How It Ends (2021) Movie Script

[knocking on window]
Not today, man.
You remember what day it is?
Why are you being so hostile?
-[grunts] Don't...
-Oh, my God!
We've got to start going.
-[Liza groaning]
[cellphone beeping]
We have 176 text messages.
-[Mandy on phone]
Yo, it's Mandy.
-[gasps] Mandy.
Are you coming to my
End of the World Party tonight?
You know you are.
I don't want to hear
any of your bullshit.
Oh, we gotta go.
-Also Pauly Shore's coming.
Um, oh. Also,
I have Ketamine
nasal spray.
Not even legal,
just for fun.
No, no, no, no, no.
-A little left for you,
come on over.
-Ugh, so mean.
[Celine] What do you think
I should wear
to Mandy's tonight?
I've got mechanic-on-vacation
kind of energy... No?
I could just go, like,
full Santa Fe art teacher,
Just drape myself in linen
for the End of the World.
What is this, Ezra?
I'm just kind of trying
to keep in touch
with the people that I love.
Haven't seen him
since his Bar Mitzvah.
And number two, um...
-Is he shirtless?
-There's this fuckin' party,
-It's kind of the last, like...
-He's kinda hot.
He's your cousin.
-...whatever you call it, so...
-I know, but...
...I was wondering
if you could
buy me some alcohol.
[girl] Okay, so...
Maybe we don't have to
go out to a party tonight,
but we can do
something more spiritual.
What if we went to the beach?
Remember when we used
to go to the beach?
We were so happy then.
That was, like,
the last time
you really felt free, right?
I don't know
what to tell you, it's like...
My whole life.
I have been terrified
of dying alone,
and tonight,
I am literally dying alone.
But you're not alone,
you have me.
Man, you don't count, okay?
You're metaphysical.
-[chuckles nervously]
-Look, tonight,
I just wanna, like,
get really fucking high,
eat until I puke,
and then die.
I could list
so many problems
with that idea,
but the first one is,
you're out of weed.
Of all the days,
-you really think you should be
self-medicating today?
-[door closes]
Why can't you just be present?
I have an idea.
Why don't I give myself
the present of doing drugs?
-Were you trying
to go to the weed store?
-[chuckling] Yeah.
I kind of bought it out.
Oh, like, you bought
all the drugs inside?
They gave me a deal,
I just cleaned 'em out
'cause I just was like,
I don't wanna be without
on the last day.
All right, well,
I guess I'll, uh...
I mean, I could give you some.
I'm not gonna
use all of it, obviously.
-It's not like I'm saving
for a rainy day.
-[both chuckle]
Yeah, sure,
that that would be cool.
I just don't want to do it
in this alleyway,
it feels a little shady.
and kinda disrespectful
to the medicine.
If you want to come to my spot,
it's pretty dope,
it's like a very quick walk
if you wanna join me.
-[chuckling] Yeah, sure.
Why not?
A few minutes with someone
on the last day of Earth?
Why not?
Right, yeah, cool, man.
-Yeah, just come with me.
It's right here.
-All right.
-You live around here?
-Yeah, just, uh,
just down the block.
-Oh, me too.
Is this your spot?
So yeah,
it's just right up here,
[Liza hesitating] Your...
Your house? Or...
It's not my actual abode, my...
My house is, uh...
You know, a couple blocks away.
-This is public land,
it's not mine,
but who's gonna
arrest me today?
[both chuckling]
So, yeah,
I figured, like, uh...
I mean, there's...
There's enough for everybody,
And also, like,
I have some DMT,
you know?
So I was gonna maybe do that,
but then I was like,
"Maybe that's just
like a hat on a hat."
You know I mean?
What's the point in doing...
-...DMT when you're about to
actually experience real death?
I have also CBD suppositories,
that, um, my girlfriend...
My ex-girlfriend...
She used to get, like,
pretty bad, uh, cramps
-when she had her menses.
So, if...
Do either of you guys
have your period,
or are either of you
in your menses?
Sorry, who, uh...
Who are you talking to?
I'm talking to you
and the childlike woman
that I'm now looking at
with the black hat on.
[both whispering]
Guys. Honestly,
I don't appreciate
whispering, like...
I'm so... I'm so sorry,
it's just... This really.
No one's ever
acknowledged me before.
No one's ever seen me.
Is this
an abusive relationship?
Uh, no, she's, uh,
she's metaphysical...
-Um... Younger self. the thing.
-Oh. Yeah, okay,
that makes sense.
Your her younger self. Yeah.
I know it sounds crazy.
-Doesn't sound crazy to me.
I had my younger self here.
-Uh, what...
-Where did he go?
He fell off
the side of a mountain
on a hike.
He lost his footing.
If you don't want to be
with your younger self,
you don't have to be.
If you wanna be truly alone,
you can be truly alone.
Um, okay,
so which one of these...
Can we just, uh...
I think we'll just grab...
-Yeah, grab, uh...
Grab a couple of those 'melos.
-Thank you, 'cause, uh...
-I like to call
the caramels, "'melos."
-Yeah, that's cool.
But they might be uppers,
so heads up.
-Okay. And, um...
-And, uh, yeah,
grab a couple store-bought,
those Rollupz,
those Rollies.
-Thank you so much.
-And it was nice to meet you.
Hey, uh...
Hey, have a nice,
uh, trip, man.
-And, um...
-Hey, actually,
I don't know if I wanna
be alone, can I...
Can I crash with you guys?
Can I come with you?
I'm sorry, but we don't...
We gotta go.
That was truly terrifying.
Yeah, that dude was real dark.
Uh, you're...
You're calling him dark?
You guys had the same
exact plan for tonight,
Talk about
a Ghost of Christmas Future.
The fuck
is that supposed to mean?
[Nate] Liza.
[romantic music playing]
[whispering] Go.
Just, like, go.
-[giggling] Hey.
You... You cross
this bridge often?
Yeah, I do, actually.
I live just up the hill.
-Oh, you moved.
I'm sorry. I, um...
that I haven't been in touch.
Yeah, you just stopped.
And I just...
stopped too, I guess.
Well, it's nice to see you...
See you now.
-You look good.
-[chuckling] No, I don't.
But thank you.
How are you, Nate?
Or is that a stupid question
to ask today?
Yeah, I don't know.
