How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer (2005) Movie Script

Good morning!
Good morning.
Blanca, get in here
and say hello to your Nana.
Oh! She is driving me crazy!
Let her be.
They ran out of the tomatoes
that were on sale,
so I got you some other ones.
And I can't stay for long.
I gotta go open the shop.
Hey, and what is that
hunk of junk sitting outside?
It's mine.
The car. It's mine.
You're joking, right?
No. I bought it.
With what?
I had some money saved up.
What money?
You can barely survive on your
Social Security checks.
I've been saving a little
here, a little there...
What is it that you need
that you need to buy a car?
I can fit this whatever it is
into my schedule.
You don't even know
how to drive.
I can learn.
I'm not that old.
Seora Rodriguez still drives,
and she's only five years
younger than me.
So she says.
She's been driving
her whole life.
I... I thought...
maybe you can teach me.
Oh, forget it.
I don't want any part of this.
Trust me, it's for
your own good, okay?
The car goes.
Your grandmother
has gone crazy.
Your grandmother,
she's driving me crazy!
Did you see the monstrosity
that she bought?
You mean that car is hers?
Not for long.
I thought it was cool.
"Cool. "
Do you want your Nana
to kill herself?
She doesn't even know
how to drive.
Mom, what's the big deal?
She'll just learn.
I don't know what
got into her head.
Maybe she's lonely.
How could she be lonely?
She has us, doesn't she?
What more does she want?
Give us some candy.
Two tostadas!
Who's gonna pay
for all this?
What can you give us
for free?
You really shouldn't take
the name of the Lord in vain.
Fuck off, Rose.
So, we saw your abuela's
new hotrod.
How do you know about that?
Please. You can't fart in
this town without everyone
smelling it.
That's true.
So, what do you think God
thinks about farts?
Leave her alone.
What? I just figured
a future nun would...
She's not a nun yet.
Yeah, when are you gonna
tell your parents?
I don't know. They're kinda
set on me going to college.
They want me to be
the first Reyes to go.
New face.
Who do you think he's after?
Maybe he wants to do you.
What makes you say that?
Please. Ever since you
sprouted those, you've become
a hot commodity.
Okay, what about yours?
Until Mercy loses that ass of
hers, no boy's gonna be
chasing her.
My mother says there's
nothing wrong with a little
meat on your bones.
Of course she would say that.
Your boyfriend's here.
He's not my boyfriend.
Thank you.
Doesn't he creep you out?
Hi. I wanted to get
a head start on the pork
in the back.
Oh, I'm...
I'm sorry.
I got it.
You were... you were smiling.
When you came in...
you were smiling.
It's been a while since...
It was nice.
Well, there isn't very much
to smile about around here.
I'm surrounded by a bunch of
smelly pigs all day.
I know.
That's not what I meant.
I'm not made for eating,
I know that.
We couldn't get a very good
batch of chorizo from here.
Your father, he couldn't
stand the smell either.
He used to place his chair
He figured if anyone wanted to
place an order, it was just as
good a place as any.
It just gave him better
access to pinching the ladies'
asses as they passed by.
At least that's what people
would say.
I better get back to work.
These pigs won't cut themselves.
Chica. Como estas?
Guess what your mother
did this morning?
She bought a car.
You knew?
Of course I knew...
she's my mother.
And you let her?
Hey, guess what!
She already knows.
What are you doing here?
Where's Maria?
My husband keeps
running off the help.
The other day he sat down on her
lap like it was no big deal.
Scared the living daylights
out of the girl.
She didn't come back the next
day or the day after that.
I told Victor he has to quit
scaring away the help.
I don't mind cooking and
cleaning once in a while,
but every day? No.
Give me a fresh chicken, please.
Jose Luis!
Get me a fresh chicken.
You better keep an eye
on your mother.
First a car, and then
who knows what?
Yeah. Remember Doa Loda?
She got the little dog to keep
her company after her
children left?
Well, you saw what happened.
She now has twelve. Inbreds.
And their heads are so big for
their body, and all they do
is yap.
