House of Sand and Fog (2003) Movie Script

Are you Kathy Nicolo?
ls this your house?
Nadi, of course
agreed that it was
a wonderful idea
to cut down the trees at our home
on the Caspian
to have the sea spread before us,
to reach infinity with our eyes,
to see forever.
But then,
our life went the way
of the trees,
when the Ayatollahs ripped the soul
out of our beautiful country.
Well, enough.
Today is not a day for the old.
lt is a day for the young.
To the future.
To our Soraya. May she be
a happy wife as she is a bride.
And perhaps
she will not forget her poor mother
and father so soon
and return to us and give us
many little grandbabies.
A father can dream.
He's so tan.
-Retirement's good to the coronel.
-He's not retired.
-He works for Boeing.
-He doesn't work for Boeing.
My son works for Boeing.
Who knows what he does now.
l love you.
-What time is it?
-lt's nine o'clock.
Mom, that's 6 A.M. here.
l don't think 6 A.M.
will kill you.
Your father got up at 4:30 every day
of his life. God bless his soul.
-How's it going? How's the program?
l'm fine.
One day at a time, right?
l just hope it's working.
How is everyone there?
Frankie's good. Salesman of the
Month again. You know your brother.
His Lisa's in her seventh month.
How's your better half?.
He's right here.
He's sleeping.
Mom, l'm really tired.
l'm gonna go, okay?
l forgot, Aunt Frances won a trip
to Reno. We'll come out on the 18th.
l thought we'd stop by
to see you.
-The 18th?
-Yeah. Two weeks.
Yeah, okay.
Nick will be away on business,
l'm gonna go, okay?
You're still not smoking,
-You know it's...
Just a second!
You Kathy Lazaro?
Yeah. Why?
Kathy Lazaro, due to the nonpayment
of business taxes
associated with this property,
the county has petitioned the court
on its behalf to reclaim the costs.
This should come as no surprise
to you. l'm sure you've had
ample warning.
We've sent many notices.
Now the house is up for auction
starting tomorrow morning.
What are you talking about?
Are you out of your mind?
There's no smoking in my house.
Hey, Chuck.
l see your number
right here, man.
Are we going to meet down there?
lt's supposed to be
a hot one today.
l'd dress lightly
if l were you.
That's okay,
because l'm not leaving.
l'm afraid you have no choice,
Mrs. Lazaro.
All of your things will be
auctioned off with the property.
Do you want that?
Look, you can't evict me.
l never owed a fucking business tax.
lt doesn't make any sense.
Okay. Well,
this is where l get off.
Deputy Sheriff Burdon will assist
you with vacating the property.
Do you have a lawyer?
l can't afford a lawyer.
l'm a house cleaner.
This is the number for the Legal
Assistance Office. They might help.
Nothing's written in blood.
Youjust have to clear out today.
You may be moving back in next week.
ln the meantime,
maybe you can call
some friends or family,
stay with them.
There's no one to call.
l tell you what.
l know some movers
that owe me a favor.
Go down to Safeway
and get some boxes.
Let's help this lady pack up.
May l help you?
My car is parked here.
You asked yesterday also.
-What happened to you?
-l fell.
Wash up. Do not get blood
on the floor.
The house was repossessed
for tax payment delinquency.
lt's got three bedrooms,
one bath...
A widow's walk
would increase the value.
What is this ''widow's walk''?
lt's a deck on top of the house,
so you can see the ocean.
We still got some time here.
Feel free to take a look around.
today God has kissed our eyes.
Do you remember our bungalow
on the Caspian?
How l ordered the trees cut down
on the west side,
so that we may view the sea?
Please, be quiet.
You remember how the General brought
his family there for the New Year?
How beautiful it was?
What is the matter for you today,
l today have bought for us
another bungalow.
l have purchased this home for a
price of which no one would believe.
lt is worth two,
maybe three times that.
We will live in this home
for a short while,
and then sell it
and find one even better.
No, no!
Perhaps you did not come here
to live like a gypsy,
but l did not come here
to work like an Arab!
To be treated like an Arab.
