How to Save Us (2015) Movie Script

So come with me,
we'll all go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
Yes, the Big Rock
Candy Mountains
There's a land
that's fair and bright
Where the handouts
grow on bushes
And you sleep
out every night
Where have you been?
Oh just, just had to work
on the will, what's up?
What's up, our little brother is
Still missing.
Well I mean you left him there.
I'm not making any of this up.
Oh God, why won't
you believe me?
Well, they're
saying it's a virus.
You sure you and Sam
didn't just hallucinate
All this ghost stuff
when you were there?
So, what, did I hallucinate
My broken leg and the
claw marks on my back too?
No come, that's not
what I'm saying, okay,
I'm just saying that
sounds an awful lot
Like Sam's big imagination
going into overdrive here.
Because having an imagination
Is just such a
terrible thing, Dad.
All right come on,
look, after all this shit
I've been going
through, with the will,
You really think that I
still regret Dad's death?
The only thing I regret
about our parents dying
Is that I didn't get to
tell Dad to go F himself
Before he died.
Okay now, I will go to
Tasmania and I will bring
Our little brother
home, you understand me?
Just bring him home.
Why isn't the
government talking about it?
We know Tasmania is
quarantined, sure but,
What is being quarantined?
What if it is all
just a cover up?
Or worse, what if we're
dealing with something
The military doesn't
even understand?
Oh come on,
the entire state of Tasmania
Evacuated for what, testing?
People have died.
Nah but,
people have gone missing.
Have you seen any
bodies, I don't know.
Now maybe they found
something, I'm telling you,
Maybe we're dealing with an
enemy here that can't be seen.
You see,
this is exactly the sort of
Conspiracy that brought
these people to doing
Wretched and horrible things.
It's this nonsense
that gets people killed
On a grand scale.
Tell the, it's been,
Like days, and we haven't
heard a thing,.
An entire state is empty.
When is someone gonna
tell us the truth?
And what is the truth?
Aliens, secret testing?
See that's just
it, it could be anything.
There's a lot of people like
you, turning the other way,
And pretend like
nothing is happening,
That nothing is wrong,
May be on a path to extinction
if this is left unchecked.
Extinction, please.
The military says
there's a virus,
And they're containing it.
That is enough for me, I'm
well, my family is well,
I have no interest in digging
up something that could
Cost me or any other fellow
Australians their lives.
I say this is the military's
problem, let the military
Handle it, okay?
Hey Sam, It's Molly.
My friend and I are here,
we're at your cabin.
It doesn't look like
you've been here for weeks.
Oh God where are you?
Look, I'm sorry to
just show up like this,
But I really need
you to come home,
So we can figure everything out.
I understand why you've
run away from all this
And I'm really trying
to support you,
But if the three of
us just finished this,
Then we can all finally
move on with our lives.
Anyway, please call me
back when you get this.
I love you Sam.
Did you get
a hold of Brian today?
Is he gonna meet you out
here if you can't find Sam?
I don't know where he is.
But Brian, he just
doesn't even care.
He used to be the
sweetest guy ever.
Like he would cry if
someone killed a bird.
Oh my God, he has just
become such an asshole.
I can't even remember
the last time he said,
"I love you."
What the hell is that?
I don't know.
Molly, we need to go!
We need to get
back to the cabin.
Sam, where are you Sam?
Where are you?
The news calls it a virus.
But Sam explains it differently.
January 24th, I received
a package from Sam
Two weeks ago,
asking me to return
To our family's
old vacation spot.
This is a message in a bottle
for humanity, he calls it.
Now first things first.
If you going out
into their territory
You have to make yourself
invisible to them.
Ash from the dead
conceals your presence
When they are near, never
leave home without it.
Surround the
perimeter of wherever
You may camp with
the ash as well,
It helps throw off your scent.
And make sure not to
stay at any spot longer
Than a night or two.
If you're ever unsure
of their presence,
Remember that they
communicate with one another
Using some sort of radio wave.
You can pick up their chatter
using a low-frequency radio.
But very rarely
will you actually
Hear them, and more
commonly you'll pick up
Ghost radio waves,
this will let you know
You're in the clear.
And if your radio should
fail you for any reason,
There is one other step
you can take to observe
Their presence.
