House Of The Devil, The (2009) Movie Script

I can tell you like it.
I love it.
It's perfect.
Well, great.
It really is such a neat place.
You know, I showed it
to another girl this morning.
But to be honest,
I didn't like her very much.
She looks like trouble,
and I'm way too old to be
dealing with all that nonsense.
I go a lot on my gut feelings,
and I have a good one about you.
You remind me of my daughter.
Oh, thank you.
It's just what
I've been looking for.
Well, great.
Welcome to your new home.
I'll get things moving
on your application,
and we'll have you set up here
in no time.
Um, about the deposit, um...
Okay, I'll tell you what.
If it'll help you out,
and I imagine it would,
I'll agree to waive
all of the deposit stuff.
You just give me
the first month's down.
We'll call it a day, all right?
That would be incredible.
Well, I remember when
my daughter was looking
for her first apartment.
It's hard coming up
with all that money, isn't it?
You just promise me
that you are gonna take
good care of this place.
I promise.
you'll be a good tenant.
I always trust my gut.
Well, you won't regret it.
I swear.
Oh, you know,
I have some things
I have to still take care of
with the gal that lives here.
You just get me the check
by Monday.
I'll have you in by the end
of the week,
if that's okay with you.
I can do whatever.
Thank you so much.
You bet, sweetie.
Heather, come on.
It's morning.
Please leave a message
after the beep.
This is Samantha Hughes.
I'm calling in regards
to the babysitter flyer
posted outside my dorm.
I hope this is the right number.
If it is, you can reach me
at 815-1920.
I'm very interested.
Thank you.
You just left me a message
about the babysitting position.
Oh, yeah, I did.
How did you get this number?
Please excuse the urgency,
but if you're still interested,
I would like to meet you.
That would be fine.
Well, I'm afraid
I'm not too familiar
with the layout over there.
Perhaps you could meet me
in front
of the Student Affairs office?
That's where I dropped off
my advertisements.
Okay, I know where that is.
I'll see you there.
Right now?
All right, everyone.
Have a great holiday.
I'll see you guys next year.
So tell me all about it.
I want details.
Well, it's not too big.
When you walk in,
there's, like, a little
living room area on the left
and then a hallway
down the right.
Oh, it is carpet or hardwood?
Carpet's filth,
especially for a germaphobe
like you.
I'm not a germaphobe.
I don't like gross things.
the kitchen's kind of blah,
and so is the bathroom.
But I'll paint them cool colors
or something.
I wish you had pictures.
Yeah, me too.
I'm sort of sucking
at explaining it right now.
But you'll see it soon.
Yeah, well, it sounds great.
This pizza is nasty today.
Megan, how am I gonna afford
all this stuff?
You're gonna be fine.
It's gonna work out.
That's easy for you to say.
You're not the one
with $84 in her bank account
and a check to write on Monday.
Yeah, but just relax.
It's Wednesday.
You know, if it's a big problem,
I can always call my dad.
No, don't do that.
No, look, he really
doesn't care at all.
Look, I'm not saying
it's gonna get to that point,
but if it does,
you're never gonna be homeless.
It's so weird and annoying
the way that guy
stood you up today.
I know.
You're gonna find something.
Did you go to the job board
at the intern office?
That ham-faced girl,
you know, in my class?
Yeah, she said there's
good stuff there sometimes.
No, I haven't been yet.
Although it would be cool
to get something easy
and under the table.
That's what was so good
about the babysitter thing.
Yeah, but it
could have been awful.
You know?
The kid could be from hell.
You don't even like kids anyway.
Yeah, I guess.
You know what you should do?
You should go around campus
and rip down all of the other
posters he put up,
and then nobody else calls him.
How do you like them apples?
That's good payback, right?
It's genius,
because then nobody else
will show up.
No, I just want to forget it.
No more drama.
All right, then.
You want to go?
Get a grip.
What the hell time is it?
Oh, shit.
Where's your friend?
Who cares?
Someone called for you.
I don't know.
Some dude, some guy.
I left his number on your desk.
Where did you put it?
Chill out.
It's there.
I just-
I don't know.
By your pens, maybe.
When was this?
Please leave a message
after the beep.
Hello, this is
Samantha Hughes again.
I got a message that you called.
Oh, thank goodness you called.
Quite frankly,
I didn't think you would.
I'm so sorry about this morning.
Things were very hectic for me,
and I got caught up in lots
of last-minute details.
