House Of Wax (2005) Movie Script

You are being such a good boy.
Would you like some more cereal
sweetheart? Here you go.
He's really being a monster again today.
Trudy. goddamn it. helP me.
Can't you be more careful?
l'm doing the best l can.
He's out of control.
Sit still. StoP it!
Please hold him.
Don't do that. StoP kicking!
Why can't you be
more like your brother?
Be quiet!
Shut up!
There's a Place in Tribeca for 3000.
That's too exPensive. The money l saved uP
won't cover two months' rent.
l'm gonna have to work every second
l'm not in class until graduation.
-Carly. don't even think about not going.
-l'm not.
Good. Because you know
how Proud l am of you.
-lt's just an internshiP.
-At InStyle magazine.
Or would you rather stay
at the Waffle House as a waitress forever?
-No. thanks.
-Hey. babe.
Sorry. there were these two drunk rednecks
wrestling in the bathroom.
-There's no rednecks in New York.
No. There's not.
l'm gonna go see
what Blake's doing.
He seems to like that car
more than me nowadays.
Now that we have a second-- And
l'm not trying to make this a big deal.
You know l want to have a good time
on our road triP this weekend.
But why on earth did your brother
have to come with us?
You said your Parents weren't
gonna Post his bail anymore.
They didn't. Blake did. He invited him.
l guess Nick makes him feel more badass.
l don't know.
-What uP. Paige?
Baby. come back here.
You know it ain't like that.
l was messing with the GPS.
and l saw a shortcut.
l think it'll save us an hour.
So we can sPend more time....
How you doing? Hello.
-What's uP. crow man?
-Get a job.
That's nice. Yeah.
Here you go.
So. what do you think. guys?
Gonna be a sweet game tomorrow. huh?
-Dalton. Please don't film me.
-l'm not filming now.
-The red light's on.
Put the camera down. She doesn't like
having PeoPle uP in her face.
-She folds under Pressure.
-You got something to say to me?
No. l think you've already sPoken enough
for the both of us. don't you?
You guys are lame. l'm out of here.
See you.
Dalton. Put down that damn camera.
Record crowds are expected for college
football's biggest game of the year... Louisiana and Florida....
-lt's gonna be Packed tomorrow.
SPeaking of Packed.
my legs are killing me back here. man.
Don't worry. man. it's not Wade's fault
his little Hot Wheels car only fits two.
lt's more like a ''shot wheels'' car.
isn't it?
What did you do. go to the barber shoP
and ask for a He-Man haircut?
Shut uP. Dalton.
You hurt me.
-What the hell is this?
-Oh. man.
-This sucks.
-So much for his nice little shortcut.
l hoPe he's not gonna get us lost.
-Yeah. right.
Damn! Yo. yo. wake uP. Wake uP.
Oh. my God.
Look at her. Look at her!
-You're caught on taPe.
Oh. my God!
What are they doing?
-ls she flossing herself with that thing?
-What are you doing?
-Look at his face.
-She's calling me.
-He's blushing.
-You are so busted.
-LiP balm. l droPPed my stuPid liP balm.
-She droPPed her liP balm.
-Yeah. right.
You droPPed your liP balm.
-So. what's uP?
-lt's getting late.
-What do you wanna do?
-KeeP going. we don't even have tickets.
There's gonna be
a million scalPers there.
lf we keeP driving. there's no way
l'll stay uP for the game.
Why don't we just camP out?
We're close enough.
Yeah. let's just Pull over here. Come on.
We'll wake uP early.
-Yeah. all right.
-All right, we're pulling over.
All right.
Hey. wax museum.
-You like that kind of stuff. Wade?
-Yeah. l don't know. Sometimes.
l guess if you like things Pretending
to be other things.
Which you obviously do. Right. sis?
-Where are we going. Blake?
-l'm just looking for some Privacy.
We made it.
-You like it. right?
-This is great.
Your car sucks. dude.
-Paige. come with me.
-Wade. you gotta get a bigger car.
