How To Love Mr. Heartless (2022) Movie Script

We're here.
We're going to plant
mangroves here?
That's what the Mayor said.
Anywhere there?
This website says it's fine
so long as the saplings
aren't submerged in water.
Go on and plant
them, I'll take the video.
Why us?
I didn't bring extra clothes.
Besides, I already took
care of transpo and lodging.
I got us the saplings and coordinated
with the municipal government!
I'm the videographer!
I'll do it.
Just put the
saplings by the shore.
Every time I hear him talk,
I feel so dumb.
It's like he knows everything.
You have to admit,
he's a bit cute.
But he's too quiet.
Snobbish, you mean.
Doesn't that add to
his appeal, though?
I prefer the more
outgoing types.
What about you, Yan-Yan?
What do you think of Blue?
I don't know, we don't
talk in the classroom.
He has his own world, right?
But when he became
our group mate in NSTP,
I noticed he's
pretty good-looking.
So you like him?
What do you mean?
Girl, he's like a serial killer!
He might chop me
up on our first date!
Just kidding!
I should go and help him.
Just stay here.
I'll help you!
Where can I plant these?
Give them to me.
No, I'll help you! Come on.
Where can I plant these?
You'll wade through
the water wearing that?
It's fine, it's fast-drying.
I just wanted to
help you because
you've been at it by
yourself since we got here.
You can't be the
only one working!
Hurry up!
What's a nice spot?
Teach me.
I'm gonna get more saplings,
just stay there.
- Ouch!
- What's wrong?
I just stepped on a
sharp rock. I'm good.
- Ouch! Ouch!
- You alright?
- Ouch, ouch! It hurts!
- Wait, wait.
Hold on to me.
No, no.
- Just help me walk!
- Don't move.
- Just help me walk, I can walk! Come on!
- I said don't walk.
What was in there, broken glass?
When you step on
one, you're bound to slip.
That's why you got hurt.
Also why you shouldn't
wade into the water bare feet.
That's why I wore boots.
How would I know?
No one told me.
You never asked.
You still good, Yan-Yan?
Yeah, I'm good.
It's just a scratch,
I can take it.
Alright, we'll split up the work
so we can finish
our paper quickly.
Since I have the
video, I'll transcribe it
and I'll compile
the references later.
Alright. I'll handle the introduction
and review of related literature.
I'll do methodology and maybe
Sorry, sorry... what's my task?
Are you alright, Yan-Yan?
Sorry, guys. I
don't feel so good,
but I can do my part.
My wounds just hurt a bit.
You're a little warm.
Low grade fever.
Probably because of your wounds.
You should rest, Yan-Yan.
No, no, I got this, I can work.
So what do I get? Should
I just do the data analysis?
I'll do it.
So I get data analysis,
results and the conclusion.
What about me?
You should just rest for now.
They're noisy.
I can't concentrate.
Do you want me to step
out so you can focus?
Just stay there and sleep.
Thanks, by the way
For the first aid and for
taking on my assigned task.
My first impression of you
was that you didn't care.
I didn't take your task
because I felt sorry for you.
How were you going
to do it feeling like that?
You might compromise
the quality of our paper.
Hurry, hurry!
Hey, Blue!
Aren't you the best in
academic writing in this group?
You don't have
any basis for that.
Of course you are,
don't be modest.
Here's the thing! There's
a feast in the next town,
and the mayor's son invited us!
I don't care for
things like that.
We know, but we do!
So we were thinking
What if we attended and you
finished up our research paper?
In exchange, we'll just pay you!
- Yeah, that way it will be consistent...
- Fine, whatever!
Just get out of here, so I
can get some peace and quiet.
- Yay!
- Yay!
What about me?
What can I do?
You can just pay me
like the rest of them.
It's just Saturday, mom.
We paid for the house
until Sunday morning.
Fetch me tomorrow.
Alright, alright.
What's wrong?
My parents want to
fetch me by midday
because they have an
appointment for tomorrow.
Is it okay if I go ahead?
If you don't have
a choice, go ahead.
Can I tag along?
I mean, we're pretty
much done here.
We've done the
planting and interviews,
and Blue said he'd
finish the paper, right?
You're right!
I'm coming, too!
Daddy said three
more can fit in the car.
Yan-Yan, you should come, too.
We'll drop you off at your house
so you've nothing worry about.
Two more! Who else?
You can decide with
I'm staying here until tomorrow.
I'll finish our paper.
You'll be fine on your own here?
That's actually better.
No nuisances.
Sorry, dear.
Your siblings didn't
want to stay at home.
Only two of your group
mates can come along.
Yan-Yan will be one of them.
Who's the other one?
Best of three!
Rock paper scissors!
Rock paper scissors!
Rock paper scissors!
Get in, so we can go home soon!
- Yan-Yan!
- Okay.
I'll be at the back.
Where did I put it?
Gill, it's your
monthsary, isn't it?
You're so illogical.
You volunteered to stay
when you're the one
who needs to get home.
Then what?
Who do you expect to take care of
you while you wait for your ride?
Of course not.
Not at all.
How are you going home tomorrow
with your foot like that?
My mom will pick me up, okay?
Don't worry about
me because I'm okay.
I can take care of myself.
I'm going to buy my lunch.
Thank you.
I bought you food.
How much is this?
It's cheap, don't
worry about it.
Are you on a diet?
You have to admit,
he's a bit cute.
But he's too quiet.
Snobbish, you mean.
