Hua Mulan (Mulan) (2009) Movie Script

The grasslands have not seen
such activity in a long time
This time when we plunder
the Central Plains
We are able join forces
with all nine major tribes
Such military power has never
been seen before!
Let's drink!
Mendu is not yet here?
Elder Brother says he is releasing
the captives
Releasing the captives?
Let's fight them! Don't!
Brother! Is killing defenseless
...the act of a hero?
They are all sheep
already in my mouth.
I will eat them however I please
Our days are numbered
We must be back on the grasslands
by the first snow
Father, plundering the Plains
every year...
... is not a long term plan
Instead of being divided
and defeated
by the Wei army for robbery,
why don't we take advantage
of the united forces
we have this time, and turn
the fertile Wei farmlands...
... into our new ranch!
Of course, it is all up to you,
for you are the true master
of the grasslands.
Mendu! Don't kill prisoners
any more!
Yes, sir!
Only longtime veterans understand
that there are no heroes
on the battlefield,
only dead men and crazy ones
Talking about feeling?
But if not for you,
none of us would be here
You are the one
who lives by his feelings!
Father, time for your medicine!
I don't want medicine
I want to drink wine!
Sure. Let me pour for you.
I don't want this one,
I want that one
It's still medicine!
Go for the weakness,
use the enemy against himself,
Mulan is using battle tactics
on her father!
It's all your fault!
Why did you teach her kung fu?
Waving her stick around all day
She's a girl!
Who will marry her?
Hi, Tiger! Sister Mulan!
How long has it been
since you practiced kung fu?
I practiced yesterday and today!
I didn't see you;
when did you practice?
From when the cock started
crowing to when it stopped
so it counted as both days!
You brat!
The Rourans are at our border.
Massive troops are needed for our defense
Military families from all villages.
Heed the Emperor's command!
Farmer families contribute food.
Military families contribute men
With united spirit.
We will defeat the dog invaders!
Cao Dayou!
Hua Hu!
Father! You are ill, you can't go!
No such thing!
This is a military family's duty!
Yang Ji!
Yang Wencai!
Ma Wen!
Old partner,
it's our turn to go...
to the frontlines again!
have some more wine
I have some money stashed away
in the jar under the bed.
Master Ho found you a husband.
Get married after the new year.
Don't do martial arts any more.
You're a girl...
One day,
you will find a new star in the sky.
That would be me
Your mother's been up there
for so long
She must be lonely...
Mulan! Help me!
Here I come, Tiger!
I have failed to discipline my daughter;
l apologize for her
The Hua family has only
known how to fight in battles!
If you want to fight...
be a man in your next life
Our rules: stealing from each other,
death penalty!
Bullying, raping, bringing women
into camp, death penalty!
Spreading rumors of ghosts
and witchcraft, death penalty!
Fear and escape for no reason,
death penalty!
Missing signals, sleeping other than
where assigned, death penalty!
C company! Get 60,000 stone
of food from Tu Family Village!
These tags must always be kept on you.
They will represent you
when you are dead. Understand?
Yes, sir!
Fei Tiger
Hua Hu's son, Hua Mulan
Pay attention!
Thank you!
Get your uniforms and go to Tent Three
Hua Mulan?
You! Why are you here?
I took my father's place
You didn't!
Tiger! Tiger!
Women are not allowed at camp.
It's punishable by death!
Are you trying to destroy our whole village?
So you must keep our secret
You want me to go see
my dad sooner, don't you?
Tiger, you must help me!
You know my dad;
he would never survive this!
Fei Tiger! Come here!
Will you do as I ask?
I knew you would do this!
I will do anything you ask
But you must so as I say
on one matter.
Talk less, laugh less
You laugh like this...
We laugh like this.
Also, don't open your eyes so wide!
Why not?
Our eyes are not that big!
You mean, your eyes are small
Your eyes are too big!
From now on, you must all obey me!
Brother Tiger!
I heard he's the Commander's nephew,
Hu Guei
Brother Tiger!
This is Mulan
Fatso! Brother Tiger!
This is Mulan
Hulu! This is Mulan
Hello, Brother Munan
We want to trade beds with you
Mulan likes quieter spots
against the wall
Sit down, gamble with Young Master!
I need a leopard!
Bring him!
Out of the mud from the grey,
comes a turtle called Hu Guei!
Let's call him Turtle from now on!
Yes! We'll call him Turtle!
Training is over.
Go back to your tents!