-l couldn't.
There's no Point
in freaking him out right now.
As oPPosed to when you find out
you are Pregnant?
Carly. l'm not sure. okay?
l think you should
have a conversation with him.
He's been looking forward
to this game for months.
l don't wanna ruin it
by starting a fight.
Paige. he's not gonna marry you.
His Parents won't let him.
Who says l want to get married?
Besides. l've been late before.
When l know for sure.
l Promise to talk to him. okay?
Let's go.
There are ticks out here.
Yeah. don't helP us or nothing.
-Let's set uP.
-Oh. yeah.
Pass it! Pass it!
You don't wanna....
Too slow. too slow!
-Come on.
Nice arm.
l see why they gave you a scholarshiP.
Yeah. it's a real tragedy. ain't it?
Yeah. it is.
Wade. HelP Dalton. okay?
-Bye. Wade.
You can be a Prick to me. that's fine.
But he didn't do anything to you.
So you admit that you did something.
l admit. according to you.
l did something. sure.
-You dimed me out.
-l did not dime you out.
When the sheriffs asked where
you got the car. l said l didn't know.
l didn't even know it was stolen.
You're blaming that on me?
You could have covered for me. huh?
You get caught stealing.
it's my fault.
You're resisting arrest.
and it's the coP's fault.
He took a swing at me.
Get kicked off the football team.
it's the coach's fault.
Mom and Dad kick you out of the house.
it's their fault.
You can't keeP a job for two weeks.
it's every manager's fault.
l'm surrounded by idiots.
So why did you come?
To Piss me off?
Don't you get it?
You're the good twin.
l'm the evil one.
Grow uP. You are so afraid
to take things seriously.
Yeah. As afraid as Wade is of leaving
good old Gainesville?
New York City. Well. l hear
they got buildings as tall as the sky.
Blue 42! Hut! Go. go!
-What's that smell?
-That's bad.
-Oh. my God.
-Dalton. did you craP your Pants again?
No. l don't know. Maybe.
l mean. l'm wearing
my work clothes. so....
lt's horrible.
-Something's dead out there.
-No. something's dead right here.
We need to drink it back to life.
Bless me. dog.
Come on. man.
Hi. Pretty Carly.
Hey. what's Wade short for. dude?
-What uP. Nick?
-You gonna do it tonight?
-Screw off.
-What? Come on. you know you want it.
Come on. man.
You don't gotta sPray it at me. dude.
-Look at that.
-KeePs messing around.
God. dude.
-Dalton. what did l say?
-All right. my bad. my bad. Sorry.
-What? No. it's off--
-You're killing me with this thing.
-Give me that-- Oh. and the tables turn.
-No. no. no. Come on. Don't--
Look how cute you are on camera.
though. You look good.
l think we might have to do
a little makeover.
-What do you think?
-He looks like a Smurf.
So why'd you steal that car anyway?
l mean. you didn't need to do that.
Get that rush. huh?
Something like that.
-You're coming out.
-l don't know.
lf you don't. l will be so mad.
Damn. Paige.
-Look how good you look.
He looks like Elton John. but more gay.
-Elton John is gay?
-You look hot.
-Yellow is his color.
-lt's in style.
Why don't you ever make me
that Pretty. Carly?
Give me my camera. Come on. now.
Oh. yeah. that's good. Let me get
some of that action.
That's hot.
Don't even think about it.
l ain't kissing you. dude.
Come on. you know you want to. dude.
Just kidding. Psyche.
l wouldn't kiss your ass for shit.
-Hey. yo. man. you need something?
-What does he want?
Hey. can you turn off
your lights. Please?
Okay. this is getting kind of creePy.
Hey. come on. man. get out of here.
Nothing to see here. Let's go.
-Can we helP you?
-Maybe we're on his ProPerty.
-No. we didn't Pass a gate.
-Hey. man. turn your lights off.
-Turn your lights off.
Turn them off.
or l'm whuPPing someone's ass.
lt's cool. man.
Oh. my....
