How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town (2015) Movie Script

I'll be right back.
Adam Mitchell,
I think of you fondly.
No, that's stupid.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
"You look beautiful,
I don't know what's happening.
This is the only thing
that you should be
wearing right now.
Chester, have you seen Cassie?
- Um...
- Are you moist?
It's supposed to help.
I don't...
I think so.
Good enough.
Okay, just... let's get...
I can't get it in.
It's kind of, um, squishy.
Are you sure you're ready?
I was born ready.
Hey. Hey, Adam.
Adam, it's okay.
It's a lot of pressure.
Hey. Hey, Adam,
Adam, it's okay.
It's just us.
- I...
- I need to pee.
We could always try again later.
Are you freaking kidding me?
Get out of my parent's
bed, you tramp!
Uh, Adam?
Adam, my clothes are in there.
Adam. Adam, please.
Get out of my house
before I call the police.
- For what?
- For stuff.
I don't know.
...What a whore!
Where are you going, slut?
...What are you doing?
Come on, the party just started.
Stay awhile.
- Um...
- Oh, my god.
What a little tramp.
Cassie Cranston, is that you?
- Shit!
- Did you just say "shit"?
Jesus, Seth.
- That's my mom's.
- I'll bring it back.
Lana Parker called me about you,
said you streaked
through her backyard.
And she wasn't the only one.
All of beaver's Ridge
is abuzz about you.
It was so horrible, mom.
They all...
don't say another word.
You embarrassed me tonight.
You embarrassed yourself.
Please, mom, I'm...
don't you care
what others think of you?
Don't you?
Oh, stop sulking.
Go in the house
before anyone sees you.
Unless you can think of another
way you can mortify me tonight.
Fuck, yeah.
Hey, Ellie.
Sorry I missed all your calls.
I have your pages, I just, um...
Cassie, uh, it's your mom.
- Oh, Christ, what now?
- She passed.
Well, good. I didn't want her
writing the forward, anyway.
- That was your idea.
- No, um,
she's gone.
On tour?
No. I'm sorry, Cassie.
I know the two of you
weren't very close,
but, um, look,
I, uh, still need
that manuscript from you
as soon as possible.
But, um,
you know, take a few days.
Go home.
Afternoon, Adam.
How are you doing?
- Good, good. -You're looking very good.
Looking fit.
I just want to talk to you about the
apple butter festival this year.
- Yeah. -'Cause last year the
judging got some complaints.
- Yeah.
- Are you in this year?
- Absolutely.
'Cause you'd make a great judge.
- You love apple butter, don't you?
- I love apple butter.
Oh, you've gotta be
fucking kidding me.
If you're here for the tour,
Justin's taking one out now.
Uh, Mr. Thicodedious,
have you got
your Insulin this time?
All right, now, for our
first stop, everybody,
it's gonna be
the church that inspired
the exciting conclusion
to the fifth Victoria novel...
I'm not here for the tour.
I just wanted
to check the place out.
It's cool.
Holy fuck.
You're Cassie Cranston.
I'm... I'm literally reading
your column right now.
- It's like my Bible.
- Thank you.
That's a good one.
How's that working out for you?
Oh, it's... yeah.
No, it's like... not really.
It's fine.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry, I just...
I never thought that I would
get to meet you.
I saw you the night
that you went through town
with... with your tits and stuff
and it just...
it blew my mind, and, uh,
and every time,
I just get fed up with this
place, I read your first article
that you ever wrote... the one
that made people hate you,
and, like,
it's so comforting to me.
"Dear beaver's Ridge, the following
article has been formatted
to fit your narrow and oppressed
view of the universe."
It is a great opening line.
It's so epic.
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
Well, my mom died, so...
Fuck and shit.
Hey, you wouldn't happen to know
who the wills and estates
lawyer is?
I do. Um, yes.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, god.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you so much.
Why can't we show it today?
Well, the town's
national treasure died.
People are super sad and stuff.
No one wants to buy a house
when they're sad.
It's listed too high.
In the city, we'd list it
25 percent lower.
It starts a bidding war.
No. See?
There's no bidding wars here.
What you do is,
you go 25 percent higher,
and then people think
they're getting a bargain
when they Jew us down.
I'm Jewish.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't apologize.
Just don't say that
in front of clients,
unless small-town bigotry
is something that...
Binds the town together.
Kind of.
Although we do have a major
that's a paki.
So, or paki...
He's a paki... Pakistan.
Pakistan... Pakistani.
Is that what you call
those people?
Look, the main selling point
of all the homes
in beaver's Ridge,
is that you're coming
to a community, you know?
It's wholesome,
those family values.
You know, the kind of place
maybe you could see yourself
setting up
your own little family.
- Are you fucking shitting me?
Oh, hey, Bruce.
Hey, buddy.
I told you I was bringing
my new partner by today!
Was that today?
What time...
oh, I'm sorry
that slipped my mind.
So you're the home owners?
- This is my wife.
- Nah, uh, hah, ex-wife.
Temporary separation, Alice.
Until you get off your ass
and sign the papers.
- This is my house!
- Oh, my goodness.
It's not.
It's my house.
Why don't you get
your shit out of it?
I will rip the batteries
out of that game thing
so fast,
your head is gonna spin.
Stop treating me
like a child, mom.
Take this casserole
over to Maureen's.
- No one's even there.
- If that little tramp
daughter of hers turns up,
she'll need food.
- Did you make me one of these?
- -This is the house
where Maureen wrote every
single one of the books.
Okay, now it's also
the inspiration
for Victoria's childhood home.
And this tree right here, folks,
this is the tree where
Victoria had her first kiss.
Also, the tree where Mr. Cobell
proposed marriage.
- Sorry about your mom.
Go ahead and take some photos
if you want.
Thanks, Seth.
Do you play
father-daughter warfare?
I have no idea what that is.
Ovulation begins
in t-minus five days.
Now, I've given
your secretary the itinerary,
and she's freed your schedule
for the corresponding times.
Those are non-negotiable.
3:00 P.M.
means 3:00 P.M.
Not quarter after.
I'm sorry I was late today.
Now, when you walk in that door,
I want you to be fully aroused.
Okay, sweetheart?
Fully aroused, yeah.
This is fun, huh?
- Sweetie, this isn't for enjoyment.
- Right.
You know, the doctor said that we need
to keep a steady flow of semen going
to maximize our chances
for when the time comes.
We don't want to be the only 30-year-olds
in town without a child, do we?
We just need to keep
the semen schedule. Okay?
- All right.
Adam, we need to finish.
That's my work ring though.
...Oh! God, Connie!
Oh, my god.
Can I just answer it real quick,
and I'll get back to you?
Adam Mitchell.
It's Cassie Cranston.
Uh, uh, hi.
So, you're a lawyer.
Um... uh, honey,
it's um, it's... it's super dry.
Um, wills and estates,
mostly, yeah.
When did you get back into town?
Just now.
- The library's gone, huh?
- Yeah, yeah.
It burned to the ground
about eight years ago.
It was a huge fire.
It was a terrible tragedy.
Those poor schoolchildren with
nothing to do with their free time.
Uh, right. So,
I need to plan the funeral.
Oh, I did that already.
I did it all by myself.
Oh, god...
sorry, where were we?
- Everything okay over there?
- Yeah.
I'm, uh... I'm...
I'm glad you're in town.
