Howling II: Stirba - Werewolf Bitch (1985) Movie Script

For it is written:
'The inhabitants of the earth
have been made drunk with her blood.'
'And l saw her sit upon the hairy beast.'
'And she held forth a golden chalice...'
'full of the filthiness of her fornications.'
'And upon her forehead was written:'
'Behold! l am the great mother of harlots...'
'and all abominations of the earth.'
'O my God, l trust in thee.'
'Let me not be ashamed.'
'Let not mine enemies triumph over me.'
The death of anyone is a sad occasion.
But the senseless killing
of Karen Marie White...
a young woman murdered
in the prime of her life...
leaves us all with a feeling of anger
and hopelessness.
lt is small consolation
for her family and friends.
But unfortunately it is a sign...
of the terrible times we live in...
that the anonymous violence
characterizing our cities...
can claim the life of a human being...
for no reason at all.
Nothing we can say or do
can bring Karen back.
But her death might serve some purpose...
if it causes us to reflect upon
our own lives...
reaffirm our belief in the power of love...
and rid our hearts...
of all thoughts of hate.
- Amen.
- Amen.
l just phoned the station.
The police leaked a story that
six bodies were found mauled and killed...
- by either wild dogs or coyotes.
- Coyotes?
The coroner said that
the marks found on the bodies...
were made by canine teeth.
l want you to cover the story.
Meet your film crew
out at the Hollywood Reservoir.
Your sister's alive.
Are you sick, buddy? My sister's dead.
lt is her immortal soul
which is in very grave danger.
l just buried my sister.
Please leave me alone.
Let me give you my card.
Call me, please.
Why don't you just get the hell out of here?
Excuse me.
- Who is that man?
- l don't know.
- May l see that card?
- Sure, Jenny.
'Stefan Crosscoe, occult investigator.'
lt's Stefan.
Let's go.
Mr. Crosscoe.
- Miss Templeton.
- How do you know my name?
l've seen you on television.
What do you know
about the death of Karen White?
l know that she is a werewolf.
Mr. Crosscoe.
Jenny, what did he say?
- He said your sister is a werewolf.
- Bullshit.
Couple of drinks
for me and my friends here.
- Buy you another drink?
- No, thanks.
Hey, what's with you, man?
Can't you see she's a lady?
She don't want to drink with no riffraff.
So ask her if she fucks them?
l never thought you'd ask.
- Party time.
- Party time!
- So where are we going?
- Follow me.
Fresh meat.
You guys go play hide-and-seek.
We're just going to start without you.
Come out, come out wherever you are.
So you want to play, huh?
We like to play, too, don't we, Deacon?
Yeah. Rough play.
What the fuck's going on?
You shouldn't have done that.
You made Deacon mad.
And he gets real nasty when he's mad.
Party time.
Spread out.
l know you're there, my little beauty.
And l've got something for you.
Get that bitch.
l think she's over there.
Treating me like l'm some sort of freak.
What the fuck is happening?
Let's get out of here.
Help me!
Why do you want to see
this crackpot, anyway?
Because l think Stefan knows something,
and l want to find out.
Besides, there might be
an incredible story here.
Look, Ben...
there are a couple of things l know
about your sister that you don't know.
We worked together. Why don't you go back
to your sheriff's office in Montana...
and do your job,
and let me get on with mine?
Don't worry about me.
Some of us country boys know...
that when the varmints start
knocking off the chickens...
we start knocking off the varmints.
Please sit down.
l'm very grateful to you both
for coming here.
We don't have very much time,
so l will get to the point immediately.
This type of bullet killed your sister.
Unfortunately, they were removed
during the autopsy...
and as a result, she can never rest in peace.
You notice anything about them?
- They're silver.
- Yes.
- Do you know what that means?
- No, what?
This type of bullet, Mr. White...
means your sister is a werewolf.
You better call the guys
with the butterfly net.
Even now, there are great numbers
of werewolves living secretly among us.
Your sister was working on a story
about one such group...
and was transformed.
- Come on!
- Which is why she had herself killed.
Are you telling me
my sister arranged her own murder?
Yes. To avoid the inevitable result.
- Come on, Jenny, let's get out of here.
- One moment, please.
l'll prove it to you.
This is a videotape
of Karen White's last news broadcast.
That tape disappeared
after Karen was killed.
No one ever saw it.
- May we see it now?