That was great. That was great. dude.
My man Nick here's hardcore.
What the hell was that about. huh?
-You the man. dude. That was awesome.
-Don't encourage him.
Come on. he's gone.
Wade. Wade.
l heard something.
lt's Probably a serial killer
or something.
What are you doing?
You scared me.
What are you doing?
Getting you back to bed.
Come on. Let's go to sleeP.
-l heard something.
-Get in that tent.
Damn it. Hey. it's 2:30! Get uP!
Let's go. guys. Get uP. Get uP!
Wade. Dalton. let's go.
We're gonna miss the damn game.
Nick. Get uP!
-Dude. you see my camera anywhere?
-No. man.
-You guys seen my camera?
-Like l give a shit about it.
-So you and Wade talk some more?
-We're just in different Places right now.
He hasn't given me a guilt triP for going.
so l can't give him one for staying.
Oh. my God. there's that smell again.
-l think it's coming from over there.
-Yeah. let's go follow the smell.
What? l wanna see what it is.
-Come on.
What the hell was that?
No way.
Are you serious? lt was brand-new.
Someone's fucking with me.
l cannot believe
you're making me do this.
Only you.
-Come on. it'll be fine.
-l'm gonna throw uP.
Oh. my God. l hate you.
-Are you okay?
-l'm stuck!
Wade! Please helP me
get out of here!
We're down here!
Guys. helP us!
-Guys! Get down here!
-Carly! Carly!
-Hey! Hey!
-l can't get out.
-l'm here. hold on! Hold on. baby.
-Wade. where are you?
-Carly. l'm right here.
Here. Grab me. baby. Come on.
Come on. l got you. Get uP here.
You all right? Oh. man.
There's a roadkill Pit down here.
-Yeah. that smells about right.
-Baby. you okay?
l got you.
lt's okay.
Hey. is that the truck from last night?
Not unless he fixed his headlight.
Don't you see that?
What is that?
No way.
What are you doing. man?
Anyone need a hand?
l'm just fooling.
lt's not real. see?
l found it on the side of the road
a few weeks ago.
-Oh. my God. are you okay?
-Sorry we took so long.
-lt's all right.
-What are you guys doing here?
We were all camPing uP
through those trees.
-l have water in here somewhere. God.
-Oh. good.
You guys seen my camera?
-Are you kidding?
-Hey. is there a gas station around here?
-Well. l got some gas in the truck if--
-l need a fan belt.
-Just busted.
-Of course. Perfect.
Bo might have one.
Runs a station in Ambrose.
-Where's that?
-Fifteen miles uP the road.
-Let's just get one in Baton Rouge.
-Man. there's no way l'm leaving my car.
-What if that guy from last night striPs it?
-You're gonna miss the game. then.
Yeah. well. that's not why l came.
All right. look.
l'll run you uP to the station.
-Kickoff's in a couPle hours.
-You're already late. You gotta snag tickets.
Y'all should just go now.
l'll stay with my car.
lt's fine. Get me a fan belt
on the way back.
-Make sure it's a 1 5-inch.
l'll give you a ride.
-You serious?
-lf you like.
-Well. yeah. Yeah.
-That's cool?
Yeah. if it's cool.
-l'm going with you.
-Carly. no.
-Yes. lt'll be fine.
-All right. let's go.
Come on. Paige.
l'll leave tickets at will call.
-Thank you.
-All right. All good. man.
Come on. babe.
Oh. it's okay.
Come on. baby.
So let's get out of here.
Man. you're just gonna let them
leave like that?
With a guy who throws roadkill
in a Pit for a living?
You clean shit for a living.
Mr. SePtic-Tank-Man.
What's the difference?
Well. l don't walk through it.
that's one.
That's a difference. right?
-Can you roll the window down. Please?
Sorry about that.
Truck's seen better days.
Do you mind rolling down
your window. then?
Not at all.
Sorry. l kind of get used to the smell.
Really? l don't think
l could ever get used to it.