You, um, you going to...
Mandy's tonight?
Yeah. I don't know
if I'm gonna...
make it, but...
You have a full night
ahead of you?
Yeah, pretty full,
just gonna get,
like, fucked up,
and then, if all goes well...
And that's
why you have parties.
Oh, right, yeah.
I prefer, uh...
a solo journey...
as you know.
It's really nice
to see you, though.
Yeah, it's good
to see you too, Liza.
Bye, Nate.
[puppies whimper]
What was that?
I just, I...
I panic, man. I become so...
fucking emotionally, like...
I didn't expect
to see that dude today.
And like...
I loved him.
I loved him so much
and I fucked everything up.
I just...
It's my whole life.
My whole life has just been
a series of regret
after regret after regret.
I am just...
I'm such a fucking idiot.
This is what I've been saying.
Tonight's the night.
You can face those regrets
and turn them around.
Come on.
Fuck it.
All right.
Fuck it.
Let's go with a bang.
["Venus" playing]
When I'm waking up
-Okay, let's talk regrets.
the biggest one is Dad.
I would like to be honest,
even though it's scary,
tonight, with him.
where does that leave Mom?
Let's circle back to her.
-All right, maybe.
Okay, next up,
I would like to make amends
with Ala.
That was a shitty situation.
-Shouldn't have happened.
Yeah. We let some dumb shit
get between us
and tonight, that ends.
Next person I would like
to engage with
in a way that feels, you know,
I guess confrontational,
-is Larry.
-[sighs heavily]
-Fuck that guy.
-Fuck Larry.
That dude was garbage.
And I loved him,
and I never told him
that he didn't deserve my love.
So tonight, Larry,
you're gonna get a piece
of this person's noggin.
-Thank you.
You and Nate...
-could fuck.
Gonna fuck.
I mean, I don't know
if we're gonna fuck.
You're gonna fuck.
Please stop saying that word,
it's really...
It feels inappropriate.
But yeah, we're gonna fuck.
Didn't mean
To sing that song
Didn't mean to do you wrong
Didn't mean to drag this on
Didn't mean to drag this on
Didn't mean
To sing that song
[both] I love that for you.
Uh, dude...
...where's my car?
[Derrick] Oh, yeah,
it was stolen.
-Big guy.
Very attractive.
He took it. It's gone. uh...
Very attractive
I saw his whole body
and and his beautiful face.
You know, I could, you know,
definitely identify him,
definitely, Yeah, um...
Because it took a while,
you know, to turn on the car,
and he wanted to pair
his phone to the radio,
maybe he had a playlist...
You didn't think to,
like, say something?
Oh, no,
I didn't think about that.
Derrick, man, we're neighbors,
we're supposed to be
looking out for each other.
Yeah, the world's
ending, so I said,
who gives a fuck, anyway,
about any of this shit,
you know?
2:00 AM, asteroid hits
and then I...
And gone! Gone!
Yeah, yeah, well,
I mean, you know,
we're all, we're all
in the same boat here.
Why do you need
a car today, anyway?
We have some
very big plans for...
Yeah, we had
a pretty epic day plan
-that could have
really used a vehicle.
All right, then,
we're gonna, uh...
-I guess we're gonna hoof it.
-Okay, hoof away.
-Okay, man.
-Hoof away.
Well, it is
a beautiful day to walk.
The last time we saw Dad was...
I mean, two birthdays ago?
Yeah? I thought
it was last birthday.
No, last birthday,
he had that
creative dream workshop.
And the birthday before that,
he took us
to all-you-can-eat sushi.
-Oh... [speaks indistinctly]
-[man] Hey.
Hi, hello? Yes? No?
You can see me?
[both] Yeah.
-What am I holding?
-Looks like an English muffin.
Okay, what am I doing now?
-Spinning around in circles.
-Spinning in a circle.
Okay. What about now?
-Like a... Like a coy shrug.
-I don't know.
A "coy" shrug?
What about this?
It's like a phone
that you're not
interested in using.
Ah, well, hello.
It's great to see you.
And it's great
to be seen, I guess.
I guess so, yeah.
I'm Manny, even though
that's Manny in there.
-He's 92.
-[Liza] Wow.
Something like that, but...
-You're a YS.
-What's happening?
-Younger self.
-Oh, I see.
Younger self, I get it.
-Younger self.
No, I got it. I just got it.
Why do you think
everyone can see us today?
-I mean, what?
-I think everyone's
just operating
on a higher frequency
or something.
-That makes sense.
-'Cause it's the last day...
-Right. all of a sudden...
Everything's just heightened.
-I think everything is.
This is incredible.
-It's so nice
to be seen, you know?
-I know.
Like really seen.
It's the stress
of not being seen
that's endless.
When you go into a shop,
try to get service,
-try to get the manager
to show up...
-[Young Liza] Ugh.
Right. So are you
buying clothes online
mostly, then, or...
Uh, honey, we like to shop.
-Oh, yeah.
What you guys doing tonight?
What's the story?
Sort of, uh,
ticking off regrets
one by one, you know.
Better get a rush on that.
-Yeah. Gonna go see Dad first.
[exclaiming excitedly]
What are you gonna do
the rest of the day?
-I'm gonna
finish this sandwich...
-[Liza] Uh-huh.
-...make another sandwich...
-Mmm. that one, take a nap,
-take care of Manny...
-Uh-huh. to him a little bit
about his memories and stuff.
I might just
walk around the neighborhood.
Oh! So lovely to meet you.
Yeah, it's great
to meet you, too.
Listen, happy last day.
Hey, try to remember me
like this.
-[Young Liza chuckling]
-No, no.
-That's a joke.
-That's not how you'll die,
is it?
Oh, no, no.
-You'll wait to explode
like the rest of us.
Okay, good.
-[Young Liza]
So nice to meet you.
-Bye, guys, nice to meet you.
Okay, let's talk about Dad.
No, it's fine,
we don't need to talk about it.
Oh, my God.
Every time you see him,
you don't have
anything prepared,
so you never say
any of the things
that you want to.
Well, I didn't realize
that I needed to have,
a PowerPoint presentation.
Ugh, you're so aggravating.
Why are you being so intense?
Let's keep walking.
Sorry, Dad just
gets me riled up.
It's okay, me too.
We'll be fine.
We'll be honest.