Black Wind! Will Father blame me
for leaving without saying goodbye?
All the crooks and heroes in the camp,
officers protecting their own,
with Father's temper, he couldn't take it
You're a rookie? What's your name?
you only talk to horses?
But I don't eavesdrop
Then think of me as a horse.
I'm Wentai.
My horse is Moon Chaser.
What's yours called?
He is Black Wind!
Black Wind...
and you?
I'm Hua Mulan
What a great horse!
Help me! Come here!
My horse is amazing.
It is a war hero!
Do you know what it is called?
Hua Mulan
Come, Wentai!
Come, Hua Mulan!
Brother Mulan!
This is Wentai
I'm Tiger
I'm Wentai
I'm older brother Fatso
I'm younger brother Hulu
Hello! I'm Scholar
What are you painting?
My wife
You're already married?
I though you were painting him!
I am the only son in my family,
so Father let me marry young.
Paint my picture!
Should I smile or not?
Just as you are!
Crying again?
You're an enlisted man! So you die;
why are you always crying?
Bai here sold himself
to the landlord next door
to enlist in place of his son,
in order to raise money
for his mother's medicine.
But she is still sick now
I lost again! You bastard!
You cried away my leopard!
What are you crying for!
Did your mother die?
What did you say? Do not talk about my mother!
What are you doing?
Sir, please spare my life!
If you must fight,
do so on the battlefield!
My Brother Mulan!
My father is sick, too.
But we can't go back!
Your mother knows what a good son you are.
She will wait for you!
Brother Wentai
I'm done!
Thank you!
You're killing me!
Tiger, didn't you say
you found a hot spring?
Take me there!
Which battalion do you belong to?
I'm asking you!
A woman?
You're a woman!
I ran into Wentai!
How did you do that?
I fought with him in the hot spring!
Did he recognize you?
I think he just knows it's a woman
Well, then... go to sleep...
Get up!
Fall in!
Uncle, it was stolen
when I was training with them!
The Prince Regent's jade belt
pendant has been stolen!
Return it now, I'll only cut off your hand.
If I find it on you,
I'll cut off your head!
Search them!
Strip down!
Now! Hurry! What are you looking at?
Strip down!
Hurry! Quit messing around!
Strip down now!
You! What are you waiting for?
Yes, you! Now!
All clothes off!
Strip down!
You in the back! Hurry!
What are you waiting for!
Pants off! All off!
Clothes off! Hurry!
Strip down!
Strip down! Strip down!
I stole it!
Bring him here!
Where is the pendant?
I lost it
Lost it?
He must have sold it!
Where is it?
I forgot
Take him out to be executed!
we should investigate this first!
Execution is tomorrow at noon!
Where can it be?
What am I to do!
I know you didn't steal the pendant.
What's going on?
My father is very sick,
so I dressed up as a boy
to take his place
How can I help you?
don't let him know
I didn't...
die in combat!
Have some soup
From the day I entered camp
I've had nightmares every night
personally burn my corpse
Don't let anyone else find out!
I promise to burn your nightmares
Thank you
Leave us!
Yes, sir!
It's a Rouran attack! Get out!
How will you justify letting me go?
This is war. There aren't
so many consequences.
Thank you!
Mulan! Mulan!
Rush over! Kill their General!
Chop off his head!
That is the rule!
The Rouran General is dead!
Kill them!
Retreat! Now!
Hurry! Bring him here! Now!
Stay calm!
Prepare the bandages! Yes, sir!
What shall I do without you?
You still have us
Come on
A century of human life
is like a dream
Life and death occur,
heroes have no regrets
Protect my homeland,
show off my nation's pride
What joy is there in life...
Mulan, you can be a talented general!
I'll keep your identity secret
Stay on
I don't want their families
to feel even worse
when they see the blood.
I'm actually very afraid of blood!
My father dislikes me
He said I would amount to nothing
since I couldn't even bear to kill a rabbit,
and kicked me out of the house
You weren't afraid,
you just couldn't bear to!
You're right.
So I worked hard to excel
so I can show him
I used to hate him,
but now I understand
he was just training me
I have my own way
I imagine my fear is a person
Then I shout at him,
I'm not afraid of you!
And I'm not!
I'm not afraid of you!
What did you say?
In the third year of our Emperor's rule,
our nation lost a hero
Commander Feng died for the country
The Emperor commands Wentai
to be Commander
Hua Mulan to be Sub-Commander
and hopes they will lead the 6th Battalion
to serve the country.