Well. you can get used to anything
if you're around it long enough.
lf you get them in the early morning
before the sun bakes them uP...
...they're not so bad.
lf they're fresh. though.
l just take them home.
Why waste the meat?
-Are we almost there yet?
-lt's just uP the road.
YeP. Ambrose used to be
a Pretty nice town...
...before the interstate came in.
You like knives.
-Not really.
-Tools of the trade. You wanna see it?
That's okay.
lt's a bowie. lt's a good knife.
That'll cut through anything.
What's going on?
You said there was a town uP here.
Well. yeah. there is.
lt's just around that bend.
l gotta fliP my hubs into four-wheel.
You mind giving me a hand?
When's the last time
that you were here?
What. you don't believe me?
l forgot this way in's washed out.
that's all.
We'll walk the rest of the way.
You've done enough.
Now. why would you want to do that?
Look. we wanna walk. okay?
Just let us out now.
Well. get out. then.
Try and do something nice
for someone....
-Look. it's not like that. We aPPreciate it.
-Yeah. l can tell.
ls he still staring?
-Yeah. Just keeP walking.
-Oh. like l'm gonna stoP.
-Now l feel like a real asshole.
-l don't care. That guy was a freak.
Dude. it's over.
lt'll move.
lt's not moving.
-We'll make the second half.
-l'm not sitting in this.
-What do you want me to do?
-We have to go back.
-Turn around.
-l'm not missing this game.
-Turn the car around. okay?
-They're waiting for us already.
Slow down. sPeedy. God.
Miss Ambrose.
Wonder how many teeth
you have to have to win that one.
-This is kind of nice.
Oh. wait. Babe. there's a Pet store.
-Oh. great.
-Come on.
Are those PuPPies? Oh. my God.
Look at them.
They're cute. Adorable.
Maybe next time. Come on.
Come on.
-You see anybody?
-No. nobody.
-Hey, it's me. We're heading back.
Really? Why? What haPPened?
Traffic. Did you get that fan belt
thing or whatever?
No. There's no one at the gas station.
l don't know where we're going right now.
So where do you want us to pick you up?
Just head uP the road that we got off at
for the camPsite.
lt's washed out at the end.
Call us when you get there.
Continuing coverage....
We'll camp in the same place as yesterday,
but away from that pet cemetery.
Cool. See you then.
-There's that house of wax.
-Wade. what about the fan belt?
Well. there's no one at the station.
-Why don't we ask someone in the church.
-All right. All right.
Let us all bow our heads and say a Prayer
for our beloved deceased friend.
-We should go.
-What do we do. just wait out here?
-l don't know.
l feel kind of messed uP waiting outside
a church for a funeral to end.
Hey. man. sorry about walking in.
We didn't know--
You shouldn't have walked in.
Yeah. l know. lt's just that we have
car trouble. We're not from this town.
We were looking for Bo.
He works at the gas station.
You found him.
Really? Well. we need a fan belt.
-We were camPing uP the road and--
-A fan belt?
You walk in on a funeral
for a fucking fan belt?
Well. let me just go dumP the casket
in the ground. l'll be right there.
-Look. we're sorry.
That's twice today. l'm an asshole.
-Let's just go back to the road.
Hey. l'm sorry. You know.
someone very sPecial to me Passed.
-And l didn't mean to take it out on you.
-No. no. no. lt's totally understandable.
l reckon things will wraP uP soon.
Why don't l meet you guys back
at the station in about a half?
-That'd be great. if that's okay.
Nothing. Looks like your fan club's
gotten a little bigger.
-Are you serious?
-Yeah. l am serious.
lt's obvious Dalton
still has a crush on you.
Oh. my God.
Okay. that's three times today.
You're an asshole.
Let's go see your famous house of wax.
But l'm still your favorite asshole.
l don't know what you exPect
to see in here.
lt is wax. Like. literally.
-You're not gonna go in there. are you?
Doesn't ''closed'' mean
''l don't want you in here''?
Relax. l just wanna take a quick look.
-What if someone's here?
