Hulk Vs. (2009) Movie Script

Outside of the world you know,
there exists the realm eternal...
The shining light of the Nine Worlds.
Asgard is home to the gods.
All of whom bow down
before the all father...
Odin's life blood flows through Asgard,
and Asgard is Odin.
His power is all and he keeps
the Asgardian realm safe.
But once each winter
the all father must rest...
...and enter the Odin sleep.
While Odin slumbers, his absence
leaves Asgard vulnerable.
And this is when the wicked
descend upon his kingdom.
For seven days
an onslaught of trolls,...
...giants, dark elves and demons... to take control
of the Nine Worlds.
But they are
eternally defeated by him!
My arrogant, oafish,
brute of a step brother...
I don't understand.
Where... Where am I?
Hear me, human.
You have been brought to Asgard,
because in all the universe...
...only you have ever brought
near defeat to the mighty Thor.
I... I couldn't.
Not thee, Bruce Banner.
You are but a snivelling, sad creature.
I speak of your other half.
I speak of the Hulk.
There is one day left of the Odin sleep.
The cycle is nearly complete.
As always the Asgardians will emerge
victorious against the siege of darkness.
My brother will seek peace,
and then...
Then I shall destroy him.
Verily thee must say that was
far better than the last winter.
Tell us, Volstagg, are you going to
dispatch that troll beneath you...
...or you saving him for dinner?
That all depends on how much
mead I partake in.
Did my ears deceive me?
Did Hogun the Grim make a joke?
And here we thought
you are still in a foul mood...
...because you didn't
get to slay a frost giant.
I've still slain more than thee, Fandral.
Well we shall see
whom the maidens reward more.
In mere hours the all father will awaken
and then we may rejoice.
Your Lady Sif,
would know what vexes thee.
Aye, we won the day.
All is well in the realm of Asgard.
- But only until the next Odin sleep.
- It is, as it has always been.
We must learn to savour
the moments of peace.
And accept the cycle of death?
How many of our brothers and sisters
have fallen to this madness?
Must we be chained
to this eternal struggle?
Be careful what you wish for my love.
When the cycle does break,
when things do change...
...then comes the end of days.
Then comes Ragnarok.
Perhaps our fates are not ours to choose.
Thee come, let us return to
my fathers palace...
...and prepare for his awakening.
Please, I'm begging you.
Don't do this.
I've fought all my life
to keep the Hulk inside.
You don't know
the destruction he can cause.
Don't know? You fool.
I'm counting on it.
Look at you, so weak.
Where it not for you inside the Hulk's mind,
suppressing his power...
...he would rule Midgard
with his rage.
I won't let him out.
I won't let you do this.
You won't let me?
How amusing you mortals are.
Now let me see if I recall correctly.
It is anger that unleashes the beast?
I seem to have forgotten
the frailty of mortals.
Look Amora, I do believe
he's going to weep.
No, that is impossible.
And so begins the end of Thor.
Oh, yeah. What do you think, thee Balder?
One last troll with dreams of conquest?
Come Hogun, Fandral.
Let us given to this scoundrel
the gift of battle.
The creature's power is incredible.
Take care Loki.
My spell bonds you to the creature...
...and while you are master to it
I can feel him fighting you.
You have to listen to me.
It can't be controlled.
Do not try my patience worm.
Lest I turn my attentions to thee.
You are no troll, monster.
It is Balder's horn.
But this is not right.
- Asgard's enemies are all defeated.
- And yet the alarm has sounded.
Stay at Odin's side.
Should I fail to meet this threat,
you must protect him.
But if Thor should fall,
what hope has Asgard?
You will have to kill me monster...
...for I shall not yield.
Thor, the creature like nothing
I've ever seen.
Aye, my friend.
This is no immortal evil that we face now.
The Hulk has come to Asgard.
Dr. Banner, can you hear me
inside the beast?
Why have you come here?
Why to kill you of course,
dear step brother.
I have waited an eternity for this.
To crush you with my bare hands.
To match your might.
To feel your life fade away... my hands
wrap around your throat.
Come to your new master, Mjolnir...
...and let us smite my step brother.
For there are none stronger than Loki now.
Rise cursed hammer!
Loki enough.
Your own rage fuels the beast.
I can feel the spell breaking.
I will have this hammer!
Neh, you will have it's thunder!
For Odin!
For Asgard!
The monster, it is raging carnage.
It has shattered the spell.
The Hulk is free.
Will thou yield, Loki?
Truly this is the best of both worlds.
I need not control the beast
to enjoy it's wrath.
Goodbye, brother.
This is not what I wanted.
There's no going back Amora.
After all, if not for your
black broken heart...
...none of this
would have been possible.
You don't know what you've done.
With no one to bring the Hulk in,
he'll tear down your entire world.
I find your prattling useless mortal,
just as you are now useless to me.
For Odin!
For Asgard!
Thor, my love.
I... I was angered when you chose
Sif over me, I did not...
I wanted thou love, not your death.
Please come back to me.
- Amora?
- Yes my love?
Where is Loki?