- Of course.
That's why l asked you to come here.
Call an ambulance!
lt's a fake. That's not my sister.
Ben, it isn't a fake.
l recognize those people.
Do you recognize her?
- l saw her at Karen's funeral.
- lndeed you did.
Werewolves will never allow
one of their kind...
to remain in consecrated ground.
That woman is a werewolf?
Her name is Mariana.
She is one of the most vicious
and one of the most dangerous kind...
because she is immune.
Silver bullets are useless
against such creatures. Quite useless.
Only titanium will kill them.
Tonight l will return to Karen's grave
for her body.
But l will protect her...
and l will prevent this blasphemy.
- How?
- With this.
- How can you listen to this bull?
- lt's all true, Mr. White.
These creatures, they have a leader.
A woman called Stirba.
At the next full moon, it'll be
the 10th millennium of Stirba's birth.
At midnight on that day,
all werewolves will reveal themselves. All.
Transformations have already begun.
The process of evolution...
is reversed.
There are many stages
before man becomes a beast.
Before that happens,
Stirba must be destroyed and l will do it.
Come on.
Miss Templeton, take those bullets.
- And God be with you.
- Thank you.
Mr. Crosscoe.
Oh, that tape.
Ben, l'm so sorry about your sister.
Would you like to come in for a drink?
l believe him, you know.
Come on, Jenny.
Aside from all that mumbo-jumbo about
- Stirba.
- Right.
Do you think Stefan's going
to the cemetery tonight to set traps?
Running around with a net
to catch werewolves?
You forgot about the stake.
What's he going to do with that, again?
Drive a stake through a werewolf's heart.
He meant Karen, didn't he?
The son of a bitch
was talking about my sister.
About sticking a stake in my dead sister.
l'm going to kill the son of a bitch.
Ben, where are you going?
Jesus Christ! The bullets.
Ben, wait a second!
Wait for me!
- Who did that?
- l don't know.
Take this.
You wanted a story? Let's go find it.
- Are you sure this is the way to the crypt?
- Yeah.
Hear my prayer, O Lord...
and let my cry come unto thee.
ln the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Hear my prayer, O Lord...
and let my cry come unto thee.
Protect us, O mighty God...
from the evil of man
and the malevolence of the beast.
- What's that?
- l don't know.
There's something out there, all right.
Coyotes, l think.
Doesn't sound like any coyotes
l've ever heard.
- Use this ammo.
- Okay, thanks.
Make this woman thy servant...
to be sanctified and
purified from all evil...
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
- Go!
- Ben, in here!
Right behind you! Get in!
ln the name of God.
Oh, no.
What the hell are you doing?
No more time, Mr. White.
Get away from my sister
or l'll blow your damn head off!
Listen to him, Ben!
He knows what he's talking about.
Not about my sister, he doesn't.
Look out! Ben, behind you!
Don't let him get away!
What the fuck!
Where is Stirba?
Then you will never rest for all eternity.
lf you do not tell me, Erle...
l can do nothing.
Please help me.
Where is Stirba?
The dark country.
l beg you.
Rest in peace.
l must leave you now.
- Where are you going?
- To find Stirba.
She's responsible.
Stefan, l'd like to go with you.
l want to make sure
that what happened to my sister...
never happens to anybody else again.
l'm with you, right to the end...
- whatever it is.
- So am l.
She wants to write something
and win a Pulitzer prize.
Yes, among other things.
- When do we leave?
- lmmediately.
Where do we have to go to find Stirba?
To the dark country.
To Transylvania.
Come. Stirba is anxious to meet you.
Where are we?
lt looks like
we just passed this place before...
like we're driving around in circles.
Of course it does. You're driving.
- Would you mind looking at the map?
- Yes, dear.
Wow, she's even more beautiful
than l thought.
They're getting hungry.
l didn't bring any food.
- Thank you.
- Get in, in the back.
Bring them back here.
- Schnitzel.
- Bon appetit.
Right here.
Bring our new daughter.
Stand up so l can see you.
She is a huntress.
She will bear us
many fierce daughters and sons.
Does she please you?
Very much.
Take her.
Look. What's going on?
- Do you need any help?
- This woman was hit by a car.
We must get her to a doctor quickly.
Let's get her in the car right now.
lt's a miracle. You have been sent by God.
She's trying to say something.
Are you okay?
What, dear?
