Hranari (2011) Movie Script

Edgeman (noun): Someone
living on the edge of society.
Only an edgeman
can defeat another edgeman.
Controversial businessman Mrzek
escaped one murder attempt,
but he wasn't so lucky this time.
They're releasing no information,
but the facts point to a professional
who will be very hard to catch.
- Milan, they shot Frantisek Mrzek!
- Yeah, I just heard.
No, please, just stay calm.
...Godfather Mrzek Is Dead"
...Co-owner of EA VIP modeling agency"
...Russian surveillance center,
...Lobbyist, advisor, KGB graduate"
- Hey there. Been waiting long?
- I was enjoying the view.
Let's take a walk.
Prague, June 2011
I've had enough of their bullshit.
We'll do the medical complex
by ourselves and for ourselves.
Fine. Are we getting the pictures?
Yeah, documents from the Wild East
when everything was different
and the world wasn't so fucked up.
- Don't worry, you're in. - Good old
Moscow comes in handy again.
I'd say those assholes
need a reminder.
- Remember Sasha and Volodya?
- Sure, memories of youth.
- Where're we going? - Let's go see
the wolves; it's right here, Milan.
I hope the Muscovites
won't double-cross us.
- You don't trust your old friends?
- I hope it works out.
- Any bears?
- Only polar bears they say!
What's that?
- Prague.
- Give me the headphones.
- ... KGB resident in Prague"
- Are we getting the pictures?
Yeah, documents from the Wild East
when everything was different...
How can I help you?
...Anton Sergeyevich Balin's
residence in Prague"
Our common acquaintance Slma
has requested materials from
your KGB that will screw us good.
Anton Sergeyevich, we need to know
when and how he's getting them.
I'll see what can be done.
- It's in everyone's interest.
- Including yours.
You think?
What exactly are we talking about?
Most likely some photographs,
like that one there.
Summer 1986.
...Advisor, lobbyist, KGB graduate"
...Lawyer, lobbyist, advisor"
Have a look.
We'll send something to Prague
that will give them all a shock.
...Prague, day one
Tuesday, July 19, 2011"
Everything's cool,
he doesn't have a clue.
Number 3, are you in place?
- The fish is headed for the pond.
- Number 2: roger.
- Turning him over to you.
- I've got him.
That was fine, but some of you
could do better. Work on it, okay?
This evening we have
two very prestigious events.
The first is a private dinner
for important businessmen put on
- by the French Chamber of Commerce.
- So blabber intelligently as usual,
and if they grab your ass
just refuse them politely.
And no smoking! We're not escorts.
Eat well, girls; you could use it.
And for those of you with bad
memories, review your contract, okay?
I guess we'd better teach you
to read by this evening!
- No... We're sure you'll maintain
the usual professionalism. - Of course.
Mr. Velikov please...
Verbir called me. He needs hostesses
for an event at his villa.
God, I don't like sending them to that
asshole and his parliamentary riffraff.
Parliament never pays,
and that bastard...
I won't waste my breath.
Katerina, like to come tonight?
You speak great French,
and you know how Frenchies
only like to speak their own language.
Well? It would flatter them, right?
Yeah, sure. But Petr's working
so you'll have to watch Janika.
Wow! We'll have a party!
I'll pull out her nails with pliers
so she won't bite them. Fantastic.
Tell her the party is on!
- I'm making coffee.
- Okay, make me some too.
- ... BAH security agency, Prague"
- Just bill them and it's done.
Hi, I need you. Get the bug spray
and come to my office now.
I think I've been bugged;
someone may be following me.
- Can you check everything out?
- Is your jammer off? - Yes.
Put everything you're carrying
on the table.
You're clean.
Milan, Mr. Trohar is here.
- ... Slma Group, Prague"
- I'll call you back later.
- Hello, welcome!
- Hello, Mr. Slma.
I'm glad we reached an agreement
so quickly last time.
But I'd like to fine-tune
the plan with you.
Officially, you'll receive our invoice
for the given sum, but...
What's the rush, Mr. Trohar?
Stand up please.
You know, trust is good
but a pat down is better.
May I see your phone?
That's a very nice tie you have.
Okay, takes care of that.
Pardon me, but stick
those refunds up your ass.
- Your phone is bugged.
- How's that possible?
- I don't know. Here's a clean one.
- Thanks.
I'll have it ready by tonight.
- I'll take a look at your car.
- Good, thanks.
Got it?
Try harder, man.
Man, this is it
and I ain't talking shit.
Construction Department"
Hi, where are you?
Okay, I'm going to Linice.
Hey, ladies!