Well, you know,
you're next of kin,
you got to sign the, uh,
documents... relevant documents,
there's all sorts of stuff,
and, uh,
I mean, I just always kind of assumed
you would never be coming home.
Well, my mom died.
I mean,
why wouldn't I come home?
- 'Cause of the article?
- Yeah, right, of course.
So, when do we read the will?
After the funeral.
Okay, well I've bothered
you after business hours,
so, I'll let you
get back to your wife.
- I assume you're married.
- Oh, yeah, actually.
Okay, uh, well, uh,
thanks for everything.
You actually know my wi...
...sweetie, we talk about
you warning me before you
release your demons.
That face you make
it's like staring into the sun.
A lot of that is involuntary.
You didn't call.
What was I supposed to say?
You will now have a passage
from Maureen's first Victoria
book read by Heather Mitchell,
president of the Victoria of the
true north festival committee.
"Victoria had always been aware,
ever since her first memories,
that she was very near
to a world of deviant morality.
But sometimes,
just for a moment,
her loved ones neared it,
and she caught a glimpse,
of the bewitching world beyond,
and she knew that it would
be her life's work...
To keep herself
and others from it."
I hate everything.
Remember when you left me here
alone with all of these people?
The sooner I get out
of here, the better.
- She just had to show up today.
- Oh, my god.
- It's her mother's funeral.
- Oh, button it.
- I'm gonna go give her a piece of my mind.
- Honey, don't...
is this really the best place
for a confrontation like this?
Cassie Cranston.
Heather Murray.
Or, is it Mitchell now?
On behalf of beaver's Ridge
welcoming committee,
I would like to formally
let you know
that you are not welcome.
That is,
you are not welcome here.
As far as condolences go,
that was original.
Did I go something?
You did something
to this entire town.
Right, the article.
Is that it?
You may have grown up here,
but you know nothing about us.
I mean, we get up to some
pretty wild shenanigans.
Like what?
The true north festival?
- The apple butter parade?
Hey, I don't mean
to butt in here,
but I will not stand idly by,
while you trash talk
the apple butter parade.
Bruce, everybody, can we just
please give Cassie a break?
Whose side are you on,
really, Adam?
Wipe that smile off your face.
You think you're the only one
who's had a little excitement?
Well, let me tell you,
I have had my share
- of excitement.
- Okay. Do tell.
I slept with a black man
in college.
My stars.
Ever been with a woman?
I kissed a girl once,
I didn't care for it.
Sex tape?
We make them, and watch them often.
Big whoop.
Anything else?
Have you ever been in an orgy?
I'm sorry.
Hey, you know, hon',
it's been kind of a rough day,
we've got a little time
before dinner,
maybe we could, uh, you know...
- I'm not ovulating.
- Yeah, I know, I know.
I just thought maybe we
could, uh, have a little fun.
Oh, sweetie...
no. Fun time was yesterday
just... just like the
schedule says, remember?
You just have to keep
your... your sperm fresh.
You don't need me for that.
Besides, it...
it really turns me on
to think of you
doing that to yourself.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I could do that.
- Hey, you wanna watch?
- Mm-mm.
No, that's okay,
that's okay. Yeah.
You look beautiful, Cassie.
It's okay.
It's just us.
It's always been just us.
- But I ran away. -You're
not going anywhere now.
Are you freaking kidding me?
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Well, the results say
that Adam suffers
"from necrzoospermia,"
which means that all of
his sperm are non-viable.
Which means dead.
All of them?
- There's really nothing we can do.
- Well, I'm sorry, doctor,
I just don't know what I'm
supposed to do in this situation.
After all this time, I know
how frustrated you must be.
Look, the waiting list
for sperm banks
and adoption agencies
are at least two to three years.
If you want my honest, completely
off-the-record opinion,
if it were me,
I would try to get a friend,
or someone I knew,
to give me a personal donation.
First you folks
tell me what you paid for it.
Then we'll have
a good laugh about it
and we'll start
"jewing" them down.
- The hell with it. -Line
one for you, Bruce!
Yes, thank you, Georgina.
- The buck stops here, how
can I help you? -Bruce?
- It's Heather Mitchell. -You're
the only Heather in town.
You don't need
to tell me your full name
every single time you call.
You know.
Not a lot of funerals end
with an orgy throw-down.
- I'd go to an orgy.
- No, you wouldn't.
Yeah, I can grow
a mustache for it,
- or a soul patch
- whatever.
I'll have you know,
I'm an extremely
- sexual person.
- Oh, my god.
I had a sex dream
about you once.
I don't want to know that.
Do you have any idea
how many people
I've had sex dreams about?
It's hardly
an exclusive club, okay?
How was I?
Oh, screw you!
If I sucked,
it's probably because
- you have a shitty imagination.
- Okay, you know what?
I knew you'd be weird about this.
I knew you would be.
You're my boss, dude,
and you babysat me once.
- So.
- I think.
It is actually illegal for you
to be into me, or something.
Okay, first of all,
I did not say I was into you,
and secondly,
I didn't babysit you.
We played videogames while our moms
smoked cigarettes and played bridge.
So, it doesn't...
That's what guys do,
though, isn't it?
They befriend a girl
just to gain her trust,
so that they can
have sex with them.
I mean, why else
are you friends with me?
Must be your shining
Your sarcastic tone
is unnecessary.
Hey, Heather.
What's going on?
In the matter of the
last will and testament,
of Maureen Margaret Cranston...
She has declared
that her residuals
from any book sales,
which as you know
are still quite considerable,
as well as any
assets that she has,
financial institutions,
holdings, etcetera,
be used to build
a new town library.
Uh, I'm sorry.
She wants to build a library.
Remember I told you
that the library burned down?
I could show you
the blueprints, actually,
if you give me a second, here,
because they are
something to behold.
- They spared no expense.
Is this a joke?
No, we're still
on dial-up. Yeah.
Town council actually voted
down high-speed Internet,
something about
ready access to pornography.
No, no. I mean,
about the money.
There's... there's nothing?
No, there's not true.
Uh, you, you can
live in the house
for as long as
you should want to.
Well, what would that be worth?
It's not...
I mean, a lot, but...
Again, if you should
choose to sell the house,
I'd go right back
into the library.
So, uh, she left
me nothing, then?
Um, well,
Heather actually made you
this casserole, so.
There's three kinds of cheese,
and there's broccolini
in there, I think.
Would you, um,
mind giving me a minute, please?
- Alone.
- Yeah. Yeah.
...Oh, my god.
Of course.
- Hello?
- Hey.
I was just calling to check in,
see how you're doing.
Well, you know, I'm pretty
terrible, actually.
Oh, uh, okay.
I don't have your book.
- Next week is fine.
- No, I mean,
I... I don't have your book,
I haven't written anything.
I came back here hoping
I could use my inheritance
to pay back the advance,
but my mother didn't
leave me anything.
- We had plans.
- I know.
All this time,
why didn't you say something?
I don't know.
- I fucked up.
- Look.
I'm gonna make this easy for you
because you're going
through a lot right now.
It doesn't have to be the book
that you originally pitched me,
but it has to be something.
It has to be sexy
and honest and raw.
Dig deep.
You have 24 hours to send me
a pitch or return the money.
And if neither of those happen?
- You know any good lawyers?
- Nope,
just a shitty
small-town one.
And here we are.
Hey, you weren't counting
on these royalties, were you?
No, of course not.