Are you saying my mother
is gonna end up with a fleet
of cars?
Well, Doa Petra
got her boobs done
when she turned sixty.
She did not get
her breasts done.
I don't know why
she bothers.
Nobody wants to touch 'em.
She did not get
her breasts done.
They are padded.
Just like yours.
And anyway, um...
Ama has been talking about
getting this car for a while,
and I just, you know,
I don't see the harm in it.
Well, I'm just saying
you should be careful.
I'm done.
I'll be back next week.
Thank you, Don Pedro.
You know,
I can help you with this.
The car. I have a license.
I can teach you how to drive.
That isn't necessary.
What? You afraid I'll...
dirty the car?
Oh, no, that isn't it at all.
Of course not!
Then what?
Then we'll start next week.
But... but... I...
I can't pay you!
No mujer, es un favor.
No, no, no, no!
you turn it on.
Tell your mom to buy
a washer already.
Why would she,
when she has me?
Let's call someone.
There's nobody to call.
What about Jose?
Jose #1 or Jose #2?
Get in.
Where are you going?
What's it to you?
I'm not going without
my friend.
Which one's your friend?
It's your pick.
Nice tits.
What? What did you say?
I said, nice tits.
Okay, okay, I heard you
the first time.
You're a real conversationalist.
Sure. I'll be whatever
you want me to be.
Can we go now?
Five more minutes, okay?
So, um, how long are you
Supposedly forever.
Yeah. I'm here to help out
my uncle at his garage.
But there's not much
to do here, huh?
Um... No, not really.
Yeah. I don't think I can
last here much longer.
You've been here two weeks.
How'd you know that?
Everybody knows everything
around here.
What else have you heard?
That you got some girl in
trouble, and you're here
hiding out.
I'm not hiding... ohh!
Stupid small town people.
I'm sorry.
Anyway, I don't really care
why you're here.
You don't?
No, I mean, so what if
there's another girl?
She has nothing to do with me.
You know you like me.
You know I'm a funny,
nice guy.
Come on.
What I would do to hips
like yours... Mwah!
I don't think you should be
talking to me like that.
Oh, jeez, Sal, we picked
ourselves up a couple of
What's your problem?
Shut up, virgin!
Please! I can smell you
from a block away.
I think you should
take us home now.
Hey, hi.
Yeah, hey, you wanna, um,
come over and play some cards
or something?
Let him cook his own dinner.
Oh, no, that's okay.
No, it's okay.
Thanks. Bye.
Hey, Nora, hi.
Um, you wanna come over
and, um, you know, have
a couple of drinks
or something?
I, uh, I got plenty of beer.
Oh, well, they can
come over too.
They can play over in
Blanca's room.
That's okay.
Yeah, I'll see you around.
Okay. Bye.
# (man singing love song
in Spanish) #
Do you think it's true
what they said?
That he can smell a virgin
a block away?
Don't be stupid.
They're just being jerks.
Mom, come on.
No! God.
Just... no, leave me alone.
Mom, go to bed. Come on.
Up. Up, up, up, up, up.
Oh, jeez.
Come on.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
You know, Mom, you should
really get yourself a boyfriend.
Yeah, like that's gonna solve
all my problems.
No, actually, it wouldn't,
but at least it would give you
something to do on
Saturday nights.
Just keep your legs shut.
What does that have to do
with anything?
Boys your age
only want one thing.
Any age, really.
That is the biggest cliche.
Honey, cliches exist
for a reason... that's because
they're true. 'Night.
All right, good night.
No, no, no!
You're doing it all wrong!
You have to put in the first
gear all the way in, first.
Perhaps my daughter is right.
I'm too old for this.
No, no, no.
No, no.
She's wrong.
Good morning.
Something wrong?
I'm sorry about your son.
I know.
I tried calling you, uh,
but, uh...
They told me you weren't
taking calls.
Your mother-in-law said
you were going crazy.
I was.
No mas llorando y fumando,
fumando y llora, y llora
y llora.
I wouldn't eat...
I wouldn't shower...
And my husband had to take
care of my little girl.