For four years, we have lived a life
which we could not afford
and spent almost everything
to marry Soraya with a good family.
This apartment alone has cost us
over $140,000 in rent.
And what of Esmail's
university education?
Soon we will have nothing.
Then you will see what it is like
to walk in the shoes of the gypsies.
beginning tomorrow,
you will begin packing.
There's no more to discuss, Mrs.
Behrani. Do not open your lips.
-They evicted you for that?
-You got it.
Are you staying with friends?
Yeah, l'm with a friend.
How much is this
going to cost me?
lt's on a sliding scale.
How come you didn't do something
about this earlier?
l did. l went to the courthouse
months ago and
l signed a statement saying that l
never owed a business tax because
l never owned a business.
l even had it certified.
And what about
the follow-up mail?
l didn't open them.
lt's very important to me that
l get my house back by the 18th.
l'm expecting company.
When did you sign that letter?
l don't know. March?
l hate to be the bearer of bad news,
but apparently the county's
-already sold your house.
They can't do that.
The auction date
has been set for months.
Don't worry. l'll demand
they rescind the sale
or we'll file a lawsuit against
the county and get your house back.
Before the 18th, right?
lt's possible.
-l didn't mean to scare you.
-Don't do that.
You all right?
Yeah, l'm fine. You?
Good, good.
You working undercover
or something?
Excuse me?
No. l'm off.
l drive by this way
and l figured
l'd check in on you.
See how you're holding up.
They already sold your house?
it's mine and my brother's.
My dad let it to us
when he died.
l haven't told my family.
My lawyer is trying to get them
to rescind us.
So l'm trying not to harp
on the negative.
You have any kids, Mr. Burdon?
Call me Lester.
My husband left me
eight months ago.
No one knows that, either.
Do you mind if l give you
some professional advice?
Do it all through your lawyer,
l wouldn't even drive past that
house till the keys are in my hand.
Thanks for checking in on me.
Kathy, wait.
This is my direct number
at the department.
Most of the time l'm on patrol,
but if you ever need anything,
anything at all,
just leave a message.
See you.
Good night.
lt is like
our garden in lsfahan.
Your credit card didn't go through.
That's two days now.
God, l'm really sorry about that.
Look, l'm going to get
my paycheck on Friday.
ls there any way we can just
let it slide until then?
The only affordable way
to put a terrace up there
is to put the stairs
on the outside.
lt will have to block
that kitchen window.
l could do that for about a grand.
lf we have to go through the roof,
you're talking four to seven.
-But this window must be obstructed?
-l don't see any other way.
That is acceptable.
Can you start today?
What are you doing?
-Excuse me?
-What the fuck are you doing?
This is my house!
-Who are you?
-Who said you could do this?
Are you Mrs. Behrani?
Mr. Behrani hired us.
You'll have to talk to him.
Stay right there!
Don't move!
Oh, man!
Can we use your bathroom?
She stepped on a nail.
Sorry, ma'am.
Could we use your washroom
to clean her foot?
lt is okay.
For one moment, please.
-Here you go.
Have you had
a tetanus shot lately?
l'm going to be sick.
ls she bleeding?
Excuse me.
l don't want to ruin
your towel.
Here. l use this
for skateboarding.
Don't worry.
l washed it.
This is, of course,
our family pictures.
Thank you.
l think l should go.
What happened?
l'll tell you what happened.
My yard is a construction site.
-You were there?
l was there.
l was at my house.
l stepped on some nails.
l was bleeding on my own doorstep,
waiting for a stranger to let me in.
You can't just go over there.
Let us handle this.
l want them out of my house.
They're already more at home there
than l ever was.
Did you get their name?
Behmini, something like that. l
don't know. They're Middle Eastern.
-Yes. Connie?
Type a letter to the courier service
and get it to a Mr. Behrmini.
lt's damn hard
to sell a house nowadays.
This is what you call
a real buyer's market.
Sorry, but she comes in at
-You're late, Behrani.
-l'm not late.
l have come to tell you that l am
no longer to return to this job.
You tell the office, Colonel?
So why tell me?
ls this you?