Yeah. We'll be fine.
Hey, Dad,
Hi, honey.
You parched?
You look parched.
How about a brew?
You know, I'm brewing
my own brew now.
-I'm actually fine.
-You sure?
-Sure. It's hoppy.
It's good stuff.
You talk to your mom?
-I did.
Yeah. I zoomed her.
-On the tower.
you know that, huh...
-I was sorry.
-I am, you know.
I know that I wasn't--
But you gotta give me
some credit.
I stayed, and she didn't.
And that's--
Well, I mean, she left
and you stayed, but...
I don't know, you were
just never really
there to begin with.
You just kind
of checked out, man. You were--
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yes, Yes, this is--
I want you to know that I--
I didn't-- I didn't want to do
what I did.
I wanted someone
who wasn't your mother.
And I--
And I didn't have the courage
to leave, and it broke her.
And that is-- That's on me.
I was just really scared, Dad.
I know, I mean, I didn't know.
But I know. I know.
I felt really alone,
all the time.
Even when you were there.
And as much I didn't wanna be,
I was like the parent.
And that's really
fucking hard, man.
I could never be the kid.
Could be that, be that now?
Anything you wanna get rid of.
I want--
I want you to give it to me.
-For real?
-Yeah. Yeah, absolutely,
Okay. Whoa.
I--The body
has to take so much in.
You know,
it has to take so much in.
And we don't always know
how to handle it.
Like on a cellular level.
And so it just rattles around
like this energy pinball.
I like to call it
the dense body.
Feel it, Feel it.
Where is it? Where is it?
It lives in there.
Do it with me. Feel it.
Feel it Where is it?
Where's it hurt?
Smash it out.
Give it all. Come on,
give it all to me, Liza.
Give it all.
Give it all. Come on.
-Standing, okay.
-Come on.
-Oh-oh, what's that now?
Give it to me. Give it all.
Give it all. Yeah!
-Oh-oh. Okay.
-Ho! Ho!
I want it all so you don't
have to carry it anymore.
Because it is-- It is mine!
Give it to me!
Give it to me. [screaming]
-[both screaming]
-Give it to me.
-Give it to me.
-[both screaming]
Yeah, yeah!
Thanks, Dad.
I'm gonna drive to the ocean,
set sail on the open sea,
swim naked with dolphins.
-You wanna come?
-No. I'm good.
Yeah, Maybe you can just
be the kid tonight, huh?
Who's that?
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Dad.
[howling] Whoo-hoo! Whoo!
So, should we talk
about mom yet?
No, not yet.
It's a little on the nose.
Let's go.
[woman] My mom called me today.
And she said, "Sweetie,
the world's ending,
and everything's going crazy.
What's going on?"
And I said "Yeah, it's too bad.
You know, it is what it is."
She said "You seem
pretty calm about this."
Well, yeah. Every time
you call me feels
like the end of the world.
Uh, do we have
any administrative assistants
in the house?
Make some noise
if you have bureaucracy.
Come on, make some
noise, people. Come on.
Hi. Hey. How you guys
doing tonight?
-Uh, yeah.
You know, as good as we can be.
Alright. Uh, what do you do?
Um, I invented an app,
and I sold it.
She's actually
a very gifted coder.
Okay. Got a little woman
in STEM over here.
Let's make some noise
for women in STEM.
[Young Liza clapping]
This is kind of my first time
doing this,
If I'm being honest.
I've been a teacher in the
LA public school system.
But I've always dreamed
of being a standup. So...
This kid asked me
"What's the homework today?"
I said,
"Do whatever you want."
You know, there's no
assignment today.
Everything is, um--
Yeah, the only assignment
is death.
Well, that's--
That's sort of been my time.
Thanks! Thank you.
Pretty cool.
Um, well, listen, I'll be here
uh, all night,
however long the night lasts.
So-- Hey where are you from?
Wait. Is that the same dude?
Yeah, keep walking.
I don't know
How long it's been
Or how long it will be
Those kind of things
Aren't up to me
When we do
Where do we go?
What kind of feelings
I should show?
Which direction we would go
How much I love you
And I wish
That we could grow
Wow! We were
not expecting this
when we were
walking up this street.
That was fucking incredible.
If you had a hat down
I would give you all my money.
If I had any.
I started off busking
and I figured this would be
a way to go.
-So beautiful.
-Love it.
[woman] Thank you.
Well, it means a lot
that you're here
to hear this song
because I wrote it
as a as a duet.
-Oh, no way.
For my friend Rita.
Oh, cool.
She, uh, um, she's passed away.
And so, um, I haven't been able
to sing it with her, but...
Would you
wanna sing it with me?
-Oh, no, no, no.
-No, thank you.
-That'll be fun.
-No, no, please. No.
She's so good.
No, no, I really--
She used to be in a band
in High School.
When is there
ever a better day?
-It's true.
Today is certainly just
the fuck it of all days.
-Just a fucking song, so.
-Why don't you sing?
-She's-- She's good.
-I'll help then.
You'll do it?
You'll both do it?
I'll get there. I'll get there.
You'll catch on.
I don't know long it's been
Or how long it will be
Promises stranded
On an island Where you lay
I can't forget that day
You got it?
Tears roll down your face
There was
Nothing left to say
How much I loved you
And I wish
That we could grow
How much I loved you
And I wish
That we could grow
How much I loved you
And I wish
That we could grow
How much I loved you
And I wish
That we could grow
-That was so beautiful.
-[Liza] Oh, man.
-Thank you so much.
-[singer] Thank you.
It's a shame. I feel like
we could've been great friends.
I know.
Well, um well,
maybe the next one.
Yeah, maybe
I'll just see you later.
-Bye, thank you.
Okay, next up...
[Liza] Man, I really fucked up.
Just been a shitty friend,
just been self-absorbed
and stubborn.
She did kind of worry
about it, you know.
Yeah, and I wouldn't hear it.
Let the dude get in the middle.
Really good thing.
How very 1990's of me.
She wasn't completely
innocent either, though.
I love this side of you.
Yeah. I don't think
I can do this.
What? Yes, you can.
It's just-- It's gonna be
so uncomfortable, man.
And like, who knows
if she even wants to see me?
This was a terrible idea.
Honestly, I don't know
why I even listen to you.
Oh, my God.