The Rouran Price Mendu
has gathered all the tribes
I fear a major battle is imminent!
I hereby command all battalions
to attack
to weaken the Rouran forces!
Go forth!
Big Brother!
The Emperor commands that,
for their wartime accomplishments,
Wentai is to be made General of
Conquering North
Hua Mulan to be made General of
Pacifying North
and hopes these heroes will fight
to protect our homeland!
I finally understand
why Father said...
we must not have feelings
on the battlefield!
We were rewarded and made Generals
but who will reward them?
When I was a child, Father said
when people die, they will
become stars in the sky!
Danyu! Wei generals Hua Mulan and
Wentai soundly defeated Bawuyi!
Hua Mulan and Wentai again!
So the Wei nation still has
generals as fierce as tigers!
A wolf can kill one sheep.
But ten wolves can eat a tiger!
I beg you not to split up
our forces again!
The Rouran nation was established
We have fewer and fewer tribesmen.
It's a hard life
I want to be a queen of Wei
If I were queen,
We can become friends with
the Central people
We can trade our pelts and horses...
for their salt and iron.
Wouldn't that be good?
If you didn't have an older brother,
you would be the future Danyu,
Master of the Grasslands.
Child, I gave you your freedom
long ago,
yet you stayed to be with me
all these years
I hope, when I die,
to be buried to the sound
of your singing
Then you should bring
your tribesmen home
The Rourans should have a friend.
General Hua! General Wentai was ambushed
when he was scouting up ahead.
He orders that you remain here to await his
command, and guard the supplies!
Yes, General?
Stay here and guard the supplies!
Yes, sir!
All cavalrymen, come with me!
General Hua!
General Wen asked you
to remain where you were!
All supply wagons, go over there!
Don't chase them!
Why are you here?
I was worried about you!
Let's go!
General Hua,
as soon as you left,
we were ambushed!
Scholar! Hang on!
Hang in there,
Your wife is waiting for you at home!
Hang on!
I'm not married...
Before I left...
I promised my father...
when I went back
I would give him a grandson...
I failed to protect the supplies...sorry!
Bring me back... to my father...
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
Where else do you want to go?
To find them!
Your short temper in battle, caused
the death of so many of our men,
can you see that?
It's all my fault!
It's all on me!
I shouldn't have gone to you,
but I was terrified...
that you wouldn't come back...
I've lost so many brothers,
I can't bear to lose you!
Your father was right
We cannot develop feelings in battle
If you were me...
wouldn't you have come?
I wouldn't
Why was Father so excited
to talk about war?
I've fought battle after battle,
Lost one after another of my brothers,
I really don't want to fight any more.
Everyone is awaiting their General
to lead them to battle!
I don't want to fight any more
I don't want to be a General
I want to be a normal person!
Who wants to fight!
I also don't want to fight any more!
If I could use my life to stop
this battle,
I would have done it long ago!
The problem is, we cannot choose!
Once you put on a General's armor,
Your life is no longer your own
This is what war is about!
just this once!
Brother Wentai!
Before Brother Wentai died,
he asked me to give you this.
He told you to never give up
If we steal and drink the army's
wine, we'll be whipped!
We won't; who rules over us now?
True; General Wen is gone
and General Hua has not
trained us in a long time
Don't worry, drink up!
General Hua! General Hua!
Okay's we're fine
See, I told you no one cares!
Keep drinking!
Keep drinking!
Sir, General Hua has not trained
us in a long time
The General has ordered
training to cease
Let's train together! Get up!
What's the use? The General
doesn't care any more
Do we still have a General?
What did you say?
Let's train by ourselves!
What are you doing?
Give it back!
Are you living for the dead,
or for the living?
Give it back!
There are things you must do!
It is your duty!
You are no longer the Sister Mulan
I adored!
Because you wanted to escape,
you caused the death of Brother Wentai,
And you will cause the death of many
of our brothers in the future!
You are so selfish!
He really wanted to see
you become a good leader.
If he sees what you have become,
he will be so disappointed!
Fall in!
The General Hua you see before you
is actually terrified of battle.
I had been afraid and hiding all along.
I never thought my fear and hiding
would cause the loss of the most
important friend in my life
His departure lets me understand
fleeing from the endless battles
only makes us lose even more!
From now on, I will
become stronger,
and protect each one of you!
And you must all become stronger
to protect those near you!
Will you do that?
Hail, General Hua!