''...inform you
that under these circumstances...
we request that you vacate
the property immediately.''
Mother whores!
goddamn it!
Mr. Barmeeny is here.
Mr. Barmeeny...
My name is Behrani.
Colonel Massoud
Amir Behrani.
l wish to speak with Mr. Walsh,
l'm Connie Walsh.
This is my office, Colonel.
Please come in.
l'm sure our letter
came as a shock to you.
The situation is this:
Pacific County has made
a number of mistakes.
First, they levied a tax on my
client, which she did not owe.
Second, they evicted her
for nonpayment.
Third, they auctioned
the property.
-And this is where you come in.
-But l now own the house.
l paid for it in cash.
l have a bill of sale.
Here, please.
Would you be willing to sell
the county back the house?
l can assure you they would make it
a comfortable transaction.
Please listen to me very carefully,
Miss Walsh.
The only comfortable
transaction possible
is if the county tax office
paid to me $174,000.
Mr. Behrani, you only paid
a quarter of that amount.
The market can already
pay me this.
good morning, Miss Walsh.
Wait, please.
From a legal standpoint,
you are in the right.
But the true owner of this house
is living in a motel.
Her belongings are locked in
storage. Why should she wait
to get back into her home that
was wrongfully taken from her?
Just because you want
to turn a profit?
Things are not as they appear.
lt is a matter of necessity
for me and my family.
l'm sorry.
l do not have a choice
in this matter.
This is a surprise.
Good one or bad one?
lt's good. lt's good.
What happened to your foot?
l stopped by my house, and they were
doing some construction on the roof.
-l stepped on some nails.
-Thanks for letting me ride along
today, Mr. Burdon.
-So, how's the El Rancho?
-l'm not there anymore.
l'm staying at
the Bonneville now.
l don't know it.
You're looking at it.
l haven't had a drink
in three years, Lester.
l'm sorry. l should have asked.
l didn't know.
lt's okay.
The fog is coming in.
l'd like to ask you
a personal question if l could.
Just get it over with.
Why is your husband
no longer with you?
l wanted kids.
He didn't want kids.
But l guess if he really wanted me,
he would have wanted them, too.
l think he's a fool.
Maybe we should find you
a place to stay.
Do you remember the beauty
of the Caspian Sea, Esmail?
The water like glass,
the beach sand like gold.
lt is beautiful here.
Massoud, when must we
move again?
Not too soon.
Perhaps once we get a buyer, we will
tell them to wait until autumn.
Would you prefer that?
l will do as you wish.
There was this
little runt of a guy.
Kept beating up his wife. Except she
wouldn't press charges. We'd show up
and they'd be at the door,
like Romeo and Juliet. Arm in arm.
She had welts and bruises
all over her.
So, one night, we get
called out there again.
And l slip down their hallway, and
stuff two eight-balls in his closet.
Turns out he was on parole.
He goes back to jail.
She's safe.
And l slept like a baby.
Did l just lose you?
l'm sorry.
To tell you the truth, l think
the wine is distracting me.
-l'll send it back.
-No, it's fine.
-You sure?
See, when l think of my sobriety,
l don't think about wine.
Alcohol was never a problem.
You're a grown woman.
-What are your kids' names?
-Nate and Betheny.
Nate is four.
Bethany is nine.
-Where is your house?
ln a housing development
called Palomino Meadows.
-lt's on the way to the mall.
-Yeah, l know where that is.
God, l've probably driven by it
a dozen times.
l've probably seen your wife.
Yeah, Carol.
What's your situation, Les?
l married my best friend.
And for seven
of the last nine years
l haven't wanted to give her more
than a hug or a peck on the cheek.
-That's my situation.
-What about her?
lt's not the same for her.
Do you want to come inside?
We are blessed.
What time is it?
lt's ten.
Oh, God.
l should have been home
hours ago.
l'm sure Carol called
the department.
And l'm sure they asked her
if l was feeling any better.
Things are finally in motion.
l'm finally going
to get it over with.
Telling her the truth
about how l feel.
How do you feel?
l feel found.
