Howling VI: The Freaks (1991) Movie Script

All around town is
all right, Mayor,
but not having my picture
up in my own place,
gonna make people think I don't
care about this election.
Well, you don't, do you, Hank?
Well, no, but don't
you think it'd be a
good idea if people
knew I was running?
You can't tell the
voters everything, Hank.
Let 'em dig for a few small facts,
that way they feel as
if they're making an
intelligent decision
come election day.
Another candidate ain't
no small fact, Roger.
So what if he's running just
'cause he lost the bet? (LAUGHS)
Ain't no joke. My brother
could win, you know.
Oh, yeah. (LAUGHS)
This could be the first time I
don't get a landslide, huh, Hank?
Don't worry, Roger,
you've got my vote.
If the weather don't turn,
you'll be the only one voting.
Three more families
pulled out this morning.
This town isn't even
close to giving up.
There's too much sweat and
blood in those orchards
for... for the real farmers to...
to walk away because of a drought.
Blood and sweat is all they got.
I suppose the first
of the month you're
gonna accept that as
the mortgage payment?
FULLER: Don't believe we've met.
I'm Fuller. Sheriff Fuller.
You got a name?
Yes, Ian Richards.
Where you from?
Oh, all over, really.
What kinda accent you got?
It's British.
(CHUCKLES) You mean like
they got there in England?
Yes, that's right.
Canton Bluff's quite
a ways from England.
You got some
identification in there?
No, just papers.
Money kind of papers?
Yeah, about $15 I think.
Hotel will cost you 17.50.
Well, I was... I was hoping to
find some daywork, actually.
Daywork, were you now?
Well, you see, we have a
problem, Mr. Ian Richards.
'Cause there just
ain't no daywork...
Ever worked with wood?
Yes, I have.
-DEWEY: Fine, you're hired.
Can't pay in money, but
I've got a bed in the
attic and my Elizabeth
makes a fine meal.
Well, that's generous
of you, Dewey.
Right generous of you.
- I just don't see why...
- DEWEY: I know you don't.
Follow me.
This town don't need no
long-term visitors.
Do I make myself clear?
This is it.
You a religious man, Ian?
I don't know if I am anymore.
Are you restoring this church?
Oh, I'd like to.
It's my home, I'm its preacher.
Dad, I was won...
-Good timing.
I want you to fix up the
room in the attic.
Um, this is my daughter, Elizabeth.
-And this is Ian Richards,
he's going to help
me fix up the place.
Find some of my old
clothes for him, will you?
Um, come on in, I'll
show you upstairs.
That would be great.
"Well", what?
You said you work with wood.
What do we do first?
You don't know a hammer from
a hacksaw, do you?
Bloody great.
Hey, you guys, break time!
You shouldn't be working
so hard in this heat.
It's not a contest.
I'm not tired, are you, Ian?
Well, if you get a heat stroke,
just don't come running to me.
Try acting your age, Elizabeth.
It's really fun.
Thanks for the drink.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
I... I haven't seen
him smile in months.
Actually, he said the
same thing about you.
DEWEY: Well, this
should finish it off.
Mighty fine work.
I'll be honest, I
didn't think you'd
get that much
done in a year.
Hmm, not bad, is it?
I didn't think
I'd get that much
done in a lifetime.
At this pace, we're gonna
be finished in a week.
You got yourself a real
skill there, Mr. Richards.
Sorta like an artist, if
you know what I mean.
Well, thank you, Sheriff.
Say, I thought I'd buy everybody
a beer down at Hank's.
I'll spring for another one
if you wanna come along.
By any chance you registered
yet to vote, Mr. Richards?
No, I'm sorry.
The man can buy his own beer then.
I'm a bit tired, actually.
I think I'll pass.
Maybe some other time.
Let's get that cold one.
Ian, why don't you come?
I mean, you're the most exciting
thing that's happened around here
since I don't know when.
Come on down to Hank's and
tell us about yourself.
There's nothing to tell.
Everyone has something to say.
Where they've been, what they want,
what they're looking for.
You're a nice man,
Dewey, but please,
don't try and play
preacher man with me.