Doesn't that add to
his appeal, though?
I prefer the more
outgoing types.
What about you, Yan-Yan?
I don't know, we don't
talk in the classroom.
He has his own world, right?
Oh, you shouldn't watch this,
this isn't a good shot!
You should just turn it off.
- No, no, the audio is really bad here...
- Yan-Yan I'm trying to work, what the hell!
We were supposed to
edit that, don't watch it!
he has serial killer vibes,
He might chop me
up on our first date!
You're so warm!
That's probably
because of your wounds.
Am I going to die?
Don't be dramatic.
Sorry for what you
heard on the video earlier.
That's just my impression
and I was only joking.
You don't need to apologize
because I wasn't offended.
You're actually nice.
You just don't look it
because you talk and act cold.
Caring for the sick
is not an exclusive
trait of humans;
Insects, primates, aquatic
mammals do it, too
All for the survival
of their species.
I'm saying I'm doing this
because you need me to.
If anyone else could
do it, I wouldn't be here.
This is time that I could've been
spending working on our paper.
You'll live even if you
don't take care of me.
What about my
reputation as a person?
What if they found out that
I was your only companion
and I just let you suffer?
If you need anything, just call.
You should eat.
There's soup in the kitchen.
Take your medicine after.
Why are you packing up?
I'm done with our paper.
What time is your
ride getting here?
Probably in the afternoon,
but you should go
ahead if you need to.
My foot doesn't hurt anyway.
No, I'm going to tag along.
It's the least you can do
after I took care of you.
What time in the afternoon?
It will be late, maybe 5:00 P.M.
Then I'll walk
around until then.
Our car is shitty. Total crap.
Doesn't even have air conditioning.
That's not important.
What's important is that I
don't have to spend for fare,
and you can make it up to
me for taking care of you.
I'll just add to my payment!
I said I wanted to ride
in your car tomorrow!
It's all fake!
No one's coming for me tomorrow.
Why did you stay here?
Ah, whatever,
just go if you want.
I'll manage!
Go on!
Get in.
How's your foot?
It's fine!
It's cramped.
I'll just ride at the back.
Where will I put these?
Just put them by the stairs...
Yeah, that's fine.
Do you want to
come inside for a bit?
I'll get you some juice.
No, thanks.
I'm going home.
Clean your wounds
one to three times a day.
Okay. Thank you.
And take care.
Take care.
Mm, that smells good!
It's making me hungry!
It's been so long since you
made pork in shrimp paste, sis!
What's the occasion?
Hurry up and eat
while it's warm.
Is this for dad?
Yeah. Mom is visiting him later.
What's this?
How are things going to end?
There are three possibilities.
First, is the big crunch:
The expansion of the
universe eventually reverses.
Everything will collapse,
'til it goes back to
its singularity form.
Can I sit here?
By the way, I brought
you some food.
I cooked that.
I'm done eating.
Is that so?
Okay, well... you can
just bring this home!
Just bring the container
back to me when you're done.
Don't bother.
Wow, sisig!
Do you need help, sis?
No, I'm good. Go and call RB.
Here, have a taste.
- Sisig!
- Tell me if it's good or not.
I don't know if
it's just me but,
this actually tastes
better than the last time!
- Really?
- I swear.
It's salty.
Oh, you should
eat it with white rice!
Here, eat them together!
White rice has a
high glycemic index.
Did you cook this?
You don't need to do this.
I can feed myself.
It's not that.
I just wanted to
make it up to you.
Does it really taste bad?
I'm sure it tastes
good for others.
Everything is subjective.
I had it warmed at the canteen.
Is it good?
It's tasty.
That was the first
dish I learned to cook!
My dad taught me
when I was younger.
I'm okay with my food.
What, it's good
but you won't eat it?
I said it was tasty.
So it's not delicious?
'Delicious' is subjective.
So it's not good enough for you?
It's not.
What's with you?
What is your problem
with my cooking?
Sure, a fruit.
But it can easily
irritate your stomach.
The seeds can't
even be digested!
Then you have fish sauce,
which is high in sodium.
Not good for your blood
pressure or your heart.
It's a vegetable, but
it's high in oxalates,
which help create kidney stones.
Everything else is okay
There's a lot of vegetables
Water spinach
But the meat you used was pork.
Red meat.
It has protein and other
nutrients, but, again, sodium,
and high in saturated
fat and purine.
Now, given the high
health risk in here,
why would I eat your
food when I have my own,
that is just as good?
It's just for today.
You know what, yeah, if I was
hungry and didn't have any food,
logically, I would eat this.
I could even tell you,
"Yeah, I'll take it
home and eat it later."
Just so you wouldn't feel
that I invalidated your efforts,
or rejected.
But the truth is, I'm
really not going to eat it!
Here's what we can do.
Just tell me what food you want,
and then I will cook it for you.
Why are you so insistent
on making it up to me?
I didn't ask you to.
Unless you like me?
So what if I do?
Nothing. It's normal.
You're at that age where
your hormone levels are high.
You lusting after me has
an evolutionary explanation,
that the human species
need in order to reproduce.
Wait a minute...
what did you say?
It's normal to feel sexually
attracted to me, Yan-'yan.
I'm good-looking,
I'm physically fit,
your body is just
looking for a good partner
so you can have genetically
superior and healthy offspring.
Okay, then maybe
you're looking for a reward!
What reward?
Reward like what?
What if I told you that
I liked your cooking?
Your hypothalamus
will release dopamine,
and you'll feel
better about yourself.