Well, Kathy. Bad news.
The county's done their part, but
the new owner won't accept the deal.
He's asking for four times
what he bought it for.
We can sue the county,
but that'll take months.
Do you mean that
l can't legally
get my house back?
lt would have been a lot easier
if you'd just opened your mail.
You can't expect the law
to work miracles.
l don't expect miracles.
l expect you to do your fucking
l don't know what l'm doing
sitting here talking to you.
And as you can see,
very excellent rooms.
lt is cool inside,
even during the day.
And from the widow's walk,
sunsets are quite beautiful.
There is very little fog
in this area.
-When would the house be available?
-Not until autumn. We need some time
-to find a new home.
-That might work for us.
She has come for a tool
her boyfriend carpenter may have
left behind. l was expecting her.
One moment, please.
l am happy you came.
This way. My family knows nothing of
this. l'd like for it to remain so.
-You confuse me with someone else.
-No. l'm certain l know who you are.
l'm Kathy Nicolo.
l know my lawyer talked to you,
Mr. Bahroony,
but l thought we could meet
face to face.
My name is Behrani.
Colonel Behrani.
Colonel Behrani, l'm sorry.
My father left us this house.
He left it to me and my brother...
Tell these things to the tax office.
They made the mistake, not l.
They said they'd give you your money
back, and you've put that deck on.
l'm sure they'd repay you
for that.
Sorry, but l have nothing more
to say to anyone.
Why should l be penalized
for their incompetence?
Sue them for enough money
to buy ten homes.
l'll sell you this house for the
right price. That's all l require.
l do not know where
he left his hammers.
-There is nothing more to say of it.
-Let go of me!
Let go of me!
You can't expect to just move
in here and make money
off of this.
This is my house.
l lived here,
and you stole this house from me,
you son of a bitch!
This is a stolen house!
He's trying to sell you
a stolen house!
What did you tell your kids?
l told them the truth.
My old man walked out on us. l swore
l would never do that to my own.
What happened?
My lawyer couldn't get
the house back,
so l went to see the owner.
And he put his hand on you?
lt's okay.
Don't worry about it.
That's not right.
He's got no right to do that.
Who is this guy?
His name's Behrani.
He's a Colonel.
-Behrani? What country is he from?
-l don't know.
But his wife hardly speaks
any English.
Maybe they haven't
been here that long.
Maybe they don't know
their way around.
-What are you doing?
-l'm going to pay him a visit.
Officers tend to listen to other
officers. lt's worth a shot.
What if he doesn't listen?
Then l'll make him listen.
Little bird.
Little bird!
Little bird!
Welcome to our new home.
Does it go down the hill?
lt's an investment property, Soraya.
Like our second home on the Caspian.
lt's an investment home.
Let us go to the roof porch.
For the view.
Jesus, look at them. What are they
celebrating? Stealing a house?
these people.
You're a very wise man.
To live in such a place
that gives you a view of
God's wonders.
Did you post that sign, sir?
Yes, is there a difficulty,
And that's your sign
at the bottom of the hill?
Please, come in, officer.
l am new to the area. ls there
a permit required to post signs?
Not on the house.
But the utility pole,
that's city property.
l see. Very well,
l'll put the sign
Thank you for informing me.
You're a long way from home,
aren't you?
This is my home.
l am an American citizen.
-Were you a general?
-l was a colonel.
Tell me, officer. What more
can l do for you this evening?
What's your name?
Massoud Amir Behrani.
And the names of your family?
Why do you need the names of family?
What is your name, officer?
Deputy Sheriff Gonzalez.
Now let me as you a question,
Colonel. Are you selling
this house on your own?
l do not with to offend,
but if you'd excuse me,
l have work to do this evening.
Civil Code 1101.
Yes, you informed me. l suggest you
come with me to witness the removal
of the sign.
No, l'm talking about the
disclosure law, Colonel.
You, the owner, are obliged to tell
all prospective buyers
anything about the property
they have a right to know.
l do not understand.
You sure about that?
Are you interrogating me,
Mr. Gonzalez?
