How to Blow Up a Pipeline (2022) Movie Script

[electricity crackling]
-[grunts with effort]
-[air hissing from tire]
[tense music]
-[grunts with effort]
-[air hissing from tire]
[cash register beeps]
[edgy music]
[PVC pipes clatter]
[phone thuds on shelf]
[Reporter] [on radio]
...extreme winter freeze.
Meanwhile, Pakistan
is still recovering
from catastrophic flooding that
left tens of thousands dead.
A worsening refuge crisis and
increased sectarian violence
have led many NGOs
to caution aid workers
against returning to the region.
-[sighs heavily]
Hey, Monica.
[fake coughing]
I, um, no, I'm sorry I wasn't
able to make it today.
[fake coughing]
[anxious music]
[Shawn] Hey.
[breathing heavily]
-Does anyone else have
anything to share?
Theo, please.
-Um, I don't have much.
I guess I was so angry
after my diagnosis,
but y'all taught me
to listen to my anger
instead of
letting it control me.
[door slams]
[pills clatter]
[Group leader]
Have a good night, okay?
[Group member]
Yeah, you, too.
[Group leader] Okay.
[can thuds on ground]
[Rowan sniffles]
[Logan sniffles]
-Shit, Theo. 15 hours.
Logan, we're gonna be late.
-[Logan] Mm-hmm?
-[Rowan] Are you ready?
-[Logan] Mm-hmm.
[snorts] I'm going, I'm going,
going, going, going.
-Let's fucking go!
Let's fucking go, baby! Woo!
-[Rowan] Ow!
-[Logan grunts]
-It hurts.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm just too fucking excited!
-[screams excitedly]
-Thank you, Lord,
for this food.
Let it be [sighs]
nourishment to our bodies.
And protect my girls
for me while I'm gone.
[boxes clattering]
[Katie] [VO]
Me and your daughter
just want you home alive
in time for Christmas.
And no handcuffs, neither.
-No handcuffs.
[kissing passionately]
[Shawn] You sure you don't
need my help?
-No, I'm good, I got it.
Just, fuck.
[Shawn] Xochitl.
Hey, Xochitl.
-Hey, Theo.
Theo? You good?
-[Xochitl] Hey.
-[Theo] Ah!
Thought it was supposed
to be hot in Texas.
-No, it's fucking cold.
Hey, do you need help?
-No, I got it.
-[Shawn] Hi, I'm Shawn.
-[Theo] Cool. Theo.
[Xochitl] We just got here
a second ago.
We've been struggling
with the bolt cutters
for a minute.
-[Xochitl] No.
-[Alisha] You need some help?
-No, I'm good. I got it.
-[Theo] Are you sure about that?
-[Xochitl] Yeah, I got it.
[Theo] Yeah, move.
[kicks the door violently]
-[heavy breathing]
[paper rustling]
[loud music on radio]
[truck door opens]
-What, did you walk all the way
from North Dakota?
-[door slams shut]
[truck approaching]
[tools clang]
-Michael, right?
[Michael] Yeah.
-[Michael] Is that the shed?
-Yeah. Hey, let me
help you with that.
-I got it.
Got it.
[Shawn] Okay.
-Long drive.
-What's up, boss?
Got a stove,
living quarters.
[Xochitl] Where's Michael?
-Went straight to the shed.
[Alisha] Want some whiskey?
[Theo] You love it.
-[Alisha] Alisha.
-[Theo] Theo.
-We ready to start workin'?
[motor whirring]
[bangs and clatters]
[suspenseful music]
[mixer whirring]
[dramatic music]
[car horn honking]
[steering wheel clattering]
-[exasperated sigh]
-[Michael] Theo!
-You have another lighter?
[running footsteps]
-[Theo] What's up?
-[Michael] Makin' acid.
[running footsteps]
[thrilling music]
[buzz of hacksaw]
[car approaching with speed]
-[Logan] Come on!
-[Rowan] Every fucking time,
you do that.
-Shit. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Fuck. Goddamn,
this place is sick.
You guys cookin' meth in here?
[Xochitl] They're here!
We're leaving!
-I'm sorry we're late.
[Logan] Yeah, sorry we're late.
The motel took forever,
Rowan wanted to look at horses
on the way.
[Rowan] You wanted to
look at the horses, too.
[Logan] What's up, Dwayne?
Good to meet you, too.
[tense music]
[country music on radio]
-[groans] Are there
any non-country stations?
-Come on, what else is
Dwayne gonna listen to?
You packin', Dwayne?
Is that a .35?
Can I hold it?
Aw, come on.
-[shifting gears]
[Logan grunts]
[doors slam shut]
-This is a high point.
All right...
-[shovels clang]
-...who's diggin'?
Who's keepin' watch?
[Michael] You look nervous.
Can you keep steady hands?
[Shawn] You've never
done this before either, man.
[Michael] [sighs]
All right, I need 90...
96 ml of water.
In that one.
[Shawn] Okay.
[Michael] Is that 96?
[Shawn] Yes, sir.
[Michael] Now stir that.
[Shawn] You good?
Just got acid on my gloves.
-Alisha! One down!
-[Alisha] Ready?
-[Theo] Yeah.
[Alisha grunts]
[Theo] Ooh, she thick.
-[Alisha laughs]
[both grunting]
-Uh-uh, there has to be a better
way to mix this. [groans]
-I agree.
And now... we drip.
It's enough lead azide
to blow us off the map.
[shovel hits ground]
[Xochitl grunts with effort]
-[Dwayne panting]
[grunts with effort]
[Xochitl grunts with effort]
[Dwayne] Oh shit.
I hit metal!
-[Xochitl panting]
Rowan? I need a break.
[Logan] Need a break, too,
-[Xochitl panting]
[somber music]
-[Theo] Hey.
-Hey. [sniffles]
[Theo] It was
a beautiful service.
Your mom would've loved it.
So you a smoker now?
-Yeah, sometimes.
[exhales] I got a call
from her on the day
and I sent it to voicemail
'cause I was taking
a fucking midterm.
I was just being selfish.
it was a freak heatwave.
That's not your fault.
It's just the fuckin' world
we live in now.
I know it's hard, but...
you're gonna fix things,
and I know your mom knew that.
-I don't think
I'm gonna fix anything.
[Theo] Well, you have to.
You're an orphan now.
That's like origin story shit.