What is that monster doing?
He travels towards Odin.
Loki, I would have words with thee.
No, you were at Hela's door,
I defeated you.
You! You dare cross the god of...
The Hulk will be send back to Midgard
and then you will answer to Odin.
Fine, take the creature.
It provided me with amusement enough.
Seeing it pummel you nion to death.
Loki, you fool.
You killed him.
Do you know what you've done?
Because the mortal died here,
Hela claimed his soul.
Without his soul, I cannot
return him to Midgard.
Without Bruce Banner,
the Hulk cannot leave Asgard.
Valkeries, warriors!
Your seats in Valhalla are promised.
Protect Odin with your lives!
For Asgard!
I saw the beast's eyes brother.
It will not stop until all of Asgard
is destroyed, until Odin is broken.
You have brought a new Ragnarok
down upon us all.
It's possible I made
a poor choice.
Amora, I need you by Odin's side.
Protect him along with Lady Sif.
As you wish.
Loki, you will send whatever dark forces
you have left to battle the Hulk.
Then you and I,
we go out to help destiny.
Rest your weapons, shield men.
I've come to aid thee in Odin's defence,
at Thor's request.
His request you say?
More likely his penance, witch.
No doubt he saw your hand
in this attack.
A punishment more cruel
than you can imagine, cow.
Loki, the god of mischief
bids you death mortal creature.
Long have I wished
never to see this realm.
I always forget what a busy time
the Odin sleep is for my daughter.
Does thou see any newly arrived
friends here, brother?
Have a care, Loki,
lest thee stay here.
Where am I?
No, this doesn't make any sense.
Are you okay?
I... I thought...
I don't understand.
- I was alone, and then...
- You're not alone Bruce.
Not any more.
Come play with me.
Hail, Hela, goddess of the dead.
We seek an audience.
The sons of Odin
risk much entering my realm.
The Nine Worlds of Asgard
are in great peril, mistress...
...including Hell and Niflheim.
A new Ragnarok is upon us
and we need your help.
We need Bruce Banner.
The mortal's soul is mine, Asgardian.
As yours nearly was this very day.
And may well be again.
You would risk everything
for the sake of one soul?
Just as you would, Odin's son.
But you do not have one soul daughter.
You have half a soul.
You have Bruce Banner.
You need the Hulk
to complete your prize.
Are you alright?
I feel...
I feel great.
I can't imagine anything better.
Bruce Banner.
Awake from this dream.
Betty? Where are you?
The world of the living has need of you.
Who are you?
What do you want with me?
Not I, he.
Friend Banner,
for the sake of all of Asgard... must become the Hulk once more.
Betty? What?
Where? Where is...
No. No, you can't ask me to do that.
I finally had peace.
You don't know what your asking.
Your time in Hell certainly has not
made you less of a worm, mortal.
Bruce Banner, I know
thee to be a man of honour.
I know thee to be a hero.
The lives at stake are not
your concern, not even human.
But I ask you anyway,
be that hero now.
No, I can't.
Die beast!
The Hulk's soul
is rightfully yours, daughter.
Take it, bring the Hulk to hell.
Merge the two halves
of his soul and claim him.
I will not force you to forsake
the rewards of the after life...
...but you must be whole.
- No, I won't.
You don't understand.
Curse you Loki, for convincing me
to bring this creature to my realm.
Stay thy hand Hela.
We shall retrieve the Hulk.
We? The Hulk's fists have addled
your mind thunderer?
Fight with me brother, or die alone.
Not much of a threat,
considering we're already in hell.
Have that thee!
My apologies.
I was enjoying the performance.
Let them go.
I'm the one you want.
Come on.
Hulk tired.
You called him weak, Loki.
But there is more strength and courage
in that man than you will ever know.
This soul is too dangerous
to keep in Hell...
...and to valuable to lose to Valhalla.
I will return him to Midgard.
Enough of this ridiculousness.
To think that Loki,
prince of darkness,...
...should waste his time
with defending Asgard.
Nay brother, we leave together.
For you still have much to answer for.
Indeed you both do.
For today Hela has relinquished a soul...
...and she demands one in exchange.
You may try to take my soul death Goddess,
but I will make you fight for it.
And your realm has suffered
much already this day.
You speak the truth.
So I shall take his soul instead.
Thor, I've helped you. I...
- I could fight you for Loki's soul.
- Will you?
He is my father.
His stay will not be eternal.
But know this Odin's son,
your soul will be mine.
And I will keep it forever.
Your fate is inescapable.
We shall see.
Thus the cycle begins anew.
Asgard is safe once again,
defended to the end by it's heroes.
I am proud of each of you
that stand before me.
The day was saved by loyalty and sacrifice.
We honour those who fought beside us.
Those who are know longer with us.
And we defy those
who would see us brought to ruin.
And while the rewards of Valhalla
await all of Asgard's heroes,...
...this day we honour a hero of Midgard.
A mortal who sacrificed everything
for a land not his own.
This day a human showed the gods
what legends are made of.
Hail the mortal, Bruce Banner.