No, no, you tell me.
l understand your friend,
the Shah, made a habit of it.
l don't know whom you think you're
speaking to, but l've had enough.
You've done your job.
You may leave.
You're used to giving orders,
aren't you?
Colonel, let me get
right to the point.
Pacific County has offered you
money. They don't want any trouble.
The only one that seems to want
trouble around here is you.
You don't want to do the right
thing, which is to sell this house
back at the price
you paid for it
so it can be returned
to the real owner.
The real owner, Mr. Behrani.
Now that just won't wash.
l have contacts at lmmigration.
People get deported
every single day.
There are a lot of things
l can do.
l suggest you call the movers
so l won't have to.
What happened?
Well. the guy's obviously
not right off the boat.
You're right. He probably buys up
seized property to make a killing.
l set him straight.
l think he'll listen.
He will.
What do we do now?
l mean...
Look at us.
We're both homeless.
Listen, my friend has a cabin a few
miles south. We can stay there.
give to me answer, Behrani.
What did that man say of deporting?
-He said nothing, Nadi.
-Do not lie to me! l heard him!
Who was that man?
Tell to me, Behrani!
What have you done?
lt's none of your business.
Have you no faith in me? No respect?
That man has only said
l must remove the sign. That's all.
Coward! Liar!
You dirty liar!
lt is your fault we were forced
to flee from lran!
lt is your fault we are here!
Yours and your Savak friends!
How long can we stay here?
Till we get things figured out.
You hungry?
l could eat.
Do you still love her?
Look, it's just...
lt's not her.
She's a good person,
a good mother.
Would this have happened
Even if you hadn't met me?
l miss my dad.
He worked really hard
for that house.
lt took him...
thirty years to pay it off.
And it took me 8 months
to fuck it up.
Come here.
We're going to get
your house back.
When this is all done,
l promise
l'll move you back in myself.
My son.
Do not follow the example of your
father one day when you are married.
Do not do as l did last evening.
Do not be disrespectful, son.
Look at me.
Were you a Savak?
l only bought fighter planes
for Shah-jahn.
-Why did he say we'd be deported?
-l do not know.
But we are American citizens.
We own this house.
They can do nothing to us now.
l feel bad for that lady.
The woman's house was taken from her
because she did not pay her taxes.
That happens when one is not
responsible. Do you understand?
Do not feel bad. Americans,
they do not deserve what they have.
They have the eyes of small
children, who are forever looking
for the next source of distraction,
sweet taste in the mouth,
we are not like them.
We know rich opportunities
when we see it,
and we do not throw away
God's blessing.
You know l must raise money
for your university education.
l can get another paper route.
l know.
You are a kind child.
Quickly becoming a man.
You have my respect
for your heart.
Soon all this will be over.
Thank you.
Have a good day at work.
You need to see what you're doing
to this family.
Look at your children,
at the damage you're causing.
-This is not the time.
-When is the time?
When l'm not on my way to work.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Do you want to get arrested?
ls that what you want?
You want to arrest me? god, go ahead
and arrest me in front of our kids.
Daddy, please!
god. l didn't mean to do this.
Don't go! Please don't go...
We checked, and we have no
Joe Gonzalez on the force.
Did he have anything else
on him?
Any pins, anything
to help lD him?
We have hundreds of deputies.
He wore a golden star.
A badge with two pistol barrels
And letters of gold
spelling F-T-O.
There are only 8 field training
officers in the whole department.
Tell me if you see him here.
That is him.
That is the man
who threatened me.
lt's Burdon.
You're completely confident?
l'm sorry this happened
to you, sir.
l can promise you,
it won't happen again.
What do you think?
l cleaned the whole place.
What's wrong?
Kath, l need to go home
for a while today.
l need to go home and explain
things to Carol better...
to Nate and Bethany.
l should be home
when they come back from school.
-Youjust said home three times.
-lt is my home!
At least until
we make another one.
Are you coming back?
A couple of hours.
Three at the most.
l'll understand if you don't.
l don't deserve you.
Course you do.
l told the kids that
this was just temporary.
That you were just taking
some time off, like a vacation.
l didn't know what else
to tell them.