Live, dead, or whatever.
"Bring it back," that's
what you told us.
Nothing else, except,
"Bring it back."
HARKER: This is far from your
first job, Mr. Bellamey.
Or yours, Mr. Toones.
What do you have to
say for yourself?
Hmm? Mr. Carl?
Damn thing made me mad.
Just kept staring like...
Just kept staring.
So I had some fun.
You're an incredible specimen.
It's all right, my boy.
You're safe now.
I never wanted to hurt you.
I want to leave here.
You talk.
That's good.
I want to leave.
Everywhere you go it's the same.
Children laugh, and
old people scream.
They point their fingers
and yell, "Freak!"
Am I right?
No more.
The world will look
at you with awe.
As long as you're with me, they'll
never again call you, "Freak."
I promise.
Who are you?
My name is Harker.
I'm Winston.
Welcome to sanctuary, Winston.
Come on, you... You pitiful...
Hey, stop it!
Come on, you ain't
gonna see the circus?
Welcome to the circus.
ANNOUNCER: On the inside!
you see featured
over there
and everything you
see featured down
there, you'll see
on the inside!
ANNOUNCER: Get your tickets now!
Walk through a haunted graveyard,
see the museum oddities!
The two-headed baby, the Giraffe
Woman, they're on the inside!
Carlotta! Is he a woman
or a man, or is he both?
He's here and he's real.
Get your tickets!
Freaks, wonders and oddities!
Ladies and gentlemen, you'll
gasp in shock and amazement.
That's amazing. -Everything you see
here, everything you see there,
it's on the inside! Fat Alice
from Dallas, two tons of love!
The sword swallower, the headless
woman, the mermaid with a beard!
We've got freaks...
-How was that? Wasn't that great?
Hi, Sheriff.
Hey, folks.
Come on, you have to try this.
- Oh, I don't think so.
- Oh, I think so!
It's only a dollar.
Well, you best stand clear then.
All right, thank you
very much, good luck.
Okay, here goes.
Hey, all right!
-Good God!
- Nice job, well done!
Something for the little lady?
Here you go.
-Thank you.
There, how's this?
Look how cute!
ANNOUNCER: the headless
woman, the mermaid with a beard!
We've got freaks,
wonders and oddities!
Everything you see
featured over there
and everything you see
featured down there,
you'll see on the inside!
Mr. Bellamey! Is he ready?
You ready?
He's ready.
Then let's see him!
Come on, man. You don't
want to keep him waiting.
I don't want to look like this.
But you look magnificent!
People will bow down to you
in respect, Winston.
In respect!
Tonight, you will take your
rightful place in this world.
No one is ever going to forget you.
Long after we're dead, they'll
still be telling stories
of the amazing Alligator Boy.
I told you once before, Mr. Toones,
don't let me tell you again.
If you laugh at him,
you laugh at me.
Remember that laugh, Winston.
It's the last laugh you'll hear.
Now, gentlemen, your
audience awaits you.
Winston, it's time.
It's time!
They do that with
mirrors, you know.
Oh, really?
Good God.
What's this?
-Maybe we went the wrong way.
No, see, the door's opening.
Come on.
I don't know...
Come on, it'll be fun!
WOMAN: Help me!
Exit this way, please.
-I was scared, really scared.
Exit this way, please.
It's locked.
Damn it.
Don't worry!
-We're trapped.
Now what?
Oh, wow.
That's great. Okay, you
can let us out now.
Come on.
I don't think your father would like it if...
-My father's not here.
Are you afraid?
Fine, then I'll go by myself.
ELIZABETH: What is that?
This is wrong.
Elizabeth, there's nothing to
be gained from this.
Not true, my friend.
All these creatures once lived.
They were, and still are,
part of this carnival.
It is their home.
The giraffe-necked lady from Burma.
Mignon, the Penguin Girl.
The incredible Turtle Boy.
Without people like me,
what would have become of these
poor, unfortunate souls?
This world serves many purposes.
To the curious, it is a
source of fulfillment.
To the weak, it is a
source of strength.
