Howard Lovecraft & the Frozen Kingdom (2016) Movie Script

Howard, dear, are you scared?
There's no need to be frightened,
the storm can't hurt you.
It... It's not that, Mother.
It's just... Tonight's the
night we visit Father.
In the bad place.
Oh, Howard.
He's really looking forward to seeing you.
You're all he has left.
Just hold my hand, Howard.
Everything will be fine.
I don't like this place, Mother.
I know, darling. I don't either.
But you know why we've come.
I'm certain your father
will want to see you on his birthday.
Good evening, Dr West.
I received your message.
I know there's been no official change,
but I thought my husband could see his son
on his birthday.
Mrs Lovecraft,
I wish I could tell you that seeing his son
would be therapeutic for your husband,
but Winfield's mind
is like a shattered looking-glass.
That's a good one.
"Shattered... Looking... Glass."
But in all honesty,
I'm more concerned about the harm
it could do to the boy
to see his father in this state.
But haven't the treatments
shown any progress?
Oh, don't expect him to tango.
"Progress" is such an inexact term,
Mrs Lovecraft.
Most assuredly we have done everything
within medical boundaries to assist,
even a few things outside of
those boundaries to be honest.
I feel for you, and the child,
but Winfield is still showing
extreme nervous exhaustion
and nothing is calming him down.
I cannot advise visitation.
I just... I was hoping on his birthday
he could actually see his son.
Oh, why listen to me?
I'm merely a highly-trained professional
with expert opinions
on the secrets of life and death.
I don't know. Whatever am I to do?
Come along, Mrs Lovecraft.
Come along.
A little fatherly fear never hurt anyone.
I hear a lot of writers
are made that way, in fact.
He's coming.
He's coming.
King Abdul...
He always took care of everything.
Now I'm just lost.
He's coming.
He's coming.
He's coming, he's coming, he's coming,
he's coming, he's coming.
Father, it's me.
It's Howard. Who's coming?
Abdul Alhazred.
King Abdul. He is coming.
Father, please speak to me.
He's coming, he's...
- Howard?
- Father.
Howard, son.
Listen to me!
I made a mistake.
No. I discovered it.
A mistake...
A glorious mistake.
Father, I miss you. I miss you so much.
Listen to me, son.
Listen! But not to King Abdul.
And not to the words.
Don't ever listen to the words! Or symbols!
The symbols will speak to you,
but do not listen.
Listen to me.
I saw it.
I heard it.
Should never have been written. Ever.
My mistake.
I never should have.
Howard. The words. The symbols.
Do not look.
Do not listen.
Do not read.
- Father.
- Swear it!
King Abdul, the Necronomicon,
the words, the symbols,
they will lead to...
To the sleeper of R'lyeh.
The Great Old One!
"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die."
- Please.
- The Necronomicon, destroy it, Howard!
- Destroy it for my sake, for yours!
- Let go!
What do you think you're doing?
He must remain sleeping!
The Necronomicon must be destroyed, son!
- Help!
- Orderly.
The symbols must be destroyed,
before they destroy us all!
Swear you'll destroy it!
Cthulhu cannot awake!
Restrain him!
I see the symbols.
And it's madness.
It's OK, Howard. Mummy's here.
Why did you take him there
in the first place?
- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...
- No, Mary, you're right.
I mean, I have to raise Howard alone.
Oh, shh now. It's all right.
I'll help you, Sarah.
We all will.
I just worry.
He's always been an odd child.
That imagination of his,
it puts off the other children.
Now all he ever does
is sit in his room alone and read.
There's nothing wrong
with Howard loving to read.
It's the only reasonable trait
my nephew left his son.
Must be in the blood
because Winfield was never around.
His incredible curiosity
led to dark journeys.
Ever since he was a boy,
Winfield had a hunger for knowledge.
He was always reading, always exploring.
I don't think he ever
took the same road home twice.
There was always something more to know.
But it never occurred to me
such atoll that life took on him.
The stories that would come out of his
mouth grew from strange, to utter madness.
Well, we must deal with what's
in front of us, here and now.
But the worrying,
that he gets from you, Sarah.
He's my son, Mary.
And he gets sick so often.
What kind of mother would I be
if I didn't worry?
He's turned a corner, Sarah.
He's much healthier now than he was.
Things will turn out all
right in the end, dear.
Just give them a chance to.
Howard will be just fine.
You'll see.
I can't sleep.
I know today was difficult, sweetheart.
