Hudson (2019) Movie Script

Hey, Hudson.
Hudson. It's...
Who are you?
How do you know my name?
Dude, come on, it's me.
It's Ryan?
I don't know you.
-Want me to call the cops?
Ah! I got you. Oh my God,
your face.
-Come here, cousin.
It was so funny. It was so fun.
I needed that. Thank you.
-You all right?
-Not really. Come on in.
RYAN: You want me to close this?
-Oh, sorry. I got it.
-No, it's all right.
It's all right.
Yeah, I got it.
I'll just put it over here.
So, uh, how have you been?
What have you been up to?
Not much, you know.
Writing mostly.
Get out of here. Writing what?
Uh, haikus.
-It's this Japanese,
uh, form of poetry
that's based on syllables.
So it's kind of cool
because, you know,
even though we have
entirely different languages,
you know,
the syllables are global.
-Like, we...
But all use syllables, so...
-That's true.
Everyone has, uh, syllables.
"It's nighttime again
"I can't see
"Where is the light?
"Dark, dark
"and more dark"
That's pretty dark.
But I liked it. It was good.
-That was good.
-Oh, thanks.
-I appreciate it.
Well, life is fragile.
Take things for granted and...
You know, you hear it in movies
and books all the time.
Life moves so fast, and...
It's just all...
Just a flat screen
until it happens to you.
So, hey, I, um,
I was on my way up
for a film shoot.
But I have all this free time.
I'm on hold.
I really don't know
when we're doing
these reshoots, so...
What do you say
I grab a hotel
or a bed and breakfast
or something,
and I'll figure out where I'm...
Hotel, shut the fuck up.
No, you stay...
You stay here for free.
I wouldn't wanna...
Wouldn't want to be a burden.
Oh, I'd love to have
some company.
-You sure?
-Yeah. It'd be great.
All right. All right.
Let's, uh... We'll be bunkmates.
Yeah, although
I don't have bunk beds.
Ha, gotcha.
-See, we're smiling already.
It's already a good idea.
Do you have a bathroom?
Yeah, bathroom is back there.
Could you put the car
on the floor?
-Yeah, sure.
-Thanks. I've got few
more laps to get in.
-Yeah. Yeah, I understand.
Let me know
if you need anything.
Hey, it's Beth.
Leave me a message,
and I'll get back to you.
-Taking a tour?
Yeah, this room's great.
It has all your old stuff in it.
It's like a museum.
I'm sorry. I didn't...
I didn't... I think it was...
Was it not already broken?
Yeah, I thought
about remodeling,
but haven't really
got around to it.
I mean, what's the point?
Do you wanna play croquet?
-You good? It's your turn.
-Oh, just gonna get my left arm.
I hear you sell sandwiches now.
[SIGHS] What?
No. I mean, I was in
the sandwich commercial.
Yeah. Right.
When you're doing
the commercial,
do you get to eat the sandwich?
It's plastic.
They make it. They spray...
They spray paint it.
They put... They, uh...
-That's... a little film
on the top, to make it look...
Just use a real sandwich.
Remember we used to
lock each other
under Grandpa's porch,
and you'd have to use the tools
under there, to break out.
Yeah, yeah, you were, uh...
You were really good
with those tools.
You were like MacGyver.
Yeah, I used to be.
You remember that time
you were, uh,
walking to the doctor's
with your mom?
And then you tripped and fell,
and your teeth went through
your bottom lip.
And you got the stitches,
and then you went back
to the doctor
to check them next day
and you fell again.
I know you were
too busy to make it.
What's up with the tent?
I don't know.
Psst. Ryan.
-Ryan, wake up.
I found this in your wallet.
I want to scatter my mom's ashes
at the willow tree
at Cherry Ridge.
Remember the place?
I don't have a driver's license,
but you do,
so you can take us there.
It's fate.
It's fate that
you're here today,
-it brought us together.
It's not fate
when you go through
somebody's wallet.
It's fate.
Okay. Can we talk
about it tomorrow?
Oh, yeah, yeah, totally.
Okay, get some sleep.
RYAN: That thing still run?
Yeah. I mean...
Uh, I don't know.
Oh, I'll check it.
Are you... Are you okay?
-There's no gas in the car.
Do you think this is gonna work?
-Yeah, it is.
-Oh, I got to get my mom.
-Here we go.
-All right.
-RYAN: Who's that?
