Huacho (2009) Movie Script

They kingdom come...
They will be done...
Let me sleep
a little longer.
Come on, wake up.
Wake up.
You have to go to school.
Every day the same, come on, sit up!
Sit up.
Try to wake up.
- Just a little longer.
- No discussion! Come on.
How are you?
Open your eyes,
wake up...
Youll be late.
- Moming, Mom.
- Good morning.
- Sleep well?
- Yes. You?
Me too.
- I'll fill the kettle, don't worry...
- Ok.
Busy, just a moment!
Hey there, chicky!
You havent laid a single egg. Lazy!
How about you?
Any chicks?
The hen we have brooding
hasnt hatched a single chick.
Well need to change the eggs.
Yes, you need to have some chicks.
- Morning, Dad. Sleep well?
- Yes.
You take forever in the bathroom.
- Ill make Manuels breakfast.
- Ok.
Manuel, are you
asleep again?
Wake up, sweetie.
Wake up... Manuelito...
You have to go to school, honey.
Come here.
Wake up. How can you sleep so late?
You have to go to school.
Always the same story.
Talk to me, so I know youre awake.
- Hello.
- "Hello".
- Dont you want to go to school?
- I'm sleepy.
You should go to bed earlier.
What time are they picking you up, Dad?
They shouldve already come.
Im still waiting.
You are not
working today?
Maybe I will,
maybe I wont.
"Maybe I will,
maybe I won't."
You always doing
the same thing!
You better
button up your shirt.
Hes stealing
chocolate again.
Manuel, hurry up!
There you go
with your TV.
- He was smart.
- That was your father in law
You used to tell jokes
and make up stories, too.
Once in a while.
Drink your milk.
Look, Mom!
Grandpas been eating
my chocolate again.
Just to taste...
You know Manuel
doesnt like it.
At least take the spoon
out, so he wont notice.
You need to be smarter,
if you dont want to get caught.
You can buy
him a new jar.
A power outage.
A power outage.
- Go check the fuse box
- Go, check the fuses.
Watch out for Grandpa.
Its not the fuse box.
Meat. Theres meat in it.
Where are the ripe ones?
This milks watered-down.
- Good morning
- Good morning
- How are you, Mrs. Clemira?
- Fine and you?
- Busy working.
- Always working...
Listen, I have
some bad news.
The boss raised
the price of milk.
- How much?
- 250 pesos per liter.
Thats too much.
Ill go to Guzmans.
Guzmans raised
the price, too.
Same price...
With this drought, the cows
dont have anything to eat.
I need the same as usual,
but I dont have enough money.
You can pay the
difference next time.
Which ones
are selling better?
"Los Nigga..."
"Marco Antonio Sols"
So we need to order
more of those.
Well see what we can do.
Well go buy more in the city.
"Los Charros de Lumaco"?
Got it.
Take care, bye.
Thanks, Mrs. Clemira.
I was calling
a friend.
We are selling
some CDs,
to make a little
extra money.
Farm work
isnt enough.
Don't hold the
reigns so tight.
Don't worry,
I know this horse.
There you go,
Mrs. Clemira.
Bring me a CD of
"Los Charros de Lumaco..."
to make up for the
water in your milk.
Still no light.
Wilson told me they were
going to raise the price.
And you wouldn't
believe it!
Theres no smoke
without fire!
I didn't want to
believe it either.
If milk goes up, we should
raise the price of cheese.
- To 1,500.
- At least!
- Yeah, at 1.500.
- Yeah, agreed.
We wont take
it lying down!
Lets try that price for a week.
Or else, better stay home.
Drinking mate!
No way, well grow old and fat.
Eating all that cheese...
Can't say were
skinny as it is!
I want two!
Two? A dozen for you!
- How much for the cheese?
- 1,500.
Thats too expensive.
Everything has
gone up, cheese, too.
In Chillan, I can
get them for 1,000.
Maybe theyre smaller.
Not really, and
theyre quite good.
Well, do as you wish.
- Can you show me how big they are?
- Yes.
Thats a bit expensive.
Maybe next time...
All right, bye-bye.
- Marco Antonio Solis.
- I don't like that guy.
He sings romantic songs.
Im a romantic.
So am I, but I
didn't like him.
Did you like
the comedians?