But you need to get some sleep.
You're a growing boy.
Your father loves you so much.
- Could you tell me a story?
- I'm not very good at telling stories.
- I have an idea.
- What is it?
This was your father's.
I wasn't sure when I was
gonna give it to you.
- It's a book.
- It's a journal.
He wrote it a long time ago,
back when he was well.
- Before his nervous exhaustion?
- Yes.
He told me how he wanted you to have it.
You're sure I can read this?
You can read it until you fall asleep,
if you like.
All right, Mother.
I love you, Howard.
Every inch of my soul cried out,
pleading with me to leave that place.
But I was powerless to leave,
spellbound by the tales of horrific beings
bent on tearing our world apart
to make room for their own,
to leave us behind like scattered animals
from the brushfire of their madness.
His words were blasphemous,
yet they caressed my senses
in an inexplicably sensuous fashion
so that! hung on every word.
As I listened, enrapt,
it was his final words
that awakened me from my stupor,
'It is all true.'
"A place called R'lyeh,
a dour, profane kingdom
"hidden from the eyes of man.
"He described R'lyeh as an unholy marriage
of fairy tales and nightmares.
"The old man said
that he dare not utter the words
"that opened the doorway
to the mystical place.
"He had a look you could call fear,
but it was something deeper,
"a crack at the core of him
that leaked darkness into every expression.
"He was genuinely afraid.
"But for those of weaker stuff,
"the excitement of new horizons to come
would always bring terror.
"For his horror only drove me on,
making me long for the place even more."
Suddenly emboldened,
I drew my pistol on the old boy.
At the service end of my firearm,
the frightened man wrote the words
in the creatures' un-sanctified language.
They were...
Nr'fga' Rafnazen Flugn.
Am I dreaming?
I... I see something.
What is that?
What is this place?
Could this be real?
Easy. Stand down.
Stand down.
Hey, what did I just say?
- Tiny one, help.
- No.
You just tried to kill me.
Wing broke.
Help Thu.
No want fall.
Pup help.
Thu made mistake.
I'm no pup. My name is Howard.
Yes, Howard!
Howard strong!
Help! Please!
Thu slipping!
Give me your word as a...
A fish thing that you won't hurt me.
Howard! Swear!
Here, give me your... Your...
Er, take my hand!
- Pull!
- Hold on!
I've got your hand... Tentacle... Thing.
Almost there.
Pull yourself up!
Saved life.
You Master.
Me Thu Thu Hmong.
"Soo Soo Human"?
- Thu Thu Hmong.
- "Su-Su-Sudio"?
Thu Thu Hmong.
I literally have no idea
what you're saying.
I'm gonna call you Spot.
- "Spot"?
- Spot.
- Master Howard.
- Hey, you promised.
Master cold.
Spot makes warm.
Er, thank you.
I need to get back home.
My mother and my father need me.
Is your mom a squid?
Oh, wait. She was a dragon, right?
Oh, sire!
Oh, noble one.
The mighty ruler of 1,000 skies.
I have news.
Go on.
Please, do tell.
Your Majesty, I... I think
he has arrived, sire.
"He"? As in He from the prophecy?
Yes, he appeared.
In the heart of storm out of nowhere,
as if ripped from the other realm,
just as the book foretold it,
before the book was lost.
A boy?
- You're sure it's a boy?
- Oh, positive, sire.
He's so... He's so pink.
- Where is he now?
- He encountered the sleeping one.
- They appear to be travelling together.
- Good.
- But where are they going?
- Er, I don't know, Your Majesty.
You said to announce it at once
if the outlander arrived.
And, well, he did... Er, so I did.
I did say that.
Well done.
- Really?
- Yes.
Now go back out there and find them.
That shouldn't be too hard
for the likes of you.
Please do keep an eye on guests.
I want to make sure
they arrive here safe and sound.
At once, Your Highness.
- Spot?
- Hmm? Yes?
- Where are we exactly?
- R'lyeh.
- And that's a place, is it?
- R'lyeh.
Even more helpful the second time.
Thank you, Spot.
Where Master from?
Oh, well, my home is
Providence, Rhode Island.
That's where I need to go.
Where "Prow Vow Dense Row Die Land"?
- Erm, it's in New England.
- "New Winged Land"?
- You've never heard of it?
- Have heard of it.
- Really?
- Master said it.
- So, you've just heard of it right now?
- Yes.
- Really not helpful.
- No.
Master here now. Master safe.