Any camera with infrared
can pick them up,
They seem to be formed of light
That the naked eye can't see,
Some type of energy.
They don't seem to have
a physical presence.
But perhaps almost a
form of light radiation,
Or a soul.
If you're here in
Tasmania, you are in
Enemy territory.
Never let your guard down.
The frequency of
them seems to depend
On how many people
have died in the area,
And don't confuse this with
where people are buried,
Graveyards actually
seem to be safe houses,
And in closing, ,
Keep your use of
electricity to a minimum,
As it seems to attract
or even spawn them.
They seem to feed off of it.
He didn't seem sure
who would receive
This message, but, for
some reason it found me.
Is what he says true?
He claimed he'd keep
moving and survive
For as long as he could
until he was rescued.
Do I still have
time to find him?
I met a girl the other night
In fact she was divine
She lived out in the country
Three miles from
the river line
I called to see
her the other night
Stayed late, I missed my train
Her Pa discovers me
And throws me
right out in the rain
I got right up and walked
and walked and walked
And walked and walked
I did not have her number
Or else I would
not have had hope
Put down my head and in my bed
Put all my hope
throughout my test
And got right up
and walked along
And walked, and
walked and walked
See that girl was by my side
Least I now know,
And I ain't say
call all over us
My girl jumped in the air
She sits on the rooftop
Good evening everybody,
Tonight's guest is Sam Everett,
A poor unfortunate soul
searching for his parents
Even though they're
already dead.
But then what are
you gonna find?
What brings,
You're not looking in
the right places, buddy.
We're halfway outside your house
At this very moment, waiting
to give you a big hug!
We don't bite Sam,
Now throw that crown upside down
And let us in buddy!
I've traveled east,
I've traveled west
I've been in every state
A member of the
knights of rest
With dues paid up to date
There's just two
things that I despise
Two things I always shirk
The first thing
is a cake of soap
The other one is work
My life to me is just as free
I'm always on a lark
Somebody said
you're just a bum
And I don't like that remark
Who said I was a Bum
Who said I was a Bum
I haven't worked for 20 years
I guess I'm not so dumb
And as a tramp along the road
The people hear me hum
I know I'm a hobo
But who said I was a bum
I must admit
I never fit in any job and say
Whenever I see a pile of wood
I look the other way
I haven't shaved
in many a year
I really am afraid
Because I fear my wire beard
Would break the razor blade
The other day while on my way
A cop gave me a chase
I thought I heard him holler
Take that mattress
off-a your face
Who said I was a bum
Who said I was a bum
Of death and easy, go inside
Of things that easy come
A bum with
nickels, now and then
They keep me full of rum
I know I'm a hobo
But who said I was a bum
My coat is worn,
my shoes are torn
There's holes in both my toes
And what is worse
I always nurse a
blossom on my nose
And with a glance
You'll see my pants
are baggy at the knees
They're worn so thin
I feel the wind
blow through my BVDs
But there ain't
nothing that worries me
Now what is that about
There's never
something on my mind
Except a dirty hat
But who said I was a bum
Who said I was a bum
Don't think I'm a lonesome guy
Because I look so glum
I've got a lot
of cootie friends
That keep me on the hum
I know I'm a hobo
But who said I was a bum
Come back Sam.
You can't hide from me.
You can't hide from me, Sam.
Where are you going?
I know I'm a hobo
But who said I
January 25th.
I only have two weeks
left until the boat
I hired comes back for me.
And if I don't make
it back in time,
He will leave without us.
Sam is here somewhere.
And I know for sure now.
I've picked up some
sort of trail of his,
But, where does it lead?
Whatever happened
here has somehow
Made the electricity come alive.
It seems to react to a
person's presence at will.
Or is this just the virus?
Keep hiding Sam, and stay safe.
I'm coming.
Look up, look down
That railroad line
And bow your head and cry
The longest train
I ever saw
Was 80 coaches long
The engine passed
At eight o'clock
And the cab went by at nine
Look up, look down
That railroad line
And bow your head and cry
Little girl, little girl
Don't you tell me no lies
Where did you stay last night
I stayed in jail
99 days
With my face
turned to the wall
Little girl little girl
What have I done
You turned your back on me
Take all my clothes
Throw them all outdoors
Help me!