Yeah. Right.
Big city writer, right?
It's nice to see you...
I mean,
with lots of terrible
circumstances, but, uh,
you never realize
how much you miss somebody,
- Until what? -I don't know
where I was going with that.
I just, uh...
You know, I just didn't like
how things ended with us,
You mean like how you
ran off, like a coward
and you hid in the bathroom?
Yes, that's... that's, uh...
That's... yeah.
You know, technically,
we never really ended things.
And we never broke up.
I came back for you, Adam.
Okay, I can't tell
if you're messing with me.
- Can't you?
- I...
...What're you doing here?
Well, I could ask you
the same thing, sugar pie.
Just, uh,
the estate meeting today...
- Of course. -...Is what we're
doing, talking about it, yeah.
What are you doing here?
Well, I was hoping
we could have a little chat.
Just us girls.
You and Adam.
Oh, absolutely.
It's funny.
I just never really
pictured you two together.
You know, he will make
a wonderful father.
Well, sounds like you have
your future all mapped out.
that's really nice.
So, funny thing,
I was re-reading
that one article of yours.
Some very witty
and wonderful turns of phrase,
by the way,
- no wonder it caught a virus.
- Went viral?
And I was thinking, you may
be right about a few things.
Perhaps we are a little bit
sexually repressed.
At any rate, I was thinking,
you know we probably could use
a little shake up
here in beaver's Ridge,
and I think your orgy idea
is just the ticket.
What... hang on,
my orgy-what-now?
I'll organize,
and you can instruct.
- Uh, no.
- At least think about it.
It's really
the least you could do.
Actually, the least I
can do is nothing.
Well, now who's being
the small-minded one?
You know, I thought you would jump
at the chance to watch all of us
make fools of ourselves
as we delve into
the perversions of your mind.
You know,
probably give you fodder
for a whole new series
of articles,
"how to plan an orgy
in a small town."
I mean, if you can come up
with a better title.
Unless, of course,
you can't handle it.
So, all I would have to do
is instruct?
I mean, like,
I wouldn't actually have to...
Fornicate with us?
Oh, god. No.
Heather wants me to plan
a sex party.
Oh, that's fucking hilarious.
But, what's wrong?
- I'm a virgin.
So, just to clarify
everything you know about sex
is bullshit?
No, that... that's...
that's not true.
I've... I've interviewed people,
and I go to bars, and...
I belong to a few sex clubs.
It's just no applied knowledge.
Wait. Did your father
molest you?
- Alice, Jesus Christ.
- Okay.
Well, I'm sorry.
I just have to ask
'cause that happens to people.
And then they get all psychologically
mashed up, and then they...
like their vagina's sealed shut,
- so they can't even have sex.
- Okay, well, it's not that.
- 'Cause you're terrified of sex?
- -No.
I'm just waiting for someone
I can trust.
I need a new drink 'cause I
just threw up in that one.
Okay, fuck off.
Will you come with me
to this thing, or not?
you're my very best friend
in this whole stupid town.
I will totally
come to your orgy,
and I will totally
be there for you,
and I will totally bang
all the hot guys that show up.
That was fast.
What's the verdict?
I'm digging deep.
- You ready?
I... I don't know.
I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
I mean... I mean,
can we do this?
Is this us?
Are we...
are we orgy people?
What we're not is quitters.
Now, if we don't go downstairs
and open that door,
then everything that Cassie
Cranston thinks about us
and beaver's Ridge,
will be true.
She'll think that we're cowards.
Is that what you want her
to think about you?
So, I know all of you
are sexually active,
but what you
are about to embark on
needs to be treated and seen
with the respect of a sport.
There will be surprises.
The odd queef.
Yeah, okay, yeah.
What is a "queef"?
Oh, um,
okay, it's like flatulence,
that comes out of your...
Basically, you're hammering
large quantities of air
into a tight, moist, space,
so, sounds are gonna be made.
Next, um, stamina.
It's gonna go a lot faster than you think.
Pornography lies.
No man can go properly
for 40 minutes
without having an aneurism,
and at that point,
any woman's vagina
is gonna be squealing
like a worn-out brake pad
at the end
of a high-speed chase.
Are these colorful phrases
really necessary?
Well, we need to know
what to expect.
You need to stay hydrated.
You're gonna sweat.
Which brings me
to my next topic.
Sex stank.
You're not gonna
notice your own.
But you will notice
other peoples,
and in a room full
of people sweating,
and mashing their
genitals together,
it's gonna create a...
How bad could it possibly be?
Oh, bad.
It's gonna seep into everything.
Thank god I got these lovely
plastic couch covers.
- So, shall we just dive right in?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well.
- Mm-hmm.
I think this was supposed to
just be a preliminary chat.
Did anyone here think we were
just gonna dive right in?
Oh, okay. Wow.
Okay, uh, guys,
I... I think... think if
you're gonna do this,
you just have to rip
the band-aid off,
and, and... do it.
You know?
do you have an egg timer?
- Yes, I do. Yeah.
- That way, we can set the timer
for five minutes
and give everybody
a chance to switch it up,
if they want to.
Um, I...
All right, we're gonna
kick it old-school.
put your keys in the bowl.
Yeah. Oh, I walked here,
can I use fishing license?
...How do you not have keys?
Who locks their door?
So, my choices are Adam,
or Bruce.
Uh, can't have sex with Adam.
He's your husband.
Right, I mean, why would
you want to sleep with me?
- You're right.
- -I was kidding.
Okay, Bruce.
Let's make the best of it.
A little less enthusiasm,
How are we not
already having sex?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I... I just,
you're just... you...
you're really beautiful.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna close my eyes,
and I'm just gonna imagine
that you have leprosy.
And then, otherwise,
this is gonna...
- and that's not...
You shouldn't tell people that.
No... okay, uh,
just give me a second.
Give me a second.
Okay... okay, I'm good now.
I'm good.
Nope. Nope.
...That's my jawbone.
- Yeah.
- Oh, so defiant.
Slow it down, slow it way down.
Slow it way down.
...Uh... okay...
Oh, my god, your lips.
- My lips?
- They're so soft.
What do you put on them?
Uh, well, wine.
Wine, mostly.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...
wait, wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no, no.
- No, no, no, I can't.
No, no, no, no, just hold it.
Hold on.
Stop staring, it's rude.
Where am I supposed to look?
- Is this turning you on?
- It's not...
not turning me on.
Three, two, wa... wait.
No, I need... I need six...
- No, that's it.
- Uh!
Oh, come on. Come on, I was
just getting my groove on.
- Time's up. Chester?
- Uh, yeah, I'm sorry.
Excuse me, I'm... I'm gonna need a
few minutes, to, uh, pardon me.
Replenish the fluids here
- Whoa, did you already?
- I just grazed the tip.
- I grazed it.
- Please. Please tell me
- it was on the couch cover.
- I'm ready to party.
- Jeez.
- Is that normal?
God no.
- Hey, why don't we have
some make-up sex? -Oh, no.
Did not all the energy in here
just get sucked out?
- No, no, it didn't. Ow.
- Um, I think we...
we ripped the band-aid off
a little too quickly here.
We should have catered.
A potluck would have been nice.
Cassie, I feel like we're
gonna need some spare dicks,
incase, you know, chappy
gets pre-maturely excited,
- just keep the party going.
- I can hear you.
- Agreed.
- You know what would be good?