When have I
ever steered you wrong?
I don't know. I've never really
let you steer before.
I got you.
[clears throat]
-It's done-- It's.
-You go.
-Okay, it's that--
-I just feel that--
You go.
I feel like you weren't
really listening to me
when I was trying to explain
to you what you are worth.
-I know.
-But you wanted
something different
for yourself.
I was like a lesser version
of myself at the time.
-You were.
-And actually embarrassed.
You know what I mean.
-...kind of subpar.
-Say my truth for a second,
Yes, I want that.
You also sort of abandoned me.
-That abandonment
was part of it.
-It was so annoying
to be the friend with
the shitty dude.
But you were with
the shitty dude.
He was the worst...
And you're feeling were...
And that is why I feel like
I need you to recognize
how I was
developing psychically,
which you didn't really
pay attention to.
And that is an ability
that I scoffed at
for a long time.
And that was something
I was trying to use
for your benefit.
-...wanted you to see it.
-And I know that now.
-Thank you.
-That makes a lot of sense.
I, like-- I actually
feel so heard.
-I do too.
-Thank you for hearing me.
I have a literally been saying
that in my head
-for like seven years.
-I was so scared...
-I was so scared of you.
[Ala] I was so sacred,
you were so scary.
That's why I'm on the street.
That time, honestly
I saw you on the street
-and I didn't walk up
to you, so weird.
I saw you
and I was like, "Oh!"
I lost it and I was just like,
what is this life?
I just want go talk to you
because like...
-I know.
-Friend, you're my best friend.
-You were like a limb.
-That kills me, dude.
You saw me and that
you couldn't say hi to me
because I was such a dick.
...talking to a stupid girl,
and I was like
is that your friend?
No, I don't have any.
I don't either.
I've just been sitting
in the drudge of solitude.
And I was seeing
that because I--
You've a gift.
And honestly like,
I don't want to brag about it.
I don't need to be like
I have this thing, but like--
I haven't witnessed it.
But I'm just I'm hearing you
tell me that.
And if you tell me that,
then I believe you.
I have developed
psychically to the place
where I am capable
of extraordinary things.
And it doesn't come
without hard work.
I trained, you know,
I'm Reiki one certified.
-Yeah, that just came
in the mail.
But, like everyone
is operating on this,
like other level today,
-Up here.
-...and I see now
your gift is real,
and I am sorry.
You see the future, man,
that is cool.
It's crazy.
And so when I knew that Larry
was a piece of shit
and he-- Honestly like,
I'm sorry,
I feel like now we can take
space from it
and see that he was.
-The fucking worst!
-He was a trash person.
-I know.
-Whatever happened to Nate?
Remember Nate? He was good.
It's funny you should
ask about Nate.
Well, there's so much
to catch up on.
Some shit went down
after we stopped speaking.
We got drunk-- Oh, you know.
Oh fuck, of course you know.
I want you to go through it
with me
because it's helpful
as confirmation
almost for like,
how I practice?
Sure. So we got very drunk
one night,
and, um, he end up like
telling me
[whispers] that he loved me.
He loved you. Oh, my God.
And to come out of that mouth.
-I know.
-With those eyes.
-It was like la-la-la-la-la.
And then we end up, like,
of course, like,
hooking up a little bit.
-And it was fireworks.
-Fucking beyond.
-And then I freaked out.
And I shut down
and pushed him away.
And he was so vulnerable
that of course,
he was, like, humiliated.
And then it just made
everything so weird.
We couldn't be friends any more
then he started
dating somebody else.
What happened?
-Remind me. I mean.
-I saw him.
-After years of not speaking.
But he also was like,
I'm going to Mandy's party.
I'd like to tell Nate that I--
-Love him.
-Love him.
-I've always been
in love with him.
The time is now
because I got to tell you,
your after life
is honestly unfair.
It is unjust how good it is.
Like I can't. Woo! I wanna,
kind of wanna tell you,
but I don't want to fuck it up
because of no ripple effect.
No, you obviously
have to tell me now.
I'm gonna tell you one word,
just one word.
-Shut up.
-Life partners.
-No. For life?
-Life partners.
For life, for that life.
-In the afterlife?
-In the afterlife.
-[whispering] Timothee.
Also, I see a lot of dairy,
with zero consequences.
I am lactose tolerant
and fucking Timmy.
That's right.
-Holy shit.
-Thank you for coming by.
Thank you for receiving me.
Uh, you're so fucking stupid.
I love you so much.
You're so stupid. I love you.
You're fucked, Okay.
-Bye. [groans]
Fucking nightmare.
That was cool.
-She is so great.
-She is the coolest.
-Feels so good to be honest,
you know.
You were so scared,
I mean, so scared
to confront things.
And then it's like,
who's direct? This guy.
Hey, can I be direct?
Please stop
walking in front of me.
I'm not walking
in front of you.
Thank you.
See, I like this.
I like being next to you.
-Where're you going?
-You gotta stay next to me.
Oh, she burns. She burns good.
Is that Mandy?
It can't be.
-I don't think so.
She's home. She's preparing.
[Liza] Okay, who's next?
[Young Liza] Larry.
Hey. Hi.
Sorry. Um, do you know
if the Getty's opened today?
It's Sal.
[gasps] Sal Benedetti.
First kiss.
-Oh, my God.
-By the...
-Cast party.
-Cast party for the Music Man!
I wouldn't have recognized.
But you really uh...
-I grew up.
-You have grown up.
-Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
You were so good in theater.
Whatever, did anything happen?
Thank you. No, I...
You know I do sex therapy
I do climax
therapy specifically.
I help couples
who are having block
sort of reach climax.
And today's been busy.
Is it a sort of a water based?
No. I had a client that wanted
to make love in the pool.
So I was there
to sort of facilitate.
So you're in the water
with them?
I was-- Not every client
needs me to be that close,
but I do dip in for some. Yeah.
-You dip in?
-Yeah. I, uh, yeah.
But you don't "dip in"?
No, no, no, no.
I don't partake
in the love making though.
-It's so insane to see you.
Wow, what a pleasure
to see you in--
In the flesh, in so much flesh.
Thank you.
Sal Benedetti.
Listen, when you do
go out tonight,
really breathe through it
and let whatever comes...
Thank you.
Welcome. And that's for free
[Liza laughs]
-All right. Wow.