And to those that live on it,
it is a source of sanctuary.
My name is Harker.
R.B. Harker.
Please, allow me to be your guide.
May I present, Mr. Toones.
His unique card skills eventually
led to his permanent banishment
from all the finer gambling
establishments across Europe.
I rescued him from a
back-alley card shark
who was unable to appreciate
his special skills.
I'll be seeing you
In all the old familial places
That this heart and mind embraces
All day through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day
In everything
that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you.
While traveling through the Amazon,
three of our party were attacked,
one succumbing to ravenous bites.
A noble sacrifice.
I present, the Alligator Boy.
It is perhaps the only chance
you will have in your lifetime
to view such a creature of the dark.
I think we've seen enough.
That gentleman knows me.
I ain't seen him here before.
He a friend of yours?
I'm not sure.
Help refresh my memory.
- So, are you having fun?
- Well, yes! It must be...
Different, living with all
these strange people.
To them, it's us who are strange.
Yes, that's probably true.
I hear you manage the bank.
Actually, I own the bank.
That must be handy
if you need a loan.
Can I come in?
Did I disturb you?
It's very late.
Well, it's hot and
I couldn't sleep,
and I saw the light on.
My father's asleep, I checked.
Ian, I...
Lizzie, please.
I'm sorry to see you go, Lester.
I really am.
I ain't going no place
without my money.
What are you talking about?
Bank doors open at 10:00 and...
It's just past 10:30...
Too bad that door can't tell time.
Well, Miss Eddington probably
slept in, that's all.
Nope, ain't sleeping.
Ain't no sign of her at all.
I've gone by her place and checked.
She knows. We don't got a
chance without that money.
You there?
No need to lock the door,
I'm not the stealing type.
I'm sorry, it's just that
old habits die hard.
Hmm. Mmm.
I was just folding
some of your shirts.
Well, I... I thought you
weren't going till...
-I'm not.
Well, you don't wanna leave before
you say goodbye to Elizabeth.
Of course, yes.
Well, I'll catch up when she...
Shows up.
Oh, Christ!
Elizabeth's here.
Mr. Harker!
What is it?
You wouldn't believe this.
This isn't
one of the freaks,
it was real!
We need to talk.
What's the matter?
Rough night?
Shoot him, Mr. Toones.
-Stand back, he's dangerous.
Who are you?
What are you... What are
you doing to this man?
Your guest has a little secret.
Don't you?
Go away!
Glad to see you're feeling better.
I admit, you have me
at a disadvantage.
I know we've met,
but I can't place you.
I found you!
I've been waiting.
You can do whatever you want to do.
You can keep me here,
you can let me go.
It doesn't matter, it
won't change anything.
It won't stop it!
Because you're dead. You're dead.
I may not know your name,
or your face, boy!
But I know you.
I know what you are.
I know what you need.
You're the worst kind of freak.
One who tries to control
it, but you can't.
You can't deny your...
True nature.
Which is why you're here.
I can help you.
I don't need your help.
Oh, yes, you do.
Especially after what you
did to that sweet girl.
What girl?
I believe her name was Elizabeth?
You tore her limb from limb before
we were able to bring you down.
Make him feel at home.
Fuller, you've gotta see it.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
you've gotta see it.
Slow it down a little, Roger.
See what?
Get in the car!
- Can't. I've gotta check out...
- Get in the goddamn car.
Move over. Ain't
gonna let you drive.
There's more. Scattered all over.
Hell, this is the last thing I
need in the middle of an election.
This drought, people leaving...
Now this.
Christ! Hank probably could be
mayor. He could actually be mayor.
Sheriff, you listening to me?
You get this thing taken care of.
Find out whoever or
whatever is to blame.
Kill it, arrest it.
I don't care which.
You get it done quick and quiet
and I promise you a pay raise
like you never dreamed of.
Sheriff, I'm counting on you.
How blind can I be,
not to be able to tell the
difference between the face of God
and the face of the Devil.
He isn't the Devil.
Kidnapping's a crime,
Sheriff, even in this town.
You arrest that...
that Harker.
Do your job or I know
Ian's going to get hurt.