Is maybe if we had
some other ladies as well?
- Yeah.
- People from around town.
Or Cassie,
if you wanted get involved.
Uh, no.
I... I mean, I... I,
that wasn't...
that wasn't part
of the... no.
Um, okay, I think this little
experiment has just proven
that we need to go
a little bit slower.
So, let's get together again,
but this time, ease into it,
focus on the basics.
And if all goes well,
then, round two.
Look, I don't want to sound like
a jerk here, okay?
But what am I supposed to do
with this erection?
- I mean... -Yeah, I saw a
papaya on the counter there
you could probably
have your way with.
No, it's too ripe.
It's not gonna work.
Why do you know that?
What about Michael Lobucks?
He's got a terrible back issue.
He wouldn't the last
five minutes.
- What about the mayor?
- Gus, Gus? Been there.
- They can't be black.
- Oh, my god.
Wait, Gus is black?
- Mrs. Reddick.
- Bruce, she's dead.
Margo and Dave Anderson.
No... no. Absolutely not.
Have you seen
how he plays charades?
I'm not getting into a sexual
situation with that man.
So, there's a bunch of us
and we're doing this thing,
- okay?
- Yeah.
And, I don't know how to ask...
We've been encouraged to invite
other people to the thing.
- Right.
- What we're gonna be doing is...
- What kind of thing is it?
- We're gonna... it's a,
it's like a pri...
it's like a very...
- It's a private fun thing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. -Like, we're all...
we are all together...
- In the private thing...
- Yeah.
...where you touch each other's
nipples and you fuck each other?
- How do you know... what are you...
- stop trying to invite me
how do I not know about the orgy?
Bruce is all over town.
And you need to talk to that guy
because everybody in this town
is gonna know
what you idiots are up to.
Okay, okay, okay. So he did Bruce
invite you to it, already?
- Yes, he did.
- He did, eh?
- So you...
- No. No!
I knew you were
gonna ask me that.
- You disappoint me, Chester.
- What?
You guys haven't rsvp'ed
to my party, yet.
Wow, hey. Seth, man. How long
have you been standing there?
Actually, funny
that you're here,
because Chester has something
that he wants to ask you.
- No... -there's this
thing that's happening.
And, people are encouraged...
- No, that's not...
- to invite other people...
And he wanted to talk to you
about this thing.
No. What? Coming.
I gotta grab this...
this, delivery.
- Oh, really? -I gotta
get this delivery here.
- Interesting.
- -Isn't that your bathroom?
- What? -Are you going
to the bathroom?
- Hey, Seth.
- Hi, Pauline.
How is your day going, buddy?
- It's busy.
- Yeah.
So, you want to have
an orgy in a town
where you can dial
the wrong number,
and still have a
ten-minute conversation?
I'll owe you.
I really need to work
the numbers in my favor,
and you coming helps knock
some of the other guys out.
- How?
- You know...
You smoke a pole man, you know.
- The pole?
- Yeah, you play the skin flute,
you put penises in your mouth,
'cause you're gay.
Not 'cause you're happy,
'cause you're a homosexual.
Not that you couldn't be
a homosexual and be happy
I'm sure you love it.
You want me at this orgy
because I'm gay,
and that will force one of the other
non-gay men to sleep with me,
which will make more women
available for you?
I really need this, man.
Allie's leaving me, it was...
it was a huge hit to my ego.
If I agree to this,
you give me the full
commission on your house.
That's a big commission, man.
- Are you coming to my birthday party?
- Jesus Christ.
My mom wanted an RSVP
like, yesterday.
I don't know, man.
You should totally
come to our party, Seth.
- Alice.
- Fuck! Jesus, Seth.
You haven't rsvp'ed
to my party, yet.
- Haven't I?
- It's just my mom.
She doesn't know how many cupcakes to make.
She's freaking out.
Mm. Okay.
Are you going to that party?
- What party?
- I don't know.
Bruce told me about
some party at Adam's.
- That's been cancelled.
- Are you sure?
Because he just told me
about it like, just now.
Well, Seth,
I don't know,
because Bruce is an idiot.
Hey, um, that's good,
because tomorrow's
my party anyways,
so you can just tell
everybody to RSVP,
and then they can come.
Okay, I, uh,
I'll try to remember.
- Can I have a glass of water?
- I don't.
- I don't have any water.
- I'm thirsty.
- Okay. -Do you have a blanket?
I'm cold.
So, I think the first thing
we need to do here
is... is just
acknowledge the awkwardness
of the situation.
So, Chester, if maybe we
could... switch spots.
So you could sit over here.
- You wanna do a...
- yeah.
- So, let's start with Heather.
- Hmm.
How does it make you feel
to see Adam with someone else?
Oh, well... well, I...
I think we can all
be adults here.
Okay, so,
this doesn't bother you,
or make you upset
or uncomfortable at all?
Mm-mm. No.
No, I think that's, um,
that's very neighborly of you,
of... of both of you.
I'm very neighborly.
- Is this... is this hard for you, Adam?
- Oh, it's hard for me.
I mean, this...
it would... this...
that would be hard for me.
That would be challenging.
Yeah, what about this,
Heather? Huh?
This must be driving you
absolutely insane.
Bruce, what are you doing?
Oh, we're just easing
into it, big fella.
You know, you are carrying
- a lot of tension...
- Mm-hmm. your buster deltoids.
Can you feel that?
You know what? I'd be a lot
easier if I got your shirt off.
- That way we can really get at it.
- Um, I don't think...
...I'll get it.
- That'll be our additional guests.
- Oh.
Yeah, okay, let's just go ahead.
That's a weird way
to open a shirt, anyway.
Let's just... let's just put
the kybosh on that,
- and see who these guests are.
- Go away!
Jesus fucking...
Hi, guys.
Hey, come on in.
- Thank you.
- Everybody,
you remember Anna and Otis.
- From racquetball, right?
- -Hi.
Who the fuck invited you?
Honey, I don't know about this.
Um, just a moment, everyone.
Sweetie, we agreed to this.
Everything we tried
hasn't been working.
The long walks, the spicy food,
the primrose oil.
I mean, the mid-wife thought that
maybe this would do the trick.
- I know.
- We want to do it naturally.
I know, I know,
but why can't it just be you?
Because it's been me for the
last 48 hours and I'm exhausted.
...Listen, you...
you're peeing every ten minutes,
you're not sleeping.
I love you so much, but this
baby needs to come out.
- You're right.
- Yeah.
- We need to do this.
- Right.
I love you.
- Okay.
- Are we ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
Okay, so, who's gonna
fuck my wife first?
Okay, uh, sexual positions...
Oh, uh, I know
all three of them,
but we only do
the doggy-style.
- I'm sorry, all three of them?
- Mm-hmm.
You guys don't look
at each other when you...
- nope.
- Mm-mm.
Why not?
You know, I don't think
anyone wants to know that.
- I wanna know.
- I'd love to know.
It's private, it's between us.
- He makes a face.
- Okay.
- It's very unpleasant.
- It's involuntary.
It's disturbing, actually.
It's like a sneeze. Would you judge
a person for how they sneeze?
Oh... okay,
let's not ruin the surprise.
Um. We have some work to do.
Everybody grab a partner.
Okay, I drew up some
sexual positions
for us to try here.
- What, really? Me?
- Get lost.
Thank you.
I would... I would be honored.
If we could just
skip the Lego instructions.