-[chuckles] What the fuck?
[mourners chattering]
-She was a mom to me, too,
you know?
[Xochitl] Yeah. I do.
[mourners chattering]
[keys jangling]
[door opens]
[somber music]
[inhales deeply]
[Orin] Alright, we're moving
to the quad
at 10:30 am sharp.
If campus police
gives us trouble,
remember, do not escalate.
[Eden] Right, and I've
secured an onsite medic
as well as legal support
for anyone who might need it.
where are we at
with the videography stuff?
-Um, I got a RED package
from class,
and Morelli says
he's down to shoot,
so I think we should be able to
get some good shit
from the demonstration.
[Orin] Great.
Speakers start at noon.
Xochitl, how's...
how's faculty outreach?
-Yeah, I didn't get around
to that. Sorry.
[Eden] Family emergency.
[Orin] Right, yeah, it's just
this is our shot
to make real change
at our institution, so...
-Yeah, I'm... I'm just,
I'm having trouble
feeling like
any of this matters.
-I know you're having
a hard time and I'm sorry.
Look, nobody's saying
gonna solve everything,
but it is a big step
in the right direction.
-Which would be great
if we still had time,
but by the time
any market solution does shit,
billions of people will be dead
from climate disaster.
We all want faster change,
but these are huge systems
that change incrementally.
-Right, so act
outside of the system.
We need to start attacking
the things that are killing us.
We can take more drastic action.
-Like what?
-Like... actual sabotage.
Property destruction.
[Shawn] Mom, I've been trying.
I know, it's just been
a difficult semester.
It's just a lot, you know?
But the new computer is
definitely helping.
Yeah, you know what,
I have to, uh...
I actually have to go study.
I love you, too. Bye.
[phone ringing]
[Xochitl] [over phone]
[Shawn] Hey, Xochitl?
[Xochitl] [over phone]
Who is this?
[Shawn] Yeah, it's Shawn
from Divest.
A refinery? No.
-[Shawn] What do you mean why?
It's way too big. We could
end up killing somebody
or causing an ecological
-Sabotage is messy.
[Shawn] Yeah, but we can't
give the public
a reason to invalidate us.
What about destroying
like a coal truck route
or damaging roads?
-[Xochitl] That's lame.
We have to do something
that would scare people.
-What, do you wanna
like kidnap an oil exec
or blow up a private jet, what?
-We have to show how vulnerable
the oil industry is
by hitting something big,
like a refinery.
-What about Texas?
That's where they set
oil price benchmarks.
If we cut off their supply
or destroyed something
even relatively small,
it would really disrupt shit.
-What do you know about Texas?
-I mean, what do you know
about building a bomb?
[Alisha] 50-50's awful.
Don't be so negative.
[Theo] Those are good odds.
You can't get
better odds in Vegas.
-Odds for what?
-That we blow ourselves up.
-Oh, you know, Che figured
that nearly half the guys
he sent to build bombs
blew themselves up,
so I'd say like 50-50.
-See? Told you.
-Okay, don't get too happy.
-Check this out. Here.
Star, one-two-three.
[computerized voice]
-[loud crack]
-[Alisha] Ooh!
-[Theo] Wow.
-[Alisha] Nice work.
-Thank you.
[Michael] You ready to pack
the blasting caps?
[Shawn] Just about.
-Michael, what do you think
the odds are
we blow ourselves up?
-I don't really care.
[Theo] Okay.
-I was telling them
about how Che thought
that half the guys
he sent to build bombs
blew themselves up, so...
-Can we go?
-[Alisha] Strange kid.
-He's no fun. [laughs]
-Listen, if I touch
or even jostle
this primer too much,
it could detonate.
I need you to take this,
stand 20 yards back.
If anything goes wrong...
then don't come
unless I tell you to,
unless you see fire.
-Don't come in. Got it.
-[Michael breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
Stop it.
[dramatic music]
[exhales] Come on.
[breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music]
One down!
[truck approaching]
[oil worker] I thought they
told you at the front office
you can't come around here
Go home.
-Hey, can I ask you a question?
[oil worker] What?
-This is you here?
[oil worker] Yes.
-[oil worker] Yes.
-You stay warm?
-Yes, I stay warm in there. Yes.
-Where you from?
I asked you where you're from.
It's a simple question.
-South Carolina.
-That's a nice coat.
-Don't fuckin' touch me.
Don't touch my jacket.
-It's a nice coat, man.
-Do not fuckin' touch me.
-Can I have it?
Why don't you go back
to where you came from?
-Don't fuckin' grab me.
Eat fuckin' shit, fucker.
Fuck! Motherfucker.
[wind blowing]
[powerful music]
[seeds rattling]
[Joanna] Four.
[seeds rattling]
[door opens and closes]
Oh, how was your day?
[sighs] You can't
keep doing this.
You're going to get yourself
[Joanna] Michael, there's
so much real work to do.
Why won't you help at
the conservancy with me?
-You didn't even ask me
what I did.
-I'm tired of lying
to the police.
-Can you stop?
Didn't you used to try?
Now you're just a coward,
like everybody else.
-I am not a coward.
-You want me to sit here
and count seeds?
You want me to lie down
and let them win?
[Joanna] How are you winning?
Picking fights with men
who only come here for work.
-You're right.
I'm a fuckin' idiot.
-[Joanna] Our conservancy--
-I don't care
about the conservancy, okay?
I don't care,
it doesn't do anything.
What does it do? It makes
white people feel better.
It makes you feel better.
And it does nothing!
-So what did you guys
fight about?
[Michael] I mean,
you know how she is.
Just needed to get out.
-Here. Take it.
Look, you can stay
in the garage.
Just pull like
three shifts a week.
There's nothin' to it.
Come on, I'll run you
through the registers.
-Is there an...
employee discount here?
[into phone] Hey, everyone,
welcome back to "Boom Tok".
Today is day 19.
Teaching myself to make
a homemade blasting cap
for under $50 in materials.
Today we're making nitric acid
out of stump remover
and drain cleaner.
Hey, everyone.
[breathing heavily]
Today I am test dumping the
charge of a nine-volt battery
to a blasting cap
full of lead azide.
And if this works,
then it'll be step one
in making our own
improvised explosive.
[phone ringing]
-[Rowan gasps]
-[Logan] Shit.
[Rowan] Oh my God.
