House Of Mad Souls, A (2003) Movie Script

We've been friends for so long,
but I think it's a waste of time.
Why? Why do you say that?
Because all you do is work.
Why don't you understand?
I do, but do you
understand my feelings?
Did you remember
my mom's birthday party?
You left the party without
saying goodbye to her.
How did you think I felt?
What about my mom's feelings?
What do you care?
What do you want me to do?
I'm a doctor! In an emergency,
I have to go!.
That's just an excuse.
With me, else
Whenever I've asked
you to come to a party
you always have to do something
I'm not that important to you 'cause
I'm not your patient, right?
I did my best.
I love you, Man.
But I love my career too.
So, go ahead and enjoy your work.
Nan... it's me!
Can you tell the Director that
I'll be off tomorrow.
I can't make it.
It's a waste of time.
All you do is work.
Do you Khow how I feel?
Did you remember
my mom's birthday party?
You left the party without
saying goodbye to her.
How do you think she feels?
What about my mom's feeling?
To a party with me, you always
have to do something else.
Whenever I've asked you to come
I'm not that important to you 'cause
I'm not your patient, right?
I'm a doctor! In an emergency,
I have to go!. Why can't you understand?
I did my best.
I love you, And I love my career too.
So, go ahead and enjoy your work.
What are you girls talking about?
Do you know Dr.
Jitta is going to move?
Move? Really?
Did you misunderstand something?
No! She's talking with the
Director in the office now.
Are you sure of your decision?
You should think twice. Don't hurry.
You'll go for sure? That hospital is too far.
Yeah! You'd better think twice.
Yeah, I did.
Nan, don't worry about me.
I know I can live there, I was
an intern student there before.
This is because of Man, isn't it?
You're going to wreck
your future because of him?
It's not because of him.
Come on! I've been your friend for so long.
I know how much you love him.
I want to be in a somewhere new,
it'll help me forget him.
You gonna hurt yourself by
moving to a suburb like that.
You want me to live here,
and never forget him?
Don't worry! You'll get better soon.
If you're worried about anything,
will you take me to the sea,
like you promised?
Of course, I promise. But after you rest.
Where are you going?
Stay with me please. I'm scared.
Don't be scared. I won't go anywhere.
Keep it and you'll feel that
I'm always with you.
Good morning. Are you Doctor Jitta?
Come with me to see the Director.
I'm reading your file.
Why would such an honored student like you,
choose to work
at a suburb hospital like this?
I've been so fortunate,
I want to use what I have learned
to help everybody equally.
You're an idealistic person, aren't you?
No, I just do what I want to do, sir.
Your title here is
Chief of Pediatrics Section.
Your office is on the second floor.
If you're worried about anything,
my office is always open.
May I start working, sir?
You're so energetic.
Won't you take a rest for a few days?
No, thanks. I'm ready to work.
It's up to you.
Thank you, sir.
What are you doing here?
It's late
Your parents must be worried sick.
I'll take you home, OK?
Wait! Where did you go?
Where is he?
What happened?
A road accident. There's no doctors,
they all went home.
I'm a doctor, let me help.
How do you know we need a help?
Who are you?
Have we met before?
Hello, Jitta speaking.
Oh Hi! Nan.
I'm fine. You're on duty today?
Everything here is fine. Are you crazy?
I just got here. Who's gonna woo me?
Well, If there's any one,
you'll be the first one to know
Don't worry! I'm not a little baby.
I'll call you later ok? Good night.
Hello! Who are you calling for?
Hey! I'm hanging up now.
Ta, it's me.
Man! How did you know I was here?
Why did you run away from me?
I miss you.
I didn't run away man,
I just needed a change.
I'm sorry. I know that no
one loves me like you do.
I don't want to talk about it.
It's in the past.
I don't want to think about it.
You go your own way now man.
I know I made a mistake.
I know what I did was wrong,
but please, come back to me
No! I have a life here now,
and it doesn't include you!
You'll regret leaving me you bitch.
How did you get here?
Who let you in the building?
I love you and I won't let you go anywhere.
I'm sorry for what I said to you that day.
You should stay at a hotel.
I'll take you there.
You're drunk, aren't you?
No! I'll stay with you.
Don't leave me.
Come back to me.
Let me go! Please, don't! Let me go!
Damn it boy! How did you get in here?
Holy shit! A ghost!
Come back to me please. I'm cold.
How did you get here?
You must stay with me.
Get off me!
No! Don't!
Are you OK?
I came as soon as you called me.
I don't know what to do.
Man came last night and he
Don't tell me that you
It's not what you think.
What should I do if he comes back again.
Don't worry! I'm with you now.