Hail, the Wei army!
Hail, General Hua!
Brother Wentai!
No matter if I live or die,
tell Mulan I have died!
Her emotional tie must be cut before
she can really grow strong
Promise me!
All right
In the sixth year of the Emperor's rule,
General Hua led 5,000 soldiers
to lure the Rourans across the river
He ordered his men to destroy a dyke upstream.
Countless enemy soldiers were washed away
We killed 10,000 of the enemy with no loss of life!
In the seventh year, he chased
the enemy for 300 miles
It was snowing
The enemy thought we had retreated
But General Hua disregarded the hardships
and tracked them down to their hiding place,
attacked when they were unprepared,
killed 20,000, and took 3,000 prisoners!
The Rouran quake at the sound of his name!
Also, when General Hua goes to battle,
he always stands in front of his soldiers
His men are so moved,
they will gladly die for him!
When he sees other battalions in trouble,
he will always help them
So among the Wei army,
he inspires confidence,
And is well-respected.
In the eighth year,
General Hua led 3,000 men...
Say no more. Demoted to
the cooking team!
Why are you demoting General Hua
to the cooking team?
I meant you!
Remove him! Yes, sir!
Commander-in-chief, sir!
We can have wine if we win! Come!
General Hua! You are a great guy!
I want to be your sworn brother!
Sorry, General Hua! He's drunk
General Hua, I'm not drunk!
General Hua!
Let's tell her the truth
Now the army's morale is strong
and it all hinges on her!
I always hoped...
her heart would harden
And not be bothered by matters
of emotion
As long as the Rourans still live,
we do not have a home
The nation's business is more
important than our own
You two are so lonely!
Chiefs Futu, Shelun and Buluzhen
are outside,
waiting to bid farewell
to Your Highness
Your Highness!
My tribe lost badly in
the Battle of Buhe,
We wish to return to the grassland
to rest and recover!
I gathered everyone this time,
not just to loot and plunder!
With the Donghu, Dayue
and Dawan tribes together
we can attack and claim
the Central Plains
Forever leave the frigid north,
and realize the dreams of the Rouran!
Now I need everyone to be united.
What do you think?
The Old Danyu is kind,
and has permitted us to depart
Yes, Your Highness!
Come! Bring the wine!
My father is kind.
And you have worked very hard!
Futu, you have worked hardest
I will see you off first
Thank you, Your Highness!
Who will be next?
Futu was talking the other tribes
into retreating, so I killed him
Child! I know you are unhappy,
having run around the grasslands
for so long,
trying to gather all the tribes
my life was given to me by you.
I will not speak of unhappiness.
Morale is too low now,
they cannot take another battle
We must preserve the Rouran
When you are Danyu
you will understand
But I am not content!
With our strength,
we might not lose
That means we also might not win
Let us retreat
do you remember
what you used to say
when I was a boy and
would ask you
why we always loot and plunder?
We Rourans don't have iron
Why do we need iron?
To make weapons
Why do we need weapons?
So we can loot and plunder!
Yes, Father.
I think like my sister.
I also dream of a day
when we can finally stop looting
year after year
and live the abundant life
of the Wei people
As long as we take the Wei territory,
I will fulfill my responsibility
you should agree with me, right?
Danyu, it has been polished
Gude, stay and serve me!
My father's soul has risen to the sky
From today on, l, Mendu,
am your new Danyu
Danyu! Danyu!
Danyu! Danyu!
Your mother's family name is Yuguo
We must marry in the future,
to birth the most purebred
Rouran child
who shall rule the earth!
Mendu of the Rouran has become
the new Danyu
He has gathered an army of 200,000
and is ready to strike south
What do you think, Generals?
I have fought with Mendu before
He is cruel and violent
We cannot go against his 200,000 troops
with out meager forces
Why don't we retreat, defend the gateways,
and wait for them to come to us?
What do you think?
If we retreat, morale will drop,
and if Mendu pursues us at this time,
we will suffer great losses
I beg you to consider,
we must not retreat!
I beg for your command to lead
the frontlines!
General Hua, you are so loyal and courageous
What is your strategy?
Normally, we confront with the main
and win by surprise
Normally, we would confront the enemy
with the main troop
While a secondary troop hides
in ambush
But this time I want to do the opposite!
