciless
one is alive and wears his helmet,
Bashorun Ga'a will be impossible to kill.
Fear not.
I know someone.
Your highness may you live long.
Hear me!
It would be better if war
gets to him before I do.
- Oye, Oye, listen to me.
- Can you hear me?
Don't be like this.
Oye, you are not a bastard, you are the
son of Ga'a. You see the sacrifice we
made, it was important we
did it for the greater good.
Don't do what? Don't do what? Eh.
It's just that Princess
Agbonyin was the way out.
- You are your father's son.
- You should... you should have used me.
You should... you should have used me.
You should have used me.
You should have used me.
You should have used me.
You should have used me.
You should have used me.
You should have used me
You should have... used me.
My lord.
Sasa L'eniyan was killed like a chicken?
Ah what a pity.
I hope the Alaafin does not suspect that
I am responsible for Agbonyin's death?
My lord.
Send word to all my sons,
tell them all to return home.
- Immediately!
- Yes my lord.
Yes, well done.
My father's recovery was far from perfect.
After Sasa L'eniyan's death, my
father became more vulnerable.
You gave me quite a scare. When
did you arrive back in Oyo-Ile?
Wh... what? What? Oyemekun!
Oyemekun! Eh Oye! Ah Oye!
Animal! Murderer, you
are a murderer. Murderer.
Oye! Ah-ah!
Oye, what's wrong with you?
What is the meaning of all this?
Oye leave me alone, what's wrong with you?
- Ah-ah.
- Twice, you allowed her
slip through my fingers.
Then you snuffed the life out of
her! You snuffed the life out of her.
- Zeinab help! Zeinab help!
- You snuffed the life out of her.
Zeinab help!
Zeinab help!
She can't wake up.
Zeinab won't wake up so easily.
I gave her the sleeping portion.
It's the same one I used on him.
It's the same one I used on him. Do
you hear me? She won't wake so easily.
- You killed Sasa? You killed Sasa?
- She won't wake so easily.
Why did you kill her?
Why couldn't you just love her, father?
What... What did she do to you? What
did she do to you? She was innocent.
Ouch, ouch, ouch Oye. Oye.
-She was innocent. She was innocent
You let her perish.
- You will know no peace.
- Oyemekun. Oyemekun.
- You will know no peace. -You will
know no peace. -I'm your father.
- Gbagi! Gbagi!
- You will perish!
You will know no peace.
You will know no peace.
Gbagi! Gbagi! Gbagi!
You will know no peace!
- Ah! Oye!
- You let her perish! You let her perish!
- You will know no peace! You killed her!
- Oye!
- You killed her! You killed her!
- Oye!
If you were not my blood brother, I
would have cut your head off to ogun!
- Do me that favor then.
- Really? Why should I not do so?
OYEMEKUN Do me that favor.
- Oye!
- Leave him! Just watch.
Do me that favor.
Leave him. Didn't I tell you?
If you observe well enough
you will realize
Bashorun's enemies are behind this.
Leave him. See, if I handle you...
Are you listening? If I handle you...
Your blood will dry up.
If one is patient enough
to observe you very well,
from the front and not from the side,
one will see that you don't take
after your father or mother. Bastard.
You'll talk to him but he will
never listen, where are you going?
Water flows steadily.
During the Orun festival,
Aare and Alaafin Abiodun brought
in soldiers from Oyo province.
The one who kills without a mark.
Hail him, let me hear you.
Don't be afraid, don't be
afraid. Stay calm, stay calm!
This is Ga'a's house!
Guard the door quickly!
Destroy them!
This is war.
Gbagi take Bashorun to his room.
Heyy... Aah haa...
It has never been heard that the king goes
on transfer I'm not going anywhere.
My lord.
Big brother, big brother, I said you
should hide yourself. Let's go now!
- Ah!
- Come on.
You go that way.
Come on! Don't be afraid.
It is I Aare Ona Kakanfo!
My soldiers have
surrounded your residence.
- But you are the one we seek.
- Where is my helmet!
If you surrender yourself
without a struggle,
your family members will see another day.
But if you refuse and
disregard my words...
Mother, mother.
If I come in to meet you
I will behead your entire family.
I have the authority and the backing of
the Alaafin for everything I will do
here tonight.
Bashorun Ga'a!
Aare Oyabi?
In Oyo-Ile?
Keep your mouth shut!
Aare! You!
I thought they said you had charms.
That you are an elephant and
you have trampled on all of us.
I don't know.
Why then are you just staring,
and not turning into an elephant?
- Please! Please! Please! Leave me alone!
- Seize her! Now!
Leave me! Leave me! Please!
He's the one you came for, please!
I'm not related to them. Please! Please!
The Nupe witch.
- Are you not his wife?
- No!
I'm not related to them.
I'm just a mere slave.
Go out.
Let's go!
Leave... leave me alone!
Bashorun Ga'a!
Oyo-Ile's strong one.
The elephant who makes the forest tremble.
So you are not more than this?
You are so tiny!
Squealing like a mouse.
Seize him!
I ran for my dear life to
come hide myself in Ilorin.
Who are you?
I am Oyemekun. Son of the Bashorun of
Oyo, son of Bashorun Ga'a, son of Yamba.
Sit here.
Please, do you know the
fate of my father as we speak?
The night Bashorun was
captured, he was taken to the Alaafin.
Please have mercy on me
my lord. It was a mistake.
Ah ah.
It was a mistake.
His highness said enough.
His highness said it's enough.
He is someone's son.
Look at his face.
- What will he do?
- See the way he is staring at me.
If there are two of his kind.
If there are two of his kind in a
village, that village will be ruined.
He really destroyed things. He did.
You may drag him if he
doesn't want to walk.
Take him away from here!
A wicked man!
One who thrives on others' tears.
Is this not the end?
Oyo, I congratulate you.
Hmm. Ah.
Your highness.
Your highness.
Your highness.
Ah what a pity.
What a pity.
What a pity.
Take them out! MAN 24 Throw him out!
Take this one out first.
MAN 24
Let us carry him. Carry him out.
- Take him away.
- Take him away, take him away.
- Ah.
- Take him.
Drag him away.
He over did it.
Separate his limbs from his body.
I thought it was a child's
behavior that paves way for him?
Ga'a's wickedness made the whole
of Oyo turn their backs on him.
After Agbonyin's death,
everyone wanted Ga'a's blood as
a deterent to future tyrants.
Death is the best reward for you!
The King asked for him to be burnt.
You shall be burnt. It
shall not be well with you.
We got you.
Hail hail!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
You're not a coward.
- Don't let them hear you scream.
- Ah.
You all Listen!
- What does he want to say?
- What is it?
Son of Yamba leaves.
Fight for yourself.
You have no other option than to go.
But my death...
What's the issue?
Will bring an end to Oyo-Ile.
That's a big lie.
That's a lie!
- Lies.
- That's a lie.
Hail hail hail!
I and Agbonyin's son,
Oluyole are the only
surviving descendants of Ga'a.
Tomorrow morning, the soldiers
returning to Oyo-Ile will take you back.
I spent the rest of my days in Ilorin
as Gbangbalasa.
You're the only living
decendant of the house of Ga'a
Get up.
Ah, please don't hand me
over to them. Please, please.
Please, I beg you, whatever you want me
to do I will do it, please don't hand me
- over to them, please.
- Get up.
- Please.
- Oyemekun is dead.
Oyemekun is dead.
Welcome Gbangbalasa.
Welcome Gbangbalasa.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.