Anyone in here?
See? We're fine.
How cool is this? Everything in here
is wax. The floor. the walls.
-Look at this. This is wax.
-Yeah. Cool. Awesome.
-Who are these PeoPle suPPosed to be?
-l don't know.
Aren't there suPPosed to be
famous PeoPle in a wax museum?
l don't recognize this guy.
''Trudy oPens House of Wax.''
''Trudy's wax carvings are a hit
at the state fair.''
''Trudy and husband
are exPecting first child.''
Since when is a wax sculPtor
a celebrity?
-l don't know. Small town. l guess.
-That's right. You like small towns.
l didn't say l wasn't gonna like New York.
l just said l haven't made a decision yet.
l still have time. all right?
Well. l'd really like you
to be there with me.
''Oh. no. There's a fire.
HelP me. Carly.
l'm melting. My skirt's gonna catch fire.
My legs are burned.
-Cut it out. Please.
-You're my hero.''
That's not cool.
Hey. Car. There's a dog for you.
Hey. PuPPy. You a little wax dog too?
What uP. dog?
That is cool.
Yeah. laugh it uP.
What's a dog doing in here anyway?
Another Vincent.
This Vincent guy's quite the artist.
Yeah. l think this Vincent guy
needs theraPy.
l mean. look how detailed this is.
Tell me this doesn't look real.
l don't really care.
l mean. not that it's bad.
but everything made out of wax?
Don't you think that's a little weird?
Those aren't wax.
Oh. whatever.
When do you think
the last Person was here?
A while. Probably.
-What? What is it?
-l just saw someone.
-lt was Probably just a wax thing.
-No. no.
lt wasn't a wax thing. lt was moving
and it was freaky-looking.
l'll go check it out.
Wade. where are you going?
Don't leave me.
-Wade. come on.
-Hang here a second.
No. Wait.
-What's wrong?
-This Place is freaking me out.
-Calm down. There's no one here.
-Please. l just wanna go.
Okay. Okay. We'll go
to the station. then.
Oh. dude. l had to Pee so bad. man.
Come on. dude.
Hey. you guys gonna have sex?
-Because me and Paige are.
-So you two go Pick them uP.
-All right.
-Hey. Paige.
-Nick and Dalton are gonna go get them.
-Why? We can go.
-Oh. baby. Come on. l'm tired of driving.
Why don't you let my man drive.
-You heard him. Move.
-Give me the damn keys.
Okay. Very slow. Thank you.
l don't think this is cool.
just coming in like this.
What? Look. the door was unlocked.
He said he'd be half an hour.
he's been 45 minutes.
l'm sure he won't mind.
You know. if your brother and his yes man
hadn't come along...
...we would've fit with Blake.
None of this would've haPPened.
Once again. that's not my fault.
l don't understand
his beef with me.
-l've tried to be cool with him.
-Nick's got beef with everybody.
-You just can't take it Personally.
-Yeah. l guess.
Nick and l always used to stick together.
and then when we were in junior high...
...and Nick would get into trouble here and
there and our Parents would always. like...
...comPare us. l was the good twin...
...and Nick was the evil twin.
as he likes to say.
He kind of got this image.
He totally Played it uP as if
that's what he had to be or something.
lt's already getting dark.
l hate the winter.
He's got everything but a 1 5-inch.
l'll just have to use a 1 6-inch.
-Make it work somehow.
-You Plan on stealing that?
No. We didn't know how much longer
you were gonna be...
...and. you know. we didn't
wanna interruPt again.
l left you money on the counter.
but you don't have the right size.
-You don't have any 1 5-inches.
-l do at the house.
l hoPe you're not getting
the wrong idea that we're in here.
No. it's okay.
-Does that cover it?
-lt's close enough.
Why don't we get the one you need?
lt's only a couPle of blocks.
-Yeah. all right.
-You keeP fan belts at your house?
l get things delivered there
when l'm not here.
lf you wanna hold on to the 1 6.
that's fine by me.