What happened last night?
He came here, drunk,
and he was going to rape me.
I don't know.
But I feel like someone helped me.
Why? I blacked out after that.
I blacked out after that.
And when I woke up,
the first thing I did was call you.
And I met this boy
You're crazy! Ghosts
Ghosts don't exist!
I'm cold! I'm cold!
Hi! Are you here all alone?
Where are your parents?
Come with me and we'll find them ok?
Doctor what are you doing?
This child is lost,
I'm helping him find his parents.
Yes, This child.
May I go now?
Hey! It's good to see you again.
Hey, something on your mind?
I'm thinking of a boy I saw,
his face looked like yours
Do you remember him?
It's a long time ago.
Bad memories, arent worth remembering.
You're right.
When was the last time you were here?
A long time ago.
What's your name? Where's your house?
I have to go now
Will I see you again?
Where have you been?
I was worried about you.
I went for a walk,
and I met this boy
he had the exact same face as Baas.
Remember, that's Impossible!
It was so long ago,
That boy would be grown up by now
But they looked so alike!
Maybe he is Bass' cousin?
Maybe. Hey lets go and eat dinner,
I bought so much food today
You cooked?
Are you sure it's edible?
Hey! I'll have you know
I'm an excellent cook!
I haven't seen you this happy since
Let's just go inside yeah?
I'm starving!
Hello? Nan! Look,
don't worry ok?
I'll be fine.
Where are you now? Ok,
well drive carefully.
I don't think Man will come back.
look, just go back to work,
Hey! What are you doing in here?
The sign says "female"
Why isn't this stuff stored on computer?
Let's play over there.
You're the kindest woman in the world.
I love you. I love you.
I'm cold! Cold
I'm cold! Come back
to me please. I'm cold!
Bass? Can I talk with you for a bit?
My name is Jitta.
OK! How about some games?
Or would you like me
to read you a story?
What sorts of story you want to hear?
Please! Tell me about...
"Ugly duckling"
How about a walk in the garden?
Do you want to go on the swing?
Really? Can I?
Of course! But I have
to watch you ok?
What's going on?
The witch was killed by the knight.
And the knight and the princess
lived happily ever after.
I love happy endings
do you think I'll be happy?
Of course You'll be happy
forever! I'm sure of it.
Yeah! I only love two people,
my dad, and you.
I'll be a knight, and I'll take
care of you, and protect you,
all by myself.
I can't wait.
Eat some more, it'll do you good.
One day, I'll be strong enough
to carry you around!
Are you sure?
I'm pretty heavy you know!
If I eat all the food,
and medicine you give me,
one day I'll be able to.
I can't wait.
Oh! Who taught you to write that?
The most beautiful teacher in the world.
Her name is Jitta.
Then I'm sure it's true.
I see a lot of stars.
You look like a star in the sky.
Let's play over there.
You're the kindest woman
in the world.
Good afternoon, Doctor.
Good! He'll go back home soon.
Excuse me.
Thank you everyone,
you've all been so great
to me while I've been here!
We wish you luck. If you miss us,
come visit us again.
Come back to me please. I'm cold!
Come back to me please. I'm cold!
Come back to me please. I'm cold!
My sister, I just love you.
Bass, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't leave him.
What are you doing here, doctor?
Oh! It's you!
I've come to search for a patient's record.
Why don't you get
someone else to do it?
It's an old patient's record
of many years ago,
sir. So I want to find it myself.
What makes you so interested in it?
It's about this boy, sir.
Do you also know this boy?
I don't want to talk about him.
I have to find out
what happened to him!
OK! It happened when
I first started here
This boy's case made all
of us very frustrated.
Bass shut himself in the room and refuses
to eat or talk to anyone.
We had lots of patients but few doctors.
We couldn't takecare of them all.
Doctor Mongkol tried to cure him but
he refused everything until
his body couldn't take it.
So he passed away
when he was young.
Why? Who am I gonna live with?
Son! Get up,
son. Why do you leave me?
Doctor Mongkol can not save him too.
Bass' father was a doctor too,
and he helped cure many patients,
But couldn't cure his own son.
We all did our best to help him,
but we just couldn't.
Eat some more, it'll do you good.
One day, I'll be strong enough
to carry you around!
Are you sure? I'm pretty heavy you know!
If I eat all the food, and medicine
you give me, one day I'll be able to.
I tell you. There're only two people
I love in this world. My dad and you.
Good boy.
Doctor, are you OK?
Yeah, what else happened?
After Bass's death,
Dr. Mongkol went insane,
and the hospital was in chaos.
Where? Where is it? No! Where is it?
Where? Where is it? No! Where is it?