This way Sam.
Hurry Sam.
I've got you Sam,
You little brat,
there is no escape.
It's no use Sam.
Sam you can't hide from me.
I'm going to stop you Sam.
I know you're here.
January 26th.
He began to stay
closer to the sea,
Away from civilization,
as he attempted
To figure out what
they actually were.
His research is
hard to understand,
He goes on and on
about several things,
Such as
inter-dimensional beings,
Shadow people, and even aliens.
He claimed that
legends and history
Seemed to blend, to intertwine,
And even lose focus.
He believed that
ghosts were simply
A generalization.
Or a misanalysis of that.
And they would
prey on the energy
Of misfortune and suffering.
They can come to our side
Through some sort of portals.
He seemed to think
that there are
These portals, or hot spots,
All over the world,
Where the spirits
can come to our side.
Is Tasmania really
one of those places?
He concluded that these portals
Explained the areas of the world
Where the foulness and
suffering of humanity
Never seemed to clear.
His final note was
merely a question.
"Will there always be a dark
cloud over these places?"
"Or can the portals be closed?"
"And can the light return?"
Where are you Sam?
The whole
fury and might of the enemy
Must very soon be turned on us.
Hitler knows that he
will have to break us
In this island or lose the war.
But if we fail, then
the whole world,
Including the United States,
Including all that we
have known and cared for,
Will sink into the
abyss of a new dark age
Made more sinister...
So these are your
ghosts huh Sam?
It's me again.
I really need to talk to you.
We've always got through
stuff like this together.
I just wanted to make sure
that you got mom's necklace.
I left it in your mailbox.
She came to, to
see me last night.
I couldn't even look at her
For about 10 minutes.
But when I finally
did, she gave a message
For you and Brian.
She wanted you to keep
her necklace close.
Because you will need it.
It's gotta feel
good if this is you.
, please babe.
It's such a long
time since I've seen
Anything like this.
Am I going crazy?
Or do you see that too?
Have you seen Mom and Dad
yet since they've died?
You can't hide from me, Brian.
Oh shit.
You can't run from me forever.
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
And I ain't gonna
be treated this way
Oh I'm going where that
chilly wind never blows
Oh I'm going where that
chilly wind never blows
Oh I'm going where that
chilly wind never blows
And I ain't gonna
be treated this way
Oh way down in
jail on my knees
Oh way down in
jail on my knees
Oh way down in
jail on my knees
And I ain't gonna
be treated this way
Oh feed me on
cornbread and peas
One evening as
the sun went down
And the jungle
fire was burning
Down the track
came a hobo hiking
And he said, boys
I ain't turning
I'm headed for a
land that's far away
Beside the crystal mountain
So come with me
we'll all go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
Yeah, the Big
Rock Candy Mountains
There's a land
that's fair and bright
Where the handouts
grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars
all are empty
And the sun shines every day
On the birds and bees
and the cigarette trees
January 27th,
I now only see two options.
Either I'm affected, and
the virus story was real,
Or it's the somehow
more frightening option.
Sam was right.
Which would mean he was hiding
Because something
was following him.
Whatever the case, I'm amazed
he survived here this long.
I can explain ghost radio waves,
They're old radio broadcasts
that bounce around the world
For years, that's science.
But how did the radio find
something from my past?
Is this real?
Why is all of this
becoming so familiar?
In the Big Rock
Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little old
streams of alcohol
Come a tricklin'
down the rocks
Where the brakemen
have to tip their hats
And the railroad
bulls are blind
January 28th.
For some reason Sam
has decided to go to
The most haunted
island in Australia.
I have no ordinary explanation
for why Sam would go there
Of all places.
Every Monday morning
they've got 'em out on time
March 'em down to Lone Rock,
said to look into that mine
March you down to Lone Rock,
said to look into that hole
Very last word the captain
say, you better get your coal
Oh, buddy, won't
you roll down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
The outbreak cannot be stopped.
Evacuate from
Tasmania at all costs.
From Maria Island.
We're going through
hell, just rescue us.