Hi, Petr... I have a new number.
Well, do you have it?
He didn't come.
Fine, I'll be here.
No, I didn't get it.
I don't know what the problem is.
I thought they'd find out from you.
It's gotta be someone really high up.
My pleasure.
Did it come off?
...Former money changer,
now a billionaire businessman"
Okay, bring it to me.
I'll be where we agreed.
I hope you don't fuck it up, Karel.
It's worked so far.
They got it.
How much did it cost?
The price was one Russian.
- There's plenty of those.
- Yeah, yeah...
- Sorry, I told Mr. Slma to wait.
- Sorry, it's urgent.
It's okay, Monika.
We've got a problem...
Good work, thanks.
- Greetings from Red Square.
- Perfect.
Unfortunately, there's no other way
to get rid of these bastards.
Tomorrow is the tender at city hall.
I don't think anyone can outdo my offer.
I've arranged a fixed price.
Excuse me, but an editor
named Raboch is here to see Mr. Slma.
- What?
- Raboch... I know him.
Let Mr. Raboch in.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Sorry, but your secretary
said I'd find you here.
We spoke over the phone
about the medical complex.
Right, the interview...
I won't keep you long:
I'm interested in just one thing.
Money, right?
Your Dictaphone isn't on, is it?
I wouldn't dare. I'll wait outside.
See that, dammit?
They're all interested in money.
- Will you excuse me a second?
- I have to go anyway.
I have to pick up Katerina,
then I'm meeting Marek.
- Fantastic!
- I know them all.
- This one is Slma?
- It sure is.
They're all there,
and they sure look good in uniform.
They'd be in deep shit
if this got out.
Yeah, they would...
And so would we, man!
Good-looking guys...
The sins of youth
are rather perilous, aren't they?
That was supposed to stay buried.
Slma dug it up.
I don't get what he's up to;
he's in the picture too.
I don't care.
We've got to shut him up.
- Offense is always the best defense.
- Then take care of it, now.
As Red Truth would say:
Sew wind and you reap a storm.
Okay then...
Keep an eye on the weather forecast.
- This sucks.
- Sure does.
Hi there.
Slma spoke openly...
Yeah, sure,
it'll be on your desk tomorrow.
Do you have the day off?
That's great,
we haven't been out in a long time.
How about a romantic dinner?
I'm free till 8:30.
- Great, what do you want?
- You.
- "Lobby of Czech Parliament"
- Jen, we think you spooked the horse.
- What do you mean?
- Slma is your horse, isn't he?
- I don't know what you're talking
about. - I'm surprised to hear that.
- "Lobbyist, businessman, advisor"
- Should I feel sorry for you or for us?
Moscow sent Slma
highly compromising material.
I'd like to know how he got it.
You think he's so eager
because of the complex?
Another one like Slma
and I'll quit being a lobbyist.
- "Bishop's Monitoring Room"
- All of us standing here!
We'll see tomorrow.
He must not win the tender.
Lulu assures me
that everything will be okay.
Katerina here, good evening...
Yes, the girls will be on time.
Sara will be there too...
Of course, don't worry.
Yes, goodbye.
Sorry, that was Verbir.
He's throwing a party.
It's Janika's birthday tomorrow;
Vilma and Milan are planning a surprise.
- I hope you're coming.
- Sure.
What did you want to tell me?
It's nothing...
Good evening!
The money will go through an account
in the Virgin Islands. Untraceable.
Absolutely safe for everyone.
The new hospital must have whirlpools.
What would used whirlpools cost?
That's it! We'll put in old ones,
and they won't notice shit.
- And Jochen can repackage them.
- No problem.
- What's your name?
- Edita.
Impossible! He's more interested
in that woman than in money.
- Should I translate that?
- No.
Erika, come here.
So it's like we agreed:
you get some extra cash,
and we keep quiet.
What your boss doesn't know
won't hurt her. Which one, Jochen?
Ma, second door on the right.
Sorry to bother you, sir,
but could you help us?
Very kind of you, thanks.
Look at this!
- What's your name?
- Kristna.
That's a pretty name.
My daughter's name is Kristna.
- If I show you her
will you show me it? - Yes.
You whore!
"Prague, day two
Wednesday, July 20, 2011"
"Sealed bid tender for construction
of Prague Medical Complex"
Give me a minute...
Son of a bitch!
That bastard underbid us.
For God's sake, cancel the tender!
Relax, maybe he'll think of something.
"Lobbyist, businessman, advisor,
Moscow politics graduate"
Ladies and gentlemen,
let's welcome the mayor...
And we're fucked.