Only Kramer.
He saved the day!
What about Chayane?
- We use cows milk.
- And how much are they?
- Each?
- Each.
Do you do it
all by yourself?
Ill get the milk, make the
cheese and come here to sell it.
Right now, I'm
going to San Carlos.
Theyll go bad if
I take them now.
Ill buy some on
my way back.
All right.
Rosi, how many
did Cristi sell?
One. Its better
than nothing!
- Made fresh, very good!
- Ok, give me one.
You wont regret it.
If I do, I'll come
back to complain!
No, youll love it. Youll
come back for more.
Thank you.
Have a safe trip.
Hello my boys,
how are my "huachitos"?
- Why arent you wearing your smocks?
- Its too hot, mommy
Youll get yourselves dirty!
- Bye Clemi.
- Bye, bye.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.
Lets go drink
something cool at home.
- Good afternoon
- How much is the cheese?
- 1,500 pesos.
- 1,500? More than the others?
The other ladies are
charging 1,000 pesos.
We agreed on 1,500!
No, theyre selling
them for 1,000.
Look, wed like two cheeses
Could you make an effort?
Two for 1,500.
Thats not enough.
But thats the price in
Chillan, 700, 800 pesos...
At this hour you wont
sell them anyway!
We won't tell the others.
- Ok, but don't tell anyone.
- Well keep the secret, dont worry.
Thank you.
- Thanks very much.
- Bye.
- How much for the cheese?
- 1.000 pesos.
- Ill take two, please.
- Ok.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Mrs. Clemi, Im leaving.
- Already?
- Im too tired.
- Did you sell everything?
I have two left, but
Im taking them home.
I might eat one myself.
Whats that?
My grandson
made it for me.
- On the computer?
- Yes.
Its hard to read,
but its pretty.
- Are you leaving, Mrs. Clemira?
- In a little while.
Im waiting for Manuel, but if
he doesnt come I will go alone
- Alone?
- Yes...
Im going home, too.
Because its late and
there are no more customers.
- See you tomorrow.
- Ok, bye.
Go check the fuse box.
Watch out for Grandpa.
- Its not the fuse box
- What could it be?
- Did you pay the bill?
- Of course Mom, thats why I went to Chillan.
Dad, maybe its
the whole area.
Manuel, unplug the TV
and the fridge.
- Maybe someone is stealing the cables.
- Yeah, people do that these days.
- This power outage reminds me of a story...
- Hurry up, Manuel.
...about when my
father was a worker...
One day, he went to
Lautaro for his pay...
On his way back,
he had to walk through
a 500-meter-long tunnel.
And in the middle of it,
the light went off,
just like now.
Suddenly, he was
attacked by striking miners.
Who were asking
for a pay raise.
Raising their pickaxes,
they shouted "Get him!"
- Mom, can I have 1,000 pesos?
- Thats too much.
So the leader said: "Since you are a miner
like us we will help you, brother"...
Listen to Grandpa.
So all the miners chipped in some
money for my father to take...
- 400?
- I said no!
Grandpa, could you
keep it short, please.
Your water.
- Last but not least, right?
- Especially in this heat.
Its hard to close.
The zipper is tight.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Take care of yourself.
- You too.
Did your father
take his sweater?
I dont know,
I dont think so.
You know he
forgets everything.
Here it is.
Hes such a scatterbrain,
he never remembers anything.
Alejandra, how are you?
- Fine. How are you?
- Fine, thank you.
- I see its ready.
- Yes, Im almost done.
Come have a look
at my doughnuts.
Is that enough?
Yes, I think so. We have
six visitors coming today.
Three or four
North Americans.
And the others
are foreigners too.
The drinks will
be ready soon.
Good, but don't forget anything,
What about the "cazuela"?
I know which
chicken to kill.
Perfect then, Im off...
Actually, I need
to talk to you.
Quickly then,
Im in a hurry.
You might
get angry,
I always ask you
the same thing...
I wanted to ask you
for an advance.
Live told you,
I dont make enough.
Alejandra, put your
thinking cap on.
I've given you an advance
two months in a row.
You need to start
controlling your expenses.
I have taxes to
pay soon, you know.
And I dont get paid
right away either.
I have to go
to the agency,
to pick up
the checks.