I was no longer cooking
for either one of them.
Then I saw my face in the
mirror, and I didn't
recognize myself.
My cheekbones had gotten
so boney.
I tried on my wedding dress...
which hadn't fit me since
the day I wore it,
and it was baggy.
Miguel came home and saw me
like that...
and I told him...
"don't I look pretty?
Just like the day we first met. "
And that was the only time
that he cried.
How did you snap out of it?
I heard my little girl tell
Miguel that she wished
that she had died...
then her mommy wouldn't
be so sad.
I cleaned myself up
that very night.
And that's how it was.
You go ahead and you say hi to
Miguel and Ana for me. Okay?
No. No.
Lolita, gracias.
Uh, what are you doing here?
Your wife just, uh,
bought some meat a couple
of days ago.
I'm not here for the meat.
Lolita, if you sold beets,
I'd be eating beets every day.
Same thing with ice cream...
all the time.
I don't care... nails, wood...
Um, we just...
anything you got to sell,
I would be buying.
We just sell meat here,
so what will it be?
How about a smile?
One. Come on.
A little smile.
All right, give me a pound
of chorizo.
Um, Jose Luis,
a pound of chorizo, please.
So, um...
That'll be a dollar.
A dollar?
A dollar.
It says ninety-nine cents.
I'll give you change.
Thank you very much.
Don Pedro is a nice man,
He has been giving me
driving lessons for free.
I know, Nana.
Everybody knows.
Does... does that bother you?
Doesn't have anything
to do with me.
I... I don't know if it's the
heat or what, but when I am in
the car with him, I get
the strangest feeling.
I know what you mean.
When I'm sitting next to Sal
in his car...
I get so electric down there
it's like I have to squeeze my
legs really tight until
it goes away.
Happy birthday, Vieja.
Go, go, go, go.
Go get dressed.
We're gonna have breakfast
at Nana's house. Come on.
Buenos dias, Ama.
"Happy birthday"?
Ama, say it already.
I don't know what you're
talking about.
How can you go out in public
dressing like that?!
What's wrong with the way
I'm dressed?
I like it.
A woman in your position
would not be seen like that.
And what position is that?
I don't have to tell you.
It's bad enough that you are
all alone and divorced, and now
you're advertising yourself!
They don't buy the cow if they
can get the milk for free.
Maybe sometimes you have to
show the cow to get somebody
to buy it...
a little.
Go home and change.
I'm forty years old.
You can't tell me what to do.
I'm seventy, and you'll
tell me what to do.
Not that you listen.
I hear that you're still taking
lessons from Don Pedro, and I
told you I didn't think it was
a good idea.
I'm enjoying myself. Hmm?
Where exactly do you think
you're gonna go in this car
of yours?
I haven't thought that far.
That's just it, Ama...
you're not thinking.
I mean, have you ever thought
that maybe it's not such a good
idea that you spend so much time
with Don Pedro?
Not that anything would ever
happen, but...
What would the neighbors say?
I'm going to tell you
what doesn't look good...
that dress.
I can see everything in
that dress.
You stick out up here, and I can
see your underwear line,
and your nalgas.
You should just wear a thong,
because then you wouldn't see
the underwear line, or you could
just wear no underwear.
See the example you set
for your daughter?
This is good.
I'm going to
take a bath.
Remember to use two pins
for everything,
even the garcons.
I know, I know.
How many times
you gotta tell me?
Do you like?
We need, like, three for these,
Look at the two lovebirds.
Shut your hole, Carla.
We've come to rescue you.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Just down Main Street.
Good morning.
Special occasion?
Oh, uh... No, I just haven't
had time to do laundry, so this
was the only thing I had
to wear.
Doesn't seem like you.
What does he know?
Hi. Ha.
Hey, hey!
You like the dress.
Yeah, I like the...
brings out the red
in your lips.
Okay, well, so, let's, uh...
Let's stop playing games,
you and me.
Why don't I come over and pick
you up... In my truck tonight,
and we'll go out, okay?
It's so hot out.
It's always hot.
Get in the cart,
get in the cart!