Relax, that won't solve anything.
We'd have it solved already
if we'd hired more capable people.
Who's the lowest? Who's going
to save us the most money?
Slma! What a matador!
Well, announce it right away.
The winner of the tender for
the medical complex is Slma Group.
- What'll we tell the party?
- That there's nothing for the campaign.
Wait, it's easy:
we'll scam Slma's subcontractors.
He'll have to jack up the price.
Otherwise, he can go fuck himself.
This nonsense scares me.
If some provincial rag
were after Slma, then maybe,
but Mlada Fronta newspaper
is our worst nightmare.
We need a plan.
Either Slma plays ball
or we'll drag this out.
We'll stew him in his own juices.
That'll do it...
...and if it doesn't then...
Oh, my God!
- Where is she?
- Upstairs.
- Was Erika there yesterday?
- Yeah, why?
- After you.
- Thanks.
What wonderful nonsense, eh?
It's weird about the courier...
I've been thinking about it too.
- He should at least call, right?
- Forget about it.
I'm in another league.
I'll pull out my aces at the right time.
Man, in the '90s every deal stank.
But we still went for it,
sometimes risky, sometimes not.
Way outside of a legal system
that no one gave a damn about.
We didn't even have lawyers.
And onetime secret agents
arranged quick loans for a 100 grand.
Times are different now:
nobody can fucking get enough.
Everyone started buying up
everything in sight.
Gathering information...
What's that about, man?
They all want to be invulnerable.
Some get fucked,
others take their place.
And new idiots come to power
every four years, and we pounce...
Man, I'm already so old.
I want peace and quiet.
I wanna wake up next to my wife
and eat breakfast together
without worrying about cops showing up
because some pricks are after me.
I hear you, man.
Did I tell you this already?
About a month ago, me and Katerina
got away for a secret weekend.
We left out phones at home,
jumped in the car,
and in a couple of hours
we were almost to Slovakia.
We were driving through the forest:
it was dark, no one anywhere...
- I thought we'd just sleep in the car.
- You guys are adventurous.
Of course,
Katerina wanted to find a motel.
But at night
in the middle of the forest?
And the GPS claimed to be
"Off the map. "
Then suddenly there's some old guy
in the headlights schlepping wood.
He literally
had a basket of wood on his back.
So I asked him
if there's a motel around.
Of course he says no. He stares
at us for a long time and then says:
You're welcome
to share my humble abode.
- Right out of a fairy tale, man.
- Wait, I'm not done.
He put us next to him in his shed
and we slept like babies.
I woke up in the morning...
The house was about 100 years old,
like a museum.
I go outside, everything in bloom,
it smelled so good...
I go back in
and Katerina is still sleeping.
I look at her lying in bed
and suddenly I realize
that for the first time in years
I'd slept without a gun under my pillow.
You love your wife, eh?
- Need anything?
- We're good.
- What is it? Anything wrong?
- Not a thing.
You're an ass.
Prague police are investigating
the murder of journalist Karel Raboch
who was found late last night
shot in the chest.
In recent years,
Raboch focused on corruption
and the infiltration
of organized crime into politics...
Shit, that's
the guy who interviewed me yesterday.
That's the one
I was waiting for at the airport.
If it's necessary...
Sorry, but I have to run.
'Night, daddy.
Is that it? What you
were waiting for at the airport?
Take a good look.
That kid would still be alive
if Slma hadn't betrayed his friends.
Fuck that!
Fuck it.
Man, what if they'd whacked you?
What would Katerina say?
So your pal
didn't show you everything?
Like that he wants
to take down trusted old friends
who support us all with their orders,
including you.
We'll give him a chance
to clear himself with his old friends
and even with you.
He's got to know
what's right and proper.
He's got to turn over
all the subcontractors to Karel
and come back with a higher price.
We want to talk to him.
He'll be here tomorrow.
Radio Impulse news:
- Murdered journalist Karel Raboch...
- Fucking hell!
Tomorrow's guest,
a renowned Prague criminologist,
will discuss the murder as payback
between Russian-speaking groups.
Tune in to Radio Impulse at 6 PM.
"Prague, day three
Thursday, July 21, 2011"
- Hi, been waiting long?
- I was taking in the view.
You scrimped a bit...
like you did at the tender.
You said we'd do it ourselves.
Now someone's upset?
That was really a bit too much, Milan.
You know the money gets sent on.
It'll get where it should go:
for building the complex.
We don't have to argue.
The party needs Verbir.
A campaign without his support
would be half-assed.
- Anything else earth-shattering?
- Yes, a suggestion:
Leave and never come back, Milan.