Oh, shut up.
Maybe it's attachment
from when I took care of you
and now you want us to
spend more time together.
So we can be closer.
Do you want to embrace me?
Or lie in bed with me?
That must be it because
that's from hormones, too!
Vasopressin and oxytocin.
What is your point?
My point?
Stop cooking for me.
This is just a manifestation
of your attraction towards me.
But I'm not interested.
In you or your cooking.
Now, I'm sure I've hurt you.
You feel like you've
been rejected.
But that's all in your mind!
Like scientists say...
I'm not going to
bother you anymore.
Hi sis!
Oh, sis!
Why are you eating out here?
Wow, is that vegetable stew?
Dad's favorite?
Oh, sorry, I've
finished most of it.
- Hang on, let me cook something else.
- No, no, don't! I'll just heat up something.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, there's so much food in the fridge!
Tell me if you need any help!
Yes, sis!
Do you think dad will
ever get out of jail?
Of course he will!
Just have faith.
But while he's not here yet,
we need to do our
best in life and school,
so when we're all back together,
us siblings will
be professionals!
You'll be a photographer,
and our house will
be bigger and better!
Just have faith.
Let me see our photos
Whoa, these are great!
Our school was invited
to a contest by the DOST.
We need to make
a travelogue video
about a place in the Philippines
that isn't very popular.
Since the Gen Z is
our target audience,
it needs to be fun
and educational.
Are we required to join, sir?
Aside from this being the
final requirement in my class,
this has a cash prize reward.
Whoever gets picked as
the best travelogue video
will win P200,000.
Alright, pick you partners.
Blue! Blue!
Yeah! Me, too!
Get back to your seats!
Since almost all of you want
to partner up with Dimalanta,
why don't we ask him who
he wants to partner with?
So there's no misunderstandings,
you pick your partner.
Sir, I'll pick
Arianne Espejo, sir.
Okay. Dimalanta and
Espejo will be partners.
Don't I get a say in this?
Why, who did you
want to partner with?
Anyone else, sir.
Who wants to partner
with me. Just not him.
Are you two fighting?
- Do you have a lover's quarrel?
- No, sir!
I'm just not
comfortable with him.
In the real world, you can't
pick who you'll work with,
so you should start learning
how to get along with others.
You two are now partners. Everyone
else, choose your partners!
Why did you choose me?
You wanted to repay me, right?
Through my cooking!
But you didn't want any, right?
And, what, are you going
to make the project alone
and just take my money?
No way!
I went to school to study!
You can learn from the internet.
Don't be a smart-ass!
I'll take care of
the project, okay?
I'm not going to charge you.
Is this a scam?
What's the catch?
Is there a plot twist?
I have a favor to ask...
But don't worry,
it's not about money!
I'll tell it after the
project is done.
Are you serious?
Yeah, you don't
need to know yet!
I'll take care of the project. You
don't need to do anything, okay?
Is that so?
So you think I'm just going
to say yes to what you want?
What if you suddenly
ask for my body?
I'm not going to do that.
Whatever! I refuse.
No, thank you! I don't want
to be a burden to this project.
Uh, Yan...
you'll be a bigger burden if
you actually take part in it.
Well, then, you should have
chosen someone else instead of me!
But since you wanted
me as your partner,
you can rot in hell!
Too fucking bad!
We'll meet soon. Let's
talk about the project.
Oh, Blue, you're here!
Hand me the letter U over there.
Come on, the letter U!
Alright, thank you!
Don't tell me you forgot
your mom's birthday?
I don't like sweets.
Can't you have a
cheat day just this once?
There's conchinillo.
Conchinillo? Red meat?
- Uncle, you know that...
- Okay!
I requested that.
That's for everyone!
Ready, sing!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to you!
Aww, there's so many gifts!
Thank you for the
gifts, and the effort!
Thank you.
What about you, Blue,
where's your present?
It's alright, son.
It's enough that you have
such high grades in school.
I'm happy with that.
I actually have
a present for you,
but you don't want it, remember?
We've talked about this.
Then this birthday
celebration is pointless.
I've thought about your
offer from the other day,
but we never brought
up the cash prize.
What if we win, do you get everything?
Because you'll do all the work?
I plan to have our
garden landscaped.
Forget what I offered
you the other day.
Hey. Why are you eating that?
I'm sick of fruits and
vegetables. Here you go.
Well, is it delicious?
When are we going to
talk about the travelogue?
Later, when you're
free. We'll do a video call.
We can't do a video call.
It has to be face to face.
Why not?
What if the internet is slow?
Besides virtual meetings
are so exhausting,
What if I wanted to act
out something to you,
it drains your energy.
You wouldn't see it because the
audio and video are limited...
Alright, fine! Fine! Shut up!
Fine, face to face! Are we good?
7:00 P.M. I'll
message you where.
Have a seat.
You're late by 15 minutes.
Why are we meeting here?
It's so noisy here,
there's so many people!
Their crispy pata here is really
good, as well as their lecho...
Here it is! The beef stew?
Where's the beef stew?
Sir, please wait a
while for the beef stew.
I thought you were
health conscious?
Have I broken your spirit?
There's no point to
being health conscious.
We're all going to die anyway.
- Go on and eat! Come on, let's eat!
- Oh, no, no!
I already cooked back home.
My siblings and I
will eat together.
So if it's all the same to you,
let's start, so we can finish early.
I've thought of three places that
we can feature in our travelogue.