[Shawn] Michael!
-[Xochitl] Michael!
-[Dwayne] Oh shit.
[Xochitl] Oh!
-[Shawn] Michael, you okay?
-[Michael] Stay back.
-[Xochitl] What happened?
-[Michael] Stay back.
[Michael] Fuck.
[Dwayne] What the hell happened?
[plastic sheet rustling]
[Michael groans]
[Dwayne] Hey, can you breathe?
[Michael groans]
-Can you breathe?
-[Michael] Yeah.
[Xochitl] Fuck!
-[Shawn] Hey, hey!
-[Michael] Stop, stop!
-[Shawn] Stay, stay. No.
-[Michael] I'm fine. I'm sorry.
Just keep back.
-[Shawn] Jesus.
-[Michael] Step back.
Just let me finish this.
[Xochitl] Fuck.
-Watch him.
-[Logan] Whoa!
[Logan] You tryin' to
blow us up?
Jesus Christ, Theo.
-[Xochitl] Come on, Theo,
let's roll.
-Let's roll? Get it?
-Got some fresh deer meat,
if y'all are interested.
-I'm vegan.
-I'm vegetarian.
[Theo grunts]
-Yo, is Michael okay?
-Yeah, I hope so.
Oh God.
-I'm gonna go pee.
-Pee on me.
[Theo] Is it me or is this
getting heavier?
[Xochitl] Yeah, it's soaking up
moisture. [laughs]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
-[Theo] You're doin' good.
-[Xochitl] Do it one-handed.
-[Theo] Good.
Wanna do the three thing again?
[Xochitl] I feel like
that makes it go slower.
-[Theo] Did it?
-[Xochitl] Yeah.
[Theo] Oh shit, okay.
If you just one-hand it.
You doin' okay? You done?
[Logan] That looks medium rare,
it's pink in the middle.
[fire crackles]
[Michael] Three caps. Done.
-[Logan] Woo!
-[Rowan] Woo!
-[Xochitl] Michael.
-[Shawn] Nice job, Michael.
[Dwayne] Proud of you.
Why don't you grab a plate?
[Shawn] The food is so good.
[Logan] A little overcooked,
but it's great.
It is.
-Theo, what's with the alcohol?
I thought we were
gonna keep a clear head.
-Don't worry about me.
My chemical childhood
gave me superpowers.
I like the way you talk, Theo.
Pass that, please.
Mm! Mother's milk.
-I have a blunt.
-You have a blunt?
-I've got some handles
in the back if
anyone has mixers.
[all laugh loudly]
-Answer the question.
Do you feel like a terrorist?
-Do I feel like a terrorist?
Of course I feel like
a fucking terrorist.
We're blowing up
a goddamn pipeline.
They're gonna
call us terrorists.
-No, they're gonna
call us revolutionaries
or game changers.
-No, they're gonna
call us terrorists
'case we're doing terrorism.
-Who cares what they call us?
-We ain't hurtin' nobody.
-Boston Tea Party, they were
terrorists of their day.
They didn't hurt anybody.
[Shawn] MLK was called
a terrorist.
He was on the FBI watch list.
[Rowan] Why? He was like nice.
-No, no, no, no, no.
He was freakin' ruthless.
-[Alisha] I'm sorry.
You're trying to equate
Civil Rights Movement
to what we're doing here?
-I mean, it's kinda similar.
-[Xochitl] Look, anytime anyone
has challenged authority,
they call it terrorism.
And then when
the terrorism works,
they lie about the legacy
and they say
that it was all passive,
nonviolent, kumbaya shit
when it's not!
[Michael] If the American Empire
calls us terrorists, then
we're doing something right.
-Fuck yeah.
What he said, exactly.
People talk shit about me
my whole entire life.
I don't give a shit.
-Jesus was a terrorist!
-[all laugh]
-[Xochitl] What?
-[Shawn] He was a terrorist!
-What are you talking about?
[Shawn] You cannot tell me
-[Alisha] In what lifetime?
-[Theo] Aw!
-Okay, considered in his time.
-[Logan] Oh no, Dwayne!
-He's a martyr now.
We're sorry, Dwayne.
-[Alisha] Wait, okay.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, but for real,
we should acknowledge
that what we're doing
is actually
gonna hurt a lotta people.
It's not gonna hurt anyone.
We're not hurting anyone.
-We're spiking oil prices.
-Revolution has
collateral damage.
-Yeah, but who's
the collateral?
You wanna burn it down
in an hour?
It takes like a lifetime
to build something new.
-I'm not tryin' to
rebuild anything.
[suspenseful music]
[clicks on mobile phone]
[Theo] Everything's spinning.
[Alisha] It'll pass.
[Theo] It never does.
[Velcro snapping]
Are you scared?
-Uh, yeah.
Are you?
I love you so much.
-I love you, too.
Come on, go to sleep.
[Theo sighs]
[suspenseful music]
-Thanks for keeping
your cool tonight, man.
You know, I'm worried
about the others.
If we can't keep them focused--
-Goodnight, Michael.
[tense music]
[Surveyor] Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
What the fuck do you think
you're doing?
This isn't your land!
-[cocks gun]
[Surveyor] You can't
block the road!
[single gunshot]
Are you crazy?
[Dwayne] You're on my property!
Go home!
[Geoff] Whatever that thing is.
Yeah, just put it, like,
right in front of them,
kinda cocked a little
towards me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like that.
-[Shawn] That good?
-Yeah, there we go.
Much better. Yeah,
it feels more lived in.
Okay, let's roll.
-Sound speed.
-Okay, so... [sighs],
I guess, um... [clears throat]
in your own words,
tell us what happened.
Tried to stop a pipeline
from being built on my property.
Poisons the air, water,
ruins crops, kills cattle.
We had a baby on the way,
so I tried to fight 'em in court
and they kept using the, um,
they kept using the--
-Imminent domain.
-Imminent domain...
-[Geoff] Imminent domain.
-...domain excuse.
[Geoff] Government seizure
of private property
for public use.
[Dwayne] Yeah, sure.
That property
had been in my family
for over a hundred years.
I wasn't gonna let anybody
take it from me, so...
-Okay, so, take me back to
that moment,
being forced to leave.
That powerlessness.
-Uh, I don't--I don't know
if I wanna go there.
[Geoff] Well, it's important.
-For what?
-We're trying to put
a human face on this crisis.