Take it as the last bit of advice
from an old friend.
I can make you no other guarantees.
I love you, Milan.
I have an appointment with Mr. Holy.
Who should I announce?
- No one.
- Excuse me?
Just say Mr. No One is here.
Mirka, someone to see Mr. Holy...
- Mr. No One.
... Mr. No One.
- Why not take the elevator, honey?
- It doesn't go up to Mr. Holys office.
The young lady
will take you to Mr. Holy.
Everything okay?
"Managing Director"
- Sir, it's Mr...
- It's okay.
Nice! It wasn't here before.
Don't be surprised;
it's an indicator of my great taste.
Taste is a waste.
- I know by people's faces
what I'm up against. - What a life!
But I don't have the time
or the mood for your jokes.
So what's the news?
I need a couple articles about
the tender for the medical complex.
People need to understand
who is good and who is evil.
- And who's this? The evil one?
- You know Slma.
I want you to turn things against him.
What should I dump on him?
Dump a sewer on him.
Nice. The same old song.
Anything else?
We'll flood your papers with paying ads.
Anyway, Verbir has to sell
all the crap he's built around here.
- You'll do no harm.
Karel is a good guy. - Fine.
No one gets hurt. You know I pay
my returns immediately.
That's why I'm here.
Remember, KGB agent Slma
has got to shit himself
and crawl back in his hole.
- Is he in?
- Yes, but...
Hey there!
Milan! You made a fucking idiot of me!
Know who gave me that?
Lulu. That murdered Russian had it.
You put me at risk!
Shit, how could they have known?
It was supposed to be
a routine transfer, guaranteed.
Guaranteed? Don't tell me
you didn't know something was up!
Those motherfuckers!
Petr, believe me.
I'd never send you if I'd...
It's all fucked up!
Verbir still wants to make a deal.
You've got to listen, understand?
Yeah? With this in my hand?
I can just imagine the deal.
Milan, it's not just about me.
You pissed off a lot of people.
What? And no one pissed me off?
The cops called me.
They just happened to know
that journalist had interviewed me.
That's great. He was at my office...
Petr, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
...with 3,000 beds
and 61 operating rooms,
it is the most comprehensive center
of its kind in Europe.
Beyond offering exceptional care,
the facilities,
including state-of-the-art centers
for applied research,
will be outfitted
with the latest equipment.
That model must've cost a bundle.
Even the mayor liked it;
the coalition was enthusiastic.
Considering the outcome,
I guess it was a waste of money.
I thought Mr. Hlo
told you what we wanted.
Or am I mistaken?
In that case, look at this.
- "Ex-KGB Got Rich via State Contracts!"
"Slma: Godfather of Czech Corruption"
"Former Prostitute
Opens Luxury Brothel"
Need I continue?
The media is ready to reveal
who Mr. Clean-Slma really is.
Petr's been acting strangely.
He says nothing, but I can feel it.
He rarely plays with Janika.
He always acts a little weird.
He never says much.
The less I know, the happier I am.
- Are you worried it's a woman?
- No, I'd know. - Well then!
It's different.
Strange cars drive by the house.
You know I've never been
afraid before, but I am now.
...we know how, we can stop.
- Don't bother...
Take a look.
It messes guys up to lose control,
but they won't admit they're afraid.
You can understand that, right?
It had to go through some
political crap... Fucking translate!
If it's about legalizing
amounts above 500 million Euros...
...we'll send it through
accounts in the Virgin Islands.
Need I continue, councilor?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- I'm texting. - Translate!
- I hope you know how to handle this.
- What is it?
It's for scaring away the buzzards.
Son of a bitch! Let's have a smoke.
- I'll deny everything!
- How...
...if I might ask.
Gentlemen, I propose we adjourn
and continue tomorrow.
You're damn right tomorrow!
Slma is going down,
and you'll see to it personally!
And we'll be on your ass 24/7.
Got it?
Got it?
- Fine.
- Motherfuckers!
You saw it yourself.
Tomorrow's the day.
We'll see...
We'll be dropping political correctness.
We'll put it online.
And we'll call it GAME OVER,
just like in a video game.
Son of a bitch!
It's Petr...
Fine, bye...
He's not coming tonight again.
And no thanks.
I'll make up for Petr.
I'll bring a couple rare bottles.
And we'll get wasted.
If I don't light up soon,
I'll burn the place down.
Who'd think one picture
could cause such trouble?
I know of trifles that made
more trouble. Where the hell is he?
Sorry we're late.
As we agreed,
I'd like to introduce Dr. Holy,
managing director of WLPP.
Greetings, gentlemen.