Ahh, where's the
first one... here it is.
Here, in the town of Sasmuan,
they have something
called the "Wide Chair,"
a critical habitat
and eco-tourism area.
There are migratory birds
there as well as mangroves.
And then...
The second one is
the Sumuclab Lagoon.
This is in Floridablanca.
They have waterfalls there
called the Malalatawan Falls.
We can feature
this, too, if you want.
And the third one is...
What's your problem?
Why are you angry,
this isn't even final!
Where's the beef stew?
Why isn't the
beef stew here yet!
Sir, sorry,
we've run out of beef stew.
Maybe you want to
order something else?
Miss, just cancel
the order, thanks.
You know, we have
beef stew at our place.
You're home at last!
My stomach has been
rumbling for hours!
This is my group mate, Blue,
for that project I was
telling you about yesterday.
Blue, this is my mom.
Good evening, ma'am.
Should I ask for your blessing?
No, because some people
get offended when I do, so
I just wanted to be sure.
Ah, I just asked him over for
dinner. He's craving for beef stew.
We still have beef
stew in the fridge!
I'll heat it up,
wait a minute...
No, mom, I'll take care of
it. He's my visitor, anyway.
Alright then.
Come on!
I'll introduce you to
Yan-Yan's siblings!
She is Yan-Yan's
younger sister, Bianca.
We call her Bianx.
Good evening.
This isn't your first
time here, right?
You brought sis home
when her foot got wounded.
That was you?
Oh, why didn't I see you?
He was just at the gate, mom.
Ah. Thank you so much, dear!
Yan-Yan didn't tell me.
I guess that's why I feel
so secure around you!
Just a moment, this
is very important
Bianx, introduce him to RB.
Excuse me for a minute
Hello, attorney?
The signal here is
weak, I'm going down
Did you know that indoor plants
don't actually clean the air?
Let's say your room
is 30 square meters,
you would need 150 plants to have the
same quality of fresh air outside.
I don't take care of
plants for clean air,
I do it because I enjoy it.
This is Blue,
Yan-Yan's classmate.
Blue, this is our youngest.
Wasn't he the one who...
Yeah, that's him.
Hi bro.
Stay here with RB for a bit.
I need to water my succulents.
Sorry, it's kind of dark.
Have a seat.
No. This is fine.
It's like we're in space.
Do you like astronomy?
You know,
it's my dream to take a
picture of the Milky Way.
They say there's 100 million
stars in the Milky Way galaxy
And there's two trillion
galaxies in the universe.
Just think of how small
our solar system is,
the Earth,
the Philippines,
us, as individuals.
If the world exploded
today and everyone died,
the universe
would still be here.
We're nothing but a
grain of sand on the beach.
But we humans act like we're
the center of the universe,
like the world
revolves around us.
But in the end,
we're all going to die anyway.
Excuse me! The
beef stew is ready.
We heated it up because it's
better to eat it warm than cold.
We can eat it cold, because
it's still going to our stomach,
we're still going
to shit it out,
and we're all going
to die anyway,
but we warmed up the beef stew
because we want to enjoy our dinner!
Come on, let's eat.
Let's go eat, bro.
Do you know anything
about wormholes?
Yan-Yan always cooks at home.
She always loved cooking
ever since she was young.
Since I got used
to sissy's cooking,
I've been more picky
about the food I eat outside.
You're too much!
I have a teacher who
always checks my lunch,
and then gets a piece!
You said your dad
taught you how to cook.
Where is he?
He's imprisoned at New Bilibid.
Reclusin perpetua.
Can you still get out of
something like that, Blue?
Of course!
Of course you can! We
just need to keep the faith,
and pray for dad always.
Have you filed a petition with
the Board of Pardon and Parole?
We need some papers,
but yes, we've filed one.
Is he eligible?
He needs to have served at least
half of his maximum sentence
in order for a convict
to be eligible for...
Can we not call
my dad a 'convict'?
Not in front of the kids.
I am not calling
your father a convict.
I'm just explaining
the information.
Isn't dad a convict anyway?
In the eyes of the public, yeah.
But I hope in the
eyes of his family,
in your eyes,
he isn't a convict.
Here. Dessert.
Now I'm wondering
Why you cooked me all those dishes
but you had fruits growing here.
But I guess you couldn't flex your
cooking skills if you just gave me fruits.
You know, your siblings
are smart and mature,
they won't get carried away
by me saying the word convict.
You don't need to treat
them like kids anymore.
My father was imprisoned
because he killed someone.
He got into a fight
with someone.
It escalated.
His amygdala became hyperactive,
and I guess he had low
serotonin during that time.
Or maybe he had some
damage in his prefrontal cortex.
According to studies, that has
something to with being aggressive.
Or violent...
Are you really like this?
You explain every little thing.
How do you want me to react?
If you understand
what's happening,
you can think straight.
Your emotions won't
get in the way of logic.
Okay, sure.
If you're really smart,
then analyze me. Size me up.
I can only give a hypothesis since
I'm lacking in data about you,
but I think
your dad used to cook here.
Now that he's gone.
You replaced him, right?
But that's such a
shallow hypothesis.
I don't want my siblings to feel
like they don't have a father,
and my mom to feel
like she's a single mother.
I want my dad to enjoy his
life when he gets out prison.
To make up for all the
time he wasted in there.
When he gets out,
everything needs to be in order,
our lives, this house,
so he won't feel like
he's a failure as a father.
What about you?
What do you want?