It was a bit of a catastrophe.
It's all right.
Don't worry about it.
I spoke with another girl
this morning
who I thought was going
to work out,
but she turned out to be
totally unreliable.
And while I can
certainly understand
you being upset with me,
I must be honest,
I'm in dire need of someone.
You mean tonight?
It's very important.
I will pay you double
what I would have normally.
That's $100.
It's very simple.
It wouldn't take even
much of your time.
We would be home soon
after midnight.
Are you there?
Yes, um...
I think I can do it.
Oh, thank goodness.
You're saving me.
And I promise to make this
as painless for you as possible.
That's okay.
I can always use the money.
Of course.
Let me give you the address.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Thanks for the ride.
I'm just your monkey
with a cigarette.
The whole kit and caboodle
kicks off tonight
just after 10:30.
I know it's late
for some of you folks,
but stay up.
It's worth it.
Be sure to find a good spot
where you can see the sky.
I'm so sick of hearing
about that stupid eclipse.
It's, like, all anybody
can ever talk about.
They're like, "Oh, gosh.
"Are you gonna go see
the eclipse tonight? Buh."
Oh, God.
You know, it's not like
the moon's gonna explode.
Although that would be
pretty cool.
So do you want me
to come with you?
I don't have to see
Mark tonight.
He hates me anyway.
No, it's okay.
But I feel a little weird,
you know,
just dropping you out here
in, like,
in the middle of Jabib
or wherever we are.
I mean, I had to look at a map.
Well, don't worry.
I'm gonna be fine.
Okay, but I have
to tell you something.
But you got to promise that
you're not gonna get mad at me.
All right,
you can't get mad at me.
You got to promise.
- No.
- No-
I don't even know
what it is yet.
Where did you get these?
I'm sorry.
You were upset, and I felt bad.
I know, I know.
I'm sorry.
But look, like,
it was-it was like,
he was such a jerk
for standing you up.
Yes, he was.
And you were super bummed out.
You were.
And, like, we had
a really good idea.
And I know that you
weren't gonna do it,
so I had to do it, man.
And I didn't know
he was gonna call you.
How could I have known that?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Well, now I know why
I got the job.
Nobody else called.
Just please let me
stay with you.
Please let me stay with you.
I will be so good.
I won't touch anything
or eat their food.
I won't take your money.
I just-well, I'll be there,
and we'll, like, hang out.
All right, okay.
I heard you the first 50 times.
Can I come, then?
Let's just wait
and see how it goes.
They could be nice.
You don't know.
No, I do know.
Normal people do not pull
the kind of stuff
that those people
pulled with you today.
They just don't.
Look who's talking.
That's different.
People make mistakes.
It happens.
I mean, hey, they live
all the way out here
in the country.
So they're at least
normal enough
to have real jobs
that pay tons of money.
You think having lots of money
makes you normal?
You've clearly never met
my family.
Well, we'll see.
Yes, we will.
Hey, yo, check it.
Safest car on the road.
Holy crap.
I'm Samantha,
the babysitter.
This is my friend, Megan.
Vincent Ulman.
Very nice to meet you both.
Such beautiful girls.
Please come inside.
Have a seat.
You're a doll for agreeing
to this.
I mean it.
Oh, it's nothing, really.
I can't tell you how much
of a relief it'll be
to get this night behind us.
You know, we only arrived
in town very recently,
and we really haven't had
a moment to spare,
you know, what with the eclipse
and all.
So are you a teacher
or something?
I mean, not exactly.
Just-did you know
both of you live
in one of the most perfect
places on Earth
to get a clear view
of it tonight?
We heard.
Yeah, this place is quite
the astronomer's dream.
Are you an astronomer?
No, not exactly.
Samantha, could I have
a word with you
in the other room, please?
Um... sure.
I hope you don't have
a problem,
but you have to understand
that I am only paying one person
for their time.
Oh, yeah.
No, Megan's not staying.
She's just my ride.
I don't have a car,
so she was just dropping me off.
Oh, good.
And please forgive me
for sounding rude.
It's just that my wife
is very on edge
about this whole situation.
You're not being rude.
I understand.
Unfortunately, no,
I'm afraid you don't.
Excuse me?
Please sit down.
You have to forgive me,
because I've not been
completely honest.
You see,
we actually don't have a child.
We have a child, but he's grown.
This job tonight
is not for a child
but for my wife's mother.
Hear me out.