Yeah, get in there!
Get in the cart.
Carla, get in!
Fine. I'll get in.
Oh, my god!
One of us needs
to get a car, 'cause I'm sick
of walking.
Buenos dias, seors.
This is a good morning!
Do they ever do
anything but sit there?
I gotta go now.
I have to go help my mom at
the raspado stand.
See you later.
What now?
We can walk back up.
Are you crazy?
It's fucking hot.
Hey, Rose.
Freddie says hi.
Nice friends you have.
You're one to talk.
Oh, come on.
You're not mad, are you?
Freddie was just playing
with you guys.
Do you want a ride?
So, where are you
really from?
I thought everyone
knew everything around here.
Ohh. To say the least.
I can never really tell
what you're thinking.
Why don't you try harder?
I don't know if you're
worth it.
Yeah, I know.
I could see you're attracted
to me.
It was nice that there was
a cute guy in the front seat,
but... you know.
What about you?
I have big dreams.
What are those big dreams?
I don't know.
Do you deserve to hear 'em?
Don't be a smart-ass.
Okay, I'm a smart-ass now,
So, why did you pick me
instead of any of
my other friends?
I thought you was easy.
No, I'm just kiddin'.
I'm just kidding. Um...
the true Sal comes out.
I sort of want to show my mom
that I'm capable of
being by myself.
Do you miss, um,
your mom?
I don't...
I don't think I'm ready to
talk about that right now.
That's enough for today.
I just gotta get
something from the back.
Jose Luis.
Uh, is, um,
is Victor still here?
Victor. He was in the store.
Um, is he still here?
Come on.
You can come out now.
I was just, um...
I know.
Wait, don't go. I got...
I got something for you.
Oh, no, I don't drink.
Oh, let me...
no, I got it.
Happy birthday.
How did you know?
February 10th...
That's my mother's.
December 3rd, that's me...
And today, that's you.
Hmm. That's a short list.
You must miss it...
Your hand.
Only when someone
mentions it.
Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't...
I didn't mean...
No, I'm just kidding you.
Oh. Ha ha.
When I'm with you, I feel
as though I'm missing nothing.
Oh, my god,
I'm sorry. I, uh, the bubbles...
I... I drank too...
You know, I gotta get going,
'cause Blanca must be wondering
where I am. Okay?
Why me and not any
of my friends?
I'm not sure.
It was just something
about you...
The way you look at me.
I don't know.
Your smile...
I just saw something different
in you.
So, why did you get in the car?
I don't know.
I guess I thought you could
take me someplace.
What is that smell?
It's strawberry. Hmm?
Can't you just ring the
doorbell like a human being?
I shouldn't have to ring the
bell on my own house.
Besides, I know you'd come.
You always came with me.
What do you want, Roberto?
Where's Blanca?
She's with her friends.
Didn't you tell her
I was coming?
Yeah, two months ago.
I guess she got tired
of waiting.
I want her to meet
her new mother.
Maybe she's already met her
at school.
If I squint my eyes when
I'm talking to you, it's like
you haven't aged a bit
since we first met. Remember?
Yes, I do.
And if I close my eyes when I'm
talking to you, it's like you've
never changed... you still have
the stink of other women on you.
I'd leave her in a heartbeat
if you'd take me back.
Don't worry,
she doesn't speak english.
Chinga su madre.
Wait! Wait! Look, you gotta wait
and say goodbye to Blanca.
Just tell her bye for me.
No, don't let me do your
dirty work for you again,
Is it gonna be okay?
Oh, it's gonna be fine.
The car is just old...
like us.
It just got too excited.
Why didn't you warn me?!
I would never have driven
so fast!
Calm down, mujer.
The car's going to be fine.
All we have to do is
let it cool down.
How would you know?
You're just a gardener.
So, the car is the only thing
that matters to you!
This is all
so unnecessary.
If we would have just given her
a little bit more time, it would
all be fine.
Don't blame me.
My uncle sent us
to get you guys.
But I'm sure you're right...
About the car.
Whenever they act up, all you
need to do is give 'em
a little time and love.