I want...
my family to be happy.
No, Yan-Yan.
Personally, what do you want?
You know,
it's okay to be
positive about life
But sometimes
you give false hope.
Like with your siblings.
They'll just get disappointed if
they don't get what they wish for.
Rely strictly on facts so their
hearts and minds are prepared,
in case your father isn't freed.
It makes you seem like a
A what?
A people-pleaser.
Are you still up for an
adventure at this hour?
What the hell, Yan-Yan
where are we going?
You'll see!
We're disturbing
the sleeping animals!
Up there! Look at it!
Three years after
father got imprisoned,
I went here to
look at the fireflies.
That same night I asked
for a sign from the universe.
I saw a we rid light in the sky,
and then after
that I just figured
That was the universe telling
me that my dad would be freed.
A shooting star?
No, it was different, like
It was stretched long,
I saw it over there.
Light pillar.
Here's how it works:
Ice crystals form in cirrus
clouds which reflects moonlight.
It's a natural
atmospheric phenomenon,
so I hope you don't interpret it as
a message from the universe to you.
Could you stop with
your analyses, please?
It's a sign for me, so back off!
Wishful thinking.
Just for once, Blue, please.
Let's just look
at the fireflies.
Let's enjoy the moment.
Do you know why they light up?
Please, shut up for
just five minutes
Blue, what the hell! Blue, hey!
You've been like
that for a while.
Whatever that is
everything is going to work out.
What makes you so sure?
Sometimes you got to have faith.
Lie to yourself?
Just stay strong.
So you'll live on.
If you don't believe
that things will work out,
you'll just be miserable.
Don't cry.
What was that?
Can we just
Not analyze it?
Let's just enjoy the moment.
- Wow, these look amazing.
- Why, of course!
Let's eat!
Alright, I'll eat here.
Me, too.
Give me some rice.
I'm good with this.
You eat like a baby!
Your baby?
It doesn't fit you, Blue!
Don't do that again!
I just tried it!
See, now the flies are here!
By the way, Yan,
we need to meet up later. To
talk about our project, okay?
You never know, we
might think of better ideas.
That's so typical of you!
You have so much to say!
Even before!
Let's hear it! Come on.
Spit it out.
Say what?
Why you're asking me to go out?
I already said, to talk about-
to make our travelogue better!
Oh yeah?
Okay, I'll pack this up,
because after all...
- Wait, hold on, hold on!
- Wait.
- Wait, wait!
- What?
I want...
I want to be with you.
You're so cute, you dummy!
Go on, eat up before
I feed you myself!
- Do you want me to spoon feed you?
- I'm your baby, right?
Yuck! Enough with the 'baby!'
- Hey!
- I can't take it!
Is it just me or is
there something?
They might have developed
feelings when they stayed behind.
Didn't Yan-Yan say
that Blue's good looking?
Yeah, and she also said
he has serial killer vibes.
My god!
They had sex?!
Hey! Yan-Yan's foot was wounded
then, why would she do that!
You have a point.
And wasn't Yan-yan against partnering
with him for the travelogue?
Maybe it really was
a lovers' quarrel.
We should just go find out!
- Okay.
- Come on!
Aside from me, who
else is your baby...
Hey, how's it going!
Hey, join us!
You guys are having fun!
I see you together a lot lately!
It's because we're partners.
For the travelogue!
These idiots
What place are you
planning to feature?
Uh, Consuelo Beach.
Where we planted the mangroves?
Is that alright?
Of course!
It's not like we own the place,
and we know how special
that place is for you two.
Hey! Quiet down!
You guys are embarrassing.
We ship you two!
Can you drive your
Uncle Jim boy's car?
Yes, auntie. I can.
Have you said your
goodbyes to your mom?
I messaged her last night.
What is it?
There's something different
about you these past few days.
You're more energetic!
I've always had
an active lifestyle.
Heh. That's not what I mean.
Your aura. It's
bright! Positive.
You know, that's what
your mom wants for you,
to live happily.
Don't let your life get
dull because of her.
That's what she wants.
I'll be on my way.
Well? Shall we start working?
Can we do that tomorrow?
Let's take a vacation first.
What are we going to do?
We're at the beach, aren't we?
Here, so our feet
won't get hurt.
Gosh, I'm sorry! I forgot
to bring a pair again!
We match, too!
According to studies,
being exposed to nature
can lessen the
symptoms of depression.
Especially if you
add a little exercise.
Are you saying we
should get out more often?
Of course I want to make
new memories with you.
According to the experts,
moments like this
add more meaning
to relationships.
How is this making new memories
when we've been here already?
I wasn't your baby then.
I really can't get used
to that whole 'baby' thing!
From now on,
I'll call you 'baby'.
Do what you want!
You're being hard to get.
I'll sit here.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Food, drink
I'll open this for you.
Thank you.
So beautiful.
Oh no, the food that I cooked!
Bianx might not
know how to heat it!
Maybe I should text
her. Come on, please.
Your siblings are old enough.
Just relax.
They can take care of it.
Give yourself a
break. You deserve it.
It's really beautiful.
Can I kiss you?
So I can really
remember this moment.
God, these things
need to be spontaneous!
What do you mean?
If we're going to
do those things,
we have to feel like it
at the same time, right??
The right timing and
the right moment!
I can feel it.
The wind's so refreshing
The view is so beautiful
There's no one around.
Can you feel it?
I do.
What's wrong?
I'm the reason why
he killed someone!
My father!