I lead the confrontation troop. While
Commander-in-chief leads the main as a surprise
As long as I have a small victory
at the start and anger Mendu
Thus luring him to chase us with
all his might
I will pretend to be trapped
in a canyon
Mendu will think they can butcher us
so they will be reckless
Commander-in-chief will be
in ambush behind them
And as soon as the enemy
turns around
please release smoke, I will turn
and lead my troops into the fray
so they will be attacked
from front and rear!
Good! I will give you a troop of 20,000
Speed is of the essence,
I wish to depart tonight
Please place our supplies
at the canyon for our use
We will go according to this plan
Yes, sir!
Thank you, sir!
I am General Hua Mulan
of the Great Wei Nation
Has your Commander-in-chief
became a shrinking turtle
and sent a peon like you to your death?
This is the territory
of the Great Wei Nation.
Please leave!
But I like your territory!
Remember, Wei people are sheep
we Rouran are wolves!
We have Han, Shi, Xianbei
and Jiang men,
but no sheep!
They have 20,000 men.
I'll give you 40,000 men
and 4 hours. Destroy them!
Yes, sir!
Hail! Hail!
Standing archers!
Danyu! Wei General Hua Mulan
defeated us!
What "defeated"?
Hua Mulan!
Mobilize all my troops!
They fell for it!
Main cavalry unit, put the front team
in the back
Cover the main troop's retreat
to the canyon!
Yes, sir!
Protect the General!
Run! The Poison Dragon is coming!
Hua Mulan!
Hua Mulan!
I knew you didn't die!
Get the medic!
Yes, sir!
Hang in there
Mulan! Hang in there
The Rourans are coming!
General, the Rourans are coming!
Company retreat!
General! If we take our wounded,
We may jeopardize our action!
Company retreat!
General! Mulan!
Company retreat!
Let us use all our power
to help our General retreat,
all right?
Seal the canyon opening! Now!
Yes, sir!
Check our supplies in the canyon!
Yes, sir!
Mulan! Sit down
General, the medic and all the medications
disappeared during the Poison Dragon!
Danyu! Why are we not pursue
while we are victorious?
Destroy Hua Mulan first,
then go after Zang Zhi!
Where can he go from here?
They're trapped!
Danyu, you mean...
Killing can be done in an instant
I like to watch people in desperation,
especially Hua Mulan!
General Hua,
We have made a thorough search
but have found no supplies
or water in the canyon
Gather and redistribute
the available supplies
Kill the horses
Kill the horses! Keep their blood
for future use!
Yes, sir!
Commander-in-chief's smoke
will be our last hope
If I die before it comes
Iead our brothers in defense for me
I've watched you over all these years
You've done a great job!
I dreamed that I've died
you all left me
there was no one around me
I count the stars every night
There is not an extra one
so you won't die!
You're so good to me!
Cry to your brothers for help!
Get them to help you! Cry!
Cry for your General to save you!
General, I beg you to save them!
I won't allow you to be sacrificed
But General! That's Tiger! Your brother!
You are all my brothers!
We must wait!
Hu Guei, don't fall for their trap!
A century of human life is like a dream
Life and death occur,
heroes have no regrets
Protect my homeland,
show off my nation's pride
What joy is there in life,
what regrets in death
There are enemy winds up north,
but home fires down south
I miss my wife and children,
and my home
They are across the mountains,
far away...
Yes, Danyu!
A century of human life...
If they don't come out, kill them! like a dream
Life and death occur,
heroes have no regrets
Protect my homeland,
show off my nation's pride
What joy is there in life,
what regrets in death
There are enemy winds up north,
but home fires down south
I miss my wife and children...
...and my home
They are across the mountains,
far away...
Finally, peace and quiet!
We are out of supplies
and can no longer hold our position
Commander-in-chief is really not coming
If we do not get medication
you and the brothers won't be
able to hang on
Even if I die
I must die in battle!
Will you come with me?
I will!
Wentai! You are the one person...
I will never forget!
our troops are stationed here
originally to meet up with
Commander-in-chief and his troops!
he betrayed us!
Today, we will stain the battlefield
with our blood
Behind us is our homeland
If we have to bleed out
our last drop of blood,
if we have to become bleached
bones in this desert,
we must defend it to the death!
We must let the Rourans know
we Wei warriors will never surrender
and will never compromise!
Soldiers may rebel against me
generals may leave me for dead
but l, Hua Mulan,
will never betray my country!
After this meal
we will kill their Danyu
and chop down their flag!
Are you afraid to die?
Are you afraid to die?
Kill! Kill! Kill!