Way back yonder in Tennessee,
they leased the convicts out
They worked 'em in the coal
mines against free labor stout
Free labor rebelled against
it, to win it took some time
But while the
lease was in effect
They made 'em rise and shine
Oh, buddy, won't
you roll down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Yonder come my darlin',
comin' down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Yonder come my darlin',
comin' down the line
Every Monday morning
they've got 'em out on time
Brian, uh it's Molly.
I've been trying to
call you all night.
Why won't you just pick
up your goddamn phone
Hey, in the bathtub.
You know I wanna tell
you there's no point,
But Dad was drunk-driving
and something,
Something just went wrong.
And now both of our
parents, they're dead.
No, please, please!
I just, I need one minute!
Okay, I don't know
what to do here.
They're trying to
take them away.
I really need your help.
When I got here,
Mom was still alive.
Maybe she with...
No please, I just need,
I just need one minute.
I need you!
And I don't know how
I'm gonna tell Sam
Any of this.
He really looks up to you.
We need you,.
I have to go.
Please help me.
March you down to Lone Rock
Said to look into that hole
Very last word the captain
say you better get your coal
Oh, buddy, won't
you roll down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Yonder come my darlin',
comin' down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Buddy, won't you
roll down the line
Yonder come my darlin',
comin' down the line
This outbreak cannot be stopped.
Evacuate from
Tasmania at all costs.
From Maria Island?
We're going through
hell, just rescue us.
This outbreak cannot be stopped.
Evacuate from
Tasmania at all costs.
From Maria Island?
We're going through
hell, just rescue us.
This outbreak cannot be stopped.
Evacuate from
Tasmania at all costs.
From Maria Island?
We're going through
hell, just rescue us.
January 29th.
I have one week
left to find Sam,
But I still need to
cross eight kilometers
Of ocean to get him.
Now if I'm going
into enemy territory,
I need to find a way to stop
Whatever these things are
if I come into contact
With one again.
They seem to
communicate in some way
With ghost radio waves,
some sort of infra-sound.
Somehow the radios
can pick it up.
Let's say they're
ghosts like Sam claims.
But what are ghosts, really,
Scientifically, no fantasy.
What are all people
at their core?
And how do you destroy something
That can neither be
created nor destroyed?
You destroy its power source.
Destroy what it feeds off of.
Sam claimed electricity
attracted them
Or even responded to them.
So what do we do?
We turn off the lights.
An electromagnetic pulse.
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
Oh I'm going down
that road feeling bad
And I ain't gonna
be treated this way
All right come on you bastards.
There we go.
You wanna see Sam,
I know you do Brian.
I can smell you.
You're coming back home
with your brother, Brian.
That's right you son
of a bitch, over here.
You cannot run from me Brian.
Brian, guess who's back?
I know you're up here, Brian.
I'm coming Brian.
Your soul is mine, Brian!
January 30th.
If I don't make it back,
Whoever finds this,
EMP is how you stop them.
It seems to send them back
To wherever they come from.
Hope trumps fear, Sam.
I'm coming.
This outbreak cannot be stopped.
Evacuate from
Tasmania at all costs.
I must warn anyone
who hears this.
Stay away from Maria Island.
Something is here.
We have accidentally
opened something.
Okay, do not try and rescue us.
I must warn anyone
who hears this.
Stay away from Maria Island.
Something is here.
We have accidentally
opened something.
Okay, do not try and rescue us.
There is no escape.
Help yourselves and
evacuate from Tasmania
At all costs.
January 31st.
I've determined that either Sam
Is still somewhere
on this island,
Or he has at least been
here very recently.
This distress call seems
to be getting clearer
The closer I get
to the mountain.
So tomorrow I'm
gonna try to attempt
To hike to the summit and
see if I can find the source
Of the signal.
I think it's what
Sam would've done.
And it's really the only lead
I have at this point, so.
The boat leaves in five days.
Hello again everybody,
We have a special
guest with us tonight,
Brian Everett!
It must feel like
you're on Maria Island,
All dressed up
with nowhere to go.
It's terrible being
invited to a party
When no one's home!
Take it from us folks!
Well you just need patience.
Rest assured, the welcome mat
Has been laid out
too for you, Brian.
Enjoy your home and
see you soon buddy!
Okay do not try and rescue us.