It helps.
-I mean, this is our lives.
We lost our home.
We had to move in with my mom.
We got thousands in legal bills.
Are y'all gonna help with that?
-Oh, I wish we could,
but we--we're an organization
telling stories,
raising awareness. It--
-[Dwayne] You wanna help?
Why don't you go out
and get me a new .45.
I got some names for you.
[Katie] [gently] Dwayne.
-Excuse me?
-Let's wrap this shit up.
So fuckin' annoying.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Come here. Come on.
I'm sorry.
-[Katie crying]
-It's gonna be okay, all right?
-[Katie] I'm so tired.
-I know.
Oh, goddamn it.
Did you forget to test
your blood sugar?
-Oh, my gosh.
-You got it?
-[Katie] Yeah. [sniffles]
[Shawn] Hello?
-[Dwayne] You forget somethin'?
-Who is it?
-It's the guy from the movie.
-[Shawn] No, no, I just...
-Tell him to screw off.
-No, I'm--I'm sorry
about earlier.
I just, I--I came alone.
Listen, um...
the movie sucks.
[Dwayne scoffs]
-The only reason
that I decided to join
was so I could meet
people like you.
-What do you mean,
people like me?
-You know,
people who live out here...
people who know the land...
people who wanna fight.
[thrilling music]
[Dwayne] I think
there's a way to do it
without spillin' any oil.
Right here.
-[baby crying]
-Use this valve station
to shut off the oil flow.
Inside the fence,
we gotta turn this wheel,
and just down the road
from there--
-I'm gonna put her down.
And then the first site's
about a mile away from there.
Right here,
underground pipe,
top of the hill.
And we could blow the pipe
at the hilltop,
and the oil will stay in.
-You think it's got enough
-Yeah, I've done
the readings myself.
[dramatic music]
Now, the second bomb site's
about two miles
down the road from there.
Hundred and fifty feet
of elevated pipe.
That's lucky for us 'cause
most of the pipe is underground,
but on site,
there's an old coal mine,
so they had to pop it up.
Now, if we blow the pipe
in the middle,
then, slope on either side will
keep the oil from leakin'.
Yeah, I scouted this
for five weeks
and there's no way we would find
all three anywhere else.
-[clears throat]
Mom's back in 45.
Can I get y'all a beer
or somethin'?
-Oh yeah, thank you.
-Just water for me, please.
-Oh, we're outta water.
-Then, beer is great, thanks.
when we plant the bomb
and clear the area,
we have to make sure
that two people
are at the valve station to
shut off the active oil flow.
That way, we can detonate it.
-And what are these bombs
made of?
[Shawn] Somethin' like
the equivalent
of 600 sticks of dynamite?
[Katie] What if y'all do
structural damage?
-Structural damage
is kinda the point.
They'll spin anything smaller
as an accident,
so two bombs.
-Right, we have to make oil
unviable in the marketplace.
The shock of our explosion
will make it so the JDIA
has to reinspect miles of pipe.
If they can't move oil,
they can't sell it.
-What? We ain't gonna spill
more oil than what leaks
on normal business hours.
-Right, but Dwayne,
we live here.
-Katie, we talked about this,
It's gonna be fine,
I'll take care of it.
-Yeah... this is gonna
fucking work.
[alarm ringing]
[Logan] Oh, God.
-Here's some breakfast.
-Any coffee?
-There's some instant coffee.
It's out on the genny.
-Up, now. Come on.
-[Logan] God!
I'm dying.
[Shawn] Hey, how much time?
[Xochitl] About 20 minutes.
-How are you feeling?
[Logan coughing]
-Your turn.
-Fuck, I'm gonna
fucking die right now.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah,
you say that every morning.
-Fuck you.
-And you never do.
[Michael] All right...
last chance.
Anybody want out?
-Nah, I'm good.
[Michael] [sighs] Well...
Very proud of all of you.
[Logan] [chuckles] Thanks, man.
[engine starts up]
-It's just nerves, don't worry.
I'm fine.
[van door closes]
[van door slides]
Man, you better not
hit any potholes.
[tires slapping against stones]
[tires screeching]
-[Logan] Hey.
-[Rowan] Yeah?
-[Logan] We got this.
-[Rowan] We got this.
[truck rattling]
[jack creaking]
[tires screeching]
[van door open]
[van door closes]
-[grunting] Oh shit.
[Alisha] Okay, twist it out.
[Shawn] Guys,
this is bulk explosive.
Let's try not to drop it.
-This is good.
-[Xochitl] Ready?
-[Dwayne] Nice and easy.
Nice and easy.
-[Shawn] Yep.
-Help me with this.
-[Dwayne] Okay. That's right.
-[Shawn] Got it.
[Alisha] Is somebody
gonna get under?
-Yeah, we're under it,
we're under it.
-[Logan] I got it, I got it.
[Shawn] Under? Okay.
You guys got all this?
[Logan] Yeah, yeah.
Okay, I gotta let go.
-[Shawn] Oh, shit.
-[Logan] [panting] Fuck. Fuck.
[Shawn] Couldn't have made
a lighter barrel?
-[Logan] Wait.
-[Shawn] One...
[Logan and Dwayne]
Two, three.
[all grunts]
-[Logan] One.
-[Dwayne] Two.
[Logan breathes heavily]
[Alisha] Got it?
One, two, three.
[all straining with effort]
[Logan] Get the motherfucker.
-[all grunts]
-[Logan] Fuck.
-[Michael] All right.
-[Logan] Oh fuck.
All right, Jesus Christ.
[all grunts]
-[Alisha] Oh shit.
-[Shawn] You good?
[Alisha] Yeah, yeah.
[Dwayne] Slow down, slow down.
It's tipping, it's tipping.
[group grunting]
-Wait! Wait!
-[Alisha] What?
-[Shawn] What?
-[Xochitl] Over there.
-[Dwayne] What?
-[Logan] Fuck!
-[Xochitl] What is that?
[Shawn] I think it's
a surveying drone.
[Rowan] What's it doing?
Lower the fucking barrel.
[Logan] Probably using LiDAR
to detect erosion.
We gotta hurry the fuck up.
-What does it matter?
Just lower it
into the fucking hole!
[Shawn] We gotta hurry.
[Alisha] Well, is it gonna
see us?
-[Michael] Don't panic.