Black Wind,
in our next life, we'll reverse roles
and you kill me
General, you can't kill Black Wind!
Kill me instead!
You must not kill Black Wind! General!
Black Wing must not be killed, General!
General! General!
General! You should rest
Get your Danyu to come here and talk!
I, seventh son of the Wei Emperor!
Toba Hong!
Leave your best medics and supplies!
I will come with you!
Let my brothers go!
A live Prince in exchange...
for several thousand soldiers?
Leave the medics ands supplies!
Let's go!
Yes, sir!
Danyu orders a retreat!
I didn't imagine you would recover
so quickly
I still have many important
things to do
When our brothers have recovered,
lead them back home
General, where are you going?
You must not follow me
This is a military command!
Take care, everyone
What are you doing?
Pick it up!
Yes, sir
How much gold...
do you think your father will pay for you?
He doesn't like me,
so you may be disappointed
Even wolves protect their cubs;
never mind humans
I've never, and don't plan to,
befriend a wolf
You are right
In your eyes I am a wolf
But for us Rourans
I am a once-in-a millennium
heroic king
He who wins his people's hearts
wins his nation
You think you can take the world
with a knife?
You may be a victorious conqueror,
but if you cannot let your people
live a good life
even if you are lucky enough to win
there will be thousands like me
who will fight against you
Causing piles of white bones
just to satisfy your personal ambition!
Are you talking like a drunk, because
you cannot hold your alcohol?
Thank you!
I know what you are thinking
Don't worry
When I take the Wei territory
and become king,
I will fulfill your dream
of becoming queen
I wanted to be a queen of Wei
so that generations of Rourans won't
have to suffer the ravages of war
It is different from your reason!
No matter how much land you take,
I will never agree with what
you have done
Who are you?
Don't worry, Princess.
I am Wei General Hua Mulan
I know of you
Are you trying to use me to rescue
your Prince?
I respect your dream of making peace,
between our countries
I wish to help you fulfill your dream
Fulfill my dream?
You overestimate me.
I am merely a woman
My brother killed our father for the throne,
and I dare not speak up!
Actually, I am...
also a woman
I enlisted in my father's place,
just to fulfill my filial duty
I never imagined I would achieve
any accomplishments,
not to mention that one day...
I would become a butcher on the battlefield
In these twelve years,
my heart has never felt at ease
Princess, only when we resolve
the cause of this war
can we stop the war itself
Your own fate as well as that
of the whole world...
is in your hands
Your messengers have come
and agreed to all of my terms
Your father loves you very much
Thank you for telling me this
Let everyone know,
we'll celebrate for three days!
Thank you, Danyu!
I've thought it through.
You are right.
please have a drink
Great! Come!
You dare to kill me?
I must avenge the Old Danyu!
Thank you, Your Majesty
Hua Mulan is here!
Commander-in-chief is a coward.
I have dealt with him.
I bow before Your Majesty
It's General Hua!
We respectfully bring General
back to your hometown!
Where is Father?
He waited here for you every day
I am home!
I hereby name Hua Mulan the
Commander-in-chief of the Wei nation!
I do not wish to become an official
I have been at war for twelve years and
been unable to take care of my father
who has been ill.
Please allow me to go home.
I am a woman. Please punish me.
It is our nation's great fortune
to have a woman like you
I have long since forgiven you.
Thank you, Your Majesty
I have an announcement for the whole nation:
The marriage between my son Hong
and the Rouran Princess!
Our two nations will now be friends.
The fighting will stop forever
and from now on, there will be peace!
Thank you, Your Majesty!
Hong, your marriage to the Rouran Princess
is a national event!
Do you understand your responsibility?
I do, Sire
It's so nice to have a daughter
Always filial, understanding and obedient
And now, she's a pretty General!
Let's go away together!
Doesn't matter where!
You once said
if you could give your life
to end this war
you would do it
It's easy for me to give up my life
but it's too difficult to give up
the woman I love
In order that there be no more Tigers
That no more families
end up with just a bloody dog tag...
I understand
Forget about me!
For twelve years, every day
I wake up in the battlefield
my first thought is of you
Knowing you are there, gives me
the courage to open my eyes
Forever after,
it will still be the same every day
Someone once said,
go too far from home and
you will lose your roots
kill too many people and
you will forget yourself
If you die in battle
your life will sink into the ground
like rain and vanish without a trace
If at that time, you fall in love
with someone
hope will blossom again from the earth
and embrace life with passion!
Thank you, Wentai!