Tell them the truth, Carol.
Deputy Lester Burdon?
-Deputy Lester Burdon?
This is Lt. Alvarez. Dispatch
yourself to my office immediately.
Can't it wait till
l'm back on duty?
No, Deputy, it cannot
You be in my office in 45 minutes
or you can come in tomorrow
and drop off your badge.
Please, wait.
Excuse for me, please.
l am sorry for keeping you
to waiting.
-How is your foot?
-Better, thank you.
Can l come in?
-Please, come in.
-Thank you.
l grew up in this house.
lt's the house that my father
left to me and my brother
when he died.
The county evicted me
from this house by mistake.
Your husband bought it
and now he won't sell it back for
less than four times what he paid.
l don't want to argue with him.
l really don't.
lt's just that if this goes
-to court, it could take months...
-They are to deport us?
l don't know.
You must see.
They will kill us.
They will shoot my children.
You don't understand
a word l'm saying, do you?
Please, you are
a very nice girl.
Please, you write
for me everything.
l want to understand
for discussing with my husband.
You think you can frighten me?
You think you can frighten me with
your stupid deputy telling lies?
Who do you think l am? Tell me that.
Do you think l'm stupid?
Do you think l'm stupid?
ln my country, you'd not be worthy
to raise your eyes to me.
You're nothing!
And you can tell
your deputy friend
his superior officers
know everything.
You tell him that.
-This is our home!
Our home!
Please, stop!
Please to stop, Behrani!
-ls that you?
Mom said you sounded strange
on the phone.
What's going on?
l need help.
-l really need some help.
-What's wrong?
Do you think you could
just come out here?
l'm sorry. l just got a real
shit storm going on over here.
We just got the new models in.
There's inventory.
l'll be right there.
Give me a second.
ljust feel lost,
Frankie, you know?
ljust feel lost.
Look, Ma and the aunts
will be out there on the 18th.
They can help you, bring you back,
straighten you out, okay?
l'm sorry, K,
but l got to go, okay?
All right, chin up, baby sister.
l'll call you later.
Don't tell Mom, all right?
Okay, bye.
Pack of Royals?
Wild night?
Seems to be heading
in that direction.
-Have a good one.
This and three on two.
You need a funnel
with that?
No. Just a book of matches.
l'm sorry.
l don't want the house anymore.
l don't care.
Nadi! Nadereh!
Don't go.
Don't go.
You must sleep now.
You must rest.
Please? Some tea.
Please, have bath to relax.
ls that car in the driveway
that woman's?
The woman has come here and tried to
take her own life. We must help her.
She is a bird.
A broken one.
Your grandfather used to say that
a bird which flies into your house
is an angel.
You must look upon his presence
as a blessing.
We have a guest in the house.
You must be a gentleman.
Very kind. Very polite.
Very quiet.
Do you need anything?
Your mouth to open.
Very good.
Your mouth, your mouth.
Very good. Yes.
Very good.
l feel sorry for her.
We should have moved.
Yes, perhaps you're right.
We should have moved.
All right, put her down!
Put her down!
What did you do to her?
Step back.
Shut up!
No! Move!
-Les, don't.
What did you do to her?
She took an entire bottle
of my mother's pills.
Bring them to me.
How many? When?
English! English!
My wife says 20 tablets,
perhaps half an hour ago.
My wife made her lose her stomach.
She has vomited the pills.
She also attempted to shoot herself
with the pistol.
l discovered her with it in her
automobile. She was quite upset.
She'd been drinking
a great deal.
That's bullshit.
Come here.
Pick her up.
Carry her into that room.
Step away.
She'll be okay.
All right, come on.
l don't want to see
this door move.
get some rest. Tomorrow you're
selling this place to the county.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
l have to go.
Use the toilet.
Your mother will not look.
today l want you to pretend
to be frightened of this man.
-You must do everything he says.
He is weak,
nothing without his gun.
He's very scared.
And a scared man is dangerous.
We will remain lions
in our hearts,
You're here.
l'm here.
Sir, sir?
Please let us out
so my family can eat.