-[Shawn] I mean, it'll see this
big ass fuckin' barrel.
We gotta get outta here.
[Michael] Don't panic.
Just slowly.
[Alisha] Guys
I'm about to drop.
-[Shawn] Okay, okay.
-[Michael] Slowly.
Come on, come on, come on.
[Shawn] I'm clear.
-[Xochitl] Clear.
[Michael] Okay, okay,
okay, okay, drop.
-[Shawn panting]
Oh shit.
[Dwayne] What do I do with it?
[Shawn] Just leave it.
We don't want them to track us.
[Alisha] Wait,
so did it get us on video?
[Shawn] No, it just scans metal.
-[Michael] Shawn?
-[Shawn] What do you need?
-[Theo] Woo!
-[Michael] Caps.
-[Shawn] Okay.
-[Xochitl] Good job, everyone.
-[Michael] Careful with 'em.
-[Logan] Yeehaw, buddy.
That was hot.
[Michael] This is live ETN.
Everybody stand back.
-Don't blow us up, Michael.
-Shut the fuck up.
[heavy breathing]
[breathing heavily]
[grunts] Let's do this shit.
[sighs] Come on.
[groans] Fuck.
Your wire doesn't
fucking reach, Shawn.
Gonna have to tuck it.
Fuck me.
[breathing heavily]
[Shawn] Get up here.
-[Michael grunts]
Good work
with the wires, Shawn.
-[Shawn] Thanks.
-[Xochitl] Yeah, good job.
[Logan grunts]
-All right, we are out.
-Hitting 107?
-Yep, we got it!
-[Xochitl] Good luck!
-We don't need it.
[Xochitl] Cool.
[van door closes]
[engine starting up]
[thrilling music]
[brakes screeching]
[van door opens]
[Alisha grunts]
[Shawn] Thanks.
[suspenseful music]
[Alisha] [groans] That smell.
[Theo] Just like home.
[Dwayne] One, two, three.
[Alisha grunts]
-[Shawn] One, two, three.
-[all grunt]
-[Dwayne] Ready?
-[Shawn] One, two, three.
[all groan]
-[Theo] Yup.
-[Dwayne] All right.
One, two, three.
[all grunt]
[Dwayne] Ready?
[Dwayne and Shawn]
One, two, three.
-[Dwayne] All right.
-[Theo] Fuck.
[Dwayne] All right,
I got the strap.
-[Xochitl] All right.
-[Theo] Hang on, hang on.
-What's the test strength
on these?
[Michael] Plenty.
All right, gentle,
just like the first time.
[Xochitl] Yeah, only
a lot fucking harder.
[Alisha] I'll get a strap.
-[Michael] Hold that.
-Shawn, you got it?
-[Alisha] All right, Dwayne,
go to the back. [grunting]
-[Xochitl] Ready?
-[Alisha] All good.
-Okay, okay, okay.
-[Alisha] Okay.
-[Xochitl] One...
-[Michael] Ready, set, pull.
-[Xochitl] You go.
[Rowan] Yep, yes, we are.
[Logan] Good.
-Do you have any water left?
-[Logan] Good?
-[Rowan] Yeah.
[Logan] Cool.
Oh fuck. There it is.
[Rowan] Wow!
[Logan] Holy shit.
[Rowan] Fuck.
[Logan] Look at that fucking
ugly thing.
It smells like shit.
[Rowan] It smells.
-[Logan sighs]
There's a lock.
-[Rowan] Wow.
-[Logan] Bolt cutters?
-[Rowan] Oh, shit.
-[Logan] What?
-[Rowan] Dude.
-Oh, man.
[Rowan] Rest in peace, bud.
[Logan] Rest in peace.
Fucking valve.
All right,
bolt cutters, please.
-I think we should
just wait to trespass
until we really have to.
-[sighs] No, you're right,
you're right.
[Xochitl] Three, two, one, go!
[all grunt]
[Xochitl] Three, two, one, go!
[all grunt]
[Xochitl] Three, two, one, go!
[all grunt]
[Michael] Come on, come on.
-[Xochitl] Three, two, one, go!
-[Shawn] Pull, pull, pull!
-[all grunt]
-[Shawn] You got it.
[Xochitl] Go, again! Go!
-[all grunting]
-[Shawn] You got it, you got it!
Come on!
-[Xochitl] Three, two, one!
[Shawn] Wait, wait, guys.
Guys, my strap.
-Don't stop.
[Shawn] I think it's fraying!
[Michael] Don't fuckin' stop.
-[Shawn] Hey, I think--
-[Michael] It's fine, it's fine.
Just pull it!
-[Shawn] I think it's--
-[Michael] Don't fucking stop!
-[strap clicking]
-[Shawn] Guys, I think it's--
[Xochitl] Let's go!
[Theo] [into phone] Please
come dancing with me tonight?
Come on.
What about something low-key?
I got some nice wine--
-I told you I feel fine,
so you have to come.
[Alisha] I don't know, haven't
you been feeling, you know--
-Come on.
[Alisha] I think we should
just have a nice night in,
you know,
we can cook something.
-[heavy breathing] Shit.
-[Alisha] Theo, you okay?
-No, I'm fine.
Just a little...
[heavy breathing]
[vase shatters]
[Alisha] Theo?
-[heavy breathing]
[Alisha] Hello? Theo?
-I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm just...
-No, what just happened?
-[heavy breathing]
[Alisha] Theo?
[Dr. Coleman]
Chronic myeloid leukemia.
It's very rare.
But there are clusters of people
who grew up near chemical
plants, oil refineries.
Your condition... is already
at an advanced stage.
[chatter over phone]
-Okay, well, can't I just
like sign up with you?
Jesus fucking Christ.
I need these pills to live
and you're telling me
to get fucking coupons?
Yeah, thanks.
[phone clatters]
How you feeling? You okay?
[melancholic music]
[rumble of heavy machinery]
Nice haircut.
-Thank you.
I saw the GoFundMe.
How you feeling?
-You know,
makin' peace with the Lord.
[Xochitl] You didn't call.
-You don't always pick up.
-Fair enough.
-Just fucking with you.
It's fine. You were busy.
-Not anymore. Dropped out.
-You dropped out?
-'Cause fuck that.
-Xochitl... that sucks.
You left, you--
-No. Theo, listen.
You have your phone on you?
-Turn it off.
[Alisha] There you go.