-HUDSON: It's my neighbor.
RYAN: Oh, my God,
this is happening.
-Hi, Colleen.
-Hudson. How are you?
Uh, you know,
hanging in there.
I heard about your mom.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, thanks. I appreciate it.
I haven't seen you in a while.
You've been okay?
I've been right here.
She was a gem of a woman.
I don't... I don't know
what I'd do without my mom.
-I don't know.
-HUDSON: Well, yeah.
I don't know how
you're gonna do it.
-HUDSON: Well...
-I don't know.
Uh, yeah... Yeah.
If you need anything, anything,
you just come over, okay?
I could make us some TV dinners.
I could... I could
make a casserole.
Oh, yeah. TV dinner?
Sounds pretty good.
I know you get the good ones.
Oh, yeah. You should
come over and see the cats.
-HUDSON: Oh, yeah.
-They would love to see you.
You know, they would
just love to see you.
I think we gotta
hit the road now.
You always loved Snowball
and Mr. Jingles.
-Yes, yes.
-Nice meeting you.
Have a safe trip.
Nice meeting you.
Wait. Who's this guy?
Who's that guy?
HUDSON: Thank you, Colleen.
I planted a tree for your mom.
HUDSON: Oh, that's helpful.
Thank you.
She's not wearing any pants.
it's got the swing on it?
Uh, what's that?
The willow tree
where we're going,
it's got a swing on it.
Sort of.
We all went to Cherry Ridge
when we were kids, remember?
It was me, you, my mom, my dad,
your mom and Hobbs.
My God. Hobbs.
We couldn't find him...
We had to, like...
It was getting dark.
We thought he was...
We'd have to leave him there.
That dog ran away
so many times...
-Five. Six times.
-Whatever happened to him?
He died. He got hit by a car.
HUDSON: Oh, right.
Because he ran away.
You know, how many times
can you really run away?
HUDSON: Right, right, right.
"All of the flames burn
"My dreams
don't have you in them
"No, not anymore"
RYAN: It's kinda sad.
Hey. Do you want
to get ice cream?
Uh, it's 7:00 a.m.
Do you want to get
ice cream at 7:00 a.m.?
-I think they open super early.
-You think they're open?
HUDSON: I know he is.
Yeah, we should probably
step on it 'cause there will
probably be a line.
RYAN: Yeah, I don't think
there's gonna be a line.
for ice cream at 7:00,
but all right.
It's really popular.
It's gotten even more popular
since you were there.
Uh, what flavor
do you want, Ryan?
Uh, chocolate and vanilla.
Chocolate and vanilla.
Great. And what kind of dip?
Do you want a...
You should get a dip.
Oh, that was fast.
Here you go, Ryan.
Thank you, sir. Cheers.
But don't actually touch them
because they'll fall apart.
Mmm, how's yours?
It's, uh... I'm not,
I'm not gonna do this.
You just dropped your ice cream.
-Come on.
-Come on.
RYAN: Suburban sprawl.
I could never live like this.
I don't know how people do it.
Everything looks
exactly the same.
Look at this.
Where do you live in New York?
Well, I live with my girlfriend
in the... In the East Village.
It's nice. It's, uh...
You know, it's more the area
that you want to be in
than the size
of the apartment.
But we have both.
I just like that
there's always something
happening there. You know.
You have a girlfriend?
Oh, what's her name?
What's her middle name?
So your girlfriend's name
is Elizabeth Elizabeth?
I don't wanna talk about it.
I'm gonna run to the bathroom.
RYAN: How's your day, guys?
You, uh...
It's beautiful up here
this time of year.
It's an old guy, huh?
Four... Is it four-wheel drive?
What you got there? IPA?
It's good talking to you.
Best of luck.
See you guys.
Safe travels.
It's a 240.
It's a good car.
Yeah. I don't... I don't know.
Yeah. Good car.
Hey, what is that thing?
Oh, this is my mom.
And my cousin's driving me
to the willow tree
at Cherry Ridge
to scatter her ashes.
That's beautiful, man.
SUNRISE: That's the one
with the swing on it, right?
-HUDSON: Yeah.
-Oh, man. I love that tree.
-I used to go there as a kid.
-HUDSON: Yeah?
Yeah. My grandma
lives over there.
I'm Sunrise, by the way.
HUDSON: I'm Hudson.
Nice to meet you.
All right, Hudson,
what's our next move?