I mean, clearly,
I've done this before.
I really just need someone
to bang the baby out of me.
Uh, also, if you could
ejaculate directly inside
my wife's vagina,
that would be great.
Uh, it actually contains
which can stimulate the cervix
and can cause contractions.
Can you not put all
your weight on me?
- It makes me feel like I gotta pee.
- You wanna pee on me?
That is not even close
to what I said.
Okay, Bruce, why don't you try
putting her leg over your shoulder?
- Oh, oh, ooh.
- Yeah, yeah.
It actually feels,
it does feel good.
Honey, why have we never
tried this position?
- I didn't know you liked that.
- Well, you could have asked.
- I'm not a mind-reader, pumpkin.
- That's why you should ask.
Okay, I... I don't think
this is the time for that, guys.
Right. Sorry, honey.
We're being rude.
Bruce is trying to penetrate me.
I'm sorry, Bruce.
All right, give me what you got.
- I got nothing, ow.
This is... -what?
- This is fucked up, man.
- What?
What the fuck is your problem?
Two, three, okay.
I gotta get it right...
- Yep, yep, okay.
- ...In here.
- Uh-huh.
- Cassie?
I don't know, I think one of us
has to be lesbian to do this.
Well, no, not if...
see here,
if you're more like this...
- Then...
- Oh, I see.
Yeah, no,
we both have to be lesbian.
- Oh!
- So that's not gonna work.
There's no need to be shy, Otis.
I for one am very interested
in fornicating with you.
Well, uh, no, no, no.
Uh, I'm just here for Anna,
incase the baby pops.
Surely there's better ways
to pass the time.
Oh, well, I'm gonna say thank
you, but no thank you.
Okay, I'm gonna level
with you here,
Anna told me that you got her
pregnant without even trying.
I need your baby batter,
so be a neighbor.
Well, I mean, my...
my semen isn't sugar, Heather.
Besides, Anna and I have been
having sex all day, all right?
I'm exhausted.
Even if I could get it up,
it's like a ghost
coughing down there.
- Oh, my god.
- Did you just...?
No, no. I'm good.
Okay, I think we can...
Start with the actual sex now.
- I'm...
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I think I'm ready.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Whoa, hey, uh, I...
- I felt the baby kick.
- Well, don't make it weird.
She just wants to say hello.
- Don't you baby? -Please
don't talk like a baby.
She just wants
to meet everybody.
Help her meet everybody, Adam.
I don't know
that I'm qualified for that.
Keep it sexy, okay?
Uh, if you...
if you arch your back,
I think it'll allow for at least
another inch of penetration.
- Oh.
- Thank you, Cassie.
Oh, my god.
Oh, jeez.
Um, just for the record,
I am not inside you right now.
- It's...
- Is this a good position?
It's just the water stage.
The baby's not
gonna come for hours.
Water stage?
Ooh, ah.
Are... are you...
are you having a seizure?
- What's...
- -It's coming!
Oh, my god. Are you having
a contraction?
Oh, there it is!
- Okay, it's happening.
- It's fine, it's fine.
- It's happening?
- It's happening.
- We got a while yet.
- No, no, no.
If we could get it wrapped up as soon
as possible. If that's possible.
- Let's get her up.
- This feels so fucking good.
Why don't you ever
feel this fucking good?
She doesn't mean that, guys.
That's the baby talking.
Uh, can we get this guy off?
This is my wife, here.
Just a little bit of help guys,
would be really...
- Screamer.
Okay, there it is.
- There we go.
- Never throw those out.
Uh, thank you so much, guys,
thank you so much.
See, what did I tell you
about the plastic couch covers?
What a great night guys.
Thank you.
Can I ask a silly question?
How come none of you
have realized
what a terrible idea this is?
I mean, for one night
of awkward pleasure,
you are gonna jeopardize
marriages even...
Look around, these are your
neighbors, your friends,
I just want to make sure
that you've thought about this.
Really thought about it.
This is a small town.
People are gonna find out.
One of you will talk,
maybe not right away,
but eventually.
I read Cassie's article,
and the reason why it upset at
everybody is 'cause she's right.
You are not the type of people
to do this sort of thing.
You're not adventurous.
Who are you trying to fool?
Half a dozen chimps
are locked in a room.
And in the center of the room,
there's a ladder on top of which
a banana dangles
from the ceiling.
So one the chimps decides
to go for the banana.
But before he can even
touch the ladder,
they're all sprayed
with ice cold water.
- I'm so confused right now.
- Shut up.
So, after a while,
they figure out the connection,
between the ladder
and the water,
and they don't go
for the banana anymore.
So then one of the chimps
is replaced by a new chimp.
And he decides
to go for the banana.
Before he can even
touch the ladder,
they... they attack him.
He goes for it again
and they literally,
they beat the message into him,
do not touch the fucking ladder.
Eventually, all the chimps are
replaced by an entirely new group.
They don't know about the water.
They... they don't even know
it exists,
but anytime any of them
go for that banana,
they attack them.
And they have no idea why.
All they know is,
this is what happens
when you go after
the thing you want the most.
Something someone else
says you can't have
and they never question it,
it's just what they do.
So my question is,
are you gonna go
after your banana?
Or are you gonna let all the
other chimps knock you down?
Did that make anyone else
a little bit hard?
Bruce, there are ladies present.
I'm sorry, did it make
anyone hard, or wet?
Look, y'all want this.
You need this.
And if you're in,
then I'm in, too.
All the way.
- I'd like to go after my banana.
- Me, too.
Can I put the whole thing
in my mouth?
My place.
Maybe they're late.
Why don't you come on
the cruise with me?
It'd be good for you
to get out of town.
You don't need these people.
They've never accepted you.
Well, happy birthday, Seth.
Okay. Pace yourself,
Chester, buddy.
You're very pretty.
I'm Chester.
Oh, slow down, slow down.
Yeah, yeah,
here comes the good stuff.
Oh, oh, god dammit, why?
Everyone can fucking see you!
You know that
that chick has a dick, right?
- Yeah, thanks.
- I support masturbation.
Hey, you're not...
you're not gonna mention this... anyone are you?
'Cause I'm...
I'm a little just,
you know, embarrassed about it.
I would never do that.
No, I'm serious.
Why would I go and tell anybody
that's private... it's personal,
that I walked in on you.
- It's totally fine.
- Thank you.
Don't be embarrassed.
I've done weird shit.
Like eat half a pizza.
Why don't you have
any friends, seriously?
Hum. Um...
Ow, that kinda...
I mean, what the fuck are you?
No, I didn't mean it like that,
I meant like,
why don't you have, like,
friends, other than me?
Like, friends your...
your own age, 'cause you're...
you're so, I mean, you...
I don't know.
People are idiots.
- Generally. You're an idiot.
- Yeah, I am an idiot.
Every... you're just an
idiot, at all times.
It's true.
I mean, you're only friends with
me because you wanna bang me.
Oh, fuck, holy shit.
It was a dream.
It was a dream.
I had a sex dream
about my aunt Merga, once. Okay?
You shouldn't tell people that.
No, I'm making a...
I'm trying to make a point here.
All right, that it doesn't
mean, it's nothing.
It's just a dream.
I mean, what's so wrong
about me, anyway?
I mean, why wouldn't you
want to bang me?
You keep saying,
"no I would never do that,"
but I mean, do I, like, do I,
am I repulsive?