- Where the hell did everybody go?
- They're here.
And they're not here.
- Stefan, please.
- Stefan, where are you going?
Why are you leaving?
l'm going to the village.
l will see you there later.
Let's get out of here.
Jenny, if we ever get separated,
we'll just meet back at the hotel, okay?
Good afternoon.
A lovely room for the lady and gentleman?
No, we'll take two separate rooms, please.
- Of course.
- One room will do, with a view.
- A vista.
- Of course.
- ls there a fair going on?
- Yeah. Local custom.
They are celebrating
the festival of the new full moon.
We're supposed to meet a friend here.
You haven't seen a stranger in town,
have you?
- What does he look like?
- Never mind.
lf you had seen him,
you wouldn't have to ask that question.
Room 666.
My nephew Tondo
will show you to your room.
This hotel doesn't look like
it has six floors.
l know. Funny, isn't it?
This way, please.
For very little money,
l am an excellent guide.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
- Nice room.
- Yeah, it is.
Smells great.
- What is that, Jenny?
- Just in case.
To ward off evil spirits.
Where is Stefan?
l don't know.
l don't know what the hell we're doing here.
l need you to hold me, Ben.
Ben, thank you.
- l'm so scared.
- l'll take care of you.
- You see that dwarf staring at us?
- Yeah.
- Should we follow him?
- Why not?
- Were they followed?
- Yes.
Vasile, would you go outside
and keep watch?
Followed by whom?
There are many people in this village
who have joined the forces of evil.
But these men have sworn to fight Stirba.
Vasile lost his elder brother.
Konstantin, his daughter.
And Luca's wife was killed last summer.
This is the woman we're looking for.
lt is the same woman that you saw
at Karen's funeral.
She will lead us to Stirba.
- Where do we start looking for her?
- She will be at the village festival.
- And we will find Stirba.
- l hope l find her first.
No, you will leave that to me.
For the time being, l want you to behave
as ordinary tourists.
Enjoy the festival and keep your eyes open.
How do we keep in touch with each other?
Konstantin and Luca
will set up a puppet booth in the square...
and you can communicate with me
through them or through Father Florin.
What about you?
What are you going to be doing?
l shall stay here with Vasile and wait.
There must be something else we can do
beside just sit around and wait.
Yes, there is.
- A little patience.
- l don't have any patience.
l think l want to go take a look around.
- Come on, Jenny, let's go.
- One moment.
Would you take these holy medals
and wear them?
They will protect you.
Very charming. The wolf in sheep's clothing.
- Very charming.
- Very charming.
Let's go upstairs.
Frightened? Scared?
Hi, honey.
Look, Ben. 'Vlk,' V-L-K...
in the regional language
translates to 'wolf.'
means 'the place where wolves live.'
And we...
are in the center of Vlkava.
- Tondo, keep an eye on Jenny.
- Yeah.
- l'm going to go get her a gift, okay?
- Okay.
Tonight will be a celebration
of the new full moon.
A glorious day for our village:
smiling children, happy old faces...
and many new recruits.
Stirba will be happy.
Stefan is here.
- ls that the woman we are looking for?
- lt is her and she is deadly. So be careful.
- Where is Ben?
- He went away for a moment.
He said he would meet us
at the gypsy camp.
- Well, why at the gypsy camp?
- l don't know. That's what he said.
Stay close. lt is a long walk...
and l wouldn't want you to get lost.
Don't you want to see him now?
By Barabbas, by Satanas, I conjure thee.
As thou burnst,
so let the heart of Stefan burn.
and bring it here to me.
Stefan, I summon thee.
By Barabbas, by Satanas,
by the devil conjured be.
- l'm glad you're here.
- Put them in your ears. They are blessed.
They are blessed? Okay.
- What do you want to do about the sentry?
- Yes.
Rock and roll. l'll cover you.
That's a definite new kill technique.
- Stefan?
- Yes. l have seen him.
There is no doubt he's here.
He's in the village.
l have been waiting for him for a long time.
- So you know him, then?
- He is my brother.
He plans to destroy me.
But l will destroy him.
Let me kill him!
No. You are sweet.
But we cannot make a mistake.
Not with him.
We must lure him here,
where our powers are the greatest.
Let's get out of here!
Come on, let's go! We got to tell Stefan!
- What's wrong?
- l lost my earplugs!
l'll find them.