HUDSON: What do you mean?
RYAN: No, how do we get
to the willow tree?
Well, I don't know.
RYAN: So you don't know
where we're going?
All right, all right.
Well, we'll just
get up to that area,
and then we'll ask.
We'll ask around.
Sunrise, she knows where it is.
RYAN: What?
No, no. We're not taking
that girl with us.
She could be a murderer
or a drug addict.
Oh, no.
Oh, you know her so well?
We're leaving.
What's wrong?
SUNRISE: Pop the hood.
RYAN: Wha...
Is that?
-The other button.
-RYAN: Sorry, hold on.
HUDSON: That's the wipers.
-RYAN: All right.
-There you go.
RYAN: Uh, excuse me.
We don't we don't
have any drugs.
Do you know...
Do you know
what you're doing?
Do you know
what you're doing?
I think it's the fuel pump fuse.
-RYAN: Yeah?
HUDSON: Sounds like
the fuel pump fuse.
Yeah, that's what she just said.
All right, go ahead
and try and start it up.
Purring like a kitty.
Good luck on your journey, guys.
HUDSON: Thank you
What is she doing?
SUNRISE: I'm not a hitchhiker.
Just throwing that out there.
RYAN: Sounds like something
a hitchhiker would say.
HUDSON: Here you go.
SUNRISE: Thank you.
RYAN: Watch... Hudson.
Hudson, I'm driving.
All right. Yeah, here it is.
So if we take 44-55,
that's gonna connect us
right to the back roads,
and then we'll be,
like, right there.
-HUDSON: That's near,
uh, railroad tracks.
RYAN: Yeah. Just use my phone.
Eh, no, thanks.
I don't like those things.
HUDSON: So you're headed
up to Cherry Ridge?
Yeah, that's where my family is.
It's my grandma's birthday.
My boyfriend
was supposed to take me,
but he's being a dick, so...
Such a dick.
So what are you?
Like, a mechanic?
Uh, I worked
in a shop for a while,
but right now I'm just trying
to save up all my money
because I really want
to open an animal rescue
and just be surrounded by dogs.
What about birds?
Yeah, birds, too. Whatever.
That's fucking awesome.
I just shot a movie
with animals, actually.
And, uh, the director
had these owls
just flying back and forth
across this room,
and one of them just decided,
it got distracted or whatever,
and it just started
to lay into this one actress.
And its claws got tangled
in her hair, and it started
to tear at her scalp.
She was bleeding
all down her face.
So I'm still waiting to...
To do reshoots on that.
But I'm an actor.
Hmm. Is she okay?
I don't...
I don't watch movies, so...
HUDSON: Yeah, me neither.
SUNRISE: Sorry about your mom.
HUDSON: Thank you.
What are you writing?
Oh, just, um, haikus.
That's cool. Can I hear one?
Um, sure.
HUDSON: "The dead flowers sings
"Even though no one listens
"Sing flower, you're good"
It's beautiful. Seriously.
-HUDSON: Thanks.
I'm hungry.
Are they free?
SUNRISE: They are trees.
Of course they're free.
Take as many as you want, bud.
NICK: Yes, I'm gonna move it!
If I tell you,
I'm gonna move it,
then what do you think
that means, Dad? Relax.
How's it going?
-I'm good. Thank you.
-I'm just here
with my new friends.
-Uh, this is Hudson.
-NICK: Hey, Hudson.
-That's his mom.
Uh, that's Ryan.
-RYAN: Hi.
What's your name again?
-RYAN: Nick, nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Thanks for coming.
So Hudson's never
had cider before.
-You got to be kidding me.
Well, let's rectify that.
Come on.
-I think we want to try both.
-You got it.
NICK: Cortland is, uh...
It's a darker red apple.
Uh, it's got, it's more robust.
It's got more rich flavor.
SUNRISE: Mmm-hmm.
NICK: More full-bodied,
I think this one's bad.
This one... It tasted,
like, cloudy or...
Cloudy is really more
of a look than a taste,
but that's okay.
If you don't like it,
then maybe...
The Empire, uh, starts tart,
and then goes sweet,
and then at the back end,
it sort of goes back
to tart again.
-So it's kind of a sweet...
Oh, no, that's...
Something is definitely wrong.
-Yeah, man. I just think.
I think that's how cider tastes.
-HUDSON: No, it tastes...
No one else should drink that.