I'm very happy to welcome you, Mr. Holy.
I think that our close cooperation
will greatly benefit all concerned.
I appreciate your approach.
Our approach
is merely the logical outcome,
given our highly discreet cooperation
and your past results.
We should drink a toast.
This is a wonderful place
with a beautiful view
of our beloved Prague.
- Is she asleep?
- Yeah, she is.
- Hey, whose shoes are these?
- Petr got them...
They're from Bandi. Nice, huh?
- Leather?
- Of course. - They're beautiful.
How's it going?
- Are you better?
- Vilma, I'm fucked.
That's some highfalutin vocab.
It suits you
like Versace suits a bum.
I understand just how you feel
and I admire you.
I'm the apathetic one.
I've always lived on the edge.
But it was no different
turning tricks under the Reds,
although everyone these days tries
to make everything seem so beautiful.
My god, we live high on the hog,
but never-ending bullshit
is the price we pay.
Bring us two bottles of white:
and one red: Chateau du Beaucastel.
Thank you.
- But her hair is like pissed-on straw.
- I'd like to piss on Slma.
Yeah, Slma...
We've got him over a barrel.
Everything will be okay.
Nevertheless, it was excessive
and can't happen again.
It threatens all of us.
We have the latest technology
but we have to use it more effectively.
By that I mean we should properly
process the information we gather.
And I suppose that's why...
...we invited Mr. Holy here.
I assure you, gentlemen, we know
how to use information very effectively.
Thanks again for the gun
but I doubt I'd use it.
- That's why I gave it to you.
- What?
Nothing, it was a joke.
I'm absolutely convinced
that Milan would never allow
anyone to dump dirt on you,
I promise you.
I do anything for him.
Fear has a foul mouth.
I have to get up early tomorrow
and catch a cab.
I still have to finish up the Emirates.
- When are the girls leaving?
- The girls?
They fly tomorrow night.
- The jet is coming for them
at about 12:30. - Fine.
I'd like to take off right now!
Just imagine the warm water
- and a gorgeous, tanned young hunk
draped in gold... - Hunk!
...who happily massages
your back. - Yeah, it's beautiful there.
Last year on vacation I couldn't get
Petr and Janika out of the water.
They want to take you down.
They hired me for the job.
So either I do it
and it turns out good,
or someone else does it
and it turns out bad.
I bought my boy a house in Florida
and another nearby for me and Vilma.
You should sell everything
and come with us.
You'll find something there,
and you'll finally sleep
without a gun under your pillow.
Vilma called, excuse me.
Okay, don't overdo it, girls.
"Prague, day four
Friday, July 22, 2011"
Back soon, wait for me!
Mommy, where did daddy go?
Here, put this on.
Fuck, what good's the vest
when my ribs almost busted!
Shut up, man!
I don't have the nerve for this.
Excuse me.
- Elegant Agency, hello?
- It's Mr. Hlo, get my wife!
- But she's...
- Fucking get my wife, move!
Excuse me.
What is it?
- Katerina here... - They killed Slma.
We gotta leave now! - What?
Milan's dead. We have to leave!
I'll send someone. Get Janika ready!
Tell Vilma! Tell her!
Marek, get David and pick up
my girl from school. Now!
We'll meet at your place.
Do you see me? Find me a route
with no cameras, no radar, no nothing.
The fuckers killed Slma!
Cut internet to all offices but mine.
I'm not here.
Reschedule all my appointments.
- Okay, let me just finish...
- Do it now!
Milan is...
- We have to get out of here now.
- Where?
- We'll take the girls' places.
- Where?
Why are you still here?
Look after yourself.
I'm a big girl. I'll join you.
Go on.
Get the fuck out of here!
Tonight three girls
from my agency are flying...
Petr Hlo, passport 36912285.
Jana Hlozov...
"Are you sure you want to transfer
all funds to Lloyds Bank?"
- Well?
- I found a route with no cameras.
I'll call you when to leave.
- Let's go.
- Right.
I can't fucking believe he got away.
No one knows where he is.
He took his family and split.
This is the only spot with no cameras.
Let's go.
- What the fuck's going on?
- I'll take a look.
What the fuck is it?
Are you there?
Don't move!
You fucking bastard!
Fucking bastard!
Don't do it...
You don't know what you're doing!
- You shot him down like a dog!
- Don't do it!
- Hello?
- Katerina?
Get in touch with my son.
I sent you an email...
Hold on...
Here, get rid of it.
- Come on!
- Wait, this too. Destroy it.
- Where'd you get that?
- Not now! Let's go!
Prague, August 2011