No. no. no. lt's okay.
Hey. you mind if l use
your restroom real fast?
Oh. uP at the house.
That one's out of order.
All right.
So is it too late to sign Carly uP
for that beauty Pageant?
Now. unfortunately it is. because
you would've won hands down.
-Thank you.
-That house of wax is Pretty cool.
-You went inside?
Yeah. it was unlocked.
so. you know....
Everything seems to be unlocked
around you. now don't it?
Yeah. PeoPle used to come to see it
from miles away.
And Trudy was the main....
l guess ''artist'' is the aPProPriate word.
What about Vincent?
-l saw his name on a lot of the work.
-He was one of Trudy's boys.
-They still around?
-No. no. lt's a horrible story.
Trudy's husband. Doc Sinclair.
he was a doctor in the big city...
...until he got his license revoked
for doing surgeries on the side.
Stuff that. you know.
most doctors wouldn't dare do.
So he moved him and Trudy
out here to Ambrose...
...made a fresh start
with his medical Practice...
...and. you know. Trudy really found her
calling with that whole wax-sculPture thing.
lt was her dream to do something
really incredible here.
And then she had a couPle kids.
Picket fence.
-What's horrible about that?
Trudy got a cyst in her brain.
She just started rotting away.
Couldn't work no more.
and she went crazy.
Things got so bad that Doc Sinclair
finally had to straP her to the bed.
The whole town
could hear her screaming.
Dr. Sinclair was so dePressed
that he couldn't save her...
-...he blew his head right off.
-That's terrible.
lt was worse for the boys.
left alone like that.
They both ended uP in foster homes.
Hey. why don't you two hoP in.
l'll go get the fan belt.
and l'll give you a ride to your car.
No. actually. we've got friends Picking
us uP where the road's washed out.
l'll give you a lift. Least l could do
for making y'all wait.
-All right.
-Hey. you need to use the facilities. right?
-Yeah. Thanks.
-Need to use the can?
-No. it's okay. l'm fine.
All right.
-So where you heading to anyway?
-We're just going to a football game.
The bathroom is right down the hall.
Let me get out of this jacket and tie.
and l'll grab your fan belt.
Okay. Thanks.
Just let me drive. bitch.
He gave me the keys. man.
Yeah. because he thinks l'm the one
who stole the car and crashed it.
Whatever. You didn't
have to cover for me. dude.
Your jacket's clean. all right?
Mine's already got Plenty of stains on it.
One more's not gonna make a difference.
Where the hell is this Place?
Town's not even on the GPS.
That's weird.
l'm in here!
Hello? l'm in here.
Come on.
Hey, it's Blake.
You know what to do.
Guys. where the hell are you?
Remember the truck that came
to the camPsite last night?
l think we just ran into him.
-Where's Wade?
-Oh. he's not out here?
Guess he's still in the bathroom. then.
l got the fan belt.
You're not in a hurry. are you?
Because l wanted to load
the truck uP with some stuff first.
-What are you doing?
-Waiting for Wade.
OPen the damn door.
This is my truck.
Hey. what is the matter with you?
lf you don't oPen this door.
l'm gonna call the coPs.
You're the guy from the camPsite.
-What are you doing?
Get out of the truck. StoP it.
l'm just trying to helP you.
Give me the keys. Hey. Hey.
StoP it. or l'm calling the coPs.
So... think Carly and Wade
are gonna stay together...
...when she moves to New York?
Because she be looking
at me sometimes like--
-Dalton. it ain't haPPening.
-What? What do you mean?
And even if it was haPPening... ain't haPPening. Nothing Personal.
Why? You like me better
than Wade. right?
Wade's not so bad.
Yeah. l like Wade too.
HelP. Please. somebody.
Please helP me.
What? What?
l'm sorry. Mama.
These PeoPle just have no resPect.
HelP! HelP. Please!
Will you helP. Please?! Over here!
HelP me!
What are you gonna do to me?
-ls this it?
Well. should we drive through it.
you think?
-Through all that?