Where? Where is it? No! Where is it?
Bass's Bass's
Bass's, please eat something.
You'll revive to talk with me,
play with me and go around with me.
Is it good?
Why don't you eat?
Wake up my son. Son!
Who am I gonna live with?
Don't be afraid,
I'll make a new formula. Never mind.
Don't leave me. Son! It was then Dr.
Mongkol was been forced
to leave from the hospital,
he was too emotional
to continue working here.
After he left,
all our top doctors left with him,
and the hospital was left barely running,
No one wanted to come here anymore.
Since his son died,
no one has step foot outside of the house.
I've only seen them come out once.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
That's ok.
I'm a pediatrician at the hospital.
My name is Jitta.
You may not remember me.
I used to be an intern
student at the hospital.
So you're Bass' beloved nurse.
He'll be glad to know that you
came to visit him.
Bass, look who it is.
Do you remember Jitta?
Bass, look who it is.
look who it is.
Doctor, are you crazy?
You're son has been dead for 8 years!
No! He's not dead!
Because of the medicine I have created,
my son is immortal!
All you did was torture
his poor spirit,
it prevents him from being reborn!
Go away! Leave us alone!
My son isn't dead!
Don't be frightened. I sent her away.
Don't be frightened.
Are you cold? I'll cover you.
I love you.
I promise that
I'll help you this time.
Come back to me please.
I'm cold. Cold
Don't be scared, son.
I promise, nobody will hurt you. Y.
Are you tired? I'll clean your bod
After that, I'll tell you a tale.
It's a very good story.
I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time,
there was a prince named
He lived with his father...
Are you cold?
Here's another blanket. What?
Are you still cold? Stay here!
I told you to leave us alone! I swear,
I'll call the police!
Listen to me please, doctor.
What you did is not right!
So what is right?
What mistake did he make?
Why did he die so young?
Go back! Stop tormenting our family.
My life has been a happy one.
You say you're happy.
But do you know
Bass has never been happy.
He has to live like a wandering spirit.
He has no chance to be reborn.
Shut up! Go back!
I tell you the truth.
This may sound strange doctor,
but Bass' spirit visits me as if he
wants me to do something.
It's good to see you again.
Hey, something on your mind?
I'm thinking of a boy I saw,
his face looked like yours
Do you remember him?
It's a long time ago.
Bad memories arent worth remembering.
Who are you?
Have we met before?
Did you really see Bass?
I saw him recently,
and because we knew
each other a long time ago,
I recognized his face.
He appeared so many times which made
me wonder about what happened,
so I found his records from the hospital
when I learned he had died 8 years ago,
I came to this house.
I think he
wants me to help release
his spirit from his body,
so he can be reborn again.
I believe you have to let his spirit go,
I just wanted to tell you this,
I've done all I can
and the decision is yours now,
but please, you must face reality,
your son is gone, and
yourself now, without him.
Bass' mother died giving birth to Bass.
I worked hard all
my life to provide all that I could for Bass.
Bass had his mother's spirit in him.
When he got sick,
I tried my hardest to cure him,
after all,
I was able to cure almost everyone else.
But I couldn't cure my only son.
When he died,
I could feel it,
and I couldn't stand losing him.
Today, I'll tell you about Pang Pond.
It's very funny.
I'm Pang Pond's dad.
Pang Pond made a robot.
I asked "what are you doing?"
He brought it to school.
Today he's a very good boy.
Today, someone is gonna grab
I the robot from Pang Pond.
He laughs.
Your dad will manage it.
Pang Pond is in fact daddy's Bass.
I had no idea it was torturing his soul.
I'm sorry, son.
I'm cold cold
Come back to me please. I'm cold.
I give you this so you'll feel that
I'm always with you.
When I recover, you must take me to the sea
as promised, alright?
Of course, I promise. But after you rest.
It's good to see you again.
Hey, something on your mind?
I'm thinking of a boy I saw,
his face looked like yours
Do you remember him?
It's a long time ago.
Bad memories arent worth remembering.
You're right.
When was the last time you were here?
A long time ago.
Where do you go?
Stay with me please. I'm scared.
Don't be scared, honey.
I have to go now
Wait! Will I see you again?
It's a waste of time. All you do is work.
Have you ever cared for me?
How did you think I felt?
I'm a doctor! In an emergency, I have to go!.
Whenever I've asked you
to come to a party with me,
you always have to do something else.
I did my best.
I love you, Man. But I love my career too.
I'm not that important to you 'cause
I'm not your patient, right?
Some things come into our lives,
then pass away.
But for some, it may always
remain in their heart.
It may be good for us to
stop and think about it
And look back to see whether we
forgot anything over time.