I was the reason why
he killed someone!
Look at Daddy Pit,
he's got nice muscles!
- Here it is!
- Yay!
Go home, you! So
you can't taste this!
Hey, Kulas, loosen up!
Hey, your glass is empty!
- You might not...
- Hey hey...
Keep it, alright?
So you always have
a guardian angel.
Grilled pork
ears, chicken liver,
salt, pepper, Philippine
lime, and chillies.
Are our ingredients
ready, Yan-Yan?
We still need onions.
There we go! Onions!
Our ingredients
are complete! Now!
We'll chop up the pork!
Uncle Kulas
What about your uncle Kulas?
Hey, Mario!
Aren't you coming to bed?
Maybe later.
I just need to visit Kulas.
He lives so far away.
Are you going to drink again?
No, we just
Need to talk about something.
Good evening.
Yan-Yan said you
gave her a present?
the angel!
Is there a problem?
Sorry, I ruined the moment.
Yan-Yan, don't apologize!
If you're getting triggered by these
things, we don't need to do them!
Having bad memories isn't wrong!
I don't want to be a
burden to anyone else!
It's bad enough that I'm the reason
why our family was torn apart!
You are not a burden!
Your siblings are
lucky to have you!
So is your mother!
You always think about them!
Even me!
I am lucky to have you!
I am so lucky to have met you!
Cry it out!
Even if you ruin the moment,
think about yourself for once!
Sis, Blue's already outside.
Dang it, can you tell him
to wait in the living room?
I'm just going to finish
this so you guys can eat.
No, no, I can take care of that!
No, it's okay, I'll handle this.
I'll take care of this.
I know how to cook this, too!
Go on, have fun with Blue.
Thank you!
Did you know,
my mom and I used
to come here often
Stargazing, sky watching
Until now,
I'm still in awe
of the universe.
Was she the one who got
you interested in science?
She's a geography professor.
We used to have a bucket list of 10 places
that we would visit in the world together.
What kind of places?
Places with different meteorological
and geographical features.
For example, there's
a lake in Venezuela,
they call it
Catatumbo Lightning.
The lightning almost
never stops there!
150 days a year!
Each event lasts for nine hours!
In the deserts of Turkmenistan
lies the Darvaza Gas Crater,
which has been burning
endlessly for five decades.
The pink colored
lakes in Australia.
The 10,000 square
kilometer salt flat in Bolivia,
which looks like a giant
mirror when there's water in it!
Crystal caves in Mexico,
the Living Bridges in India,
Son Doong cave in Vietnam,
Avenue of Baobabs in Madagascar,
Red beach in China
But what we wanted
to see the most
is the midnight sun in Norway.
What's the midnight sun?
Just imagine: For the
next couple of months,
the sun never stops
shining in the sky.
Come on!
No, really! It hangs
above the horizon,
but it never sets.
Wait, you mean, for 24
hours it doesn't get dark?
But it's just a
natural phenomenon.
I know it sounds
hard to believe,
that's why mom
and I wanted to go.
Even if we couldn't get to the
other things in our bucket list,
even if we just saw that
I'd be good.
So, when are you going?
I don't think mom's
health can take more.
She's regularly
undergoing dialysis.
It would be difficult to travel.
I want to show you something.
What's that? An E-cig?
Here, watch.
Mom bought this for me.
We used to point this at clouds,
and thought maybe a UFO
would come check it out.
What is it?
- Give me that!
- Hey!
How do you work this?
Yan, what is it?
Is this your first
time seeing this?
It wasn't a light pillar!
The light that I saw, on
the night that I was asking
a sign from the universe
about my father's freedom!
It wasn't a light pillar!
It was this!
Do you think the light that you
saw that night came from me?
I don't know!
What do you think? Do
you think that was you?
In this area, Mom and I are
the only nerdy people I know
that would buy a laser
pointer that strong.
You have no idea how much
strength this light gave me!
There were so many
times I wanted to give up,
but every time I
remembered that light,
I could feel hope come back.
You're giving me chills.
Can I hug you?
Is it alright?
And that's where
our travelogue ends!
That's right!
And if you happen to
visit and see the sights,
you will definitely say that
God is a wonderful creator!
Isn't that right, Blue?
You're right, babe!
What do you mean babe!
Just call me Yan-Yan, jeez!
Let's cure it!
We'll fix it in post!
Nah, that's fine!
Sir, I'm so sorry, we forgot to
edit out that part of the video.
Didn't we cure that?
I told you to fix it!
Sir it's alright, isn't it?
It's great!
You know what
carried your travelogue?
Your chemistry together!
It's like you're
an actual couple!
Wait a minute
I knew it!
You guys were having a lovers' quarrel
when we were picking partners, weren't you!
No! Of course not, sir! We
weren't even a thing back then!
- So much food!
- You guys better eat up,
- I cooked those for you!
- I'm so hungry!
- Do you want this?
- I really love this one.
- It's so delicious!
- Hey, when will they announce the winners?
Sunday. They'll post it
on the DOST website.
What are you going to do
with the prize money if you win?
I might just put it
in a time deposit.
I'll buy a new camera!
I'll use it for cryptocurrency!
What about you two?
I actually forgot there
was a prize money!
So, I don't know.
Oh, did you know Blue didn't want
me to work on the travelogue?
Just like last time!
And you would
just pay him, right?
Oh, and didn't you say you had a favor
to ask after the project was done?
What was it?
Maybe he wanted
you to be his girlfriend!