Mr. Ulman, um,
I don't have any experience
with anything like that.
I think maybe you should find-
Okay, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to-
Listen, this is not anything
like you're imagining.
There's nothing medical
that you would
have to do whatsoever.
In fact, you don't have to do
much of anything and...
I find this all a bit awkward.
But you have to understand
I have only the best intentions.
I've been putting advertisements
out for the past two weeks
to get someone for tonight.
But nobody responds
to elderly assistants
or home care anymore.
So I thought maybe "babysitter"
would get a better response.
But to be honest,
it didn't do much.
And like I said on the phone,
I only got one other girl.
And when I told her the truth,
she backed out, so...
I mean, I figure
it's all the horror stories
that you read in the paper
and see on TV
that have scared away
girls of your age
from these types
of opportunities.
Yeah, there's a lot
of weirdoes out there.
You're right.
And I sincerely apologize
for being dishonest,
but what I'm asking of you
is not that different
than what you expected.
It's essentially
just like babysitting.
I'm sorry.
I appreciate your situation.
I do.
Okay, what will it take?
How about if I gave you
another $100?
Okay, okay.
That's $300 for one night.
You have no idea
how important this is.
Jeez, come on.
Hold on.
Come on, wait a second.
Are you out of your mind?
Do you remember the game plan?
The game plan was,
if they're weird, we leave.
This is beyond weird.
It's mental.
You know, they lied to you.
They lied to you.
- I know, okay.
- They're liars.
I know you're right.
But it's $400.
It's $400 for four hours.
This equals first month's rent
and then some,
and all I have to do
is sit inside and watch TV.
It's too good to be true.
Did you ever think
it is too good to be true?
Megan, please.
I need the money.
It's so stupid.
I'm so mad at you.
Look, you're being
a great friend right now.
But this is huge.
This one night changes
everything for me.
Come on.
It's only a few hours.
That's it.
Just promise me you'll be here
by 12:30, and then it's over.
Just promise me.
Okay, fine, fine.
Okay, yeah.
Oh, God, Sam.
You can be such
a fucking idiot sometimes.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my gosh,
you scared the crap out of me.
Take it easy.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
I just thought you could use
a light, is all.
So sue me for being helpful.
I almost just died.
Oh, my God.
I almost just had a heart attack
and died.
You do it.
It's safer.
All better?
It's freezing out here.
Where the hell
did you come from?
Did you just hide?
Are you-are you not
the babysitter?
No, I'm not the babysitter.
My friend-
See, here we are.
Half your payment in advance
just to ease your mind.
And here's a little more
to get something to eat.
There's a number
on the refrigerator
for a pizza place.
I know you college kids
love pizza.
Mom is asleep,
and as I said before,
there's really no need
for concern.
She's old, but she's actually
quite able-bodied,
more able-bodied than...
than myself, I hate to say.
But if she needs anything,
she'll be able to get it
She's quite independent.
Most likely,
you won't even see her.
But you need to be alert
just in the off chance
that there's an emergency.
You understand.
I mean, this is mostly
for my wife's benefit.
She's, you know,
the paranoid type.
But you get it.
It all sounds easy enough
to handle.
Oh, right.
It's the number where we'll be
just in case you need us.
Oh, yeah, there's a number
on fridge for pizz-
I already said that, didn't I?
If this wasn't screwed on...
but I've said too much as it is,
so I'm gonna get upstairs
and get the missus.
And you just make yourself
And I'll be back in two shakes
of a lamb's tail.
Okay, thanks.
I've done everything
you asked.
Well, there's not going to be
any more mistakes.
No, this one, she's perfect.
We're not missing anything.
After tonight, everything
will finally be complete.
Please stop worrying.
I have it all under control.
Are you here for Mother?
Yes, yes, I am.
You're a godsend.
It's nothing.
Not to us, it's not.
Well, I'm glad to do it.
Vivian Ulman.
Nice to meet you.
What's the matter, Sam?
Oh, nothing.
I just-
I thought your husband
went upstairs looking for you,
and I didn't expect to see you
come in from over there.
I just-I get disoriented
My friend Megan says
I'm out to lunch.
I was downstairs
in the basement
looking for my furs.
I just can't get used
to this cold weather.
I love the heat.
We're from the desert, you know.
What about you?
Is this your home?
Well, it's more downstate,
but it's pretty much the same.
I don't like the cold
much either.
And now you're in university.
You look awfully young
to be in college.