Go! Tell Stefan we find Stirba!
Wait a second, Tondo. lt seems to me
that this is the way to the village.
- We will turn soon.
- l think we should hurry.
- lt's getting cold.
- Okay, pretty lady.
A lovers' moon.
l suddenly feel hungry.
What is that?
- The pretty lady is afraid of a little wind?
- What are you doing?
l want to make love to you.
Get the hell away from me!
You'll die.
But first...
you taste the pleasure of loving...
a werewolf.
Take him away and teach him discipline.
She must lure our real prey:
Where did you get this?
- Konstantin, where's Jenny?
- l don't know.
- Where's Stefan?
- He went down there.
Now, don't be afraid.
l just want to ask you a question.
Where did you get this?
- You all right?
- Yes, l'm all right.
That was not Vasile.
That was the magic of Stirba.
Stirba's castle, l found it.
They've got Jenny.
l now anoint you...
with the blood of the lambs.
Later l will come back
and make you one of ours.
You will know pleasure
such as you have never imagined exists.
- What's happened?
- Stirba has killed Vasile...
and sent his effigy to attack me.
We must leave for the castle tonight.
- What's that?
- These are our weapons.
Chrism, the consecrated oil.
Wax from the sacred candles
to protect our ears.
A dagger forged from titanium.
And a chalice which held
the sacred blood of Christ.
Don't you have
any more conventional weapons?
Oh, yes. Also titanium.
Holy water.
And this belonged to Vasile.
l'll take that.
l know how to use this.
All right. l'm ready.
Let's go.
The castle is right up over that ridge.
l haven't felt like this
since l was in the Mekong Delta.
Our enemies have arrived.
Go now and destroy them.
l told you we'd get these fuzzballs!
Behind you, Stefan!
lt's Konstantin.
He's dead. Let's go.
- Father, are you all right?
- Yes, thank you.
- You sure? Let me look.
- Bless you.
Let me see.
l'll be all right.
- lt's best that we separate.
- But, Stefan-
Don't worry about me.
You find Jenny and l'll deal with Stirba.
How will you destroy her?
The power of evil is not limitless.
There are greater forces.
Bring me the girl.
Father, can you...
Vlad, control it!
Control it, Vlad.
We've got to get the girl.
Good luck, Stefan.
O pentacle of power...
be thou fortress and defense
to Jenny Templeton...
against all foes, visible and invisible...
in every magical work.
Get out! Vlad!
Welcome, Father. We've been expecting you.
Bound, bound, bound be all demons...
and powers of adversity...
from the north, south, east, and west.
Bound, bound, bound be all ill-wishers...
and those that practice violence
against the bearer of this.
Bound, bound, bound shall be all...
Bound and sealed from Stirba...
daughter of Satanda and Assindacel.
Bound and held subject to his will.
Finally, we meet again.
For the last time.
Stefan, you never could resist me.
As thou burnst,
so let the heart of Stefan burn.
Stirba must be destroyed, and I will do it.
...conjured by the Queen of Sard.
By the underworld itself.
By sailors on the sea.
Stirba must be destroyed, and I will do it.
By the devil conjured be.
By the underworld itself.
Stefan, come to me, my brother.
You never could resist me.
Powers of the abattoir,
bring him here to me.
Powers of Cocodover,
bring him quickly here to me!
I join you all. Now go we all.
Come, my beloved Stefan.
Let us take our fill of love.
In the name of God.
Rest in peace.
Now, my brother, in blood and in flame...
we will be wedded for eternity.
For eternity.
'And she shall be utterly burned with fire.
'For strong is the Lord God...
'who judgeth her. '
Which way is the fastest way to the airport?
Thank you.
A trick-or-treater. Let's go, young lady.
Let's go have fun with the little kids.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go get the little guys.
- Come on. Go faster.
- No.
Trick or treat.
Hell of a costume, kid.
Strange-looking child.
l wonder where he came from.
- Apartment across the hall.
- Yeah, but that apartment is empty.
Maybe somebody moved in
while you were away.
Maybe we should ask them over
for a glass of wine.
- Why?
- lt's neighborly. Let's go.
Good evening.
We're your neighbors.
Your child just knocked on our door.
My child?
Yeah, the kid in the wolf outfit.
But l have no child. l am not married.
l am a bachelor and live alone.
Won't you come in?
- A little later.
- l hope so.
Much later.