It doesn't seem as though it's very
easy to hurt Ian now, does it?
I know the truth when I see it.
But what we saw
was not God's creation.
I'm going to tell
you this just once.
Let it be.
I'll stop by the carnival later.
Check out Harker.
See what's what.
In the meantime, I think you
folks should get some rest.
You look like you need it.
You mind?
Yeah, I do.
Do that again and I'll rip
this arm off. You hear me?
Listen... Not here, baby.
Let's go.
Have an omelet.
Jesus Christ, Ian.
What the hell's going on here?
I don't know how they
do things in England,
but around here we don't lock
people up for no reason at all.
There's a reason.
You see, Sheriff,
I'm the new entertainment, hmm?
People... People are going to
pay good money to watch me.
That's it. I've had enough
bullshit for one day.
I've seen cattle
that looks like it's
been through the
slaughter house.
And Dewey...
Dewey's been going on and on and
on about some beast from hell
and how you been shot.
Only I don't see shit here.
The only one who makes any sense
around here is Elizabeth.
She's the reason I'm here.
I came to see Harker, I can't find him.
And Harker's been...
-Elizabeth. Elizabeth!
When did... When did she say that?
This morning. At the church.
You bastard!
Come on, Ian, what is it?
Come on, Ian, I want the answers.
What is it?
I have to be here.
It's all you need to know.
It's all you need to know.
Where's Harker?
He's not here.
He'll be back tonight?
Well, when then?
Answer me.
You tell Mr. Harker l'll
be here tomorrow.
You can go now.
Hey, have you seen this?
Yes, I have.
Is this God's will?
To put a man on display
like some sort of animal?
Elizabeth, we are not
talking about a man?
Listen to yourself.
You brought him into this house.
You fed him, you clothed him.
He made you feel something.
Answer me.
I don't know.
You think Mr. Harker will
let me keep this cat?
I found him wandering
around here, kind of lost.
You don't think he'll make
me give it up, do you?
No, I don't.
Is it?
'Cause I already named him.
Going to call it Winston Salem II.
Being that I'm Winston Salem I.
It's a nice name.
I like it.
You want to see what
I've been working on?
-Would you?
It's okay, Winston.
Mr. Harker says you got to practice
hard if you want to get good.
So I have.
And... Now, you sure
you wanna see it?
Okay, okay. Watch now.
Is it true what they say?
Can you change?
Teach me the secret.
I want to change too.
Look at me, that's why.
Leave here, Winston.
You don't belong.
The world is full of freaks.
And you're not one of them.
Well, I don't understand.
This is...
the only place I'm not a freak.
No. This is the only
place where you are one.
The Wolf Man. Come inside.
Blood-curdling. See him
alive on the inside.
Fascinating. Fantastic. You
got to see him to believe him.
You've got to see the
hair all over his body.
Punishing chills up and down your
spine. He's alive on the inside.
Get your ticket...
Believe me, Sheriff, if
human lives were involved,
I would drop him at your
doorstep personally.
What did I tell you?
Let's talk about
kidnapping, Harker.
Really, Sheriff?
Kidnapping usually
involves a profit motive.
A whole lot of people
put down their
money to get in
there tonight.
Now, I doubt that this carny
seems such a good turnout.
No, it hasn't.
I wanted to keep this a surprise,
but Canton Bluff will
receive 60% of all
the gate receipts
for this evening.
I'm sure the good mayor could use
the money for town improvements.
It's my way of saying thank you.
You're welcome.
So, Sheriff, you're either an
accessory or a beneficiary.
Pick which you like.
I have a show to do.
60%. Now, Mr. Harker, if there's
anything you need, you get back...
HARKER: No one has ever
seen a werewolf and lived.
Tonight, dear people
of Canton Bluff,
you will be the first.
Ladies and gentleman,
it's time to meet the Devil.
HARKER: You see before
you an ordinary man.
He looks no different
than say, a neighbor.
A friend. Your son, Madam.
But don't be fooled,
my good friends.
The very heart of Satan
beats within him.
Only God's purity can kill him.