You are getting
very sleepy.
He's been here forever,
and he doesn't even look old.
I think it's the apples.
He probably eats
like a hundred a day.
Doesn't seem, uh, healthy.
I used to juggle
in gym class as a final.
-SUNRISE: Gym class?
-Juggled for 30 seconds.
Oh, that's weird.
Yeah, it was weird.
The guy wore a fanny pack.
Well, this corner...
-That corner...
That didn't go over so well.
Yes, I heard you!
SUNRISE: What's going on?
Uh, somebody got lost
in the corn maze again.
RYAN: Does this,
uh, happen often?
Uh, yeah, several times a day,
more than you realize, actually.
SUNRISE: Hudson.
RYAN: It's Hudson.
-RYAN: Hudson!
RYAN: What's the worst thing
that's ever happened
in this corn maze?
Uh, I'm legally
not allowed to tell you that.
Bear attack.
-No shit.
-Yeah, yeah.
SUNRISE: Hudson!
RYAN: Hudson!
-Who gets lost in
a child's corn maze?
What're you doing
on the ground, man?
SUNRISE: You okay?
We got him.
-All right. Grab his hat.
-Who... Who's that guy?
Is that the cider guy?
-Yeah, that's the cider guy.
You're welcome.
Section five secure.
Can't you just go in?
I usually have to wait.
Every time?
He makes you wait every time
to make an appointment?
Hudson, hi.
-Hi, Maureen. Hi.
Hudson, I'm really sorry.
Oh, thanks. It's okay.
Yeah, thank you.
Cause your mom, uh...
Uh, that plant's dead.
Yeah, it's dead.
I thought I would
see you sooner.
It's okay.
Okay. Um, whenever you're ready.
Are you still getting headaches?
Um, it's just shortness
of breath, really.
How often do you
come in here, man?
He's a regular, which we like.
Anyway, um, Hudson,
your blood pressure's
pretty high.
Uh, but he'll be in,
in a minute.
See you soon.
That's impossible.
Panic attacks again?
Come on, Hudson.
Hey, Uncle Jerry.
Got a regular reunion here, huh?
Get off my scale.
Look at me.
Follow my finger.
Dad, how come
you didn't come
to Mom's funeral?
Hudson, I haven't
seen your mom in like
25 years, so...
I'm really freaked out
to see you two together,
I'll tell you that.
Why is that?
Oh, you don't know that story?
Wait, who are you?
I'm Sunrise.
-Of course you are. [CHUCKLES]
-SUNRISE: Dope necklace.
Yeah, that was, uh...
I got this from
a Cheyenne holy woman
one really cold night
in Wyoming.
Oh yeah... [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, that's another story.
When they were kids,
Ryan pushed Hudson
out onto a frozen lake.
Uncle Jerry, you can't...
You can't say that. It wasn't...
It wasn't... It wasn't just me.
It's not what happened.
Are you talking?
I can't hear you, man.
I got the stethoscope in.
So Hudson went through the ice,
almost drowned. Another one,
Got hypothermia
and minor brain damage.
One more.
Yeah, so that's why
every once in a while,
you know, he seems a little...
Are you...
Did you just call me retarded?
I didn't say that, Hudson.
Yeah, you kinda did.
Uh, not exactly.
Hudson, I'm sorry.
There's nothing wrong with you.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I got other patients.
Oh, um, I brought
Mom's ashes, if you want some,
I don't know, maybe you
might want some of her ashes.
I don't know.
It's really thoughtful
of you, Hudson.
And kinda creepy
but, uh, fuck it.
Yeah, sure.
If you want,
I'll take 'em.
I'll figure out
something to do with 'em.
I'll get somewhere to put 'em.
HUDSON: "When I was a kid
"I used to be scared at night
"You left the light on"
We get along okay.
And he left to start
this other family.
He had new kids. I sort of just
saw him less and less
and just became this
person getting farther
and farther away
in his rear view mirror.
Yeah, and...
Now, I'm all grown up,
it's like I'm just
a stranger to him.
He doesn't really
know me at all.
Ugh, you guys like ketchup?
Makes everything
taste like ketchup.
Ranch dressing all the way.
RYAN: Yeah.
HUDSON: Mmm, that sounds good.
SUNRISE: Mmm-hmm.
RYAN: Mustard?
You guys like mustard?
Plain or Dijon?