So, er, any idea
how we can get back to my home?
Friends close.
I hope we're not interrupting anything.
My friend Spot says you are friends of his.
- Friends.
- Right.
You call him "Spot"?
Well, yeah. He does have spots on him.
I see.
What do you want?
Friends provide Master Howard food?
- Hmm. Warm?
- I see.
- What does that make us?
- Favour.
Very well.
Oh, thank you very much.
- You're not from here.
- No, I'm not.
I'm very far from home.
I've forgotten my manners.
I'm Gotha, and this is my brother Davik.
He doesn't speak.
Do come in.
It's as he says, it will be night soon.
It gets very cold.
I would believe that!
What about Spot?
Sorry, I'm afraid he'll
have to stay outside.
Spot is fine.
Body not get cold.
Well, all right. If you say so.
Your home!
It's so big in here!
Of course it is.
Is that strange to you?
Where I'm from,
our buildings are the same size
on the outside and the inside.
- You have dark circles under your eyes.
- Huh?
I love food.
- Are you Father Dagon?
- No.
Oh, I forgot my manners.
How rude of me.
I'm Howard.
- Howard Lovecraft.
- What?
- Is that okay?
- Of course.
- Is that a common name where you're from?
- Sure. Lots of boys are named Howard.
I mean "Lovecraft".
Oh! No.
Just me.
This is Innes and this is Tw'i.
Did you know
a Shoggoth can crush a penguin?
I love fruit. But not sticky ones.
Davik, take your sisters
and you can all go wash your suckers.
It's almost time for supper.
Forgive us. We don't get too many visitors.
- But you've met someone like me before?
- Yes.
Who? What was he like?
Oh, he was a giddy young man,
and very curious about things.
He talked very quickly,
and about a great many things.
He was very keen to explore.
He wanted to see everything.
Do you remember his name?
It was a peculiar sort of name, like yours.
Not a proper name like Gotha or Davik.
Warble? Winegrass?
- Winfield?
- That was it.
- That's my father! My father was here!
- So he was.
How curious to meet two Lovecrafts
on the same path.
- When? When did you meet him?
- I can't be sure.
The winter has lasted so long.
Would your parents know, perhaps?
They haven't been home in a very long time.
Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know.
It's just... When you said
you'd seen my father, I... I got excited.
He's not himself any more.
Over and up.
Up and over.
Dinner incoming.
I love food!
I hope it's squishy.
Can't quite sit right.
Don't worry.
Winfield had issues with sitting, too.
His legs also bent in only one direction.
No bending legs?
How do you squiggle around?
Or slime up a wall?
Or squish in a crack
to hide from bad guys?
- Squishing is my favourite.
- Mine, too.
It's like squeezing, but grosser!
Food time now.
Manners with company.
We thank the meal first.
Everyone has washed their tentacles?
At least half of them.
One is super clean.
The other stays dirty in case I need
to use it for surprise attacks.
- Who are you attacking?
- That's a surprise!
I don't know about the tentacles,
but my 10 fingers are sparkling.
Because it's... Hence clean.
Then grab hold and we'll start the meal.
Thank you Dark Ones,
and long may you sleep.
Thank you Small Ones and those that we eat.
Take the cold, bring back the green.
Save us from creatures evil and mean.
Wait, what?
- Ready.
- So ready!
Ready for what?
I like it.
Don't worry, we'll make sure you get some.
It's hard to catch your first try.
You don't get gran where you're from?
Er, no. Not really.
Where I'm from, we eat green veggies
and farm animals.
It squishes in my mouth.
Howard, tell us of these "fahar animals".
Oh, we keep the bigger animals
in special areas.
We drink their milk, wear their hides,
and eat their meat.
Not sure about the rest.
How destructive these creatures must be
that you have to devour them.
Elder Ones forbid that they ever invade us.
Oh, they're very gentle.
We keep animals as pets, too.
We're not supposed to play with our food.
I name my food. I should call this
next bite "Howard" for our guest.
- That's very sweet of you, Tw'i.
- Yeah, flattered.
How is it that I can talk to you?
- Did someone teach you English?
- Not exactly.
We share what we call a lanaath.
Munch, munch. Food, food.
Eat-a one, then eat-a brood.
It kinda means...
"Transmission" would be the right word.
We can speak without speaking.
It's rather special that
you can do it, really.
Worship me! Tell your people of my power!
Could my father lanite?
Yeah, that.
- Could my father do that?
- Oh, my, yes.