Why would you wanna have sex with me?
I mean, does that...
No, no, that's not what I
said, I didn't say that.
But you didn't not
say that, right?
- Okay.
- You did not say that.
Wow. You should be
a detective.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- No. No.
- Why, you think I should
go get a badge or something?
I'll get you a detective badge.
- Thanks.
- Hmm.
- What?
Whoa, what...
What're you doing?
Oh, god.
What're you...?
What're you doing right now?
I'm bored.
What's happening right now?
Well, um,
nothing is happening, Chester.
Oh, shit.
I'm sorry.
I just made it...
I made it really weird here.
I'm... I...
I feel really stupid.
- Oh, you feel really stupid?
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
That's how you feel right now?
Fuck you, Chester.
Hey, it's Polly.
I'm coming to your orgy.
Happy orgy day!
- Shh.
- Right?
- And Chester...
- Yes.
Hey, everyone. Hi.
Polly, you look,
you look really nice.
Oh, do I?
Well, let's get
started, shall we?
I call Cassie.
What? No.
Oh, come on, I'm really
in the mood to have sex
with someone I've never
been with before.
She said "no," you know?
Why don't you just take another
shot at Heather, there?
- What?
In high school I put his penis
in my mouth a little.
- Oh, jeez. -She didn't say
I have a small penis.
- No, she kind of did.
- Okay.
So those two are out,
and I'm not really into Polly?
What the shit?
Do you want to have sex with me?
I don't feel comfortable
answering that question.
Thank you very much.
So Cassie and I then.
Well, I... I wanna have sex,
uh, with Spencer.
Are you serious?
Spencer's gay.
You're the only one in town
who actually thinks that.
Oh, seriously?
What about that fruity
real estate job you have?
What about your hair?
The clothes?
- That awesome Cologne?
- I don't wear Cologne.
That's just me.
Cassie wants to have sex
with Spencer.
Who else wants to have sex
with Spencer?
Oh, for fucks sake.
Who are you sleeping with then?
- Adam.
- No, I don't think so.
Oh, guess what, Heather?
Cock-blocking isn't
actually on the list
of things to do in an orgy.
So, why don't you let Adam decide
who he'd like to stick it in.
Oh, okay. Um...
You know, you're all
wonderful people,
and um...
- Polly would be...
- awkward.
- And weird.
- Okay.
You know, Alice, I think my
main concern with you is that
I wouldn't be able to meet
your level of experience.
Go fuck yourself.
So I guess I choose Cassie.
Too late, I already
called dibs on her.
Okay, stop it. I'm...
I'm not participating
in anything where
dibs take precedence.
Have sex with me, please.
- I said no. -God, you are
such a hypocrite, Cassie.
You, you, you, you run off
with your vagina
and your... your...
Sexy article things,
and then you have an issue
sleeping with some
mildly-annoying person that
you've known your entire life?
No, you do not get to be a
prude, and the town slut,
you're having sex with Bruce,
and that's that.
Jesus fucking Christ, Heather, she's
not a slut, she's just a virgin.
Cassie's a virgin.
That would be rich.
But I everything that I know
about sex is because of...
- Your column.
- Yeah, me too.
This makes a lot of sense.
I'd like you all to leave now.
Okay. Okay, I'm sure this is
extremely embarrassing for you,
but we've all been looking forward
to this, so I think that we should...
- get out. -We're having
our carpets cleaned,
- there's nowhere else to go.
- Get out!
- It's her house, you guys, just...
- shut up, Alice.
You get the fuck out first.
Alice. Hey, Alice.
Alice, excuse me.
- Hey, hey, hey...
- don't.
What the fuck
do you want, Bruce?
Hey, what the fuck
were you doing in there?
You really ruined that for me in there.
What're you doing?
I... I could not
give a Baker's fuck.
A Baker's fuck? What, 13 fucks...
what are you talking about?
- That's 13 fucks... -Do you have
any idea how much I needed this?
First, you embarrass
me by leaving me,
and then you rub it
in my fucking face
by getting it on with
every single guy in town.
You know, you...
- you're embarrassing.
- I'm embarrassing?
- Yeah.
- You're pathetic.
- You need to sign our divorce papers.
- You want pathetic?
No. Not until
you tell me why.
Really? Do you
really not know why?
Because, if I recall,
you didn't touch me
for like, a year.
And you're acting
like a victim, in...
- oh, what? 'Cause you're so innocent?
- I had some sex.
- Some?
- I may have over-compensated.
- Oh, yeah, you think?
- You broke my heart!
My fucking heart!
Sign the fucking papers.
It's the least you could do.
So, I have been thinking
about the orgy...
The orgy's cancelled.
No, I'm Heather Mitchell,
- no one cancels a social event on me.
- Heather.
Honey, please, will you just forget
about the orgy and come to bed.
Adam, I am trying to figure out
a way to keep this orgy going.
The last thing I have time for
right now is to have sex with you.
Why is it so important to you?
To us, it's important to us.
No, it isn't.
I thought we were trying
to have a baby, that's the goal.
And that is exactly why
the orgy is so important.
What are you talking about?
Look, I, um...
I don't want you to take
this the wrong way, but...
I had your sperm tested.
It's just we've been
trying for a really long time,
and I got tested first,
and everything was fine,
so, it was the next step.
What... what do you mean?
I didn't give you any sperm.
How'd you get my sperm?
Well, when you make deposits,
I make withdrawls.
Oh, my god.
Uh... uh...
They said that you have
the worst sperm
that they've ever seen.
We can get a second opinion.
I got five.
So you were using this orgy
as some sort of sperm bank?
That wasn't the original plan.
You wanted to get pregnant,
and then...
Trick me into raising
the child with you
with complete disregard
for the fact
the kid would look
nothing like me.
I have to be a mother,
Adam. Okay?
I mean, I wouldn't
have married you if I...
please, go on.
Honey, I'm just...
I'm being emotional.
Oh, I would hate for Heather
Mitchell to ever have an emotion.
I had to learn to love you.
- That came out wrong.
- Did it?
- Okay.
You kept the tape?
Uh, just getting rid of the rest
of my old junk before I leave.
So you're, you're going?
Well, the whole town found out
my deepest, darkest, secret.
So, yeah, I'm gonna go.
Everybody has bad days
And mine's gonna get even worse
until I leave this shit-hole.
So, if you'll excuse me.
What if you don't leave?
Well, then I'll have to stay.
And everybody knows
I'm a fraud and a virgin,
and I can't look anybody
in the eye ever again.
You're looking me
in the eye right now.
You know, I'm pretty good at it.
Look, um.
Cassie, when you left town
the first time
it was the worst thing
that ever happened to me.
I've never forgotten about you.
I think about you all the time.
I mean,
the only reason that I'm...
the only reason
I married Heather,
is, uh... you know,
I get it, okay?
I get it. You... you had
to do what you had to do.
You had to get out of town,
you had to leave us all behind.
You had to just go do your
own thing and that's fine, okay?
I forgive you.
You forgive me?
Yeah. Yes, I forgive you.
You forgive me?
Do you have no idea
why I didn't leave town
the second after that funeral?
It's because I thought
you and your idiot friends
would be good material
for a book, but you're not.
You're just a bunch of sad, boring,
bumpkins, who were born here,
and will die here
and accomplish nothing
Does becoming a bitch count
as an accomplishment?
Please leave.
I have packing to do.