-HUDSON: Dijon for sure.
What's up, man?
-RYAN: Hey.
RYAN: Yeah, I know, Joe.
What's up, man.
What're you doing here, man?
Um, reshoots.
-JOE: Oh, no shit.
JOE: That's cool, man.
RYAN: How about you?
Uh, actually, I'm doing
some location stuff
for this comic book thing
that I just booked.
-As an actor?
-Yeah, man, of course.
What else?
-RYAN: That's huge.
-Yeah, bro. It's gonna be...
It's next level shit.
A lot of money.
Shooting overseas...
Right now,
we're scattering
my mom's ashes.
-Is that her?
-HUDSON: Mmm-hmm.
That's Mom?
-Pretty much.
Mind if I grab a strawberry?
Never get to eat
any of this fatty food.
Mmm. That's good.
How's Beth, man?
-JOE: Good.
That's awesome, bro.
Good to hear.
You know,
just between me and you,
if that one gets away from you,
I'm nabbing her up.
Hey. Yeah, no.
I'm coming right now.
There I'm is.
Nah, just some fans.
Hey, I'll talk to you
guys later.
JOE: No, I wasn't
talking to anybody.
Yeah. No way!
I'm going to the bathroom.
SUNRISE: Is that true?
RYAN: I didn't push him.
Ugh. Maybe I did. I don't know.
We were young,
we were stupid.
We were just playing
a dumb game.
Seeing how far we could
push each other out
onto the lake and...
It just happened.
I don't know.
Hey, remember this place?
Not really.
Yeah, you do.
It's a mini golf course
we used to play at.
I was really good.
I beat Ryan a lot.
I didn't always lose.
He would get really mad,
take his putter
and swing it over his head
and, like, throw it really far.
Yeah, that happened once.
Uh, it happened all the time.
And once, it, like,
went in the parking lot,
and it hit a car.
My mom would yell at him.
Hey, what're you doin'?
We have red, yellow,
orange, yellow.
You might enjoy
our Super Deluxe
fun package.
It has batting cages.
We could turn
the waterfall on for you,
and you can have slushies.
No, that's okay.
Nobody needs a slushie.
Hudson, why don't you just
grab a ball, and, uh...
RYAN: All right.
We'll see how you feel
at the end of this game.
These clubs regulation?
HUDSON: Uh-huh.
-SUNRISE: What is he doing?
-I don't know.
-You sure you want
to put the ball there?
You know the rules.
You don't talk
when somebody's gonna swing.
Sunrise, what did you get
on that last one?
I think, like, a six.
-Where's your club?
-And I got a two.
-I don't know. I don't know.
Okay, Bob.
It all comes down to this.
Off and on,
lots of ups and downs.
He has had a lot of
interesting ball placement
throughout the day,
-not sure if he wants
to put the ball...
-Shut up.
SUNRISE: Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
-HUDSON: It's about
what he's been doing all day.
It's fine. It's all right.
It's all right.
It's just a game.
[WHISPERS] Just a game.
HUDSON: So the final tally was
Princess Sunflower, 52.
-Mr. Crybaby,
your final score was 39.
And Your Majesty got 33.
It was a good game.
I think I'm gonna
put this on my fridge.
-Can I see that?
That wasn't very nice.
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
I have to get my shit together?
No, you have to get
your shit together.
Hey, it's Beth.
-Leave me a message...
SUNRISE: Oh, Hudson!
I got it.
-HUDSON: Yes. Thank you.
HUDSON: So how's it start?
Oh, right.
So you have your fingers
locked like this.
Then you bring these fingers up
to make the steeple,
you put your thumbs
in front to make the doors
of the church.
RYAN: Hudson, can you keep
your eye on the map, please?
I don't know where we're going.
Clermont. Remember we went
to Clermont County Fair?
Ryan, he, um...
We went in the thing
that spins you around
really fast.
And so you sit on it,
and I told Ryan to, like, spit,
and he did, and it went
right back in his face.
It was funny.
Oh. Oh, my gosh.
And then we...
Where are we going? Hudson.
I got another story.
One more story.
And then we played
and, uh, I told Ryan...
Map, map, map, map,
look at the map.
Okay, calm down. We're on 44-55.
We're just taking this
all the way until
we hit the backroads,
and then we're there.
We're on the right path.
What was that sound?
Was that...
That's bad, right? Or...
I thought you said
this was a great car.