There is no escape.
I must warn anyone
who hears this.
Stay away from Maria Island.
Something is here.
We have accidentally
opened something.
Okay, do not try and rescue us.
There is no escape.
Help yourselves and
evacuate from Tasmania
At all costs.
Go back, Brian.
Don't follow the river.
Go back, Brian.
Don't follow the river.
Please goddammit no, no!
Come on, Sam come on,
Come on wake up, wake up.
Come on!
Oh no goddammit, come on!
What, no man, come
on, wake up Sam,
Come on wake up, wake up!
One, two, three!
Come on, come on wake up!
One, two, three!
Come on you can't come this far
Just to stop Sam, come on!
One, two, three!
Come on!
One, two, three!
One, two!
What the hell is the point?
Just come and get me assholes.
Come and get me.
Brian, Brian?
Oh come on, this is
the best you got guys?
Screw you.
Brian it's
me, where the hell are you?
Bullshit it's you.
Oh you're here too?
Yup on Maria Island
like you told me.
No, I told you to stay away
From Maria Island.
There's something
there, a doorway.
A doorway?
And where are you?
On the other side.
I went through.
That's funny because
I'm looking at your
dead body right now.
I just found it lying
here next to the river.
Oh shit.
I don't understand.
I'm still alive, I
followed this track
All up the river,
and found a cave.
But there's something
in that cave, Brian.
It's some kind of electrical
doorway to another place.
I think it's where
they came from.
Like an old house.
That's where I am now.
Then why the hell
did you go through it?
I thought I saw our dad.
I wanted to apologize.
Mom is dead.
Dad is dead.
And now you're dead.
Do you still really
Only think in black and white
After seeing what we've seen?
Tell science to get
lost for just a second,
Believe me Brian.
I have no idea what I've seen.
I don't even know what
the hell I'm talking to
Right now, okay?
All I know is that, Sam is dead.
I have no idea what the
hell I'm gonna do now.
Keep going.
If you're going
through hell, keep going.
Are you really there?
Yes, but
something is holding me here.
I think it's Dad, or.
I need your help, Brian.
How am I supposed to
help you if you're dead.
Go through the doorway,
Find our old house.
What the hell are
you talking about?
You'll wake up in a pool,
Go to the woods and
follow the signs for home,
Through the abandoned buildings.
Please Brian.
So you're alive huh?
You know?
I used to see ghosts
when I was a kid too.
Back before you were even born.
I never responded
to 'em or anything,
I just didn't want 'em to,
Actually I didn't wanna
get near 'em you know?
I thought maybe I
could trick 'em or,
Play stupid.
I didn't even think I actually
Ever knew what they were.
Until right now.
I mean the last time I
saw them I was probably
I don't know, four or five.
But what I saw was
You looking exactly
like you do right now.
And all you'd ever
say to me was,
"Save me."
Over and over.
I don't know if you
really are Sam or not,
And I don't know if
this is a trap or not,
But I'm coming for you.
All of you!
And I'm gonna send
every last one of you
Back to where you belong.
This message is
for Molly Everett,
Her address is 4085,
Chariot Lane, Santa
Barbara, California.
Molly if you are watching this,
It means I've failed and
that both Sam and I are dead.
I know that
You had a really
hard time growing up,
And I know I was
never there for you
When I should've been,
And I know that
you've been mad at me
For, , coming down here
To try to save my brother, but,
In a classic Dad move,
The problem with the will was
That he didn't even
leave us anything.
He gave everything to some guy.
Some friend of his,
and I've been down here
For a month.
Trying to convince this guy
To give me some money
So I can afford
to see my brother.
But it's okay...
If you do get this Molly,
Please just don't be afraid.
Okay, fear, it's the
easiest emotion to have,
You know that's why
Dad always used it,
That's why he was
always addicted to it.
He would always use it on us,
Whenever his life
wasn't going his way.
Just nothing when we were kids,
When you grew up, nothing
Has ever been your fault, Molly.
Okay, okay?
Don't let Dad's
weakness ruin you,
Don't, just don't let his
bullshit ruin your life.
Okay, because you're
better than that.
Mom and Dad were not our family.
We were our family,
just you, Sam and I.
That's it.
And it always will be.