And before you know it, they'll
be purring like before.
What were you two
doing out here?
What were you two doing
earlier speeding down the
street, hmm?
How have you been treating
my Nana?
Young man, have you been
treating her right?
I'm just worried about
your reputation, darling.
Worry about your own.
Will you be going to
the reception?
Beat it, would you?!
You guys are so mean.
Come on, Carla,
give him a chance.
What's going on between
the two of you?
We just talk and stuff.
Did you ever have one?
No. I think they're
a little weird, you know.
It's like you're supposed to be
a woman at fifteen.
I mean, I'm seventeen, and
I still don't feel like...
Anyway, it's just like
practicing for your real
wedding, and I don't ever
intend to get married, so...
you can't know that.
Trust me, it's one of the
things I do know.
It's just like this big setup
for disappointment.
I mean, I've never met anybody
who's ever been happy
in a marriage.
What about your grandparents?
Hmm... I don't think they were
ever really in love.
I mean, if they were,
they sure as hell hid it.
And they were always fighting.
Just like my parents.
Just because your parents
didn't seem to get things right,
doesn't mean that we're gonna
repeat their mistakes.
You really believe that?
God, I hope so.
Are you going to keep on
walking back and forth like
that, or are you coming in?
I didn't know you can make
a soup like this.
I make my soup
the way I like it.
The car is not the only thing
that matters to me.
Maybe you are ready
for the next step.
Put your...
put your leg here.
You're very bossy
with my legs, you know.
You'll see.
Okay, wait.
Wait. Wait, wait!
You were hurting me.
What? Come on.
You liked it, you know you did.
Okay. Whatever.
You're such a kid!
Stop the car.
Stop the car!
Whoa! Ohhhh!
What the hell...
you punks!
You punks!
Come back here!
Come back...
come back here!
What happened?
I'm gonna call the police!
Oh, god, what happened?
No respect!
Loli, I'm s...
I don't know, these punks,
they were throwing...
throwing... rocks, then they...
and they they hit your car.
Why would anybody
do this to me?
Well, no, they didn't do it
to you, I mean...
They're punks, you know,
they're young kids, they just...
they have no respect,
they just... you know?
My truck is over there.
I'll drive you home.
This is nice.
I mean, uh, not what happened
to your car, but, um...
We finally get to spend
some time together.
I have a...
I have a tape deck.
You know? Uh...
Made this tape myself.
From the radio.
Um... I have a headache.
The music's too loud?
You know, I'm really good
with massage...
I'm okay.
...on your neck.
I know the pressure points
to take away your headache,
I'm good at it, you know,
I, uh, I studied.
Um, everybody says that I'm...
have good hands, you know.
Open the garage.
Do I fit?
Must be... hard...
Not having a man...
around to help anymore.
You know, hard on you.
Mm! Mm! Mm!
Wait, wait, wait...
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Watch... oh!
Oh! Okay. Okay.
Very good.
Ah... Okay.
Thank you...
um... Thanks for the ride.
And, uh...
Um, okay.
I didn't get to...
I was gonna ask you...
if you...
to be on top.
Blanca, are you home?
(vibrator buzzing,
Lolita moaning)
Juan, buenos dias.
Look what they did
to my windshield.
Let's see.
You know, between you and your
mother, you two keep me
pretty busy.
I don't understand.
Her car broke down.
I had to send Sal to go pick
them up in the tow truck.
Your mother and Don Pedro.
They're quite the item
these days.
They are not an item, okay?
Don Pedro is being kind enough
to help my mother with...
Um, how much is the repair
gonna cost?
I'll have to order
the window first.
You'll pay me when it's done.
I'll have Sal take you home.
No, no, I can walk...
Sal! Sal!
Get your butt over here!
I want you to take
Mrs. Ramirez...
"Garcia. "
Miss Garcia.
I had it changed after...
anyway, it's Garcia.
Yeah, okay.
Uh, give her a lift.
Her truck's staying here.
Let's do this.
Are you doing anything with
my daughter that I wouldn't
approve of?
That means yes.