Uh, try and start her up.
Yeah, she's not going anywhere.
Um, if I had my tools
I could fix it but...
Oh, man,
you're never gonna
get service out here.
So what do we do now?
I mean, we could walk to town.
It's only 5 miles that way.
5 miles?
Well, I mean, we could...
We could cut through the woods.
That would shave it
down to a mile.
And I have a friend
who can fix the car.
-Where? Which direction?
-A mile that way...
This reminds me
of Boxcar Children.
-Who are they?
The books?
There're all these kids
that live in boxcars
in the middle of the forest.
And they just survive,
and it's so cool.
Wait, I'm sorry.
It's a children's book
about homeless children
that live in boxes?
HUDSON: Is this the right way?
-How long have we been walking?
-Too long.
All right, look,
I say we go back up
to the road
and wait for someone to come.
Dude, it's just
a little bit further this...
Just a little further.
Actually it's that way.
-It's that way.
-Right. Yeah.
You see this is ridiculous.
You have no idea
where you're going,
and neither do you, okay?
Okay, so what I'm gonna do is,
I'm gonna go back up
to the road.
I'm gonna wait
for a human being
in civilization.
All right, I'm going
back to the car. Goodbye.
Dude, that's not even
the right way. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, this is funny to you?
It's so funny,
everything's so funny
and easy going to you.
With you drums.
Always drumming.
All right, it's bullshit.
I don't buy it.
Hudson doesn't buy it either.
Your blue eyes and your charm
and all your fucking
too-hip-to-be-poor outfit.
It's not even my hat.
I borrowed all
my friend's clothes.
Look, I'm going back
to New York. I have a life
to get back to.
Unlike the two of you. Goodbye.
Are you okay, Ryan?
It's probably been a while
since you been the woods,
huh, cuz?
Probably can't wait
to get back to Manhattan.
There's nothing to get back to.
What're you talking about?
-You have an awesome apartment.
-RYAN: Doesn't exist.
Just like my girlfriend.
And my career, actually.
I had nowhere else to go,
and I knew you lived up here.
I'm a dick.
I haven't seen
my parents in 10 years.
I got in a fight with them
and didn't go back.
What happened?
I kidnapped my grandma.
Well, technically,
it was kidnapping,
I didn't know it was illegal.
I just, uh, I took her
from her nursing home
back to her house.
You know, my parents
put her in there,
and I didn't think
she belonged there.
It was a big huge waste of time.
They ended up
bringing her right back
to the nursing home, so...
Sunrise, you're a criminal.
I guess it's my turn.
I, uh...
I wish I'd, uh,
done something to make
my mom proud before she died.
You know, instead of just
living under her roof
and eating her food,
and, occasionally,
taking out her garbage.
Now, there's nobody...
Nobody really left to...
To care.
Let's go.
Everyone up. Come on.
We can do this.
Come on.
Hudson, come on.
SUNRISE: Hudson.
Who's that guy?
I don't know, but looks like
she really likes him.
What? How do you know?
You don't know that.
It's kind of a long hug.
-RYAN: Hey.
-Al saved the day.
He's the best.
So he's gonna go
tow the car back here.
He's gonna fix it.
It should take, like, an hour,
an hour-and-a-half.
RYAN: Yeah, who...
What, is Al your friend
or an old boyfriend or...
-HUDSON: Is anyone else hungry?
Yeah, I am. Are you?
HUDSON: I can go
get us something.
-Yeah, I'll come with you.
-Nah, I'll be okay.
Um, I'm just gonna
go over there to Rong Chengs.
SUNRISE: Chinese. Sounds good.
I'm gonna go ask Al
if he's got a first aid kit.
-All right.
You know,
you really
just got to chill out.
Just thought I'd be
further along than I am.
Nothing has turned out
the way that I'd planned it.
What did you plan?
What was your grand plan?
RYAN: Everything was
very simple before.
I think you're just taking
everything way too seriously.
You're looking
at everything wrong.
This should be
an exciting time.
Like, no one's telling
you what to do.
You don't have to worry
about anyone else.
No boss, no girlfriend.
No place to live.
Those all sound
like terrible things.
Well, you can do
whatever you want.
That's awesome.
You know, people wish
they could do that.
I don't know.
I think you're too much...
You're just in your head.
That's all.
-Did you listen to anything
that I just said?
-Come on.
SUNRISE: Peace offering?