Just let your bullshit
go and go live your life.
Because you were
always the smartest
Of us, and you were
always the best of us.
And I should've
told you more, but,
I just never did.
Please just go do
something great, Molly.
Because I know you can.
And if you're looking
for Dad's ashes,
I've dig 'em up, in an effort
To finally try to use him
For something good for once.
I wanna use him to help
me save our brother.
Goodbye Molly.
This outbreak cannot be stopped.
I must warn anyone
who hears this.
Stay away from Maria Island.
Something is here.
We have accidentally
opened something.
Some kind of portal
into another world.
We're outside.
We're there now, and
there is no escape.
Do not try and rescue us.
Okay, do not try and rescue us.
If you stay here in
Tasmania, you will die.
We are here.
Help yourselves to evacuate
from Tasmania at all costs.
Save me.
Keep going, sweet.
Follow my voice.
Follow my voice.
Keep going, sweet.
You need to hurry Brian.
Your brother is in trouble.
Hey Mom.
Yes honey.
I don't have much time
before he takes me again.
Who Mom?
Listen to me.
Your device will
not work as it is.
It's not powerful enough yet
To destroy him.
What are you talking about?
It needs more energy.
You must use my soul
as the catalyst.
What do you mean?
Take my necklace.
Now you have all that I am.
Place that in your machine
when you activate it.
Use me as your power source.
I don't understand.
Brian I am his counterbalance.
You have to do this.
It has to be you.
Or we'll never be free.
What if I do this?
What happens to you?
Will you be gone forever?
Nothing's gone, Brian.
It's just not there anymore.
Baby, I'm so sorry
for everything
You kids had to go through.
You must do this so that
I can finally help you,
It's the only way.
I'm so proud of you Brian.
I love you Brian.
I love all of you.
Save me.
Hey Dad, it's Brian.
Look I know it's been
a really long time
Since we talked, and,
I know the last time
didn't go so well,
But, I just,
Look Dad, I can't
keep pretending
Like at you did to
us never happened.
I've been trying for years, but,
It just won't go away.
Every time I see Molly and Sam
I can see them
where you left 'em,
And I can see
How they can't
even look at people
In the eyes anymore
because of you.
And it kills me.
Because unlike you,
I actually care for
them more than anything
Else in the world.
And now since you
are what you are,
The job to protect
them has fallen on me.
And I'm sure you'll just
call me overdramatic
Or a liar like usual, you know,
Whenever I try to
bring up the truth
About things you are
probably too drunk
To even remember.
But that doesn't mean
it didn't happen.
You have done some
horrible things to us.
And ever since I
remember, you've taught
Me through your actions
that you were the one
Thing I should fear more
than anything or anyone else.
But I'm not a kid anymore,
And I don't have
to bite my tongue
And pretend like we deserved
What you did to us.
I may be your child, but,
I'm not your property.
Now if you ever want to have
a relationship with me again,
You need to call me and
finally apologize for what you
Did to all of us.
This is it.
Goodbye Dad.
Good evening everybody,
Tonight we're going to explore
The dark history of
the Everett family.
All of their ghosts and demons
Under the floorboard
will be revealed!
Here was the dreaded kitchen
Where Mommy and Daddy Everett's
Drinking problem began.
Daddy would stay up
all night drinking away
Both his problems
and Mommy's money.
The children could
be heard yelling
Into the wee hours
of the morning.
Poor little Molly, Sam and Brian
Were defenseless,
and could only watch
In terror as their parents would
Turn themselves into monsters.
The living room, the
television was the children's
Only friend in this
house of terror.
A place of sanctuary for them
To manage their
wounds and pretend
They had different lives.
And poor, poor, Sam.
When he'd see things
his father couldn't
Understand, he would
become a punching bag.
This is the dreaded
room where'd he pray
Every night, not for
the safety of others,
But the demise of
his own father,
Praying that one day he wouldn't
Have to wear long-sleeved shirts
For the rest of his life
To hide his secrets.
Where or where was
his big brother?
Little Molly's bedroom,
She thought the
more toys she had,
The more friends she'd have!
Unfortunately all they ever did
Was trap her in the prison,
And constantly remind
her there was no way out.