-l don't know. l could do it.
That's what l thought.
Put me down! No.
Let me go!
Carly? Wade? Hello?
All right. Listen.
One word. and this is going
through your throat. Yeah?
Man. there's music Playing.
but l don't think anyone's here.
No one's here.
Where you going?
To that grocery store we Passed.
l'm thirsty.
Well. what about your sister
and Wade. man?
Maybe they're at the store.
l don't know.
We came all this way.
-You don't think we should look for them?
-Check it. l'm gonna go this way.
Go that way. We don't find them.
meet here. go back to the road.
Yo. Paying customer.
-Don't move.
-Now what are you do--?
lt's okay.
Just stay still.
lt's a shame we have to close
that Pretty mouth of yours.
EsPecially with the way
those liPs curve.
l'm looking for my sister
and her boyfriend.
They were looking for a fan belt
or something.
l don't think l've seen them.
This is the only gas station
in town. right?
That's right.
Yeah. then they were definitely here.
l just told you. l didn't see them.
Does somebody else work here?
No. l own the station.
And l would've seen them.
Well. l was just here a few minutes ago.
and you didn't see me.
-You weren't even here.
-Sorry. Can't helP you.
-What was that?
-Nothing. That was just my dog.
Actually. you know what?
My brother Vincent was down here for
a while. He could've helPed your sister out.
They could be uP at the house.
-No. my friend went that way earlier.
Well. maybe he ran into my brother
uP there. then.
-Wanna head uP to the house?
-Yeah. whatever.
So. what's your sister
look like anyway?
Nick! Nick. helP me!
Please helP me! l'm down here!
l'm downstairs!
-Thank God.
Okay. l'm here. l got you.
Watch my finger. Watch my finger.
Oh. my God.
He did this to you?
Where is he?
-Where is he?
-l locked him out.
-Where the hell's Wade?
-l don't know. He went into the house.
This Place is a freak show.
Hello? Anyone here?
Carly. Wade.
Anyone here?
This is a weird Place.
Anyone home?
Carly? Carly?
Wade. what the hell are you doing. bro?
Everyone's waiting for you at the camPsite.
Holy shit. man.
Hold tight. man. Hold tight.
l'm gonna get you out of this.
All right. l'm sorry. man. l'm sorry.
Oh. my God.
All right. all right.
What haPPened to you. man?
Hold on. Just hold on.
No. no. don't--
He's leaving.
All right. stay here.
All right. Car's by the road.
Damn it. Dalton's got the keys.
We gotta call the coPs.
Hey. where's your cell Phone?
lt might be in the truck
uP near the house.
What about Wade?
l think he has him too.
-What if he turns him to wax?
-What do you mean. wax?
You don't get it.
They're all wax. everyone.
No. wait.
There was a woman in here.
She was alive.
She Pulled the curtain back.
The whole town is rigged.
That's imPossible.
You're saying that
that's a real Person...
At the church. they were all like that.
At least 20 more.
Come here. baby.
Come here. sexy.
Baby. we need to talk.
-l really need to talk to you.
-What's uP with the music?
l'm not sure. and l don't wanna
freak you out--
-Wait. hold on.
-l need to tell you this.
-l'm just gonna go handle the music.
-No. let me just tell you--
Goddamn it. l need to talk to you
for a minute.
Guys, where the hell are you?
Remember the truck that came
to the campsite last night?
I think we just ran into him.
-Where's Wade?
-He's still in the bathroom, then.
-What are you doing?
-Waiting for Wade.
This is my truck.
You're the guy from the campsite.
-He said he had a brother. right?
At the house of wax.
he did all the sculPtures.
He's gotta be the one
that does the wax.
-What if he's around here somewhere?
Nick. what are you doing?
You gotta be careful.
l am being careful.
No. no. no. lt'll make too much noise.
Why do you have to be
so damn stubborn? He will find us.
Yeah. chances are he will anyway.
At least with this.
he might not wanna find us.
That's about right.
Go. Carly. Run!
l know you're in here.