-See you, Sal.
-Bye, Liza.
[Liza] See you in the next one.
I hope so. And you know what?
You will.
Rock on.
[Liza] Man, Sal Benedetti.
[Young Liza] You had
terrible taste in men.
[Liza] Yeah, truly.
-Hey, can I tell you a secret?
[Liza] I considered fucking
that dude in the tent today.
[Young Liza] What?
Jesus, dude.
Honestly, what is your type?
[Liza] Oh, you know,
anyone who will give me
a modicum of attention,
paired with a promise
of rejection.
A little seductive,
a little sociopathic.
You know, someone who could
potentially love me,
but also prove to me
that ultimately,
I'm unworthy of love.
[Young Liza]
I don't believe that.
[Liza] Oh, no.
[Young Liza]
You wanna be loved.
Like, really loved.
Today we take no prisoners,
today we see
what that looks like.
Love, I'm a victim of love
I'm addicted to love
I know that you hate me
But I'm meant to be loved
I'm a victim of love
I'm addicted to love
I know that you hate me
But I'm meant to be loved
Honey honey
Just like money money
Keep 'em comin', comin'
So ironic-ronic
Just like money money
Keep 'em comin', comin'
So ironic-ronic
What the...
They say go with vintage.
Go with vintage. You couldn't
just get a Bluetooth speaker
Fuck this.
-You're not using this anymore?
Hey, Liza.
You here to tell me
you love me.
No, I'm here to
to remind you of the mess
you left when you went away.
Because it's not fair, dude,
to deny me of the cross I bear
that you fucking gave to me.
That makes a lot of sense.
And I hear you.
I hear everything you're saying
because there's nothing
coming out of those speakers.
I know, I found it
on the street
but I thought it was
a cool visual.
-[Larry] Okay.
-[Liza] I think it's broken.
I'm on my way down. Can I
get you anything to drink?
No, I'm fine.
Not a seltzer water,
flaming hot Cheetos,
something like that.
No, I don't eat Cheetos, man.
You know that about me?
Those bright ass lips. You've
been eating something red.
I love you. Okay.
He said he loved me.
Larry, I feel like I never got
the opportunity to tell you
that you really hurt me,
you know?
And like what we had was real,
and you made me feel
like it wasn't real.
And when you just, like,
ghost a person
and don't respond to
any of my texts,
like I had no closure on us.
That's right. No, closure.
I think it's important
to have closure,
and you didn't get that
from me.
I'm here. I'm here
lay it on me, let me receive.
You know, this has been
happening all day.
Yeah, girls coming over
and telling me like it is.
Yes, I did cheat on you,
seven times.
Seven times? You told me
you cheated on me two times.
Uh, yeah, with women, yeah.
But it's not about
the number, okay?
It's about what we did
in those positions
that we did it in.
Sure, you don't like
to get weird?
You don't like to play
with my butt,
and they do, and that's fine,
because that's not
what you're into, okay?
You don't like to get weird
on the brown line.
No, I don't.
I don't travel
on the brown line.
And that's one of my main forms
of transportation.
And the women
that I cheated on you
and some of the others,
they knew that about me.
And I was just getting
some things out.
The time we went to Anguilla.
We never went to Anguilla.
Yeah, I know we never
went to...
I was saying, like, in a...
We never went to... You didn't?
I tried to take us
on a vacation
for our anniversary.
You said that you had to work,
and then I walked in on you...
Putting that work in.
Yeah, you were working.
Look, we never
went on vacation, okay?
You definitely asked me to.
And when you come home,
you find me going to town
on some lady.
That's low.
-[Liza] Yeah.
-[Larry] That's very low.
You're just repeating
shit I say.
Ain't that like me?
To just repeat things you say.
-[Liza] Yes.
-[Larry] I'm ashamed of me.
Because I'm not just cheating
on you, I'm cheating on myself,
and I'm cheating on the people
that count on me the most.
Don't do that. Don't do that
with your voice.
You're not crying.
It's not you, okay. It's one...
It's partly you but it's me.
No, it's me because it's we.
It's all of us, really.
What world are we living in?
Uh, we got to get it together
as a people.
We got to stand up.
And we got to say no!
To what?
Temptation, also
The Temptations.
If you put Temptations on
when a lady walks through
this door, panties drop.
Larry! Get down here, Larry.
I need to talk to you.
I got to get some things
off my chest.
-Larry? You hiding?
-[Liza] Yeah, he's here.
[Larry] No, I'm not hiding.
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
I have some things
that I need to get
off my chest.
You know what?
And all I'm going to say is
I walked that brown fine line
and it was not worth it, okay?
That's actually very good
for me to hear
because I didn't.
You're welcome.
And I've sort of regretted it
because I felt like
if I could have held that space
for you,
that butt play space...
What we need to do
in a time like this
is come together.
Black, white, brown,
purple or Asian.
Puerto Rican or Haitian.
Huh, I don't give a damn
if you're from the Zulu nation.
What are you talking about?
I was... Those were,
is an amalgam of lyrics
from multiple songs.
I came here to do this,
I got to go.
-[Liza] Yeah, do it.
-I need an apology.
You treated me
like a side piece.
You said I was the main piece.
-[Larry] Okay, I...
-And that trip to Anguilla,
you said to my face...
She went to Anguilla.
You were the one from Anguilla.
I thought... You're right.
You didn't go to Anguilla.
Yeah, I know, Larry!
I can't believe
you were into that guy.
I know.
What can I say?
I'm a sucker for compliments.
And he was like,
strangely good at that,
and I don't know,
hard to come by.
I compliment you all the time.
You don't count.
[Young Liza] Stop saying
I don't count.
Uh, okay, let's shake it off.
[both groaning]
Three down.
Three down.
-God bless you.
-God bless you.
-[man 1] It's unsanitary.
-[man 2] It doesn't matter.
[man 1] It's unsanitary
and it encourages racoons.
[man 2] Excuse me, ma'am.
Can I ask you two a question?
Do you think that the garbage
is going to be
collected tomorrow?
Do you think
that the garbage...
You don't know these people.
Yeah, I'm going to say,
like a 100% chance
of not coming.
All I ask is that you rinse
your recycling. You probably
rinse your recycling.
No one does that.
Do you do it?
Do you rinse it out.