[Natalie] Hey, y'all.
Just so you know, we are
really low on supplies,
so we're not gonna be serving
for the rest of the week.
We're all really, really sorry.
-[Theo] Hey.
You're up and about.
[Theo] Yeah, I wanted
to come by and help.
-You sure you're okay?
Xochitl said what?
Can't believe she even asked.
Well, what did you say?
-It's a dope idea.
-No, it's crazy.
-I don't know,
fixing shit in a system
built by oppressors
is kinda crazy.
-Oh my God,
you sound just like her.
Theo, Xochitl's just another
girl that went to college,
read a book, and decided
she knows how to save the world.
[Theo] That's so unfair.
You know what she's been
-We've all been through it.
But you wanna help people?
Help people.
-That's easy for you to say,
you're not from here.
-Theo, you're not--
you're not actually thinking--
-I'm not thinking about it.
I'm doing it.
You don't get it.
-How do I not get it?
I'm literally in it
with you every single day.
-[Natalie] Excuse us.
-[Theo] Hey.
-Look, when I was a kid,
Xochitl and I used to go out
and dance in the rain
'cause that's just what kids do.
And every time we did,
the rain would burn the shit
out of my skin.
I'd go inside
covered in little red welts
all over my neck and arms.
So yeah, you don't get it.
I love you,
but I have to do this.
I have to go out
with one big "fuck you"
to the people
who did this to me.
-[groaning] Fuck!
-[Theo] Are you okay?
-Get it off! Get it off!
-[Theo] Shit, are you okay?
[Alisha] Get it off.
[groaning in pain]
[Shawn] It's alright.
-[groaning in pain]
-[Theo] It's gonna be okay.
-I'm just gonna turn it, okay?
[Alisha cries out]
[Dwayne] There we go,
there we go.
-Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
-Oh fuck.
Just breathe, just breathe,
it's gonna be okay.
[Dwayne] It's broken. Okay.
Shawn, I need two sticks
about the same size
as her shin now, please.
-We-we can't have any evidence,
any blood, DNA, nothing.
-I fucking know, Xochitl!
-[Theo] Fuck.
[Dwayne] You're gonna be
okay, all right?
You're gonna be okay.
-[Theo] Here, just hold my hand.
Hold my hand.
[Alisha moaning in pain]
[Dwayne] That's pretty good,
thank you, yeah.
All right.
Okay, all right.
[Alisha cries out]
-[Theo] Here, here, here.
-[Dwayne] It's okay.
-Just breathe, just breathe.
Just breathe,
don't look at it, okay?
Don't look at it.
[Dwayne] Just gonna put this on
nice and gently, okay?
-Here, just hold my hand.
Hold my hand.
-[Dwayne] Gonna be okay.
There you go.
You're doing great. Doing great.
-What the fuck is this, huh?
-I don't fucking know.
I told you it was fraying.
Like 20 times...
-Just breathe through it.
-[Shawn] I tried to stop you.
-Just breathe through it.
[Shawn] And what did you do?
You kept going.
[Theo] It's gonna be okay.
It's all gonna be okay.
Right, Dwayne?
[Xochitl] Can we just leave
the bomb under the pipe?
Will that work?
[Michael] If you wanna
blow a hole in the ground,
then yeah, sure.
-Well then,
what the fuck do we do?
-Why don't we just braid it?
-Braid what?
-[Shawn] The strap.
[Logan] God.
The fuck is taking them so long?
[Rowan] Everything's fine.
It's all gonna be fine.
[Dwayne] Come on, come on,
you got this.
All right, we're ratcheting.
You guys got this!
-Fuck, fuck, fuck.
-All right!
[Michael] That should hold,
that should hold.
[all breathing heavily]
[Michael] Good work, buddy.
-Here, try this.
-Ooh! [grunts]
-That good?
It's gonna be okay.
We're almost there.
[wick sizzles]
[suspenseful music]
[firework explodes]
-Oh fuck.
-Oh my God, fuck.
Babe, feel my heart.
This is big.
-This is big.
-This-This is big.uge.
-This is the biggest thing
anyone's ever fucking done.
-Everybody mark on three?
-[Xochitl] Yeah.
[Michael] Yeah? One, two...
[watches beep]
[Alisha groans]
[Theo] You wanna help me
get her in?
All right, babe,
we're gonna lift.
On three. One, two, three.
-[Alisha groans]
-[Theo] I know, I know.
-Hey, you good?
You good?
-[Xochitl] Yeah.
-Can't believe
we actually did this.
-Not yet.
[van door slams shut]
[Shawn] Xochitl.
You'll be great.
-You, too.
[van engine revs]
[exciting music]
-Merry Christmas.
[Theo] Xochitl, let's go!
[tense music]
[Rowan] How much time
do you think we have?
-Thirty-eight minutes.
-[Rowan] Thirty-eight?
-[Logan] Mm-hmm.
-Oh fuck. That's so hot.
-How are you doing? You okay?
-She needs to go to a hospital.
[Xochitl] The cameras
have her at work right now.
We can't.
-Have you seen her leg?
-Yes, but she needs an alibi,
-Okay, but you heard
what Dwayne said.
She could be bleeding out or--
-Okay, if I have to go
pick up Michael and Shawn,
then I have to clean right now.
-No, I think I can do it.
-[Theo] Alisha.
-Look, Xochitl's right.
I need an alibi, so...
I'll drive.
[Theo] Are you sure?
[Alisha] Yeah. [grunting]
-[breathing heavily]
[van door slams shut]
[tense music]
[truck rumbles]
[tense music continues]
[Christmas music playing]
[Dwayne] Ed, Stevie.
[Steve] Oh hey, Dwayne.
-You look like shit.
-I'm diggin' a new septic tank.
Why, you volunteerin' to help?
-[chuckles] No thanks.
-Yeah, I didn't think so.
Thank you.
It's two o'clock.
You got the game on?
[Slim] TV's broke.
-Goddamn useless.
[rumble of approaching vehicle]
[Logan] Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
[truck door closes]
-[Hank sighs]
-Hey, Charlene,
this is Hank.
Yeah, we got it.
It's showin' up now,
but it ain't movin'.
So something's gone
we got the coordinates now.
We're gonna check it out.
[laughs] Exactly.
Serves 'em right for replacin'
us with a goddamn robot.
Okay. Yeah, you take care.
Earl, come on.