His was particularly strong.
He would chat with us from many miles away.
Some nights I swear I can still hear him.
You should try it. Just focus and listen.
Yum, yum, squishy.
Well, all of you have
been really nice so far.
So was Spot.
I mean, he was scary at first, but he...
There are bad things out there, Howard.
Badder than I know how to tell you.
R'lyeh has many creatures.
Some hidden, some waiting.
All fierce and powerful in ways
that you can't imagine.
That's right, Davik, like Shoggoth.
He's got a big mouth.
What about Nythgon?
Don't like them, all sharp and shadows.
And there's tons of them.
It's OK, twins. We don't mention his name.
You know that.
He hasn't been seen for a long, long time.
Nothing to worry about.
So what you're saying is,
stay out of the darkness?
What we're saying is,
this world may look cool and peaceful
but you have to be very careful, Howard.
Your father, he was curious.
He liked to explore.
Perhaps he saw too much of our world.
There are things that can harm you
in more ways that you can ever imagine.
If you wake them, there might never be
a chance of you getting back home.
I mean, I could be grumpy
when I wake up, too.
No, it's more than that, Howard.
The One Who Sleeps, Cthulhu.
The Great Dreamer.
The Sleeper of R'lyeh.
There are ancient creatures here, Howard.
He's the king of them.
The power you need to go home
may be strong enough to wake him.
You have to be very
careful in your travels.
You have to be even more careful
of who you call your friend.
It tastes really good
when they wiggle, right?
Yeah, it's...
So good.
Thank you so much
for taking me in for the night.
- I really appreciate it.
- Of course.
It's the least we can do
for an ally of Thu Thu Hmong.
He's a friend.
Well, for now.
Howard, I want to talk to you
about something very important.
I'm afraid that this place
isn't safe for you.
Remember how you told me of your father?
When I met him,
he was bright, curious, eager.
The man you told me about
isn't that person any more.
He has seen things.
Things that changed him.
What do you mean?
I will shelter you here for the night,
but in the morning,
you should make every effort to get home
as quickly as possible.
I don't know how to get back.
Then you should definitely stay with Spot
until you find your way home.
Good night, Howard Lovecraft. Sleep well.
Good night.
Howard, are you all right?
- Did you dream?
- I think so.
It's just... Got a little
bit jumbled in my head.
Dreams often do.
- Are you ready to begin the day?
- Mmm-hmm.
Then I wish you luck, Howard Lovecraft.
And a safe journey.
Hey, Howard, you left your dinner.
Can I eat it?
Bye, Howard, travel safe.
We'll miss you.
- Good morning, Spot.
- Morning, Master Howard.
Spot, is there a great
big castle somewhere?
- Maybe in that direction?
- Yes.
Good. Take me there, please.
- Why?
- I saw it in my dream.
- It seemed pretty important.
- Yes.
Let's get a move on!
- Master?
- Yes, Spot?
- Where you come from?
- What do you mean?
- How your land different?
- Oh, that's easy.
I mean, it's not like this all the time.
We get snow, too, but we only get a
little bit, and only in the winter.
- "A bit"?
- Erm...
Well, "a bit" would be
a lot less snow than this.
I mean, here it just goes
on forever and ever,
but where I'm from,
I'm lucky if we get enough snow
to cancel school, or...
- Not that it matters.
- Not matter?
Because when I'm at school,
I see all the other children
being friends with each other.
None of them wanna be friends with me.
- Why?
- Because I'm, you know, different.
Everybody in my family worries all the
time. About me or... Or my father.
We don't take a lot of time to play.
- Children should play.
- "Play"?
I don't play at all, really. I like
to read. I like to read a lot.
I love books.
- Why?
- Books tell amazing stories.
I read them for hours at a time.
I've even tried writing
a few stories of my own,
believe it or not.
But books and proper stories,
they take you places.
Although most of them don't actually
take you to another dimension.
- Come here?
- Yeah. It was a book my father wrote.
And I left it on my bed in my room.
Oh, no! What am I gonna do?
Master. Spot help.
- How?
- Book take you here, book take you home.
- How can you guess a thing like that?
- Spot smart.
- Book is key.
- A book!
I saw a book in my dream last night.
It was in front of a huge door.
I was just about to get the book,
then something grabbed me.
I'm just not sure what the door was for.
Keeping me out or keeping something in?
I miss my parents.
- I wanna go home.
- We'll find it.
Hope so. But first things first,
we have to get to the castle.