You should.
Well, I know that I am
supposed to,
but I do have a lot of guilt
that I don't.
Let me tell you something.
This is all a big hoax, okay?
The world is not ending, okay?
There is no such thing
as NASA, okay?
Don't you think
they would have come up
with a better name than NASA?
Okay, you actually believe
the animations that you see
on the news?
You think that's real?
It is real.
Do the math. It's all fake.
All of that was fake.
The moon landing was faked.
The meteor is fake.
I have a quick question.
And then we do have to be
on our way.
So you are, uh,
an environmentalist
who also denies science?
[man 2] That's right, lady.
Science is bullshit, okay.
I'm also stressed.
It's an intense day,
and emotions run high.
And listen, I mean,
she had to talk me down
off a couple of ledges myself.
I have learned from her today
that it's important
to kind of connect,
since this might be
the last moment you can.
-[man 2] She's right.
-[man 1] Makes sense.
[man 2] It's not
about this dumb shit.
Yeah, it's not about, you know,
who has a better lawn
or who's recycling.
Oh, this guy,
he loves his lawn.
[man 1] What's that
supposed to mean?
You like to,
you love to get that...
Excuse me for just a second.
They've created a nice moment
and you're shitting on it.
We're gonna go.
[man 2] I'll punch you
right in your face.
You're going to kick me
in the dick?
Like you did last year,
on the Fourth of July?
-[man 2] That was an accident.
-[man 1] That's a cheap shot.
That was a cheap shot. You
kicked me right in the dick.
[Young Liza] Do you think
there's any way he's right?
[Liza] About recycling? Yeah.
You are supposed to
wash out the containers.
[Young Liza] No,
about this being a hoax?
Like, do you think
there's any way...
No. What? I don't know.
Are you scared?
Oh, of like, the end?
Yeah, I guess a little.
Helps to have this party
to look forward to.
Yeah, definitely.
And the person at the party.
And the person at the party.
Can I tell you a thing
I'm actually more scared of?
[Young Liza] Well,
fear is nothing more
than an obstacle that stands
in the way of progress.
[Liza] Is that our
quote calendar in high school?
[Young Liza] Yeah, November.
[Liza] It's just that
Mom's so intense and stubborn.
[Young Liza] That
sounds familiar.
So you'll go?
I guess.
I guess is not yes.
Okay. Yes.
You could've called.
Wow, I could have called.
That is so classic.
Yes, sometime over the last
few years, there could
have been a phone call.
I'm sorry.
Was your phone unserviceable?
-I tried.
-[Liza] You tried?
You mean by like,
leaving a voice message,
one time in which there wasn't
even a skeleton of an apology.
More than once. And anyway,
I'm unclear about what I did.
-[Liza] You're unclear?
-[Young Liza] Guys.
Yes, it's like
if I sneeze wrong,
you would decide
it was intentionally positioned
to hurt you.
[Liza] Yeah, here we go.
This is fun.
This is when
you start to make fun
of my being sensitive.
[Young Liza] Guys.
Like, that's not triggering
for me, at all.
I am also incredibly sensitive.
Okay, yeah. And then
make it about yourself.
And you want
to talk about triggering
you constantly alluding
to my narcissism.
Oh well, only a narcissist
would use her own narcissism
to make herself--
That's not even
the definition of narcissism.
This is about me.
Yes, that's more
the definition.
Oh, my God. You are--
People say narcissism--
Hey, shut the fuck up!
Both of you.
I need my mom.
And I am trapped inside this
grown person who has no idea
how to ask for what she needs.
So just please...
I'm sorry.
It's just,
you know, you came back
after all those years,
and I feel like I like,
took the bait.
It wasn't bait. You made it
very clear the damage
had been done.
Okay, so then what?
You just completely tap out.
Wouldn't say
I completely tapped out.
You didn't return
her phone calls... twice.
-Three times.
-Three times.
I didn't?
I don't know.
I'm not sure I was meant
to be a mom.
It's a really weird thing
as a woman to face,
especially after
you've already had a kid,
but it's just not in my bones.
I thought if I played the role
long enough, that it would
settle in or whatever.
I was in such a bad place
when I found out
about your dad's...
all that after a lifetime
of crippling anxiety
and depression.
When I left, it wasn't because
I didn't love you.
I loved you so--
I love you so...
But I still always felt like
I was failing you,
like I could never live up,
like you were better off
without me.
-I wasn't.
-I wasn't.
But I get it.
I mean, I feel
all those feelings too.
I mean, not about you,
about me.
I'm sorry.
Accept her apology.
I don't know if that was
like an actual apology.
It was more like, I'm sorry
you're also fucked up.
Was it an apology?
I accept your apology.
Your dad reached out today
to me on Zoom.
I think he was trying
to apologize.
I don't know. He was muted.
Oh, no.
[all laughing]
Do you feel better?
I feel sad.
Why? That went so great.
I know, it's just now I wish
I had more time, you know.
Okay. We're not getting down
in the dumps, alright?
Best of the night
is yet to come.
So let's just focus
on the party.
Party is fun, party is sexy,
party is happy.
Party is fun, party is sexy,
party is...
Oh my god. There he is.
Oh, my God,
he's coming after us!
I think we lost him.
That was insane.
People are crazy today.
We got to get to
this party, man.
These streets are not safe.
Let's practice
what you're gonna say to Nate.
Hey, Nate. It's me, Liza.
Why are you saying your name?
It's not a phone call.
Okay. So I start, "Hey, Nate.
What's up, Nate?"
Just be cool.
Like this, "Sup, Nate?"
Sup, Nate.
Sup, Nate.
Try it.
-[Liza] You serious?
-[Young Liza] No, be serious.
Okay. Sup, Nate?
Yeah, that's good.
[Young Liza] I like that...
I know.
[Liza] I did like
that shirt on you.
Oh my God, Celine. Hi.
Oh, listen man, I'm sorry
I didn't text you back earlier
about the outfit thing.
Don't even worry about it.
I can't even remember
what I was talking about.
That feels like
it was years ago.
Is that what you landed on?
For the party?
Oh, you did not hear. Yeah.
Hear what?
So I guess Mandy did
too much ketamine,
which like,
what's the desired amount
of ketamine, whatever that is,
she did, like,
eight times that.
They found her in a cave.