You love Blanca?
Do you want a ride?
That means no.
Number seven.
Have you ever kissed a girl?
Do you want to?
You could take the test
I... I think this is it.
Then this is it...
for the driving lessons.
The first time it takes me
a little longer, but it's
gonna be fine.
That's okay.
Do you wish we hadn't?
No, not at all.
What are you
so grumpy about?
Then why are you not
talking to me?
Mom, it's nothing.
Can you please just put
the groceries away?
Get out!
No! He can stay!
This is my house, remember,
not yours... not yet!
Do you want me to leave?
Maybe better leave now.
How could you?
Leave now.
I will not leave until you tell
me what the hell has
gotten into you.
First the car, and now... this?!
is that all guys want?
I will not tell you again...
I want you to leave my home.
I have a lot to do.
You want me to leave?
Yes. And don't come back
until you quit acting like
my mom, and more like
my daughter! Go!
Mom, wait!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that you had to see
your grandmother acting
like a whore.
But Mom, you know
that isn't true.
I don't see what
the big deal is.
You don't see what
the big deal is?
I guess you've got more in
common with your Nana
than I'd like to know.
The only reason you're so
pissed off is because you're the
only one who isn't getting any.
Forgive me, Father,
I have sinned.
It has been two weeks...
since my last confession.
I have been missing mass...
it's just an innocent
...lessons with a man...
he is the one coming on
to me...
And nothing's happened...
I talk back to my mom
a lot more than I should...
I've had impure thoughts.
...making me feel... sexual.
Anyway, um...
I've been touching myself.
Is it wrong to
touch yourself?
...Sex with a man that's
not my husband!
But the worst thing is...
okay, I should be honest...
...I don't feel guilty.
I let a boy touch me...
down there.
...Kiss me once...
Not at all!
Twice. More or less.
...Really bad, but I...
he was beautiful.
I feel guilty about
not really feeling guilty.
...Disrespectful to my mother.
Um, have you seen Sal?
No, and when I do, I'm gonna
give him a beating that he'll
remember for a lifetime.
Do you see this car?
Sal was supposed to help me
with it, but do you see him?
You should get home.
And don't be letting my nephew
get you in any trouble.
Hey, have you seen Sal?
No, I haven't seen him.
Are you two still together?
I don't know.
I'll tell him you were here
if I see him.
Hey, what's up?
I'm gonna go in the video
store and see if Sal's here.
Hey, Victor, has Sal been in
here at all today?
No, but, um...
say hi to your mom for me.
Yeah, sure.
Do you think it's true what
people have been saying?
What have people been saying?
Well, you know, that
he and your mom...
Ugh! Rose, don't be stupid.
Have you seen Sal?
No, we haven't seen
no Sal.
Maybe he found
himself another girlfriend.
Let's fuck.
You gonna be okay?
Just keep kissing me.
No. Stay.
What's the use of having
a boyfriend if you still have
to wash your own car?
Hey! Come on, you can't stay
mad at me forever.
Grab the rag.
I'm the one who should
be mad.
The whole town is talking.
Hey! Come on, stop that!
About what?
About me? About you?
Or about your daughter? Huh?
Let them talk.
Driver test?
You know I don't approve.
You'll be glad to know
I failed.
Well, maybe...
Maybe it's for the best,
you know?
You can sell the car, and we can
find you somebody else to, uh,
take care of the lawn, and then
everything can go back
to normal.
I don't want to go back to
the normal, I don't want it!
You know, I just...
I don't understand.
All my life, you've taught me
about right and wrong...
"don't do this, do this, sit
with your legs crossed, don't
sleep around, and if you're
married, we sure as hell
shouldn't enjoy it.
You think what the church
thinks, and if you do anything,
let's not talk about it. "
Well, I live my life like this,
and I turn around, and I do the
same thing for Blanca, and
now... here you are, you're doing
the exact opposite.
What should I tell you?
I... I don't know.
Maybe I was wrong.
I don't know.
It's taken me so many years...
but finally I learned to live.
I just wish you would have
figured things out sooner.