She became deaf to advice,
Trapped in her own world.
No way Brian would
ever come home
To save them, he'd
never be her hero again.
And last but not least,
the oldest child, Brian.
He was always so
quiet, they said.
He handled their
troubled childhood
The best, they said.
Brian was the strong one.
The devil's advocate.
Nothing ever got to Brian.
No one would ever expect
Brian to kill his own parents.
I didn't kill them.
Dad is dead, Brian.
It was an accident,
nobody was gonna miss them.
Except poor little Brian.
What are the odds people
That some cookie
eggheads opened the door
To another world,
Brian here would enter
it after doing something
So bad.
It wasn't my fault.
Such a shocking moment
That changed the
Everett family forever.
But stay tuned folks,
after the break
We're going to the
most terrifying room
In the house, Daddy's room.
It wasn't my fault.
Hey Sam it's me.
Look I uh, I'm really sorry
I didn't show up to
the funeral today,
But, I just couldn't
bring myself to be there.
And I know you and
Molly needed me,
I'm sure especially
today of all days,
But, I have something
That I need to tell you right.
Look, I saw Mom and Dad
the night they died.
Oh it had been
years, and I figured
I tried to patch
things up with them,
See if I could salvage anything,
But, when I saw them,
Dad started drinking
And he starting hitting Mom.
I couldn't take it anymore,
So I tried to make him stop,
But, of course he wouldn't.
Then I tried to take Mom away,
But, she wouldn't come with me.
So I just let her
in the car with dad.
I watched them both drive away.
I knew how drunk Dad was.
I couldn't come today because,
Because I let our parents die.
It's because I was angry.
Because I love you guys
more than anything,
And, I hope someday
you understand
Why I did what I did,
Because, my place in the world
Is just to protect both of you,
From people like them.
I'm so sorry Sam.
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
This way, Brian.
How could you not
recognize your own father?
Your own,
Your never-ending nightmare.
Right now...
Are you not afraid of me, Brian?
Well in that case,
Apologize finally.
For what you did to us.
Or I will destroy all of you.
You cannot destroy us.
Nor can you create us.
But soon, you will become us.
You will all be down here.
Your sister, your brother,
Your friends, everyone
you've ever known.
You will all come down here.
That's interesting.
What you just said.
That you can neither be created
Nor destroyed?
Because on the other hand,
Electricity, which
is what it seems like
You things feed
off of down here,
Actually can be destroyed.
You do not have the power.
You can either try it
before you,
For the.
You are forever
trapped down here.
You know what I think?
I think Sam was right.
I think that these portals
are all over the place.
I think there was
probably even one
Near this very house when
we were kids, wasn't there?
You've been with us
forever, haven't you?
And now you're just
afraid of losing us.
You're just afraid
of losing our fear.
You think you can destroy me
With that?
Seems simple enough.
I mean after all, how do
you turn off the lights?
You just press the
off switch, right?
Foolish boy,
you think it is that simple?
Yeah, it is that simple.
And I only have one
thing left to say to you.
From the very,
Very bottom of my heart.
Fuck you, Dad.
It's been nearly three hours
Since the strange
light was seen above
Eastern Tasmania,
And so far, the
government is unavailable
For comment.
Rumors are spreading fast
That Tasmania's
quarantine may finally
Be lifted in the coming days.
More info as it comes.
Until then, more music.
Hey Molly, it's Brian.
I found him.
Is he okay?
Yeah, yes, he looks fine.
How did you find him, Brian?
I finally did what I had to do.
Look Molly, sometimes,
We need to just stop trying
to explain everything.
Just say thank you.
Fine, thank you.
I guess I'll see you
when you get back.
Hey Molly, I'm here all right?
From now on, I promise
That we're all gonna be okay.
I love you Molly.
I love you too.
And I
Hope you can relate
And you've got lots
Of worries that
you can't put to bed
And I don't need
to be one of them
And I can't seem to get her
To tell me the truth
And I don't want it to be
Like that
When I'm sick
And dying
She told me that
you never raised
Your voice at her once
And now she runs
When it gets tough
When it gets tough
But I
Made a mistake
And I
Hope you can relate
And I've got questions
And I've got questions for you
And I've got questions
And I've got things
you need to prove