I'm slowing down
Yeah, I'm stealing my time...
Got it.
And, honey, I don't mind...
I hope you like food.
Right now you've got
The world on the line
You got a bruise
That you hide
And, honey, that's all right
Well, I don't see
Nothing about you
That don't wanna fight...
"Make serious decisions
in the last few days
of the month."
What's the date?
"Listen to yourself more often."
RYAN: That's good.
"Keep your feet on the ground
and your thoughts
at lofty heights."
I don't know what that means.
Well, I don't see
Nothing that's wrong
In my state of mind
And I've seen your face
And I think that I can abide
It's a long road
Back home
You doin' okay?
RYAN: Yeah, I don't think
you need those, Hudson.
Have you seriously never driven?
HUDSON: Uh-oh.
Here comes the blue car.
Am I going too fast?
-RYAN: Uh, no.
All right, give me the keys.
Go ahead and just take
this road all the way down,
you'll hit that barn
I was telling you about.
That red barn.
Just park there.
They don't care.
Take the railroad tracks,
follow those for a while,
and then it will just
hit this clearing.
The tree is right there.
You can't miss it.
You're going to be fine.
Bye, I think.
Oh, she left the window down.
I'll get that up.
Looks a little different now.
Hudson, where you goin'?
Hold up! Stop running!
So just tell me this.
Does this hurt?
Relax, relax. Does this hurt?
No? Okay. Good, good.
Okay, okay.
What you do?
Throw him off a cliff?
He tripped.
I ran and tripped and fell
and landed on my...
-My arm.
-JERRY: Put your hand on there.
It's not broken.
I'm 99% sure that.
You got a sprain here,
maybe some bruising.
Fucking Velcro.
Okay. Here we go.
You're gonna have
to get this looked at again
in about a week.
Okay. I'll make an appointment.
-Yeah, definitely here.
If that's okay.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's cool.
Let's get this
on the correct side.
Okay. Good. Good.
Try not to run away from stuff
that isn't there, okay?
Maybe, uh, I don't know,
maybe you want to fall
by the house sometime,
have a beer.
Um, sure.
Maybe, uh...
[INHALES] A little, uh...
Yeah, that'd be great.
I have some really good shit.
And, you know what?
It'll help mellow you out.
Just... [EXHALES] Yeah.
-Yeah, I see that.
-Do that with me. [INHALES]
-JERRY: You felt that.
-I felt that.
-JERRY: I can see that
in your eyes.
All of my trains
They all roll on by
Buried again
I remember who I am
Well, I woke outside
To threes a crowd
The summer was festering down
Blood inside a honey jar...
RYAN: All right.
Here, let me help you.
I'll go around.
HUDSON: Can you do the thing?
RYAN: Yeah, yeah.
HUDSON: Thanks.
RYAN: You good?
HUDSON: Are you okay?
[SIGHS] Hudson.
I, uh...
I never meant, um...
Oh, it's okay, man. I get it.
RYAN: Yeah? I'm sorry.
HUDSON: It's okay.
I'm sorry.
-You all right?
-Here is your hat.
-It's more of the... Thanks.
-Thank you.
Sure. You hungry?
HUDSON: Oh, yeah.
You think I can stay here
for a few days?
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Stay as long as you like.
-It'd be great.
-All right.
Morning always
Looked like you
And from my window
The only view
Is you walkin' away
Not looking
All of my trains
My life spent away
In the dark of my veins
Oh, nothing can stay
I continue through
A back lit world
Where the willows bend
Like long black curls
Down your face from mine
Through the kinks
In your spine
From the last thing we spoke
To the very first line
Love was something that
We couldn't help but do
That something turned
To someone else, somebody new
I just love to love
And you love to cry
I meant it through
Each second
That we said goodbye
And I came up past a station
Where the floors were all blue
Something 'bout the way
It looked reminded me of you
It might have been
How far I'd come
So I dropped a match
Until the floor was gone
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
And I lit the thread
Across the station door
And took each drink
I hit the floor
The station tessled
Up in flames
But I could only read
The bottle's name
And I wound its breast
And turned it dry
Like the wake
Of summer from July
I got up and tripped
Over my knees
Which caved in
At the slightest breeze
Morning always
Looked like you
Morning always
Looked like you
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
I let them all go
All of my trains
I thought you should know
I thought you should know
I thought you should know
I thought you should know
All of my trains...