Excuse me.
Uncle Jim boy!
Here, some empanada.
We even have milk custard.
Do you have soy sauce?
Do you want me to open this?
What happened to him?
Where's mom?
She's in the ICU.
Why, what happened to her?
She just went out of her
room to have some ice cream.
Ice cream?
Why did you buy her ice cream?
You know what her
doctor said, right?
We should let her have her
way every once in a while!
She doesn't have long to live!
What's forbidden is forbidden!
I knew this day would come,
but now that it's here
I guess I'm still not ready.
Everything will work out.
You just need to have faith.
You think it's that easy?
Your positive attitude
isn't going to work now!
Not in this situation!
I just want to give
you some strength...
You think my mom
can be saved by faith?
You know, you're not helping!
You have nothing but
fantasies in your head!
This is the reality, babe!
What my mom needs is science!
A concrete solution!
Kidney donor,
kidney transplant...
That's what mom needs!
We've been on the list for over a
decade for a fucking kidney transplant,
but until now
there's still nothing!
If you need anything,
just text time
- If you want any food just...
- No.
Go home.
Dear, let's eat?
Let's have dinner.
Oh, right! Sorry, mom, I
still haven't cooked yet.
Sorry, let me go make
something. It won't take long!
We cooked something already.
Don't cook, we already
have food at the table!
My child.
Mom, 30 minutes! I'll just
call you when it's done, okay?
I'm sorry!
Sorry, I'm not sure!
My dear!
What are you talking about?
I know I've told you so many times
that everything will be okay,
that dad would be free and
that he would come home to us
But I'm not really sure!
Why are you apologizing?
You're not the one who decides
if dad will be free or not!
Sis, we understand that
there are no reassurances here.
And we understand that you're
just trying to give us strength.
My child
You have no fault here.
Are you sure, mom?
Are you sure I'm not the
reason why you're alone in life?
That I'm not the reason why
my siblings lost their father?
I shouldn't have
said anything, mom!
I shouldn't have told
him anything then...
You did the right thing!
Whatever happened after,
that was out of your hands!
I have never, not
even to myself,
I have never, not even to myself,
blamed you for what happened to dad!
Me, too, sis! So
don't blame yourself!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry, mom!
I'm really sorry!
This is delicious, dear!
Well, dad?
You know, you're
actually better than me!
Oh, no, dad! We both know
you're the master of cooking!
You make such delicious
food even when you're drunk!
This was what I've been
working on, by the way!
- Wow, dad this is beautiful!
- The product of boredom!
Wouldn't you know it, you
discovered a hidden talent here!
How's your mom? Does
she have a new boyfriend?
Dad, come on.
What kind of question is that?
Hey! Even if your
mom's getting grey,
she's still as spicy as ever!
Dad, gross!
Honestly, though?
Your mom needs to
find another partner!
That way she won't
be too stressed or sad
And you guys can
have a father figure!
Dad, we're still waiting
for you to get out of here.
I've accepted my fate here.
If you won't visit me,
I would understand!
But dad this wouldn't
have happened
if I didn't tell you
about Uncle Kulas
Don't be crazy.
It was only right that you
told me about that pedophile!
Even then,
it was still my
fault why I'm here.
I didn't think about
the consequences.
But there is no one
to blame here but me!
Me, okay? Me!
Dad, I really want you
to get out of here.
Me, too!
But don't let my
situation stop you
from doing the things
that you want in life!
If I get out, you would
have your own families!
Your mother, would
have another husband,
you could live in another
place, just like that!
How does that English saying go?
We'll cross the bridge
when we get there!
Two, three!
Careful, careful.
Dear, help them...
Oh, I missed my bed!
That bed in the
ICU was so stiff!
Give me soft drinks!
Here you go again!
This is why we get
scolded by your son!
I'm just joking!
I know that I'm going to die
eating and drinking bland food.
It's so boring.
You're crazy, sis Chu!
How is she?
Well, she's talkative again.
But her body is still weak.
What about you, Blue?
These past few weeks we noticed
you're more cheerful again.
Smiled a lot, energetic
But now,
you're pushing people
away like before.
Your mom keeps giving
us advice about you
"Please help Blue."
"Please understand him,
he's gone through so much."
"He lost his father early..."
Amy, can't you see
that I'm eating here?
Don't bother me!
When are you going to stop
being so cold-hearted, Blue!
When I save my mother.
That's out of your hands!
Whatever happens will happen!
That's not how the
history of man works.
Man will always find a way
to go against the will of nature.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure you were just
stressed by what happened.
It's true.
According to studies,
overexposing the brain
to stressful situations
can affect someone's
stress response.
I'm rationalizing again.
Were you always like this?
When my mom started
to develop kidney failure,
I started to read more and
research about her situation.
I started to look for a
reason behind everything.
I thought that maybe if I
understood her situation better,
it would lessen
the pain
That if I understood
what was happening,
it would lessen
the fear and the sadness
I would accept my
mom's death with grace
I hope this doesn't
turn you away from me.
You're my only break
from all my problems in life.
I'm always here for you.
Whatever happens.
For you.
What's this?
A letter.
I have a message for you
that I can't say face to face.
Can you open that tomorrow,
at exactly 5:00 P.M.?
Take this, too.
That's yours now.
Doesn't this have a
sentimental value for you?
It does.
That's why I'm giving it to you,
as thanks.
What for?
For coming into my life.
Sis, maybe it's just a dramatic
confession of his feelings for you.