[Earl] Where are we headed?
-Yeah, not quite sure yet.
-[Rowan] Shit, Logan.
The drone.
-[Logan] What?
-[Rowan] The drone.
Either they're gonna find
the bomb or they're gonna...
-Okay. Fuck them.
They're part of the problem,
-We are not fucking murderers.
-Fuck, fine.
Okay, stay here.
[Earl] I don't know, bud.
The towers are over there.
There it is, about a mile
and a half to the north.
[Hank] Yeah, looks about right.
-[Hank] You hear that?
[air hissing out]
[Earl] You got some
old ass tires.
[Hank] It looks like
they got cut.
-What in the hell?
[Hank] We're gonna
have to call it in.
[Earl] Yeah.
-What are you doing?
-[Earl] Hey!
Somebody's fuckin' with us.
They cut the phone.
-I'm gonna run. -What?
[Earl] Show your face, shitheel!
- I'm gonna run.
You're gonna do the valve.
I was all-state, bitch.
-[Rowan] No, you weren't.
-I was close.
-[Earl] You're on JDIA property.
-[Rowan] You weren't.
-I know. I know.
I'll meet you at the car, okay?
-Okay, okay. Be careful.
-[Hank] There!
-[Earl] Hey!
Stop or I'll shoot!
Hey! You little shit!
[shots fired]
[sirens wailing]
[Rowan] Fuck.
[chain fence clanks]
[running footsteps]
[sirens continue wailing]
[Officer] Freeze!
Stop right there!
-Suck my dick.
-[soft thud]
-[Rowan groans]
[Agent Rhodes]
[sighs] I get it, you know.
I do. I do.
I get what it's like to...
come from nothing,
and to feel like
the only way forward
is just to burn it all down.
[paper rustles]
One screw up like this shouldn't
destroy your life, Rowan,
but it will.
We mess up, we fall in
with the wrong people.
-Well, I'm not with anyone.
[Agent Rhodes] Oh! really?
-This is destruction
of critical infrastructure
on federal property.
The best a lawyer's
gonna get you is 15 years.
And that's if you plead out.
You have a lot of promise and
it's all going to go to waste.
Or, we can work together.
-Hey, Ro.
Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro, you okay?
-I got fucked.
-Wait, how did you
get out so quick?
-Rowan. Rowan,
what the fuck happened?
-I handled it, okay?
-What do you mean?
-I handled it.
I just wanna go home.
-Wait, what did
they charge you with?
-I just really wanna go.
-Rowan, what the fuck
did you do? Rowan!
They were bluffing, though.
-No, they weren't.
-Yes, they fucking were.
Do you care about any of this?
This is what you signed up for.
-Yes, I care.
And it's way harder
when I don't have
a family lawyer on standby.
-Fuck you.
-Yeah, you're good at pretending
you would've done things
differently in there,
but we both know
you would've never
had to make that decision.
-I never would have called
my dad's lawyer.
-Yeah, but the point is
that you could have.
-Who the fuck are you?
-I am your fucking partner.
Do you want me to rot
in prison for 15 years?
-No. No, I don't want you
to fucking rot.
I fucking love you.
You know I love you.
I'm just, I'm not gonna
let you rat on our friends.
-What am I supposed to do?
-[exhales] Maybe we find
somebody else.
[bookstore owner] Yeah, no,
it's pretty messed up this year.
[Logan] World is ending.
-Yeah, yeah, kinda how
it feels. You know, it's like...
Shit show.
Hey, could you close the door?
The AC is on.
[music playing
in the background]
[Logan] That's got some good
Doesn't teach you
how to do it, though.
-Oh yeah?
-Yeah. Is this for school
or somethin'?
-Nah, I just wanna learn.
Might be headed to Texas
for the winter.
-What's in Texas?
-Just a project.
Might be looking for
some collaborators.
-What kinda project?
Us against the world, babe.
-[Shawn] Hey!
-What's good, Shawn?
-Hello. What's up?
-How you doin'?
-[Logan] What's your name?
[Logan] Good to meet ya, Xoch.
You wanna come see a band play?
[loud rock music playing]
[shots fired]
[tense music]
[Earl] [groans] Give it up,
ya little shit!
[Hank] Just get
the motherfucker!
[chain clanks]
[watch beeps]
[bird cawing]
[suspenseful music]
-Hey, Slim. Another round
over here, please.
-That time?
[Theo] You okay?
-Go up. [clears throat]
[Theo] You sure?
[Theo] Xochitl, I'm comin' up.
[door hinges creak]
[metal squeaks and clanks]
[chains clatter]
[wheel clatters]
[wheel continues to clatter]
[suspenseful music]
[wick sizzles]
[firework explodes]
-We got green!
[device beeps]
[computerized voice] One, two,
three, four, five, six.
[loud explosions]
[rippling tremors]
[alarmed chatter]
[Slim] What the fuck was that?
[loud rumbling]
-[shouts] Logan!
-[approaching footsteps]
-Fuck. Fuck.
-Rowan, they fuckin' shot me.
-No, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
-Fuck. Oh fuck.
[Rowan] Lean on the car, lean
on the car, lean on the car.
Oh, my God.
-Just bottles?
-Bottles, chips,
anything with DNA on it
needs to go home with Alisha.
-Here's a bottle.
[glass clinks]
-You sure you're good to drive?
-Yeah, I'm good.
-I'm sorry.
[emotional music]
-I love you.
-I love you.
-[clears throat] Uh, Xochitl,
take care of her.
-Got it?
-[grunts] Yeah.
[car engine revs]
[emotional music]
[car door closes]
[Shawn] Want me to drive?
-No, I'm good.
[Shawn] You sure?
[Alisha] Yeah.
I've got another foot.
[sighs] Come on, Michael.
[door opens]
[Slim] Goin' hard today.
Well, you know I got a...
little toddler at home.
-[exhales noisily]
Hey, Slim. Bud and a shot.
[Slim] Comin' at ya.
-What the hell's
goin' on out there?
Heard an explosion.
[Texas Ranger] Someone blew
that pipeline half to hell.
-Then what in God's name
are you doin' in here?
-Ain't supposed to discuss
an ongoin' investigation...
but I think they already
caught the fuckers.
The Feds told us
to wait until needed,
and I sure
ain't waitin' sober.
-Well, the next round's
on me, then.
-Appreciate ya.