You mean...
When I was your age?
Oh, but Don Pedro...
No, no, no! Okay! Okay!
Holy Mary,
Mother of God... oh, God,
maybe it's bad luck to
pray to the Virgin Mary.
No, um...
Our Father whom art in
heaven... please, please,
please God, don't let me be
pregnant. Hallowed be thy name.
Please, please, please.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, I'm so sorry, it won't
happen again.
I mean, I don't know what'll
happen, but I am so, so sorry.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily
bread, and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespassed against us.
I'm okay, Mom!
Everything's okay.
I'm going to work,
I'll see you later.
Um, wear a helmet!
Can I, uh...
need a lift?
No, thanks. I'm fine.
Well, when will
your truck be ready?
Oh, who knows?
He keeps jerkin' me around.
Something about ordering
a part.
Look, we're... we're going
the same way.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
The fresh air is... good.
You've got too much pride.
I do not.
Prove it.
This sure beats talkin'
to the wind.
Are you joking?
I don't know...
I... I feel like, you know,
sometimes I'm gonna say
the wrong thing.
I bet you don't.
You don't talk much.
I talk when I got
somethin' to say.
You got somethin'
to say now?
I'm happy just
lookin' at your face.
Just... look straight ahead
at the road.
Okay, Nora, here's yours.
That's gonna be ten dollars.
Excuse me, but I've been
waiting for a long time.
I'm coming. It's right here.
It's right here.
Uh, and you had the carnitas,
I can't believe you women are
going to buy meat from this...
How can I help you, Iliana?
You could start my leaving
my husband alone. Sss!
Oh, so it's true, then?
You and Victor?
No, me and Victor, nothing!
It's not true. Why are you
gonna start saying things
like that?
I want a show of hands.
How many of you women have
been propositioned by Victor
Reyes against your wishes?
He patted me on the ass.
I had a bruise for a week.
Tiene una fuerza tremenda.
Yeah. And me, too.
All while I was still
in mourning.
You don't believe me, but
when he kissed me hello the
other morning, his lips stayed
on mine much longer than
they should have.
It seems to me you should be
worried about your husband with
all other women...
than harassing poor Lolita.
Lolita, don't even
worry about it. Let it go.
You know what? Um...
Yeah. Yeah.
The shop is closed for the day,
so, um...
but what about my chorizo?
Let it go, let it go.
You know, you can...
my chorizo!
You can get it across
the street.
No, I have to...
I'm sorry, ladies. Sorry.
Where's she off to?
Her parents are shipping her
off to Texas.
Why? Did they flip out when
she told 'em she wanted to be
a nun?
No, they flipped out when she
told 'em she was pregnant.
Yup. Looks like
Miss High and Mighty wasn't so,
well, you know, high and mighty.
But by who?
Your guess is as good
as ours.
I didn't even know she
thought about those things.
Who doesn't?
Do you have something
to tell us?
Never mind.
I gotta go.
I told my mom I'd look after
the brats today.
How was it?
It's like having trouble
Like all of a sudden you can't
breathe, and you're so scared
something's wrong.
And then when you do breathe,
it's like you're so relieved
that you're not dead.
Doesn't sound very romantic.
It isn't, really.
It was weird, you know...
having somebody else
inside of me.
Can I tell you something?
Yeah. Anything.
I'm leaving.
What do you mean?
Just that, I'm taking off.
I don't know.
What about senior year?
Listen, Blanca, I don't think
you understand.
I'm sick of waiting on people,
smelling like food all day.
I'm sure after senior year my
parents are gonna have me
working here full-time, and I
don't want to stuck in this town
like my mother.
Is it really that bad?
Yeah. Ha ha!
It is.
Stop that.
It's gonna start.
Hey, stranger.
You want a ride?
I'm not really going
I've tried calling you.
I know.
Don't you want to see me?
Not for a little while.
You know...
It wasn't just about the sex.
You know that.
Yeah. Yeah, I know that.
Then what?
School's starting...
Come on.
Don't be such a kid.
I gotta go.
I'm gonna keep
calling you.