Aww, she's blushing!
You think so?
He's always told me
how he felt for me.
Sis I just thought of this
but what if it's the opposite?
The opposite?
He said he couldn't tell
it to you in person, right?
Maybe this letter is
him telling you that
he doesn't like you anymore!
You can't be together!
You idiot, stop
making her over think!
Back off, it's just an idea!
Idea my ass!
Let's open it, sis!
So we can know!
It's not like Blue will know!
Ah, think what you
like! Just leave it!
It's your fault!
(Message from Yan-Yan)
See you tomorrow. Love you.
There it is! Sis! What's up!
What did he say?
"Love you too."
See? How could you think
he's breaking up with you?
But maybe it's "I love
you too as a friend."
That kind of thing
happens these days.
You know what.
Let's stop this!
We'll just wait until
5:00 P.M. tomorrow!
- Ouch
- Bianx, what time is it?
1:00 P.M., sis.
Time is so slow!
Anxiety getting to you, sis?
- Oh?
- Congrats!
I opened the letter!
Brother Blue wants
to get married to you!
Just kidding just kidding
You're such an idiot!
This is annoying!
I'm just going to cook
something to speed up the time!
Get out of the way!
It's just 3:30 p.m!
You're starting to get annoying!
But wait a minute
What if this is the favor he
wanted to ask from before.
- What kind of favor?
- Christ!
For Christ's sake.
These banks keep
sending me garbage!
Look at this! Credit card?
I already said no to that!
This one, insurance?
What about this?
Nothing's written
Mom, no!
Just don't tell us
what you read!
Brother Blue told us specifically
to read this at 5:00 p.m!
Read it now, Yan-Yan!
Before it's too late!
Give it to me! Give it to me!
Dear Yan-Yan,
I love you.
You know that,
and I know that
you love me, too.
Which is why I want to entrust
you with an important thing
that I want to do for my mother.
But I can't do it
because she's against it.
This is the only way I
can think of to save mom.
I'm here now at the hill
that we visited before.
By the time that you read
this, I'll probably be gone.
At exactly 5:00 p.m, I will
offer my life for my mother.
In my pocket, you
will find my final will,
that states that my kidneys should
go to my mother when I pass on.
I am begging you,
please make sure
my wish comes true,
for the sake of my mother.
- RB, what time is it?
- Sis!
- What time is it!
- Wait!
Where's my phone!
It's almost 5:00 P.M.,
sis! We won't make it!
I read the letter early!
It was my mom's
fault it's a long story!
Don't stop me, please!
My mom needs my kidneys!
Stop you?
I'm not going to stop you if you
want to extend your mom's life!
Go on, climb up!
Get up!
How many more years
do you think she will last?
She may be alive but every
day she will blame herself
for her son's death!
She will carry that burden
with her until her death!
I know that feeling, Blue!
And believe me, it's not good!
It's like a curse!
Then how?
How can I save her?
Blue the only thing you can do is to
ease her pain while she's still with us!
What for?
What for, when she's
going to die anyway!
What about the stars!
Why do the stars shine bright when
they'll go out in the end anyway?
Blue, don't punish
your mom any more.
I'm sorry for everything.
I'm sorry, too, son
We couldn't go to any of the
places we wanted to go to
It's because I didn't
take care of my health.
But you should still
go to those places
Don't stop yourself
because of me.
Visit them on your own.
All by yourself.
If you can do that
My spirit will be with
you to watch in wonder.
Mom, you know
that's not scientific.
My son, sometimes, things don't
need a scientific explanation.
That's your life.
You're the only one
who has the power
to put meaning in everything
that's happening to you.
Blue! Blue, you won!
Gosh, the sun's still out
even when it's past midnight.
I didn't think that
was possible.
Anything's possible.
Thank you...
for coming with me here.
Have you figured out what you're going
to do with your share of the money?
I guess I'll save it for now.
I'm saving up because I want
to study culinary arts abroad.
I want to be a
professional chef.
I can handle that, right?
Just have faith.
What is that for?
Is it someone's birthday?
We want you to watch
something, auntie.
Why is your screen so big?
Are you ready to watch, sis Chu?
Here we go, auntie!
One, two, three!
Hi, mom!
It's so cold here in Norway!
It's freezing!
Is that a video call?
- When are they coming home?
- It's so amazing!
And mom, finally,
I've seen the
Midnight Sun in person!
And I know that you wanted
to see it for yourself so,
I took a video for 24
hours, and did a timelapse.
So you can appreciate the beauty of
the sun's movements here in Norway.
Here you go, mom. Watch this.
It's so beautiful, right?
I love you so much, my son.
Remember that.
Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom!
Mom! No, no! Mom!
Sis Chu!
- Sis Chu!
- Mom!
Sis Chu!
You think she's proud of me?
Of course!
She raised a smart person
With a heart.
A heart?
I didn't know I had one!
Sure you do! It's just not
obvious at first, but it's there.
It's big
and soft,
but strong.
You know, I don't think I would have
survived that chapter of my life
if you didn't come along.
I learned a lot of
things from you,
so I guess we're even.
Maybe it was fate that
brought us together.
You believe in
that sort of stuff?
I don't have any proof but,
I want to believe.
I'm the only one who can give
meaning to these things, right?
It's my life anyway.
Hey! Where are you going?
Just over here.
Can you kiss me?
Is it alright with you?
I want only good
feelings and memories
when I get kissed
or held by people.
No more bad ones.
Can you help me with that?