- Hi.
- Hi, Eva.
- How are you?
- Fine and you?
Pretty good.
A little tired
from the heat.
Everythings tiny.
Tiny mirror, tiny shoes.
- Stop complaining.
- Everythings "Mama Smurf" sized!
Here, taste this. I need
to ask you for a favor.
- Could you lend me some money?
- Money?
- 20,000 pesos.
- And Mama Smurf?
I asked, but
she said no.
She always
says yes.
Not this time.
Im broke, too. I paid
some bills yesterday,
and gave the
rest to my mom.
The "gringos"
might tip you.
Service is included!
Youre broke,
I understand.
You know I'd lend
it to you if I had it.
Ok then, hurry up.
And the reconnection charge?
If I pay today, will it
be restored today?
I want to be sure
its restored today.
Ok, Ill get there as
soon as possible.
Well continue our
visit this way, please.
What a pretty dress!
- Youre going to stain it.
- No, I wont.
Look whos wearing
her new dress!
You forgot the tag.
- Did you wash the herbs?
- Yes.
You look great
in that dress.
- Thanks.
- Are you going to Chillan?
Yes. I'd like to leave once
Im done cleaning up.
No problem.
And before
you leave,
dont forget to put the
"cazuela" pot on the table.
Ill put it back in
the fridge later.
Ok, Ill take
care of it.
This house is the
biggest in the farm.
We call it
"The Pearl of the Farm".
Houses like this one
were built in Chile,
during Colonial times.
They were built
The distance you
could travel in a day
by cart or on horseback.
In those days, of course,
there were no roads.
Mr. Francisco, drop me off here, please.
Im going to the mall.
- Take care.
- Thanks.
- Say hello to your parents.
- I will, thanks.
- Do you have the receipt, please?
- Here.
May I?
One moment, Ill check
with my supervisor.
Ill be right back.
Madam, are you
being helped?
Yes, I asked
for a refund.
That may
take a while.
May I help the
next customer?
Hello, Ive come to
pay my electricity.
May I see the
bill, please?
It comes to
Will the power
come back on today?
Within 24 hours.
Do you think its
possible today?
It doesnt depend on us,
it depends on the company.
Manuel, hurry up!
Mom, can I have
the 100 pesos?
You and your
But you said youd
give me 100 pesos.
- 100 pesos.
- Ok, Ill give them to you!
Lets go,
hurry up.
- Did you take your juice?
- What juice?
For school.
It's in the fridge.
I left you with
some neighbors
to go get
the midwife.
I had to cross rivers in the
middle of a storm, at night.
I finally found a house,
but it was dark...
- It wasnt her house?
- No.
It was pitch
black out there...
I asked where she lived,
it was further off.
I kept searching
all night, in despair.
- Bye Grandma.
- Bye.
The baby's chances of
survival were diminishing.
When I got home,
he was dead.
I almost forgot.
Why are
you back?
To give this paper
to Grandma. Look.
Thats lovely!
Show it to Grandpa.
- Where did you do it?
- At school.
- Its hard to read.
- "Fresh Cheese."
You have to take it
to the highway.
Thats right.
Youll need a sturdy
board to put it on...
so it won't fly away.
Let me see, Mom.
Do we have Spanish
or Math today?
I can't remember
what the teacher said.
I brought the
Spanish textbook.
Guys, do you know
where Dusan is?
No idea.
Theres three of you,
Ill be fourth, ok?
- Yeah, Ill tell him.
- Im fourth.
Yeah, Ill tell him!
Dusan, Im fourth.
Thats right, I forgot. The others
got here and made a fuss.
They were fighting
over the PSP.
I didnt want to let them
play, but they forced me.
But you can
play after lunch.
Be in the first five,
or youll lose your turn.
"One day...
or another..."
"One day or another,
"we will all be happy."
"We will all...
"I will be freed
of my shadow...
"and my name..."
"I will be freed of my...
Whats going on?
Whats happening, kids.
Please. Lets finish
off this chapter
So we can do
something more fun.
"He who was afraid,
...will hear his mothers
steps alongside."
- Lets play soccer!
- Ok.
Give me a break! Im in
the middle of a game.
Teams of six.
Theres one player
too many.
Lete, youre the worst
player. Youre out!