Yeah, I'm going thank you.
- Tada!
- What's that for?
- It's for you.
- It's just weird.
You've never
done that before. So...
Yeah, I thought
it would be nice.
Okay. You know you don't
owe me anything, right?
That I'm not some,
like, little girl,
whose feelings have been hurt?
Relax, okay? It was...
It's just a muffin, okay?
It's not even a good one.
I gave you the one
that I dropped.
I put my notice in.
What? What are
you talking about?
This town sucks,
it's always sucked.
I am out of here.
I don't want to become
like my cousin Heather.
You know, just settle for somebody
just because they're there.
You should do the same.
Or not, I don't know.
It's not really fair
for me to say it, I guess.
You do you.
All I know is that leaving here
scares the shit out of me,
and if you're scared of
something, it's worth doing.
So, I am gonna do that.
Anyway, thank you
for the dropped muffin.
Jay Macmaster and his wife
are gonna be delayed.
You're gonna
have to get over this.
I feel like there's a hole
inside of me, man.
Could I be perfectly frank
with you right now?
- Of course.
- Stop being such a little bitch
and do what you want.
I want to have the orgy.
- So, have the orgy.
- I can't.
Cassie kicked everyone out.
So, how does that stop you?
If you have it, though,
I wanna come.
No, you're not getting
the commission on my house.
That's fine. I'm making
a killing in this town.
Oh, god, if I didn't want to be
you, I would hate you so much.
- What was that?
- What? Nothing, I didn't...
did you...
Jesus Christ.
I want to rent my own apartment.
Well, I'm a bit busy
right now, okay, Seth?
I have to move out now before my mom
gets back to town, or she won't let me.
But you're in that house
right now all by yourself?
Yeah, she gets back next week.
Do you want to have
a party, Seth?
Why, so, so no one will show up?
- No thanks. -No, no, people will show up.
I can promise you that.
- Like, girls? -Girls, totally.
Tons of girls.
- Do they like videogames? -Yeah, yeah.
They love videogames.
- Any thing you want, yeah.
- Are they Japanese?
Sure, yeah. Yeah, Japanese
girls, yeah, totally.
- Chinese girls.
- No.
- Okay.
- No Chinese.
Yeah, okay,
no, no Chinese girls.
- Hey.
- Bruce.
So, you still wanna
do this thing?
Great okay, cool.
Maybe, maybe lose the pajamas,
get more cleavage,
like, sexy, cleavage.
Like, right now.
Hi, so I think we found a way
to keep the orgy going.
- I don't know.
Vintage vinyl, all sale's final.
This is Chester.
It's back on.
Seth's place.
- Tonight.
- Ding-dong.
Ding, ding, I'll be there.
Good afternoon, mayor.
Nice to see you, Heather.
So, there's no delicate way
to put this,
so I'm just gonna
come right out with it.
We're having an orgy
this evening,
and we could use some
additional pensises,
if you would care to attend?
Oh, absolutely.
Do you guys have
your own anal beads, or...
Is this more
of a blowjab kind of thing?
So, where shall
we fornicate, Bruce?
- Cocktail?
- No, no thanks.
There's my guy.
- Hey
- hey.
I'm so glad
that you could make it.
I'm really glad I could come.
I'm even happier when you do.
...Are you okay?
- Got a little...
- Yeah, I'm good.
Why is my living room
like a whore dungeon?
What are you guys doing
with my mom's pashminas?
- She loves those.
- For the orgy.
What orgy?
This is a party.
Yeah, yeah, it's a party.
It's a party
for your penis, bro.
I don't want a penis party
for my penis.
I want a party party for me.
Hey, where you going?
I'm gonna go play
some video games.
Does anybody
want to play with me?
No, maybe later, man.
Maybe later.
So, do you wanna go somewhere?
It doesn't bother me at all
that you ejaculated quickly.
That is a sign of a man who
has his priorities straight.
But there is
something else that...
Why don't you finish that drink?
- For you...
- Yeah?
That might tickle
your fantasy...
Oh, and there it is. Okay.
Polly, can I...
can I talk to you, please?
Guess what? I want you to know that
I think that you're kind of...
We're sort of in the middle
of something here, sport.
Uh, yeah, give me a second,
okay, Spencer?
I just want you to know that
I think you're really beautiful.
And that I just... I think you're
fucking amazing.
I... I screwed up
the other night, okay?
It's fine.
You know what, Chester,
it was, it really was nothing.
No. It's not fine. Okay,
and it wasn't nothing.
And you weren't bored.
This is worth doing.
Yeah? How do you know?
'Cause I'm scared shitless.
Whoa, I declare
this orgy officially...
Begun! Yeah!
- Adam. -Do you know
where Cassie is?
- No.
- I think she left town.
- Without saying, goodbye?
- Wouldn't she?
Guess you don't
want to go to Seth's either?
What at... I was at Seth's.
What do you think?
Heather was the one
that told me...
How do you not know about this?
I want you inside
of me right now.
- Come here.
- Things are progressing nicely.
Oh, this is my cue.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What, yeah,
take this off. Yeah, just,
yeah, yeah, whatever.
Yeah, now we're better.
Come on, guys. Come on, let's
ease up on the kissing.
Come on, guys,
let's use our mouths
for the greater good here.
Oh, yeah.
- Oh, yeah.
- Bruce!
What? What?
It's a goddamn fucking orgy.
If you've got a hole and you're not
using it, then you're being selfish.
Clearly, they're
having a moment.
Well if they're having
a fucking moment,
then they should take this fucking
romantic moment to a room.
Yeah, come on.
Room. Room.
No, no, I didn't mean it.
I didn't actually...
I was just just saying it!
I was just just saying it,
like, in the heat of the moment.
It wasn't sexy... ow, fuck!
- Hello?
- Hey.
You left without
saying, "goodbye"?
Fuck you, Judas.
Are you kidding?
I saved you.
From losing your virginity
to fucking Bruce.
You would really, really
want to hold that against me?
I trusted you with that.
You know how hard it is
for me to trust people?
Yeah, sorry. You should
just get the fuck over it.
- When did you leave?
- Just now.
Okay, come back.
I can't. I'm on the lam.
The book people
are gonna come after me.
My career's over, life's over...
why don't you just write a book?
Yeah, what am I supposed
to write about?
A... a virgin who plans
an orgy for a bunch of prudes?
And then out myself
to the entire world
in the process?
That's not bad, actually.
You said your careers
over anyway, so it saves you
from having to remember
a bunch of bullshit lies
all the time.
These people don't want me here.
Adam just came looking for you.
Yeah, I saw him last night.
You did? So, you know
about him and Heather?
What about him and Heather?
Stop the orgy!
- Do you have something
you want to say? -No.
How nice of you to join us.
Are you gonna tell
them, or should I?
What's going on, here?
My money's on gonorrhea.
Gentlemen, the uh,
the only reason
that Heather
wants to sleep with you,
the only reason that this whole thing
is happening in the first place,
is because Heather Murray,
is trying to get pregnant.
And she doesn't want your DNA in the mix.
Yeah, I get that.
No, not... that's not
what I'm saying.
First of all, I have dead
sperm, apparently, okay?
That's not... the point is,
this whole thing
is based on a lie.
All right?
And Cassie who we slut-shamed
out of town years ago,
now, she's leaving town
again because she's a virgin?
Huh? How does
that make sense?