[Logan] [groans] Fuck!
[breathing heavily]
[brakes squealing]
I'll see ya there.
-[Rowan] Got this?
It's okay, I'll be right back.
[Logan] Okay. Okay.
Fuck. Alright. [grunts]
Fuck. [breathing heavily]
[distant barking]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[breathing heavily]
[Rowan] Okay, how are we
gonna do this?
[Logan] Just pull me up.
Fuck! [groans]
[dramatic music]
[car door closes]
-You still have dirt
on your face.
[Michael] All right, let's go.
[car engine revs]
[kerosene pouring]
[dramatic music]
-[Logan's muffled screams]
[Rowan] Don't move! Don't move!
Be fucking still! I can't...
-[Logan's muffled screams]
[bullet clatters]
[Rowan] Logan.
Last step, last step.
Okay. Last step.
Last step.
-[Logan's muffled screams]
-It's okay. You did so good.
-Okay, please don't leave me.
-I don't wanna die.
-I'll be right back, okay?
-Don't leave me.
[door closes]
[SUV engine idling]
-I told Logan I went out
for a pack of cigs.
[Agent Rhodes] Do you wanna tell
me what the fuck just happened?
-Be careful.
-I'm being careful, dude.
[Theo] What?
Get me a candle
from the other room.
Michael fucked up the seal.
-Did you lie to me?
[Rowan] No, no I didn't.
I promise.
They just told me
a whole different story,
and by the time that
I realized it was happening--
-Hang on, I have...
I have everything
you need right here.
Photos, text messages,
and the address.
And so, if you go right now,
you're still gonna get them.
-And what about Logan?
He's three days into a bender.
He doesn't know what's up.
[Agent Rhodes] It's Rhodes.
It's 1643, County Road 13.
-What's going on?
-You're gonna ride with us
until this all works out.
Or do you have
somewhere else to be?
-Four interceptions
and they leave him in the game.
[pounding the table]
[Slim] Come on. His momma can
throw better than that.
[Dispatcher] [over phone]
All units, all units,
report to 1634, County Road 13.
-Copy that. On my way.
All right, y'all.
-You be careful out there.
[sirens wailing]
[Texas Ranger] [laughs] Man,
those fuckers are fast.
[receding footsteps]
[car engine revs]
[sirens wailing]
[Xochitl] Good. Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Right there. Okay.
-[Theo] Steady, steady.
-[Xochitl] Mm-hmm.
[sirens wailing]
[sirens wailing]
[sirens wailing]
-Okay. [breathing heavily]
[bangs steering wheel]
[sirens wailing]
[dramatic music]
Like this?
-It was nice knowing you, dude.
-You, too.
-[device beeps]
[Computerized voice]
Frequency mode.
[sirens wailing]
Seven, eight, nine...
[music playing]
[loud knocking]
[urgent knocking continues]
I hear you in there, Xochitl.
Give me one reason
not to turn your ass in
to the police right now.
-Please, just come in.
-An informant, Xochitl?
Are you fucking kidding me?
-I trust her.
-Of course,
you work with a cop.
[Xochitl] She's not a cop.
She's a 22-year-old kid
who got fucked over.
She coulda turned us in,
but she came clean.
This was her idea.
Rowan feeds the FBI
exactly what we need her to
so they catch us in the act
on site with evidence.
The FBI gets to be the hero
that caught the big,
bad terrorists.
They really
just wanna look good.
-You and Theo are gonna spend
the rest of your lives
in prison.
[Xochitl] Maybe.
Two girls from a refinery town,
one with terminal cancer.
That's sympathetic.
-[Alisha] Oh my God.
-That's relatable.
We have a right
to defend ourselves.
We could set
a new legal precedent,
and if we get off,
more people follow,
more bombs happen,
fossil fuel gets
priced out of the market.
-People are out there
doing the work
and you just wanna come in
and say, "Fuck you"?
This flashy shit is pure ego.
-Okay, yeah.
That work is important,
and it's not fucking working.
You need leverage.
The flashy shit scares people.
-Okay, so you scare
some oil companies,
but you're really gonna
fuck over poor people.
-Pay more for gas now.
or choke to death on hot air
in five years.
-Who are you to decide?
You're not God, Xochitl.
You don't get to decide
how people live and die.
-Better me than the people
that are currently doing that.
And Alisha, you are the one
trying to decide
how Theo lives or dies,
and I'm really sorry,
I hate to say it, but
we both know she's gonna die.
I'm sorry. That was... harsh.
[Alisha] Everyone just...
just acts like
she has nothing to lose...
but I'm here.
It's not fucking fair.
-I've lost people, too.
I don't want you to lose Theo
any sooner than you have to.
But she's my best friend, too,
and I know
that she needs to do this.
We can protect you,
we can get you a good alibi.
-Even if I wanted to, there'd
be fingerprints, DNA, hair.
-We can clean that up.
-That would take days.
[sirens wailing]
[Officer] Get down
-We're unarmed!
We are unarmed!
-Get down on the ground!
-We're surrendering peacefully!
-Put your hands on your head!
-[Xochitl] We're unarmed!
-Get down on the ground!
[Officer] Don't fuckin' move.
-We surrender peacefully!
-Don't you fuckin' move!
Do not move!
-[Xochitl] Hey, don't hurt her!
Don't fucking hurt her!
-[punch thrown]
-[thuds to ground]
[door opens]
-Logan? Logan?
[whispers] We did it.
[envelope rustles]
What the fuck is that?
-She bought it.
She thinks it was just me,
Theo, and Xochitl.
-She fucking paid you?
-We're in the clear?
-I'm in the clear?
-Everyone's in the clear?
I didn't fuck up?
-Are you sure I didn't fuck up?
-Yeah, you didn't fuck up.
-[phone pings]
-It's live. Rowan, it's live.
[Xochitl] [on video]
My name is Xochitl Fuentes.
If you're seeing this,
then I've just blown up
a section of JDIA oil pipeline.
Destroying this property
was a last resort.
-We fucking did it.
[Xochitl] [on video]
If we want to survive,
we must damage and dismantle
CO2-emitting devices,
demolish them, burn them,
blow them up.
Let those who profit
from mass death
know their properties
will be trashed.
They will defame us
and claim this was violence
or vandalism,
but this was justified.
This was an act of self-defense.
[dramatic music]
[timer beeps]