Im not the
worst player!
The peasants
the worst player.
You suck, peasant!
Go get the ball!
Not so hard!
Peasant, better take
care of the cattle!
Lets go to
the other side,
its not as crowded.
- Bye, take care.
- Bye.
We have a
Toyota Yaris Sport.
Dusan, the others have left.
- Will you let me play?
- No.
Come on, Im third.
But you arrived
after everyone else.
I was in the bathroom.
Thats not my problem.
You know your car's
license plate?
Yeah. ZJ 9569.
So, its new?
No, its two years old.
Last summer, I went
to Via del Mar.
Via is nice. Theres
the beach, the sun...
I was there
with my mom,
and my moms
We went to the movies
with a friend of his.
And we met these guys
who dared us to race them.
So we did.
It was awesome.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Dusan, lend it to me?
- Lend it to me.
- No.
- Im the only one left.
- You were the sixth to arrive.
But the others have left!
- Makes no difference.
- How come?
Come on...
Im playing.
What does it
matter to you?
Let me play.
You can
play at home.
I have to recharge it
and have lunch.
- You can play anytime you like!
- I want to play now.
Youll play later,
if youre in the first five.
I was fourth
this morning.
Lete told you so.
Its my PSP, not Lete's.
- Youre a real pal...
- Thank you
See now, peasant.
Now, I would like you
to write a speech.
At the end of class, someone
from each group will read it.
Do we get a
group grade?
There is a provisional qualification
for the whole group, so start working.
You, why are you
throwing stones?
You can not
do that, stop!
Go and play with something else!
What tool
are you using?
No, youre not looking
in the right place.
Open the window
...there it is a tool called History... yeah...
and there you can undo the mistake.
Hold on.
Whats wrong, Hernandez?
Sir, Dusan and Letelier
are playing with a PSP.
Yes. And?
Videogames are
forbidden at school.
Yes, but thats
my problem.
Go back to class,
Ill deal with it later.
- Ok.
- Go back to class.
I was saying that
you need to backtrack,
until you find
your mistake.
- The teacher, careful!
- Silence, please, seated.
No running!
Be seated.
No running!
It is 3:50.
In 30 minutes, well start
reading the speeches.
Each group will
read its speech.
Choose a person
to read it.
Letelier, Fernandez and Gasic,
I saw you playing with that videogame
- Put it away right now!
- Yeah mister, just a second.
- I said right now!
- Yeah mister, one more goal
I said now!
Put it in a bag.
Yeah, yeah.
If you dont put it away
I will take it!
Put it away.
Gasic, put it away.
And since you seem to know
so much about the subject,
you will be the first group
to read your speech.
And for you it will
count in your final grade.
- What?
- It will count in your final grade.
Quiet, and get to work.
If you have
a doubt, ask me.
Excuse me.
Manuel, its so late!
- Are you tired?
- Yeah.
Why aren't you
wearing your smock?
Its in my backpack.
You have to wear it,
otherwise youll ruin your uniform.
- Mrs. Mara Ins sent me to Chillan.
- I was about to ask.
- Next time, we could meet up.
- And how?
You let me
know in advance.
- So I can pick you up.
- Ok.
Are you tired?
Look what I have
for you here.
- What is it?
- This little candy.
I don't want it now.
Save it for later.
- Ok.
- Thanks.
I got out
late because...
Im doing a workshop,
were painting a mural.
Oh, thats why.
- Sit on my lap.
- No.
Youll be more
- You can rest a little.
- No.
Sit down a little.
- Can I?
- Yes.
Just one leg...
Are you comfortable?
Get some rest.
You can sleep.
Move a little.
Thats comfier.
You can sleep,
if you want.
- Your sweater...
- I forgot it.
- Don't be in such a rush!
- Thanks.
I didnt do my military service,
it wasnt mandatory.
My father died and I was alone taking
care of my mother and ten brothers.
Being the eldest, I had
to look after the house.
I would have liked to do it,
but I couldnt.
I have a son in the army.
Hes a professional soldier.
After serving in Coyhaique,
they sent him to Arica,
then to Santiago, and now hes
in Linares waiting for a promotion.
- Good luck.
- You too.
Youre too used
to being pushed.
Im sick of it.
- Come on, Don Cornelio.