Agree, Master Howard. Want more.
We've talked about me a lot.
- What about you? Do you have any family?
- What "family"?
You have to have a mom and dad,
some brothers and sisters.
You can't be all alone out here.
R'lyeh not like New England. Many alone.
Family not for helping. Family dangerous.
Family scary.
Yeah, sometimes my family
can be pretty scary,
but that doesn't mean
I don't wanna go back for them.
I've never been away for this long before.
Master Howard is sad.
Play make happy? Show Spot play.
Well, in a place like
this, with all this snow,
I could see them building
a lot of snowmen.
- Haven't you ever built a snowman before?
- No.
What do you think? Do you like it?
- Simulacrum.
- What?
- What's a simulacrum?
- A copy of Master Howard.
Oh. I do know that word.
Spot, you really are smart.
You should try making one of yourself.
Nice snow-Spot, Spot.
More play.
Dodge this.
Fifteen, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25... Hey!
One, two...
- Master Howard!
- Hello.
Master Howard!
Hi, Spot.
No, no, no, no.
I guessed that, big guy.
This where the king lives?
Not king.
But powerful.
- Go?
- Er... Oh. Yes. Yes.
I... I don't know, Spot.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Huh. This is not what I imagined.
Yeah. I thought in my head it would be...
I don't know... Cleaner?
It is creepy...
And really dirty.
There's no one here.
Is someone gonna come out to greet us?
Or are we supposed to just walk in?
- You have no idea, do you?
- Nope.
This feels odd, doesn't it?
Hey, Spot, quick question.
I mean, shouldn't there be
people or creatures in this place?
I got a bad feeling about this.
Hi, I'm Howard Lovecraft.
I'm hoping someone can help me.
Spot, they have weapons.
This cannot be good.
I know you promised to get me out
of the cold and into someplace warm,
"but spot?
Being cooked alive was not in my mind!
Spot, get us out of here!
You have idea?
Got you, Master Howard.
Well done, Spot.
- Now you do?
- What?
Big breath.
I cannot do that!
- No?
- No.
All I can do is puff up my cheeks.
Like this.
Big, big breath.
That won't work, Spot.
Now would be a good time to hurry.
- Yes.
- Whoa!
Spot! Whoa!
You Okay?
Not happy-
Can you take them all out?
Hmm. Efficient.
Algid Bunk would like to apologise
for the misunderstanding.
You tried to cook us!
You almost shot me and you hit Spot!
Not now.
Algid will see you now.
Do I have a choice?
Meet Algid, Master Howard.
This way.
Everyone friendly.
I'm going to pretend you did not say that.
Before you meet Algid Bunk,
you must be briefed in the proper conduct.
Listen up, Spot.
When you meet her, you will not
address her until she addresses you.
Did you hear that?
Never approach Algid.
She will summon you closer if she desires.
Listen closely.
- I know.
- Oh.
Now, be silent.
We enter Algid's court.
It's amazing.
I present to you Thu Thu Hmong,
- and...
- Howard.
Howard Lovecraft.
And his companion,
Howard Lovecraft.
Have waited a lifetime
for the prophecy to finally come true.
A strange visitor from a distant world
arrives out of nowhere?
What fortuitous luck that brought you
and Thu Thu Hmong together.
Tell me, Howard Lovecraft.
Are you the one spoken of in our lost book?
Lost book?
Will you save our kingdom
from this endless winter?
You're human, like me!
You have broken the rules of the court!
Lower your weapons at once.
Howard is our guest.
I am Algid Bunk.
Algid Bunk.
It is truly a pleasure to meet you, Howard.
I understand you've been making
men out of snow.
That's simply astonishing.
They do it all the time where I'm from.
Your powers are amazing.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness.
Thank you for not letting him kill me,
by the way.
You're quite welcome.
We've been expecting you
for quite some time now, you know.
- Really?
- Of course!
Please join me in my chambers,
I'll explain everything.
- Can I bring Spot with me?
- What?
I don't... I'm not familiar with this word.
- "Spot."
- You know, I mean him.
Thu Thu is Spot, is he?
Very well.
Spot may join us.
Come on, Spot. Here, boy.
Do you see all this, Howard?
Yes. It's very beautiful.
Yes, it is.
And yet it's merely a painful reflection
of R'lyeh's former glory.
- R'lyeh?
- My kingdom.
You see, it was not always
this place of ice and desolation.
That's like something Spot said.
He said the snow's been around
for a long time.