And, and what, we're doing this
to prove that we're not prudes?
You know what?
I'm a prude, okay? I am.
I don't... I don't wanna
have sex in front of anybody.
I want it to be me
and one other person.
Nobody watching,
no... no toys, no lubes.
Just vanilla.
That's me, I'm vanilla.
As for the rest of you...
I mean I don't even know
how you could have sex
in front of... look at this.
You know how much confidence it takes to
lay naked like that on somebody's couch?
- You ever been in this house before?
- Yeah, never.
And yet it's like he lives here.
Good for you. But you know what?
Be yourself, all right?
Everybody just be
themselves and be honest.
Is this all true, Heather?
You want us to impregnate you?
Nobody ever has to know.
All I've ever wanted
was to be a mother.
And they say that it takes
a village to raise a child...
- I'm down with it, shh-sh...
- Me too.
Would we have to help
raise the kid?
No I just need your sperm.
Don't care.
Do that you gotta do.
But I'm... I'm out.
- So, who's first?
- Me.
- How about you go third?
- What? Oh, come on!
Gus is gonna go before me?
You don't want to have
a Samoan baby.
How is it that no one
in this town knows what I am?
- I'm Indian.
- No, you're not.
Dot, not feather.
Actually, you people make
really beautiful mixed babies.
- I'm first.
- Okay.
Oh, okay.
All right, yes.
Here we go, let's do this.
Let's do this, here we go...
- what? -Nothing, I thought
you'd be smaller.
How do you do that?
Your tongue, it's like
an Olympic athlete.
I'm gonna give you
this ice cream on a cone.
And what flavor am I?
Tiger tale.
No, tiger tale is disgusting.
Do my lady bits
taste like black licorice?
I love black licorice.
Oh, god.
Oh my god, I'm so glad
you came back.
There's so much stuff
I wanna say about last night,
I shouldn't have... okay...
- If you wanna talk first,
that's fine, too. -Fuck you.
God, I've been wanting
to do that for so long.
I mean, if this is part of some
sort of, uh, big-city foreplay
I'm... you're gonna have
to walk me through.
There's a musk.
So, have you fucked anyone, yet?
- No.
- Okay.
Well, where should we do this?
Do what?
The sex.
We're going to bang.
That's okay.
I'm offering you
farm-fresh, free range,
grade a pussy here.
Yeah, you don't have to do that.
I'm fine.
Fine? What... what is this?
What is this?
What's your deal?
Are you not attracted to me?
You're okay.
I'm sorry, what sort of bar
are we comparing me to,
porn stars?
- Mostly, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
I hate to tell you this,
sweetie, but,
those women
aren't actually real.
What's so real about you?
That's it.
It's on.
- Oh, fuck. This is so nice.
- This is just so nice. -Oh, I'm not
gonna make it, I'm not gonna make it.
- Not gonna make it. -Okay.
Okay, 218 x 4 million.
I don't understand that.
- Just focus. Add.
- Focus on what?
You know what
my dad used to say,
"life gives you lemons,
you make lemonade."
Absolutely, bro.
A whole jug of it.
- So, that's that, then.
- Yeah, that's that.
...That's... what's what?
Let's make some lemonade.
Yeah, absolutely. Sure.
what... what's happening?
If you got a hole,
and you're not using it...
- Does that hurt?
- The piercing, no.
It's good.
You sure it doesn't hurt?
- Mm-hmm. Whoa!
- Oh, ah!
- Can we just play video games now?
- Yeah, absolutely, we can.
How is it?
Well, the stinging has subsided,
so that's something.
I'm sorry.
I just really had to hurt you.
Well, mission accomplished.
Do you know why I was afraid
to come back here?
Because I didn't want
to see you happy.
Well, you sure fixed your wish
with that one.
What about you?
Are you happy?
I'm tired.
All that stuff I said last night
about forgiving you,
that was shitty.
It's not your fault
that I married Heather,
or I stayed in town,
it's got nothing to do with you.
I'm the reason
that nothing happened
between us.
I guess I should be
asking you for forgiveness.
I'm sorry.
That's what I was gonna say
before you...
Slapped me in the face
and kneed me in the balls.
I'm sorry, for, um...
All of it.
How's your balls?
Still intact, I guess.
It's not like I'm gonna
be using them for anything.
Can I see?
It's not really my best feature.
You know, it doesn't feel
that useless to me.
Cassie, I...
Did you get some lube?
All I could find
was some apple butter.
Yeah, sure, fine.
Fuck it. Whatever.
...We don't have to do this.
No, we're gonna do this,
come on, come on.
- Let's just do this, all right?
- Yup. Here we go.
Oh, whoa, hey,
what are you doing there,
- captain?
- You need to be erect.
I can get myself erect,
thank you very much.
- Be my guest. Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, watch this.
Oh, look at that.
...Oh, fuck.
Uh, Auschwitz.
Uh, uh, Dachau, dacha...
- Uh, bergen-belsen. Uh, terezin.
Uh... -wait, what?
- What are you saying? What?
- Those are
...concentration camps.
From the holocaust.
Why? Is that too dark?
Too much?
- Yeah, it's a little much.
- Okay.
What is the appeal, here?
I mean, you just die and then
you do it all over again.
That's what I like about it.
When Mario dies,
he doesn't rage against
the world,
he just picks himself up,
goes back to the start
and tries again,
until he figures out
how to save the Princess.
What's your plan?
I mean, you can't really just
stay in your mother's basement
and play video games
for the rest of your life.
What other life am I gonna have?
I'm the town loser.
Well, to the town, yeah.
But, who are you to you?
I mean, they all see Clark Kent
I'm pretty sure
there's a Kal-El
hiding in there somewhere.
I'm ready
to have sex with you now.
It's not so squishy this time.
Adam Mitchell?
I think of you fondly.
I am...
Quite fond of you as well.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh, thank you.
Don't mention it.
Okay, you just...
You're over thinking it.
Just do it.
I just don't want to hurt you.
You won't.
Stop being such a fucking pussy.
Look, this is new for me.
All right, I gotta need
some positive reinforcement.
Look, I'm sorry.
Would you please fuck my bum
with your beautiful,
manly penis?
- Hmm?
- Okay.
- Good. All right. Okay, here we go.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- There you go.
...Oh, oh.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
- Fuck!
- Oh, shit!
- Oh, keep going, Chester.
- Oh, I'm going to go.
- Chester, keep going.
- Keep going!
- Oh!
- Oh.
- Oh, yeah, boy.
- Thank you.
- Over here.
Fill me with baby juice.
- Whoo!
- Do it!
- Do you wanna flip around,
or something? -What?
Sorta go where like
we can't look at each other,
just to be fun,
just to switch it up.
- No, no, no. This is perfect.
- Okay.
Just like that.
- Yeah.
- Oh, my god.
- Yeah.
- What are you doing?
- Adam?
- Hmm?
- Hey.
- Hmm?
Look at me.
Everybody looks weird
when they come.
- Just look weird with me.
Okay? -Okay.
- Chester?
- Yeah?
Please don't put your penis
inside of anybody else.
Can we play video games now?
- Yeah, let's play video games now.
- Okay.
That, um...
That went a lot better
then in high school.
And nobody had to run
down the street
without any clothes on.
It's okay.
I'm over it.
Adam, everyone can see you.
What are you doing?
Something I should have done
12 years ago.
- Come on.
- Whoo! It's so cold.