-What's going on?
-l locked them in the bathroom.
That's crazy, Les.
No, what's crazy is trying
to kill yourself, Kathy. Why?
l didn't think
you were coming back.
Well, l'm back.
Do you really want to die?
l just wanted things to change.
You will get out when you call
the goddamn county!
Sir, sir,
may l speak with you?
-Please open the door.
l wish to speak
with you directly.
l think l have
a possible resolution.
You and l will go to the government
office and l will sign
the necessary papers
for returning the house to them.
They to me will write a check
for $45,000.
This check l will give
to you and the woman,
in exchange for putting the house
in my name.
-You would do that?
-l would do that.
We can't do this, Les.
l think that this can all work out.
He signs the house to the county.
When he gets the check, he gives it
to us. You sign the house to him.
lt's wrong. lt's just wrong
to do it this way.
This has got to work.
This way, at least you get some
money. He gets what he wants.
lt's a win-win situation.
Let's just go.
Please, let'sjust go.
Kathy, we could use
that money.
To start new.
lt's our only choice now.
He'll never let it happen.
All right. Leave the keys
and go do what you promised.
But your son stays here
with me.
You're not back soon,
lshmael and l will be gone.
But we have made an agreement.
No. l will for you do nothing
without my son.
Fine. Let's just do this.
Move it, Colonel. Come on.
You too, lshmael.
Excuse me, Mr. Burdon?
-Slow down.
-Deputy Sheriff Burdon.
l know you're busy. l just want to
say l appreciate what you taught me.
-l just wanted to say thanks.
-l appreciate that.
And good luck to you, Brian.
All right.
You listen to me. When we get
in there, you and lshmael here,
you'll have to hear me a whole lot
better. You'll do exactly...
Help! Help!
Somebody help us!
Somebody call the police, fast!
My name is Esmail,
not lshmael.
-Help, somebody call the police!
-Esmail, please!
Drop it, now!
l said drop it!
We have an officer-involved
Goddamn you!
-This kid's going to bleed to death.
-Call to hospital!
l want only my son!
l want only my son!
Sir! We're going to the car.
l want only my son!
-Medic, now!
-l want only my son!
l want only my son!
-Let go, sir!
-lt is him! He has done this!
l will kill you!
l will kill you!
Pesaram, l am here.
Pesaram, l am here!
l am here!
l am here!
What is your name, Deputy?
-What is your name?
l'm so sorry about all of this.
l have a headache.
Please, excuse for me.
Please, l must to my son.
Burdon corroborates
the whole deal.
Mr. Behrani,
you're free to go.
This is your recourse. You can press
charges against Deputy Burdon.
Please, l must to hospital.
Your son is at Saint Vincent.
He's 3 blocks east of here.
We can give you a police escort.
l want only my son.
l wan only my son.
l want only my son.
l must see my son.
My son, he is here.
-He has been shot.
-His name?
What's his name, sir?
He's in Trauma.
You can wait in the lounge.
Please, god,
don't take my joon-am.
l make my nazr. My #nazr,#
hear me, please to hear me.
l will give everything
to one who is less fortunate.
Yes! l will make it
for the broken bird!
Please, god,
l'm making nazr to this woman.
To Kathy Nicolo.
And l to you promise...
lf you heal my son,
l will return her father's house.
l will also give to her all the
money l have. My god. Khoda.
l make nazr only for my son.
Please, l want only for my son.
l beg you.
l will do whatever is your will.
l'll purchase 10 kilos of the finest
seed and find an American mosque.
l will feed all the birds
l will let the birds cover me
and peck out my eyes.
Please, god,
my nazr is in your hands.
You've reached the Burdons. We're
not here, but if you leave a message
we'll call you right back!
Let's go, Burdon.
Drink this.
Some tea.
l am tired.
Soon we will return
to the flowers of lsfahan,
the mosques of Qom,
and the fine hotels
of old Tehran.
l have taken us
so far off course,
but now it is time to return.
lt is time for us to go home,
to our destiny.
Are you Kathy Nicolo?
ls this your house?
No, it's not my house.