Silver forged from a holy
chalice, blessed by a man of God.
This is the only way
he will know death.
Inside this pit he's
worse than death.
A living hell where he's
unable to satisfy his cravings
for human blood.
There may be some among you
who may wish
to turn away.
MAN: He's going to do...
WOMAN: No, no. He's going to eat
him. He's going to eat him.
HARKER: The show is over.
Look, Dewey, I need to get
to the end of this.
I'll be by later to check
out Ian's satchel.
Son of a bitch.
Oh, my God.
Whatever happened to sit here on
your butt, collecting the paycheck.
Damn careless of my
assistant, wasn't it?
Don't move or I'll shoot your
dick in the next county.
Then I certainly won't move.
I read all about you in
those papers of Ian's.
Wherever this carny goes
people pop up dead.
Now, Mr. Harker,
or whatever you call yourself,
you're under arrest.
I've never argued
with a man and a gun.
Stick out your arms straight.
FULLER: Oh, God.
FULLER: No, get away.
Oh, God.
Oh, go away.
Help me.
I got to get up.
Afternoon, Dewey.
Oh, have you seen
your brother, Earl?
Well, no. I've been up
in the valley all day.
I can't find him around.
Well, I can let you in.
I might be thirsty myself.
Just like that man
to go running off fishing, right
dab in the middle of election.
Oh, my God.
Satan's work shall
not go unpunished.
Who could have done this?
BELLAMEY: Be still now!
Mr. Harker says I
got to punish you.
This is what I do to
friends and freak.
CARL: Yes, my little...
BELLAMEY: You hungry,
my little friends?
My babies.
What are you doing here?
- Ian, I came to warn you.
- You can't stay here.
No, listen. Look.
They think you killed the Sheriff.
Ian, we have to leave.
We have to leave now.
Werewolf gone.
I want you to go
over there and take
care of those
banners, all right?
The werewolf's escaped.
- I thought he was locked up.
- No, no, he's gone.
What's going on?
The werewolf boy left the
carnival, he escaped.
He's escaped. Jesus Christ,
what are we going to do?
Now is not the time to panic.
We'll call the state police.
gather up our families and
stay together.
We're a town, it's about time we
started acting like one. Let's go.
Dewey, you go ahead.
Why, you're not going?
No, not just right yet. Somebody
ought to talk to Harker.
Mr. Harker.
Mr. Harker, it's...
It's me, Roger Pruitt.
Mayor Pruitt.
We've had a little trouble.
Thought you ought to know.
If this is a
bad time I could...
I could come back.
Uh, I have some good
news about the election.
What the hell?
Oh! God damn it!
ELIZABETH: Ian, you have to
tell me what's going on?
Harker was part of
some strange cult.
My father was obsessed
with destroying them.
I never understood why.
I never really believed him.
We got too close to Harker.
Now, Harker, he took his revenge.
They came...
They came and wiped
out my entire family
and left me.
I survived.
They left me like this.
With this curse.
Our Lord, who can conquer all evil
and by whom all
things are possible.
We ask you to invoke your
blessing on these silver bullets
and finally, to beat down
Satan under our feet.
We beseech thee to
hear us, good Lord.
Don't go.
I have to.
But he'll kill you.
At least wait until you
have enough strength.
I can't.
I can't wait anymore.
I love you, Lizzie.
There's no reason to be polite.
You see the Devil, you shoot him.
Any questions?
Let's go.
You don't know the half of it.
You're the one.
So fucking what?
MAN: Dewey?
You'll just have to
wait till later.
Where's Dewey?
Mr. Dewey said to
start without him.
He thought I could be of some help.
We got enough then.
All right, let's go.
Where are you, you bastard?
Shit. Damn it.
Shoot him.
I said, "Shoot him."
I can't. He's a man.
Don't look like nothing but a man.
Ain't right this way.
You whimpering bastards!
I've had just about...
I'll kill you.
You bitch.
Don't fight me, Ian.
We're brothers.
You're not my brother.
You can't control it forever.
Go to hell.
Ian, change.
Last chance.
Don't move.
Ian, are you okay?