Some hikers found her,
just like all by herself.
Um, she did have a purse
and in her purse,
there were just
two dead rabbits.
She had written out this,
you know,
manifesto, there was like,
red string everywhere,
trying to find their killer.
So they airlifted her
out of there.
She actually had, like,
pretty good sources too.
She had cited it all.
Not just from,
like the Internet.
Like she had looked at books.
And like gone to a library
and stuff.
I personally, I'm kind of like,
I'm on board,
like because we're learning
all sorts of stuff right now,
like they're declassifying
crazy shit like,
did you know that the CIA
wrote all of Bob Dylan songs?
Every one. Every lyric,
every note, the CIA wrote it.
So the party?
Oh sorry, bleh.
Long way to say, party's off.
Yeah, no party.
[Young Liza]
It's not happening.
No, how could it?
[chuckles softly]
Oh, you guys are bummed.
I'm sorry. Um...
It's okay, Celine.
I need to kind of stay like,
a little bit more up for today,
like, I kind of want to
end things on like,
a high note
and you guys are kind of
bumming me out.
But I do really like you
and I'm sorry,
but I have to bounce.
But I love you. You look great.
-[Liza] Bye.
-[Celine] Bye, guys.
Hey, Liza.
Liza, look at me.
Of course.
This is how this...
You are just so fucking naive.
To think that like today
could be just not
like a series of
soul crushing...
What it is.
Like that I could somehow
suddenly just be free.
You are free.
[Liza] I am not free.
I will never be free.
You said it yourself.
I am fucking trapped, man.
And every time I think I can,
like, step outside of it.
Okay, you're made a choice
to go down this path.
No. I made a choice today
to not set myself up
to be disappointed.
I make that choice every day
and you just can't fucking
let me do it.
Because it's a fucking
horrible way to live.
Oh my God, what do you know?
To dull life so you never
get disappointed?
Who cares
that the party's canceled?
I do.
Well, you should grow up.
You should grow up.
That's what I've been
trying to do.
Don't you get it?
The rules are really
fucking simple.
I can't grow up
unless I have my own feelings.
But your feelings
are so fucking overpowering
that I can't have
any of my own.
Don't you think I'm upset
that the party's canceled?
I don't know. It's like
you're always just fucking
bright siding everything.
I need tonight.
I need it worse than you do.
How is that?
You don't remember?
When this all started,
when you were me,
and life started feeling
like it wasn't worth living.
And every day since,
you can't shake it.
You want to talk freedom.
I'm your prisoner
and I've been your prisoner
this whole fucking time.
And I thought tonight
that I could,
that we could...
We can still find Nate.
And we can still
make something happen.
Liza, please.
I am alone.
The universe
just keeps telling me
I am meant to be alone.
But you're not alone.
You have me.
But you don't count.
Why do you keep saying that?
I do count.
I do count, okay?
All your life, you've been
licking your fucking wounds.
You haven't realized that
I'm the biggest wound of all.
I can't do this.
Hey, you! Hey!
-That's my bike.
The fuck are you doing?
I'm sorry.
Why you gotta go
and steal my bike?
I'm so sorry. I didn't realize
that it belonged to anyone.
There was a sign.
Yes, I left it on the side
of the road with a sign
because I did a scavenger hunt
for my girlfriend.
Oh, fuck.
It was supposed to lead her
to the place that we first met.
Is it too late? What? Where?
Could you still go?
Like, where was it?
The strip club?
Yes, the strip club.
Is she like a dancer?
No, she's not a dancer.
She's an interior designer.
Of strip clubs.
[man] Yes, really.
Wow, I didn't realize
that was like a...
Yeah, she's really well known.
[Liza] Oh.
I'm super fucking proud of her.
She's really made
a name for herself.
[Liza] Sorry.
[man] Really romantic evening
planned too, but I'm not
gonna have it now.
Because I have no idea
where she is.
I lost someone, too.
So I feel your pain.
[Liza] Yeah.
Who'd you lose?
My, uh, myself, I guess.
[man] Oh, wow. It's like
an existential scavenger hunt
for your soul.
Yeah, I guess.
Oh, I dig that.
Listen, I'm really sorry,
again, and, uh...
You know, It's all yours.
I mean,
it's literally yours.
But, it's, now, also,
uh, physically yours and, um...
Hey, keep looking for her, man.
Yeah, I will and, and...
keep, you know,
looking for yourself, too.
[cellphone dings]
Oh, shit,
she just dropped the pin.
[man crying]
I think, you know,
I'm not there.
I can get there.
[both crying]
[both crying]
Get out of me.
You're laughing.
[both laughing]
Ah, hello.
-Oh, hi, hi.
Hi, so sorry, I, uh...
-I thought I heard crying
and it sounded like, uh,...
-Yeah, you did.
I'm looking for someone else
and it sounded...
sounded like her for a moment.
-Yeah, don't go, stay.
-No, it's okay...
-No, it's...
-Come on in.
We're actually, you know,
we're doing, right now, is
we're opening up
our heart shakers
and it's like a...
-Chakras. Chakras.
-Our heart chakras.
I didn't not want to do it,
-You do, though, now.
-Yeah, now, I'm enjoying it,
I don't wanna do it, but...
It's actually really,
kind of, a healing, opening...
It's kind of good
to do it right now.
Yes, it so nice
to just like open up
with our feelings and...
We do affirmations
were we sort of shout things
that we like about each other.
Right, it's nice for them
and it feels good
just let it flow out of ya.
-Oral sex.
-Ah, hmph.
Thank you.
-Well, thank you.
Well, that, that's beautiful.
Um, really, and I support you
in what you're doing today,
but I think
I should, probably...
-Oh, we could do you.
-I mean, yeah,
that might feel good.
Eyeballs. You got nice eyes.
Yeah, and your skin
is tight and glistening.
You got a healthy regimen
goin there,
for sure, absolutely.
-The bondage straps
are cool.
-Oh, yes.
-That's a groovy thing there.
Good choice.
-Are you done with those?
Oh, this is just a backpack.
You could, probably,
still use it.
I think so.
-Chop it up and use that way
if you wanted, you know.
Just hog tie kind of a thing.
You wanted to get
funky with it.
Um, anyway, that actually
did feel really nice,
thank you, but, I think,
I have to get back
to looking for her.