- With this we are dropping dead.
He got used to it.
He just loves
being pushed.
- Ok, see now.
- See now.
- Bye Don Cornelio.
- Bye bye mister.
Lets have some water.
Don't lean against the switch,
youre turning off
the sign outside.
As I was telling you,
our daughter has a kid.
But its not a problem.
Id like to help her out.
Don Cornelio,
those things happen.
Her brothers are
in Santiago.
Im putting the papers in order,
so I can leave her with something.
Don Segundo. You again!
Please stop doing that!
This is the third time
I have to move you.
Our customers cant see
the neon sign, dammit!
- Whats the matter?!
Who do you think you are!?
- Nobody bangs on my table!
- Relax, will you?
Easy. I'm talking with him.
Did you see how he
banged on my table?
So you can help them
to plant and harvest.
I will help your grandson.
He is studying in Chillan?
Grandpa! Grandpa!
Hello. Come on.
Were waiting outside.
- Hello.
- Nice to meet you, boy.
Now we have to go,
but we will talk later.
Were waiting for you.
- Dont forget you bag.
- Oh, right.
Bye my friends, Ill see
you soon, God Willing.
You never change.
The other day you forgot your cap
and now you almost left your bag.
I mightve forgotten my bag,
but not my friends.
Your grandpa
always comes here.
I come here
every day.
To have some fun.
You almost forgot me,
I waited for hours...
If we hadnt shown up, would
you have drunk till morning?
Maybe not till morning,
but a little longer, yes.
- Hi, Dad.
- Hows my girl?
- What are you doing here?
- Mrs. Mara Ines sent me to Chillan.
She was in the same
bus as Manuel.
- How about the drinks?
- I have a few, so Im a little tipsy now...
Let me tell you a story of my youth,
a story you don't know...
Looking for work we left with
some friends to the mountains.
And leaving Chillan to the east,
between Pinto and Recinto,
we found this big farm.
There was a sawmill, some wheat fields...
- Back when you traveled the country?
- Yes, I had to make a living.
So we asked who
we should talk to,
and we were told to
go see a guy named...
He was the overseer...
- Mom, Grandpas told this story before.
- You know how he is, eat!
...and he sent us
to harvest the wheat
- Can I play with your cell phone?
- The batterys dead with the power outage.
He would reply: "Good work
you did today, the boss will be happy"
Wed say,
"Howdy, Gutierrez!"
But he used to hit the
bottle a little too much.
And his health
started failing.
So much it was so, that he couldnt even
lift his head when we called his name.
Hed sit there all day,
in his chair. And one fine day...
- You are not eating, Ale?
- No, mom.
Until one good day, Gutierrez died,
and we had to organize the funeral.
He had this dog,
that was so attached to him...
that when we
said "Gutierrez"
the dog would
wag its tail.
But later, the dog too lost
its spunk. It became sad.
So we called the dog
"Gutierrez", too.
The dog was sick with sadness.
He hide behind some logs...
And even when we yelled "Gutierrez!"
It laid still, like its master had.
- It wouldnt get up.
- No.
So we ended up burying
it too, just like Gutierrez.
What do you think?
Too bad both
of them died.
But its a good story,
Theres one more
thing I want to say...
Maybe because Im tipsy...
Im not as good
a worker as I used to be.
Im fencing the pasture, as you know,
a work that used to take me a couple of days...
But I've been at it for two weeks,
and I cant see the end of it.
Well see if I even finish.
- Its your age, Dad.
- Yeah, I suppose...
Sometimes I think about
all the things Ive done in my life...
and of how it all fades away,
slowly, day after day.
And then I start reflecting, my mind turning
for answers:"Why do I have so little left?"
- Time takes its toll.
- Yes.
Why work so
much, anyways?
You know your brothers
will haggle over the land?
I agree, Dad.
- The light, finally!
- Great!
You know youre not the only heir,
so why work so hard?
You must like it.
- Mom, can I take your plate?
- Yes, thanks.
You havent eaten, Dad.
All you do is talk.
Manuel, plug
the fridge in.
The wine warms me up.
Keep the leftovers for tomorrow.
The wine warms you up...
- Eat your corn, Manuel.
- What?
Your corn.
You havent eaten a thing.
Keep the leftovers
for tomorrow.