"A long time." Yes.
That is an understatement.
But I don't understand.
If it was nice before,
what happened?
Long ago, R'lyeh was the most
beautiful kingdom under the two suns.
Mere words could not capture its beauty.
It was so good,
the poet Abdul Alhazred said the citizens
forgot there is bad in the world.
Lest we forget.
The people of R'lyeh had created
a cosmic good,
but when the foolish forget
there is darkness in the world,
a cosmic evil can arise.
Ignoring the wise words of Abdul,
the darkness grew.
By the time R'lyeh accepted there was evil,
it was too late.
A water being, an Ancient One,
rose from the depths.
Cthulhu was spawned.
Cthulhu and his hordes,
hidden in green slimy vaults,
sunk the city of R'lyeh,
flooding the once-great kingdom.
R'lyeh became a nightmare corpse-city
built by the vast, loathsome shapes
that seeped down from the dark stars.
The citizens believed
if they could take away the water,
that Cthulhu would lose his power.
In an act of desperation,
the citizens of R'lyeh froze their kingdom.
Cthulhu was gone.
But our beautiful kingdom
had become our frozen prison.
No one knows if this story is true,
but we all agree if there's a way
to end this mind-numbing coldness,
we would do anything.
You see, Howard, it was not only
the land that froze that day.
Time itself came to a halt.
Days have passed, months, even years.
But nothing has changed.
Nothing at all.
Until your father arrived.
He journeyed the entire land,
our kingdom included,
writing about his findings.
He rediscovered the powerful runes
the people of R'lyeh used
so long ago to freeze our kingdom.
He wrote, and drew,
these lost secrets into three books.
One of the books,
we believe the second book,
was stolen from your father
by an Elder Thing.
It has been deep underground
with his Shoggoth ever since.
What's a Shoggoth?
It is a terrible, indescribable thing,
a shapeless congeries
of protoplasmic bubbles
with myriads of temporary
eyes forming and un-forming.
- Quite nasty.
- Ew.
So, these books that my father wrote...
- What were in them?
- All manner of things.
These books are powerful as they are filled
with secrets, runes and symbols of power.
I believe we can bring our kingdom
back to the way it was
before this frozen nightmare
descended on us.
Abdul Alhazred, many call him King Abdul,
prophesied that a stranger from a distant
land would arrive to thaw our frozen kingdom.
When you arrived, I felt...
I felt hope for the first time since...
We cannot reclaim it ourselves,
for we are trapped
inside this frozen kingdom.
And it is the only way
to stop to this never-ending winter.
Bring me the book, Howard.
Do what no one else can.
Do you think it could be used
to get me home?
I'm sure it can,
after this winter is ended.
I think you've got yourself a deal,
Your Majesty.
To take this book from the Shoggoth,
I'll need to know a lot more about him.
And I have another request.
Do tell.
I said that I'll get the book back
from the Shoggoth.
She said it was the only way to restore
their kingdom and end this long winter.
And it made sense,
since they can't leave until it does.
Too dangerous.
That's why I said
I can only do it on one condition.
That you go with me.
- What?
- Best of all, she said yes.
- No.
- Yes, she did.
Good night.
The book!
Master Howard.
Up, Master Howard.
Must go.
It was just a dream.
Howard Lovecraft.
May the wind be at your back.
We will hold you
in our thoughts until your
triumphant return from the Shoggoth.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
All right, Spot. Come along.
Oh, Spot, there's no need to be angry.
Have to go with Master Howard.
Well, yeah, of course you do.
Angry. Not speaking.
Well, now you're just being childish.
Still not speaking.
This looks like the mountains
we already came from.
No one goes to mountains.
And why's that?
You know legend now.
If book anywhere, it is in mountains.
- How much further, Spot?
- More.
I'm happy you're speaking to me again.
I was beginning to think you...
I think I see the cave!
I think we found it.
What is that?
That must be the Shoggoth.
It's hideous!
What? It is.
All we have to do is sneak in,
grab the book, and sneak out.
Spot, you're not gonna fit.
Cave too small.
You stay here,
I'll get the book and I'll come right back.
We have a deal with the king.
She not king.
Well, who was the last king?
King Abdul.
Very bad.
Abdul the poet?
Abdul many things.
Not poet. Magic, dark.
Well, we have a kingdom to save,
even if the king isn't home right now.
Careful, Master Howard. Cave dangerous.
Ooh, it smells in here!
What stinks?
Ooh, boy!