Yeah, actually, you know what,
if you're looking for something
can I just tell you
a real quick story?
I lost a pair for shoes once,
I looked around everywhere
for these shoes.
I was really broken up
about it because...
I love these shoes
and they were like
a part of me.
I actually cried.
You know it's like, uh...
a piece of me was missing.
I looked everywhere for them,
I couldn't find them and, then,
ultimately, I did find them
in the strangest of places...
They were on my bed.
Because they were on my feet.
I was lying in bed
wearing my shoes.
It made me realize, okay,
why can't find shoes
to just like an outdoor thing,
they could be indoors.
They could be in bed
where shoes feel most free.
You know, most comfortable.
That's a lot,
that's the story
about shoes.
You said that
they feel most free.
MAN: Mmm.
Yes, Oh, my God.
I think I just...
I think I might have
just figured out
where she is.
-Oh, yeah?
-Because of us?
-That's amazing.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-God speed.
-Oh, man.
-I am tripping balls right now.
Like super high.
Hey, was someone just here?
I don't think so.
I love the way
you look at me.
How your eyes get,
like, so big.
And your lip kind of curls,
when you think
I'm about say something funny.
How you laugh
with your whole body.
How no one has taken that
from you yet.
Made you feel embarrassed or...
Like it's uncool.
I love how weird
your walk is.
Man, like...
How big the steps
you take are.
Like you have no uncertainty
that you'll get there.
How you just keep
showing up everyday.
To tell me to keep going
even when
I don't know how to.
I have never been loved
by anyone
the way you have loved me.
And I am so sorry
that I haven't known
how to love you back.
When I say you don't count,
I'm not talking to you,
I'm talking to me.
I always forget that...'s the same thing.
You do count.
You count more than anyone.
You count more than me.
No, I don't.
You do.
I need you
to know that you do.
You made it count,
you have to count too.
You think I walk weird?
That's your take away?
It was fucking weird.
I love you, Liza.
I love you, Liza.
Hey, how did you
get here, anyway?
This is John.
Hi, I'm John,
I stole your car.
It feels really good
to get that out,
I gotta say.
I just, uh...
I didn't want
the last thing on Earth
to be like a negative thing.
I wanted... I wanted it to be
a positive thing,
you know, for me, so...
I don't know
if you have noticed this,
but, I've been trying all day,
I've been following you.
You know, we did notice.
Yeah, I'm not really
like a outdoors person,
I'm more of an indoors person.
I spent my...
all my time indoors,
you know, except when
I'm like stealing stuff.
Which is like everyday.
I didn't always wanna lead
a life of crime.
I've actually got
a pretty interesting
back story.
It's a very interesting story.
I just wanted to do musicals.
I could do it,
you know what I mean.
'Cause I can sing,
you know, like,
I can sing.
Judas, I love you, Judas
How could you betray me
You know,
I should have done musicals.
Are you going to Mandy's party?
-What, you're going?
-I thought
that wasn't happening.
No, I have it on good authority
that it's very much
now, happening again, so...
I'd give you a ride.
It's my car, man.
Yes, this is your car.
Can I actually get a ride
back to my house?
I got a house
full of wild animals.
It's a long story,
that's a whole story
in another self,
but, they are not domesticated.
I mean, do you want to drive
or you want me to drive?
Actually, you drive.
I've had a long day.
Oh, my God.
Am I making sense,
because here's the deal.
Solids are solid,
hard isn't hard
unless you allow it be hard.
If you enter negotiation
that's when I realized
that I could chew
through metal because
I didn't allow the metal
to have power over me.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Okay, so,
it's like a lot, I know.
Okay, it's a lot.
It's a lot to handle,
it's a lot to process.
Just think about it.
-Hi, baby, how's it going?
Rhinestone cowgirl
-Oh, you look amazing.
-I know.
Are you, you're good?
-Yes, yes.
-Oh, okay.
-Are you okay?
-Oh, I'm fine.
Yeah, we had just heard, um,
that you might have...
-There's a rumor...
-Well, yeah...
-But you look great.
-I know.
Cara who
Cara what
Cara who
Cara would
Cara where
-Right here. In there.
-Right here.
He had some Ketamine too.
We guys smoked and snorted it.
The thing is,
your friends are not cool,
they're really bumming me out.
I mean, for real.
These people,
is fucking bumming
me out, dude,
I mean,
the facts are it's a wrap,
and I'm celebrating tonight
because I should've been dead
a long time ago.
-Dude. Oh, that I'd...
-I mean, for real.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I've read...
I've read a lot of things
about you.
-You know where we met?
-TikTok, don't stop.
-TikTok, TikTok, TikTok...
You met on TikTok.
Wow, that's like
a whole new meet cue.
[all laughing]
We have decided,
as a team,
that we are going
to get pregnant tonight
because we can take the zygote
through the portal
that we're about
to all cross through...
Stop saying you're gonna die.
After I put it in
her port hole.
-...the front one.
We do need to copulate.
So, we'll go and we'll be back.
-Make yourself at home.
Have fun.
Do you want this?
-I'm good.
-Okay, let's go.
Okay, bye-bye.
[distant chattering]
Ah, okay.
-You came.
-Oh, I did, yeah.
Nate, I am...
Listen, I've been meaning
to tell you something
for a long time.
You have my...
favorite sweatshirt
still or what?
[chuckles] No.
I mean, I actually do have
your sweatshirt still.
I would say I'd get it
back to you, but...
Nate, I...
I love you.
I've always loved you.
And I...
I guess,
I'm just not great at...
Well, [giggles] um...
Nobody is.
You are.
You were
and I wasn't able to receive it
and I'm, really,
I'm so sorry...
...that I hurt you.
I... you know, it's not.
It's really not...
I mean, it sucked,
it hurt, but...
It means a lot to...
To hear that
from you right now.
'Cause I love you.
And I never stop loving you.
Damn, me too.
What could've been.
Yeah, if only.
Yeah, I fucked it up.
Yeah, I know, man.
I'm a fucking idiot.
You are.
I've an idea.
What if we don't ruin it?
You mean,
just like leave it at that?
Pick it up in the next one.
God, I hope so.
Hey, you wanna go inside or...
No, I think I'm gonna go home.
You're gonna be okay
by yourself tonight, Liza?
I won't be.
[loud rumbling]