Everybody says that.
But I'm a sophomore.
Oh, a sophomore.
You could have fooled me.
I bet the boys really like you.
I guess.
Hmm, you guess.
Of course they do.
A fine young beauty like you.
I remember when I was your age.
Your mother must
worry herself silly.
Here we go.
Ah, you two have met.
Yes, and she's delightful.
I couldn't be more pleased,
and I know that Mother
will feel the same.
Good, very good.
You see, things are working out
perfectly after all.
And you doubted me.
I know.
You were right, and I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
Well, then let's get to it.
Mustn't let the night
get away from us.
Isn't that right, Samantha?
That's right.
Oh, and Mother
is very private.
So don't be put off by it.
It's just her way.
Don't worry.
I warned her about both of you.
You did, did you?
Oh, yeah, don't forget
the pizza on the refrigerator.
Oh, I'm not actually here.
But leave me a message,
and I'll call you right back.
Oh, I'm not actually here.
But leave me a message,
and I'll call you right back.
Megan, it's me.
Pick up.
You're still not home yet?
Sorry if you're mad.
All right, I'll call you back.
It's not that bad.
Just hurry up and be home.
Pizza Pizza.
What you eating?
Yeah, hi.
I'd like to place an order
for delivery.
Okay, your address?
Uh, one second.
Uh, it is...
East Beaumont?
Very cool.
What can I get for you?
Extra anchovies?
No, just a small pizza
with pepperoni.
We don't have small.
Only medium and large.
Okay, medium is fine.
All right.
One medium pep.
That's going to be eight bucks.
Okay, thank you.
No, thank you.
See you in 30.
Hello, fish.
Good evening.
I'm Elaine Cross.
And I'm Ted Stephen.
And welcome back
to Channel 13 News.
Tonight's big eclipse
is now well under way.
It is a total lunar eclipse,
which I'm told means up to
two hours of no moon visibility.
But more than half the moon
has already entered
the Earth's shadow.
Observers from all over
the Western Hemisphere
are watching
this spectacular event.
In fact, it's visible
from every continent
this side of the globe,
except Antarctica.
The best time to see
this fascinating event
will be just about
the stroke of midnight.
That's when you'll be able
to see the moon itself
actually disappear
into the Earth's shadow.
And that's it for us tonight.
Stay tuned
for a special presentation
of Frightmare Theatre
coming up next.
Ooh, scary.
Good night for a movie.
Get the popcorn ready.
I like mine with butter.
Frickin' idiot.
I thought she said
these were in the basement.
Hey, yo, check it.
Oh, I'm not actually here.
But leave me a message
and I'll-
Get a grip.
Mrs. Ulman?
Is everything all right
in there?
Keep the change.
Have a good night, ma'am.
You too.
We're sorry.
Your call cannot be completed
as dialed.
Please check the number
and dial again
or call your operator-
It's okay.
Everything's fine.
She's fine.
Just relax.
Just get a grip.
Get a grip.
This is Gloria
with emergency services.
We received a call
from this address.
I'm sorry.
I thought I hung up
before it connected.
Do you have an emergency?
Everything is fine.
I didn't mean to call.
All right, then.
Well, please remember
that this line
is reserved
for emergencies only.
Yeah, I know.
It was an accident.
I'm sorry.
Okay, have a good night, then.
Get her!
My eye!
My eye!
My eye!
There you are.
It's happening.
No matter what you do,
it won't stop.
It can't be stopped.
You'll see.
It's gonna work in spite of you,
you little bitch.
Talk to me, lord.
Talk to me.
Talk to me.
Please, lord.
I beg you.
Samantha, wait!
Samantha, listen to me.
Get away from me!
Just stop.
Just speak with me.
Stay back!
All right.
You don't need to do that.
What have you done to me?
They're calling to you.
Just listen to them.
He's given the sign.
He's chosen you.
It's your destiny to accept him.
Okay, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Kill me if you want.
I'm just a messenger
who carries out his words.
Only moments away now.
No, no!
Astronomers everywhere
are still baffled
by how to explain
the bizarre event.
It seems that the speed at which
the moon exited
the Earth's shadow
was faster than believed
theoretically possible.
And while this may be
intriguing to many,
scientists around the globe
cannot agree
on exactly why this occurred.
But experts are working hard
searching for answers,
and we will keep you informed
of any and all developments
as they come in.
Poor thing.
Don't worry.
You're gonna be just fine.
Both of you.