Tekeli-li. Tekeli-li.
I found it, Spot!
That was easy.
Now let's get out of here
before the Shoggoth...
Who dares disturbs the sleep of Shoggoth?
Tell me before I crush you.
You dare?
Tell me who you are.
You want to know who I am?
I am Howard Lovecraft.
This name is known to me.
You are not the first pale young mortal
of that name to venture here.
Then... My father?
Yes, the other one
looked much the same as you...
And he was every bit as curious.
He sought an audience with the Deep One.
His hunger for knowledge had no equal.
Why else would he journey so deep?
What did you tell him?
I gave to him words.
Words of power.
Words that would break down
the walls between worlds.
Words that would burn up his mind,
if he dwelled on them.
But why?
So the fool Lovecraft could spread
my words out among the stars.
Let the walls between worlds
come tumbling down
and let the slumbering Deep Ones rise.
Since you have found your way here,
he must have succeeded.
What do you mean, "no"?
We, that is, me and Spot,
we just came here to borrow this book.
Your Spot...
- Does he have wings?
- Yes.
And his face,
covered in tentacles?
Er, yes.
That is Cthulhu!
You are calling him Spot?
He is my friend!
No, he is not your friend.
He is the Sleeper of R'lyeh.
He is the destroyer of worlds.
I have opened the door,
but you woke him up
and have brought him through.
You promised him this will work.
And you are sure it is this Howard?
Our fate rests in the hands of one child.
The child is not alone.
Thu Thu Hmong...
Or should I say Spot?
Surely you jest.
The Great One will awake from his slumber
and will devour Howard
the first chance he gets.
But for now, the Great One is helping him.
That is the plan.
Centuries have passed in this icy prison.
No one has been able to cross
the barrier between worlds.
Until he came.
Azathoth will be pleased,
if Howard Lovecraft is actually the key.
Howard needs to bring back the balance.
I can feel the balance wants to be brought
back in all of its glory as well.
Our kingdom will be restored
through the crawling chaos,
but the boy
will not live to see it.
Master Howard?
Help me!
I gave your father the
key to open the door.
You turned that key
and released the cosmic evil.
The Elder Ones are free,
led by the Great Old One,
Your Spot!
Your role in history is complete.
I want to savour this moment,
Howard Lovecraft.
And I shall savour it after I gobble you up
and slowly digest you
over 1,000 years.
Master Howard!
Put him down.
Thank heavens!
Master Howard!
Spot. no!
You ate my friend!
No. He is no friend.
I have not stopped the Great Old One.
He is too powerful.
When the Sleeper finally does awake,
then Cthulhu will eat you himself.
Cthulhu is the destroyer of worlds!
You're wrong'
Spot is not a monster,
he's my friend.
Enough of this!
I have delayed long enough.
You are no one, Howard Lovecraft.
And you have nothing,
nothing in this world to save you.
Argh! The Elder sign!
Spot! Oh, thank heavens you're all right!
We did it! I can't believe we did it.
You are all right, aren't you?
Yes. All right.
I can feel the warmth already.
- Question, Master Howard.
- What's that, Spot?
I was worried it eat you.
Well, it didn't.
Thank you. You saved me.
Next time, though, we
might not be so lucky.
- "Lucky"?
- Yeah!
I showed this horrible monster
that thing in my pocket,
and he froze in fear.
- Thing?
- This!
What is it, Spot?
- What happened?
- Elder sign.
Here, in R'lyeh, words have power.
Symbols more power.
Elder sign greatest power.
It's just a necklace.
- Where find?
- It was given to me.
Powerful gift.
They care for you.
Elder sign is great power.
Book also has power.
Make Algid return you home.
You don't think she would just let me go?
Promises in R'lyeh are weak.
What? But you just saved me.
Why did you...
I mean, don't get me wrong,
I'm very glad you did.
We play in snow.
Make men of snow.
We are friends. Friends not eat each other.
Yeah, we're on the same page there.
Unless they get very hungry.
Spot! You told a joke!
Yes. Good one?
Am I dreaming?
Can it really be?
No more suffering, my subjects!
We are finally free!
Oh, this is just the absolute best day!
Let the kingdom of R'lyeh rejoice!
Know how I fooled a Lovecraft
from my true identity.
Let us restore balance.
Let the Sleeper awake
and destroy
Howard Lovecraft!
Spot, what's going on?
Stay close, Master Howard.
I shall take control.
I shall no longer be the plaything of fate!