Edwin, you certainly can play,
can't you?
And you certainly can sing.
EmPty shells.
Check him for ammo.
There's nothing in his Pockets.
Give me this.
Nick. let's get out of here.
Let's go.
-ls there anybody left alive in this town?
-What about this Vincent guy?
Who knows if there even is a Vincent.
We gotta get out of this Place.
Look. what about Wade and Dalton?
We can't just leave them behind.
-You said your cell Phone's in the truck?
All right. this is what we're gonna do.
l'm gonna go to the truck and get
your Phone. and see if l can get helP.
-You go back to the road. Paige and Blake--
-No way. No.
-l'm not leaving you.
-Why do you have to be so...
...damn stubborn?
Okay. We stick together.
nothing's gonna haPPen to us.
Come on.
That way.
-lt's under the front seat.
-Nice Parking job.
lt's not in there.
Wade and Dalton.
Wade went in there and never came out.
All right.
We'll go in quick. one Pass.
lf we can't find them.
we have to get the hell out of here.
Let's try the back.
Stay close.
Nick. Nick. there's guns.
lt's bolted to the wall.
There's gotta be a key
around here somewhere.
Goddamn it.
l told him not to do that.
Hey. you don't ever leave here
without me.
You know better than that.
Don't be so stuPid.
What's the matter with you?
l said. don't. Get.
Fucking freak.
Hey. the town's looking real good.
We almost finished what
Mama started. Those two are good.
They'll fit Perfect.
What'd l tell you. huh?
lsn't your work more real now?
Ma would be Proud.
Yeah. she'd be real Proud.
She always said that your talent would
make uP for what God took away from you.
Now. there's two more.
We still got a lot of work to do.
lt's okay. it's okay. All right.
l saw Paige and Blake's bodies.
They're dead.
We gotta go. Now.
l can't see anything.
There's gotta be a light
here somewhere.
Come on.
l'll get you out of there.
No. Nick.
Nick. Please.
That's Vincent.
Come on. Carly. Move it. Move it!
Nick. let's get out of here. Hurry!
Come on. Come this way.
No. Oh. my God. Wade.
-Come on.
You sick fuck!
-You're finished.
Carly. behind you!
Come on.
Get uP. Please.
Run! Go. Carly! Run!
Hey. Vincent.
l swear to God. if you hurt her....
No. Listen to me. Listen to me.
l heard you talking.
You don't need to do this.
You didn't have to listen to your brother.
l saw Bo's scars. And the highchairs.
You're not a freak!
He was!
You don't need to do this. Please.
You're an artist. Bo was lying to you.
He used you. Do you really think that your
mother would have wanted you to do this?
Please don't kill me!
Oh. shit.
l'm here.
Carly. do it! Do it now!
Come on.
-Nick. get uP!
-We're almost there!
-Oh. God!
How do we get out?
-Watch out!
-Get back.
Nick. The wall.
Faster! Faster!
Come on. Carly. Faster!
Go. go! Come on. Come on.
Oh. God!
Watch yourself.
lt's over 70 and counting right now.
Hey. that's my friend's camera.
Hey. that's my friend's camera.
Sorry. son. That's evidence.
You guys okay?
Well. don't worry.
We'll get you to the hosPital.
How could no one have known
about all of this?
Truth is. this town's hard as hell
to get to.
lt's been abandoned 1 0 years.
ever since that sugar mill shut down.
Hell. it ain't even
on the maP anymore.
We found all those cars
in that old factory.
Those Sinclair boys Pulled PeoPle
off the interstate for years.
lf it wasn't for all the smoke from
the fire. we wouldn't have even known.
Excuse me. sir.
Louis wants to talk to you.
Yeah. Excuse me.
Maybe there's some good memories
on this.
You took it?
lt just felt wrong leaving it behind.
You know?
You okay?
We're okay.
-Yeah. Dave?
-Ran the Sinclair family through CDIC.
Trudy and the doctor didn't
have two sons.
They had three.