With this book and this beast
I shall unite all of the realities as one.
What are they?
Master Howard, get away.
Get away from me.
Spot, they're words.
Master Howard, go home.
It's some sort of spell.
You have to fight them.
Master Howard, get away!
Get away from me!
Can't control.
Anger. Run, Master Howard!
I cannot control.
I am changing!
What the... Hey!
Algid, what did you do to Spot?
We can restore the cosmic good to R'lyeh!
You allowed me to restore the balance.
But it's not cosmic good I'm restoring.
I released the evil long ago.
And they froze everything.
You saw this slumbering destroyer as a pet,
and this magnificent book of knowledge
as nothing but a ticket home.
I have vision beyond this realm that
your simple mind could never hope to grasp.
I am the beast
that haunts your father's dreams.
I am the shadow that shall bring your doom.
I am the poet that warned them.
I am a king.
I am Abdul Alhazred!
When I wake your precious Spot,
when the Sleeper of R'lyeh awakes,
I will control the power of Cthulhu!
I Cthulhu.
Thank you, Howard Lovecraft.
I am not some simple villain hoping to hold
onto a pathetic scrap of frozen earth.
I don't just want a kingdom, Howard,
I want every kingdom.
Across the black sea of infinity
there are monsters.
The Ancient One is awake.
The great and powerful Cthulhu is here!
Let your mind go mad.
It makes no difference.
I shall rule all of R'lyeh
or see it shattered before me!
This is our kingdom, too!
Insolence! I
will make you suffer!
Come on, Spot.
Here, Howard.
A Lovecraft knows what to do with this.
There's gotta be something in here.
Get the book!
Surround them!
We got him.
I slapped a bad guy.
Yeah, a whole bunch of times.
None of these words make sense!
Get the book!
Ah! Get the book!
That's my room!
That's my home!
Run, Master Howard.
- Go!
- No!
I'm not leaving any of you!
Stay away from him.
Tell me, Howard, are you
afraid of the dark?
Because my darkness has no fear of you.
In fact, I think it wants you to join it.
Just close your eyes and
slip into its abyss.
Howard, go to your home
before it's too late.
The Elder sign! Put it away!
Give me that!
No, whoa!
Get back to the shadows.
Get back!
No, Spot!
You cannot defeat me with that.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie
and with strange aeons even death may die."
Give me that.
Your father tried to recreate Al Azif,
but the Necronomicon
he created isn't even close.
His feeble attempt
at writing aversion made him mad.
This is not my final form!
I shall return!
And you'll never see me coming!
This is not a victory for you, Howard!
This is only a delay of the inevitable!
Spot, are you okay?
Please tell me you're not hurt.
I am...
The people of R'lyeh
will know of Algid's deception
and she will no longer have
any power over them.
I don't want to leave you guys.
We've won.
- Time to go.
- You... You squid kids!
I love you guys.
You have a great family.
Always stick together.
Take care of each other.
Howard, when you learn more
about the writings in the book,
you can come back.
For now, you have to go.
Bye, Howard. I ate your dinner.
I'll miss you, Howard.
Thank you, Thu Thu Hmong.
Not Spot?
Thu Thu Hmong,
I will never forget you.
I will never forget you, Master Howard.
I will try to come back.
I will miss you all.
Are you sure about this, Howard?
I want to give him this gift.
Well, while I am a doctor,
I also am fascinated with the relationship
between medicine and the occult.
Your father claims he
went to a strange land,
and we know he came back...
He has told me his stories.
They are maddening.
So imaginative, yet so clear.
The most merciful thing in the world
is the inability of a human mind
to correlate all its contents.
Hello, Father.
- Howard!
- I have something for you.
You did it! Ha!
You did it, my boy!
You closed the portal to R'lyeh!
I hope you can rest now, Father.
My evil deed is undone.
Thank you, my boy.
Thank you!
Now I can get better.
I love you, Father.
Your father's mind
had seen too much, you see.
His journey to the kingdom of madness
took him to the edge of
these endless waters.
Be careful, Howard.
You have helped your father,
you have helped him a great deal,
and he will now be able to get better.
But I fear your journey has just begun.
Good night, my sweet.
Good night, Mother.
Sweet dreams, Howard.
They will be, Mother. They will be.
I will learn your secrets.
No matter how long it takes me.
I will see my friends
and I will go back to R'lyeh.
For there, the dark
elements of strength...
grotesqueness and ignorance
combine to form
the perfection of the hideous."